Newspaper Page Text
T H E T R I B U NE 'S FOREIGN NEWS ?CAN ARK WIN More than 100 of Our Artists Have Pictures Well Placed in This Year's Salon. TRIUMPH FOR G. MELCHERS Works of Frederic C Friseke, of New York; of Charles Hawthorne and Walter Gav Greatly Admired. ? ? rll 12.- The twmty-third an B Of the BOCMKC National. .;.- ' \-.\r'*- of which Alfred Hull i? and which will he opened i(?-morr??w m the weal arlng of the Grand : ? i Champa Blyaeea, con? as 2,7: alntinga, drawings, -jrorka v mptee "f de? oratli ?? art. Th' hanging committee, c-ompoe? ? M Aman, Jean Q**-*-rgea Phard and Dauphin, h Impreaaed with the boIM ??nd brilliant qualities "i the American at agent Of artists r?.nd i*a\.- pig ,,| Amrri'.nn WOTka this ?.ear ?tt ????sitton.?? <?f unusual nn.tnin? iv ?-. A phee at boom is accorded to Qary basa'a picture. "Maternity." In del low i of ? ?. gre? na and browns. The luminous, opalesque ? om tloaa "f famaJs B| urea bj Brc?iterl? ?? rrheka and Um soft raflneeaent ol ?a air ?Aatelus*llke forms of i ? tanata i it) r,,, Barlow make i aorl of American chap? Boom 7. Walter Qay'a exquisite Interior! With th?* fascination.? of eltph teent ta ntury fornitura and up ?id notably the -?ortraits. m, I B pair of old pewter candle ? - on the marble mantel, ar?- greatly ? d. Strongly d?'SiRn.<i groupa ?>r laherman and pcaannta b? Charles Bawthorne, some delightfull> radiant sphere Hfecta by BUsabeth Nourae and a charactarhtlc "visit to a Ifu by Eleanor Norcrom ar? abo prominent aa ar?- aome Japane**e?llke lued grays <>f the latan?] Ploren? - Bate, and excel? lent works b] Cameron BurniMr, Ed? ; ..: Kmma Chadwlck, Marion *:d Hoy Brown, all "f them tlnctly creditable to Amei ? ', - tandar Harrlaon remain.? faithful to hi?? poetic portraiture of oceaa ? - and jnieF Btewart : ortrait of ? -i "fiord has d!?tin<t.ion in line laltlon. Tht ? Cecilia Mother ai 'Lady g' and Lady with Kan. ni?: and eonv? y Im? ? t,-- >.f absolute mundane corr? : til?? i laeetc frigidity of t?ka n and coldnaaa ?>f the i ment of ,.?'?? t.-d ughi ray? when red with the nerroua energy of ? French portraits make on? thai ?'? ?? li la i- aus *.? uuid put r.ais dasli'-H of human:" Mori- than 100 out ot the i :;??? palntiaaja are Araertcaa. The dominating works ?>f the Branch ten are g auperb celling, Tht Triumph or th.- BeptJbllC," for the ivtjt Palah, by Alfred Boll; "Repose of by Lhermltte, and "i,??*--1 tnmy," a Cupid dla ? I I 'bad ? n the i?i ? " faahlonabl ? ladies alpplng afternooa tea m s rom pardon, i j Qastoa La Toucha. pturi comprises twa ?rharnoterie? ladles, by Bodla; funeral monument? to eommamo the young Duke d'Usaa (kttled In ???r.R" in 1 *<i*V.i by Saint Mat-' ? : : ? nts fout huK<- IMgTOM d?ng ai lh a boylike Hg if? Utts erect, with a Broach Bag In I ow of the craft There is a lino, bust f>r i "hoi in, lgr Arons??n. who aleo exhibits a hroaae bust <?r B tha, a wax fiRure of g man shying ninepins, by Henri Vernh? ? of the Infanta. Kuliili.i. ' rp, and a fine baaa*rellef por? trait in hr.iwn graalta of Jean d'Ee loun ?-?.riHtHnt. b) foal da t'h&rni"- . Among Um American exhibitor?, are Barlow, "f Detroit; Hoy H., Brown of Decatur, ill.: Cameron Bum Bide, Ol Atlanta. Qa , the Miw-s iVeilia H?*i- MOW Torb Cttfl Const ?we Blgeloa Of WiW York, Mhiervu J. of Altmar, N. Y ; .Mrs. Man Cotton; the lllaoes Blha? tar, of Labs Bareet, lit; 'b ens imninp. ??i B lntiiet. CaL; Klon: of CUM intiat?, Ki-.d-H" C r- eke, ?? Htm York: F-:thei B. ?a, of Baa fork; ?Miss Ahn? BekHhwaite, G m. Glhooa, Bfaltar, Hitlgham. Mas:-.. BdWaTd oder Barrig?n, <?f Phlio ah; James B. RoftMaa, of ?Ctoda? nHli: Charlea W. Hawthorn?', of NOW v"rk. Hughitt Hanitfty, Vanbar Kalo) Hah David Karfunkh, of Hrookiyn; Aagaetui Keapaa* of How York; I "' ??: J K.mi'dy, Harry Lai lirnHti. QaarfB h Leonard, of Boita*; Mitt ?tael Mara, of Bprlagfhld, EIL; B<t? *??rd McDowell, of KOW York; (isry Haicbors, <?f Detroit; afhe Weaaor Beruues, <?f Bltchburg, Maes.; John Babh, of ?Wichita, Kan.. BBaraja Ober !?uff?-r of PMiadeli-hia; Miss Jane l'?* '-rnon "i BlglB, ill . Brail T. Boa?B, *??"?*'? !.. - lae-Hobbiim, of New York; '?Mm Rohhoeen, ol Detroit; Uwe ?hace Raviin, of ?'be ago; Bdwh Bcitt, "f Buffalo; William Henry Binger. of PiUnbiirgh, JultM L, BtaWtft, of i'hll ?'-"ll.hia, the M ? ? * Helena i-iturte ??"'t, Of BeWPOrt, H. I . Marlon tt*Jt ????I Took? r, of Chhago; Miss All*:'? T,-"k.i ,,f S'-m Voik fit y. A. <i. ^'iir ,h*wk> o| Sharon. I'enn.; Mrs. Obth? "ri"- V. Wiitklnr and Frederl? k T. Bebe, DEADLOCK IN SANTO DOMINGO. *?V?*ntiiiiKioii. Apiil it The Domini? an Hduee ,,, ?{?,,,, ., nUtlVC-1 han M " '"'I "'* randldac) .?t Hefioi Hordas, thrlee 2?*,*'<l iV\ the Kei.kt? for l'i-ovlslonal {""???-??m ,,f the republic to ?ueeeed Aifh t.,i. J' N' "I The vote In the Hoime re 5l ** ** M* between Jlmenes and Vas EMPLOYERS AID IN IN BELGIAN II Many Will Take Care of C dren While Fathers Fight for Suffrage. PORT OF ANTWERP CLOS All Goods To Be Landed at R terdam or Hamburg?Socia ists Believe Themselves 500.0C0 Strong. Hr'^'- ?.-While It ,- ,?? what extent 1 ral ntrtke wui tic up ?'?'?' Mona.,, r, i. .vifient i ,h;I " ' Ml latton Is beginning i. ,; ** ???"?-. -? flous. The social ?"??'?red !.. ntgl t that SOO.000 Worker? ' rrlppllng tl.ntire countrj I - ??',?.. a . .... 1 ??? Antweri ? . d have notl that th. . would declln? responslbl itj t t ti,.. . ,,, ' ' ?'?"tit. beginning to nil All men bai ha nos sa route it am 1 '??'?'? sill i.e landed at Rot! ','"" ? ' ''? ?I Twent) -hlploadr. ? i grain, des! ?.? ? ?1res ...,.,1 ,,, ,h, .,.. . . I cepl : ? ? | ? Th? ;,; v ' M' that they d n< i i-tt. mpi t,. bring in anythli | . Mooda* The fermera aupplytng Brus r one h uada ol pot itoea wli srrlved In Brussels te?da* wet? tantaai g n 4,, a I..tig Municipal Employ-is Stick. Ti,. ample? o- of the municipal wal lighting and street cleaning departmei have been 1 ?tl ? 1 al thi ? 1 artlcli ti n m the strike will forfeit tl ? ? ' to pensioi - and it hardly likely that the) aril] Jo ? Th? B . la lets ? -, will ho permltt?*d und that the soldi? and gendarmes will have no work !<? ? if they an maintain the 1 .... the) believe th a 'Megatton of Burgomasters from m ihan 1,000 t wna will come to Bruss? k the Hint: t.. Intervene Slngulai variations ol sentiment ba heon diyoiopoij h.ith in th.- Belgian cai tal and in the pravlncea In ronneotl, with the strikt One atrangs ah? 1 la the countenance, active or ta,-it. givi by a minorit) of th?- employ?***? t?. tl movement, gome of them have ? elared that they would Continu? th? maireia ?lurln?? tho strik?-. Whl ith- ra have ?"?ontributed t., th? und" 01 offered to tak. cafe .-f ti Rtrikera' children. The Clerical newspaper? aver that i" : Iberala are privately Bwelllng th? atril ? Liberal gad Radleal ? alloua Pltlei at* openl- .-?-. ? Half Pay Offered. The i!ii|.|..>t? "f I.;.-?;. l,i\r |."-t'i IM 1 ti,- s in Rive their s "tkni? ? ho strike for manhood suffrage half pa for tie days, April It, 10 and M, they "gill rei 111 to wot g og April it ? ? ? .n Hal its s lui?- deploring th? 4-1 Kti. : gva eat ids d ' aid theh hands m parti' ipating In tt iratlon hi favor of miinli.,.,.1 ?u ... manufarturer has undertake to feed Iftj chii.iien iurfajg the strike an oli" 1 - hg vt ggtt ad '?' pay 11 i-'tak'is a wok's wagea in Herat*! the strike will h.. almo complete On!) anottgh M.nknun win it o a.n a! thell post? to keep the maihiii'i in goad I "iidiliciti, so that the men . ,in i turn t" week the sMggant the signal to d ?-.. in given 1 he great coal companies at ahn 1 g ai u up hundr.'d?- of <-?'? instda tl" uaika fin tho non-stiiklng workme*? an lor men who tako the pig NJ Of Btrik? and Whfl "My bO afraid to lesve the work to go to their homo-- S> mpathisers WM tin Btiiken have grtangad to Mad fou tao'isand children at Seialnir. whii<- th men Hi?- ii"t al work The Chrtstiaa Unions, .??? the Catholl workmen'a aanortatfcma are known to dH 1 them from !he Hoi-iaHM Irad unions, have decided not to 'n|n (he ?trike The workmen In the lfi?JUstr*ai estaf llsh?*nenta and mlnM along the valley 0 tha R?v?M Olaln have refused to join th -tri!.'-. Their d?Klaf?fl is explained par tlally by the tact thai many of them sn rorelgnefO who take no invest in LMlglai politics Th.- got? n m? 1 ! haa colleeted Immena supplie? m tha fortified cita "f Namui and ira,!?' lad n wltl '"a! ft""' O? 'Mia" continue t?. arrive hourly. The Mlnlgter of ?"Vai la tranafeiring a' ,...?,, ,,t ,,t troepa from the plecei . the] have ?>- a atatloned f??r son,. tin? to "th.-i p?a..- wliere th? have no a? gualntanir**?, and so can b? ttaed mot' .fllcl'iilly In oaso Of diKlurh une. a Iteavy now si..un atrut?k 'he wnw? of neiKium last night, and aras laanied by severe fwet tamtmoaa, oichani a,:(i vegetable helda were ruined In tnanj districts, and the telegiaph ?n<i telephon? service araa pna\tit interrupt.'" rharl.toi. April if>"ai?l? all oval t),?? city have bsea covered to-da*. with *-|-SS*1 t?'d poft'-r?. on whiet* Is print-d the ?ectallst call to the workmen to strike for mai hood auffrage on Moa>4ar. The pia? aaida aie prinie.i la large type and petal OUt tO the workinKliieli: ?This is a gtrlks "f fold??! enns- and ,?,t ?f raised lists H.sp.ct !he liherty of thoes who wish t.. work, and the authori? ties will also r.-spect in llko mann.-r th.? treesUntx of Vhaea who trian ht ith, Complet? paaastv-saeaa is urged ope? the atrikera by ihe Soclaiisi uniona whi?~h tell them thai ' ii.J^'vy ?ak*t*e ?o am opi'.?f>-'nt?* is Injury d.?!i ? tO OUt ?aus' " BOURGEOIS TREMBLES IN FEAR OF BELGIAN STRIKE Majority of Middle Class, Like the Workers, Is Saving Up for Struggle. Illy ?*,.l,.. to Th?- Trlt'inr- ' |;,-,ms.I.s. April r-'-A!-- April M ?1 proacbea th? HHginn ??cvirK*?,,!?- has grown ??.nHtantly mOtn f'-arful. The threatened gen?-!'.?! strike is almost the sole topi?* of conversation. Whether there will be a strike or not j the preparations for It have made thai THE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FAMILY. The name-, from left to right, are (above): Grand Duchess Marie (14 year-? old), Grand Duchess ( >lga (17 years old), Grand Duchess Tatians (15V>g years old), (below) the ('?rand Duke Alexis |9 years <>1<11 ami ihe ?Grand Duchess Anastasis I !_' yean old). middle 'las? shak?' in it- shoes ITlmd-inl cares and ph< ? s of an mini are already feeling tin* sffee 1 the naaager of one .?r th?- Mg re< raata h the Boulevard d'Anapac! meated t??-ff?>- Tne atrlke rommli Injunction to the workera t<? ?avi the comlnf atruggte is being r? > 11 < l?; a majority of th.- middle , has Th? police hare received taatruci t?? ke<|i a i In???' watch OVBT I'r? mi? ; Broquevllh and M Woeate, hoti I whom have received ?menacing leti A !ar<re number "f Socialist.? pari in a torchlight proc?salo!) tur? I'll litS Amolli; til. 'enej?is 0g ||,?' baut ..n?- reading, "Soldiers do not fir* peaceful strikers." was sepeclally ti. ?able Public opinion seems more or less i he Sid? "t th" Work? is. Th? bourgeo - iho igh not burning t" unlvi t m it suffrag? a hen :< .1? ; 1i?, ? i him "f cherla plural votes and enfranchises his ? and tl,.' wive? of hin workmen, ire un!verra 1 suffrage to.-, general rtrik TWO eTe^?^ERS SHI Rurales Who Slew Madero a Suarez Silenced Forever. ?? ? ? ?? i< ans iprll Mai Ihs OA i? rivale secretory ta PnraM? m : ? o "f Mostee, arrived here la-Ssj s ? seasathnal aarvaUve <.r th? m-inttoi v. id. h Modere and hie Vice? Pre? '? Pino guarea loet their ?Seath Oviedo tare i imi.-?. perforassd the sie? UflM ?,n id.- ?in. i i ,,rM?>r ?,f rh?*li I ? ? "t and thai lnt"i IhO) S ??!?* pul Seath to ssal 11m it lips Af?n Oviedo BS aped from Meatce 0 ii? ?Joined tie- ' snaiislsls In ceabuUa ? ? ? ' reltei Sted a report ti InveeUaathM ol !"?? kllllaf "f Madera ?> ? i had revi aled that bath, ? k prisoners in th? palgc* had received m' in ?heu I.?...I and were ?.I WbllS lineaasdoUS In their beds Th bodie? were seen Useraaftw plaaad hu aatomobiis and t??k- r? hear 11>?- ps t. ? Uarj t'-- - ? :?!. whet? Ih? it ?erta u< ?inrii.-Tit osserteS they wers killed guards when an attempt wan taads ti ? -i Tti?? two rurales who killed Preald? Madero and VuwPreetdenl Pine Suai a-1. -i ..n .ti."'i. i - "f captain ? '.-< ? . i ?ira u- corpa a i s w afterward promoted by Huert? t<> II ? .-i ?,f i ?ii..ri. ; and liven a 1er ?...m <.f mon? ? fot ' ?? pari h.- i.,.-. . -i ' th.- ?b-.'i. h- de lared Th? two rural were Bhot to death outetds the pe\ tenthr**. Cardenas sfterarard "?id thi the blood ?d these two tooh <>r the a Bassin aras the blood "f Madcr?? and Pti - n i /." President Madero died almost !miti'"i lately aft?-i be aas "hoi ant th- Via Prestdenl ??id nil die fn?m the sfTeetl I ' the Bhotl Tl,.- Bboeb "f th? [i!*-t"l hu lots t'viv.'i - ?in ft "in Ms stupor, and i ?tod to ralas himself M h?h at his ma ?i'-r?-r immediate!) be ?as seu.-d aba th" an?! Btfaaglsd to ?bath Marl bod) save physical evidence ? ? mi,?ti?,mu?.i. ?.i ti.?- detailed story, whk trpg eecured fr??ni persons who were bi a few feel awaj when th murders wet <. ' t< ?i ? \nt even Am? r* at,-- ami othi r fol . L-, , | | i,, Mexico ?ihm- expr?s?? tli. rr Helves truthful!) on such uuiaUuiis. Oviedo added, "fot f? ?r of eonfht**aUoi oi .;. n ih tlon of ih-'b property, ?ir pei haps a worse fate. Scores "f people bav hetn put to death rlgbi In ihe capita Bines the beglbnins af th? Hnerta era .. misrule, and in man) Instances the eolia ai crlms wiii'h brought tin- death pan altv upon th?m COOBlSted .*??b-lv Iri the|t lock "f sympathy s/ltl? a government founded upon treachery and assassina tlon, and pledged to tyrann) and Um i ippresslon of personal and pottttoal lib erty " DUE TO SAILORS' SPREE Dual Fatality Not Mexicans' Fault, Reports Consul. Mezleo Cltjr, April 12-Reporting yes lorday the killing of two sailors Tuesday night an?l the woundlna tt thre.? other uten from the Called Mates eruher cait fornh by Meatean poUcemen at Quay? mea, Sonera ?marleaa Consol ?iiifoyie. at HiTniosill". ?Senara, savii th? Incident wa? dU? to the --itiloi? being htOShatOd un?i "very dhol4t ill The Obtiaul htttt hh report on the statement of an *f* ?""ens. hddlag that th- trouble, in ab likebhoid, touM hift beeil avoided had the consular a*ent at ?I MtytaSI informed the ?-ommander of the I California < i.i<"tunei*. Noca les. Arir. April 12 -Amerhan rafUgaaa arrlvlm* to-day from Otiav niiia are Inclined to pSBOS upon American Bailors the reeponslhilltv for ihr fatal street affray in ?Juavmas xaar unv ***** ,if,v ****m*m ***r* ** stoere have, ahM* ***** "?SSf1? ? ,-urt of liUlStB and that American resi? dent., ham ? tm *****% wtm? oaa. aular A?ent C. D. Taylor, who daclltied to tak? anr action by onVlalty tnformtnf Admiral Cowles. Tin: CZAR 'nu: CZARINA. HOME LIFE OF RUSSIA'S RULER Intimate Details o? the Czar's Daily Routine Given in a Book by ?i Well Known Professor Reveal Him as a Kindlv Man of Famil v. , ' y . , ;-. . S' ivt.r.l.urs. April I A toOk '? Ig J?B? ? i ? ?? -, Btfurg win-1 [gires Intimate d? tail*? of the 1 oi tt,?a . gai ? i- g w.i ki?? am Russian pi ? . ?? || tells u I that in? majes! rlslni I i ir in ih' moratng I .his break? fast usually consists of ham, cold r????? in??!, agga gad lee e\ ooffe? after ' hraakfaal he reads I i*apeaa | newspaper? an.I makes notes In ?ho mar i ?in concerning ten i that :.I part?a*? lateraat t.. | ? H- ib iffalra o ? ? ? T an ltd thai walks in " usually B lb* two - ? ?? ' h are hta fa\ orite t-11. and sn olBi lal of in.-it * Bom? tlm? ? ?he take? n ih!o .,n a hi ??<;?' ot tm*- f.,r n r.w sa ot .? -,f ?ho lak'*? After luashSon he devoi4M .-.ti hoar t" mort .-tat., nrr-iir?, liten goea toi another walk, from which ih, i.t irm In time foi afternoon tea with ? ? Empresa and the chlldn a I Krai ten lall.- the Cggr ami ' "7.r. rinn ofteg dla? . is iriip.irtatit ?tat.- attain i The .nun. i tabl? i? gaaerthsd as partlcu? l ri? majeet) slwaya keeping| I tin conversation li'.inK in lively faehton i ? th< ' Iren. ? i sit at ti tabla with their psn nta H? h enjoy? riddl? . glvli g them I '? ironounce quickly. ne with them ha reads to t the ? > ? i ,-? ? nal when .* in the Crimea frequently walks ftffo?.., niii.-s n day. He Is also vary i???i'i ting, riding, boating and awlat? mitrg There are, in i-? i. few of ?ha . ourt officials it la said, who are ahl? keep ap with him on moi t of 1 esi ? ':t ons in regard to the Imper! il hi1.iron 'ho ? ?.. - '?ti!\ nine y. an? ,,i. ?? being care* fully Instfucted In militar* discipline and etiquetti A regiment ?u children in the court hag !"->*n formed, in orOet Ik it ii-> nut} i-a'ii tha art "f commanding aol? tilers. Ti .? f - .t gi ? i . apea h P5B f? Hah, ' rtench fluently Their favorite paatltnea ara mu le, Orewlng, photography, dancing, riding, rowing and tcnnta \n amu ien i n! o Meta the] fre? ?i .? ntly Indu Ige In It unie i ?,??'. ... t. hea a hieh th? Il parents ?i. afterward Invited to witness. BOSCOBEL TO BE SOLD Estate Still Contains Oak Which Hid Charles II. in?- ?*?ii!?' to The Ttltaiw i leitulon. April 12. -H.,?'*o|..'l. the his? lorlc est?t?- ?.n ihe hordor <>f Htnffoni shiro and Bhropahlre where King Charles n bid In an oak tree after his dcfoat at id?? Battle of Wotooaiot, trill I... sold at auction In .Ittrio. The hOUM Itself, which slMltered many Etonian 1'iilholii prleit* and political refU-ffaeg hoforo King Charlea took torn-:?. wert, In naptttrmber, ICC1, is weii preseraaH, and In Us principal pnytM remains as in ihe d.'ivs of I'roniwel]. Th>- famous oak into which the rayai fugitive climbed when gurprlaed i>y Cromwell'*? hnis.'mon .still stand? prn iia-toii by ir"n ralllngg In the paddoctg adjoining the estate. AEROPLANE DERBY OFF High Winds Cause AccidentB at Monte Carlo. Monta ''ai!'!. April VI Th" plane derby, the Qraad Prts da Monaco, graa start-id to-fey. but B*Maj*d-med an?i annulled owing M the hisrh wave? tta>aughl about by a wind blowing forty rallas an hour, which caused several aeeidttnts There wore seven Startern, of whom M Fischet was wroek.'d at fcsaullsu, hi? ma<thine ??apatsing whUa he waa IH fast In the at: Ho and his engineer were rescued from the water. i'luirles T \\? > maim, an American flyer, was compelled t.> stop earing p. th? tall of his machine I? Im* hrokon. lam??, Oaubsit, ?'.ftiti.-i IDepanot. laoui? itres-uet, Hi m Molmau and Mauri?.? Pr?vost, aft.r makln** an unsuccessful stniirgle -against the half irale. dropped out. COLUMBIA TO GET RATHOEN j Hamburg Man Appointed New Kaiser Wilhelm Exchange Profesfjor. Professor tari F T Kathgoii. o? thai Colonial Institut?* of llamhurg, has baSW appointed Kais?-r wiheim professor at ?' f..r ih?' ?oar "Jgg. 14. 'I'ho nn- ! nounceniorit was mad'- at the unlver?lty > ???!< idav Dr. ItathRen will he the elf-nth Herman pn fassor to c? me to i.'olumlba on the Kaiser Wilhelm foundation, lie la to give a course In Inatructlon on the Bco nomlc Problems of Modern Germany. ?COLD DAMAGES VEGETATION ; Result in Germany Almost a Catastrophe Man Frozen. Berlin, A| rll U Tl ? cold pell t on? -, nn<t the drirn aga to ? ilta and othei products which We re tin- i -.? . h ? In ad'. IOCS Of their BOT mal fTowth >???. Ins t.. the unprecedented); warm month of March Is approachlna ? " : a homeless laborer a 11 found frozen to .:? ith r . mornlnf in a Berlin garden i oiony. ?CIENFUEGOS'S MAYOR SLAIN ' A, ? - Assassination Duo to Politics? Bloody Feud Feared. Havana April II Ceferlno A Mondes, Ireeentl) elected Conservative Mayoi ol th?- ?itv of Ctenfuegos, in the province lof Santa ?'lam. WBS BSSSSalnStSd last ! night A group ?>i neu waylaid him In th- street while he was on his wa) home ?and riddled him with bulhtS The motlv? of th.- BaBaaetrtattoH is known to bava been poUthal, Mendea havlag Incurred tbs bitter snmlty of tbs defsated Liberals at tbs due of the ? ? ti'.n Six euspected men have been arrested In eiitine. ti'in with th.- crime. Fears pre entertained by tba authorities that this murder may bs th? beginning of a bloody feini between lbs Conservatives and i,ti> i-t ab HONOR PLEASESAMUNDSEN I Glad the Fram Will Pass Through Canal Second. Vaaeouver, Brlthta Columbia, April I ? I mu piad Of It," wan all ?aptain Ko.iiil Amundsen would nay when shown s dis? patch from Norway, saying that the United Itataa WOUM offer Mm the honor ! of allowlni{ the Pram, now h Smith American BratOfO, to DB tbs Brat vessel, other than s warahlp? to paas through tbs I'aiiama ?'anal ?hen he .?-tarts on hi.i next polar expedition. H? added bs had not yet received the offer. lie expect? to leave Kan Fraiici???) for the polar reeion In June. MM, The explorer confirmed the published re? ports that bydis aarepianai would he oasd t > >- nia ?aped!the SCHOOL TEACHER KILLED. Adanaca. Saskatchewan, April 12. -While attempting; to reeeaa her mother from their bOrnlag home on a farm, near here, Minn gytdl Henderson, principal of the Toronto publie SCheOh, lo?t her lire to? day. Her mother. Mr?. John Uenderaon, also perished in trie flamea. ? DA'S DECLARATION GRAUES All E?R0P i Creates Conviction That A Danger of Great War Is Now Thing of the Past. EVEN VIENNA SATISFIEI Montenegro to Obtain Territt rial Aggrandizement, Though Failing to Get City of Her Desire. Ott " "x Thf Tri! une 1 Parh, April 12.?-The explicit ofllci I declaration of tbi Rbaatan giwarnrntit and the i ? ? > al and frank sathfactic ? arltb nrblcta it la received la all ti . Buropi an i apltah, aapechHy in Wenn create an abaoluta conviction in ti beat informed diplomatic circles ? Parh that the Balkan arar ** pracl i .ally ended, and that tn-dH\. for tl lirst tima sin. s October, the tamtnei danger of arar between tha great Burn paan powers is dispelled. This result is attributed to the fini victor} of the Csar and bis minister, > Rasonoff, over ths Pan-She oppoattk in Russia, which is al bist persuaded I .-a-Tib? ?? iu bitter animosity again lugtrifl and tu induise the peacef ? hratlon of the Bu ala , io? ' rnment 1 A French diploma! occupying a pot ? >f great Importan? e assured your cm ndenl this morning that peace now ni-11 : a matt? t of s f? a day ths only points "f friction being tl fen disputes "famll* Jars," the) mlgl almos! be deacribed between HuiKari . nd er.-.?., and Bulgaria and Bervi and Bulgaria and Montenegro, .-ill < will I.?- uni ?Lb arranged ?>n lh 1 BBh already Submitted tO the Haiku. alli?e. Plucky litt!?- Montenegro, who? Homeric courage in facing th.- oppoai lion of unit?'.! Kur<>pe elicits the er thuaiastk* sympathy ol France, win rr ?ceive ami'i?* territorial and Bnancb compenaatlon for renouncing her <-ia?r , t.? P. utarl. Meanwhile arrangements nr?* airead ??n foot in Paria t<> live the Balka ratiorip ail the llnnnd.-il support in th I Way of easy loans and facilities Hi' Imay ask for. My Informant conclude With the word?: "This is the first da during the last six month.-? on which ('?? i juetlfhd in afBrmlng to -on tha ?he war la over." \; fil 11?The < ts/llllam of ?Sweden, second s<>n .. Ki'itr t; istavi for the Albanian throne i ? i i-, ti'..- Burop? " peasrs betona ? Mi?' Trip:.- Alliance ?-Oermany. Aus i- i Hungary si d Italj acc<H*dlpi '" th \. ?? Pr '? Pr? FRANCE SYMPATHETIC -Parallel Drawn with Buffalo, t< Our Disadvantage. f Hv CaBtS "* th? TflbttM ; Pari?. APril IS. The Belgian Btrfb era, oaring t.. their discipline, to th? abeenca of sabotage, to their reapec I r prop* i:*. and for tha liberty t< I work f<*r those M>bo arant to a ?-?rk iron ?? i fei ? ? i ?-' mpathy ir Prance no! only among Bo? hlista bu' [ imong i.i''-ral Republicana The Belghn '-trtkers demand th< ?Muallt' of suffrriee which already er ' lata in Prince, the united Btitea an! I Oreai Britain, Andrd Tardleu, edito! of "h? Temps," calla attention to th? Belghn strikes, drawing s contrant between the violence ,,r the Bunhk rs with the orderly, food natura firmness ol the Belgians, erbose strik* is a aholeaale object haaon of ahai itrik? s ought Id fie. The opinion here Is the Belgiai strikers are ?ure tti the ? ltd to pet all they want FINANCIAL BILL ADVANCED ', German Imperial Parliament Takes Favorable Action. Berlin, April U The Qennan Imparlal Porllamei t t??-day paassd tbs Bret readies of the financial i?ib providing for the m? ? ; . ?.: ? ndit ire on the army. The mensure ?alie for the expenditure <?f morf ,i .,M |?_?>,,..i.imi, and this Will be covered b) ? non-recurrent tax amounting ?" KM ???. spr.*a?l ?n.r two year?, and a permanent yearly tnereass In taxa? tion ?.r fro? MMM.Hl to it". The 'tube i|iio?.(ioii of the laeTeaas la tbs atmy i?? n.?w traaaferred to the eoaa> n ittea VOICE BARRED IN CHURCH Englishman Resents Vicar's Criticism of His Singing. (From Th.- fribttBe'i Cofrrapondmt.] l..'tidon. April 5 ? V Salisbury, owing i.i the objections Of the COngfSgithn "* Trinity I'hiiroh. Hedford. has re iiiov.ii lu-i role? t.? st Uary*a Reoeatly Mr. Salisbury tsCtleed B letter from the riear "f Koly Trinity which said: Heveral BeathdMara aba have places ncir sfbere >??u generally sit bars aaaa plained of your hud singing, l feel ??ure that you will desire to If v.? ut peace with all men. and so will remove all reasonable eauas of ooraphlnt." Th.? complaint arotised the Indignation of Mr Salisbury and set his voice to rirbratlna In melancholy eborda Ha sai-t yesterday h tones that ?inhered with emotion: I ?h.uil?! like t<? know whether the \iciir has any authority for such a com? plaint against s member ?>f the ooagraga lion. Why ?eeani he put up a notice! in the finir? h. 'Loud siriKlri-c prohibited".* What makes this letter so har.l to hear Ih the biet thai OOlf B f? m months alto I was ank'-d by the organist to Join tho ?li'ilr "Mv voice Is naturally loud, but I ran t that Wt are taught to Bin?- lustily and with good courage. Anyhow, I have I.e. n Ruing t" church for thirty year?, and no on?' l'!l;* ? ***** <<?mplalned before.' PAUL W? BARTLETT HONORED. Olaa?ow, April 12. l'ait! W Hartiett. the ?culptir. of New York, haa been ap? pointed director of the department of ?culpture In the Glasgow School of Art. ILS Hfl 10 Senate Ready to Follow His Wish as to Canal Rates. THOUGHT TO FAVOR REPEAL President Expected to Support the Root Amendment to Drop Free American Tolls. I From The Tribune Bureau 1 WaahiagtoB, April 12-Senatora who have bean making a quiet survey of th?i situation In ?'on?<ress respecting the re p al of the no-to'.ls provision of the, Panama ?'anal act came to the conclusion "i-day lhat the question Is up to ??the President. The attitude of the Soriat?. i- such that It is believed the provision, Which Is now the subject of dispute with ?Ireat Britain, could he eliminated from the law without difficulty If the Pro?i,|e? ? gave the word. The House, too, woukl probaba) bow to the mandate from thi white Hoots, relieving th.- administra? tion from the dtb-mma in which it tOetm it-.-lf r-.-iidt"! Ko?,is Pill providiiii; for ttio re? peal of the provision remitting the t>, , to American vessels engaged In the ge?st? 1 wi?e irada is now- baCora the Senat, cam , mittoe on inKirooaanlc Pana In. of which Banstor ''''.ormati Is . hairman. It ts not -tape? ted there will he any marked chang?, | of ?intiment In the commlttoe, w hi? i 'will piobahlv report the bill adversely. ? In th?* Senate, howe\er, there gro Indica itions of a change "f attitude by gg-taral D< mo.rats, who are Inclined to tak. the view that the aaetogt way o'it of the ami will be to pass the repeal Uli. There I sa i..-n es mot? from the "NTTalte . House an to the attitude of th.- P dent on the question and Senators ?m-.* aaraiting a gaggaotton a? to the estiras that will be followed by the President. There Is reaasa to iiep.ev?., how-ver, that .Mi ?Yiison will favor th.- Ko.,t. aggend? ment. t Borne of the tVtstera ?teaati ra g been onpoaed to the railroads are firm r in their opposHtion. hut those from oth>-r j soctioiis of th.- country, who rotad WKU I the majority when the h;ll was paaaWd ' an? n?it IncHned to go to the length . i submitting the dispute with Great Brit? aln to arbitration, or of refusing to sub? mit it, malar Um term? of tho gansral tr.-aty of arbitration. Klthtr ch'.i.v. they believe, would be disastrous, it win he much agagsgf for the admia? Istratden t.. Boeufs the repeal ?if the pro? vision than to secure the consent of the Pi p?ta to submit It to arbitration. To r?p?tai ?rill requite only a majority vote ..I" <?<. To submit the question to arbitra? lion will require a vote of M In the Sen? at. Kor tlila reason It Is expeot't th?. Prosldent will take tho former course. GOSLOWOI\MNDEPENDENCE Democrats Shy of Plan for the Philippines. IFri'in Th? Tribun? Karesu 1 "ffUhlngton, April 12.?The question or* granUng ind?*pend?MBee to the Filipinos will he made the subject of heating? by the ?tenets C?*?m*nltt-<?e <?u the Phllippln?*s whllo tbe t;irllT is occupying the sttention of the Heise, a.-cordlnc to g statement marie | v Senator Mittb.oo. k !he chalt - man. to-day. The Philippine Delegates land aaponente of tho cans.- of indei | denen will hav?' an to ?'it* | their claims, and American ofW.ils In the . islands win t.o asked to k:v? their views 'on the expediency of turning ever the j eaivernment to the natives. In gCSOfd ! with the plan propos???! by tho JoMB ML l Ther?? 1? a well flaftltsd dlspositon ataseng I'. tnocratb- Senators to apgHfonOh 11 question of phiiippino tndep?nid?Bnee i i tlously. Senator ?Vi,orman oxpr. ssos th.? opinion that th.? islands are no*. rend y f'.r self-covernment. and other lenaaora on the maiority sid? bellevs Uu I there is no argent need of hast.- in .in rjoetng of Hi" question. The fact tint a very small peroentago of the Filipino" ha\.? availed themsetvea of the privilege Of VOting is ptv.-ii a? the reas.'ii !..r p..-' ponlng action at the present lime To ?rant Independence now. or to sot g gas) liito time when It phall he granted. Is re gatated by ninny lioTnocrntIc Senator? M itivitiiiK trouble Which can ver,- .asi. obviated It Is ?notable that before the question Is tnkon up an extended IIITOaglgSlklll Will be ma.i?? h> a Cssgarega geggsntsst? a which ?rill visit the Manda In the summer if ih ? t.irtfr is disposed of without prolonee, delay. 'BRAZIL HALTS TRADE WAR 1 Cabinet Decrees Low Rates on Certain -..merican Goods. Washington, April II TM Impairment Of American trade which Brazil threaten; ihroiiKh arltoh(>lding favorable differential duties . n stieb products as fio :r a d , ?.nient baa leen gui pandad for the mo? mon? By B 'h-cice Itwued on ?a-Tsdnssda the Braalaian CavMnet recognized stach Ameri-an g.Is as enfitled to the lower ratea up to April h Though th- Congrega at lia last Bsoajea authorised Ibo continuance Of 1MB IheoreMe treatment of Amerlean good?, th.? liesidont refrained fram Issu? ing th.* ?l-.rco naeiaaafy to make it fecilve. Consequently, maximum dut i s have iieon aassaaad. Ambas?a.!'>r Morgan reports that the Kraaillati government has not yet pr,. vlded for t!ie continuance of the favor? able ratos dttting tabO rest of th" ealend u | year, but It is exported that It will do ?^o I after >?n!Nf.iotorv adjustment of ?he cof I fee valorlr.atlon scheme with the I'nlud ! States JOHNSON L^S_D0G RACE His Animals Cover 206 Miles in Alaska in Thirty Hours. Nom?-, Alaska. April v: -Setting a rec? ord for the f.rst hair of the 412 mile all Alaska sweepstake do? team race John Jobn-on drove bis Siberian wolve? Into ?'.indie at a p in. yesterday. Johnson's time of thirty hours for the "*>Vmile drive is four hours and twenty-thre*? mlnut?w faster lhan that made by the Allan-Darling team last year. Fay D.I. seno arrived st the turning point throe minutes behind Johnson, having pressed th? leader hard as they neared ?'andlo Johnson gave his dogs a four-hour rest at ?'andle. and at 7 o'clock began th?* drive back to Nome. Wnen Johnson left Candle Dalesena. "S.-otty" Allan and llla >ok. a naiive drivei, were resting their dint? there All the teams are In good condition, but Allan s appeared fresbest. When he un? hitched his dog* at Candle they began to romp and frolic in the snow Johnson is still carrying on his sled the dog that wrenched a leg during Thursday's drive. Delesene. Allan and lllayok remained in ?.'andle several hours They believed the long rest would enable their dog? to overtake Johnson before he reached Oold Run. thirty tnllea toward Nome.