Newspaper Page Text
IS Services Come One Year from Tjme Liner Owned by Company He Organized Hit Berg. WRECK WORKED REFORMS Nations Safeguard Life and Property at Sea Since "Un sinkablc" Ship Went Down with 1,503 Persons. i thi White Bis ? nan 1 ? h lc ??? ut to the I ottr,,n o!- , ? Atlantic. , ,,.,. ong att. ?I ? ;nfh:' . lace \-t"i. Colonel Archibald ?;, ;.,,.,,,? pugu ' - r? ' h? m j n and Hem ? B * - I 11 E i? m ' Irai .. , ? .H'.i te/o fon*. ? tes im - plunged to the bot -ar?ls ? '. - - : ,\ \\ , ? \ .:? I ? Mai ? ? he ? e of air. Ism? Wrd was a factoi ; ? ?A ?Te Man' things ?? -.. the n ?si ipi tied in the ix\.\x e ?*""?'' ?- the errat maid? n \" ? tup:.?ti to ri'i?- port Tii. Bhlp stimulated ????- ' Hie \\HV .-,? r-afeguardlna "?f." ni uere o head of ih? International Mei ? ? ""??mil i e ' "c -I'k of the ' :.' rfT. . t ? .- d . -- ned the chairmanship n '-.vor of A Bandi Mprqan Funeral on Anniversary, By i nee, .<-??;?.?. el .i p oont ? ' - i "omnanj - II .. to-morrow, the annl ? the Titanic'i fatal ?-I..',? from th< e \ costl: essot ? : v i ? % of the sfloal two ' forty-five minutes after ? ? ?nat equipment pass? i? ? time. She had life preservers, kepi man) afloat, I w< re no prote-ctton a^ain?-t the Icy waters of the Atlantic to tii? routheae! of ? \a aoo ? ? enough Ufeboal ' - I i- Issued 01 ? . vei ? iif ?sht"! ? -i?. full equiproei ? (1er Tat, Spall Ihe Unll I E arltlme na e wan pul the llfe tt onci '?' ? . | . - ". ith all th? ai "I llferafts it could carrj complained of ?-??,. ? when the ' ' mc ii??r full complement of ? ,,t one time ? 'hanges In the pians of l ? Hamburg-American llnei Imperator, then tithOUg ? ?an ".;!: have eQUlp* tb* m ati'.at wh<:, she nr? ' me. The Imperator ? | ? ? r in sei v.. ?? . Tits sras hll c ? ntemplated set-touslj sidewlping h, a ? t> ?? ripping .*f the th? n?eesslty of the "double skin." and eftoi making a few ? Atlantic lbs Olym \r ter al aren! ito dl -??'">< al the arriving hors "n .. tu .. double bottom ami r-a m p ? KNOWLEDGE-H EALTH ?Mn POR s-ssssi BOYS ? GIRLS KYLE CAMP < \T-Ml !.. N Y \ M??il?-I Hniis-ahii, I amp for li<?> ?.. N<? lent* < ? ?porta; rifl. rmk ii de apeclallat . ?i ii.i ? ;?-t man, If d< | r ? 1 <?? ?< ????.? 1128 IT |?.< ! -; !:,,? ??''? INSTRUCTION. For Both Strie*; City. The Berlitz School of Languages I',ran- ? ire 11122 Bree * . ) . ? o? Av., nr, l"*?tl ?-? : . i '. i i 21 ? '?<'-" I.I*, to? ' ??Il l?n?;.iii.-e? tMi?r;>l b? nnl ?vr len.lier? lay?, a l -.1 * ? BUSINESS SCHOOL. ?any 2 Seats), 6 i" J? ****? tut Cstalegae _ ??_. .nru 154 NARRAIT BT.. W?W ? Trlb-jn* BI'IS-. ?"? B **?* *?*"**? PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Lexington Ave. and 35th St. ItOMIOM All 11 tf? IIIIOI. ??>??? in,~.|';??,?iin~ ?.? ullitiirr?^?>?""",'~ HI BAHT 5STH ?r. MlHceilaneou?. '.?''?KIN?"; i?'i: v *-? ii'Xii. OF fAMP, '??I IAN UNI? Mil siiiotil, WAMTBD ? | n< I ?' Fufk Row, > _ _ ,.-. ,, . -, , ,. ni rol ? '?' ?'"I' ' " Ira, .. M'.n ?o ?'?nt lnu?j until ??.pi.,, ..., ?vntr-, glvlns credent?1* L- >< )t? U'?i TT'h ?i. dCHOOL AGENCIES. '?"Herir?'! und Foreign Ti??*h?-r?' Agency.-? *? : ll?U rrolrntiii. Tcacli're. TuMi?. J,10* ?rriDir*, . tc t?, < ?Unim, ?School? and Fun ??*? Apply to tini.U. 1. tOVEO-FVVtOS. ?Mi a around n,. ii.,,, ,hr engine and h.. 1er .--.-,. Sa'd *"?******* Would Have Floated Altlu.oi,., ,r?. -aU| |ldew (r ?"???; ?long m, ,,? SHn.,v ,?, ,,?. iin,!'1", ' ",Vu,',N contended si the inat the hmi constru? tlon <.f th *? "-Unit and thr Lualtanla ?rould bava I'? ?a? h Hii.iat if they met with sn weatlcal mishap, . ;)'? ******* to the white Itai Line, the """'" ?Wn" ??on-M,?,-,i?? ha? increa i d ' ,,'-?"<-. capacity of the Olympic *?*'?*? With the addition of thl ",n"'' hu" '< Is ?Bstlmatad that the Olympic ***** "m,.?n sfloal m the extraordin?r) event of ?Is compartmenta being !i"?>?ie?i. the eflleiency and the nacestdty "t th? ?vireleaa telegraph si sea wet? ? ?.-.??oii s,r;'t"1 ?' tore the TlUnlc'a keel ?as laid. ?'""I measure? for making ?rtrelesa equip* '''?'?n rompulsory on ill passenger carriers and ?- rtaln Unda of frelghtera bad l*?oen Isken long b? fore th? loss of the Titanic. But th, sinking <>r thi great liner brought about a provision making ?i neceasai j foi big passengei ateameri to earrj taro wlre les? operators Instead "f on? Blnce the Titanic sank the Maraml ap? era tor Is m> longer eut ??', from th? bridge ?'" th? steamship it i? non i orapulsor* j thai a telephone i onnei tlon be establish? d between the op? i itor s air? le i i .??.mi and I ?ii? , hart lontn ..i bridge Although the Titanic wat on bei proper southerl) course westbound, n waa dectd ' d :'"'<x '?? gi .. i ai agre? m?sn1 that an vessel? should go eten farther south tha i '? '** In the Ice ?resumn, making the north? ' ??ii\ turn ?*6iriewher? between the "sHh and ' i*'th parallela The southerly route east bound ?as increased from -"''?" mil? to ?.128 unios, .uni j ,,. westbound southerly to 3.0W Rockets as Distress Signals Only. 1 " - * ti Iking i ' ?? ? he 1 Itanic ? o ral bell? I that th? !?? ! land j ??.-. r::;,n ? OUW ? ?? ? *-.<?'! ni.'ti'- '. la i Btai I? Lord had ?*? ? ?!?*?i th< ' Titanic s ,11.4.11-, sa i e keti ? hlch, it ? ?-.i?? it \\.i - iggi i ?i m Ma] ! |1M?. by The Tribun? thai all vesaela be I prohlbiti 'i from a? nding up rot k?at i night Mttr.-ii? mu! that ro keta b? carried bj nil \f???ols and iMed unli as signals Of j ili-t; ? i ? Tribune baa advo .*tr.? the use of wlreleaa Bad tl i Hors? erode "f algnala foi ? ? reporUng of passing ships and, if laary, the burning >>f flai? algnala, Th< ?riiish n..rr.i ol Trade however, has ? ? iiui.-.i it - p? i mist a,, for th? is? ? i - ... passing ?Igual* ?>n British ? . ? oai re? i nt sat? guard lo ? P ' mt" effecl f"i- th? im.'I'-. lion ?? . i nropei >? ii sea a sa th? |oln1 s< lio ol lly , gtal ? ? ? !'?' tai'i '. mg patrol Iraata to th? w CENOTAPH FOR MAJOR BUTT Monument at Place Titanic Vic? tim Had Selected for Burial. Waal met? April inument m 1 Major An I b ?Id W Butt, the ml ; t h-iiI Taft Who ink?, a 111 I ?? d? d?V at? .1 Arlington Nal ?? il i ? na l? rj a spot Major Butt selectrt foi bi rial plat e >? hon he ? h? atnol xsv master here In IW hh.i Ii ..f t he ? ? ti ? |g Th- monument will lx ? iwelv< ??? l-atm ? t,-sa ..i,.,.ted | b] M,.lot i:?-1 - brol A a?nit metnoriaJ to M ! Frank !? Millet, the Washington srttat and member "f th? National Comn ? a Arts who also perished whei T.tani. sat.k. i- to I" l r-, t?*d lieal Whit.- HiiiiH,- I; || t,, b? B small mental fountain, containing .< abaft with tur. i-la.-Hlr ?if-iiri s In hass-t tai.l. ":.? of chivalry, representing Majoi Butt, th? othei '?: art r< pr? m ntlng Mille! TITANIC FUND WAS $151.273 Red Cross Aided 4 92 Sufferers at a Cost of 3 Per Cent. a preliminar] repor! of how the funda led Immedlatol* art.- th.- Titan: sstei - ei ?? dlstribut? i by the !:? d in X' \v v.>ii< has "? ? - - tied, The amoui ' disbursed la given as H81 and the number >.f cases sttended .. Th?. , oat of attributing the fund i ?? ? mon than I pi ? tai. ami Included the > apense of i '? i i.-s-titain?? to h Ifaa in Mi st In Wentif; Ing bodlt ? Of the fund K/< .> oi more than fO th? I'ill'ii' -alii.ti nt a r?-|.fi!t. remali - ?i surplus will be given to on? ol Hi atatraaved famille? ?hi, h haa I niffei ed nea mlsfoi ' unes ' Th?- assistance rendered the Red i ? by VVhltelaw Rete" In facilitating an un? derstanding between ih>- American and English . ommltteea la mentkHied In th< i ? poii "Th? relief committee very promptly ... understanding with iho:<- In at.-.- ol Rtigllsh funds." it Ii stated, ira'.n:^ the assi-taii'?? if Ambassador it- id and the Lord Mayoi of Londim STRAUS MEMORIAL PLANS To Be Considered by Art Commission on Anniversary of Disaster. i.., t.. m?..-, the Brat annlversarj ?if Inking of the litanie, the Municipal ah Commission win ronsldei tha dtssign of a in.iii'riiiii to Mr, and Mra laWor straus. ?-.ho were ksasi in the dlaaatoi Part i oiiiiiis'i'in'-i *-i"V.r *..t?l pester? day that be ha?i apg?rovad oi the 'I'-s?kh. Um ..f Aaguatua Lukemaa, the s<-ii!t.t..i. snd l-'.vait- Tracy, th? arcnl? t..-t. ami he would place it bef?wi th? art commission to-morrow Th? memorial is to b? ? rected In s small park at Broadway and i * **- ? t ? - atreet, th?? name of which ??ill be itraua Part II win i>?- a granite ami bronse fountain, a lam?- granite ha.??* i>? Ihk aurmounted b) a bronse figure of s woman r?scllnlng Tint., will aifn be a bronse plate with sn Insci ii'iiun. it v.iis decided soon after the tesa ..r the Titanic i?, erect auch .? memorial. Tin committee appointed to arrange foi it In? cludiad Henry Oreen, Ja>*"i) n Bchlff, gamuel Ureenbaum. Adolph Lewlsohn William <; McAdoO, Ilf-rinan Si? l?k??ti. Pella M. Warburg and J?*?seph B, c.i???'n hul. TITANIC AWARDS ASTRAY ? Two Mad? to Mme. Navratil Probably Never Were Received. Awards from iwo English Titanic funda Otmtt ?tafade to Mine Nairalil. Xhc I'rotM-h uniuw, -.\h'?so two little lr?*r)ra wars aavad by Mi-- Margarot iiav?., of No? cai w>m M Btroat ?><*f*?>r.1lii'? I" \V. I'rank I'it aona ?Hi.nor nf tit ? charity Organis?t!? ti gocii-t- Mi Pei sat'l yesterday he r, ,,i learned thai ?he ha?i received an award "f KM ftom the l?oi<l Mayor'a fund and ?i1?? Hddltional from the fund ?>f i . London Dally Telegraph." VVheth? i th? ' awaida bad ever found their way Into ih.' pocket of the widow, Mr Peraona was not In a position to sa?,. Frank K. Hays, fath.-r of Mis? Hays, voiced his .-.un it-iion yesterday ?nal Mm? Navratil ha.I not?t icn-v-<1 jhe money. (i,,i\ ?, short titea ai*... aald Mr Hays "i dlaooverad that Mme. Navratil, ii. i two nous and hat m-?-'! mother were iivii.a m povortv in Nice. '' tbe swards w, ,,. made i should be glad t? know about n. en that I might help hei ^?-t 44 bat is Cue i?ci ?" Th? BUii for J.V'.*>1" thi w it? s, t| y, , brpUghl bj Mr lia? s n*, |?. ?,?!- ol th? widow, wa nied in the i mt..-j Rtatts District Courl In Admirait? yester? day To-innii...w t? the I--?./ J?a) on which death ? talma may English law. he tili'd. limit Ih?* STATECRAFT MA? 1 President and His Cabinet Take Their First Lessons from the Gridiron Club. SONG. JEST, MELODRAMA "The Democratic Lighthouse" Reveals Dangers in Pathway of Tariff Makers?"Lib? erty Bell" Peals. Washington, April U President W llson Bl-d hi? Cabinet took their Bra! lessons m | statecraft from the Gridiron Club to nlghl at its annual --priai dinner In th?* I " ???'" e ..:' members <>f the ?diplomatic , corpa, members >?i Congress and man) distinguished figures In public in.*, they took a good natured grilling, which was I a hearty nrelcores after all. Th?* corres? pondente, in son;.' ami j? st. <lr<*\\ back I th?* curtain t.. dis. tose the phfalls thai i "??i snj administration, and showed the foibles, the weaknesses and the virtues of statesmen A scene from genuine melodrama, "The Dtynocratlc Lighthouse," conveyed In thrilling fashion the warntag to the tarill j makers of the ?laagers that li- In their pathway In a lighthouse <~>n a rock ars fought the battle between the principles! ol puf ?? democra? ? and ? Demies In snd ??nt ?if the party. " Tii .. ? nlghl ' de? lat "i Hok? ? th, ? fisherman, amid a show? i "f itage snow. "Fot sixteen years Demo? ?'nji. Light I..i- l?r? n .lark, bol ROV "hi ?Kill' Bryan's coming i>a?k to i??- keepei of lbs light" Champ ?'lark, at "ihrr fishfrnian. Iranien that ?Without enthustaam, and d?*.lnreil h. nevei liked that fellow, laid ho: "T triH t?. ride a trick muM In Baltimore, and jnst aboul 10 *Ain the prize whrn oM ihn Bryan slipped i bun under the sad? din '? Wrecks Gone Before. i -i.- ..ff the Ms? k : ? hlli the 1 IC imp 'The ?: ?? P lln? i Taf! la but .? hulk on Prot? ? lion Rol i.. Th? ml ucentop of the ? ? ? ?- aboi ? Bull i " . |i| pi ? L'nde Joe !;? anil i I strand -ill i???? r ? ? I of iicht no ? .?sii \..i*. ever, th? \. .. dl ix ?'ti <>fr by thi coastguaid, head? d !?> ? ??? .-?? Ui ? i- wood i ? d M ' ? igh th? foi n prote? ti'-ii is '?m ? ? ?. ? . K< eper Bryai irrivid n Itti hii daugh? ter, Tariff, and received i t? egi int Th* ">.Iros w llson, ? i of the sailing i?i i?r T Jefferson Platform, out o I ? ?-. ? with a cargo of Dem? form? ? ? i" r thai the vessel ?was du? .<? Port Re? thai night, and begged thai the light be . kepi bun rig ?her In eat? Ule ?ce ti d< ..... Gloom* ??,.!?? the proc of . t - - oastg lard and keep? McAdoo remarked "f th? i'i?,if..Mn ;. ? ? . i e depart on s new led to th? - - ? ? .t >?he ' n? v.-t bt ?tics- all her ? at go to \ ? .;..?! Bryan, th? ? alwayi of ?'"? mi ind they throw . i!:.. cargo overboard to sav? t?. crea ? " ? -h. ?,1? tak. n fiorri me ? hfl I il commanded he- three tim?**-. bj an 0 i:..- pi rat? He 'iii?-d her with Bill Ta it m ? ommand and -. ttled ? During ih? tempo ?illaln ? ntered In the i? t .I i ?? ? ?? ' Bmoot, a ha sought to . lope with M'-* Tin Iff bul a ? and drlVei "if bj coaatguard Oacar i'n derwood He returned, however to 1 t(:. llfhl and nteck the Incoi ? ' o ? ? ' ? no K ' epei l'.r\ ?m m .? t? mi ?? Struggle, bul ?ras alais I ? du? ' i.? i ndei * oo i Cargo All Gone. The safe arrival of the Platform ?,P announced, but, alas, on board ?a" none of the Democratli cargo not "Tarill It? ,,, |. ? i ... Refoi m no- the Baven g) iten r oi ' Philippin? Inde ,,. i ,|,,,,-,.. nor Ret Ised Bhei man Lav , noi "Free Canal Tolla," not- "Civil Bei rice Reform." bul onlj II.?Wcceeok? Keeper Bi "Ml P-"< sldenl wbal SHALL we do? Prealdenl Kauffman lafter whispering with Presiden! ?Wilson) "Presiden! W? ..-..n -.a* s take the ship to s?-a nu.un an.I ??.-i.tti" her. Bryan "God pltj lbs pooi eflkeseekei on a nlghl like, i -| f m isiral feature of the evening tes , parody on ths "Chimes of Normandy" , , instan?? ?. ?? '-1 ?** **** ' Liberty Bell.' Like the brialnal chimes this bell ,. ai supposi ?! i" ring oui onlj on the re? . turn to his eastl? (in this i ase ths White i n,,us. ? of the rightful heir, "Mr J? ffei i --"iitan Democracy, something of s phil? osopher? somstblng *t a political scono Imlst, sonuthii.c of sn orator, sad some? thing of an historia? lof course the iike belng t" Presidan! ?Wilson), bul ,,i?,\,. all the patriot who leva the Lib? ertj Bell of ''?'"? ' _ "WOMAN" WAS A BOY Lad in Skirts Arrested in Bronx After Tailor Shop Robbery. After Detectives Johasmeyer tad i!n ' petto placed ? supposed woman mater I arrest ?yesterday sfternoon for ths thefi Of |M wo: Hi of . loth from the tailor sliop oi Mam?", GMdberg, at N... UU Beabury Plaice? Ths Broni tbey discovered thai their prison.-r v.a- s boy. lie wore a large bal sad s beavj pell gad carried a muff in wbl? i? to conceal ins hands n<? ?jeacribed himself as norestes Conrkm, of No. fif; Jennlngi sunset, The Bran Ms u. locked up ,n ,,,? Traaosrt station Goldberg's sh?*i' ?as rohiied yesterday tint the lallot bad no Idea who lbs tblei was Hs *-',i,i '?* ,"-<v'lv ?elled woman, carrying ?? l**E* mUn*? ,ia'' r"'fn banglag around his plsio? all day, so ths detectives laouahl ths woman, and found Condon jn).;il. geabury Place and Boston Road, ' The Htohx ut.-r i"-' ****** ***** ***** n{ bts haada, in?. Bgure, h;** sralk, ins meaner, ate., im them to s'isi"*.t Ms ses, and when the vi-ii gad i1*1' ***** ******** *h* youth ?1.i reveal?d -?? TO DEDICATE LIGHT TOWER. laatera bt***t ont Omeball nn r?.?? f ti,. new ieaasssi's bmtltute will he ??dieted en Tuesday. a*is ********** ??? ,,?,.,. who pertdhed m the TKaate. Ths ?i mil l?> SbOW thS *.iv bj rii^M I i 2 n t '.vu 1 ? tests m *,,r ?'?r,,'>'"- Th" Hmeball ?luTbd dropped al neon dally, aad by .t , ?,rs may bt regulated. Ad? ?"-"?"im;,;i;-,0 in;i,ie by Blgaap Oreer, 'l1'7|..'. Dr. wi'i'*"" p ****** *?* Dr Henri Ltbttb N. Y. COMMERCIAL CO. FAILS Receiver Unable to Save Rubber Company?Owes $5,023,089. The n<?.v Yoti. Commercial Company, I import? ds rubber, at No. *M Broadway, aith branch?e In Para, Loo? lion -and Liverpool, n hieb wenl into lbs of ., i.. ? ivtrr m Ftsbruarj. fib .1 .( i- tin.", in bankiupt ?- ? ? lay, as h was unable to arrange an extension with ' ?editors Liabilities are l\*XS.0W, bul no figures ...- t? the assets are given, "f ths Imbll!? ? . "?.?.:>.>. i in is -u-mntl ,?n?i '':?:,",>?'> nn ? o Th.- secured eredltors sre Baring Broth? or <*? Co., of London, WAttS; British Bank ?f Booth America, >>f London, *:::.<>?:?'.; Commonwealth Trusl Company, "f Bo ton. "*? 11T.:.:>;. Cunllfl Brothers, "f London, $?93.067; Dennlston, Cross <*? CO., of London. Mfl.tM; fourth National Bank of this olty, tltl,tU', Merchants National Bank, ?-"-..lTi. Mechanics and Metals National Hank. "as"t.e*r*>; New Toril Produite K\ ? haiice Hank. *"""*7.M: ??Etna National Hank. |8I,?MI; ?'"?ti BZChang? Hank. llm?. nt; Irving National Hank. ??"'.'?<", Me? chanics Natloi .1' Bank, I100.000; Atlantic Mutual Insurance ? ompan? . "83 IM Mr t National Bank oi Boston, fMMM; Na? tional Bbawmul Hank, et Boston, *!?>?.'??". Btate Trusl Uompaiiy, "i Boston, tM2.(S, Girard National Bank, "f Philadelphia ?, ..'?". Gernmn ..t leondon, Mai ? ' ' ? ' ; Hambre d < 'o . of Ixmdon, I !\1? mu?n 1. Sons ?v Co., of London, M?,l KonlK brothers, "f Ixmdon, 1133,976; Hwiii ti ml -? rein, ?.f I..Ion, *?!*> WS Among the un.. ? ui ' 'i creditor) are ths Harriman National Bank, 1100,000; New ioik l.if. Insurance and Trust Company, PMiOO; Arnold -\ Zetes, KH.755; Equitable Tt ist Company. t&OQO; Chatham and Ph?nix National Hank. t&i.OM Security Hank. .-."?? National Reserve Bank, ?:"..-1 ??' ,.ii?i th. Title ?luaranti e and Tru i 1 ? ?n 11... nj, f25,O0V EXCHANGE TICKET OPPOSED I Contest Between Conservatives and Progressives Likely. The coming annual eleetlon of the Sto.'k Exchange promtsmi an intaiasUng ''ni,,''?t betwben the conservatlv? anil the pragrs*** give ? l.-ti.. i,ls. The nominations proposed [by tin- -[.e.-lal nominatim* .ommi'I-e a ! fee ?Jaj ? ..?,*?> bar? b?asn Usa ?ajbjocl of ?**"*? I,:. .-tiii-i?ni etnong tiie exchange ? m?*nihers and slepa bave already hOUU taken to farm an oppctaltten Uckal The trouble apparonUy lias ?ol in ,'"' nominaliotis for ollir. rs. I?ut in th'* nant?** that haw besa presentad for tba t??.**r?i of gaver mam, tba ?aajority of v ii?'-i?. I? wort" ?d, will serv? for Bv? year.?. St-veral membera of tba ?txcbange, it is "?al??*? taei that they should ha\.. n-.-eiifi the ?oml? j nation to serve on the ?-ovrrnin?,' I onimlt- ( [tee on a.-.ivin'. of their p?rtr<er '" draw votes, and f?r th!a reason they are plan? j n,ng to run Independently. This la entlriely permissible under th? | rules "f the exchange, which do no' for? bid th? formatten "f an ln?totmndawt ticket ., i idltloa >?> tl*e ragulai nonitnatlon? Th? regular nomination- for the g?a?rern? lng committee are M. i? Puller, ' *v' Haue, w, W. Heaton, Charte? t Hols? I derber Jame H .Jenkins. Alfred Mettre. I wiiuam ii Remlek, Edward r. Kogei ! K n n Simons. Bugeita Meyer, ?t.. ano ; iirM..; Blagden BOOK OF SUMMER PLACES. \ i ook conutaing l? p?ages of r*1'* ? and description of Bullivan, Ulster. Orange and Delawar.mtle. and ?*?n'?f*,0,& I,,,,.., and accommodation? of " ; ?. v, hotels, hoarding hou - - sijd f- ''''..'.V ?Ill br mailed on receipt of ?Veei i> ? ...... i,. the general passenger agent 01 the See Vork. -.? ? Western R? - | way, Orand Central Terminal. Hem ',,r'? ___________ f BANK-TRUST CCh MERGEF Negotiations Between ?tna Na? tional and the Broadway. Nsgottattoas h??v.? been bogan bstwssu Ihe .i:tna National Bank and th.? Broad? way Trust Company for their RMfTg? r, th-* lattat t?> take over all the bagUMSJ and assets of th.* forSBOr institution. OhVials of bath hanks return to discuss lbs deal ?at this time hut n is understood that a i meeting of the stockholders of the .Una ! bank ?ill be h?*ld within the next thrc?? months to vote on the consolidation, ir the negotiations sre carried mit saocess*1 fully th?- .V.tna hank "ill gO Into volun? tary ii'iuiiiation Aceerdlng to a circular that las been s?*nt out to MtES stock? holders n n proponed to coaaotldats th-* tw.? hanks ?m the followim*. hasi "Ths Broadwaj Trust Company t<? .n? trlhtit?- i dividend Of 1'? POT OSSlt "n its preeeni stork: t<? Increase its capital str?-k from UMAAES to ?i..v?.?m of which ?diV.ixjn shall he avattabta fOf pro rata subscription by the Broadway Trust Corn pan] StOCkhOlden St MM a share, and th? remaining (MMM shall t??' avatiahi" n?r pro rata dlsti ihution by th?- Vina Na? tional Hank MOCkhOMm at 111? PtMO** prlre. ?-rhe .Vtna National Bank to :-?. Into voluntary liquidation In the manner pro vi.i.'.i by law, t.? dlotributs to its st?rt? bolders al th'* tune "f ronsolidat ion a?? largs i '-ash dividend ss practicable, and thereafter additional dividends as fast as assets are reeHSSd un-ll. Each .1\tna ?toekholdor to have the prtvtiaga of iib scriblng for right-tenths of one share ,.t the Increased stock of the Broadway TruM Company for each one share of st.'.k now held by Mm. paying to- said| Increased stock at the rat. of |US a ?share out of th" cash dlTtdSPd IS I paid ?o the .Ktna It? khold-ts at Hie tin of such osooottdatiou. ' According to a r<?? ? lit ststtmsnl Moas I by th?- Broadwa** "rust Company It ho sross deposits of $10.71'?.i.'ij TbS Matt National has gross depoMts of lt.IM.WI iso that the two iiatiks uM?l. i the margg v.ouid hav.- gross deposits ?>f IUJA4M I Th? proponed tablai over of a nation? ! hank h\ a tni-d company created ni'ui comment in the tinati'-ial district yeatM ?lav, as Stich i transe? tioii is At ofnVial of tii*- BtatS Hankiiit; 1 ?. partSBSO said that the deal is eonmSSSSatOd h the II..nidation of the bank's asset?? an?] the redemption ??f its boada* deposited la \vaahlagton sader the national hank al a?*t. DEMAND~A NINE-FOOT SHEET Travelling Men Also Think a Few Clean Towels Would Not Be Amiss. The Travellers' Protective Assoclatton <>f America bsM Its Hiunial election an?l dinner yeeterda] <<t the Hotel Victoria, Broadway ;jud Ifth street. Thus? wbd spoke ardently advocated the nine-iooi bed-sheeted ami ftre-escaped hotel, with '?white and Ml an towels." .The MWly elected otBoSTS ni" N. il M? | Couell, president; A 1 ?.ray. tust t*JPg* Ipresident; Charles I. Mullen, se.-oud vire [ pn si- lent; William II TefTtil, third ftM* Lresident and I? C. <?o:-.-? Im, se?rptary ?and treasurer. W. T. EMMET MADE RECEIVER. .lusti." Hlat/.ck. on th.* application of At torney General Carmody, appotetad ?Will? iam T. Kinmet, BuperintendOBl of Insur? ance, resterdaj as auaBlary receiver of the American rmon Pire Insurance ?'onri paay in New Vork State. The c?/mp8iiy i? a Pennsylvania r-orporattoa. RESORTS. RESORTS. _f_ RESORTS._ RESORTS. Sanitariums and Health Resorts , ? ?*>* <.???tf :;r:.;z^z^=^?:z:*'X^^ ?u.? "?""?' ">."'"-? ;'"*.r,';;,?,??'> ?? ??"?*? ??i" ?< ?">' ?"?"?' ??** "?" most M-i.-ntiHr hues, the ?11<r<-.ts and commit-, o? pa" h aaniUry condition*. , ...-?pa i,v callins, ?vritiiiit or uUphonin-i to Thi; Booklet, or ?mil.? of the folkm?ng *-.""? ""?"???; -may '"' *""J5 -ilv Tdepboi-e 9000 Bookman. New-York Tribune l?r?,i?,t??, Biireau. 880 Tnbane Building, No?? . ork ut>. i - THE JACKSON HEALTH RESORT DANSVILLE, N. Y. A completely equipped Institution for the treatment of the sick. I >n the Delaware ?\ I a< kau .him Railway, 8 hours from Sew ? or) and 1'*. hoori ,-, m Buffalo The cut aborts, matle from tl"- architect's drawing, ihowg || . ma?niiicent fireproof main build -??"-ing. If ',? ?ring Health or Rest, you not '? lend for lit rature and i fine, large pi lure showing beauty Il e location and surrounding! - ? l ' thi Tribune Bureau for them. THE BANCROFT SANITARIUM BUTLER. MORRIS COUNTY, N. J. r | ?.n n i'?'i., m lo, it .... bant - - ?'? s at th. famoua Jen ?| ? ' .: . 'ana* I ?III ? l| ?? ne. ...ii? I mriilal di.en?e-, .in'! ?*R*SJg SSO ,.|.o linn. , ? Beatles an.l ??oia I ease? ? ? . ?? .-?? . ? - - ??- mllei If as? ? . ,, ., , ial ipe?d) ssd '??"" la th? em -- ? - - -?? ' ? ? . ??? ' ?'*.' tort with in ordinal I 1 pss reqeeee. Newark Office: Suite 409 Firemen? Ins. Bldg. n?aaa im- -gattaet, HaaNaartam FImnh II Petto* GEO. BANCROFT GALE, M. D.. Medical Director For Rest, Recreation, and Reatoration to Health "DR. STRONG'S" The Saratoga Springs Sanitarium HOME! IM < ill i 1:1 i l . ?. U It \? !l\ g, THOROI OHM i.ql IITI.I? ? of trest -r ?-in Turfctsa t* .-?? u sea Bpi Inga mineral ... S -???'..: .. . r ? IUlt?>? ???Hi |. ? h?'n ?I?-??i--*..l Rate? . guests wltl " ? I -ll?l\l \l UMHIN III I.Allll S 1 \ \| riM'H?. ? - ? ? i I cttMr sad - larslldtssa "THE PLACE THAT'S DIFFERENT" I lll'l \ 1 ONT1M ?M "?IV ??IN! I iaU I MlUt llll ?\MK IVMII.? MINM.IMKM BOON - M.;*- Tltg WHOLg gTORT. Bt*> " UN RJ*Q1 E8T DR. MUIR'S INHALATORIUM Thr uni? ln?tlt niton in \nierira for Ihr ?cf. 1-BtaV trriitinrnt of \?t limn, ?{run. lilt'? and I aliirrli l.\ ', tl'OK I Ml \I.ATI??V DU miii:- . ?tl ??* ..f treatment twits -i,.,rlsl sppsrntea and Invsntlen? for steaali Ing to Impalpsbt? ? spar th? medics! ; ?atei late th? ? ramification? of th. Bronchial takes) ? ?nd adopt? ?! b .?". ih? load In? \i - ? 11 ? ,, ! r-.?iHiM ,.' l?in.p-. ?n,l Antes lea B :. i ?quest JOSEPH MUIR? M. D. foi n ?rlj Bsi lei Ph r?.i le r i ?* Usa Te?; Thrn?t. Kees and Lung Kosrpltal Visiting m to Si Joseph . itoepttsl for con ?umptlv?M .mi Attending Physician ?o ?h?? tursl, Rhlnologtrsl and Laryn^ologlcsl D? i.-in ?si m of s: Mai u ? Hospital. 33 West 42d Street \t ': ' H v RI.BU D v l.M. HIE - .. ,. newn? I Frenrh tei NEW AEOLIAN HALL. Where and Why llr OlVSaS1 Hindu fin m at ?it am ford. i <>nn ' M minet?* from Ni ? rora , . otter? ? ?eeptlonsl opportunltlej ,,, ,-,, rnt of NKHMM s ?nd Mil D MBNTAIi Diseaaei ?ad hss vi , V-, 1.* 8,li-l rotlagu foi I" rsotM ? -h.? . .,";rfe. t prlvue] .'fi ' '"? , ,unS?nsi ?n?l *>**** *r* a'1'"''"'1 ,:!Vl??*!i*''?f'*iTIMll'?>TS,, l?Kt?.S. tim gsMlsilsir m ss a hin -it ,,?,ui?.; boas f-Jiaad geaad. TKi bpMom? to ??it wmn ? Dr. (ilVliNS' SANITARIUM STAMFORD. CONN. 4iAi.-'-?.*-?*?-*?-A?-*AA*~*l i, .i ht it jk ; The Road lo Health Leads ? j Through Ihc South. f IkeliHair Sanitarium | j ORBCNSBORO. N. C. WS sa.oeOSfuUy nervous dir? r, m ateoholtom and dnigaddlctloaa. ,',?,,'?,? MeHl; climate mild an-l squable; sqotpmeol oomplete. Ideal mZn homo for coaralososata and sosal j lavallda. Writs rorbooWetaad terms j W. C. ASHWORTH, M. D? Supt. j Dr. Conrad's Private Sanitarium. s-c? y..ri. ssVe ft******** '" | 11.1 \\>?t l?0?h Hti. ? ' relcpbes? KP n i-i-i? MOI l-iire -.Ir It? t-??.eiill?l to Health. No Oilier \fforc?? It a- floe? the STEUBEN SANITARIUM AT HORNELL. N. Y. rnrr tinier. Ture Food. NstStl H.Tfienl? ?.?,.. rhos? ?eslrlna ? eh?ge et ritman ?an ii?' p ? perfecl en? v?y com?as *o Our Health n???ne ?here raddea ehaagss st ,.-inl"-r.itiir' snd hiiinl.lity IN unl.ii.. ara. Pa ii i,in breatl ins lb? same pur? an si thoua i it? nut "?it sf deer? while the tessperstara hroushoul in- ????' remain? practically th? , ,. mi r?.mm "f Sydretherapr, slsetro? .hnai? sad physical treatmeat? ??neraiiv , .' tere?by thoroiwhly trained ?peretor? Moderate rates. Writ?, tor literature to IiK. I I- WAIKKK. Supl.. Ilornell. N. Y PLAINFIELD SANITARIUM PLAINFIELD * J__- ' K J* t .,,i m the Watehaag Mees taina, one h"ur trom' M??S York liirklnh. ROSStaB, Kle.-trlc. Suit an'l ether baihK. HPKCIA1TY: ChfOaie 'unes "f various kind?, in . Iinihi?; Nervous lane?. INIANg NOT AKMITTKU. Klrftanl New Hnim->. Tw.iity acres in lawn. BOOKLET. _TKt.KPllo.N?-; S 4. JUSTUS H.COOLEY, M.D. BROWNS MILLS SANATORIUM Ki.r the lr?-atni?nl Of t-ih- r. j I.-? ?. i h Hrown? Mill? ?n-lhe-Plne?. Mew Jetney. ?d*?K<l*i W. NBWCOMB, M"ti I Directo THE GRAND VIEW DR. SQUIRE'S SANITARIUM ,*n '??tah??!:'*?! nssth itlon ft I w can of prtoata pa'lenis. Ifedk ai. ?mgtrsl si isas r? led ?tirtition Pli??? oenstotSBt with quality of ?er\i<? supi.Itei". lining 4, ?..?ii graduates only, imptoysd >s sarasa ? sanitarium 1? eqatfraed with Mo4ern sppllano?, including ?n Or-'rVing r-r-rn, itrrtli.inu room, >> ia> an>l all rtoctrt al equttpi en! nil*? IM-TITI n?i\ IS ?iri.N r?? ULI. tari i PWYMl IAK? wn ?-i h i.l.nv?, AM? I* MUM* Will HI MAIN rNTiltlI, INDEM I Hilft i \HX. u?.-n not re? eive.l. loi ,ci pSftaeslars ?Mit?: ot tel?*pliun. AMOS 0. SQUIRE?, M. D. Ossining-on-the-Hvidson, I .l-nlion. 110 IK.Inii.? DR. ROSS' Health Resort BRENTWOOD. NEW YORK In the Pintt of Long Island Offers lbs comforts and conven? i eure ,,t n model n inn Under the rare of Physicians and Nur*-?'?' nu: ?.'."hill .-.*./' gJTSS, .trifilo M W. H. ROSS, M. D. Telephone, 111 Brentwood KEN5ETT ON THE GREEN Norwalk, Connecticut For treatment of nervous patfents? al?.-?ihn!ie and drug addiction!. Address DR. EDWIN EVERETT SMITH NORWALK. CONN. T?l?phone, M11 Boatb NornraH*. < >r, dr. j. E. nrauMoa. 131 rast 57th St.. Maw York City. Tel'i'hnn?. .'.??-.-? Plaza. AN ABSOLUTE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM NEURITIS AT Dr. Vaughan's Sanatorium 1040 Park PI., Bklyn, N. Y. Hi. HonHrt tell? the .tor,. IT'S FREE. SEND FOR IT. Grand View Sanitarium NORWICH, CONN. Kill IB TREATMENT Ol Nervous and Mental Diseases AM (MIDI.H IKI nitll. II\HIT?<. Cottage Plan. Three hears from N. v ?v ?Wand View || most Charmtagt) itniate-l emldal ten aerea of beantlfal irtves int ?hadv ??elk* In the qiiiri s.ij.'irlis of Ser erleb Cbafgss ?re resssaaMa basblst. Telephone 675, Norwich. Conn. MEDK AI. ?TAlTr .lohn .1. Unmihiie. M. I).; .lohn O. Dono hue, Jr.. M. I? : W. H. P. KemlnB. M. I). I'KOVIDKM K. R. I.. SJffgflOB, 144 Weetmtneter st , n?>oni SIX Phone iJalea i3ii. RIVERLAWN i?r DaaM T Miiispn'i-fh?e Private *-in> tonuiii tut Mental and Nervoua riiaeaaeii. I'ATKRNON. KKW IKRiSKY. Two lar?? iBoOera hiillrtlti?-?? un.I <*?ittaf?s Ever? convenient-* Ported equip m< nt Moderate pri.??-... BtTH?* MASSAGE KI.KCTRHTTY OK. DAKIBL T. Mill sim cm. || TetewS Avenue. raler,?n. \. J. v y O?ee ITS West Tith St. 77;? s.-hmler. Wednesday an* gaiartuy, u to 13-Jg WOODSCOURT South Norwalk, ?Conn. On? hour from N V. .Sanitarium hnme Med?m. ?rouTout; Elevator. ROM . ure v?r \oua S.SSSiswa. ?oiii, i h? i' m, ?te Telephone or teleeraph DR. WADSWORTH. A I'ltlVAri BAMS1 un? ?? .un ?.KKVOIS AM? ll\(TIO\AI. ni??ORnKR??. Th?? !???! sseslseal of tiestmoet i? pepehe iraiHpy. A, . ?-mu l..-<, bath?, mae-ago, cle.* ?te Two farm? in <*onne< tlon with ?h? P?r; tartBIB ?apply frii-h vegetables, egg?. pou!ir>. THE OR. C. 0. SAHLER SANITARIUM, KINGSTON ONHUDSOW, NEW YORK DR. HOWD'S SANATORIUM K Private Sanatorium Situated at the ?iateuay of the Berkshire** A modern house with every conven? ience and complete electrical equip? ment. Large, comfortable rooms, with private bath. Spacious veranda. Persons suffering with nervous or debilitated troubles will find this an ideal place for recuperation. For rates and information address S. O. HOWD, M. D. Winsted, Conn. DUTCHER Sanitarium mi KJ UBCOMJM \\ y... KB vit ii..r?i Wt, Qutl I, I OOIT1H eamfortshl) furnished: competen! ?i . ? t.. ?nit in i*lvl?liial caaea horn, eooklng sll eon.>?. Rlderly people tenderly csr?d for i ?tient? sec. [.-?,! mi... r car? ..f ..-.* n physloisn, ?ai?-? on application. Phom .-?;'. audubos "OnTheHill" Health Retort Wstertown, Litchfield Co., Conn a private institution ?rttt* honsa en vtronment?chronic cas? g, a- a?rai la? i*ali?*Uem and those a?eeklng .1 "reel , : I . Accommodates from M to -?"> patient? Charles Warren Jsckson. M S. Sanitariums ?_ Health Resorts announrements appear on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in The New-York Tribune ONLY Trihune Readers Believe in The Tribune