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M loss Of Mr?' ith ai ????n L. r." Insisted on Getting Up. From midnight until ."? ?>'? k> k I? ? morning the Pope dcaed quietly and ?ippc-ared to be reih red by the ?jest An it later, h<.\\> v? r, he bei m t?> show , | . ,i Mv? ral ? oughlni fits I found ?liflHtiity in breathing, ?On ounl he Insisted upon ?-?sin.,-. The attendants, although reiuctanl to ,, v.. : fon ed t" comply with bis . | ? h he i? turned to i?? d within few minutes, unsteadily. Pillow?, i re i U< ?i behind him ami he half sal ,r;ed, that position b kng ,.:?.. ble for ? ss1?bt reepiration, ?Professor Marcbiafava siTived at th? ftei T o'clo l. -, , : with th*. Ami? i Iliad.- .X Ion "I the patient. ?fill?. on In the ? th.ui on th?' i Ight The phj i . .i ? ? following bull? i ,i i dimln ? Th? relief, and u ? kness of the rt This In a m? a ire wai ?unte ? i decrease In the albu? minuria, indicating thai the kidneya mere resuming their normal f Th?- bulletin was published In ? -I" - : edition of th? Ossen atol e Ro? mano." which ordinarily i.?- not pub? ? i on Bunday, but it a as to ?.? ? ? the public Info i the progr?s Pope's Sisters Weep. Pontiff'f sisters and i i i ? \ .iti? an. and the Pop? said ?n the Venetian dialect, Which seem? - than pur? ltd Ian: "Don'l cry so mu< h. it is true I s n ? III < ?Oil." ?.ting marked thai ? ..?? only in Ven< i with those a bo an .miliar with that dialect. Th? the ? said t< them thai h I he o them is near him. At i ? 100 . . - dur if I ??}-. with .... ' ? k his who ipira? Doctors' Authority Exercised. octors ? revent th? ir i from talking, but th? Pope rather re? Ing thai - ??it him. H< thought it very hard to ha? ? tieularly <?n the day which at i?ui ol b. .?? ?r .?n h ?'-'. wl i i wot k. ? le of 1 on being postponed uni day. Th<* papal wh . , atlcan and in I ? ? military l ? form. It _? ??; ndl ?"?" 1 ? nded Ihe area! nction at the J? hn Loateran, The ens's in the Pope's illness will teme in the next tv/enty-four hours, an-! ?n order to meet the decisive con? ditions the physiciens have been regu? larly administering Heart stimulants, including strophantrms and digitalis. only low ering the puis? . but heat. The 1 au'i milk, t'? which a intio ? Bl I? ' ?-?'.." : ive a ? ? ' -. Joke*. With Marchiatava. t ?;. ? san as gi? - ons for i!if* rellei ? f The Arch of the Foot supports the entire weight of the body. When over? strain breaks the arch down, it needs proper me? chanical support. The Cow? ard Aieii Support Shoo re? lievo-? arch strain,holds tho foot structure in its corro? t position ;tn<J prevents'-flat- ! foot." Coward Arch Support Shot and Cowar'f:.tensioi.Metl,ha? e been made by .lame? I, Coward, In In? Cuttoin Ocpt. tor over JO yOOTO, SOLD Ml Kl: kUSk JAMES S. COWARD 264-274 Greenwich St., IM. 7. (SaSS "?ABStl? ?TSEBTl Mal/Ordei? i i'.'td | ?end lor CaUScj-es ^SUFFRAGETTES HURT BY LONDON PARK MOB * Woman Folds Her Arms in Defiance at Howling Crowd and Receives Clods j of Turf in the Face. ?Tri London, ?api I il Tb" usual Sunds meetings of th. ? ?fragettes In Hyde Park, Wimbledon Common snd Hemp? i Heath were again larked bj dis? The ? roa da i efueed the speakers s hairing, and eventually the women v. i. escorted a* 13 bj mounted and foot i oil. ? in Hyde Park a crowd ol '.n thousand persons eur* I rounded thi art which the Buffragettes . as .< platform, and Bhoa era of gi peel and other missiles fell around Ihe first woman who tried to speak Fold ? anus, she faced the i :. 'V4 d in eilen? e. A \ olley "f i urt ? .1 d< San! a? I Ion, snd v?c was twic struck in the fsce Finally mounted police conveyed the cart oui ?? i u k. the suffragett? i nil . snd the crowd responding with catcalls and v,.;:,' a of I it' Bom? of i tie 4? .i,..r. 44'!.. Insisted on walking aws* displa* Ing t heir ? olora s ere r ? a- treated. \n ?ap? ci of militan?.? s bleb ii ? bub. be authorities il ?? the incressed v Igilance of the i the s itborshlp ( , .. erlous i rimes Is .*?? '.d"in ,i,.?., ted, a majority of the ai re? ti mad? being foi wlndoa breaking or for obstrt i Hon. Even In some >?f th? mo ? flagrant raset ol ? Indon br? akini th? a ithoi - hai ?? es? .?i?? d, Sin? ?? I '"? ? ampalgn " desti uctlon was resi raed In January there hsa been ?i si. ? ? ase in i egard to the i old ln| of pillar boxes, ??? false tii- alarm . to ti.itting .?r telegraph and t? I? phone wires, to the dismantling of ?.-ill boxes to the destruction of flower bedi and gi eenhous? i and to I be ? irnini and . ittlng up >'t' golf greens and ten nls grounds, with minor annoyances, . as the stoppage of keyholes, th painting out ?>f house numbers and the painting of suffrage mottoes across loot el i)??! half a dosen srre its al? togeth? r i?.? i - be? n made for an ol these offences, totslllng thousands In ti M?'" i dui Ing ? he Issl tw. ihr.. months. in . onm ' I ion n-ith the ki si er ? rim? -. nead ? all of an Incendiar) natui e, i he cost ??:' which has airead) nm t" more than $75,000 there have been bul four arrests In tweni leven out of thlrt) tr?ges no arrests have been mad? - ; tient '?????? Plus suddenly t ed: ' M v me ihi level nesa > anrtol poasibl* 11 mo la m? >. '. entj -eighl > eai g." . In 1 h? ? " .1 Interview . lhat the 11 ? . the Pope i I * ' ? .... . ?,? ? ? i ?a *? as ve likei>, sh?. d .? Ing i h? '?> e m ?? nlghi houi s. n ? ould not ? pal .... -? and I he Pontiff w great? ..... Pope rvlve ihe prestnl attai I u March ? over.' The sisters and ? le in their griel -, .n has attra. ted th? ? i hem and 'it* :> ha? ? i., en i?..i i ly i,4 -rr< at faith. ? ?ne of the i ? mai ked: "I hir i?r.>t ri- : la bett? than it is thai his illne - him, The ,: thai then no dang? i. snd ?? - II" in h. , i that he ma: : Humble Friend Indignant. n Riese. Ol ?? ? ppe Pa lar", w ho , ami to Rome with tl Venetian i gi Im is and a ho .- ie ih" Pope and bears I on c< ming r.m ,i' tb? house ol it Pope's sisteri yesterda expressed tli at thi p. His de* ol Ion v* aa touching, "It is no) he cried, "ib:?i th Pope - in dang? r, II? as up for fi" ? ? a nd aev? n h efor? Hla it? ra me thai he - i: "All Rom? nditlon of th? Ponl rlou ;" t.? ? hi? h th? pea u shouted true! i "u a ish t.. kill ou Poi We s .m' him to in ? . v en if ii to take him baci to Rl< The great plaza ' \? here ih?- Roman ? ? tomed to gathei ???? h< n bistort. ? I ? atlcan a alii furnished no indi? ation i lords) tha ng on s'hst might b ., d, Heavy Showci ?- m Rome. ii . ?.- Bhower thi fsithfui an? alike fi on* \ i, ??nit ?,? at?'h fo under t he a indos - of the psls An unbroken ?'?-' reni of \ Isltoi iu and oui of St. Peter's all da: long . usual!; the ? ai e a ben the cspl filled with stranger ?. v. esterd . ? ..'.* d th? 44 Indos 1 of the Pop? 1 ii.'ini" 1.-. with theii ? .1 -h Ht- r , and r t.,pp' d lo gaXl upon 1 Mot? is from the embi lo tin Papal ? "oui ' di o? e up dui ing th? aftei The "' ' upa ni a mad', inniiirii ? as to the Pontiff' 1 ? ndit Ion and w rote their nan the *i 1st tors' book. Man) : at the ? mi ai, . Ing 11 ? 1st? -t n< a 1 from ihe guards I t the h? avy rain ? ontinues. Save tot a f< a light at 1 ic palace v4 in.]., ? re no sign? about the an. PONTIFICAL MASS IN ROME Sad Thought Imbues Church Ceremonial. R01 * . M ? . Ron wltn? . I he dual da 1 ol Pop? the 1 'bur? i. cei 1 m?ntala 44ith ? n at ' ? int? r? il than I 11 ? llv < i.niriiaial al tin I H? ?BOO, i he Hoi) City Is st Its 1 I eltei Ing lb? 1 ntlr? M.iir !, .1 Hi.s n| the ? 'ii<ii?? !. "i ?-'t John Lstenui fi?r the fiiiai 1 .-..i. n . atlni th? jubll?. Cardinal I Inci itelll, ?v in, 1 ?pi, ? ? \ atlcan .,. r. irlstic congi 1 -*-? ? i" Id In London and Montr? al had be? n ant 1 Isll* ted b: ' ? Pope to eel? ??'? Pon? un. a ?all the 1 \ii.puais in Rom.. numb? .... ind othei dlgnits ? 1 ?tad linn. ?| n. 1. ..4. ?mblase ol pe id an lira.?,.,, rj/Hcisli "i the ol religious ordej ? ! al robes, snd foreign dlpl.ata to tbe Papal 1 .ourl all u. splendid uniforms. Tha ceremon) a/as heightened i.v n . .?? b tb? fsssous Bl tine ' hoir, w tes., din 1 Mm . Mo*i"?ig""*oi Pera ,i, ,1 , omposi . :?? .1 f" rnerly eholr les?s*r of Bt Mark's m Vow ?loss 11 ].i,,i of tha l'ope. Mon? Peros!, however, did no? conduel to da .. b? la m 'ii" ? nit- d ."-lal. s. ii.. great pillan -<( Bl John i3 were hung a itli di sperk - of ci bnson and g< ?' ? clusten of esntues ntraberlng thotisands glittered In lbs eryatal cltajMlsllera ?"-Tn. -? ? - ipled two hour* The multltu? dlno - ? ration In? lud? ?! arj . el? menta itrih a their ? mtrasta Th< most .?? Ist? ratio Italian ? oblllt) sg ; ? asant - and againsl old a omen s tl handkei ? chiefs aro nd th? - a boss M? .? . ? Rome, and ? \? h.'in 81 Job Incident ,in. g European trip mingled with parish - t of th? retime; i frlara from Spain, Ital ome In I la? '-? .1 nd others In : 1 oa 11 ui'i with ? nts from the tries ol the ?iiff?*? ent : I . ? '? te alt la knelt is vast ... 1 , , - ? . ? . ? long In :?????.? ?1.11 ?. wl. Mil h!?. ton . still remains, how? porary vg ill In St Pet? repetition ol the una? si ' ? antl-? 'lei of the transport of th? ? . ..?-, ever, that old and rBANK OF ENGLAND THEFT Official and Stocks Worth Sev? eral Thousand Pounds Gone. B London, tpi I 14.?A Bai land sensstion 1- the one to ? ? ? ?, ? ? ?just non ? No del ? . ? ? made publl? from off) I?? understood Ihsl the li llowlng 1 ! 11 of a r? aponslble off! 1 ?: ol Ihe bank I at severs sand ?pounds ? ere rali 1 ? in the abs? n.f ar auth? 1 annour ement wli .?-. 1 ?i>? Ion of Ihe mlsi Ing art ;nl? crth . ? ? thai had atol? n altra I d ? good d< al uf nol ?i his advert ? m< ni d d not m nlion ti" 1 ; 'ii . f.; 1 ,ngl ind. -? - HURT. PLAYS POLO A WEEK Oamenesi Only affravated in jury of Team Captain. n ' ' ' 1, mdon April ' 1. W. B. Bu? k ? 1 , populai ' iptsin of Rngland - polo team, re? eh ed a seri? playing ?? " ? el ago. In .? pra? tl ? game ?it l5at?on Hall, where Ihe ?ground 1 ...... . from a hes rain H mast 1 ? pony fell and unshlppi d II rid? r. h, il,., fall I :' '' lor? the ;-,-?? menti ol right I ould? ; which wa I 1 ok? n In ? pr< ? lous a? 1 1 ,l,iii ,n inn Though badl: hurl b) the tall. Bit' kmaster r? mount? ?i an 1 foi the 1? ma Ind? r ol 1 b< ??? 1 k 1 ontln ued v. ttii great endui an? ? to lake i?.-n 1 In such pis .1 hs 1 ? ?? n po Iblc In the unfa*, orabl? a 1 at hi r. This, i??'" ? ? ' ?. made h on so in ? ii a or? : hat B u kms iter wa r? luctant I) -.i" Hod to ob? y hl do? ? ?i ilers not t? pis? again .it all foi I n< present LLOYD GEORGE'S VISIT TO AMERICA ABANDONED Chancellor of British Exchequer Unable to Attend Eisteddfod at Pittsburgh. fjondon \i" II : 1 Th? 1 : an? ? Iloi of th? i.\ hequ? r. 1 ?;i\ id 1 Joyd ?;? orge ac? cording to .? '.? a -i'?i" i- -i.-ii?m? tit, find it impossible t?> rl it the 1 nit? 'I Bis 1 ?in lag the ? ? rimer. The ? ii.i?? ? H" recelv? ?i an Ini Itation hint s. pti ml ?! 1 attend ' he Inti rna? tlonal Klsteddfod al Pittsburgh. Hs ri piled, bowe? ? ;. sa) Ing thai it would be Im] 1 .- Ible to acct pi ths Im Itation, owii 1 to in Parllsra mtsry dutl? g, bin addi .1 that ?i there were an] posslblllt) ??f tu? mi; s mon convenient date hi irould take ; ii- matt si under 1 onsktei atlon. CUSTOM^ FRAUDS IN CUBA State Employes Arrested for Collusion with Importers. Havana, April II. Mrs customs ess? ploy? bars been ordered under .nn-Vi on the charge of collusion with various Rrtns of Spanish Importers foi undervaluation I ??i i;'"?'i-. prlneipall] silks ;ir,.i buttons, whereby the ? ?ben government has been defrauded ol upward ?>f O0S.S0S in ?luti??? An Investigation bai been going <?m In 1 min' ? tiiui with the alleged frauda snd it ir- bellev? ?i that Ihs frauda will n ?i? h m lea i ttttAn YAQUIS MASSACRE GARRISON AI NACO Two Hundred Dead Before Five Day Siege of Federals by Reb? els Ends with Surrender of Ojeda to U. S. Troops. GIVE LIVES FOR GENERAL Captain and Fifteen Men Re? main in Barracks to Cover His Flight Across Border Amer? ican Officer Braves Leaden Hail to Aid. N'a. ?. ai is., \pi ?'. 13* 11? n? rsl Pedro 1 m< 'ii commanding the remnants of bis federal gs-rris-Mi -.f .?"hi i.pi : Nsco, Sonora, surrendered to the i m.e,i Btates n "? pd on i * - ? ? * i ? ? pati ol here to-dsy, sfter having withstood .. Biege of state troops which lasted for flvi days and in which mor? than half hia men wen killed, The surrende) n*as hastened a i tack upon the fed. i .ii garrison b) t hi band of v.op.i Indians under Oenei il Alvsro Obregon, commanding th? state troops, wi,,i ai dsybresk bust in upon the little garrison snd foughl vtciousl . The dead on both ?Idea has been esti? mated at -'<??. Qeneral OJ< ds ti I mise ? .i to sui rend? r to tl an.i while the fighting was al its height this morning he at tempi i p, march I ? ? boi dei 44 m h his hand of ' : The fire from ? .. ? a*as d? moi - n| and < ijeda and his m? n al tei --u r unnIng to the i ?< llwa i Ira. ks s In? h separat? i he ; ? ?.rdei Sot e? en then did t he fii Ing fi om t he ? , ihoul ? d for aid lo the \ ? . ...... ? m a distan ??. Aided by American. Captain H \ ?-? mpai \. Oth i 'nlted Btal i i ran al on* a The Aiii.-i lean of? gra ped the Me-cl. an g. the srm. ran thi lil of lead .. ing-. Captain Figuei n, with flfteei neu . i'a night. ? ine ?'? oi ? ed in im n i . ?v.. n the h r th? 4Vi! . ai > i lures .?i ti ? ng th? to nr- ? ' tie m ' nersl ? >bi egon entered thi rack* from a hi? h th? handl mm h nithii ? I pick? :|ld aas the oi ' ih?. anil I ' ' ? ??? i : Indians Force Fort. .. -4,. ind? 'i Indisj I ' , , : ... ? omplish? d. Prevented from i ? ? ? ? ? lion 'f .. . : . ii. ; . oi mi' ail"' | the .? hi' h nu d the tlvi I h.n in : ? ,: I ? ? . , lei ? ? u ,.i ? n - i ha ? ? . n , egr? t. and that Cap! i . ? . ? ?. n?l< i n, Wie n i,. u . ? ' he ? ipta u d? l'h < i|. .la 4.4. pi hit!? ' i ? 'h had i but ? rnwi m rll m flam? ? and dl? -i ai hi did i i led u v hit? haired soldier, "Now 4-.- an i ?... ? i.. drive the n ? i i.i : oldi? i oui of (.1 , m ? and th? tale will I exulted General gui rtei thi bl.i v|i*| ? The ne n deserve th? credit." bo ' cd the |u.s| Bft? i ihe light? FOR YALE SOCIETY CHANGES Sophomores Want "Excessive Secrecy" to Go. N'sw 11.14, o. Api ,i |3 More than . "'i.nii ? ,| and fifi mi mix i ol the soph. om.ii ? ' ? of the a? idemli d< ; nenl n< I ale m? t to* night and p? i led theii formal proti it againi t the ! ?...'. i ? l, oi Man .,t 11,, ? 1 ? leadci ;<v11 iii u n certain . bang? si '? not mad? the) sill de? lin? ell . I h" 'i h, protest ?jlll b,. pi int? d ;.i"i dl t : ii.ut,.,i t,. all member? "i t he <?' isa ..u.i t.. th. alumni The ntooi Important . hanges < sil? .1 t"i are the < llmlnal lun ..i ihe "ei. ? i-.4 " ..r the ? o rletlea I he abolli hmenl of "tap dm ' aii-i the sel? ctloii "t m. mbei through niei ii . rather than bo? lal presl HELD AS CORNELL FORGER Freshman from Brooklyn Signed Confession, Say Police. it ha. a. \ v., April I"- O*orge 9 Hughes, "i Brooklyn, ?i freahmsn la the < 'unn n College of M?chant? .'i Bn gineering, waa srreated t < ? -. i. ? ?. on ? charge Of for. m ??. Tli? i >? ?i i ? ? ? *.crt?.i thai he had algned a ctmf?-ra-ale>n. Hiig-hes is alleged to have pas ad . hci ks on Ithaca merchante, signing other students' names. William Hughes s brother of Qeorge '?'? Hughes, ?vim lives at No IM1 Psclfl? itreet, Brooklyn, ???s astonished wbsn in* hoard r.r hi.*? brother1! srrsst Ha aald that Qeorge rocelv*d a larga ?a 11 ?. %?. - anee from ins father, 4..ho 1? msnagai of Klaubar Brothen ?*. Co., laea Importars, at llth strssl and Blsth avenu?, Man? I1.1t I 11?, and al?,. had B BcbOlSIShlp . leorga 1 am? home fi om ? 01 nail at Beater and told hi.s famll) tbsn thai he had l?'in m btmk. fU. S. "VIKINGS" SAVED SCORES In Most Tempestuous Winter of Years Four Revenue Cutters Aided Thirty-two Coasting Vessels, Carrying Hundreds of Human Beings. Boston, April it.?First aid to thirty two distressed coasting vessels, carrying ?ii hundred human beings and valued ;tt ,i million and a half dollar?1, whs ren dered last ?-,-intft by thr revenue cotters Woodbury, Androscoggln, Itasca and Acushnel in their patrol along IhS NSSI England ? oast in the f"?n months ended April I tbeee ? nu. rs cruised more than seventeen thousand i i si t he asas betw**en Point Judith, it. i.'. and ?Calida Ma Tin Androscoggin siso mads a l?MS>mlls frult ? . rslon Into Southern waters In ? of ' i?? ichooner Future, abandoned o?r ? 'hat ?' ston. v He lesa productiva of main:' ?ii?as r.-r- than !:? lous winters, lbs four months were the most tempestuous in u i, and ofli eis and cran s.s wear? loi "t' buffeted marinera ?hen the n . ndi ?i Each cuttei had many thrilling ex? pertenece In assisting helpless ??pasters Into port, bul accounts of hardships en? dured in running towing lines throuKh freesing s?as. of frtsHIng log ?lad a hoonen and giving aid to many s luck? ?et* vessel do not sppsar In ?Ihe official reports ??f the commanding onceara. Duilng the winter the Woodbury ?i-1--?t nine reesels, carrying Bfty-seven persons and valued at ???'li.ijOO. The Androscoggln aided eight vessels and cruised I Wi miles The itas?a <ii?i not reach the arene of t s winter activities until well Into De? cember, yel she iu? able to help three .. -.>| -. valued al KOMM 'we sf Ihese, Ike steamei Clt) of Ma<*on. was run down and almost *. ink In Vineyard Bound] i. ? ? ? iteamei Jams ? I Whitney on Marc 11 8, Th? A' ishnel bel| ? d tweh ?? ress ?i m ?90,fM, on the southeast coast I of Massai buseti ANARCHIST SWS AI KM OF SPAII ? ??iiliiiiiril fiiini lli-l |i;?K> ii .- Marq ili de Cuba, when i aas man i omi out of the ? rowd ??? Ith hl hand Inside hla i oat. He attempted t aelse the bridle of m horse snd a hll i failed t?? follow exai tl) ? b il hap ?.. n< 'i I ?? tit?-i two revolvei shots I iii\ dir?. ti'i'i ? \- ??he se? ond ihol m hoi se r? ?arc ..ii his hind legs and, ba< king haatil: ant. Immedlal of m> i.ite polli ? men lump? d on th man a ho ) ?t manag? ?i to Are a thin shot, sounding ?? policeman. I the ind found that m ghl bui \ ? diet hai graxed him 01 ei : I - sadd ?? girth. :. n, mted and returned to the pala? e. He had hardly b?een ??;?? k ten minute wh< h an Immena.imor aros? Tb .... , ?.. on a hi? b the pala? ?? look ; ;?? of al ng their j i at thi King - ' and their admira lion for in*- displa) of brav? n 1 i ? .-m m the knos : then o - . the two *-'.i bowing t> the throng for s? era mil The poll ? that Allegi recently es pel led tr-'in l i ai ? - an anari blsl .. nt. o n?? went I na, i? '?' "ii Id ?? ni"iith a-?'? and oh ? i ? ?: ? m? ?:? ni a ? arpenter shop ntll ]?'. ..i,; .?n nbid ds ? h? -i off. t durini ...... ? ? semination Allegro de? Ian ? ? ing the King pass h>- irai I witl ? Iden < Impu n his pocki ? di es i.b gn Irr? force. 1 . ind fired. * v oman said to hi >...l a Ith Ule gf" wi pis rresl i night ' Desired to Avenge Ferrer." i ? . ? . ? ?:?? moi ?l'y re? ? ? '. ?-. ding s ! ?! .?*?K''i| f'.r. Tin' lettei ? nd< d s Ith the words ? ?, - ? i ??? I W 111 onsummi a ?es! P ? Roma ? himself, d ired thai ?'. ri? He m ilnl ? ..?-.. hod allItud? ?-..j., ,,?. thai i" desired to ?, i in on? - i"" ??' ti prnlng l)i I '? ?? ?? i 'ei rer, " ho ... ? 1909 Romano govcrni ? ti"' i;?!? i ? ??? i: m.. ? hal s was ? mutter foi ihe |udli lal suthoi Ittes, .| tow thai ni?" w ? i ?? not i .i bj feeling "i ten or, following the splendid example given by the King. A ruiio i< olm Id? i. ? - ?"mu? m the that the Spanish Premier, Count Rom inoi I ? night declared t?i I?? absolute)] without ?"punt/atlon alarming rumors which had ?bei n ? lr? ulated In Madi d regsi ng I h? po Iblllt; of an attempt ngainsl ti??' King t.. da; on the ..h "t the swearing In ol th? ? and i ? lath e t?> th? pr. s. m g m Msdi Id "i ?several dang? rous .-mar. h? i -m - KING'S LIFE ATTEMPTED ON 6 OTHER OCCASIONS Several Times in Spanish Capi? tal, Once in Pans and Once in Barcelona. ? ? U rda) i sttempt on th'* life ??f Al 1. tHl ' onetltuted the at venth ????? .? s hi? h ti,.. Spanish King baa escaped desth si the handa of assassina ";i June 19, 1999, an Insane man Hred a m1" ai him when he waa returning with hla ? from s chun h m m idrtd, and again In the following Januar) s boma wa ? f"nt?'i seen h d under a b< ach im iii? 'liai"i.\ h. m am hla study. ???i November a, ?am, ., pspei bos ol ? in-- ? srtrldgi s wert exploded In Ire of the ?Church <?r si Peter, In Madrid, while in. King ?uni tin-?.? <?f hi*- ministers ??i? at prayer. No one wsa Injured? howevi i While tin yougg Km,, ?ni paying aal official visit to ih.? <n? ?>f iuiivIum.i on! vi"ii :*. 1991.narchlst hurled s bomb amidst .? crowd of clttaens **h.? haa gathered to witness the epproaeh ??f the King, win., fortunatsly, wss at the other ? i-i'l Of th.' ill) . The meal vi?.i- m att. mpi "i""1 "10 young Klng'a Ufa was ma?* "' Madno on the occasion ??f his marriage t?? Pria? eses Vleto?a of Battenberg, the sfter ""??i? ??t Mm B, mg, when .?i,.nu a boastt was hurled ?t the earrlags la which he snd ins bride were driving BUven Per? Were kilted as g pssull of "?at at tempt. A notable prnnaaskin at th<- head of which xx., ti?. earrlags of "" ,">al coupis wound itn way through lbs ?-ity. Thi young King, who bad star fcsen popular among ins MuiMrynMn, tnt cheered at ? n 11 point tboul ins > sr Irlage rod? a spe-dal eacorl of bis pa?lac? guarda In command of tha rouagsr dm ias? i,, - <,f Msdrtd nobility, At a point n?-ar the centra >.f tha i ,f - th? proceaslon halted, and at thai moment an a-iarcblat nsmsd Manuel Moral? I irled ? rnachlnc i ,,.|, , from ..u ipp' ' ' ii.'i'i*.*?. Th? Bomb exploded ami.1st tb? mounted troop of palace gu?rela, and when th? ?moke ha,i clearad away ther? were elev? en deed snd many wounded lying close about th? royal carriage- Th? rtmng King Immedlstel) iMped from the car rlag? and .ii'i ?>-->. i.-=?t ii.uid to asstsl i . .? ?. ho bad i ?en wounded, the Q ., ?.?.n On? of tb? tr.iop'.- s-hosa horse had bees klll*d, dssbed a::.-- tb? r v. ho tirn?:ti and -hot him, then killed himself before oth? i troopers ; piara litio und? arr? I i on June I, Istg, wbll? Kini Alfons i ?ras n u, open ran Isg? s ith Pr. rt? dent Loubet, Paris .1 booth was hurled at tl a, bul ?till no inore dassage than I- llllng th? ? 01c of a troopei '1 ha K ? and Pn Ident arer? ret irnlng frem lia performance al the n-pere si slid? night, and wer? cheered b) thee? she 1-ecognls? .i th? ' wo headi of stat ii,. ir .-s.-on Tl ?? Pn '?? '1 i" ?'!'?? ch-s 1 a ... liaatlcall I ! sung King aa for their ?'inef Magistrate ' pon that occasion, >i? upon others, Um bomli SSa thrown b) hh anSTChtSt f.? a" open ?rindo? of on? of the be lined ' f the dri? KING'S POLITICAL WILL New Greek Monarch Admon? ished in Father's Will. Ith? n?-. ?pi 13 la ?ill, winch has jus' been published, the King Oh orge, after gi> ii 1 d for the disposition of his belong? ings, urges his children to remain united Addn seing htmi elf to bis rid? es! son, tow Kim? <',.n??tantine, Km-;' Oeorg? sa !? "Lo By? r llttl? 8erv< her and your dear people snd bavi ou ftdence In them, and may von brot 1 ?? fo Ion the same ? sample " The s 111 urges Kins* Constantin? 1 i| ? tient, "fo* I ? * ii? t n people a hose t. mi., r and In I 1 take fire rapid si d a 0, al an) moment ma) - and do thin-**? which It la probable will i>. forgotten the following <ia*. n prcferab ? that the King should 1 even n oral 1 ral ; eople ami I.., country. The inter-feta of the people of th" countrj must always be ,| before all other Interesta." In ? onclusion Kin>; Qeoi?;?- do? !t^ '?.-, ,? for Q Olga son t" 1..4C and prote? l her. STEP NEARER TO PEACE Powers' Reply to Allies' Note Received in Sofia. Bofia, tpril 13 i" ? !? presents! ol ti.e pos, ra to-ds) handed t" Pr? miei <. a?. hoff their t ? pi-, t.? the las' .... ,..' tl*.?* aib.s regarding the proposals foi mediation In ihe war with Turkey, M. Gucchoff promised to confer nith tha ? ,-| re.s.i?tati4 es "f the alli?e and obtain their views on the note. The reply of the pon era is ss foll?n "The pow. rs note with sa Hal n the disposition of the allies In favor of peace, and make reply In iim following manner lo the 1 oints raised bj the allies' nOtl To I he t'n at point, i; ? ?.??? rla'a demand rding the Turko-Bulgsrtan frontier,! no ?b lio r e-a-.! ? in th? - ......1 point th? powers point out thai the fate ol th? 1 a?*an Islanda havii a ? ? .1 t..r the consideration of the powei ? this poinl cat onl) be admitted aubject to d?*claiona arsiv?*d al regarding ,,!' the lala I? ..u the thin1 polni ! ?? powers Inform ih.* allies that the) are read) to communi? cate t.. ih..-n a! once the north ami north .. '? 'a, frontier ,.r ?Ibanla ai ,1 that tir.? ?outheaatern and aouth frontier *-,-111 be communicated to them aa aoon ... determined. ??11 tin- fourth poinl th? powers atate Hut th? aolutlon of all questions ,?r a financial character having been reserved foi a technical . ommiaalon In Pa ? I delega tea of the bellgerenta shall take pait th. ? do noi see an) 1esson for civiiii- their rlewa at present on the q tion of indetnnli* . J BELGIUM ON M BE Of HER BIGGEST SIE Soldiers Massed at All Strategic Points?Socialists Organize for Public Aid. "SABOTAGE" NEAR NIONS Thousands of Women and Chil? dren Sent Out of Country To Be Out of Reach of Want. Bi ussels, Ai i ?I 1-'.. Both aid? - ,o night are awaiting the beginning <?-,? morrow of the general sink" to fores the government to grant manhood -?if. frage, the progress of which will 'x* watched b the whole of Europe jritk tin* deepest Interest Any estimate of th*- probable number of workmei whs will obey the summons to <i"it work would i??- the men il ????Jecture, but it i* believed that .<t least ::<ni,ik>?i men win g<? out, and the aggregat? m ?? be streb h? i to i?m?.?kn>, while optU misti? ?Socisltsts pul the figure at 50u\? ooa Tin- reaped h ?? fon ? i ha? e prei m ei? rj na* . for the -ink?. Th.? government has massed soldi? rs at all strategic points in the kingdom, bat is keeping them OUI Of Sight --J rn?i? h - possible, snd altogether la ?lis bag a strong d? sirs to ai old thing that could be regarded as provo - gtive. The Bo - have arranged i" ? ntorts d the strikers and i h? m n ?t h food when it is n? ? ? Ibent air? ads has Ij.-.-n dit dad four disiii? ts, :ri gg, li of v hi? li soup and bread will be disturbed. Among other roi lallat dark as : ind ? for the strikers is to > ?? ?? sate of I of pros.- ami poetry? to which contribu ? ona of stories and verse already i i i ??? n made b: distinguished authoi eluding Anatole Fr-.m?-?-, M. Ifaeterlinck and othsi ? i Demonstrations in Antwerp. ?-*? . list d< monsl rs 1 m man? cities of Belgium to* \?. fewer than nine wen conducted m Antwerp All of th? m passed oft r.t. The ni"-?! important m? Ifoni itre of the gi Then th? speal Emile V u ? ?ah?,:.--, and If, I/and? i part - ?general aeci ers appealed for an effect ? oltectlve prob it agali t I i on ? r. n hl?; thi .t request for manhood * I The orators ? ond? mn< pi? aded foi n hlch could be seised rei oltittonary motives to t striking. "If an; wants t" work ' ' velde, I? ' th? n h?? is guilty ? thii struggle is an ? ? nut t? r a hal the i how unjustly ? ? ? ? : f.?r the In addil the !? t?tt i an I against ? loi? nee, and th? ? their commands n ! be obi ' . an !??' Judg gh ? t. Is calm, and th? ir In? tentions undoubtedly an XI e govei tek?? . Th? transportation of ? >?t s hi? muds of tot the mines, hs nreassurlng i ing trouble Is thai ? I doing s BUSt t Into accounl the po fanatl? -; ? ommlttlng s i, n< e what is probably an n : ? ' tin,- latter i<ir-?i was un? ovei ; ' when an Infernal machine eoni dynamite, with the fuse half I wag found on ?the t facturer in Ihe \in.i*;-* of L Brui The steamer i..-it ind Is du* al Antwei p to-ra rros fork, n Ith a hcai j i srg i " ' i?as.-. ng? ? of n bom ot ? ' *?"? In the tr -i ? ibln, will 1 ' ***? portan! ?vessel to I :ilr strike? a inaj.'i'i!' of the ; isssiifsrs mi the Lapland are Am? :-; Thorssanda of wom?wi and h h.ixo been s?*tit oui ?>l : the workmen so thai thej ma? .... ?.... .?.rrikr. M"iis. tvpril 13. ?**? ' ? "f "sabotage" are n port? d to "??? ?" - curred here snd In th Irli i lo-ds 1 ? "'" ng ,?t" th? ismapl. ? ?*rai ?>t the principal railroad ??ReviUoii It?res Beware of Moths Moth larvae aie already developing; place your lurs in storage now. Proper care of fine furs means inore than s mply keeping moth out. Kurs entrusted to us for storage are thoroughly cleaned before they are hung in an atmos? phere of perpetual Winter. The cleaning prevents the development ol moth after goods are withdrawn; the dry cold air preserves the vitality and beauty of the lurs. Repairs ordered when furs are stored are executed at the minimum cost. Call 3761 Greeley 19 West 34 th Street, New York PARIS MONTREAL LOSDOS