Newspaper Page Text
THE TRIBUNE'S FOREIGN NEWS LONDON BEGINS ?O FILL FOR THE SEASON PROPER American Women Most Popular at Court?King Himself Pays Graceful Compliment. EARLY RIDES FASHIONABLE Royalty Often Seen in Rotten Row?Prince Henry of Prussia Visits British Relatives. B? Csble to 1 London, April 12. ".Vith April ahntit half thi-otigh, matters In the London .-??.?Hl World arc iakinc ??n frosh ac? tivity, x?is host esses are coming for? ward, ami th".?-- who have airead] won el? ai. bestirring themselves anil making further plana. The pi*eaence of the ?o'irt in town is n.'! sponsible tot .. ? ertalii amount i f ftirmal entertaining, and society women an anxioualy ?-.. k?hk available dates. Several Interesting dances an *i prospect, most "i them small, as rather nformal affaira are the moat popular just now, l ?inner*, t.. 11 .,?1 In led ail through the season. .Man-.- well known people are now m t- si.|?*i!( i?, ami numherg an* arriving daily from tiio . ontlnenl and Ameaitra. ii?do Park ami tho faahtoaaable thor? oughfarea .???hi.w quite an atm?**sphere of gayety despite th.- continued ool s ? atlior. Th?* Queen has (???on very busy during ?*?r stay at Windsor. With her char? ectertettc Im.? of ail things c<*un?**cted v It 11 (Inmrstir (linio?*, ?-ho has thorough? i\ Inspected ih?-? . '?tHiiii-m*? ?.f the royal household. Every alteration rintended bj her, an.i further im I't-i.-.. general < ?>nir.?it hh.i h'-aitii ? f nil r ont ? i ned ?"III b? carried out latei | Queen Careful of Treasures. -.. ? ? a'eek Marlborough Ho ise g? ta annual spring cleaning Q.n \ I? aandra la moal pan k?ulai foi 4-if. t of h? t -tun', ti. ?? colle? lion of the srtlcles of iniori*si presented i" her fr? m t une to linio, anrl has had plan: ? ??; ??? ? i ? t ..m showing th? lion of the articles of vertu. Each Is labelled and numbered, so as t>> be re plat - ?I after the - i? ?ras bel The popularity ol American women -, ? ? and the t.f afra K< pp? l'a star aro remarked on nowadays In Lon 'American won**? n are some of the mosi sensibl? ^?. ? ?m?n m London," the King la reported as saying. Mrs. Kep i????i \?as at the Queen's own I ?le al a ; i ate ball, and at dinner a nighl ?>r two later. She is non In Rome a Ith hot- daught? r. Hociety has airead) begun to tak? ...- morning i i<i<-. and Rt tten Roe is fuii .,f cobs .irui ha i knej s. The early rido |g mor.? fashionable than ever since ? - nt sov? i ? Ign ' ame to the rnanj i- ople stai tino ..m ? ith the hope ol met i Ing the King i Row. Bmarl Mayfair tailors sa: ? ? deluged *?? rid? ing ha!, its. Royal Marriage Rumor. nor hs - II that ? onfldt nl lal nego? on fool fur an ult?male mai ? lag? bt la een I he Prim t of Wal? the ? irand Du Olga daughter i t the Czar, it is raid that it .. n arrang? d foi th? m to meei u-r the Aral time si Hordoere, a charming Ide villa, rOlntly oa ne? b; ? ? it en Mexandrs and the Empress Mario ..f Kustda. Tho villa is on the shor? of Klam pen bourg Bay, half an houi f'"tn ..i > nhagen. It is s il i hat the pi in* '? ma) \ lait >t. r g and i< mam at the Winter Pala? e for some I I'rui. oss \ i. toi la. sist? r ?-f the K n h< : ? n In indlff? rent health for the last tea m? i tha la now well, and is often ??? taking s quiet afternoon In Bl James's Park, dres?*ed In ih ? simple style she fa* w Tu,, state baila al Buckingham Pal? ace are provisional ranged for June. Foi .."h event about two thousand In? itions? I '??? Issued. The courl half mourning on Wednesday last prln? ? 11<m ..f Prussia Is now m London "it s privat? visit. He lunched ??. ith hla ' ? King and (J ? ? 0| W.'lii? The Dos ag? i 'oun.r An ? (Maridge'a from C*ro iiiMit-. ?.Mil-1 et? ire I?onstantlne i ?umba fi "in VI? nna, and the Coun rt? I '?? ?? r n. 't" P i Amercans ?I the Hotels. Mi gnd afra George W, Vanderbilt. who ritriMii from Paria ihis week, are i. are Mr and Mr? Ham La Montagne, of New Fork, William Earl Dotlgi arrlv?rd "ti the Maurotanla, and is i.iiMii? for Paris. Mi. -.i.i Mrs. u. T. C'-iiii'-, it-.. "i ?'hi <;.K". and their children arrived on the Kronprinateaaln C<*clHe, alao Delancey a k-in.-. Mra. Joseph Pulltser, Mr. and Mrs. William l> Sl'.atio, .Mr. an'I Mrs. iimrv a. ?'. Taylor and Miss (laorgine It has In'ti sM*..| thai the ho;,ith of Prince ?'hnstian is far, from Komi, DUl really he is In Hi?- condition and is ?x t,i--i-to(i, wiiii tin. rrinnaf. al s. hon. hgarg Mous?. Pali Mall. n?-.\i in-ck, where i ii?- \ will romain until the) go to Cum? bertand L'"!?,? In Aacol ?wok. Tho house has been entlrel) altered and ranovat?sd. Prince Alexander ?-f Teck, after at tendlng th?. funeral of th<- King "f the Hellenen, arrived from AtlMna on \\ ( ?ill? 4 Th' I'rtia.^s Royal and h?r t.i. ,t" aajain In rtaldence al So, 16 Portman Square, atad will "*emaln In t. ".n throughout th?' "??taaaon. The Count?"*ea Anneale) ha: arrived ? ? i? Huai Cumberland Place from Mount Stewart, wliere ene has been viSltln?, th?' .Mai<|ii? ss and March,' frf I on.loi,.,. I I . Miss M w il "?.MILTON Ti ? : ?noon, v Mr. and M W W hltridgc :?rri\ ??i . ?' t h? Maur? lan?a this? w ? ???' .m?) ?h-' ut the Kitz for :i lew d ! Mr.- v trldg? i a slstei of Ladj j Sandhurst Hi vVhlti Idg? 11 he Is taking a rent, where no i ervlcs or other commii ? Ion ? slots i Hike and Duchess id UN e Hi gton have returned from 8ps I di? vide their lime between Apsley House and En hui si Park, B isingstok? Lord Desborough arrived lh al Ta plow ? 'ourt, after ;< visit to l.? *r ? i, Kitchener al ? 'airo and R trip I j to the ?Soudan. in- and eph T L Pi Philadelphia, arrived tin- week from I p nailed to-daj on ihe ?Maure? . tanta The> ar< to returt Rob? n ? ?'" let : frone to Paris H. Davii I ? week aft? i rival from Italy, sailed to-da.? on the Mnuretanl ??]? Otto Kah i and her children Jos? ph T. Bal Iv In arrh ? d I from i ' ? Bei:--1? Sir ? ;. org? Byd. re? tiring ? ; ivoi nor "i Bomb i Is on his ? : ? ltd ?Ladj Clarke. ?-?? WEDDINGS IN LONDON. PAST AND TO COME Lady Mildred Conyngham and Miss May Hamilton Among Prospective Brides. London. April 12 M > ? aine i ?os laelln, daughter of the late sir Martin i ||n and lei Lad) ?:- r ird, was married lo Smyth < ?? bourn?, B. H? ?I lh? Bro Ion ? m ator) on ?Tcdn? sdi Lieut? nanl li.t dman Jon? ?, R. S., wa liesl After the re? ? ptlon, h? Id ? ,,t hei house. In f'onl bride and brldegr? om Icfl foi Pal and the It? lian li ? ngag? i'" nl : atinom rl ??f ? "apti In < "harl? i Banbui y, of the ? m ? ; lards, lo Ml R? Isa? h. of Clifton Ixidgi Bn Iford. ? ?;,?,.. ? i ? i he onlj ? |< k Banbury. The marrlagi of Arthm Stork and 1 l.;id'. ?M ? 'in...t d a in take pla? ? In London ??t? Thursday next Lord IL mphlll and Miss May Hamil? ton, s.nd daught? r of Ihe late i.?.r -l ... '-M and Stenton, v?, III be n? at St. Pel I -'.*. The I is nnnoun? ei bj I. d ? ' I Mildred Co ngham, slater of i."t?l ngham and s? i ond da ightci ol ! Lad; Coi i gham, to Lionel \> ord : worth, of Hi" -"?Hi Lai ? man lag? ol M I? Joan Ash r t ? Morris to Sir Alexander Napier, H net, takea placee nhortly, and the en ?J.IU- in- I.' "' lh?- |,i i.sp' . ? I ? I'd mother, Mrs. Ashursl Morris, to Henry I Sharmsn Crawford, s well known : landoa ner, la Jus) announced, BRITAIN IS DRINKING LESS ; Statistics for 1912 Show Fall? ing Off of $6,250.000 London, April .V A? ? .".lit ?? lo ... i ? j h W of the Unit? <i Kins dnni Alliance, the amount <>t mon.', npent -il m II and spit It i? u liquors In the United Kingdom la steadil* decreasing In IM] Mr Wilson'- tat 1st lea shot sppt *? * "?? oo ? i n in? toxica! ng liquors, which is- a decreai If ,"?0,0*1 . ' '.'nur,,; -.1. this d? ? line, Mi w ' son remarks that "we may perhapi rht-i ?h the i one thai the upward lendi n? ? ? d IMI us being li t.. t; ? ? ? ed trade ol th< i ht Ins ? ; ? ck? 'i bj forrea ol n kinds, which are making for the greater sobrl? i *? of "m people Mr. w llson gl? tereatlns exi I tloi '.i lh? effect on the quallt) "t beer i produM d by the tai ' At the beginning of the Boer ?'at a war tax "t one shilling .i barrel was levied '<n gl] ii. ir Introduced Into the United I Kingdom, measured on the standard sp.'iiri?' gravity of 1.10. Imm?diat? tas u;is levied the average apselll? i It) ,,: the product was lowered, so thai 1,000 standard b?rrele, of beer produced i H| for mai ksi 11 s tu ?I f* ar the spedflc gravit) wai again lowered so that Iba proportion representing U0S0 stai dard i am is produced i to bt i for rn.itk"t, and by IM the rut!?? had risen t'? IAEA in the folk-wing year an addl? lional dntj of Id ;? barrel was Imposed, iti'i the gravit) "t b? i ?mi again low? reed, ?... thai the I OM barrels of the stand? ard M" i iiif grat It) on whl? h tbs las srs levied produced l,QM barrels fot nsarket Tb? result ?.r Hits lowering of "gravity has maMed tbs brewers to produce free 'if duty in England und Wa!?-.-' sin? >? the wai t?x was Imposed 11,000.000 more bar? ? t ?'<?? i they i iMii.i have pr?S ?i?i? ? <i <-ut >.f ni. .a,,,?, matet lal i1 l be gravit) of the years before had been maintained. The retail price "f I (?in- ?,iit,iA"i production was well ?>''?* t OMgM? TAKE THEATRE FOR THE CAUSE Actresses' Franchise League Leases London House and Will Produce Plays in Aid of the Woman's Emancipation Propaganda. rlbui London, Ai ni 12. The A? tr? tst ? Fran( hise League, headed '?? Qertt id? EUioti h is ? i?*- ?i ' ' Theatre, ..n,i ? m open the play season In i i ? to aid m the woman's eman tlon propaganda. The theatre will ,,? ? ,,. known as the Co-operative feminist Th< atri ?rh. flrsi pr -du? tlon will by M ,:, , .v ? La Femme s. ule," snd later Bjorsen's play, "The Gauntlet." wl Vlven, snd al n several one-a? : playi The Actresses' Fr nchlse Li ague has ...... n hundred m? mix rs, and la. ? ?,,,,, d ?,. Ithei to lh? mllltt nt noi anti-militant part) The theatre I hat <? a "tii' n seen? shll lera, ; ! i?' nts and d< Ignei i, tnd, in fact, no men, ? ?tcept the necessai * actoi * The league will produce plays dealing with "white slaver- " women's work. di\ orce i ? ?"i m and ol hi r quest i"n~. T ? i. a 111 i-- no stai s, hut all aalat i- s ' will lor and unifoi m. The !? ase li ? ndlng Ihe ? k|x r iment, n I?:' h ? isful will be repeated In Am? t - : i' ?< \ m i - - m, - i ing h III b. h. |d In i ?r ' Lan? Th? atre on Ma? 'J. to bs followed .' others during the summer. Other Ntii.i i. an act rem 11 interested s re i Ira? .? ?:.".? k'-, Julio ? ipp ?? nd Fols La Follette LONDON LOVES MCI BUT CANNOT SING British Output Lacks the Sn Characteristic o? the Real Broadway Article. NATIVE TALENT AGHAS ELs;i Maxwell, of OalifoiHJ Chief Supplier of Sonfl in Tempo New to Great Britain. B> Cable i I London April 12. Although l.nn.i ragt li ? ? i a goman In hl ??'lid Briton from hl lilil? int.? til?- hurl: - liiirlj ? I hut fi ! music hall singet s w ho ? ?? r< ragt im?. f? a wl ? . ? . ri It has remain? \ tun' romp a worn ?? ? ?? ! Kit 1 li nil' d Pell? I Im ? Kploil? d t Lond? ??. ..|l I :?...,;' . name ol Na na Dui ? "She ' mi sing and d Am? ri? an. Hltliongl ? , v\ itli her bright lyi ml? i" ' ti he a fen m? nth-. I ul she h i : one or 1 new i ? ' " .. m.. < ?"i doi i.- ? ? Via i n- Ti i iwl hand, w II .? i ?; .rllti ?...,:?? t'.i from Berlin, . -...,..- .,i Hl r.itiK' !'ii.. ? ? it h"nt havlni I training i-ems lo ha \ ?? ; ?d muai? .?i Id? a*- ??t a tim?. an lo dirtal V\?'ll lll.ll' III tl .i mil? h p.'iitr I" in I-- ol lh? li ar : .' t-reativ? oi pi ? ? 1 ?-t in? t v'- ni' !? ? i training knoa:- ' ? I'm Just a I not t? I h"?\ | hit ..h the little tun? <u |iiai happ. n to fil ? P i 1 v ? i ned me agali ? might I"-' t i ? gift, bUI I ?!" not ?Lri ? ! a till him. i ?i" m" tl ,,: mj work i ? th? morning, ? nd never trj I Ideaa faster than tl lo lh ; ring? i tip Pol m i it.. ? her? ? ehoi ti'- ? t ?? n? rag a hi? h eme to m I thli motnlng it i"".. ? utet i n? 'i t< ' lo ' melody." Miss Maxwell hummed h song .? ?? . "K?-??i "ti gleaming, m. old gleam? ?-l don t kii".? what ihew li m oui Am. i i. .-n 'rag' that capti.ates tin u here," she contli.I, "es i*pl that n It su full of ?? pit -i and life ol cours? th?", don't pla?? .i hen as the; du al home. The Eng - . tempo under i hi Ir i pld? i mi The) i si n K t"" straight and don't seem able t? j allow for the in- li 11 de heal or put ?>n. ! m th? m*-? h ?-s Into the middle ol a song." Tb< i" .n ? ragl Ime ?balls In London, and now ragt in?' les ?? nd ragtime matinees, y ou heai ragt Ime in or? . ;,. ira, m the restaurants, In lb? I streets and on piano organs from lb? i slumming depl h ? ol Boho to al I Park Lane. The danger of the ublqul i tons "turbe) tint' and "grlssl beai I was forgotten In ih?- lure of "Miss Kan'' I from the L'J *?*. A. i*?rarip?osers of leglti mate English musical com?sdy stand agbaal and nriini their hands in ?i? spalr, The ? xpnstiilatl'on of the Viennese operetta kinu la loud and oft, as hi*- ?I?-li? ate seores are torn ruth? leaal? apart to allow of ihe Interpola? tion <>f s little American rir thmic mad? jneas "Wehavejual pul s llttli ginger Into It," as Qeorge Edwardes gullele il) apologised "ii ""' stage ol lip* Qalety Theatre. -n A. G. VANDERBILT'S PLANS Likely To Be Seen at Newport This Summer. |B ' '.i?li la The Trll mi ?London, Apni 12 Reginald ?Vandei hilt, who arrived from Parta iin-^ weak, where he has been ?Ytsltlni his brothei j Alfred, sa ;? h. thlnki the lattei will k<> Ito N<wpi,it for ih,. summer after tin ' i.on'h'n coachini season and tit? Horse' ?**-ll(>W. [Sfl?I UNVEILED AS 10 WILDE'S "DE PROFONDES Book Was Written First i Prison in Form of Letters to Lord Alfred Douglas. LATTER STARTS LIBEL SU I ? What a Funny Lit tic Old Ma Yon Are," Was One of His Oibei at His Father. Mai*. qins of Quecnsbcrrv. laondon, April l- ? " . V till ' I ?' . follows i oi ?.lfred D??ui I n of thi ?le M irqul ? ' ? na ? . , ... ed, th time b) !."'?! Alfred m a libel -?un a hi. h la to I in evidei ? :.,. i. until non m.?' ed from th? th? ? lence In Ih of tl lion that th? De Pi i a ? wrote In ion a hi' h wa n"' pubih hed until ft? iftei " ? . ithor's <l? mh. tea ? i i ??tit t.-ti m ? h? ?"t m of a !? ? t. t tu ? i the poll Wh? n Wildi In lavi , ? I, but fit .ir with all th" ?? ;?? i . -.t.. the '!> 1 ? ? t ?? i rn ? - r m ..f ? ? i i ?.. II Know t. r Wilde \ < t it f right ' t.. th ? ahon w di ? thi .. ft i. nd, v le n t t i ? Ti ied the Simple Life. ?. from priai i - i "al th? entreat) ?? th? man i .. nd hi| ? ll.r . th worth 'l h? n he w< nt i" B< ? -i i u- ppe and then lo Maples a hi r? he ??. as "shai Ing a mom? ntar: magnifl? i n? i with a frit nd a I - duel i . had i ondemn? .1 and a ''i-i!' h? i ? ?i t ? < i Ran .in.t ' tiiiu. d , Boon Wilde It ft l*. t n? * .- ' Ihot ? I a ho - on troll? ?! h la s I Iowa n? t p ? * topi? d It. Ilia frit nd, a oon ?> iher? mon? left him. Wild? aaid ! tills u., I !.. ni" ? I. I !. | . \|,?,| |, n , m Ills I.IP. t Hfl i th? ?? i. f- rent i a allude t.. him. .nul arc i" !.. und? r.--1..?.,i to thai i"- s "t dishonor aide ."tul ii t tuanrd hia frl? nd, and . iirai he was Instrumental In bring? ing i? bou I Wilde's pu bile dli gi a? ? Mi Ram "tu' ami the 'i lm< i Booh ? 'lull si ? ? ? ? madi d? ft ndanl , Th? ? d< nj an) lii. t ? m. aning to the words and ' n,i rodui e p irl k ulai . Th? j, ? >iii.? ?? le ju iiii ali"u ol theit si it. m. nt . and some remarkabli revela? tions of Wilde's lift. ?-"ih i- fore and s. i\ m., his term of two -1 ars In Ri ading Jail ?I hard lab?. are prom - li. .i m . ., id? nc? The defence a III Introdu? a al o oui? unpublish? d ro? i ?? i ondt n< ? bel w< n Douglas an,i his father. Douglai ama i ui nt ? .on? ? 'i ?? old and a tudeni at Magdal? n < 'ollegi. Oxfoi d, a hen he bo? , ame the Int ima te friend of Wl Id?. i:.iii m Api II, IHM, the marquis wro ? hia son, ?> Ing; "To come t" Ihe more painful par! i Of this |< It.T. \ .un lal una. \ With thi* man Wild?, II muel c< aa ..i i mu ? disown you and stop all mono* *ui> ph. i, i h"ar on g.i authoi It] i hnl -.? Ife is going i" di* or? >? him, is tin true, "i- do ? ou know ! if i though) n u .14 a. tuall) 111"- ami M became iiun? lie properi) I should i"- quite Justified m shooting him on sighl These Chrl trau English cowards and men, as they .ail themselves, want waking up Four dit gusl d so call? d father, "QUBEN8BERIN in replj. the lllppanl Lord Ali ? d Bepi the following amaalng telegram In inr- father '.. ?. rtsberry, ? arter'* Hotel, Allie marte gtreel. "What B fupn* im le "i?l man ? on I m. ALFRED i" ti;i..\s." i,"ni Queenaberry wrote in.? got) im? ;. . .. I n . , t;i I 'i. IILLI? ?TT Bead nf -?ein French ??? r * ?' ? , . un fur i . , . , i ? . .. Hing him an Imnert i ? threatening lo ihi -i hing if he :> >?? him a Ith M I? Carried Loaded R?volver. In II ' ??-?"[?.-. lit.. with t.. a muH me l shall .. ? ?? Im h l ale ? ?.,.-.. ? t? ? \... ?.... .( ? til f-dcf< t,.. [ think If > on ? Doug .,f nun- . ? \ : I Pttei M\Vhal n to r?!f fill Sir1-:. .. :."ti hroug ? \\ lid? - Ihi? late I."t I Qtl o afters ard 't foi i hi ? i.. 1 | DUKE SPEEDS SINGER Hi. Gr.n ? O? Ai e-yll Godfather to Bcott !i Vandevillian. L? . r Ai 1 "?! the platform .?? i i I The Macla In?- ?>f Iai . going t-. th. l'i i free his ? Ihe \iii- 11. .m , auil? - n , I ind "i Iligl e with their pial pea ns the Maui ... ni r?>ll i uul The tig laird, who rars old, li-. rs at I .?-. hbu n the Isle of Mill pi oduc ? Sir John 1'iM'kbui In i BIT) Mansion Ui ni' cling m . "i ru tlon a 11 : the Anglo? Ami i . Ibll i"ii at, ? uli? i - .m boa i d wer? Hamilton B? mi. Mi' well ki ou :i ' ti on n- i of lai K" tlmliei tt.i t m the L* ni ted si ? I'anada nd Mexico; Surgeon Purlong, i'. S, N < 'oni tantln I >umh i, A usti Ian Ambassador t.. \\ sshlngton and n < ' Hoover, the American mining engineer a ii" ? -.' eeded Wliltela* Iteld "ti ? he ? ms ..t' Uta ' l m . ?j'erail , < allfoi nia \ mong i he IT5 H ? ? -? ng? t a? re Emm? tl > i'Nelll, the Phlladeli (he aimllarlt) of whose name with thai of the ' "'?? mor of Ala bams "ft? n ? d him i. mistaken In London for Emmel O'Neal; Charles i, riiis I'lir- . ? 'oloni ' Millard Hunaiki r, Mr ami Mrs Tj I? t Moi ?? Mrs i ?Ilion Rip ley, w n h her son n Da> Is Iv?s, t he Hon. Cecil V'avam ? ur Pishci. a Ith his a tt'< .m.i daught? t, and Randal Mor* gai "i Phi lad? Iphla. OXFORD TO HEAR ADAMS Boston Historian to Lecture at English University. ? ' ? m.' i London, ?vprli r_'. Charles Francis Adams, president of the Massachusetts Historical ?Society, is her? lo deliver i".? i?. turcs at ' ?xford In Ma]. !!?? is accompanied b) hi ?Worthlngton C. Ford, of the < longresslonal ' Librar). who la aearchlng the hiotorieal records "i the embaas) foi data for Mr -.4am ? 'ih.- |i i nui ? w iii treat of lbs English Influent ?? on the < 'l\ II War of the Unlti d States, flrsl taking "i1 Robei I B i.?'?'. "a trans? end? nt figure ,i! *ha war m Hi?- English mind." Anoth? i |< i ture will '.' lh>' '" Un.m.- ..n t.,.- English polk i toward Am? in s of the Lam .ihIiii.Hon famine brought about by 11?.- war. Ml. Adam.-, .-a- S th? *-H u;it i?'ii m l h" Bouthei n States aft? r the wai Is i om | i arable to that of Ireland of the prca . tu .i,, . ,,,.i advocates s ii""1" Ruh Ir. tur. ., i |i . i., Kim hl ' V*** *** ?'?"??,'ii For?! i : m ... i... ih,. lust.?n.m. WOMEN IN LONDON ORCHESTRAS George H. Shapario Will Introduce the Innovation, Be? lieving They Will Improve the Performance of Great Orchestral Music. ' !'?? C ihti i.. Th? Tribus? ' London, April I-'. The ezperimeni Ii about to be tried In England <>f ha\m? womon muslciana ;n great aymphon* orchestras. Oeorge ?i. Bhapario wH Introduce the Innovation here al s con* .-ori Li Queen'i Hall -m May 7. Hi give* a- hia reason for includlni women In the performan? 'I a*anl t" prove that their inclusion ,n an or? hestra do? a nol detra? I t ? M the strength and ? ffli |< n? y of the play? ?ruz. ?nil rather Increaa?** the finish and ??n itlveness. i believe wollten can in troduce th'- elemenl of expresalon inio orchestral music thai la Impossible from the most experienced organisa? liona ctrniposed solely of men." in ih?* seating arrangements for the performers a diagonal deaign will ho follow?*d, w hi? h will ha\" s?,... in| s?k nificance, th? women c?a. its being i.ated aa to ing about a 11 ? per balance of th?* interpretative elemenl they Introduce. Thus In .strings the a omen a III lead to one desk and piaj I to a f'l-ond ntio behind. Shapario gg of women musi'-ians: "Thoy loa\c our must, gchooll by the hundnds uith tho higho.-t hon? ors and awards h?hind them t,. Big their hopes and ambtUona, Where do they (lnd themselves Ir- a year on two! Earning a mlaasrable livelihood ptaytag in s'-'ond .lass reataurants ih?- i?.-st ha\o only mon <u < af'- chantants, grinding oui popular mualc to ti.n ncatton of the giaedj people, and, "f course, being female laimr, i-ecrirtng onl) thi* i'.il.'st pittance The al?*erna> ti\>- is teaching untaUented Juv?Mileg for the hast f..? the partants want to pay. "Thoso women prohal-ily Btudied should-i- to shoulder with g Miacha Blman at tha *?< h""i >.f sonv- croat f<-,r eign t'ii'h.'*-. taking awav with Hum the croat man's hl?eBsstag*g and proph??? i. ; for a brilliant future. Yet ?heg thej arrive into the world of work they '?nd nun. even the duffers of t h? ir class, holding the high placea by rea? son of their sei and themaelvee .chut out for t he same n aaon." POLAIRE TO TWIST AND SQUIRM ON BROADWAY French Dancer Again Coming to New York?Ames Accepts Play by Wireless. rtb-**M?1 London, April 12. Mlle. Polaire, tbc curious looking wagp-wahted French dancer, who appeared at Hammcr thi.ns He?, will be la \. w York again n? \t i " tober Mor i ;. 4- .- rang? ?? tin n? gotlatlona m ?_., telei hon.nv? nation with Parh ? Mlle. Polaire has ... promise of $4,200 s we? k w inthrop ?. t the B< rkeley 1.,,.,,., thai ' : - ghi one Ph while in mida ?***< It \\ i . n leaving Nee 1 ork his [put n number of manu* r pt i in Mr. Ames's trunk and the producer real th- m ?.n Hi i < ?w n Money," b) Mark Bwan, a dorn? st!? drama, dealing with i ? spending m Mr. Am? - w ill try to g< I Arnold Ben? . ? ? to rewrlt? th? fo irth acl of Urea I Adventure" t"? the Amerl? an ? rod . nd also to < h inge th? I ,. ? . \ owing the tita of Vltho igh "'i this side to buy i ,n Eng ; h? ? '"iititv m, Mr. \m? i think th? pro ip? cl trerj I id. H? says the K ngei -Shubert L-ombfnatlon I d thing t"r Hen ' . "fk. as he i ? a fi ??? t ? - . ompetit Ion. ? mu- Boun hi? r wll ?i ii Hen v?'t k lii Baron H? nrl fol? lowing s i."ii'i'?ti production beginning ..n M ,. I" Mr. Bo : ? ? : anal trn to ??m-n-.?, w hi re he bad i" en th.- '?? 11 i ' i for two years foil >w i-.?ir. Drew's withdrawal from the ? umpany. BourcbU ? is now playing "His Greatest W\ h" at th? ? ?arrlck Th? i F. T. MARTl?rS~PLANS Will Leave England for New York on Wednesday. i ndon April li! Fn derk k Toarn? .-ii'i Martin arrived here tr"iu Pni ? Thursday night, Mi Brad le: Mutin Monda) ? and th. m ?? Uns will sa?: on Kaiaer Wilhelm f il with the tmd: i f Bradl? j M.nun ?>n ? ?W? dn< ida) l."fi and Lad) ? "rai en a III a? cou? ps n-- t !?> part i" Am? 11? s Frederick Townsend Martin '?iu at tend the M -?t ?-:.? n memorial service al | w estminst? t A bl ?? on Monday TO HONOR OLIVER" LODGE Unanimous Choice as British Association Head Likely. i li? Cable t" Tl London, May 12- Sir Oliver Lodge, a hose name is t.. be submitted to the Council ol the British Association next month a- president. In consequence the death of Blr ?William ?White, who had been ? ii?.s.'n for thai ??tit??', will, it i.- understood, be ? hosen unanimously, .?nd th.' ii.?ii"r will have additional m t.'tijtii from the facl that the meeting ??t thai a lent Id? ot ganl sal Ion takes place tin*- year In Birmingham, where Blr <di>.t has his home and is prin. Ipal of the university. H.> is m his slxty-s.mi year? >-<?n ni Oliver ?Lodge, formerl) of Wolstanton, Staf? fordshire. Sir Olivei has i.n assochted with science virtual!) all in- life, and |g popular In everj chas ol society, ai ways read) i" assht students from the marvellous stock of knowledge that in* possesses, he also laya It before the people ?with s directness and stmpllcit) which make u i lear to all. At previous meetings of the British association su < >U, it has boon g well "in.' \ lalti r. and as president in- will undoubted!) add un reel t?> the meetings ol thai i ?. ?? i >-. UNDERGROUND ANGLICIZED ?Officials of London Road Take Out Naturalization Papers. i Bj cable '" The Irhane i London, April li:. The Anglicising <?f the London underground system wa? completed this weeh whan w. B, Man. deilch, secretary, and A ii. Btanhi managing director, took <?ut papers to <''??' "in?' naturalised English subject* Mi. Mandellch, wh>> was born in \i>w v<>ik came to London twelve years a* - with Charles T. ?ferkea, Mr. Btan le) was born In England, bul wont t,? America, where he became a nat? uralise ?Iti/ari. N??w again by mit uralhatton be becomes g subject ??f thai country ?.r ids birth, Militant Leader Removed ta Nursing Home. POLICE DODGE SENTINELS Suffragettes Attempt to Burn School at Gateshead?Au? gustine Birrell Annoyed. * 'ion. April IS, Mrs. Kmrn? !:n?? Tank?. suffragette leador. ?rag -?.. ? -i Ho loway "all thla having i.ern on a "hunger ?"irik?" was senteno ?i-?- ? ? ? . ? . Mi rat teas rah.... d on :? ? under ih?. terms <?f wh oh ?h" nr:st t? ' ' ? tervala to the po a tthorttles, and in .ase she commits meanoe she Is llabta to t , warrant, and must th-i ? out her full torm of ?-??nvl-tl???- ?? ?"d that th. it;!, ni:-"- ,.f the to all ?*?*?? m. r to f tret ted j Th.* condition ng homo, where ?ho ? der th Th?* attending phj i - i th? hope tint she ft is .?aid that'Mrs Pankhursi , -,?r . i ?\ ? b> the ora ? . ,, ? t. . ? ? f* ? afra Pankhti demonati l Holl ??? ? ? Arms Wildly Waving. la- -i the suflrajrette sen! ? ? ? if Ho :?????? de? ed by the | Is ire of ? ;re of their lead? r i ...M , . ? ' Th.- ras I ed by ? ?-. <>n tii.- Nursing lit for. \ * - f? '? . ? rn doan t'.i?* Shi: Through i i iriaa gained ? far? i pentry is taught '? ? t the ... ??. v. ? Th* . ? r. 11 . i. ? t th? flamei from spreading to th? other ela --?ems. i nage th. r. fore a l i I i ? dence thai etral **?*"* ? '?). ,i bj ' ? ? ?"? t.'.,l sbdut the preml ? Inscrll I "*t Burn to 0?M Votes for Woi '" " the Damages Done Boa ?i Yr>1' Cannot st..?> rs by th.- i afosas BUI." De-nonstration at Holloway. B eral hundred militan) ny al Ing black bann ? if ti ** precession th-.? evenii g, .< , i *f two brasa bands, to Hollos ?rh?"fs foui ti ? n ruffragett? "hunser strike." They ein ? ' ihe jaB ? ? . singing "The M in h r?l i ? Watt . n " Th? y gave thr? e lual ' - ',,r their Imprlaoned romrad? itart? inn on the return Tl.t of ,,,J demoi sti atlon ? a- t?? -? t'1* "hunger atrlkers" i" resist all :? r.-.; uition5 lo mu rend? r to I r?*r aas the discomfort i i The guftragettea continue t.. harass th* Cabin ? let ? . i, n . \-;. ?:?--..- Birr? : hlel esxeto tar? 'n" today, ws ? spied bj M N man, a prominent mlhtant. Whea th? curtain t. II ah? addre u I * loud i"i.??? sa? Ing "Hon ?.m 1**> a- an i oiiotai'i?. ni.iti. contli i. t of this d.-spi, able gov? n break? II i pk dg< - to the sorm i ' ffj Will s? "it -how you the ?at BBS , e bill la tut. rl] us? gome "i th.- a i i" i" ?? hit - <! nnl mmM w .?n. n 11 red "Bravo! p ni BtO??i and M III? ? til i**a, tI,rt glrla ?vi... ware anvsi---! on \\ ' "' ?uspielop "i being about I.??"?"' *"; on tragt were i entern ed lo ?la *''' Imprisonment each In the pollee i-ouri ua? Evidence was gl that ti i > tried in escape from the poMce dropping baga the) were carrylrifJ am runnlna away. The bane conta.I ps**1 ' Rn, iwpei aaturated alth ??'? matches, r*atton wool, paten) Are ????".".-T ?etc., i.ial !'a|.eis lien i Ing the ?": [ware hoa you treat Mis Psnl \; Brt d>. w ho had ho. n "it ? "???'??'???J strike*' since aha had t><o'i srresteA ????? peared In court In an sahausted estant tion. GERMAN WAR CRAFT ASHORE* s? InemUnde, Oermany, Api ?' ?-? ??orinan lori'ido ,mi, t mi.-tit -hip lemberg, which went sgtrotaad yeoteies"j"j WIM tl..,it.-.l t';. ?Mtlio'.lt '!?>.-' ' S a ?i.tiii.iii t..ip.-.i.. I'.i.-.i destroyer ?hlj* Mas blown "it P. the e.-aM <"'Ul ,S hiuli ..nd .its and i ?ivage la t???t-- -??-*?? u luie ih.- storm <oiitiiitu's.