Newspaper Page Text
AIES PEARY 10 M M HMD PDl Edwin Swift Batch, a Geoi rapher. Sifts Evidence and Reopens Controversy. UPHOLDS DOCTOR'S STOR purple Snow and Level Ice i Pele ?a Clincher for Brooklyn Man's Tale of Discovery, to Mind of Scientist. ?? .? ? \\ i North Pol? ' i: . ? ' " n .??? ttl? ? or? i w h?i i both go| t.. the "B thi Brookl? \. h. ?liil |i fli st. And m defer i.f his ? ? lies < 1'apt'T and \ era hated rival ? - ho Hi ? the lop "T the ? ? ? one of the cardinal points * th." The Intrepid i i f .:?? ? and il tak? stand t. n the sei. . the Intrep I? r ..f < 'ook Is Edwin Sv? ? f. How nf the Asa I the .\< : 'k*lci m- mtw W? omlng Hlstorl. at ami ? ;. oloi the Franklin Institute, Am? 11? Philosophical, American (letigraphlri and Royal fJk ogr i| hi? al So? let e w i Iter on ar? ti?. antai ; and ethnol gical i ?plci for the learne ties < ?I the s "t'Li. I 'i. Balch IIvi st No 1412 8] ? et, Phlladel phla, an.) the tit!.. ?,f his brook, Jut published ''? Csmplon A Co adelph la Th. North Pol. nd B ad ? Land." "All Travellers Called Liars." Prom time Im. ? n called Us - ? Mr. I ted i-- "?"la ? ? ? '.*. ard ? In ? . ii i his g< ? ption of 1 ? ?: ? hat much ? r the w? ghi ol depends. 1 ? ? April HI, r.K'v he ai d . m s, l-took-a-shoo and Ah ah, i ca hed the ?-* the ? ? tini ' ' ? shown bj th? , xisi ng thei ? ? ? ?rated bj ??n may sa) what he chooses and ? as he se.-s ;it. - Ml I ? it But if th? ? antly the flrsl ms ? ? N ? i ..liii?. ? live met h< ? :.;> .'Il?- B ? . h < 'ook prod : in it m If alone i o Id pi ? . eogrspl ? red b; both Cook sn? ; m hen car- I Is, in writer's -Judgment, of arm,i . nclusioi . ?. ? which pr- i cai . tent, Cook'a statements All Discoverers First Doubted. Th*- writer t? I es who ha v. lefamed -in.] conten have m proved ih'-m t.. be truth tellers. Marco aa aval trav? : ???-is geaerslly discredited." Ai ... i "to this ?lay remaii - ? if?ud for things he ?lal not ?i"." i' Merc - ? ? Nathanl?-* B Palmer, Robert Johnson James Weddell, von rjrygnlskl, Nordenskjold, Bruce, Chsr? .?.t. Dr. Krapf, Dr. 1-tobmann, Du Challlu, Stanley. i.i. ingstone, Colt? i ria*re been reviled aa fsbricators, have !?< en honored b) those who cam? later, h?- sa | > ?"i'heie sre three records of Dr. Cook's Journey <>f I*?!.?? aa i th? srrlter. "Cook's first snnouncement ????as a lot | "a -? i.' from 1 ? ? - wick. Shetland Islands, and publlshf-d In the 'New York Harald' of Beptem _?. I1.??!?. The full original nan sent Inunsdlat? l| - an.i 1 ibllshed in the 'Nes Tork H< I' [l I FOUNDED 1856 r? BROKiWBROTHERS MEiS & BOyS'OOTHING,HATS & FURNISHINGS ?- ? ?-i ? ? ??? ? There arc still some New Yorkers who have ^eir clothes made in London. They haven't seen the suits \vc make, softly tailored, natural shoulders, rolling lapels and graceful body lines. These suits form an important part of our stocks, and many are made c{ imported materials. American cutting and tailoring arc acknowl? edged the best in the world, and at the prices we ask our suits offer as much value as the best London suits, less the import. livery desirable style is now ready for your careful inspection, no matter how conserva? tive or progressive your tastes. As tor Place & Fourth Avenue ?SUBWAY AT THE DOOR-ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY jgg- -= ^ _--__? I ' M IK'S PH? u< ?GRAPH < ?F THF *P< ?I.I'.." His tu?? faithful Rsquimaus stand on either -i<lc <?i the ighx?, ??> ' / Witsaor^/fttMm* ? '< " IK IN AK? I I?' ? '? iSTI M . ;. t ? ,..? ?"?t w? l."i and < tctober T. I!?'?:? ?? ;?';. Conquesl of "f these a i n writtei ? ... ? ,. ? of the re? : - ..??ition." : ? "My ... ..... ?., .... ...... Cook Must Have Bee? First point here en ted la that .. . ' had ;?n ? ' ? . : '. rlpl ion "' com titudi '!?. as I ? gi ? ? ?! wit i? ' ?i <t d ? ? ' ' -. t"?- th - that th??.ie ten ...:. n..' hing .1 - Mr. for i ?? nn Qi ? land iSefore i' ?J for Labra .?? :: om Not th i. . nd tii? refore ? - er) thing - ? .i ..i v. rote ??r published lm? : - ,irri\ ;i ; in E*urO|ie : ? ;..:??? ?! on s ;..-? J f. atanda on 1 ?.?:;- i I . .< 1 11. ? ? of Cook'l ... Ity, .h.,1 \.-? .... Th. pointa ??ii s hi? h l he Iwo sc I counts. Cook'a and Peary's, of ...r..i - ? Ml .i? ur. ? - i .i ?., agi??'- mos? .ill' iit;il!\ ; ??.,... most ? :. -11 - nitel ? -.'i ti?? ti uthfuln - II '?K.K ;?r ? ? i -? : h<- "s< ount ?.: the land ' M _'<? north to 85: 11 not th (Bradley Land). The second Is !.?? .?I land i. ? m **7 B8 deffT? ? i noi in. i The ? h ; r?l i?- 11:-.nt .,f i he ? i ; ? '-.?? \. th Pol? and th" deaci |p i.-..-, "f th?- loi ;?' the North ful?-." Cook'* Three Achievement*. ? 'ook'a (Irai cr?ai <??-. ; h ni- ? ?. - Bi a i Land nam ? I after hla friend and backer This ?and, m ? .?, had ?? v eat crevasi ?? " . ? .- :? apj ? a< like two ?-; .?i:., at art Ing ;it -i _'<> i noi i h. i ?< ? : v made ii" mi ntion of I i ?; i north "! -*-'? -'h n?>rth. ? ' Whethi i there Ii land o? wat? r m pthi intervening aixt] g**ograp?il<*al miles la ?< problem," saya the writer, "luit m ?>r?i? ;? t" he i?? if? ctlj fair ? ? bol h ? xplor? is snd lo ello* for ? r 01 ;n obscrvstlon "tic mipht spin the di?? fei ence at 83:50 noi th end ? onsid r latitude ;i ? ;i ?in iding line Im twe? n ?ii-. tanda discovered respectively Lj C?'??V; a nd Pearj."' "The aecond Important discover) <?r Cook'l is the glacial lend I? e In s?" north i" 87 north-88 north," aaya the w riter, "A < i?1 ely similar oc? urn ; xx :i observed by Peary on hla 19011 trl] m sbout *8? ii"i tit. (JO ?weit." Bui tii<- most important particular ?ti ', which ihe two men agree, in the mind of Mr. Batch, la In th? It de ? ription ??? . .it (he pole ? 'ook i? poi t"?J thut ?;t wsa "a -ni'?"' ii aheel of level I? ??." Th? n riter Bdda "if thai descrlp ? i of the North P? i rate, lb? writ- ! Ing of It by ?'<?"??. first of ;?n men, "?i the f.?.f It la proof thai Cook : th? ? : ? i of 1 he North Pole." , The Snow Was Purple. B ? not "i ... ? ? - i he I? " ??' the pole ( ; amooth ?-jn<i lev? I, bul i ur- sn ?? n.?s purple" in the :??r.. >?f ?'ool . i d? "?il :n .s hli Ii h' - iip.mi '? b) I ? ?? . i "Purple an? s rril I i n gu i ? \ | : ? It ?. 11. i. ? 1 ? - iggi ?1 s Ith worda ? hat Pi i ? -1 !?? ' : Btoki ? ne with paints in his ! superb plcturea of the ,- u .- gl >n . H' r- ? h< -? "f i he '!? irpl? ' 1 i ?i. ? ?? ? h ?. ha is no .i trained ariiat, : ? it he hs ? ? of an imp ? ? aaionl ? ; a ntei ind th.-it he la an ? xtr? m< I aci u .!?.? ub? : ? ; ; oundings, . . . "That Cook'a descrlpi ? ? '? ? the next | ? rtllied t J-. .i- Pear) i-orro ?rates ? >k i ?? lutel) about rondil ? P? ? snd Cook Is con P? not onl) but b nhsl Peai did. If tl so tl -4 In th? Western \ ?? ? i. twe? n the v-. I th Pole and VT 17 r but : ... anos -.' ?iii""t h and ppei Peai I not ' ? ? . | graj ? n tu. hours. P< i herefor? : i snd ti "in a? tual i?ir ? ca , prov? ; ha i Cook'a moi l in. .. ? tant atati ment ? * tru?, Th? ? . Iden? ?? is ih is . tamin? d, b) at? p. 'i he statement - I ???? ' v.?? m? n -n ? ? "in; ..:? ?J. v. "'?! ?-. Word : 1 . i ,i' ii? 'i "In ? :??:,' certain i ha t ? 'ook m" i ha? e wi his deacripl : of tS North Pol? from I ma foi until - ,,. t ..,!: trev? rs? d ? hi W ? ib i n A : beta een **** sreea north a nd I h? ? Pole, and to : ''?"? a*< rid the f - I on? ' ould ha ? aa -i a b? th? i in bat ,ir ea then wai and o? i a, ri.?r bu ? ?? atated an) thii g ol tl.ndltiom of -ti i. ?? ? ith Ha unusual, p? i hapa un? i .??, i tint I II t.i ? But i '????i? in h - Ural . able dlspa'.? .i atated d< Unit? ind positivel) snd ' flnall) thai ?it the Noi th P - no lend, but sea, froaen ?? ei i ? an.I h I? ? snd Pear) i-onfli m? d ? '->?> ? a 1 ataten ? ? i ?ook ws a? i .i ?*'' and the ?nl posai ble Inf? ren? t is thai ? '????<? a.. >? curate because Cook knee snd thj i ..n n? i m' v I ta ble > on? lusion I - ... ? ? . knee ? took had been I North Pole." u is t.. Prof? esoi Donald B Mai Mil? Ian, I? ad? i ol the ? 'to? ker 1 ind ? \i> - dll Ion, n ii'< n la to stai i out from this | iii.\ ?n .lui> :!. thai Mi Bai? hl .? wholesal.rroboratlon of ?'?">.<.'? st.ii?. "t?? ?i?. ? n ?. ? "i pro* <? tu ? ? Isfsctlon of -?n geographera the exitf. ence <?f Brsdley Land" $20,000,000 COAL GRAB Reese Bill Would Cost Con? sumers a Vast Amount. ?n 'h i-vri. . Trll in? ?Philadelphia, April 13. Th? executiv? committee of the Philadelphia Coal Ex? change went on r.i-nr?! in-?^. gt being opposed to ,hf *'????-'? snthra? It? bill, ??i? , a use n ?would ? ? H the i oal . onsuim ra ,,, ,),,. , ounti i nearlj |2O,OOO,O0U an? nually? i - ri.i.-i th? 1? rms ot the Reese bill, . ?hi, h ha i ?? -?,! ' ","1 reading In th? ,i,,,., .,!,.- m nlng < ompanlea would be allowed to market i??.-? coal containing. iv ... | |, ni "f unburnable i><i*k and i ,??., Pennsylvania ?furnishes ahuut ' i,:, ?NHiiMHi tona of pes or household ? ??.?i nn islly. si sboul **:? ?-'.-. a ton. 1 i? membcr? ol th? Coal ?Bxchangs fig in thai bj *ht opt ration of tin propo ? ? ,.,v. ?-?all consumer? will pay W?x ,. nts foi th? slste and bone In every t?.ii of coal . ,s(1 ,:. - m lain? 'i i hal Ihia loss i , noj -j ?v.. i; t<? conald? ration :*" |.< r ,,. buckwh? il .- rlor coal .,,,.i(i- th? propos? ?i mining law, um ih?- i" ;? - ,,;|1 1utI\] .Vaentstlve Reese. H la declare?!, V.i Ihe measure in good faith, ?;,;,","::.';, ???....., i.<- ***** not know um business, IMS Pl? TRUE A? WEDDING FL Men Who Were Received \ Open Arms Turn Out Ga and Take Jewelry. CHASE OVER HOUSETI Police and Guests Try Vainl Catch Robbers?Celebrati Lasted 24 Hours, Break big East Side Record. While th.- Kai ? Hid. ? ; In the ti ?if excitement ovei a twent? -'.?u, - ?I ,,t th? '?..I'lillK of Sa ? . ol No !.'." i.- 4? i ?tree! . i s Se ot So ,;i t.. ? '- al ? Uve j, ..?:-. v ho had i?, en i ? ?? In the open houae as c i ? r. ?? -? ' >. In Ihe excitei fled v? iih a ^<>i.i v? at? ti and i haln som. trinkets. ? 'ri?.- .,| "Police ???mi, ? ?v dding gu? its drea se? i ? -p from Ihe i men Mai ket p ? '.. tl. ?? ? ?!.. 4 mol nlliK. \ . the roof? of the adjoining houai i . ? ? it, .i men a ni ?? omi n folloa ? .1 i, police, ....?.: i ni...i h.i bi --'p.-- up the v?. riding ? H< brat ion neai I? t',\.. houi i T t thte? ? ? made Iheli i rap? -?i. -i? Anally r. t a*n? ri lo tl. I and ai u .,' ... k ia ' ? isjhl ? nd**d a la ? unstdei ? ??? I 44. ,:,iir ?_: , bration held ? n the K?st Bide. 'i he bl ?! and b Id. ~ .1 aren ? ? ?i:* the felt. Han..n; of th? Ii ii lemla s th? i'-- ? ?? oung men entered ihe ap in? 1 ' on the foui th fl.I N" !*'?-' I.? treel ??,. <i in the dan? Ing fea ?ting. Thej sere tr el ved b itii . though th, ??. ? ? trang. I a ? n: t..m ? - . followed b? .?rih.i.p \ .'? ?,.. h? n eel bi ? tm^ ;.. keep ??!.. n hou ? Th? < 0 in| ? ? tl d 44 . ; i...,-. I. aleI .ri !'". thai no one knew 11-1 ?-: 1 44.. .. erlook 'I he ill ?? vtr., ii.;. ' - I.' dl sij;ii a". BO I ha ' ? '.: a' r *. 1 ? 1 1 algnat ea I a 1 - turned "(T and m. m and b "'n n nto total da rkn. - tal?, n in' 4? .it. a !.. ?Till ! 4 for II ^ . ol ? 1, , ,.,i Ik id to I ' ..?-?? ? : rated - : ??Ith i .. '? ? 4 ? Sltl . ' . ? ? 1 '?/?'"' ? I; ? inned h 1 loi ? 1 ? . ? it I n 1 anil" i ? 1 ? . dei an 01 1,,'irir-.- followed ??? ' ? , 1 ? 1 the s 1 uh. : '4 lo psck 1 fi : I!,. ? la.' ? R SOCIALISTS SPURN I. W. V Reject Offer for Combine Parade on May Dav. An ??"? of th. Ind ? i ? ? . . Soclu . . nil ? r May Day 1 ! 11K 4- , , , . a ...... ? orward Bul lint 1 ...-i Broadwa .. ? 44. . inks wei Is and ?> nd 1 nd It a ? .a, 11.-4? 1 foi m? ,1 inloni m ,..?!.. ?ItIon to th. ' ? ila labo ?? g , nlsatlon 'i he n" ? t t?s ?4 , ? 1 ' h< I Bit? d Hel,?vv4 Tl Sdl ? nr,.l tl 1 Sociali?l part; . n 44as ,1 . id. ,| arill atai H - '. I ? ? Ma r. 1 ' 0 . The iptown memb? i also sill have 1 Ma Ds *!.iriln^ from th 1 Pen Mth an ????! .n 'i ? ? two 1 a adea a 1 ? ? ? I ??! .- ..? .1 tins an elght-houi workday arl! ...i and apee h< ? In fa?. ae 4? l 'i In ?HIT. renl a n " ? 1 W \". If It hua a M?. , ' irad will i a ? *?> mar hi ' nard \\ einatem -??? retary of Ih t i,iii ,1 Hebn a Trade? ?a 1 a thai th ? ? ? 44 m be the Ian ? t.- kind thai h ia tak? n pla? ?? In thi mai ? 11 The h?k -a- unloni i. ... t loaf I ii."1 from ihre? ? ?? - ..f n.-in 44 , ;, ii 44 m be ' a ? 0 an ? Kpreai 4v.,-..i, and a equa ? h?eh v? m .nv. ? .-.i ..n a ped ?lateen nan THINK LUSTIG WAS BAND H Philadelphia Police Believe Him Member of Auto Gang Here, pi . ad? : Is, ?.pi II Is in the Bin il ? 1 .? of Ma .r.. ? M l.uatlg, arho waa con 4 1. le.l in IMS Ol a -. n lana' 44 ,1.1 u, n<-4'. v... u and last as? released e,.,,, the ?'. ??:! be -? In Bins sing prlton a i" n k? ???? ? gra lei i nes i ri.. i i, the Cour! "f h\\.als, th? polio b? Heve the. ' ? i sptui ed an Important ..... . un- "f 1 ti"n,"i. ban? .. 11 . ommittlni dayl ghi i. , pe? i' ? -'i Hem v"' "? l.ustli era 1 i:?" b Into custod ,. 1,).,. ,.,.|,i h ,1 ai th? nigh! cour! In ; ,.., 1 for a furtI hi ai ln| Be irch of bl - roonri Ii tha Tenderloin r? larga qusntiti? ? ? ' lewelrj and i,..44n ,, gout it la alao all? gei t,m. i?> dis* I ,,.I man tho I ?nd? Of ClSS! BtOIS , ,?,,?,?-. ?hi h th? poll?*? believe had i .-.-11 ?aolen. [.uatlg 1? alleged t" hsv? .? police re? ord it, this .11.4 sa sell as In Ken reek NEW DOmTnICAN PRESIDENT Ban i.'.min*;.' ?pr? 13 ioem Bords \ aid? 1 44a . :??? ted bj Congr? i,, ike ones "t Provisional President nt .?.. republic, In snweasloa to Arehblahop Nou.-I. 44h<> rcslRlie.l r,.fllll> he, an.?.. . f ni heslth. ?rchblshop s?u-\ arrived hi A'illemaUd Curseso. April .. cm hi:, v?,.? i<. Bui." Uike the eure The governtnenl sltnin a tens Baust] esll a se??is I ele? U?"*, ?RISKS HER LIFE DRYING | FLYING PILOT'S EYES Young Rochester Matron Wipes Away Aviator's Wind Tears and Hydroplane All but Dips in Lake. ' ....... I 1 Hammond - oi t. N Y . Api II 13 ?N"n" j chalantl? sailing above l?ake Keuks st s -? ? "i est mated si se*ent) mil? * ?''' houi Mrs William McCnrdy, a >oung ? ?i prominent In aoriet) .-?t Roch? ... not!? ed that Krsncla IVlldman, th? ? - witli whom bh< waa (lyins *v,i" h;.'. M -: . .Ili. .Iiv in a Iplng th? w,n'' team t oit his eye? with hla coal sleeve. \\ ? oui aloppli | t.ii.?1.1- : tha? ,l"', xx, i ?? travelling b! ?real apeed ??!??ii ,n ?t,?. nlr Mi M??? lui d) leaped o* et snd ?v ip< ! ht? i." ?? " Ith hei handkerchl? >' i ru:.. ??? tomi -i i" '?? h d?licat? stten tloni In r ildalr, Wlldman ?r? - stst '' ,] ,..i ,? ,,;,|,. ?j r'?.- - ..???? ?' long ' "?? igb '"'' .- hoal '.? n1 ike ?? special ular dip to? ; rd th? lake i ?nlookei - thought Il . manu u* re sas ? te? ?t?d pui posely? ,. ,,,4, |?-?,,? ? (j ? ; oui MM M,i . ...n ted Wlldmsn te aho? hei all ?h?? exhibition "atonta" the ic;r? hlne 44aa capa ?le <>r on terra fiim* once n.e, Mr-? M - Curdj ?..s aBkad how she darsd take auch a i hence, i had no thought oi snj dsnger," she replied i knew we were moving ai n terrific rate, but as there wsa no sway fir huinpina i had neither f>.t. nor ner? vousness, ?a foi the 'hp. ' thought ;' pait of the performsnce lleslty, ihit is the trmst thrilling i iile I ever .11 rove.i All nit.?ill?.I,He will se'in slo.'.' and uncomfortable aftei that." The aeroplane Mra MeCurdj waa a at 'n.. time area oneofGlenn n Curtlsa'a flying motor bosta, Xol In vena have there i o m ma many viattora at the lrv-ii flying irr 1.1 Mrs. Mriiirrlv was only one of three women to iak<- long imps n\-p Lake Keuka yesterday, Mra Lymsn Seeley, of Rochester, wss another ready cor ? < ? FRIEDMANN MUST PRO' : MEMT ?F TURTLE H j Claims Must Bo Verifier! Tests Before U. S. Will L cense Sale, Says Dr. Blue. TO HOLD CLINIC AT CAPIT German Scientist Will Rcti Direct to Providence Aftt Treating Tuberculosis Pa? tients in Washington. Btoi A - . . . ? ? ;? ? . ' ? . ? . .:?. Health S j told I?'. 1'? i"lru;ir,ii thai tubei l nu I! ?? . ... ? n na ?? ..?:? ' ' i Inters) i ' This - ...... ? ? ? n ?... ?. to take to utii ? ? | . ? | r ,. ? . ? ' ..-?, ' ? . Health Sei i ind .... - . , ? . .?..: u n. . he ?v Ml : r of I ? ? ? ? it i t.'ii i Ml m. -r - of th? I rlala of the | . h.? ??? i.. n - I ?i nic-teil w ils In tl ? i ? ? i -?i'?? ....... i ? ontla ? ill the ci I . ? -, . , ? night i n ? -. R. !.. wh? : ? ' ? . - . ?-. -? I ? ... ? ? ? I " I ': I? to 8 Gen? i; .? ? treated bj him In N? ..f ih?' ? ? - ? ?nd tl not con ildi ? i I:,. >? r ? . . -. ? . demoi . :'!? . :. ? ? . ? ,i?. ? In t ? ? I Dr. B - it In tl I i-.. i . . ? ;. . . ? n hit? Ho .?? ... pa o-daj i wss thi II 'i? ??? I -M 'boy cured, says docto - I Single Friedmann Treatmer Diet It, Physician Asserts. ... ? .?.. ind April 13 M edde I hla s i. i i \. -r a. 1 have ?f tu - treat with turtle mi im adn ! 1 . fa ? ?lt.? Slut/.. '?: I p ? i -4 lu .--i .i i .?. hu .? - . ? I - hi ? as puri ?i b) D Frl?*drl( h'rsna Frledmann, says thi sei um h -. i s as mad from the ui i?in.? t Krted m.i 'hi ? i. u . - ? 11 i - t he -.i n.. -.u i?, .i . i ? ? ? ? . m i.- i ? i ? Ituta I got a ?mall quan i? with the understanding I it uhould not claim It *. the ii i?*dmai . . m-.. " The i..-' ".i- taken to L'ppei Banduak? M.i . n i ?? ind res i reporta thai iMogr? has he n mai ? ellou Hla ap te ha ? 'J his .?? Lght nci. aai ? itii'l weakening night aweaU have all bu diaappeared Dr. Andrew? believes on? mor? treatment, e/hli h ?Mil i??- given soon >? ill effect a permanent cur? He >.ii?l to ? hall c? rtalnl ? i tub? re liai pa? tienta win? '-iiin?. to n>.? Straight In If . ? i ni ? onHdi ni his - rum I? .? real eui ?? for tubei i ulosis rhera Is n? question i-.i that young Wad? im?l tu bercutosla as Di William T Howard, )i . . i? i... i ologist, mad? culturi - from his spul im .'!"?? ii h t. ? .u tin- treatment." SHOWS DANCE: DROPS DEAD President of Italian Society Stricken at Meeting. s.,/.?*!.. P?rsico president >? the Blaclo i?''"? loeiet an itaiinn beiwvetent or? der, iln?i?i?. .1 dead Isst night .?t a msstlPi .-i? Hi?. soettty*a lodge r??"ms. s| No m i:.? ?? '.';h -'i.,i He had been describtna t" some friends a dam <? t??- had se? n n cent . ??? ban ii* fell uni. s - rj "f pala As .?-'.??u ;'s th? one hundred ami fifty 1.i present lreallsed Peiatc-a's '-?>Ti.iiti.?n Hie* ht san ti. ini t?? gel h? Ip, s??m.' call 'I up hospitals snd physicians on the tek-ph ne, and others tr..?i to reviv? him Pstroliasn Kh?. ,.; ni?' ?-.?(M i"Hii atrev? itation hi nr?i ih-. i in the lmig?- innm snd ran is Under hi- ?i.: - Psrsloo ?sai carried <<m i>. tin* street ami as am i.'ii.iii?. was ?.iii.ii from the tysrlara i).?* pitaL ?Wh? n n srrivsd Hm raaa ?ui deoJ. ON CONFINENT, HINT UN'S CRUS < ..nlinin?d fr?tm Hrsi pagf. ; > is connected with a bet which he made with a friend, an amateur detective, on i , ., uthority ?if "'l'li'. \\. eklj h" alone. Nothing furth? i has developed regarding th?- slleged bet Th? i oil? >? sn , arrj ing on an a? tn >? sear, ai..,mil all th" wharves and in th.. lodging houses snd other suspe? ted in the neighborhcwd ..r the I Thames. The] si. also following up CleWS glVCn l,. those who ale Raid to ?., ? wen Mr. Martin ? >ne ?if the persons f., ,inl !c Hi" po? lice is authocit) for th? statement that ., man answering Martins description .?i..- ?? in ?? motor i sr to a h.a. i n. ar Victoria station on the morning of (April 7 four <la- ? af', i Martin's dis? ? a nee. il" r< man?. ,| th? r?. and was visited bj friends until th.- night .,f April 10, v h<ri he went suddenl) ?after a dispute shout ins hotel bill. I : lidenl "f l.'iiii ? th. on ih" ?.an'-. ?. : ? ? Thami -. reports i hai a man i. - sembling Martin stopped him in \\ andsa ort h out lying suburb ..f London, on Saturda* t" Inquire th" wa) to Batti rs< u The i. ?ought fruitless far for the ta?:...?!? driver who ?ir..?.* Mr. Martin from the Automobile Club -*hl "f his dlsspp?*srance, KIN ACCEPT DEATH THEORY Martin's Brother Will Go Abroad to Search. flraph u -, M< ,.'!? la, 'I "iin . Aprl I ? ; -e t lie ??? ? ? ? ? ??' .1 W Martin ha? < been en inkm. nt In London hi? i - -. 4?. ho nine nt one In Mi hla .t Ural Incli .in the theor* that he had been i ? ? I ally i, ,. . ? . r i opinion. \ ? ? i ,.f I1J 0 hsa been offered for In? ... nlni i wherea bi ., Ive Hiii M ;.- who left here Sat ? [ht. expect? to aall on ttie .,. ? r ..m \- . onall? *.n,In ? Friends of J. W, m a hat th? - Kn,.** of doubl th? storj of th.? Brasilian woman 44?r., ha? I I oned In ,?ri:ie.'noii with hla dtaappeaiar. > Il de? lop? .1 to-day thai .1 n Mai tin ? ,| .lentil about . Il _ i.ked - ? i . ---en.'i r on tl He mist ?oat ? ' i' m ? ! BAR OPPOSES SINN Thinks Judge's Court Reform Bills Are Dangerous. POLITICS CHARGE DENIED "Deplorable" Proposals, How? ever, Found in Section of U. S. Revised Statutes. StiOgt Edward gwans ami the nHr .?,.. BOCtatJoa aie at ...Ids : o,*..! ?hriK th- merit. "f tu,, nu? designed te improve cowl "?"?ocedure whieh Judge gwsaa and Mats iBenstoi Jsntes i>. MeCMMntJ ai? tryiag to c,,a\ through ihr ~a?ss"isUt*r* The qtiteres t pan of the wh.?i. hiiBlnasa is thai Judge Bwann a?topt?*d his ajnendmeats ?!i rectly from preposala on which ks says the M,.r ASSOCittton ha.I reportcl favor ably. Tiie rhsng?*s wouM leave U it? ihe ?iia cretlon "f the -?euii whether two or more riefen.Pints iii.ii?-(? ,1 Jointly BBMHald *<> t<? Irtal : ' naratrl?- or tOgetbei, an'l 44..11I.I mska II possible to Include s aumbsi et crimes of a similar nature In one jn>l:et ment The latter is a<|opt'i1 rlirce'lv fioin the federal statutes. Nevertlisleaa, tfes liar ASBOClstlon ?'?uninitl. >? 011 Ihe amend? ment of the lew, composed of cisrence D Ashley, desn of the New fork Calver* alt) Laa S, I.!. 11-)?-'..411 S. Stone, ?han I of the Columbia LaW School, alir,* William iiari.'noi.. editor ?.f "Tha La* Journal." Wrote to Senator McClellSltd BS follow a about tins am? ndmenli "in.1. r the Ian ?s u ha? been construed bj the most enlightened coiiit.? In th?* snd proof of the aiie-ie.i commission ef almllsr crimes !>? the defendant is In* competent for the reesssi thel it teadi to unduly prejudice ihe defendani In th? eyea of Ihe Jurj and multiply issue to .? ..'n an extent aa to confus! the mladS of tee |urora Th? defendant mai actual!] i.. put mr trial for an Indefinite number ?.f ottettceo entirei] -?eparated ami hade? 1 end- nt of ea? h "the: The committee wrote it would consM?*? "sin.h a chsnge In the Issr as i? propos??? de.ngerous and d?*f>torabte ' snd it had much the asme thing to as) of the otbct amendment. in rasp?os? t" an Invitation 1 .?. Bwann appeared on """rlday to ebamploi lllfl before the commlttoe. His ?? .t that the ''(Isiigeroua .?ml c\e ptorable" law was one eontained in ??? tioti i?tt4 of the United Btates l\ttrh\mi I Statutes wa> received ?vita aatoalshmenl , Bonne one auggeiated that t\\< re mbft ? 1 1 oilUi 1 ??! tn. pi. sd ? hsnges ! dg? Bwann and Benatar ttcClelinni are Tamman? .neu. ? \,,' p.iii: a,' s?ai Judge Bwsnn, ''cemt Thi re la s pepulsi i Lsmor ? n m our ludlclai pro. sdure, an<l It , better for us genUemen. it-ot is - I ! \\ie H.c rt ? bed Is tha dt-esn ?' , . ,,,4 n Impreanattillt). b il te us? n ? ? ladom and ?pertanace In k-aaldng n?****s refoima t?sf-sre some one. mor? 1,.nan? and m ? J .in.?- it a tin l Bo tn* del at? >?? nt on. bsv? tal men ,;., taring rsundl) thai the] csred nothln? for public clsn-ror. ""'? -?. ?? ai .1.. id? i te - ? tion und? r 1 onsld. ? 1 j Claren?*? D Is add rssurdai ma? 11. ..??..?..., into th matt? ' aial that it was not in:. ' It I i::,. v--.' ? anting tlie Tammsnj, ? ? ... ha.I lev.-- : - ? >|, did let l". .?'I' ? , 44l;.|h"l Ih .. nmitti ?? h id 1 e| or! time . . ..-? both ol the l?!Ui ihe !? ??? 11 1- ?? ? ? > me aemrched to ln.l out if ' ? ? ? -? WOULD GAG HOLY ROLLERS ?Noisy Worship Drowned Warn? ing Cough of Dying Horse. i;>- Ilaire i mlo, April 13. A F. M< - ' rii., Is di sd, end he blami Ion t!i" noisy shouting .?ml singing of I Hoi* Rollers, who sri conducting me I rings near his hOUM. He has appelai i tu the Hitman? Boctet) to atop the ! meetings, M, pp.. -.. - thai his horse died .?f coll? Issl "Trids? night whiles mee;in>? ? u. snd thsl he m | essilj have Baved its life If onlj he hsd 'heard ii coughing when thi sttack ? 1 m. on ?. Altmatt Se (En. are showing a number o! new modems in Women's High-class Gowns and Tailor-made Suits o? superior work? manship and representing the latest fashionable material's and colors, at the following prices: ALfternoon Gowns 550.00, $65.00, S85.C0 to $350.03 Evening Gowns 350.00, 368.00, $95.00 to $255.00 Tailor-made Suits $58,00, $75.00, $$5.00 to $145.00 Three-piece Costumes $65.00, $85.00, $110.00 to $145.00 Special Sales will be held thisday (Monday) of Women's Trimmed Leghorn Mats, Mousquetaire Gloves and Cretonne Articles. , M| Aura?. 34ft an?r 35tft Sir?**, Kan for*.