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rAf niON? ? LATE9T wniM?: CLOTHES AND ECONOMY It Is Possible for the Woman With a Limited Income to Dress Smartly?She iMusl Pay Attention to the Details. lurtl) on ? ' a tlvel) * ? ? ? ? ?? ol 1 , ire "I tal? ni ... : roblen. > 1 IlKlt ' 4 ...... I A r : 1 VERY OTHER YFiAR ??? val??? ? !.. all in a ? ' : ? ' ' ie. It Is a . - ? : . ? ANTS MADAME MIX8TORF 106 West 57th Street APRIL 1ST 1 ? TREAD-EASY SHOES, LOUIS LIVINGSTON. Bootmaker. R| ? IOITH ,., I Mill *?' CI \I?V I?? W K\K gY-i, ?. \i;mi \ 1 I'l? 1 Its. ,,r> .' 1 ?l\l?\?il. S.I FT At, ??:? Me?! l.-.ili MME. ONORA & CO. ? r . 1 MKKOIDI n ? ? ? mbrohl v CORSET BUILDING ? BRASSIERES Mme. BERTHA (iKAk i \\ t-< :?'('? ?t ? mee* l?tt? \4.'. t*9 /2 ^4 \\*d4&r/%-7&??~<&. Int. I \? I I -!\ I 1(1 *4||.\?. ' ? ? ' ' " ? 34 West 39th St.. near Fifth Ave. ag_____-Bn_-_-__--_---___--_i FASANI and RIZZO I .. Dr? 3 ? , 4L. . -? ... 1 g 12.1 \\ ? 1 . , ? ? '.:. .. ?I-1 ; -.i, -1 1..1 I .til? nul ?-.?(h \4?s H. RICHARDS It...mIii ak.a I.. Ix.lii.i?.- f -.-..(. I.- 0111 4 875 SIXTH AVENUE. v. ?r BOth ??1. ?:li. <.\i.*i w E 1 a ' ? l -? 1. I 4 from 11 //in 1 ? isth * MADAML CECILE. . Wett IM ii **:??? I. near litlh \i?-nue. 1 :AMI__PIIC HAIR POWDER til HI . V * ROCK WOOD, jr. ,:fvs:;: : VU llr..?.|n;i', XTlh ?.|r?-el. ??.?II i:\I'.?iM. Hlr-eel and I 4 ?nlng ?,,,? n. ?I ? -,, 1 81 m ;.ri, ?, *| ,,.. ?? 1..... 1 i.f l*re??.n?altlns ! ? a ? !.. ? I \ .. .1 If. at la.!..I. . I lei class ; * I MIA I. SAI.K "1' g|0 Ii M lit? T? IN, I.. . 1 Ml' V>. ; 10th Pt - I'.-ll 4|._ ? III ? RIPTIONg ? ?r 1 |.!n4411 ? ?? ? ; ? ri :;r..|. .-?a'l i ? It r? - ? 1 ave., 14 .',.'. ?r . gth SVI ft , logg .: I a.??, lTOfc. lsl a4t, nur aaui ?*... ir.7 t.?!. UMh at In ii?r "marked" coloring will have to ? sit ih? d* i i"?t if II la t?? 1" ? "i n .?? i EXTRE.MES HAVE SHORT VOGUE. i .1 and lin" ai.I ? "Ulan w h< i must ('??lili h? i pen? narteat < oat um? will ? .?II ?m 11 t la w"in t-??? often, and " ii ii"i?.'l fat more quick? h than a cons? rvatlv? one T*hii ?l" ? ..n that ihe ahal not weoi good looking, up-to-date ???stum'? with the ? :l 1 - ,i ,'...;.! ??! W. ' . - _ ? i exti i hat th- ? .-?.. n? \ oguc i" o ? i- "ii ? n ?it*;' anl? d Hi?- ? ?oma-i i" for? the . . MIXED SUITS. _ '"i mixed NUfti ' ? foi ih? won ,?r. a ho ha i coat ,...,,,,. Skin w< coat that ? ? ?? nomli ..i >> omen l?-? ? i been ot itn Ing tw ? ? i" ?? worn with the name coat; ??i.. . ??.?t ? .m be worn n Ith i ? of a dlffei ? - ' ma ti ? lal and In .? . ? 'in ?_?. n< ral ? IT? cl a III ? i., the minut?. k? t? ? i ?? r.l ot i-otton ratine, .... ?, !,,,?? | ?|. . h.. k.'.| . l.llt ..-i" -I \> :; ;i i ' ? < |. ? l ... The butto ?? iii. . . ?tin': tl?.- ton? h ?>f i'il m ti .?.?t .nul adding one "i thoae i .,??... ? . ? a . ...?' ."" ? NEWEST COATS SHORT .il and ih. ? ? ? th? o an,i ih?- Eton 'I h? latt? .,f iii. i?, ll known Kreuch rout It | t foi m, no familiar aevi a-o I lb? - ? t i. bow of ribbon, .?')?i th?* t ? : - fa .? ? d i? I? vet . nl> t?? Ihe ?? line in th?. (ri>ni. though extending ongi ? ! he ba? k. It i .>le and girlish, and II ? fet? hing In .? wool, a ?-ilk oi .? . .at.?n material, it is quite Ideal I. n hoi a cat her, ntended for th?* di? tailor? ?i ' '?-i unten, ? ?- i h? s'1?*. tinee-plee? i oatumee, an?l are < ut ? on Ihe lim ol the oldtime bolero, ???-,?? h ? line both n ? back, or falling allghtl) brio* thi ? Uni i.i tin front and with an t itei hack In either st\ le the art Ing, though onlj i" coming to ?.if-n.i?'!, girilab ngui-i i COATEES NECESSARY. 1 ? wrap i ?own In th? eketch can i?? utilized in i It I ? ? ? fr?.m blue poplin, a rich Modi tar ranean hin?. whl? ii ' non h- Ins woi n on the I || ,il.-.. appi opi '.'it'* for ?-??? Il 1 fun? ti "i". ir i- lined a Ith a Boa ? i I ? '. s" that 11 will n? t I"- uniomfort ablj warm in summer, when II complete? the ga ?? ty gown it frank); blouai ? tne walat, aim the fuln?e*a is gath? ??? ? of the' ? la i. whii h ' ling ? A ?i? lightfully ? .- eaque air la I? ni bj the hlg M i-ollar, and the ornamenta of cord at tin r.ei k and at ?li?: burl lin?* rir? quite ' ? t trimming. Then I ?? no ? I f< ature mo th? ' ? ? ': i" ?le? t a t-' if Ii put int?? the normal armholi ? r Ii permltti'I t" fall ov?*** It, giving ver? much Um aame effect aa the Ion ihoulder aeam, an effect which is ne? . en tua ted by the i ??r?! Bnlablng. FROCK IN THE SKETCH. Tin- wrap could i"* worn with i in?*? ? ?-ilk frock i bnllai to thi one In the with perfect propriet? Wh'le : ? ? ? f the new at) la irea, ll li conai rval ive < n-.ukii t.? . p. peal toan) woman, it maj be faahkmad from almost any allk fabric. Canton cr?pe w ill give r\,, ii, ,,t aervl? ? . o will m? i ???. and thi nhantung -. aofl taffi tas an?! foulard*, which are being extensive? |y us?.i by the French dealgners. The ao slightly drap? <i thai 11 la be? coming t?. any figuro; aven the abort, dumpy ?itti?. woman n?-.?] nol fear that ii wlU ?Jotrad from her height. The b d softl- draped in aurpllce raahlon to dlepla* a V-ahaped opening. Thla may be filled In with laca, with foldi ol tulle? or with colored bat?ate to match one of In the gayly eoloi "?i sash. The dalnt) frill ma) be ol the aame material as the vi--.-], ?.r ? contraatlng one, d? - pending largely on th" amount of money wearer dealrea to spend <?n the frock. -. frills are prettteel when the) are Uy gathered, though the pi? . ? .i i have by no meana lodl caate. The frill is arranged i?> atand erect In the back :ii a manner remlnlacenl "f the lied Id collar, ??? feat accomplished b) Invtsl ble wire at the ildea and In the back Th? : ;? ? . " ? it n the Ion h? u det ??<? mn Ii almoal ai familial aa Iti pi th?* k i i non? ? el? ? r?. and 11 ? '?n the < atended sil...iidcr the aleeve may fall slightly full tu the cuff, which is flnlabed with a frill matching the one endrdtng the neck if the waial line la ol auch generous pro? portion! that it ibould not !"? accentuat? ed, the aash ma) I.! the material; .ii of It?.ma n ^ silk ?if one of tbe new printed duffs, which ;,..- wonderfully effective, would add tin* of color neceeaar" to bring th? . - tin . ' ight up t" ti?" minuta Boudoir Secrets *,?. if i.. rival the flower?, th? part mv i? , . , ?ut forth ll air i?. -1 1 fforti m Ihe ? n,1 ;is if tl 1 ... ! the ""III n ??I Un- bloaaoma in their nnt:\. ? ?.n. a-" ' ? ? -? 1 ? ea of 1 n" ., itl? and he? coverings Tin. modeal little cyclamen lias r ...-riii. < in vain In Ihe ntalm "i Rurope f??r 11 is now- inunor? taii-iod in perfume, ami 1 i.?- maatar gtam maker L?allque baa designed Ihe bottle in which it is inclosed The liquid is oolor? lean, and if one did not catch a whiff of perfume ;r might ba taken for water Tin iioitl" la ci ganeroua proportion?, alning ?? moat iw.. ounces? ?"?' selli f-ir ?7. A NEW CONCENTREE. ng ' I ? con ? nt 1 ?'? 1 ?.. : <-? la ? w a Odot ' Ugg? Ulni Ni|ip..ii ll |g a DO H| M ' m m with Juat ., remlnlacenl thought of cherry 'JtJoaaoms, and la, In faat- oni r?1* ih? bsal perfumee huartng tho mmm *&.]>? COSTUMES FOR LIMITED INCOMES. I an? M though tne bottles a drop aroma for and ? TO SCENT THE CLOTHES CLOSET. On? ol the most lisl any receptacle l Th< I .\r<- a prett? a i re a its nged at ting si ? vsrio ii rough, giving bssa m. lie.i '?it'!i and esi .?. ..... , .. srpesllng ? ? a.. e the dressing* . . entire rooni ; nbl ? pi i...i a? 11 A GOOD DRSSING CREAM ...,??. to th? ? ';?? ?? ? ? ? ? * ? ? a I inns In ' arli.4 Hi? 11 ... !? takes a i. .4 minuti .. I 'ii a| | . ? . . . i he akin a ? i J....I?... .i agsii - ... 44. ,i? i and ... ? i ' million ol dual germs. a gi easel? > ? i ? he ol hi r rsrleti? . 11 . n. 4.- i .... . . . pores of i he akJn, lesving no ira gresse, and ford I I ? on or th. I ' arde. On? the well known em ? 4 loll i fragrsn? ei ippealli to fastldli ? ' i km thai del glitfut dull flt .?. - r.-.I. The i.lain coi t.I looking lhal II h an ad i ? tlressi. g tabl?. and I ? model enl SAFETY PIN HOLDER. Saf"!;. pin? i.' i... . 0 sit) : ? rsery, ind igi nioua mind has evolv? the) ma ? alwayi I i I I ttle i., i .4 made froi.?t*i a . t- -i rib bon, and the dlff? : ? m .?./? d !.. si m.,(..i 4 pina are hung i" form the clappers. A pyroxylin ring makea an eacel enl handle through which to run t|ie ribbon, and two or ihre, bells pria) dangle from the p..44. Two "i th? bella can i" bought foi ?. ??? nta .- > n ? 1 tine, i or ??'. eenta BABYS POWDER BOX. ? ? 111.4. 1 gift f..i in. little . Is s i"'? 'i' ' boa and puff. The shape of tha bol la unuausl, being round ??'? 1,1 <.f 4,,i,a 1 . lin I boU I tl r? a an.1 .? naif In? bea In diameter, As ? la thi ? a ... 1.' a in h< Ighl it will hold a K.II) h.iii>'\ of powder, ii com? Imitation Ivor1 ?nd 1- r<ecorst<ed with pink or blue Bowers, making it approp ite for either g girl or a bojr. The fitting I continu? tha 1 oloi a? heme, the hnndl? of the puff, fu k?-?i aw.) In th? i"i\ d? 1 j orated >4ith |iink flowers, b? m "f pink iv..i4. 44:1h a 1...44 of ribbon ni th? asme .1 Ing. These pi etty little trifl ha?'? a prsettosl 1 en be ... ighi $i ;o. SUGGESTION FOR THE HOSTESS. when one is pisnning t.? open the conn? try bOOSe it ia w.ll lO think ..f tl ,. a&anter sonn t.? be behind Its doors Bo mam ooinforta ha?, been rlevised t..: the model h guest! that they aspect th? m ??ven ni hornea wher? the Income la Ihn? ?? d TL. i. .,:? . ? rtsln toilet n.1 ? a sich ? .m i" pi "4i<1? ?i at 11 small ? 0 1 and which add great!) t?> the pleasure ..1 the guests ? m ol lb? ? 1- lb? Ind 11a > ,ik. ..| a,, ip, Burel) 11 would not ! Drove Inxlng to Invest ? eenta foi a bog con.a.niiiK four . .1 k? * of 00a of th< .... llal'le hoar,*-. Naturally these enMOO an? t for th? ? ? ? r. I A NOVELTY MANICURE SET. I con ? ? ? ? t la ? .,,, ? . rt aril ? ? ? ? Hon. The (It also o| the ... ? ? i . noi < ?pen ? Cubist Art in Hosiery laiiiM i". king through ?? light I ? ? % :.i m? aide, ??i i-? i" i nut in. .. ., i" i ? t?. dlepla) the ankle, II la In n?? ?? t- t taste t-? wear boater) matching th? aklri than to Invite further eritietsin b) a strong oontragl In <<?i??rs. Thi? t?i.-,* has brougbl Into prontdnanca the colorad **tocklnf*i and it is now poadble to match almoal .? ? ol the new ahadt s uaed In matcrlala. When i tocklni con n anting with the oojoi of the ' t are s. . n th..? must hat monlse with torn? ! i. attire "i the loilel The) ma). for In? ! i nee, i.i? mi with the trtmmlna ol the li?t m the coloi n?"tif ??i th- *a ih, but th? ? mual be ?me t onne? lion aith th?* oootume The French women aeem to ba gifted with an Innate knowledge of the ? i-livir ??mm i-lini- links, it?, the ni.ik. turnes. These III t?. it 4'oriii studying, for the) glee ?ostume ? hlch < ?". b< i \ knosrl? .ii*?* ..f , ? ? their fa th? m la p.rtl?*ularl) v_lu.ble to l -, m 4? ?.. i ut. mptlng to 4 ??ft. n, at a ? small . ?i" nee, aha cm the effeel which m ?? ?., . || gel up of h- ? Mend rent t? .iri'-h on . ? ? loll? it? I.IFF OF SILK STOCKINGS. While < ? ? . ? ? suits ? .th ? . i. long been .? ... foi ? .ugh! I ei ... - ? fur t' ?? tlf. of all itoek ? .? . -ilk stockti wearing a HI ?in.-ii || ?:,, ? ' tgnlnsl thta it? . ?-mi the ged ... ... .... t stretched by too til , ..,,.,? feels that ah? must pull up hi r stocklni I 1 ,,:i m? m ? .....m in tie ? ?if B a kno44n in. it a ! ? ?i i . 4? ? pun ? . ? ? ? , 44. ,11 lout.. -Ilk The Mil?.?-, t"". NEW STYLES, for I ........ .. . di ?! m tul*, 'i.?.' hoal? 11 . no* i ? . _ . effects ai till consid? ... . . ? I , pi . . m It ... Mor? . in,-, i ? ,,ti4 e. however, are the deep .... . . ? 11.14?, blue, and I ? on. to ham on a? with the I i ?? ten ad? B >iw ol I ? ? roldei : ? ick at thi ??Im. i. >.r 44 hit. oth? i i ? ?.in.ill dot i ii? no .t ;? ? i< \i 4?.. h la the hlo k or ? eck d? n Irla? I? and 4? hit? 1 and 44 hite . n and a hit? The Amet 1 an a 1 a rul? do? a nol take klndlj <<? checks ? 4 ??n m .in a materlsla, and 11 la . question 1 -i n?.44 sell these stocking - i-..! ? .1 'i ... ? are Intend? i to be 441.1 n 44 lth the ? h? eked suits and if the -K111 1. ila ed the Idea wout? 1 be .. k. ?.ne. ol h< ' 4? i-.. 1 he) 44 ould b more ap 1' i.< 1 ? 44 ,i h ipo ting coal im? - The ;:.. roloi Ins ol the on? > populai *.-?'< lock In ? i , ' 1.?ring el i? ? ; - In th? Iiusiei ? 44 01 n ?4 lth ihe Ij ; pa ting ? ??i mie GAY CUBIST HOSE. The ga 1 t of all ato? kings shown thla leaaon sr< those v\ 1111 the Cubist deetgns 00I11.4 embroidered on tha Instep 01 sbovi th? ankle, with tha Influai.f tha Cublat in permeating all the .'Sriou*. brsn? ue. ..1 the loll?.. :. 1? rtol aurprls? Ing to kind essmplea of H In h.?.-ien. hut 1 . ?Mil nol appeal t" the women who . on a limited amount of inone) ??? al the best th? ? an onli a fsd "i ii"ii ? 1 11.111.? n. Nor will Hi?*? appeavl vmti atrongl) to the 1 ???? i'?-< 11 * groom?rd women a im hu. ? the ex? luati 1 si II? let at ap Dg? el. DAY AND EVENING WEAR. Tii" atoeldnga to mai? h tha ottetnoon end evening frocks ere really lovelj Tha dstntleei end are tim?.* display? ing m eta ..i Is???? The deelfnera have not h? -nai..1 t,, use the re?sl 1 baotlll) and Du. hesa Lac? foi these la ?? 1 ? which lake ? ,|., . Th? bOS k.a.t I*- an . f fe. ii4e design, and the butterfly la an? oth? 1. hut neither ?.f then, l? !,s ???l! iik.'i ., n,. , i,? ga ol i.?" ..' *ha "ddo. I ? II the ii.aut? ol ill? looa ***to nm ?"iifllr 1. nt, peor?a nntf rhinestnne:? are f ? i" . i d the ? ! ?.f ih. pearl and rhin-t-stone ei The eff< tl ttriking whan a .""'rast in . .?iiir - produced bj Inlaying black ; Into the white or ci gnd t . a bite : ? t In Ihe I a? k hoeteT) COLORED EMBROIDERY. \t might be ? ?p. *< ?! ? elored em 1 ?-r- ?? ik rtocktnga baa returned to ? i...-. and "(T' -? ntle" irlng the color not?* Por . ? - . arigna are decoral ' arlth Un) i hlneston? s sol ? thr .-. ntre In thla i ase the satin i ? I match t ?or of ih?* t'ow. r and ? ? a bow h ? ' k;...'? I ? CONSERVATIVE IN SHOES. The iboe it'-ni "?i the espena? ac which muai ha thoughtfully icrutlniseJ, la another one whlcl ma] reach alarming i n?. ?. m shop? ping it i- ? ? ?? ti for i well Broomed womai '.. i"* neatly shod; hence, aha aa ? i geh season, Sh<* w m :\ ?- better ? ? f she aelacl the There are rery gi ??! o king ' donlnl pumpa In a dull gray I? athei is well ai In ? with ,.? h ivered with the leather, The same style la reproduced in m ? .lui. prrtt) brow n '.? athei. in patent leather with the upper part In ? It? leather, if a more unuaual effect la .u.i in ail a int?* Thla i*? an ea eclli nt rtyl? foi thi -? ? -. ind can l?e worn arlth propriet) elthet In the morn? Ing oi the aftei noon PORCELAIN HEELS. i ' i ::. .... e ol ? olot m :-' be Indulged, then are th<* heela ol the drees) slippers. mi sorts ??i' curi?ui ohM schemes and ...i.i . o... i. . ,,, p. displa]??I here The ?very latesi conceit from acroaa the aeaa Is ih? white porcelain heel, haml painted. I it i? claimed thai these beela are practl? cal, though it muat i?? admitted that tin i Idea ?loei n??t suggest service. The ".i I heeli nre being ver} ttnlveraall) w.?ir,. Dailv Bill of Fare. j MONDAY. BREAK l'A st st. wi d apricots, croamed chicken, coffee. LUNCHEON Bralaed lamb tongue, i.?a-t. orange marmalade, tea i ?inn Kit Aaparagua soup, KaeofHer"a grilled cod, nan potntoea spinach anlad Y,-i siillli :- . i. ,i m ORILLEO COD i-'.s? ? iPFIERB Ha\*e read) allcea of ?*??i that are about one or i??.? Inchea thick s?as.?n theae iltcei with salt gnd pepper and broeh them all over with melted butter, Then broil ih? m beating fra*iuentl) with melted i?ut i? ? Place ih.'m on a h??t dish, garnished with lemon ami parsley? ami serva with anchovy butter or ma?tre ?i h??t?*i sanca VERSAILLES CREAM. Th..? ?it ssci t ? stoulded s?? thai it nag atand alone when turned ??i?t on a platter. lia t rend) a quart of milk, throe qusr t.?i ??. .if a cupful <?f suKiir. a teaapoonful of vanilla extra, t. a s? ant half MtapOOnfuI .?i ?ait. six runs and two lahleapoonfula ??t water. Pul the wat?*r mid about half the cui-ar int?i a fryiriB pan. Stir th?'in t"K?*tli?'f until ;i rich red-brown sj rup forms, takinK ear?' that it doi*.?i not burn. linn' th?- milk boHNfl slowly and stir tin*? ?inaiml into it. Beat together the agga, the salt gnd th'* r<-st at th<? BUfgr, Add th.? -ranilla ?ml atlr th?-- mixture into lin- milk. Butter a two quart mould vari Itghtl) and pour tin- cream into it. I'ut ttie mistura lut" a basin of warm (gol hot! water and bake it m a slow- oven until it la firm m the ci-ntr?-. Whni dona Ml It m th<? Icebox to hecome very cold hofiir? earring, Turn it out on a platter when serving time arrives, and decorate It with whipped cream. ' DETAILS ARE IMPORTAN' Finishing Touches Mea Much to the Woman of Limited Income. The fietai|j of the ?ostuui?? have ?'' f ?leeper ti*ri-?snlng to the woman who la tempting to dresa msri on a limit? Income than to bet friend ?%ith the art till?-?! puise. Th?* latter ?.' p?n?l-* on h' ? Irrcsmakei te add the iai. | | th?? f!f?t;ii;.^ thai make ,,,? tnnr tht ? ? tume, aii'i wnii? she sdmlr? genersl wey she mere!) acia-apta them ; l'art of the whole. Bui the woman w| la seekinr; to obUtin a f.ahlon.1 with n *. ?? ? alight expenditure fnnat git much csri and thoti-rht t.? these detsll A col Is r displsying the lat? 11 fest ire will ?.riiii* the cost >.f *.. ? m? to dste m a twinklinar. or one ?if tl aabea will lend ao arnsii an air ? tnr silk frock which has served ail wti t??r under th? fur '",1t that even tl owner will slmoat forget II la not ? i.? r? stfon. COLLARS AND CUFF.S. i,' ;,;i the necease lea that me? raiie.i to the aid "i" ?h? tot ????unen, ."liar- or coUsra and cuff rnoal Important and ? eill h. m h ?n tslled ;* : r posatMe to make thee? sceeasoriee n home, an.i ? i,?.?. ?. ni knowle?lge of th needl? to ma Ice them. < with th .1 Id ?r I.' ' ?? g.I PSp? " : The vsrlet - - i I ? -? ... ? -, i . mei futurial nit' ito th? r?aim of neekwea Th far II ha -h..?4 n Itself m? n I) In a ? ertth the curious polygonel elf? brill '?an t coiorlnga cr in a U*y 1 ???< heading thi ee llera of n) sted - JAPANESE COLLARS. The lapa eolia noted in th? ext? nd ?! shoulder | which reat I Idets an? the neck quite free in the bsel When rollsi to th? line in the I . .... ? ? I ? One of tin popula " ? and tin? " a | ? back 'i ted a ? ? ?? " a I ? - g thi ? tl) "ii the neck coHi and t1.i ortioi Oth? more elaborst? ng bright? a drop? .1 Bel u ol ? -o- ? *i. ch ma) i>. finish? ' ?u ribbon hsTmonlsint aith th? i buttona ted frill of i ? VIVID COLORINGS COMMONPLACE A little ir.ind . ? do isl* to tn? cl ?> of I ? BO I .?utTs. and If It is ? i I K ? ?' . im . apabl? of msk g tl a be?a*omlng ahai ?? in the merqulsett? and ? i broldei I Th.* fa'l for vivid ? Ipga . 'imiii..ii|i|,i.??? thai t .? ..*??? i era i mai nlng to I ti-it - w ?o| embroid? * | ? ap? ?U.4 on nei . stuffs, i '.v.; ? the way. so thot a can be ? RUCHES IN DEMAND the agk? s ruche < ?me I mend when i t sent t? atorsg? Tl ? ?? fli at piso , snd -: I eotta ami gr?*en. lav? and bi ..44 n, - tc Tot 11* th.?--* iches 1 .. is Tfthat ??;. ??? The long favor, and the women a on? i??ft over 1 need the ba m 1.1 pern I one ei 1 t.. fall t.- I ?'n., TI rre ere ol i nol h? Id ? . ? WAISTCOATS. Anothei a? ? essor), whl 1 "' will dei i Wh.-tii. r ? 1 ' style .'. a? rompan) o th ' ail the f; Ilia *.. da mended, they .n. tailored reel fashloi piqu? inda ? 1 to a m n. ad r . labora te on? ?i broche en p< . flow? r-ed tonn, s ?nul v.! OU Oth I Btiiffa. Tiie> are is, ei t. tiding often ??* a,44 the s 1 '? ? points It la ' ? if I" the ahopa a alst?*o?ts with plesied *_"***_ am! f I1IM4 1 a 4\.,1 n in the pi 1 1 44 ben there 1* ao >i> iin to n -?-??vi ? ' : ? "at. SASH AN ATTRACTIVE ADDITION. .\s larga ? gists era ? ? 1 ? ? i In ???? ?.iies-t -rilb-SMtts, the BB-Jorit] af ? need aot noaltavte i" add a - ?-,i !" ""' drees of eioth or attk it art ?nge I api'earain-e nf the fi.-.'k in.!" I other Hil.lltlon thSt eouM be ' : fei it is a simple nutter ihat rs?J ' . "inpiisiie.1 ??ithoiit the aid af maker Tha sashes of etrlped Romaaw*?' Sntshed \\i?h lom*. bta? k - lk frinca. '??" non be booghl In the afaops Thasa ???) ba Bwathod around thi blpa m draaed t?> ? inn-, le the wslstUn? T?tere sis rsiious atylea ol >.t.? 1 ? ? ??* theos sji.-he.ia and ihe cholea aheeld aa governed entirety b) whichever etyta atoy be Hi?* most beceimin--:. The ???'.?: adere" style Is easily iii;?iiage?l, U hftl I aPS ?aiiKht knot ami end? fall from the loft hip. A sash in hrlirht creen agida? dar? Ihr. but ???'iKierfully effective, ton. h t.' ,1 navy btlM Barge frock, ami OSS m the Subtle terra-i'otta lone ?ettda charm t<> ? rich brown charmeues The Israje, sajsata how in th?) I'.i.k. 44 lu, h n,?-> by the asSM of the "pump" bow, ??r at nine? the .Ml'* aneae bow, esssccaUa the fastening ??f l',e ."?ash .liaiml iirminil the waist. The turn? ?iver en.l. as shown In fhe sketch. I"? *0 satisfactoi?>? that It is ?till used on soiw? of the newest frocks.