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SOME ATTRACTIVE BUILDINGS OF ELIZABETH, \. .T. Dual System Projects Cause Big Demand for Houses. Th" KB'iinc <-'f the iubwa contracta baa ea -? ?-? ?'"'?' it that p, - ... th? ?? : w. rd Bora iffb ot ??? -?? ted by th? Libert ? ? Pulton ?rtreet elavntsd line Ion ?? to have a termlnu* si i.?*f nu? in th?* Olen Horria sscUm <";??-- Morrii Is a leatiictad home d*. --?>-<?nt. nun?! b9 the MStfOPOlll [And nf| .4 houses have ah been built an?* ??Md. an-i M?*aaiae-a othsra ar^ , tra? tad for , . ..... ..-.. ? ? rultoa atr?*M sit? ue provtdee the OIsb llorrta sse r ..n with esprt ? ?Ed ? tit* eepX t -< la Manhattan, thus openini; another ??--. -i ?-if the ritv to ih?* hoaaa SSSkat de ?lring a moderate prfosd arttStM house ? ,.???, \n also tocaud oa Um ? i Roekawa: Bsadavartl, wfcloli la ta hare a width of IH foal ??d which will rival in the OsoMa Parkway si Brooklyn. - | . ,,...? thlckljp dotud ?ith trssa *-?; these, in addition tO the mi?e streets ?? fui air. n-a!<e r.l.r Morris one of the masl dsstrsWe isaldantlal tan??as. The ?JssaJopOMBl la nnv? full ? Its proved, ?ad in addltfaa has a DubU? school and ?.?or?? TWO trolley ?men boi;nd the pror? . |?| ., - the Brook1>-n Rapid and Um Law Island ?'??>>? road ! ng otty aeeesn to the Kiathii?h aveau? - - station. Brooklyn Brtdfs ? ania tsrsalaal. Prestdenl ?Wllltami ot Iks Brooklyi Jtapid Transit Company pay? the "offerts ?veau? "'. sxtsnalon will he th?~ ? This -MtnOunwrtnw?? prob seeouata for the rush for houaes and i-c ih? thai Is kotfttn raal ??t'?-' in thin section unuanslly tatty. BIG BROOKLYN PLOT SOLD. V. .1 <v>h<*n has MM ?o Uvula ii IaOW ia?t< n I p!of at the aoulhwra? eOTIMt Ol -,,,,- Newklrft srsnues. Brooklyn, ?nl?i?-d St $1 ' '''''' HIGH CUSS FURNISHED APARTMENTS THF: NEVADA 70th St. and Broadway IrwM ro-nn sMrtmaati hssutlfsil*? hwafejhsd; all Hfkt ro?-m?. t?*0*Og ?"???i??? -?o ba'h*. ?u-?tiv rsdsssd i?4 cotmabua - A HANDftOMEI-T furnlahsd als-rjoa? on? "Watflli fmnr Sf-sriment, io mu trw *"*?> ' ta Beptemb?! it. r-ou'h?? egpeturt. aw ? i h Hl(7i.?-?i ?la*-. fireprW ****** - v,M for tut ? ?** l*W "****** *,r ??llirn purpoae? Two re in? i'? ?***>? ?? ?" ?uKw?, ?t-.tlon lieferen??-, r?*oiilr?vl s" r", Phon- ti;?? RIvereM??, ?rom ? '" '[i ir aiV?hi-ir,'K Dr.WK. *?''*? r?e roo-t??. ?nrt *???*- *--?-- ??-?-- ?,,,?, floor, ?par?mep? runi?? 177?. I.e*?*rtne*. aiv?h?-ir,'K r>r.i\ k. i ?>?r"lh faetna Di ? ? -l!? fr??!?i3i.?jn? M-irnini **an*hA IN THE RAIL AND HARBOR CITY. Elizabeth >s the county seat of Union County, Nrw Jersey. It has ft population of 79.750. In 1890 it had 37,7*4 resident?.: in 1900. 52.130, and in 1910. 73.409. It is located only twelve miles from New Yor'K and ?s or. a direct alt? rail highway to old New York, Its railroad facilities are vastly !,u,?'r'or t? the major.?/ of rap.di? gro?*ir.g sites m thi? metropolitan aren. The Pennt,/! ?.ama. New Jersey Cen? tral. Lehtgh Valley. Philadelphia ?S Reading. Baltimore & Oh.o and the Rahway Valley railroads have direct routes to Eli.-abrth. while the Lack?. wanna and the Erie railroads have branch connections. Its waterway? ?re conducive to a strong and quick industrial growth, aa ahown by the industrial development of the cty in the last twenty years. Vast sum? are to be ?pent by the government in i m p ro ."* **i tiiese facilities. It has nearly fifty-two miles of paveH streets, an rire^ of 9.7 m.le?. and six parks, with an area of 20.42 acres. Its total miles of modern sewer main? is 71,75 mi'es. One of the most notable improvements m the system in recent yrars was the building of an intercepting sewer, so as to end the pollution of the Elizabeth River. A further improvement of the proiect is likely to be made in the near future. ? It has many public and private -chools, flourishing churches of various denomination?, attractive social orga mzations and active and useful civic associations. In 1900 it had 141 manufacturing plants, wMti a capital of $15.951,174. with an annual salary list of $5,475.852 and wth 9.498 employes. The value of the products was $22,861.375. In 1910 it had 163 manufacturing rstaMishments. with a capital of $26, 774,000. an annual salary list of $8.565.000 and with 13.538 employe?. The value of its products for that year was $29.147,000. In 1900 the assessed value of real estate <n the city was $30.296,333: in 1910. $57.408.430 90. The tax rate in 1900 was $1.776: in 1910, $1.60. The net indebtedness of the city (bonded indebtedness less sinking fund assets) In 1900 was $3.207,834 33; in 1910, $2.982.166 83. The deposits in the banks of the oity in 1900 were $1.169.340 99. the number of ?hares of building loan associations issued 34,168 and the re? sources of building loan associions $2,502.352 R8. In 1910 the sum of the bank deposits was $10.425,26185, the number of ?hsres of building loan associations 49,653 and the resources of those asso? ciation? $3.912,305 22. APARTMENT HOTELS. ?*-?. THE LANGDON ?|L,V SIB Av. and 56th Si. ^*ff NOW OPEN. NEW YORKS LATEST FASHIONABLE HOTEL. Apartments may be ha? o( any ai? unfurnished on yeariy lease only. ,i,r rpiK-t atmosph?re Drf-p-ed ?.pecially for ^*^?<^J ,,f , well ordered home with all w advantage?, ol i modern riotei? ?^laurant ? in ,.,, .SSS ?*"?"-"" ? **** lewhltti sm? lartitnlan ** -''r""'' I FDMUND H. CHATILLON. Under the ToFeWSst* Direct.^ ol EDMUN1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET rit?W annagt. MtlV JKK-IKV i MOUNTAIN LAKES, Thousand Acre Residen NEW IFKSF.?. NEW JKKSBI. Ideal . ill-V rar Round Country Hornet. Situated Id Most Beautiful Eection Xrar \e*? York. Train nervtet from Mountain Ijokes Station. (3 minute*1 run on train. PRICE $7,000. HALF-ACRE PLOT AH our houses Are tabstantially constructed by our force of workmen ?mdrr the personal sur crins ton of ex? perienced foremen. HaraflPOO? trim. rArquct floors, steam heat, open fire B?ACet, hoi Afld Cold <WAt-r, ArtestAI -WAtc Ha? iar??. li\ inc . Bin, rr ?p-i^n '?'l. dining i ? -?*.. im) . oairi un ilrnl H"Or. f? ? and I*" tll?f| bathroom? on sseePd floor. elecinc liqht, police protection. BEAUTIFUL LAKE DRIVES AND ?MILES OF GOOD ROADS Two Piciuresque lakes " ~^"i"- 'i .pi ~<~r raBBsl ?^i?i'h*-. ^-^-T'i7?- ~ ' y^Ws^tS n z[zR3?Xe,& ? - -...*--. ^,. , v*?.v -?$&* "? - ??_?_ >. ?n #??-.?*-*?4 ?*?v ?'--' ?a?** - i__ -a. 1 ?.. ' ?. PRICE$3,500. 2 HALF-ACRE PLOT5 I i . . WHICH U.L RESIDEN! S OF Ml >1 vi \!\ i. VKES HAV1 \i TU VL RIGHTS. 750 FEET ELEVATION. DRY, PURE \ND CLEAR I - i '?. :;i ISH1 l> C< IMMUNITY". , CHURt. AND STORES PRICE $10,000. ACRE PLOT o-^.n- laVe?. . Mi?e living ? rraeiHi -.nlnj: mom. but'1*"-'? pantry, and; r. ?n ?I eep r- room?. th.?-.? rii.ri ba't-i? and nuio"r. tares ?leaping rooms, eteseta and ti ..m thi*'i Be -.?i c\e, !?. MOUNTAIN LAKES, INC. 170 BROADWAY, ROOM 1001. TEL. 1521 CORT. ' :.:.:rz:?i '&*&. A Splendid Opportunity to Get "^SSTIS-alfl A Bungalow Site FREI Ever) contestant, whether i|iialii\in<* ?>r nut. will re? ceive t tt\ "? K?man |oM?ftaieked jlffy'l collar pin-. Everybody Coining 75 WorJs from the Phrase "BUNGALOW LAND" Will receive a deed to a beautifully located bungalow site At Lake Grove Heights, Netcong, N. J?. 2nd Section ? ? W. C. REEVES & CO., Dept. WT?, 124 E. 23d St., N. Y. At Rutherford Seein' is Be lie vi K'-.i.i .uni I'hen Come and Sec. ? ? h ? m ' . ' ??il. ? ? ? i ; ? ' 'i H ; ? - ?; ? For i i I at 257 ?CarrottS Avenue. T! one 526, Rutherford /'DESIRABLE SUBURBAN HOME ? ? ?. i i venilla) 11 and flower | i ? ? I HAVE 50 ACRES Ei*zabctt: " ?developed R. L PATTERSON CRAFTSMAN SEMI-BUNGALGW. ? , ? ,.ri -i in r. (ul ? ? ? In On -, m Ity; a ? ? ?, ? < re??! 'I * M I t i \ l(t \l I ? ? IIMIWI. i: ? M ? i'?? H II ? .. . ...-;? I . ?? * I 1 fi.MM-irt,'.. S KM I ? \ - ! ? ? - ? ' ? i ? . . ? H M I .?I || . ?I >l? 111-1 lit l ??I NTi. "FIELDSTON" an itaDALK-OM m o-aox ni I \l II I I? t-1 \l ? IN? IN RIVER VIEW MANOR. I , ?? ?II'. ? ml ?-'--?ft ": H i . ta i *?. :.?? ,,...t . ,,?? -. vi ? i- ? ?- ?i ? ? . ? ,r ; ,. . ?? ? I -, - . ?n-H -a M ?A jsT?i ,11 ' ' I- (.-.'I I III - . . wat , i . -, j n? . lot i'? ?-? ' im ' --.i? i? i ?je|.Ina ?????? ! ? *?' ?"" .i HOW] i.:. ! I : i '"? Lswteai i i...i. ;*-? i ?iv?. I?.I.\M?. HILLS AND WATER. ... ? in .lust Such ? ?Location, Water Front Plots Anil So eral I '.r.iut iml Modern Mouse??. AT SANDS POINT, L. I. i ,. ? ai ? 1 ' ?? ? 542 Fifth Avenue, cor. 45th St. GREAT HOME BARGAIN. Su.%0 Buys $6,900 House. ? ??i- : ? ot ?? , ? h i??.???? ? i . ? , . . ? . ' ? I . i, ert . ? ,\ ? mvNi ? ?PHONE 8425 MAD. SQUARE. WATERFRONT , i ? ? ?i ? eat and ? i - in-* HHOflE nK Ht'NI 1X0 IIARBOR ai led by 7 a .. orcha ? p?dd??c-li and i a? -?? ?hade trena ind poulu i ? in of i he im-'' on i ? ia Ulaad. not H lev? ... . ? prefei nir; ? ?i.i? y isii ION1 n : . I*H "l II? ?MB, irllh I? ? ' net , . . li HVMII M. (il RXRII. llun -???? i. i . and 29n Broedwa?, s v I-ARM. 128 acres, 40 miles out; best farming land on Long Isl? and ; has house, barn, etc.; 2'_ miles from depot. Price, $75 per acte. Farmer, Commack, Long i ' ind. i. i i :>???>? aome et? eptleaall) I ? i:?:l M?i:i.i RlNCAi/i-jV i ? Clreel South Bey, . . (mm mi- tetro? Boi ,-?-.. Cc-pt i i _ _ ? ?. ; mom In ?-' ?- li - ". $n? n nthl ; little rafth TBNSBR. (??plann? I. 1 SY.Vl YORK STATE. OK A DA Ibtful ?-?' Ite <?n I*k* ? i . , - ? ...???? to ? i'?' ? i ?. mar' ?? hi for /?a!r Of r? Ri SU \ Henn N ? \ M l'Oit*??' N M . hop ii II '.'?"." ' ? . ? ? ???-,?. i?i ?ell ?>n term? v.. ? - WM.K RI li N ' COI VTKV CAZENOVIA LAKE: pot? of tl i .-..o r?.rt abe? n itlful ??????. and ? n ? reei ? ttarni . ? .?. i ? i , rooms Ihree bel ? gii tul! o? - rtooklng th? ?unit ins ? euni ? ? foi m i i' A? t mlnut ? oui th? atet loa na adam blshwaj y . ? lion ippiy i" either ?-f the fol le? Ins ? M? Min > a lliilrlill r ? .. ?? ? ?d ii *.. ?? Xetk ?. m -?r\m i *i. - ?/ ??? .?. n r 1 op PAlJg ils \? ItK- WEM, !?? ? . "BID redi i i ? I it? oi ? ittt? btlon Plenty of fnilr. rim?-, r ?nd -retSI Qul?*tl Ml? Or ill la . ?. ?n,i tool! (tea loe for ? Ulna ?? t i?t- an'l |?r-?>r heeith Addrvae, C, F MAl'Kl;, ni?v?'in ill?, N. v. I!.H?ll ?.Il 'H M AMI \ l'I IS. A PALATIAL HOME WEST END ?VENUE CORNER W*i. I155.0O?? 1135,000. th?, i ?<-.! Ural ' A ? | | Ollla .... I , Apply I W. H. MOFFITT REALTY CO. 1 bOTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH AVE. ? ?in ? . ?? BRYAN I.. KENNELLY, t.S'i Hro-idwsy_ BlHtUI (II ?u THE IIIION**.. EXCHANGES \\. bare -ereeel ?ln>n?? limn? lui .'?iiiirftl I'rar.'rti.? Is I ?f-SBge, \? II \ I ' >.N ?, Ml Ol I I It ' ?I. Clarence I)-ivies Mull? ?t. ..n,? lliir.l \\e. ? . sa thor r?ra lion; $11 '?n" -.4 FARMS FOR SALE. NEM JBRfa?-. Big Modern Farm 1000 Peach Trees ?? nn i . per ?i? ? ? 2 ?tot y ? ?- I ?.? poultr* ?? I mona ? - ' a asm? Por fiirt h? ? to H. C. m_ ( OMSEI II. I 1. Farms and Orchard Lands. Si0 to S/5 an Acre _?*B7 ?Bticar no? a????-? A.W.Seynolo?. t REAL ESTATE ?' FARMS ^^S'la ". IMBBBj </ _ _a_SS 75 Miles from New York-Free Booklet . I?*.? I . ! I. . I ? . . .... | ..? I ?" Oth. n 1?. HTTT-Ia, ? , NEM lORK, pm:m te ?- 10 ?? roantJ-y ? * ? ?? ? ? . UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS" BAfR BIOS, The Cleveland I26-I.?0 EAST 24TII ST. RENTS, $ooo to $i..-,80 APA H I Ml M ?> ?il !? BOOMS, loni I?' i oora up n Rl i n. ludios ete ?I the Hub o ?. ithln two ?Is? ilk of i,ott? r L, ata . un? groupa >.f i... ? ' i ? ? a? ??? ."i i? ? the KNICKERBOCKER 247 5TH AV. I imilj. going abroad ?trill revnl 4.-- attractive Duplex Koase* keeping ?apartment. Hl?l SIUE Sublet Seven-Room Apartment a. n?i Bmaiiwei ?| ? |?phon? T?TB Moi ira:. $65.00 APARTMENT FOR $45.00 n ? ele> * i ? ??: .-..-.r, u i na! , n? , r-aJYO t i-.-, ii n.i'.'i:- I. \i;.;;; '?i:i\ \ rE 4\ .ti. own? i. ?' ' ' ?? i- ' i i rcMxns; . ? ?... Ill - FURNISHED COTTAGES TO , ET. 2 [XRNISHRD COTTAtiF.S TO LET. , , v r-H Be? IMS. l'an? Hill. If? ?0 !???*! ?I?? , man n.nt. . "at-.i.a . tub soli. .... ? sn?l law. ||?hlna n? ?? : lo\< r ninl c.?-as. i.n-l an ??"r" fl"'1 I'M ?? F HAMMOND n-VCHMBRK BKAHHORK ? ??Tr \Gt.S~ < oA ronteii rompl'lely fiir?-i*r?r. .1: ?.'.*<? ,,,, i ?ihr .<?m?. b?*ektei Pox SS, F*outh Har ?irb. Mass. CONNECTICUT. Fine Country Residence On Berlin Street . ?'. ? i r?*?-->, - 'i ??f Berlin, ? ? ?? ' ? nut? uulk '-' ? atslaa about - ? of rich farrmn : irse ben ! ore? bsi n, K-A'n ho >-? Hdlass eut? tarai ? ? si !'?.?;.<! ??.ft- r.n *. In.i"*rrinn |n\ it?'i. eatl '<r ad<t|?eao, P, I. [.KA*. BNH Rerlti . Com ? iR RENT.?FOR SEASON, nT* l?v the year, at Moroi ?>*i. I lot n handsome brick mansion, furnished; water frontage, magnificent Sound ?. iew, ?beach bathit g Stamford city water; fifteen rooms. four bathro? m?, garden, "tarage, mac? adamized roads lo depots, el? pros- r?ei \-: :e to Stamf? tites; golf, tennis and yachtinR neighborhood. JOHN W. \\ i street. 70 ACRE FARM, 3 Miles from New London. Conn . PP.M .' Il flue 3 ...... an.I - ? ? i. aril ? x ? , ' i ? ? ... Writ MERRITT WELCH. ?'II tPLIN. CO! KBW EMOI \M). At Neuport, R.I. ; ; ^ ! I re a I S ' . X T. I M taUAKD, South i ' ? . \i -..,-.- s ??; Caei yt?" i Ht ri al t one i ' - ?. pe t ta t and plan? r if lo (tel ? ? md 11 '???? m ever , j O H N J 'V i N A t ' G H ? n t ral Hotel, fanal ?? Pro? Iden i n r. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. FLUSHING AUCTION Saturday, April 26 ON IHK PRKM1SR0, IT | r M. 125 BUILDING LOTS On Parsons Av. and Queens Av. Bf **' '-"? I Th?>- ? <r ? 'n th-- heart Of flll'h'ni, , i Part I he I l?".Hte?l line?, of the III \l RAriT? I'RANMT HVMTK*4 nr?- lo he e\len?le<1 to I I.I SHIM?, eiiin-t a wtAT FAME ??> Manhattan. Bronx and Hr????UI>n. ? .. so? I h .- ind Q leen-, TROLUrr. II ? BNT Y x RE. ? .m- 1 ' Manhattan ... (< ' i ? P.I RHO Mi WE. ,, ' , ? ' l?r'-?i>?rry ? n b' aold. Th? Fluehlng Main Sf"*r aim Ion 'i {forth i. ? :.i?\?; tsi. \m?i:? tbRO ?n | ? n : .-?-.' ???'??. ' *MB ' The on la "? be; ond ? VERT LIBER \i. TERM* pen* for Roottn ' ten. BRYAN L. KENNELLY i...ii F??ate If-etlerarwr. ISS BROADWAY, Nt.Pi Xil-iR. REAL E8TATF. 1!* a K Wi'i'M? GIVE '.?-i A ?.. \ alona ?HIT line of ml ? ? ? .\r,.? be arllttna ??? toll yout ? lend* - tan'i opening - Mr. J i; i I.ARK, I ai '1 obi nli ... Perrv ? *" Uva or?ds COUNTRY HOUSES TO LET. FUR? NI SHED._ NKW tllltk ADIRONDACKS. LA KB PI.A?*ID i ??i rea.n I < :ilM|l 'llik- I I ? tas< - an n??? ier< bed tag? ?? lunch hose? i ? rent *-' '"?' 1' otos' aph '"HAP MA.N 1048 I' I OEEEH lllt'T. F?"?R RENT M Found Beach, Con? ten com Grand ?rentrai. ? dellg tf . ool rottaae, "Oft to?i ftom the Hound, .' in.i ur??-? t.. ? ?? '. le: r.-'iii?. II?In? morn SOttO, 2 BrOplacee. Star-?, 3 toilets atlrai'thelv d-vnraie-l e.n.1 I ,?n.t newt? painted nutrid?* ?Seaeon. Hay I to Ott i Ai-piv i, B, C.? R >*- M. THfeaaeOtto? NEW JWM. QBNTUEM ' N ?** CO! l-fl fit BBSIDES? 1" ?TOR rent roin nie tel? fumtahed Mej lo Ortofeof. nri ?'ear i poalng hnute: five in.i-.rerf-. threa ?er\?iii?- bedrooma ?,?-. I ath telephone: ?*??? ?ne. ],-,n-t?nnre lawnf. aavlen pUnfd fruit. Igm pif, .--irriese if ?leeire.l 40 mln>ite? in N'en Tort half mile to ata'ton; $-,mi for teaaoa MRS. RUAS BUKTO?f, Sam Bfaaairlck, *?-. '?