Newspaper Page Text
I IN Discount Rates Fall Steadily, with Operators' Indebted? ness to Bank Reduced. UNDERTONE QUITE SOUND Renewed Interest in Americans, Owing to Belief That Lower Tariff Means Greater Prosperity. ? Inonde i. April 1-".. In ? onsequen I eerful news on the situation dlacounl ia,<^ y laal week, and by Sau:r ?d\ the short loan market was In an u ly condition, with su] pleni ' and meagre. Call i al ". pi r cent and weekly a j "iiit higher, whale billa were al ?"> 15-16, throe Ms at 4 per cent, four months' ? ". i."i-i?; and six months' bills at j'? pt ; . ent. ?? ? ? ? i ? i ? Imiata thought te w? Id he m .-. i? ed last art and there Is now s general ex that the redu? ti?>n will take i after p - - ? H u\f aga g i talned that, tha rai- will be reduced thi^ we< k. Tr the bank ut non ' 120 OOO/jOO, i at mal irlng bills during t ;i * - fortnight may m?) ice fresh bor roarinaj al th^ nui of tha month. The a demanda for gold from the and ft on South Amei l< a, as as the conclusion of peace, are ? '? a large Influence in de? termining ?i y redu? ? i n of the ?..:nk : It U ? .1 that the ; j . i takes large amo mi , _ [rom Li ndon a ithln the n? xi few i Th" bank r< - j- |5 395.000 i - si:;i i - - lock of gold incri $3.950.000 to $l?S5,47O,0?0. " ; fi 11.85 to l-"..-'. . y m Vienna : r at the end of ... i. i er, unc? i - , ? v . I mono y al 7 i - -, . ent. -. Im f ?i Btill around ?i I ? .. per ? : were ? ?? ? ? | :. ? th? bank rat? All i . v toward s I ??-, ? -l ? i h pro v .( \\;th lili on f?ir An - lurl Th? 8 La I ?."in ? ? on 1 ? hods ami gtt? ii In production that Ameri? an not < retain the I .... n obtaining a much greater . r< n - '. markets than lias hit! ' . n-i : ible. t< worthy thai i3 irorx an In? , able to i ii:f' Influ? ? from th? ? ce of : .? : B moment a h? n American Investoraare Inclined to their hold - ted with the natural and with : ;? in P ? that, whether th? l-iriii ... continua to make immer land that railway and ? will largely ln< r< aas th? Ii ? arnini : a period to period. Having i - -i strength of most American railwaj comrsanlea and to the a margins ol profil behind their . ad , their securities, bonds ai d ks at cum m ? r J ida i ? ? highly attractive." FRENCH RENTES LOWER Paris Bourse Otherwise Firm ??Loan Announcements Soon. i ? . ? ? Parla, April 13. -The ton.- of Bourse yeaterda) wi Arm, with ?as exception of French rente? and ?. ? m industrials, the falls m which ttributed to cauaea other than ? ? inti rnatlonal actuation. In the quotation on . .. ?. ntimea on the v.. on tha "ther hand, are particularly buoyant, and the out* . oau :"" In pwpnrntlon, i of several will i,f- :<" aoBBced before th? end of the month. SHORT TERM NOTES. Mat rrlag IWI '-" ? sTs-aalu II Barart? ? ' ' r- N0, 4i Pias ?'?? i ???? g , . runa. ?sia ? ? ??* ? J*2 '?'? ?z Cass | lun?, ?14. WV4 9* ? \ ?'.' j I . "'ii . S7 '?'?;* < r; i ? ..,,,. H|.r. lOie st t iooJ? r> >?; S>le ? - ift|4 i"" "??i ?''!' ?a i p c, on, isi4 . !'??? i"" ;?"' fc*?61 .?** '?"? ???? hti Pug 6 p . .14 ?7 . S8 ? I ?0 f.?n Rut, 4 un? I??'.'?. B7K ?? as ... I.', 11)13 !?7 I?". 1" "" I?H4 ?' "7 I* 'it Nor ( ISM.. 9? -- '??*?'- I';-,-' ?HMH ..???. 4 !?l ?t'h ' ?H! 4;2 i- . 1014 :-''. ?* ? ?'?",| hast i.? , , i lun am ??" ? - ':" ?i k * -,,4 r. p . ms: 11*15 "''"? ?""'* 25? *?> Nell :, ,, , ; ???? i?'.'. ' !'" N v ' * > !. . . M.r. 1914 SSU SMI 4 *> k?'' I'? p c, Ms 191 M I SB" S.SO "." ' ?nt u sut? a *?? a t, Jsn, i :, atnti :<? r <?? i?*?1; ? J N II / il :, |.. IBIS ?% I*?? 4 55 "L* wir,,.. , . iBia ?????. |flO [<<?> '? ' mi? SB 1"" S.UB ?*?>>> Ali i, :, ,, . Mi h, ibis as ??* 5 4? f*"i " f. p i... i:.i? ?a , ne ft-?'? l"-**? * M ? p r, v ,,, 1913.100 1""'? ?.S0| FINANCE & INVESTMENT (TWLNTY-THIRD ARTICLE? By Marc M. Reynold?. The Clearing House, in ISM Hi? Block Ex? hange i Bous? ara? < ita&Usned and ?Inc? that time trading has been material through the opei itlons of this I tttut It rnav be Kii.l that considi i ?iir the vol? ume of business ? arried ?.a now an?. arts during some or the hi ivj d transactions hi the past, it arould be im? possible to operate the ma? ? ne i of the Btock market ?ritbout the Btoch Ex? bange Clearing House. In the oM day? all ?* curltlea sold ?n the regular wa> aen forced to be actually denvered al - imie before the hour of 2:11 p, m. ?.: ,:i" day following the ?lut" of trading To carry out this requirement a Btnsll a of messenger boya was employed to go from office to office and gather ?1 i '""tids ami checks of Immense ralui which had t.. i. Not only ara? th old pi? i. ? torn? one. bul it w.i. very ?i-ky and was fraught w:Oi dangei ... attended by mm Be? fore gold certlAcatea a/ere la I and boya with baga containing ?WOO to I 000 In gold a ould go aro ind the ati with this precioua ?relghl on their si di rs, bul Btrange t.. s ? ? om oases d u? - or robbery. Not only was the old system ?< t? I one, bul It was expensive and kepi I b for d< llv ry In i Btat< ol i i forcemi at. as i \ ? u.i bo. s would >>?? late and man) i,r w .r" forced to carry undelivered si ? Rht and borrow money on them. After several ui ? il .?". mpu had ; . made to form a cl< ion:' ? nt< i arhlcl ported ? ?? b i Ian, subm tb Un M ? .. .t lining tha - ? Plan of Operation. I a l g I h? fore Ib? p. m on regular bush to ? Saturda; ball d > ? ? : stock a nda to the i a ' d< livery ti< k? I and n i v< ? from ti a na i sengei a recelvi ticket" in re? turn. Thla exchange of i ra i ? I House, tog? Il r with l erles i I l t., the Clearing House before 7 p at OS ex? apt Baturday, on day deliveries mus? be made before 1 p, in There Is DO formal Clearing M i . and broker! merely - i i afternoon and Prlday day's t ? gr< ,, Honda ' TranaacUona la ea ? . thsr end arben the total . .- .. ;, hase? and sal? i has been fo ind h balance la Btrui k. If a debil la ah di ?mlnated must b? ai ? om? by a < bet k made to the order or the Btoch I i mg House i. If on the othi ?? hand, the Agursa eredlt a draft must accompany the ?heel on the Clearing House B ink for the amount. (To be ? u iprii a i ?-a CONDITIONS SOUND Floods Prevent Full Activity in Iron and Steel. ercial agencies r< poi : for th? week irrea . I ? sound condil a ? iia.i... with aatlsfaetor) progresa belna made In the district where many milli ? ? dos n n< a. n ? iii ol the in. nt tl.i - V'erj favorable t eport i ? ived on i he i ondttlon of w Inti r Review" sa\ I : ? for the tlm? ' r Ing, man] ra llroad dustrial ci nti ?a fully recovi r> d from ? . ? ? w. item n.i>. Batls lactorj progress, however, is reported at many points. The readjustment ol th? isriff. now m progress, produces more or ?..! :..ii In' ii ades, but m splb ??i i in >o i wo unfavora ble factoi lb? ? : of a pel mam at setbai k in business, and fundam? ntal i ondll appi . In i t ol i ic a ? ? k wa ; ondltlon of far abovi . ? ?? k were .. p. r i"tit und? r th? - ear, '?ut prevailing ulaUve mai keta no ?unta m pari foi t ?? d? rea earnings In llareta arere 5.5 per cent better t ? I ear, ai ?! ? ? . would have been larger but for IBo caused by the 'i ... Idle ( u surplus has im res* d 38.000 In two week! Pis Iron output dur ?i i tal Ina off froi ? liions un - I - ' . . N e w Tork < . - . ? . ' icount rat* . I ...... 1 ? r . I ? %. . N ? a ... ' a? . ; . ench rente* ? . fates I ? '. - . : ' - ? ? 11 : ? . FOBEIOM BANK RETURNS. ? < - . ? ?? - . i - ri ? ral - tioM ... ' ni.?. ?I I . -' . ' ? - . . 7 '- ? "? ??<- .' ? * i;a s i . ? - - - .ent? ?'. ? - ..-. i. ?r. i '..ari'1 II real ea .... I .. . IM*) - - . - ? 110.1 I ? > ? ? I >! I" ... ?' ? ? ? win i -?> 8 i I.V. : V I . - 1 i -. i i i I ? ? ? ? :.? M4.i .. , .? .. i - .i ?oufloo i. .o ? ? ? . .-. ..... n i ...; inn Am -?" '--i : . ? - ? RANK CLEARINGS. ? - - - . |i .-... <??.-. . 28.1 - ell *. la. n ? ?. . 11.41* ? ? -i ? i ? 191*1. .t . ; ,. ?. n .O ,, . ...., IHM, ; i , -. flA i , u ...0 U.O . ? . ? 11.. ? i ?".' :.?i - . ? -. ?, .-?t 178 1,0.92* GOLD PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD. 47.1.150 . m 102.871 ?' . i ? .. ? ? r.4 '.?,-. . < ? -, , i ?. l98.6-*<9 ?Ua * . 2.811.410 ' ? 1 . -; ? ? . . 2,679,319 1" 294 864 1.4 M'.: ' Oth? 1911 .1 "08.618 2, lM ''.?1 ir>iL' .: 0SO.000 22 so? ra r e who desire to < i ' I r of ou sbov? tabl? Into . ? mg the oui I.S71I to an r? at the number of poui i 8 for an) , the va f be ascerta by multiplying tt,e number of oun 1.2171 RAIL CONSUMPTION IN UNITED STATES. 'i he approximati pi on of ill kii d ol the 1 in km.-? tons, foi a period of thlrty-l ? la s*ven In the follot nent Thi result has been ascertained hj addina thi quantity Im? ported to the total production ana deducting the quantity exported: ? ??ti (eraa? 1? I . : Broa? ion?). ?T,?ST.iO? T? '?I : i ; i ; ' < i ?? ictlna oi'.il ' . I ? ?99.68i Tota. : ? n . -, > ??- ft.i PRICES AND YIELDS. I 60 62 6 , tation table - P.?'? 1*1 f., Investors to ngur? m ? ?' . I latlng pi Ice?: ? ?. 00 8 71 :. 48 .'. 22 .'. "t 4 90 4 ?S2 1 14 4 29 .4 14 4 00 a ?7 ?: 84 ..; 63 i:; - > i?:. ,i IK f?7'. :i ?ih 1. m > s.oo 109 IP? ?...-' 78 , IIS ...-.'?1 128 2 80 121 .'4M IS9 .. - ?W l. g .. '-' 22 IP? . .- m 14.'. . -'"7 |M ! '"' 1 94 . i II . 1 82 I 7?i .1 71 .1 ?7 t ti i M 1 7,4 . .1 .??? J 4? 1 4.X . I 4I-I i :w 1 10 . I 28 1 28 1 29 ! 18 MS 1 IS ,1.18 in l ..?? i n, i M 1 |>; 1 02 1 r?, IBS 1fM? I9S 240 2 t:. v i?i a sa a si H 40 i. 18 .'. 98 .*. 71 I. 62 : : r. ia f, ?a 4 ?.:. 4 71 4 :.. 4 14 4 :\i 1 21 4 10 4 '"? I si I ?4 a. is :: 98 :: 90 2 ?.? 2 7 <t i no 2 42 ?J I? 1 II 2 ? i*. J ip. 1 98 l no 1 98 I 82 1 7H 1 14 t ','" 1 P.7 i ?:t i as 1 .'.7 i r.4 i 11 1 4* 1 4T. i *:t 1 4?? t 88 i 88 i sa Rat 4 10 run 1.. I io II ?i in 91 III 1.1 I? "?' ;. BO I i. I". a si ?; 08 ;. ** I i : ?i". f> I! .': K! :: 71 :: 4"'. I ?A 23 1 12 :t on ?.?r?4 ?? -.. '.' ', s 2 78 2 Mi 2 ''? 2 ?4 :>rta 2 :(.''. 2 17 2 12 2 O" I &> i 92 1 ?j ! 82 1 *9 1 7.1 1 72 ! ' ' 1 81 f. 71 8 16 I 8 77. .! ?;4 r. S3 :: 21 I Ifl ?j ua ?_. aa ! ra 2 ?'.7 I '.1 S 24 2 IN 1 \ 2 U 2 07 1 ?it 2 ?ri 14 I") 12 .; : i ? ra 12.17 II ?IT II 20 10 77 1ii.:7 |n no t. as S 4-> <? . 1 > on a oa - - B. 00 8 - .'. 18 I o" 1 82 4 . . i 12 4 88 4 I.'? 4 12 4 00 1 sfl i r* | ?is :< 89 2 '?" .-. n I I 28 1 is .111 .-I ?>4 2 ?!? I B2 2 80 I Hi - |? mi i :. 24 11 . :. 1.1 "3 i ? -.i 12 1 11 M 11 4.t 11 08 10. ?7 !.. ' )(. 00 a ;?> ?I41 P 14 v - , f> 88 ?- 42 * 21 g ... 7 aa ? ri? I 92 r. 71 ?, 33 .'. II c .-i 4 Jl 4 10 I ? 1" :i ii-2 ?? ?.* S.II1 .? ?* 2 ?1 2 .i 2 .1 2 SI Hate ?',. p. IK? 17 14 18 98 18 ?". 18 90 14 m 13 W i - :: : 12 ss 12.41 12 ?M II.S1 1 l 28 ie r?i m 69 in ?_?., 10 "0 ;. n 0 47 5> 22 9 m? s 61 8.18 7.83 ', r.ii 7 '.'?i 1 92 il H7 ? 13 a 11 K I?. .', <??. f, 88 I M I *S r. u 11?. 4 ?K 4 7:; 4 81 4 .'hi 4 88 4 28 4 IS 4 us 4 no | 91 n aa .1 88 I 13 .1.4? .1 .".1. .1 r.r. .1 27 SSI I i? * 10 1 08 .*(K> It* - p.-, ???fl (Mt 11 08 i- || 17 :r> .; ia no il M 14 ?I IL' 4S 18 70 i ; 88 12 80 12 SO l-? 13 11 18 1! 42 11 11 in h n? :.j in 23 i. ? ?7 ? 47. 8 4 1 r. 2? .'. 12 4 ?.'. 4 IS 4.44 4 ".'. 4 2? 4 17 4 aa 4 nO | S3 g 88 fi 7?'< .1 ?4 I I] i 1^ 3 33 fWed orders at the sad or March were ?> tuns less than at tin?, close of Feh ". The copper situation has improve.) asaterlaiiy, and ?. farther ?utvaa. a prices is aipax'lsd. Batter weather favera building operation! The arygooda mar? kets a-?? experiencing a steady, though trad? Tiie ahoe Industry reflects progressiv? Improvement, arltk as *\ ? ?: lent outlook for the oomlng saauMM. Lum? Boa i M.adv Improveaaent i-' comnssree raaJatalas us Imposing aimen Btatiatl? a for lbs latest ?reek at New York BtfOWtni a t ? >t .11 trad., in and ?.'it or *s>,iv?ii-, against IMJR.TN laat year an.i i:t m,111 Ib ISU Exporta In? rrreaasd ll.tat.Tll ov?-r ir?i.'. whits imports decreased UMMk "l-'nll activity in Iron and .?teel is still prevented by tin?, dlsergaataatlea <?. ? ?> by the recf-nt flood?, and tiie interruption :" ndlroad traille haa proved a aerioua drawback. Plants that were compelled to ahoi ??own are resuming work as rapli I as possible, and stocks of pig Iron sra ng replenished, bul the ?bortag? oi teel continu? a a< uta Tai r.- ig ur? gent need of track material ami struct? ural steel t? be used in repairing wash? " i'", and, as the mills ate behind on or? premium prices for pro menta sra likely to become In? easing arent. implement maker? are con? tracting bea II] foi teel bars, while In all finished Unes demanda are of capacity. Tin plate milis ..auiumi .1 loea in output becausi of i <? forced suspension of ww u and dellv? : i< s are un? c? Mam " The folios ng - takea from "Brad* street's" : 'Trade is Irregular, ranging from alow to active according i aj pointa of primary linal distribution are ronsid'-i .-d. For this, weather Irregularity, affects of past or prospe? tlva Overflows, and last, but not least, tariff sgitatlon, ar.> varying re iponslble. Best reports tom?. from the Sei : ha . -' and tl ? not th Pa? I Ic sections. Prom this th? y shade down to fair in ? r Mississippi Vallej snd the Soul a hile in tue. Bast tho primar; I t-.<- ?mods markets ai?, reported In ?? ? Ii .,? Btage, ami Mme of them mucb un ? I tied, ?un little doing pending ? learer \i.w-j of poaatbls tariff changes. Viewed from another angle? It m..v be said that retail trade and farming operation.-? : b en cheeked by raina or ?news, lobbing trads for the irrenl season la >i .it? h. tlve, but future trade for distant ? :? erli la sti'.i closely restri ted to conserva? limits, An e\i eptioa to thl : te sal ? : found In the North? a hei ? . oi.' lent pot ted 1 s one Important rop now growing, that of w .ut. r wheat, i> In excellent itu ?"- si ?! ee n favored 1 other ? rop work, notai ': the i retardt I little I 1- . ii ma.:- ! west ni s ... i !*??. a ? - evei ?< .? | in ri rd yield the weal ...?. n' II la at ???' I .; t>, w . it That ihs < ond tions ? e countn ovei sra In a high g? ' ? I ?H . owing to a tant n ?? Re from the upper river valleys re *j da I ara of a i i ri irai , ? t - ; .. t trade distribution and ? , n in ptlOB appear to b swift ! ent of transportai net M iv ippl , ?-.'!il!-- .'.- :?! tbS \ nava resulted In a waiting d i ? sltlon o-i ths pari of the buyers snd seil - ? ns mai K- la -n sari) B.'?? I ? ? ? ? inability to satisfy r.u\ei ? ??. be k-.\.ir.| ralla marchIxp?rts decrease Big Falling Off in Brcadstuffs, Meat, Cotton and Oils. Washington, April Oov? l tal ? ? . ng to a I i t>. da: . that the I mted . piles i per <r"* ,,r the Imi ? ?':??! and takes I pe: l of their export each year, It pi j . .-nt i. pn ent K Is) and the t pei ? t ....... The United Btatea'a sra of the Im? ? ii ? I Panama ? ., ?. 'iii- Bureau ol Statistics announ ad I .i..- thai tha Am? ca expori of stuffs, meats, cotton and ? bowed ?? I tots valus In Man h this , . d with March, '1 Be ? .ici witn M ?i. il Ill. boa showed a. siik-i.t in? rasgas In the i port ? . , ompa ? d with . i ponding i ne moi tl ? -. THE PRINT CLOTH MARKET. By Tels? i ,, , Rlv? r, April IS. XI ?? . ?? ge-od marketa w< ? i ? ? ? last week and . 11 and manufai tun ? ire that th? i |bt with buslnea ? Btead) Bi ..i-. I nates plac? th? total al . ptei . . bout i.? f> wi r than the week previous The unsettled condition I the i urket is lbs cati a ol I.. small i-sdlng and lust i ow the i itef fi tun of tha depression Is lbs proposed tariff *. i,, d ... I'ii? ? -i wnt off a -.xi'-nth L> an eighth of a cent laat week on both erlde mid narrow goods! ;? greater portion ..f i.i'i weak'? business eeaslstsd of wide and medium artda Roods, while tha nar? row end of Ihs market w,?s practica I , ted B ?is hsaaated upon eonoee alona snd wers successful In rnany In? i the demand w.?s f..r sp.ii and naarb) shipments, purchs ara sppsartng \.i Httl concerned about contracts, they di srlng mat later, whoa they are la ur? gent need <>f gooda, they grill be willing m pa eurn nt prl ? a fee them. Thers Is no ajadnaaytng tiie fact that ? , pp.;.i Democratic tariff achedules ?aih have soma sffect oa trading in ths cotton -.."is <.f Kea Bag ind, :.:..i the BoMth, for tii.u matter. New England manufacturers of textile? are naturally disturbed over the piovi-ions "f the schedule snd some mlilsasa havs sx? pressed indlgnaUon hi the inaaaes in which certain textiles wars handled. it appears thai manufacturera of fins are hit hardest and SOB ?? Of tlM representativa millmen m ths in." goods Industry havs pianlfsstsd th.-ir ?iispi.-as i;i-,. in ni uncertain tenu-: they declara that th.- alterations which have been made hi ? altogether unwarranted and they pul r?tianufaeturers in tin- counto ai a great disadvantage m competition with Bxanufacturers of similar goods la England Naturallj buyers la Mew fork Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and othei large textil? ...nit.-m ara awaiting nith much interest th- affect Hi'- proposed tariff reductions Will havs on Keneral husl ness, hut even ihs eeiiasrvatlve, who have refrained from sxprasalag an opinion, de? clare that the proposad cliangea will ba rea'tUiiiaO It may I"' Stated that SOmS manufacturers looked for even greater reduetioM than bava besa actually made. The oottOB rara markets were rat quiet laat week, with boyera showing only passive Interest in transact ..ns Tlw raw eettaa ssarkel went off a little, but this condition had little effect on the] market. The foltowinK ai? 'he 'luotatum. for last week: 28 Inch, 64-64. Ifge. nom., ??-inch.' 64-60, ItyB, "on>?! --'wMi, 64-60. nie.; 17-laeh, aMs, "V : I7?nseh, Ifi-es, as , ?'?'?'?.-Iii' It, 04-61, 5Uc nom.; 3!Mneh. to CROP MARKE! REVIEW Grains Gain and Lose?Cotton | and Coffee Lower. Tbi ourse < ? es 1 ires a ?. isslfl to mai 1 ?st week, aa In ? low ol I Baal "i . . ......... i,\ i"-w ? rop r. porta th? failed to Bud warrant for bullish enthusiasm and an advance in priesa TI.iriy firmness I was disturbed b* th? gorernment'a report on ( audition, and ban I id ra made the inosl or tia; high Rgures. Later there wsa ?? ? gularity in Ik? tradh .- ? Satur? day . when don? alie ondlUona provi I too strong for tb? bull?a ? d ? ?port trad.- new?, and pressure on abort se? '. with actl?" commission m Hing, ? .i ujed a lower levi ed Heat y expo I I ntlna were ' !.i toi In the lata wi ikm aa here, al? though during tb? week American ?s? portera w< utg taken about |,i.i bushels, mostly for - men) from D luth ni asi Igation. AU son the extent th? led, but mo?i ? .- to ? ,-.. . ook i the i.. ? thai l ? dangei : riod j has not | . ? si deterioration ma be ounted on to cannot be foreseen Thi abaorptlon o? for< Ign a bent b] Eui ope ha? n gde a m s record ao fsr, and it Is eatlmated thai tb? total dem ind will be clo ? i I StOO ?? 'i, again?! ? . . ? rear. The world s whi at supj.iv .;. . ? m the same wi ek I of"1" bushel Liquidation foi bol I ? mark | ilues, wll I holders, a . were taking : the wi ek country off? th? b | waa nol and o Baturda the ma l< ad of wheat, th? tone being weak, ui pi ' -1 ? Intel : >r n mi m. and t losing i were do? Oats ? -.< were Hi mi strength In the late g, on Incn a d . vatoi t futures I try 1 i .i :.-? d a unfsvorah Like l other grail t trading of the due to ? ? and active | - wltl Cotton Prices tag. On a rat Wed aft? rnoon I bale. Trade di nand ? ? a eek tl ?? mai ket wa d : de iklng 1 ? ' on 8a 1 cloae pai Ity beta hi I de? mand ; ? ? ? , . ? ., ? chief In flue n es ti im : oa on ? t., t. ? ? weal i'i iie week ! ni e report ? thai "? ? England ? wrr?. off? ring to reaell ? of uncertain! .? ? | ... were 1 ? from -? ? ? Wi t< n di |.! s to ? ' Un.i Ich I new was only ? .. bel The p... .i tuatlon is I i ? . - counties af .%. ?A ? irh -it: ? produ? ? In a noi n . 100,00 A Slump in Coffee. ? ? ... ? tful we. mai ket. 8U ; ? was a with a n a mai kel vei gli ? on pai ..r i i on ? .... ; ? . .... eins ' bottom the big d ? ? i down, I ' ' and Hit- Hi rani their abandoning th? han : pol which ha? ?en U true thai thai ??.... tion i; aboul d ?' hit? d? show, d ?u? h weakm mar i . n m rvatii a il.uni irg being ,.. miatli. with Braxillan offi i . lining, n.?' they 1 at;.- of thi ? ? wai r about bu? Ing, Api i u ? ' and .i re "?. aa thi .... dI i d< .n i beara bold thai the o il abundan) < rop and ?till lowi r pi in the countr- produ a marl sad i SB ba s ga ? d a i rm lion d i n... a ask, .i I . ? . ommodUl aa hav? lltl changa ex? ?pi w hi i ? th? i ush to spring vegetables In from th? South b a to the ahlpmi ni ol m ta i thai 11 ha at en unaalabia Poull i held about Bteadj In pi ici Put Ui ?? I ??? pped s I i ?o canta ?? pound 11 om lbs 11 i wsek ago. The coming ?reek'? trad? will be Influenced by tb? demand for th? lie brew holidays, which begin nexl atonda ami unlesa auppiiea are large htghei prii. a ? III result Bmall fruits a id i by vsgstablsa shoo little change, prlci : being governed entirely by supply and demand Llveetock ana meat? hav? ?hown o tional < lian ? ? kavtag ad? vanced I' -?' s hundredweight, with ol livestock about Bb ad Dressed meal bave not i banged In price eno igh to have anj effi I on the retail msrki I The gsneral tendency ol pi I? - for the ??'??!< has been downwsrd, whole ?a ,. ipoi prii ? ; of twents -Uva i I tabul?t? 'i i The Tribune, ?bowing . iasaea In sight and d< I witii all holding i" ii"- ? the ? re? "'i-: a eeh? 350 HARVESTER WITNESSES Hearings Resumed Wednesday at Kansas City, Mo. "Washington. April 11 Bearing of th? anti-trust suit against the International Harvest.r Company will he resumed at Kansas City, MO., mi Wednesday. When tin. defeadaata will call ?? witnesses most "f them Harinera and dealers In agri? cultural machinery. Edwin P. Oro venor, ?pedal asalstanl to the Attorney Osneral, in ebargs of the govenunents case. hrfi Wssbington to-night for Kansas city. T.stimony win no taken latsr si Houx Fails, st. Paul, Chksgs), Clnrtnnatl and Buffalo It UI expected that tue o>? ail] be cloaed by ths first ?r griddle "f Jona and, thS evidence submitted to ths United Btatss Court at 8t Paul la October for decision as to whether the BO-Called trust shall be dissolved under the Bhennsn law. CURB QUOTATIONS Ibfh an' ; I ?a th? N?w Vorg Curb (FunUabed b; n.-.r-v i-. Tao-apeoo 4. C , No. . I : INDUSTRIALS. H lab. i .. .1 .1;! Milk...... i . , .!.> i refi : o-1 . . . . ... j ?preferred duett Peabodv pref . j Con Rul : .-....? J.i pn l-:i>. I . ?Continental ?an. ? . ? '?'?', Bmei loa-Brant pr?f . . i ; , ana Tobauseo. ? ''? . .i.. t.,. ferrad. 11 ; ? Irt pi.-f . ;'!..:.-]? ? : ..f Am- II .t_ t t . 9 Satl .. '-.;??. i'? : ' _ Elevstor. . H .... Puebla HSR. I ? i I i . standard < ?11 <.f N ' Ml !'..i;i ? ? : ?< i ? . . . i ', V 8 Light A il ??? II : ? ! . > . V. illy*-? ?v. rlan I ........ I ? .?.. preferred BONOS AND NOTES. ..:??? : 3..'. 91 -' l U% M'-, MINING. . . 17 I . ."? M 1 ,- . S7 S4 !>-. Brad? a . i , ? i ? ol irai u. v ? ? .? ii Com.'?? .. t% i\ . ? n Ploren. * .,. Si .... ? i . ? , , . i.; oi . . Karr I?ak? . . . . . , 1 . 4 ? . . if. . i . . i*, it*n* on. ,. . :, . i!? ... Mining. ? t ... . ? \ ? i ni Con? ', ^ lrV " ? -i, i Eat? Baton Wettlsufer . a MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIA1 CRH M.MAV * ? - lllliil v. ? .?? rj| . Ill 1:57 . 1.1" WIRELESS REPORTS. Hook at 10:40 , ? ? V. : : ?i ... non. ? ? ? ? i . . Minne* I 300 ' - . :o .'.T. k it 9 a lerd? ? ? ted ? ... ' ? - ? . INCOMING STEAMERS. 10 T?AY. ? ? Un*. HI Hi ? ? - if w I Havana. \ ? v ? I I i. April IS .. Nai ... ' . llbraltar, April 3 '? I ? - : ? i ... \ ? i ' \ ? '? ? ? 10-llanit? -A ? ? W EDNE8DAY, APRIL IS . ? ? i '.V .S'a ; i . ? , ?o Pa OUTGOING STEAMERS. DAI Mall , ess?l -?or Lia?. .'.-?'?a ? ? Chicago, Havre, ("tench 3 w p tr TUBgDAT. APRIL 1' Or garfat, I K O L.S-30 a m l" ?OS a ?r t da i.ui i- M .... * n t:m b - ??. ? IQ o ? ! Drenad ?. fin s, rrlnl ... ... Rvadam, Rott? rdan . n \ . i" ? Hadonn ? .-. ?pi< s. Fait. : ... ? Mold? ? .?..?., Korden, fluanti ? t II i:i ?- . ?. |. n WEDNESDAY, APR " .?ii : ala, Uv?n - . oai . i i Mi:i. , i B Marta, ? ' - |. ! '?I :> r 1 . ' - ' ' p :n Tue? TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Clsea i and ?tea.-, -r. In N. f. I' SI i San Francia Chi . M Apr 14. a*B ' Apr. 17. 'I..1 Hawaii -. rancLsco) .-?rrj. .Apr. 17. ! I ? m a, ? ? : .!.?: in, \pr. C*. fl I Hawaii i ? la >?<u Krai Apr :? I M..;?? .- aas, . a ?? aada, N*?w v.- alan I, A i ?. .a .- in Fran ; ? ?or-tngl .... Bar. i?, 6;V OuaiO, Philippine.? . . >?.-i I'run clsco)- . a Transport.Apr. 30, ?10 Hawaii, san Kan '? i land, Australia (via ^an Fmn May 1, 6:."W ? i -, i I . . t v i. ? f In ?Ua Hay 2, 9 M i. " SHIPPING NEWS Port of New York. Sunday. April 13, 1913. r ARRIVED. - with I - I -? . L t I I. I i vil!? ? ? u?ar Indra? ? ? ... -. shai . i ' . ?????. g M to Funi h. i-: '.- a ?'?.. ? lib an : at . Sua-, i ..m I ? . ? Co, v ? ? .\ Dan!? Is, with i i p m. ?ii, r Rottei ? R ? ? ' ? ' .-. : ? ' ... .i ii 13 It?.Mon I In M.. . 1 ? ? ' - .. - ... ? and un!" ' ' I? ii .:. ? ? - i ' I ' n ... STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ? I - ?>. - " - ? ? ' i-cr 4<e* cf^^'i : lA?i I).partui''iitof Ai?rii'iltutT UiffZ^Jl :2-6 WEATHER BUREAU '*W~~b ? / tos, ) /sa j^ . 'acp*-^. ? / -----/?o ^o-^. , rlo\y??c? -IF- ~ $2? n ?eta "V *'. 'ir^'-if ?l6B* , ^??t^BS-OV--p-' /' -CSO.-?,** .66C4,"- ; 1 4as, i"** \ ' 0.1 w ??aa ok 0E3ne.Ancxs'TAij7X M 8. O'CUiCIC IAjTM'bT. E50\A\ATC*< Wli - ,..??,.. l,n?,.^?44.,.. :.....-?-..?? ^-"- ?>^ ? ?? ? . ...... ...~ ?*...? M- ?. ! ? ~- ? ? k ??, b~- ia ?-?" 0 . 6<i?v \ M'? ?17JaJV.T. ?geil 14, 1913. THE WEATHE*, REPORT. OaBrlal Hseaeg aad Pasraaaat. Waa ? '. - ? . sr Virglnl* uni BSOVlag : ?st? ard. II . .-? ?. . . ,> Til ;.. Valle . . Isturbsa * <o,r ti.. reglen sad It asa - -. ha\?. fan- I -. ? , - - . us...- nal'.v ?.ti BUSS ? ?in and rgloni ?tl IOS ?? ? ? :i It ' - BtOI HI ll'iA over \ Iriiinla will i In ist snd t- ???-' .... ,i..,,i.. '?\T ? l.Ki,,?. . ?; the vtlantl i ? Vli gtnla a.. : Ohio 1 low? r lak? i. glon, fol : ? llstrlcts i . -i.'. m all ?".- .. , ?Il .,. ,- ., ?ill be cooler .Miami.- ?l?! -?.1-lad?sToBS thS Sew Km,., : 'T Saw vartabi? iiuddls Attest!? , n...'' - ? , ., be. niiiing northwest; ?outh i ..,- \?rlab!e. be. oming. """:'r" ' Lit isht, wast; Bast Quit Coa West .;.::? . ,-? ..v Ight, varfabl? ;1?!;' ,V",', .'?.ani..^ M.lay for i -- a-sataar to the '?rand BWaXs. ?aeaaaaal ,ur si>e<?.ii ?-???stitie?.?lor ?fast? New l?,rk ?n,, N'w ?":n?'?n,l. elondy. nrolianlT ral", to-dnr: Tue?ds.v. fair; moder? ate. MSlSBBS ?imli.. BeaaMBBBBB BSH? ???*? ?^?aJiSw Jerser. a?sstera renns>ivani?. I Itaryla | ' i ? .<?? ?n-t ??-.-:.'. I . and Westara '.. probahl f.iii : liK'.' n rth a For West Virginia, rain, t llllllli.lll |. | - i m. i..... .n i ? . tissar ? . urde). lei Atlani . ? ? . ? . m m , 4S i'lear \\ . :. . . . .-.. ?.? l'l" ,ly Local Official Kecord. Th? reli?e ..; n*?l ) ,. ti ' i ii-? Westhor atareas ?h.urs the i aera > far Use laat ts sat**? ! four i' lag data last rear: PJ1LV ?11 lid? 1313. 3 a in. 4 : .V? i', r W. -?7 SB ?. , i,,.41 SB '? ????? *?'. M :i ., ? 4J M II p ei. i i M Il m.4.-. .V. U p. m.4a ? 4 p -1..40 Highest taoipsratars , SI .logree? I . ..?:7a m... M. av.Tai;* for corresponding date !??t rear, 44. H\. !.!_??. ? ?ding ?lato last t.iiit)' thre?. rears, 4". 1-nca.l fore?-a?t: Colder, probably rain, te doy; to-n?oin?v fan. rondera?-, variable win.I?, bo..'tiling ? and north?.?!.