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Lawn Tennis ??* Rowing S> College Baseball ?* Polo S Other Sports TIMELY BI? OF SPORT Ten Point a Hot Favorite tor the Kentucky Derby. HAWTHORNE NOT TO RUN Johnny Evers and His Cubs to Invade the Polo Grounds This Afternoon. ? T. n Point, wmrh AuKUBt ? ? ft "truly great h will to to the post favorit?? -ninth renewal of the his ky Derby, over one mile and . .uir'- " at Churchill Downs, Louis? ville. K ,i- lost some of Its Interest tyeai'*-' I of T l a vx - in of Hastings, on ac rtunt t bill Foundation, with xv 11 not la'k for friends, and i rafdrrli ffag ' to face the ?^-rl?-- SOD Will rii.e T? n Point. ?gg-Hj B have the mount on Tank*' ind Bo Johnr. ... ? . ........ triumphs a past when, foi -, ? illow ? n? s t I Altai ?" interes-ted from Troy, the home leman. to plx? ' ? ?I'tioti bef: his dignli !?? In tha grand ?arid lia- ' ? ".'; made for the f/ilkn 'rom asa ? ? ' ? Of course, the;? era'. ISfBBBl aw York on hai that gets all that ng to him. ?Tor the sake of auld Ian?; Bjma B 1 rotan muai BB BBStter vx hen and how h< U>u Richie, tl ? I xerv low for the last two Yveeks with t.-cia;.'s COmbat in View. It lias been yet in condl ? have to I I ~>n to lient the minl"n?= of McGraW, to h? is likely to be ?.n the mound this Mm. Th? hopes of -New York ? nal **ith Matty. new catcher siKne.1 by Prank H*! New Y'ork i I? William Reynolds, of the k. of the Texas Last I nverace last He ployed li He na? at the hat 22* tltnea ^atn^s. BC ' ??tole 5 basen and had a pel -. Ba- Johl ' ?rdered ai gas of 'he Asi flgbt between player1? of the Poston and <"!' velai land or: pire, -eported that ha knew DOthtng of rrence, hut has lieen Ins! true farts. If the mas*e wer?? IdentM? ? punished bv autjienalon both th? land tea- 'wenty i at.-<1. most of therr. i " leading mefflhera of I team*. opted an tlon from '"narley ?'omisk'".' to make the around the erorld with the Giants and White Sox my: w.r.'. Th? Tala a: . I'.-nnjavlxarna team? e ?ii Philadelphia to-day In a fran.? that will have a distinct bear? ing in tha ranking. The yuakf Tale o; | to the ?. turned tha tahie.s two v ' Th? I ? ere purrha first bas- ai of tha South Michigan ? Na \ in an?! ?lenninK >pe ol getlng Hal 'ha?-? | \*i nkees. Plpp is now '" ?? ? a'hullo University it Wathln. . IS .?-UK Pende'i ? ' turn lnt nieetmi? m Irving ? rooklyn -Y : *?vs fftar ?-. leeway Ath ?*tic '' and a trantfe The wildlr.r - latlon wa? Aft?- ? g of the * ornell ?jacic teai erelty <?? ?Ichlsa: .1 men art set Jtitoty to <ia\ in the ****** dua ? er held i?< ?"? ttt-'j ... ||aT ? ,,.,) feels un ?artalr, " irx! liar - ard feela un !r. tha p'.nnts. but look* foi ?nit it, ,,,,] h*if palla ? 1,5 si* . i generous share of the ?coring ? enta John l'aiil ***?*, the ''.?rneli ptar, la conceded the JONES TO TRY FOR RECORD ^irty-six Cornell Men* Off for Meet with Harvard. Uhara ? ? Ight for Boetoa, will try .* -h? * r,t in the mile run In ?*?"??<>'.? w-!'h Harvard a- Cambridge to "f*"'0**' ' Inutes ami ^n*?*- . I by I ms. * ham ti: rears s ?o ?"k Moi the 1 ONe-j w yALE BOW^T?AWN TENNIS "inceton Players Victors in Annual Match on Courts. <.f Havea. May 9 -Princeton ? *'Ht?*! \ ;, ? |n U](, anilUH| lawri t<nr.Is T*h ***? ' matches to l ? Y?'ir,J*" ?M r%. ?*l? ,, ' ?' *Hf ''' kali,.. W a' l?y aereated Vanderventer Princeton, ?IvwT.''' :' >-;""*" Princeton, d.'feat Qr^t 7. 10?8 **f?a?L*.. ,:'" a1"' Kuhn. Princeton. *H ? -, n '"'', Wainwright ^l-jmbFa DEFEATS LEHIGH. I ?.'!?. Muy " ''. - ?hnT* ' InT'"'' '' ' h? ? H?TEL NATIONAL, Lucerne ?^t Lm.a '?WITZgRLABD,. ? CtTi ''?l,"oU' * ?otitif Ctatr?. Letar, J'?*1 ?estrk fWn ef L.k. V Meeatoiat. BLODGETTA MIDSHIPMAN Commerce Football Star En? ters the Naval Academy. JIarrv ColllDS Blodgett, of the HlRth f.f ' 'ommen e, knoa ?? t" ? ?chol,, i ? all entlui'. Koller Hank." bOB pBBBtifl blfl entrai ?? ? \ smlnations to the United Btatea Naval inns] a ml i ss sworn as a n the exam: ? with flying i.ition of i: - ? a long, faithful effort the ei ' but felled i- t\'.. points, bUl with chara. - grit kept i . Blodgett wsa elected captain of the f.... ball t< ia loses the gr? tic halfback <\.-i Been on a l" al Held Ha -I'?- II Bi ?tid? ing ( feet ? inciies in heigbt, and weighing atioi;- I? when in condition H< ? ? : B an OPpOBlng end, his mastery of th?- forwai ; As s Blodgett ?to the ?."boo, ins; <U -? - ts li Clinton Kruno travel.. I one Ho woi H., pit. bei the an.i p it the shot 00 ' ta r . .1 .? II to the t. - snd ai lOS him rl \aii-? . ? of Jock I ?altoa on the gridiron TRINITY WINS ON THE COURTS Hai Ifoi ?-.; Brown n i n ?>n the Trinity ? to da) The Hart* . ti t"f)k ? ' - ' the four glei and split even Srlth : a HARVAR1? SWEEPS THE COURTS : r ?:.? M uni Ma: ; : doubles affairs, In I Ian ; here and Whll ib- H ' ' - Billy Lamed Returns t? Courts, but Loses Pairs with Bob Wrenn in Doubles at Tuxedo. LITTLE AND HACKETT WIN Defeat Clothier and Watson in Straight Sets After a Pretty Match. - --.?...i. lo; n v. Mm | -William A Larned, the Nestoi of l an lawn tenni? court* entered into competition! ? round robin doubla of th? Ti ? ? I- I;-.- '?net and Tennis Club, ? '.f n | ? at from ' ? ? at v. bub h.- won tii** hlghesl hoi tins copntry. The famoua vet? an ; .11 r ?. i witii Rom rt D. Wn a form? r ? ? tu? p?n plenl ? work both ? bal t bey m?t del lit I ? . \V .Vibs and Alfred ?8 th? foi m? ? I s . liar fter three llvelj eta, at 1 The interest in Lai 11? d ? Bi overahadoi Ray? mond D Llttl? and HaroM n Mr. i.. ??. ..: the Inter? ? IVUllai I. Clothier a ? lerlck kett per fon- cd a r teai fsull '? ? poeltlon at the I : the first match wai Mil? IVreni i *. bn? ?? and i.?,ri ? nlng to end this ?roa ? ?. .1- b ?- lies ol with ? ? : plUl 1 ' otb ? ?et und geai th.? ?cor? along to a >ad 9 4 I DC gam?-? in th? ?erond I***.rned wor the seventh game on hi? service, the onh car ?? ha o ,,red in the entlr? match That was the turnlns: point of th? set, for \\ renn worked his volley? ?harp ly again? Dalwy, and a? the latter ap "?eared t., be suffering from poor eye Bight ths veteran? scored four game? ir Order to balance the 8et*e Nllea was supreme overhead in tlie third ? ?wing th?? veterana only two Those who watched l.arned ClOOS !? Baa only a shadow of i lia former self so fur as skilful wielding of the racquet r.-.l Me was slow and many pounds heavier than when he Ih?t up paared on the courts, it aras only when he caught th?. ball Just where he wanted it that bs mad? his drives successfully. Little le.i off with the service in his'll, folios rthter, Hoekett and -. it,',* the ri",;,t bond curt po? sition r.nd fflrly close up to the net Littla brought off bla volleys with remarkable Hacketl held a position further back, but ths polM and of th? two aiw i red perf? ctiy adjusted Of his poaching tactic? O loth 1er sent Ins sio- Into the lead In the Little and Hscketl grMcany took ? ,ire ..r that, and, tricking htm out ... ? r ? .-ni s t,, win si , ? Th?- BecoBd gems of th*1 aecond set waa th? oui) on? that fell to Clothier'? -.i hi took that on aervlc? Littla - played atrongly through th.? ? ?tier ?it gsmes, winning by a w : 'lb- tournament will be ? i morrow, Llttlfl and Hacket* meeting Lamed and \Vr?nn In the morning In ? v.i,?-s and Dehn? ?? will i.i ?Votson i: Sorrii Williams the Harvard p Ha .ill of . i , ommltti ? nd e nable to tak<- p., .,? the for i Premium List Out for Show of Ladies Kennel Association Close to $6,000 Will Be Of? fered in Prize?, with Many Cups and Trophies. Mort I ? ' ? | The ni ney i ? In 11it ? | B, for fin third. a An important feature Ol a fifteen ? fot M 1,1 h pris? I of I ? the I . etlon on th? ? . ? ta ??: iv four ?-?.'- ? ' The prestdent'a nip \g valued I I ? i ? ai .- n enteil Use ?;:?>. 1 the late here ? William K \ an? ?. ? . V ander? hilt, ii i: Holllns and Hem ' ? ? ? . . ,, i ? ? i ' H. M. Mob? - ' B. Ha? mon Mi ? .1 idee M O. Du! ? Mrs M i: il., Ion PRINCETON CREW FAVOR Shows Well Before Race v Pennsylvania and Harvart --. >. Mi ? *? The i var.i, Universltj of Pi ? i ? ' ? ? ? ice for elgl ? ? ' lahed theli ? The Cambridg? tran hn?k In I place and m and In II -? ad not only a ? i ? ? ? '.'... .XX ? ? ? ? ? to-day, sad If the ? .?urne in c nil! stand i ? v. ? P< nnsyin id i a i roa is made a lot ol 'i h. going the Quakera mad. a good Impi ' ' '?V>. ? hing ' ? ? . ... ... . t best of trln * e? COLUMBIA CREW IN FOR Beats Octopede by Open Watt in First Race of Season. ? ? pad? ? ? ? of the 1 tai i'-? at ' ?uh li last ? renlng, the i 'olua bu v... it. ores " "?? a good sboarti ., ? rowd ol a. imnl who wat b? ;,t in its titBt anpaaraaea The tin ? huh Jim Kl' a thinks gt* work f'.t sn earl) ?-?-a?.??n pra ?? . ? til ::?. i resell ad a !? nun, hand t the two louts wore even aft? ?ni from then on th?- ? ?? I? .1 at? adlly ahead, a U las giving th Columbia oarsmen s chanca t" booh whs ild do, the ra- Bd the ol thcor) that eight men with two' oai apiece make s sottet crea than ??Kht mei Ingle Bw tissa* y prellmli was ?un by th promising freehmsn crew owihk to th1 i the i i dropped s ? Of a btok? :. ??.' The Kutiimai i?"- (OlloW ? . Columbia Bret fret imbla ? ?x amity . . :,,.. if?.i ? i " ? bjr ?'o Imnl ?a 'varsttjr .YY'iHiani... bos Ruprechi So S i ?>,... -.,, 4 Clafharr, ;.'n :, Ulaeell, N? . ?? Ml t - I Downina Wood coxtwalnl Metropolitan H r . !? IBajrsy. t?w; Hiishee. No. I; Froe ... :;. v.. n? Ni ?; Fmth N ' I ' "" r n,a. N?i I Hal i 7 Knuiry. elrok?. [ Peni In coasttala), second Tim?, ft 3" PRINCETON GUNTERS VICTORS. B. . lei Ba 'i rtfaaaa l Princeton, N . Ma | Prinooton gun won an MS) xi'tnix over th'- Ihirt mouth team ??t the Princeton traps this ? ??< of IM t" IM Beor? Princeton man won hin individual match, and CaplS n Whit?? was tilKh Klin with 4?> broki'ti btnla to his credit, while Stmpaon was second with 13 out of his IK-asibla 60. AUSTRALIANS REACH CI" Lawn Tennis Team Now Coi plete?Makes Practice Plan: Hora? ? i ? ?be grands ' In this city I . V. I ! ,. the t. N I?..' i ? spteln ol ., : ? . ? ? Vende! bllt Hot? Davli - -<>f i Bid? Teni It \ thai tb- i .1" TllXe.e they I her? until a ? petltloi went i ? \\ .?t Rid? ? . ?trok? ,i and ' ' - rl? i . INMAN WINS TWO MATCHE Bull and Johnson Also Victor in Lawn Tennis Tourney. vt'aablnatoi '., I :.., ? ? s>-. "Ml ,le : . at tl ? 'il.-'. All ??' t' e .,i,l-"l to? : ? b? <t p|| Keil t,, w ; singl" ex. option Of .Mis I?' I mi the *?"iii in ' round of the ?a ? i Miss Eva Bakei ? . , ... i ? It man and I M Bull, of \.\ v ,,ri i: I. .inn ??? Saratoga Bprltigi and Wal ??? ? J< hni? n ... Phil I? li hi? nut and > i : sp .>. . I ol Wa hlnglon met: was i he only vlaltoi t.iva iarl ? ms opposltloi sp- t - ??? - lordon, of th ?i. i ?? ? w-n" two gam? i in i| a ? I? n Inn,at a*. I Bull ' Ball i|< :? lied 111 1 and S . -.? ill till I doubl?e, Si d Bu wltl Misa Mai ' rl? Bmltl -a .-?-.>? Ml ai,, all.- * 'at Use, a a plaj ers, In th? I douille? and Bull are non 10 t??? nais lt. i. a m- : ? Ingle? BOY ATHLETES ON TOES Thirty Teams to Compete in Annual Meet at Columbia. Bo .?" ? ;? ? fron l ?r s-reparatoi nnd hlgu sehoolH will t"' In action on South Field tins afternoon In the aturan] ?in Interscholsstlc track oawt I'ra.tlcally all th? in. tiopohtan ?chool? and a great raamy oat ?of*?to*sra laatttu? tions have entered teaaas and tb? n^ht for points Will OS a '?'"*?' """ Tl"' entry list incbifb-s 27.', Individuals, av.ra?jng t'-ti men to a team i>. Wut Clinton, gtuyvoaent, I Hall Poll Pti paratory, Jamaica, i urtli an ? Mo ? . ?' ? asm the publt? - hool ol the l.-i . It. , Toma B hoo . ol ro? i ' '? >",M| Md . which won the meet a *?.?go, will b? ? tb? light and bas a k.' ' haue- ,,- xnklnt the ut , anoth. ? I :"*'? eoiioa ing it,, meet. Qustsvus T. Klt*by. < orurnbta, '96, pre?l?leiit of the Anuiteur Athletic Union. will award the prises at a socia.1 meeting in Karl Hall. [MILBURN IN SADDLE AGAIN TO-MORRO\ Polo Player Not Badly Hurt, bi His Face Is Swathed in Bandarjes. ? ? " burn, the pi . B "k International tear ? ? ri the II? i?! of tl Hunting Huh. at aland, la?? Thar? : ? '?.'??. ! ited ertl i .? ? ? - ? . and di I that he e lo-i i ? .... ? ? t the | ? l\ ha.i i ? v ? ? stade a natal .... ? ding i" it ? i h? Mllburn received on h '. be I >? for a wh!|. t bell? a that I arould tntei - i- I It at i ihn p| opinion that the ?<?,?. esa a few da) ? the mallet The ? ? bum ??af not a? *er: .; feered st first was wei i.x the otl ? ? ? Prepsra nttnuaaea <>f tha t.:.?? ta . ..? ,. ? ?? ?:.. Including I.??'. Waterbury, Louts lard an Keen, are te f? n ""? >>mi to a ??. ti,, i'? Isrbura! Ik A DOZEN GAMES ON CARC Erasmus and Boys' High Amon< School Nines to Clash MS < at a holssl i?a*?ebal i long lift <>f gamea t? a an ex.-n doaen ar. ,. i fur this afttinoon. Erasmu ? ? r.'ine in Its etKh ? ? a' ti..- meetlai with the '? ? ...1 pi i.v?. : ? i ? ? Mouni t Militar' A | ,,t pel) Iterling - mmei i a uriiii ? ' ... . t-ealunen ea Manual Training, m Marquetts Held ?- v i h i Bay i:.?! i .?t Walla? <? bing ra i'r- ? ; art at Wrtt> ? ,r? ? sad h High ra A?i?.|ph ? Adelt hi Field; Manhattan ?Prep ra .lamal'-a. at Ingleslda l'ark. Ja d m l'a'. ? '? - Hotchktss, at . VILLARbyAn^G~sTNTERED Orange Bide-a-Wee Society to Hold Its Annual Show. Tha annual -i<>s -how of the o?anse BMe-a-Wee lodety will he i,eid in the K?st Orange Riding Acedemy thit altar noon FOI the fl'st time B'.nre tha ?bath of the John Leys Hoyler, the TOlarosa . ?rill be represented Mrs. Ray? ier baa enterad two Scottish terriers und a number of Airedales They inriud? th? Pcotttstl Champion YY'ale.rote Fl.ldler and Champion Dorothy Leeds, and Y'Ularoaa Magnus Res formerly champion DraaaV ' nought of England Y'iiiarota Leanraraya Renown, Frankie, Bobble and Jana. Hot n the entry i at and the prize list are far In ex?e?ii of those of loot ?ar Hi tue lodges, Which ha\e he.'i I selected from the best in the country, ih.? ? the ' KhlMtlOfl I" astiured Th. eontastsnts most he at the aeadasay pot ? than U o'eloea* noon lodging mil begin i.t i p. m. ? MICHIGAN "AGGIES ' VICTORS. [rTt*lt**STi Ml"h., May i? Mi-hlgan Agri enltoral College defeated lyroeoea by a aeon of ?'? to i here to-dav, shotting out . i sst? raen until the ninth inning. Peterson wi tat rf,'xi ?form ?woogheol ItS m. aller? ?1 ! ??** WS ?i p. aglS and lii.s teamitifit. - n I la BOOM cool]: arron Tha Boors by inmni;.?- f? Dowa M \ r ?? n 1 n o n ?: i. \ .. s i Brra?uaa. ?#????#? I? i ? ? T'atteries ?Peterson and Fliller, lloft xuirl i Kefjg-ati. I Columbia Bats with a Vim and Trounces Cornell. O'NEALE STRONG ON MOUND Blue and White Batsmen Pile Up Sixteen Hits in All? Two Home Runs. With n ?ecnnd string pitcher in tl e box, Columbia soundly trounced Cornell at baseball on South Field ******tei*aay, win ring a heavy hitting contest by a ?core of 14 *o b and tnklng the season's serie? from the Ithaca team for the first time in ? After it? battinr; ?lump of the last two week.? the Columbia team CUBS to life ? . ngeancs and hit the hall hardest when their hits counted for something. au told they piled up a total <>f Mateen safe drives, two of them being hotn run- Cornell tried OUt two hits, and could do little against the steady twirl? ing of .' \.,, b, a ho let the Ithaca nine down with nine scatter?--! drive? From start to finish the game was In terestlng, although the playing was a bit one-sided. Columbia mad?- only two errors, but thSSS Contributed three - ' Cornell's total of nva runa Bscept in the la ' Iwe fraasea O'Neal? had the Cornell batsmen In the I olloa of his hand all th.- Ume. For five inning? lie pit? ? ait titriit ball, and up to the sixth h< Id the Ithacsna down to a lona ringla captain Ted K tend I w,? ? two of ' sraeU'a run? by making an ? rror lr- I i sixth that .ame on an casv chanca Wet, mad? th? oth? i o br* thai was - ost!; Wot th?? best part c ? -angs it looked as though Cornell bed th? hiu'b . sign i,n * -, . i m run Tl a team I ?'.ii me end foi tWS ' ' ?'.'.? I held . 'ohm. , the erst of the < 01 nell pit? bets ?trick 001 the first SUB I the third, and then i lis tl ? ? -?? r?. balBB, two hits, a hit batsman and another hit roontOd Ihre? run? for the Ulue and White 1 . . . .; In the foui til they knocked A? Bsoi lots man. an error - a hit and then ? run drive v. .r> ?on : ? ? ?? mound Me let the 1 mar . ? . sad tl es bit Ihn a,, a la a ? 1 found thi m: files and ?m Infield out saved scored Ma w a? ? Bvei <.?!.' ? res more tallies In the next fra: nell got has? ,;? ; tier and lldlunl ? ? ... ? 1 red a I ihre? - Mill v COR! pi a ? I - - . ? rl ) II kin ' ' * 1 _? 1 00 ? 4 00 ? 1. mi II. If 6 a . ? 1 ? 0,1b l a 1 . HI ? ? I Tct?:? gil - -. r ? * ?.\!-?r.?t: a.-. ' " 0 0 a 1 s ? : . 2 i> i 1 in un- nina? Watt * ' . Bull? - . ,.t, ?r W O'.lt I Off . 1 \,., . i: off raniunii. 4. u ? - 1er. 2. 1 Bita ? m. : m Innlnga , 1 ? . - : FORDHAM WINS HARD GAME Cuts Down Lead of Catholic University After. Two Rallies. Kordham made a gam?? tip-hlll I . yesterday aftei ? l atlng the of th? Of the ? exciting gam"s ---n 1. Pordham i':- 1 in ire wee I t.- 4 B/sJsl ' - Maroon twtrlei ....- m tine foras, ai gava him e.\ at all bu.- CathOll? i nlvsrsltj roll?,. ?? se. roed to !?? a sofa I'd "i thi as ma m the three Innings I it In tha fifth from? tii? Maro.m batsmen lolved Trsyers's dellv? ei i"i 1 ir.' talllei t'- lng th. in the foliosnin fren ? tb. ollect.?? four moi 1 ofl it- .m. a :.-? had au 1 :. ? - .m the ll;, f, IBDB v.M . cifiol.i a al r . .in r 1.1 lb... 411 I, tb... II . 1 . :,, 3 , ,1 11 I .) 1 ..;.',- . ' I ?I U-aV 1 .' . 4 : . . ' 4 1 -j OuO 1 :uir*e rf 4 : as Pips 4 I -. I- ? m ?a ,1 : i Hl Oi M .'.?- M 101 .110 1 a a|i ? 1 000 Flanlgan, lb 11 BlBBllBmlll 400:11 1 I ' rl Total? .. ?? if* : r?tala ..N4SMTI FotSi ?m ? . I 4 1 e 0 falvei 0 3 1 B 1 0 0 Kl'at ba?e ..n ?rror? I'm II in: ! L'alveralti 1 t?eft ?n - Ibam, .'; . ? arrdt) I -tu. k oui ?i?. B .. .. bl Ini-.-r-. ? by ? i't'-t Heine run ? I??arh Three-baa? lib? -l.\t n. Plpp. Two i.aae Ml?Viviano Bacrifl?r?a hita?Bonn Hen? ltian MeErlaan sn.|.-n ha??a gharkay, Pleat? Kan i*???.-.i ball*??Viviano, Biattb Umplra ?.|.b? lime?1A COLLEGE GOLFERS TO CLASH Yale and Columbia in Team Match at Dunwoodie. Although no Important competition Is on to-day's golf Bchedul? piactleally aii the nearby segsnbsatloBs bav?- arraagsc for comp? tltl'ins. while tip at the Dun sreodle Country Club Yah? and Columbia will take part In a team match at the new 1 ourse of IJMGtenWOOd COUMT] Club, out on I.ond Island. The attr action thi? afternoon will be an elghte.-n-hule medal play handicap Improvement? are in pi ogress on the linns of the Madison Qolf Club, near .Madison, N J. A number of ?and pits and side hazards will add to the golfers' trouble?! when all has been completed, and whii" members are now- playing, there will bs nothing In a competitive way for them b. fore Mem..ral luv. At that time several cups will be pla> e?l f..r Tb?- new year t>?.,?k .,r the Metropolitan 1 ;..'?* ?eaoclatloa bos made iti app. oran? e It I? similar to previous numbers, contain? ing a? it doe.? a list ?>f the ofTicers, com? mittee?, pnvt championships and the Oast ropolitan handicap table #( MYSTERY INJGIRL'S DEATH Coroner to Investigate Poison-1 ing of Miss Merrill. Great N'erk. LOSJg Island. May 3.?Cor? oner William A. podge commenced to dav an Investigation of the death of Miss Kllw?h*>th It Merrill, the twenty-four year-old daughter of Bradfrrd Merrill, a well known New York nex?. ?paper man. which nrcurre?! at lier home here yester As** She died of carhollc a?"ld poisonlnf,. lulleved to have been taken accidentally MISS Merrii; had Ions been a social fa? vorite In Great Nerk MlSB Merrill bad bSSO 111 f'>r some time. She recently came from her fathers home in Manhattan, hellevin? a .'hange wouln Improve her health. She did not aP!'?ar despondent. Mm was noted in Great Neck as a fine tennis player, horsewoman and motorist, as well as a fearless swim? mer. The funeral will take place to? morrow afternoon In All Saints' ?'hurch h^re Memhers of the family refuse?l to discuss the roung woman s death. ANOTHER CORNER SOLD ON UPPER FIFTH AVENUE Trade in high Class Dwelling House Realty Continues Sharp. Another ChOlCS Fifth a\eniie corner par? cel has Iren sohl, according to n report in real est?t" ctrctea yeetardsj Tha prop erty la the five atory?Mseator Anaerlcan basement dwelling bouse, occupied by Mrs- Nathalie & Baylies, at No ? East 71st s? On tha -it.i. Mock front on Fifth ave? nue, r? ??? and liai ?-????- 11 C i-'rii k is erecting his new n'ai coati: home, This block was the oui >ite of the Lenos Library The Baylies house has a fronta. ? of . I fa i on the avenue and feet hi tha afreet, and has heen held ?r v.,...... . lata on ti?'- nal atrae! block In the re?r of the Prick holdinga ?A'HIlam I . i . p irehaaed the plot ? from ' ?tto il Kahn, n-.' a dwelling Mr Zli gl? r to? ro|. r ? ?. ?. mav. it ?as Mi Kahn a -an! i?> have purehaacd from Andrew Carnegl? tion ? ' ? ' ? : 1 : : ? ?. ? i ? I ight near the Frick oldlnga and nr>- planning to build are Hen D. 1 1 g With it.e reported *-a',e o' I a Ba I property another rumor had it thai lbs buyer of 'he parcel Tins denied by Bakei tat evening I hpr hua i.B'i no ndoning I CITY TO PAY STRIKE LOSS $43,500 Jersey Jury's Bill for Poor Police Aid. ? ? ? ad Court In Newark p..v.? a verdict of MS, rest? lag to the ffella Pfcrgo Ex ? ? v in Its s ' Ma- ol ? ? " tti si ? ? Board of A damages f..i Injury to It arty si ??trike in II The ? gad M ernten with having failed to provid? ?ig- the Mrlke "f the am t of th? gas I for inj'irv to tangible property and tha barm to Inta n| . ? WIDOW CHARGES SWINDLE Young Austrian Got $5,000 in Stock Fraud, She Says. ? ; ?orge?, ari ?UBtrifl asra I. n ho iias lived In I eight i tha. era arrest? ? charged with f/Ojrman Krus ? widow, of No MB Bast ?an . ? ? Mating tha ? Yir?. Kruzn? atectlva liai sa of ?, .. iier? ??? tti ? ?? ? ?I ? atatlon, that r she I '.i been swindled and er to ba patient an?l i/ed with Rlvei sida i ': re Bl ? i ? ? -? sel i ?Hi ?* Bta ? ?oner ?? preeented hmn-eir as ..,.. r wltl an ofl ?? ?? N" ?W le. :1HREE NEW RECORDS SET Recreation Centre League Holds Its Annual Games. xx i ?? '.ir ?? '? : . d '.:, the annual fa apionshlp games of the Recreation ? .mie Athletic Loagu? In the Ti?t R mem Armor) leal night Robei ? y ' ' ian ?? r tha High School ol ' ..nun. i ? won the ?M lunlor t aeconds, Jacob Rosen? hati.ti, High School of Commerce, ? lor rat in ?.".'.".-., and It? ? 'entra No IM, <>i Main, ? . r .-ia\ in ; aa king the foi m? i j marks Tha time lot both the 7..-\at?i ords wen ? .nailed ? The '???Hit troph) v\.-nt to the boys of ? Rect at, of m.ii.i. 1 u si ;. had a tata o? R points The Hikii School ??f ' ommerce was n. xt. with ?? x? m Recreatl Ko M ?al ;.: behind Tl. l datb \y .,ii b) .1 i: , ' ... ? :? llanhattan .-? osd - ? i.n. - bird. Tin i I . Y\ r. : ? R f y Ueeher, ? ' '-; .- Bvawdelter, a ua 1' it ? imp Y\,.,, i... .\ Handt Uufh Bohool of Commerce, B feet i lack; K ?'..noil. Mrx.nti ;, tagt 1 Inch. t?c ?itul. a. iliixi.auin. Centra IBS Mluhaiian. a ?uni. . ?riiK?ri~YY'on l>\ K .lenrun?;?. Ctntrt IBS Manhattan, & feet s ln'-hes. Jo tepb Ha ? in ?? ? ? i ?:.. i.-.: itauhettaa :??? ., lochte, ?e.-?iid. William Nica High B? hool ? i .'? f.--t -i Inches third. Broad ; '?'? on by .' Chinela, IN Manhattan, :i faei 4*a luche?. <; u.inii, Centra IM Haakattaa, W feet 4 lachet tecondi A. t,ar?i?M,. tenir? ? liroi.k lyn. ?. feet In lachte ililr.i 440-xar<! run i.vnlorl?Won by R ?ieorf*, ' .tit 11 l??. Manhattan. ?' Ja? kton. 'entre 6. Maahattt <'? Haliuz. Centre is*. lima n M sx?\.,rl run?YY'on h\ J I'otcnbaum. Hl?rh ( Commerce; yv BaaBeld, 'Vntr.. tn tra IH Mi' bat?an, tmri Ttine, '.'.?t*. : -Woo lu W Mokley, HIkIi ??arce; .'? O M?ara. Centra it?. Manhattan i? ? ?s ? ?cut 11 m.ii : an ? ? '.'? .11 by ? '?ntre IS', team So. 1; Ctntrt 181, Manhattan, ?econl. ?'?. Manhattan, thlr?! Time, 1:19V B If h i lap tenter relay- Wao bj ? entre 1?. Ylanliattan. Ctntrt I iirooklin, to'onii. Time, ? ??**?. Uroad lump i senior i?Won by M Hetlx-, Centn I?H. Manhattan, li feet 11V? Inche?, 1? Polltier, Ontrt ?L" Manhattan. P feet ?Y, tachas aei'ond. H. Btchman. t'entra ?HH. Manhattan, t? feel ? in??iiei. tiurd. 220-yard Bath ? lunlor)?Won by J. Adler. Centra IBS, Manhattan; il. Poptofakr. Centre i;.' Manhattaa tecond; .1 Foley, I ?ntre 30, Bro? kljm thtrd Time, 0 '.'?i '-' B 220-yard daah I senior i Won ii\ E. Aup 180 Man! II .i R r .\i?m', M Curt?a I m inhai Pli t 0 .'?', YY on t., U if. Chan, Centra IM llanhattan; .' 1? Y'oi? ??.?ntre Mi!. Brooklyn, ?.? <".. Kailman, Centre IBk, Uaaaattaa, third Time o :.; Two-mile run (opem?Won bv O. Gibbon?. N?xx Tork A. C J O'Connor Naw Yorlc A. C. tecond: 11. Ward. In?h American A. C, third. Tlmt. 081 8-B. REVENGE FONO POR SIPP Takes Out $50,000 Insurance Against Assassins. LIFE THREATENED DAILY Will Directs Proceeds of Policy Be Used in Hunting Slayers. Should He Be Killed. QeorgO A Sipp. whose testimony before the Curran Investigating committee WOO the forerunner of the exposure of sys? tematized graft in the <Uh Inspection Dis trht (Harlem), has taken out a BBB.SBS hf?* insurance policy m the Kquitable Life Assurance gertoty, to be used, he ?ay?, in ? ase he ts killed, to bring those ; ble to Justice Following the teatlSBOay given by s.pp before the Investigating committee threats against his life were of daily ocurren?. be asserts. The threats were made through the mail and over the telephone Members of his family who a: t'.e f..|ephi,ne w, ,.. | ,;,j ?,, warn Sipp that If he did not leave the? state h- w 'hushed'' in a more **flOett**g At first little beed was paid to these ?f finally Sipp reported t" District Attorney Whitman that hl? l?e was in jeopardy. Me made application le a police magls-iate to carry a revolv.i bat permission was refused. Sipp ap? pealed to the chief magistrate, William ?! McAdoo. who granted his laejtBOOt. The att'-mpts at intimidation continued, ho" ever, ami District Attorney Whit: signed a bodyguard to the former hotel proprietor. I '??*>: mined to expose the whole svsfeui. Sipp resorted to life insurance as a mean? Of providing fund.-, if lie were killed, t?? <arry on the Bght Bgolost Bwceaey, or to be otherwise user] In ti-e r:iu:> . of tlios. who nilstht be responsible for hi death ?eg regulativ attended the trial of the former inspect pson, Haas?) sad Martha lie ?.. denunciation of all four, and to a friend ha an grd to remark that I ? a- .? rthing "ti tills ear- . mid bav? parooadad bim t.? "let op on the f.- ir men, who were ? lot of rnt?." On one occasion be leegtfld al the ? Infgrectora a? th"v sat in th? mart* and said. ' Did foil ever see such a lot n' cowards in all yo ,r life. WhgB ' I I ? a power what chaaCS d ' any or.? i be a as un - get art) a they would do an> thing to wri^cle r.-.t of tb- ir mesa ' 1 A cod!? .' t.. tita ?rill, >';pp explaii i 1 rects t'ie application nf the pi i the faBSOTB :? 8 policy fward t BBBlng ? ? ills ?la- era ;f he should De : . Blpp s no is ? i.?- r...: it and tl e pei ?? n .-? attempt on hi- life v.'" ,-. . k.- ': to the police) l-arin d ? - ? ''rom the | ? ? ' have the i.-'ive |o tl wever, everyt . igbt about -<?? " m HUDSON CO. SILK MEN DEFY I. W. W. STRIKERS Flatly Refuse Higher Pay and Hint at Shut-Down of Their Plants. PeveloomeatB of jot atril m Norl ' ti:c silk ? ' -. ? s loon County I n h i creas in.wri Ol a attack on a factor] in Bayoene. in wl oh aro? ?rounded Th? : 'ounty ailh I irei ? In the rooniB or the s of America, at No KM Kourth avenue, and ? refuse tl I mond for a hoi of H i in bouta ten to eight ?*ar/. In? :. title? ? ' ? me Calted Btnt? - ? hand ?: by tbla fact Mr Bteha-a-*seaba< b, sa at*okeaaaaU the ?m ploy era weal - ' ?ouu? ti-s were approa? .''mg b Bist? whsre I -.. <?? if. the ? ? ? his mill than t.. "ace en il unpetltJve labor ? wood tarirr bill siso penalises Um ? men, As a result of out Uoa for a Btrii s, 1 - - - Ik Mill, In Cartel .?rnplo- .:.- I r:dr- d nan .- - fat I down * est? - de. I*iaag I the ni.-n if ti ? s. reoam? w ork ".*? s ? ek from Men '? thtrt] Of tj.? MM hundred gl Bftj - - -l.era' cap fnctorv. at Avenus C sad - (:., ?...:.'?? ast Olghl trie?) to fores their ? ill to k'ct at the strik- bl BI - Mug housed there l*bS striker- tileu t" battBS the big door of the plant and BffekS - eral window? Strike breakers homed In the fact,rv tired several slots, and | Striker? feil back and ie?ie.,td from f - buiidlng It wa? -?ported that a girl had been wounded but th" ; inkers ie: Bl y information. Announcements of the best Sanitariums and Health Resorts Are Published Regularly in th?, N.Y.TRIBUNE on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays Our reader? are inviter] to write or tclepli?"ir our Informa? ron Bureau in regard to any Sanitarium or Health Report in America The -?ervice is free. Address 320 Tribune Building, H. Y, or 'phone 3000 Beckmao.