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Het?'ltrrk Sritmttf ro?? LXXIH..N* 24,2.58. '"-du.', aasettled: ta-aaeeiwar, fair, l?rl?k ia?t to north ,\ lini?. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1913.?18 PAGES. * ?? IHM/'I.' f iVr / ?L'V'r InrilyofNaw York. .Terser fit r snd H 111?? li I t.\ fu y lJ>* JL EUKWHEgg TWO CEXT8. Hoboksn, SEES DEFEAT IM NEW TARIFF Or, Simon N. Patten, University of Pennsylvania Economist, Believes Democrats Are Doomed by Revision. WORKERS TO SUFFER MOST Moderate or Radical Cuts in Duties Bound to Disappoint Many ? Republican Vic? tor}* Inevitable, Says Professor. BY rn;. UMOS \. PATTEN. HjeflBIBf of r<>!itir<?l t'cnnnm;, I ni\ rr-ity sf Peaaailvaala. Tht Republican party cteansed, gtreni more r? i i glv? to/the p? ople a ill return to national ro^ -emocratic party, i believe and predict will fail, becauge it can? meet the expectationg of e\e?i the minority that voted it Into ctmtrol .f ? national government. Tariff *-iii prorv? the undoing ?? Demoeracy. It ha- before II two glternatit a small reduction Of tariff and virtually - In tlie < - Idea thai are deei tsarlet in the Ameri? an ?standard of living. The other alterna? radi' ai rediu tion In I and the conaequeni atoppage ?.t many important Amerltcan Industrl? . Viewing tii?? gituation wholly ai mlgt, I| gsjemg to ?? hleh ever horn of the dilemme la gelected, President Wilson ami big > ? 11 t.? disappoint a lai - of t: ? ; them with power. Hundr? da of I pert to gee the cos? . ? |- ? ? i apeedlly rrd" If the President and his gggotfatag : .. :? t - i ? . : u IthOUt tlm? g and cons? q u nl ommunltlea I will be botta etirprised at i i lentlst ghted as a > f the other gel ted and only gmall tiong made on the tariff Presltt? I Wilgon a ill undonbt? peat? lieg a:? 1 illggailgloil in 'he rank? of aupport?Ml him with the under? standing that ;>. tariff for r? ? ? a lid I ? inaugur Idle to Forecast Results. no deairg g| this tima to' It In detail the effi t of I I ir ft , -tiun. My disinclination baa .n the doubt thrit gurrounda tariff bill I ' B ? fa !<i'A tariff or_a mod . d it la idle t-> spe? ulate upon IS months heure until WS know i|?? ? ? the * lg regular:? Thei ? ? matter, boa gvei ? ! may apeak with gome degr? ? fa the Inevitable re? nt of wage conditions by oar ted man ufa? turers. Th? d ? has gone by when >?"? ?? w?tek la the for .1 working women'a a When the Repuhi leurs return to power ?as i believe they will in the next*na? il election they mus? rome as g . t.? definite reforma and us a party whose en?rgica will be de? voted to keeping these pledges. Of these promises the most Important will readjustment oi' tariff benefits bo that the w<*ark?er ghall receive his fair Shsre Of lhe renewed progs? 11I |. Th< ?i party doea not deserve sue? i. mlegg ii living uag? for ., . . n Force?-) to Reduce Waqes. mattei md the hish mlnded boneet manufacturer who to his v.. ? meas? if tariff ben.-fits in the way ..f ?"?.'isr-: and ur.ikii:?; environment will t.*- the one who will tx hit the hardesl and tined beavlesl bj a aweeping re , ?ion In tariff duties. H<: will be ?" reduce ? nd to meet the cempettl i n oi big I ? iloua .- bop oomi The manufacturer who now stuff? ' rrtinued on ?r< page, llflh < ??luinn. This Morning's News. LOCAL. <?piu:u Bmuggl? r Killed .. i Bar Non-Residen! City Employ? i .. Ba;. ?hi:; li Pw h Ce ii Bill 2 ..!. Il?n Arn sted. 3 ? i w |fa Sue? Talbol J. Taylor... 3 Gilbert a Bride. 7 TOWST .it?-?l.8 to Bulser on Police Bill.9 a Two <'' nl Mead, ?. 11 ? gn Praised I y AU Parti? ;.Il ? . a Portons May Go to son.ia - on Piss for J? ???-'?: Cltj ....lg -iusa t of Ka? I "??'-i' Bar? High I Inen? a. 18 g Strike RIOl Polled. 18 GENERAI, Vln?Ueete? Btllwell. 1 , ?., i> it i-? SHxerau. 1 Bapreme Court May Be Tied. 2 i.< oaomy Maasurs. ?. 2 IVaablngton Chilly t.? Prlsdmsna. s 1 HL Pet Plums Picked. 5 \n, Jspan Inslsi ... s Is b] Tsi Iff Bill. 5 h. A 'i; Nomii ite Ticketa. 8 FOBEIOK. M . 1 i< ry 111 Mai tin ''?'? e . 1 Pop? Hal Turn for Worse. 4 Buffre.gettei Burn M P/a Mouse. 4 Thousand B? ? avlatoi ide. 4 MISCELLANEOUS, rial . 6 ? y. I .7 . 7 for Women . e .10 and U : . .12 and 13 and Navy.H ?Vesthtr .14 .14 heal Ifstate .1* Hark? .16 MOTHERS'PENSION PASSE Bill Before Pennsylvania's Gcr ernor for Monthly Aid. Harrisburg, Pi nn . April 15. A mot ars' pension bill, providing formontl. l*yraenta to Indigent mothers b: tl ? ountles of Penns- Ivsnla, p ?? -? d tl House to-night Th" meaaurc had airead] pai led tl s. ? ,? . o ? READY TO FLY OVER OCEA Brucker Inflates Balloon at La Palmas?May Sail To-day. Uu Palmaa, Canary islands, April I ?TIt? dirigible balloon Buchard, ; which Joseph Brucker, formerly of Mi saukee. propoa?*s t.. mak< ,-i tranaat lantlc flight, i.--. I- inK Inflated. Captai Brucker announces i ir;?t hi will stai for America to-morrow or Thursdsy, tiic present favorable wind holds. Qrei <-ro44,]s 44 Ml,-!?,,i the work ?-f ; r? !?;ir i t:??ii llii.s afternoon. 'i'ii" Inflation a ||] i?. , o?ni leted ? '?'awn. Tl"? police ;ii-r holding tl crowds bach to prevent the .?,r.'i> froj being i rnlted through car ? n? FISHHOOK CATCHES EAGLI Bird Swoons on Boat and Bar Enters Wing-. . a Barnweu, h. ?-., April 15.?E, !vrr 11i - - oi R?ism tp...i--,- Townshlr. brougli 1 ' i to-da* an < agi? be caught with lio.'k whil< ;s!i;ii* ?.. ?;. rday. win1'- m ? boat looking after Bel Un? H.?serve? the bird overhead, an ist t -.l?t: a flsfa <.?'f the Un Ihl < Bgk .*- 44 ...?;.. i at the tri'.i si '1 h?, hook iHiipht the bird by the wlni and befo ? ? Il < ?? ild ttt ? Its? If Hier ! It W Ith I JiidrJlr?. d "t f? el '?? in. be fioni tip t" tip. ?t!-' tatons were pi.?.'' ? !? . shibltton In s n< waj ap< r offli i . r?? o TEN FIREMEN OVERCOME Escaping Gas Hinders Battli Against Spectacular Blue. * blase s hlch i auaad the I -. me ' "ti ern I a? auae of Its lot atioi I ., on | .,;? old ssr? houses In th ? ' !i!l<'l With intlaill Btor? i broke ..'it si No " itreet laat night In a bulldtni occupted by t'n" New ITorh and i;' ? k lyn Pai at i T? n flreinei ? ? ? ? oi ????? "ni" by gaa Fire ? "hi? Kenlon * BS In .bar;;?? <.f th with the fis i '"ti as tingulshed. Two alarms wer? Hai per ??? Bros ' pul llshl t bous? tWO Ml 111' btirnin:*: building, an.) the sanployei watched Hi? Bre until all danger ??' th. ? idlng had been ; ? Th?* domas;-* to the r??p?*r company bi the b'irr.. ?1 building ?? ill am ib< al ti'.,ion. DEATH THREAT HALTS FLEEING AUTO DRIVER Officer Leaps Into Speeding Car; Sei:*es Chauffeur Who Had Run Down Priest. \ fl Ing Imp Into the front of 9 Bp?*eding automobile which onli ;i frac ti,.:i <,f u necond I??< for? tisd almosi rur m n. and n hand-to-hand fight with th?- chauffeur which ???nd. ?! only thi officer steered thi careering Idewalk and thr? !.. wreck II again I s building It th? ? - were not set, wer featun of th-. inpt'if? last nlghl by Patrolman John Reardon, of the Es l i '61 i streel police station, of Tonj fJagglana ran down and fatally Injured Father John -: ? Roman ? 'athollc prl? ' ' . Btreet and Second ai enu? F*ather Bacco is at th.- Harlem Hos pll il. His ripht leg is t roken In three places, Beveral ritts ar?* fr.irtur.'l, and he has Internal Injuries, Thi in - ?_?.,.ni say he cannot li\. Cagglano is lock? 'I up In the l-.n.? t l??th treel po - ' in,..i. charged s Ith feloniou s - other men a ho ? en In r were I? t go. Reardon waa .?n i oal ;,t Second ave? nue and 116th atrael ui-oui midnight when he beard shouts und sau nn au? tomobile coming tow aid blm .'it high .,,.. ,j. c< ardoa held ni? hi.- ban ?nai for the < li.iiiff.ui" to atop. In? .] ti).- car came straight foi th? poll. ?man. A Midden leap wai sll that bs ed Reardon'a life, a.s the machiM rot red t. be Jumped on the running board and k rambled Into the front aeai bt - ..,;, the chauffeur. H:s order to top answered b) a flr-aab bural oi spi <"l Retsrdon seised the st? ering wheel and tried t" kick Cagglano'a feet off the gear levers Aa the men struggled tha .ai xkiii.i.d, missed an "L" pillar snd swutiK into the uptown elde <>f the streel next the curb. Reardon ?;.'?.<? th. state-ring wheel a tug that Bent Ihi machine sttdlng on t? the ?ld?Bwalk, and told l'?Kgiaii.i thai il It- did nol atop be would wreck the car against a building. The chauffeur then applied the ! ira i\. -, . .-i Reardon's orders Cagglano swung around and drove back t" the cornw of 118th .?-ti? at. I crowd bad gsthered around the unconscious and bleeding form of tin i rlat t. As the poll? i man and ih?- chauffeur drove up s dosen men tried to drag tC*aggaano from his Beat Kfardi'ii rowded the frightened prisoner t>? one Bide and, drawing in? revolver, threatened to kill the first man >*Ih? advanced. After seeing iini the pries! 4\.>s being cared for Reardon .lr??4.. v 'ih CSggil tin t.t the police sta? tion and turned him over to the lieu? tenant Cagglano aald he lived al No, 90S Morris avenue, The Bronx, and was .. junk <i?.d< r. Father Bac-so la on? of the beat known Italian priests in Hsr letn it. and Kather i'nin.t had at? tended s service In the Church ol nur L*dy ..f Mount ?'arm?'), in tilth street, .nui he ?v. ;! walking home ? b< n ri-.n down. SLAIN BY RIVALS Lured to Hallway by Promise of Quick Sale by Men Who Feared He Would Cut Prices. BROTHER SHOT IN ARM Panic in Tenement. House as Fusillade Rings Out in Battle in Dark Entry. way and Slayers Disappear. One mi n Ii d? id and hla "??undcd broth? r a prlaon? r bi ? an. e one gi i ? of opium tmuggl ? fear? ?i .. i iva) band ?.-<'ii!?i ? m pi ,? i .4 ,.n ... i ,i->( amount ol the drug jual amuggled In. in ?' Bghi t.. the death m lb? h illway of No. i'Jl ?Saal i 16th atreel lat? laat n gbt, EdwaTd Hob on, nlnet? - n yenr? old, our of the amugglei an killed; hi- broth? ??. ?Ixttt n ? eara old, ai ; taken to th? Harlem Hospital ?\nh a, bullet around In hla right arm, and th? re ara - i pa n ? In the i ton ded t< i ? m tit house. The tenant re I tal m . rame I rushing to the atreel .in?! tumbled over |the tur. men In the hallway, thinking Il waa a Bla? k H tnd bomb that had wrecked thi building when Ihej heard th? ahol i fired In rap I alon. i eptain ?lam? i Sa' age, a ith det? tivei an?l Ihr r? eel ? I fr??m lb? Bast l"ltli ?trei i polli <? ital Ion, arrit ed oo ? i reached the station houae tl ta man ha 1 ?>< n kill? ?l In Km it 116th reet, i.? ?? Hobi on, brother t<? the alaln : outh, a is taken 1 ? ho - pital to i he l'a- ' |?Wth air? ? I atatton, whi i" he " ? t" id? .i prison? ? harg? -i a :':? i fe oi for ha? Ing had opium In his i!>. Brothtr Telb Story. Leo said h< \s.? .t ae iman on ih? ?? mshlp Cuiitabr?, pi; Ing !?? tw< n :*-. ?\ fork and Cuba, and th it i dward bad i? en a .???? aman on the at? itn Anton, of thi !'? nam i Line. 11? thai wh< n he ai rl' ed in Nea N oi Frida) h m* * bit brother, who few da; him, and th? ta ?? wi nt to a furnl room a No _'_'?' Tentl aven ?. Ed* BI ?1. hi ?? 1": ? ?l to thai h< bad a d< al ??:; t" dlspoe? opium which h? had smuggled in Thi re a <??.-? ? ana, hi said, a ? ; Leo to help bltn ? erry some <?f them to ? pla<*" where he would meet th*- men who a? n to buj thei Last night ' off 1 ? tele? phone to learn when to meal the pur? . hae? r.-. f.? " aid b? i ai rl? ? tl re? ? 11 ol opium, while bis ?broth" r t""k ,\t Tl n': ' ? ?! ind 14th ?street t went Into a ator? nd I i brother ? . on? "ti the t? |i phon? TI ? ?? boarded ? Third avenue and got off at 116th atreet A man waa waiting t ?i th? ' Then the threi went to S?*-cond eve? nue, a hi re two otht r m? i ? I *!" m "How man; ? ans have yo I on? ... Mi- ? hi ? m< n? H< wa t? Id I had 'm.? ' eua Shots Fol'ow Curse. ? Lei us f?<i in tu ' '??.?." -Ai<\ the man a ho .?i ; ? en ?! t . be the ! ?if ih. gang, and th? n I it ning t.. t..,, he i'M ii'!" to wat? h outi Ide a bile i),, ? t.ilk? ?1 II n-' Ol tt \x Ith hi?? j broth? r. i.. m said he heard loud talking, .?n-J one <?t the men said, with a ct ? va'ii. bow much ?J?? you wanl f^r th? ,],,], ?? ? He ovet heard bU brother sn? . *? ring and th? n ih?- loud talking In? , r? as? ,|. ? a (Milled in sirj?- ??t the hall and struck on th? back I ?.f ih?' head While he la) on the Boor li? ,4,,w thi flash "i -i revolt ? r and then i into un? oni ' lout n< The nine cana of opium w?*-re found ,,,.,, Un bod ? of ?Edward Hot/eon and , onflat at? ?i The ?poll? e taj the; .?i i worth 13,600, In thi i sd man'a i iniin :. !.. r id? a .i '? ? ' enb In money, was found n loaded revolver and ? I? I t? r addressed to th? d< sd man' mirth? r, ;it No. 108 Even lej atre? t, London, England. n is the th? on ,,f the police thai lh< ?ioa?i man had ?been engaged In opium muggllng bul a ahorl time, and when ? rival learned of ni.* trentun h? set out to "K?-t him." The un eting ol lau I night, til?- "jollc* think, was a rua? t" v. t n,. m. n m ? hallway and <io aaray with them Although detectives searched ihr' neighboihood Ihn were unable to Und the men Involved In the killing. Leo H?o?beon deacrlbed them as young, thick-set fellows? t\>" i?ing Italians end one sn Am. AT 90 SUES FOR ALIMONY First Wife of C. H. Van Ness Wants 44 Years' Payment. Mrs. Dstborah Van Ness, ninety V(.,,... old, Urst wir?- of the i?.t.- ? lor? ' |11JP n. Van Nesa of ?Cornwall, N. y applied to t?hS Sii?To*;al<'s Court vaaterdsy for leave t<? bring an action mJMlnM[ ,i, admlnlatratora of Mr. ?Van N?'?S'*s ??teta r"r alimony, as lending ever ?? period of forty-fow year* and amounting to ."--??.I?*?, with inten-' ... Km Nesa married \ an N..--?. m l?vir? and <'i't<*'|lf(1 ? dlvorcs from him iv..- The ?<?i'"l awarded her 1000 in isoi? ' ' rear el?nony? which Van Neaanever] ., ?,?,? Van Ness ?as twice mar? ried after his Brat wife divtaroed him. When be xtws a,)uul (is!lt:' ******* oM ll(. married s teoinan of about twenty ,, vssrs, who i-.'"' i""-1 "i his ss \'.u veined et about IMOiOOO, but ' |i(, a,;:, of ? ? ? -?f the will, Burrogste T**** resttralned from dia ;,1)31I)K of an: pari of .he "M?nerty. freshmVstery" ihe mm en Brother of Missing Man. rcadv on the Campani Cancels Sailing and Will Return to Memphis. TELEGRAM CHANGES PL/ London Brokers Hint Somet?: of Importance May Be D closed Concerning Million aire's Finances ? Kid? napping Talk Heard. N. Hill Martin, a broth? r of .!.?: ?Vilberforc? Martin, who has i Btrangel? missing m London, booked passage on thi Campa which aall? d for Uvi rpool .-.t i ..-, '!l':; morning, but a re? minutes ton the vessel sailed Mr. Martin ' rived b telegram from M-miphli. home, In Ills Btateroom, and Imm steh csncelled the trip, Mr, Msrtin would not dl ?? lose ??ture of the t? legrara. I. whether it contained the Informs that his brother had ht - n found, h? would give neither an afirma negath e replj He said that ?, -"ni** bai k i.. Memphis ' H ' ??*? I? TtU Tr,h,i-.r | London April If. After twelve d i '' hacking and mi. i - -| ,,?1 y hi 11-. '... begun to Im tlgat? rial < onditlon of Jo . 11, Ft m r.' Martin, the ml ting Mi 1 ton brokei Brokers said l'ester ? it Important revelations would s ht ? id? ... ernlng the finan? Is I "f Msrtin'i dlssp] eat 11 ? 1 B ?tlai . yard authoritl? - -,nri \ Ihe pi p tuses of the 1 omp my th? flot it Ion of 4- in, h Msrt ? ? -' ? . !?? pi >iit..] and " ady ? ,;i dl ap Th.* ? of the flot It Ion and Ij . .. ? t. ck aln .11* suba. 1 Ibed police 1 .1 hai ib to lea . ?t And? ? Hart n te friend Londoi ' ; lead ?. ?'.'..' 1 m\ i Mincing Lane, who I I . r ? . '1'. .??. '.. |f Up It ha been Marnad thi Martin ii a .*rn ?'.:. ? i.i?* net ount for 1 ira 4? ltd thf \\ . .?t Kn.I Hi hi 11 ei; r' Bank, but thai 1 0 ml 1 ? ..... ,.. -, ... - ? ,,,,- y 1 t..tal of .Martin's I ? ??? through 1 si.:. ;.. It at not :.'"' ? IKVI Thi . however, ? r ? ? expi and d? I ? (?ding ? life. Where tin mon-*- n from i" "?? us? 'i for Infwmatloa a the exploit 1 ' tl flotatl. ? ? ? of the n?.ml anj there ? thlni lo show. Source of Money Unknown. Th. re Is nothing sa yet, ? Ith? r, the abai nee of < finit nfoi matlon r ng Martin's ? \a ? asses Is I \ndi rson, to bos ? bst- ti,. m m? . .un.- from for the extent h ?? gan bllng op? a in'h the poll? 1 1 pi?l ge? .. mu n of th? . oi ion bn k< r' time m London, and Is est Iraat. ... 1 ,,. li ""4J0.4IOO t" .'?'?(???Ni. In ih . .in,.., Uon ,( will b? n? '? 'i that <-ai t .m pi or, Mai tin' oth? r Intimai ir.-i., 4'. a ? arrested r 11 ntl* In ?? in torloua West End Chemin <?> Fer r..'> 1 \i..i. mon sayt thai Prjor ws employed by him, whll? lervanta 1 the Park Plac? spartment *.??? lbs Anderson and Martin ? - re mosl in ? ft l? mis an 1 n- v. r seen apart. ?William J Bui ns and B? otland far. i. -? ,ii in strain? d r< lat kmi. slthoug th? re will i.< ?' ' hange to-morros. n doubt, 9 Mi Bui ns will 1 ? 111? 1 ofn? 11 letters from thi American Embsss; ahos ing hla authority In 1 onn? ? Hoi v, nil ti,. . ase. Mi Bui m baa not ye i., en through Martin'.-. 1. tt.'t... sa h< ha had n.? opportunity; neither h.'.* Chle It:: |m, tfrl Wlirrl "f lhC I'ritl h |,?.||,'. init ihiH is ? \ i.i?-.itiy b?*?csusa he ha. k? i n lui tied as bj bj bimm Iri* lal as I use. Ward tried <" get Into tn< sat? t.? ,,. posit bos est? rd.r . bul could not, si II requires two keys aa usual, and An deraon's i*? missing. He will break opes the bu?, ii,-?ia> ami tank 0%'st the papan i*-, it h. has time, he said yea t, rdsj aft'iti.""i while drinking tea si has ofltcs with Th? Tribune cotresptt-nd? ,,,(. 1 to .?tin i.tth'i- s?roffa al Ute Utet of Martin being a Mil? Ida at bavtng i?. u murder? .1. Burns, t.t<?. evidentl) haa no faith In Martin-.?1 ?tath, but be said lam night i,,. troutd pt?aalbly have the Thames drassjed t>? elim?nala thai possibility. Crystal Gazer Seeks Rev/ard. One weird feature <.r the story la thai a woman rnrt And-trson si the Savoy ?ist.rd.i.? fi" ? ,u" b'ttir.?' ronvarsa? .,,?. i,i,| that Scotland Yard m.n trail? rl the couple to other hotels. The Inspector said afttsrward that the unman was a crystal gSSST ?nit aft?? the rawaurd and promising And???? m ,1. finite Information about Martin. Hut ii ims learned thai Ihe woman told Andereon thai ""be was an intcniifdiai* r..? n 94 n?np Uitatappara holding Martin for ransom In ? ?ha'ly South London di.strict. A ?on*., rsatioii hoard last nig-In nL ih,. Belmonl Hotel lt?9tweaii tsronegroe-s |. llt S1,n,,- ciilof n? the ransom ldci .,,,,,. a|| , ,,?. nagro ?aid that a noto* rioua BUa ?i? J"i''. srhm ?''"? Uvvu *,":*i*t Ing -u*m had a rich rsmmtutavs an Um strln;; and arho abo sai.I she kn.w all about the Martin C9U*?S, bar? packed up < nnllnurd on fourth P?*.?". fourth rolumn. WOULD MAKE CITY WORKERS UVE HER Hannon's Bill, Passed by Boar of Aldermen, Forbids Resi? dences Outside New York State. MAYOR'S VETO EXPECTE' Tammany Strong Enough tc Re pass It?High Salaried Em? ployes, Living in Jersey or Other States, Would Be Hit. ah i ersons employed '?. ,: dl ? New York must live In New York Htal jit an ordinance paaacd by the Board ? Aldermen yeeterdaj ?became effectlv I it was predicted laal nlghl thai May? lOa; nor would v? to n. bul II wa passed i?:.- 53 to 11 vote* which woul !"???*?" th" two-thlrda nereosary to peea I ovrr iiis veto, it Is to ' lak?' off??? I in mediately." B? \ ? r.ii hundred peraona on I he i It pa roll who live In New Jei j Connecticut would be sff? ? i?-?i b) thi ?ordinance ?m? la Alexander Johnsoi chief engineer <>t th? Bridge ?Depart ; ment al 110.000 a year. His home I m Paaaelc, Many school teachers sn itenographi m also are "foreign i ? ? : dents." Tl a ordinance would ? ul >?t'f I ? m! ni? ? atigatora and ? iperts a ho t tudylng thi ? ?? m un?!? ih' dire lion of the Board of Estimate* ? "intnit'' e, Bs well i expert i iln? by other de] artmenta It would no i ? ? enl th< ret? nt ion of < luj Lowi I \. hose horn? i. In Boaton, aa*archlte< of ttio new courthouse, as thai work i i ? ing done under a a| ec?al a I of th i.- gli Im int B?1! Fatnere? by Timmany. The ordlnence, which was Introdu n bj Alderman Hannon, was evldentl; prepared by thi Tammany minority Ii the ?board. In ? Bin ?i-i the fusion le ?'i er.?- ?jr.;- thai ?-?> :ni[" rtanl ? ii. t'\rr f??r a public h? si Ing? \ man) o : thi fusion ni' n did ii"t wish to oppos j th?? general ?principie they contente? themselves with nol voting el alL As tirFt Introduced tii?' resolution pre [vtded that all city employes ahouid llv ! -*, Uhln the limit I city. Ths ? would lia' ? ted s much laigc ? r. but Alderman Dowling. Tain 'man* leader, ?? epted hi BUM ndm? n lennan Ricoll enlarging the acop , ? ? ? Id? nee to this atete, a. ! th? ardinan an Section 1?No person who is not ; ? cituen and resident of the State o . New York shall be eligible to appoint ment or he employed in any or either o : the departments of the city government ? nor sh.ill any person not I resident o this state, who may be appointed oi 1 employed, have arty valid claim aq^ms | the C?ty of New York for any salary wages or c-moensation under or b> virtue of holding an appointment oi I employment in either of the depart i menti or branches of the city govern? ment. Sec. 2?Any person holainq any ap? pointment zv employed in any of thi deportments or branches of the city j governm-rt who shall, while holding : su'rh appointment or employment, re | move from within the limits of the atate shall be deemed thereby to have -?handoned such employment, and it shall be t?*e duty of the head of every department or other person authorized to make appointments or give e?nploy ment ts appoint or employ a resident \ of t??e city to the appointment made I vacant or employment so surrendered by said removal from this state, aa provided by Section 1 cf this ordinance. May Be Unconstitutional. Aid i man E terl rook i?? Int? 'l o it thai ti>.- aordlng of the ordini n? e nlghl b ? i onstrued t?? mean that no? i? ,\\ who bed salan coming to hin et the thus the o dlnam ? became a law . .mill collect ins up ti.-y if he lived it th.. tun?' ?'iitsiil.* the Mat?'. Su?*h a pro? \ i?-i??n. he de? i?"? d, would bs un? on ri tutlonal? a ?i aould take a property right away from s person without 'lue procees "f las ? it>, pointed ??nt that the law m.n'it bs seeded by those *-'ii?> could afford tin- axpenea by th" establishment of a legal i.sid.'ti???? h? r? through tin -dmple hiring of a furnished room and Itaoecu I'iini i once a week, it would ?oik a real herdehlp. ii??w.\?r. upon mlnot em? ployes who could no! ?afford two domi? . il? ?, ?At tin: end of si try daj," raid ai derman Dowling with great sarcasm. ??? on can ?see the i it> employes ?skipping through Bercley, Cortlandt, ?Chambers and other streets on their way t?. tho i. rry to go t?? Jersey. They aro usually high priced men, but I wouldn't be ?jur? prised If they '?iln? luncheon with them from Jersey. what wa weal ?them to ?i?? is t?. live here, pay acme reni and leave some ol their change ?ith us who pei) ths taxes in this ?it: " High priced men in ths city ?servies whose homes sie In New Jersey, ac? ?onling t?? tho . ivil list. Include George U. Ferguson, Rast Orange, und Courge S. ?J. Lewis, Nearsrk, assistant ongi neers in the Bridge Department; Will? iam II. Burr. New Canaan, t'nnn.; Frederick P. Stearin?, Boston, and John Et, Krcpiiian, Providence, consulting en? glasses In the Board .?f Water Bupply; Fr???oi'i'k F. OriewoM, i.'i'ti <;. ?Cutler an?l William M. ?an, l-.ast ??rango, ?nul w. H, Heyman, Jersey City, assistant engineer! la tho Board ??f Winter Bup? ply, Almost svery department has some employee vth?? lise outsMe the I state. STILWELL WINS VINDICATION BY DRAMATIC COUP SEXATOR STEPHEN J, 5TIL WELL (at top) At QUITTED 01 CHARGES MADE BY GE< ?RGE !I. KENDALL (at bottom). REPEATS WARNING TO RICH Vice-President Amplifies His New York Address. April il -Amplif] Ing eech ol Baturda! nlghl ?X ? ? tie Club In New V"ik City, ??i which He aerved warning ?-?il the rich, '.i' i. ?*-!?.ent Kasahall '.-?!? authorised in ? toral paper the publication ? rkable amp?ro-a tlon of that addri - ? Prin? IP lib' if urged the Injscl ' ??.t.. "big buain? aa" as an antidote foi social n He aleo relter ites his gainst the | eri ? t? uatlon of "*r< il fortunes SHUN JERSEY OR NO INCOME Daughter of Mrs. Mary J. Cook Beneficiary Under Odd Will. p . x. .1. April IS ?One of the chl riea >>f the a ill of .Mr? M.': .!. Cook, uh?> ?ii>.l in New? ark on April ? la Urs. Lillian F. Vlgus, ?_".m Hill? real Terra e, a nl? ? . reaa a daughter, afra Adelaide C Chambers, of IVIIqox, .\ri:'.., ?gets I til an incotn? of **?".?? a month as long Bhe will I? ? if ahe ever st.-i s v. itliin th< Bt ? te of ?Sea J? rs? odd will \\ m prol ated to-day, naming ?Urs. Vlgus executrix and trus erve with William U Masker, ?of No. 290 Broad stn ? t, x? wark. TENANT VIGILANTES AFTER INCENDIARY Four Mysterious Fires in Three Days Alarm Occupants of House. Four mysterioua tire? In threi days m the five atory apartment house at \... T."? East I'Hs; street have throarn the Inhabitant i of thai place it??'? a ?.i ,!? ol' in aplte "f the ? (Corta of tli?' i"?ii???? of the EEaat l??-iiii street .stall.m .ili.l the r< pr? .-.'iitathes uf l'i!" Marshal I'rial, n<> trace ".' the Identity of the auppc-aed Incendiary luis been found, - * 11. i ? vigilance com? ti.?- be n form? ?I among the ii" n m the house. The fourth lir? l?roke out yest-i .lay ?n i' ' .n at ~> o'clock, when .Mrs. Lena Lax, living on the third door, heard a man pass through th.' hall and scratch ,i match at the point ?there the Brat (ire aas discovered at I o'clock Bun? das morning, lira rush?-?! ..?it Into the hall in time t.? aee a strange man run upstairs t?> the roof and to And the Bc?or and w?toacottng ablese. The Bra had gained ntti?' headway, ?nd, with tli?' a"?1 ot others in the house, it wes quickly exUngpiafeed. in the "Mentlme ih?* Incendlery es ,.,, ,| through the ak) ii?*ht ?'ti to the roof and then through an adjoining building. Reetdenta of the bouse say they have revrived no threatening letters. Mason norman, owner of th<?', living :'t No. 218 Bast 1 <?*Jd street, is a?s,, m the dark as t" a motive for Hi?, attempts to let fire to the place. JAIL FOR "JOY RIDER." i i i*i, .i?>ri--K w Olney, a chauffeur, em? ployed by Charlea W, Bcagt, ?.r No. 4i Won ***** atreet, ama sentenced to six rnonUu In Ibe i"tiit<*nuury reeter-ia) by judge O'Bulliven in Oenaral Bnssluna fee "joy riding*' In ins employer'a car. Olnej pleeded luHty t<? grand larceay, On Jan nan ??? while he wss ??su,?; Mr. BeaJI'a car, h?* ?wreaked it at i!.'?h street and Broada-ay. f Not Since Otto Foelker Cast Deciding Vote Against Race? tracks Has Senate Known So Thrilling a Scene. 28 TO 21 ON ROLLCALL Accused Lawmaker's First Act After Exoneration Is to Telephone Wife?Uncer? tain if He'll Prose? cute Kendall. "GOLDEN RULE" HIS PLEA Tearfully He Beseeches Confreres to Lay Aside Political Bias?Words Melt Hearers Who the Night Before Were Ready for Expulsion. [Ry Tr-l-i-r.-ipli to "I lr? TlilMSC ' Allan;. \tiril 1."..? Fighli?.?fr des-? perately, Senator Stephen J Stilwell, a. ? used ??f sttempted aatoriioa bjr George H. Kendall, prestttent of thf Neu- York Hank Note ?'oYnpany. snatched victor] oui of defeat to? night. in a remark ?.id- defence of himself I if ?ire the Senate which was blfl judge. Stihv.ll bo [ resented ihe . i,| ry .? taken In the Inquiry inio th? < harsre?; that tho Senate, which last night wse against him, shifted and i*-?s-istered its d'-' Ision that he ?vas guiltless of ofl? clsl misconduct. Ths vote which ex. "ti- rated him waa 28 to 21. Ten of tho afteen members of the judiciary Cora mit'.ff which heard the testimony voted to "Basteln the ?.-harges. The votl follOS ? Ag2inst Sustaining th? Charge?? : Senators Boylan, Carroll, Cullen. Du? , hamel. Fitzgerald, Fra.vley, Griffin, j Healy, Heffernan, Herrick, McClelland, ? Maler.?, O'Kesfe. Patten, Peckham, : Ramsperger. Sanne.-, Seeley, Sullivan. j Tcrberg, Wende, White, Democrats; I Bussey, Coates, Emerson, Godfrey, . Ormrod. Palmer. Republicans?28. In Favor of Sustaining the Charges? Senators Blauvelt. Carswell, Foley, ': McKnight. Murtaugh Pollock, Veite, i Wagn-r. Wheeler. Democrat?: Arget I ?inger. Brown, Heacock, Hewitt, Sage. Stavers, Thomas, Thompaon, Walters. Whitney. Wilson. Republicans: Salant, Prog-essive?21. snlwell immediate!?- hr?>k.? through the ring <?f applauding, shoulder-pat ting Senators and politicians who but found. il him and rush?'] to B telephone lo tell his tritt the go .?I ne a?. A3 he came OUt Of the telephone booth hn "vlp-*d great drops of perspiration from his forehead and ?lab! ?d B tear it iw,> from his eyes. "My <'?od. I hoj 9 tmne of you S/illj ever have to go throush what rvsj bad !" go through In the last two week?." he saJd to the people around him. "What .".in I going to do about this?" he went on. '?Why. I'm going to try to gel my breath. It'a I ?? rariy to r-av whether I II p**oa?9CUte Kendall, or what action I-will take, i want to gel some rest." Not Bince the day when Otto Fo?Mker. at the point of death, waa carried into the Senate chamber to casi the ded I vote for the Hughes anti-ractrack Rambling bill, has th.-re hot"n 90 grip? ping, so thrilling B seen.? In the Senat' chamber aa that to-nighi. irfaaa Btflwetl made his appeal to bis Miows who were his judges. Makes Game Fight. Btilwell knew what conviction p-iea?l as Well as ?hey? cornpl? to and Utter ruin. He knew the Flsnate al that mo? ment waa against him. lie knew the ! spectators who thr.,nged ti". Bsnkte I chamber, ahtaoat crowded ttenatora out : of th?.ir geatfl and Sited UM galleries. ? were there with much Um geaast motn ? ? sa the spectsAOTB at a bnlltight. A|i [parently the odds agshaal him only ?stirred him to harder lighting. He eras deteimlnad not io yield until I every vote aras cast. Ha had sat with 1 ,i half .?yni.-al smile mi his fa?e whil" he heard the Attorney ?Jeneral of the state declare in summing up the evi? dence of .lie case lhat h<? was guilty of ,.*!i. |sl niisconduct. He had listened to Mr. ?'armoily H-i be analyzed the evidence taken by the Senate Judiciary Co**am!ttee and pieced it together in a quiet, convincing fash j ion to show lhat Kendall and his aSSO i ciates, ii" matter what their I haracter and motives, had substantiated their charges against the Senator from The Braue. He had listened with an occasional show of impatience, while his own law? yers, Edgar M. Wilson and William T. Bjrrne, had raved and ranled. ?ailing his ao. user, Kendall, a lunatic, a knave, a scoundrel, a blackmailer, lie had even heard them by Inference accu?-?? Senators of voting for political expedi? ence to expel the. defendant. Won't Step into "Grav?." His face jlwistod into a wry snul? i when Wilson said the word had gor.'? i forth that the victim's grave had been ?dug. The victim, however, made it I Quite evident that be did not intend to lower himself into It. Instead, he de? manded, when all the proceedings were over, the privilege of making his own defence, and insisting on it until the S? nate granted it. Senator Stllwell began his speech In his own defence after a long recess of