OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 15, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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? re ig an Infinit? number of entn
. from Thus if they notice a
group of Journalists waiting
t bronae door thsy c-> In by ths
side entrence, and ao on. II thej aho ild
i en i" be caught by any one the;
utterly non-commlttaL
All Refuse to Treat with Pater
son Strikers.
B gn ps ??? iBS.1
i nti \; ? Bilk mill
aaeoi it wit
? , ? . worker?
I - l at tla- City I'll I" ?"
? I i ? i. - aldi
some plan to end the seven
? ? i '-"n s vital i 11 -
Thej et al ' ?? sei log I tai !
I ? ? t Ing to do w Ith i ii"
? a. World agita- i
but wouW deal with the emp
i ?. :. ? ? ? ? rged ? ? ?
- atai i a "school strike." 'i ha
ted In t"ii abaenteea nil over
The striken have i i masa
?'?,u to-morrow afternoon W
l> tiaywood v ill speak. Next Saturday
I -?? -? ' - from Allei
' ? nM w in come li*? i e to
: ation
? Pat< raon - een
The latt I >wi city
i ? '? ? ? than
$..'*?'<?>?' since tii- sulk" began.
* . ? ild^r
drew up resolutions calling on tha
man ifacl ;,> meel the workers si .<
m? - firm on Th irsd; ? ? g at I
P Qulnlaa said to-day th"
?nan ' were ha t to
-?? the little ;? Hows oui of the busl
the little fellows are Imminent.
v' ?" . April II "i he S
d a bill to-di to t ta
for moth? It pre ? mother!
??? pendent on tl era ma
-.. exct ed H a '
on t dei ol the Proba I
Pleased with Work Being Done
! to Resurrect the Holy Land.
N'atban Btrau u ho has bt ? n :
pi raonal and financial aid to the Jews In
stint arrived reatt rday on the S ?rtl
I German Lloyd liner George (Vaahlngton
ear ago to d < Italj. Mr.
foi mi i ol the i i ath of hla
rotl er Isidor, ? ho \-.,- lost on the
Titan-." t,,, the Qeorge Washington Mr.
i had ? i .1 ft Ho? : BJorn
i Bteffanaon, a Bwedlah aim\ ofacer,
arho lumped from the deck "f the Titanic
sot.n after she wai i Ipped b) tha Icebt -
Mi Bt?ffsnaop told ins brothel of hla
last meetlm I Ml an.I Mrs. IsldOl
Bl aus, Bhortly before the Titanic was In
t oUision
Mr. Btraua wai treatl; Interested ves
lerda) u> hau, of the condition of Pope
P ii X, whom he had planned to meel
cently while In Rome, The appointment
bad to i" ? am ? lied hi cauae of tht Pope's
Mr - ,? n.-,i he had an i ngagt
? to meel the laU J P Morgan, bul
? the hattei. being ni i voua and pi p,,< -
? upled a Ith so mai ? t th
house without apeaking with hlin. Ri
garding his work In the Hoi) Land, Mr.
said i
"Tin' n- eds of Palest In. ire >?
i have done all thai a man of mj means
t m afford, but I at.ilte to a hat
could be accomplished II sufficient funds
were available. Whoevei cornea forward
the meani will be Inatrti
mental In crt atli - a n aurrected Hoi)
.? ith milk and hone)
? i waa pi oud to learn thai the -? ?
r \. w Vork 11< alth I >epai tmt m Is
being ' oplt d n man) p!a< ? i In Europe. I
? .... i pattern foi tht health de?
partment ? hit h i ? stahllabed In
the Hoi) i a
.in,;.. | : ? wa rendered I
fnull "i Ihi B ipreme ? "oui t est?
? m . Evi ? :? n- il ' aa ,i 'ff "i'
Ham ?s Thaw, m fa*.t i."'us.- \ Co
. . -- makt 11
Ti . bill ra? originally 1
f ,, dress. -'..??- hi tides of ap
houglil frora Ai I to ' '? 11 mbei.
1908 Tht anawer,
m that ' ? hui hand .i"'1 nol sht.
foi the bill. The A
? ? ? . ? ount of the bill and
Special Selling Events
in Women's Outer-dress of the very
highest character?
These beautiful garments have been mark up under the
personal supervision o? members of this firm?arc of tlir
finest fabrics and best workmanship, and prices do not
indicate their intrinsic values?
Three-piece Costume Suits, $Q5
! -i luncheons calling, card?, theatre, ct.. - ol channel! r. MaaS de soie,
chantung. silk Bedford and other rich materials.
Tatlor Suits at fj8, $50 & %?
Women' wid Misses' styles, hand-laiiorcd throughout, m tht season i
mosl fashionable materials and thai
Afternoon Dresses at $j8 & $43
A wide range of late Trench stylet seldom offered at tuen low price
ol Canton irepe. satin d? soie, trepe de soie, Pompadour and
figured crepes. Trench serge and other fine materials.
A lot or au (I Semi-dress Coats, $J5f $50
Splendid hand-tailored, silk-lined garment? oi Bewesl material?, in
stripes, r.het kr, fancy weaves and shade?, and plain shades. abo
black and h!u<~. Also?Stunning new Callo! mode!, ? ombiiung a
Motor Coat and \V rap of imported wool ?ponge, in light blue, rose,
chartreuse, navy, white and black?at $JyO,
Evening Gowns at %5 & $65
Entirely new Trench models in the season? damuej? fab f?o and
?hades?also suitable for Summer Resort wear.
Tailored Hats at tio9 $ld ? ?/5
Die newest London and ?Vis elect*.
DriSS and Semi-dress //,/<>,, $22, $25 6sf $J0
Reproductions and adaptations of late models from the forerno?!
French modistes.
Dainty Blouses, Special at $10
The newest chiffon and satin effects, rangng in value up to $23.
Also?unusual values in
Exquisite' French Blouses at $J? to fyj
Of erery de chine, chiffon and fine laces.
fifth rlocnuc, m s? m Sirccis
lij Summer Rugs "?'
Ll| The most durable Rugs for Spring and Stimmst use aie now Bl
E|l shown in large assortmen?. Exclusive patterns designed for "a1
I us and not obtainable elsewhere. *l'
lIj The "Bonheur" The best outdoor Rug, will stand severest use. Ij!
|?? Scotch Wool Rugs Reversible and suitable for all rooms. ??"l
E1! Artistic patterns at Moderate Prices. ?J|
? 'g BgaasaJ Calera SVeeea to Order a'al
g 3 West 37th St. ?j
: mm of stuhl
As Before. Many Senators Re?
turn from Home Districts
with Opinions Changed.
! Vote To Be Taken To-day After
Each Side Has Summed Up
for Hour and a Half?
Tammany Aloof.
R ' ? Il ni ,i,.., !.. , < : ? ...?
Albai fcprll ii Aftsi ?? ?umraln? up
of th< esul of I be graft ln<] ib i iron
duct? 'i laat i? ees. to the Benat?
Committee, the Senats win rota to moi
roe night ? n the queetiOB "Bh i
Stephen J. Stilwell be expelled from the
Benst? ' While, of course, the r?wult is
iiei bj 11 ?? m? an ? foi eclo k d, II th?
Htilwell ' "Ut mie- it Its |
.: sp? ed h 'v almost rertaln that
he a m e. rip? | ?
; ? ? i be : - tight
-? ,, ',. ?? a aa to? ired the nighl ??
the overwhelmln % \. ? i ?
acalnst Jothani P Alldi Benatot
laai ???'?'. imiiiHteii lie i bellet thai lb?
? ase agalnat Btilwell i?h?i not been proved
. have changed t h? Ii tnlndi
ir ?,, ? ..- horn? "Vi : i ? week end. it
v\. v thai waj ? i h v d Men who t\ en
th, night before th? vot? him
' ? th? wo ?Id v land with him to ,
roted against hint I ?
'i . touch v..m their dli
and found oui whsl i ?? votera thought
abo it AIMS.
i distinct
aponalbil I i ippai enl ?< n on? I ? B
toi i to-night. Thi
. , ? ? ? ?
individual record oi rot? rill
wat? h?Nl b) tiieir dlati ? ' b fl ?! i
Senate Itaelf la not the I irbtter In
i his graft i to 1
i.? i ihlp of Btllw?BI In it
"What if the Benat ? ?
Btilwell?" u ?? ; led a Senat? -i
? Whitman * III tak? ip tl ? ?
re i ou're allv? Bupi - Mm
ted. Then where would th? S ?
ii of
ilghbind? ' ? ?
It wa ' ? ?
?tatut? of limitai i In tins
e tl latute ol
In i? - v.,,. a Practica
that whethei I lenate ?
Btilwell or exo at ,
General will send th? - i I ?
torney w hitman and i? i ht
? -t.., ti j ? lei eral to with
him I ? ? ira I Jury pro?
\ .,. ?? ?
. ? se? . Btllv
pi c et * an; mn | p of tl
ore the f One I
he <i dn i w.mi to ha?
q esl ??? iftei l
ami ??nsd? ape? "i eagle spe?
Btilwell which had
? "i hen if to believe tii*j
i i ? ? ? Bstltuenl
* hu ed,
This effort, i
iltghi m t.. s 11 ; v ?.
... But it
ate there a
The effort got I
of a resolut
... | ?
e vot? ' ? ??
B". It p
P m Then Attoi n< Uen? ral i
will ? im up ? ? ?
ifter a
? ? ?
8tilwell'a frl<
Hall thai
to apei
i ?? ? , .
ai o that ? a? h mema? will
be expected to
The R?tpubll< an S? tori
.... anf? re? to-night on the Si
The!., aill be nothing nu? caw is
ad on on It, but tin lndl?iatloni wore iti.it
most of tii? Benatosi of thai parti con
dered the Kendall chargea to have been
.. ? Jn< ?i and no I i ot< I at i
Senator Heacock Delays Its
Progress in Upper House.
: ?;. I? Th?
Alean]. April 14, Wh? n the v. als? r Mil
niHkiiiK more drastic the penalti? ret
: III? -.,,ii peases?. ? ? of o
drafted as a result of The 'Tribune's cru
-ad'- again i misuse of th? <nu^. ? i ?
to tii? Senat? from the Assembly to?
night Benatoi Wagnei majorit lei
? Bed tiia' it i> adven? ed to tt?.I? at
third readina ie fon . afa ref? red to
'? committ? a 'i hla v\ ould ha ? mi ml ?
aid? ral la aavlni of I? i alatl ? i ?utlna be
fore Ita : i mmi U it mui'i b? grant d
only on unan i onsenl B? i ito 8? tii
Heacock, RepuMlcan, of Herklmer
? 'ounty, obj? i tod, and th? b II was re
fei red t< ; ? C< dea ? lommltt? a s unnut
advano menl
When reported the measure will |o nts
?a ordei i vv ni, hund? ? da ol other
bills 'i bat atag? ol b In? m ? known
,' moi ^' ? ' :it tins i .ir.,, of ? b?
mou. i < cauaa the S n it.Mom i ? s? h
Benatot Heacocl aald be objectod to
ii'.. advancement of th# bill b< ?
letters he liH'i reeetvod from asthma >?>(
ferera In hie dhUrtot Us said thsj feared
tu mes ? got Id prevrat them from
>?!? .i.ii,m; a madl? ins s hi? i> bi ought
Hal li? d? ' lared thai II h< found th?
bill 'ind been am? nd.
he would vote for II
s. nator w agiu who I atn agi
meaaun ?.iv. assurance that 11 would not
i,, ?,ri 111:11 r-. i ta ?ii' In gen? i -?? ? ordere,
The behlgh \ all? - Ral o?ad torn Inal in
Nee v.,ik nit. i Mi i will be the Jei ?
Citj ststton ol lie ''entrai Railroad of
New Jei at] artth ferrj connection! to
i.i. erty and P. i -? SM atro? ta
changa -i torminal? will make as dlfl i
en? <? m throui h irglna 11? Buffalo and
Niagara Palli to Toronto Detroit, chl?
rage and pointa West, or In lu o il ?
v I ? 'ii;' nea ro ite In? luth i th? m s
i*high Valisy iMiii.n ..i Meeker ami
Elisabeth :. i en i< - m New si b,
t sun 20
I ..mitin <l trola llr?l BOg?.
? ?? empl.i on < >ph r r\ti m, the
home ol Mi i vv,'"' Is* Reld,
i.. ni H and thai :;.- i mbined torce of
two hm 'h- d had man ht d d is n the
state highway until ti"*- came upon
one h idn d road ? orkei i mpioyed by
William M< Cabe, s ti" arere fon i ?t t"
Join them.
Sheriff Doyle, with < ighl d< p ity
? us hurried lo n.I the little
ai mj ii.? encountered them I *.
I !iom White Plain?? "" and hla depu?
' lies lumped oui of hla automobile and
arlthoul drawing a gun or a club, or?
dered the three hundred to halt.
"All halted, ? epl oni man, a ho
?an. i.in om of n. d< putli
him." asid Bhei Iff Doj l< lasl nifhl i
lined p th- three hundred and said o
You fi- m Pon ? 'ii' ?ter, atand hei >
Ton ni.m Met ai., 'a land then . and
ft om i he Reld eat land o ar
up i .?.' Then i asid: 'You f<
Mi . Ri i - plat ?. are 01 lat? fled
! '.v Ith ? oui aorl ' All asM 'W ? are '
The i sa Id Do yoa ant i<?
Thej all said 'We don i." Then
i said 'All right go ' And Ihej a ent. '
tnd i asked the same thing and gol
ihe s m< enawei from Mci 'a I ie*a men
\\ d tht n I areni up lo th< Pon I !h< t<
Vou men from Porl
? ? \ int do v ou ? a ni to d<
t.. I'm i ? ir go to i ' and thej
: anted t? ?.. to Porl
? i and thi
Searched the Thrss Hundisd.
Doyle Mild hed th<
: | did 'i"! '
? ? m.n
. ? ho ha.I a pi . I
Whi il ? Sheriff retui ned to
ned of ? ..n -
iut tei otht
making ? Igl leen In all, ht
? i . i ton oblle Bui t r. -
trou I ? o v ei
Caj tain 11 Ni net k
polit ? I Sheriff 1 ? thai nom
on n or tht - ad theii
. ewltm -? - of the bau i Im luding
i ? r the Dem
ho ? fra; from
? thai
the aas Hi ad i ?
me of the prIi ? ho
? ??? I
that severa
?.. .. .I. .| with b '? ' t i "i
? ., In ?? Hui
lempl on the | the M mgi i
the l?? Italiana moal
of I." ' ' ? l" of tbe
II nlon
;.om n ? ? - - '
11 ?
from llarrlsoi mrth of
? i
? ?
I ti ' v ??
? ? m
l?.- met the ' ? -i
i . ?
had i me of
throwing atom
. ??? ? ? ?"
Ile a
? . k' .i
Thi ' 'odj .m?i tht had
' ?t: ! he ! ' '1
? ' ? tiding In from of ihe I ?? ?
befori getting out to pai ?
s .Hi the it illana
belli ?? ed I ha I i !od? ? ?
until the; rscsh ed ? ? all g quai ter
of an houi i?:. : from tht ilemsr il
i "'n- ?si Ing thai there waa one deed
mai ? ii 'h.- las n, and another
? ??? ??.. ? com ? i and
rled to tht Se? R ?? belli Roe
rada Caau
Webster says:
Artificial :
Nahst o'.ercome py man."
Imitation :
" Attemp'mg a resemblaace.M
facia GcflM arc ?rtitiuaJIv ion
striK led and in no sense imitation.;.
^ I rftk Avenir 10 Ru* ?t I? Pa?
7 Old Rond 9kssi i ! UaaarssB LaeJaa
?IHiiir'iiis \t 4.?ut St, ti 16th
U'i^jjgmn Kft it I t tK. K W
Si l/XJI I orull ?I I Oth
Alltntc ( ity 191 i B"?r.Uill
HthS 416 Rr.vW? SbSSI
N' * it) Ajaaaa Maalaa
V i?nn? 2 l..inif,n?iitr???
Pom? 144 Coi?o I Pibmi
1 Ital by automobile. Pino. ?
seep? r. ,,r Harrison, ;<nd a frl? at
man? of the strike) , had been '"''?'?,
The B? a neu an ?? it? d, 8s
Furlto, Michael Btoro, Raiaelo ?''
mona, Prank Speanses and John ' '
rondo, arare all held bj Coro? r ''?
of Mamaronecb aa materl i witness?
snd commltt? ?I to be Whit? P i
Sheriff Doj i. ;,. ilevi ? he s III
? all out all hi-, special depul
In? ludlng a. tors and so? let) and lite
ai> men. Among thoae whom he an
summon to Bghl the strikers art
Campbell Thompson, Charles ('? Dll
Ingham, Colonel Rohent Leoner
George Lelth, Paul <;. Tbebaud; OS'
Harrhnnn. J. Borden Harrlman, P" '
?id Harding Davla, Ogtlen Mills Rel
Gouverneur Monis and Moses- Teyta
Ma) h? ???. W. Bronson, mllll?i al
yachtsman of Larchmont, is alrcach
? the Sheriff's a? rrlce.
M .1. Regan and lohn .1 Be?H
I med atora of the State Beard ? ?! n*b
? tratlon, v> en I to Mamaron'' i. ' esle?
h;, v and i ti'-' i to gel the leadei a of 11
atrlkera and the contractors togethe
hut failed. The mediators ha? i ? all?
a conferen? e foi I hut morning.
Sale of Property at Public Auc
tion Called Off by the Bow?
ery Savings Bank.
? ten? ral i *ani? i K B h
? i, il W ? ?? : who finan? lal dif
? ai tra? ted
attention dui mg th? peal i occu
pi? .s the nu-. .?! i, ? icing a ten
a m m hla on n ho
The sale al p i tion of th
lu 1.1" i l Bl v^"- _-; and -?
Plfth av. nue and No i Kasl 111
i street lu ? to-mor
Irow. il ? terday, wil
": ? I ;...??
Bat ? ii ii obtained
a hi? h ttlsfli d '"? h
? be i ? tus ti oin i he ; ? for tw?
In pa ? ne ' ?? on a
? -
....... \.. _.'. i'
at No. 1 East 0
by the Nen Vm k si.it. Mon in
? 'ommiaaion,
v ' 11 I M N I
the I ? t > '-'?' I
<ll|i|.d h '
? anir. to 1 anl 'i"m hla i
-..'?-. i >r the 112.000
.... d ?.? the ?
? "
? leril .if th? " '
Ba ' ? - ? ? fore
Hi. ^a.f th? a ? a
' BgO,"
? li 'ill. b.
h rents from his proper! ? foi
wbli i" a the Inter?
the ?> - ?
d: Bchen . iter an i
? . all, ii.. ludlng
... ,. . , . . | mortgage
?-m the property, ?^ made. General
Blcklea said ha wtohed to ?lie In his
own house, so hs ms remain th? ;?? if
be pays his ?000 r? hi.
Juatlce Platxeh decided yesterday
thai the action of the .Sit? riff ? Jui >
was not s'ihje<d tu revfew, and tii-r
fore he denied the application made hy
[August HecXscher f??r an order re*
straining Sheriff Harburger from re
leasing certain personal effects belong?
iiiK to General si? ki?-s which ver?
seized on a Judgment for about **>???,
obtatoed by H?sckscber.
Kurnltur? of ih!*
i. p.- ^-iit-< uu si ia
,,,..? ? sal
h lai.ln
;.ti ex -
g . ?;.. I . mil?.!*
daft far
EN think big thoughts and achieve big
things in their offices?congenial surround
ings are always inspiring.
Our specialists are at the command of those seeking
equipments of good taste and architectural unity.
May wc have an appointment?
275 Canal St.
2. Aliimm Se (En.
will hold this day (Tuesday) Special Sales
? ' '."".../,?.' -irj Young Women's Sprinf
and Summier Dresses, Gir?s' Washable
^sses, Women's Knit Underwear,
V :n's and Women's Unen Handker?
chiefs? Men's Negligee Shirts and Scarfs,
Men's Baibriggan Underwear, and Toiist
Women's Knit Underwear Dep't
Women'f Jersey Silk Undergarments arc
displayed in a very interesting assortment.
Among the latest novelties art :he Knicker
Skirt, Knicker Combination and combined
Knicker Skirt and Detachable Underbodice.
These are ail productions o? B. Altman e> Co.'s
own workrooms and have been designed
especially to conform to the present Fashion
In dress.
Jiflh XaVtott, 34tfc end? 35tit tofffs. ?vu flnrk.
Make Your Moving Arrangements
By Telephone.
THE TELEPHONE will be of the greatest
assistance to you this Spring in lessening the
labor of moving. To effect a saving of time
and energy that will make moving less arduous and less
expensive, let the telephone carry your messages?
To the real estate agent, the decorators, packers
and the moving van or storage company;
To the carpenter, the plumber, the locksmith;
To the gas company or electric company to dis?
continue service at the old location or turn it on
at the new.
By making a liberal use of your telephone in every
case, your moving problem is more easily solved because
a large part of the usual work becomes unnecessary.
You will need Telephone Service at your New Location.
Suppose you let u? know a? far in advance a?
possible of any removal you intend to make.

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