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FINEST WORKSHOP IN WORLD FOR FATHER KNICKERBOCKE The New Municipal Build? ing, Now Nearing Com? pletion, Will Be One of the City's Prides. FATHER KNK'Ki:i:H"<'Ki;n is Just . .mill'- itit?. possession of the I est ail'l ni"st costly ?,l!lce building .1 the WOrld The l??.partnicnt of l'c baa moved i'.i" the new Municipal Build ' oped thai by ??eioi?. r i the other eity departments thai ate to find a ? ,iii-nt botne In the vast pile will have taken poss? sslon ".'ni, I'.tin?." the copper statue that ?* t,. typify i'.?- Bpltit of the < ity, now resti on tor lofty i.eti-stai. Ktom the Btreel l..\a-l to the top Of this linage, which in ? .If Is t? feel in heii*ht, nctly ?-- feel .lust at pr?sent the "lady'' is hidden by a scaffolding upon which artists are at Work Covering her with fold leaf. In ,'iii,.tlitr we?-k BBS BhOUld -il !- fn.m all paris of the Vlewe.1 as an e\|teriment in muni' Ipal ownership snd operation, thla building -tits an interesting prohlem. When it 4M11 have <-ost $11.08 The sito est the eity some 10,000,000 It V"int of size the only mal In the world to the ?-iructurc is ?he AVoelworth Build* ing. It I*? true that the latter is hipher. I. has fifty-five BtorlSB to the forty of the Municipal Bulldim* It lias a russ floor area of thirty-three acres, While that "f the i ity workshop las only ahout 144 nine aeres. Bot right there the superior? :r4- ,?f the WoOlWOrth Building ??tais. Tl ? ?tty building Is more expensi4t.. mor? rsaaadve in ?very way. The Woolworth Kuilding en?-t ?7 100,000 S?d its s;t, | ?.?.n.Of'ii. Us weicht is only 121,001 ton?., including 14,001 tona of striaturril while the city's pile w.dchs 110,008 i"-s Including 10,000 tons of BteeL A HIVE OF INDUSTRY. Built under the supervision <>f the I' pSllBBSUt of Bridges. .,f which ?"??' ?aioner Arthur J. 0*Keeffe is the toa???. ?ind?r a special act of th< I.-mslaturc, the tmildlnc wli-n completed nv 111 h- tun,.., "vrr to the car- .if the Borough Presi? .lent of Maiihattau. His will be the prob lem of caring for thla tretn. ndotia blv? of Industry. I! Is tiirur-,1 that tber? 44 ill l'? an av. rag? 1 "??ulation <.f 8,00*1 in the huiidine during bualnaas hours, counting 4.(W employes and as average of . ? visitors. Ji require? no m retch nt the im ..gmation in tude-*atand ihat it is no sim? ple proMcni to manage auch an estsbliah ment. I'c!' many months Borough President II Aneny through his Bureau of Public BulKHnga and ?'ffic.s. ..f which Julian * mt-iifietit, has been arork -ut the ?inTaiis .,f th, car? of the structure. The handling of .< modern of? fice bul)ding h i. t.?. ..un a s i< net. is aha*tg m i ? -1. t ? 11 > - lines that this prob? i. m rs tolng worked out. it is reughly . -titcat?"i that n ?--ill require the cooatant ? nipioyinent of Botne 156 pereona The ? may l>e divided s"iia thing after this fashion: ivrnai- cleaners, 160; po 80; -lrvat.n- nan, 10; wat-hin-n, 10; firc inen. ?. elevstoi atartors, I; ap?ela* of ?, and ollera "-. Ther \\:ii also be is. ateam fitters, an elevator consta-oetor, a .lii?f electrician and other mechsi The telephone aystem i- the s? at build . will 1?* of the m.?st mildern type, it la planne.i to have what they Call a six place -rsitchbosrd for the buladtng, i ing that it Ifl construct. ?! for aft. aim;.. Tins will bfl simply for the 1 "f caring for int-rd-partm. t.ial . alls, but will have twenty-tiv- outgoing tnil in case any il. parttnent liii'ls it switchboard taxed beyond ifs ca] The ordinary outside busln? a s of !he vsrl OOB departir:? n!s will be conducted on th. ir own switch!?? with ?h'-lr own outsoing trunks. 1 he ixparim-nt of Public Works now ha 1 two-|.].i,e BWltchbCSald in Ha Park Row Fluilding. A SAVING TO THE CITY. When the various departments- o? rented qusrters have roov?rd bato the nes building ?he city will Bav? about ' a i? ?>r the ji.cos.'Tjri now paid nnnually In lent te Hie owners of privat?!* bulldlnss. This in Itself >s 4 pel cent up??'i I <>*K). and will come Within .?!.'" I in?-*: the Intereat on the btmdi for th? ? unstru-tii.ti of the bulldln the part hate of the Isnd. it however, that the t*os1 of U 8 rit? ' bould ni-'t be "aa-ured against th- building, as it was ssoeessi | Is buy most r>r the land anyway tor the purptmi str. et loop Btatton and for th- 1 it for trains from the Brooklyn Bridge. ? The hasem-nt of the building p? thla stallon, the COS? Of which in Itself would have Peen cnsal-rahle. It is (in? ured In, of course, In the "niOffclM ? the building. Of course. It will cost somctlnnt- t.. ??imp and matniain the building, Ralph If. ?'"mfort, r?onsi*Jtlng expert on i'.ierior fiuipment, who was retained nol only to ?ay out the floor BftSaCS according to BCl? entlfle methods, but also to rep?,it .,ri the cost of entirely equipping the building with standard stc-l furTilttir-. o'liiiitnl that the ?alter would increase ihe ett debt to the extent of Ba.M8.IM. Th- Beard Of I't-tiniate thought It unneo -sary 1 spend so much money at the present time, BJ many of the <l> -partnients lad an equlp niont of Bteal furniture that arafl almost new. Ho the plan now |s t?. stsndsrdlse the furniture Of each department and to supplement the furniture each already has with what Is actually needed to equip the new otllce?. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. it h . ted that it win cost Boate? rs Is the n**ighborhood of 1258,811 a f?tr maintenance ami ..p. ration. Ilowev-r, th- city will r--t ? not Iriemi siderable return fron, \arious 1 such aa newsstand-. ti wet booths ?\t-oot blacking estahlishni-nts, hart- | and Die HKi . One of tin* feature* ,,| th- building will he the pure, chlll-ad drlnkinc water. All the wat?T will bo tilt-r-d. That for drink? ing purposes will be refrigerated sad piped to every room Th- eity now aptn.| 88,000 for spririK water lor vari',. ilepartments. Th?* I? to cnol this \4.1i. ? OSIB In the neit' of J.? .?.?1 a -,-at A c.onshlcrahl" part ?>f this exp-ns- 44!ll i? aaUad in ihe future. ?ine dttefl Mr. Ctyeataei <id in Ma Btudy 44as lo llRiire out just how much spa ? f;.'-li rnati n?Md?ad to WOtk in. II- not. nnlv ?00k Into ?-?irislderatlon the -uhl-al aim.uni ?if B?*SSthtng spa-e, I,nf also reckon, d the amount of K.|uar? lie! requirerl for ?ah inan'M task. I! Is no doiiltt true that th .,!i:.*i*8 In thla building have been laid run nr a more convi-nl-til and <-oi,..nii' al mariner-sr, far as space Roes than in any ninillar htructure In the vrirld. Of course, in a bulldln'* ??. larga there Is bound t't to BeSOa ?pace that <!'..- in,I ???i the un? t unlit. Hare auch room i? to be devoted to filing vault?, i'anlit-iiir. ? rlam gusa, are used, s" that th .it BOt t" 1"' M ?lark, after all. Tl ? outride of tin- building la pra?etioal |j in it: completed state, it has been ra 'iolds and derri'ks, an. the new pavement around th?' OUtsM? ?Wtl aoon furnl h a more pleasant letting f<> th.. structure, it had been hoped to has . all the ?I? partin? nts in at tins time. Ther I have been various delaya from the laoep tion ?.f the project, however. The founda t i? ?ii? had to be ?hanged, there whs an In Junction holding up tha awarding of thi elevator contracta, and ther?- was furtha trouble .?v? r fretting Just the right ?OP Of building material. X??w that tin structure is nearinr com pletlon sum., stiiti.-ti? . BbouM he not un Interesting. Mere the] are: Excavation begun.lune 7, IM foundation finished .December, till ? |. gun.inn?', 1110 m. el frame finished.July, 111! .. March.ll'll -h? ?I.Sovi mber, 1911 .v.."30 cub. ft Oro irea ol average floor. ::'?? ? i ft .' tons Weight of structural steel. ?ii.OOO torn ? 00,000 r if w Indowe. Numb? r of doori .2.O00 .31 ? ? .Mt?,t?00 t of hollow tile ?par? tition ..... t......?s.|. ft. ml of cement floor.... ..?>?.""?? sq, ft. Amount of asphalt floor rfoi vaults).-... 80.000 aq. ft. Amount of corh flooring rill' Boor only? . I ??'. ?q. ft. ? ut "t pasterlng.l?0.00?*isq yda Amount of marble.M0.OM *?? ft THE MARBLE USED. Al ' Rl I not he ami?? to dcacrlbe th?* marble When the build? ing i ?I?, ?e ?tranger? from out of town will Visit it ?Imply t" ?e? that marble it la knoa lorado ynl? and comes fun. ? northwest of Denver and an eltll id? of ?i f< ? t above the aaa Th? most easterly paint at which .:. ad heretofore is in One ot tii?. public building? m ?Cleveland. ? i- aome in Kanaaa ?City arid consld? Ii m various public building? in i>'-n \. i. Bui t.. n. ' t- i ion? it wit! be a ; complete noveltj it has a whlteneaa . alabsster, its maik tka, fading awai gradually ..?i p re ?>f light gray and l?rown i tinge "f green In ?some olacea. . t.,1 the sralnsn-otlaa ? of all the public halla and In all the lav? ? COI ?' rai.le pink r.!,?!. -.- ? marbli u ad for the base the vsrioua monis. These ara topped h. a metal oornloa in arhlch all win to 1 ? i m the roomi will be run and through which easv accei may be had to them, Tin- Muiii?-i|.,il Building will be in fa?'t ; roof. The only a.I ? d m its construction i for lbs frame? of door? ami windows. These are eov? ' ??? )t?i draw n ateel, tillish'-d to reaembk Honduras mahogany. The 1 is handaome and the illusion i? omplete. Tha ?teal is put on eUweriy with iriii-l? clip? BO that wh'-n all the tari- have i.? ? n clamped in placa none of Hi? f.i joints sbOWS. This tl m la.. I.. ? i. pronounced by ail wh? 1 [have teen II a? the handaomset "; in the city. Then the plan is to ha wooden furniture of ai.\ description In lbs bulMlns. it la iwobabla that al nrsl eome wooden tables and ?hairs will '?? hroirht "n f"r temporar] equipment But thee? win be replaced as aoon aa the ?Board "f Estimate believe? that lb? is Bnanclally able to do : o NOT BUILT FOR SHOW Nothing in t? ? building ?- abnpli for show, in that respect It la f.?t ?iifTer enl from the Hall ??f Records Ths ? I tide na*? been d< cribe-I In prir l many tirase, i nen umbered, it now atand for every cltisen t?? aee aa ha paaaea it ? -1-1 ?- ?. - ?i.- and ?liKniiK't t?ni not or I naide th? .t. tai Ian purpose t.? be ?erv? 'l ha been upperrooal in Iba mtndi ??f thoa? who ?ii?i the planning. As ii.i been ? t.:t. i. ? ach Booi ha been laid fit according to the need? "f the de? partmen! going irito n. in the basement, in addition to the aubway station >.r th? Centre atreet i""i>. and the entrant*? f??r the elevated train? from the Brooklyn Bridge, th'i? will t-? .i pa tage t.. the pr? ?-lit ?ubway. Although thee? thin? occupy most of the basement; then phut? Of room In odd ?angle? f..? ?tl large tubular boilers? which win furnlah nil the heat. ;ir .1 t' ? | DW< r foi ? . thing ?v'-pt the elevators The electric current f ?? llghl ..r.d for operating tin elevator? will b purchaaed for the pn ?nt ?o ground Booi win be a ooncoui i ? ??i?* r.ith' r. two a n adi a ona or I? of ? liamb .- : t:.. r. Tbla rum under the structure and divides the Boori in two parta up aa far ;? the Bftii Boor. In these arcadas will 1. booths, with at? tendants, who will direct Um citizen to th- part of the building he ?aaba There win also be Bower, u -tr,.i new? THE ELEVATOR SYSTEM < ?n . i- h - ..?. ? f ? bambera ?tree! there win be th- elevatora, which will ??pen on : idor running from ? 'entre Park Row. T i ?? cara will run t.? the twenty-fifth ?' One i levator win eerve the offlcea from that point t?i thirty-? two uppp? r iioois win be used for ?water tanks. The .m- i.i t?o- WOI n? :?? n lx pe, too feet a mlnul .| t. .i ?? ! ?rator \\?ii leave each corrid ? ? onda 1 during th.- rn ? ? 01 00 pound? and i will in.1.1 from rir-.-n t.. sixteen |.?*o|?i<? Included amona th. man) aafety devlc? - i .,.?? ' ? . ? -. proi id.rig for the f the car In ? ?? ? th? ??;" iatoi'? hand In additl. n to th? raton ther? an to be t ? ? ? i ? tali ami i ? in r. tfet) tower fashion. Experiments sjre now- being condncted by th?* Department "i Water Supply, Qoa and Blectrlclty with the Idea <?i mablng tin- lighting "T th.- building tic most i??m feet m th.- world. \ t?i'.H of light? been at t up on one of th.- Boors, and photometric tests are being made to d< termine just what system will best serf tin- pnrpoee. In every room arc thernic ! stats regulating the steam raillaturs | i as to maintain the heat at any desire degree. In general th?- floors are of cement, an are to be treated In a way t?> tnak?- ther sanitary. The fifth floor, Which is to h devoted largely to pabttc loaring rOSON th?- municipal referenc? library and bureau <>f lnf??rmati'?ii M to have '?"r or noifch'si Boon? This bureau ??f n formation is the Idea <?f Horough 1'resi dent M'*Aneny, and will be un-ler hi Jurisdiction. He plans to have att? ndant who will be able to answer th?' averag nucstion about th?- ?Ity government, 01 , failing In that, to be able to direct th .s.-eker after Information t?> the c.xa? .*.jurce of knowledge. THE CONCOURSE. Th" ??trert OT concourse SOOT la know its the tirst floor. So far M l"ss?ble i han bren arranged to have the depart manta moat uaad by the public on th lower floor:-. The second floor will b ? ?! ? j tl City < lark, Inclotttag lb marriage lie MM l'Ure;iu. with MS ?MRMfl p.? -. and by th?: Depai traent fo ?he Collection "t i ix< of th" Plnaao i ?. pertinent, with 11,18 aquare feet o ?paca. Th<? departmenta and the ?.pa'-" allottst to r.-ich mi tin- Otber floors are as followa Third i?. pertinent of llaaaea? 1MB aquare feet; Bureau of uvights an. Ai- . urea, I *?-. Bureau of Lie mat - ? 'vnunlaslom r "f Licenses, MM? I'oiirth Department ?>t Plnaaoe, ?IMffc i-'itth- Department of Finance, t\lM haarins poobis, -. i 'ireau ol Infoiiimtion, - *-t; nranldpal reference ii . brary? M?. sixth- Department of i*inam*e, H.1M Seventh Department "f Finan**'- MU I sinking fund ? Ibmmlarion. WI. Eighth Departmeol ??f ?VIM City ' 'iiiimin riain. UN; Burean of Stunt Pr?vention of the Fir- Department and tbe Munt.-ipai ESxpkwlvea rommlaalnn Ig >?>?.?; Public Recreation ?"?rmnili'lni ?Sxaminlng Board of Rumben, 7*3: di \i-!'?n hendquartarg, national goari, MtR Nlntli Tax DapMtmtRtf MJNi Armory Board, LIST. hen?1?iuarters of the naval mllltla, 7r.|; Board Of Ambulance Service. l.tkU; Art Commission, I.H1, SPACE OCCUPIED. Tl r.ttr and eleventh?Public Service ? 'ommlsston, 6 I Twelfth-Commissioner ??f Accounts, ???N.:. Department <?f Street Ttanning, 11,90; Department of publie Cbarttles, tjtt. Thirteenth ii?'.ir?i ..t Battmate and \r? portloiiiiieiit, IS.18; Hoard of t'ity !{,?,-. <?rd, 4i'.i?'.: Board Of Assessors, *JttA; Hoard of Inebriety, ?081; Commission on Stand? | ardiratioii, 1 ? I Fourteenth 'hi''.' City MagiMrafo (lg* Dlvbnon), t ??'?''. Munldpal Civil ser\ic?. ? 'ommlealfin. M.M Fifteenth, atxteenth and ?eventeentb? Law i?epartment tt\XSA Beventeen?!b-^omn*isrionsra of ?Satt? mats and Appraisal, ..".>". Blghteenth Department ?>f und?**?*?. IM, Ms; Board ?>r i;i.-.-ti??ns, iftjHt Nineteenth - T? DORient ii"..- Depart? ment n,ttx. Tw. ntn th- Itoroiiis-li Prssklenl (.Manhat? tan i, tSJSA; Hoard Of BUH?BOrSb UW1 Cost of Structure and Sil Total $18,000,000, bul New York Will Save by the Investment. Twcnt* -tlist-Uoroiigh President (Ma hattan), '"3,970. Twciity-sccond-Hoard o| Water !?upp| I b"MB. Twcnty-tliirrl and twent* fourth-?"*?; parttnciit of Water Supply, Utu : trieity. Tw-iity-til'tli-lJ-paitiu-iit .a D Ferries, 17,??7?, Department ol V. ?- , ply, 10.74*.'; Standard Tcattng I>.i'-jiutoi . 5.:596. , Twenty sixth to Hiii ty-i-.ui i . toas standard Testing LSborutor; ! STANDARDTESTING LAQORATOR The ?standard Testing Laboratory, which Is allot!-.! *o much, ig ! produc! of the plSSen! administration. ! has already more than justui-d Its e k t. ii? in th- amount ol n ? ? ? | tin* city in the pur, I | ? ItsMtabed in June, Dll, . id is und the of ?uto n. k:, |, B-fsf thing thai i. ptatt has. d bj i. t. t-.l h<>r... Th.: saving in coal Ifl o? i year aniount-d to *!?', r?i;.. As tl | expenses for the* >? BT 44. ?- only f.'t,47l, -au to readily s?n ..l what fl Hi- work in. When th- n? w fe the .Mut.i'ipui BuUdlog an is estimated that hundred of 1 Of dollars v. ill l BSV? ?t . \, ,-?. the intention to have the tory equipped with -v.!-- ii.mJ.ih ?P vu for iii- work Is hand. As stated, th- Kralr?. I i-pat tment Is tt only ?me in the new building a?* ret has; toi n Ifl it? quai tel on '.,? ? ? floor, ever since tliu of tr Brldge ? 'ommlssien. r 0*Keeffe d move for two reason.?. 1 me WBi that, a h?: || responsible for th" con-it 1 ?j . the, new building, he thought th- wrjtil be a tendency on the part of <??: tractors to push things If he coul their backs every minute. ' B8 be | it. Then, again, it meaty the s. 11 lag ? about I7.r?00 In rent. When th. ladQMT ui'.4-'l ha (l.".:g:.i ' Building sgtntta ?roui I -sei "f the lea - fer a full ? ured he would savi BOtn? *' tine out. I,at-r. how.\. 1. t in th-ir gi.marida, and o-tl in (Jm Bark Bow Bui:.: . to r. main on a ?? ? ? .- The Sato still many hardship? for the 1 Of the .!??;>.mm- * tlrel) ? . t !? ? ; aha] a rapldl), COMMISSIONER O'KEEFFE. OoasasJasso??. * O'lCeetTe ha I pride In trying to gat I lildlng tiroug on ttn-, and 1 ? might h i? ? doi ? . ) i,. It not 1? en for (teta) his control. Ii . ? part of th? m.i'. rial I up to the ?tendard and that i arara <,n band for get) Usas reo-adrad In i sloner O'K-- H country. A year ago I to hurry up tie* ? for the frame TTiei in g? ttlng oui the bcavti low. r 0 tors, T... . I of gel! the granit- on tla U| ing rapidly <?n. Hi ti-avi-r blo?eka 1"* got ?Mi <!? mauds SJS8SJ 1 Wh-ii some af the granit on the ground the r ? that Um re wets i bad not been praj i tra-t 1 that the sixth story should I "eicht cut." The i-.spr, ? btocka troje only slon-i* ta.!:*' I I ' '?' could i,,, no delay I that ait? r it had I ? in the last few m ?ntl ?' folds out r*ost to the ???.;. 1 ictoi , Then the Comn ? I . ratio to ii.sp-. t the n. u . tlea f"i- qui i i Buis arsra recall ed from ? I I for transporta*.?>;: result slightly over 'In . 1- ?*? ' Lynch, aeeia-itary i" tin ? went. ?? over the progress of the ma '? ?vorlt a. 1. Petti w . ? rigiese*" of the department in chaise of struct!.,11 up tO last .summer. 4 taken ill. Mis was all the |-, I , II!'I th to the toiind itlons. It -rally known that the feun ? n.'rth.rn end of the bulldJnj big on solid ro, k, but sre p lOtg Oh a b? d of --and, and . in a sort of cradl- feshlM -\!-' lei,? I eticlri ? rs, how. v. r. clan d ihi* thla type i I soint-i\ ?Meure. B dropped the work L i>. Koop engineer, has i>. en In chsi When the building *s ??? mi and . <iuipp. d tl ere will nol I 1.mi.line in Hi?- world more adapted t.. its ptwpo ea H the cit> mav w.l! b? pivul of. Bl n ??xpeilineiit ill llltlll!, ?pal "? operation is bOUBd I" I ? ? o WHY MEMOIRS ARE TAME. a prni, s-cr .it a ii ..4 ird '? > arM pjaht .1 why I.ka si ??- all? ? 44 SJ s so tame. ?Let me tell you .1 Btory." "A creat man on, ?? -| think I'll writ- tn? 1 ? ?v-try good,' said the "?? ,,,,. .-Million you not fe ahOUt c-l-lriti-s that arc I .-.,id the B*nsa1 '" ' ? celebrities sre Jusl the bws t i : ?r.|. alKrUt Th-?.' 1- tl make my '"'"I. s-ll ' ?? .yen are? ' aaJd th. in-iuh. i' ui4 wai ?? *\\ ?14. what 1 lh? ? ?? *Tii- danger.' replted th? ?H that as .soon ? iln "iU'\ thinga ahout living celehriti. : they ?Mb B?BgaS l?i recollect things ?TaboUl you.' ? A PRETTY STORY. A charming Story about "tVllliain Deas How. Ils was told at the T: url.i.v i.-cl ing ??III!? by a poet. ?When Gilbert and Sullivan." H said, "wer?? touring Am-?'".' tOO-11"1' met Qllbert si s dinner, and h. e*ke? me about Mr. Mowells'a hooks. In vvhlcs ha was liitei.-stc.l. Among ?>th*?r things I said to h!ni: ???Mr. Ilowella'a story of "Tbelr *>?*??* ding Journey'1 la very popular. F% young coupl?e sel oft un thalr lionejr BBooa nowadaye without Im-ltt-Jfeg :i "'?* with their luggage.' . '??Well.' sal.l Mr. Gilbert. Sullivan dt*? 1 are not h very young couple, out think wed better include a ?opy "?* our luggage, too.' " ?* THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S OWN STORY OF HIS LIFE ?'<>ntinii?-d from flr?l pafr. d help OT protection, and With the blllty of much wrath agatnri a bully or an Oppressor. He was vi-ry fond of riding both 00 the mad and iicro?..s th? country, and was a!s?> ? great whip. Ho' .'??? ? toiir-ln-hand, or else a ? team, that is, a pair with a third ? ..i. i do not auppoaa that such ?? team exista now? The trap that n?. drovt xx.. alwaya called the high phae ton Th?' wheel? turned under in front. i i i ?? ,i yet. He drove long-tailed horaea harneeaed looaa m light ABMricaa har -.. that tin whoi?- rig in i m? posai i?]?- resemblance t?> anything thai would ? u now. m) father alwaya excelled I in improving every apare hsjf'bour ?>r tin? ?-?iiiart'is of an hour, wli'-ther for work ??r enjoyment. Much of his four-in hand driving was ?Jone In the summer att.iii.ia when he would come out on He train from his business in New York. My nioth? r ami on?- ?>r perhaps tWO of u.i children might meet him at the station, i can aee him now getting out <?f the oar in his linen duster, jumping int" th?- Wag? ? n. and instantly driving ??if ??' ? tattling pao th. dustei aometiram bagging ????*' a balloon. The f"in -In-hand, as ?an he gathered from th?- above dmtalptien, did ii'it in any way ?n his eyes repres?nt pos sil'l?. pageantry. He <n ?>v?- it h. ? auso be liked it. II?' wa? always preaching <'au tloii to his boya but in this respe?! he did HOI Pr?- ti.-e hi- pr? a'hiiiK overmuch him? self; and, being an excellent whip, he lilted t?i take ?bailees, ?leiierally they came <?ut all right ("tocaatonally they did not; but h< was ?ven better ut gStttM ou? of a scrape than into It Oros when we ?. re driving ??to Kew York Late al ntghl t th<- leaden ?topp? d He flicked lb? m, and lb? next monier,t we COUld dimly inak?' OUt that they had Jumped. It then i appeared thai the atrael ama olosed and that a board had bean placed acrom it. restlns "t? two baireja, bul arltboal ?-? le?? tern. Over this board the leaden had juin; "?i, an?! ther?- waa <??rislfl?rable ex? dtemeni before we sot the board lak? '? ??ff the b?rrala and raeumad our aray. When in the city on Tbanbsglvlng or ?hrlstma? my fath?-r was v?-ry apt t?> drive my mother and a couple of friendi Up to the racing park to tak>- lunch. Hut lu- was always back i" time f" i-i" to tha ?linn? r at tl??' Newsboys' [?odgtni House, uii'i not Infrequently alao t<? Ml Battery*? Nlghl School f??r little Italian? At a rorj early age we children wen taken with lilm, and wen- required to help. He was a staiu-h friend of Charle? lairing lira?-? . and was particularly In terest? d In th?' Newsboys' IxxlKing Hot. ? and lu Hi' night schools and in getting the children off the utrccts and out on fartn.s in the W'.st. Wlun I was l'nsl dent the ?governor of Alaska under no. ??iivcrnor Brady, was ?nie of these ,\ iicwsboys who had been aenl from New Vurk out Wist by Mr. Braoe and my father. My father was gr..itl> Interested in ths societies to prevent cruelty t*? children and cruelty to animais i in Buadaya in- hsd ? mission rdaas. on hht way to it he used to drop us Children ?it our Sunday school In In. Ailain-'? Presbyterian ?'hutch, on Madison S'|u.u> 1 n member hearing my aunt, my moth? r'n sitter, saying that wlun he walked along with us children In- al? waya reniln?le?l her of fllSSIhoarl In Hun yan. Inder the sjiur of his exampla 1 taugl t -i ml t<> < ??ib ge, and for all four )? .?r* thai I w? I? *e. I <i" not think I msde much ??f a aw of it. Bui Ho other daj on gettini of a taxi ?n Nsw Yoik the chauffeur apohe t?? i??, .i??! t?ii?i me thai he was one of my ??id Sunday ?ehool pupila i renn mh? nd him at? II? and a a much pi... ei i" rind that hi aa? an arden) Hull MOO ? I ' m | moth? i Mat ? ha Bulloch ? a a r xxi ? i. gracloui. beautiful Bouthei n woman, a delightful companion and !?? lov? ?i le everj bodj She wa ? ntlrely "urn- '.. the dU) of her d? ath Her motnei. mi grandmothei. ? m?, ol n?" deareat of old ladles, lived nith u?. and wa? diatlnctlj overindulgenl to u - . blldren, b? ing quite unable t?> i.H i n bei h< .ut toward ua even a hen the occasion demanded it TowanJ the ? i..*-- ?a th,- civil War. ?although a rerj small boy, i grow t?> have a partial bul ai?.rt underatandlng of tha fad that tha family were not one In their vtewa about that ranfltct. my father being a atrong Lincoln Republican; and once, arben i fell that i had been w?ronsod bj maternal discipline during the day. I attempted a partial \ engeance l?v praying with loud fervor for the aUCC0*S8 <?f the 1'iilon arms when WO ?HI came to say our pray?-r.s befon my "Mother la Iba evening. Bba v\a.s not "tiiy ? most devoted mother, but was also Meased with g strong sense Of humor, ami she was too much ainuseil to punish me; i?uf i waa warned not to repeal Iba offenoe, under penalty <?f my fathi i s being ?moini'd -in- being th. dtepenear of aerlooa punlehmsnt Morn? ing prayers wir with my father \\?. Mod to ?"land at the foot of the Mail.--, and when father came ?|...\?i We called out. 'i sneak for \??ii and the cubby bole, too!" Th' n ?v. "? tbn?? ol u ? irouni children, and are ua?sd to -it with father on the BOfa wlnh- he condin t? d morning prayers The place between father and the iirni of the sofa we railed the "cubby? h"i. " The child win? not thai pie?**? wa regai ded ?j ei pei lall) favored both in comfort and ?cmehoe or other lu rank end nil" The two who wen iefl to --it ?m th.. much alder expanse ??i sofb on th. other aide of fattier wen outeJden lor th.' tun?' being. If) aunt Anna. m\ mother"? -ister. lis ?d with us. Sh?' was as devoted I" tM chil 'in n .1 w? ? m. mother henelf. and wa win . quail) ?i- ,<?t? ?i t.. b? r m return. ?She taught : our Icaaona while wa wen hi He. She an.I \:\\ mot h-'l IHed to ?lit? r tain us b) the hour with tabs ol' lif?' 00 the Qeorgla plantation:?; ??' hunting i??\. ?h- r and ol tl??' long * ? ? ' ? ' * dllV? ?tK horaaa, Boonc and Crockett asid of th. riding horses, <?i.I which was named Buena Vli ta in a M of patriotic exaltation during the Mexican War; ami ??f tin- queer goings-on in the negro ?iimr ler-. si,,- |,.,?w all Hi" "Hi ?'f Kahblt" ?tori? . and I was br??ughf up ??" fhein. ?On? ??t nie milles, Hubert Roosevelt *Etm iiHi'-li struck with them, and took them down from her dlotatlim, imbllshlns them m "Harpers," where they fell (Int. This was a good many years before a genius arose, who, in "Uncle Remue," made tbe ,'torlis linriiortal. My mother's two brotlurs, Jamal DUR? woodie Hiilloel, and Irving Bulloeb, OMM to visit us shortly after the close of th?' war. Both ?ame und? r as.suiii? ?i niiin?-s, as tiny w?r?- ainoiik' th?- i 'oni'-ilerales who wan at that time axegipted from tin* am Dagf-f. "Liule Jimmy" liuliocli waa a dear eld rdiicd BBS eaptaili. Utterly un? able to "get on" In the worldly sense ol (ha! phrase as \.ill mt and simple and upright a soul ,i-? . v-r livid, a veritable Colonel NeWCOtnS, He ?vas an admiral in the Confederate navy, and was th- bulld -r ..f th- fatnoua Confederate ?Mir vcsael AI ibaiua My tunic lr\itig BullOCfa WB a inldshlpninu OB the Alabama, and Brad the last gun discharged from her I '' teri-s in th- light with the K-ar.-aig?-. Both if these un?*lea lived m i.iv. rpool ufter Ihe war My uncl- Jimmy iUillocli, was forgiv? ing and lust in reference to th- Union forces, and could ?lls.'uss all phases of Ih.t Civil War with cntltv fairness ajad gin.-rosit \. Hu? In 1'iigllsh politics h I'i"inptl4 li-c.iui- :t Tory of the in.-. ultra-, otiservatlv.? s'hool. and ?.rant lu* could admire, but In* would n>>i listen to any thing In favor of Mr. Otad? stone. The only occasions on which I -\.r shook his faith In mo were when 1 would venture meekly t<? suggest that some of the manifestly prapSStsroUB tais.'hoods about Mr. Gladstone c?uld no? Da true. My un' le Was one of the best in? n I have ?ver known, and when I haw aoiuetlnies been tempted to wonder how good peopl- can b dlcvc of mc the unjust und Impossible thing?, they ?lo believe, 1 huvo ooneolad myaalf by tJUnktit*] of Uncle Jimmy Bulloch's prrfecty bbssBBBS conviction that Gladst.uni was a man ol quito exceptional and nameless infamy In both public and private life. The neit Isataluient of Mr. Kooaevrlt'i "?huiliers of M l'UHkilile \.ilolilo?;ruph>'' I? entitle?! "lalucul hm." It will uppntr la Tin I rlliiine of Sunday. April ft* . I'libllsli-.l l'y .|if*?iai arrangement ?4 it I ?Tl.- Outlook." of which Th.-.Klore i? the contributing adltor, through ?m M.-ciur? Newtipaii.?.' Syndicate. ?'<>i>yriKht. 1818, l? the uutluuk .'..'iipaii?. All rlKlits reserved, Including iibhla ol livii.-lutlun. )