Newspaper Page Text
?IIS10 HI IM FLORAL PIECE Pi?al Funeral Arrangemenl Dispose of Five Carloads of Flowers. SERVICESBEGINATIOA.IV St. George's Church Compclle to Turn Away More than Half of Applicants for Admission. for th? ft ?? ? Mon;.?n this morning li I th tail, which ?? ? irge "r the services at al up all last nlgl - rhr- queatlon <.f the <n ? of tii? tremendous maas <?f hoi ?I brains, Only rt of ihr.?-'- tributes couM i taken on the special train which ll the bod] to Hoi tford, ? 'onn Tl ding ?lowers contolna b? two 1 undred ami flfty and ti rt un? - .?Mi '!;? it offei Inga woul her 1 n tin- sute of the ? ;???? ? :-.l N'.-t.;.1;. onlj about flft tea eouid :.?-? taken t.? Hai ? i in the ape? lal train, s in i ? ire and a 'i is i ?malnlni wn .?f.- ?? ?'? -. :.. ? ? tributad among th? ther - heritable Inatltutlona m t'? u " Morgan took euch -teat Inten it a tribute f-on I ? for Inatance, is deatlned ?'? ? ? ?. ? * ? * -. -. r i H???-t u.-?' Thla ottering coi ..|-;-l of palm !? hm - u?. with libbona representing ?;.? ? i ? ? ?i*. ^ " oi s, a lth gc penitent. France's 3?ft to Hospital. Prend R Ml? sent ? - rith palm leavi ribbon In th< lion n i ?? ill ^" to th - - a ra? lal ? ? e thi ? Dow? to 1 taken on th? by relatlT? end art ? led 1 gravea i Morgana ...... ? sin. M Vernon ? i et '. planted b) < ;? oi -?? ? '. gned to teatlf; ton. lira Heni ? Bryce sent rland ? K - the Tall? offei ? ? from -i" ? '. W illiam K \"ai i larenc? H i - Stuyvesai - at 1< . i rmed bel ? - ??? Mr.- .m I .\ tbe centn ? | ? F. Haiii.iK- :. John 8 ol I aim t? land .''.I ; n William La* - 1 Bostoi ;: . of 1 Ft i g h I Dsvfd il <:.'?. ?.: ? i ' Third ?The im ??? ? ? ..-Hin Fifth The famtl) 'I - - ? ' ? Bent? mn No -" tsleei n lei .. ;..' "Lei : edict I : ? Th-. Saint ?? - ? ?ii.ii 'i '?'. charge of th? church i . ?? imber ??f n ? ?? ? ?lut g m i-ii t; e head ? Th' i ?? ? Richmond rosea m ? Morgan's favorlt? r ?v.? er. Church's Capacity Overtaxed. i .... fG.I'j'' . -? ? Funeral was conl hi "St Oso '?? i H illetli aaued even ? ?. ,.n.i dial ? Tii'- funei a\ .,! m m ...,.:. Ii i. ?.f s?. ?;.... tan? place ? rie church to-morrow morning si " .. :,. Bo oeei a helming ? - ? ? o the ? . ... ,.?!?, isslon t" ths el ind Impossible to ?? ? ? than ;. portion ?>f th? onl great gret to r and vest? ! men, o hand :. . Mi Morgan "n the ,,'h?- ? ? ssi I necei ? t., put licketa of sdmlsslon t"> .**'t <;? ? ;.. i be baadi ??f tha ..... rsi ? ,.,,4 ?ft i ? ?? ?- be? ild bar? been filled . , v ? ?? Itl .-? Qeorg? i i- ople alon?. ? -? who a : ? : imil) have applied from th? ?? I ? , _?.- ,.- ?., . .-. matt i r?s it "m Bl Qeorg? to And .'1'itiii' don to the agi rath? -? tot log "i' pride that the ;? ,- and dial f ?. , :,,;,n- people to St. fron ne outsidi to de h '" r aaased ough the . - |.. r. ? t i 'o the corporation n,..-. an re then ? I ? eeretary repr? -.; ? i ... ' starting dtatlon ol .,,., ,,,, moat <-ar? tu. an?l K"" . ,.. ,,f,. .? .i i tbmltt?Bd , . .,, rippro? ??i t.. Mr- Morga ? , . , [( | a matt r -,r ? ? to .?ii'" ' ihm ""'' limit? : ..i a target "' l"1" . ? __-?? W. P. HAMILTON RETURNS J. Pierpont Morgans Son-in Law Arrives on Campania. WilHam ?Maroon Hamilton, i son-ln? law .?f the lat?- ) Ph rponl Morg?n. ,s ?'" ?ail?.i f,,, Liverpool two weeks ???" "" lh< u i" Btoi i?<?? ' Adrlatl? ..M?i binai Campanis ?<n u .- ...n,- rat eel wai lohn Junlui v|" .i nsp-heu of the late tinan? h i Mi Hamllto declared when be lefl ? , |he lllneea "' his father? kvias n-as n?.i the ooenaiea for >. i rturi Hk hustn? eg he eald p**niltted MRS. STORY ASKS FAIR ~ \ COUNT OF D. A. R. VOTES: Amazes the President-General by Demanding j That the Voting Machine Be Inspected ?Bitterness in the Campaign. I Ko.n, It-, Tribune Ii,,.-., , ??aahlngti m, April It?When, at 11 o'clock to-morro? morning, Mi* via' T. Scott. presldiNii general <>f the Ns? tlonsl s....t.4 ,,f the Dadghtera of the *?'?" 11? an Revolution, walka dos n th. central aisle of the great assembl* ra<mi ontlnentsl Hall, c-scorted b) a body of Minute Hen of the got let) "f l?12. In thru buff inlforma and three cornered bats, and a veritable flower ??Hr.i? ;i of Mg? B, It vxi'l bS lia o?licia! "ci 11 to SI for the iw.iiiv->??,ond ?continental Coi of the soii.t? The air t? cm??i win, excitement in Pea ? ?" k Alle**, and in the drawing rooma of i;. New w iliatd to-night, when art . aembled the two ?.?ai-rink- factions, that "f Mi- lohn Miiin Horton, ?,r- Buffalo, the progressive and administration can? dtdste f"i- pre?i!d?ii! general, -i1"! Mi \\'lilia*u Cummins Btory, the conservativa csndldst? for the same position. I'n sble t?. longer remain entlrelj outside the frs) Mrs charlea B. Br>'sn ai-,< visited Pescock Alley with a number of ? est i pportera. esch keeping hei ? newi v - Btoi 4. sresi u- .1 splendid wh t bro loking Ind? ? d ? grand dame, pr.a,|e i th.- corridor, holding an en thl!?ia-' ? ? . !?? "IL 44 nil? *.v It!' ir. * ?? t ou teal al 1 Mrs Horton, wh<? 44a- atricke.*i 44 tii ,. aore throat y? - ?? da 1. wsa .?,> hos? -? .. ? ! ..t sp. ak .i".. to?n -? 1 i ? nt-.i. i- .f bualn? si bo far ,1- "1 ? !....! Dispute Over Management of Congress \ moBl the onl) ?* ?r?-?i< ol convei istion 1* the wa ? ?? ? ? lira s-,,- ? . 01 th side, and "sirs, Matthew T, Scott, p * . ? ? . ? . ? a ? ? ??. th.* WSJ ihe COmil ? ihsll h? manaC'-'l An ? ffoi t 4' as ?.. ? ICtlOn negotlsl liana? m. o era ongresi made ni thou! the ill Ic, nd < pet lall) ih i nes s, apei v. becoming ?? l?h all Ih. fa? 1. This, hon ? and i . admlnisl ral Ion fa? 1 loi took II ..-nit iiwii , .... referai ce votini schin. ?? ild ^. ,1 1 ? . ?:.. f : ne of bait I? d ron the Btor 1 ? 1.1 I ght and to s Un 8. Ott to nark. ,.;?? i reply. Th? . Ir? 'da: d? ? Isred thai !).?? mem ei - ship of the soc]. under 1 thai Ihe hlgl ideal - upon ? hid I -.,, ?. t\- 44J.S founded ?a. r<- i.? m-- to some ? . easei onsWei .,,..1 ai m. nl to each 1 andidale fo ; memb. rs of .... poll and gnini ar a ting ih? ele? tion of lira Jol n Millei Hori ol Buffalo popularl) :? -??? ... I a n in1.n. - . ttlng that they BbOUld ;..,: t.- ;?? I mitt? ?! '"I BSI upon u-?!? -,.t? - edenti -ked ? ? given ? . .. edenl delegst. thst prompt flooi ers; that * each - ? ? ? ? .' the voting mschln? pho Ing in It tl lhal '... h ? ? ?i t., atlon of the mschln. ... ?i..n of 1 society'? 1 ? .,? m ? ? ? II : ...... .?,,? ,!,,,, .:. ??? K. ' ' 1 ? Mrs. Scott's Reply. In ? . III - H ?. Un ai ?.; .. Btatement 1 g in 4\ ni, n ah? - 1 I 44 a- an./ -.1 ,, no . ?a,,.da ?? hen Is il noon t.. r-,4 , ,.!* ; . ? - ??? ...,,? i,... ? . ? - and ? . a I'.,' \t., ? ... i ? ? The d that mm?nm>s have nol I !>??' ., ? ? ive, 1 II,I Ing lia- ..'I'll, gratl! - "? ?in ultlng, . Ithoul ados "f founds! on a fsci and ., ?? il,., n,,i, i pon ? h?- fsir-mindedn? -- ., nd e of justice tl ..- ,. aph ndW >., gsntsstlo ? ? Mu st"' ? n 111 i,a-, e thi? is sh< ? , ,.ii ago a aqusre ?ral 'rom stau t.. fini th 'I he forth? omlttg els? ?."' 44 in i,.. conduct .i 44 ita absolut? fall i ? - t., ail i,,- and ... - M , .-?.. t...-. .. o- en giv? n the . numb? r of election iw nlstratlon candidate and has bei r allowed lo m let t tbi m h ti -? !' all - and the other I? ad? 11 of bei fol? lowing heve alwaya been given the full? I [TWO CANDIDATES FOR HEAD OF D. A. R.| ? ? "An Mm. Story ha i*- on r.i .1 havlni ' it the el? lion t.. h ? ; .' nd h?-r folio? latl? i. i ? ? ' i no wa thi o ich a Hat ol d< es 1 ol ? ? : ' ?til? ? ? ? it com| ?> .... . ? ? ? Predicts Mrs. Storys Final De'eat I ? . . til!?? ? 11 ', ? [M< ?I? ?? ? ? ? ? ? - thin . ? ? ... ' ? DO I snd H IN HONOR OF JEFFERSON D. A. R. Join In Celebration of Birthday at Monticello. | ?*hai lull. i ? i ? ? r. - Jeff? I on ti?, ello nlveraary < I ng in? di 'III': ... :i ? ' I ? . :?.... \ . ' ? <* Pr? dent and Mi oi .)? ft, i .,.- lomh :. i.- '..- < Fort and R? n ? e i: of Ulln? ... . . add M< ml ei oi 11? ? mai le ?liapt? i ? \ i: entertained home v. h R aenta thi pi op Mi Lev? r< lterat?td hia di clsratlon that M?.mIcello "nevei ha n- ? ?? ind i- n< t no? foi alt hla going awa) '??i a resl at tli;it timi I ii- i,, - infoi med >?t Mr. Morgan - d? i, .? i. isss, snd I? fl ' ?? Adrii tl? ??' I ? ' ato? h about the tune the bod) wa | . |i h aboard the Pr? n< h Uni i France .it Havre FRESH AIR BENEFIT BIG SUCCESS . benefll performanoi f??t the ?Volun i teei Fresh Mr Fund an?l ii. ni h Doy ? Sprat rj ?t ii?< ? ? ntun Th?tstre Issl mgi.t iwa? stell sttended, snd :? aubatantlal amount ??as roiaed. Among thoae who appeared ???i?- Nan?e f/Nell, In the Bleep aalhlnf acene from "Maobeth"; Ulllan : Russell, Jane Orey. '-*" Hordtag, J??iin i Emerson Prt dlbt Knowlei U ? Fleldi. ' Montgomi rj and itom Elsie lanlg Pliai 1 \|,,, in( ctoi fl? !?' n? ?ii? ;- Rudolph < hi Is? nan.- snd Msrl PI "'"" ?x|' > Jam? a j? ? - Laidla a d< II eted an iddr? - m \y oman Bull MISS CLARK IN NEW ROLE. Yha cos f?* "A"' v"" ? ****** ' 1n" i, N fsrce b Wl Ham -i Hurlbut snd Praneea Whit? ho ?*?? wM? h I ?scheduled ,,, open the Longacre Theatre o Monday, Iprtl g wiu include Morguertti ? lark, who will treats the principal feminine ,. . . ? Kllgoui Oeorg? Fawcett Scot! CTooper, RtuVrl Ober, l*o Trout ,,,.,?. i*,,,.,! nrinant, Vlneont, Morton Ballow; Elisabeth Nelaon and H I ? Pre?es I NEW DEAN NAMED FOR CORNELL Ithgea. v v. April I* Prof?soi i,. wi. Nichols, ??i lb? departmi.I -,.,!,t,.,i economy. ?< **? ;""??""""> ??; ?.j ?;,, been appointed dean of tha ? ??i lege of Arta and gciencea ol ip?rnell Unt ,,, .?. ?nicciMdini Dean Charles Hull. ? no r"' ' mi: realfoed AT NEWPORT. .\.-\? poi i. tpi h ? :. The ? re? tton ?? nes flul houae aMIl be ?ii>. issed a' thi am ??? m' etlng ??f in.- Sea ?"?-1 !:.Ing Room, i h?- m o?'"- i ?a a no t. ni' lud? .1! mOBl ii II 1 h' ni' H "I I I" -? 01111.loli ? Th. m? ? ? Ing .I'- ? ',.,? tsk? ; tugust, bul the 1 ? *. ? > ? 1 ! onsld? 1 ed Mi -. \\ iiiirin. ? ; Roelki 1 M ? "t Eea \ * ? 1K. sell] return to Newport this aummei ift? sn abaei 4,.1 - 'ri,, hsri rented the 1 ottage "' 1 >i Austin Flint, It . In i'" rfcel? in. k.mI.-'I? k Terrj la al In Ington. N i ,,, ?tccounl of the lllnesa ??r hi:? fsthei Mi ? 1 x'i- Charlea F Hoffman ??? \, m ' ? an here Inape? ting ? 1 ma? ? Hall ?. . ; ? m 1. , snd? : bill . .,,, ,,.,., ,, .1,:! i? turnsd from Europe-, sr? at Horboi \!'?" _ a ? IN THE BERKSHIRES. ' 11; Telcgi ; 1II UK ? ,_,.?,,v- April It, Harris Pahneetoch mno \m r'e< overlng fi.n stta? I sf lei rev? ' in N' 's ^",k Is expeetad : tl ..' w?Afh i- Inspe? t hla count*-] phv . EOstoeet where large Improve.nta .-?r in progi I Mi- km.1 Mrs? ?' alurraj Howe and attoa Hardln I ***** w? rs .?t the betel have ,?,?,, recaM '" Bsaten bj tl.eath of 1 1 ?-intu ? tgpt Newbold M?t?rrls and Misa Delay ., ||, . ,,r New Toi k. ? ed al 11,. ? otel< Thomaa Bhleldi Clarke, wl.1 been i', ,..ik- bas 1 ' i-' m ?i to tos Mr and Mra Oeoigi ?Wlnthrop Pblsom ", lh, hotel "?''?><? opening Ihm I a 1 ? St '" ..,?i?,i.' ok SO? OPERA ARTISTS IN ?HOI _ ; Toscanini's Triumph in Mu: by Wagner, Strauss and Beethoven. Ther. 44.1.- n remarkable populsi dim strati?,, at the Metropolltsn Opera Ho Isst ? ? ? n - and siso S ? markable at lie one .\ aymphonlc concert nf unua magnitude and dlgnit waa given, un Ihe direction of Bignc To ?? aninl. 11 ?in 4en'i S mphonj In 1 ' minor, \?ith (i 1 ,,11 Bchlllei '? "Hymn to foi "Ninth B) m| honj," In popular phrai 4* as the 1 : Inclp il buaii ml 10 fill out th? t? h. me if t ? ?. ,1 ? ?.?.. p i,-i4 Instrum? a '.4..1 SS, nan,, I , "A PSU t ? >4? , tun ' vVsgner, and "Till Owlglass' Mei I' .inks. ' 1.4 Rtcbsrd Slut,isa 'Cl,, ,,a ? ?! "nil Owlglaaa a trange 0 Programm??*, bul .f psi 1 "f the til Kuli nsplegel Lustig? Bti ei. h<. ' la t.. ? r III English, 44 ?14 not all of it : ?.f nus music wsa cond icted i>? Am 'ios, aninl, and is his ??-'i 1? 44 ithoul t i, i,, of the -.?>?!<??- a , ,1. umstsn? ? mu more noteworthy in his cas- than it wot h. m tu.- ..?s.. ..f conductors who d -? themselves entirely to aymphonlc mui um the manner in winch h? Il I ii ? ... rtposltiona wi - much i. retnai able m , n ?? f. . t tl al h. had the m 01 in hi? h< ad instrad of flls h< ad In t . aa D on B ?? ., ?noth. r 1 markable thing mannet In which the op?rai . al and lie' I Ul " ',ial ? . lin- ni winch I ? different from ?\m 4 n:,.n the; ar? familial *'? I mi 1, mai, . ras the po ten -t in th'' '"!!' ? : ? aid 111?' ?' ? husiarm 44 hiih I ed. A '?'? ? ,. ?? 011 th" I'll si da' of lie- tiCkl t -ah', ?v. .,! ami ail tue standing 00m alios ind at leaat a thou and men and ? on. ,, o , ! 1,., vt I : at tu d BWa) I nun the dOOl a. F. I)*, Ih. . ?lia 1 I ]- to ;.,? r. ;,. 1l.1l n? . and ?Ince it 4? . I .. a V4 ??? k'l. and an afternooi.icert mai ?ho 44. '? ti ?i 1. 1 nig t ma) thai comfoi it 1- Ilk. I). n ma) ? ?? -? ? re, t:. . they a ? ..1 man< ? ? . , ? .. ? . 1 more l , lapl, ..... ... them '?? if tl i ... 1 ??: ? ? -? . ?. it Signo 1 pu! a : m: i.... much strain noi ? .... * : .... ? I t( a , . ? ? '.- ? ewhsl I ting 1 '..,?'?' . ? ?. ... del tlita . ? n, for .i n phoi Mme. H il ?' ; 11 ? . hund?. . ? . , i ? ?. 1 . , ?? ? *-::.. ifl lueiii .; \| , ? -4 latei ? ? , ?. ...-.,. \. i,. 1, M ? ' ? . , |. r \! ?? . ' - Mottl be ? Be? ?unimon? .1 i" ?1 1 ...,ri .m.1 told lhat tho Ni ? ? ? ? ? ? \l ..-. ami,1 i,.i ? . ... 4 I Ml .... I ? try th? <.? p, ?.: ? - Hie Nintl 8) niph. ba id w? m ... ' .I do 0 ? ? 1 .1 ? ii 1 I. ? . 44.. 1. dertiil ihingi ... .... -,4ondei ?? m the Btra is? t u ndo . 1 m ul piece of musi. ? ?!??- ??? except the final. Then i., 01-, feal whirl ? ? ? .?. ?? ,1., bold t< 1. f the work In A m< 11? a ? all i?.it itn a.iii.,i. 44 a - ?ung It 4? 1 44 1 ' a 1 ? ? .... ..,1,. an at i. ntlon.' ? dial iginal German text wa an linl ,-!;,. . ,.; 11,1 ? ,|.a 11, ,n 44 hi? 1 ii- Id ret? ra.? ? 1 tgo? 1 - ip< , !,,, ual Bv? ? ! i'o.p. 44,,. |?ttei pel feel Th? solo Ingers were thrice admirable 1. ?? 1 dl losed ... ?; rei oui ?? - ,,' 44 te. h nothing thai she had dog< op? . had I--.1 ',??? hear. ? . expt I .\i m. 1 torn d unusual i.i esdth and bis. ,., 1 ,,. ? and Hei , lorn and . ii i> ai,i,i 4,i,. worth) . ompa.m II th.. rehearsals gig. Toacanlnl'a tempi aeemed admlrabl) chosen, ..nd of ins ai .... on.- aeemed ?ii I sd\ Ised s., ii ...ii ci again last I night The broadening "f th.- tempo i on I Ii? 4401 Us "A II? VI, n-a hen ' tl, 1 h? .1 If? '?'a .."' bob (a 'to ? 11 k? m d 1 he i,- autlful affe? I ot the ;?"? <i adagio which th.. \?..1 ?is. quoted usnei a, Th? ?*-' bei so la s; nigh) a as taken at ?< qutckei apead than Beethoven pr?s, ?i'" d, ,'itid th, ?fi... tlveness ..1 1, tim. in particu ? - mai 1 >-?i and loin? ?age? 44.luri ed Noi 4., as 1 r.,. nighl t., th.- empyrean m Iba ?ariationa , transfiguring aa il might ha?,. 1,,, n Bui the mu-i'' held th. liai, m r ,,, ?m irreal tibie -1 lp ran >'i ta..,, aa \ ? [ill En '! la douiHful ?f , ujmjt BV< " 1 1 .1 ha nth i . a-l in X. 44 \ m k, llWUgh th? ia.'t"h ' ."!.. ?-;,., has poured m"?>? - iphonj Into It. ?i B. K. _?? MUSICAL NOTES An Exhibition of Indian Songs and Dances?A Correction. \n enf't tainmeiit "huh pranilSBS tO le inatnictivf a i well aa InteresUng vain be ,*i\?n in th? I <?rt.4 Street Theatre thla afternoon An Hallan maiden. .4111 ha- had tin h.ri. HI Of :> WhltS ?vorn .11 . ?lu. atioii. 441II ??*'' Indian late-. ?Jng ilud?an -?saga snd ?tone? Indias asuMrea and alee tell what ?'.* ka?swa at...m them in Bngliah, whlek Mr Hals, of Bratoii ,,i,oa .,, ?d.iit.'htfuii? pure. ' Mr Kali Indeed ??? ??"' te **** ''"?'" "'"" ihm piessed with the entertainment ?< \-, vu,, g .-.pieet. which. ?- ara t.?. ri-rntaeS ? r-'oatini*: CkwaV' ?hen she -avr- it recently in lioeton. The little lady Is ai-?? caned Mini n<*e Mayas. 'II.-r tholes Of xx,.'n< )g tortnnate. ' add*? Mr. :!,ii. ? ?' ? i- is null refreohing ? .is. ,m?l the tin?-i,i y of one w ho lias 0MIS t' <?i her suhj.-? t. ii.', baortag '** grace? ful, devoid ??f sstf?coaacloueuqeB? rrc*' from tho sssuraaca that aometimea uoaass from over-famlllantr with thr- lecture "'? recital routine an?i Irritates eve? the well I disposed." Miss Msyea la .? Chlppewa, ! v? h.? aras educated at the Hiokall loatl? tute, an In tltutlon malatained by the United ?States government, ami muateally also in Huston. The atin?**un?--etnent mads In '," new*" papera Incladlng The Tribuna, yesterday ??.i the authority of the pabllelty agent or Ins united ?Singers, that Wagner's ''Llebeamahl der Apostel" area to be per? formed for the pr.?i time In America at I ii"- coming Wagner festival, is Incorrect. Mr. Arthui Cls tasen brought It forwsrd at I n ?"i' m in Bteinsray Hall >n January U.\ 1811, ?rhen. 11 Is auppoatd to have had its f-? American production II w;,?* ?lool performed by the Milwaukee Mualkver in I ?t .i aaengerfesi in Mew Orleans In 18M.I and no doubt befort then by the suit" so? ! ciet) .it home. Unquestionably there Imv? been performancai In otter cities morel In ??ii likelihood than the unlntereatlngI ;, i i nKmotonoui ? arh desen ? ?i A commlttte? of women? of which Mrs Otto Gorits is treasurer, has been formed] to arrange -? benefit performance foe Mim ?Georgine eon Januachowsky?Neuen? dorff, former!) an opere singar and ac? tress, ?ho ii? m and m want Tte i* i - formance ?ill take place >?t tte Casino Tlieatre next Bundaj evening, and among ? who have volunteered t?> take part are Misa Bells Alten, Otto Gorits snd Carl J?rn, of ih? Metropolitan ? ?t???' l Compan Thi committee Is composed of i ? .. Bra? n ogel Mi -. R idolph | Christisns, tita. Nan m Franko, Mrs. Ottol ? h? h. .Mi Randolph i luggenhelmer, H \ . toi Herbert Mis F, Wi Iff? r, i M H? i man Rlddi i. Misa Marianne ! . Un ? ; Wa from and Mi a. W i . Mittendorf -.-. HEAR YSAYE AT HIS BEST Farewell Recital Proves He Has No Equal. Eugene Vseye gave ?us farewell recital ? estei .?.i' .?it? i r.n in ? 'arnegie Hall. When the ?Belgian rlolinlsl la at hh he ? ? s.iqual ,; a*orid .?' know. He waa at hie best j it? rds nnd gave to h!j audit i" ? an off? Ing ? hieb it will loni nember All who heard him play r . ' . ? i<" violin Jon? heard i him give .it? exhibition ol lupei j in t ? i.iii' ?. accomplithment. In j n im h i ii?-?. ?? .i?. . \ ? .i de'.lca ;, n . , tment, .? rare wat tnth of l.eadtta ol at) le, all snln ated snd I informed b) sn Insight Into thi com-? ? ? si ??.i ? the pro? du? tlon ol a great mast ? of g ? . Mr *i -;i ? paid a complin i ni to ?.mer? i thi "i" nlng numbei of the pro? H ' Holden -Hum the grscefu esul hsd | ?rlou ? eslcd to New Yorkere I K ii? Im 1. Mf'. Y - i ? ? : , [..? ? ??>i man? a of th< w"i ?? .? ? ei form ? ? ovation ..i thi Though Baint-BaJ ns'a B mlnoi. No. -. ??if given ? tl.nd j tte pi ogram ' d .i.?lead the Vtva org m Th? at'ternouii cloaed wit , : ? ' 1 '?? .4 1 ?f? tlO|| OBITUARY. Uv ?WILLIAM REED THOMAS. I ?i .' Bt Luk? it- wsa ... Puritan Ne? father, tte ? . keepsi N 1 and hi mothi : ? ong? d I >? ' ....-? Eldi Ig Ig .... . . ._.. : I bren re? t.i 11" ? ? ? ; .... ai Hlghlai ?! . than ta ? i ,,|, ,il ? ii.. ? ii, -. .1 h v, llliam i Tiloma ol cil? HERBERT W. RISING. ?>??>,.. N ?' . April 13 Herbert ?? ! It li of t m m ol Rlsii i I Thoi ne, ? ..f N'.-?' .. Memorial ; ... , ? i. ilxty-i Mi Rising waa t?oi n ? tubun N i and wi m to V? s si k - ait- ; i..? ? ? emplo v T Sti S . \i ? Rlalng and a ? ? ? . , ' ' ; ', , ireti a him MRS. AURELIA H. RUSSELL. Ruth? ford, v. ? .pi : ' Mra <o-\ , i .: .. t ? he bpme, So. \ Rldgi i'."-.'! thi o 'i i :i?k Bhe s/a ? ? ntt ? Mra ?. . - xxnti i the ?? Ido? ?f tl R? i ? !' ink R - -? ... rmerl) of Bi Ugepo i ? '. .?i?.i Mesdvlll? Pi tin Two dst? Mra ??-il \ \ 1.1.1 .it ?i .\i!.? Henrj snd ? brothei A M Hi nr). ail ol Del o Ihre? -?hin ..i?') .? daughter, survive h? r. - ? OBITUARY NOTES. ! ? ?i iRLES 11 PAR? INS v l? a pr< al of i be An" i n .m Hai ?i?.? ? i '"? poi i and ??" "lt.-? i of tte turn of P, g V. . lorbtn ?in?.1??ara mai .t i i :. - ... i at N? u Britain, Conn?, yesterda* from pneu?, moula He .???? elxt) ?sis aai i old MISS INEZ KENNEDY, of No tl Bast ???th -ti ? et, ?ii? 'i Beturda* sl Bo itb S ?i walk Conn. Bhe was the daughter of the late lames VV .it.?i Barah Knot- Ken? utdy. ol Pittsburgh Her sisters, Misa Temp? K?i?:i'ii>. <?r Hen \,n!.. and Mrs. Esther Boardman, ??( Philadelphia, ?m.I a brothel. Ai thur Kenn? d). ol I ? ? ' Hampton, Long laland, aui \ lea hi i. ? JOHN ?TV. ALPHONSE, a r<?Hl . ? ? dealer, who retired ;? few daya ago, aftei ; celebratln ? lleth birthday, dl< '? ? in Stamford, ? ?-?nn ? ?- lerda), A son I i.ii.i ;. daughtei mn u ? him "TROTTERS" TO VIE IN THEATRE. x i.n be) n ittlng" ? ont? ?t a) thi Poi k Theatre aftei iba performanc.i Tusa? da nlghl ha ? been annoum ? ?! b) tte managemenl An etforl sraa made t. : tain Eavoi Oayuoi - eaotctlon, but up ?.<> , laal night ha had nol replied i?? an in>i istion t., occup* .i bo* \i Johnaon and jsi.-'ia Engllah, appearing si presenl ?n 1 n... bill m the Park, sre quoted ss favor? i Itea m the ? ontest. -. WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY. t- ? adnalaai-M m iti? American Muaeum of Saturai Hlator- and Um ?Vtaa Conlssdt Park Massasi Adcfsasas ss "Itema W< Osghl is Have ?g the IBM Msniclpsl Hut r?Mil"?? BudSet"' si the meotlns or tin ?? ntral Council ,.f th? it?i> sttoa ?Mils-tea ,.f Neu ferh t"tty, Ne i Maatses avenue i i? ? >.< ara I?-. ii" ? er Polka, IX D *m "The Ms!? ??i ? Ufa Saver Publl? HmIiI " n. f??r.- th?? n???a Torfc School of Philanthropy, \. ISO Baal ?.'?.i .n?-; I .1" i? ? M'.r.i^ ..t ill?- ii'ii.? Bo : ' ??' N? ?? Fart v\., lorf \.i.,ni, s p m. Meetl g of i - elet! of Mc-tll? ?I Jsi Ispru i . s ? it \v- - u | sim l-JPi n Mealing of ?\llled t'tvl? taaodatloaa et Greater iriii'i-.. t and ?-:i?rrrii Dtatrtct i'?im ?iar Ueu ??r.-.n. an'l Hsmbvrg ?>'mif?. Sresklrs, M CON?IS AG? Revival of a Victorian Form Court Entertainment. o han rigid itlj i ? .- .... simad Caa-taaa To Queen Mary la ascribed the .?mda announced determination ?>f the King revive the stat.., -ts al Bu kinghi I'aia.e. which wen s regular feature the London ?reason throughout th? Mat "dd ?ears of the reiKn f,f Queen Victor but whkh were abandoned after Kit K'htard But*eeeded to the throne. Que Mary, who is cxiivniely fond of dan. ifl has found PBSBOn to ? omplain of the ve lar-ce number of p. irons attending i court hails at Bucklnghsni Palace who i not dan.-... and win. ?get m t!ie wa. thosa who do, 1( haa b-*en i xplsin? d her that they were prisent or |,i I I flcisla of the court end government si aa such have a . pat i, - ,,, unwritt? i ??ht to an iiaitation t?. ?\ !,;,?? on,. , : rtsinment ?< ? i ?v al Bu? ktogba Pslsci. The) are moatl) rnsa si women of more than stature age, as i ii' i efoi ? not even d. oratl* a a.- ? ai flow? ra When Queen Victoria ?a- on ihe throi all tin:* class was dealt with by means . un nation*- >,, on.- or anothsr <?!' the t*?. m three stat? concerts coorarti %*-? I ? i ? wen always; followed by a buffet supi>' for ii,.. ?ton-royal cm-Ms and b) i eat? Mippr-r in another room for the roya ties and lor lia- amhaaasdora 'I" I- > i abler) th,- Queen to restrict her "?son ' to the stale halls lo th? J OUBgl itlon. 'the ...'leen never attend? th?s? i its ? "i ' i I rself ait.-; n. coming a widow, being Invariably repr? : i.- h< : eldest son. 11" a ?i thai hs thought th? ? ?:!. adful bore, In spit? of n tin? mus?.. matul i? i sus? i i guesl *?? ? i,. a:i; ..n etdstiy, port!?. IncUnc !?? ?".ii.i -.sir anil lacking In elegl SB the ??toe.-; ot youth, and that la why h ah.dished them, with ths result fbat til state bails be.-ani' oven*row?led Now, ho?-- iver, the gooi old pi to be lesuine.i. Th.. eoMsrta wilt, ? usuel, teke piece In the i?reat bsllrooi al Buckingham Palace, at the uppr end of which there ?s n ,iais ,,, gallen for th.- orchestra at th? bach of whlc la a magi If!. ? ni organ. The bal perb apa? tmenl ol gresl ???.? 4? ith a Inlaid, polli h?d floor and n .. . 11,-, t a.??'?!-1 : prop? "'I'h invltatiei a fo will b Issued b) the Lord Chamberlain in th for.f . m ?I -, manded bj the King to Invite auch mi sn, ii ,. person The men who attend mus form oi court dreai 44 Ith kne h,. f. bet The a omi with the necessity ot wearing th. tra?na which are de 1 igt ur ? ti , dressei being, of course, .!?'?.?.?. ?? ? The - ?? - ...... ? . . royal pro? easlon 1 ntei s, aa-i ? la onl) when th? 441 tu the r .?* al !?? o? 1 Salon la ; e-foi mini atni slowly passing from on? end of th m n. the othei on ?of ha' the opportu fig a f 44 urd 01 tWO tO those of thl t ?ares! 1 a of th ? Artists Heded Apart. 'I'h. ? - g| ng a ith th?- gu? t? The) ??. apart end aic ??i>p-n sup ... w, a prual,- room. Th.- reason !" that In "t.i. i is to a 1 tat? til It i-s 1 ?in? qua noi that < fficiall er ? . . tion? ' ? durlni a have be? .... ? eceived al I ? ? a ?. ho, n? ' ? > .-?'.i 01 oth? ted 1 .'i could not be ur. Ited 10 state bt ? .?,,,44 drama, like ? sion hav? from t.m** Immemorial been irred reason of then callii | al ? en King s iiberalit! sad ? ? ? ? ... 1 ng [..t the companionship ? a ? modif) this ondii >n ? ...??? ., - ery parti? ulsi -, l the 1 onducl of th ar? I si ind from the time that 1 Pa band, l ? v?--1 luia da Caux, for N whom she suhsf jiietitl;. marii.-d. th.I sou Id tievei permit her to he .. igaln al an) ol her atst? - '.44 n that Pattl feif keenl) ? proach which ths aa I h onl) so? ei algo ?i 1. ? op? t, inflict on hei But while h??r guests I in a, fistie 11 eat -.4 hi? h th?) 4-.ui!ld ha., derived from Pattl'? eing | ? , U ( ??! a ;. a ogramme of one of the state ? 01 - .. : Buckingham Palace be? ? m? i ?011 of roysi patent ol ? i i luy. It .?de thai King Qsorge and Queen Mar) will follow the example .,r hi? grandmothei In th ? ,,. At Continental courte th?) : ? c a som? what differ? nt manner >>t maintaining re? tabllity on the part ol distinguish??] artistes, if ti"- private life oi the latter , .,:..,?.* pubib reproach the\ rec?rtv? lb? in mi. "i Roysl or imp?*, Isl Ai n? les d? I hamtne. ot Kamin, i - singer, which .arries with H a badge it ti-ii pii\at.? life civ, s offence they ? ths title and thi badge b) .\ i) of punishment and as a mark or royal disapproval though n .1? noi n< riiy follow thai the illustrious peraoi i -? concerned sill d-*priv? themselves of the Pleasure of listening !" Iheir music, v.> ..,'. m instrumental. Kmq's Master of Music. Th? arrangenrienta with the artist.? si ,. .1;,t. , on. .us at Buckingham Palace are left entirely In th? hands of the Master of the King's Musse, 4\iiose four? hundn ?i- ? si oM otut s In the ro al hi h n,>4\ held n- Mr Wait? t Parrati Th.mpanlmsnts sis pro? 4 id...I 1.4 the Km? s Maud, tin? mcmb.-i s of 44!ii.'li weal foi tin QfCBBlOH dark MtM velvet fa.ed r-oata, ??nee bresehas, bia.'n silk stocking? and whit? we l?teos ta. rhe members oi tl?e band an? not m the pe manent emph? mt tue King, but era well known prof?**al?nsl muaieisna who r? cetra a small rstslnlng fee, about *?:.'*? t,, 5.,?. a rest is retara for wM h the ao-reridgn b.?s ths ?"ral ?'ai! on thai. viera, and th?y aw obliged to attend at whatever towil residence the King nn?> dean.' The.? are thirl* -four in number. ,,,?i there hi sos woman sansnaj them. ? 4vl?. phi.? tb.? harp | Hi Walter. lln*'.r Chief, who h.a. 1, . ,. iiieml"'!' '" ''"' '"?al hou:*.?holil sine?. i?. becauna ??rs-anisl ,.t _ st. <;, ,.,?-. ? , |,.,,??!, at VVlBslsor, more than thlrt) ytOtt a?:o. has H:i ofllcial residence m th- ,,!sth. beside? apat-'ments at Hu k" raSlS?*?. H? is a ret*] hoay mut. f,,, he srrangss 'he muete t-r and con ,!i; ' at all th? ro'.il baptism-, BOB ImattOOO, a .*d<Jiiitr??, fuiii-rals and < onv nt-eonoratloa Banrieaa lie praaMsa and *% recta the Klns/i Band, srhleft perlteaa aft.-r dinner, bot not dtgrlng dinner, ai Mi Wdit, r i?-- always vary careful t< point out. H.- oftk-late*? at the organ ic st Qeocge'a Chapel wtea tte ?-onrt it in re ai. r.? ? there, or in tte private ehapg m Buckingham ?Palace, and has in hit charge tte wonderfal and unrivalled mu? steal Ubrar) ?>f thai pal.???-. Some of .u greateet treasures, Ineludlag ^.sbt> ?ol niiio.s of Hsndel l works in hiM own hand Writing, and many other Interesting -in*. novel mustcol maniisfrlpts. have tv.-r lent at ins ?nstanos by tte King to the Britiah Mueetun, In l.oniion, where they at?' within roach >?f ctudento, sir Walter if? ;? atan of much humor and repartee and possessed of a moot marvelioua musical memory, win le on a vieil to su PreOerteh Ooaatey at Teohury Sit IValtei area Invited to join a party of eight 01 ten rtudeota .?t St. MlchaeTa College, oho ??-i? ipending tte evening together? must? and chess bring among th.* dlversloos provided Bir Wait?*r ? .- < ? hsHengsd t.? pit himself in a ?am-- si chess agalnri two of th? rompan) playmg ni consultstlon, while he remained at tte plan?.?i pisyad tte game and instru ?i ?nt from memory. He accepted Then, despite ever) pose?ate ?li*-tiartton. he. played Bach, Mozart, n? ethoven and Chopin from momea y, and at th?- sam? .-?ine ot eteOB Without oliee Ptt in:: th?" bOOl 'I. MARQUISE DE PONTENOT. HONOR DR. SILVERMAN Jtabbis Celebrate His 25th An? niversary at Emanu-El. ':? i i?.- Joseph Bllrei man, r.ib' I ? ?' Temple E*msnu*EI, ws -im-i ?f '? h" ilast? m Council ..?' Eteform i: ? >bti .??.?i the N? ird of I? ? ah Mis it a lion? r in his ?>r:"i i?? -r .. Carlton Hall, No IN West iflth rires i ? ? ?n ?-..i-- in lecc-galttoa <<( r?.-. HI? vennan'a twenty-fifth anniversary in tte nat. ..f Temple Emonu?BL On t> eganlsatlona represented, .i?* Rev. Dr. Rudolph Qrosamon, 'hati-n.??? ??i" ihr* ' "inmittoc, presented a ports of llvi r t" l ". Siivni mini Amona th?? rabbis pr?sent were i?r R. Drscl aideni "f the New York Bosrd ?'f Jesrlsh Ministers; Dr. M !l i f.u i :-? pi esldenl ?>f ti? !?*.< itent ? '?? i c ? ' R< form Rabbis; i?; I B Moa? - D ?' ? Bo .i Mend? a Dr- H P. Mend? -, Dr ' ? ? im?n, <?f ? inclm al D v i. ona !? -i i ?: N Krosi ol i" ? okl) t ; Dr Clifton n. Levy, l?r J. Blau, D Ttntner, Dr Bl . Dr, Sisas, Dr. <."''i i ? | ? < .,.:'?? i' ? ? ? ..' Now York, snd (?i i?-.?:.l .1 Lev? of v ? Haven. DIED. K In?/. labeth it. ? u. Ho Perry, Oliver H ', - ? \\ nit- r .' Smith, Caiohn" .1 ! ?. \- ? M II I. isgart M. D i-:??. n i i- wmiai n . , Kllas A ? Ml - ..A. N I OS Apr.I I*. I'.'i.:. ?-..,/i..,. ? n ?m'. ?? Ham >?' Bal. h ? nnor. - 'H ? *4 11 ',? ?-. . f April 1 ..r i. , ? | i B ' ?ervtcea at hi -? inr ?i . Qiwona. Long lalasd. N v Ta?ads) m l.vpie?. -min .??? M ,.?-.- a ? * BE? g ? I" ''?I ' It XX n ? ". - l | "> A' ?! I ? ? ' - -na; I. Ii Mra. W S Bern lut . ndl ? ? i t... : m i,, i ;s.i >eai. Pimm it a ? in Monday, Al ?. Ill aini ? ?\\ isil ?? ? home, X? 1642 Ml K Brooklyn Ed-vai : I I Burt la and B val y n i B M Urea* ? : i**r DE WITT?O v, u - h Pia ? ?. dau?' ? ? i ? ,, ? ri D-? Witt a |ra ? ?-..? ? - \\ u asft? i DICKINSON "n Sprll 11 I0IS, CtaM - P l'i. kln-on il in and Cl :, - ite rea a ;? I m ? kwi.n?On fl ? ' i ? 1013 ? ? a I . I Mi ' . . ?, \ 4". \\ a? KM ? I "-i ?' i;?,ti ? i glindSJ An- |9 ' ' : , ?il* Whitney, wlf? "f t? ? il a ? . ? ? ': ? . r *.' M". J real lew ? ? of Tin- ml ' '? KENNEDI Mor? : ' No .:i ' . ? ? lai-Ma *a ? i - ? Ki o? K? m ?? ' ' I'ii iburgh, I ' - - . n ?i .;:n ' '-, - in laj nMrnlng \. ?. :...'.? th? lute ?' g ' , | , - , ? "?? ?rains. April IS ar n .-'. |o k P EtR ? ill. ?Oliver i ??/..?r Parry, t** ? Mar a M or? l>r;\ P*u ... Rim? ,. ru -...- : ?.I ?? .:? \ai, , - ? ?.? \ ?: - tprll 12 l" ?mmsnd? w a.-<--. i - L\ S S retired, *>:?? I Si yeett r*u ,?,, ,., ? riwsds] ii u < ?apt I nf - | ilerrlti Burial ?at ? 'raaaatJoa i ith au- an.I 11 ?Mi ni ? t FrMs* tpril H IBM , ? i..w . la?, ;..-. a . ith ?-*uiKtral ? ? i. , Ko .*."i n ? m laoti ?'. Sau Torli City, "n Monday. April ti IBIS ?, i m p i?, im ini'ru at Woodlawa ?eaae :? i DMITH ?' f "? ?At Kl tori 13 IOM Mur Uo .-? a fa ??? i i^. Smith . BOMAS ii- !:? v? Hilan R? i, i ? rector .,; in ? ban h ot ti ? n..; Inn? mti lllghlai d i .?n-. S v ..? .-??,. - Hoai Ita Ki ? 1. I -atur ? \r?rii 12, 1BU tanate* ar Highland can. .\ ^ ? ?. Thuradsy, ?,??:. it ?'it lot? ..? I'.'JKlikirn???' H . -. ? . -. i ? a- ... lo k Mm. re will t?. .. Hpnrice a? the ? r> [.r ,,f the ? itbadral ? ? In? in? at '.? ?i ? MM k <jn the ? i .nit ot Wedsesdaj. tpril IK 'AOOARI M'll U ?I?: D ?OUiig?-?t .laiiuinci "f th? Iho- Bfnjai In N an?) .-'arah II. l>|?hro?< I'uiifi?*? aeiVhiM a: tea r?*?-? ???ii.. ?it Mr ?later, Mrs su?*n A. Rumps. ?>,. -.".hi itffereon *?? ?., Rt-otiklyn MonSar M a' *< M |>. rrr ii;i.-i."U Bsadsy, tari IStg, at th? ? brothm i. la a I - \>? ? ., -? si '?'- ? ? ?". -? '? laa ft malla. 4 kughti i of the lar.- WHIla - i I i .?-.? I'ur.i .- .??? la her 1.i ruaersl aae? i aa ;.ri? at?-. ANNOUNCEMENT -, ??' ?.:: i ? n taking Ueera? i ?asi h tor thi r un?-m i ... Mr lurgss "?? ates .?... iiioriuiis arc r.-.iu?*???-?! to ?p ti Hi. rhur.h b\- ?ray of Sei ond *?rnu?- anil tfth s?:..r Aoeeaa from Third avenua will ha i ut ..ff h% th? p'lllc?". and \rlil?l?? ?III I? parkiv! vhll? waitln?;. around .-mi ? rannt Bsssre. i'prtjil,. ,n toot, hm.Im? ? of adml<?fil<'n. niav r?*a Ii th<r churuS Iron ihir.i atreaaa CBMKTKKIEf. IHK ?OliDf AWN I IMITI.IT, Md St. Bj Harlom lia.n and h? Treilay. Ofswe. -" B ??? ?' -t ?-? N I tNDKKTAKKKS. rnwK k. CAMraax. .?t a "*-at rt4 St ? hai-i? Privat- itonmr?. Privat* Aishu laiic?a. Tal. 1321 Chela?*.