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sws omis HOB POIIINJF GIIIW Curran Committee Declares Daily Reports of Bureau Are "Fixed."" SHOW FALSE EFFICIENCY Uniformed Men's Work in Im rortant Cases Credited to Favored Sleuths," In? vestigators Assert. . ... the ' " let tlv? Hm sau, ? I ?n .he Poil, C 1 '? ''ai tm? 'it , arc mad? from data onfustng ?"'i ?van misleading rats? : . . ., ggerst? ?,... i Uli ;. !i. ? .,:' the bu? ng to th? latest "f the ?ports, nos is ? .-!> id.i' Thl finds tl dsll* ; epoi ts ??! ?. which in.- Bummsrlssd In th? ? . :' th-. Poll? ? Depai tmenti !!? omplstc snd ml? omission* from th? detectives reports " ?? ind to Include Innumerable losses < ? " reported u> the buresa, '-'it ; noi Included m the annual report of th? , a.n " ben ? ompsi Ison ?4 as '. ? t ?? amounts ??t prop? ? l ? ??I.. ? | 4 . ,?, (1\ 0| ,.,? U|,,l .I, | ??i?- i,.! ;:?i.' fmt.4 -ti\.- l*M*mlcld? s listed m lb? i '" oaeib' rsi o? di :n th? dot? ' reports o . "i .is Find Records Manipulated. The alderman!, investigstora found a. of the Det. ?.r ; ? ? ? ; erera to th? t.. the case, ?rhen the arrest ?n.ii? within a few hours ?? ?? th? . ling by the uniformed . . tares! th? at ene "? Another apparent!) dellb. <? i-; th.- DetecU?s Bu? -.?..; 'i. ? 'i ne? er ?? found in the i epoi ts oi .:: rested" a - com* ed with "nui ei mur? itiv? claa ? ' ation I to ? ??? ind -'"?'? !" ? sons n - . i ? e fig .f iT't "srrested no m. ntion of the fad thai ted In . onnectlon a iiii "-. oi the -'"?"> murder .-a^e;-. and that the detectives f SOS i round thai uniformed police In J? per .-eut lb? snhli.. of .edited t?. the detect Ive and thai In th?* casei tlom s obla m?.?! the unif? ? m? d .. ?!? th. a-1 eats In ?l per .-put . ? n ? a. ? i on ol l h? wot '?? "f ' h? ')'? r -? and dii ? -, appoi ta.iK.-'l since ?!om? ? .-. ? ?VaMo's order siaitrrinc the * - . ,i disclosed the same o? i ?maller ecale. Pn ? in. ? . wart i ? .i t.-.i with arresta and I .?r ),.,,( 44 hi? Il " pi,.- ? rlj ha? ? gone le lb? is oil.. men Credi? "Stolen" from Patrolmen. parent efficiency -!i vision inflated b) ? f, -.m uniformed men, bul I siso the r? I . . _?,? over thf i ri ia? ? .,f t i,?- detective? ?o ik? them appesr In th? ?? ? ord of ' ?. r,.\. Althoui ? ' ' : r, only 1 ? t of th? ceived throughoul thf < II ear 191 - ? it lie al lei manic t ??* ? "?ii'l glvei 1,044 casei as ha* Ina ttenslbly * Ith re? ? . ? ? al owed thai more ? nt of ? omplainti ret el? sd ed oT with no beneficial r< ? la to ? omplal i intfl " ',i ti,.;. v.a.i t. ,,f th? a ? In 1 oral Me cast.- in the th>. Invest?galo i eport??! illy: That ' recorda .,f the bu* plete that ? * of foi | y- ' - In the Coronen ami District) II Including inst,-?! ? endanl had I een tried and eonvlcted for mui dei during ; ? i as exlat are con fusst "TI a! ? poi la ,.f detec? U>4. --.-!- re of tneli ?-ft:- I \ ,?? as it-ran? lent explanation ?it the thai bo llttl? omplish. d. That oui ..f sixt) -fo whi? h res ts1 ?Afif reported In ont) ten j- thetf sny svldenc? ihat the detec? i ,i done sny work wbatevei aftei the expiration of sixty days; \n thsss ten -st ?if ins woik sppearet? i" ?...i i ipplementary ?epoits containing no definite Information as t,. . .,! in moi s ?"ii!-!?- <'net did the te tiiHt a ;*?.'i lest >.f b de? al be ''? permitted to ?Ji<?[? a Mb superiors. That in as par cant ??' th? 'at*.-?? In rictloas 44.-.. .-. ired th? a - ?..,.1? em? n, that in -i ? ??' the arresti mad? by detective? .r.sia wore tna.if either at th. o ? <>f the crlsss oi within xv,,, gaya <>t its ? .Immission and wert of psrsons known and identifit-l at th? oUtSSt that in on!\ ?Is cases o I ?' M reported were ooo? VtCtion? ma'i'* SbST? tl*.<* ?.l.-t?-?*t 1v?-h had to do lectiT? work In dlacoverfng >4iin the murderer wss some time aft.-i !il<?. 44; ,n fort) -? dlschsrge? resulted, in rests tConatructlvel) the aldermanlc prob? r** ? -t i bal th i foi proinotlng, King, ci trat i iiir OI rSSBO? Bg ?i. ?? ? t?\. - ?houi'i be recorded In <iet.ui and Bled 11 ? asm? - oi Um o..-h a a* ?tern of rea i " ?"? i?eoorda should bs K?j?t. ? ? |. a ?Irti" tlVS'fl past r?.< oi .i - .. s progrsss os s cui i ent i i rould be Immsdlstely aacertalnod. Pro? ihould bf roOjulred to make b "ifini "; avsrj hihkI?* complaint ,. . ,. -i by tti. m sad t" rapar? to Head ? ? t 'a II tak. II. . s i r-?,,,m s rabouM i.? full ai d 'om and in rn-mlnd?* caaSS tue?? rSPSf-tS ?. iall4 i ?impl? t" as to all ?iir-taii? es and iletall?. to ?lie triid that no h. ? should !,<? dropped witb? t th? full spprosal of bobbs hiK'i oflciaJ of tl ? COAST 'QUAKE ROCKS BUILDINGS .. . al . April 19. A shrtrt aver? earthquake was fall ksre at , rack th! mot nlng, Tatars was no tho igh ti* "?asi? i? 9r?aa strong aaavafta to ro? k building?. PERSPECTIVE DRAWING OF THE XI \\ YORK S< ?1 in. COURTHOUSE LOOKING FROM i luv 1.??w i II. ilu- architect. ACTRESS CATCHES THIEI Holds Driver's Helper Who Hi Ring Under His Tongue. Jon? '?h BteeUHnond, aevonte?Mi yeai ? ???' ? l* lv? !?? helper, ol No. ISA W< L'Tth *-????'. pleaded guilt] yestcrds ??f lor? Maflatrate ? . mpb? II, tl \\ ' ? Bl I? p ? ? ? ? "'it I. tu the theft ? ^ a?-! n ith diamonda and .? aai phire, t e g \ alued at $200 tii i'i ? e t ?; of SI laa Charlotte K? e, a No. 131 Weal 19th atre? ixlH.*1 li cir tl?-- \ r?'i?|. vHI? Charlotte ? Felice. Steadmond admitted taking tin* rm 'roTi M i Keane'i 9 ; irl m< i v hei on Bat? rds fl moon h" helped to r< more ;? trunk. The actn la dtaco en tin' disappearance of the ring befoi Steadmond 'r,'t the nut and detalne linn , ntll the .??'iIval ? >f ?Del Kalbfleisch and Mtr-Goaan, of Ihe Wes l~th itreal station He h id ? ii? ring under hla toni -?? dmond ? held aItho it ba ii fo ?iir I . * WHITMAN TO OFFER MORE "SILENCE j^UND'^EVIDENCE To-day's Testimony Expected to Bring Indictment of Inspectors. i' itrici ?.ttorney Whitman ?rlll present to th?-- grand i?u.. to-day furl i ??.?:. 'f."k!r.-. toward the Indlrtraent ("r cot ?. ex-Ii . Be ? " i ?? Hua i???> ai .i i ha ;? nd Tl ompaon, I ? ed oi ih?.ir connection ?1th the Blpp ".->il?-n ? ni,.i lira Thomas ?TV. Walah, alfa ol ih? pu ? ? ? apta !i M? nd III ii'-i. t'i? profea ?rtonal inns.- wim wi..?< attending Walsl ?Aii?n he l'ut m? th<- balanci of hli ?mo fifth >.r the "alienee fund," and Mis Oeorg? I !':i>i> and Howard Blpp win ??< th?? witnesaei to-?ia*. At th? laal - s ??f tii?- gtAtfi Jury, ??ii Prlilay, Blpp Walsh, i-<>\ and n?-w.i? t"i?i n* : ? rali Ing and d? l?ei of the fund, and iron ?;.- ?u. oi 01 ?i f. ?t? ? Mi Ii ."-?i.? y'? v*-?? ? - m?-, xi,-, i.-.? t.. furnleh Mr, Whit man bellevea h" ??.-11 ; obtain against th? four f'.i ii, ? Harlem Inapoetora a blanket Indictment charging conspiracy undci Bectlon >? <?t th? penal laa*. The District Attorne- plana t" pi.". with tii?' trial <?f th?- four Inapoetora or the ccnaplrac) Indictment sa won as lit? ease agalnal Patrolman Thomaa Robinson - completed Thi trial of Robinaon, arhe ?a?? ??n?- of Bwe-tney'a men la Harlem. will begin on Thursday morning? and, I la tho ghl ?in t?"t ? tat more than two Lctlera threatening tha Dlatrict Attor? D? have coma in with greater frequen? | alnce Hartigan araa aenl ??? Blng Blng. . ?n Mr Whitman'a mall yea torda y atruck linn ;?*- humoroua rathei than threatening it advlaed him ne er Id ?;?-n?i in?; baby out except undei .? police guard and waa signed \ Policeman's Wif? Othei letters all anonymous, told him lo "lei i? <>:i in?- 'Byatem'" and "never u<i ???i m the dark." Anothai said: "ii Mm ir?, on street j?'Oti will be blown .i, i.-. ;? bomb." Mi. Whitman would not diacloaa the name ?.t th?- atreef, but It la known that he does ri'it take theee threatening let t'-is aerioualy. it la ? > r 11 > al Hi?- mala? tenca of friends that he allow* hlmaelf aven the protection of one oi hla awn ! detectlvea | DYING FROM WRECK VISIONS i ; Brooding Over Corning Disaster Breaks Fireman's Health. t B? !? I? sniiii t?. ': ht Tut m ? Blngbamton, N T., April II Fireman Edward J. ?Lane, who played an impor? tant pan in the Corning srreck on July ' - ?aportad dying of tuba<rculoais ??t hla home here, .-?t.?! he consequent!) wiii he imalil?- t.. i.Mil? in ih- .(?ininii Schiodir ' lal ?Lam Is the RaKtnan who whs s.-nt back t?i warn the ?mcomlng train ami who burned the fusas wtii.-h Bngrlissof ?ehrodf-f failed to see An eBort was nade to shift lbs Mama i?. Lam s abouMara, ?iith?>.igh It was evl-j dent ft'.m the thai b< was nol re* iponaiblc i??i Um dlaaatar, and the burden ihiu.-t on hnn broke ????wn in* health. The Incidenta ol th<- fateful nr-aralng reviewed themselves before him night and ?' i ? II i? ?.ii'i?*rst??o?i. an') the rasult erai the de? \elncment of tubercular trouble. I Ian ' ?' gr? ?und I ntcriol* divisi COURTHOUSE PU I REGARDED A MODEL -? Typifies Scheme of New Civic Centre in Compactness and Time-Saving Features. SIMPLICITY THE KEYNOTE Contracts Now Await the Ap? proval o? the Justices, and | Lowell Predicts Complr tion Within Two Years. a ;? ? I . : . I Rom? ?;,-.,? ? ? ., ? ?i. ?.- un,i i ,,iii trooma ?hi' I a ? t subwa r* for Judg? es and p. i turn . I ? hi. ti ? ??? th. "'a corfld form? i '? - esaitat. -i ? ? ? I ? our! Hour. t.. be erected civic centi i th? inosl original ? Iminal . ..i,i ts buildlni h th? ? " i,ti ?. and haps ,n th? w "i Id. Ml I.'??A B I I I'UlllS 44 I. ? ', I I . "' a'A.uri aelscted from thoa? of tw? 144.1 oompetltors, have v.<.i. the appi of the Coin tho i ??? Ekaard but must passed upon b; th? Supreme Court , ? ? - 94 for? Hi- signing oi th? constru? lion ? ontrai is Th? < Irculsi foi m "i th? ding s ill pel mil 'Hi <?< t a. ?.? ??? , lobb) m th? centre, wblcb la surrounded i,...- elevstors. Xo msttei from whal ?I. .m., approach??? the building, n 44.,1 ai 4. a s inc.-t an entrance through ?? in ?. ran pass o1 1 be Intel -oi. 'H"J' la I l usual 1 ". ners around s... ? must |r;i\s to gsln ace? - to a main 1 ntran? e. ?>n tha ground ilom. adjoining tin ei t'.-ira ?g, ai>? th? "Hi' ea ol th? i"o . 'i.-i 1. a od lb? < 'ommlasion? 1 ol J walling rooms ("r th? public, ? general consultation room foi lawyer? ..r..?mi i,,! 11.? presa l m th? flooi s. are the courtrooms, with on'- complete flooi '.,r ! 1,. ? ' , ,, ,1 ; - .,,1(1 ;,,i,i fioul ? I m II, Supreme Court, Ovei the courtruoma are i:i,,a, . .1,1,1 dining .""m- i". Hi luatic. 441,:!,- adjoining a brosd I? ? ng ?>n 'it? ami haii,1,1 are tin- lustlcea cham I,.- 'Il,-- "double .-. 1 i?-l l < on: I. 1., lion Of th.- building, i',-.', kling foi .< ??. .1 . ir. the Innei structure permits much light and alt In the courtrooms, many ol wbl 1 an bl Igbt? Dl il bj 144,, ? ? .,, v, in,luw?. "I,- t?. 44.,!, I ||,. ,a iitl, alai I!,.- .,!,, facing tin > ii. umference .?f the structur? Bach court has 10.1ms foi witnesses snd . oiin el, snd th passsgewsya connecting the robing rooms, th.- luatlcei chamber? ai ; 1 ? llbrarj with tin.111*< are all separate from Ihe publt. corridora, jmiv-' ma a-,1 t.. and from 11..? bench unseen bj the public snd lesve th.. building bj pi I vat? .louis Everything hsi been plsnned 44 it!, a vies 1,. saving time snd t" :h..i .no ??< ?in ulai structure, with Its l.siiiian, COU pactness, s...-mt 1.. be i" 1 ''.n . adapted Mi. i??.? ? 11 has not, h"??. isci iflced dlgnlt) to convenience, foi the long, un? broken ?-ni ?? es "i the building hav< Jl i-ectnesa and slmpliclt) thai cannoi . 1-. ., duplicated In Ihe bi"k. n linea "i an inclu?a: rectangulai tiro? in ii gi m ral s.t> 1. archlte? lur? th. court iious?* ?Mil be typical ol man "f the old "toman buildings for in spite "i its helRht thf ..|rni.iit.s in IU d? ?lu.), as In id. buildings of thf ' lassie 1 *- ?.... 1 , t?*w' in number, it.? baas ??111 be circled by eight) columns and atatuea represent in?; the !..44m.1 k?-1 s of present snd bid i lime*?, ii will base no otbei ornsmei 1 ? . ii,. 1..1 niv and bsim.'iiv ..i it? Un? gad its BMSaSV? .sinil'lh it> Mr. Laowsll i-a.41 thai 19,909 feel of 1rs. in r papei h-14.- baten usad In perfecting th. final plans, snd that foi sis rnontha h> and his ihiri4 subof*dlnst<M have lolled ?? th? work it. ?xpsets the building ?. m um two years aftat the foundations ate laid. COURT CALLS IT DOWRY Rejecti Father-in-Law'i Claim $1,500 Wai Loan. . . i ?. that Nat pep i i ruai Uli. ??Vat ? ? v. rath? ? M n ? ?: ' 1 |. : ? i baaing h? ? ? ? ? i i i: j . ? ? i | fjf | \ ?.;.;... I ' ? , ! ? , | ry and not a I Inn m ? nd : I ... i/hich . revel I ' Ihe lo - p TITANIC MEMORIAL SERVICE Survivors Hear Dr. Stires Laud j Heroes of the Wreck. i ? on t : om t . ,, Titanic ?? i were di s a n In j mi addr? a by the Ret Di Krnesl M i r,.| ..r st Thomi Prot? i.|,i-. opal ? ' ir. i. ?. ??! atre-et and i Ifth : memorli servie? last n ?.mong il" worahlpperi ????? Mrs, Ar? il i. a i cam? from Boston ro? the eervlci-s. All of Ihe Ry? famil) wore saved excepl the father, who v.. ni doan ? .ih the ahlp Mil Marga ? ? . ?a ? another aurt Ivor, a ? i ed foi t Iks tap Un ? I loffman ira I a hoa< '.it her ??. .i?, in ?t s as also The R? 11 Btlri iah! the paaaengera wen reatin ? In ? illef thai the) " ? if? ? Pi ? warnii h< said, 'thai there wa danger ahead but th? warnings a ??'. . ai led and then happened th? greatest tn it he mai ine annal i ; I ?? ?? oi i?' Ten m? n i i ir a. and nol ene ? man eached ? hoi e, a tails ol the doaen ! ??. om? " i knea ? ei on? ? a me home n ! *.!.'t*"H ! TAFT IDEALIZES BUTT Aid Died as He Would Have i Wished, Says Ex-President. I | i: . I :? ; .?I'll |Q I ... , : ' ..?.?- I . Haven, < tonn . .pi II 13 ?? Bote ' appn . lative of M.?j'?' ?IP hlbald W B itl j from ? i ri? ni? m Taft wai r? ???i al tha '... im, held tin a evening In Calvai ? Bap ii-, i i mi, i, to ? ommemorate the Tltant? . i fc-ddn aalng hlmat It to thi pa lor, n Ret lohn W ellliurton Hoai M T. " V? I .?|. "Life wa ? not '?" i"'"1 b troubl? d prob? i.-., He waa a aoldler. i rei much doubl s hethei I hay? ? ? ei knoa n a man I v ?., na., a mu? i? ? ii abfi? gatlon, aa | | .,,.u - ,. : ill? ?. : - much abllit] to : pU| hlmi if In th? place "f another, ana i -uff. i knd > njoy ?with thai other as Arch I? B .i i ..'. ? 11?, a i.?n-? for leeti w?' thai ol the , .,,.? ,in- n ??i tin Tttank Frequentl) ?de? v?-i??p i.iii.n seen .?"?i nneape? lad traits In man and make th? ra i" rot *?. bul ?\.tti Arehle whal be >?"i was nothing i?nt r-on? i,i: uni; t.. ? rah of his Hfe? ??h, Bas ?n the deck ol the Titanic exaetl' what he aaa everywher? ela and ?t i,. could have m la* ted b time t?i <ip he w.Hiiii have laken the one that <?..,i ggmp him He would iia ?? laken it be cause he would have f? It th ?t there, i-? r,,., it,, world i" **? ' MmpUfylng Um ??f M If-'.a? rlfire."' INHERITANtaETAXYELOS M BIG EVBIB Astor Estate Will Have to Add Thousands to Prelimi? nary Payment. RAILROAD MEN LEAD Figures Show Their Fortunes Surpass Merchants and Manu? facturers?Women Who Had Large Holdings. The ? tat? e *'*. Hi "91 lei > '>? John Jacob \ to , ano m? id . i ?* ? - ?. i.. - gt I ??- ! ? ' ". more than th? ? itfrnats of ! . ?. tob? " 191% upon which the flats re . ? i4. ,i ., pi,. Imlnai ? la i , r . 9,0 I, ! i rings to mind the vast amount! coili : . .1 | . taxation .;,.?i<i In;, estates i tine? thi adopl ? h of the Inherlttn? e tas ! law. | ? .i...,..,, n 1 Slat. Con? tri ? ? - Offl , . the total aim."nl .,f tho Inherit? nee tax fl. !,m i.nsti ict i hi HOI Out) ? 0 bs ge i anal In a . Ingle . si Hi- rtd a i? ? lax I i,n th. . of r. 11 11..- man ai ,i j Jos. i'ii Pullts? i. <,,.'"?? and Ml. r? I ... than ? ount. '? ala ik ed I i.. n 11 ?. ', ? revei taxatioi in \'i]\ u ? i . ps .i In 0 snKe i 'ortnt) alon. ? i ilH IV cet the ?nth? ??? ? ??- ' th? itat. penal in ?tltutlona and to pa ,;..! ?" main t i In Hi? national's ? ? il rot? in tl ll , Inh? ?it.i. ? ?? taxes paid m th? not district, Kes v., k. Kings, ?? estchest d l??ai 9 ? count!? ' .... , ; i t., | ,i. the ' ' I late In ? ducting -. 44 1.,. I. ' .? '??* : , HI th? e tas was .: ?? ; ? ? tat - . ' I only to 1 ? n< .. ? . foi- ti depart m< nt, a t $8.313.538 The ln< ?me from 1 i Ii ? '"' ? || in all ?" b great previo Re??l Estate Holding?, La'-ie. Th, 4 ?,,,,.,. ... hecaua. ol th? ... -, . . ? ? ga an tics al I .n i ? ? ? . ? ? with . '"i". .... non? ??? . oad nu n hsv? i>?*f?n ' Man ?? , ? ? tates lia ... : In contradi?-! that m? n l ga ? luch ? , ? ? Pullt ?util up I t H ? f .. > . . I in ,.|. on his m ... fol ? ?. . ,,???? o .. . t toi ? ' 977.1 Mi aren only ?. ? ? *? .1,1 * ... , |1 < ..| f.. '. . ? ... than "339.00 1 t . lian? ?-. ... ? , ? , ?istor est paid, from ti..' ?'. Smith. 44|ij..|i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ham \''ta ,:n ? ' ! .? ? I ,'. a. 1, ,| at -, , .. ifenr) o. Havel ! '! a . rjf ne t" Ihe tai-* from the Ii tax ? "134,942. The . I ?? ? William Van Rei smith paid ? ? from holdings 4 alucd at *".??:?? 11 . .! Qram M '?? ? fork CI I '.? fi a foi i me i 191.939. whl nel ?le a tax of 931 Large Estates Left by Women. ii fl.???? ? . |, ft by the following women: Barsh M Plow i: i T Matt,.. .? -. Bmlly M M,.ir and Anns <; Relden Mar) C I'mkne? i- it an . -r . ,.? r? ?? whl? a paid an inherltanc? tax of 939 ah ,.!' ; i.. . fortunes s*i r? fsi , ed b? thi gresl holding - of ( 'olon? ' Aatoi In t! - total amom i ,>f hii ?realth . .' ? iherttan. tax airead; id tato late Ii th? must ri mai k.ii.i ? .n i ? hlatorj ,,i Ih? late Sm. ?? tha ap ? i nave fo ind thsl t bi - itaie will amount t" ?'??.?*?""' more than the pit um.,,ar , - : [mate, the inheritanci Ii tu ihs t i'? ?'? nl be m. t.. is .1 1,4 mai.4 I II .nal of doll ? Inspection lisa rhown that man? parcels of real estate h? Id bj i !o4on< I .stor or. Bid? and loser >\. n s de a i. yielding H" Income For thli reason ?omi <>! tins 4acs i propert) an appraised , i ? t ha;, th? a ? > ; 4 a i ?. la t year 1 i. A toi .ou ?? pla<. si Rhlnebe? k? on-the-Hudson, s*l ch ws- asseaaed it ..!,|. .?i ?_'.'*?<?. ? appraised al I-..'.'1"'. .\-i appraisal of *? 44.1s p ,? ',.;,.>n the P< ai aall 1.h m. m VVIIIIamsbi Id ?< 'i in ,1. tail. .1 report im?? s thai < talon? 1 v '.? ha,, in 1 i?? Beta at the lime .,f hi ,1 ith v. Ill Otl ? es ih balan*, ?rcr? 1 ?a , ,1 4? 1 Morgan, Gn nf? 'I .*? 1 '<? . ;. .1. Ion, 9271,943 Morgan, Harjea .\ Co P Holline, i ? Co . Pai Is, '1 -..i m -.?:,? ?it So MO Fifth svi nue, 1739; 11 safe al .>.!'... Ha '? Wee\ Util treet, 917,2(3 Colonel a- lor't w< si ng sppan 1 44 a- valued si *-' ! 1: C Ratal.ipprsls? ?i th? val >-? of th? atstuary, mi paintings, bronai s and other oi.). cts of srl in th? houss si No. M9 Fifth avenue al ptrXii*- Tl"n ?'?>??? prise 171 .itiai. ? Boms of the most valuabl? paintings ar? Thi <;...,-.? Olrl," .1 r Millet, texXOtn, ?].?? Nld," corot, I. "Hall II -r H,Hi. s ' \ an'k. , . *i OOO "L? (top? ih. ios ?i.'"-'. "'?" hemlan Olrl,' Dlas ?i""" "Moortsh Bath ... rome, ftOSJ; "Undei I ? Mai tor's Bye," Troyon, (T1J.999: "Wsllaehlsi Tesmster," Schreyer, ?1.999; "Csrdlnal and Monk. ' \ liait v.*. "\ "ItaUaa Land i", ? '.?i'ii, r>.<?????. The i.ka, furniture, ste.. of thr F,ftl1 avenue house, sf which the wido-v has ih?-* i?ro tide, ' ?are appraised at IMMGI Mr?.. Aatof alad receives tin* painting?, marbles and bete-a-brac, raluod at HI.M Th. peraonal property at the r.hlnebr-ck house Is valued at tUl.TR. exduatve ot the art obj?*? t-"-. Which are worth $11.Pl. ?iii,. contants of Uie Hotel ?St Regis were appealsad at iMMfl. The ?lining room In the Fifth avenue I,on*-'?, n;:? worth V.o.WO. Mrs. Aator's room $J.M<). her bo.i'lolr "?2.715, ijolunrl Aator'a room J.:.??*. the Horary $^.3??. Th?* rdlvcrwar? i:- valuc-.l at XS1.S83. I'olonci Aster's f"'" automobiles mere apptmlaed at $17,?? and I is wiiK.-s at $l.*rOt. Tii" following stocka invaated in by t'oii.'nri Aator are appraised us ?if no salue: 1.930 shirrs Honduraa Railroad? par value $i:i:i MO; j.ooh Dapaw Improve- j mint Company, par V'On.r.Oi). :',<)<' ITr.--j men'a Insurance of New- Tork, pal | 95,100; 29 ? Comraorclsl Bank of lion- ? . ,< , par $-'.">.'?"": MM Ataaoapherte Products Company, pot |2t.bM, ?-eased l?ui?ineM-> in IHf; Ml StW Vori; Howcr;. Insurance ?Company, s;?.??'?.'?. S.CHN Hunt? boldl Railroad Oold and Bllver, $.'"."?'?' International Power Storage, if*.,*.? l.gM Little Kanawha and Blk River Pe? troleum and Mining Company, IH.H0; 100 Mutual Automatic Telephon?* Com? pany, ?i".?"?11; ? "" t amwaj ?Power Btoi*?| ? ompany, 126. ltd >*;-oIh Teals Co opany, ISO. and li.Ht Bl R< - Hotel Company, pal ji.i?io.oo?t, ?>.?.: tn leaa becsuac the company formad to ,i,i. rate the hotel znxc up tin? leaoe The vaal fortune inherited by Vincent Ast.,: ecall the remarka of ?Vl'*e-Pr**el* 'i.nt Marshall at the national Daaao-? . i atlc ? !lub ??n Batui da] night lie d? * dared public opinion to-day was against ..i" ?,.i fortunes and th?-r ip?- tamper] ..? the Amert?*an n???!?.? reached ?* I where ir im? '??hi;' r would opposition H? said the i plrll of unrast j among I be laboi i?? t laai ? - a aa lia h thai uni? reckosed with th?* lnatltu-1 tiona " i??? government would eventual-1 I) be In dangei and the country revert t,, paternaliam or tutn to socialism a'1 th. onli ? ' m? dj AUTO HITS RICH MERCHANT John Jaburg Steps in Front of Car and May Die. Johi ? ira lxty-l our yeara old ident - Bi othera, a hoi? In bakers' i ippllee, was stru? k luton II? and perns I tali ? ght. \r Ha i ! m Hospital ? ale was laceial <J and hl > n". ??' 'cl 'it ? d. He ws the head and I? ga Mi ' - rho I " ? althj un?! . .,i n.. us Weal llfth itreet, w.>. ?! - ... ? ? the ?.t Lenoa at?tiu?* .??? ilstii ? ? ? : It? ? ?.? \*o 1431 M ?'h ?on avenu -. Oscat Kling, , Vo ? ??? Lenoa avenu? Kline had aa . i three mal? d d t. - H laburg "in the t?"i' walk ?in? '-;i? In tronl ??i the car. The Injured m-?'. i ? I m? i.? Kling and hia companions . h in to tit. h^-i'it.i! POLITICS CAN'T ABIDE RUM ?It's Place Where Man Must Be Temperate, Says Bryan. P ? I I 11 ?-'? ? ? ? Bryan Btate i '? pai Uni ni addi ? ?! t\? ?> idlei here to-daj on I bena lit th? Bethleh? m Pr? h< clt? 'i incident In hla to prov e 111 ? ; I n - outh. ? ?t -iini that 1 .. t" m? moi al pi m? ii ? ? g i ? ? LA? ? . - had i" ? n Impi i aa d upon him b) hi*- pai - ? -i had > ontlnu id ? .? - de? ired Mi Bryan, ' I - rallaing than drink and t.- ??? ?? .? Th? ^".'i ? n?? may r out of a man, ' ??? ?;.??: can t..k-- th?* cur is <?f gam ? | .i ,ii m b !?? * l of that kit where yoti hav? to m-iK'- a man drink to deal ?? Ith ; ? cr tarj Bi > an In dl . ? ? "During m long ? ? ? In? ludiug moi than a quart r ol ? centur? In active poll th?re nevei haa been oae <ia> when i thought It betti ? !?? take a drink ol alcoholl? llquoi ft? foreign tanda I have adhered loth? aame principle, and I hav? t to ... single criticisan of m) a? tlona . it'll- ? ? ..? abroad. "Polltl? -. ' he add?*d "la tl ici where .? man should strongly fortify him-j ? ? -. . rila of Intemperance. ' in hla addreai .?t the 9d Regiment A--' on The Making of a Man " he | m ed . i" ? ? -- t? ?-i i utiding mo- al chara? t. i upon i ellglon .?i1 d ?< k?j altj to i 'hrlal and Hla tea? hings AMUSEMENTS. LAST WEEK CLEOPATRA 1 Ml KVriKt I . NEW llillUiN ? IK? I H NK>'H.%TIO*?i Ol I KM I It*.. tilmi.-li.ii t.. ?- ,v r-#|- ;:.,? ed S?-s - 1 I very this? ?36 * O?-"? lit $i si SO ??i its, SJ .'." ? 'till Iron under :?? I ii- . .it' i. us 11.,\ offli . ,,i" i .- -.? \ m to '.? r M ? BRANCH Th Kin ?>iii?i:s isams prices I ? -? n Bqu ' lardent xx ,,i m fra> -i Mur? .m. \\ orld Blda l?ehlal \ slli ? Tick? ' iilflce, I'.-? i; n..- n,- ISd Bt.i Olmbel Broa.'I Kton John ?A'anamaket's: S *i ???nirji i . i i.-k? t ? ?its-. I'.'l W. si |25th ? n't I -i."\ ? \ JOSKPH sad Mb LAJrrt lti.-tlu.-ii "A'KKMI CENTURY THEA. CQRT ir I'l; ?W...I .\ Hi .uh ?.', Mal .Ven A .,' - I.. ? ?i I'd Si. g Mats W..I .v ?*r A Bran Juliet i",n..? .m ... McDonald.Wll. ' Uni Hlmnss \ ? ,? LAURETTE TAYLOR "Vtg o' tlv Heart." ELTINGE WITHIN THE LAW H. I . M II Us UNION SQ. It. I . KKITH'h K:"? Uordon, ? i i. \nai WULURIML n? raman A s oihei < it I . M n n s i". - m ; \. Mai Dali) H?RLFM0|,<'f-* ' ' " l" thenetty em the ""????????"H.?ii-e Wheel. \ sud? ut \. < a meals Hall, To-amer-i-w Aft., at ;i. Farewell Recia! I h lull. I'.i-ni.irroiT All., .11 ; GERHARDT! U it n all M-1 ^ oifsohn n-aeaii i ? Brtaegto Hall. Wed. F??.. \prl| I?, ?i H::iO ::::;;:' ; COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY <>r?-he??lrii pf 7" ? horn? >?f ::.i.? ?ololtU. i''?P l?i i. ??....". *i ."??? M-:t Hutorlua A Rant? A y\ MI It* I KIN**. rtie \ ?mplrr- Dance b) T.? <i i?i Beet rr?-n?h A AlteeKla ?'.-. .?. ??'? ?nd Ig m?, Af I s H fJTH AVE -m i . ,, . |V??;i ?t -.?sih bi t ?.ill? M.? t ,3<V tot WotttYa I ainriti* I nu deellie iwaaHs t* *tnr Art?. TUftl |ATHer?., it Bowery. Tel. S|gg praaklla inHLIR n It?) ?.HAM? OPERA to. TO NIOHT, AIDA. r??('i *-AR PRICES. Why docs our guarantee of satisfaction remind you 0f fresh paint' ^ Because it's so different] ? With ii*?. you simply can ?ret stuck! R. P. Co. on anything %% sell means * your money haeV any time you want it. Spring suits, overcoat:? hats, shoes and fumishinn To the eye our "Scute1 Mists" aw simply smar Spring overooats of rougj Scotch e!ie\ ??its. l->tit to Spring showers the* are water [?roof. Novel w?eaving makes I possible. "Onyx" (jargains - lays? to-day. tomorrow and nex day. Elegular 50c. sticks)?silk or lisle. 8?5c, Rog?is Pe? i CompjsSy, Three Broadway Store* at at at Warren St. 1.1th St. 34th Si AMUSEMENTS. mu Mini?-* i.KUHM. niiMnr.? HM< Hl.lilMit k? :: R'wa? ?><? ? '.?th St JlllA SANDhRSON ???, III! ?I ??HIM. i.ii:i ? .. i-1 l??v?-? LYCEUM ,;?;[ | - |- | ? H.B.WARNER ?MW'AVr - ? ? GARRICK 150th riMC THE CONSPIRACY CRIIIKION. ROBERT HIUIARO HUDSON THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL FULTON , TO M?.nr. 9:99 RICHARD BENNETT DAMAGED GOODS , il i-.. ? ??? ? ? . ?a,. M \KKI-. 4? i. - "%7e?L Ittastn fit i ** d': NEW AMSTERDAM OH! OH! DELPHINE I lt.- I ,,.) ?* or? in Mi.i, .il i , .... I* 1 IBERIA ' THE PURPLE ROAD 'Has the Sweet Breath oi 7 ht- Sprini Msid.' " Charles Darnton. Eve. Won?-. GAIETY' * * asssSKl i . 4i ? il *?i m M \h? VOI l \i ???? "STOP THIEF'* GLOBO si??-.l-l W-.l Halite* Hatstgomtery A ttett, I I.I- .'mil? I- ?;l I.I?. ! METBOPOUTAN SS I \??T HTKKK ?II OPI*".RA ?*l ISO*. fW-aaajM ai - hen?ame. , . i n ? ; ill i, b>?*ii te** e* Mu?. t; R i ?num. ?Id? Man "?ssaa . ; rl? . ? : I Than, Pay. I'ri?-?? Mat. Hagk H-*' Oadnkl II. mi"-1. Allen: i lui " : ' la l?a . Is?..?..? . l'? Unir... ?! n.?n PaaMqaale. R Bad? fond I' I'ri. Aft. ?i 9:30 ?harp. Yam aatat Bj9> < ..m en < <in.--.rl. I'ri. si ? : l'n.i n. I ? ? Pint . '? ? i*.r?s?i. rim i Aral. < Bat. Nat. 12 llorial.odiin.trT. H * ' ?" i. llthourae. ??>? ll ? lt..I i. I?.. - Oat. r..i.. i'ri.. ? n v vi.i.,. , Hi ? mils ne?uro wsrsss II ?RDMAN 1?! ??.? ? : ?ED. _? IBELASCO ?'.",'." . YEARS OF DISCRETION ?si rr.KB ? .-i ' \ !? I.? ii ll., din? iti ik ?? v ? ? ' be ..?4. K m Holland. Km.* H ll< w .-a. .h Qrani If It. bell III? f* ?nan,, Mai,, I Buns ? ,? " vV ?. ,._. | ? . ? . ? * Ml T?K I W ? rl .4 - MMlNl.i; ni ?ioi;i;ri\? REPUBLIC A GOOD LITTLE DEVIL \?? cohan's ;:\:; v MAY IRWIN in WIDOW BY PROW 'it-ITnU B'way. 45 .??I K? ? ' ? St* .Aa^lUtV v. ,.| | , ,. . |5 ,.... ,, , efei BS! ?a man's friends" IIII.INMM. MAI M?l\|l*i*, MMlMI %M? T\\ I? y. I?\ll * . IN? I.. St *???'?*.. ,M,snV,r"?,.K,,0,0,?Quo vADisr |6^!N, ,;?l: EVERYWOMAI PALACE 17 Dalh Mai -' i ' SALUE; ?Kill. UU!? a <?> M..r i? \i,-|...i i..ii,i a Madam? ' M i 0 'mrl ??. ll-r Kit? I'lia in ? . GsltS?* * Field? loo ?? smith r. \w a Bar ..-r*. i'i?*i,t? a. i.r44i? Morsan Ball?] I Morcan RrSottl .<; Lilliputian? 500 .,,,..I Or.l.rktrta seal?. MsliU il SI Maliner? ni 7'?<*. Harvard Hasty Pudding Club "PANAMANIA" ll?iri I. \>TOR. Momlav tand lu**d?J. April 14 and 15. ?I S:I5. teaervH iick?t* 9S.9S, al Harvard ';"b T \\ ..?t ?lia fc?ire?M, mvl tu? Isading -- \< Mii>n oi MisVppur.n \itr.-Fi'??' annual Tns-afissaass. ttl t .?Ott? ?*. 09?"? Uli Ai>r 11 l'Jtli. AdlBtSStSB, 99S