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Yankees Win S Superbas Win ** Giants Lose Boxing ta Track Athletics ?# Automobiling GUS STUMBLE Al FALL BEFORE DE Marquard Goes Gunning foi Game, but Fails to Bring Down H:s Quarry. TEAM IN BATTIMG SLU! Herzog Makes a Home Run a Thus Saves New York th? Humiliation of a Coat of Whitewash. obere 01 ? !'? r.w.iy Park ;'.;i.i Mai In the I *iotk Ginnt? sustained a t> nil,le 1 That In leflnal h 'it; that ?lis ? ? tampion from * rater, the wtaa? Ing pie has hern mislaid. 1. avlng the team in torlUg - ? ? .m?' hah' waj rx :'?? ? en \-rv good arifl th- i/erj bod. With tin* puncl ? agalast them, ti..- ns of McGi . at to the Clnclnnstl Redi (lay afternoon. Tl.- BCOr? was ;: t?. l. An even break on tarent? ? and fifth place ?:i th? r.. .- \?..s ? turned In. l?ast season the ?liants v thlrty-eeven ???: : fore they o humbled ten times, the tenth def? itiii on June 16. after ?avery team in league had been fa. ed m at s and pome In more than last year the boys were there, the wallop In the pinch and flgbt of the way. Nothll : ?odian pea ily inn w iih the apoU? \? ? o bit? garl - mes,i : aie. th? old Cincinnati pitch i the Giants hay- !.. at- n ? ? i at ?-. ? B their i . s ??.-??? , aril? Heiz i the hall Into the left I thai traite of a cumpk-t- I, but t home team sprayed sis hits lnnine.?. and never gol more than on? g frame. A COOplfl 0 -re of ?? v. r Hube Marquard went g.mni:.?* for a vj t.'iy and seemed t.. bava a lot <?f stt In times adversity, however, .* ?? aros ool effectli Hour hiui bunched wltb s piss and wild pitch In the sixth tnn i ?? sreie s the Reds their 1 Bhafer, ..f course, in-- one of I - in the heart of th:s riot, the mi play letting in one mors run than won bai ? Ise. Arthur seems | to fumble t! ball win-never t'.ink's get tight With tv .. 'liant alngled and tot pitch Then Bhaf ? ? 1er, hut n Inning. Ma - found for seven hits In all. McGraw made t..<? 'list of Bevor - which will have to come in ti unies? the team re? from th" frightful batting slutr rhlcb it ha? fallen. Su-,?igras? wi i i ? ? pal ? I sat -i"- ' drew a i as e and made .-, mUCb inort than B**rOdg**aSB irl- 1 #4 n d Snod" having the lusclot batting sverag? of .ir*3 for- th? With the exception of Kr? -l Merkte, th ? lire Wee 1 ork entoura-o is far belo' hitting form, even Lorry Doy* "Chief" Meyers failing to bal with th telling power ; t awepl I team t victory last year. Time, however, is a most suie to improve this, unless th team has reached the cr<st of its caree and Is beginning to backslide < onsidei lng Its youth, thlf- ought not to tie true The Reds concentr?t? d thelf attack i the sixth inning. Bates led off with triple, and. while Becker to led to M? era, Tinker ?ma?h.d a double to centr? ?curing Hates. At this < ritical Junctui shafer fumbled Moblltadl'a grounder, lei ting Tinker go to third. Marquard mad n wild pitch, on which the ?Incinnai leader tallied, whil? Hobl y took sccon? Shafer foozled Marsans's grounder, b I it was a hard chance and w>nt for a hl1 putting Hobllt?ell on third on his thir attempt the New York shortstop Beide? a ball cleanly, picking up Bgan'a ground er and . atel lng Hoblitz'll at the plate. Mauiuard, ??OWever, was so unnerve? that he gave his first and only pasK filling the base?, whereupon Clark slngUi to right, scoring Msrsons Kt--an, too would have count'd. bit a fin?- throw b* Murray nailed him at ths plata It wa aald by BOSOfl that Meyers <lr pped the bal ?md that Kgan was safe. The entire Cm ?Innatl team argued the pont vigorously but to to purpS e. Th<?. ?tlanti had n\o lit,? chances t? ?core, bat both wers wasted, a puss ti Devote and Shaf-t's BtagTfB la the flrsl mad? a proniletng opening. Burns, low ever, made a m?-ss ft trying t.. ?. and was compelled to hit Into a fore, -out at second. Bhafer being out. Then H.irrv Doyle grounded to HoMltsell, and Devon was caught between third ami hOflM after almost the entiie visitw,? coin-any had talll? d round him. This nave Bums and 11 >> ii-n?- enough to creep up into a tion f? acore on a eingle, but Mur tay Blammed or.e right into I-'romnn?'. glove and died easily. With one ggne in the third. Shafer led off thg right field wall Then ? e one of those pomMar b*reaks that I trou | agalast tt.e leejB all ?-.?fi a.-.d Which put many a good n out of the pennant hunt. Hums slammeil a liner light into Iloblltz.ll s |fl and Shaft r was double?] off thud. ?u.s Ciandall **tteh?ad the last inning. aft'r Harry Mc-onn.? k had batted t". Mai rti .'ti.- out, tire hita pase ti;]-.! the bases, but Harry Doyle sav.d further humiliation by Sngln? a sharp double play, latching a Ily be? -- of first and potting a ruonsff abo tried 10 .mint from third. The score follow H . ? TNV1NNAT1 ! NKW YoltK. ?b r h p.. a ? ab r h pua ? ta rf... m? : oo Devor?. cf.... n ,i i -.oo 1 It ter. ?a. 40 2 t SI Tinker. ??...4 11 ?. if. I " 0 3 0 0 ?zel.lf, 4 0 1 11 IB Do**l?. ?. 401 3.10 .n?. .fill 4 I ? Bfun I] . r ? 4 ? Egoa, Zb.... 4 00 4 10 Merkl?, it. .. II Oraat, lb... IBS i 4 a| H?-*?iie, so... j i i 4 to . Urk?-. ?... BB1 B ZB| 1 Bl BIB I re i.n.?. p. 101 0 .-O 'Hnodgra??... BOO 001 in, c. .- ?. o loo . ? I I nil 0011 I Ml - *oi '1:1' k.. 1 it <i 1 0 0 CrrafadaB, p... ?too ooo 27 II 0| Total?.g l . *Baa tot Meyer? Is ?igbtb bralng. *; for Miniuard In elglith Inning. , it,. Iimatl .0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 o?r. .N?? York .0 1 ?I 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 on error,,?Cincinnati, : Tar? hits?lie ker. Tit ?if. r. , Hii'?a. vll"ine run?lt?r/,,,p. st',!?-n l?a?? \tire, Qnuil l>fi ?m baa?? -W?a T? ? innati. 7 : iblitael an.i (Irani 1/0>1? WHloii Flrat baaa on ball??uff Baseball Race in Big Leagues nation.r nvi.ii: OAMBg to n\v ( hiiiiK?, i,l \c? ?, nrU. ( iiKiniinti Ht liront.I? n -t. I ut II..?I..11 l'Ill-l.iircl. ut riiiUilrli.lii?. BEfM i i?. or GAMBA *, ??.?TMtnw. ? un ii.miti. I; \?.\x Yi.rU. I. Bree tu) n. ' : < lili ne.?. ?"?. i;..-i.,ii .",: l'itui.iirtili. I. Philadelphia, :;; -t. I ?.ni*. ' NATIONAL LKAOt'N M \ni>in... YY . I . l'A \Y I i ' l'Iil.i 11 (I .M" \r? \'l, III HI ."??>" Brooklyn 1.1 s .BIB l'I? t oi.'eli IBIS .ISS t'hlease M la JUtX Beaten x l-' .?JSS M. I.i-iii? I] II? ..".'?.*. ? ?ni ?mint i ?i IS .til IMEfglCAN GAMES TO-OAT. N??? Y..rk ut DetreH. H?..I.... nt ( I. .?-I.nul. Pkiladetpkla .?i M. I ...nia. YYii-liinjiiiiii ut ( Mease. i:i>t I.T- m GAMES .'EST EBDA Y. N?? >?.rk. Si Detrell, o. st. 1, -.: Philadelphia. :;. Beaton, 3; < leveland, l. i turase, S? YY anklagte*, i \yii ici? \\ 11 ??,! i >i INDINO. YY . I . r ? YY I . F.C. l'hua 13 4 .:>i!i -t I onla In 11 .411 < h rel i.l i.*> : .SSS ii???t?iii h i', .?xi B'aah'on l? S. .SB* Detroit ' lu I4M < hl. lgo IS lu .800 S.-?? York I H! .SSS IN 11 l.\ ITION M l l !G?*E ?. YYll ? i ?in \y . Newark at Heat real .l.-r?i'x ? ilx at I ?rnntn. Ball imiir?- nt HiifVilii. Providence at Neckrattr. BESI IT- OF GAMES I'ESTEBDAY. Toronto, I; N'evratfc, I. Hufiitl? i: Jeraev ? ?m . :;. i;... in ?.t? r. ii; Baltimore, :t. l'un ?.i. in r x. Montreal (rala). SI YMIIN?, Off 11 IMS YY. I . IM . YY !.. IM lintTnln ii ; .ail Korkealer a I" Alt Hiililme IS a .600 Montreal a i<? III Provide'? IS t ..VWJer'j Citj s 11 ,i?ni Newark II ;i .".;,u Liront? , II .SSI HOMER BY LUDERUS WINS Turns Defeat Into Victory for the Phillies Over Cardinals. Philadelphia, May I Fred Ludet who had not madi a hit alnee laat B day, when his double In the ninth Ii ted the Qlanta, turned s possible ahutoul for Philadelphia mty s */lctojy .\.i Bjt. Louis to-day by a I run with ta I .?'"1 Lobert on I baas in the aeveath Inning. 1 WBS I tt> 1. The ' owa l'HIl.AM.I.l'HI.Y. BT. [?OriB al>r!; ; ni" I' 00 a?' I is? .-, II. 4111 ? ? ? ' 0 " " r . ,, f, .? ! ? , silMlOl . " - ' " , I .' ' ; Two tat a? Hit ne I 1 innlnu ' ? i . ?? on > . out?! IX,- ???.:?! :lfl FOUR STRAIGHT FOR BRAVFS Out bat Pirates and Win in Ninth in an Exciting Game. Boston, Ma] 0 I? '!? featlng Plttsfc bj .. t?i i here to-day B made It four straight victories for the The Braeea bava won now as l many ramea ft?.in th?- Plratet as they captured from that team all la-t aeaaon. it i? ma Ii ce the local N itlon il League club ?roe lour Btralght ft..m any team Tha contest wss an excJtii p one, in which Boston outbatted Pittsburgh. The latter, aided by two err rs by Devlin, led at I to i up to the eighth Innlni B ton In this aeaalon t""k tha lead, through ? omiell*. 'a single, Bween* i ? alngle i?-- Titus. Ti??- Beon ' BOO PITT8B! ROH al, r ). ab' llle.aa 4 o 1 i .0 rare* f s i a a i ou lly.lf 4 2 S S 1 B!l 4 1 1 1 1 ? t i a asner, it... 10] 110 t ?i i : o o Mill? r. lb . 3 " 1 in 0 0 , 4 0 l 1 no Y? il non. lt.... ion | o o I I?, ?.?In. 3r>. 4 1 2 4 ". 101 011 | .. o p 1 o Mmon, i ..80 ? ?10 .lam.?, p.. 10 1 I " 000 ' ?Krfti ten . I' 0 0 0 0 0 ' arnnitr.. p.. 10 1 o ] n I K? Inton, p.. 2 00 ooo ?Ylon.^r. 100 ft " 0 | n ati . loi on o ! ?Y'loi. 01 ft 000 Totale.., SS 6 11 27 IT 2 Totali.84 4 <.?:?' I 1 ?BatteS for .Tain?-? In ninth Innlnc tBBtted | Imon In ninth Innlna fee Oeinnlta r th lan?as. IRan 1 i In i Inl ? : ?o out ? hen wlni n ?ton . 1 <? n o o ?i n a 1 irgh .. .. '.' " it r> i ?i " n i 4 Two tan? Mt? Yii'ior. ?'.ne?. Maran lilt? ? ? i?? ? ( .- ? " H blnaon, 1 In ?-J Innlti?. Ba rifl ?? hit YY'lialli:?- - ft?-? file?. Miller. Karlden Stolen beat ?';. l-*-ft on Beaton, ?*? ? I : ?.IT .larnea, n i ??? | aw ?.ti arron PHtti n?'1.. 2 Btru? H>- i an nlte, ?'. I lamea ? Umplrat I i Ime of fame 1:4H. WHITE SOX WIN ANOTHER Bunch Hits with Errors of Sen? ators for Second Victory. '?M.-H--0. May ?.?The YY'! it?- Sox made :t two Btra ght fr? m tha Senators here ti.-.iav by bunching hits with the error? ? if the visitors and QallaVa wlldneas, win? nitiK by a aoore of I t tt h'.'ld the visit.?:s to five hits, only two of Yvhich <'!ark i.rlf lith thought It yviis t'.o .nil! to send John BOn ?n to pltefa to-ilav, and ?aid he would probablj use him to-morrow. CHICAGO W IxBHINGTON t '. a ? abr h | ?r. If. II 0 I ' ? r rf... : " l l 02 ti a sai :?o?iioo l-.r , 111 ilth, . . ?01 oio : on William?, n. < o o i? i o iii n i i. :: 'i n 0 n (i \: 4 00 100 Mattl? h ' 100 I 00 M Bride ?t.. i ? 0 W? ..??i it 111 fer, So 100 I I I 10011 " Ena? I. p ? ! " fi " ' n ? !il. 1 ft n I ? 0 ,i r,.. n o n i ilve . loo o oo Tritt'? HOB RM i Total?? ... 3i? 1 *". ?4 11 4 ?Batted t - Ktifrie in 7ih inninsr tBatted ?' . . ft ?i '_? n 0 i I o ? v iai ??? , n i n o o o i? a 0 i M ? .- . i Thret hat ' ?- ?" Ens? '? ?' in ,; Innlnsai dee h It Mat tit k. Still-!. I. Doubla play Wearer t.. Rath to ? .??.??* Waahlngton, a. ... 7 I'irat I?:,?. ..n i olla i ?rt >? oil. i Hit by pitcher it I'?,??' YY...?.;. Hiruck out By Beott, EJna.l, i. b? rjall ?. a yvii.i pitch i',aiiia lima i 00 L'mplret Hlldtbi i I un I Kvant. Promn ?-. ':. off Marajvard, i atrach nut??By Marqnaid, I Hit by pitcher?By Prandall, I ?. larke), yy IM pit ? ? - M irquard ? > H ? iff Barqaard, 1 la I Innlnsn; ofl Crandall, I m i inning. Utnplrte?Breaaaa aad Basen. HamJ -i M, SUPERBAS CLIMB A PEG Move Into Second Place by De? feating the Pesky Cubs. BAD DAY FOR PITCHERS Chicago Uses Three and Brook? lyn Two in Game Marred by Loose Playing. 'i he race may nol i bIwo? ? t? Um ? bul ? (Hing ?tan i?- .-ft i: n01 tb ? whole heap of endun 1 .-. - >*..,s de monstrated ?bail', for th? benefit of th? Chicago ?'ubs b m. Bit okl) n Bujx at 1:1.1.,-t Fi, id ?. st? rdaj wh. n th? Irlbe of Dohlen overcam? the visiting host In the final gam. ..,' th? s. i lea bj a ace 7 lo V Brookl) t! ums jump d lo p?a. ? in th. National League race, .-i I '"?;':t ? ?" hind t!." league leading PI II si..aii.l tie PhlUles lo.? aftei til.- Sa),, m.,: v. in th? latt. i ? in mov? int.. firsl place for the first time Blnce when Hut I ksrd Pieldei -b.ii.-s and other men who mad? Bi i".l.l\ n famous thirteen running rampant. Th.. Bapei baa got awaj t" a flj Ina ?? ? -*. 1.1.... and piled up a i. .-??i <?*. four which pra? re them a i ? ,.ii the '-alii,, it waa fortunate for them that rum were eaaj In Ihe begin : t. foi later the mark, t dropped a Ith B bai ? er threat eiied. it waa a bed day for pltchei -. taken all in all. arni before the last mar wa ? -.? had Bhoa n th? ir war. a 1' .?tart- -i foi ? 'na .i.'... but h?- waa lacked ?cu ..i" th.- bos . ? ? i ? ..-?g closed, II,- bad m.tiling .?:. ;!..' ball and the ? ; ; i four m? h ?round ..:; three bases on baila two ?mus and two h'.ts. .'t,.- .it ?bub 'A.i- a s.ivag. ,ltiv. t,. "Red" Smith, -.via. h was good for throe i .. s knew then and there thai it was no pi .? ?? for Pie ?? I Id Beulbach called. F;?h. r wai on firsl bsae .it I time ?vith two out, bul he ended the inn? ing by att? mi ling t.. -t. ai s.-, ond. Reulba? h si od the Bupi rbss on : . - until he woi t em ved In the set - ? ? frsim 1" allow Wade Miller t.. bal for him at a time s In n a bit might I ? told, for SU h woi In the midst ot ?m ase. nalon i 'tiiv one was Bcored off hia delivery. In the fourth inning Ploher . ? i romped home on a triple by < ?tto Miller. ?Vh. n Ri il bach ? etli ed l lumphi I? s took I and the Sup? rbaa got hold "f him for i*-*?" more runa, which clinched the ?rlctory. Th" ' 'in. ago defence waa i several ei lus had a ? :? eld? >l . ff? acor.. Jlmi one of the reliable throwera In the game, had .; a Mil i the waya f.-r a i ouple of mus .i il to al nil utt.-r Indifference t.. the , of ' ' W Mui phj . .' -tir ?.'. Even kicked m with sn error that ola u tun t.. patt.r o'er the pan Thej bod nothing on Pbelen, for be, t"- woi band with a Um? i> bui William Edward Block did hie level 1 to pit? h foi Brookl) n. but Ihe * him in s hurry, ai d In oi dei I i ph. i >ahl< n called oi * irtts In the first t- k found clesr i tiling, but in th? se. und inning t m t.. '1 he < 'ubs g..t tWO r .- .,f ut v .1 p? - and at ei boa. 1 '.v., ,, ,t - He also pa a?, d the lirst ? attei m the third h nd Dohlen ? d a halt, 'unis m 1,i?- a bucc? t ii if aomewhat nlah Hi n as wild and In? 1 ir- Uva In apoi and In 1 be aas ? inning forced over two tuns with tr>, passea In the eighth ha again on the brink, wh? two doul .- pride toast. but onlj on? run result? d ai Brtdw? n bad a rare d ty at abort stop. He 1 four >.f hli t. .?m s nine nils and bandl- d bis i"'ir < ba In the field in good at) le Vic Baler, be k m the gam.- aft. r two d g.'t Ihr? a bits, Hab!, n again tv re hed Moi sn and senl Hummel to i igbi field "BU? ni J" neglect? d i" gel -i hit, b -t he bad >. busi time ..f it. and t\?,. ..f bis >,.....I tbrowa naiieii men on the t*?saes, on? t.. Cutshaw m tb>- s...,:..1 Inning, nipping Baler when the letter tried t.. itretcb bla singla Being a mast? 1 pi' ? a By far the most enthusiastic spectators wer? as ver al Ihoiisaial schoolboys ?if Hrooklyn and QUO? OS, WBO Were the guesta ..r the club These little fellows wsra on lbs toil of honor In their re? spective .?..Louis as in. re nit of their Work .luting ti- last in,.nth. and the genial Colonel ESbbets, alwaya saget t" Inspire the youths "i the country la greater <i-?-is, 1 r.a open th. sat?. ..f ins park and had-, them welcotn? Onlj .? one half the number of boys re ? g th? 1.1 at rating ???? "? ImIted, but the others will be entertained si an early date. Tb? acore follows BR? 1, 'Isi.N N ul.rli j BU na< I. el 1 Cutaha? . 1. II Humn el. rl 4 11 ? Dauben lb 1 1 " 4 11 1 : er. 1 4 1 .. ! st*. k. p. . ?HP 1 00 .it fi 1 ,. 11 ? 1 r 1 a a a s : n Mitchell, it I 11 .1 1 I ... It. . 1 IIII .1 'II II I .' I I 0 Haler n, 1 111: 1 .. " I'.il ; 1 I 1 . -. 0 D An her. ? . II .. 1. . ti 1..1 .. ?V?' v . Ilumphriea.p I ?> 1 0 l I jtLeacb I 11 I 11 Total?, a Total?.13 I 5 M 17 4 ? ted fi.r t:? ilba b in i?*.?ritii Inntn? IBaited f'?r Bumphrlei in ninth Inning Brooklyn .... 4 e <? 1 9 ? 1 1 a?1 ? Icaga 0 j n ?i n ?? 2 i 0 ?'? ? ?- Icaga ?: Bi ?kirn, n *IM .. i .??? hlu s ..... i vera Pial ? i Thre? es? bit? Sttnigel, Smith, <? Miller, Bacrl ; ? . ' ,t i... .... ? i : || l i-, on ? l l ..! - Brooklyn, i ?tolen b??ea Saler, Smith. i... ibl? plai ? Brl?J ? - II ... Baler t.. Ph. i aha. lo ?' ?ubi i ? Daubei i t.. rj?i-1 to i Baaea ..n I.all.- i .fT I'l. tern, I of) stuck. 2; of) Reulbi h, S; ..if <'..iu?. ::?. ?ft |. iimpl i i? *. I ir ?a, ? i ? I . b) B? ull u h, i. b) Curt?a i Wii.i pH? h i - ? Hit? OS Pierce, 3 In - I Inning; ..*t st.ek. 3 In '-' i I inning?; ..rr ReulbaeJi, ?-? m r, i '; Innli g?; i ir ? tortl?, .; In 62 I Inning?; ..'i ii'iiiiiilii i. ?, .' in 2 inning? 'Hi m ? i r. i m;.i'. ? -O'D?? ?nd in all? . STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. I'tna. I; Ali.any. I tfilmtra, la; Bcranton, i. 'i'l,.' , I; B) recuse, i Hinghaiiituii. !>. IVllkes Han-?, | a NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS. Potllsnd, :?. How. II. ... ' Lawrence, '?. Woi ? ester, 2. Brockton vs Pall Hiv.-r (rain). New Bedford vs. Lynn ? w ? i grounds), AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULTS Columbus. 2. Louisville, I (ealled), St. Haul. I; Kansas. City, ?>. T.lo, ?'.. Indianapolis, ! Milwaukee, II; Minneapolis*, TRI-STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. ?, ,,i k. : ; Wilmington, I Atlantic City, 12; llarrlsburg, ?;. ? llt-nlawn, 1, Trenton, CAPTAIN DAUBERT, WHO IS LEADING THE SUPERBAS TO DIZZY HEIGHTS. Yankees Smother Detroit Under Nine Fat Runs Warhop Starts the Game, but Russell Ford Winds It Up. TIGERS FAIL TO SCORE Now York Players Find Their Batting- Eye and Pound Out Fourteen Hits. Detroll M ?? ? booh ng a the y .... it Ion, the Deti t Tigers i , . ? ? g |f. :.?.ii.ii ? fore 2 ... | | . , . , i a Wuth'.j.. whose great? t In ! f? .1. i . -, put tha team up In I It it -, ? ,x gel ling errora were Ju? ?l!? i? raised a 1th f? urteen h ; the vlall ... a el .,, deal ' Ifl YY .? r!!.??'. ? ' " e by I?.ti.'.. i ? .... ? Ihlrd were the of i; i : a latter was In cellent fi rm, pulling f the hola with ea ?? and holding the Tigers t?> i"iir hits foi the real of lb? ga m< r..r.i . only two pa ssn men. < ?n the ?a bole, thi g of the 1 an i .. ? , a of great Char ? ltd his Well f T . -.? t. nui ?Wli " waa pi ki.1 to bat? tle with YY'arhi.Ti. but I? had little of i n '.tu.- nature t.. oflfei ti toi He waa found foi ? > ?? ? n hita In th? Innings, a bile Kamloch, fita i allowed sa many In the la i four, y ?? ? ? . i.l a field <!.iY- with ? . ? ? ttlni averages a Ith great ai dor. i ? only man on tha team who ?im no! ?laie in the htttlng festhrttlea was Hal Chase. Harold came to tha bal four tim??i and failed to rap out one aafet Little Uldklff, however, made three, Wolter, Hartsell, <?.'?<* and Da ru k ?.-?.t twi ' In mark. ?I COntT I . of the T form, ht? t rtlllant litt . Wlthoi . ? i ..r. E run was i eing i?i Meal l m in ti? ..? i Cre? ' th '.ii ' ? '.I'lii-l. ? ?>!, K ? ? . . Hart till ? (I r?li? too ? . IfliT I . ? ? l .-t ii,a.i a .i?.t?i . t the New ? .Y'.i.lkltT * Hi k I Ird on tha i?la; ? I ...... t,? left, i'"'.l and ive 1 ?t.?t-- at' ninth Mldklf . ? ? t f'ir th? ".x., don ti be i ? at ?"it ?< ? I n /'.. un tin " -.. Id ? ' ' UK. , ... ' r - ,...;<,,,, ? '. 1 4 .. 1 ? II . 4 S B 1 B < ? lb.. 110 1 ? ?> 0 i) 1 : i M l?1 triff. 102 1 ? - ? ' w ,.i :.?>;.. p. 11 0 ' ? ". ? : ? : 1 ; ?i I . 4 0 1 1 I ? i i. 0 o ij o 12111 Total? in riinr'.- Ini I - I n 1 ,, ? i i. n i B . n n ?i ?i n i.i .? ? I I 7 lanlelt, |. ibl? pit \\ II ; ,.i\. H Deti ? ?? off Za I: oft IiVhi i i i '. ' ; p ,. p i ' by YY'iilirt ' B* Y\ Hi- ' ' - ' I i. Tlmt -2:00 ?m plrt*i Dlneen ai ?'. Han BROWNS CHECK ATHLETIC Break Winning Streak by Tar1 ing the Lead at the Jump. ? St t/iiiln. May ?? Tie BrOWIM hr"l Philadelphla'a ?inniriK streak here to d i beathtng the Athl? II - ?? ??f 7 i I Bt boula knocked Houck out nt ti Ibos in the Und Inning and hit Wycko 1 hard Tha bom* ti i ored Bvs I ma la Ui ; nisi an atm es I - ? urn and Pratt, tw . n halls, ?in err??r. .. BC t. .???? fly ?ti triple, in the fifth -di Williams, Brief and It allacs and ? ? i n ?? By n? it??! t a o tii'.i a i ina The m,usual spectacle of seeing ?unplrr t? i. i . ? de let?n three times cama up i lbs Bsrenth Inning, with two oui and . ?m Brat foe Phlladeli hla, I tldi In tin to Wallace who three t?> first lite n< Idlng the ball, Brief fell I I umpire, called Oldring out and thru re : hi- dec?alo*] Tha Broa na then ap pealed to O'LoughUn, who called the aid? ?.ut. The athletics then rrarrounded 0*Lougb im. and after oonsulttng Ferguson h* ? aliad the Broama i a h on the ? ?;? ?tiered < Hdring oaf ? Th?. Boora i"ii"um. ST LOUIS I'M 11 Y|. 111. 1111 Y ab rta pe t abi Bhotten, ef ?'? II ! 00 i: Murj by, rr I Johntton. If :: l I l . limit. Wllllamt.i. 221 3 on,.' illlni b 4 i I : i i Pratt, b 11 1 I 10 Hak? r. I ? i I ?. : ? lirlef. lb 22212 01 B< li nit, lb I Au>'m H 100 B 4 0 U.M. el ,41 I '? I I ,- 10 1 ? ii Hai i it IB! 11 I y x ?0 101 hon ?'? tull?' u ., man, i> 3 0 0 O ! I How i< p .01. 1 u rebuff, |. Ill ii. ana ' 11 . ItD Murphy., i o 0 oou T?tala HI gSTlSSI Tou li ?i:nt..i forWjrckoa bittitb laalns fBetted foi i; Murphy la ate h li all ^ i i .-?His.Bsoegessi 7 1 I! 1 I? tpt li .I I I > <? -J . I Two beat hita Ba bin in 1. f, 9i ilal Hltt "ti H.'ii? h. 2 Innlnsa itere ?.n In Bi?? liming); ofl u ? i m s Innlnsa Bna m ?? Blet k wtln u ,r ,, . Doable plajrt Baker and Mclnnti i-'i ?,,??. ii Iladelphi i -, gi i .,,m . ;, ;,.. on belli ?iff >i<?n !.. ?.', ..rr u x. k'.'t'. 6 ??ft YY'eiaimti. 1 situ, k oui By Wetlman, i' ta y\ ?.. I...H. - u';i.i pi" h Weilmen Tim? 1 I :, 1 mpln ? ? ; ? t Fat gam o a - ROCHESTER, fi: BALTIMORE, 3. ai Hot bester K. 11 1:. Rochester ,11111 I I g x I ;? . Baltimore .. S 1 . I ? ?? I 3 n I Batt? n. s Hir*ghes, k. .t, end Blair; .lnliti<?iii, I ?aiilorth atiil Pal in? _ BABKBAIX, Pete QraaMrtga, t??-?lnx, 3 r yi 0.1/ **"*? - ra ' iii'.YU'j.- A?Ju. RED SOX TURNS ON NAPS Rally in Eighth Brings First Victory of Western Trip. net/eland, May I Tbs first victory of th? hrst Western trip of the Boston club was woo from Cleveland to-day. 3 t. : Each team batted I aid, lb? Red sea g. rii . luis, end ths Napa s.v.. n off ( ? Brlen, three of a bleb. *er? snatchy. u ith the se. al i and i In 11 ? lb inni'ig and tWO Out. LflWlB Blnglfld, Gardner doubled and Engt? atngled, bringing la ths winning runs for Boaton. It ?as Stated her. to-day that I . de ni Johuaon had ?Imply wired to asi. ? onnolly, ths umpire t-> if th? frscas lietw? soi the Boaton and Cleve? land club ? aii. i w > dm Bdaj gao i r :-. i ;,, i. and i 'onnoll) repli d '; at it s ..s i ot i aii the Boston regulars sxcspt Jaka stahl were im.-k In to-day'a gam.- The score r-- loa ? BOtrroN l ?i..i;\ i:i..\nii lb r I. po ? ? al. r It |ior e n?.??[., r, rf. 41 I I OO lohi iton, lb 101 i ... ipm in, -s " I ? Speaker, . f 4 0 1 i I ? ,411 1 l| Uewla, if . 4 1 1 ? I n i , I. ? :. i I . Ill Ml liar.lner.Ib 4 I :? o :i o I ? 101 S IS Knale, n, ? m ni n (l|i ? i?| , . f 4 i. o l 00 Waaner, m t ? 2 8 : o (? 114 eg ? irrigan, i II i I I B?? fn.-ii, e. lit 4 I O'Brian, a IB 1 I iii'arl h, c... 1 OS I l| I il indina, |. . i " i n o n .. | n i | I . i n n ,i .i o ?i..* iB . M :: II RUI r?tala , 111 '.; u o 'Bailed i"i " n II -n eighth li Boat? i, ?? o i. n n i o ] o ;: ,. ,, o ?i i n a n n i Two b ia? 1,2) .. Nell, n ...i- r Btol? a Lu-.- ?;,.?rl ? ? r i.., ibl? pla; - ' 'hai roan, i.. |. I., |i i ' it? n Hit? - ? if i ng, 12 In I Innlnei ..n Bai kette, l In i ? ii i,.,.- on ball? ? ?rr Blending, 3; on *. Bri. 2 Bj Blending, 4 !.. O'BH? n. 4. i ell on tale? Clevelana, ?"> K.-t .n. s Tim? -'a i mplre? t'onooll) and M? *.r.-. 4v. KHARNS KNOCKS OUT DAVI.S. i ,',.. May I --^oidi.-r Kearna ol Brooklyn, knocked out Qsorgs (One Round) Davla, of Buffalo, in the fifth round of u ten-round bout bore to-elght a TEAMS TIE IN TRACK MEET. Dsslnlng Maj) I The New Y..rk Mill? tary Academy and the Holhroob School tick teams lied si i pointa all in the dual meet her- t.. day. a EASTERN ASSOCIATION RESULTS. Plttsfl? id. :i; Holyoke, -.'. N?*w London, I: Bpi Ingfleld, .t ? i."it va NeW Haven tvs.'t grounds). Mai tt..ij \a n'sterbury (wet sjounda). INDIANS IN DEFEAT AGAIN Hearne Pitches Well in Pinches _Toronto, Out-batted, Wins. i By T.i.'Kt.?I'll to Til? frfbana i Toronto May !'.-Toronto BMatlS It tin?'?' ?.ut of fo'ur hero to-day in boating lbs Indians by a sooro of I to I ****** pitched fin?- ball froni the start, holding Newark tixin In many pinches The score follows; TOR' N'T" I NEWARK ?b . ,,,,..;, 1 ab r bpoea rnetrick.? 101 ?? SO 1 .;"?'.. rf . .. ISO ?so HO ' ?0 Meyei rf..... B Bradley, lb. IS1 " ?' ''"'!'" ? '.' , ? Jordan lb.. 4001! 00 W.Zimm'n. II [?? ??? North? n. rf. 101 1 00|P gbaw, rf... ?11 . ?inn. .... :i i .i i t .? i: xim. si? ? ? ' ;?, ., I,,?;;,?,,,." it |J ? p. -01 i -" : Bmlth. i "0 ooo Tota - . M II n !?? I ? i i :\ 3 ?i ?Batt? i for si.?.it m ninth Inning. ...OS .i 1 n y '? .i " l . I Brad lej hit?North? Ba rlllce hit? si.;.-it stt.i. k oui ' ? -: ? ?' bj Hearne, I. baa? on belli Of! Shadt, i ? i I .rrort Newark, I l?*U on baaea?Newanc, II; Toronto, ? L'mpln -Mullln. Tu? SKEETE'r?BOW TO BUFFALO Nosed Out in Last Game of Series After a Struggle. I By T? I ?graph to 1 ha T***JS*nnt ! Buffalo, Maj I Buffalo nosed ?"it Jer? sox- city aft? a fight loi the last came <>r tha tu i sertea hers to-day by a score of 4 to ::. Brandon did not last at '???? II as Prill, but the youngster pit? hed splendid ball and with a little better hitting back of him would h ire won. Oeorge Jackson, tbi former outfielder of the Boston Braves, covered eft for Buf (, ,, to day. Hi had two ; ul outs, one hit end a ored a run. Ti ? m ? r.' follona: iiriTM.". I JERSEY CTTT. ?il.rl, ? ?so V'tuchn ta., sea i I " : :. ??Knight lb 4 0 ion, if i i 1 - '? 4M1"" , ? ' ? ' ? 111 4 lll'-rrj t ? ? I I ' ' n -j .i i ?? ? Ib.. 4 ko . i ? ? i o .j i i. i ulll an . . ISO S IS ? . . ?, ni? riap, ? . . -1 l r. 0 l .??'00 0 0 1 ') , Krai . i 0 on | rl%? lly....... 1B1 S SB Tata ? > * ' ? ?*1 W? it - ?Bnndon oit nn three foi Barry In eighth Inning. : ?'? vx : t '. !.. , ,..,. ?i O 0 1 I 1 " B 1 4 0 0 1 " .' s i ? ? ?? ..n ballt ? off 1 ... i rat . . ? ? : . ma. il . ? ?n. i i n.i Iret i '.iiin of gerne i BO GIBBONS HARD AT WORK Wants to Make Amends in Com? ing Bout with Tom Connors. alike Olbbona, who la training for ala bout with Tom Connors, of Bcranton, Penn., In Madison Square Oardea n xt Friday night I ? terday that b< hadn't taken part in .? boul ?Mili ?i first ? ? ghl ain a last 1 '?? amber, when h?- met M <?<> rty hi this city. <;ii bona admltt? ?! tl at ba made a ahowlng with McOeorty, but his physical condition eras lot what ?t ahould have been on account ? ( a lung lay-off, due t" an Injured wrist. Olb? bona Bald that when he w? ghed In at the ringside for M<t*Qoorty, Instead ?f i ? ape ?ted, he tipped the beam al Qibboi lay that he did not ask the public t?? forgive him Cor I la disappointing exhibition, but did d? ?? ..ti opportunity t.. prove that be la ?-till the best h?)\? r tn Amer! a. Ha la Mgger and itronger than over, and b?is asked BUIj Olbson, managi r of the Qordea Ai ?ti' ?'lui?, tu arrange s serles of matchea for bim with Klans, M<**Ooorty, Clabby, Dtllon and otl in Tommy Connors Olbbona will meet a tough cuatomer, Connors has beaten Jack Dillon, I*.. Hou k and other i.i mlddlewelghta In Pennsylvania. Last year, when a mere novice, Connora stacked up against Gibbons at a Brooklyn club, and gave Mik?? a hard run la tea rounds Qlbbons was the winner on . but thai was about all. "Young Mik?>" Donovan, bob of the veteran boxing instructor of the s-xx ?i. ? Athletic ?Mtih. will have his iirst o?pportunlty t?> ahow to a Oardea crowd li'ixx- be <an wield the gloves arbea be shapes up artth Tom Olbbona, Mik.'s iir.ither. who is making w nderful in??;* refs in the welterweight class a match Is pending between Lee Bar? rett and "Youag" Ahi in Barrett de? feated the "dancing maatey" last fall, ani m < o? Bdent of bit a! lllty t?> repeat I performance. Barrett Is also eager t?? meet Phil ' Yi as, but the hut. i i,.. im gn ,u Joj at th prospect " Dsiing glovea with the husky little Badger. Tha tnatih between "Gunboat" Smith and Jesse Wlllsrd, la s m i'nn, .-.?.., baa been postponed until the evening of May "Vous" Brown has Snail** succeeded in securing a match, and to-nlghl -.?.lit meet Osorga I'.'Y in a ten*round contest at the Atlantic Oarden Atasstlc Club. in own bopea to dlapoee of P*os In de ? Blva Btyla end then go after Pyeddla Welsh. The .?th. r bouts "f the night nrtll ba as follows! "Young" glacey vs. Heinle Thiel, at lbs ?-.n.?. tisi.ot.i Athletlo ?'lui?, "Si??rial Delivery" Hirsch vs. "Young" Driscoil, at tha Irving Athletic ?'im?; \\ sl? ier Brooks \s "Kid" Herman, at the Fairmont Athletic Club; "Toaos/1 Her? man rs. Frankls Conlfrey, at th.> It Nicholas Athletic Club, and "Young" Reo tor m'. "Knockout" Blggara, at Brown'a i ; i n i.;.al .m SPALDING'S ATHLETIC STORES ItS-ItS Nn??.uu M- ISO ..Hi Ai OUT TO-DAY Spaldings OFFICIAL LAWN TENNIS ANNUAL FOR 1913 Contains reeords, revlewa directory ol playera ranklns. As tu rea for IttlS : ?? x i-?-.I ii.iistiiniiiiii and ?.rti.ui ralea Plcturea nt lead Ina i>i.i\ 11 a. Per ?ala bj ..?i dealers Is Hpnrtinir gaeds ,i ml in tradealei h. PRICE 10 CENTS A.G.SPALDING&BROS. ?i m vi mi Diverting Programme for Visit of British Engineers. PARTY IS DUE ON MONDAY Tour of City, Ball Game and Beefsteak Dinner Included in Elaborate Plan. In arranging an ap;,r ,|., ,,r? *?elcorna for the delegation of British -Tissa? who will be th.? guesti of th.- Sotsetr*s , Automobile Engine? - si it? summ?r meeting on the Great Hakes. JuasaMgag 7, th.- entertainment commlttaa of th? m- l**opoUtaa eection of the ??or-ietv ha laid out a programme that la < alcuin?^ ; to ha*.'.? in ths mlndi of the slattoiela. pressions that not even the w-ur-ag of the reception nccoe?ea them In tn.- Middle u . st win be llkel] to . Vece. ConapaV LMHis f< atures of th? Programm?, In s hi. b the - ntlr? m? mb? rsblp of ten section will be given oportaolty to par? ticipate, -rill bs s beefsteek Alnrnm at Healy's restaurant on Monday evenlne, May -'''?. and the regular monthly meet? ing of the section wUI b? bsM in tin I..,lln?,in ,,f th, ilote! M, Alpin the follow lng evening. The m mbera .if tt.e [nstltatlOB of Auto? mobile Engineers are i cpected to arriv? ?m th.. steamship Minn weeks on Mon? dai, i.d will make their !-?-lcl.iijartera ? th.- McAlptn during ti,. t -.0 ?*->?*? that they are t., remain In New Tort Th? plans f.,r tii.-ir entertainment loctola ts addition t" ' hi t - ittaaaaaos at a baseball gam. on Monday af**k*uBso; a t"iir of lower M Im hMbaj an SSt .ut of the W'.inlworih tower and lunch eon at th? Autoi ..n Tueeday morning and i tour of the - stem in the afternoon roneludlnr* with a visit to K, . rleadquartera otBBa a ?pedal demonstration of n?..tor ?irivea ?pi sratas vviii bs given for the benefit of tin: party, As an olficial ? !.. t.?nder??1 th- vi.-;tors ut Detroit, it will be the aim of the entertainment .;? - - to give ths English guei I i ly A menean ?-.-. - ptlon while th? v remain In New York. Por this reason the heel teal wai s> termlned upon, end plani now rjaiarway indicate that this will be a function thor? oughly characteristic of ti,- aoctal aalu ti.-s of ihe Society ol I iteraoMa gTa> Tor the pi B of Tu'sday ?? s'artuii, an porotua l. is b. ? ? just now Various ifactaren of ??tarti: g .... BfgfST? tunity t<> pr.--.rt rerj brief papara de? scribing th? i: sysb nibjsct sfj be Introduc ?! by on . arbo hu ted much tima to st.u ;? Th.- oral dlBCUSSlon to bring forth a lively I '? B I tii>- clrcunist it ces, S I lntro duced by a rp.-ciai atudent of thesaaitaf question. The papers will b? reatmtad by st- in -optic.m v- aro, and i contribution to th. ?? a collation ?ill be Bern ' At th? "ti of and with the In doi m ment of tue Motor Deal? i itton, l-'r. d I, W'hgn-r is .irrangln* t?i run :le race t., be li-id -it li Lay. The train ?rill ; fon, aa I at I ;" p m.. and arriv? si time for the pr? limlnary festli H i befo"* Of 1 ' The train n few hour? after the race, and will arriv-? In N"\v York on Lay i Igbt Be ?use "f the low fare, which li t&> f?ir tiansportatloa and ale. ; tr, ar W to* k comportmenl reo. rval on, It B e\peet*4 that a large crowd will ? i tat?**" win be sttaehed to tt-? train, ar-.-l every accmmoiiation for lO? OOB> fort Sill be pro. ? I rtSSS, in* the resen the im. ? ? I be bad from Pi ed J u ago? r < ? ? '?, at No v.;i Broads Tribune; rea'le*-?; believe ifl The I'sb* une. Is anything more essen? tial in the Used Car Held? Tribune If? tor Wants are seen daily by an audience of great purchasing capacity. : ?RR? >\V tourli .. i**"1*i,' "'V..?-tr .- I ; ? f- ! -, -?'-'*? -' V, .?-.- 4. ., UKX>M?)HILK8, en? 35 B. p runa ou?; on?? h 11 deliver) :?.. 0 k) I 2f? m .*. AND ' l'?SHi SUE H ? * h,>ui. day 01 month Tel. iti.erai-1? I?** - The Auto Department Store .,., . . ,..- ,. bina la KOT T?rt I,. 1 Autos, Bodies, Tires and Sundries "Our Prices Scare Our Compell.ers" i- : ?i m ii on? tins ?* B? r?.1 , a,? Th? Wir?-??. ? - " ???* a"*1. \*? ??Up ?,, . ini at 1 ' tJSm em JANDORF AUTOMOBILE CO.. ' 3, 5. 7. O W. 6ist St. ?ngt OhiOCAR ird frutn at?ra ' P a la?/!!? expert ?sarali ?' ? .1 altowaae? ?a 1 '? *r I ? Mita if 'i- - Earnesl-McGralh Motor Co?. IH74I l?r..a?l?:i>. B. ?? CtST? I'**l-'_-J*_ Pope Hartford 1909 Landaulet, 40 H. g 1911 5-Paaaenger, 50 H? r. 1911 Landau et. 50 H-r. M \K1'. ' 'I'l gB jm, Pope Motor Car to. mm iiko\i>.i.?v_.??* ,-..,rani?? ?> l****d L',m LOZIER.: _?g FORE DOORS AND BODIES. _ I llliKDOOK*? .*> ?.|MI\IT\ t>> ? yV"r^i.U body build? r. RANHH \ W A INuaaai .i .Ml B - ?i ?'.?th at. ? AUTOMOBILES FOR REnT niT.lNO KOK HIRK. PACKARD iSl!! ?u?.pt?it? tara; 7 i-a-.??n?,t-r. prie*? tea?-'"-?''"' w ..a ;?4i, columbua T. Wli.l.i AM* MJ ZL^jjfc ...s.Mii TOURS' \'i'.> Rentin? *>f*'*?*3a? ?,ll ne? .ara, beat aervtca. 1*1 >' "* l?; j :u ?MISX