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TfclBVNE -JVNIOR* \PDWM Tribune Junior Forum PnbUahed m th< Intereti of poms ana ptrlt.tofnrnith information and gai i a. aXOnt gu? to '???< th-m tiii opfOrtunittt\ tu t .\ [m et n - m m ItrtBi .1'/ Linttiibiiti'ms em? lettera shoatdl ?.. (i'i-.-i^ii tu the Editor 'if the Trib-l uuc Jnnior Forant, New-York Tri?nae\\ IM .\ g-tsaa sti- -1. PETTINESS. v?. one |g so unpopular us the |>ettj j. 4.m- tu?, person who always frown** ? down "ii everything ri?Mt he himself didn't make or nuggesl or plan; the person ??h.-, although liking :i 11 ? i n *_. u ill ; ? ' w ; i \ > pi k .i lia n it. ii ; ill?* ner 4.m who la afraid lo say anything bearti!? or admire anything unreserv? edly Such Individuals, whether they 1.? grown-ups i?r lioys or girl?, are the very dark sit?te in a wurltl ?; is ?... mach to nilmire and love nn nu h worth ?'. I'.'.i't i?*t u- get carried away by the irir.i thai n haughty pride, that stint? i-aj pralae, that ability i" pick Haws In en erythlng, 50 ?1 qualities t?> eultl? rate. 1 y are not : th y are 1 be quali? ties thai will disqualify na- thai Is to gay, they are the qualities thai will ro? act upon ??". >?',4 ,??. spoiling our own work. What we should ?l<> i- just 1 le opposite?praise where praise should I"' given, see the best and, If mxfs? eary, ? .mv?i th?? flaw. Bui don'l : w?. ourselves are the only ones able i<> plan worth while things. Only i*i this way will we encourage the lit-st thai Is in others and only In this way will we jrtow ouraelres. BELONGING TO THE FORUM. Early in th?* week we received :i letter t'nun h reader saj big : 1 would like i" i.?' a memo? r of the Tribune Junior Forum. 1 have many tiling.- to put In the paper such aa ?/.I?-, drawings, stories, 1 ? mpo-I ??iti?>na, and many othei I EDXA E STRANQMEYI R. Brookl*.*n, n. v. \\v take this opportunlt ?? of telling every child who roads this page that be or she *i" longs," and that an] thin;; seul t" i:-. whether ii be draw* togs, photographs, |?oems, pu-*_l??s, en aays or storl???, will be published it they are up to and lieyond the stand* :::-il of the work ?'!* the other girls and boj - whose contributions have a - pea red on this page. It is rery gratifying ." gel ihc| poema,^. etc., thai our rea. / aend 11s. and we Impe that all of our' renden will want i?. aend thing . - Edna Strangmeyer d< es. Puzzles TRANSPOSITIONS. A kindly man named . . In i - Hut .... <iid men .1 And .?i'fike .... 01 hla pfc V.4.. the lame f?"ir letters t.? fill ? Basai ? [ I ' ? won) each liine. GUESS THE WORDS. What is the weird fr<"11 whieh all the ( taring word made without ? > it'l*-' In t! <? origins! word? Punt ate? per, ox? n, maro in? ant, at 1 rord from which all I following wordi and mad ? In th? 1 me manner: bl? ? sable, rabid, .1; o Puzzle Answers 1. CONCEALED HEROINES OF SHAKESPEARE. i. Va?!.; j. Juhet; I, Miranda. I, R lind: S, i ' a: ?'?. OpheUa; 7, 1 Beatrice:*?. Lad? Macleth; to, Imogen; 11, . . r. 13, Nerlass it, Ji :.. 1 ' ' ' NUMERICAL ENIGMA. ***l_lka In In ? In the rui 1 ika, sei mon i 1 ton? . and p?."d In everything Words <>*' which 11 ? sen! peni.] axe: Trouble, t? atsim nt grinning, bones, sodden, sooi . Ei gll ih, in - I ogri m, kinky, banging, kisses, ? MEN OF SHAKESPEARE. 1. King Lear; :. Hamlet; 3, Macbeth; I, BMssnlo; 5, Antonio; t, Orlsntlo; 7. Ro *?. H. n. dick; 9, Tlmon; 10, Prosp? ro; Man- Antony; 12 Brutua; !:;, To I ? aar. CROSSWORD ENIGMA. Ick. ii- huid. Poll, Ail; To. E R? ?.!.. !.i.\. CorN. KitiD THE RIDERE OF RIDDLES -, . i:i.Tti- T\t.r There was a king once, and h? marri' a great ia?i>. and aha departed on t birth of : er Ural son Kni ? little aft this the kin?,' mai a if?'. ?'?' -in too, I id .1 - .?i 1 II ..... ?lit" 1 .- it !" '" .... ',., t so ? oki tin ' ? ? ? . heir, ' ? young? ..mi them and he t ? > i ? i h I t" t.'..?' : ' .? I It at all, and so he did. , that the lad ? poison in i and : I to put in m?.i?, ?.n ' - - on?! night it a I did. an ? wo iid not be lo this draught. But in- broth . BO, : i told ?; Ilk? S 1st 'I it Hit'? bottl? and he sard t<? his brothei "If I t n I house i hare no doul ah? w ? ,?,.- or othci and the 'i'ir k< M ter. i will r the a ? . will I? i ? . ? t ? ? ii i go with him, an I ?It then . ? ? ? c, and t put sa i ? ..k thi i ? i I GIVES POISON TO THE HORSE. Thi ? ' lone very fat I aid: "Thi re Ii no knowing If p? In th? drinl ? ? i not go ;t fell. "Thai waa only a rattl? . ? ? ? id? st one, and th? got up togethei on the other hois?., ami s? ?i. 'l'ut. ? thai th?. ? Bon in the ?Ii ink: l"t'l try it on title t he did, and they w? at not far when the he* I cold d< ad. They a the hide ?-it him, and that it ? ? ;i them ?rai ni ,it in ;!,t, whl? h ??' al i- ind. In the ? when they awoke they saw twelvi rav? : and light on thi ? i th? g there when . .u i. d< ad THE RAVEN PIE. ... ..|,i ? nd ?i! ted i he they t?">i; tb?un with them, and th?' Aral ton n i h? .- reached t hey ua 11 I lo a baker, and thej asked him to make a dozen plea '?)' the ravens. Th? took the pi? - with th< .n. -n ?i tl ".-. w nt f ? ward on th? th? motit n ? ?i night, and wh? ? ? i. i het ? came foui -snd-1 i ? idi th.-m delivi pun ? .-. bul th ? aid thai th? - bad ii" but onl? ?? tit tl? food which i Ith tin m. ?'? : aid the robbera, and they ? but hi -1 n..' eate much they fel and thither, all ton? di ad When the) i that the r i v.. r. ?:? id t . y rana |.ne!-.??;I ami got ID I h gO I ai i I llvi i went forward nil th? y reachi d t he Knlgbl <?f Rlddl? The house of the Knight e in that count and it" his ?... ter was prettier, and sin- had twelvi maidens a th her i ' than i h ?. Mi -i- Ilk? ? ' ' h* world? altogether to hat and no on would get her to m .'?i put a qu< i : "?n i" her , brothera 1 t 1 - end try n : on to hit ing? est ws ? . . . led the ? ? ? . On? j kill??! two. and ? twelve kill? not out to be i4'-i't - ? ? CAN'T GbfcSS IT. .?n.I try t ? ? ? ? told i ?i nothli ? - to l ? lo tell ? i there was no I her, b it h? k. pt her pis ? ? I:, .-?!.? ? ? i ? an ; - iid that to I drift m a a Itho it i.l "i drink rho eld? ? i han -i befor? all th? - thing , ? Baj on " said I ANOTHER PIDDLE. "II the ton ?i ~ M ?? . han and i i,?l let hi ' ? thetn bare, and i n . elf fired ind I look i ? . I let "In.!...! ' ? th?- la.I knew hi . Bo hi iav? him i . i . make him great hearty weddli . daj and a . i ar. The youi m thai i bi ??? h< bia way, and tl. I him ?xi i \- i ii_ tit ovi i th? klni .m hoi i<. THREE GIANTS. Now t h ' ' ? ? 111. ? ..i the Kt --tonta, and th? r? ? .... and i ' ? i peopli ami taking .* poll trorn th. m ? ?? .?., : the Knlgbl <?i Rtddl? it, i Bon-ln-lnw that II : m. re In him hi woukl th? . ? wan, he w< nt and ' ? m? t the l and i . ? ame home with the 4.1 ' , I* ' ?? ? . o**F ******% \ o a a . ? ? ? ^ '.if a /? ? m Mil i a a ?l / ? ? ? ? i ?'.'?\ \ f.fv , ??/: ?? ? \ : r-s 1 , :t * p ,.?? ?? .. : : ^^iT a ? -3- "J If ?I ** ?#^ .^^ ' ^^nn^ \Qriy~jCr ?<!> ____gj ?> ITENCIL PIN HOLE DRAWING CAR^S Cut cut the dortUe./ around the heavy outside ?-order and then mat ft it on cardboard. Atier you have dono this, take a hatpin and holes throughout the out I ins of the animal along .he rlottsd edge. Insert a sharp pointed pencd through holef?. and you ?will be able to draw the animal. If you like this we will publish ? ??rial Addr?jf? Editor of Tr?W??ne Jur??nr Porur.i. V heads, and ; a threw them stthe knlghta T1..-II art an able laB. doubtless ? nan.- !.. ? the Hero "I the White Shield " Tba i ame of th? Here of the I. hits asalehl went far and n. ar. HERO OF THE WHITE SHIELD. Mesnwl .:?? the ' :'" ??' '" "' the Whit? Shield had wsnd? red tai In man) t-ountri? a, and aiter long j i come to the land of the gtsnti ?4 here th? Hero of the White Shield wsi nos dwell? ed the knlg l'a ? other . ame, .?n<i be ask' d to make ? Hi him. Thi ? . ,.>|] other, and they took i . sreetllng from mornng till evening. At lest and .it length, when they wer? i red, 4? sah and spent, the Hero ..r th? White shield lumped over a greet ram? port, and he a ik< d the atrsnger to m< ? I a ? the morning. This leap pul th? Dtbi ... ame, and he asjd to hau. "Well msy it be thsl thou silt no! supple i time to-morrow." The n r non 4\. m i., a ; oor little ? ? ir to thi hou -? of the Hero ? : the White Shield, tired and ? : ..i? ? . and in tba mo. nlng thej datai the fight agsin And tbd Hero of th? w bite Shield began t" go back, till be isckwsrd in." ? river. "There must be some t>f my blood In thee efore i at 4?a done ." me." '?Of what Mood art -.?: i the ?" ng? at " "fia i am aon of Ardan, great King "f the Albann.' i" i em thy ? It was ?nos th? | kn ? ? a? h oth? 11 ? gave'l ick ? . to each other, and the Hero of | ," . Shi? ??i no. to >h i.:" Into the pals? ?. and ? he it ?as thai was ? him the knlghl te Hi stayed a .\ hile a Ith tltrei ! efter that he thought that ira would ?-?> home to his own kingdom and when he going past a gr< ..t palace thai sraa he aas ts Iva m? n plsj ?ni* al ?i r agsli at th? rah?, a H? ? ? . ? w? ihd go for a ?? hile and ; ? shinny arltti them; hut thej wer? not tonj I i hlnnj wh< n thej f? Il ?? it, and a ?:-.? ? of them csught him and m ? ? would .-? child. H? thought It wi i ?? for him to lift a ts ... th? ?.' to a bom they were they wer. ? ?i thi Hero of the Whit. Bh ? i I, a ho hsd nol ... for man* yet I am \ ?? ir father," t r ? ,. one ... .... r he i a .f. nd i don'l knos ? ?? .4 "M ? n of THE RYL .? a?M liat.-.l . I!? . I ruril. II ohm . . naked no dlffl? th? food i ? ? I ? I that ihe tips ? . ... . ? to |.. ? ? I found ?n ? ? ' Bob .?-non puahed a ?-hair to the chlnn i i - m ??? ehlng In the high eupboa for the Mue bottte. It st'i.i?! in the exa?-t spot hi*? Krai father had left it. and. seining it Is I hand, the boj climbed down and bet hla return Journey without lor--*- ??' Ha u in n in* ranched th?* North Held thi Wai the ryl. -ittinK ?"i the stunu? ? waiting patiently, ?Sob pla?ai the t>? ?tt :*- on the st imp I side tin* little fallow, an?i notlosd, tsrl aurprte? i hat the cork reached far abo the ryl's bead ?'Hi-ii never be able t" open it," tboug the boy; but thd i ?> I did nut i -.-m i i d. ?i?' placed his hand ovar h heart and bowed gravels to ?Bob, savin ? i cannot tell you bow grau-ftii I a for thla favor. ?ou have removed all " troubles by means of this y'tt. Now. return, tell me whj you ware crying whi i t.? ind you here." "i had hoped to gather poni?- wl flowers for Els ter," said Bob, "hut win i they had not yet bio Born? i w a ara too i.i to k.-. p ;? ftowi I'ii. you know; so when i foun i th? a l|d Rowers it mads me sorr* Ths ryl I? aned agnlnat the blue bottl tin ist his hands ?i>?'i? In his trouaet pockel . and whistled s tune thodghtfull The imy watched him with much anxlet; for he had ?begun to hops the ryl wool n i;>. and by the liitl" man sal? "Well, mu? knusi come tslth ms t Brasil '("n .t i*- the ?.my way t.. help yot v. hi n i ...i are there I will nix<- ye i n?"i.-li lilv I t<> ni ik?. y??'i th.- WOttder an admiration of the a hole *- Ilia -?? "O i can'l go so far from home"!' ?Tie n , boy, "Moth? r arould be ?in adfuU n orri? 'I n!.r rn? ." Th?* ryl laughed, "It's a far journey, he ?aid. "bul n??t n long ona M ??re?tak thip b??ti?* In your left baBd.'1 Bob obeyed, although he arai somewhs afraid. AMONG THE LILIES. "Now give m' the little linger ..f you other ha-id," continued ths ryl Bob he!? and the man closed i - tiny finge i it i ? ... bigger -.n?- In s Urn clnsp h . w? go!*1 remarked the ryl calml) an i Bob gave a g it start ol surnrl ? !? nt. For the .\'??rtn Yit Ida, tl lar landscape hsd entirely d ? ? th< boy found hlmasli i ? rv! in the mldsl of s ras! M-*1' ? .f our., ?.lit?* Ulli i. which nodded theli ? If wet ? ? n among thorn. "If I <a?r. t ? nil self I 1 si !?:?' .| on. Wat? h me i I -,, ; '. ??? ?: md *.r.\ thi ? ?ad growing g higher and high? n ryl had fufl boy "and If ?i me the bottle I'll ? ? rk and feed i Bow' bottl? and, re? . m to intent I I ? arth nt the : r....t of ? worked q ? ? ? alor food la t? d the f.irth. ' ; ? the field had i ? o ?' n. the bottl ' ? the ? ? I re? ned to a here Bob xx.t ? atand? m t llllea havi ? na " mong of brll ? . ? er at? "PICKLES" II* ."???.?.plilne \. >leyer. Kan ?nd KlroUe la-Hugh were twins. Now. there are drawbaeka to l?.? ink a. twin, and one of the rn??st serious is th?? fact that thi y have not got a private birth? .lay. Ilk.? Single children. Th. ir I.?it Inlay is a sort of litt!?- family Christmas day. Esa and Klrstle alwaya pretend?*d that thej i r... ire.l ?lirthda/.- '" 1"* like this Th? * pretended It SO hard that after a whih? they >a'"t t?> bellevi it themselves at least Kirsti? ?ii.i. Hut even Klratla had a bard time once <ir twtee to retnem-l her that she would be lonesome If abe could not abare birthday honon teith tin twin in the world, as she ealleil !<??!.. I fine of these times wsa when ("ou-dn stio. t-eMUM he'd be your lo? ai* mu. h gg mine." "f wouldn't i"* el sil s ?arad of g Poo*?.** Klrstle would ez<*lalm -aagerty. "How could nny one bo!'' Anil that 44 0ULI s. ttle l'oins. The.- at:,,',! un mut t'alti'*. bOWSI f r. ll:s ?us t<? in- i'?. klaa, sfti i a dog I bnd read ab ut II waa gome comfort te have that point d?Ktde_ The day Infor.' ti. Ir M"_T?_i] WTgl da and th?* twins ?rofca ni? in a r bad luiiiioi and ^"t .m' th? wrong nata of their !" da and v.. re ni?.st ill?agiee to each other ail day. I ig? it 44,-i th? ir la ?' eaj to rash Hpril ?bower? brinq G2qy flowers ' Ho, dear?,wben the rain Dbrow5 a thousand, million drops Bo our window pane, ESe-mu?tnt cry or make a Vu?? 0ecau$e we cannot play ? Hor think bow dreadful it would be Oo bave no "flowers in EBay ' E!izQbrir.KirKr->on Alici id a btrthda erself, ami had a table full of , ? ill h-?r own. and u.i ? call? ?! ?,>:? en Alle? aald this was her i| ? \ tun? the time i sm - to tell - M before Kei - old they n ? hspman In park and I ' ? ? II? ? t a pair ot roller skates iik?> ?. ? rs tnu then- was to comparing tin? fui ?rot .?ut ??f in*-, for i *. r - n.irn? -1 FOXJ "i bal i ? bow K? n and K ral preoeni the) from I Moth and Father f..r their aixth birth ki:> 44- ti. Ill t '? tot snot ? Kurse too. thlniK t . .?.14 | gaj* lantl* to them aa on Mg ??'it th? y ? ' ' hardly l?"*ok?*d ... him. 1 ????il paid lor their sulk ? i'-tll- .!? 1 B . fall Hat most ten* I him i i ' g i aa th. lawn In i'.?:. and her elephant Then Eddie mad? .1 circli .1"-. S< vet} lifelike was the work Were drawing things on? day, With ipoti ??! black and white, 1 rom Ed and Edie's pen made ...?' 1 .. \\ ?i?? ??K.ked a?, ii he'd like to liarla, began to m in quite 1 inij ' saj would not trj t.< l>n< V<j_ show what happened then. -? m. m a psrtsri ?bswleg ?rbsl ka*maened sftei ?h?? i>ii* ?<n?i ?i?sr roeae 1? i.f.* nnii ,i?.i_i,t ??kIii ef tmeh ..11..-r. all m j 1111? that on? big field I Bi ut I fea ii .1 . : . iin pure ? I n.( m??: e color-food I u had ? n too bad." u d Bob mi sth? tlcal i ? .I help ? v l i lapin d I Perl i can.' be Bid, a Ith ?? do ou ? tiren toppli ' . ? '?i ? i . i had ?? pi i- ? ? Ryla ai not allow? d of hum. bul ? i? . ? " . have of youi own ' ? ' '? Will 10 help me ih< i?- la ? ' ret. why I should nol a? ih klndn? ? w hat ? m i do ' a- !?? 'l th? boj won ?i ;'i "Your grandfather once had a bottle oi th.- plant l"'"l I am in ?'??! ' h Of, ? " pll? <i th. ) i "1 iiiin't knon where h< ? .,i ?> hat hi ?. ? 'I it for bul hi kepi ,i t.iii blue i .?ii Ii In the ?-'?i?!"? inJ ? ?\ ' ih? ? Limn' ? ? ? ?h, ? ,...i Bob; "1 v? pet n to. i.i'i i ? often " "1.u know where It I non ! ' ? k< ?i ii,.. i , ?it |i sun in the cupboard, over the ? i,nun. Mother ha n ? r touched II " grandpa dl? d, f"i ihe didn ; kno i ?. hat n was The iitti?. l'm i" hla feel and leaned over the edge ??f the stump s h? ?aid In s trotee thai trembled vwt'i anal? ? -if i had that bottle i should be happ* ' ? Then i n gal ii for i "O." reptl ?i Bob, "But if you w.iut? <i h bo badly, whs didn't you y and lake it ! ? That would b teallng," anawi ed i be : "Bui if you make ma ? preeeni ol ?en- grandfather's bottle you ?sill aave m- beautiful ii'-i?i of Brasllian Mil? "ni i un for n n- a. ' ' ; I? i ths boj. i\ in h< re until I come ba? k 11? ? m am ni? ?u.'i ??a-1' m .?? ' aj toward ii,. rtlluga ?When he renched II he tore' dOS l. th?- main : H ? >'l at full [M . .1 ami res ;'.??! in? home slat-oat nul <>f breath ! Hi ? m. thi r happ? trad I ? be oui at the linn.-, but ths dour wiw unlatchsd, und "M ? mplet.; th? ryl, |oj oust; . ".1 sa i owe my auc? i shall i"' glsd : . i, n n.. tille i me." il ? i epl thi ifffci m n 4,?m i,, . ,i gathered ..' ai II,!' .il I . .4 |Ul M' Ho44. I | . will alo. the ni? ????:" aid he But* I ? i ' I 44a ? not . ont.-ni. " \\ | rail ? ? I? ?? igl h und, king moi .? and more of I h< falrl* loa I. ?' Bob ?1..4411 44 Ith I ? m 'i i" n 4*. h. n the boy'a eyi tba top "i h' lilt? ?, thi 1.. 1 cri? >i oui "N..44. tin n ho 1 tight! il. odb? ' ... 4..11 go ? ?oodb). an 4. ei - ?i Bob, but in*' vol? * .angel far away In his ? . - and in the san..- matant hi n _ ? ending In 1 hi North Fields, I i anna Riled with ?.; i.....?mu? Bsat? r Ml? ?-. which filled th? all with their delicate 1 The little 4i log? church waa gorgeouslj [array? 'I thai Bast? 1 Bundaj, for Bob s ?11 ' ? eve. aide .1 wei a the ?wonder of nil sho sa\? them. Saver be !??:?? h. .1 su? h exquisite Sowei 1 b. ? n ght i" the I044I1. end everj one In* qulred nhere* from Bo Bob itory was soon well known, 1..1 i?. had loi.1 in i m.'inei and the mln? Ii 1.1 all a ?it ins adventure a ith the llttl? ryl. After the aermon was "?'':' *,,r widow ? i"i roa? hi'i the mlnlater and aaked "What do 4...1 think about It air. Did m. 1.04 really meet ??it'1 Iba ?""famtuw ha .1 ryl?" "\\. :i. ' answered th. mlnli t' r grsvsly, ?ii rounds esra hi"' ?"1 Improbabla tale. Bui If n is not true where did ih?' ? .'im- fi urn'."' ? 'i n.. . 1 tal il] nev ? gras i" Ik? Noi tii Fields" replied th? addow. "Psrhaps, sir. ?i mi. si !.. has com? to pass* "....ut. likely, madam." i-."'1 ,1"' I.' 1,?Tin, "Easter la the season "f mlrsclaa."! ICepyrlgbl I?) 1- Fjrank Uajiu.> 1 Th? inn? I the wa* home Klrati? ?v.? going i" aak for .? cho?r-olate colon .i !'? m< ? n i.m ai 'i Ken wanted n ?trong, white English bull that couM ? t1 i dog If th?.? The) told Moth? r si the lunch table and i am --"i i y t?? tell you th it Mo .ii,: ma teem to think vers htghl) of tins plan of th? ? im bui..." exclu?iii'-.i Mother, "that can i i to omething much better > t ..n . i.i ' old dog Think, Kl i i..-,? \? ould * on 'ii??- ?? i esl iitti?. cookin ; atove thai you could p it Rre m and cook with ?? ill- ' ' Klratla almoal weakened, bul th?' Im? aginar) Pom'a Imaginar' eyes plead? i I'with her and i*?''ii ama watching, "Ken, im aura, would much prefer go ? engine thai ?;",,;- op real tracka with n switch you can nun. wouldn't you Ken persuaded Mol h? i "I'd i ather hat ? .? bulldog ansa i i d Ken, a h?j had a ?turd] will i 'al bet made a liai gala n .tii them. ' le | said ha a ould bu) them a dog for th* Ir ! birthda) lual one ?i"-; between them prot i?i. ,i the) ? ould Ii ; :i!ni knou a hat ??m?) lo ?;e- before thalr Mrthda) Thai sounds ?ver) easy, bul n aras one "t Pather'a clever tricks, Hs knsn Ken wnntad a i>nii<i<>K more than anything in ih<- world, ami hs knew Klrstle "a*? a liitu* afraid of bulldoga snd had her heart sol on a Run*y brourn Pom And their birthda) wns ont) a week ??if \X Itimes father bad ths talents ?>f tin* evil ! genius m a fair) tale, it was nurse whs soffsred most The tw.i children srguod together about Poms .?nil i.nils nil day, j?im ?is grown men argue ovar pol?tica Berns times if, ssamad aa though Ken'e atrength <>f will muai win ??ur and Kli ?to. would ?ive in w the) ie there tor." "Bui nut a i/er) fierce bull, Kan," aha would pisad and Ken foollahly would an? BU or. "Ail white bulls ara Barca Thai s i Then Koq sssmsd about t?? weaken, like I a gentletnun. '1 wouldn't Ilk?. *.<->u to be buued, Kii thst .-.?.;.... - "It'a a dog . ? Itedlj "?' i ? up! W hat . he is! He'? Th.- dog i'..? - , 1 the l N ? front of thi m he turn? d ai , la.-, ?] 1 ..4 ?hile I ? a bully, bI ? Th, j. 1,1 , . pj 1 11 ii.od 1 ?a re .i gra ? n animal, adtl hair .inn ? I 1 co ild 1 ? " ?rhi. Ilia hind leg ?4, re tren teeth 4? ere bared and I ! Ft ? . 1 . a- . - ? mtver of Ma tail .?ni.44, .1 ho? ? !" :?? .. Fo?) *"..i>:i't n ad). . 111 i 'i hen 1 ?? ' d 11'.. 1.. 1 ontlnued 1 -o THE TOURNAMENT. It? ?Iiln?.? I ?I 11 ?rr. ,.; 1? s. ni the aktefa And the knights -still hurried 1 To the tournsm? nt under th? tros, v\ 1 .a th? .." were Henri aai Brain i*'ioiirisi,.-,i the trum ?Ms, - at? red H? att A >" ith In ?'iimsi.n gad 1 Flourlahed again; Brain at ad .?van. . 1 ..i?.1. dark and asta? fa i>a!tr.*4 ?,iia."i,,i gayly 11? .ad, li. I , a -. 1 .1 il merrily . Bui Brain sal attll, with never a ss_a4 :;" CJ i.i.'.'l-.ahii whs be. ii... ? M.ini.'t-iM? st btyre favors throo 1 "rom ins Isdy'a white hand eaugbt; While Uiaiii wore a p?ameles? CasqtMl, not he <?f fits or R,i4i. ?n- soiii*hi. The n'.iiiii"! Mew; Hesrl shot a ajhtoee T.. est h ins lad) 'a > ? ? Bui Brain gased strsight ahead, his lame. To aim mon fsithfullj. They charged, thai -?truck; i>oih fell, tota bled; Brain rose again, ungloved; Heart, dying, smiled ami faintly said: 'Mi love i" in? belo* ' d " Chart?*? Scribuer, Pubiisbaf. I