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Harris, Forbes & Go r-noe??a?f?r? SB N. W. Harris & Co New Vork Pino Struct, Cor. William NEW YORK Government Bonds Municipal I Railroad and ? Public Utility for investment I Keeping Posted Investors who n in? ni ami unbiased view ol ? ?n i sti-,1. ??? i ondition? will be in monthly cii The Investment Situation." its us place his name on our n ing list will receive a copy ol i?? s each month. .Ktumh Nacbo? $c K?hne INTERNATIONAL BANKERS New York " Lcip:ig .1 vv J A Strongly Secured Public utility bond, nettinr; over 6*,,, readily mark?*t ablc ar.d with other desirable investment qualities. Send for detei I thia Bond, William P, Bonbright & Co. In. ?>r|i?.r:itiil. II Wall ?trrrt. Nr?4 *i.,rU. I onrlon llprr.nt I'., ?Unii I * 1111 ;i ?1 ?? I p h. n WE OFFER $500,000 STATE OF ARIZONA Refunding 41 ??'???? Gold Coupon Bonds , ; ?..!'.' ?? ? Due April 1st. 1938. Optional after April 1st. 1928. innual Interest psy . h -..44 foi a cu ?Lf-;al Investments for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in New York, New Hampshire. Vermont, Rhode Island. mon. W. N. Coler & Co., Bankers 4.? Cedar Street, New York >r Three Attractions ??5 SAFETY PERMANENCE INCOME ' * - r ? ? IM . ?, ..-, --.. . ( -a American Public Utilities Company -?,?., trowlsa ?i. pt ??:?*'???.? --nix :n I - ? ? ir baaajhi at Um mark??- ?> ?? ? -, WILL MBT 7% prr irn?. Dlridenil-i pi-Id qc-irlerl ?? ri;e far rvcnlcr. Kelaey, Brewer & Company Eark-r?, Opafal ?? Eat : ?ar?, M!r*h!-;.?ri Trust bid*;. ClSBSl Rapid?, Mlrh. Bonds and Guaranteed Stocks DEALT IN ?ffingham Lawrence &Co. Members New York Slock Exchange 111 Broadway, New York PREFERRED STOCKS Swartwout & Appenzellar BWKKKS Mrmbrra N?mi l?>rk Murk Va. Imite 41 1'inp S!r?-fl. \?*4? lork. WE TRADE I!M CELLULOID CO. ANDREWS & COMPANY SB lir.tiiil ??tr?*?-l, ? 1,,, iK" TIkiii*. MM If ruad. N?"?v \ork. Miller S (?mpanii S BANKERS I M?a ? ? * ?r 1 -, -?? ? Baehai s? "!l BBNBS?*nBSJ \?.-.? iitrk Bonds for Investment united N.J.R.iU Canal 3 '.s Middendcrf, Williams & Co. M?anta?ra ' ?????? >nrk ??imk I .,f , Batti-awis M?m k | Ks??*?Sa?aga :?i um -1 . 1.1? 1. t.y.Hw w ?ir.. Hi?? *i?rk. Baltimore, M.|. Wm.ARead&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston London TONOPAH GOLDFIELD KEYADA MINING STOCKS ??i mi 1 ou m 1 two TOaNOPAH REVIEW" ? Un? Infoi iiiiii.on. ?a nr, - , 1, ., |. ? t 'i oaopah. mm?m.i im n??? i r?>\ umh i;sr. WEIR BROS. & CO. M IlKOAl? M.. NlCfl illl'.K. REVIEW AND DEI Stock Market Under Pressure New Financing Announced? Cost of Flood-Effect of Tariff Changes. Anoth? r wot k filled a ii? hlator: making events e/aa ended on Saturday April IJ. ?Some of the minor happen : _ s'il i? w? re larg? lj In the naiur? ??f routine developments, were lh< up pearance of tb? ?*oppor produo ra' r? i???rt. the report of tnitiii?'?! gteel order .?n the booki of the United Btatoi 8 ? i Corporation on March ?"?! last in? financing announ? ment bj the Penn gylvanla and s<- ?Paul railroads, Ih? former In the shape of an In? renoe 1? ..,* it,.l s;??? k ???' aboul s:i:..?iiMi.?MM?. an? m the latter ?1?O,000,Ot"0 in l*- pot i*em g? neral mortgage bonda. There irai also reported a "*ale m London ?>f $10, imMi.iHMi onc-ycar .*> per cent notes b; the N? i? S ork Central. The Importan event of all, which attracted the atten lion of th" whole woi Id, * aa the cor 1,'cning of the special session of Con' grei - i?> > onslder tariff revi Ion an? Pi csid? m Wilson'a mesaage. ti-, ? ft"... i of ill..-" various ??? i ur rencea ?us to plaj hoi .?ml ? ??i?l .\.ii' i u market, mu? h preaaure beim against an Improvement, and In th? main the reaull was lower prices am m n f? w Issues ti? w low levels f?or th? >. ar. N? a financing .it thlg tlm? when the money market presenta s? strained an appearance, \\;is look?*! upon a Ith disfavor b? Ihe profeaslon i el? m? nt of Wall .-'ti'?? t. and aentlm? til vas disturbed not onlj on ;.ml ol the new issues announced, bul in viea of further financing of an Important nature whi? h i ? ? led to be m i I? publie before long. Although not reckoned among thi m itelj influencing factors of th? w?-ek, there wat a greal ???'??l of Interest 'n the crystallised estimates ??f the l loooea from the ii.I In <>h><?. Thai th? situation out there is beyond descrip? tion maj well be Imagined from s lat? estimate mad" by Governor ?'"*?. In a ir? li he has flgur? ?1 Ihe total lo i at S348.O0tl.0U0, placing the rallroada' loss ?n sin;: iMNtiHNi; ihe counties In Ih? state at $-15,000,000 the loooea to a< $15,000,000, b tildlni losses si I iHN??Nir?. merchandise and bill houses at $?30,000,000, traction lln? it $1?0,000,000, other publl? utllitli $"?5,000.000; levies, d.k? t and dama .?t $10.000.000, personal property, I lure, ? lothing, j? welrj , et?.. al $l."i ?xMi.iMM? .,n,i miacellaneoua $5,'*")0,0i '. ? '.o .'in? nting ?m this total, < >?>. ei not ??"\ has --..Hi iii.i' he is in? lined l< think these estimates are rath?! ovei than under the actual amount. In thi light of this t??tai the full tttot t <>f Ih? Ohio i"ss has n??t yet been dlacounted The queatlon which most concern? many corporatlona and the se markets is the propooed tariff bill, ? -? pecially In the manufacturing dlatricn of the K.?st and through th?' Non Eng? nd Btates. One ??f the Induatrlea in which are Intereated s vast number ol stockholders is tii<- steel snd non pro duel Ion, and thi effe? t that Ihe .i? w tariff nuraaure may have on the s tool trade. .Vet only is this question dla cussed m the vValJ street throughout the country. The Impres? sion amoiiK steel men is thai th<- new tariff bill will not materai'.', alf.rt til? ?i milla from Plttaburgh weal at the start, owing t?? the freight rate with which f'T'-iRn manufacturera will have to ?.ompete Among the Eastern i however, the aituatlon is different. Buch organizations as th?- Lacka? wanna st.-ei Company, the Pennsyl? vania steel Company, the ?Sethi? St? el < Corporation, ; h? liar: land E I i Company and others, Including smaller structural plate and bar mills, proba? bly ? 11] be among the r?r st to reflect ar. .? ?-ff. 11 from -t p du? ti"ii m th? ?:. The United Statea Bte? i i ?? i.. ration, it la thought, will be able to stand a red iction In tariff mtuh better than the independent companies. ? m ? ..f th? large manufacturera ol steel ei presoed the belief 'hat there will be n ? impression in this ?country, ?s?? far ?is th? steel trade la concerned, for a year or more, n?- booed big Judgment on the foci that England and Germen* hav? both been i?r???k<-?i up on steel oi derg and cou d not me< l any excessl ? demand that might result from a m ??-??i of orders from tins countr*. ; also, he said tint price* abroad -w..>jt.i advance, aa their horn? demand will abaorb th? lr 1 Bpaclt] at the pi agent rate of **on? gumption, furthermore, the mills in thli countr; ore booked up foi aev? ra] months ??n steel imiis and other products, and thi outlook if rmt g serioua one for the Im? mediate future, in b fea ?/Mrs, how? ev? r. a change will probably ? omi. and England and Germany will be ?seeking ;.n out??t f??r their produi Ut in iliis market, and it is then thai ihia country may expect a depression In th<- stool in dustry. < ?n ? \ 11 j other boots exc? pt labor Americas steel manufacturera ? an ? r?mpate a Ith the world, bul the high ? oat of produi lion du? t" the lib? eral wages paid i" th? American work? Ingmen Ii a groat handicap In compe? tition with fon ii-'ii ' ounti k *-. p h< r? la!"?r i i h. ap. The ?oil' all? it? i?, . when competition becomea keen will ?be i.? reduce the pri"<- <?f labor in the United States. ?Not long ago the United Statea Bteel Corporation voluntaril* In ?i. led ih?' WOgei nf Its ?mi?!" ? $12, iN-ti.iHNi ? year, but [t hi doubtful whether the steel em ploy ea *x,\i enjo another ralo? or ? ontlnue to enjoj tl ? n "nt "ii" if the presen! 11' i>< s? ?i tariff bill be? ??in? * a law . Th r? is a lian? !. of the st? f i bual? - ilia* may be affected, nn?i that La \\ ie nails, and poooibly plain wire and wir? fencing. Juat now this branch of the buaineaa is aa flourishing In Europe as it is m this count**)'? 00 tte gome tin.?- tin- home demand there will pr?? vient Important competition Inthlamor? ! ket. The production of wire n?iiis In United sut. s .,?,, .ii.ii.v is aboul i O0O.O0U kega, win. h comparea with a forctgn pr.Hlu? nun of ODOUt 4,-OOO.OO? kega The United Matea la ? v,'r> large producer <?i wire fencing, while on thi other very little I", pi.xluicd. in plain wire thla oountrj prod i ? about ton tini?*s gg mu?'h h*i Um = ?"?m ? ? u n t iiianifii'durrd abroad. I'r.-i? 11 ? ? u. II ? all the production <>r wire products made ?n Europa ara k<-|?t then and srs tint ?add toanj extant In thia country; bul it must I... appro, in'..? lliat all Hi. s< products 'at) I..- itiiitinta. I ni? ?I al.f.iad, the tor? Ign produ. lion i sn ba ln?*r**s>s? d and ton ?*-:ri competition i an be brought mi,, tins msrket. Manufacturers ?>f wire snd nails mi Um other stde could Irin*; their produc?a s?~tosb tii.- arster i ,,nri land them >.:i ill- Atlantic i oa I , h< aper ihsn Amerl. sn msnufs. tui could ship from their mills bj rail to ih?' . osst. Tin Am? ri' ??m St. -i snd \\ ire i 'omp in; pa - s fj on* 11 t,, i;. .. nta .1 ki a t., si.ip it.. nans from the Pittsburgh distil. ; iu ihe At Ian tic I'm i Ign? is ?.i.. ? ble i" Bhip from An;??? rp to Ni a fork or olh? r 1 points along I he Atlanti? cxmol st ;. . , .ist id* 1<? . . tits ;i |ci | Tlv | i,: I ..' ! shipping nails t.. ihc \\ i st? i n ? ? I from Hi' Pittsburgh district is about (JO cents B k' ?*. l.i 11 after th< opening "i ; the Panama I ! mal the manufa. I I abroad can land their products <.n ti i , West, m and i ?ult roasts for h bout .'??> i , tils .1 I?- | The Ami 11. sn ? 'otton Ma nufa. tun rs' At -"? 1st:-'ii m theh Bev<ntcenth sn nual ' oni ent Ion ? in. ii sbsi mbled in Washington on April N, hsd before ii a ia i. m. m , on?. rning the a "i h ol tin tariff and legislative i ommltt? e, one paragraph "f which resdi follows; ? in sn absolute convlci ion of th>. truth of our Btat? menti se spp? al i" j inn bod j ii"i i" tu.ik< reduction m rates as drastic as pr< aentcd In t lie inii r, in red i". and ? ould ? on. lud? w nil the statement that if the bill in - comes . na.-inl nit?, las .. condition i?l depression ??ill folios In the Industrj of cotton manufat turlng v\ t ?. h will, In our a-ment, ??? appalling, i 'ot ton manu? fa. luting Is ;i n Indui I rj i onflned not to mi. , i.iiiliiilllit.? . l?a! dial li',,11'" d throughout ?< lai ?-?'? p??i 11.; our ?'oui try. In (?ortions "f which It is the chief Indus! ry. II I an Ind ?ti m s hi. ii li i : ti i ! i ? .?'- of i houssndi of - rnplo ? . ngag? d, in whl th? ? man* plan;.-. 4? ith many th< i old? rs." . ine of tii?' lai g? m II owners in the Bast m Ihe text lie line n marked tha? the prim Iple ones a ho ? 111 i I this ? ountr* from the present i tariff iSWS ?' th? ) '"' "in" ? ... |]| be the woi klngm? n. He i lid: "If 44 e ai e forced to cut employ. \\ ill mean Hi. s ? 111 qui! I llici ? ? it; be an will tx ;.iid H,-.!itroui II will d? -it" home Industi until th. I'm? n ! ,i4 o >,.. h si,h-4 .-d ion h il ? ? n t?. work at low wages. In m- an tim? it we find It la m ri - m'... op? t Bl lona in thl i ounti, n W ?I lll"4 ... \ iniiii"!! dolli r mill her? in Man? ' est? r ful m ?ni ? ??i and wit vailing m Eng i ? I be our oni resort to save ou and our m. an PROBLEM TO SOLVE. 1 In th? (levies v. ni l?, the fo ! "The tariff bil ia ?.?i in?* a hoi . : . ipi -. d. undei Ihe ? nual auff? r. bul ? ? ' .. .... cutting Is unfort in it ? ? ? npani? d b? th. ministra! ana athetlcs. C \4 i.! r ? . ? ? and th? . . n?. m?? i/ ? of the ? ? ? , to i., pra ? "The i.. ' ta s fai '..?, ... that s gi t < ? n. si fortunately ao g? l'nited Btst. tlon upon a i" il terred to an expert con tai irr board, Il moi e or lei n il i. i?d 11. . ? ? n v ? ? been i hopp? d int. I thai . ..ilia.i ; e expert at auch work vmii k 44 in n aho ild be und? risk? ? lO ? a , laiOn m t?:. -, 01 t ,|. .. erst? and ; ?? i itskii ?? t.. on through ii.?,iough Investlgatl m s body tif?, and skill? 'i i sp< l ??Tii? Income la ?? Includ. ?i In the pi ?> ... ,,, i, on tit "? hoi?. i robsbl* i well m i ang. ? ? I ?? a... . 44 ith an lav, ?nt ii a m ''?" noli? i d ihsi 11... hesviei burdene sr? pla ed upoi l : ?si t,r ??' id? ?! a II h ample in. on stand lia m ? Th? ory thing i tax buslnei ? thai t per cent oi moi ? of Ih? amount i ? d from ( luand. red li ? ? ? gam admin! i trat Ion ai in the i 'nited Btat. ? ?? tax? ?i on the av< r? ag. foi government slat? muni? ip* ; ..lin r evlei . ... i ? | I ? ? , m:m. Ba'? ?r . ' .ni!.i .: ? n ? .i???? t he coal ol ;;\ Ins ihsn can po , ome i "in i.-1 i: -4 islon? Tii, |,.iin . al, a a . lai I and I .,. it! v ^i.,'..'? ' urn? rou ever? ? ? ..i ,,- ,i,, t heir '!? mandi mil - \i?. ndli urei and all . thes. '. i?- i" up ? .n?? I in I'nin ; aai l la sa m ev?, In? > i a In ; numb? i ? i , on! n.usl; .. nd n imbt ? I. ; pla. ? ? ? .'? ,i ". henchmen to ; i heil pro loi The Ions sufTi i lug p. opte stand the burd? tlon ? i: n., t a : i on ..... I and thi ar? id? to bell**v? i hs, ? ?, ? \ i hin? n,it the real ? auae i - ??. hat mi I n? ins ? ' i.??., tain? i,.i i tli. i? ai? n.'!,. to lead and --- Insist upon government ? ? ? ? 11? ?n i \ In ? \. i ?. direction, upon .?' a ti, tutting down ol the numb? i ..i "tii ? and ui. n lall m i ni ol public ? Ktra'.a nt*?-, which hai be. om? a gri it ?,. i easing e\ ii ? RAILROAD EARNINGS. Ith wh ol Mai * ilroaa ?. ? ,4 ...I ,,[,. , ? || || -,...,, 1 ,, \.' ; nun n ua ? , Han Sol i'.? ? n . 'ana 'na I ,.. ..... ... a oh iu ..... , : .m ? n, i ,? ,., ii?\ii. . ? ir .'. , . I .......... . a - ... Ill A Rtfj <;, ,. - ...? Ill .,,,,?.-1.,' ?? i ? ,i .ii.i i ml Weait i . I ??troll ?li I in \i ida \i.. al Int. i .? >, N. ?!.. rn II a,.. . *.: I ..ills' 11. ,. S'SStl Ill? Mini?.? Rani Mir n ,?. - I .. Il lo* .? ! M ?uurl Kan .? '-1 II i l'a. Ill ?.ya ii ,.. . ii , Nut itall-*.? - . f M? ?I?.*. X? ? Bdl.;' n nls ? ? N'orfoll -. ,,.!:. rn i.!'. I i' n,,: s ?jthi ni ... it I Besi-sard Aii Un. ?" uhi m lull? . ?? < ? ma ?V U? '!. KSI A l-H. lr? _ ? ' l< ??" !'? nrls A ?V ? -t Toledo, Bl i.A. w. . I l'a, s? ..i, .; i*i i?; *.? i,' ?IL' i ' ?I i, j i*nit,i??i . *. . ?. - I..:.;?-. m. 21 :::ri ? ? ,. - .;; il , i ... i m. i :i.?-?:.( ia i7n n >;:?.;. i _? i --.i ?--, i .:_??. l?i i?i ... IltJ ?!.''. . 7?. Uli ,...i . Il .' '.'..! i r. f I ? I? :,, , l ? ?:?? ?? -i -?-?'i'.i ? ? i i i?. -! , ,,J 1 ..' ..a; ' I ?. 1 Il ? -si ?I |?| 24 un .: n 1? ! ?i i.,i. ?31,471 ' rraj Executor Trustee ^^^^^^^ Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Nos. 16,18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York. ~*m 15 Cnck?Tm'\5j," ?* Wr n PARIS. 41 ErnlevaH Hanismia? LOflDON ?r old Broad ItTMt, E. 0. Travelers' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exchange. Guardian Administrator Following i. th. usual tabl. ?Ivin, th. numfcjj ^J^0V't*??iA in i?.st week, toflother vejth *ht i..g-est,lowest;?nd fmol^rHtaa o net Chano*? of the week, and the h.flh and low pi tees or the high and lew pi ices m the year 1912: _? "I l >? . ! ?h .ID I?..? :l liim Jo i- ? -.i.i ; , ' ? Ii" i??" i , j. ? ?igr ?'in ?.???m . i . . ft ilu |. . f. II .1 ?till - . ?.IS ?' ? ? ?? ..'. ? i . 19 ? i. i - An. I I"'. ii..,? .. . t".. ? . ? * IT" ? ' III, s INI ? . . ' ? , .'.it:, n : i. a r i - i ? .? ll'? r. ? . I I"" 7 41.) J I -.." I :?'?? HNi i u 10 'INI 4 , ?... ?'.? I. |M , >;..' 7 I !.;>?'?' 12 11 ,? I ?. ? l.'jmi - - ? - ? ? - lim ? ? - . . ? - ? I??' - ? ? ?' l ?*??* ? ? I... .... ? im, ^L*M ?j?i - * . i ? i i ; i ? i? i? . |?>i i?? . ? i i i? |.M . I'M ,? M , : "? i ? . ? i - ? ? . i - . I ( Mr.-i.rll .\ ? ? I I i ? ' i . ? ? I - i '? . - ! ? ? ? ? i-i ? - . i.*. . ? - ? ? > ? i ? ? ? - ? . ? i* _ ? it: it ? - - ? _*?**M ? - ? - ?.??? ? . ... ??in ? mi .? " i:.?- Mm , ,. : ? ? ? ? ? ' ' I I . M . '. UN ? - ? it:: ! ? '. ' ? ? If. ? ? ? I |l| U.'?i l_ ? I ? ? mi ^*M i in ... . ? ? ? - ? - ... 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Hi ? - . i ? 107s i rw ?????????????m :in?, , - , i ,i l?ii < * ? II.:' - ? 112 ? l??i |0 Ml II I ? ?. . I'M ?:?; ? i . tn>:. 2? S _ IN'? - . '.I 11. . - : . 12'J III' ? . ?" . ? _>**?_ 11.1 . ? . ? In.". * ? '?*- . in no . 1.12' . i .i - ??. "?. . :..? i . m . :l'_"r- I'M HCI't ?? I? I I I in '.'- ? si '., '? . ? !'."?. I" lu--. ?. i i in ? ' 7' t -, ? n 12 . ' ? 17s |HS ::i in -!? II" I'J . Ml i Ml1? Is I. _ ? :.', ? " I?? 4 I II" 11.1 inn ??? . fs?, .:.. I ' I." '? i:;??\ !?', ir?S in?, m' t*;. <?7 ?*. [NI :ti?. st ? !"?: :?:. lit H ", 14.1 - ' I I ' ? 'mt\*T^^^ II- -, mas ? '?', ii??'. I : , i . . '.'t i, in . i??? :.s ' |07 . < . IH ? l.KI i on ? i . it?; -" ? 117 ? ? ?HI sT' ?K?, til? i'lrn?! ??.''? m< lies ims i??: . ;Ml'? '" tu'?, . ., ?'??? Ml?, ' ? . ;-, I "tal h..kj f.,r ihr ?..i,, |,9P2J?) ?hare?. m . il'.*-. llliS I? na s-,' n. . m I (MS '-s ?, l"7', ltd ' - '?.". ii I '?'J' is 1 Travelers' Checks For Payment of U. S. Customs Duties The Travelers' C"h?*rks issued by this company in de? nominations of $10.00, $20 00, $50.00 and $100.0?) are now ar cpptf'd by the I'. S. Government in payment of duties at any Port of Kntry. European tourists ran thus avoid the annoyance of hav ins to ?arry a quantity of American money daring their travels, or of ???eeia-ring it upon landing in this country. These checks are self Identifying: are payable at fare valu*" all over Kurope; and when used in cor.nertioti with our L<tters of Credit are a great convenient-?-? to travelers both here ami abroad. Fifth Avenue Branch Guaranty Trust Company of New York Fifth Avenue and 43d Street iVain Office, HO Broad???. London Office. 33 Ltxnba-d St., E. C. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Ry. Co. Ten-Year Five Per Cent. Convertible Gold Bonds Dated Jun- I. 1907 Not ?f* ii hereby given to the holders of the al*o\e-mentiotirr] lion-Is that in accordance with llieir t^rms the right ol conversion into the common stock of this company will cease on May 31st next. D. L. GALLUP. Comptroller :. \\?."?\t RTREI I MBH '??I'l*.. V 1. WEEKLY TABL1! OF BONDS. . I! i . ?? ? '-.-?. ' ? . ? ' ' 4 ? ? -, - I ... ? | ,.?'-. Sel U rhf? - I . . ? ? . ? ? ? i a l"t NI I, l?l . ? . - ? | .1 , ? ..... - -? I * .- ?.? ? .. I ? - ? ? ? ?? . I . ... , IC4-S .... . ?? . ? ' ..... ' . . ? . "I . - - ? ? - ...V . , . ? |. ? - ? oo n a ?i ... '?-.-. -? . ?? ? ? ? . * ? ? . ? i ? 4 ? ? ... m - ris? A ? . , ? - . ' ... - . li * . ? . ? ?. - ?-.*'. I 4 . ' ? . I . ? ? , ... . . a \ i? n ?? Un? S ' ? . ' ? Q a ? a. Krl." l?' - 1 . -.- ? - I li.?-' ' ' t - ? ?4*0 ? . ? 4 ? \ - - ? - ii : r .v i _? ? .... .- - ? ? i? , ... t i ,? ' Is ? ? ? t 1 ' li ? 1. m I? ? - ? i , ? . - v ? ? ? ... I* . -- ? I? ? I- \ II I'l an ? ? ? 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Registry of Public Accountants Municipalities, corpora? tions, firms, business men and investors are realizing more and more the impor? tance ot safeguarding their interests by the employ? ment of responsible public accountants, equipped by experience and tharaster to render impartial audits and accounting investiga? tions. NE IV YO UK ? : .... M< HOI. \<? T II? Kl K * I .1.. All Ol M A*?-I? \M> ENGINEERS Bra he*. sn l'un:. H !=T - 7 i -,-. 1.K-I.1K A III sur. nitfe groom tat. ? reetet tag Il \Ns| S g SURI N-IV rabil? I? i ?'.iiit.ini? BIN] Xinlil.'f?. I H ?. \. I I I.MIM. Jt ? ?l Pnhli. \? ? imitant? an.I tintilori. Mod*Ml A c jr ? ? ?? >-.1 i natal d ?A IVaa?n St.. Xaw Vurk. .? _? [weekly table of bonds (Continued). c . - . ',.., - - ? ? ? ?? \ ? ? ? - ; 4? - ?' ? ' ? ? ?? - ? ? ' i: a \ ? -. . ? ? ? . - o . i ? 4 - ;...: ?? .? '? ? . - ** ? i >? - ? *? ... ? -.*.?? ' ??? ??...?. ' ?? , 4 .- - - .. ?4 > | & ??' * . ' I .. ? ? . ? '?:.?..; ? ? * '? ..... ten dr. ret i 'i ? , I ? ? M v v ? . . . i M ? --? - \ .4 * ' - I , I ? - II ? - -' ? ? ' ? ?? . ? ? ' ? i too ' ? - It ? j I ? I 1 .4 I'' I -.... ? rty of 8 F '? ?? nui. ?4 - ? . . I A ..... \ ., .'a I I * ?fr < ???" \ nk.-1'.im r?. ... ? . - '.? m> aa?! - ? ?? . I?l I'i I? "I in ftp tu ?' ?M .1" l.| I* .-(I'm ?I...I :,. im i*iim' r ?u ? rt'Wi ?i i.ikiu ? .-...?. .. Kl ... iVt-aiern Mi la l.trtOA,M : i. .i ? .' . . ?.Vrtllnah II Mfg ..... ,? Kl-KM-C I? " ? 100 \'. A '?? K ."ii l. IIW-.I \\ |l . .-rit K. n 4? ? - .. ? ? . ' '. ital i"?', 103 |0| lor . 101 ? ?l ?I . . ?, r*??4 ? 4.? ?II I M*B >?'j r?'1, '. I1&.913 .??" |"KATV NOTE ISSUE BY SPEYER. M, S4i Bpojrai ?v.- Co, grill tiii? "rook I ?ttcy tot public ?uhoeriptloa th?- RMIMII Hloaourt. Kaoaaa A Taxai .'. per coat two-,... ?:? s.-? iii'il K?i|.l not? m i ?* .'?'fitly l??ir ? has..i bj thorn, ?'f tin* prtMggig ?'f this l ?aj?. ti,...?"." will Ii.' uxt-d to pa) tit* gamo ; ini'iiiii ?'f notco duo Ma.? 1. ?*n?1 ??..1 not.*liol?l?ra ?rill bo Kl?en the prior rialu to tiko tin* now n??tes aa an Interest baala to \iclU over ?3 par cent.