OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 15, 1913, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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V?L LXX1II..N" 24,257. ?^n???T?arr?"? NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL L5, 1913.-16 PAGES
* *
fP In City of Srvt York.J-WTi Uy ?ml Hob )k? n.
Police and Detectives Fight 150
Italians on Estate of Will?
iam T. Demarest, in
Waning Body Part of a Force
of 4.000 Mer Who Quit
Work on State Road
and at Westchester
Countv Homes.
Th^ country bom? of William T.
? Sea Torn
(>n the outskirts <>: Mamaroneck, *
rnlng <?f a
I ittle i"- ' a ? ' ? ? mem I.?
of the Mamaron? i ;
of a N< w
- ncy, all ?
O'Neill, and 150
? ?> ? nd upward
? h
na wen . ? ? tad,
? ? . .
? i
?- ea In the i"v n ti' ? I
mmui tion
? : the lawn i" hin
? home. Cody naa f< lied by a
Wb< ' liana found thai the
the 1
? pathiaer. who marched with them
! ? : riaon and who
n hia forehead on a Hower i
they w r. aked their
?-er ?! of them
into hi body.
Ds:lared Strike on State Road.
a Imoel all ni' n
of i.o .: No. i<? of the <;? t. ral Labor
? ' i; .?< ?mat onal T'nion, whi ;
? du ig on the
? I - <??> signed I ? gup
? ? old Boatoa Poat Road. The
?trike ?is ordered Thuraday,
most of I an employed quit to
'??mj"-'] th< ? ?" -tors ;.. observe the
onal tub
and to k4,; better i
T!.' Italiana that battled ?ho
one of four
I odii a, v h i }?> d from
? ? nl pel 11 "t" W< ' 8
o'clock j? ?? rdlng
Ian to force oui all
npl< y* d on pi ? eatatea in
? ?
In many oases they aucceeded, and
Sheriff William .!. Doyle and other
t?mate that at leaat
4 <t*> lab? : ? out in varioua
inty, from the New York
line north i i the Connect! ut stH''
? Ikera I ia i a terrorl? d W< 11
c . ? ? tQ, ... . H .
New Yorkere who bave larg? ea1
,..,,] t ??. h g irden
m*>n and aome of their farm
? nit'ht atta< k.
In Ryi I'o-1 Cheat Yonk? ra,
neck, Rochi n .
White Plain.i and places not so well
known. thc- Police fofos, augmented
private detectivea and ipecial dep
? *? aherlffa, remained up all last night,
for ?nv emergen? y. Bpedal fear
waa felt for the oonti ? the
???at* road, who received threat!
t?? -.Ft thf-ir II lertj
Prevented Rockefeller Invasion.
Oni. in? i ???:-' tu <? ? i mind ol Bherlff
'r evented a body of three bun
ItaJtana from marching to John
i ' fUxckefeuei ??. home at Po?
i iota ? Hill ?? :" ? teeavor to
? ra to strike,
.-hf-ifr" Doyle r?acelved word when h?
? tt Whit? Plains yc
Ig that 150 strikers from
Cheater had just forced about fifty
( .ntinued on ?*; "i>?J pae* foailfc ?-olumn.
This Morning's Xews.
....,-? *< Morgan Funeral. i
..i Hurl In st; Mm Battle . 1
Toola ot Simp ? Burg a a Pound.... i
t oi;r' ? urfew.3
Margan Buried in Hartford.4
Poik Deniea Ha i? Tammenyita.g
Pall <>ft Water Wagon: Buea City.. ,M
A: k'd for Thau Bi lb? ....If
h dlctm? nl ? '? ??? ' " 1G
of 1 rominlon 16
Btilw?. ii Strong ? ? 2
i.Big Induetrj. 4
... 6
. . Dem !
? aton. v
. Caplt? I Repairi. io
? i Hop? ful. i
- ind. i
,-iat: st i ii. Begini . 8
??M In Mai tin < '?>-*?. 5
w omen. 7
lal . H
. ?
. i
. 9
. 9
.10 and n
Arm- a-,a . u
weeth?. . n
?hi; ."
ai.? Marketa ... 12, 13 and M
?tal (Calata .x*
Body Is Borne to Hartford A
Service in St. George':
Thronged with Leaders
in Many Callings.
Hymns of Banker's Choos
Sung by 114 Voices, and Thr
Bishops Jom in Ceremony?
Wealth of Flowers from
Home and Abroad.
nd red ro t??? a? i???
??i of th( funeral o
i Pit-ri ont Mora n at st. i it or
I Chun . -
The elmp ? but Impn sah ?? E
? wai < o? Ij follow? d,
? for the h>nna and i aolo, aunt
? a Ith h it q ?
some i lme Mr. Morgan him?
Tht deaire of tht
i itlon at far ae poi obat r\
and ' marked by :
emn dignity.
< >nlj fortj -,:\ e m i I
tween I he I Int. hi i
i '?< d i ; ar i n i inki : of Rl
and Ivj. waa boi ne Into
h at lu , 'clot k. and bon out, 1
? ?
the 1 in family.
A profuai ?
?????: \ '.
? the flor
. lo a d<
family. Tht ?l
rich color of th< ? , . ? lominal
Thousands Outside Crunch.
. ?'? . : . is
:? ?
fil I Ing the laal rib .-? j aid to on< a
panj of notabk men en ci on
ich i" the dooi and t
filled with tho
lion, ' Dimrn ? final
patriot! m, | ind
. ? ? of the I ??'>?'
? ? ? idmitted to chur< i: all II wou
had ?? . t
outaid ent, and i '?
of poll ' ?;?.-'
'it trn rhuri h
'i ?,. hod] ? i tak< i
. from th- i ? . i
Joining thr home of Um d< ?
k,i t 36tfc utrei t, wht n h had lal
ahece Pridaj Thlrtt n car]
i ha M irgan fi
ta I
? i hurt ! J P. Morgai
with his ? if-* and aon, Juniua;
lira. Herberl i . Mrs. Mm
i ol the Immediate family ci
tired the library for a few minut?e b<
fore th*? body was removed. Thei
a! the library. Aft<
the funeral the bod) waa taken by ap?
ela] train to Hartford, Conn., for burli
In thr- Morgan plot In Cedar Hill Cera
? ?
Bells Herald Approach of Cortege.
The doom nf the church a/en ope
,? s 10 ','? la k tw< lit;- minutt
than the time at heduled. Aftei
?' In at '?' !?'? ? '( lock th
in th
f St. G ? ? announced th< ap
proa h of the funeral cortege. The toll
i ? i tii' Immediale
family followed th" ??? mn Int
Th.- twslvt pea rved foi th
family in the centre alele near th<
? I inri thr- ?
f the centrt ilslt n ed for th
try pallbearera wer tl
In the church half ai
hour after the doora were opened.
The pulptt in the chancel had bt en re
mo ? 'i. and ? large i landing croea ol
Easter lillea waa aet aalde to maki
way for the coffin, resting on lov ? i d< ?
in etrlklng contraal with th?
elaborate red roae blanket on th*
casket, ? email cluater of whits rosei
lay near the head of the coffin ? token
from .i member of the family. Promi t
ly at 1" o'< lot k th< prot esalon ft rm< d
headed by ihr aenlor ?hoir of mi a an?1
i o] - a ho bad i orne dos n the nortli
aiale from the ? itrj room and mel Um
famll) and coffin ai the esal di i r.
Slowly and ?-il? ntly the pro
moved ni> thi centre aisle. Jusi bsfon
ii reached thr chsneel the calm voici
of the Right Rev Chauncey B. Brew.
1 Bishop of ? v.ii : i' t tlcut,
was heard repeating the lines, begin'
ning: ' i am the Resurrection and tht
Life." Heada wsrs bowed in an parti
(,f the church during the mardi to tha
? | !.
Clioir of 114 Voices Sing.
Xhe choir of men and boya In their
wi^ic robea trimmed with black bordera,
-i parated !" '>'? ? ?,";I ttalla on el tht
,,; the chan - ! ai thi j rest had the front
ol th? chut eh. Aa tl ? on
tii?? attirai ' ? ? mingled In th?
?oleara chsst of PsaJma aaal c and
i wen a. alatSd by the two junior
choira IM volcei In ail. wl Ich had Mi
taken their placea In the choir
f onOa Ing the choir In the i
,i, tht centn alali came tha ftev.Thomaa
? ii!<. rt. the Rev. Jobs P. Hamakt i and
the Rer. John t 8* ott assk ta?? rectora
of St. Qsorgt 'i 'i i"- H' i Karl Relland,
r. - tor of the church, and three bit
I the night Rev. William Lawrence, of
Maaaachuaetta; ihe Kight ????? Chaun ?.
11: Brewater, of ' tonne* U< ut, and the
Right Rev. David n Caretr, of Nssj lark,
? ?une in a l
ji i prect dm? it ?? eotlB arare the
twelve honorary psJIbssrsra Isd bj j..
?ontlntied on fniirlli paar. ISBWl rnliimn.
Mr. Morgan's body being borne from the librar}'.
and Mi H. 11. Sat
TAX OVER 33.000.000
Estimate Baaed on Report That
Entire l?tate Will Be About
v tprll 11
? i m h i . i, ??the
tat? tte J. P m
in.; lo i r?limlnai ? ? ? la '?
att i ?
ti.. ?-. :.,? rhe eatimal
? ? ? ?
l S|. '. ' .. ?
? d to be o? ' ' eat < ' ,:'i.
... . i
,? , nded In 1011,
proi Id? :- : ???
icter. II it ipo ? ? on
lineal bequ I ' ;
v ,,I?HI j ... I ' '?' '""" .3
-:?,..,,,: i i~ i
up to |1 OUO.OOn ai d m< r<
,-,' ,; ; | ..,; R per rent the be?
A redu lion of 5 pel ? '?' ,
? ? ? .
Be? bub? of I ' ' i
wh ? h .'??r. M< - ?'? ?'
will be nee?
con ; ?? '"!i-! ? i!
of art
Th- - stab of th< ? i '
I , ? .,,r. which waa appi ?
rently, conaleted pr f ????'' ??
tata and wa dl ? ?everal
? la tea._
Mary Full Btomacfa Abo Indian:
Beneficiary of U. S.
Waab ngton, April 1 ? St a and j
atrange Indian namea < ontl inall i are
I. ing added lo tl - >? "' P?*" I
The Tr. i in !?? i'?inn nl to-day ,
a? nl ?ran ml drawi ha ordei of
the I ; allott? ? ol lands in j
the Weat:
Mary Pull Stomach, John Bringa
Home the Bab . George Circle Fo >1,
K,,,],. won ?n Howling Horae,
Bhe Taints Hef Bho? a Helen Crow?,
ijk<- W ?>" ' ?nd Eda ard i' eful Hi art
Shoots His Four Children and
Then Himself.
Pitchburg, Maae., April It -Erneat
Moachner, aged thlrtj five, murdered
Dti f..m children and then killed bim
,, ,,. shooting, a? his homo on Roll
sl(11!,. street, to-day. Continued id
naajtii made the man temporaril) In
.,.. . oil? i '" hei (?? Moa bn< r*a
?rife upon returning from work, die?
',. , the bodlea ol her < hlldi i n and
co ver i.o l '
hngband, with bullet hoi. ,, their
hi a'b>
Th? murdered children are Kisio,
.?...j twelv? Myrtle, aged eleven; Mor
*** ' .? ,1 i Ight, and I.. ?.? aged alx.
'"n'oni ..i'l'iir:,nr'" ":,ly """ ,f lh*
children bad any chance for m
Norman, the older I ?? . waa
'' ''' ' .i,, (,,.,] bin, in? torn i lothee
found ni W .
i . ,, i patten d i i ib beside him
l"(l til** ' '
nut? '?'?:""'" M "'" n l";,'>'' but
fit I? atrui -
1 . ,,r< ] ,t. : Mrs. Moa? nner cam?
'I* W 11 h11
Ulaalng ,1"' aound? "f the chit
M"1"' vo|cel Bnd noticing the ov< r
<lr' ",.i fomltur? ah? ruahed upai
,,:l"," i >nd'a room and found hu? body
^*s?S sh-M] m :i dwd ?ain,?
'""' '. o,., r. ? ov< red ran shrieking
:,i,;;'(;f ,;,rlio11M-.o.allh?;rne1ghbora.
Man \'t\'?n. an old M i rvant, privileged above the n ' of the onlookers m Stuyvcsanl ^'p!nre
Deputy Polier Commissioner
and His Men Find Kit in
Tenement House Cellar.
Two of Prisoners Said To Be
Bad" Won by Poiico Who
Connect Them with
Other Bobberies.
rh< f<"ir ItsUani a ho were
. ,, on Sut ' w< ''
In the . ? ? ? ?? ? I ? ?'? Into
tren : prepared t., i
tl ?? ?real aafe In the rear room, hsd
, , red the op| "i ti nitj to
? . ? r-1
. i tteel
Knowing i '? ntalned J< weirs
. ,i | ,. lonea worth a king'a
th< craw kenn n h td i rovided
with th.- fines! of I
toola whi< ii Comml alow r Dougherty
ced ti" mosl perfeel tu
.,, m hla long i ? ! ???? Is? ? a ??
dete? tive.
The commlaaloner hlmaelf wai din I
ly responsible for the finding of the
burglars' kit Lsst night, nol asttsflsd
, ., thing In the myatertous flat
,.? ?,.. ihirt floor of No. WO Elisabeth
..,,. wn( ;,. the arrestsd men were
found had been divulged to policsi ? ,
Doughertj made ? more thorough ex
smlnation of the pre?
Every Inch Examined.
accompanied bj Acting Csptain
inapector Faurot, i.ku,-:,.^
Detective Lieutenant Ward sod
Carsvetta and Bhsvlln. the
Comm,gslonef wsnl through ths tiny
three-room flal which the four lUkeni
had rented ilnce April D. Every Inch
of the floor and the walls was subjected
lo- romute essmlnstlon. Nothingwsa
divulged b this scrutiny.
?ii,,.,, the CommlsBkmsr aenl for the
woman lanltor and asked her many
a tioni Bboul the four Italians. The
Wlim:.? could lend little aW to he po
?.,. she know nothing ahoul the pria.
;;,.; beyond the last thai ths,? wh.
.,nd well bebsved and raid fo:
lh, ,.ns in sdvance. That war
enough to satisfy her.
dJd :i,,, satisfy Dougherty, how
,v? Tramping down the darkened
hallway. he ? ?? Z" ^" ?T
Sea*,?, ?eps to ths csltor. rhis est
,?? conmina ssvei.I "?* " ?? ' ? '
for the use of truant, in tu- tsnsm.
ll(lllsr. Bach tsnsnl hsi a ks) to his
' lmt ??. woman did not recall
having given ths Italtona ? asy. In
fa,,. medid nol amm the men had an]
n-,- for a bin.
After the wosaaa had opsasd all ol
r nl \' on Mth peg* ?fit- -??<??"?
; . , ,,,?? water-lesa made dril
,-;:.;;,:.::;i;,ANG01STURA BITTERS.-Advt
! Magistrate Makes "Break" at
Hi?; First Marriage Ceremony.
I ? ? ujng nl '
- . In Jeff? raoo Market
?terdaj made Tffofn I
unlt?*d to Mi Marg ir. i < 'ook.
Ipromit to lore honor and obey hi?
The erroi wraa i all? d to th< al -
? ?? ol i h? ?? tgiatrat? aft< r th*>
mon]. bul h> aald ' Wall, if he
keep? the promis? no harm Ml come
of If
The young huaband dldnt' mil
he thought it wai s i.1
In addition to r? ng th? ritual
Magistrate Levy ga\p th? couple h ?
In m <>ii th? 11 ?
t of th?
i. ins, who ? ? ? y -three yean
n Ife, who ? ? ? ? I at N 1".;
Then Scattered to the Winds in
Milford Cemetery.
Mai tpril 14 On?
the moat unusual pa> | ig< i ? be
transported ti rough the new pat I
oosl ecelvod. I David B. I
i? ....>.? Mllf'id, tfai
i i Inlng the aahea of Mi '
kiaher Btoddard, a former reaid?
the plan'
The a oman died In Callfoml
w? eka ago and lefl a a ill -1
thai her ?ah? ahould I a ahipped to
Milford and scattered to the winds In
Vernon ? Iroi a ? lernet? i jr. 'i he a
were ?< att? red ? i ,: rect? d by th< v UL :
Cuban Politician Falls Victim
to Vendetta.
ihn ana, April l ? ? 'Joel !?'. rn ind ?? a
11 rominenl Liberal polttii ian and known |
i throughout i !ub? m "'? rotehl" Pel nan
dea, v, as shot and killed this afternoon
l? the principal catt al Cienfuegi ?
il,., shooting marks the Brat stage of
the vendetta provoked bj the assas?
sination on Saturday of Ceferlno a.
Mendaz, who v. as recently elected Con
Bcrvatlv? Mayor i f Clenfuegoe, Mendei
b/m waylaid In the ?tract? of Cien
flieg? s and riddled with bullet?.
The aaaaaaln of Fernande* was a ?pe?
dal i oliceman, named Euatagulo ? trdo
ii.. Finding Fernand? i i Ittlng In the
cafa with a party of frlenda Onion ?/..
without warning, fired all the i naml ?
of his revolvw at him. Four of the
bullet* took effect Ordone? was ar
i-,. tad, bol refnaad te make ? i
m> lit.
Tin- city of cienfuego? ara? thrown
Into a ?tat? of intenso ex It. uemt as a
result of the tragedy. All the store?
arare cloaed and strong forra of polic?
land r.ir.ile- to-night are patrolling Lfca
j streets. The general belief here (;; thai
I more political aaaaaamationi are Imml
! neat
Harvard or Oxfcrd the late?-; gold OT
pIipII eyegiaeSM, ut Spsncer'i, 7 Maiden La.
Hairpins in the "Bomb" Attest
to Manufacture by Mili?
tant Suffragettes.
Miss Zelie Emerson Ha: Ap?
pendicitis and, Bays Doctor.
Is Too Weak To Be
Operated Upon.
- r
". i i i ",. '.v | teem*
m fuifi pn '? ired aufl ragette
pt to blow up the 1 . Eng
? fter
11l.i? hinert utilised, and the
i ri n . ne ind inl : ?? rn ?? of the po?
. th< o itragt .v boul ?". p
?i s atreet acavt d an ordl
? ? ; n, a ith Iti over
down, hanging from the railing! b? the
Bartholomes Lam enti
Bank, He called tha i '. the
m n to ih" < an from whit h. a? -
i ordlng to one i ei as seen
The policeman, auapecting thai tha
I contained an ? ?plot Ive, ruaheJ
?? ith It to the fo. i" the
Bxi h | and immersed II M
r, Tiit n hi took II to the ?':<uk
? , lion, wl found
t.? contain ? i ound of blasting pon I r,
. lectrii battery with wires attachod,
? time fuse, a matchbox and
women'a hairpins The ? lal orate and
nlou ti" i haniam \s hich had b -on
. going had atopped.
made and the suspicion
thai tii" affa r wa a d< i b e of the - if
fragettei m thi dlat oyei i
Hi-- hsirpina
|.,.,- ;,,.,,? time, owing to warning ra
. d of auffragette design i ?>!! the
; bank, estra poll ? ? have been engaged
i watching over the aafi I of both tho
? i.ank and the stork Exchange.
Dr m .usen Moullln, the auffragUt
medical man attending Mt?sa fcell
Emerson, of Ja kson, Mich., roiorta
lhat the atl urk of app< ndicitU from
'which ehe has been Buffering alnotj her
I relesas from lail haa b come more
m att n,-r ph] si, ai i ondition still ren?
dara an opt ration dang? rt
Speaking at the weekly "rally'' of the
militant suflragettt orgsniaatloiq, the
Worn n'a Bot lal ? ad Political Union,
"Qeneral" Mrs Flora Drummond an?
nounced to-day ?'' fortnlght'a rest from
, ;i], (|il(| i,,,-,, given t-> Mrs. PanK
Ihurat. 1,l" si"'k<r told how the brill
'tant leader hsd torn up the Bosnae
! ..j-,,.,, to her oa her i the n m
nanti ol which, ehe -aid. went ba?k to
Hollowsy jail m t'1** ? ? '
Mr.. Psnkhurst II la reported, is t.t'11
m a asrloua condition, it ?s even bs?
Ijeved that hli" Ins had a .elapse.
Tells o? Dream in Which Dead
Sister Assured Him His
Work Was Not
Yet Done.
Bronchial and Pulmonary In?
flammation Diminish?Pa?
tient Sleeps Well and
Is Able to Take
Renie, April i.Y -The Popa ha i i -
lied m .1 wonderful manner from the
serious attar* from \vh?'h he Buffered
on Bunde;. Tw< nty-four hours ago ha
ed to he on th? i ilnl of d, ,it:?.
t\:- ph)atciana' '1i orb non I
?hat the (j..- i point for the ?
Dr. Amid paid a liait to ?;
room ahortl) before midnight Al
< reaa? d ?lightl; h< found the ?
condition satisfactory. He adrcini?
tered ;i hear) stlroul ?
afterward the Pope wenl to sleep
Througho I l h? da the tem
was normal, th?
Bu and the reapiratlon -,; This
Indicated .nald? i ible
in tie- i ronchlal a: mptoms, whl
i '. ; ' I. I I . r i i ? -. . I
m for i"r; period? from
n, the Pope w?
to .? ii Inter? al In what was I
m. Wie o i :.,r s K>r M
fa va allowed ntlhT? nepl I i
enter tl
The frail tiff and
?';,? a i-.l r.
Iy. the latter being ur ibl? to re?
strain hla ? motion at finding ' Pol ?
s" 'ii inged fh-. se ally
Good Chance of Recovery.
sor Man biafava r< ?
. . . | . . . ?
t| ? poi a will re? over. He d?
that hla examination of the - heat fhnw'i
that the Inflammation whl h on Sun?
day waa n arked on the I? fl ? '
been checktNl and was actually dimin?
lag, while the bronchial sounds ?? r i
After I i afternoon sleep ;* waa n!l
aerved thai the Pontiff looked ?wry
I bright and happy. Although, he was
;.-.-, i .-< d not to talk he h
I pfeihtog how h? had juet awakened
? from a wonderful dream.
ii.n? !. he Said, to ha? a aat t
?o ? - i' ? ? d ?7enk*; thai ha was In
i his : gondola on the Grand
Cknal. Everythmg was blaatng v>'.fh
Bunlighl v hen suddenly above
the sky opened and he ?aw i
? hi? dead ?liter, R? a i
descending toward him. too?
"Th. moment his nor yet coma for
you to join me. Your work la rot yet
Cardinal Haitens to Rome.
1 : of the Pope and his n.f -
are bap?. I ' phew
??? Ith them, as hi i ? -. ipeful for
the 1-t ' " ?
up their apl Its. Cardinal Kopp, Arch
.: to arrive
He has th? high ? .tien
foi the Pop . and, being dee| Iy afl
ed by the report? of the PontlfT? ?erb
onditlon, desire?, even if ho ran?
not aee him. t" he near him liH
The bulletin Iseued laat avantng by
Pr f? or Bttore Marchiafav? and Dr.
\ ? \nie i regarding th? P
i ondltion read as fol
"His ii din? >? passed tl da
f? ? er. His t. mperatw
Iy BO. Ai. a the broa?
? hlal a; mptoma conl :
(81gned) "MARCHIAFAVA.
The morning bulletin
"His Holiness p??eed a tranquil night.
Bronchial symptom? ar.-> raaaaurlnt
remperature ,.1'.'. Oeneral oondltlon
Co d.
It appears that the afTQSS of cough?
ing Buffered by the Pope .,t about M
o'clock on Bundaj ai i ning,
panled by htnnorrhage, preatiy re:.
the pontiff and enabled him, aa Car
dlnal Merry del Val thought it would
do, t" obtain that reatotmtion a
ap glv? Rome had been thrown
into a state of extreme ?Sagsreoston al
the announcement of this attack,
?many thought the Popo had readied the
I last extremity.
Tranquillity in the Vatican.
Inside the Vatican all is tranquil, and
buslnes? .seems to he proceeding a?
usual in contrael to the time when Leo
XIII ?as < n his sick bed, when every?
thing vas brought to a standstill aid
gr< ? confusion reigned, arrangements
for the eoiT ia\e of cardinal? being1
pushed forward even before his death.
It is said in Rome that if any con
.n bj to he drawn from this quiet?
ness it must he that those arcund the
Po| ?? do ie t i \peet him to die.
Ordinary tourists are allowed to visit
the galleries of the Vatican, which need
not be entered by the bronze door.
That Is ?dosed to the public, hut ear
rtagea drive up frequently conveying
cardinals, ambassadors and high prel?
ates to Inquire about the Pope's con?
dition and to read the Iate3t bulletins
and if possible to catch one of the doc?
The Popes phvsi'ians hav <? become
very t lever n: eluding would be inter.
viewers. Thev enter sometimes by one
doer and sometimes by another, aa

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