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t? RALLY FDR "USE M Ladies of the "Side Shows" Fail to Attend Women's Political Union Meeting. SUFFRAGISTS TURN OUT About 100 "Votes" Advocates Drink Tea and Hear Dr. Anna Shaw Accuse Liquor Interests. and 'th.- Be tided Lad] si ?i th? Lad) PeotlhDlpper, r.n?i sll the rest ot the clr? three t>i<* aufftai Th? v\ e p ml a polite Invitation to - i tare Garden, asking them to tdcjuarters st No, Ml at 9th atroet ?/eaterday aft? noon and drink ' i heai Dr. ? - ? t. n hsw th? vote aaan'1 won In Michigan Not one of them trame. I ' i Ired fraoists cai tea. and to them Dr. s . ooan'l aa tntl In the room, on- ' ? to ,: ? - . ! '.in. w r? gol th. ? ... ?' fight ahead of us?Mlchigsn taught me I 1 ?lout : | ,,f ? ties Opposed to t i i of W? ,,.. Wt i ne mor? sfrshj of them thsn h ig on i .?. B it behind thai hiding th? organised llquoi traffic, that little handful of worn? ?v s'ork, ?tul u I tnlsed, so w? I] intr? : that ? ? ahed <>i Mi.- '? i ? -i-- national p ? ltd? nt of the antli n it | enying i - ? |U) l>! Hi , ws* Well, . arged thai ? m. Bhe La aci - tor? t - i ? ? - ? ite bar lain between tl ?? In? ? . t In Michigan .? i ?el ' ? . - ? ' .- 4 ; . nt to 1 M? ? . ? . Dealer! Kt ? Tilt OUt I ' "I m? Il ?Il i t would have tai?'n it f? - taken for that th? the ;mti ovtng ptct loUl ..n i anda aa try? ? get 1 - - : latlon t>> and tip ? "?? i ? a to put on th?* film that Mr . ti?- a In d Washing a ?li?l much t" foster and Inclt? ?. i ? ? sing l ? _ tii agtal . ? : ? - thing fen there were . a moth? Michigan ; ? a k< ' would ,'.Ur to -. . | . id .??? t It better to be a ? i |ui ?. I thought it tan men if ti?' re the "iii'i i woman .; * better alderman f being \. v ?fork moi ' i Hall! gel M ? - ? "What i . rlotte P? ' ? \'i-.ih? r of whe ? ' ? ? ? th* BUf -...,?? ?.i ow, how ' ..n ??. -1,,'i't foi those ? MEN MUST FOLLOW WOMEN Forbidden to Walk with Wives in Suffrage Parade. *? o ? ?? . ff I . \? Ith i "'? ? ? rag? Ms "i ??u muat ? i ? . Mi or eus ? ' : V ? 'I f"' in? n ,?t th? . ..' tii?- ??"n. n The \\??tii<jii- Political i nlon, In Us w p. i Men'a ?*?*? ? ti? n" tack? ?(f4 ,. for to? raatlo M I la rtoi Btai "?n Bl ? : tins th? int' n "H ol th? beau e. Women ea Id nol k-eep t< p ?with A .trldi ?he ? ??plain? d. a ? . im? look atraggly if they tried i.i. m the ? ;.,,t ?i?,?n Fifth avenue. Meting ? the Bqoal Fran hi ? . bo? oaltl sas i?;??l fro? Ml Uarlln -?, ? ,. urtflng thHt the dm n and women ????Ik aeparately In th? ?.ara?!?- 1 hat , i tl g| "?ii ?i- ? reaolu "ton, ai : the W, P V. E followtiii bo I Branch Offices New-York Tribune FOR ? ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS I 364 Broadway Bet. 3t*li ?nd i7th Street? HARLEM ?263 West 125th Street f*e* ?th and bil? Avenu?-? ?CUT "prices attract society Managers of Flower Show Reduce Entrance Fee for Big "WorkingmanY* Day, and Most Fash? ionable Crowd of Season Attends. America hi some democratic, cynlci to the cmtrar* notwlthstandlni Btarl ? thing for th? benefit of the working i ' "i Ii and Un i n t. at once pro* ? that the) aren't too proud to tak-* advantsg? ol It, too. The manag? i s ol th? Inl.itlonal Flower Bhos at n.' Grand Central Pal ? " ? tried t.. ha \ - esterda Isj B "Sun.1,-,4- pop." Thej put tlif* i Dtl -:.-. '?" . ? ni dOS ii t" Ft, and 11 working men and 4401km'- t., ha ? ' an and Inspiring. any among th? blooms, And s hst >. ipp? ni d? The ' ?ne element ws bul Mi V n I? 1 i-iii. Rob? it . Mi-. . Irving Brokaa and Mrs Brokaw, Paul A. Sorg and peopl? ount Riled the place. And maj tx ' nag? rs didn't I id cut thsl chai g? i i., a? mil t. i looked ? ' l? a good d? al for their . i? constitutions. But they were love 1 w I n nei In of honor, ail th? flow? rs t have won pi Is? s m the - o* ? ered in this court Spei a VSSe of Amerii an i" luttes, a hi? h i ami early in ornlng 1.4 . gpret 1 from Mm ton 'I !?? . '? B It I aid of I ringle blossoma plnn? -i on, look? ing for all Hie world lik?. ,1 collwtion of All In all, tl ? pris? wini 1 ? fill? ' " ? ' ompri ed In ti.m of honoi 1 ?n? of tl ? tl Iblta a a ..1 cut 1 illpt, v hlch 44. -, iped fr. m Rottsr? nain t, n dsyi ago, The) csme wrspped rstely In di > cotton, and si rli ed u?? are wrspped in \?. 1 . otton, and 1 hi ? .. ? w s) - potted. It lid this ?i. sill bring dosb th? price of tulipa In thli country, where tin floi n 1 ran no! r 1 to -- a j 1 ? - pi) the demand. Thla in... nlng an) bod who santa to L', 1 up earlj .igh < a 1 |. In s grand , BcramUe foi the left-over blossom? Es? hlbito I ? . , will I en to the*, a ho want th? m. Tl e ?? : tala and 1 h? kin- | . 44 m hav. "; I . '??-?'?? ? md the sod? ty a hit h 1 upj II to will 1.n hai ?i eai I a Ith a agon i An) tl - .'? -1'" n't ' '?? '?'?' public , 1 an have. _ 10 DOOM CONEY ISM Return of the 600.000-a-Day Crowds Aimed At. $100.000 SHOOS HOOKWORM Retort Proprietors Raise Fund to Wake Up Long Latent New York Interest. !'?? mey Inland ha : "'in the il? 1 ? ? - i- n ?>f thi resort ha? ? . puckered ? diet over th. N ? th? j ? t"t ) nl widespread . ? ? . i Inking, \ ? . i,.,.j 1 -Li a bod) ol ? ion ?> ' - ? thi ? .\t an executive i eel | I this ? ?>mr - ? g th? r? ??? t ? oa expect thai lal gain i ea h< alth and treat? with th? ? ? en, Th? InJ? rtlona bal loon a .floral ? ? -. lalnm? Is for volunta? Kv? when the city ? ? ? did bo . . .,f >ul now u ? ? the new irn.tin' m. i de? Id? ?l i > ha? e an ? " ilni ? ? i attra? lion ow op? its doora to !<-? rr."ii ? and envira Hay 1 i ? ? t apart 1 this ?-?'?. and after i ha had o pop atera and < i:?n . and nil lh< thou ? ? th? ? nlng will j i a great flori - .?IK. d d : . ted I early In and its entii . . ? h fragi .mi How? i - on I 0f tl from i'.? rmuda by thi I f.?? m th? AiL.tii. r thing ? hi? h bro - I ? propi letoi ? Rapt? Trai I ha . -..| v in be u j nlng ' the Fourl .: by July ' 'i! ? ? '?'' l the ? '? Mi" Blreel loop, will i un u,.g]*i the subws) a. I ir a ookl] ti. snd will then trav? - i iivei route ?iir<-? t to ? ?one; I - : .?HI bring j -,.n h i?. th.- i land To g ' a of the counl .., ?ml-, dit am "f I ' . ? on i 11 ? lal sriangi enl ,,, run ,.,? rate excursion od f or i main attraction! at the lal in? ? ,.. ill i?, um from every village .m,), t within ?? Ihre? - , .i ?,? ndlng ? 'im. buco to th? ' olida ci owda 1 .| ?,.| ' "I" CHESS TOURNEY WINDS UP Smith Again Champion of the Manhattan Club. in ?... Una. .. ? ?i p\ u,?- onn ?al i han lui? tout n.?m? 1.1 i eatei day at the in?.ms ..i ii,.- Manhattan Cheaa ? Hub ihe wlnnera "f .?n the br? prlsea were deter? mined, 11. ? - in-?-? of ? oui ?-?. ha ?? Ing si .. g ?i. cided it? !?? ?"i ??f Magn M su ith, ? lui? ' hamplon -' ? .ii.ii ii, isa want to i ?r. Gsoi n< i A dal i. a nil .? *-? m b of . '.- to j '.- si though thla hinged upon tha outcome of the gone !?? ? ?>? ? n Hat i Rosenbsum and i. Llcht? n!" i ?v i???" nbaum waa Ihe i h?. but, i>i"> Ing tha bla? i? Ide of i ,, ?. ndlah opening, lost the ? ichange earl] t.?'- ? LI? tenberg scored In fort? i?"??? i Rosenbaum, with .? Anal ?,r ; tu ;. h..?i t'> be < ontent a It i? third ??? '? Wem Leal P?a i g i :. fimltli - l '?? ?? ? Uns '? p, .; i A.inii -.?.. .'?? M i ranktln . ">', ?;?? ii KoMnhaum . J !>.. U< ' tentw ?* .; l Nortbrup '?'. ?'?'- " Moethin?: o w i I.-I i '. ?'?. i P. ?:? raoa l i-. n Hawaii '<? EDWARD MACLEAN IMPROVES. n waa laai nod at the J Hood *\ llnepital laat nisjbl that Bdorord A Mac? [?san ?h? former aroi corraapondant, n bo waa Injui ? ?i trhi n hs waa dragged ?,?,,ri2 by .? subway train at the Mth ? Btatloa ?m Boturday, a*aa am la . a ? Midlt""i as reportad at t?. r Tha ambulance surgeon ?i??> at? tended him expressed surprise thai he ii.ui survived i?*< experience, but Mr. M;,, i..-an Improved groatl; yeatdrday ;,ni ii i-- believed that lie \?.?ii raeover. WED "WITH THE GLOVE." DUTCH GIRL LANDS HERE Old Holland Custom of Proxy Marriage Puaslea Immigra? tion Officials. ?.-?-., ?? ?. . ' ? tion suthoritl? - ha? e had to d< al with, m ?i long tut ? , - i t.. th. .i a t on ? ti upon th? ai i Ival .?r thi Rotterdam, of th? Hi and-Amei Line. Th? vei I broui am 1 lolland ? ? twenty-three-year-old Dutch girl, who had been mai ii? m The Bronx. The authot ? ? wer. pus Bled when th. i ? . ? oi n ? isrrisg? bul ll I to permit th. girl to land ?i ? ... ' ; . in D ? ? \ ' . i w i ? ? lated ? ? | count ...... ' ll old Dul ? ? ! Ihe rig hi i . ? ? ... ... ri? d to ? . - \t t? ? same time I ? "ainucl, thi as going of I a , , , ?? ? I *' Ko. SIS 1 it ta hia ' ? Holland The uni' ? ? r ? , ?. ? WOMAN FINED FOR INSULT Patrolman S??vs She Spat in His Face Departs in Auto. good loo d she aa '?? I I ? : iddr. i No \,, ton in tl ' ' t . ?nu t j ? ia.4 moi nil i charg? of dlaor? I ? ... duel . ? r || Tl,?? , ? ? ' I ? Patro m n Pa W ? al th?- maglr?l 1 ...... . ? .o , 'I Hi ? U . ! - -. '? ai ... ? ti i o get her lo go a m a taxtcab ed I Im, and h< .?r . u i.rt th. " i deeply peni? I an. ? did noi i. m? mb. ; ha? Ing a? is.-.? th? oil dai I l ate Ap ; 11, ton sa,d he t? d i" Inflict a J s. 4. i. n? nail - of j ? blOCh a?? a) from the and j thi i >? met an a itomobil* . tilo whirl i 11, fi? i| and ? , d ven iwa TURKEY TROTTERS IN TAXIS Shooed from Cabarets. They Fly to Westchcster County, . :,.ir dawn ?!., i g aft? i '"? Waldo's "i tiio la? i patron Irom iptos n r? tauranl - and cabaret i i a tomoblj? omnibus? well stocked with fool and head light n ... of approved rands, I ?. ,, , ,i of s . men and wo ,,, ,i t,. 4... o !.. city boundan ."i11 Ii '" v. estchest. '? ? ,,i theii fi ?? nd? Bt fa orit? - >? u ,,, 'i he ( Bronx Late in.m? go? i ilong Jeruti . . n triaed on seeing ;.ipl? of ..... mi oft ? a. - us- j ion,, d rout? s streaking i. , m f,,, dark? n? d Intsi lora i ? Ii? ?. d bj ; ,i,,. .,. .,, irstlng bi lillan e i ' ?. ornsn ' Bvcning ?" '? im? m s,.,|, t "gets? .i thi old ,,, . ..,,: . ,i., ll ? dan? ? ? nth n la I , , - . it'.i.i th? lights n,ai wets rjlmrai ?*? '" ,i;.Is ",,!" . ni . for Hi- lr enthusiasm foi ,-< hours In ths hitherto ds> -o,1 ,.. ' -i,4 if there ... be] ,,i,<i \ aa '.'ot'.iai.dt Psrk and the big r-?senroir. FIRE AlTrm"a WEDDING BELL Department. Finds Big Conflagration Was Only a Honeyraon Salute. 44-iI. ? 44 ?in ? fe44' hois reflection warm time when ' is hoiieyniuon. , VICE II DUE 10 LOW WAGES, PULPITS AGREE No Direct Connection, Though! Undoubtedly a Contributory Cause. Says Dr. Elliott. I NEVER A SUDDEN DECISION Rather a Battle in Which the Wearied Soldier Loses? Rabbi Calls Dress Be? setting Sin of Sex. B , ? . Phllad i :., Api i i nect betwei : I' i- outrageous th? aaj ru a - I?.???? r- in-'. i.. n prfntlm i" on irai 'i '" r< Ii no ?i r.m ? lloi and i: os? s i"? receive low wage Kii'iiA how wrong ii'-? atatetnents are." B . i i?aa ti,r burden of an addii in ? red '" :??i? ti" ?Sod? ty for Et Culture m th- Uroni Street Theatre here to-da* bj i t .I"!?" Lei ejoj Elliott, hers i ? Hudson Qulld, in New v??ri?. He I ? ? ow< ? ? n .it loa v Sg? " r undwul tedl? ;? c-ontrtbi toi | ???? .-'.' .,i .? i ?.?n I? ; i '.Iltioi that I . ' " h<- aald. "ir ?- " has I drunken fat ? I motl er, ai ?i - . Bal m i"?rt "T her fa . the j ? n. un,, a proves too much i"i ! a ? i> idltloi that not R< porta ??i Invi i tigat? that. girl - ?' ahe ? nt? n ?! a life ? : ' aa tired,' ?inn? t ca ? . ttered anyway, .u -i . ' The minimum a .?;;? one i" .i i?!;itf'?i m which wi muai und? t ti?.- f. ??i o1 I ? ; VI it,, them i, , ., ., s ?j? en dt : Ion ' : k< the ? v..ii || |i .i ? ittle ... -k th< gil i ; ? - ? r., tha? . ??? ? ?:? i ? ? most i.?* " Rsbb .!??>. r ? i ? Krauakopl al ? ? ? moi alit) i .ruptora o morsllt) were the in? ? o I led to ' p\ tin! i hoae "f i h? n ,.\? n wivei ? M . ? ?-? in the ba g? n- rail? i onduct i ? But m? for I ? ? Btal ? ? ? cent i ??. "TV I Rel ? th? 1 ? K . .? ., , top to ? ? ? ?.? hi? h tl ? ? - trained, th? that their Indul? the cam fini ? imong lanes i. , ,. ? . r j,,. r . ? I ' ? i r ? ' tha eil ,. he al ? ??? | .?. A ? l?t<* | means II ti ' .i ???t i,?-in " i . lard ?j ?. . it? thi . ? ? ? i.. | M.l' K"l'f STATE BOARD IN QUANDARY, Wanis to Know Where It Stands III New 'Home Rule' Legislation. tl Statt Hoard lie tl - i fig " ' t S'hen d ? ? ;.,. ill wltl Maj .,? ? ? ? ? efleel i ? 11.. i , ? th i . g n I ng Ihe Govi i.t? \i" ? ted to .. i -1 ? 'horn? ? '.? I pi? ? It titra Of I ? ' : ..I i"H :,i Nea Vork ? it\. i? . .,,-.. believed tha thi ? ?? q i "ti that ' wa Inl.i ? ? ?i and ed -?t thi In itan? of Ml ?..?? .1 l ? ? iiii.ii nnd -? hoai plana lo i illd an ..i n aft? own Id? ? had been thwai ted ' ? ? tal.I bul M i ?i ,iu...?I ?-.! ? i his resorl to '? ~ ? ? at ?\ . i ?t a desire to cari out hla I it to put into ? th. pool I.??*- , The bill ??-?? - ir,ir".|i",..i b v embl] - ! Pet? : '' M? ?Slllgott, ? h" . ? to the con? ol -???? ei nmenl '??? dlsti I? ? ..,,,. Hei i ti" holloa o the band o? i rank 0.Iwln, tin- "lewder" ??r |le?| . . ? let, th? '.m., i .."..i a m !?? lug Mi Drumtnond'i first deput- la tha Depsrtment .?f Chsiities assemblymsn M, i ?Higotl Bole ?i i n onm i lion \? Ith tha ?.?a ? in.-. In trod u< tiMii ??t n. ?i" did no) even know, hi aaid laal nlghl .' ?..i it but that m i ?i ?iiiniiinini . .., isked inn? lo mi. i <?? ' him?. It m ?t II, n . ? - oi thi late ?board m that if . ,.|. i i>r Taimnan: Hall "ni.iv**d" the Mi Elllgott Mil ths presumption oi -? I ,,,,, ? . ? . ? that "Tom ' ?Smith, Mr. Murph* ? close adviser In the organisa ,,,?, ... .?M Ith Aosemblj DlsUIct ,liiM .,,,,? . losa lo Frank ? toodwln. Mr. Qoodwln, howsvsr characterised the ..r Mr. Murph) ? Inti real an "oil ...t ? -|,,:,.. || ti,.m m" " aM the district I, ,,,,, r. "tl" r? 'l ii? Hiitic m " STAND PAT. BEGS DR. PARKS Sermon Continues Opposition to Changing Church's Name. i?r bslghtoa Paraa, re? toi ??f ?St Bar ,,?.,?.?; church. **th atrsat hh.i Madi? son avenue, preached ? Bermon raatarday , ontlnulng his of***?oottioo t?? the aroposed changing of the ooom ??f *ha Protaatanl Episcopal Church. He smpteataad all through hla Bsrmoo tha vital Importa nee .?r ru.* ?Protaatanl spirit "Th.* spirit ?>f T'ioteftH-iti-iiii Is til? spirit Of loi., am? It* th" IT???? j-iKTitisin of this Cha-refa w?ira.a|eotad t'1" i,,"ru "r toleI' SIMM WOUld go nls?>." be aa*?' ??i..u- ?luii.-ii " be -*-'"'1 tl . point, ?lu,?, earns la Um parting of Um ways The Church would ba poor, r without thaaa men who ?all IhamBStves Catholic. They are g?????) roea an?i w?rthy men. an.i aa loin- bj tl" Protestant ??plrit domin?t"? m \?, can e/orewpond bra together. Em whoa ni- CathoUc -pin? ****** '"" (-',',"i3'j'.iattoni? will end. | THE FOOD THAT WE EAT | IN THE SPRING, TRA-LA Has a Great Deal to Do with the Case?Fol? low Your Inclination and Graze, Say Food Authorities. I dt, t" bs ;n tiie counti i and ] ?J ad? t young onion from th?-- sod!" Do > on find 4 ouraelf sighing thst sn ; ou mor? IntSTSaSaSd In th? crisp I : luff that in,,-,;nds v., n- lunchatron ,,:' bi*eakfas4 chops than la ths chopa th?"*?? aslvc ? Tlien take a tip i:"m M"tii' r Matura and gras? i,, ?/our h< itent. Bo any the madlcsl and di? t? tic aul i 'oi ll apring! iiou lake I k? ? :? your fsml I and j ward off d?bilit?t! ig atta. h of fsver change their natui ? : the t. nd? onion, th? r-riap radl tient young watercresa. Th? ??! tonl P ? V, V Henning lo d TI Prl im e of them ke< bottled t.un s ,?, d,,. i . A dietetic suthoi Ity, Mi -. R B Bchsf? r, superintend? nt of the i i ib Indoi ?? !>r Manning and adds* a of n ,n ' to the spring dletsi ? ?; ? ihould esl mu? ii I? i m? at In h,, said, "psrtl meal ? aui ? and pork. I-amb ia ' g.i at this lim. "i year, ind fish Is < celli,.' ' 'i '''"? .'i' , t . ? >. -u ei tli<\> g th?. i, tter they are 1 i ?Tin? fresh fruits that are ln se.?on now ? nd d !?? ,.i. and Btould be asti a particularly al bf-eaktsst Krr?sh : ,.,.-. flssk? i an ? x si? lent breakfast dish." Mrs. Bchsfer also advocate? th? usa et : ick? n In ' ai oua forma t?". take tii?. pteca heavy rneata "A chh ken sslad landwich nakei ? aomewhat novel and appetising Item for th? spring luncheon l.'ll of fai?.'' sin iper sverj day, and ??? . lurer now of gat!h - on? They, too, ma) be tissd In placa al n,.ar nutritive ? si is Is also high, pi?ce di ? -isiaucf for luncheon la s stuffed egg .alad. There are man) othei h ad that may ba tissd as the prlncipsi luncheon dish at ?his time of th? ? ' i. Tl.. "dd i-f? used more md hominy, for instan?, and , _ take th? plS< 1 Ol I'" tatot Old potato? i i pr? t< y i.oor ai this tint'? of tb? year and aew pi-tetaes Kpenstve. Tl ? quanti) ol hot ? - ?h?*-uld be dlml ason sdvsa? .ling drinks atad The Jell'?d o tal u . -i ?? of th?* hot variety " VALUABLE AID TO HOMEKEEPERS Here Is a Way of Getting Not Only Four Hundred Recipes for the Use of Left-Overs but Also Valuable General Helps in the Cooking and Preserving of Foods. l'n" .a Boo ? (Har? per's) la L..t mi. nded . i itltute foi m ? ,. . n.- ool i - tin to be aim* ... ? . ? -I ace hi ? la (tractive d in the ....? ther? are no a. ? margin ma I will in on left-over food In ? , the firs! ' cheating ? I ?par? I Ther? : oth fron nid Inter? '? the pro ly. It Is 1 h women tl There s espressed?for axample, this on? froml pag? id CREAM PUFFS (FROM POPOVERS). 'l'.-.u. ai popovars left from , .m,i rnsa ai opening In thrm just 1.. . ? .n !.. neati) fill tha oentr?. fot f..ui popovers Briska .? Blllng ?.f one-half ? ; cream sn set? ni d with two 11 I.1 '?.''ii o*:?-- i quartet tessptymful <>r vanilla ir s iitti?? add I I ? Ittl? - ? t and Btli In on? tssspoonful of in??it.d - Hin. Set on ths le? to chill, w hen t<ad] to a s si a half a cup of any f:. -h nuti that ira - ? irsd, than an?l till the popOlrVl s. | The fruit ma omitted j i ?oeuri d I,'? following th?? directions In the i ? ????K H????K ? Ot I'OV r, ?4!t!i tv4? r>?t-?r? ? al the offl ?? of Th? K?*w? Um Kir.'in?l floor, and - I BJsflBI o' l.-f . ? ., ?all is) easts Postal Card Departments All communications .and they ?r? welrom?? should be made by postal a? far as it is possible. Recipes i ested and Found Good ? trina In th. ? ? ? ? ... Tribu? t ? ? ? .... - TI -A ??:? ? vi'.i' ?OK VND MI ?VT . , ol,] m, at into i ? ' ? ' I layers nl ilternal n pot, 4\irh aome salt ;' ' ' ' >.. i i. ll ? REFRESHING B V'KRAGI : glass a lay? ? ad le iut an Inch d'.?!? i '?? ? ' so orange ami of half .: rrapefi til and lemon, wltl ? llttt? ga Oi ... i i put t yolk snd white ? egg ten a. n ( fil I i .!? with '.' , ? P B. ??? ' Oft A NO E TAR I'l.K'l ; ' *? I ,,?* t*.?,, ti.ngea and th? grati-d i ??? add iiu... ?quartet upful '" lugai ? ' " ".'? ? I oi tabl. ? il of '? in. ' and the lui hall ?' |< mon i.. ? , added i tesspoonful ol corneta ? ' >?? at al ral minuti a, i in*n bsk. In rah pa i ! ' Ira lia S il l'ont tOP ? K J T. I v I*; i.i s ON A S'l'H k i i ii: THE * CHILDREN, Belecl not the s?,.,, t, a riet) ? Btlch a 44. ? ?kewer in each and ? ost thi m adtl follow Ing ? ? up Boll two pound? ol Itrow n sni-iii 4-. lili n. I il ? 1 until n ?ti bag Dip m th? spplss and keep turning around until 44,11 ? , . ill |g i; m a*. Useful Household Tips Till? At pro oi? "t Win pay for l,i)!i?#hoK tip? It round ?4411.1hl*. for it? *>urpo?, Addrsa? "l*Mful Houachold rice DepsrtnMnt," New ^ e: h I'lbi.n". No IM Nasas? ?ta*SSl CLEANING .; LACE ? Ri a gtiod la? ? and that which la embroidered in ?ilk. rotors, tinsel gold snd silver csnnot !>? grssl ? .1 Bpri ad the 11. a out clean whtta cloth and with .. soft camel hair brush dipped in ?pirita of wins go ov?r ?A. ? < pa j 1,.. ,. v? m ha om .lean an.I fragil Bl It DeW, and n ? l.i. ,.'annul he ?iijiit<?d. M J. ?;. TO POLIIH A MTOVK.-If on.- ha no si't\e mittens one can polsati .. t.14. without --.??Ii riK tin* (ingot? l>v -dipping the hand Into B Btrotlg )tat,'-r bag. largi enough to all.04 perfect freedom In 111a aipulaUnf tl 1 biaahi s 1: m .'auk in DIRBCTINd iktti:rs Man' paraans hav? a oarslsss habit of directing l??a- : a I lettSTB t" -. 11 \ - ' instead of KlviiiL* the naino in full I was eurad of this l?v an .ixpaiisn?'? I had recently, Being unexpectedly .allerl Mil 'if tOSm "ii an organ! nail. 1 Itasllly wrote son,, hah ?loa. n notos IwssWng ms sngsgaiiiaiita. and ajt th.-y were all to ?-o m inv home tr.44ti directed then sil "city" instead ,, "Albany." 1 very neaiij nsiased my train, and. alter just inakin?, it, (SUnd I had A ? itlnatlon i ma getting all about iii<- mannet In whli ' ...? gnd, e failed to rea tlon. .\t B. H. a Daily Bill of Fare. TUESDAY. i'.i;i. \ K PAST Bl? wed pi ?? lia? 0 c I ? ith Ii mon. ? "'in a bole a boat ? 1.1 X? ' i E? IN Baki d ornrlet; tea. DINNER Roa t beef, arlth wal .: potatoes; ? : earned onions rhubarb pie; i -, i WOULD HAVE FLAG HONORED Washington Woman Give? S.j.000 to Playground Association. \ ?a a ihingl a i?" a itbholda I . . : ? i t ..'?.m to tha Playground and Recreation taaoclation of ?\m? ling to m snnoun? e? ?"? n? made laai nlghl Through this gift th?- unknown donor aeeka to empha t"' i ? ? 'i or' frequent Bag drtlla, .-o children In ever) playground in ? - , ? th?- "omit, ? win salute Um I ? n.a nlso tha I e? ai i aehool tould i.o kept m neal repair ?.? 11 ?.?- a nd children assembled ? ation, at b I'i'i concei ts oi should honor the!? Rag ntnl ?- ? ?? ??? J ? i tati'i si attention when the na? il h? m la p?a | ?*?i PLEDGES HAWa'h TO "VOTES." >\ al ngton, tprll i I Th?- people of Ifswuil are in favor of woman suffrage? according t?> Delegates i<>naii K. Kalanl? . s h.? m a i - a er to the p?tition i.i-..- d to him -.prll ', by aufrragists ,, r word r., auftrage headquarters i er? thai the? ma * 'i esl sssui ed tha I I s ill ?I?? a hsl i rsn to urge I be sdoi l loa i '.?i ?t m a mend ment " ' The Woman About Town QUESTION OF NUftfBf ?Seated on s bench on Riverside Dries woe a ?mail. gold?m haired lassie. h?-r Irish nursemaid. tw.? weary WIM? and a col'lud goa'gaaa (Either to aunts, tli?- CTOI ?l "t to ?how ??IT th?- cut?neos of bar charge, Um ?utid told bar to -fat up sad Mag aad dance ? Kvi-n body's Dt*4ng It " The ehOd ?lid a? she eras bidden, and did it tory prettily; then she ajqhsd t" rest lot n??' ihg mus? keep the Idle ones amasad io over ????i over again abe do?ead and i com?? -"??-? ?vhili th" BpiKtntori -?? * plauded Th?* Woman ha?t a strong it ttre t?? i>??x th.- ?>ars ?>f that Ignorant and thoogl Ilesa u 'l tak<* the ehUd to ii.-r motnei ; bat, u bi Ing n a for ? one to confine bar anejara to her ???ii pi?-. ehe tarant sa without Intscfertng. ii".''"? tii<* little one's moth? i wo'ild BOOH CbOO I tint xxa;. !? KKN/.iKl? PINANCB 'I ti" ' th? eveoing at |; 0, a >:'.:? - liond Central Terminal, ? boy opproa bed and begged us to buy !.!.? popar, it belog i?"? \,, ;;,st. If ?re hid wante.l a papei are wouldn't lia-?* token th.- Bottai thtst hi carried under Big arm. but UM air ?as raw und tit* lad so small that we OOOdsd over a penny for lock? as !.?- aigraoaid gratitude an Idee ?"aunt to our mind. ".Say. boy! Be bonoot; <*onfeOB truthfully and ??"ill get a other penny. Hoot moo" this evening have you rocoleod <* penny for s.,m?- papar?*" Hi f*rinn<*.l roguishly as be answ? rod, "Ha."" ??;?s '?? a amoll captain Of industry or an ex ponenl <>f fr?'nzi>>?l finance'.' WAIT! The UlkaU\e little girl of about four rears of a*.- laantfl oft* ?"h?1 ""?at and began to chattet about bar doilies, her boma and peon?a Then ?n a loud von., sha exclaimed: "Mv father's craz> : ' Twos an emba**rasotag gBoaaant for everybody in that car. The mother got gg r? ?I as a beet as she reprimanded her outspoken daughte-, who continued; "Tea. ii? lal lies eraag 'bout mot,i?-r'" NKWIPAPBRI AND ?HARACTKR - Have you ever noticed the rows of papera In the cars, everybody wading them, yet no two people hnbiinsf th?- paper at th? ?aOM angle or in the same position? lOBM bold their papers as If they were precious possessions, and wouldn't -five >ou a chance to read a woid from their vai ia! i?- editions, while ethers bold them open wtd . BO that hf. who rins may read; siill others hold them out so that we are compelled t?> close our own. fl> ve no tlced that many women always turn Hist to th?- woman s ?>ah<-. and lot9 of n??*n make a grab for the sporting ra-?'? s many more never got past trie first paf,??. Others read merely the b?'adlines. an?1 -oui?* more begin riRht a?, the beginning Bud rra.l rlt?l-iT to the end. a PREFERS MAILJTO MALE Woman Letter Carrier for 24 Years Will Not Wed. I Ttriegrepfe to The Trll aae.] Boston. April l.t-i-'arryiim- L'ncle Bom'a moll i? fir preferable to matrlmoni I Philosoph v nf .MigS Klnrrn-c M.rk ham. of interiaken, who baa trsv. ?" miles on i,?r man route Btockbridge an?i Interiaken, in the of the Berkahlreg, daring the ia?-t tan i ??ars. "if ?--ver i -j.r.r man ge - >iierattoi? and i eaa'l -,.v that I bass i always thought that | bould -?al by mail ' Markha ?? . with a lough, "and It cat but i ????" ad. Ifatrlmon. ? it eras hi im that atlas Markham fret be^.,11 th" work which she has com for nearly ? q ... ?. . ? ., eantury, a ?? a days aero her 'ather war ... awsided the c?.,i?r;i,-t for can betweea Btookhridgs and Interial the anal four v. ira At * -?>> .. r?n tha I?-? twelve >? in Hi Ifarkham has bad the contrai t. g* . la dichter ,1i" | th?? work. The pun'.-?! post ayotem Increg ad I work of th?- nirai cairterg. Bad man) do? n*aii?ie?i rnore money, bat Mi i IfOrknam ?mid ttial her father bid Um same tiir-ir?. as he had In the past, and ?he does r ??? t that tii" parrel post will Increase bar burden to any large extent. Ai d. ray, sh? savs. she I?, not worrylnc: al."tit that, or men, either, for -?he naya she probobl] Bill die an old maid. MATZt??HSJWEN AWAY Hebrews Begin Preparations for Feast of the Passover. Preparation?? fo- the obOSn anee ny th? Hebrews of IfOW V?)T% of the fea?* of the Passover were heeun yeaterday with the annual free distribution of matxot'm, or BnlOBTsnsd bread. i>> Beraral loeal ?????, gantaatlona. The bread arfll lie gtven ??v.r. dally until Passover begins on ?Sunday, April 20. The headquarters of the r*n?te?i neh-e-.v Commun!t**. at No *aj Knst Bras>a*a*aya was the scene yesterday of the urst ?us-, tributioo. Botareea ? ?" and HI faarUtos were Bur piled With matzoths. Matzoti'.? will also he s?*nt to Ike sanatorium at OttSvUle, N. V.. to the ?Ity Home, the Metropolitan Hospital an B?a<*kwei? a [stand, and the Jackson street ?-amp. iq i " neighborhood of IMN pooniB W*M ha glvefl away. Buggr, t?a and other food? ?41 11 f s aill ais" be distributed. At the Bdword Roosnataln A.?*?oristion. N,, no Clinton street, the bread o*oa ? given .?a yesterday, logsthsr with tes mu? flour The BBBOflBtlOB espaOtB to .1? . tribute thtn pounds of matzoths during r . a eek ___.?,???.??????.??.?-?????? I Table Damasks Hand-loorn Double Hatn ?,4-kj, of the finest quality. woven by cottage weav?srt? and bleached by sun and moisture alone. The durability of these lin? ens and their lasting rich ncsi of appearance make thent a very natisfactorjr in? vestment for houwwives who value a correctly ap? pointed table. The desist?.*- are unique and ex? clusive, vii : Broad diagtmal ?tripe, Sheratt?, Adams, Egyp Bayeoa Tapestry. I.nuts Quatorze, Aquatic Bird? and ?V:i. Game Birds and PoHage. Celtic. The prices are moder? ate, beina; sold direct irom mir n,Mi loom**. WA Ploa-r v?nte fnr illustrated Hit Irish Unen MarNJt-^urers Branches. London, D?bln, B-Hfast, Meitaii-rae. Tic tones; "klta-at and Waringstoam, Co? Down. arslsnd. EsuWished l7oo. 373 Fifth Avenue Corner 35"5?Tee?t