Newspaper Page Text
.Bl ' BED 185? Geo. S. Crap il ?Ir inrnilt-r Or?n TtSsSM) A Hirki Am. Sumatra Tobacco Pfrl. Am. Type Founder? Com. Auto-Sales Gum <fc Chocolate Borden'? Mi!k Com. Brooklyn Academy of Mu?ic Buffalo Ga? Common Child? (R**?tauranti Pfd. General Baking Pfd. Heckcr Milling 1st 6? International Salt Stock Nilea-Bement-Pond Pfd. Sen-Sen Chiclet 6? Trenton Potteries Funded 4? 25 Broad Street, New York Suite 1313. 'Phone 1560 Broad ?t^ND** * OIL *" Gilbert Eliott & Co. Specialists 57 Wall St.. \ Y. Tc!. Hanovrr 61 10. Henry Glews & Go. IlXNKI m ? ? ? ? ig IXD IB BROAD ST ??i Mini:?. S. *.. ?TO?CH EXCHANGE. Stork? inri Itrinrl?. I -?. a? ; Bold fo? , rtod on :it?. rai terme Huitaine .?.???.iiinta receive?! ?ubiecl to rh?ok ?t ?? (hi lnt?reo! I'ald on dally bulan.*?*?. LETTERS OF CREDIT mmtei evetteMa th? *?orid memr. (Amrriran I ?slit A Traction. \m?*rir?n GO? A Klrrtrir. (il ira >.r?|r.. ( ninimn.4. ?? ?':t? rfl?- ?.a?, .?t Plortri?*. i nii?*?l l.iir.i? A Ballwaje ? <?? 1 ' t Mit i.**. iniiiro?..*mi*nl ( ... Williams, McConncll & Coleman ! Bonds Stocks H ?0 ?all H. riioni? 19.1 .lohn. ><*?*. *.ork. I the BACHE REVIEW i .1 s. 11?. Il F. A CO. STANDARD OU STOCKS. V, c l?ri\- or .??.?11 nny of thr> form??r f?< ndsrd Oll Rubsldiariea in any slaed loti Detailed tnformstloa res-srdlnf" o? toe ni .mi. ?m? l LoL.Winkelman&Co. ? ?? ?? y ? ,. Cuit A?? . in..?:., 41 HK??\I> ??llil.l.l. NKIV *.<>KK. DIVIDEND PAYERS Infoi?nation on ?Lin? ing securities that i ? as ?"und iDVSat? ?.Rent fro? 'n request. A?k for Clri u HARRY E. THOMPSON & CO. I? Hroa.I Bl. N?*4v 1 ?irk Ci! v. DIVIDEND NOTICES. American Malt Corporation IS I \. Ii inc.. Pia?'.". .li'r??>4 (it.4, V .1. ? .i ..) I ?. per . ?ol. DP?? 11"- I ' ft. ?'?: I ? - .Ultra of .... - prll, 1913 IGET* KINO Treasurer. 1913. M I ?i |M.Hill ?.K I l-'lri. A Maniitiirlurins Company. - . ? ?.?>.. im ;. '. E PER CENT, "n the . st. ..'k of thi? company for ... 1913, ?rill be n ild r? ..f r?"ord a! ? ? 1913 \* MEMO.*? !'?' . niun ??r noii.MKM?. \ ?lal.i- leHHd of the Irenil on th? \r?4 Vork ?in. k Kn hunt* for III?. ?BSOfcl Alll\|?\l?Porf?en ?finir*, ??ff??<t ?if Hooil ami politic? ilrpr?????.?! pftOOB. , Ti ESOA1?BIOS in prii-e?. aft?*r miridnr ?rrcgailHrit*. : ?tr?*ni;th at ?Irr.e. NTEDXERDAI ? \ft?T ?tr-in-r oprning; ruar,?, a.l 4 am... hut ?'losing ia irrrgular. Till .??11\1?Prirr,, irrp-rnlar and ??-ntI iii? ?it esiffrtale FBI O AI?? ii? iiril <l?-pr-.*?inn esssea further ilriTnir?,. *?A'lll'l?A\?Sarro?* trxilinc and irren niHr rlo?l??a CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. \ th* niaik?-t on th<? Consoll? ilatrri BtOCk _-C__D_S hoi attain be?BOina oversni'i. si-.'.rt covering wsa la arid? i .-? v-ith .h.* ?>i>< ninK of euatneea si l M o'clt'CH. |.iir.s on Um Initial ?all | ally refleetlna Improeenent compared with I';.'i- CaOsiBl 1? v .-I*-. The I. M ?r-iili r- fl> (teil OH tli" "? ?-Hill?* esU 44.,- ,n ?hf ras.- Of CSnSdiSn PSClfrC, which. .-lian-? ?1 iiaia.s at '.'...'?... up 1*4 i-ilnts fron* Fridsy'a closing. i/?'!iiRh Valley, on the *,.".. r'fl'.-t'd an SatTsn?*? nf % ol ;? point "?.in Pridsy, tehlle Nesi tfork Central ?4? SB alfi Up '?: l'iii"ii l'aclflr. South?, n j'aciflf ainl Chee-speske 4 Oblo oseta up L Staf - 8U ? I, St. I'am. Bmeltlns, Pennaylvania, Rock Island, Pact, c, Missouri Psclflc and "Brooklyn Rapid Trenail escta up 'a rican Beet Bugai sold on the cell el a.?' t" 9*4, thia representing the 01 y msrkei i<>. thsl atoek In Wall Btreei durina tli? day. In the early trading 1 fter :. failed t.. Bell under l*t_"4, Tranasctions totalled IMSa 1 STOCKS. His! ?."'* C M ?. .- .; a T77? T.;T. " . Ml An, !.. .'.V. 3S1? Bee am c?? ? 2*0 Am Siu.ltt c. 71 71'* 71 71 .M. At T * I l"-'2 I""-'. I"- * ihio . 99 !".''. W 99 a :>\ . D?. ;?: ? 91 ?? 1 . -r ? ina ? ? IB .? ??'.'-. ? I -ia 341th ":??" I'll in ? . El ?a '-'??' "p- 25 *i if?? eh. - .\ ' n.... . '.*? OA% 87- .'.??'. IV C M * ?I I*. '.".-4 ll"'a I"!?1, 110*4] :i.? CO. I'll' ??-''?'a :?.! -:i MO !..... . ?:" . :i" ? tt\ 30 . ?/? ?;i North 1 127 - 1-7% l.'7'. 1LTT? ?ji In-. ? Mi 17** 17', 17 . -*< Se i' * '?'?? et>% ,'.!i I .:? . Hi?.', i.-.d v. x Petro ''.1 ... '? 80*41 M ?. ?a" Mo Pa - ? Ml S V ?. . in,:'. 1.1,1 . ??.. Northern V* 1 '? . I161? 115*. ill . ??,??1 Pesnarlvanla liste ir. . m', lift?. ; ".?? ? H..". ... . ? ? -- - 22% 'S: '. -j . I?, loo*. toi I??!' 101 ? Cm n !'? '-?? IS-"?? ,11 I ... . - |i ,-,; 3.2*??1 I* H St.-I ?? '?-'? <'.-:? ??-' *"2,a :,i r. i ?. -, :,:;-, . MINING. ;;.?i < .... l/li siete 17 17 M I. , >, :,?, .*,., -a; 2.37H 2 "1 '; ?....i., .... ? ! ..;. 1 <t*. 1 (tr, 1 08 j (??i K< 4. ? 88 <??i '?i ,*?.i Mid? ? t 1 ,4 v :.i .ai "N ?jr., n?.?,!- issi . .2*1 .*.*? .??>? <??. I.-.1 Mo inuln VI 30 ?'?'? ?'-' 100 Ton i.fii.K.nt ?i. x:i 4 8.43"?j ?.4:il? 8.43% ... ? ? . .90 .US B6 .'.?'. a vir ?. ?.? ., ? GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANIES. New York. - , . : ? I 1 <-U Hi.I A?k Bid Kuk ?< ?ntrsl Union ?"!s * ? . . ltd 101 if* 1 on I'-.' ? S- r I'ni'.i. ?? ' ??? |iVi in. N r A- East in? ?'?. it \*i KM '".. IBS ...1.; :??? .? .1 t-tarilai* tal ??.181 10.'? 1"3 IM ?Int?r#?t to be addfJ. I Undertone Strong in Dull Trad? ing?Irregular Closing. The action ?if the stock market yog terda* to many trader? Indicated i Ormneaa und a t??? hni- ;ii poaltion favor? able tu betterment, a moderate ?I? gree of activit] aras shown at the open ?prices Brer? g? nerallj lower and Mi.r. were man) bears ready to de-1 presa prices If given anj eit-courage? ment. Declines were exhibited In Amalgamated Copper, United states Bteel, l"ni?m ?Pai ni>- and Reading. The strong ieat urea were Canadian Pacific and New fork Central, while Bt Paul opened unchanged Tin- market relapaed Into dulnaaa after the opening, bul there w?f*re s??m signs "f support which helped the Hal m ;i majoritj of laaues to Improve, and lal the close fractional -ruins were re? |i?.iiii*?i in mosti; all the Important i Issues, while in Lehlgh Valley there , *.?-,is nn advance of 1', points over | Friday's final quotation. ?Some ?>f the Industrials which had been notablj weak during several daya continued i?> decline, especially California ?Petro? leum, Rumely and International Agri? cultural preferred, win. h st?.? u on transactions Involving ***** shares showed a loss of .".l pointa. The i???;ii market Called to make .? i?i ?sk responae to ti>?' continued better ftt-iint- abroad ?m<i the Improvemant in : the London ?stock market, exoepl ??s in? dicated by til?- recoveries made in thoae laaues thai were Inclined to weakness at th?- opening, it whs not ?i market y es terda 3 which offered much grounds work for making deductions regarding its Improvement, and Its tone had to be aas .m? ?i ;is good stmpl) because II was not bad. To sa) that the market was in h pa-tlcularly Strang position, In view of ?ill Ute advene conditions which for ?some timo have i-?-?-ti over? hanging it and whk h hnve not been ?*n tlrely removed, would be rather vent? ureaome, yel there are soots t'ery im portahl traders who believe ihnt pri(*?es s re dragging niong the bottom and that discouraging Influences nearly .ill have been dis. ounted The honii situation seems to i""- pass? Ing through s readjustment which promisas to disturb prices <?f low ??'leid Issues, and a shifting of purchases t?? neu offerings which offer greater at? tractions m Interest lat?-.*- prabablj will continue. Tins effect was shown In the sales of New Tort City ?bonds and other Investment laaues which were traded la during the week. NEW YORK CURB. in the < urh mark, t rest? rda w.i- n?...!.-: it. ? active, with continued Irregularity. United ?'??..n Stores .?' i wu again the pi In? Ipal feature, being again under pressure "i> continued rumora, and after breaking I points ral Shtly ??n covering. < ?thi r toba? co -i,.,!.- were heavy In eympathy. Btandard ??il Issue* ?rere In fair demand, ?with strength in spots, The coppei laaues wer? compsrstlvel) qiriei ami a ahade eaalei ?. ; Roa? i 'onaolldated i oi tlnu? ?i weak ng ruled !ir it In bonds, Si t Vot I i ii\ 1*4? were ?again the weak feature, selling at a asw i>???** mark for th?* IStf eerl? - Trading waa falrlj active In the "* i-lth slight aalna fo the da ? ..i?ied by the !? adei The ahorl . da? session waa llvelj In Tonopah atocha and th?- market cloned rirrn (Fun I - . i Hai i: ?i rtn ? INDUSTRIALS. ? 1 on 14 1 ? m m MU? SB n I'? ll i ion' ? "".."leu Cond Mill?. pri ferred . Bi -"n Bbo? . ? ' r ? ? i CI lett- P? al wJj pr? f.. ? Cea R ibl ar Tir.-. i?, preferred. Continental Can .... do pref? rred . Emerson-Brant t*ref.... H ? ha . ? ? !?' . ton ??11 .*.: inhattan Bbtrt r^?f ?? Man? at tai Tranall Md i , ??? imi -? Mil'? Ol . -...--? . N Y '?'run Ipoi 'a ,?.ii. Meilco.... . r\ , ,,;.;. vi .? Srn I K- ' lard ?m mil Standard Oll ol N i Toba? DO T . : ' ? i-ref . L'nln ... do prel : ? r s uki t * ll-a-. do prefi rred. (5 ??.:. Overland .... . ? du preferred . :?. BONDS AND NOTES. Brades t?. it" IBS Bro Iclya it T M antea '?.-? '??', i(o Elevated 6t M tern Pa- Irk Is... . ?-?'. M . MIN - ?V? \. M 110 ??1 M 1 I** 1110 - IING. - anta . . Beavei i llg i OUI ? . I"a'i?n. PiitKii Col itnbla c i? r. l'ou El l'uni? El) ?.''??i? . Ploren?-?. .... ? ' ?anal -a . Jumbo Extension Ken i-ii?. . La Roe? . M.' Nu ma i a . Mason v?ii?.v _ Ne?ai? Milla .. . Oblo . . Paclttc .*?in?-?rei-. . ? 'nu . Stesai l . 'l'or,..p?li Kx ten ?ion . Tonopah Heran Tonopah Minin., . \v. ?i ; Ind ? -"ti Weal Kn-i Extension_ \v. tttanf? ? ...... Kran- Wonder. I" M I :'.'. ... . ? ? H :.?. '?*. IS 1'. . 11*1 11 1? 11 ..'I ?, ?A ?f, l A i?. ? * ? ? i.*. i.% -, NEVADA QUOTATIONS. (Furnished dall? N o :-s b) Weir Br?i Untad ftre<?t.) Apr? U IMI TOMOPAHB. lay - Isle. \: nina Tonopah B< ;:r.',?u.11, Tonopah HrfilfHx.i i?\ i Si?, T Extension .i.r.?;?4 t tx% T?l O) hIi Mi r?*'.i ? "??'?. i ??% Belmoni Rxtenalon ? II it i . : <i .? ? m ' Jim tiuii- r . i . . i i.--, Ulxpah Extension .Ti ;.i U ?i ' ina I ot* pal* I tlV? Midway I M.i Samara Moi an h Plttabursh Kx 14 North --"?ir .???? ft. s? n- Bula .M '.< .ri Cnd ? ?m "7t" ? on. o?". i?. l?, l 11?, ?i? Tb da) - . |oa, Bid a-'k :? :.'? :. :.'.\ ? , i -. i n,-. i ..?.?? ? ?;?\ ? . IS .17 I, H 1 '?<:-. I l ", ;i n i in ?4 i 174 M I .1?. I?) !?; l :n>.4 3? oot.iii ii:i.i.. Ailanra .II 17 .-? i| .il i?: i.i i< Bell . M n Blue Hull. . M M ?? i? |. ? -,.,, ... i.,, m 1 en i ?. ? : i*,h. i on... M itx Diem? ndttel | (?als? IM K I' am ? dfleld H!K IMtr?- ?fl ?... I ?.?.Mii'iri Belnont. SI "> .liiinr-., Kxi?-n?l->ti ?:, ,JJ Kf*?aiH? . or, m '??i- -**lHr . iv .?-j Mer?;? i Min?-. One u :., Kandstoi m K? ndall . <i Silver Pi? k ?'.n. ?. Yi riiAi M U Vill'nv Tig r M '?? MI8CBLL.A1 BO?I l'an ? n n Alt?. M i?, ? - ? i i'? -.k :,i Bound M U II *?'; ?mix ? |t I;., ind Mouni Min ni M .'-. m Con :r, il Manhattan Deater ut n-, Manhattan P.Ik Four.. . >;r Sr\tr\a Mill?.?on i n?4i^ N??atU Wondtr.1.M', * M i. i w. i l??? l SH4 I"'1 Saturday. April 12.?Total sales for the day. 135.115 shares, compared with 309,038 shares for the corresponding day in 1912. Total cales January 1 to April 12. inclusive. 16.717.057 shares, compared with 40,551.181 ?hares for the same period i.i 1912. S\ ? N-t Mid. ? I.-;? ::*??! U In-.. rate, ?. ?? -, ? ? 11.1 '., ? i:... 1 10.700 C i.., \ 1,300 -, t.*m \ 500 '? no ? ' 00 \ .,., a. 100 *. . ?M0 inn 100 i ?a?. ion ! Amalgamated ? "opp? 1.. ? ? Amerli an Can . vnr> lean ? an pi. Am. 1 i. stl ' "ai a I-', undi 4 Am? 11? an i lui" A- I a iilli. 1 .v mi?-: lean Bm? l! 111 * Am? lesn Tel I Tel. Aincri- a 11 'I ..I.a. anaconda Coppei At. hlson, Top. 1?.. .v B ?tlantii ( .1111 ...1 ? .. Bald? m 1 .moti? >* Ba tin. a 1 'i.i". Raltlm.1 n pi Rrookl: n Rapid 'i ranslt.. . '..|lif..r nia Peti.1 California Petroleum pr.. 1 'anadian I?< Ifl. . 'anadl in Pacific, l*?l ....... !.. i'].. ? 1 'hcsaiH ak. A ? " lo .. Mil A Bl Psul . 'taino ' 'opi ? ? . 'Colon. I . ' olorado .-..athei n . ?at..: (las. 1 '?>!.. Prod icts . ? .. . Product? pr. 11.. re A- .'-' "i A Km 1 il ai..I. ;.| |..l.. 1 VI w oolworth. General El? " . Hold field '.on. ii.Ii 1. h 1 Sreal Soi the. n 1.., .-\(<... (area! N" Ihem pi. Illitiol ' ? ? ?? : I . ' all.m ' "I'l" t.1 Intel 4:11 in. ? nt? ?' Metroi Ian . Intel - M? 11.., ..i 1 m pr. International Pap? 1. . Valley. . ... , .a, \\ .;. . Ri* ill ''I pi i'a a- Nash? lite ... . Macka Com? 11 -4 . Manliattni. Ml nanu'. Mi \li .m Petl ? Miami Coppei Ka is St "I Missouri Ps m. . Nation 1 l: i: of M< \ M pr.. \ ? 4 ,. 1. ...? . ' \. 4\ Vork ' '< nl New Vork, N H a II Neu Voi l? ' ?nl .4 Wt I 1 ? No them Paclfli . I A Tel . Pill iburg Coal . ? . Bt? ? ' iprlng . Ha? ? 'on ' oppei Read ns Reading 3d pr. i:..-i, 1 -' m. 1. . Rum. ?. Rnmel Bt. 1 - rai 'i" Bt. 1.0 ,-.-'? ? st 1 . - . I Tl It.I \ ? ? ? ' ? i.. Pacli . run- ri R r S :: ? . I *. B. Ruta! ? . - It? . 1 ? 8 Ble. .'tab 1 "oppi ? ' VVcMtlngl VVestlm ? BANK STOCKS ON STOCK EXCHANGE. Bl *n? n, ? ?>?? ?ol?. ci)K?. rat? 5 ?? R FoiTrt ? 1...?? r.1.1 8 H Wll*. B1 II Itl .M i Yletil? <>f lemling setlve ?-????u. Snaed ?n the i?r????-iii ???linn price and Raed ill? ??lend rule? : \in:ill?><iniil?-il ? Oppet . '. '. ? \iiieri?iin I M |ir?-f?i r?-?l ". I H tmerii-nn -?niHliiia ???-..?t???.?? '. |g \nirriiiin -null ma prrfe rr?-?l ??'.; \mcri? un I ?-I? iilioii?- .?ml tttegegph S.SS ? assdtar Fat t?t t < ? I ?n-.oli<l;?l? il Lu- I I : ??rr?tt Northern preferr?-?! -. 17 Mm.m. i mtaal . '? *?' i efaigh l'sllej ... ?? i i r-alavUle a KsatavHIe . "? New i m?, 1 ? . l ? . Northern l'.i, itli . h n : Penn.? h uni.? H??? 'r??.i?l . i : <? >?, i ? i : K . i.s ; l'nlon l'arlll? rumni'.n ?v'.l l 'sited Stales SI eel rsaiam -;.??, BOND MARKET BALES Pu I ' ..... -.1- ... I I. .. IM1 ?S*S| S Y C i I IM? ?'?? . . I? - MOOD do ?V .... . mm . i. ? . t ... :.? .... ? . ? . ?MW Am U a Imp .. Idt, .... Ini-M i leaa > n *-?.? ?.???-? - . mm ?? T a T col ?- ? 4? "4 imm ,,,-...-?? 'Km Ann ? ir a Co I1?" In? !' ? ' IBM UNI A T A S F ? ?'. ?,.? iv .i UM do . ? ?.??no ? ?. ' ??--? ! r| leel tx IHM do . ?? ' I ''" ? BMI i,-.?.. ., ad ? . atpd *ii '" '< ' ''*' ?mm* i i ? ? i . ...... n ? ' ? M ? ?t I. Ii ,..,, ,|,, IIHI , (>??? Mo I ' |4....? do 101 "?? ' I a la : -n I. 1- . ?Ml v ?? I. |10t*r, i, ,4 . . sold I do -i ?It, . .. . -?' ? Y ?? I. - 1(0000 .|o r\ l I',. II full ?? ' a m I. paid ? . I?" ?a 1....I ,i?, . , too? .*- ? ? iiatH noua do - ? i -os lasM i.- "?? ' * o A m paid . '? ? 1st 4 ??'?. MM ??? rh Stl ?f-: I R? ! - edj ???? imjfl II B T 4. ??.-?. I'??' do MM i ? ": '""" "* a w . ?? ''i'. |(?|4M ,1,, ? i '.?--. do - "f M' ? ? . MM ?.?!?.? '? . MM ?-.? ?-..-? a i ?MM .1?. ? . la . ... i'.', 11-"" () H I, iff ? ? ? , ISM ? . '""- li".I C i . ? ??'?', KM ?' Ko on ? I0? '. I0M ?- r Mo MM Cen? I. ? ?? at* Penn k;'?' ?'??? I??.'? ??..i cent Par Ist I NM ? IH?. ' ?' ?"? . (I . ? -. , I1SM .1?. IMI ' ? S ' ? ge* """' Yuh - ut N .1 IV ........ M K MM ?? A Ml I'-"? S" ; MOM R< id a- ? I I a MM do ? ?if ?? . TSM ?? R I ?i I? n IMS R I A Stl ?- ISM ..hi ,,,, m i,?,? M<4 1"?"? S? I.IMA - MM do i- in' M sen Is list? I0M So '??*? MM Bl I, Bs i -non r m w <- ??'? ? ??". IMO CM <*- P I '?- - V A V I' < 4. . ??' ? IMM ?. .-.'??? ?MM c || | m r Ma ?lo H . r,i,< j???? de rf| la ISM .|., , . i 4i.? ?07% I'M -?? I- mi', ii.Ni .i?. i?."-. MM Third v??- ifa IMM do I ? '. ?MM .1?. repta full i '"?*? ?Jo adj , i i(V", IMt r P lal ?. ??: MMI de '" S ',<"v, .'" . ...... , 'i ??, UM .i?? IMM ?Je ass ?'?* i""?? i-, r'c ?? '?i .?. do M . ???.uno do MS ?i??? i K ft?.I. ... I'?.1. iMi r ? g? ". ;- *i'j ?oo?? r b so IMI C R I I T - i"i ltd B IM ' IM . I?V* .i., rfg ?? *'?'? . too\ IS.IM ? \ IM ? ? - Chen n?.? .- ? ?? a '??"? .'all a <? gun i '?v?f?i' r j i pas inflow, -i i>. -.. in ?.. ?*: - IBM B'esi Hd '? II MM ' I? V <? T MM We* ? ' i. I ISM ? ? at Mf| ? I ' Total aslea for Uk day. |l.3SS.*mn FERRY COMPANIES. 'I III? U, . I I BM n.ii in I S *? ?? '?" Hoboken rond ?'?*? 'n< X? i? v.,.? a East Bh ? .,, i .. .. Tenth <v 3d Sta ?it.? tvm'l- . t .? n . 14 do lai M . gj ?lnt?-i*e?t lo be added. INACTIVE STOCKS ' I?, Ml?. ? i 1 . . All? * -I a 1 ? ? ' ? ? I |. ?4 ' . > 1 ? ? >? ? ' ' It p| - . - , 1? ?. . ? ? | ? ?? ? ? ? n Mil 4*. ....... i ... ... ., lOi ' ' - I. ? . I . - j. ? ? l./f -4 '..... I ? 1 I | | ; , i' ? ? - ? ? .- M? ? i . Be m f ,1-,? n,,.!t. ' ?'?. fhtU ?'. M . , . . . ? ,; .... 11 pi ? . a .., . ; II pf I . ... I ?. f.?, .4 ___________??' I.' M ' * ??? C A E I I I I . .,' < hi? II. '. , .. v>. if I -? 11 [[ ? . ? -? PMAO i*e pl.t I. ???? 1.1*0*1 Ito. I. I?! - ' -? *. '" '' .il? i.f a riev? a .' iiv? 'S ' -lo ... pref. ' i ,4 - Ul ft i ? ?' , , s ? i. ' - . ? ; i M ..I I ! I 4" 'O BBBBBBJ r- il m II i pf M [VI A It I? i. ,\ \\ .?" .'. II \ I,I.. 'I ' o ta a '. i' nt ???> pref ? I I?er AM II iCcoa,.' " ,', .::..!;??; "f j; ?ft ... n ti i ? ?????????????I r?i i ? Rl :-.. IK rln pre? ? ?I- i ??'. -.. i: m .4 .. ? I .??.? I? || ?a ,n [ I., i ? f Bout tin n i;. ? a.. |. ? f ... Ml a, ?????? - pref ??! ?. 1 . all . .?pp. ' ">. ,1 .....,.,, na r ? .. i . ?i . I. 1 ' . If.i i, T i f * '.*' i'; ? n i i.. K ...r* a I M 113 ? i?ref jt'n R A T a ,? ta I ... pi i ?. I alo.I . .ara i 4 II IIB ' I8| , I a In - . |_ l<VI .. ? . in* im HI i i ,, ir? In ' I l - l .. il g lui r,|i .. ? | .,.. in.f ru l - . i I* In! | .... ft.f M ".I I' D R I I f - n ?*? r i i"? it ' dn pref.. I .; im. r .- .: ?d pf ;i ?h I ? 4 .1 .HI l|. i .i., i" i i..."1, na in I \ .. I ? ' ? . ? .:?, ?- i\..l...,, i>. i is*?-, *! do "pref v ,. I ; a i ? ..i de ?arel H ill ?vaha??- , r h i? |*| ?V I . a I i in T< I M ??' M . .1 la. ill I .... i . ? .; [Wesi Mr R ,'? \\ . Ml 'I 11 . . ?>?>', r|n pr-if M | m 181 \? I? A 1, I I , .. I ? pt-l f II ?? I? I Be 'l |.r?.f * r M \M.. . . nr , ,?l r.;:. |\v .-?.irtli pi U?| 11 $30,000,000 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Go. General Mortgage Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Bonds Due May 1, 1989 INTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY 1 AND JULY I. Coupon Bonds of the ilenominationi of $1,000 each with privilege of registration aa t" principal and c.\chan-*'?b?e for bonds registered as tf> principal and interest. Principal and interest payable without deduction for any tax or taxes which the Railway Company may be required to pay or retain therefrom under any present or future law of the United States of America or any of the States thereof. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE ABOVE EONDS AT 99U PER CENT. AND ACCRUED INTEREST TO DELIVERY. The subscription will be closed at three o'clock P. M. on Thursday, April 17, 1913, or earlier, the right being reserved to reject any applications and to award a smaller amount than applied lor. The undersignei reserve the right to close the subscription at any time without notice. A first payment of $50 per $1,000 bond subscribed for must accompany all subscrip. tions. 1 he balance of the amount due on bonds allotted upon subscriptions will be payable on May 6, 1913, at the office of either of the undersigned, against temporary certificates exchange able for engraved bonds as soon as ready. If no allotmenl be made, the firs! payment will be repaid in full, ami if only a portion of the amount applied for be allotted, the balance of the firs, payment will be applied towards the amount (|,,c .m M,i\ ii 1913. N" inter?s! will lie allowed on such first payment. It any further balan?a remains, such balance ??ill be repaid. Failure to pay the second instalment, when due, will renier the previous paymenl liable i" forfeiture. V I. Karling, Efeq., President of the ?Chicago, Milwaukee an.I St. Paul Railway Company, m a letter .Ian*.1 Apnl 9, I'M .. copies of which can be obtained from the undersigned, writes in pari ;i - follows: "These Bonds are secured l'y a direel mortgage on 6.314.78 mil?'- of firsl track of railroad upon valuable ter? . Chicago, Milwaukee and other cities, and also upon th entire equipment of the Company The General Mortgage Bonds are secured by an absolute first mortgage on 3,753.07 miles of first track, including the main lines entering Chicago and Milwaukee, and by a refunding mortgage on 2,561.71 miles of first track, subject to $52,357,000 prior liens maturing on or before July 1, 1926. The prior lien mortgages may not be extended, so that by July 1, 1926, the General Mortgage Bonds, of which a sufficient amount are reserved to retire the prior liens, will be an absolute first mortgage. At present the General Mortgage Bonds, including prior liens, are at the average rate of $22,193 per mile, and after 1926 will be an absolute frst mortgage at the rate of only $23,750 per mile even if all the remaining bonds should be issued without increasing the mileage. ??'I'll. ', ncral Mortgagi provides thai .ill additional lines of railroad acquired with the proceeds of these I idi hall .me inbjecl to luch mortgage .as a first lien i.' ?' General Mortgage form a network of railroads traversing ti?*-* Stat? i inoii r... Iowa, Missouri, N'orth I)..k-"..i and South Dakota, serving such important cities a- Chi ? _ . Mil'vaitkc?*, si Paul, Minneapolis, l><*s Moines, Sioux Kails, I ouncil Bluffs (opposite < imalia i and Kansas City. This tion s'ith other line?, owned by the ' ompany, forms a thrr?t*rgh line to S< n; t'<-* atvl Ta : on tli. Paci Coasi and to Dntonagon, Michigan, on Lake Superior. "The General M orinas Kon d?. an [ol lowed by $76,226.655 Debenture Fajur Per < it Bon? M - ?le i ...'r ,,??.' One I'..!'' Per Cent D benture Bonds, $116.274.900 Preferred Stock paying ~ ? ? ? ? . - %\\(x '|4_'im i ??.-?Hhi Stock paying b per cent divide nu a total of $357,700 ?it market valu ... ? ? ?? " I !:. ? .'t'lr,'! M igai londs have been or arc re served to be is I and outstanding in the hands of the public, 4 Per Cent. Rond?..* ? Per Cent. Bond?. s, . ' which ?irr?rtit -?nr i> part i . .,. lire prior liens . ? :. - for the three yrai ended June 30, 1912, is as I 1910 ?-?ll 1912 i..-- . <-.i : - '. - : ? 5-h3.122.7-U Operating I pensi and faxei . 47 -' .- . $17.734, M I 5 ?- Us - ;;- '?'? . 1,443 11,87* " : ' ? . $25.493.587 $27J35.03I ?. 124.293 :ed Chan " ? ' . - ' - 10.976.717 : --7 Balanci . $18.681,784 $16.358J14 '? 446 "The net earnings for the seven months ended January 31. 1913. show an increase of $7.502.? 630 over the earnings for the same period of last year." 1 ?'?? advised thai these l?onds ai ' gal investment for Saving*. Banks m the if it< ta \n, Vork, Massachusetts, Connecticut and elsewhere. Application will he in.'..le t" li^i the bond?' "-i the \"ev Vork Stock exchange. BOSTON b) MKSSKS. KIDDKR. PEABODY & CO KUHN, LOEB & CO. THE NATIONAL CITY UM ?pril 11.1013. NEW YORK O? NEW YORK FOREIGN FINANCIAL FIELD Prices Improve in London? Firmness Shown on Continent. r . - e of any . ? i t a vors the all ' and ? ? . .' || ?? ;,;..... ?!,, ||! ' ? rtlt .n .1 .i: ipla) --.I ..,.,.-. ?... i. .. \., id t ,m ? was i "'? n m moal of 111- UM ... .- :;\ f.ii ? ? .iint. ' 'anadian t-.?. ifle tea '? hlgl - m i m ..n gold al M??.tu.i to-d i j ix.,. ? t.. ,, .?.. .i,,., ol 0 and Usbon ? ? ? .i ingad. - Par? i tiprll II Trading ?n? ?vu?-?, bul ? ? ? u ere Hi ??? nn th? Bo .??-? to-da). -?ii.. [iei .-?n' r? ?o. **. franca ?". cen? ..? thi ?"?? ount. Kxchang? on l*ondon? "2 franca .'?> ren? |"i I va te rati ol ?! int, 4 pei <*enl i:? i m. April Lj There aras n<> actlvitj on i n- Bo? ? ?? to-da! . bul a Hi m tone prs? HJxi'hange on (xindon, SO marki M plea ? ? cheeki Mon? ' . I per eenl ! . ?? rate sf dla? sunt, t ?? i?? r ? wit LONDON CLOSING PRICES. n . . nun? \ i -.i i ? ?. ? . - ? ' ? ,|? pr. '. I Rail l ? 'I? n "?I ? ?.: B'i ?lei n ? 'anadian n.. . ? Kr! An V?. ;?? 4 \|.| ?! 11 ? lie? Ml-"-. 11?.. Ill .. lat do 3d nrel ? i. \.i? ferreil lenill ?I, ? . p S It I f M ? .!?? 2d |.? .-i . H ? it n p ?? r- I n '-.? r ? ? . ten i*i nn?! i? mi., ? ? i ? ,. . ? ?lo 3d on f Ho. Island I: , ? . ? I . i . ? Kou'h? m i- ? n I ? Paul 1 ?lo piel i -, . .' ? .\ l? i . mu i MB 7" la -i. . - ? 131 i as i I ,.:i ?.: *'. ? lui s? US i i. SS I.". I" II II n : 1-7 \ ?-: ? ?ii?, III?. Il . SI It ? ? . I. 4 '.?I 4 I .'S ' . ; .-? . i i . m list , i in . . ;:? . list S nn l in l.?i . M ?;-." ION . ? 11 "a ?-.; * i:.'. 2SBS ? ? ISO ???-. ' I IM'i M .'. '. . n.*?--. ISS ? lim ?i 71 ' '?? , i:,:', ,1 ; r- l ?'.'? ?i TOBACCO STOCKS. ... u rural b< i bj i. l- W Isk? Im ?o., x.i n Bread -t-" ? ?>i n HtarB i">* tkX ?.n- h !M| *\t Hh. m.i . Reynold! . ? - Tob i-i-.-lu.-t-i. ... ne ? ***] it prat. - ? ***** m A A * More and more people are finding it convenient to kee| I -cir Securities and other Valuables uptown instead oi downt? ?wn. The Union Trust Company of New York offen lied facilities al moderate prices in the uptown \u;.l'- ? : I i Lenox Safe Deposit ?Company. At Fifth Avenue and Sixtieth Street, they are 'c near thi "social center" ol Xcu York, and convenient for v ho h\ c uptown. Inspection and patronage are invited. Il Kl! \?,i; Ol Till TKIHI M' ??I I III II N BAILS. ? I ? ac I ? ti-r numili. InmiirT n .... I ..44- (or, .li.riuar. Il III?!? for rnonlli. I -?l.rnur-r | I o?? for month. IrhriiH^? Il ... Mist, lu?! month I . I nu la.I nionlh. *.|., ??? I. 10 . Ili?h h?4| ? eeU . !.o?, In.I \> ? rU . \|>ril ?. sas ????? ?a .?*?>. \|.rll ; \pril ? . \|.ril fl . \|irll lnv . \|inl II \pril Iff, foototnaj's i I...?" \\ HI \?.K Ol I 11K THII?I M." Ol TM BM I IMM Mill \l II.<l. for month. -Iiiniii.rr fl lo?, for mi..nih .liniiaii M ... . Illsli for month. I'chniir? I . I ..44 for month. I ?-hrunr? .*.'? .... High liai month. M in h |. lo.? i .i ?t Basaste, Msrrk in .... I. ml. hi?? ?4 .'.*!. . I ?144 III?! ?4?.??U \ |. r 11 I, onr ?4r?-k ut*..' . April I..., . \pril a . \prll fl ._ \prll 111 . \prll II \prll I'. I r.lrrila> '? ilna,?? i ;:..i? : i ?i .m ; iss.aas i ?:? m: i ta jus IIB.M1 : ?S.B3] IfB.SSS I ? ? i . : -? s i ? Iff! :,;: i M MB i, isi.tai . .'?...'..-.. ? I 1ST ? B1JSB BSJBM ?ajMi ?aO.tlt | BtJH ?o.o? i hi. ?:.*, **?!. ".<?H M.;.'i*'i tSJtOi M.;.Hi.: H.l.111.', Hi I.ill RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS AND CAR TRUSTS. ISal :7 I iKurniah*. 1 bj ?tWSrtwottl a ? i l"*n*?>IU:. No? ll l'lnr ?tl ? ?I i Ksms, m..ihii>. Atlnntl. ''?? III ? p i', IBM 17. Buff, I'.." :. a r i ?r |. . luie |7 l . m*?i of <:.i 4'- :. p e, It?.:'. 17. f.m it It of N J * p ?'. I'll" 17 I !a | ,\ I irila I |l . I'.'l.'l IT ??lit o Aiti.M ? ?'?. r> p .. tau fi i*hlc a Baal in in Ipr, u?ri 17 . in. i: i - r i1, ?i i? -, mi:; 'is. On, Il .t l'a? ?'?? Ipr, inn 20. . D?>| * Hurlaron 4!7 |. ? . I!?'-'-.'. Kile 4 4-1 ? |. i . III! '17... n... p. na ' ?i ?" ?t?!><. mm m Hai .?. Manhattan :. p ?-. mi", m K . it s .< M 4', p ,- IB19 IB. Kan 1-114 ?-ontli 4>, r* ? . IBU t.'. . 1 ?hlsh \ sil? . 14 p i?ia 'tfl . . ru. m.- I ., . IBIS .7 Im l'a I !*. ? i 5?i 4 S R 4 t'a ?If 1.1 tie ? . ?ta 1*4 4'? 1*2 I? Mobil? f. Ohio 4 ?', p . . I'.'l : i.? N i i>nri!it Lisas a p ?*. lasara .-: Norfolk *. w???t 4 p . 1813 l? . i ?nna; I ?n?a ."???? 191*1 II SI 1.4 San r X lv* ?'? p . IHM 17 .1 . Ousi A '' * V :? i? . IBIS 17 Ha n, Mi Un? ?S B i? c, ISIS 17 S., il'. I!?-.? 3.J 4 4'-j |? . nun ?.?i ? 114 ?T? 4'? 4'? 4'? ?H 4 a | 4'? 41 4" 4"? 4'i 4*? ?al n rr... ? n i:*a 4 :. i. , . l?an IB h H H ?H .'. p ,. 101.1 11. si 4' 4?. 4'? 4'? 4S 4\ I' FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND MU? NICIPAL BONDS. i Kin nial?, .i i>?. n... i ,v Na ii u . || BtrMt.) . Hi.I AaU BM .???nil ?41 |?4Ja ?h ?,' ? .'114 of Col ?- '.'. '???un ??i n :?*? :.'. i'ltj ,,r Mun ?? to*? l*T . ? '.M I- M a I?** ' It! Of I k ".' . K??a, i;??..! B? r i? -y,\ m?4 in. .?f \ i?.. i- - ... :-** ? ?4 i .1? 7?. ..'? I r- in Ii Matul, a-, I I? '..'a if*? ltu*all City uf l!?*r 4? J*??? fr74|IBrit ."on J',? S? ?..*. ItuMlsn ran? 4? ??"? riK COST COMPARISONS Changes in Average Prices for the Last Week. The ' lowing table .- res I ? --h???. lowest -uni average ? hot? -. . . .... ?; tion in the Hen York -?? - -he ? ad? <l Iprtl It aii'l the dit ice I . .- ? ? I hundred! ? . ? ? \ -| - ' V ' .- n ? > >.i ... :? " .i? . . t '..' . HI' i?. M ? >> 1 ' M ? . . i ? ? . ?.r. ,. ? i ni ; - ??-. ? M-4 ..i i :;. t <>?? i ;? ? ? ?un i ?.. ? .. ..,-?. ? No 1 IIS n l ' ?v ?S ? ? ? ? 17'j IS't -'?'. I hive fn? IS I*- ? ? . . :< 13 13 17 13 IS IS Mt ?? n ; '-.'. 13 '?'?'? - t'i i ii i-.1- IS '-. \ . I'.T ? (Mini ? .lr I I ft '.I*. Illvi ? ' I R.-evet ? '? 7 :.*. *? :??? :'? .... 4 ? |fl T '?? ?? -. ?? " |i . 10? i v. | ; an ??. n ? -, ?, . .S S3 ?? .-??> ?? SI .. . 1 - freeh em h .'t M .??? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. The puhllraUon of th?. atatement sf ti*.* i ?hui mi ? 'uinps i) ? i ? -? i :< aharg -i vim?-?- in las i"-.' ? of t la *-t.??*k T' a ?Moaing Frldaj night ?mih UN, ids ??)??? I (rests ?i.' morning aras ;?? IS? ;?n?i ihs ?toes s.'i?i nt in, etssing I " Md. t*ffs?rsd ?* IS Th?? atatemsat sii??'?.- that the ?*nt re Indebtedness sf Um e-smaaay has beea paid A rtd ? Tr-Mii this there a ? rhana*s ?n ?i"* mai u.-i iha ? i-- - generally fit .? irsrsiaasi ?>' (HMmH Ktlett i Cs?, He 3" w?-" ??ii?n i i vu ??sntstleaa loUsn i"*r *:..-?*> UM ask. i Ansio-Am n i'1 *?? nth. P I. ??tient!? Ref. *** "''* -*-'?'iii' Penn OS '?'?? g Horn? -. ? ?n ?'! '? ':!''> ?**" *?"? l'a P I? I* H i .... r t. "??'? i." Id Mia -"I ??*?? St?n " ?>f ind. ? *?; Colonial Uli 1 " IM S?an ?? ?>( Kan W -*J Contlneni <>n ''??'?" '-"?'' -1*'-?" " oi Ken ?'" '** i- i . ?i? ?a Hun i? ?>f N.i? -"i11 ?-j? ,?,:,?,, ,. ?? i. ;.-. m gtsa " ??' N ' "?"'? " ?Kureka P I- *"?** "1 ?-;:,n " "' ?*? v ?*? "I? Gel sibiikI on -w "i'1 "tan ?? ??f ohla J? ,."T ,|? M ?f .il?* l??i .-IHM ??.I ?.?l-ll I??*-'' > ?, Indiana P I. I? 1? Kuba en kin TE g .\m T-eiiHlr . ?" "' j?wa I A l'ii'"l' II? ' M y Tranalt Task Une ** ,1 P I-"?? IK Vu? mini OU-, n? ' 3 ? ?l?ir? Oil i'"' 1*' HH?hln?'-?n Oil ? ?1 Prairie " .< ?? ?'? ' "n VWters-Pi-n.o.lM ?*?" .-?-I..i Reftntns Ml STSI i 'K< dividend. ,?i?