Newspaper Page Text
mo. id's nur ON MIFF FRUITLESS President's Victory in Caucus an Sugar Indicates Approval of Whole Measure. UNDERWOOD SAVES DAY Majority Leader's Speech Up? holding White House Schedule Prevents Wilson's Humilia? tion on Two Main Items. Wasl Ingl .pill 13 Wh? n I ?? ?? ? ? n in csu bill it will " II edge thai ihe mi i ?i without nut? rial ?; ng to th? ' ess of : nd? re.I - ppoi I ol II not * holly i?i his II i ? ..-m the speech Mr Underwood In the seer? the csu? . - chsmb? : Ssturdsj ? ifl i ? Which wsi foil? ? ? I I ai of the Wilson-mad? rstet of the . ?? lion prob ably ?\iii sccortl to the majoritj It wss this idmt'.t? dl) aaved ti"' P ? ' ? g hl 0 ?i|'V ? S.1 ;i?-k: ? ? ? ral ga ind Mea Coi ?i the ! ? the th? m? ? ? ? ? ?VII ??ii pro- j er cen? - Yielded to President on Raw Wool. the ran read Mr. must tell th? .. ,i f ? tn\x V ool l ;> thai ? . nd tl ? i?lr?! to ihi i'i- -.??? ? ? Th? ot? ! nil ? '.? thai th? ?vho are se-ekins ? ? ? ? ommttt? e bl , ? Sut I'ntll to? of the 1 alls? n the fi.m ' - t bill pi ? su? ? ? ?vlilch hcrel ifore ha had i ndli puted ? ? f ? latl Th? : rl ?i dicta) oi t.'Tit i - In the ta ind ???? -i ! ? ? ? ips. drii I ? ? the face ol ? ' ' : ? !?? . -1 lull talon, but '-.a?J j lelded to 1 l Pr aident ? ? . ppori i-??I it ? tory ol - snd 11 d? i ? ? fir-1 time thai whll? - ? b en re been'left i ? ? ' i ?I Explain Party's Reverse!. ? ? the 1 mus? meet tlclsi Hey i -i - snd M? ?? ; ? omi ;i?? er wood told I ? i bmnl of auch by. VI I get I House ?.labamian murt ahoulder ihe burden of explaining why hit - I i I 1 dutiable i.i .? y? ar <??;", It espouses 1 ? The V ' Ihe s ool - ?? ???? e ? i, it M . oV i ? ? tie \\,,t,\ rute*- imII be ? i.. aeon of th*? wool I " us rats ? est si ? ?e?-- ? ?x ? wived from ng b? the caucus action bul th?--ir gth will not I ? h? 1 In th? ? a ? ? :. 1 lr ? ? i thai :n? Ml ? p| 1 r-? sgrlculllira 1 pro ? ?' ? !?? - Id? ? 1 - making ??? 111 be ????,.?: i th* eaoeua to-mo row. de fr?iin w estei ?i atsl to?n ?; ? x. will 1 e, snd :t Ik now ?..riff bill ii-an-. fOI d?- ! ata In th? hoif? ?'n ?Wrfneaday. SULZER'S PLAN OPPOSED Brooklyn Republicans Favor Committee Designations. ma Ittaa d? ?igna essage 0 ai - ? ppoasd by 11. < - B.I - fount Itepul !? an ? I ib The 1 l'lb will 1 tioi to Mi Bulier ; ? 1 ?? amona other si Oo**?**nor ? ? ? i-- com? Hob Id? ? bul mad? 1 1 Igi in behalf of It when lbs schssaa '*?''?") ? 1111 ?culled In the 80-iall?'J Hii;iiihii-< Ii .-? n ' pi I Tl jcl? > Mil The pressnt law," aald Mr. '.mi-, the sUury of tiit club, last night, "la la '??* a fair trial <?f ti?" designating ??<>im mittse system, becauaa ol the ? thi rielo 1 pro Mona The :?^:?;ii thing t?. ?i?. 1. i .. enact th?- Hinmen-Green bill verbatim .?ml -.'iw the committee deslgnstlng ays n opportunity t?? operst? To thro? i-, th? <:'K' M.I?j nos wit iouI .1 trial. . .. positiv? :,r. ach o th? 1 ?? mocratlc .?it.? .? ptodg? to give th? people real ?ii .- ?. 1 nominal Brookl) n Ifoung R< publi? an ? ? -i> ?'ill urge upon Qovernoi 8hj te thi alt) of recognlriog the "organisation." It naintaina thai when th? "organization ven a diatlncti* a pis. illoi which the 1 i.ji? a Ivo? atea th? ? .-in recognise and wot 1? ! .. /. i ? > movemenl towsrd defesting n?< j . ?.i.'.i!- h? so d<rsli ? a snd s ? I irr.-at ?.ifti- u|| SEIZE 3 AS 'WHITE SLAVERS ' j ,i,r;. citj April I] Charged with , t ? . .. w ?? la . ous? i ?Ihm dt? Ton? EttC .I ?'?,- M. , 'i ,.i .- ses wers si eated her? to 'i hs poll? ? sllegi tl - o-' ?i ' i"1? ?1 and ";*i ? lad "somet? ?" th?ii ? -? ? distributing thi ? - r .,.. ,.!?. trtlsi m?mti "tinting in I I? ? niK A tm iicim ?' > amp i oui K.i v wheat nsmsa ar? witl ?M? taken into eustod: with th? men. \ w..??lin Jail to 1 raring ? 1 niori'-w SUMMER CAPITAL IDEAL PLACE TO REST Harlakenden a Paradise Combining All the Beauties of Nature Is Report to j President Wilson. ' l'on ? . - t.. Washington, kprll j Th? tVhite Houe? on Hsrlskenden Fars* w inaton i t. irchl - propei t] m ar ( 01 niai?, K. il . and ?Vlndaor, \ ; . r- ai isolsted secluded snd seou?wtsred brick ?f apa? mi.s :.rt ans, on i pi om onto!? commsnding a vies of the Coo it River ami an expansa of ?jregon pines and s lairi-e of hills snd mountains m tii. distance. Its environ? sfford all tha q del ih. moal essctlng reclu - i ouM cravi anil within ?sasj range sre the or dinar) ?on?. m, n,-s ol civillsstlon, si? .-i everythlni ihr President and his faml v, ? sei pi .. Presbi t> nan church. Such is th? geni rsl repoi l ol E w Bmlthers, chlel tele-rrsphei ,.t ihe Va lute House, who wsi commissioned i>.4 Presl? rient Wilson !?? brav? te- bucolic region and mak? preliminar? arrangements *"?.?> Ihe arrivai of the i'i? sM? ni's family. Mr Bmlthers has returned to Wsshlngtonsnd r will make a .i. trJled 11 The oat nal report of Mr. Bmlthen la mor? or less disquieting to those s-ho mal ntenced t" follow the Presidenl mio lah la more In nan,, than i h< Ign ? i< a?j i an* ed cl ttort .-? ? m to b ' ??'?.r.*.! upon a toll b the t ' RI?, er In a loa it t.txt) ? Ignsti 'i o i lh< map (Vin. ..i Coi niah is *-ui posed to be In n. ?? 4. : ii \\ indi or is in > ei - w indsor . ro ably a ill be ?u?* headquartera ol the nes papal squad and , ?? for? gai i i r moi t of I - ..ut m the fs< i " ii ? i" ? aid? nt and hla famih are aom? w h< ?? up In ii?<- N?- ? I *, land Stat? - \\ Indsor has Ol ?ith ? I atli- ? i tu W'attfPl lupp lad - ' k good oi fsshloned wsabatanda fresii f.. the Co necti? ?' Rlvei Th? ? b ont] one '. --i in ? ??ri'i-ii snd that la loi at? : al ? '-?nii:' | ?'Lit -in ifii? ? from liai Iahend? n ai s i th? modesl rtam ..t Cornish In rs? i u fsci ?:-i- ? ; Int? !? "t ?I Pn d nt, but the near ?si approa? h to d liquor Institution within tut ai ter Ma) I, s ?1 be .?t N i por i in nul? - fl"lll r I? llli-i \\ hit? I i .M W dSOI II th? ? om II i? i n il r ? -?j ?I itl tkm. 'i.alsh expresa ofllce. the Cm nlsh t? -? atem sr?d oth? i ? ??' nii con? ? ni? n? a, but thei e er? no troll? , ai * '?? d? ?i,: . snd itag? ",p ??*? Ml ?.?\ bets ? ? n ti?<- n? Ighbo Ini haml ? - Se? i oi : si I ?? h d 101 In addition t?? ? town band a high school theo.dsal newa paper In the ?tate ami ,i machli. i- quietl) harboi Ing ?? i" nlten iut It Ii hMdi ii as iy m ?' clump ol nd < lie ? " lots n?v< r trj t" ? aca| ?? ? ' ordei t-? a, t to !Isriakanden trom \\'in?i-.?i one crosses the toll bridg I inu north h ? ??i "hlk? ?" t"??'' mlk ? N- s 01 h la abo u .t?? mil? a distsnt I" gfteld end Bosto a i ?ul I ? lea ,n- a Th? - are eight ? ? ilna a dsj es? h pi ..... \\ indsor and th ?? atop ofti n sftei the? Bu t 1 la dise almosl lost srlth il thi ? d to s certa It ? the artlal - of th? autho w ho th? pl< i ? ?r? qu< i . ? ! " . ddition to i ? ? wild ?os ? i snd i . tu 11 ther? ii? ?lowering bui ahruha und How? ? ind i ii? nslvi id ; , all ' "H" Inlng to make i mo t at tractlvi ?cene an Id? I snd ? m--, nal CALIS NEW Ml 11STE Sulzer Commissioner Unear Great Meadow Graft. $500,000 LOSS TO STA Quicksand Site Chosen So Tr "Ring'- Could Keep on Enricl ing Itself, He Sii"pcctP. 4 ..... that ? ....... iructio building? Bl the net Qreat M?.... prison, at i ornato* '.? .. ? made In a port aubmltteJ to *>"? ernor i Grorge VV. Blake, ol Seat York. After i ;..- .??,,- had , "iiio4. u . 'olon. i Jo ? . sui ? rln! I .; Mi Blak. mti ion? !?. Ii, - - tlgat< I Mi. Blake recommenda that futur.* ,. . ? ion work . ? ???? possible; that no t the ii ? ,.- ? . ? . . in tl woi k >" thorough! examined lo I a thai it might I? ?ii - o er? d a hi til ?81 ? ' ,;> u ' "A i- liai ?'' ? un of il * ?a* s tin ?? poi ? "Ii thai no ati? mpl h nad? to . once ?i the wi oi | II .. ?? n a;,'l con ipl. noua thai K visitor must obsei more than two yean this prl? ? | job has b? en urn ? to i ob tl .-t?te, ??i ! . ? ?..;.,. ?aid I hat I < purpo of atealing I b ni t. ti u? -i ?' i i part?cula atlon Th? bill foi I ll .nil for work ii"! .l"i?' at t ? i : d ot Ihi Bta a i II . 'ontrotl. ' and the I : oi l'tisoris. All of th? *?? pSISOn with the exception of th? ilontrol have known that tb? M I BI ? dl honei ami should no! ha.? been paid. ? project w;i'- conceited in graf Tha slat?- paid (e&aai for propert; worl no! rim!" thai I ? ' I 'I ii" flfSt SPProprtl Don 4-, as mari,- ia nu and srsa I of) The bill providing foi thla sppropiii t!on madf it appeal that thia sum woul Btrii nt to ' ompl? t" ? ' sork bi un to the pr?s. ? than I ? ? i hsi bean approprlsted, and "S3 i.?Btss mot la still demanded despite the fact thi -. - .. |nj ,-.?. of th? ?? ? i riatlons ?Tin?- wing and a dormltoi hai ompl? lei Th? alts < hoaan for thes buildlngi Ii la ? hollos In tin land mu I r.f which is quicksand Thi great pjrlsoi .. ao thst ' rscka sppes m the wan? Thi ?!"imltoi nkett tl Kuai-.h- deep at irttfl? ?l wltl h< a? ban at ah? windows and hoav] 8<mm*i but the int? rio salli ... ii agila sm . , ,i)l!i : Itibl? I? i- potajril,:. lo l.i, V. hol? I In iii. . ' ihould start In th? nlghl wl ? i. th. | is!da ar? -:? ? ping th?-:? 44?, til. i en theli escape This alona mal?. - the work ?> crime. \> a matt? ' of fact, one end of th' dormitory blidding Itegan settling to ar alarming extent, snd tha "tat? had tc spend ?T".i to level th? building. Thi foundation here li quicksand so it is cer? tain that tins expenditure win ha > t.. iv ntlj and Indefinitely repeat,,i "T; i- .niii, uii to find ?in;, explanation ii.m .,f this alte 4 h. n ,. hi aurrounded b) a circle of uplsnd ahora Bolld foundations could bava been found. Knowledge of lb? dlahomma of the men w ho permltt? d l his ?? oi i? 'u cont n a uskei It appeal likel) ihat their objeet wa\g to plats the buildings In a location wher? the?- could i"t posalbl* last m ordei to grsfI from th? mone: that would '.nstsntl* needed for repairs and then tu ahy to enrich themselves anew bj <io 11, K th? v Ol Accompanying th? report ar? affidsvltl "i two expert! wl., examined the 4v.irk and material l i nlahi u 'i he) auppoi t i.. d. tall Mi Blak? s critit-Jsmi YOUTH ARRESTED ON ROOF Tells Police He s 'A Gentleman,' but Is Hele', for Larceny. ai" sted , i, ti,.- roof of the t- nemeni B?-?USa at So IM ?Paral Htieel. A'l.'in, Micks, . ,. nt? - ,- : who refused ',. make known i . address?, and dasciibed Mm* ... i,t .,,.,?.' B/Sfl .",'ke.l up la ' Bight -m ,, charge of grand larcen: n a.i- 1.4 Mrs, Minni? Btela Mrs Bt? in I srsa m dlnm r wl.he h? ard a nel| I bor ? rearain-j ? ? .e an<J up? ... f...til to the r? of Detectivi II Mlcka hiding behind 1 tsk? to the 8 ? ? '?? ?...?? the FIND MURDER MYSTERY IN LOCKED APARTMENT Early Morning Shooting Led s Police to Discovery of Prob able Gang Victim rhe pulle? found 1 srtment N" -' ?? K - > odd I? ?I up m -< i" kltclu n ii??-?: 'i i?- re th?. bs? k ". ?I- ??.. ,,.j snd on? und? i I < hin. Thi poll? ?? fo n ?i two i ???'?'?' tin- man' . l? thing, bul nelthei el ? had been i - a in? i? ti" . ? P ??' ? ..- .1 fi.i'ii th.iImi, The a ? ? tala? ? " and s few < : bul ?bed rhe flooi ass lit) thi pa lor l ? ? .n i and two win. . M di Iphla i ? t i n. i tl - ? ? ? I i. Tha -i ol ser? heard by Ro ? ?? ol : . ? s?.- .???-.. i band? ? out. A lartcd up th? ??'.. i Big i of talra he a ? by five men a ho app?.? ? i .us burr) i - i ' ich th. "Whcre'i th? Wolff 'Don't know piled on? ? ' w ol I .. i I ?m the floor*? ? bed. Ilia s'il not sie? Voll i ?? !.." i | ? ? tal i Detective ' ? ? mid ? R? d PI i -.. -i on Big la? : Zell| -.???? . ? ? ? 'aptaln Co Flannell) that of der. Th? dead . t.. ? , ..i t.. , Inches tail and a? Igh? d aboul i..?? poui d He wa clean iren and I ad dai ? hair. i la a ??t ? .. brof n auJt, a bi os d fell I il .i blai i- J? r -? iweatei a tan aln 11 ? black h - lia. MAYOR DODGESJP0TLK3HT Delays Talk to Turn Vereins at Hippodrome Till Rays Are Dim. Mayoi ? ? do? ? ... ? : ,\? i?-., i, ? dodg? 'i n laal y tut to 1 Hlppod., to ft lei gnnl ? ? i aa of Ves Voi k Tui i i a lieduled i Wh? i? I" him-'. Its| till pol Ighl I. tl Mi inalled franl theli dimn g and o ?f- th? . led to nun ?| am Hi' ? i '? ... ? . ? Hu Mi "i aid Ii? hud i??-> n introd b) Helnri? I ?vbclei pn d? ni o? ti?. and l m proudei than sil thi f;itif*i -? snd moth? ? ? ?*? sil ? h? gli la ? h.? ? appeal i d on thla itag? iii.> tyen - ? ? ? -? ??? th? apectscl? ?un? h t n? have pn ented .?? i ? r ? Mai oi referred to the ? shibltloni of | m naeti? etaasi s from \? ?> | si i Turn .'erel ia nu in h -? ??? rsl hundri d bo .i t;n i- took i ?? Ms] ??i < la | i?"i took occa -. to tribute t" tii? poll ?? a ??? the <i?'t man rai e adding ti'?? t sud prob lema sa the sgulstion ol t.penaation for lui??., et ? ni.: -i ??i m i n? i "'i? ? "f; in ir labot. i? meaaur? he favor? d, had ii? ? :i aettled eng ??,'? :". tha? ? o in ti.' gymnastl? portion ??f th? i ? i ni? 11 ilnnienl aboui ? ibei si aome l a enl ? Tui n V*ei i in ao< k ties In and aboul N?s ?fort appeared, in. m i*. K. Oi ossmann asentatlve of the .\"rt?, American Oymniistlc L'nlon, nuule I i" l"i rua. sddl ' I The ' elebratlon of th? ha ; ni versar) <>f ti? organisation trill be eon? tlnued to?da) with ? xerd ? a and ut tin- New ?uih Turnei Hall, Btti 1res! and i.? alngton .?? ? dim FIVE HURT IN AUTO CRASH. Horaell, N. f., April U Flee paraooa wen injured t ?. i - ? evening when an an tomobll? n "-"filch the) aen riding be? MM untiiiiii.-ii?.--..ti!- gad ran into n trat 'Vxx.i ?.f ihr Injiitc?!. Mr- JOSOph Kam machei aged f??'i:-n.? aim ktra, Henry n?jii'i. both ..r Hor?II, ?-in probgM) dJa MOOSE LOSSES BIG CALL 10 PARTY CHIEFS Perkins Summons National Ex? ecutive Committee to Devise Ways o? Checking Desertions. WEAKER IN MIDDLE WEST Enactment of Progressive Leg? islation by Republicans Sends Roosevelt Men Back to Old Organization. .\ .-..ii for a meetini <?? ihe national ex? jecul re commute? ol the X*ttEtrtmolre party ha- ?been Isa i? d t?j ?' ' ' ?' '??'?'?'? ?.-? w Perklna snd on W.?da ind Thursda] ??: thla ??? '- the big i hh I? ?of the Bull Moos? erlll meel ? ' not m Suite ?MS si '! ? Hotel Man ? T . Roo? .? Il ha 'en asked to attend the ?*onf< r? n? es, snd h la Hit? I) thai h will ao ept The prln? Ipal res. ? ging the Ii ad? i ? ol th? pai 13 to? ?;. tii.i la to dlecu s saya foi checking the <i< foctlona from the P grea 1 ranks m thi MMdli Ml ? Progressiv? les rinn! thsl '??"> ha ' more >??i thi i? hand In the Middle r than ii" ) bargain? d tot ! ..1 m- estlgstlom mad? : ? ;? lui : (M ?. national leadei ha losed t> ;?i ?. u?- .?t msn ' who i/oted foi ? olon? I R0 welt In tho tal -?il havi relui ii'-<i t" i ? r: pu ilican fold and ? ? deaf to 1 ill ol t;" Bull Moo ? R-rturning to Republicanism. ? ?.. 1 11 - ? ? Progn 1 ,r 1.11 m thi I lot? I Manhattan 1 tal idmil " d thai iu? ?? ? r. th? ? "i> Mlddl? '?'- t M Hin? I of th? ipeclal ild that th? r enactment ol Progn ? ? The defe? 011a froi Ih? Progt inka, Mi 11 n hi "? admltti ?i wen gro? Ing la ? H? added: 1 r the 1 Ivi pai f In th? M ddli W . ?1 1 bound lo fa . ? ? ease 1 pari ihoae ?tal ? peopl? ? ? legiala ma 1 do not . lining I R? . ? . e sa any pari . ?1 . ,.?I? ..? ? ? " R ? ? \t ? alrmai 1 '? . ? ' ? '.. |g| of " 1 ? i. ? ' . O. K. Da? Hum f the na< I ?., ! -, :? ' ? ? ' ? 1 - ? ; 1 To Discuta Or?*, ?ni/j'io?? Methods. ? lira ol ? . \ :. ?? ? ???'?:??? try snd ? . pro at ten) I o New 11 e c gov ? ? ? ,'lrgtnia, elections to I . 1 ? of l ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? 1 . ., ? ? ? '??? ; ?1 all, : 1 ... , . , . ,. . 1 . orga ' ... able In Rep ta '?"?n i??? **e* Kng ind and ?South? ?.,?? hav? ? - . ? llllnola haa al? . ? QM -?f h< : |M Ml . ? 'i i" Prog - idouartcra In t ? '1 itan will he < < mo red to ? 1 I ?? ? ? ?.'..i Bticet B ilMIni din ? I !? . rhe par) ? la ? ? 1 ? ? on the doublt tl 11. pr? nt ? ? OTE.0? FROM TUXEDO PARK . .I 11?In eplti of tir?* lerta 1 uausl quota of Net ???..-? ? . Bda Man: sn .king fo 11 ?? ' ? litas and tl 1 , .,-? pron t" be llvelj si ? : 1 u-- .m s? Including the hoi ? i?"?*.. th? K<?if ?.. 11 n .??? da ? ?? of lau n tenn ? bea .1. liiali j Blali ?? ?. , ?t ? Portai during tu- " Inter and apring, has purchased a nln? < a? ? site naai the old (.11 m .u Tu . 1 ' ? 1 '?? and plan an i"??*. being considered foi .1 ?.um mansion t?> . . n . I- .1 "ti tin ti." I Ml '??"I Mr? Blair will pend ti" ??ul imn here \i Slid Mr*? Paul I ? I.?' u ? 1-? g| their Tuxedo rills over Sunday. Mi and Mra William Farnasrorth apenl thi mi with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L-oomla Mi lohn ?W. Mlnturn wMI occupj the Port? 1 hou? e tl" .In| *? ?? 11 Mr snd Mra v M Board bgrt taken 1. more houa? ior th? - im ? M? and Mi - O? 011? 1 Bak? 1 ? Jr., r? 1 m i"-?i fi ??m M- ? muda Mi -m?. Mi 1, ?Corn? llus s Lac ara now m their Tusedo home Mr and Mrs. -.' ?Traderl? Tama ara ao? ? ipj ing iii< lr v Ule ?m >v' ' ?Wah L-ake. Mr and Mra Preston Davla hav? re? i 11 tied i?? tin ?arland H?**uee Mr. and Mi ? ?i in?"?'1 l ? Bmltto ant? 1 . * ., pou t.. .,1 luncheon a! th? Tuxedo ? |ub ln-ila* Mr. and Mra Pierre L Barbe] were imst.?- ??f 1 bouse pai I Mi an?! Mik. William l..i?Aiiiir Oreen ?.?. im 1 ???tin iif.i fuiiii Europe recently, have "i? n?-?i apartsxtni -<t th?- Wlntei ? lui?. utii?i> who -?i" nt Bondaj at Tusado In? ? lull, ?i Colonel snd Mra Ttaomaa Denny, Mr. and Mrs? Oaerard (Tomly. Mi Mo ? Taylor Campbell, I Montgont-an Room \ .-lr. Mr .tn.l Mm H C 1'irhnin. Mi. and Mra 1. .-, Muni?. Mr. and Mrs. ?Fred . 1?. r Foster, Mr and Mrs u miom \ Hoffman, Richmond Talbot, Mrs. Kr neei R. Ad? and Mi mid Mra, CharleaI ?.?ifonougn. I MER HI LONG BUTAN WILL LAST ? ?iriiiiiuril irom lirnl parr. China, a taux pas whi-h President Wil *"ii has punished i.v taking the antlra matter out of the hands of tin- Sor r ? tary without even Imparting to tgt. i.l vail the details of th?! policy %vll.?ll i is t.. govern the course of this a.lminia-1 tratien in dealing with tha r?*N**agnltk*?n of Chinese independ. me. When Presiden! Wijson offered the mission to Oreat Britain to EUcharJ OInej it was done without the approval ?if Mi. Bryan, Who has always legan1'?! Mr. <?lney a- an iiitos?r;? 1 part of 'h-'i anti-Bryan incUon In th?- Dosn*etnsy and to ?vhi< h l'action he attributed bis defeat m mora than one PrxMldentlal election. The offer of lhat important. mission to ?i ?.'i<>.?land Peaaocrnt, aiio had '.n B> lTCtarj- Of State in Mr. Cleveland'a Cabinet, was not only un 4.. h oui., to Mr Bryan peraonally, but | u was the '" i aalon of amasement urn1 disappointment i.? all the groat follow? ing ?viii'.h Mr. Bryan stiii baa In the D?mocratie party. With ad*"nlra**-le scii-p"i-?? Mr. Bryan refrained fr*>m any expression of his displeasure. Lit in frienda ssseri thai he sraa soreiy hurt i., the Presid, m ':, course. The Oral Important ?. r t ? ? lal utti ?an e ... the Wilson administration in con? m . i ion with foreign nffg ??.. i lie d< Isiation "t its poll? regarding the countries of Central ami South America. This Btatemeni a/ai issued from the White House, it was - is .ill ' spie: si"ll of IV . idem \\ ;| and pu*fposc and it eon tain? d no r? f? i an. thi distin? guish? d Bei rotary of Btate, even by j implication Purthermora. it Is known i.? ha ?? be n the product of President Wilaon's "?mi pen. Thla s/a th? Brat "important foreign quasdJon'' which had ? .une up and Pn ' i?l ? 11 ' W ilaon lied ii ! 11 ir, ell Bryan Simply Iqnored. The neal declaration of moment re ling foreign relation-: was the ?ii noun< ? ment ti at th? I nit? -\ ? ?I Ire? moral support from the pos> oai to the nan ? 1 i ....... i' is ti if that Mr. !'? . ! v represen? tative! of Ihe bank? i inten st? >i aa? ? g that Mi Bi * an a eg thi i : oper authorit . had ? ailed on him ?*. ith theli i ' for infoiman.m regard? f thi adminlai atlon rd ;; ? enterprl und rtak? n at the instan, i of ; i" laal Bui n en I il | n . . ... ih.- * ? "I .? but '???m tl." M | it. ii.'. ? Mi Bryan ss n??t In ?\ i ' Ington ?'hen Presid? ni Wilson ?! "Il "H tl ; and w i ote and mad" i ibllc I m< nt ? ' p u i. this r< gard. Befoi Mi Bryan ret urned I Weal ih. Ambassadorahii) t>. Great Bi i... i ? a a .."*? f d "? th? I'l'1 idenl t.. Ws i n Psge, a ho had 11? ? in.?. n hia la. k "i ? onfiden? a In Mr. tu 8 ? '' ' m . and who had a quoti l i . ? d? .ii.. belief t an Pr. Idenl ' ! ' -Lite him elf. it perl B poli? chlel ' '. tint.? ?n; giving an; . \pr. ?ion of ? it thit* ? i.i but i' fficult to mag n ? .'in' ?? . the con ? . ? diplomatl ? bi r\ l< ?? mi a man ?? h?. ? tn.- la. :. : ? my of the n 4- ho "m- ;" ' am. n rhl? ... ?. bel f thai ? . ? . ding I of the Brit ? ? ' Pa| ??_. the fact ?'. Pag? psp men vv ii ? that hi na.i ... , ? ? , ? ? ? ? tn. ? had admitted In i?ondon that ??? ? i - i'a i*. d been n Mi. ni' .m d? al? -I -.ii ki ' ? I? dg< of th !? poi t and intimated that it WB an unfounded nen spapei storj. i ii".' ?\ ii- on ha f? 't foi lonie time that the United states should take the initiative in recognising the nes Ri publl of ? 'inn., n was hli to ti ? tep al in earl) da; and w ?thout regard t" the .our-. ??( thi po ? This pui i ? i ?? con - ii.|. ,i to Mi Brysn, ?-Ith the result thcl j th? sc ; ? tai 4 muir, dial rgi ted m m-, itatlon i?, all ih. i "'?? eri t" act i In < on? .it Kith the i 'nited Btstei snd .. itep simultaneo u I? on the ? occasion of the meeting ol i first i ongi '* on ?april I trVhetlu r or not Mr. Bi .m ?. i part. ;|! laset, a? t - uated ?'- ii??-* i>? lief that the aucc. ich a at? p aouM *??? fai i" .-.1111111 1 i hose pos * rs n hi? h might a. epl thla ,114 i tat Ion to 1 ? ognil 0 of Ihe trg - dl lonal Int* 1 ?. the United * In th< .?i ? Ihins ;s not know n, i,ui n 1 a fact 1 ha? su? b u aa the im pression made <>n several of the dip? iotnats ahora hi Bummoned to the state Department m ?*?onn?*-ctlon ?\:th it Found No Takers. 1 if course, ii" ? M't' salon of this mi pression wai conveyed to Mr, Bryan. Bach of the diplomats who respond. 1 to ins 1 10 1 all expreaaed polite Interest In the suggestion and gave ar? s'.iraii..s that he would submit it to bl? government Bui Mr. Brysn'a astute lugge lion found no takers, Brasil baa 1 cooi-iii,-'.1 Chins without even edvtslpg the Unit? .1 Btates ??f her purpoaa. In fa.t. Hi.- first Information regarding thai fact cama bo the Bacratan bj a/aj Of n? a s dispatch, a fi oui London. MeanwbUe, the impression has ion? abroad In Washington that in "?owe ?a. s.a ici.ii4 Bryan made' and his countr* ridiculous by ins proimaal, 01 some feature thereof, the full ?ictuiis "f whiih ha hus naver mada public; and this impression appears to h. v.. reached ih" White House, for Praol dent Wllaon has taken tin matter tut? his own hands and In,? not BVOB made ciear to ins Pacrataij of Btate the *'?<?? ?elopiiienls whi. h h?* raf-grdfl Bl .? COB dliion pie.-idciH t? rccogniiioii. ?mi April 7 there was g hroa?l inti? mation at the L'epartment of State [PUT TEETH INT0J5ERVICE LAW Progressives Prepare Bills to Give More Power to tV* Commissions to Check Extortions from Com? muters and Other Travellers. ?H) Telcg:i?r?!? lu The Tribune.] Albany. April U.?Three billa designe to carry out the Proa*r?sales party's plat form pte<lgea regarding public aervtee ?soi poratlon regulation will be Introduced to morrow night by Senator Salant and a? ?emblyman v??ik. ol Klnga County. Thai wan prepared f??r tin* l?*-glalativ?i commit [????? of the Prograaalvea by i group o public utility experts. Thsse bills, which thi Progressives In? aist would i?'tt "teeth" into tlie Publi? Bervlce oommlsslona law, which expert . m ? proves it needs, are expected t?? i? use?! a.? campaign Isauea l>y them In Nan York dty tlii-- fall. The Aral bill providai that m any bear* Ing b* ti.ommtaaloa us t?? a clauca ir rates, facilities or a?reles Um bardan o? proof t?? Juatlf) the ehonge ahall i?- '"! ti"- trompan) lhat In an) proceeding as I to the reaaonableneaa of an] rat?- or the I adequacy <?f an) serelce the bordan of j full dladoaure of ail the faits ?is to meb . m t?? ami aervl? ? ahall be on the compan) I 'iMiiiin whose espseial knowtedge such fa*ts are, and that Whan B schedule is Sled changing s rate charged or ;< a?rete? afforded by a publie utility the commis? ?ion may auspend the taking offeel of 1 ?i schedule pending an Inveatlgatlon of | the reaaonableneaa find propriety or auch i ? hani?*-. ?Priority la given to cassa In I ??..?. i- Bueh auapenaton la granted. The power oonferred is airallar to that ? K? d with aalutgry effect! ilnce June ? ? i ?'. b the Int?ntate ? lonti h n i ? on* ? ?n \ bill ? "'it? n Ing tin" pow? i ? the Lagialature '??-it year an-i \ rtoed b- ? ;<?? . rnor i ?ix in Westchester ?County thousands of commutera have been paying Bines July. 101??. $1 to *?_' a month more for then ) transportation than they would have paid i If the commission for the !d I ??strict had this poorer <?i suspension. The "court review" bill ate mi ???????^i|L Important ?o the Progressives. j( Mmitji the power of the courts to review oidere of ti?e commission lo quest loos ?if taw alone, eboUshee the dilatory vm?i of orti. orarl as i maani of reviewing orditri of the commission, provides that no mjunc f"n agalnal an order ??f the comnusssjg Bhall i??- granted except on riotlce to tbt commission and deflnltel) idaca os th? part) eaeertlng the Invalidity or a ? 3 i of the commission the burden of proof M astobUsfa ?such Invalidity. The most Intarastlng of the i,iii>, nol only pla?ai local expresa <**ompaniea raod adequately undor the Jurtadl?ctlon of ti*. PnMIc bervtee nonmloslona, bul a:? brings ander that Jurlodlctlon all bagggfja transfer? taxtcab, automobile aai IM ??tai:" coach, carriage aervtee and omnibus Berytee companies, win? h have or noli? t.-iin dlractly or Indlroctl) en oti ? rea ? ???tiv?*- In or <?n the property of a railroad or street railroad eorporatloa or In connection with a station, depot or ter? mina! owned, occupied or used nv a rall rood or Btreet railroad rorporatlon, or Whteh aro ma?ie common ?arilers bv vir? tue of some other provision or law. Or Whteh, if such companies operat?? *.ehi? dea by nuitlve power other than animals. Operate such vehicles In, alona; or ae-osa p.rtx street, park or public plare In a city of the first ? lass. The Progressives say their bill offert ti.?1 only way of affoi-ilinit ar. ar?r?ijate Chech on taxi-ab. expr?s- and baggage transfer extortion.? In New York and otr-*r large ?nie??. Hence, they proposa this ex? tension of the meaning of the t*rm "??am. nion carrier*' under the Public .?ervl-? loninnsiiorv* law. I that something e,f importance in COO? !r,'it;nn with China would develop or i the following dsy, the day of the meet ing of the chinease ParilamenL But nothing was forthconnmi When ? ? for an explanation Of the re-'i ?ons for the delay and for informa ti.m regarding the ctMtdtUons which, in the estimation (,r t|lf. President, must ..litain before recognition waa grante.' Mr. Bryan l>acaine ...mused and irai Anally obllgod I.afeas that ha era*. not entirely fsmllisr with them. Thi .- .::>'ii "f China bj the, I'm'?., Btat? li theri fore In tho lap of th. gods said gods being In tins Inatanc \\'""dr.'\v \\ ii "ii. imlng thai t!" B? of Btat? 44...? the proper person t. approach or jap ines? ??ml a??.? ? omitted to Becretary Bryan mbbo* thing ?? ? ? ? o iveeks ago ? prot? s. gainst the all? n land las pend ng in ?p. Calll ?. iture. Wh ther 01 ii,?i this ? si .. formal prot? ? .nn ?I as the views of the Be? ? : ? tar <>f State and the Bl [appear to dlffei ??n that point Be that It ti, if?- Bi i hi uiiiieri' oh to pro . rire ottut modification of tl of th? ? aliftM-nlans, and, In? IdentaJly, ?e- d ? hi Ml uatlon ai d and emba? i ing Mi,-. Ml ? Br sn had"'i"'l ?4 Ith problem I rlthoul made kno ? dent Uii.-. n hsd taki n the ma I ter ? I ol the hsnda of th? .*-? ? tai nd would ai m iry Brynn i.. r ; i.- i ' t it csn hsrdl) hs pl< using to Mr. t-i ? sn ? pi ?de. \ ? ?? inter the f, estdenl snnouni i ,i that he ?ltd not consider the sitaation either deli? ate or ? mb u i ? ting, and thai he expected a proper and "?needy on of the matt it la doubtl? ?-? I) i" the outcoi ' I : i ? Hai sit',iaii?*n. .-. President Wl I am n III d? ride :.. g|\. ... id? - latitude to his Becretai y nd s til ' ome :<> relj moi his Judgm? nt. < m th? oth? r h ind, 't it Mi I w i;i weal t m w hi'h he I forded ti" oppoi I unit to dlspla* I abilities he bell? ? ? him to pos? s?-s. ami !.. demonstrate, bi he had fondl* i'."i ed, that he I - somi thing more than an eloquent spellbinder ad a perennial Presidential candidate There is an Impression in diplomatic circles thai Mr Bryan's unfortunate reference to "the d-*gra?latl?*?n of tn... lions., of Lorda" m his Bt Patrl? k'e i>av gpeech 4M m far to shake the con? fidence of the President In hla diacre? t;..n and ins fitness lo conduit tho diplomatic affairs of the nation, Bom? M i. Brj .in i fi i? ti?!?- i oint out, hon - over, that In being the Btate Depart? ment aa well us chief Executive Mr. Wilson treating his Becretary of Btate ii" dlff. ient from the Di nao. ? ,a*i. leader of the House, the Detno vi..r? imij.'iiiv m the Senate, and so on. Then thei. si e I how In ... lal ? Ir? I? ; ami eisen hi re s ho point t., | he foci that Secretar) Bryan Is gaining Immense satlsfa? lion iTom th.* s... ?ai i'i'sitioii which attaches to ?us high ? ri!... that he accepts every Invitation and is conatantlj feted, and thai this must u" a considerable wa* toward Boothing ins injured pride and com penaatlng bbn for his disappointed ambitions. Of course, this latter is -"-sip. but m light Of ih?* facts it is might) entertaining ?-,?..ssip. which Is heard on all sides in t*Uplomatac dr? >i.-. Indeed, the corps ia t"*-smeno*MNia I) entertained .? m>i is awaiting furth r development.- with almost breathless interest. The relation! of Pr?"*si<lenl \\'iisoa and the Becretai*] of Btate are natu? rally not leaa intwes-tlng m potttlcal circles Some ,,f th,. conservative Dem?crata who share the view- *?>. prcBBod by Ambasaadfir-t-r ha Page would feel no regret ware the Bocr?e tan of Btate to be raplMod. others would deplore tha Ineiik. But all aie keenly Interested In the situation and ara avid for avarj ?^levelopment ami ovary item of gossip which tends to throw a ligiu <>n Ihe- situalion. LONE SYNAGOGUE IN COLON. Coton, April ia. what is rlalmsd to he l!ie Mil) ByaSgOgtM in t'enlral an,| South America, with the axtoeptfon of those In Argentina and Brasil, was dedicated here to-day. Rabbi l>obrin. of .lainaica. ortl ??late.i Proetdoat Perras and .nan? prom? inent Americans and l'anatuau- attende?! the services. ALL SET FOR GREAT lontlnu???-] fi-nm fli*??t naa?. and bit. a ?aw. two small erowhari. ?=".era! jimmies" and ;i nnmher ?f p .1 it? r*er*l hammers. Th?? Instrumenta as well a*- th?' revolver found In the room apartment ware confls n'*A., Vault Loo??.?? Impregnable. h ?- though! t! tl b :???? pended operations with the - * daylight, Intending; f J^cR-d hola m th?- back wall ? .1.- not ered, t.? return loot nicht iiii'l ? . ;? The wi were covered on th- Inside, a*itl alarm n ? would haya been <ii*ti' ult to pi' rce "Kin at any point without detection, Tbj %,. -i!t walls were fr,ur J'e-'t thi ??n the floor .?f the pawneho r tl??' , ?? .? ? .iJKll * I ?had ? r.i'. ? ' dies and a knife. \ ten n 2 ?lire, tiv bo? k of th? pawnsh covered I 1 gg? ; ,. '? wall, ?si . ? ?_ ' ?' .1 1 r. . , ?l':|l.. rry street 1 lam K. Kit lid I ?efe? Uve 1. ? t U ir.i. 11- . ' . ?? t I several -.??..:?? bio? It ? ' the Rul were detain?? is 1 IM Dlxmheth itroai ?*. arera <m able to Mtisfat ' ? ' tin their i?r' sence In t!io houi na ar r>-iteii. They prav.* ? m that '?'I t" th-* mspe, tl ?I ? The threi room fla1 ; tuts and th? poll? ?? learned. engaj ago Blank? ta had I iced ... . - menta 0 ? i b) 1? ?non : In ? ? ?? pa * 1 ahop or buildings adjolnii g It in the I TARIFF ELECTION ISSUE Much Interest in Bay Stat? Fight for Weeks s Seat. Beaton, Ant 1* A? the tariff has ben the dominant not.? of th?? ?-ninra?c* whkfe OSS ni the t'th Congresa lustrtrt to-morrow, the result ef TaoadajTa ?*??* cla eleel on t" fill the \a?*an??' <*A'i"*d b? tii.? ? ? . of lohn ?W. vToeki t-? *n* ter the genate? ii regarded with apeahl In ten Bad of tl 1 three eand I?'* > i'rtN* I. Cutting. R< !/,h5 1 Mitchell, l??-uio<' "f Marlboro, ese S'ormsn ii White, Progresalve, of Brseu? I ne, has discussed the tai ff conauntt) si msnj ? . llei ?? ?? **" ?*? and watch manufacturing dt-trMi. Weelta had ;? plursllt: of : '.*s 1?;t. ,?? \.mi?.r but the Republican ? .?ti?n?iate? for Preel lent and Oovei diatricl by ama in,-lt:?l.*.l in the diatricl ?re three cities Msrlboro, Newton and W'althai tv-two towna, 01 ? of s - Mmokl.'-. an.I .( Boaton ward, known as Bngnton Announcements of the best Sanitariums and Health Resorts Are Published Kegularly in the N.Y.TRIBUNE on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays Our rratlers are invited lo write "??' telephone our Informa? tion Bureau 111 regard to t?Yf Sanitarium or Health Re?ort m America. The service II ??*? ?vddresi J30 Tribune Building. X V or 'phone 3000 Bcekman.