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Ml I PER CEN?? Fil State Examiners Under New Law Tes; Ability of Brokers " to Protect the Public. AGENTS ARE LESS GLIB Some Refuse to Meet the Or? deal, but All Must Yield? Those Who Fail May Try Again. ?-? nt? the fit tstk i ' I ' i o ept life s talked p? I ' atocka without glvli | ... i ?us mat? ti He ??? tly or ate ???' ?utharlt*/, aa preocrlbed I i - ?;.w i.,?* in a ati.. ly Btreai venty? flv? A A ,i4 ,,f s,.u ' I '? <"?ral examina' ' ' i : he In ? .es. bul toward th? tgenta 1 irded .-> ?au young, gray haired an.i man) s ? fan ? beei n the ? - ? to til? intei - .1 .,,.. i t ' t es.a ? !.. en ?Depart? nent In Room MM, . ttway, for th? purpose of | ni the 1 tni i and trustworthlnesa ol i u brokera .???? ntsresta ol I b< na ired are ned There are hetween ll.OM end I2.M hr<-?lverf? in the state, and between ? O ? " \ '.v v..rk ? itv ., ..-?. 1 I ?? h ezsmlned thus far. and *?'? Pi ? r Cent, Mr ?'"n?.i\ ?? , Bterda) ? ?I their fitness. The unit were In? to atudy and try attain i those rejected can ? .-??-- . ? r ht? \ are li ? ?-?!:? er th? I law - pul t" the brokera are and practical, Mr Conwaj boM ttentl to ti a ? i -i;- r aim) . r ? ' nee an?! turned i t ov? ince company ho Knew snd did ? ? ?*?"ih?'r his head hoa well ol boa ? : i fared aa pparentl) ; a--- d kind of question that haa i -? Indi ! . . itloi Mank which haa to tx I out ? ? kens? ft la the queiy a<= t?> ? brok? : ahouM <io in ssslstini tl < to ?ibtam th?- best pollcj under lancea I tl " of aiilir^ ' ? did waa i . ? nted a polie* ai d th??n . . . ? . ini ranee on *?-Mith s rity of th? a-?-?"! In a onway saH Othera ? ? lamination, while a ama I num wh" answer, try to argu? .\or\gc " ? thai the ex ? ? U, do It, Mr N I d?finit? r ? the Ina iTi'nt ?' -; rest!] '? ' se of ? a sei I ? . i be ua ? ? ? - renewala ? BOY PREFERS STEWARDESS TO MOTHER'S KISSES Reluses to Go with Parent Without Woman Who Be? friended Him Aboard Ship, ras oa I I. Sturt ? i grand ? ? ? hla m??' b< fond she wsa DO, hut it >H ln'1 make in I? h ?.f SS *> .1 a ti. i.' :i tlckel to Cardiff and asked thai Alfred 1 e m ' ' lila r- lai ? ? ? k him to Itrt n"??! .? v er-k in tO tl ? " ?.tewardew ? . durini ' in tfl : ? ?n ? ?v fa ? ir :? d at ? ?r ? wa I i ?. ? . r - .- ? I ? i ? ? Ml-s I ' ?? ? ? ... mother - ? " '" r""'': Bjh( t ., | . . i-- . rn and I .. , out he ? ot ki ?? her He 0 th ? ? | been so good to him ' I m'?t'i?-r. . f. h'.m ? ith her oi ? ? - . I _o along ?i'l? i1"'?' For Those Who Dine Well Nothing can compare with good Ale as a dinner beverage. It is delicious in itself and adds zest to every dish. The most de? lightful Ale?and the most nu? tritious?is Bass Ale On Draught i:id In Bottle livery where :? . Pis 'ttr.t it, sallc-aa) for fam ? n dran?-!)! a - a?? 'r"fi ?">' -*P'r-rr?--j? ?. OOgitt eg 'iti?>?T ??.?? ?1- '?.. !?Tij,o"?rs !*0 W'?rr?n '?' I I EIGHT VORACIOUS TOTS EAT SIRE OUT OF JAIL Mother Makes Creditor Feed Them Until He's Glad to Free Debtor and Pay Costs. A new way to cet out Of Jail ha? been found by a Brooklyn man. Sol onl) that. bUl be has found a ?va? to make the man wno had him thrown into prison f..r fsll ure to sali?*4 a j .(liiiiiein pay foi hla r* - lease as well '??n - i ?? .. k- ? ., ladles tslloi. :,4 int* at No. bj Stockton s?r....t. Brooklyn, la the man who H free ss a result ... bis dis? co eriea and Bsmuel Cohen, formerly an employe of Dr i. k? :. la be-a-alling the money the education ? osl him. According to Cohen, who lives .,t .\(,. ?'.:.' Flushing a? enue, hi met I ?? u ... i In iie!i!4- sir..?- several week? ago and the two nt'n decided the) could n,.,k. more m?,n. 4 if ih... lomi.iii-.i thair for ea So , a, nt m work for Dru. kei In 1 ? ta ainea* Al t he ? !,'! Of a Wl ek. I '.?In . BS l. eno ,kii nioru to entltl. hlan to US as his share. Bui when he went t.. hU employer for It Di i ker pu< him off, I ? ? ? .1 l';- Cohen IU...I of 4v,,,!in.; foi his tn. ? ..? s., he told h,* ti o ibli i in tl ?? M Dlsti Ici Municipal ? !ourt. nt Ha Hi Madli . an.i .'it4 Marsh I i Herrnsn, of So Kl Msdlson avenue, ?was -.?n; out with thi iperi and a bod) exe> .. ution Wh.n ihe II ma ound Dru ??<?? a - w ? dm - i -, -44. ma! he could lot i a? the mone* due Cohen The ? .-. - ? lodgemeni ? kei ?n ... Btr? el Jail a It HI di n e there before hltn \\ ... t to lall Druckei lefl be? hind hi*-- ?v Ifi Mra i;> rtha Dru kei and *>'a*| ? | di.' the ??' u rsi of v?. bom, Mai tha la twel .?? Eai I) Thui - ing Mra. Druck? it th? . r . ind demanded hei I ? . ground that he i ad eight rhlldr? .. -in.! to - On ?'oh. n'- r, fusai t.. tSk. action M;?. in uckes s? nt a??,,, after thr? ata to "ti.\ " him. 'i ? ' Using a u, latei thai - when Mra l?i u. kei retui m i 44??i ihe eight i >i m kei hildren ' You ha?, i ! the father ol th. ? dren In Jail, ahe is aaid t.. have In 1 'oh? n, and nos you > l.,i to auppoi t i hem until ? i omet oui " '? ol th? protes! of Cohen and bia wife, M; > Ms y Coh m, the < ten look up quarters with the .m and theli two ? hildren Mr? Di toed lo do an) thing foi th and finally, rathei than have them ; " h ung? Mi i "ohen fed them. Cohen's efforti t" have tha children go home on Frida; were without a.a.i and ;.!t.i ?everal disagreements between the : ? ?. : an i ? "oh? n i hildren, r? suiting In bi ok? n dlahes, large qu mtltlea ? ? ,i and a? i,? ral Inconvei Cohen agreed l i m ??"' Di u k< i out and free him of II - I idgtn? nt Th? condition ass the departure "f the Ir? n. The final stage In ihe siege rame Bat? urda . wh? n i oh? n 44 ith Mi - I " and ?. 4. ral or the I ?i u. k< i i hlldr? n, ap i. a red at tha all and i omplet? .1 ..: range in? il foi i relean? ol Dru i?> i Thla a npliahed 4. hen 1 ed to 1 .? .-i,... _?? in? : li nial i" 1.. ? . amounted to a ?.. oi -Q a capture fee of i: K>, 78 ?.ni? poundagi ? ? ti lesge 1 total ?' I 1 'oh? n'a entii ? In l he Iran ?a !tlon ? ding '" hla melan. hoi) itim ita ? - lerday, waa la?? ol salary, gl&; coal of food, . t- fOI the l>! ink.! . hi!.lien, he twees li" and 115; 1 oel ol Dru? ker" '.?Hs... M ... toi . a pi rosimatel) ""*& Coh. ? king foi a lob. ROOSEVELT FAVORS BILL' Out for Amended Workmen's1 Compensation Measure. B relea ;?: he Till ?. ? April 13 Co ?nel '. ? Rooee. -it si e oui a fsvor of thel ? d Murta igh-Ja? kson bill, pro* Id? Ini foi ?mkmen - ? ansatlon This bill ic aupported b) most mi "i t;i r ? t Isboi unions of th? atate aa ;??-'a.'. t the Foley bill, coming from the insuranci r ;u*r t \? ? ., . ? aa] was drawn escl - el) In th?- inter-1 ' ? a? ctdenl Inaun n a ? omp inlea, ei act l bl| n? a tit ?.i of buaii ? ? Lsualty lnat In a ettei to ex?8enatoi Davenport, an of thi ? ' ommitl. Progressives wl baa tak? "f th- llurtaugh-Ja? kaon : ? 'olon? i Roosei ?it ? ritca i heait agree with you. I most ? oi fav?.:- th? prlndplea embodied In ?i . m gh-Ja kson b : hope all sa arlll line up aquarrlv behind "' ? repr? aentatleea ol t be woi ?? i | ?i deallni at Albany a Kb 11 - m? aa ? re si rn a 1 roadmlad? d ?l" th?- ritrht thing by employer! aa ari I ? - b] themselvei two billa will t.? rot? this week DEFY HARVESTER COMPANY Strikers to Stay Out?Officials Plan to Move Plant. A i burn S y . April il A me? tini ol Inter i na Hsrveatei Compon) - twins null her? ? 't?-.| ri"t t?. r?-t II n t" ?WOI I tti?- notice ?>f the company th th? reported la Bufldenl numbers to mot ros moi nina t" opei ?? te t h? m I ? a? In? ry to E . in the f"! elgi.i plai arda bad . m ?,? ? notif* r ^ i .-? i - t h.?t if thej ? ?-t ? ned t., .? orfc t.os the mill would continue to ??? i ?? i ? ? ? - lympathlsei tore down th? it i mee tin k ? ? noon unsnlmously vote-d not i i go t ack to woi k To-nlghl a meeting of high offlcei t ? intei national Harvestei ? " ? ? - ? ? i. ? ? ? , e i si midnight 11 ? tatement, which, aftei outllnlni i em? augur?t? d b) t h.m pan) In A ? '? thai plana :??' : ? mo?, ini l ? ichinerj t" fCi aa I ;? mar,:, are undei way, and if the Btrikera fail i" ?? r h n ;.t r hi . 0 1" k u hlsl - to JEWS PLAMN.G. N.Y.PROBE ?To Get at Facts in Alleged Dis? crimination Against Race. Th? ' a?.- <.f Bamue Lipman. th? :o in? Jewlah aerg<aan1 who waa Bald t.? bav? ; ? ? ti barred from promotion in the na I ard <?:i accounl of hla race, sraa itak?n up at lengi i a' the aecond aeeslon of the fourth annual convention of the .?i the Jewish Communlt) of Sea *i ?.rk. yesterdsy afternoon, ??????n?; Her? n?n Simmons, ??i the Hebrea Veterana ? ? the Wai with Bpaln, urged ti...i | a itlvi committee Investigate the merits o the case and rennest Governor to set. '.f th?- ra?"*- proved t?? b? . ?-'ai..i Hla resolution waa ?Adopted unanime - "Thla national ?unr?! la nol a i? r:\;,t? , lub," ?i' .?'?'! i slow i Mnunona 'it i ari institution Bupported by you and me. taxpayers ?Governor Sni/.?-r promised an Investigation, i?ut th?- dsdsion waa based "n a letter from th?- colonel ?,f the regiment, r ? ? 11 ?-f generalities and un? trutha All th<- Ooeernor ?ii-l wai t.. ? h Btatement dlaapprovlni ?>f favoritism in I he | ;?r?l I.??.man r<>?"- t<? the rank of Ural *??? ? m the iTih f? rglmont, commanded i, ? olonel Barthman. win n a ? ;?? anc* otr-eurred among the commlaaloned oflleera the young fellow wai pat up as a can? didate ami received th- Indorsement ?.f Csptaln Tiffany, of his company, a ? hrtstlsn, a?eoi<iinn: t?? Colonel Mmmons, Colonel Barthman prevent**?! tin- p**oa*o? tton. however, on the ground that the oth??r offl'-ers would n??t sit in 000ndl with a .IfV\. ?olonel Simmons agid [Maieaaatoa ?an the extent t<? which the Kehlllah should t?- aiioweti t<? knflnenc? rellgioua observances among the J*-w? was throttled bj the chairman, i>r. .i i. MaRnev. who doolorod th? queetion ?mi oi order. On aceoual ??' the an? fortunate publtdtj gives to the matter i;,.-t weak? 'it' <i'?'i'>? Bold, 11 hod bees referred tf? a apodal cooimlttoi of thiee for f.on?idcratlon. THREEBOYBURGLARSHELD Lads Spent Proceeds from Loot on Movies." Three bo) i who a? ? ording lo ihe po? li ? onfessed the) tied robbed m ?? ? than half a dosen busln? ss I Within th. las' f. 4V vv. .-Ks. V4 .|. est? B) aftei noon in i he ... t ,,: 'i- ?king witl * ?? ? rat dollars' ?*? m th of n- ? eli tak. n from i stsnd in Bloom i resl ? ? Lafayett? nd Dusne st*.-. is. Th? gsIn? d sn en? tran? ?? bj ? itting a hoi? St.Hal At the Blii reel o e station the boys said the) wer? Pau M? tak, t.-n v ..u a old. " So. I Carlisle itreei Prank Costigan, twelve, of So 49 IVashlngton Btreel . Dante *? aid ? thirteen, of So 10 Roosevelt Btreel The) will be taken u. t .? Children'fl ? out i on f, , barge ol ...... quen? j to-da In telling ol theli gang 44..1K the three bo) s >-,?!.?? ? ?' .. aterlou? "Jimmie." who .-a rs old who scted si 1 the 11 !" The j0 ingst? i* were boastful ol their i?-' "id, ami told ol ? ; to .?[,!, 1 a , and as 1 and -;i : e Btreel I b< *-.. 1 1 . th?- mon? 4 111.? gol foi thril ??-"t v.,,? I s??ont .?n the n --a, MISSIONARIES" BAD YEAR Growth Far Under Expectations of Four Big Societies. r. ,? of tn. largest !.. v ? 4 ,,,. , ,, . ?? : ....?- f.,. the ? ? ill unsstisfa? toi coi Moi Hoi ? . '?? d only In s gen? ? ?? Baptlfll m, I I V ? ? t. l?-:ian !" ? I . ? ? ? had nol be? tal st?*d ?| he Presbyt? a Horn? Board < eipts lasl . bi ol M.IU Ml. and 1 I tl 1 ad, bowevi r. a ba e ol M ????. rrom j the ?... 1 ? . I ao waa able to com? through with th mall balanc. ol about ??"? ?? '" thla board M.O80 leaa than the 1 w 1,.ti the '.c-ipt- ?? - I 1 "'? "" 1 !.. Baptlal Home Bo. let; n sd. I belt. ? . ? :' . ? - - las! ? 4. ai were Jr.? cm I n.eou . the pr? iloua ear, an in"!?.as.- >.f K7,B0B. I 1. than hall --f which waa how? r? 1 for apectal or deslsnsted puiipoae? It wa usted al the so? lei ? oil *Bj*.,aaj ,,r John I ' Rcckefi llei 1 ? ondl? tlonal "ff-1 would be won, and He. 1 ?elety'i ahsn ?-' It would be "Til 100 Mr. Rcckefellei offered snoth ? ?? ate 11 furthei In? r< ... a r ? a!l/a"l TOWN FEASTS CONVICTS Jeffersonville, Ind., Recognizes Services During Flood. lefTe-som I le Ind , April I! One I Mnd convicts In th? Btst? reformsto here were fessted to-ds) b) th- clti Mna of Jeffersonville In sppre? istl.f ,,,,. m . ... rendered b) th? prisoners during ti"* Itood. Tin convicta worked -,,-hl and ds) on th? Pennaylvanl? em? b.nhm.nt. which protect? thla cits '.' th? Ohio River, sad prevented Ita br? ?? '"rh, fn) rarbsd raen in I 1 n showed their spprsclstlon at the close ol the dinner by handing Super.nietid.-nt |. ,.,.,, a resolution signed bj IM con? ricts thanking him foi ths court? tnd decUrin? thst rach would do his bast to mal"?.^P??" niches, cakea bsksd b th. ho wlvea of JaBereonvllla, fraHs, 1. ?? ei. V,,,,,,,. 44.!" th? BBaln .?en.*- of ,1,.* dinnei PROTECTED METAL CO. WINS Asbestos Concern Granted Injunction Against Johns-Manville Co. ,. , , states District Court foi ,:";..:::;,,.?... ?. .??,? .- '?-r^?S,:;:;:: inl? """i fm-ihei- inanufsetsrs and .?ale ri,:,";-.-.i-rsiaS "? ?" , M protected by ashestoa lni "'"?"".a'to'.ia; conditJoa Th? v " ,tt .Til ;.Me.a..'o,npan: h*. ?S "??'" ^ru-Vctorle- .1 Beam. Kali-, ^TrZTn**^**i^Mnotmtt*1 nie uuri'o'es. T CALL OF HOME STATE He Promised Certain Reforms When Governor, and Will Fight for Them. HAS HARD ROW TO HOE Smith-Nugent Machine, Again Strongly Intrenched, Awaits Wilsons Appearance on Stump. ' i?- T'!.-K. ?'i I? 1 be ? iii*ii?i- ; | Ti ? i ?'? April : I W b) i- Preaidt i ? i ^ II on omlng i" Vew Jersej '?? stump i Hh atati .?i fsvoi of l h< ens? tmenl of a.i .? fnr r;i bill and an h ; ? ll ? onstltul 'nal . onventlon bill b- tl.-n ?na ape isl aesslon of the Legists! re I which Governoi Fielder baa called for Ha ?? And coming, too, al a time when! ? i- mind and thai of the ? hole co ml ? ?? d ??? th? tariff legislation at | (ton 7 11 '!!?::? . ?,. r h*-M .... fjlflli U < fol I ? i -un? I? ' f un- atate t?> find an anawer to ? ationi b .; to persona wlthli l - - ? ?? anawer t- i- ?. ? i Presldei I Pi'llnon, s hen be wx? Qov ? ? v. i? lerse? prom -???. theai to the ???..;.;. .[ . a b? igh hi if t? Hou? i.naldi i ? it lui to ki ??, Ihea *vea ??r . . Inpon ? ? .,,... Had Hi Wilson remali ... lei **) I* I* pro ,r ,. won ible -t.. whip thes? n - ? thro igh ? ? i.. gii sture thsl v Oi be li fl \. ? .i... .. . . i< Bmlth-N igen? m ? . ?? ? ttered fenc? ? id i very long before ?? . onetime an of the i>.-n,.. ral gi ?>.- .??,?., mltte? . .i regslned control ?I ? \ ? - the kimi . ted by the C Bena refused to tl.nstll itlonal ? on? ? nil? i ; ib< Ho a Dem.-.r,d 'or Jury Refo-m ?;."? md for Jury n Jerse three ? ., ' irta ? ? late wen ? . ere worst the nil ttlsntl i ?-???? and a I , : i. v. I t In Indictment poll) ... ?<* istbl? that ? t Justice 8wsyi i ?? , | ? ??..,. ? irl ? ? ? I petll '..?ul?! the fl difficult* ? ?'" ?n In ? t.i ? ? rl v. hi'h n ? ? I?. ? ? ? . t . ippolnted I ? ? ? : ? ? vi,, t ? ' -, bul ? .i ?-; r?- ? m?m did sfterwsrd ? ... ? ? ? ? l?l :rt rus ' ? ?. rs .?f Then i ??. tnenl at thla . . er the ? Blierll '.. ?. ? . ? ??-!. ,| III 1,1- | irtlaan comi - led by ? atice of the f ... [o ;lt, | |...n,t ahould be vrated in the (lovi v. -, , . ote " en M ? wso ? voted In (a ? . i. t ii?> ni by. the ?Ho in n.. m- sn 1 \ ati>>w aherilfa snd theii fiienda roan -\ < n. r i; ?> lib the n il? I ? s? lion ? n . ... ,, ..... - postponi t ? l ? i ? - . mtll Mi t-Vlleo sa ?.???' In the White Ho ise Wht n ? he Ass? mbl) ra.I il?- rl foi m, *dm, ?, ?? sai ' ? ? ????? o s b '.i Introdu? ? d : "Tom Hsi tin. II r:,,,,i i ..?, i. ?\ h?? n i? ?'i t..- ..???I on t" It i. ferei dum. the pi*o?i Islon of ? hl? h mad ;.,. adoption of ll ? Ml prsetlca ly Im poa Ibl? 1 el'Hf.iP't Wires Kept Busy. Thi i : --' ? "i ?' Irea betwe? n *A sshln | ,,,? ;,, ,| Trento - Boon beg in to grow warm wll ? atween the \S hite h um gn? ti" stat ? House hen ?'?"' ,,,,,,, i-,, idi i ? '?.:?.? ?i snd urg?,! ?" <* Anal ,, ...,-, , .., ;? ap - loi - ? loi , but i on Ingi moved Kug? al w hh tura in the least, sad the Hart n ? ,ii, its pernlcioua r. ferendum sttachi d, . d thi Houa? The ionate, In mean time ha I poaaed ? Mil In conform |t) ur,ii ,? I'--. -i'l. nt'S Wish? B, an.! , ,.. the deadlock whleh resulted conf?rent ?- commltteea were appointed b) the two ?houses, bul nothing eami o II. i-.,,,,: ,?4, b fore (he :.??' - ? ire ad? lourned Horl n * ibmltted ? bill earn ? , oui hla Idea ol lui reform, with, of eourM th? Inevitable referendum el ,,,,,,,.,?,' |, provided fo? the eubmlssion to the v ?ten si tent ral election of two proposltiona recetving th. ,,,,.., rotea to be conaldered the law of , , state Thla Mil of coure? poosed the House, Mil died M lh< bentu the letter sp ? n - i n ? ?. ? ? ?i .] ii"i.???. ?m. body paasing ? Ill! providing foi th i.oii tu?, nt of lory -jommlaslon? ri b) Bull ? '?.um ludgea Thla was the condition ol I m reform rrbes the ?L?gislature ndjo irosd Ai far . ?.,n . i,.. institutional invention bill, tin . . Mil providing f? represento Mon h? the ? mventlon bj popalotion. ?mm .., th? House b) b Mi rote, bul died in th.* Beoato Bach county In Mea Jer? sey bos ; ? renreoented b) one ?Senator, andei ??inrh plan ?Cape May, with onl) s bsndful ??f rot? ra, hoi ;l *****h '" **** la th. pssaag? ol a Mil aa Hudaon m ?Sa? s? v sack of waleH hoi man than HM??| "/atan A CONVENIENT B/\NK IXTE have four banking of ** flees Manhattan,Brook? lyn, Jamaica, and Long Island City. With a deposit at any one you can arrange to do bank? ing business at any of the four. One check book suffices. We shall be glad to talk to you about opening an account. Interest allowed on accounts of $500 and over. TiTlE GUAR/VNTeE -AND TRUST C? Ic*** $ 5,000,000 Surplui (all earned) 11,000,000 176 Broadway, New York I 175 RemscnS?., 190 Montague St., Bltlyn. I 350 Fulton St., Jamaica. I BM LOCATORS HOT GULITY OF FRAUD; ! Acquitted of Conspiring to Ob? tain Possession of Millions of Dollars' Worth of Lands. 'EXTRAORDINARY VICTORY" I Judge Landis Makes Caustic Comment on Finding- of Jury ?Decision Does Not Open Coal Tracts. cago, Iprll 13 AUe. , ? Prost, ex? [?romol.' the Ala l ?enti i : ' .,i. and tila foui ? o-ds* fenda nta nt?i anted i lh< rood ?re? e found ?. th< ?? I? a court here to da ? ? con ipl ' a? ? to obtain > onl i "i lllega i* ol million? ol doll ira a oi th of datan laica S alley, Meska I . ? ... ??. ,ii- I nods .,! ,.,,dl claim locator? ? ? .it la nda lo ?'Ithdrssrn I rum entrj du ni Pr? denl Room elt'a laal tdminlati ?lion oc?ale? a. I ndl. i -?I on \i.,r, h il, il h tba i nlted RtstM I.?11 r-1 hei ... , tiar f| I .' ? n ? ontrol of - . ??.' ?. n-...:.- ol dumm) ?n? i: mei Th? gov? nmenl issei ted thai ? i,i;...oi piomoi?rs csusad at? doi ?a to appl) for . >',al land.? \4ith the |,11! pose of I'll lilil?,' lie l*t OUP OV?l In I I OMt Tl e verdict, whll? tioi nethods of the defendsnta doea no? op. ihe i npli tlon of the th? I aie V4 ,i le!'...-i. . ? ? ; I i ,.ri:a in ? d i,4 i he i ?spa ? ? men! of i in.! loi i ?.'? ? dep? nden. a ol i he ... ; ,.ir .| ..44 nei - \?.. - one - I un*?-,! 1,4 I he It was free ? R'lttl tt)C \ I r ,. lime '4 - ' . , ? , lie,I ? ' Bfslnai the defei danta 'i he first ballot si. to a The deliberated ah. I o'clock . ., | ? ,. ? - . ?? he? i inc ? U ??: II. a' a ? . hand. In illenl : ' ? ..?;...i Judje Manes Caustic Comment. i Counsel fo Ihe defei e are to be ? on? .... ? . ichieved a moal ? .. :... hfl men i .a? ? ?.hen naked to ami ?ta te? ? ? i uil je i ?' ndla i ? plied l refus? | 10 I hat I ?.- ,,l -a ? ...? ? ' ? ' ? erdicl .? ? ?. ?ta tsmi n i I ? t.mi letlon of the \ ? Vu!. i:., oad ?-st... govei nmenl . nans? ' ... iragea sell t i.?pin? f i ? ? and ? . . , . ? , mi m of ihe lia ? ? ska .... ? i t.. ? ..mi etion and msklna II the great high? fi om lid? sstei to the of th? Tana and ^ k- >n ? ? l ,.. ame Interested in th? finan - ! ..r : road " i It wsa to i . ? , - ? >,r vlaaka | north to* : a diatan? ? ; The open i of i h? i al fie di n ? aa an impoi tanl ?., lor t" ihe development "f the road, and i ? :' im fi lends aa asll aa -?.'.f m ? emploi ea and ? . ,,- the a ? ? Ill | liai 1 did 44 as ;,, Hi, -i? 4.1 -i-it: >nl and arelfsra "i the co in? in ??The ittltude o| t he ki<\ ? : nni >nt toarai d 4 as ai th? ' tal elghl rara ha? throttli .i all dsvel ipm? nl and the pop its Hon of thst great empira la less to-ds) than II ?'??' ? ?-i:.; nt '.'?i*. :i>;" < Mi tin- ., r, 11 ,n ). \? .-a?. ? i, . 'ansds. b) a poll. > ,!. , h. opposltl . ha*? H, ,, ,,*,.,| If? population tenfold In lha tasl Ira fears." . rallsrs) no? la ic. ordins to Hi l'rosi The? >? la i .. rev? sue, be said and it 44.,' .i cos! about H'?'..??' a year tu operate II Morgan-Guggenheim Interests. The cootentlon ol Proal throufhoui Baa !,....ii that ax ?rsa smbitioua to i"- tit? i,i,,ii,.. -o open Interior Alaska to publie ?ettli m.-' l. Th? d< fen. a bro uj-hi In th? nantea ol the llorasn?<?uggen**'e?in a:..? kan Inter? - dsclsrlng thst that alleged ? ,.,: . omhinstlon was inimical to ;he ?ucees? of ihe Alsska Central roed and thai ii ?as sst?ssssrj for lbs Kroal in? to fcel the '.ml* into friendly hands Th? ii*en scquitl d to-d : wen tlb?wl c. I' <>r Chicago, ?x-preatdeal of the Masks Central Rsilsrsy; Qeorg? H Be? arsrd and Pi? rre ?'? Hesi h, both of Chi caa*o, respectiraly, es-vlcs-pr?is?lden( end f\s, 1.1.14 .if the Alaska Central; George C, Ball, "<" Ind., fiaaacial backer of ?? i..*->t of th- ??.rast cos? l?*?<*at?*-rs, land frank Wstaon, ol Spokane, wash., ven., locatsd m.,st ..r th? fdatanuaka claims nmiei p..\v.r of sttorssy fee ths 4 arioua entrj men. TO DISCUSS POLICE SITUATION. ?Tee Bnfon -eni. nl of Las mi'i the Dis* trlct Attornsy," ?? t : h tHetanee lo the pi? pe., situation Iti tiiis ell?, ?d! he ihe ? ' rot dl? us-don ?u the tiventy-siM h meetlna ,,; the ' Ivl? "rnruni sl Ctxntegit Mail '..-moi 1.144 evening. ??sss-ah HL Chosta ?di preside, ?mi Distort-?! Attor Re] \ Contf-Mlsr I'r. ndersast, Senatoi Roheit F, sfagner. the Putt Di < ii. Psrkhurat, Ftem\?ttia i? ?*.nid,it and Henn M"'?*'ntiiau will make mjg. if? . MS U. S. BARS NEW PARK CAMELS Bill Snyder's Dream of Having Them Earn Their Oats by Jogging Along the Mall Covered with Kids, Shattered by Strict Quarantine. ????h. the camela ai.s?ng. hurrah!i hurrahr' So san? "Bill" Bnydei keeper of tl?" ?'entrai l'atk menagerie, and other atemben <>f ht?? staff full) t\\ > yean ago, when g trade was moda with an animal ?le.-.ier ben whereby the menagerie w,.:?.ii ^,.-. two rame'B from Hamburg, Qerman?. Bui the federal government, in the mean time. ha?i p l up Hin hats agalnsl lbs Importotloa of hoofed stock from Europe becsilse of the bOOf and mouth dlSSOSe there. To climb through th? eye of a needle fco?.'il have h"?n an easiel task f?n thos-^ two earriera of the desert than te pass the Quarantine barriera of the federal a i? thorui, s. Ari't ,t was these ;?" cane?is which I'ark Commission? Btovei bad hoped t put to srork <?n th?- Mall in the park thi Bummer, along with other docile menog? ?tie folk for he thought, .'?'ni s?? BO? noun?-.?i. thai th-'- ahould d" Bonwthlng I tot th. u beeMea looking cooten -il .n ? heu i aspe? Uva cages Rut hope has b "? ?t boon Riven ut?. It is one thins to cross the Sanara and an? <?th?r !?? cfOsa ili" Atlanti?'. 1'iem ttniB to time ther" iiav.- come reporta o? t enthusiasm ef numeroua Qermon young aten f??r 'he Central Park cometo wh i have been fed American grown peanuts, anywaj ? There i?? ?v? Indication of a raising o Hie ?gaarantlne, ami foi thai raaaot Uni IV La ROCbe, Of the Park ?'??minlssii'in i ? Btaff? la < onalderlng tii?* e<**"*ulettloa ??' BOOM ar?m.iN i?iat WOUM n??t he barr-d ???it in trade for the r?nula Is ti ?? original deal b Ihm and other boo iinnat'S wen exchanged for the cam? ela that have sever come to port The .anies along with .? pair of i imaa and tiro houoe broken ostrtcb**, the latter now being moghl by Coma - llOl ? l St??v?-r , W?Et tO lie the big at? traction on the Mail tins aunamer, when children would be penoltted to beotrMe the rameaa sad ride la earta drawa by the llanta?? and OStrtCBOS. ROBERT C. OGDEN ILL Ambassador Page to Preside at Education Conference. H . hmond, fa . April : : h was an? noi i . ed to-ds) thai F:.,i.-r t C. I rtjden, president of the . lonfei em.- >.t ?du< i lion In the South, would not be able I'M attend the sessions her? thia sack, l.ting . detained at his boma In New v?.!k by Ulm ?s Wat tel li Psgc r .?? ?ntl) name,i President ?\ laon as Anabasssdor i" the Court ,,? g| .lames s. 44 di presida 'n Mi ? ?gden s abssn? e \i Mi. Ogden's Ko. 121 Baal .'.rlrri BtrCSt. last rii*Tllt II., one WOUld telll the nstura of III Ogden'a lllnesa ONE SET_FO^JACH AUTO Secretary of State Would Limit j License Number Plates. Aibspi. April II ' 'omplainl I a - been mad.- to gecretarj or si.u. m,.\ 1,4 ths District Attorne) of Jefferson .'?,ani4 concerning a motorist who figured re? ? ?rii,- m a collision 44itn a funeral pro li ri n.- .1 ?Vstsrtosrn Tb? di the CSI 1.-ta-...I t.. BiVfl hi? liana ., tO I an-w. r n i- siions jt, ,. ?tstemenl ta | .1.1 Secretan m., - albta ?s.- Ilius-1 iiate- one el the m"- glaring defects m the pr?*?ent motor vehicle las The affali rr.iuir have been riism ised as y a lb? gecretai ? ol Stat. ?a ? ? ? of rnsnj almilar B-*cidenta restarted to 1 ? - ? ? sutboi Itlea im; foi th.- '.. ? t . ?? t ,.. m a,.: \.,.,. .? Involved In th? 1 derti waa operated undei on- ..' five -? ? - ,,f n imbei? Issued t., a in a dealer, who promptly denied an) knowledge of m.. i.ieniit4 of th.? operator on ner of t he ca Consrnm ? th? offendlni part) hss ihm been apprehend? ed ' s.-. r...,.i.4 ifs) s., - tb? Legislature ihould amend tb? ?,?w i,. prohibit the ,-.? ,,; mors 'han on- s-t ?,f sumbci plat.a- Ing the - an ??? num "?! Tl ? |..m law requirea the gecretsn !" furnish as mam aeta Ol th?, n-nn !.. ' as . r .., UeSted. I W W. DENOUNCED BY BAKERS. The t?ctica ?,: 1 he Industria i Wt era of 11 ?? World 44??!. denoun? ed at a me? ing ol Bakeis 1 nlon Ha 190, ?r 1 the Koal leri 1 *..?.ii 1 ,:,i da4 al No. ITS Ka?! Braadws] to pre? ... ,?.??? ! s! ! ike Of fOUr thorl ?and koahei bak? r? on April !f Th? j en I with ?: - East Sida i.. ,.1-? expired on Saturdaj night and a,,m. ,,r t hen. '"i enea It M ? .e> . hail*".I that thej had mad- in Bgl. ? In, nt ?v.? ? .4 ii !? ..n ., sanlsed t?i th? Industrial Workers of the ?t ?? ', Th? employe? sill demand a general in-l ..,. -. ,.-' J , ., 44.-.-U and th- abolition I'f ,!.u 4 cells 1 bakei lea J PRINCESS IN SUNDAY TANGO She's a Snake and Menagerie Keepers Did the Dancing. Hoa ten keepen despite ail reolotooaa had to tango for fort) tnlnutea aith two regal pythona waa ;? atorj t??i?i ? ?? t-i d.i | In ?'liai 1er? Sir ?i?-:, k'-. per ,.( the rept le bous? In the New fork Zoolog Psrk ? 'i ?? '?' t: ?? i . thona asa Prin th?- "hungei atrlker," which has n??t eaten f.ii twenty-two montha The other, meas urlng M feet, hoa no auch record for fasting bul waa Jual as rfdoua For Boma t.m> artista na v.- been at arork "n the permanent cagea >.r' the two Mg ~r,.?u? ?- pain log acenei representa? live "f Jungle llf? In thi Eai I I 1 pythona were In temporary <-.?ger? ftp? acenei la Rnlshed, and yeeterdaj ti ha?i dried completely. Then 'am- ihe transfer. The ji-toot python, the larger of the ?v>?, aas finally pulled "'it of th?- tem i">rar'. cage Srr-'ier held Ita bead, an** the nine aaaistapta ranged oselves at Intervals i??i it. full length. The !? ? a'hlpped thetn around a! su? h ?. r at-- the) wen powerless, llnali?. sftst twenty miautea ??? atruggllng, th re| tile waa bai k I decorated ? ige Pi ncesa the "hungei Btriker," 8 i- ?. ovei all waa nesl and again the k?'?-t?e| . t.'.. | hi leSa II ?lie w ^ - . ' aSt ha, ke,l ? agi ' Almost ail the tropical reptiles an '?'? lesgea decorated - lej ???ung : itlve hahita?. MAN DROWNS. WOMAN HELD ! Coal Barge Guest Overboard for Attacking Captain's Wife. ? i .,v-i with bomldde, Mra '.???? I Clai k t hlrt) -sev? n aan old a ? Thomi i ?Clark captali ol I ? -ii barge Marrlsburg, tied to a Standard (Ml < '??m , pany 11er at Mot th I tth - " ami x.? m- r in t!i" alanbattai .? ? ?/eBterda ind d arlthoui I n. t h ,-i .,!;?! v? be wsa srr? ati d ? ?? r.i. Ion wsa !???? ? Tl ?? arresta folios ed the John Dunn. .? boatman, thlit: yea ? ??' \" ??^ \? u ? : -? ? morning Du n was among ? ??-? whom ? ', ? k .?.i ?! be ? ' th< barge Al mtdnlghl rted ext epr Meanwhile < oth?i i to a cat i ? u - - ll - ? ? gt?d I ?? Un i loi k, Dui n attacked resiated and ma? the deck. Dunn followed and aeised h??i by the ah? lera afra Duni that as she ghl an *? ? ' ' he toppled "? ' r board The - - ol M i - Clark bn - ind Dunn wa i th? wstei '?'? I ? n an ?? mbu anci a ? r i\ ???! from the tVllll imsbui I I I. -. ' Iitinn ?m.^ d TO-DAY'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN THE LEADING STORES. From announcements in Sunday and Monday'. rCfUj-Uork a?flnaffi^grioTmc , ?hu ii.i ?n.i eaeey it ?*-n?> *?<">? ?? M'" ',',,"' "?"" n,',"-v wean ??"i7"' ? ? ,'ni i.i.Kh saaaaaaeo. ?o-saaiaaaa ?HI to gtodty aaawand if a<idre??.e<i is VCmViTnep?. .??? '""? inbuue iiuiuins-_ FROM ANNOUNCEMENTS IN TO-DAYS ISSUE. \l I ?I \V H. ? ? ??.. I I ?it ~ . ? ? ? dteplajrlna i nsmboi of n*?a - m ? omi i. ? nigh ? ?uua bo? - ? i-, ,. ? aulla "' ?uperloi * oi km a :? ? ? \ ape? ini asl? ? ill be held ta 4ai ?i rn'a tl Im mod i.'-kti.ih n hau . ? ? ? nd ' ratean? l.i.iihtw Hl.utMUt-?. v-?'.' Place and Ith , r. nounce that t ,'- 41111s ? h? 4 are up .,i?? ar-fi roll Ina '^y la and graceful i,..i- iin? i? Man ??' i hera ? ?? ??' In i ..-ted mu1'-: 1?: i mi titn. i.mks ?... v. .'.vi te yti Oreen ?rieh ?' Milla .i "?-i-mi, ',i the Coward hi, h ?uppon i?iii.'. which i? mad? ?-> pa. lalh '" relieve areh atra?a and le pn ?. m flat four" Thla ?hue baa ???? i made la lbe JSmea *-' Coward cuatotn ilepa i ? mes? fei rauta r bsa i hli EE\ ll.l.ON PgfBBBa. N IB a wars < p ipei ? - Their aj - ?? "i idea p ... ?? ? hern I he ..I ittoaph? re I i malm - ; mi of thi Fura KtM.Hi> rt.Ki a < o.. Brasdwa ? ? i 13 .I :. ?' h ??? . are ahoa II c ? ..".. aoeka allk er liste? ? ?' ??!?? Ina * ? ...-..,,?? ? . 'fin nlshlBsa Smart i? - I ? api mn a?-?i ..' rough Scotch che vio ta, waterpriMfed, aatej ? \i roi K ititoi IHK*?. N ***., i,ii : damaaka o? i ?..??. loom ? . e ? '?> iska el the un?-?. ,. . ,l ? areavera ?re? i eached !?- '?m ami molatur?. FROM ANNOUNCEMENTS IN YESTERDAY'S TRIBUNE. ........ <>,tin . 'a tese fl.KKKMH I -IK?.Kl -( ?HH' I ?I ? I.KltMII I--?IH.KI ? ???H'KR III i., tween IBth -?"'I ISth ata I ?, i ! up? ? ? ? I- ? I ' |.r i. ? ? for w ornen'? 4|iin< mita flowei and oat rich irtmmad iniiiiiii-r"\ and meaaallne pait?rosle ?lAKihKl.. \.. A- < <?.. VA St h ave. Is? le tion ?" tl.'ii complet? racllltlea f?i ri., propei ear* himI atorage of tvi" In ihajrdrj cold i - vaslta on the prem *? ., bo te i he fee? i ?i.?r fui ? can t.- ? ? i '..i remodelled dui ng i h? mer months at a subnant.. i am; Kgl int. ?9 \\ '-?i ".??ih at. Asaeaa? - . .' |>iir??i ni niarernit.. ?? i .nein ? . tl i pn BBtl ?? i - ' ???,'. gosraa and atipo. MAIY. It. it.. * i <).. Herald g-*?. festurlna neg?lgeea kimono?, itreai Mtcquea and fapenaaa ??Ik mandar n . 'nt.-. sprue eoots women's tolloiad ?ult? nrul ??hire \?i??h ifo??da are a?o <?(T?*i ?>1 at reduced prh?*?. ??omen*? ??ear. j MAKSTON. !".4:i \\ ??r lHHh ?4 ?AsOSSOCSa I Kill K MMK. ?"?? Oresl 4."?tli ?r Calla nt-| a i,iK ?ale of ?print* hat?. In ]Ht-?Bt lent ion to her Im? of imponed and do- raodala ? model c"?vna. I NAKTAI. MMK.. ?0 tV?*?t 4.*>th at.?la b-iin tuiivilWI A ?IKAIT?. It ? 'l?l \l?i{\n\? * , of ??rimmed ft'/i"? U,?** ??Oandil-i. which ' ... ieiiina "' ?* Th"v *T* *'*" . Bfl ?d waunmleta bi , . . ? ...??iv ii * tit.. 5th ave "UM an?! '?*???'''' A,\l. x',r -- ?omen ? f,n?:.?-?l leghorn h.lB and ""*?-'?*' ""' ""'iK "''?'"','" " I ? immar dreaoea ?? om<*n a Im ,?rln? ***t^*****\,*^ knit underwear ?mdrtdtag habita fei ?""???? ******* *** ?-?.??JUfft?VBB 4 ? || . ? ,.???? -.i ?? i.- and ''f''i? al "^SS?^?'-?ashah ras.?? ****** ?ltet -1 ? ., ,..,,,, ,, Basare f""' ?">' ? "w, tine of women'a and mleeot/ at fcuvotslloied wlta iewlas srnetalsee i |b . ?!. ?al HODKIN (().. 4 IHKI.OTTK. 4i Xi- ahowlaa exrlu?l -.? o me i *,t \V.?t .101 h ,. d??licni In ... ?. ?.?//ll .'.7 We?' ".Tth ?t.?Ar rA*\\umlt^**^*^l*m "f ,mPOr,", raedsl ii'-"?n" MH wiiKKKK. H* <?>' i>n'1 'V,h *' "Have 1 a, larae aa??rtment of murln* an.l trav in.. CMta outer ?arment? for s'reer. trsha sad *Mre v,,"ar' "nd ****** KO?'tl'" ami glsvea amUO ?aaiF BKICTHA. "4 \re?t r*[),h 8t K , 3eclallalns "? ?*?""?? bslldlag f??r iim nmtnatin? ?omen. NAKTAI, MMK.. ?0 t\'e?i 4.1th ?t. ?1? bodla? nin? a ?ale of ladle?' reailv 10 ?ear ??ar meni? NO. ;5 tgrgaft 46TH HT. - Imported aomn? STK.HN BKOt*.. Wi*?t J',,1 ari.l 'j:?l BIS.- Are ? howin?! color ?i ?mi blaeh alike, ??omen-? ?nd men'? hooter?, Oriental r?n?et? and ru??. uphol?ter>. lirl?*-a-hrai; and a???*> a are. Tl Z/.OI.I. .-.*. -*.?*?r 4M h ?t ?I? ?ontlnuttis th? April ?al? ?>f f??rejgn moilel?. -r?umm.rr et th. eperlsl ofTerln,? of the S5SS55^ ""' f ?J*SS**UmauAuM In the New-York Tribune under the *bo?.e henains?^