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Trend Uncertain, but Undertone Was Firm?Closing Irregular. The deduction to be made from the a? iirin of the stock market yesterday is rather favorable, considering the un ?i?itr?iie of strength exhibited when? ever a concerted effort wa<? made by the hoars to break pnce*. Notwlth* 0fllng the favorable news of Tli'ir. the opening vas dull and tin ?ted with irn gulortty. Trading was more of a deooltory character than of an In? eating nature. and professional movements were not rlgOTOOB enough to attract a following on eitber sidr?. 1'iiion Pacific open???! at nn advance. while Southern racine recorded an Ini? tial decline. United States Bteol and amalgamated corner displayed the -ame prices in their oi?ening quotations they did at the closing on Thwra I iding vxas up on its initial trans-j on, while Chesapeake A- Ohio and' Pacific sold off. Under the ; influence of such a mixed presentation] of sentiment the bears were encour? : to attack price, and the result that lower levais were reached, in ti X'\v York Central touched a] ? point, while Pennsylvania i went down in sympathy. There WOO Iderabk weabjiaas also In sp?cial-1 .ike Lacledg GOO, Underwood Type- ; Y\riter and a few other?, but In the] pan of the second hour th? shorts Y?.pre made to cover and a abort spurt of bullish activity followed. COT? higher pointa The rally, however, did not continua, .',:! the noon hour there were heaviness In a number of la and the market Battled into a - affair, which continuad prac-l tk-ally throughout the rena day. The fact that the market! to pr?t ; not Inspir ' : llnesS, as it* failure to ' ?pond to such good features as the ? i'.x favorable copper i and th'1 exceptionally good govern! crop outlook had a discouraging mflu . trade- a who were mu? h per? plexed and heeltated to make ? nmimt ni? n nd th? . trading limit. The passage of the tariff bill in the Representatives bj a decisive vote did not aid In clearing the horizon l ? ailed atten i ion in the in raniment. a factor In Wall Street if it becon e s law, In conjunction ? . other information of a repressive general condition?, i he fact thai an engagement of ?|2,00t>,? iMNi more gold was marie on Thursday ? close of the market, with S prospect of an additional amount, all for - ihably accounted for the dis .ton o'a the part of important In? tfl not to participate very heavily 00 the bti> irg side of stocks yesterday. The foreign stock markets displayed irregularity and a lack of trading In? New Tort* was given small ? tt from the other side. Foreign ings was weak, und in London there Y??? b decidedly easier tend? In monej conditions. Paris is helped by the importations of gold, u. with the 12,000,000 engaged terdsy, mak? i total of f6.O00.0UO, with the probability of more to follow, derable relief in mone-v mat? ters Bhould result in the French capi? ta! The local money situation presented no now features and remained qui?>t. ?"all loans were renewed around 'J'\ per rent, but borrowing was very 11m II h\m>v ltirrnKM-r.. ?, |g 1?1? ..f lending netUe ?Inrkt bane?] en the present ?riling prirr? and flirrt cti.ldend rate?: Aaaalajaaaated Ceooas . *.*hi Antatlena t as preferred ..7.51 American >mrlllni- eommon . . BrBS *unaa**t*aa f*oaa*gtng preferrr?! OSS Haaarleaa Teteofcena and iei?ampi? r ??<; ? a?ed?an ffOefak It?* t on??>iifi?i??i f?aa ? M ?.rest 'Nerthern preferred. VM lllinoi?, reaMral. Mi 1 ahagh valle? . 04i "Laaleetfge * Neafavfile. gjg New geek (entrai . .". 01 Northern rarlflr. . fi.i; I'rnn.xlxanla Itallrnad . . MM lira H. k . 4.91 1'nlnn l'ai'lfle rommon . ?.;i I nlied Blelea gleet common. *..-,?? MONEY AND EXCHANGE. THl MONET MAHKKT- Coll money WnB easy. Rates: Opening 2**?, per cent, hiebest *? pee cent, closing 2'. per cent. Tims tnonev tvae dull. Rates: 4 per font for sixty dP.Ya, 4 per cent for ninety days. fgagji per cent for four months. 4'4'M'... per ?ont for five months and 41.?>tv?. pe? for sir months. Mercantile parT was qi let. Ratee: r.v**"'\ per eeng for sixty to ninety days' Ind ? choice four to ?tu aaontha* single names rOUKION UCHANOB. - Foreign ex? change eloaed sasy. Vesterday'a ajnota? fions: Iiemand sterling. 4.*Wf?5. cahle?, ?Jaas. sixty-day Mils, 4.*2??. short francs. 6.1SV. less 1-16 <Q bip*.; short reichsmark?, M 1-19 less 1-32. noMF.fxTT'" EX'-HANGB.-Roston. par; Favannah. boylag 3-:?> discount, selling Mr; San PranctSOO, sight 3e premium. telegraphic ???? premium; ?'haricatnti, buy? Ing ] ~ l?Mc premium; Chlcaso, par Nee Orleens, commercial "'? count, bank 11 premium; Ht Louis, ex? rl ar.K?? Hv premium bid, 1(C premium asked BILVSR MAHKKT. -Par silver in I?on d? n was at? ad at ?II tt-Md. MEXICAN KXriTAMiK.-Mexican ex eiiang. on New York was quoted at 2P1'.., unchanged. BUB-TRBAgURT.? The fJaltad States But?-Treasury ?i.? a creditor nt the t'lear Houae yesterday to the extent of BANK rtXARTNOfl Ne** York, ?x rhena 1-7.770, balencei tl4.So.faB; ? :i. exchange* 194,347,187, balancea I'M.244: Philadelphia, exchangea B7,377.4f>0, balances 5 .',?'."???. 4?.':: I'itt?ihiirgh. exchanges -? I timor?, exchanges fB.l72.S7o. la let * ? ?3,228; Chicago, exchanges $4!?, ?37.283, balances $2.44.V?I2: St. Louis, ex? changes fl3.fC3.IC**>, balances $1.046,122. BANK OF GERMANY RETURN. asadla, May I, The woSkly statement of the Imperial Hunk of flsiIHniiy shown th? folio.?, inr; changea: ?Chah oa hand in craas d il.tgg.bOg nmrka; loans do? rrsassd IS.lfS.gos mark??; dloooontg de! M.lfg.Sgg marks; treasury Mils decreased Ig.lSg.gfg marke; note.? in sir? rnlation d'creaaed 75,4.?.,000 marks; de I oslta decreased 9,576,000 marks, and gold on hand Increased 13,669,000 marke. E Friday. May 9.?Total sales for the day, 182,471 shares, compared with 522,535 sharea for the corresponding day in 1912. Total sales January 1 to May 9. inclusive. 33.093.642 shares, compared with 54,361.141 shares for the same period in 1912. Quotation Rang? Open. Ili^h. Lo* Final Hi?! lAsk'd .10 lAmalgami ? - American Be? t Sugar. Ann ? I? an Brak? Bho? pi. 131V, A merit an L'an . ? American < 'or ?\ Foui dn. *',;? Am? ri? .-n i 'ai A- Foundry pr.. in1-. A m."i n an ' .?it.?n Oil . tt American Ice Securities.- - A m. rlcan '."i omotl\. . S3 Am< i icen Mall i ? . " American Smelting . '..:. Am. : i, an Sugar . m American Tel. ?- Tel. * . American Tobacco .. Am? ; lean Tobac .? pi n< w.... ? mda ' "i pe?. Ate laon, Toj - ka g Santa F. Atlantic ? 'oaal Line. HI Baltimore ? i ihio. ?? - Baltimore A- Ohio pi. v - B? l il? hem Steel. SSVs Brooklyn Rapid Transit. "?" Brookl) n Union Gai. 127 nswlck Co . ,;1 ? irnla Petrol. nn? . i" ? ? illfon i j '? ? oleum pr. 70 a.ltan Pa. Iflc .!40 , flc, 2d pd. Central leather pr. re? peake ? i ''"to. igo, Mil .v Bt. Paul. i".'. , C. ? 81 L. o Copp. t. ? 'ol orado Fu. I. 'onsolldated <ias. '4jrn Product! . 'i- .?. Hudson. : .(stilling Bei i ritiea. , litre . i Irle 1st pr. I F. W. vVoolworth. - Electric. ? ei?! Con. iT? li leb . 33 Qreat Northern pr. Quggenheim Exploration. K Illinois Centtal. 11] Inspiration Coppei. 17'. Inter.-Metropolttan . H'-. Metropolitan pr. * B uthern pi. ? -i. Qas . " . l.:p. ? 19*, lit'.. It ? a 30 ??7". Ill i.? . '."L,;. 121 33' ?j - i?? <*j 41 70 242 ? hi Kg 19 , - ' ' , - - 1311 . '? - 111', 41 ?j:,-".? M ?'.:', in 220 1' -' ?? "A'. LTD 98?, 79 , .:.:'.. 127 10 4 ;40L 51*? 1311 ? 49 . 114' 11 tt 4% Myers pi . Nashville. M \ an i ? troleum, es dlv... ? ippi r. Missouri, Kansas A i . 35?s national Enam <v St| pi N.itlonal Lead . . <7T? National Lead pr. ? j National R R of Mes Jd pr. . N? vada ? o : "l. N'es v..: k Air Brake. N? ?v fork ' '? ntrel. New Voik. N H. * Trl. J"!'. Ont. ? Western . Norfolk 4?4- w -s'ei n. N . 114*4 ila . Peoi ? . '? :.l CO. ?tillar.1 pr. US Pitt i.r_ Coal. Pr? bs? d Bt? ' ? at-.i . . Spring. l?a? - . I?-1, i g . Reading i--t pr.i Rock Island .' 20 Rumely . . Rumely pr. ?-??-;:? . St. 1 ft Ran Fri . pr.. ji -;t i ,m - go ithv ten - ? . . -, .? pr. ? ?.:.ker * 'Orp. p pr. '..j per. Railway.. 85 Tvw w rjtf r. 79' t'nif.n Bag A Pupei. L'nion Pacffii . United < 'Igor Mip. 44*, ? i Ralla-a* inv. 24 c s R. & R? fi. pr. :: ?. S lMbbe' . is Rubber 1st pr. km . c. s. Steel . i S. Steel pr. ? M 118??, IT1 14?, 50?, M US?* - ? - 7<? ' '. . 112 Is ? '. ' . ' ? ? I IDT1? " . 31?, - 1534 I ? - 4?; 112 17?, i ? 80 1541, 113?, ?? : . er. na CI r mirai. Virginia !.. C. 4 < . i?h . Wabasti pr . m Maryland. ? d pr. ' - - ?? . 70' - 14 24 - ' - .'? I ? 7>i - ' 114t, ' - pV.i . ?. : ? IS?, It? , ? a ! 111 . 4 121 - ? '?> 1-7 ??' 41 241?, - . '? ' ? - ' - - 130 ? - 13? ' ? . 4? 113-, 17?, M ' . - 47". 7" W lit' - -? - ? ?'? ? . 171 ? :'."', 1301. > IS* 114 t-''-. 251 , ! 4'' ' .', nos, 102 38?, vu.. 120?,, ' . 7'.' ;:J ?'.??'?? ? 1.7 *?*? 4'. , ' 241?,, g* i 1".'. ;'.i.. 21?4 I ;.'. l?% 132 ]..'. ? ' 137?, | ? 40?, 113?, 17*3 14?? ?a 154? ? ' 1 11 - 70 ' . :;!' ' : t''7? " ?.7' 111 , - ?02?, 1211, *'7T? 132 7''? 41's 7" 241**? i" . M '.'.'t.. !.. A. ? tt "1 131 127 I??? lit ? . 113?? ! 12 M?. ? 114?, Ilis! ? 791 . - il . ; ?'. , 104 ?". ? - ' ' ' - ? ? ..' - - les ' - 1041 . ? , lOg'i ? ? ' *>1 - ?". '"' I - - I? ? - 41'. f.-", M (0 1i??'4 i ? KM k ' 4 ' ' | 4 les ? - ? CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. during most r I I d leading stocka showed firmness, t.-wani se of business on th? Consolidated enge pr:.-. - tended to res I with the ia?t Quotation? In ?on ? well under the best Trt*jisacttons re? ft?-, ted a fa r n ?asure of activity, the ? talllnf* 28JM share?, with forty? two different Issue) repreeented tmong ?.m Central Leather, which ??old ; t . . Paclflc Mai I, ? I dealt m at 's:'.'n 2\. American Woolen common at be, to !?-. and American Woolen pre? at 7" f. 72' The 1 tloi American Woolen ?? m?>n and pr? ferred. teere an it" Id? nt of Ih II . ?. -, ,,-. lo? k ..... ?ng ra I The: rer? rAjf. n. r] ,-,i declines I. r? it prie? lei ?-K. tii. list prit "f ihe c..nine-. -. und.r it- closing .'..- "n Thurs ilay it ? ? tl ?? 'ltial rail price of tb? preferred punt? it i Ira ? place In 1 i Consolidated i xchsnge on Tl Th? downw? menl whs explained as reflectlnc liquidation h> a few tirefl holders who did not like the tarif! out? look and conditions hi lb? wool, n t'-atf There wer? ?orne evidence! of further liquidation in Pennsylvania and Nee York ?'enttal. but tt" laal fade,i t,, Bel below '?'?'*. Toward th? clos? th? bean on th? floor attempted t or* to utilize in tluir faVOI Ja attitude toward ' 'altfornha. STOCKS. Bi irei . .;?'n High. i^>?. ' lea? 1,1. \n?.!l r'orr'r. .. ",.,4 ,tt ?','? no api n?<? sag. -i ? bis e"'. n*k 41?. Am i'hii . .'.2 ? 88 S 82 l.'fl A", I ? .-? 30 '.'?t.. 1.1 *?o Am *-m?lt!*?.g. ?'7 4 ?- ?? ? ?? . I.V. An. Wool. I? ? I''''? I?' *.?. Be i". I II 73 ','?' - 13' I 40 At T \ I f? '..'.. 'r,\ gg as . K. Hh!1 A ohi'. . '.'- . '.'??', BBS ? Iw .. i klyn R i - ? - -, .-..? - -.-i.- :." . 242 to Onl Leather - '. -?'?'? 28S S8S 210 Che? g ? . ?? . Sn . M a. .-i l ! n ". 101 '?. 107 p.-, ?j.. . . i fuel t. i 31 , ?IS .-i' :;i I", 1"'. 1"'? lO'i Son Brie ... ??* ? .?a .-.i Sorih i r 12! I2B : ISO' - 1384 So interbor *?t??i 144 I ? . 14 -, ii'a ISO do prei i'.*, .v.'. irv? :.n I ? hleh Val lr.r. |&8 IMS UM ?JO Mo K A rei 34 -'4 34 .'i lso m? Paatfle... 03*4 8&S Bal? 9\% 10 National Lr d ?? i? 41 4? *??*<.* N Y < ?ntrn . BOS I'm US W?--.. f?. N Y N M*H I0BS I03S 108?, IOS*?, I?. N T on? a.- W -."? ?, 2SS 2BS 304, ISO Ker Pa.-if?- I US IMS U41? 111?* ?Vi i'?riflr Mali.. 22S 2SS 33*, 33 . s.'.. FVnnsyl' anla 111 "? ill', ill-? ill*. vo to right?... 1 1 i 1 i,. Ftaj . topper 1*>'? lt.', ISS ISS B,*?30 R-*dIni ..IBIS IS8 ? ISJOH 1*11?? isn Rocs Island 20 2u - SB SB . ISO s, i-v,, ?ri la, H , OIS I?.".'? them t;- 24 *-, '.t *. 34 ? 34 \ r,n Tea? Copper. :.i . r. MS M't .', V7" l aloe I'n, if! ,14BS lit?'. laaS 14S oil .- r.iMer.. ?Ce, 88S ?;.-.', .;?*'?. 7.T?o r g Bleel ?OS BOS leS 10 a? i-ta h Comer.. M1? SIS US -M*? 80 \ ? C?r - :. -u "j-.. ?_?*. *j>? 29 St\9SI Total sah?. MINING. 700 Atlanta ... .r,'., .US .lS? -134 in ?inn?;d i tu 2 <?. 2 <?> 2 00 2 ... .v.? Jim nuti?r .v. .?.?> s.-, s?, ?VN, Jumbo Bx1 . .'-'-' .22 .22 '.'L 7'?. Mexl an .- Tg 7? 7? 2 <?.. Nor?tu Ktai ??.'.'- .7?? l :. 7.. 1 000 R< ? u? Rula. 21 -1 '.- ,2IS ,3tS ?00 flllver i'ii... .04!, ..?;?- .".-.'. OBS *r?Vi Tono Mrcr . *.?>. 1 ??i ,gg 1 60 ??ari Tone Exten..2.38 S.fal -?>.'> .'?'?". ? - ?ale? PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. (P?jrr.lih?<l by ''harl??? D. Harney A ?Y. . No. "S> llroail ?freet. X. w York, and No. V2Z ?South ltd atreet, Ph1lafl?lphla i Blfl. Ask. Bid. Aak am Ttailw'fty? X.\ > f'?nn Bal! . .IM 104'? Raldwlti pf...lB8S ?**>S Huid 'o. ?? 44': *'?iinf.rtH Sterl ?JS 4*4 ,1o pr.-r "'- t **** ?' Tr of N i :n. 71 i . . . lint ?S 4*S do 4? . II SIS <;. -i A-pi.ait U ?w?'-, rim? r: r ,tr? ? . <i,, i k' y.'.. ;?'. Phn? rra.-tioii - -. ? % Hot lina R i: ao*i mu ?fin .'-. .'?'. do Inc .">?. 7ft 74 Tonnpah Hel. ... ? . I^-h N Trac t? S.'.*-, I'u Traction. 4*??, iV) L?.h V Tran.. 33S ??'% l'nlted Uaa... ? 4 I . ?lo pr?f .... A4', 3-, .York. 14', 14', rano R R... "gg *S | do pref. H 13 YYIIiU.I OF Till TRIHl NF.'s MM 1)1 I II II I \ BAILO. Ilich for month. I ennnir? 1 I8S.S01 low for monih. lelinmrr '.'.Y IMA4 High for month. Mur? I? l ..IMAM Ion for month. Murr?, 1? IMA43 High Ih.i in?.nlh \prll 4. I'D.*:?: I.nxi Insl month. April .10 113 MO llifh hint week.I-4.0..A I .or Ih-I we?U .i?r!..Ynn YIht '.'. one nrrk ago. IMAM Mil. 5 . IMAM Ma) fi. IM.M1 >Ib>. IMASS yimx h . IM.M1 Yin. n. yealeegsy's doea ItlAfl \Y lit *.?,"- 'M im TBIBUKE1 ll-l ?if rwm.1 ' -rut \i ? II IB h f.-r inontli. I'el,rn?r? 1 BSAM I "? f'?r month, FWatWOtf .'.Y to.Ml llleh for month. Y(?r,h I BSAM low for month. Mar? h 10 BSAS Illah last monih \pril 4 ...... MAM Ian lust month. \prH 3o. 10AM llitli la?l ?eeU . Sn.?il I \UtrW l??1 week . MAM May -, on? l.eeU ?go . BSAII Mu? 1. Bi.tsi M?? 6. MAM Mux- 7. BSA11 Hay s . MA01 Mai s?. peoteods) '? eteea Mill NEW YORK BANK STOCKS. (Kumithed by a H P Pel Wall attest. UM Aek?d A'.tnt . . A ""'|r**_,?_ Am i:*<-h .. "'-''? nailery Pk. IS 1 . (M Bi ..-,? PS. i h I.?, I 1er. Brans . IM I I? IS" ? .tu irv ... i::, i a* t'nx :.'.'. i 171 3<o IM | . rlaei I'.v. 13<i a! .. 4:i ? ?| ? .-utrHl ISO m < on I a Iron 1>?0 rolnnlal ... ?a ? olninhla .. i 'tinner'?.. IK lorn Kx<-h. ?'2 F.a?ir Tilxfi ridelltv . IM Vlfth Ara..?001 Fifth . ?00 l'lr.r No' KM Kourth Nal 1?^ !.. :?.'> ; ?'.rrmen- Am 140 I" . 4?V) j ?'irru?anla... (?ntlmm Greenwich. IIan"\?r ! Hnrrlman N MB Imp 4 ' ?? i :.r. Mat.. i?. I Ubertr . a*S i t.i... ..m . .. Mai .?t ?"??. I mi?i a r il Merh S Y1 I Merchante'. Mereti Es... 1 ?'? M? ? opoll? . .1 Metropolitan. IK IMt MOfTll CM , Meteel >? ? . . ? ,? ? Reaervt II New Neih . I't N Y ' ..iinix- B ?1 N Y N i> Y M l'Hcific . :t?o 1'ark . M Peeple ? , , Ml I'rod'ire K?. IM Seaboard ... 4M BeectaS .?IM Rectirlty _ 130 Sherman .... I$.r> No 17 Ki.1 Mfced. HB 140 IM RI Ma im m ?ta ? 11 m if? m M 1.0 ... IM < ? ITS M| 6<i0 7?V 1 Mate . ?00 |M4 Ward... i?v> ! .,1.1, I.V. Il KO Wn.xli II'* . M ?'. ? ? Ride. . Tork' ?lie M M ? IM no tit . Ml ? ? 2.'.0 IK ?. ? 4?r. 370 :4r, 14? 14, H ..10 C10 TRL'.ST ASI) RURBTT ? OMPA NIES. Allano? R.IK 11.". , Klngt ?"o.... ?40 Am surety. IM Attor ,., , M I B A M O.? ? >,H:i?<er? . .. ifc, Hmikhn .. 4M Hrr.a.1? ax .. IK". C ' .? of I Ml Central Ml ? it? it. ? it ,i?, pn f M ? Itlaeat ... 140 ? ol-Knlek.. son ?i.. ell Commercial. 15 Empire .... ?W i.quitahl? I I. X T lus- M r, Klneliix Krankllal_ Kulinn . '-I?'. 'intrant- IM Hamilton .. :70 HudstM . m im Oh Car, 10'. II nu . ?IC 4-V) liOO i?o ??).. tM J.u Kl f.00 176 115 lim 4'. loo 160 IM r? K ftfA M0 r.'.io 127 ? U??' Title. ISO I 1*? MIS?.. -*?? I .In. '.in . IM M? irai illtan 43?) I M Ylllan.e.. ISO Mtf>t Boot., K I Nasse? . 130 Nal S'ireix . IM NY Y1 A. S IM i N Y Trier.. ...i I N Y' t.lh- I..IBM Peeple'i .... Mi Quel n? ? o .. M ! Ou? ? as CO M '?o I i:... v? IM I Inxeat T.". Itll O A T. 470 Tltls In. . 103 I r S i 'usually -00 DIHI T. 4.-.0 i mon .1MB I .-> Tttta <; M Irilr i-tHt?? 110''' YYahhlngton 3?>0 Weticheeter. IM \\.v li T g M IM GOVERNMENT BONDS. R? ai i;m. .Y.-? M Si* Ap-ii 1 1930 ...100*4 l'XY*. Il o' .Y-iK . IBM- M.. ? ifi-'? IM1, 4. of Fe|. 1, IMi .USM IM'? Paaeaaa r?, i'<??.v#U '"i I'anama "?. IMI .. l^1'? M Paaeaaa 3t,*? ISW ros Mi 1J-? 4.S0 140 10, 140 Ml '.?00 MM 30S 10ft 119 11* ?5 4>i0 10? :io 4?V0 1MB v-. 1110 3S0 IM ?70 in n A?k. Bid fMkW_ I4CV. ios1* 111 114*? t.:s i?'? FU FlU FIELD j Business Light on London Ex? change?Paris Prices Firm. I ' able to 1 I." Tri: ?: London M.i' a Tla approaching hohV daya aren largely isaponslhla foi s ara?il i attende nee on the London Stock Ba ihang? to-day. BuMnesa was very tight and prices were rregnlar. in home rails silt-1 edged Becoritles ?in<i copper sum. s fair' support h?b given ami they displsyed a1 hardening tandenc. i'ri>:it taking in specula tire isfu'.s caused dscllnea and a depression In ?o?d mines aras dus to the disturbed lahpr outiuok. There Y\as a ijo"(1 demand for money and discount rat i s Bltghtly grmei Th? opening of American abarea abowed .? ateady but 'inlet tmic. which "as toi inued by fractional Rdrsnces during the forenoon In tiic late trading" under the ead "i ' ?anadian Pacific prices sold ott and the closing Yvas dull. Mis closed 1-16 lower at for) ?ii.iy and T.v, f?jr tu? account Canadian Pacific declined i1? to :i- . The premium on Rnld ?it .Madrid to-day eras git?, a decline oi .10, and at Lisbon ?wts l.j un'-harifcd. rar.->. May 9. -Thsrs was h irw under* tona to puets en tin- Boons to-dsy, but ItTOgOlsrlty wan .shown in the COUTS? Of th? pricM ?n Invaatment Issues. Three "er cent rentes. M francs M Cen? times for Hie account. BxchaogS on I/>ndon. ? franca -" cen , tinii'S for chocho. PrlVftS late ..f di?,c?iunt. 4 pel I Berlin, May '.'-A quiet tore pro*? ? thS Bo? ?S t..-any arid at the . i?. | ; . ? n.ic Blight*** lower than yestardai Exchanga oa Louden M mark. nlgi for checks. * Mom I eenl ' st? rata o? dis? ount '?>'?* pe? LONDON CLOSING PRICES. ? lo.e May I t ment . ' . 101 ! , ? II . i'hlcaeo 01 yv?'i 1 I ? 4 ? . i ? i ? a Naab.lM lv i- -a? .x [exa* Cen? lo ? Norfo II A YYrV. < inter i .x '' i M ?. I'ama ... .... . Rallwa ? -m Pacific Padl ? ? ? -it .??? . M. an losa?! i alen;. I I ? ? - ' ' . - ? . i , 1*4 11 I . ? . I4?S BOND MARKET SALES. ?? 4..-1 Mat Int-Mel 4 ? I ? X ? ii Ini ??,. ? . . .. . , e*ea K . i ? M It ' .... . ? -, ? . ?' ?!??> P3I ? . ,.?n .,,., . , ,.-.,..., i. . S. . o) Am II 4 I ....,:... , im a do ISM x, i t -?? M I I 1. 4t . re| ?? I* , , ? ,. . .... ? r m paid I"?! ? . ?? ? ' ? . ? ?' ' ?? ?. -, -, ?, . . ' do 4'.? . ? ? < do ... ? ? ? ?*. M t. A T 7? . . i f. i r?a! eat 4 -.,?...? ..... ? ? r r ? ? - , leta n . > ? ? ,i? . ... i ... S T ?* 4? ? . . | to .... .. ? 1" ? ,\n IBM ?- ' II ,t II 4 1.4 ? .-??. |. 4l ... ... 4? M MS ? . . ? - ? ... full paid *? '. .... . .. ? , ? . i ??' ? i \Y' a y. 1... < a rea ?is loan '?n HI Isl ? M*. ? .. rft M MOS ?? ? ... ,|.x 101-j i?... ,?.. at ?'. ..,!??, It T 4r ... to 10... Rl'il 'n rfg ? , i '??! , .... ? ? '?" ,.? All ..? I ., ' ? '. ? ? I . . . ? ? ?! . U . .. . , -rt da ? . '..-, i?nt i?.11 ,..??.? i i m p m n<i t ' . M"? MM Pub B of N .t ,t II en < I 4 -vrt ,,,, ir??! .1 , ?.In . . ?<? -. ? ..... R A Q gei IBM i: ' ? .... . ? .?.. g? tat ?.'.. ????> Read ? n ?? '?I. MM 81 1,1m . K.-n It ?03 .. HI *? M?t l1?"? to l:i *. ?. MM do ''?.* Ml ' . Sli 4? , vi' MHO St I. A I I' l.t |S... 1 ISM So ?r.ii . . IMM to . 77'? MM to . . ; . ?in '..lut ta. ? Il.le ' ? MM to -'s ?MU H8M C M * M P aftf, 4t? ?A I MU Maas <???? "s ? i twos ?asa ,,??... top |...i ,;., r rit? fill 10' 1110.. Ml . '..-. - In rfs 4? 7* IMlrt do , uno ? i, Ben < Y I' ? l>. . ?BM ?iO "?I*. 4. ?? ' ' M% IBM Y I. a*J K'H.i . M A V s la i ?? . IBM | -.?nu ?In ?- MM R .< MM to le C A P ?'?? . . YV .lit l1?.".'. SiVXY ?Ir. .V, ISBMC I N? ?'" IBM Be P eel 4s . T, 4? . **<S V***) r\n inrwY <\r, . MS, ir?Yl Ar, . S4'?, I0?.I ,|rx tragt --.if >'?*, i..?'*, i i: t * I' t?n 4?. IT*4 ?In . n ?In cn| M... .n5.' ?i.. .... rt.? . .'?'?' dn . ?lYlO et 4? 8BN dn . ?7 SUM ?in .. ."..VIO Se rf? 4? .. vi .'.onn s.. R) ?? . ,.v ?MWl .|o Iff?? T?, . v, , . ? . ?.. ;roi .lo .?.| ?. OS IBM T V I M ?- N 5irv?) ?I. ..''', .??"' l'ii Blec ..f I. ir/^?o H.. . '? Pi. m . v>\ ]-?mO ?i?> . .:.'.'. "?V?! ClO . MBM to '''? MM ?I?? i>,m c C C A ? ' i'"?' i nlen Pa lai Hr I. ,lh 4a 47 ' <- tif. !>?.'. soir ,y i ist i- '"':. 'r?ft'' ?i".?".'. MM i"i A H en ' ?? 'i" ? " t ? 4. Mil IMM ?'." iw/?o to . . MTe 1 "'""? 'l" rf* 4k :ip \ it c, rtg ??' y Bya et > F Il . IT 1- M "non lui l'eut 4i.s M'. 1?WY r | t., ,< . MM E T Y' g r, IBM I - : . 101*. i-nn Ee.. .. IMM BOM V S i-t.el a f 100' leno I>le 1 MM .'.fifllY lise* 11*'? lOW? Viel l'iiel M S* n Hen "<??> Y | . . l'.iO do 1., r\t 4? A TSTs ""?", '?'? It ?? i., ... 7? MM YYhr. t?. !.. n . 70?. .??"?.. ?io .i :>? >, 711', ..??.? do rfg ? i ?! Ti ?v. elfa ftami?. .1 1 ^IWI ?? MM ut Mer 4',? KH i?..? o B A W iah r .ISH lflrtVl dn .1'.' il?. I' T lut 4m '' T ,-tfs . i; 10011 Itld fStl 6? ..lOfl'.' 10?W1 YY'e-t In i/"-.. In? .Met 4'.ja. "??I 10frt YY'e.i MfB .? B|? >vio do .7,'-. MM a'eel sii i? .. m?, l?.UI ?alea for th- ?la>. |l..>l.i>io. GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPAN New York. rtetarda i ' ? Y^k BM. ?t'entrai 1 ni n '.as M..M K " l?h Ne? Yin ?.ii? i-t ??.h? "'i'.. Ml ?N l'nlon ?iao 1-t f.?....100 Ml 100 N \ A I lt i??. '44.MB*e MI'S M'Huai .Mi 101 IM Stan.lard 1st 6?.10. 104 K.' ?Intcrett to bt ad*'"* IES. ? l IM l?i>. 10.' 1044 1.^1 Kl [STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. Standard Oil of We? V-rk . ontlnu.d t.. | be the feature of thfl market it. Standar.'. '..?i subsidiarias ysstorday. fcoie profil taking took place sfter s rapid advance for the day pr? rloos, ?ui all offerings w,re readily absorbed. Btandsrd Oil of Into, which baa been Inactive for som? time, developed, strength In the ? trad na. ?evel .1 ?*?"** E}?f* ;', ,.,,,, - ranging from 81 "? -'? *-?-'"*d-?* of V? a .bi- > was a? liv? a d gixjl rjemand al rising prices, das ng its n ad? vance "i .-ix poinl Th. n -' ol th< mar ket su quiet, bul a ?trong undertons waa c ident. (Furnished bv OUI ?rl KUOtt * t'"* No *' ?U'-ft ? (All ,| i"' itiooe ? sot ?h-u Ulll Bl I. a ih I , MS *1 ? Km k? ?-.- i* i '?? . vi',, . ti'.a colonial "i . 'ontIn. i.i . I ..?--,.: p i. ? . ni,,i -1 p i.. 77 I in- i .1 I* 1 .. MS , ; d Blgnal "il ISO do - ? ' Indiana P L. i S3 \.,t 'i ran II ? N Y : , . ?11 I" 1. Ill | | n.mi. i. ,v ?; ? Kola i I ^^^^^^ Rid. South?rn P t ? ? - . - . . ( ,\.i ; ;;,,,, -.:,n 11 ,,i Ken MS O of ,. of N .1 BS U or N Y ?75 O of Ohio " ml i?.ldi.1<W<> -. 1,1. A. I'' ' OH Ml I A?k ? ..,i ? 1?" : ? i? i INACTIVE STOCKS BBJfl ? BiilAaked ?leers Ex..i*b it Ail. A .- :. All?, ?v W..134 Allli-Chal .. - ? r.i pref_ 4 do Itl pd. do pi- ' . . li IS ?io pref Am it a pf rs A 14 s I ... , f ? Am ?'In. ? ?to pre! am w \u . 0 pf - \ -? . P. SB do pi f . I"? Te !? Am II a i. ?', Im Mi do pref ? Malt - ? r bi ' n..-. ? .-ti ? ? ? l III \V " ? ? A \\ Ml, \i . ' ' A. M- r Ut I?: ? ? - ' ? ' ' r St A ' ? 1 ?". * ? ? . t A I. pi ?' ' i pre! I" " .4 r it i. ' ? ' I* 1. A * ? ' ' ' ?? D I ? . - i ?? ? - | do ? i I a.-Vi Stt*?l . o prel ' -, l L W Bl I ? !' - % I p :??? . . '. SI a h. M - f ... ... - ?', M- ?', > ?? : M I ..... " ?? ? '* ' . ? . Ei. 1ST ? - ? ? 1*4 -- ? ? ? ? ' - I Kiel, ? - I? < ?i ? ' . 4 ? . II !? * ? |.;| cut pf ' II 4 ' i ' ?m ? ' ?, IV II I ? i ? ? ' II ' ? f I'l ?? I. I. B! ' I ? llll U.l' I* 4 ' 111 ' ? , ' l M ,t ? ?', ' i - do pref l-.-n J 1, M ?.'. I 4-1 ? t ' : . ... N O at ' i Li ? - I : ? - ' i ? ' Kl W...1S? I? . gui.,. - ? , It-n i *? - -, I I : ? " S .'. o?..IM It.IL ' Bl !. A do ' ' '? ? ain I .-? . ? i. i : " .', I ? f.... i n ? - - . ? .. ' 4 ' . - I ? . ' ' tot I I It S I* pf - I f If. 1 I . ' '- ' .: I I ! -I - - * ? ' ' ? Vi.l- ? | ? ' *? "??-.' ? ? ?' I |,i i -, lata Ist prel * 4 |-f II? ' I " - I ra ? ? ? n ? GUARANTEED STOCKS ? i i No Rl I ?". 4 Alt. .\ \ t ? " All/I A \ Ik" A A . A A C H..I ' H?,., I, . ?? ?< I' -? .< . - ? \ I. 1I..-I A I? 1? A ', it' ? Hi ? n ? li ? i ?? ? ?o i i pf IM . | ,4 -l|? IK - .>. \ T IM ? it ?f .;..'"? ? A I'L tf? |.f '.. ? A I R |.f 111 . . A L* Clava A f I. ' Bel ?? ?'I A '? ' ('...if * M 1,10 f.,n A Port IM < i.nn Rlv?r..ZM ? It? A !.. II ?lo pref D? IRR IT? 1 '? ' A P. I IM l'a. ten a M M I ' lit 1 . ' ? ' ??' IM .US Del II A l-..??t p. m KUIitb V-. ):im a w lo pr?f.. lu?? A i:n. * p . 138 s- pf lit i w a ? ' IM StA .. n r ??' <: upa 1? .. i ? ; a ta T.117 ?.r UP Vy III II A C IV.. 40 II. ., fo? ' III ?' I. I. * I ?. M ? Im - . ni i -. Ja- k I. I J. in - B -'li I lo K \ A ? I III., K< I a Mpef (9 K'Stl.X. pf |(KI I.a- k of a] j v| '. M ,-;,! I. S g M - i ,i h A M i: pf i . I- 8 N RA? l"? ? I i -, II IM IM i - 141 tu 1 ?> IK I ' II , 14 - I II. I -'' I I M Coal I: t: : f ' : \t| . r . , \l II A II '"? M lo pr. ?' ... Sash A ['? '?. Ss-li A I : t '? ' .4 II (Mil ' ' ' ? |M ? rlli Nor .\' Mi .1.1. North ?? North i ? ? -i || : . i 11 ??) \..r A Wool , .i I ? e'. ... -. a .. i ? i .4 UT i: P?i a Ram. i i ? ii ni I i . .- R V v IM I- I. A 1 I ' - . I -, ? .H I IM ?. i: IK I* M Is A \ I I- \ S A Of 1 '. .4 \\ ? '* II ? I.'. I I'l If? ^?i^L___ j Rom. .< ? ' IM ? ? B| li \'A ... i- 'i ' ? ? ? ? I . of >: fr t. n l-t pf MS ? I., -i i i- a ?. i: \ i? i i up ..f St I. ||? ? ; i ;.| ! I Mill! A C .'? i | |? i , ??.? 1 ,i | R Rl. 171 ? N 1 113 ? | Mum. I.e. ! il ? - ? HI ' ' ? ? IIS U ' II? I t ? i . II? " 1*1 1.11 ? < i I | I | ' I 1 its ' b . U. S. TREASURY FINANCES. S'aabli gti Hay S \ ?adltk-a ,>f lb? 1 i-- d .-? ,i?. 11, i it in? i- Blnalna of . ,- ivorkln? h?l. |T2 ?i.?*'? . ?? - I _* 4 I ?... i ?I I?. ."... -..;-, ,,, | n .?..., ,11. i.iir??m.-iit. n uni .7- The ?urpl , , | . .. unal .. .1- ti, it ,,f II1 nos 11 i |,,., '. , ; a lUnr--? f-,r i eetpta dlaburaemcnt? ?an?l?s ssd 4? n. u ?xciufi?, i.,Tt,t,.,^ canal ?t'd public debt | Baasaa [stocks in other cities. CHICAGO STOCKS. Chicago, May I The weak issues were more nomeroofl than the strong ones in I to da) s local Becurittea insrtat, although trading remained moderate ami then ; ..,.,.? alghfl ol llquldatJon. A too shars of Chicago Bleeated RoBaroys pre? 1 f. i red aold st ?'? comp?urlng with M, the :.i. ?/loua aale, and thara arori da - ,,: ., point each In th? pricea pi Hears-Roebuck common, Chicago itan* and Ooodrlch comm-on. : small i losses were made b) I nlted ?states Steel common, Chicago Railways - _? and Studebaker common. bed t>y William YY\ Cohen. No. 44 Urua '.nay.) ? Bhares. "i ? a. High. Lr-w. f-leaa ...nun . :?-?. mV? Vh MM 11-,'a llii"? n A >??.IM IM .... ?n Ml ? - n :;.?: 17M? .IM IM Ii Illinois Brick...... M MM i .. peopli ? ?Ja . H?H i":,:2 -.. Booth i!th pref... 7.'.'-.. 7.'.'2 Kl? i Rj i i t. M ?3 100 c rn ProdUl tt .... 10-"? IB*. BOM'i. ...oflo chic C Rj lit M.lltJI IMB ? ... i: I at it ?,.000 Chic lat M IM** IMM I 111 - . loi", 101"t Ii?' 107. Ml i.'i IM iaa*e M " 10% 100?. M i lu.)? . I l** 11.'.'. iM jr. | I.? IS? ? . io:i', 7.".', ^3 IBM too1 101* BOSTON STOCKS. ,ri? ? Bead I C a.? No n *i**'?11 i i LAND. BM A-?k.; Hid Oak. ui Bot Laad 10 u'4 MIBCBLUANE? ?I B, In kg i hem I M . I pf 103 KG i Kdi??.n III Ce Rj ,\ 1.1 - UM. :?>. Ma?. Electric. M Wn ., . prat . :.'t tt ?,, ,.it ?.?..'. ' I Am I'li'iirn . 3'j i-? :? '.:..- ?,. . le pref \i. \\. if. 75 . ?l Rotar; King.. Yti. /.m. c4 i j tia Ifl .\ Co, ? 'mu?, I'..xx. ? Mergen l,imi ??'. ' Vti cii .i. 'i el I1. ..'; do i ret . .. Ne? Kna Tel 14] United I IM R MI.KOAI' N v N n * H IM4 IM x : ' ?. I St K:- 71 73 ? ; ?ir MIT's 'ATI ?' Ctrl 4. M i1* M1K1NO. M blfaa. 1'. > 104?. 10.. 'L-, -17', ? ? M ? ' I ? I II" '?pi ? ? ? ' . I\< ?,.. , 4 M I'. ? IJt, - M .V r.SI 114 "'? M .?..., . . " \. ., :-i . ..nx II 4 4 Klplaalna ? . ? < i ittt ;. .1 ; ? ? 4 ' ?Id l'?.minl?,n ? ? ? ???? ... l '. 1 ? i'. Pond ?'r.-ek ,.. ir??. ? il.... 114 ... I1-.? .?itnon. 0', ,rl '*?, M4 ? ? ? ? r ? do ;' ? 4 1 ? i'. Ol.. 7?? - 1 '4 f, Wolt trina " '? 4 ?34 . ? .?Y M 114 1*? ?'4 I 1 4: x . -. I 1 ? RR - - t arami? ?'?? 11 ?Inter '. Hat Bell Mlalni t: i ? South I Miami.. - TORONTO STOCKS. ". .". No. ihed b] Harr; i: TI "tnr<on A road street.] UTS. mi ? 1 Ai ? - Li Beet 1 N ttlna - ?? 1 . \ pit ?. ., petei re? . 411 ??? I?-.,' 4 liver Queen.. A 1 t'? I. niLkamlni I ??? 1 1 M I M PORCUPINEB 1. j rtadalt ? ? 4 ? YT I. . ? ?.. 1 : ? I T. 14 1., iaa> ? I 1 . ; ike . 41 ' " . BALTIMORE STOCKS. 11 ' ' lanas O Ce Me ? ? ' ??? '? ?. Atk. At C L I if???"? " -"?'?, ? 1 t do pri ' - . - . -. 4 . '. ? ? '. - - I - II?. 'II 11. ? ? ', '* .1, ' '? A ? .... . . . V 1 PITTSBURGH STOCKS. 1 do I ? |. , t Rid 'I <\n pr..f X '- ? t ' - II ? ? ? I Mn.'l. 1 . M M4 1 ... 4 ? MISCELLANEOUS ?SECURITIES. in- ? YY m?a * ? o , . '?t.- 1 .. ? - >? ' I ? 'I . I ' ' I ?In pr< fei ??? 1 ? ' 1 do 1 ? ? f. ? ?' ! '? ?? ' H . .In |,ief,i red 1 prat ?'j r . I . ???< ?1 h , I ? i'ii?-, , ? I i.rXk ixirid ? .? i' 1. ?t r . , ? I'i.ll- Doria? ? 1 , , xi . ,|? pref err? .1 ? ' ' .1,. la ? . ? . !?1 1.. preferred II ?' I 1. no 1 . M fart 1 11 t 1 'ouplei ird Yliitui 1 ,.ri Bspraae.... , u, lit i-'jik" Ksprtta . in, it ?'All. YY ??!?'! 11 I'M? ill. ? II ? , < II'', '" , Ml , I . 51 11 ' ? COLUMBIA KNICKERBOCKER TRUST COMPANY Capital $2,000,000 Surplus $7,000,000 NEW YORK CURB. In the curb market >esterda> buiineia continued on an extremely small ?cal? with what trading took pi,,,-? confo-egg? the low priced mining ehsrea. Tb?T??aa pah Issue? were sgsln th? reatar?, ??, i;J , a Armer t-tideii. y. Standard Oll r-ab-ajL :nie.? wer.- fh fan- demand, but somea,h4i i irregular. Btanderd oil <d som tote after advancing about ??roten Prairie <bl and Uab ruled steady, ??hiU Standard <?il Of New Jersey was flrtr,? United < '?Kar Store.? of Amarles esud -a 't on small dealings. Conaolidated Rub. bei Tire remained unchanged notwith. standing the excellent report of the com pony, While only giving amount for n t.-iest. althoual. the hKU'es- wer? ,,', mated $100,u00 above thoss Thi coDw'r stockst wer? S shad?: i. . ^*r Continued activity occurred la the \? vads group and price fluctuation? -,??'?. rapid Mispab Extension opened ai -? dipped to 18 rallied ?harplj to 13 J?S and do.-cd at 60c. North Star dec*hr,.fi in the early hours ft.,,;, ?>. ,,, ,-i(i, vanced steadilj to 7:. on \v?a???. '?? Th? io ?oc, aenina nnanj ; - vi,,-. Hear ? Bula gained a point on the ,ih> ?Viiin :at 22c, and Manhattan Big lour movut from 50c to 66c. Salea of West Kb? were recorded at $1 6-1 ?i an,) h a It fa * ... from ?6c to 30c Tonopah fclx tendon v.?. heavily bought at $2 9-16 and Belrnor, ?Aas ?rm at M'?,. Goldfleld Atlanta ?howed rent?.?? strength at from 13 ?v to us?"13 Jumbo Extension at fro? "'c to 2*c Hooth came out at Tic and 36c wai paid for Florence. fFurnUh-d By Harrv E Thnmpaoa S i*n *? 2b Hroad ?tr??t i " INDUSTRIALS. H I - | 3'a 14 ? ?i ?'. ? i tin Tobacco Herden ? r. 1 Milk. do pref?rred. Hi '.m shoe. do preferred. ? ?? - p. ?body pr?'. Kineraon-Rrant pr?f. Ha-.ana Tobacco. : preferred. Houaton Oil. Manhattan sh.rt pref... Manhattan Transit Ma ? oui - f Aowrica.... Maj ?Oil . nal s-Kjar. \ y Traniportatton. ' Ml Fl-ld- ? ' MlXlOO...? Elevator. -, ? n totr?d . Puebla Small & Hot.. ? Ktandard ? HI told ritandard Oll rA H -f. -. tota .-o Pr- i., t? nr.f . l'tilt.d . luar BtOrt ? do j ref?rr< i f s Ugbl a n-a ? do preferred ?Aillys-fivor: <r. 1 do preferred. MINING. \rlanta. ( .?a . ?r . log l-our. Uraden . Brltlah Columbia ? ? .i Ii .?or?. i te . Ely ' cria. Moren?, e . Otroui . . ;.-? ?ne-? jr.iti.? . . o Ri tension. , K?rr iMk? . I.a Ko?- . \t.? Samara . \all?v. v?. au Itllll . Pacific Bmeltan Kin*- . ? ? ? ??r. . Minia? i? T\ ?t'!a if'r I ? 4 a M ?i ' - .3*4. 117 10O :?' 14 ? M -. V% il - S - ? l 4 4 . ? '? '. ?S Lait 3V -.j 147 M M 1*4 r ?? 24 Mi 14* 1? H M f*S i ? a r. i un t ? i B JM?, 11 r a n u ? ?? '. ? ?\ ?4 H M ?. : -. . lit ?. J-t \ -? ?\ ?a H \ \ 11 NEVADA QUOTAT ONS. '7 ! 1 ,?-.. TOSOrAH? ' Tcnora- Mil l ' '. .... Bel mon t.. ? , - '.4 temtfti M ?-?r . Beim . o? Hier ...... ?:. Mi/rah Kit.iiinr. 17 ... . 4*. Ma A'jp?m . U .- >:v . Il . ?. ..- t - I Atlanta . . "t < . .. -i win? r?i:. Blue Hin . roi led ? ? oinMnat' n l'rai non ? ata Il .-?. ? 4 ? , .1? . ...... .M . .11 , ? l ? . ?v T k* Ml-'?-'.- . ?w Ar'?- . ***. .?- r?al<.. - ? ' ? ? m a ... -, -..-t > ? ? > g A* 4 .8) - I i v . . ?? H , u ?" r.4 .0 t * I , 1 FOREIGN GOVERNVf'M AND MU? NICIPAL BONDS. ?. ? i agi a - p.? A*? ..... n ,. ? , a -, *- ' *? * la.Hr ?\ t ? i. ? , - '4 ?* Guaranty Trust Compan> of Nc-w York 140 Broadway Capital ASurplug.$3^0?K>.O?? Resources, over SZZO.OOO000 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. in ? ' , H i ??.n ? 4 ,,ffl|i?ai, ? ?PMI \% 11 . Registry of Public Accountants Municipalities. corpors tions. firms, business mea and investors are realinng more and more the *mpor tance ot safeguarding then* interests by the employ? ment of responsible public accountants, equipped by experience and character to render impartial audits and accounting investiga* tiona. Kg** 1 IK p.iS-fO?" M? not i? t. riiKSR s ? ou KIOINUM. t\l> INIdNtll? All Branch-a. -^a. SO Cllf H ?It ST. Tal '*'*-^. i i*4i u. a in. ?t*? riflh S renn?. Tel. Cree?-*** ?JJ IIW-KN S -.4.111 .N-41*** llihli. %,. ?Hinlanl? aorf ?u-llia**? .,-f, No I Bb-aadreai ?''">"" 9tetet ?**; ir. a. msiiM.i?? Puhll. ?..rn.inlanl? mil '????,',*J' mat Modaro Atcuuntlng *4>?i?ina l???******? wr Inatallad , ,, ijaS IS rviiaau St.. >'?w tO* fc- -Sertl?sH ?***"