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AUCTION BRIME ? CLINICS ?y George Kling * The Margin of Reward At? tending Scientific Play as Opposed to Poor Play Is Certain and Large. gen ? ? reaps a Jusl reward at aucti'in 1'i'i'igc. The r.-probably nSTST hSJ been a Ram?- derlssd fof Uta combination ?.?f four playera thai so clearly shows tin line b? twet-n ?.(?"d and ordinary ability as ?loos the same of at?cti??n as played "M , m ?-cnt. Wa say present f??i* the reason that w? do r.ot admit the acceptance <?f the ?pad? cods of ?-on vent ion--, and from the out? burst <*f approval of our defence -.f tbc simple game t?"*gether arltii the tad thai ah??* writera bare awaksnsd to th.- i that *Benac?H the popularity of the -..-i" in til?- att> mpt tu arm tin* Inferior player with a chart of printed signal?, to gukle his a?ij.?ri and ??veri ?un?- by means of a machine-like code his inability !?> cope with the siknr?. and skill of the fame, the f-pade code asema already hois ?i i ombiit. We also With 'n say in passing, that the best j.lay? is in th? r? ??OgnlS? ?I clubs that Mad m the a?ttlng ??f precedents and the making of laws and rules Will un? doubtedly adopt ??ne of the two courses suggested; namely, wipe out the ?spade suit ?<r ?1?? the natural and obviously rieht tiling by adopting a law limiting the apade falda to two, with adequate penalties for violation. EACH HAD HIS GUIDEBOOK. We hinl the amusement of wat?*! cune ?recently whore each player had a slii? CM CfUd on his corner of th. to refer to as a cuide In playing the cum? bersome conventions. The height ot ?b BunUty ??!' the thing was apparent when ??ne player aotomnly requested his partner to look on his card so as to be sure he uaderstood what was meant after- declar? ing six apadee as an original bid. The vaudeville shows sa yet bave no cerner on humor. We are not prepared to argue the ex? istence of lurk, but it la certainly re? duced to a minimum in the play of auc? tion, and. ?;th an equitable dlatrlbutlon of sards, the skilful (?layer will fa: out? strip the ordinary man. ??ne of the sttrlbutea of the akilled player la the use <?f auch caution In the i bidding as produce* the ?beat reeulti Th? ordinary man will generallj be found ready t<> "t.ik? ? ehsnce" mi the hop? that Bomethtng will turn up somewhere to arard -.ff the penalties of bad d?eclsrs tlori.-. Th? very worst fate that .an at? t> nd the Inexperienced play? r la s ico *s in inakinc lis contract <?n a f. w bad declarations, for the subtle Influence "i tii" t- ni| ter i?-- ever present t?? point t<> previous result! as justification, it is a remarkable fact that playera at auction that play r? ill) w< ? an- continually mak? ing bi'ls that th?;.' know are unsound afil uiijustili. ?I. A CASE IN POINT. The following hand wsa played at the Creacenl ?'lui'. Brooklyn, and . icariy u-| I lustr?t? s th?- point: fA98bb OAOJ ? 65 ?KJ1072 010 76 4 ??743 2 ??Q43 ?K7654 02 ? K0I09 VA10983 OK9853 *AJ8 B? ore: i."\e sll; rubber game, South, choosing the uve card Bull ?-f h _?)? ,i?i. .1 by th" a'-e. di < hired "m* heart w?-t ovcrcslled "ith one end i..? ? passing, south noxx presented hi? other flve-csrd rail for his partner'a approval by declaring two onde Tins wa. etr? tchlng the l> a n n'. ai tu. r had i- fused t" : the beert declaration and being himself void ?.f spade.. South had s??in working justiti ration. Wc?t. not particular!) anxloui t.? dis t rl Bouth's aecond bid, passed, whihlng to bear trt m his partner a very wlae declalon. Smiths dlsmond declaration tit ted Norths hand much better than the prevtoua royal bid and he ais-? paased Baal declared two royala ?South passed. but North doubli d the royal NORTH'S PREFERABLE ACTION. Considering North*? abllltj mfcly to In? reuse ir.*- partner'a 'at."* autt declaration, a three-diamond declaration would have been ?Setter with hia holding, n for no Otl >? .?son than to force the sdV? to a high? i <"ni;a? I -, turn edoubled. Infei rlni ' North'i refusal to i pix.rt Bou d i n lo nd declaration, that w?.-t h?id const? ?rable atrength m tic sun and him-? well able t?? take care ??f the heart buI i..-t probably concluded that any a tempted escape bj a higher ?i? Isratlc v.... ;.; ;.;i'i th.. opponents i m o atlll ?-r? at? dlfllc titles South, although having two ac? aval able f"i Immediate use In addition t other high 'aids ami anticipating eon trouble for the opponenta passed. Norths three-dismond declaration fo lowed as a natural result It was proi pt ;.. doubl? ?l by ?West and th.- M Idin .,..-. .i ,?1 that i entra? t. Comment ?m th?. put) of the band an ; . conclusions reached from the blddln ?re furnished m an Interesting note b on?. ?>f th? playera a- i. ? ? i ? ? \% s: ?\\ist opened with th?' sin ??f club the dont?!., contracl ?va? eaail) made, Th op? tilng i. ...I should ha ve been th diamonds, following With the ."'.ii .. diamond) South probably had five hearti five diamond? and three i lui?:'. Blnce Nortl ,?. ,'?! -...i .i. ease th.. heart bid, double ib" two royala and ? o wa k ? i i in..* diamonds, it v. as van Ukelj that in- held tour or Uve apadea aril i ?rai honora; that ti?- was oui "f bearta ??i had m? more than "!.? and had aufflcleni diamond to run' hearts, Bast'a rcdoubl? uf two royalt Indicated some length and strength i ti th.m suit. 11;-- other strei tl mu?t have been m the duba, and probabl) mir diamonds, as be must hav? been lona m th.. heart - ait. a ?i?? s-iuff In hearts and spadca was verj evident? therefore two round ol trumps was Im? . ..- ?. i io not recall any hand where th?- distribution ??f ? arda as to i oth l. ngtli and atr *ngth was so ch irlj m.n k< d." j QUESTION THE ACE OPENING. Tl.; ? . comment i hos int left it Ion ..; th situ ttlon. We doubt, however, 1 ty < lidng ? lire trieb at th? outset of ths hand, tat gain ";" an extra ' tri. k to offst t thi- !.. .- a ?'? fui anal) ? -in.? thai with proper play, North ... a gout i ? " .' i h? ? made th? Ii cont i act i against an] opening ?- ad a numb? of I" .ii expert t" whom was shown IVi t's i ind only, with ? description '?r th" bidding, were almost unanlmou Ii ?? North ?. .?:?! .?t hearts and plsi 9 a short ? ub suit in ?South'? hand >-?*. a 11 * no pad? ll t.Id that West < ?? hari ? ?! doubl? would not t ? ? d Th?- other side ??f ? ment m auci.. ni di mot I I loe - ? hand snd 1 11 ? -. ? in work of two ayi Tu- ? oft?.ts tl a team oui of working g? ar, although somewhat otTbel by tempting honor cote* Here la ? hand played al ? local cluo that Illustr?t. I th? P"''it ?S43 ?A94 OAJ ?AKQJ7 +K09 ??hQj!0752 02 ? 84 \** -' OQ109?764O + 052 ?AJ10 76 52 -36? OK 5 + I093 Scot.. i--? i all. lit I game. South made his Initial bill tl < m a hand a hi? h .. qulr? d com Idersble lance in order t?? go ?garni ? de? la? t.iti.i mm roysl, so si nol to discour? age a partner from bidding, co Id be r?ec? ommended. WEST'S INEXPLICABLE* BID. \\ .? t ma.i. the ratbei rprlrdng de? a? ratton of t"?> no trump. Tins declaration u.i g pur?' tamble, and apparentls no : ill . xplanation i ould ;-' made, w hat ??a onlng ?could have Induced this bid to . tub ?l"?l i i. With a h?trh honor value, i- . ? h m .. i . Stiel a dec] iratlon al ? i?ii.s arould have at least afforded bun ? bi ? sthlng i" ii in ??? i ;? h t" ploh up us? ful Informstton, deelrabl? froi I pat m. r. m*!- a i ..t ??i ? nina ? I bj b nd v atch? r ?? oppon? er In ? ha of Bpadi ti Matten a < re ahap t it din ctlon a h ?n North pa ? T action ??n a hand which apparentl) Indi? . ,,t. ! ol? t helm i rd< ? ?i -n Hi? dowi i ? fore p ? . ? ..,,, ,1t Hoa could W< it'? no-trump he reconciled i., an opposition ???' two ilts, poa : . . THE REASONING OF NORTH. ng over the | . .- _ ? .i i bould ' '...' ? ::..-' v ? j two no-trump lout I ? ? ? Ill'l.l ar,.i would m.heat ? ics dependence up? making enough tricks to sav? the <" tract before losini the lead. With t1 ?f ??? "f spadea In W? ?t'a hand, nothli ?hort of an ? Ight ird sj ad ? suit ?wou have Juetlfled a two-royal declaration I South, except the possible contingency ? .? |.i ?ull ol ? Itner clubs or dlemond extremely unlikely In view ?>f tin- OPP? altlon ii"-; ump declaration. If North Vl w.d West's hid m the Ilffl ??r a hasardous venture, arlthoul the ai .?i ip ides, hi? paaalng and d ?feel Contract would hardly give s :!li. i?nt r? ,nop. use for the aaeriflce of a poeslbl game hand, with a high honor soor? c hearts <?r royals. No fault COUld ha\ been found with a declaration In either i th? a? suit -. with sufficient length i to withstand an] danger, th higher honor \; lu? might Indicate ? prel ? the ? labot -t tion by North, loading i" a iet laratlon ? three In either heai ta o It woul have gon? for naught, i m an ? Ight-? .-ikI diamond ?ull ou d eaail bava been ?trel :hed to foui. A CARNIVAL OF DOUBLING. ?South d< ' ?f. tii-' e ro which Wi i d North then declai i d fo n Ik art? ng thereby the obligation ol ai extra trick ovi r royala it wo Id ha ? been intereatlng t" havi heanl North'i di ductlona (thai la If I Hj gav? sertoua thougbl t?i the situation) to an expectation ol high? ; tries ? th? combined banda at ? heart declara ? w.-st ??" .1.1. ?i when it came till ibabl) occurred t?? South thai Ninth's tardy action In naming h? m ? ? ..f etrength at ? i to over? all West itlon. Smith therefore d? four i?. ? a th tire added | I of a singleton heart Wi I b No th th? i eupon ?'? whl? h. in turn, w eal do i South wenl t.? five ro? ala a hi? h a : d u ..-1. and the i iddlng . ? led with r i.ntra? t at five rayala do ible-d, and Weal .a the lead. PLAY OF THE HAND. d with the king of cl after taking a look at dun th?? thn North .u.d ?South I I ?trick ??hort ..f th. ir ? outra? t, th? I ? ?. i. mes hat modified by a high lionoi ? n bid : hat ? resulted 1 rom an oi - | hi'l ? ' ir as .?? r ..': sbl) moi. ? ? ? ? through sn Initl i fi"t'i II ? I bid depart? from the reensnizerl seien?-.? ..i th? gama one'? partner la naturally at ,?ea, having based his deduction.-! on erro r. OUa In'"? ? : Illation. The following hand points nut the error brought ai ?.?u by an Initial bad start. whereas ? pretty hand was Jumbled much to the diagust ??t MM ?.:<pert player. ? Tha hand: ? ACJ108 7 5 ?QJ109? O A8 a? ">l\,2 VA871 r.teK4 0AKJIl)6r .. c032 40972 J4AKJ10653 ?9643 y 5 3 OQ98754 ? 4 Score: Lovi all. rubbt : tain-*. s-nitii de< ?.ir-e.i one dlamond. Tha weak? ? m v. ith length alone, unaccompanied by outside strength, ha so oft? ?l I?'1 H C ud. 'uni .1 in th? . .u ' that further comment aeema superfluoua pant*' a t?i? k for a d< fl at. d COU? i act waa a mora pleasant prospect than struggling for ? sum:; acore below the line and will thi .: u "f lus high I ? ?n e i rather hoped that South u.c.hi i..- lefi m to pla) the hand al that atlon. THE POSITION OF NORTH. With tWO Btltmg silts and his pari n-r bidding ??u another, North, aatl -j ri. -i with the of only mini? Btrength backing tu- opponenta <b - I ? 'I'?? provl'i?- f??r unfore .???ii condition . h wever, arith a hand ,.t lui !i individual ' North'.-. which it waa highly d< Irabl? t.. piaj it th? honor value, .-m Imm?diats declaration for the tun arorth of the hand would be nend? a declaration of tl::. '?' H made af< ?. Bul North's i w bid enabled I t to I ?' ? I I tv.'?-< I'll? ?I ? - hu ?Atlon. ?South ?i- ? Ian -i t--*..? roj al \\. :-i went tlir??: - lut?**. North's ; . : I': i-l might lav. bad th" effect ??t abutting "?it information useful t.? the adv. r Tl - lin t bad i?r? ?k in aupi Ing | ...| when "a ?t over? N..: to with four diamond? Whl tl though " ed, t . th, ?? i a rang , m ii game band at Sound Play at Auction Im plies Caution, and the Taking of Chances Is Likely To Be Penalized. clubs. ?South, accepting the Invit?t??, which his partner extended by prusji. doubled. ?Whether North lest his nerv?? or could noi bear to par: with hut hono.-s. a fou-. loyal ?ieeiaration showed Inconsistent Ml ding hard t<? equal, if North's, ??hviomii. tentlon waa to go on with tha royala whj ehould he run the risk, however slu-ht <.f sm ill's passing with the promif?. 4 only .-mall ?gain through an aadoaftfl ?contract? Al first glance, what appear--; to !? a weird ?Ieeiaration Of six clufa? that follow? l from Bast improved jora? nhat Upon ana' ? ? Briefly condensad, hla partaer'g support Ing ii?. ami ?trangth ta ?liamonds ov? South, with his- kms; of apedea adv?? ily located, nave promise of fa losing tinks. South doubtod probably "a general prlndptes."' \v?-st now woke u? to tin- full realization of the worth of *jg bar ?I In < onihinati'"--! with his partner ?al redoubled. GROUND AND LOFTY BIDDINCL North*? live royals that fol?iwe.l 6howt| 1 ? if-r arqua tafia with th<? vain? of i-.ii hand glao. I."at Btlrrad matter-* up by de claring UT? M trump, speculating on th? ,. ? ??; '?-.aii'ond.-, at least. In hia partner'? hand t?i make a ?mod ?hrtwhsg. Xor'i doubted, and West by redoubling fur Biahed a spectacular flnlf-h to the bidding! already Riled with a variety seldom teta* ?? Um SUCtiOn table. East and West went Rame and rubl-H?. Wltl I grand slam, making a total ot 1st points ?m the hand, as North paj-sM th? opening ?pade bad. not having a sure re? entry ai d ?Sa- t'a king made. A QUERY HAND. Here la B hand s?-:it us from L.ait? hampton, Mass., which praaeata a \?r/ pi. it'.- query probl? m : declared one haart; Won ?.*?? clared two diamonds: North held tha foi lowing - aid 1: Spades?A Q J 10 8 Hearts?8 6 4 Diamonds?A K 92 Clubs?8 Whet acttoo aaould North have t-Ueu: ? ?k Just ended (ipcncrl with Borne ?lel'i* .-si'.ri CSOSad t'y tlio rath? ? ??i caah ahoirn in the p**?r?Vk>Ua work'.-? bank statement. An easier tone in ?all !ii"tI? ItabUalMd in tho hoRlniiitiJ. . ranj*in>- from "'_? t,. 4 per .r?nt, with a mllna fate around t\ I"'' csnt The t.ii.J'in.y fur the remain?!' r of lho w. ? k ill liians srsa toward a s!!**iit soften? ing Of rates, i. ;t dm" loans (or the W?ek remained atasd-f, sad boytna insta. ? ex?*rrctsed considermble diacrimlnaUon m th.- -?election ..f commercial paper, which ? -?? ?! !i"'ii ??'.? t.. ?? pe? i. lit. < inf. i n . oun ? nt was the esai? r tODC of m?>ri.*y abroad, which r?*SSit<**J in a fSiHnS off of discounts lath? i.i'Ti. of Europe. Mon? y has not resched auch a si,i-,- .,f easiness that llbsrst linancinir can l??? done ... a M limit? d as in other yenra, which is < \ ?*H*a**-f?sd t'y tho attractive rotes oil which th?. St. Psut and Pennsylvania issu, s Wars put "..t. This ?niiihasiz? s the (set that the interest return must be much ?-?renter to Insure banklrip parti.itpstllNI at the praSBat time Money promiSM to re? main firm for Botas time, at leaat STOCK EXCHANGE NOTES. The Bastabarahlp "f Prsn-da '? Bsniea,' ? deceased, has haSB transferred lo AW-xan . . r H. I'.iown, of Alt \anil.r H. Blttwa o. ? <?(.., St. Louie. The membership of Joseph H. Moore ' has inen posted for trsnsfsr t" CbSI ?.?...hard. A BBS 'irm hae been fornvd, under the nam>* Of Alexander H. Brown ??: ?'.>., of ' si. Louis, f-oiisiKtn.ia- of alezsjodsr II. Brown and Anthony J. Schmidt. Herbert Pitch has been sdmlttsd to the I lirm Of laivinKston <?;? .',,. The follow in;* chancea in ailitraasaa have been mad?: Kl-hard Klag, at Alfr. Mestr. & .'..., No. 12 r.roadwa*. ; A. Obrtff, .at H. K. Hurras & <'o.. No. 81 Broadway. Huhn, K.i. 4 ?. >'.,. NO. 11! l:.? Alfred M'Stje ? Co., No. ?-' BTOSdWsy; ?' EX KaoblsUCh, at Alfr? I If? | .'". No. *J HioHdway; G? or-*.. II. '."?: ; ?i;u*d. at Alfrsd Msstra ???, Co., Ko. H r;,",,'hv?iv; J-fSSa Ma;..':, at ?'hail?.'- If. Schott. Jr.. & Co.. N... M Btomi Btreet; a. Mandes ?v ?v. No. 15 Broad ?'. C. R-**UBSaT6 <*>? ?'".. No. M Broadwsy, ?r.d ??. Hi.1, ill . m. No. ?,*1 BroadS Chatiises in branch ofii.B s ai. : Millet!, Roa ?s Usares fnew), Ma-rtfo-r-d, Coan.; Sternbi i ?-.i. Sinn <\ <'"., Bslttinor? .?oritiiuied; Bond & ?loodwin (BOW), Mm "lis; t'iiller &? '?ray, (ron No. Ml Montss*oa aUs-al to Templa i-a l.iillding, Hiooklyn; Kirhanlson, Norton ... reiimva! from .No. Ml Kioa.j4V.iy to N... :.'a Brosdws-r, New Voik; Hirsch. U?eniliui ?\- Co. (asw), West Bad, N. ...; ?'lark, ?'hil'ls ? I '" , Kiiif-stori. N. Y.. d.s ? ontiime.i. and King, Karnuni ?V fjo., M?f? lalo, discontinue,). MOVEMENTS OF SPECIE. The exports of . pecie from the l'"it of NOW York for the week end? .1 April 12 wars t^i.!*?* "***dd sad "MMM si i v.r. a total ?if $l.l.'7.:,.l. BaTslast ?l.l 17,771 |OM sad silver In the prrcediiiR week and |*""l,H0 ? in th?* t?wiaspo*irtlni wssh last pear. Sine?* J.inuaiv 1 th.? expoits Of Hold amounted to K7,1M ATI sad i!:,..-.'!,4.: aUser, against $:*? "? \Jene (.-old and $l".t',2.",.1.'l silvor H; tii<* eoi-re-poii'ltnt: period last v,;i. The impoits ?if st ?el.- at tin- Port of New Yoik (of th.- Week ended April 13 ?rere Si:-'?>'? aold and $ih.:'.,7 silver, rank? s total of tSlXSSt, agstnel a total .. Y?lo.ista in th.. pr?M*?*ding week and $361,526 In the corresponding week last year. Hint*? Jsnuary, 1 th.- imports of sped? amounted to ??7.K,l...y;, against $n,240,T.'l. THE WEEK'S TRANSACTIONS. I ?ally sales of B?tocka and bonds- on the Stork "DirlaSlkaTB itBTtag th?- Iiihi WaBk, with yearly comparison.-t: W-aSksi MM l?'-' WV Marila? . 246.415 D2S.160 Pia. 14-. ay. 4t?.<?'7 BB4.S4J I88.W7 ? lay, .. 616.440 ? M4,?eW i">..2',7 'ihiinf'l??4. 373. cm; W.s.?:.'?". ii;,.r,s7 Kiida* .:?....'.'..'. Hiit.iHt?. Holiday Kaiurrlaiy..... I ::".. 71<? 5*?4.?73 HolMsi Send?. Monda- . $3,253,000 -p,382.O0O $2,?**2.0"Mi 3. il?...??? 2.911.0"?? .i.n.-.*?.'?'?? Wed ?enday.. .?-..!4**r.7.n-??? 2,774.'?H? 2,276,000] 1 .in?,.iay . . . 2.721,(?10 2.fJ82.<?00 2,.T0l,?88i . 2,1*?.'.'"'? 2.4H.OOO Holiday] ?aturilay. l,2?12,i"4* 1.043,48)0 HollUay ' BUSINESS REVERSES. RAHAM, ISAAC AM? A ??R? ?N MU-I*" p. Ht . \ il .. i . a'"? i Miller, ?ho rtn of Mill? . . . m ?o ???> ;.?*.-;?? nai ; ? ?o ? ? n. m,, n R U lue, ">*T8S; a - um?! Uoldtx ?-.' *?-'? Ju?U M ? ' ? SJ.MI.? ?a u h sut horlt ? ?1*1 ' i. .... "O0.000 - .'?" The ?vprll. It '?"? JOSEPH R MCNTER Bchedul?i In bsn Mu ilei m - lothln? nr So. If, I muy, i-iuivr llabllltiea ol ?31,561 M 1 ... u 11.non, .u i ;, M.O00- A Iti? t*ommer ial Truat l'ompi |2 02*1; Columl la Bank, ?i 500, ai d Un .t R M M,:??? HARRY DREESBOIjP - 1.,.. old, dealer In woollen r.i-:-.. ni No 300 ibllttl'l J .? ? ? ?r $12.14.1, com I ..t-, ?n.h?.". I ? I ilvi ?- ?.f ilo k ..? n. ? ? ' '" . t ' ? ? ? IjMOI M'- l'NDER 110 ZKI.M. RABINOWICH l''t ? i:?i.lri...?i. h. wholeM una ? No 27 Bond ?.'redil . n i . ?i-.?., - - ? ? . , |; . oi peay, ?212. end .1 ??????: !? Ma.i, 1144 ?titelt Mid to be $1 'f*1 si d |2,?)?x' H- ha? been In bualneea alx m sri S \\ll EL BBRO ?WITZ *? ?wit?, ? ? lerk, ?.f No 78 Bas) 11*-? i. street, nie tin. with llabl Itl? of |2 ?""? si , . ? are for velvi I iah an '. bott? i BAMUI :. M \Mii:iMi.i; ?Samuel M ? ? No. 212 J'i'.-i-ii avenue, Bronx. . ? ? of $4,111 CONRAD zink Conrad Zink, fonnerl) "f ftink ?v, Unser, HqiMM .- il? al No 421? Third avi nu? i ol 12.787 and no ni ???- .t Hua O I n?ei died ?.n I?p. .-nil,, r ?, I0O1) mi: \?i \m k;nzi.i:i{ s ha.n Rinzler, skin manufacture) No 2S IVeel i'."i Mtltlea ol iT.T?:? a?H h f M.177. ? onalatln? ?.f ato? k, ?i ??'?" k- - ' |80; n- . -.unis. S-;!??, ?ir.i caah, |7 GLOBE BRASS BBP M \ M'I'A' *i I IMS'?', ?'' ?MPANT s. he lui? ..... m-.,?.- i-.< i Manufacturing company No. '?><" Baal I4th -'i"', ?ho? liabilities ?.f |2<,1M end i II -?-' In .i ounti MORRIS Mii.i.i r m< ? Miller, dealer in Marlon? r?. notlcni and crockery, ni Etna n v. ?led petition, with llabllltiea of 12,07? and; moo i, atocl . Then an ? '? ira In N? w "fork < It?, JUDGMENTS RECORDED. rollowln? tudfmenta for amount? awn 1100 are filed yeetei-day. the ?rut nain? tiiinc tii?? ?.r ?>. .!?-;.|..r: M.'i.rt. Charlea H?B P Mue?? el al; 1326 1 I. Bartholomew, Donald C ,\t ? Kent; totttS Bai - .n, ?iii? David Tim n Good kind; $11K.;.; I;. t? A M Link. *?17.'. 14. i:.-.,-:. Michael n M I. Voun? el al; W20?1. Elfin, Barney, and l>.'ii- Enoch M Strompf; ?37 -? Frl<*dman, Mas j Rubin I2A0 41 ' ? '. I M H< rton |c? ? Vesui rr>. Il M ?*? nai .!. and John n Bcheler I* . 1114 7'.' i'raaao, Bal valor? J Hera11 el el |lft2M. Hank n, Danl. I r ?/-.- raid W7? :;:.. Meara. Harry ,i i. i? i ,i :. ?;ii> so k ?' T <;??i?-t' pgAO. i* . M I \ t| Heldelbi r?; Ills 38 Jewett, Robert I, \\ ....?nvaul Co. 112? 70. K'?ml.\?i. V. il l>?,:iKln? Whlatler l!ri k ?'". |1,(-M 80. Klernan, Benjamin i W J Kent; .?.:'.???; ,w Koch, Lydia B National Naaaau Bank el Nee v.,,:? mm::., Klein. Emanuel M mi Ufe tneuranr? ?Cb| *1?,1 7'V Ltpman, ? ; L Upn in <-?...-???. * i.", s l .*> Lelfhelt, ?William H >>lfbelt? *Ut2aB0 i.' ?.. Moej K EMndham Realisation Co, In 15,52*0'-' -' i i ir . Rl liar-1 It <-|i"?rhro-Whitman <*o. 4*i74'; i Mor? Howard i: n \ Btener; I2S1 S3 McDonald, William Croea a Hiown ?"o; * atoran, Berasrd t M t: Devlin ?140 48 ' ? , ? 180.1 -.''i Neafery, John \. and franklin 1: Ba T Ene? Ihardl \ Hona; 1185 38 Rudner, Samuel Cahn, l???ii \ ?... 11312t Rothenberser, Morlti s m Herman; intu?. SI.?, um. Anna Bonwlt, Tellei ?v ?'.. 112138 . Bertha Ferdinand Munch Brea en . I14S t" HSlttS, Philip S A Y Harro. $7*-<. 7^? sin?.,?. Marlon .\ -p itarior. ttiO .';*? so?.. Meyei L n D Ola-letoae; ?i??? M Schneider, Jolm T??r." thu.i War.l Hank; $5.424 - ' HcBwoerer, Anthon . AntlMWf MiWoeff?*?!. Ir, end \ Schwoerer ? Semi Tauntoe Neat I Copp? r ? ?? SiT ?11 II. r, .ifiim 1 .1 ;? rteraon; |1,304 M ?.V>iD?teln, phllln and M.'x .1 ???itiiinrrcr; 12 >*- ?;: nan. Fannie A \ Ht-fhnsns; lldSSI z,1'.,.in. Adam a Kimmerman 113870 '"I'll' RJver Hydraulic Mininc; Oo H \ $1.4-11 ?',.*. ? i'v ?,r xeij Y.irk It P & .1 )t Ruai-?, lusse i" ; .*- Schumann, im v g iiran.i: ?an.' la, "?-tir,- <? Madlaon <:nt PuraRare Co, la '.' ????ut I.uinl.,, je 11 -, 4j ' O ' < '". John 11 It'.plir. and Di-lmar R Bhafi 1 i'.\ Machemy; |543 7? ' ? i t'.rr i',, -T Mlnanh ?l?2 17. .-?'?o-. '?;i''(''1' ?'" National Nse-aiu iiank. e*AJt ?3, GOVERNMENT BONDS. BM Ael Rid Ash i"1"? IM-KIdi e up 113*4 m1. .i"?'? |*ana ta reg I00U t"i ?V r?*a ,.l*??'?j !?.?'. Pana 2a coup. 1?*S*4 101 ?* eottp.i1?:? W*? Pane "h re?..I"**?-) 1?^ t? rx?.113'-. 114 ll'anu 3s coui>lj{):*4 1W THE CROP MARKETS Grains All Weak and Lower Coffee Still Declining. 1 i-, condition wheat m.i: ?M l ? ? ? t . : ? "rn .ill quart? aren o favo ? : M i.*-h inllil? ri' ? O? ? M'"r I ".l. board clssi ? ? sod th? expi tation that Moi :? porx tsoald ? ii- ?' t ? I f no avail to atem the i bfa lido of prie I. ? ' ' . ? . ? tun., the mai??? t :it t; ? low? :. ? t . :.- down 1 Rnal Corn ad oal I U me Inlhi in? e, the 1 ? toi In? ??? i <|..-,n. snd tha latl r at Un . >i ntiim * ? t i.ii. ? and arhll? l?h?w ? araa m? t? ??? ? '?-. on et arlj r-' ale down, w bit m ;??*. ? t' adln? ?> for ?? tiriT-. th- n ket ? ofl *****alii toward th.. close, arhlch ????*? .?t Ih? low ?.f th.. - ? to il ii'.wn. Th? fon Isn markt I a ? v...ik. althouflt Brasil held unchai - snd tin.?. dlacouraa-ed buying, althotiBh th- r? w? r? operator? who held that a rallj X\AH (111?'. rOMMODITI PRICK? Milt lilt l.X-T tu?) *, I. \lt?. IMS. 1'Hl. ?\rtiilr. lllch. I ?aW. HikIi. low, ?Wketal. >??? ?'. rt-cl n.r. ? .OH || ill % *?l I urn, ?-Mil .III 1.1 ASVt ?1 Oal?. ??mid. ??.hil?? .?4V7 .rtR AtrYk M I 'lour. Minn. pi?. .. Ml LM Y7n in:. I o? tul), mill. aplani IMI SAYS 11.11 Ml f tStee, itio ,11% .1? .ii?. i:,? No. 7 I lint. Mill. ????.I I'Mill I'riiin-: N?-rr? . 1.11 VesJa l''.-"?o Mmss leen) 7 -, ? i nasse m mi ii<ia?? Ml Ml 11.21 ?. :n H.",.' K.OO fl.20 11.:;;'?? Ml :;.7.? Ml ">.-"> ii :.u h ::. :. II li.l.ll H.fHI '?.'? I ?ill'in and hint prl? ??? in lenl? anil hniKlrpiltii?: Bfsatarh, t"*r i?in i?? Uva M ? ?Silt . 1KKMI ?II I'ltl? "-.?? IN M.?M" Mllt tOCn I ?IK Mil LAST Hllh. MOTHHT Urals? tir m anil IiIrIkt: ? nt tun ?uni riiitfi- lower. Tl K.*?l>\\?OratS lili? r, lir.-.ik: riillnn ?l?-ii?l? : lu-a? ? ?l??i|? In < ??IT?-??. ?> LlIMM) ?*? ? t.riiin? und .??lion lii?li-r; ? ???Ter imrtl? raesVOVS. IMI|;M)\*i?l.rnln? nt??l ?ntton hnw-r; ????f?>c HiLanip?. 1*1111?A*? ?W hi-at and ?niton ?l?-n?lv: ? nrn ami ?mi? s?rranee- ?-mit???- leetaaso. ?ATURDA*???ruin?, ?nil?.n iiikI ?nlTrr ail niiil. :ind hiwcr. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS Wheat, buah Corn, iii-.ii Oata, i.i.-h i-..i.]?? buah H?.- buah . Malt, t Flour, bMi Kl oui. It-ana, ill aa? ki . ,,: un.,?al aa k? Oatn mI. i.hi*1 Hope, hui??*. Msy. tosa Sri??, ??m?. Mlllfeed, tona . VVhiakes i.l.i?. H Han,s. pkgl ????. lia? "n. Dks>?. <'ann?. d beef, U I..-U.1. i. o. 7, ?71 35 WS ?t.?:.-:. i . ,, I .?<i ? IM 14, Ml ::::X, "i? :?,?-n inn ?' ill 100 \| ill Laid, kegt l.llt'l. ? J.-? M. Tallow, mi Orr-aae, bbl ? ??? . ? I ..1?. I.I.'.M Soap ?'".. i !?' Lui. oil, bbla ., l.ln-??-.| Oil, 1,1,1?.. i: -m, lar. ht,Im , . ?'..11..ii. bal Batter pi ?i ? i pk?i I" poultry. 1'kgn Live i ?-??j n i ? - '? . bbl ? ? - ... i- tal . . bbla.... ?iiiI'.mh. iiMa. ? ?nun,-. ? 11 i?, i. bu I ?r "run.-. bXa... Peanuts, ?.arks... Itii: \\ h?*at. ti'iph .. Cm u bseh .... Osts, i ti?.ii bai - buah k;..ui. i.i.i Floiii. -., 1 ??? nmi al, i>i.i* Paed, n. H ?jalea .. Http*, i , h? EXPORTS. Ill .u ? Hl? ake, th .... '-.' Pork, bbla. ? ?*(?. bbla. ?.'? n?. n. it. . LIM Hama, n. , ' . I...:!. II. . HJ Or??<??? ti. I.OM Iturr. r. th.... i ??!.-. |b . ! im, Ib. l.>.?0|Luii oll, ?SJS... .1 ?....-, ?i.10 I ! ? IM ?? ? ? i ? .. , I . ?? L.-.lll.' . IM 70J . ?? .. . .47. I ?.; ? .ii. I,?M LOO.-. .10? 4*0 114 ,snn IM ?/?. ?<->*. I " CASH QUOTAT'ONS. r * . . m, 4i . ,,,.?? .. ? ? naa . . i i ? l GENERAL MARKET REPORT. MS Will ? ? - ? . 1 I ? . ? imp .!? 'i 4 . *? - ? ? ? ? . ? r '?,. 40 I , 44||||.. . I,|.|,.-.| .' ? Op. , I m.? \<?i;i4 nui tea. . " .- ? lei? ?.< . ??- . ?.- . :??.', '? ? hum,i n WHEAT, :.',.... i 08 " i o.... loi I " ' 1 ' ' j IN I l.t'HlK Kl ? lin s. 4\ ? . i. . . Oat? Te i.i ... t r.'.'" " 33.' 610,000 . , ? 4 ? , 64 OOO 3..7..K?,. ICI "?> ? ai 250 ... 132..??I *?l \IIOVI(l> t II \K VN< K?.. **|oajr WtMal To da] ... i" " -' :; :" ???i 21,000 s,,,.., ???i ,-., Lait yeai . ??. - - 000 " l l ?il i: \Mi M KAI . . ? ? ? ? ;? ? Instan? em woo o t i ? ? ? .- paient?, ?m..?'. s., vint? ? ?i .... . ?... ? i 1er. | N., 2, $.'! 4. ., ? . ... 51 lit if 1130 ' ; n., ,i R .--i. ,,|. ....... 4 -, I?. fl.l * ' ?? IRNMHAL ...,,i.' Kilr. dried, 83 13 BAO M KAI, -i O $i : 4,. i i i.|. I ? ''? .1 .1... |*M .." ?? . 114 la m. >.i) hull |2< 50 . . -.:.-.- .,. >-;? ..ii,4|?:\i, |27:?o?B$2,s < ??i i t'.s. i .ni. ?i to -ti.,?- ..a Improvement . a i.t v I.1 '. .? ? full it at w . : mark, ta ?ho? ? i ?. ,?, r,,,-.. n., i .? belna \% I ??.44. .-, " I ? ? ira ?? as do? l.l'l ri? ll.- ?! road ? aui ? .1 ?ellli ?tart, and ... i i . ii ?o 18 point? ' 'II fa j< " ? marl rallied ?> lo H bul late In th? isain i I .,.? ti,? bottom, ?Ith . ? u; i.i i? polnti In Bra H ? loa ?r, t>oih In Rio and 8i is, ann i I ..rf.iM 44.1.. se?era u .? i Horn? ild thai lb. ? 44,,4 ,, t? n,., in ? ran ? La s?..a iroffi t- .... . . . i, ,| ,,,, t . got lina th? mai I ??' api eared to I ? ? . an i quotation? ....? ..- lower. : '-?. to . baal? of Hi f.,i Rio V. 7. Loi al . mtra< I ?' *i '? Opea Hlah. ..<????? ? ' me Sat Apt II..., pi i.v./ :.i ;>> 10 82 A!... . 10.63 10.67 I"';.' I" <;i a m i'.2 I" 77 Jui -... !" 72? I" 73 1" 811 Jill) . . I" 4-, lo.!??' !u s| pi s|?pis.; n .,2 ?ua-Ual I" '.'In 10 '...-. II lo II OB It 13 I I "s II "4,i II .r-.i il 2;, ' '? lobt i 11.12 11 12 IMS II "hfl H 00 II 27 Kot It i"., II Hl 11 27 '" 1! 18 11 l? 11 II 11 ll'.ill 12 II 2H 11 13 11.13 H 13 11 I Pu 11 12 11 2*i I>|. ... Il 12.11t.i:. Il 28 Mai It . Il 17 11 ! 7 11.13 II lia 1!. la 11.32 PRO! IMIOW* Mi rkei ?hoare-d . onslderabl? ilnnsHt earl) .pu and ?????? . . i,. . bul 11 ?? a ' ikneaa la i;i..iii caused rea 11 ?Ins Mice, under ?rhlcs price? ?4.,iK..| ..ii ?harply, elnalns no! iai from ii,.- i, lou? nil PORK i-"ii,,i, ne s. %:i -?,:,*..'j :,i. family, $**4?-i$2*.; ?Iiorl rlear, $214122 30 RKKK V ???, $13?j$20; family, $234i$24; par*?ei $21 ni..', .m;.. India .,,? i, .?.'.a* 17 r?RI ? 11 lf<>. ;.- Hteady; t.a. .,?,.. l.' ,ai' . , tCs ii ii rilBATri Pickled bellte?, I4*tir,l4r; plrkle?! ham?, ir.'Kl?'.. i ?LI OW K'p? lal, 7?4r . it?., ii',. rounti ? . ? . .,., ?. LARD Firm Middle West, ii 2"*?ti :<"< . city, lie; |-?fl*aad ?lea.I?, S",iii. \m.. ., a. 1X85. rontlnent, 11.80c; Braall s? . II I8it?; compound tino s-ip B*4c BTBARIMI Bteedjr; etoo, lie; ell) lard, "< OTTONSKKII OIL War? ,ir,,i. ?it h ?S ... ? * ?t burina i. Western nperatora, Influenced by il..* ?fj-en-rtn in lard Local commlulon ? . r,- .?I-,. "II t|. ? 1.11- in,; M|.|,. ,,.,,| ,|., ,,. r ' ?it iii.iii.i from i in- r - '. i,.. raai i\..t .a...i i,m |?,ii,ira n,a hlcber (Yurie >,ii .?.o? tina. m,.i irada demand 44,14 .,n 1 ut>.-rHl acal? 1 i.,- ?1 , entra. 1 ia 1 ?aa. V. at,a Op? II IIU'I l>.44 I ,,,., ,;,,. ?'-I'' ' . 3 ?*-'. ? " '<7 li so l??pnl. 0i>2 IM 0S2 e.SCr?.'j:. au I ? . . I . -I - . . i. ...... r, nu i Mill I??-1 -. \M? -\ i:t pa ? . N W il, ?lllltl N j I ? ? . . I although I ? . - ??II - R? '? Kit t ??. -I i. \K?1 i . f"r 1.13 : , . ? | - ' ? COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. . IS 101.1. lit: W-? \M?it\ " ? ? 11 ??-. un n ' ' ? , 4 i | ii ?... ? in ?to 4 I >i i" ?4 ? 4 | ' Ml I I I II took ?o 'ii- . ? -. ? ?! I .' 1,1. ! ... ... . .-.I. . (Ill ? ? ? i ? .... ' * - ' r ? ? ii t m . i ' ? ."..'. th 'i m ,i ? i ? tilllM It? .'.]? ?? , quallt ? n but id lim n. .t i :. ?. i .y. i lowei a?i-1 eoal WI nit:,- .t- ma I tal Ion . ? ????? ? ' Imp.. I'm;' ? ? ?? hoi? milk, I ? ? ; ? 17 ' ?? ?? in? in? ?? . I?../ '.: ?lil' . '? ? : i ? ? : ' ? I ?.:,-? '.: ,'i..'ls . t.?|. buy?*i ? - r?i i quota lion I ':? -!i ?-? ' ? ? i- o ked ? ai ?" ?ular, p , ?,. .in ' - . . t*- ' .. -? , ,i I- 17 ', i Iftc; thlida 174117-*j?*; ?in ? 2. i?; t; ?. ? under ? id? ? i ? i?-.. iiu k ? V'lrainla ?food ? ? .;? ?.'.; ? n i? ?' pi .ii ?? ?-'?. n' m . . .i J7. . under 1.1 ide, 22 ..i. ... ? i.i , ... . ? . I".-i ' a hit? -, g.I t.. |arg? n< a laid, _:t jo' . \\ -?. . i. -.'" li 21c; nea nai - hi au na ..... I Kl IT> DRII ' ?I .lei iipataie proi i n. for pi .... f ., ii futui 'i ?" ?'? '?'? ' ? t 'I..-I N.. .mh. r itellvery, r ?? i. ? t in?, i I? i "i : ?. - qui ? ind nominal M ? 1 "'. i ?? . - m .; ? Prunea mov KL-lT-r. 1,1.1. |''?|.1 i,.i??.'. iiu.- i v| I :. ? R ?NRF.RRIR8 .- at ,? i'.?d hi :. *?*? . ||n 'i.i... c: ., f.? m ?jottg laland, hbl. *7./.?ii> .1. i-. ? 17fl |H ..u ..... II 7.1 ? si i: \ \\ in i: i; i ? i rldn, quai ? . . . ?.?.? ?, i ,i. i ma. quart, ?? H 11. Kl M? n vi 8,, qu irl 8?i Irte; TAN? OEItlNEfi Plortda, atrap, Il ?dtt 18 23; Kl NO 8 |1?B|.*i ORAXOKH California, h?>\. v I ii ? . p. R|i... M ;.?> ' in 7'.. Plorlda, II Ml?, |? or \ PBFRt'lT. Plorld ?. 11 2B ?.i i Pone Rico .?i B .<. S.?an |i 0, lit '.'".. I'iNK \ri'i.i:s. Red Rpanlah. Pon? Kl?-.?. crate, ?t 7:.., jet M iNiban, *i SOU IS 2.1; Floi Ida. II M? i *?_? -'u amooth (*??yenne 12 Hfl HAI (Mi HTRAR High erode timothy In Hehl aupply; medium ?rade In iah de? mani? wxx lare? baled, '?"? timothy, N.? i |2ie|2irtO; atandard. ?it? ?"?"'" *'-'" ??" No :i ?Mi.I N'o 'J. |lS<**!tfl M) h?-'" i-lovar, mixed, IH!? lit) \? |, mixed, lin.?Il1? i?.???-. mlaed I1SOI17; No I, i-lovar, ?1?I.:*17. RTRAW rye, 1310123, .small baled ha?, .".??.'nil lena than Im. . Hors Htormy weather ?it"' t''1 "**? "-p* te move m? atoi k Mark? I eaej la lona ro? LTR. ?1 IVE Onlt ??'? i ? 'srloafl by fr.-iaht unloaded, bul M rara on traeki under Umita ..i lilppera Tradln? ?low, but only ?.n .". rara uneold in lohbera' handa U'UI.. and rilirKENH I?. OLD ROOSTERS. I-."?.-.'; Tt'RKKVa. mlaed. 16c; i?i?i?'-. "'" OEKSB, th . Ol INT-US pal--, ft.*,, P10I ON?, r air, 30 HRKS8KI) II ?relp'.i I IM p ? v ' Bcaiterlns Iota of fret-a Iced f"v'u ****?,*** '"" ??.uraly uny d<jinan~J an' haMW wil.liig tu ? ? ' 2 to 4 ! XX'- ' ..... -picked. 12 ' " 16 t? " ?'? ' - i ... ?tern. II and . iMi . "' "K - Ib, i : ?V 14c; ... |. . . !. \ . ?! . ins toi So 1, No l. -- ? !.. ? ? 24 It? .- ... ' ... - ... 21c; i :.' . grade, 17 ;. : - - ' ,\vi.s. i . . ? ? | over to to 42 tb, 17 . 14.-; I'l.'KS. ? ; ? ' 4 s*o 2 t. ? . 4 1 in ' - ? ' ? . . ; ' * . I <?l Kill ?? \\l> \ ! i.?llll.l? R. ;? ? *. 1,113 pksa. oi Bwe. : .1 Sam ?tea ? - ? - No 1. i.. .??' S i'-?; " I 14 '?',. so 2. Il' .. ? ; 7.".. n * ' -, -. . . Vir? i. late .... . . :- . - ?tai m ? v i - . K * ithcrn, * i. iNM, old r, I?MI Ib I . ? ' |1 . : ? I 73 M- \ || ? ?$l " \S1* 41. Vl-,1 prii . ? v irnl ? ? extra ? rl -. ? ... ? . - ?? ". I.' RKAXB, PI. n ,\ .,:? ?-reel ? !' , , half-lMix. $'. ;..? .?i 7?. BKK S. Sontl 100 i ? ?-, bbt, $1 '?? ? ?? ..? ? > | m , . *: Jafl 25; .All?;. - ffl r ?i. Salit. ? : N. 44 . > ? , ? r. SKtai 12: 1 1 l .' .'i ri'MBKRS, l ?? \|:t * . ? *l 23011 73 ' ' $1?$1 23; i*. $1 4 . ? ?. ? ? II KLO WEH .-,?? Il.fl : 1 , ... I*K?. $1 -1 14 11 73: ? 'HIOOR* . ? . i 1 -, . - ?ROM -' ? ? ? . i'.;;ri. 4-. 4' S) ??i IK? KRAI?. ' C??H LU VIH I'?' hi , ? l ? ? ? . - ' : . . 4 ,. - ?Y8TRR PI \ \ !-? ??Hi hua * IS. H ? ...., , -, 4, _ PK'PPKRH Klorlil? 11 Ut$2: (I bo? ll ;:. ?>'; Ml; (?niton cai $. . |2 73 ? ? ? v ; | ? 4 ' ; , \ | | ? PARBLKY v. ?r Orle? , iirlv, bh|, $2 181, I ? I ... I R aDIBHRH . lak. ? '.". 0$1 RHI'BARB. ? '?" '?. bo? 7.'. B $126; ROMAIN?". Carolina, !?-:,. ?i ...-?? .-,,,. I. I ". , . i , , rate PP1N 4, II. Viia.-ti.ia. I ' I, an *f$| ?' . Ml \i i , >'' -? \. ? Orteana, I.I.I $1 ...?2 .'-n v ? . Jereej 100 ?i pqr< V..M Cuban, ne? whir.? .... ?.'.<:?.. Plorld? $*.?fl$.1 Tl'R \ii' rutaba hbl ... i n Mkgn ' i ill I TOKH . . II? $3. IK?! II'M -I. PltOOITTB '''?' rMlM-':s. Ro?tor .1. ? 25; I RTTl.TR r. irl . dozen .. Kaalrrn, ?trap. 12 75<?83 23 ; Mi' H'!... ?MS ahite, i It. b iskei $1 112; brown, $1?$1 30 buttnna. c:. ,?!'?, RAP IKHKH. loo bun.he? 824783 RHI'BARB 12 ?mall bunche?,; TOMATO""*?, lb, IOC 2o . LIVESTOCK MARKETS. \.44 tern, *?srtl 12. i?.?i3 BKKVE8 Receipt?, 44o. nil con-rlgned t" .. Bterers. K*. inn* nominally atea-l] I'r, ?- ,1 beef uncnansed at 12014c per u> f.?r nail?.? ?id. .4 No expo 1 la CALVKS Receipts, 37"; mease aa ski?-. r*ee)Ins unchanged, ?'itv iire??,.,t veala la food demand al I8#17fl p..r lb; country .1 lo, 11,11'.. BHKEF AM) I .AM Its Receipts, 2.0TT: ?a cara on aale, Bbeep ateady; lamba, 13020c ii,44,i- Common to prime <*iipp...t ?beep ?old at $ 1 .miu $1; 02'.. i"i 100 it>. clipped lambs, $8b$8 30; ordin?r? t.. food unahorn, 86 30 o |033 Dreaaed mutton steady m l8*-*13tyc per lb; dressed iambs, i.Vii it?',c; country dreaaed hot bouse lambs, *i-i$7 per esr<maa Bales- Kern? Commission Companj .'24 unahorn Buffalo Inmbe, 7! ?i> av?ras?. $0 33 per loo 11.. s Ohio, 84 lb, *s ,*,n ss clipped ?t?te, m lb, *s:'.o. 263 oblo, 89 lb, 88; 18 clipped ?tats aheep, 71 lb, 8530; ,*., no |i>, ??I 50, a Judd .?; .'.1 III clipped ?Uno ab sap, *?! It?. I6 82U; mi. 77 lb. 80 30 17. 7! lb, IS 23 lint.m -He.. Ipu, I 'til head; none on aale. aati-j ?Ire???4 - ? per Ib, , I - ? I ??? 7 ' pet Ml ih. i. . * 21 !'? m?-- : nl in R - .-1" lb, ?*? ? ? ? ? 321 i- ?"??. i- PeaaayV . 13? lb *?? 7.*. n ,\ ? ? IS Pei .-?. 172 - 15. fi \|.nl 12.- H- - ?-. i weak; bu I ? ' ' I ' MM ' i $:i :;7 '.. mixed, *-? ?? s ?... .?? : I ? ." iuf"h, *?- 7 I*? i?a ?' \'l I I i: ires 17R ia ateera 14 -i i 17 .??? atocket? *??'.?..?-. i ai ?. .? 4". ? alv? - I?! 7.-. . in .'. SHEEP? -. itead * ? ? It ? |*7j,j * ' A ' ? ' ...... |8 2 ?.good. 17 5? I? '-?''. Weel * " . ;? Mr-rfc. ? - . -n tt*Ml |S .-.". Sou? n ? - - |l ' ' .-17 2i. 11 25'i 17 |H r. j? r. : dit ?.. *7 M? . ?? i-t.'-l .. .<?'? -,'? it- .,,.-;. <. . ?4 M| J;?. pa? .. . *???.. |7 I? -HI EP?*?? s?. ?; ? I ST ?3 . a |3 19 80 ? : ' ?-!? rx. 11...? ? ?>. April 12.?-CATTLE?Ha? ?Ipta, ?_ \-i: ? LS?Re? .-.o. loa ?r. |3 |1 ? HOtt ?? - ? ? ictlve ata ay to .'< >u.-r. heavy. IS 4.'? *'??.??. mix-l <"'?"# ||l .;-. ?-, ? -, 4 .... < . . |'.l 7.? ??'*.?? I? 7 It ?7 ith 1 ? ? ; . ? ?IHK.EP -,M? -.\MB$ Receli ?? -? a?* <- <?".'?: I?. 73 |7 ? 17 ?*: |3 50 67 50 - ? ;? mix? i. 5 ? *7<M. u ?ol lai - .<?> I?? THE COTTON MARKET Weak and Unsettled. Makings New Low for the Week. St?.i? l?'ss nnl.-is w.rr anost tai in th? cotton raarkol rutar?sr. arliea yVct*, .ut- r ?howlng mi i'1'ii.ini* <i op ol I 1 ' .* points, ??"lit balo? the low l-'voi of last Monday This helped slottf tha fw < rsli) unsettled condlt l?. fore the it <-lin- t ? ? ? ? ked ? Id i re,? month? ?-ere al .1 net lo - <>: from :?'to'i i?"irits and ti?., new crop *a.?s dowa front 12 to U pointa. There waa .? Uttte *******} try ut tl,:- point, but euppliea wei tul ami the irket .-nowed il The ol for the from U to . a fe.r lowest S lutl ? rn tnt 1 wen 1 ? ' hisjSer, ind U1? for tui't d tract 1 ?. ' . . 12 l?> 12.1?? 12?>2 II . 11.08 11 tat 11-1 H -'? I'-' ** II.'?.. 11 :>.. 11 r?:. II - '" -7 12-M I . . I 1 ..'.' II ??. II ??:. 11 ? It.-M II ?? I . 117*- II 7-.? It 71 11.71611-72 **** 11.51 11.51 II..M II.47ft1l.ia ltM 1 ? . 11 17 n i7 u ?1 1 *** 11) . i' ; ' 11.31 U il tl ????H H II ?** , 11.4? 11.46 11 39 11 :??'?? H M ?- *?? i t.t\. 1 ? I ?,??.?> . ;:7.i?'<? - - '' ...? i.??? . .7? ? ? v:'"> . * - "? \. tuai i-aport 1 000 ' M "" ? ?4 : ".,- ..?:?? ??? 1 v , il:?.?".? i-, "?? ,'??"*' Afloat xi -i , 17,000 M ?.-??.**>?>? ?.?, ; ???? I il'*. 1 . \? ..u .;'"?, Am? r. "" ? - ? , ? in Mlddtln? iipianu. ; P4q ? ? 1. .t ,jni.-t rr 2 r : '- tOjS ?Im . ? i? -i ni let, ? l ' I (1 i,7.i '.[?ni ? I M ' t***) -. 8.02dl J N g, ,, y, ? ,,,, . , i , ? : ? i, r?*tvr. C. 24 v l>.... m'? r it-.'ll 1' ? ' ' ' .. i*- i r. ? . ? ' Rai ??? .; n?l..l. Mari ' ApHI. I SM a- ? CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ??lil.K.r.-. A?.,rll 12. ? A f.?'.Ma-t .?f Une "?? ?t'1?'* nil over the ?*<?untr\ f'.r th? neat few ***** ***? m., .u valuta tumi.Unit, and cloala? prlceo ***". in ahoered from ??.<? i.? 1<- net I??-- ?-'?J?* {'"?J . 11,1 .?.?ll-W vl >?t| '.... ??St?, ??.-? ?!'>?? ?j? ',??. but ? ro? LekMa sere n ?na'l?* w?sar to i?w hlaher. ttnnt-e Sf *S*ksa? Utieai; l>i?*n HUh. lo? CSeSI '??*: Ma) .... -?l*. MR i'l '", July .. t???1? tx?1? i.lS K>\ ?"S ?>,,?* ni m% *??'? s?** w U% MR N??. ?? -?i? ... IMS -'?(?-? -'*?*?i ? gi XL* .S?.pt. 57 ?a :?7l-i ."?7l4 '"?I1*? M* Sopt ... r.?rn^ May.... lulv ??.it?: May. M ?? H? ? H July. M M :*i 0epL. ? . :>4T. ?i tard .M.'? July.. . Ml.? Maj ... U -.2 il .17 It .1? J it r Ma: Juli. 2012 20 20 2u lo -JH i>. Sf. ??s ?4< ?* Il oo il oo in M ions 1?J* Iii'.i7 ltix? 10 ?W 10 ??? w*7 "S ?Im Uli 1120 1112 11 1? ?*.*** Pork! ,?.. May. it? .?7 2?)o-; i:':?:. l?ai ,]*.' ?13 t??*