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Beavtifvl Elizabeth, N.J. "THE CITY WITH THE OPEN DOOXT Elizabeth Board of Trade a Vigorous Organization Itls Doing Splendid W. For the Benefit of A! Residents of the Town. The Board of Tradr of the ? It) of _ brih i? on?- of the reos! ? c?ni'afn:ir of :t*> kiixl in this ? was orgai.iz.-d ?beut twenty-a? ne, itrs priman obj? et Ix Ing "to Elisabeth on th' That H iss tueco ?. ah?.! th? las? making Widely known th? prod Industrial cent! f this Northern (few ?!? n ghoul United Stab n for? Ign p I Ufldtsputed faet " ? en Inn instrumental In making ?? ? !?r*-'iinc place for the building hoiri- s >4 which it? one is likely to dtopro? Twenty yean aso I clt) of Elizab had a population Ol about (12,4*0*1 It I? ? ! to doubt? thai T umtx r Next 4T.,r it will c?l?br?t? ears u ? aa a aettl. nent ;?.'.!??' . sondei n-iati'ifaetu: in-r .nd resld?*ntla1 devel - \ ;ll*:i ' ?- ,.S th pll And In em ry i ? ? ? adv i. ..f the la'ti.r*. and bom Roard ol ?Trade liai been a pow? a?ctaa*. White m? within the t a esmpriaing "_r__beth, it Bald, on '''? t-*b? ? '????' I aWdtng to i th.niie record? slsty-frve peri i th of si lei rwn in We* it it? thoimht that the plao i EllSStethtOWn m honor of th. ?? Oeorge ?art. r. I The SlSt ! there In letS. The PI i -i. t,. ?r go* rot of the low* an end In 1708. In lito King . lee - '1 a . hart - to the I- ?? ? mskll g H r.. '.'.r?a mtX 1' * 1 - .. ? charteT 44-sj? grant?*-*] to It. Thi tosrn art rai h t*it* ind two years la. county .?"hi of l'nioii Count) The Board of Trade launched ? industrial expos't i'?u which "as held Elizabeth in Pebruary, and wl Ich was ; tended by promli.*?nt persona from vario parts o? ti.? country, That expo Iti. for.-efiiu?. ?-..?'? i the manufacturii Btrength of Union Con I and of tbe ..;?? ?'?' RMsabetb. it undoubted Vlped to ?prea?l the name und fame Klir.abeth. and !? is Bald that the car palgn of publl Ity which was conduct? for nearly foar montha prior to ihr ope Ing of the exhibition sisa never gorpaas. In the history of the town A member of the Board "f Trad? speaking about tne reasons which act. ?ted the holding of th?* exposition SSM ?Aas principally "to show th? variai i h-op? ajid importance of the Individual II 1 dustries and of the industrial _ Elizabeth, to stimul?t'? < 'vie pride and ?i ?ourage the citizens of t'nioii ''ountv t patronlie home, industries, and to inoi fully apprerlate th?. niatiiifa?-tur? rt V ?ated here: to tench HI to IniOW an<l S| preeiate to .?-'now th? Worl what Elizabeth and I'nion ?'ounty an an?l to bring to the exhibiting main fa?.Hirers and to the City ? -ounty va: benefits from the great Sdl | yn etmductad In conn<KU<t- with It, ' The auecasa of that ? ap?*?ritlon upon an on*-- o? the most brilliant ni'tilfl of th? BO?Td Of Trait. The boar? however, expects to accomplish man more things of gicaicr :niponam e for th upbuilding "f Elizabeth In the near fut urc. : The supicmacy ..f the tOWS ...4 , great Industrial centre naturally depend an the lmprovem?lata Of It? watsrwayi ? 'onsivquently. the organization II workini energetically to have the Elizabeth II,4. dr-dged and wide end for a com-air rauh dlsuiicfe. It ae?k_ to have the river ?* thtOS and I tott deep at mean low It will not r?;-t com? i.t untl the river Is extended to the I'.road b;id_e. ?yhefl th- question of the imptovemeni Of the river v.a- ii: >t g i\o aied in th" board government engineei*, .shook their heads and said that the preponed improve? ments were not feasible., and that if they were the lum of money which would be g_a*a_B*a*>Jy t?> unlertake them would be prodigious This pronounrement did not dishearten the organization, but rather spurred it on to double its energies to have the run navigable to larger t-SaarSsS, liiinly believ? ing that It* plans, which had In . n drawn ui> a/ter lengthy analysis of the situation by experts, could be carried out at a ?om paratlvely i-mmU cost. The governm? nt experts were eventually w"n over to the hide of the board. The government hah aa-propi_itlA ?17, <i00 for the dredging of the rlv.i. and this work of Improving the waterway will be CsrrM OUl tin? >tar. This appropriation is only the, first, it Is reasonably thought, i ?>f similar sums to ?arry the projet to the end sought for by the organization. Elizabeth 1rs ri? ii |g atyyye front, i-ordcr iiig for a long distan'?' th? waters of the .??rtiiur Kin. The kill sepdrstes Noriltern \ew Jersey frota state?, Wand. More iban aUMI vaaajsJa paaeci through the km from Januar) ! to S?*ptemt??er I, ills, The government will soon be I Uall) en gaged in making the Arthur Kill, fie-m the Uppei Bi 0 f deep a I ? ' ..... ?t. ding it^ wkjl For ( purpoi ????-???? ? will be m allable. Thus, I ?? . :t la ... .1 th? kil'. ?? per cent s . . d? ? i" irg? . ?<> iii-i. na ? ? ? It to ? ? ' ?". ? ?con., ny In fed. ? fo| !;? ? ? t . ? ? I It lias !" ? ? ' '.4 ill !.' rowi ? ..f lhI rey i federa B ta ten I ? ' and that I ? > Is,, mtl. credll has be. Board ..<- Ti . for w ha! 't did to ad? ? ? t< ? H ? the \4.i ? on a si f. I Elizabeth !'??? ard late. ? ? ... t :. . ? wa a firs! Bliss ? What <'.i < t ?.*.-i.1 t'r - deepei erst rwa ? ? . :i I ;:?- mdusirial zr->\\ lb of I la a qw I " many msnul te ., ri'v. plant .?:?? asking. m would be dlffl? llmati da ti.. many I will fall to the lot of i I it will 4 ? ? ? . ? ? of this pott and will ]- rtnlt of d floats I of N? w Jersey, of th? Uli get Manufacturing ' omp ? ? ? i . t.. arid " .... ? - ?? I be able to i ttirr.ij-.-l, the k, I, and Ulli ? ' B 0 Will result In another big Baring in ll ? rnenl i . Th- Board of Trade succeeded somt yean ago In freeing the Elisabeth River of ?f-wT pollution. At Iti .. the . it4- :- ter?*eptlng b? w< r '1 he or? ganlsaton with nt. II >i ? - esr i t.. score another big rictor) for the p. " ple b) getting the proper grad? .!<*.*a lion. desired by the Pennsylvania Rail? road, ?m terms Just to all. 'I hi P. lUlsyl . desl?es to have sis tracks Ins! of four, a.- at i? ? ? ? nd through the, ??.-.. n, m . t>. ha ... wtthtn the dt) elmtaated Much op? position ha lo th? Pennayl i plan. i.. ? .. ? ? town think ?he railroad will gel the bet? ter of the bargain with the ? I "We fed sun that we will have this mait. r adjusted in a friendly manner and one fair to all part), s Interest-*)," said ? member of th? board -rest? rd . r. William F. ' ? ? n C. Mtnoi ? ' . ?? tu ? 'i ? liuirmai i ? sntnltt? ?. Meml?ership s : l; i Mili-1. \ ?? M ' man; I? :' " ? et F rit? i ' n .-. ? . " i . . ? m. ? , man l'etei 1.1 lames M M i ? |<-, Mai ? ?-I. A ? - Railroad Minor. ? i. . ? Prank, V\'. E. ran I? Ora i \d ertlstng Lamm? rdl I" E Walla... I Jon? :-. Dr. 1 Manufa ft i ... i lloyla. !: T i ?? ? ompam, Willi New Jei I ? ... K. ? ? ? Merci N H? Kred? I lion i.?I.i Mes h i Mael man; P. C. Osten \I? man. ; i I. ? ?haul" luv? llgWti' ' ??' airmai W i ? VVerren H ? D Smith .?:.'. th .?.i Wai < halrman: Oeners D I i oil i Calhoun, "? 11 ; ?? ? i genott, H*r.nk .? Devin haener, W, F Grove? A V*? Ma lohn ,i Byrnes. D i! McLean I ii? II? r. c. M? i:. Whlttemoi J< hn Lai . rdlng, N I: f_*a? nt. lohn M I i: B Miller, A McManui E. n. Mulf. laOUiS Qui in. ir If M. V.oo?ar?, A O. Murrs; , P. E Wallace, llu i ' A HEALTHFUL TOWN Death Rate in City of Elizabeth Last Year 14.5. ? ' , ? ? . 44 If I ? n envlabl? i ? ? fflcer. 1 i two i tors of pe .... A irk is itlon. It h ?:? a milk old N- w Yorh :ii Ilk . of that Milk . milk, ? i place en II ? ? us. i" 'i i,: i. n ti i ? ..; ii, a it m often takee ii.. . prevenUv? work n war? the '.. I,am?- I;., i i I p .|..- luai th of the ? iiii dron ?sss well prot? ? I < 'm.du n with ? .? lit sro In? stin. i.?i to cei ih" proper giseses '?>. ? " .?.??.. r nth.t m. . ? ? iltlea are rev? ale is an lull of the . ispi tl i?r. ar on a taken i<? 11011-04. the ' ' -e'l The Health Depart nt Another thing which the Hoard of Trade is ppan?lui man) hours advocating la ?*? ere. lion of a ant*? Matron f-.r Ihe train of lh? Peoni 11 Central Railroad el Ne?A- Jersey. _SSg than one hundred feet aepsrstM 'he two atstkms nos v ? ? . improv? n? nu under consideration fm lha dty O? _*l*a? heth The Board of Trade la partleulsrly ? ious to h.'ivr Morns SVSnU? straightened and to have opened many strf? ts ?Which were closed ?.ear? figo, when the ('entrai New Jotaay and P*mi*_ytvania imlttoai elevated their rtghl of wav through the ? The oflleers of th? hoard .?r- Ft* sj.lrnt. C. H. K. Hals. ? |oi -?.: esJdl nt. .lohn C. W, _n-_n*~rdlng; aaoond vi< ??-president, .lohn iv Arnold; aeti ? : m. Wiil iam F, ??roves. i-< asuni, *-?;?mu??fL I" I Ogden. board of trustees, Joseph EllbwU?* I [TENNIS at kings lawn Electric Illumination Will Per? mit of Gamos at Night. Tenssi la ;? popula poat*"i*-ri nt Kingi Lawn, one of the lanes! residential de? . ? lopmmtl of HrooklMi Foui i. ?n <"iiit were inns: r M .'?! 0 t." pi ? p? If) I . . reai The Klnga Lawn Tennti Club 4?,i ? .. built ISS. year OH UM proper!*, of I'-i' li nrd C. Doggett, owner end build-?r, >.f Kings l.a?.4n. at Avenue ?.' and Ocean Parkway. Mr I ??.-_,-. it h., Wnstl-Cted st ..w n ex| ? n. ? i i ' tr courii winch will have am" ? electrical lllumii ? tion and win permit of inemhii' playing tennis ??t nlgbl Mr. pOggett will t\>n ottet a I. nal *-?|V?T CUP ,. a point 'I Opt) to I? . on, y< ted for in the (.'.nun.: mason. BUYS JACKSON AVE. PLOT Long Island City Parcel Bought by Pittsburgh Man. \\ .ilia., i HardgTove <>f the Qi*s*ens? i.oii? Corporation, has aokl for a client to W, i? Hamilton, ?' buatnei msn "f Pitteburg a, i.. ?'<. ? iusre ie. t on Jackson avenue, Long island City, The property la two .md ?? half MoClaS from t!" QUO? i.s B_ro Bridge r?a/.,! and .?d|;i'.'iit to the Good]. a, in. .nd it ;i.'i. r ' ompany plant The i., |, .? paid foi th. pare. I 5 .. ... I . p| n, i ?? ,s o|i III- line of the li'.w iranait routs ttnva Hew fork to <^ ? i ? ? and the rale is a direct result of this tram?t imuruvt-ravnl. nui e i to ri ?i the horn? ? of.? famOlaa and t" insiru't the mothera In the cote of their 04. n h.aith .hi.1 that of their t m iii b, particularly their ??hii.iren. This s.-rvi. c iia. seen greatl* a?pp?*sclatsd by the rnajority ?>f th.* fastadttea visitad. The lb 1 Hi I" -part nient is carrvlng OS a n?"S qnltO ' Kb 1 initiation campaign along the m..-1 approved llosa. Marshy hwad is being drained ami |**Jsd in a?1*?s*svsr vo* albl? Bach year the department rj_*CSa a 4,11,1 10 ynd Inarpsetlon throm-honi the city 111 o?d. i- lo remove' ipiti? .. ssarv lit '?i 111 th? yards and I" l?ec|? va ant prop ? i" H". ..f rubbish, etc. The ?lepurtmont ? ais. don.? rmtch work lately ?" mwtm* ing th.. htaodlng pi??cea of lllaa. A revision of the ?aniiarv OOda Of the CH) ot Kll.-al.eth I? likely ?" ta adopK-d BOOA I ii?l.'t th.' leviHion food ?'??,l ?lru??" inspection and h.,u?lng condition:? SfU. !"? irnnrovcd. v ? lOWer than that ?if N?w York or of an* ??itv ?.i egnal Bise In New Jersey. With taxable valuations of more than $ .'??.i. the clty'a net ln?lebtedness is lee? than ).,.? 1.1,1.011, off ;ti?,nt | p,?r rent. I'll?- Hlid police il. partim-tits. efficiently oiRani/a .1 and tubs managed, prob*, t in'-- ami propert) in thla ?'?i\. The fire I???? in the r. si.l. ntial dlatrlctg is neglt gihle and crime 1 almost unknown. Indu.? trial progreag BAS playsd an im? portant pari in the devslopiasni of the ??ity of BUaabeth for more than a century. The ? ity is located in the ?entre of th.? ?AorMs Kreat????! ?llsnici, and h"tb skilled and unsklllc.l lahor can hn procuiiil under the most sat us?a? fry oondlttSos, U'uatory sites ot say BBSS, from one-half acr.- up to mi" hundred acres mid more, ran be procured at moderato prices, and the Hoard of Trade ?stands ready ut all Its Residential and Industrial Features Elizabeth Has Long Beei Known as 'The City with the Open Door." n? 'be Pugld Bf. Ir.rdr nf ?,r'Ii. N I Cliy of Mon ? *"itb th. Open Door." Tt ? . all lh? Sir, par ' ' : aa th. ?? pi the ehur that make cil ? tlcutarl! i ? furnished by t roads?I t> ?and j. ii nesuiy ona hundred ami : ectlon. 1 time fi ? ' ten ' . ? ,. or ren' m -Usai ?th to ' advanta" ? nt of tW well ballt h.?? with , ; . ommodlou? ' ? ren'al vi i n - . ? ? to ' i home 1er of I bank ? ? :i the a i laildinga and a mu ! ? i 'ion's have ? lion has i? eu providi d; t ouras ol I end r. wi ??!? n; the b 1? - 11 II.i ?? a. .1 , . ! II'. :.i. : ? ,i , ? m ?v. iv ci.,,i.. ,4|,,| :,-t,.?,i ?,, addition th? ? ' ' modi tu high school, i" i ' - i ? I ol tie Rl ? the city ...iidii.t parochial Bchools In th.. c gehooli. which ? . ? ?. i u toi" In the , ? educational ther? :?r. un. hundred tesohera There ?re a numb?? ??!' pris it? acl oola the rid? Bous i training In ? ?. and acad?mie work. ?mpta ; . . mad? i"i pi.i.? grounda ^v ?t-l' all Ii-* adva-it-iKe?. i:iizabeth is '??on-iinii_Ily j-oveniol. I;.. t?\ rate la ' ? msnufsrturers In tea? ? Th?. facilities of 1 filed froi srclal . th-? - ? ? M id I ti ough ?he in addition, the i Lacks I .. ? ? 1 taUon fa? ' . ' The r*.*v .r,d the Anil ? ? ? ? ? ' ?a ??-? ' : I Pull? ? - I ? ' ' . ? I , a nd ?? Iron e?j. I? IS HOUSES FOR THE MASSES Proposition Considered for San? itary Queens Builrir Now 1 re-re at tar.* hav? ougl unaai as, and I...- | . o. principal in. t of greater Nes certed i ? sa * ? man) ? ' ! ? wd< -im disti The ef realt) ty Compa lu this cil but wh been d Btvatad in i'. ; id i to ? It i ! thoussnd'lot it ' hciit heat and hoi water '?? ?? at (.?in ment *i i ,? about " I Manha a a III not es * a wet a i? i >- ? for ; will I : : i If .h sired, > h ??lied to m a -? wing iii.p'hlne in a r r room aatei ted on thr? tine . nabl lath II I.? W.'l k "l"h lions than In th of tn ? facl that all Ihla arork, \4h. in ; a. praaent >!?" ? m the boni in iin lastt or pi?-. a WOffh It is . st. ra.w in . ?, . . .?! .-?? " " _ urmant warka. ? m Manhattan, who : ,1! the Cllg.-: !? d <U .. .. ? ?a ? ?? BROOKLYN SALES. Krc.i. rick s.nitha. k I I ? I' Mini Oeorg? B. _sv?rtt a CJo. have boM No ij(; Atlanta avenne tor the kWvtooaXata <n i rank ti.omisa?.n tor Inn ?ta joi -, i' Burke sold tor man .'. Wslah th? old lt.iv Bidgfl Athletic ?'lub house it KO? 111 and lit li th Mi.'.t. .? two St? I frame Liiildiiu*. OB B plot 10x100 feet The buysff la the .?*?'< atidiiiavtan Mission, which will octrup) ? III. hard Von Lehr, jr., BOad for th? Mclntlra Building Compaa) th. stucc? isrelllng h?ooea .?. No i"*.'.? MaUwid Man? as to John .. M< I The Hulkl.?- a? Hoi Ion CmWPOgn hna sold toe .! ti BoMaaann the three ?xoit dwelling house N?>. S3 Arlington 1*1 ?*'?g