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iVfta ?lork ?Eribunr. MONDAT, Midi M, l?II. 0-4r??ri ?irr) piiMI?h-d ?lallv I? ? IbSB? A??e. latmn, h Kara yerk ?orpoistien Ogilen v. !:?;? Vi Han.lin. H-<*retar> . Jain"- M (?ti:: Ifull-ilng. No. IM Na.?a'.i Hr.-'. S< ? I rk. Addiess, aUMCWPTlOM RATK8. Bj Mall, r-.?iaK<? Paid, ouui.le of Qrcater N?w Toi k Dally at??! naaaSj. I bm.4 TM DaUy i i Btba.$?'! .00 l'ailv and Bunds?*, 0 moa. ?-?', Dally ont) I teat MM Dally an? Sunday. 1 y**. ** ?'?" Bunds* oa 6 months.... l Dally only. 1 ntaontta . .Mi Sunday oi.:>. 1 feel. 2 loi-i-rn ?i,?? riptlon? ro all toiinuifs In lh?f Uni? l'.,c'al t niur,. Iri.'iiiitrir- jiosiaae. DAILY AND BUNDAT: I CANADIAN r.Ai'i.s DtM month . ?I .v.: DAILY ANU BUNDS .... fees . ?t. 40 ?in?; month . SUNDAY ONLY: < a? yam . -x month? . **? B7| DAILY ONLY: 'ne ymr . ?3.14 Or.e mnnlh . ItAlLY ONLY: On? -ear . in- month. 1.0g SUNDAY ONLY; vne ?ear. 12.20 On? month . I ? ha? ? ? .u. Y f] i?. I pi a? ..V> ?? ?i s? 4 M ' BTatalSd at the pop-e-fie- ft- New York s? Sf-rond Clas? ??lall .Matter. Detectives Who Do Not Detect and the Records They Keep. ' In only six .ases of li"ini. 'de OUI O? 830 reported ?in the bureau for tin* year 1912 were twnvlctlons made where tiu* detectives had to ?I.? rani -letectlre work in l?scovernii; win? the iiiur.l?*r?*r was some 'lime after tiir commlaalon of i in* ?rim??." rims tin. Crantai investieatiii;.- committee reports upon the work ?if Hi?* pnliie iieifi'ti?es. in all other cases where convictions I'm- homicide weiv '?hl:iiin*.l the arres! was eith??r made on the spot or ill.? guilty pianjopfl wer.* known at the outset and ?vete ar? I'sit'il within iwo days. \:1,i s,i iti.-tti?lient ivas lln* work of th?* <;iys detectives that di8t'harg-*s for lack of evidence followed forty-one enees of Imme d?ate arrest. AltJaough th?' l?ele-uves Bolved onlj six "mys tartes,'' the] had plenty i" ?York upon. The Curran L'omndttee reporta thai out of sixty four homicides l*i wsdeh "no results" won* reported there ?were r>niy ten in which there was a:,y ?vidence of srork ?lone after sixty ?lays, and in these t ? ? i a the work ?ras merely perl'iinnon rims perishes \\?,. iUvmuod "f the '.relentless pui siit" of criminals by ill?' police, Or rather it should perish, but we don't suppose it will. ;'. r ih?' detective bureau pmiiis from the glamour which dime novel* have sh?'d over ii)?- name, The rM*cBsional brilliant BMCeSMMfM of private dot.?.-lives help p. keep up il"' reputation ?tf un? profession, Ami able press agent *?,ork makes the most ..f Un* Infrequent BU?*cei?8??8 of those at Police Headquarters. Probably nothing will deatiuy the general faith in detectlvea, The -y has waP-hed their bungling i.i" !"ii-' with un .,.,,o-n enh?leme lo h?- impressed for in.?r.? than a day by the evidence thai m on.y **i\ pou, ? ases tn a year was any really Buccesaful drtective work .lone. Next week a circumstantial story .?f a "relentleaa pursuit to the ends of the earth" win )><* !*iv?n cut a! Poli?*e ileadijiia; lei's ami a*e shall all believe that every man up there Is a Sherlock Holmes ?. i- easy with ih.* dime uovel magic about ihclr name and with the records oi failure in their own bands for ihe men al Headquarters t" make six -is s..i?tn like sixty and !.. turn a hundred failures on the books ... half that Dumber. The Curran committee found that there were forty-live llOmlCide ''ases ell the records of the ? orolHT?' ami District Attorney's <>tti.f which i'olice Head quarter! bad no records, Ami i' ?- eaaler *-t??! '" minimize burglaries ami other leaser offencra than homicides. 80 in crimes affecting property th'1 have carried th'- practice of making a b?t*tter showing for ih.? department mi the records than is warrant further than in homicide? The forran committee Amis that many complaints ol ?(fences lees than homicides are . r.rded, that m r-omparing the value of property recovered with the value of property reported as ?,,st .. large uuni !,er of reported losses are Ignored ami that report*! are aa prepared a- !.. Indicate police suceeai in 68 per cent of ihe casea, whereas the actual Bucvess js- ,n the netigbtwrlaood of 28 per cent We wonder if graft eludes the rlgilance of th'* foire as readily a? does < lime! vYhere to Save and Where to Spend on the Navy. C?ptala n-?od is Indisputably right in al ?east on.' of his major eoiiteiilions -*on<*ernlng th?* navy from nil points of view. That is In bis 'lem?n?! that, s,, far as it ?joes, ih.? establishment shall I.?? raised to and kept at the blghesl possible standard of efl coney. Hint therefore "f true economy The advo ? ales of a strong mm do n.,t want (he list 1,, be cluttered with us.-les- bulks OT money to be spent oil useless yams ?? |,j, ), might go tot effective ships ihe adv?cales of a small ami Insxpeiislve navy do 1,of want money to be squandered on the upkeep ,,f obsolete vessels ami unnecessary yards. We have more navy yards than Great Britain has. despite Ihe numerical Inferiority of our navy. Il is true that we also have a much loi _*??!? coast line: but ihen we are als.? much further removed from t n<- base of op??raiioiis of a possible antagonist Cei tainly it is worthy of catrefol conslderatlota, as Mr Meyer. .Mr. \?-wberry and other ofllclalfl long ego Mip?ested. whether some consolidation of yards can not be made which will result in better service for less money. As for the desirability ,,f sending obso let?? vessels to the BCI*8pyard. it |s not subject t,, (|i> pure. it was some t i m, - ago pointed out In these col iimiiK that Ihe United Slates ara8 spending a much MiiaihT proportion of Hi naval biidgd on new eon siniction than other nations. If needless expend? lures OM unnecessary yarda atxl ?\uiihles- -hips ,an be transferred to really effective purposes eye shall ?aase a (tetter navy without increase .,f cost Whipping the Devil Around the Stump. Washim-ton illspal'-lies say ihai I' , ? ui.,,t W ?Nun has si??iiified hi- wiiiiii('ness p. Blgn a sundry civil appropriation a. t containing a rider amending the law for the benefit "f labor organixstlouH ami iis?--ociatioiis ..t' fanners. Some time ago it was reported that In* was oppos,.,) p, riden of BO] kind oti appfop! iat'.on nMOSUrea and would follow rrehident 'i'afts example ..f vetoing the sundry civil act if l'oiii*i?'.ss should relus?, t.. ??rani am monej for use In ptoaecutlng tw.. -pe. ?pod chisv,.s ,,f p,,^ sible itffenders njrainsi the Sheiinan law. If .Mr. Wilson has . h,iii'_-.?| his miml the countr) will re-;r?'t it. lie may agree with (Oons-t-esfl thai it is ileslrable to make shiep out of some rlolgton of the fintl-ti'ust law and gOMtfl out of others, al thouKh it h hard t" iea why. ?r the principie "? the law Is ffiri'ect. 0JM offence against it is m,| as repr?*neiisii.!e us another, ??t all events, Il dla 1 ?rimiiiation is to be exercised, the proper .ours., p, take is lo amend the law. Il is a , heap subterfuge lo let th<* all-inelusive prohibition stand and Ihen eMgnend r?r??nsciitioiis in two speciaj cia>s,.s of raaei bv reftismj? to pav ihe costa. Iloreover. the stains m un? courts of IhIm'v and farm? comblMtiong a*W become lamentably conftiaed. They may i.p made hnmnne from dlrod i;.?\*?innM-nt.-ii attack, bul ihey will stii! i?.- subject to gulti for damagng broogbl by individual- or corporntJoB?' s"' >> s"its "re ??"? only .?g which bare era given Um labor unions touch trouble, and If Congress wantg to do for them the special and Ineseuonble faTor.wbidi 11 pretend? to w?.to it oagbl rrankly to annul the antl trust law *.?? fat ?is tuej are concerned. The Wilson administration Liaa begun wiUi Mg? alma, n cannot afford to yield bo qukfkly to the shifty perauaalona of Democratic letdera In ?Con grooa :iii?i Join with them In whipping ?the an? trusl dei II around the stumi Still Work for a Tariff Board. The Republican members of the House >?f Repre ?.??iiiiiii??-s ai?- doing ?m important ?service in k?'*i? lug gute the Id? of Mientlflc UiHff rerlaion, coo ducted ??n the adrice of an expert non parthranj board. That I* Ihe Bort of revision which ?!?>?> th?1 maximum of good and the minimum of barm, ii keeps the tariff a? far ;?*? possible oat ?>f party i???ii tica .uni brings about gradual changes which benefit the great majorlt) without banhly mcrlflcing i1"' Intereota of ratioui Bina II mlnoritl?ta, The ix'iiunTan?' party baa preferred i<? reduce duties In Ihe <?nl way. chiefly because ii want?'?! them redticed quickly. H Im? declined ggntnst scientific mu? 11? favor of partisan end rough and tumble re vivi.,ii It i?, doing onl.v what I -aid il WOUM dO, and the eouutrj cannot logically complala since ll is oulj getting what It bargained for when It pul ?power back lu the Dei.Tacy's banda. Neverthe? less. Hi.- experience* of Ibe r?vision of 1913 will probabij strengthen the id? that purely |i?ii?tl?'?il tariff making it n mistake. However faithfully the Democratic part] maj carrj out Its promises, II will necessartlj commit man) errors and do many in justices. Sti.'h things go along with anj revision made on i strictly ?partisan basis. Tariff? m?' abort ii\?'?i. and wh??n the time com?8i to revise the scbeduleg non being made ii will be of great advantage all ground to liare Ihe gsolstance .?f a permanent expert non partisan tariff board. The Republicans are wise In sticking to that rock bottom principle. They will find II more popula i about Washington after the new tariff goes Into ?f fed than it a| parent ly la now. Handsome Is No Matter What It Docs Pain snd anguish peppered bj ronsumlng wrath stir m our hearl over Ibis cowardly attack upon the prettj school teacher. Borne riper bj the name of Willianis, a superintendent of scboolf bat brought tins disgrace upon the Biete of Indiana, Kindlj re strain your hisses, it' ?possible, while be speaks: "Don't hire teachers who sre extremely prettj or "who gre extremelj boinely. R?eal pretty girls .??? "tract t?"? much stteulon, and no do nglj teachers "A teacher's gpitearance should be auch a- noi to "draw attention to ber Btupiditj ami impudence there go band In band Of course, i: is not prettlness that the man mean* i hm charm. Mere prettj features never took toe at I tent ion of anj child, male or female, old or voung Bui charm that lnd?pscrlbabie something the s?? lug grace of i dull world ' ?es- we should naj I did draw gttentloll. But what of that? Il? i?- is the thing thai the wo Id go round, that baa made more grimy boys wash their fact's .m?l ?jet headache? over their - u i n and made more ?grown men s?-i their sums, too Iban nil the medals and glory and tombstones in tbe world And hhnll we throw it out "f tl??- a-Indus ? No, bj the mil lex of g thousand charmera no! w.- have beard of inexperieuced young wir*** who lirotestetl sgaliisi cborinlug stenographers, sud who brought borne waitresses -?? unattraclire sa *-iiiut?' a reflection ujion ibe husband'* tuura - But n?? expert or clever woman, bomel* or olh? ?????r made Buch t blunder. I.??\?? thrives upon rom petition, and the essential thing being not beauty Ian charm, b wife ?-f i?ild?' and sense la always glad ?" nave around r ? ? * - bouse what maj be lei nod i?a*-i- for ?.inarison Bun Ij ' \?i. only ? *~iiii?i<l man could bavi.iceived such a bopeiese UJea. And bis puulsbmenl should ?'?in? *-wifi and sure. i?-i him be married oui ???' band to , th?- least cbarmiug woman In Indiana! \ Public-Spirited Investment. The City <'ini?'- < onfldem??? in the succeai ot Its experiment with grand open at popular prl ?? ought to find an echo in public sentiment ?n Impresario's biggesl asaet i- nsuallj i hopefulness 1 whirh no 'i*-i"ii <?f sdverse balance si.t- can i bill LVew i'ork baa bad Innumerable experiences with operatic promoters whose Imaginations bave I.n far more superheated and comprehensive than those ??i tbe composers and librettists whose works tbej put ??n But where tbeae pioneers In tbe nri which bankrupts bave builded on personal optimism nnd an Incurable Inability to distinguish a deficit from a surplus, tbe dtj Club is planting Its public-spirited *-iii ? -1 pi se on solid ground n does n?'t have t?? cr? of hand sn opera bouse, a company ??( singers, ? costly scenic equip ment and sn appreciative pubiii \>w *? ??rd baa now become one of tbe greal musical centres of tbe world. Grand opera is not gn exotic, an far gs tbe ?popularity ol the demand for It Is con? erned With ??m enormous i-osniopolitan ?population there is now g local appreciation of music <>f ih?- hlgh<*si class whirh runs down through nil division* of -??? ciety.' The ti?-i?i i*? here to work In and II will prob nblj <iii!\ lake energy, faitb nuil competent iMisiues* management t.? demonstrate ihe practlcabilitj ol opera at a coal which will put n witbln the reach of tbe music i * ? ?* i 11 ti <?f moderate meana Both as ?m educational agencj and as ,i business Investment for tbe city at large |.i popular priced open will i??- well worth tbe money pul into it by Iti liberal minded ?guarantors That is only one ol many way? in wbicb New Ifork should prepare i?< lire up to It* status as one ??r the itowerful and manj -aided capitals of tbe a ??ri<i ! I he Much Abused Vacant Lot. Oue recipe for writing g perfectly ???????i Wall Whitman poem is to catalogue the articles discern? tile upon almost any Sen ?ort Meant int. Uoats, brickbats, mettresoeo, tin cans, barrels ind potato peelings, excelsior, beer bottles and beat seiliug 1.ka, ?breakfast f?n??is ami other mlscelbu.ig conglomerations <>f ralles giren g balf-doien Iota, there ?s almoei nothing yon cannot lay your linger .r sniff In the wind tan tin-si' flltbj spots be cleaned up? That i*- one of the mtereotlng questions raioed by ih?' proapec? ?five spring cleaning soon to b?egln. Mayor Uaynors i-?ii?i calls ni???n ??' ownen to eoltoct Ihe refus. recant i<?i->. among other tasks, preparatory in us being carted away. Thla Is rather haul on such owners, no ?doubt? and the |oh lmpoo?Bd upon tin Street fjleanlng D?partage?! ?Mean almost super human. Bul if il cag be don.*, trastl i MeaMtog fot the ?-itv! Sini|ile liedle.! seems t.. LM the ? :i n -- ?* "?" ll1*' present chaos. With OUT ? onlidenl Aiuoi'han opt! miara we view vacant Iota n"t as bleeaed plota ol earth t" be ?-imi-isiio?! and beautified and utilised ?Tha?e they remain empty, bul u so many tower? ing apartment hoti-ms ami skyscrapers, as good M already built. So toss your broken down fiirnilure and your robbleh and garbage on them, or put your -?creaming signs on then anything nrlll <i" fot Ihe few minut?e thai they are to remain i??t-' Whal might be made of spots is rogfe-ated by th,? on?? dean and a-reeable corner where lia? small boys play "011.' ..|.l nit" when they are n-.t 'based away. Given a tOMMtO can for tifst base and a for home plate ii" Polo ? ?rounds .an .??eld more driiuiali-- climaxes or BlOfi pleasure Of better spori. \\e hope um meant lots .an i"' denned up and utilized. It" they .an be. the tOWU will be Imnltliior and prattlef and a bettet pince for every .me to live in especially for lhat most iniportatil -lass of . iii/cns. small boya. The attempt in Madrid yestcrda- mi the 111'' "f Alfonao illustrai s ..n, e more the perilOUfl l hara- ter of Um nade of kin?,-. Happti*. the young monarch's COOlneea rarrled hhn through unscathed. Assassins or B/OUld-be assassins of royalt) ?arel- have per oioil !_-i |. \am-es. ?itherwlse n \\oiild I"* lianl to a. - count for a desire on air. one's part to kill Alfonso. who has In .n an exceptionally kindly and gentle king An avocation has bean discovered m.ixtra? haaardoUS than ihe baseball umpire's. It la that of referee in the nee scientlflcall' conducted physical pei f.*. tion Lai.4 rontest s.?,.! \'i... President ?sarahall In 1.:? speech Hatur? nay night t" th.- National D?mocratie (Hub: "The "backwnrd-looklng ami lnwa>i*d-a4M>king men ma; be 'able temporaril* to check the onward movement "f ih?* forsra*rd-looklng men.'' is this sdmlnl ?ration going i.? put th?is-e tine ?.id tiriside a.ij..ii4es, ''pro? gressive,*' "letlOgieSBll a" end r?a. tioiiarv,' 00! ,.f lui? iness? AS I WAS SAYING Read here lb? tale of the Adelphoma houa Puaay < ?at A certain I h mau pad foui Bons, and mad? 'h? m equal heirs to his mansion including th? cal ,\'"4\ 4- ir n the old man ??1. d th? brethren owned the cal Jointl each holding .< quarter of her in tea simple; and u came i?. p.?s- that on- ds the pa ? ronnected with William's q artei * sorel stepped ? ?ii He being a man "f compassion, iwaddled that p.i-A ir ; 1 nloth; whereupon the cat repaired to th,- ..- ai.,1 the greased 1 loth bui Then did tii-- <.'<t run through sll the h? .-?? wlii.h w.,- s....n sel "ti lire ami destro ? d Itterly. ..?h th.. nth?! brethren brought sun sgslnst im holding blm guilt) ?,f the ruin wrought by ? rt?*T of 'he . .,:. and it.. anvvhilr \\ II ram led ? ging that if tb? ere had held 1 ?-till t : ? .: ? ,1 on the hi ?!'?'?? and 'he -? ? ; ? 1 ?:? 1 ? ??:, \.\ f.,, brethren ;: father !,? fore the I ??',!! tS ? OU id Ob ? : . Rather than wade In 1 ?n ? tales I ? '?!??? 1. Bag . \ psstoi at people ilk? ? - ? 1."'. ? ? i.- >?. ..n hunt through 1 "??ir bul banged it thsj ere going t>> tolerate th?* Wlli 1 lowers ..f .n.*4\ fork' ' Thl? is . ? ? 11. . ? ? ? i ' ?:? an Irl 1 ned to Il vue ; 1 h?H e is a et ter I om Mr ' 1 ?? . 44 .. Bud n. ?:? ar air, !,,., | ? 1 ? ?.;?:.? I . -'? n Whst 1 an Irisl mai, ? 1, ,\ n.- . ? ?! . limit. 1 his, n"1 arani of ".-i , ma unk- - in?:, temp? ? rhls not m. ?.1 ? rtli ids u... ? ? - 1 Iah bei oisni The bull, lf-bi.. k and th? n ponas I efore I ,. 1 ? ? hmaa ?, ? en 1 Im? !" ,'.', ? 1 . ...| la - - ? . ? Bfi r. v.h.H is Id.- ? <'.'.i \n imi ?? -Bioni ?! d? ? '-'? '-n to honot ., ? , 1. \ 1. m. Mnstaoa i" Bvsrything per? mlsfort ippressed ami. iher? '"!?. sgln lbs ??" ? 1 nmenl " ??">' \ apirltuallt: He 1 as ; I llglon It la n? Irish 1 it a-ins; il 1 ha fia mini in-ti soul, s?, then ? m ? ; ? 1 ? r .-in., n li .. 1, it ' -n 1 ? - ??? ?? . ? if? aslona 1 ? i Im in ? I are gning theli ?"i. foi \? omen but *? >? Pui ., ? ??? telling ? * . -1 ,,i ? s,r a 11 h .1 1 ? .nan Doyle ha ua( 1 1 i. m., poa ? .? tunnel undei ih? English L'bsn mi. Whereas the p?ciaslblllt) "i .? : innel inder ib? -n t'hsnnel ?s Umtv4ii lo ha 1 died ?? violent death murdered m us bed eara?ago bj British moralists The militai objection a/as not srhat .1 .1 Ho, brethren, it ass Albion's terror lest hei roungsters might svsil themselves ?u the shorl - .' to I'.iiis Hone ' 1' w m - .n,,1 th? Parlsisns, i,., ing ''M London ar.. not through laughing yol .4ll III' - l>- Il S h"44 It I? ill oil' Bpeaklhg ot the Tttsnl? our . o|i4 \44 fl|||\ p!.I? \4 I II.-r !.. dSSh "It ?> III' It and get 1' ;nt" th.- Allan! it contsina sis pages m \\ .? are probabl. no- in? lai m '.? spapei ai I lele \i Clifton Johnson, ?h., edited the Art?mua " f.:..,? i,, .n ,.,11 last, Is ?. vei remarkable man. VVhll? !'" Ing m a Korthsmpton 1.h shop one ? 11.. 1 nil:- he ?a?? s delightful old lad) examining a olume h" had not onlj written but Illustrated and h< 1 appreciation nrss so transparent lhat he letded t.. a human enough impulse ami remarked: "The 1 ici m. - are aa! ural aren't 1 hs? ' ' V.s, WOnderfull) natura!.' .?aid she "and p |fl most astonishing. The Mr. Jobnaon 44 ho made them is totall) blind " "But,, madam." Johnson protested mildly, "boa ...,ii,i be make tie pictures ii he ??as blind?" Quite unperturbed, the old Indy answered He 1 a 4erj 1 emaikable man u 1, h. WILSON?THAT'S ALL. I On! 1 i ' ?A a. Ills' I>>ii BtS I Liki n? squirrela m the psrk around ths Cspitol, totne of ths stst -anea are timid al the approach ol ?transen But in the coursa of lima lbs squirrels gel 10 the) the) ?Mil sal oui <>f a human betng*a hand. ________ Tr-?ATS THE PROPER PLACE. Prom Phi ('lula,Islpfeda Preai l.oiisiaia. Should pr?s.-tit It? prOtCBt BgSinSt Ihe I tenio eratlc trastmaat ?if avgar duties at the polls, That 1 ?vheie ii w-tuM have mure ->rT?<t SADLY DISILLUSIONED. I loin I I,.- I'hdaflelphlH ltn|Ulre| Ma?' vnothei foiul hopt S'""r B-gUmSMring ?V'hei . had alssarfaed the Mea thai the suaTragette hat? which gft lo he aretn In tin paia-le on M a? | ayejeg p, 1 1 '.'it 1? cants, w? gem ksara thai Ihe totti ?igbi does i-,, lude the trlicniuiKs. Kvrt \hndv know- that ih?. trimmings ahva?. .-.?t tuet*, than ?ii\ tliinr, ejay ? >' n m ?? BbSISi .-how THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN AnP^ &c,or JAPAN S FUTURE IN ASIA A Japanese Thinks That the Enipir Must Expand in That Direction. To th?> Editor ?n The Tribune. Blr: a few days ago there appeared I your ?'dit??ri;ii page an article entitle "Two Navies" and in that you say: "it ' true that Japan alao.haa slackened th work <?f naval c-onstrueUon. That. i'ovv ever, la only by way <>f preporattoa to reaumptlon of it on a wai?- srhkdi mo! atartla the world." Aa thssc "-marks sr ni;??io iiv Buefa an enlightened an?i respe? I able Journal. ? beg t?> present my riewi as mine differ s?? much from youi,! Bren if aomc ??f the shortsighted Japan ese statesmen burbot an ambition f,,; ter ritorlal expansion, it hi on the Asiati malnlsnd. not In th<* iVeatern Hemlspher? because the) are full] aware of the f;?< that territories far saaj from bsee are i aource of weakness to the nation ths possesses them \- history will attest, I Japan Bhould crosa arma again with sni powei f a 111 n? '-n Japan Bes - i ,,ni one of ti?- advocate i who insis that .hipan ibould, through general edu ?ati??n. keep the In? reose ?>f her popula Hoa adthln Ihe Bustslnlng powei "i bet resoni ? J. KI8H1 New \"''n ?'n- . April 13 THE COST OF HIGH LIVING An English Visitor Makes Some Com ments on an American Fault. To tii?- Editor o 1 ?? I bun? s i i ha ' ? ? sd adtl mu< h ?nteres! ?/oui editorial In Frtd u ? of Thi i ? . on i he ' osl ol High Living After spending hfl. mouths In Nan Fork, during which Urns I have faith? fully triad t" read the suns of tbe tlmei :.-i reflected m me from t a llv? - and ac? lions ?>r i?s cttlsens, If i were ?? iked t? point a ? Haa la American nstlonsJ ,i?" i .n ,m st "?. I""? ol I erica's w? skesl spot wontoi extravagan ?? " i *?? ? It ererj ? be ? opera. In theatres, In hotel llf? la re* tauranta etc II la refl? ited In the lives ee on th? ? ? ? tVhai Is tl v the tli.-tn t.? abhoi e? onom; .: ? ? i Iorm 11?, . u if i heart!)) indorse e*. M ?? word ..! . tutorial "We Am lea rsce "f ?-.i-? apendei - ind no I | ? ? advancing prlcea and Ini reasing coat ia tu the in ;;,? hop? thai n ex perlene? may b? of aome ise to soi.f the roung readers of Tl rribuni ture to send II Kin. en mont ? led In New Fot ?? from London I i months In timt .it? ? .Ing, frlenda told me all ? . Il? attention s rn t.. rii.- : ring. How ? '.? ah b) the : ? I lha snd 1 in . ? , ? ? ? In N'i V'-rk : 1 . is I . ? i know fr n. ..t living In anta , N a ? . i I follow? ex , | ? . . .ill it In ?I l mad? rif'\ - ? - i ' i ? . ? : ? i onflned i ??-. thi Initie* o N - I sr 111 I km.-' -.rn, I food wo luf Intent t.? meet the d'mauds of the tips i might base basa ?aiud on to pay. American exlra vagan.??? may explain Ih.. fact that, whereas, in th?* State ol New Volk ei? or' every hundred that die only fifteen leave an ?state, in Prance, on the <oiitrary. the number who have an estate is IH'1' These figures are >i?*i,ili cant. I will conclude my letter in the final words of your editorial, which every young person should read: "Th" unpbas ant truth r.mains Mot of us cannot ?-?tir out of the house on a pleasure "SUM without tossing our monev amun.l lik. drunken asllora, Americans may rank among the keenest moneymakers of ihe world, bul they are unions; the most foolish spenders thst ever went forth t" frolic." This i th? Solid belief I shall take la?k to England sdth me. A Vs*WtOt\ Mea city. April It, Itlt - THAT El SEXUAL LEGISLATURE i The House. Senate and Supreme Court Should Be Half and Half, It Is Urged. To the Bditor of The Tribune. Mr: in a recent letter m jour columns i Buggsstsd that there he a genets of women. Wbx a tien, i bava asaad several leading suffrage arom? n 44hai rh.-v thought shout ; T;.- consensus of opinion thai it Would he bettet '?. i,, , Congress divided aquall) m both hoiisr?i between men and women At the nest election there are to be thlrt)r-tW0 Senaiots voted fOT, ?l.i'li 44.,:. i,i pui sixteen ?4-m. n in th?. gen at? i. l'.i:,. if the rule could be eetaMlshed meantim? that tat have on? nun and "ii-. woman in thl Senate a similar rule for the lions,., requiring i as- man-, aromen as men. would make Congress absolutel! m?**' Lb its make .p. The Buprem? Court siso alMUld be equally divided bstwsen tb? sex,? if wh are to have B Btl Is? tnrallv fair gov. -ruin? m . when the suffia?;.- f.n aromsn has been obtained Is sil ths atatas toi la thirty six of ih.-in by national amendment, v. huh amounts to th- same thing?. It s.-.-nrs to nie thai thl . BaaSSlM towsrd ths abovs p OEORGB W WEBSTER w ashington, D C . April n. || HENS AND WOMEN A Suffrage Play Is Cited Upon the I Status of Both. j To the I :?!: tor of The I gii h. oui columna tin? morning Mis? M .....: :? I '.,: man sa:, .<. "Your real SOI I l?g 44,unan does not wan' the i. ? .in-, the alml?*aa ?aroman, who p:a\.? at nrork ta wsnts It' ii,. to quote a ihort suffi p.,'. in repl as 1 l?os i lira l '? . r.!. Thi a no ? v... mm them ma and tl.lLi .\iu.i Hattei A mi ? pretext to ascspa then- ? duUea What'a tb? time ??..?in" i agit.- with the farmei s'ho asked to i,,.;. ,,n in. .!??.ter I ? a lea II noadd Base the n.-i.s ao ?nah tro .-.v.. said the farmer, abat - ?? hen's tune irorth anyhow? That what I] IS about the women. I ^?t go on tolling and moiling g? r ibblng i -. ths K "<i old fs i loned ?????'. ? Mr?. O-rundy (spprovtng I grest-grandmothers did befori th lira l'ai 11 r.K t ? >n -We u ,?nt no m . - < ?i und) Wt i ? ? d n.t< ? gt iv? ? ' the ? - ? ? i O rum] Vlth tb? In POD? 44. s.,- What. -4. la the k ?.. .\| ? ?-) ., f | ,,,,, g ,?,,.,. n,-Lt it la a . on- ted a .. mis ->i bovi m. nta ?* ? movements S44 aej - r 11 louai) 1 Mad Hstt? Thera ?? ... bard, man like ms si : of a female on .? pu ? in. sin., km?*' Real womsa are -lo dem .1 >- and u-t: sal la lura thai lira Qi und w. d rathei <iie than ? ? ? ? both i.i.i . ? ..s de th ? s and ed us with - Mad n ittei Thei bad t., do it 0 n| ? ?? I them t.. ?1 Th?? antis ara obliged to talk -??? Urne in or?lcr t?. keep the ?-tli??rs e-ui? ?Mis Grund) ?Mrs. ?. anil Mr- p i>o?\ an?i smile, cross rlghi to Mai? ??..' tei I The antl-auffraglsts are Ilka Thom? ?Corlyto- WS preach thr virtue* of j||,?nc. in fort) voisines. "lira. PorUngtow?We ?i?. not wl|tl appear in public. I sppiik for all p-tya bouaekaepruv when i saj that **e"**aanj rather remain la the home. "Ma?i Hatter?The anU-suffragist n.v?. leaves her ?home. *?*;?<> nevei j-op?, ,0 .. theatre, or the <>i"-th. or <x>neerta lectures, <>r bridge whlai pai-Ucs, <-?, t?-ap. it'it bargain counti ? , dq* *???? gi.oils sale-. She remains m the hom? herm?tlcall) ?sealed there ?k- ,. fly " smtx "Auctioned Then all the h? in?i.?.?is am inda ?'f women whom w< me-gn the theatres, tin- opera, the -n'iiartnid, atoree, the railroad stations, tin? *tr*?-a snd the churches are th? all aiig-j. glsta? "Mad Matt???:? Even on? ??f them. "Au.tioneer? How th?- ?a'is?- la ?-r^f., inK: (L<ooklng Into Mod Hatter'a eyeii: limit Mm think that all nations ?m Boon granl their women the irsnehlggf? Antt-auffrags la Indeed a i,ke. tj^ Uqoor Interesta back <?f it r rivent its holding v\at?r as an arguim ni ?-ven tor a mlnut?*. CALIFORNIA!, Waautagtoa, t? <'.. April u, :?. HOW TO HARNESS THE RIVERA To the Editor Of Th** Tril sn. Tins aaoociatlon is advocating gg paaaogs by ? ongreaa of the NearTas?? rivai regulation bllL This HI ia tbt resull of lOOg an?! ?'areful *t ,..-. it prc, vides for lbs creation of th? non-po'ttica. machiner) neceasary to enable the put. animant t?? harness the river*. ?Just aal du*?; the l*anama ?'anal, free from mta? fereoee by railroads which da not waat Wat? t tod Into the streams to float, r-*-*? on during th?? <irp Bcaooa, sod free trog Interference by the power Bite .'t. tor- srho ?h? n?it want the v. ;r ? r?haj| -.1 sod tl-e presence of r?-aenr?a?| sites mode known The Neirianda hill ii an hone?t Ml through and through, it will ftar.1 op BSty and of t,me. Please ****?; ?our Congreasmaa for a copy. ?.t?i<ljri*, ?-.?ti-f.- >"ii lelf it I? prop? lea "15 *ii?i help ia aolvi the problem or th? rn? ? - WALTER PARKER, ?ecretar] Mstlftnsl ?ffgrlnmat , li??n S'ew O eai April THE TALK OF THE DAY. ? it n - ? the i?*a?t of it, a :?n don letter remar) I I ? I ? Hak? ward thai the electric nghl wen) ?at th? ? ? s' re id ?? guests, to tlu ? . ? - ed their * rident 1 The ; ? ?? . . 1 ? . ? pre? ....... 1 ira -1 arith a good Ulculty a Httl ? T I ! - ? ? ?T ? bir I aew to hla aros Imn ; * t.! tslepbone to the elect mpsi r? ttastroph? ai ? "oasV ention to thi ?he re ? In real Cock ? '?' the gent - ? ? ? Bent severa " ?* . . tun would ? ? : : ?.* ,?n I the bl d 'In : 1 a . - luto? .It ?-T S" ?A !, . - i poi i The : .Vhat keeps 1 ? ?? ?:- a kff ? He said?and I ? ? red ?; ? " ? ? ? the eaal s : , ? I ?U? 1 "No, sir H .? ?? ?urvlve If 1 BBS ta* garni Waal _ Sis? HYGIENE CONGRESS PLANS I Leading Nations of World To Be Represented lit Buffalo. \ ... 'tis, every state the i IL..11 ..4 ? ? ? ? Slt4 it? ,11 tlll~ Bell r.t.l. ,. n.i n , -i.e., institu? Ion? and ?? ~ ? ?4.,in n s ,.n si epi eaentcd al I h? foui t n Int? national < '>>iu,r ? s ??, Biene In Buffalo A sual -'? Ui W a. i m d ?., a inellinln , tat? ? ist Issued to Di. Thomsa \ Btoi i olleg? ol m ? . in ..i \..?- a'ork s., . eral "i thi ? ongi et ?\.Iros tt lia.i President 0 i n. id si ? : iccepted tin honorai > offl? ? ol patron ol the > ongi Tb pi.. Idem of the ctsnaresi ? >*? I.,..,: ? ? of Hsi ird l'i ferst l The ? pi ? ildenti ar? Di. VVIIIIsra H I M - I. i' im- patholosial ol Johns Hoi I'niveralt* formerlj prealdeni ol th Am. 11, an Hi dli il A aso. latlon, and i ?i Hem r. 4V .n. pi, ?Idem of the ri ..ii' International Congress on Hygiene and Demograph] and chslrmsn ol tin-' IfssBSChusetta Itat. Board ol H? slth it is the aim ol n.ganislng eommli !.. m charge lo bring together ?.t Bui . o men and women Interested In Improving the health and i ffl. I? m.1.1 i hll ? p. i. and to n ii?. i ins ?un. ? m Ihi Si it i ol Its i- Ind ..\ ' i n, Id m .mi rtca ana of ! direct lain lit t.. . a, h nidi? iilual com m..' . Thai a 44 1 be m lenttB? 1 1 ?pi, ,..iiiints- the beat that I - bstng done ?n school h) -gti ,1. ..mi bU i commsr? lal eshlMts of educational ralue. Tl.ti-'i ...? 1 1- 0 " n to a ? 1 eraona in? lei ? ted m m hool hygiene, a h ? mm join as r?gulai a? Uv? memb? 1 ? '"im the pa) ? m. ni ol a ?. fea \i'i'i,< atlon toi mem? tip should he m m to i n Btoeej. HENDERSON RITES TO-MORROW Former Senator from Missouri to Lie in Arlington Cemetery. Washington, -p rll It- The fun*eral <>f lohn n ii.-nderson, form" ?tenntor from Missouri. 4*111 be held at I O'elOCk TUOB .hi4 an. a noon Burial art : be al Ai Hag? ton Nstlonal Cometer) Henderaon, who -?trved trow ""?'? '" mt\ was the iHHt livim* m-m'"'? "' the Senate WhtCtl irled th-* iml"'?" of I'resi.i, ni Aadran Johnaon Ha was ajaa I lbs suthoc of the TMrteenth Arnaud as snl, 'SCHURZ DEDICATION MAY 10 Distinguished Gathering to Wit? ness Unveiling of Monument. ? s i Memoria lion imenl nos being h ill) in o the ba i Moi nlngsld? Pai i atreet, will be ' dedicat? d "n Ma* 10 a; : . ? p m i ? ' ?? li include Boi" ?*?!! Presl Mi tnenj Coun von Berni . ?;. i - ! m.m Ami i .. n.. ?am apeak in be? . .it:.. ..mi Repi ? aentath ? R .ii Ba ?..'i'lt. ?\ ho Will SPOOk fo ' I the ? ?? i in.n- Am? ? ?? na loseph 11 Choa "t tii. memorial eommltt*?*, artli ? : l lettei om Pn aid? ni w lloon, Nui.?, g i he rivll U\ a ?? ??'??; .ir- xx .i ? t -.? n ? '.i-1 s hm/. Ah?, ??u attend \, clsea .?i'- Generala i' I ? ?at? hsua, ilota? ?? i'"? 1.1 ?;?. u?. lUe M I ?" Ige, [Adelberi Antea Jam-- n Wilson, J il \\ llson .inn Nelson A. Ulli - \ ??'?? ?-I ? li i rn.iri-Al.l- t lean Civil \N .11 x. terai a, i api Fsentotl* - "i ? .?*?? man s" ? ? and slngei -. i egulara from m ? I torta iiini local r?giments of tbe aatlonal guard \?iii 1.di the ceraasoi ? Mayor Oaynor and ihe ?Board of Aid meg arc expected to be present Other gue ts ??r honoi will !>>? Andrew Carnegie Horace White, Karl Bitter, sculptor and designei of the monument; Dr. Abraham Jaoobl, Charlea .?Ysncla ?dans Oscar Straus Bookei r Washington Oeorge 11.'. en Putnam ??r?i Major l< R Moton and Di 11 B Prissell both >>r Hampto Institute, i.? ? n.-1 .n,1 ,;ui 01 the Schurs memorial committee's BMM fund ,*?ii ?"? d? rotad OSLER PLAIN 'MR, SMITH Oxford Professor Hides His Identity During Voyage. Plain Mi. Smith" wax the nam?? .is samad ??? Blr William Oolar for hla lour? n? \ b] the 1'iiniird liner ?ampania, win? h ended M-.ior.lay. The regina professor oi' medidas at OxfoH ITnlearalty k?,v" his eorroel name to the Immigration g*f? ti? luis, and as muni as tin? \rsr?.<?! gocfced |ih?i big baggage shipped praaaptlj to Baltimore. su- ""fllllam ?ill rensaln six waaks la this couatry. After attending the clinic of mental il,senses "which is to lie held at Johns HonklUS UnlVOralt] In? Will de? vote his tune to travel an?l 10, real ion. HEALTH OFFICIALS CONFER Representatives of 47 National Bodies Plan to Organize. Medical ? forty* ist pro health problema m Baturda knot* 4 . itloa M Lsboi Legisl ' -*; aid? ? '-* ? ? :?: ,?r*rSS* Ization '..??. ',, k In I j lohn .\l t.letui. ol the Kissel! ??**t* I J I sen is live committee ??a*-* '? | | Among those ? ho ?"? ? .. ! i a:, Itsdl? at Ass L r\ llbui. i IngtOD W I. k ? Rose. I tar) Commlss. Pi 8 ? Ounn. American Publl. tion Boston; H M Bi ... Hi i.t!. St I'.ril. i-'aiie ill ?' *.- . m,m of Life tnsura \ l.....,-,,, s \ 4? *, ork .1 \v K. ? . I'nltsl State? Public Health Service, Waaaas? :. rtrude B Knlpp. As? ? atioa *>' th.* Pre? ention nf Infant Mo tali! ?*' tuuoi. i. mid H Wal oui ' \ -so? .ai on, w ashlngton Andres ?aso? .non foi Lsiio l.esiiB." ta,- N.44 h?k, 1.14 illgston I ?? -. foi : he Pi ev? ni loi o Tut*?*?" , ni . Fa, N a >"ii?. Ii ***5 mitte? on Natiisnsl Health, .">??? H ???'"*' and Thonsaa Darlington, Americas i?n and St*" 1 Institu?. . Ken I M '? -... a?? O. H. PERRY'S FUNERAL. TO*DAY. The funeral of OBvef Ystauti ?0tl*\ via. died Krl.h.4. 44111 he h>*l.l ?X ** lamesffl ?'hurch. iTJmburst ' "?"? }':*x n l(t : .,?lock this afternooo Th? ******* Corna Of Artillery of thS ???*?*? "f *!** York. Ol WtfdCh Mr. PerTf *** ;' **?* , and th? Militar? ti [h; "ar 'r. ISP' havs been asked te BtUBi tne ? mwmt The A.i.ller? Betel ? P.'tH.'hmcnt will :,? t us an escort. . Oliver Hsaaid Fom was a areat-arsasi Of licniamln Franklin and s ?ran ?? ^*? al ,o?ui,".io,e ??uve,- Hasard p<''^. .-?????nded thS I.Tit*??! SS**? ***** a, the vi**to?y mr the hmmmm I*** Uikc Krie In the War ?-f "ftt