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THIRTY THOUSAND PREVENTABLE DEATHS HERE EACH YEAR Elmer H. Rittenhouse Makes I his Assertion About New York and Urges "Conser? vation of Life" Movement to Save 6,000,000 Americans in the Next Decade. f I *? I... as th. ?.?. i -u . ? ? .?h'ti.-al. it I :? '? l:lin|. ol' a . the fac? thai I ? Id ' ,r? i t. nil.le wat |'l in-ipl. s of th ?> en iiin t loss of thousan la ol ill Middle W-**t Thai loi the moral in a neun ? :?! !?'< when as, 11 for "tl . ol ha*-, I is f..i "the tlon of lif i;?4. t . ? ?I 4? ?it. i a fron mis Ml,..,;?. ,-.t. ! Sort u \'. drowned thousand? A universal e ... r .? nation's !a,rt r,i took , 0 ate form in money, supplie- and aid i ry sort. Y< t thirty thousand peop ?lie In N-w York <'it*.' ?ver., year ?" ? enlable and toretmmn ? aus? a, si ? nt. Towna and cltl? odu-t of yaara of commerda ... lal and industrial ? ?at* ri m i- > . hsi ?. - .? ri? " as a ??r left a tsriat? ?? -?sailed and charred wracltage, a 1"* al l-as! in millions, v-t the ai nuai destruction of Hf< In N-w v?,ik Cit rcpn r- mer K. Rlttenhouse, Journalist, Ii and an acknoa I. dge ? ?? .t a , ? UK and moi tal ?. tica ."r this com.try. la 1'- man \4h Bsajp ibarg? a No! only do d?'C|are Americans have ci'-iit-d fl th?*'.sitial life whose d'-cnnds ai d. ?tr??ying tl?-ni, but that this ?a? d? t-rioratio!,, retaShh | d? I I" into the younger age p? rinds. Is primail! ?he rer-uit of laxity and lack "f m. ' the protection and coi.s-i 4 ation r. SOME STARTLING FACTS. Our birth rate la ateadtly declining, an. ? i - anane Watt the span of Ufe I ??-adil'- : ihOrtl riltri* Twasrijr Sliri D per cent of annual death: of bal unA ' ih' ag? of Bv? _"/?y) of them ?lie from preventabl. .-????: some tH,888 of thees are und-: Kg*? <.f one \ ear. Of th- M,efN. v heo| children in thir " ntry not 1? ss than ','? per o-nt i tendon for physical fefecta which an dictai to h? ? and insanitv are increasing. i, ItaBldiOlU Oi llris and lut'.il- gen-ratioi ? s! i .-lit..; ' The alcohol and drug habits are on ih adding imw- victima to the esajea liai and to the death roll. an liter? aatng and boo roneX ?tal "f i.',.""1? annual!*. Hon Iban 8.888 murd-rs are committe.l but a avsTsge of only ?'* inurdfi.r .,.- -x. iruteii ferthess rilsiaa Tho homi. ?.i- i? is inore than let 1,888,888 population. Sg against 7 In .?ia, :? in Qtnhi Britain and if In Italy. The ihii'ortatit organs r.f the body an v..aring ..nt too Boon Thfl itoath rate fr...'i) .?egen.-rath- di -?a.s-.s of thi li-art, blood \?-ss-els and kid ?" ? . Including ai>oi'ic.\>, baa InoraesBHl ? . i .: ? ,t einem lal Th- annual k i ? from pn< umonla a ?? ' I U8,aag 'iv-r. a larg. porlion Of wiild. ii? due In weak-tied bodll) resistan? <?, r ?uiting fi ?mu dee-er.irrstlv? a* etion? '' fl balfilug dlBBBBI Ol the '?? -Tatlv?- ria*-?-, can-, s 7?,888 d-alhs annu* ?lly. It Ig last imr-afitig in pi ""? al-tice. IVlligra, a <i-adlv plague new to ttr?i "iniitry, im m-realng rapidly in romo of Ine gJouttters i-i '? Mon than r,".?"" lives a"- loal aonuaU"?" 1 "tu t'lber? ilo ?Moi. than j.',."i" persona die annually '"'fu a ...??velilrihle 1,11.1 dis as-- I.pll'.id. I ???hoth-r ?faft, **i nutter nom it ami ?.:?? i.B w lema Impair? d by; 11 I ??"ore than 88,881 p'-.sons are killed an ? ? ? \ irl? i mnual et otiun ?. m..: . It i ? .1 ? \' ? .... ?.-i ... tion ol the Pa Rock) \i ?uni iln atat? ??? chII? i ; '. :? tie prevent ? ? i tallty fro o pr? rent t ? ? 'iii, Th< - icoordlni i" Mi ?. t< the condition? which form thii countr problem In ih< ? ? ' CONTEMPT FOR HUMAN LIFf "On? "i the al ?t tradlctiona our sf " ut .,i i-, i ? ? .... for th" \ai??.- of h imi n life 'i ? ? :? iii/.'..i ?"in ? i ? u\ here ti? of all a?-??' Is Is held country. ?With all Iti blessings, mod.. i i/iti? i? ins Introduc? >i I and condition! "? lite *? hlch not u -. it-- i -it ?>, hich ha\ <? Increased in mai *? aya phj il?sal, mental and moi eracy. Wh) aho tine?. ;.. Ignore thla t' ndenc) ? "We would Hk?- to believe that '.',. tr upward and tint ? v ,i tern pot i reaction. But ?-.?r. -.?.?? afford '" 11 ?ipon the hope that ra< ? i- lei rot autom?tica lly c? len our p< oi?li h.? ? had time t?- adjust themselvea t" model conditions? Will this ?problem t ? Bean sly. Thii advei ae t? nd? re will be el <<ae?l Only uh'.'i Mir- people il made to sec oondttlona as they acl tall mi j are aroused to the need <?: rot recttng them. "However Imp?t ten! th? ? on?. our natural material r? oure? may i?. ?iiir greatest obligation to posterity is t th?- health, virility and moraht of th.- raes The aclenoe "f ? ugenic rnost Important, but if it is'n srise thin to preven! i a reproduction <>f the until i must be eejually ?wise to prevent the d? .'??!,?racy ?,f th?- lit who are already her? ? in addition to the degenerative Influ encei t.. which we have referred, w? mua remember that a reduction In the mortal i ity in the younger agea meaaa the i?f longing of a oartaln proportion <>f lie? mentally and pbysteall) w?eah and wttl low fHsesse resisting powei "The magnitude of our task, therefore is constantly Inoreaalng and eonaequenti demanda oonatantly Increasing efforts t' build up ami to maintain the health an? physical atrength ?>r the ?people at lb? highest pOMlble standard "During th.- last thirty \i an th? 'i' a!. , rate ?from the more comm.legenerath"? I dlseasM has Increased M pe? cenl In -? ? teen important American cltl<BS, ?? I these are the iHenasi i common to mlddl? lit?, and ??hi age. the same re?5orda ?hon that the ?--enera] ?loath rate al.ov. the ag? i of forty has incn-aseij in th?' BUM oili? > during the same parted over ?.'." per ???lit. ? in laasaachuaatta ih?? increase ?n these ? ases was &?? per cent and th.- general <i. ath rat?- -i per eon! INCRF.ASED DEATH RATE. ?"Thla 8 per <?? ?>t rate of Increase, which is ai.*-'? that of (few Jersey, doubtlon ap? proximate? that ?if all th? populous slut? s ?>f th'- Bast, This rat', however, would he redtiroed if merged aith the rete ??f In? crease t??r tie- agricultural populstl. the W ' st? in and NorthWI st? in states, <?,, the other hand, thla reduction would be I largely, if not totally? neutralised by the I heavy urban and rural mortaliti In th? Si Util. ?While it is impossible witliin a limited .-pa. ?? to no into th? matter <?f th'- ? I o? Ibes? degenerative affections, th.- gen. eral eau? is ?"tr failure t<? adjua| our iiv.s t.. th. oomph \ and lapi'Hv ChangllU] ? ?oiniitioii- of m???!' rn ? alstenci W? have, to a rreai extent, left tbe ? ? ?* ? i * i ami tie open ;iir to i-?-'im?' ?deeb weeber? and| tendera of ajanhlnaa in our manUfactur? Ing mduatries. One element is unfaeor .. ?I. , I. ... pli) bIi-bI ? the other I ?1 all the mom?) i?r?>\ Ided bj the i" ?? pie i"! ti ? ? -.p- i?-? - "i the nation il ?. ? ... i i i, . i for th? public h? sltl ? health d | can ???"?' h. r< garded .? Irifllni except).f Pent ? ' w he h i per cent ... . it all; ' ;? r ' i,l arid He? "\\ ?? I .1 ? ? a n ? i ?? pi "i and Ith ?en th? m .i torn -.? .?m ila ? '. I ? ?.. [measure public health activities. Compar? ing death rat? and .\|i. ndltun with oilier com m unit I? ? but communtt) should keep II stten? tloi entred 01 it own loes. ??tu :??!?? tie re w< re ill cltlea In the I 'ult itCa COUld -pal ? pul -' per cenl "f their t?>t?iI public appropria or th? ? ? iblli he ?I'll eervlc?. Th.. I ? dlture w? .... - than r, cent*- per capita for th? public ? d imoni thea? ar?. auch '.'?'Me\, in . | cents; Lsnstni Mich., ? ? ? - ? . Rockford, 111 . I ? enta; Hcranton, Font.nts; Bridgeport Conn., I cents; Portland, Ore., M ??? ut : H.H 11 ?burg, Penn.. 12 ?-ents; Jersey ?City, '; cents, ar i Springfield, 111., n cants. F i ? ' realla the i ?ten! to n hlch ? ? ? ? ? ? thla ?ort of ? ' onom). M ? have many proaperoua ?'??mmiinl A LETTER OF INTEREST TO TARIFF MAKERS BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Ai , i ii .i: writ i?!? ii. Benjamin , 1771. which la of prea , ,,t interest i?? canee i t the \ ., ),,. expresa? s ?regarding the Im? poru?ee of ???ouragliif tn?nufactti was recently found amoni the papen ol ,,,',. e0tate ol ? grandaiml of Richard Wells, of Philadelphia it | expected thai pi.?raphlc coplea of this i. ??? Wil, ,., brought to th. attention of Pi i(,,, w uaon end Congraaa si bsvtnt baring on Ihe proa? ni tarif! altuaUon. l(.Nr ol the letter, which is repro? duced ab. '" ?^JS?: 'o****** ***** il, . nvi lone, I? l r.wm' i^.n.i?ii. April a, un. ? ? ia|J M., |v, u your favoura of the 1(|. October and the 17th bl Novem . ,, ,., , me Pleaaure to hear that Iho' |he merchanta had departed fr. ,? ,. v....,.,?.?ut of Son?In.nation, the s ltjt ot |,.atrj ***i ?'r"'-''"> **** lik' ?v to <<?>?.?"<"' t*000** "" ,'"'"1''' ' i,m " nrngi to rou for your Concern on mi \.,-ouut Th.- Letten you mention gave . . m, m ? h? r?', but that waa not at? eat <'if' " , ,, ,| m |th th? .pun' diste id ? '.?.?-' ?< !..,,, om t.. un Int. re I that Beam .?> bass |,e. ,, hoo.d (or b*. U. Iha1 S'llt .?nple-i of them hither. u mu- .-,.1111(1 ? P.le ?--.?id 44.-II eon? ?|, r. ll,?I .'M th? ' BSVB in I, lilsing !.. parchas. foi*elgn Oewgasra ftc in making th. ?r . ?m. Appsr? i. b. mg apply'd t.? tin Improvement -r <?"" Plantettoi** would render tho m n prodUbte, aa yielding Produce, i hope they Id p ' " ??' "?''? '" ,,",r i"-''""' .??dahi- Induasn snd Prugality. \nd lime la -ti" ? ttittntt Constatera lion Th- ?'..l-inl. s iba! prodii? PfO il ., grow ren rsst But of the i'..-,ntii-s that tal."' thorn Provisions, I ?., do not in...... Si all, a-, m- Bll ..,,, Nation ami others, as the ?Veal India ."oloiri-s. not in the asme mol".. t?,?. s,, that ii-. the i'-.u.'i"! -'i Present ,?;,. i?. -rufflclent, II cannot long -?".. ,,,,?.. ..?, by, ry |?lanufacturer .m-u, aced in <"ir Country. rnaJaea part ol s Maik.t i,.,- r."- ' '"ll" s-namelwan, and ?aves so much Money to the Conn try as must Otherwise bfl ? vpoiti d to pa) for in.- Manufactur?e be supplies. Here in England h is well known and under? stood, that wherever a Manufactura is I eetabtlahod which employs a Number ??i Hands, it raleas the Value ??f i?ands in the neighboring Country all around it. partly i>\ the greater Demand p?mt at hand for th.- ?Produce of the Land; and parti) from the Plent) of ?Stone) drawn bj lb? Man ufacturara to that part of ti"' Country? it ?sema therefore the ?nteres! of ail our Faun? rs .-ind Ownera of Lands? i?> en? courage ??ur yotlllg Manufactures in prcf arence to forrign ease Imported ?among us I nun ?listant i ountri?'? l aie much oblli?'?;iJ by your kind I'rcaetit ? i,,I OUdOUe Seeds. TaaSOJ WBtS W-lcoiil Olfta to sonic of my Frteasia -I petti ton herewith stotne "r ll"' '"'**' mamtta IstelJ iMiroduced Into thla ?'.?entry **- now highly -o? ken of I ??'-s'' H '"''?' 80 i.tund of us?- 44ith US, i 44a.- the u.".'- ptttnf? to ne., in your I t>tter the linpt'ov. immt of our l'ap? t ,,,,,,. had B principal Share in . stab liahlng thai Manufacture among us man.? ?.??j.fg agOl '' *** ''-"?'""ra?a-ui. nt ' a it. If in aii'lhing 1 'an s.rve > ou p-i. :t v,iii pe a i'i' nwsjs Is I our oblig'i rl l-'rieurl, | and hunt I- H? rvaht. i ii. l'U.\NkL.lN. tlea which hold human iit< ?o d eepl) tha? they maintain in? puMIc healtl? Ml ? vie?- at all; other? and there arc many ??i tbent?have a mere sk?-i?'ton ae?vioa A r? ?-eut Invest ?gut ion in Neu 1 <?rk MM? at the irisan?? of Oovemor Bulaer bai ?jncovered the humiliating fa? I thai we have numbera of such communities. We tabs a practising phyaletan. aa a rote, and make hbn a health ofbeer We es? p.-?-? him to have ? general knowledge of sanitation and tbe science of eheeaaa pre vention ami to apply i? ?ameotly hi ?:n? forcing the health regulatlona W? expert t,ihi t? exerclaa this police powei evw the v?i- people upon whom be must .)? i>. iid tor his living as a physician, i??> matter how many enemies !??? ma) ?nah? or arhal t-atec! H aaay have an hi>- ? . or his futura "An investipation ?a? recently mad?? of forty-four min?la cities, averaging in population \tx.<**t Fifteen ,,f tie in i." more than aYMt ?population and thrm I. more than StAEA The average ?alary p.iio the chief health "fti.? was J-fJ" TWOll Of tbSBS ?'lti'S paid nothing i??r health prot?x*tion. lii'ludfiiK three eitle- ot U*Mt and on?* of rW.OK). "In one city of ,*2,00o inhabitants Iba police matron serve?! as "liealth ??Ulcer'' wben ?tu " not ?Hbacwtat <;?-?) Twenty-nine of tbSM ?Hies mud? DO pre? tence of -Ui'.rvlKitlK thcil' lllllk Sllppl)'. and onl) nui' <?f Hem had iaolatlon pit?is for r-ontogtoaa dlaeasi Thl**ty*on< of them k'pt no mortuary r<.rda What ever. Tbesa condition**, it will i" note?), exist in a prosperous agricultural air manufacturing state, and they ?loul? ?wist in vary bag measure in every "gate of.the Union. ??There i.s 0M city ?>f MM-* population which thinks it la savin?-, ptttnt ? 1?; h." ini- a '[?art time' healt'? a-fltoer Theri - i thrifty '-It'- ol tt*M inhabitant.-; Ill an adjoining stat?* which appropri?t? {**}) a year for its health servi-?, and n p* Icen! of deaths ?i, that city at? of babies under five years ??f age. There la ati"i dt| Which has but sev?'tl in?'?? to in.-pe? ??? n ear --hops, and onl] 9 of Its v? fhtet house? are under ohlcial h ! vp? '-?ion. "There la a snlverstty cit) near h? nitl MbfM inhabitants which u,a?b mi? h ? i about segregating it? tubercular paupers in order to protect tbe Broa <>f other In matea <?f IU poorhouae. it finally had a ?... tal Ian peu ed for thai purpow. bu it doi's notbing whatever tbrougl Its pub U- health aarvlce to ?protect its citli outalde of th>* poorbouos ai--1 it plagw ? ? The people of New I'oi k Clt i?ooiI reason to be proud of the egtcien? and a'hhveiii'iit - of Hoir ?.lricial ?health aenice and of the BpleneUd wort ??i the I unofBcial haaltb organisation? wl n*i ar? I supported by the contrlbuttoa of tbs charitable. But they have equally ?, ?00 tO he ashamed ami humiliated ?when brought Baca to too? with th . , ; palling Ufa amate thai is sun going <?n a largo portion of arhteh is ?lu- to tie in ? 4 nable naglec! of tbe bod) potttl? b support its Hf?. coossrvattoo ?snrtc? " us ?mppoM thai h auddetaly bo came known that at-m persons of til ? it\ WON tO be destroyed and K'.",<i?0 in? jured next Friday by a praveatabli ?sola I What Weilld happen? Tie- ?eholl civilised world would !??? ahoebed i?>?>?umi tneaeure. A grea! amva of h unai sympathy would ooma to na from ti ?? furt!i?*st comer? <>f th.? earth, Million? of mono) wooM be ftovtheointngi < ?poete! ly from the people of thl*> ?-It*.. te nee? vsnl such a dimeter Men wwuM ggbt for the prlviiep,- of risking their lives Is ? ? in p-*eventtng H re? Iba poopt? <?i iM> city Miifer a calamity ??t this kind ?ron twelve month.-, wit;,?mi comm? ntli g ii| on II NEW YORK'S NEEDS. "New York ? it?.- : .?..- andel sben? through its health laws ant "Hi'!:,I-, to sai a these live ; bu! II b?s felted. Il de cttnes to build up and maintain a public health aerrice large enmigli to esps ?-.n? thi*- ItfsaaebXg problem. The ?it> : peinl? neaily ?:>i per capita to run Its ???verii ment, bo! Of this amount only i>'i <?? I t is allow?"! for the public health BSfl tiiIm in deadly aaonoaay. "(Mir health authoritns .n? i barged with tbe Importan! duty of guardbig ive million p.opie from tbe ra*ragaa of a\oii at'le dleeaae. (?win?; to bjMntgratlsa .-<n?i the congestion <?f population Hew fork has th?> most difficult problem of anv BTOal dty of tin- ?'ivili/ad worl'l. Vet H spends only tt OSEtS pot capita mor?- thai is USSd by the healthful city of S?-uttl? and tba small city of ?ymeoso, i???th ?>' which allow .v, santa for tbfa pntrpi a "Wben we consider the weak support that tbe '-it* health aarvlce ha n ??? Wet from the public, and how maay of lb? urgen! appeal? of the Heeltti Conmda ?loner -m<i tbe boaid for bthp lav? baril ..i-i t'-ntiv Ignored fot "????*?>?. tbeir ?chievemente in rednring at-actabHj nn remarkable. Their tta\t loot ?? depeatJa upon themselves, but their effectnenes?, ?I? pel?is ,ilm?'?-l ?utiri'ly upon the tax payers, who proThle tii? funds, it la true that the health appropriations hate been Increased la racent yearn, but the increas-? i .- ....n exceedingly small r-oropaead la the extraordin?r) torrea an m population and to the ??ize of tbe city's preventabta ' li-t MWe bava heralded our haalth eoaaarvm tton schlevementa ? ?> Modi) and aa asp tlnuousl) thai ?re have lulled Um average ?ti/.in into an attitude of calm mttetx-e tioii ami content with thini-s as they are If ms attention la ?aii?'?i t?> Um rnmaagteo wast? of life thai is ?-till ???mi* on he in? variant?, hiisths up gad makes the usual comp?rteos with tbs denth rates ami ?he appropriation?, ol other ?ilies. It ?l??e> n ?t occur t?> hbn to oampniu ear iifc??av iiiR efforts with nur pr?-.-eiit loss of life. lie ?refera to aeamom **? ?nth our losn in former year?-. "Iliiiiilr.-ds of ea*?eH of coiitngu.ii> dis? ease which should be se-tregat?*?! In the ? it> hospitals -??< i? ft t<? spresMl infection m heenee aaoaaaa Um ?m.? ?mi n??i proM?j? the hospital faclllt'?.- to ?an- for theiiv Hut tiil.s i.s not all. N??*? York not onlf de lines to furnish ad?quat.- hospital an4 ?.?' f?aejlltle? to prevent tht (iiutiuueU en M*>rntli pH?r?