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REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL to-?torle aftlnmt REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL PART V. EIGHT PAGES. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, APRIL 13. 1913. PART V. EIGHT PAGE8. DRY GOOD?. 1>KY (iOOIIS. DRY ?.?"Oil*-. i?m ?.?Kill-. IMtY (?non*.. ?mv loops. I?KY i.OUI?'? rz f)RV flOODS. Smart SPRING COATS SHARPLY REDUCED In tins .?-ale arc offered outer garments for evening, at'tcr noon and street wear. This Season's Hodels Taken from Regular Stock and reduced because the size ran?c i- sotnewhal broken. In the assortment,however,all size.-? arc well represented in main smart styles. _ In the New Department, Third Floor. Basily Reached by the Escalator. At these prices on Konday and Tuesday only. A House-warming on the 2d&3d Floors ~i-ese two coriyle'ely re-e-.-J;r-ei r:i -as??y \z;r?ve?? Floors -f?? ceme you to-morrow with a wealth of ezce-ti-inal and timely special vs'ues. The Escalator reacias He Dsplitaeits' f?ocjrs lalckly and comfortably. Elevators at tie 34th St., 3Jir. St. lites a~3 rear. Coats Now $24.74 Wert 129.75 to 933.75. Bengaline Silk Draped Wraps. Very Special $ 17.74 Tin*, graceful model is in the A few white coats in Bed popular seven-eighth length; ford cord or ?ponge for after made of a heavy quality of noon and street wear. Thema? black Bengaline silk, with long j?>rity in lace braids, coverts, shawl collar and kimono fine serges, shepherd checks, sleeve--. Lined throughout with seven-eighth length and short black and white brocaded satin, model*-. Coats Now $29.75 Were $-'U.?O to $:s7.7'>. Evening, aftttrnoon and street Coats?short or seven-eighth length models, silk lined and made of charmeuse, brocade, poplin, -erne ?.-??vert or .-hepherd check worsteds. Coats Now $14.74 Wen $19.74 to $2271. Imported English T??i? Coats in fine ?woollens, -?-ver.i! differenl models. Also plain and trimmed (??.its in checks, serges, Bedford ? "id- and fancy mixtures. FUR STORAGE Complete protection: lowest charges possible in order that yon may feel tjnite safe. A 'phone call or notification by post will bring our wagon or automobile within the radius of our Delivery System, third ruxm, broadwat Daintiest LINGERIE of Finest Materials This i- to be a season ol soft, clinging frocks fashioned of sheerest materials. Daint*- Lingerie of soft, pliable fabric-, cut on straight, narrow lines, is therefore imperative to give the cor? red effect with these gowns. Take the escalator or elevators to the New Department, Third FJcor?, 34th Street, and criticalh examine the "infinite variety" of charming Lingerie displayed there?you'll be delighted with these fetching ?gar? ments. Novelty Undervests of Crepe de Chine, $5.94 !? inty gmrments are then?**, fash loi ed ?-i softeal pink carep? <u- ?'hin?-. with Empire j ? ' flg? ur?"i chiffon. PVtchlngly flniahcnJ with rii'h.m shoulder straps and bows. - Pink Crepe de Chine Night Dresses, $6.49 Ma-i?** In becoming Empire style, with fie?-!? V-shap?**d yoke <?t flne l l**rench Valenciennes Insertion. I-ow and full kimono Bteevea are daintily finished with beaillna ?and narros/ ribbon. Crepe de Chine Night Dresses, $7.94 Van ? and "Fwnchjr" ar, Empire gowns of finest crepe ?i?-- ?Chine in pink or white. The (i^op. fancy shap**-d yoke and -?-ivrt f-leovfs ;ir<* <?f delicate shadow la? ??. edged xxv.h wjiii- FYench Valen Fancy crushed rosettes of a i?i?- satin ribbon "rive -i dainty finish to 3 eke ?itoi sleevt Nainsook Night Dresses, 99c Twenty atyles of dainty Oowns in ? variety of pretty styles, embroid? ! lace trimmed^ si ?to** price. Night Dresses o? Softest Batiste, $3.96 \'<--r\ S"ft ?*?i;?-] sheer are thi ? dainty gowns "f shell-pink batiste, with deep pointed yoke ?.f une Va? nnes Inzcrtloi v. it), groups of tiny pin tucks, Short sleeves and neck prettily finished with Valen ?i< n,.? - edge and beading, ribbon run. Nqinsook Night Dresses, $3.96 I'iiK-st ?Trench nainsook Is th? material ui d for this charming Night lire?--, with deep yoke snd short sleevei ??i embroider] snd fin? Valenciennes Insertions, daintll) run with wide ?satin ribbon fancifully kimtti'ii and terminating In fetching rosettea Groups <?i tlnj pin tucks effectively finish the front, Petticoats of Fine Nainsook, $2.97 Blender lino models with fitted t"i>*-\ un* dalntil) finished nith Oer? man Valenciennes and Bid lace flouncing and ribbon-threaded bead? Ing. Elaborate Petticoats of Nainsook, $3.96 Daintily fashioned <?f stylish nali - ,vr?iik. with Otted t<??? and German v,-i!.-n? i? nnei la?re flounce over pleated under-rulHe of pink or blue batiste; caught al side with chu ter ol satin floa ? rs. imported French Lingerie Hand-Embroidered $3.50 Hand-Made Night, $J.98 Kx'i'.:*-ii'?ly i*..'in<l - embroidered :,i short, f'i'i sleeves daintily orercotti with ribbon-run French knots and elaborate floral <]o*-]*iiis at?* ii*-?'?i ?>n sleeves and front. Chemises, $2.49 v- i.v exquisite is th?- bow knot and floral spray design hand-em? broidered "ii this dainty garment of oftest ' loth. The neck and sleeves ar?- overcast, snd sstln ribbon is run ihmufrli Um hand? made eyelets. Hand Embroidered Chemises, 74c and 99c Very dainty art* these hand-embroidered garments with overcasl neck and ?leer? -, eyelet i ribbon-threaded Many effective designs al the-? prices. Dainty Boudoir Caps, S2.97 Very ?becoming are the*?e j ?quant C chiffon, effectively ornamented with large Oth? r ( 'ipc ranime in price front 98< ipi ut Princess lace over tinted satin bow and tiny chiffon to $13.40. DAINTY PETTICOATS Specially Priced_^_ fin the Enlarged New_Department on the Third Floor. Centre | Is displayed a world of dainty Petticoats in a delightful variety O? stylei and materia!? Take the Escalator or Elevators and look over the excel? lent values offer-*'!. $3.50 Wash Slik Petticoats, $2.79 ?Straight-llii" mod'?), mad*- of fin" '?uallty strip?-?! wash silk, with deep floun?-?* of Self mai<-rlaj. W>ar?*i ami launder*-: excelteutly, Crepe de Chine Petticoat?, $3,8? Vi-iy ?ii-irity and t-ra**tl?:a] ?r<- DMM Skirts, niadi- with tmt\? |?l<-at.i an?. ' band adjuM-ta?li- to any ttEt fi?*in ?:' in? ?han t-? sdinctMS, Prettily HnHhi-rJ wltn kii?ri?-|l<-*it*''l floun??-, Af^ in of c-CMllent quality a??'! ths c'irni'-nt nnuttuially well Ektee. May he had In ?)l th? ntreet ?ha?!*"-, Heavy Messaline Petticoats, $2.97 Marl?- of AM quality ?V-avy, ?iur aMs insseallnfi with cluster pleated Itounccg ftiiishi-d with sectional I leated rufTI*- and i?leat<?l ?lu^t ralRa ah the new shades, black and staple eolors. China Silk Petticoats,. $3.96 Beautiful Skirt ??f fin*- i'hlna ?ilk. straight-line model, llnlshed prlth de?|i tloiinei- ?if jileat??d shadow l??'<. Vary di-nimbi?. for Summer wear, um h if cool ?oft and tanadars wtU. Negligees, Kimonos an? Extraordinary Dressing Sacques-Special |?I?shof^e Charming nen model?, picturesque in style and fashioned of the most favored ?fabrics for Spring and Summer- wear, Many nov? elties and all the most popular staple styles ?ire now displayed. J The Hew Department 01 me T: iri Flocr. ] C:nve**i;.c":t:y locatci. car the Bscaltttr. ! Crepe tie Chine NefUfees, S"-1?^ Crepe le Cine 'rs.t!?ee SzU, $2U9 \ thorouahl: Pari Ian no%*< if tl?-- Empire coat? ?? entire made of nhadoi- l.i' ?? m ind '*im retl r-.iiin riboon is daintll) trimmed with silk rnaebud The stralgh! skirt h ? di ? i? sla lied flounci ol and shirred ribbon and la? e rufll? s 1. . r?l. ? ri?.'in? ?1. in 1 .ii?' pink ??i- sky blue. Ja^a-tese S.'.<-E:r;bro.c.erc? -'.?mosos, ?6.F4 Hand - ? n bi oldi 11 ?i in typl il ? irlenl tl d<*sl?*;n ind ? ";"i Thi ? K ?no? ar? made of *iiu. have ; 1 mi.-, d saahes and i ed in all th? favored light and dark ?:r Monday an? Tues-lsj in tie Vc-ri ^e:irt?nei:t, !?'. Fl., Centre Kimono model, ? ?th deep rou collar and sir? v< trimming 1 of ?> Ide white Isce and ? hlrred satin ribbon. In pale l'lu? "i I'ink. Cre^e de ?Cblae NecMfees, %f.94 Empire model, >-oke a ni ioevt finrlv tucked, trimmed ''ith wide Bohemian shadoa la? ?? Insertion Will?- satin ribbon un-.n?-. run tiir?>iisii lace ?beading; utraighi r-kirt slashed at sides and Unished n ith satin bo? n, I rose, Copc-n ! hagen blue. Ilghl blue snd pink. Crev? de Chine Nef?ifees. $13.49 \>r> daint) si] le th? I. ' >.ik?- and sleeves with tin? tuck a und n ??I?' collar and - uflfs of c shados ? I .? ?? u iniiii?'?l ?\ iih 1 I rovebuda. Satin ribbon? and h 1 ;i?i?i an ? ITeeth ?? timsii in pale blue or shell pli k. Jaranese Wasl Silk T-r. Diiintv- strip? '? ? '? t"11" 1. Japanese model, \\ Ith w KdRoil with 1 fastening with button Howered frepe Kimoaos, $1.98 1 ,n|..., . ' nod? i m i" ? ? floral pat tern of Jap mes? Shirr?"! satin ribbon trimming ipai ?e S ' [andtrii Co? *>? t? M 1 d-embri Idei ed thi !? iii-tii i'oat \ . . ? ? 1 ma) !??? had In pink, blue, i? ?I. white and in end? r. Dttted s^viss 7 not, s:-r Tw " pretl ? Kmplt ? I? da In lery or \ - ! ? . tin rlbboi 1 Rtwered Crc:-? 7iiricncs J2.97 rinrertlre S! Ii ?TOW, $3 :t \ ? ' attract \ -1 pretl I round collar nnd cufl i re II . rnmed altl with fring? ' Wbbon 1 Pink, blu? I" il*;,"? ?'"'' Uwn Dressier Saccics, 49c irhi Dreaaiag SiCQas?, 55c p ., p, terna i' ?>. -. s ned mod? ,,, ,,f cxccll nt auallty. L rg? ? nnlsh? arlth : I ' ?"'""l ? . back. ? '; ? ; ?? ' In our new. enlarge?*] depart? ment ??n the Second 1-1*?? ?1 - shopping is made delightful by excellent displays *',i the dainty Summer fabrics, finer and more beautiful in ?quality, than evi r before. The esca? lator or elevators ?will take you straighl 1?? the heart of the White ?Goods Section, where i- displayed all that is newest, daintiest and prettiest in Sum? mer Wash Fabrics. All at "Lowcst-in-thc-City" prices. ?$2.19 English Long Cloths (Vec?11) $1-49 Width 12 inches This la Indeed s remarkable 1 alue, as this is th? Un? si quality chamois-finish English Longcloth m an unusual width. Being ??i?i.--?-iy ,.: ?I tin? ly ?? ">? 11. of Bnish and pi rfi ctlj bl< ached, this dalnt: j-1. w.-.ii - and iaiiii?i? is most ? Icntly. \ ? 1 ? d< rs for lingerie and ? hlldren's und? rw?t*ai is limit? ?I to sis hundred pi? ? ? Imported French Voile, ?Special at (yd.) 39c w idtl ?".'.? In ii' - r.. , itlful, sh< ? r quality Impoi '? d ? ? 1 \ oik?, d? lightfully dslnty for .*- frock 11 d blou ?? ?? i.m.1 ?1 isntll ? Women'5$5.00 PUMPS and (COLONIALS,special $2.97 Th? ,ca on's.'" ',1' ; *ners '""I lasts, and in a comply Ifcred at tl rjecial re RBAH dut lion For Monday and Tuesday Only. ,,.?; \ !.!'? ? f.M VI 5"?With I rrr?! buc?cl?. welted Cuhai ; els BROWN <'><,'/l CM I PUMP.5?with heav) ?ilk ribbon bow wtlt? '1 - ! ?' ;''! ' uban n< ' '"? PATENT 1 1 VTHER AND Gl '- ME IM CALF "CO , ??-.i \!.S"- v(t> stylish, ne last d the nets Spanish heeli .*50c Imported English Persian Lawn (yd.) 34c Bxtrs I"? Inch a Idth ? ? ? .11. I tin?' is tin- I" IU? tlful qualltj Persian Lawn, bul ???? fine wi ave i' Is durable, tntlal and launders ? "fcellent \ dslnt* for bloius -, fi"?-ks and fine und? rgarmenta GENUINE BUCK5KIIN BOOTS, $3.96 Infants9 Dresses This Price tor :<r,n<l?y and Tveadty Willi ' '?;?? yt 0 ? ? ? i, fourteen button Boot! ar? th? *> ? '";"''' ": genuine white I nglish Buck s|<m over m< Hum ? amps \\itl? (vi i ed ' ''" ? " ? ' '' "I), and 1? at L. r I uban heel? 'I he leather is strong, durabl \vi11 n??t lose it ? shap?, 1 nd the Shoe i ' ?'-*'-' v ' ?? ma<*e on grac? ful lines and beauti fully finished throng h ont. Fancy b? ad ? 1 ntre buttons give style aii'l distin? lion In t:c r-e ; D? artmeat, rd Floor, 35 h St. : tint-Wabtt*4 Hrestes,89c V'erj dalnl | and ?sell made are 1.f Une las n a Ith fronts "i prctt: ? mbroid? 1*3 . I ?ut? h snd abort l?eev? . 1 re edged, The '?.?i t Is finish? ?I a Ith arid? ng and ribbon , Bis? s 3 to ? Infants' Take Dresses, 99c Th? ?? ?i,.? intI? import? -l Dress? ? bca itlfully hsnd-msde oi pi. i, 1 nainsook a ith small 1.1 yoki . ?!? !?? itel hand?ei i? broldered and pul In ??ith rntr* , '.. ? X.. k and sleei ? ; finit hed v it h ?Valen? Ii nn< ls?c<. BI? 1 1 to ?. 1 50c Imported Fancy English Pique (yd.) 34c ?Width ?"'- inches A firm, substantial ?iloth in ten and dslnt] pattei; -, ?? Hing ;ii i??: a than a ? ??I? sal?*- This material ? I? nl for blous? t, pparatu skirts, dresses and coata, .is it wears and launders ??oil 25c Fine White Shirting Madras (yd.) 15c ' Wiiii'n .".'_' inches \ -1 \ durable ?and attract.*! ?? Is tl 1 ibiic, ui ten pretty ?satin? and . attn-strtp? -and-Ugurs* ii. rial I v ?I? slrabl? for tailored aralste, skirts and l?l"tis? s. As ih?- quantity is limited, we ad iris? osrl pur? basing -_?9 15c and 19c Chiifon-Batiste (yd.) 12c Width *** Inches a Ane, sheer drees fabric with ?-?nft. silky finish. Also eery de? sirable for dainty undergarments. 24c Imported English Dimity (yd.) 12c Width 32 Inches W? are discontinuing these styles ,.f ?lam?- < roas-barred muslins, hi nee th? sai Ing to ? ou. Tha qualiti 1* tin?' and sheer, snd the rained bars are in man,? attra? d? ilgns. Wi'.-ii-.s and launders ex? cellently. Just Received from Europe 1 i,r /'<?- .?? /' leSsMa'*? le doiatp bond ? ork <m<i ht r exq I,i'ii 1.1 ?.." I stmi,'l! 1 ? < ni- m t? i? ihr levels Infanta* Dreaae? Fast re ,,,,ni fi"m Fronce. Of conree, il,, 1 get "" h'lioi-i'iii' "le petit mfant" woor? ?othhxg els? -of Ilk? ???i/iiim?-*-'. soft'si Materials, feteh imihl /?"''' I'*!'?!??"'- I In-" ih'irm tnn little garment? are nU.,iii at ?.??s.i'iii'i i""- ortos? for imported pressas taints' Empire dresses, $4.96 Cunning htti?* Dresses ar? these ?f soili-st tiatlstf. With dSlBty lMUid-em*t,*****'rgd rohoa. Bit? . , 1 prate* P**X iM "":; aarroa ',,??.,,, ix-nx and pr.-ttU> RalSbad with Valeadsanss la-?, beading and rlti-wn- Hanil-niad?' UtrOUgb? out. Slz**? - ,0 j ycarH Dresse? Embroilerei? in Colors, $!.T4 Thrsp Dr.'Sf?***. daintily hand ,.nit>i"!df-r?'1 In fioral Sprays Of Kn.\ ?re mad- In kim??r.., nyle? With iHin-n nfiK *Ed less? sleeves, hand? scsllapsd Hniid-niadc tbreugheut Sizi-s I f I ?vaai* v..? |i?-p.i.iiii--i?i- ?a M. -l.'.ih Si. A SALE of 51LLK5 in Black and Colors \ COU El riON OF REMARKABLE VALUES thai lignalizes ihc move o? the Nil. D< partment t?; it-? 2re2tiy lm:rcvec tBdClUTfCd juarters 01 tie Sec?n?! ?loor. Take the escalators or elevator-, ?Irect to tee Department. $1.75 Satin Charmeuse, Special, 99c ?Width 411 inches In .t complete assortment of tin* mosl desirable ? iiif and evening colors, including black. $1.50 Crepe de Chine, Special, $1.12 Excellent quality, in a complete range ol itreel and evening colors, including black. W idth ?" in? hcs. $1.00 -Tub" Silks, 5pecia!, 5^C A very complrt? showing of strip? efFectn in desirable colors that will no! fade i" wa-hin?. Heavy quality -ilk. Width 32 inches. BIack Silks--Notable Values ~] $2.25 Black Canton Crepe, $1.49? Width ?10 inches Wry durable and of excellent quaKtjr. $1.25 Black Charmeuse Satin, 89c Yarn-dyed snd 4<i inches in width. ExceHe^nl quality. 85c Black Satin iYIessaline. 5*5c Width 35 inches, excellent quality, and good black. B. II. Macy ?t Co.'s Attractions Are Tht-ir IjOW Prices. 9t ?th to ssth ex Women's Tailored Suits at Great Savings Intcrc-tin-*; special v.ilues in Suits for average sized wissen and -*mall women?tnatiy nuwlels taken from reblar stock, others representing an exceptionally fortunate purchase. ?In toe New department. Tniri Floor.I I Ccnveiientiy Reacfcedjby_the^?^LOatorN$L| Russian Blouse Suits -r??-*,- rn a o? Men's Wear SergCt ??X*J } A special purchase ?enables us to offer this very smart model at this exceptionally attractive price. Made ??t men'- serge of excellent quality, in navy Mue or black : the coat, trimmed with straps and hutton*?, has a ?rest?e i?t' Chinese printed ?ponge. The draped skirt is shirred at the back and ha- a fitted girdle top. Suits Now $24,74 and $34.75 Were Forr.?r.y $33.T5 to I48.T5. Russian blouse, cutaway and strictly tailored model-, custom lini-lit-d and very finely made in every detail. In all the newest materials, including: W?Ml ?o:ii.-, :jre2ich Serjre, Bedford Cere ani. Fine Mc?'s "''ear Serje. lu a full range of -tapie and new spring colors. STREET, AFTERNOOiN and EVENING DRESSES Were $44.75 to $48.75, now $38.75 Were $29.75 to $34.75, now $23-74 Holiday and Tuesday Only at These Prices Set ?re- of smart Frocks in the most fashionable fabrics and in all favored colorings. Tne Seasons PUttels Taken from P.egu-ar Stock < iffered at special reductions because the range of size*? i*? somewhat broken. In tue New Department, Third Floor. Conveniently located Near tie Escalator. Saxty-n?ne Dresses Now $38.75 Were $44.75 to $48.75 Many are adaptations of imported model*-?all arc decidedly modish, very find) made and finished. Dresses <?i crepe ?h chine, satin charmeuse, crepe meteor and Canton crepe, trimme?! ?with fine lace.-. Bulgarian and Chinese embroidery. _ Seventy-e?ght Dresses Now $23,74 Were $29.75 to $34.75 ?Charming models, with ?iraped, surplice or bolero bodice ef? fects and gracefully ?Iraped -kirt.-. Spring's best colors in crepe de chine, charmeuse and silk. WOMEN'S DRESSED ?of STRIPED VOILE, $4.96 Por f.oncay and Tuesday. In t?ie New Department?T?lrd F:oor. 1 ?ngerie "with imari . Ions line tfft ??i:t -kirt. \ These frocka collar and oiit?*-. hemstitching and embroidery, trimmed, and civet bow. Narrow panel- oi i\vor-i'?l -tripe- add to tlv* ??;. and diagonal rows <>f bttttoaa trim both bodice and -.veil erv well made, and piped with poplin in matching color may be li.?d in On ' a l.nn ndcr ? nine ? Itinrk? \ mu nii'l ?Iron ii with Whits HtriptA Our LINING Department Now ra Second Floor, 34th Street, Front I?i ?>tir new and inoro commod?MlS quarters, reached by tlic Esca i.itor and Elevators, are attractively displayed the newest, prettic-t and mosl complete line <?t Linings we. have ever shown. All the 5ea**nn's newest colors and materials are included. $1.00 Yard Wide Lininr; Satin, Special, yard, 69c For Mtltltj and Tuesday Oaly This is ?? beautiful quality of lustrous silk face Lining Satin ?with stout, substantial cotton back that insures wear. Especially suited for spring wear, as it i*. medium weight, closely woven and comes in ,(u the season's ncwesl shades as well as staple color-. Unexcelled for wear, ami guaranteed for two seasons. Colors: White, rrreiw, cgggry,tsrcn4cY,CoEeEk?*fftE, iiiiinl Uhir, nhl rote, ?n'lrl, ?text, /'."'/"'. .'?/?'''/. ?""'/. tk$ bitte, ''mil. pink, nil. Broten ?""/ bltok. Material Saviogs 3n Fiiue TABLE LINENS For Monday and Tuesday Crly la tie New "Department on tte Second ?!oor, 3Sth Street. The woman who feels S pride in the excellent quality of her Table Linens "ill be delighted with this opportunity to procure such excellent linen- at such low prices. $2.25 ~afcie Clcths of lrhh linen Damask, $i.44 J yards square. These cl?>ths are of .incst. gen? uine lri-h Ml-linen Damask m a Very extra value at this ; number of delightful designs and patterns. Poll two yards s?iuarc. $2.00 '"able Cloths of linen Damask, $1.24 Si/e. 70 inch by 70 inch. Beautiful cloths <*f pure Irish Linen ?Damask in five dainty de signs price. $2.25 (doz.) Linen Napkins, $1.69 (doz.) Size. 22 inches square. Beautiful pure thread Irish Damask Napkins, in tivc new, dainty de itgns. Will wear and launder excellently. 6?c Dress Lamen (yd.) 34c Imported from France. Width 46 inches. ' Beautifully woven of round, linen threads, this is a heavy quality Ramie DrtfSS Linen, most desirable for outinii costumes, suits, separate -knts and dre-se-. As tin- wears ami launders so excellentl>. is so in-- in quality and finish, it i- natural that it should be the most popular wash fabric of the>n For Monday and Tuesday Cn!y in the New Linen Dept., Second F.oor, 35tfc Street.