Newspaper Page Text
F Completion of Readjustment pian Announced. T00 RAPID EXPANSION preferred Dividend Payments Will Await Outcome ci Year's Business. any <.n ! ' t !an Punk, ? ? ? ? pan; : -? I Mrd of ?? ; ?o that a ? r.'sents the it the com? Uve i mmltt? ? , ??? ilker. ft ? . : w.irklnp -, ? :? Salomon & Cm and ' ? ? Tided statement, temporary difficulties la which the company recently found lt gtit *????? the - t reeult of a too rapid expansion of Its : a :th an ex ?? nianaeement, which, It I? charged, did not possess a full ap inuanalfrjr larga amount of capit. : ? i Bgricultoral lm ?Jement trade. The ?-;-...rsc la als?? made tint the ? ' ' ? : - B result ' ? ' - proceeds of ' ? ? :? audit -ixvev.-r, th?? ? lb? ?nf'Ji : . ? - ? 'lume u* bo aboui ? : ? if a much I that , output Yvas madv It ? r?l : of the I tie <*orr, company's kinks. ? loan?? had Mid nut ? ? seda of the I ? ?? r notas, at rement and hesi? tated to ? i thi lasual ?MSa . ta upon which It relied to ?nable It to ?? dneoa until **? Mtta of Its collectloris v* made. ?ht bo in i ?ton to deal wtth thla omen Tj?e?J a ' ? xaminatton of the af '?Ir? of tt." with ? ? I - : experts : ?jtaasn, and ??ached the coi .slon that while the faussement or ?he company bad :a>Ptor,.'. ? ii-y of rapid expan ?**?? ar.?: bo otttoeptng prior to ?-? administra tien of tlie preeent con ?"""?r had :? ? Imperfect, and whii" "auch of thg : | which hs !'-nJsfc??i t- oui fi<?c'Ountants :*Mr*!n*; tht financia of the -gara- menta was most ****?Drat? h- i misleading, the enterprise **? aster.' ally a sound SEM|.ANNUAL_EXAMINATION Sulzer Signs Bill Applying to ***i!ks and Trust Companies. ? " {"chi'TVrdeckpr till, - company to examine twice Jwa i: | | ,. . -iitlons in *fhl'?h a - -:?? ? d ??> *** 8'i.? -, be ; m also calls rj-??*n ? . "Mate "' -, .-.'?. ? 'in la whleh the** aigned the k??i* v bin, . nts to b *'?' : ilnatiun M cert:' ?untan! who la another state ?w_ ? prn m.r~ ' ' faa ? ^KE TRUST FACES TRIAL ""?nanea. Announces Failure of Ef Beach Cocipromise. -^j-*1" el of the ali?nai ?? ,. ??-?I* lajT : tton to-daag, stated ^ '?l.-ri **-w*,A airalnst tl ?Sto I ?Jh,'. ? act '-? Eaboard air line change. ?A1' ?? ??-?'? v ?er* . ' ? - r of tba I s - ' ' r' ' ?ser of the system TO STOP PRICE_ CUTTING American Tobacco Co. ? Drops ' Drug Syndicate from List. !'? r i... S H1U, ,.,. rapanj. ? the Riher ? ? BS ,,1 Itl : of toba. ? the .; - It waa tated that Urn Rttraa .* ii- ? i trug ' 'ompanj n . ? n I I ..'..- ild di? to trie consume loa what th. i-, guiar tobacco The ail riean Tobaoc? Coi i,, oo dtocrimln :.. mattai ? ? * TESTIMONIAL BY EXCHANGE Consolidated Members Show Appreciation of De Ag?ero. M bongo, be Btioi I tin- la--. iltni b ? ? n and ex? ? "V- ? . ,|, n,. others Of the New ? in of you and ! until the ex? ! chancre during ' ? "Your 1.g i accon ited by m all. We ?especially recontare your worK In a I 1 I- pi BUcb leKMatlon as Will be I h-lpful to the financial world at I therefore, an a natural sequence, helpful to our own sxchonge." -. MAY REDUCE CAPITAL Readjustment Plan of Electric Properties Company. the Blectrl ? Proi i . the si I , la s ? o ? f Spital stock r is it liaeli will '?ut payment? on th? r*omm. - a ?i. without drawing ma ? dlvl - Con . ? ,\ ? ? ear ei I ?? ? remaii il I . -? .**? ? e from .. : fr.uii April 80, ? ni ? a PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES. Tif t,. th? --h Stoek I I of 6 p.-r et tit bondi I I Ohio Utilities Ne-/. Issues. sd to the Publia - Com* lisu || -ock, and the Lok? "? ti Rallara** ? bond?. ' Lake Shore Electric. - or? Ele tr ana earning ; After paying Int? on outstai I ' ? ? I . | Man I Th? ? i r i ? ? m on increase ol 14 "I of 110,114, u doeroaaM I I . with the first ? ? Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Swond Vice-President \ ' t.-:, nier of the 1'aclflc <la- I ooolag the news] ports Of ths ?trlke of the em:,luv.-? i I .nipany, -.-.. "All our p..wer house?, f? ?1 station lanta are la operation. At no Urna i-rince the Btrik?- begun has ' interruption In ga.s ol in lc liarhting Berries Trifling Inter ruj.t: ? oo eurred In tb? p.,wer servie?? hut ever] , ? Ozark Pow?r and Water Company. The construction of tlie < i/.ai I. 1' and Va--' Company plant st Urans.'o Mo. i ? i and will not ' operatloi until Jan? I, oaring t.. the high wat?: ...U-? ?' b] he.-tvv rain? In th? White Hirer during March. Otnclala oi - gpected to i ?? "' ? bat th? Inability to m it the Mis? souri : OS la del .'Ions for ASNOS In construction ?if tl nina wheel ebambei wi ? pro : but nt i I* II v? of the main unit s Brill itpUt ? ft oui -J.ti"" to ? ? mimiasion lern. .- I ?". ' Util? il iiipti? I.I and Joplln Will ? 'is at Joplln and 8pl Held are completed, Th? prlncl] il . - of ? n< rg | ' new plant ? . i r'allwaj ,v LJghl an) and tl itrict ? ompany. New Oileam Railway oV Light. ' ? I? .v ht >',i>i I !.'. three-year .. pel seat ?c<>i?i debeotareo, due ivm .,, Ib-rtton (i.-iscoin ?it Co Of thla am..util S'J.'."".""" will 1? |-a*-a?d iinuii diatel) for payment or maturing obll* ...... axetnaiona and Improvements. ami tii?- remaining debentures \\r: for est? n- Improi* rnenta during t lie next I bn ? as ? a SHOE MANUFACTURERS ASSIGN. ? smbiidgs aosgav, ftfaj I The Jolu Company, su...- manufacturar?, a? ?' to-day tor t ? ?? - i.? m rj| en .wi-.i - The liablltl es or? i t s ? .... ? Il .! tuai the ..-.-..-ta VA ill be :i, ? \ ? .-ni., ml BRIEF NOTES OF FINANCE Paragraphs of Current Interest for the Investor. Non : ,!"'l it or,. I,;,; B 111 re* - t from his lit! ? ? ' ? ? ? ' i. London Stock Exchange Holiday 'I >-?iny li ? ? ? ? a Whit 1 .?il hanks and ... Increase Price of Paper Baqs. ? ? - - i I'n". terday, t ? m February. Id ... . . ? . ? ? ill It ? i B-ill Company Earnings. : ? ? the amount of future buelneea bt II i?, t. pork d that th? J Q Oimpany. th? ? -A. ?????. worth of ?-"?? honk?-?l for fnton This company, which owns five plant? 0] BratJng with tb< tput In I its hinten ? last tel The re ! pr>rt of the cc com? pany did a si In? f $7.1 VlO'lS cent. 1 * ' | .common i ? Hungarian Shoe Induatry. The In? ri ... ?im-" ? ? ' '? ? .... " ' ? ' ' ' f Al iiror.- ... trian. O? i ' ? ?. CURB ECHOES. ... plan: ? Tn? I'ark City Mine during April ? .... ..... Brokers on the ?? the h pattn ?.t ordei i- i.? lar??. I ' orei ;? month Mai Hart? . . . . hi] xx .-r<- ? ; ? ? :? ' J ? . 'tai Uetiu? t ] ' tons of ."? an ' ? ter l ? to o\ matte, win i. jrk ?.f refined eopp? i VARNISH COMPANY FAILS Unexpected Call of Loan Forces Re? ceiver lor S4.000.000 Concern. ? d fa I ? N Z Oraei Coi ? v.'in.ifti mai ufa? tui i city, o application <>f ? i ikhold? rs, In lb? I':. ?urt he,. . Iven aa $i M.I...I and tt about . . prei t ? I : '" -t in Noa Jar ? SOCIALIST FLAG MAY WAVE Ohio's Attorney General Decides Red Banner Can Stay. / -? !.r. ??!-,.? ??;. ? '. lion may I in i. . acoordlna ' th? opinkn AI ii.-x Genera! ? to I - end b] .'..'h ai m to May? i R J Mai - ?everal da] i ? Ti.. ri m '!.? d? : . limbed i" il?? i???ii ?r?>m ? ! i imeared it with Mm ?? bifc TI ? - rnmedlatelj olf< red a row? ill?, aaino of ti - h. m, h M no ? a? furw.iril With the lnf.rtn-it ? a 1 H ***** .?"'",1 hi -? : MINING COMPANY CHARTERED. wiimitiL' Min tad Power i o ?pe? ?' " : --rated, of New ? - i win:.i I B. ; of Ren v??ii. j American Beet Sugar Loses $2,466,409 in Receipts. ? --??!? Coaapany, '. ircb 31, - - total b? ' only last in In ? poor ? lenl il J:. Durai In hi- re* ? ? 1911, Jobb? .: r. - - O cllnlni ? 1*12 .-in*1 ' : ? ?n.I partit-il iup ? ?' ?- . ? . ? i. ' . ? ? * i' Jan ?,-? last .-. u. ? - Introdui ? ? ? . itlon oraa ? . - though 1 '?n. and It u-,?1 - ? ? . ? ? ?? oit h i the Unit, gh II ? ? ' ! | Bold 1 by ?mall and anxtoui ? from , . - . | ! ? rl suKur is used, tiie ?>.?? raent to | i ? hlbltory tariff on cane augar." B. & 0. SCORES IN RULING Financing Not Subject to Public Service Commission. May f.? , . ... l ? ? ? - securitl? ? ? ? ? ? ? the i ? ? ? re ? . ? i . ', ? ? ? u ? ? BOND DOTS. - ? - ? ? 11 Is re, In 1 fut'..-- ? Homer Thon i ? No ? ? ? , ?. J. Hood ... building i "ti'is .'f * S ' THE COTTON MARKET Advancei E-niy. but Loses Strength at Close. i. ? m ., a ,' ? ill in the : farorabl. d li an :. eat? show sngl opeu ! ipwerd until t : :n I to 11 poll.-' nf tbe ? Por? i?. .. . ? li ;,i 11 "S 11 'I" Il "I ' il ni ? IL I? inl lower - .. su: - ? ? ? ? til ! :. I? 1 '. ? IS, |.l. Uli.?: n ?eau 11 2*4 ' ? : . . 11 ni: 11 IS I i i: - il :,i ll.ud il n il .i? 11 TOBACCO STOCKS fun ? : Ni I. 1. \Vink?!:nan a i. : . . ? - ? ? ? - 4 lit ITEMS OF ILL STREET I. v.? a of m.- ? Eton? I the Btoch 1er than ? ''?? <??"? b - I ? .1 | ?! banda, an on the i Iowa: He S :? ? ' . ? .'iiiiii. t June 2*1 t?. ttock of - Light i 1er q si t , stock ? pro -' i, ? , . ' ? ' ? ? . m.I. 1 .1 . ? ' .: . ?ti^k of r? ? ' ' ' - - Illlr , ? ? ' IS tu il. The ' , Linea bare or .. fa, ? '?'his ordl r 1- in ad ?? | from th>- Ameiiean ! n The members ?if the Now York ?'otton t ? ipies 31. - II !.. . . . laa Btaat Ba - . t latti ?j th Treasury 71 that tue ; ?? ? -forernmont de a, as ruin? recent trena** agin next WO) B. Mr. \Vtit i lanis wab non-comml'Ml a*, to whether New York bai.ks. would gel any of I i s!'?. The satlmats ni* the ?.a't? in cash n by th? New fork hanks thl weak Is it B.OO ? ??" ?" f.?r netloni nota r-oi: r l *-_??? ? .... '-? ? ? rs to- Parti anee lion, Will el II Mond . ' for I ? ? Markt ? both BUSINESS REVERSES. - Ill . h i . ? . . ? ? - ? I - Inaolv? ? ? . ' .. . ri t m. i.. , ... 13 West x . - - *?<..? ? ? tt ro ..... irltta ?' ? ithortsed I in? to : ' ? .!. .f ??li.YiM.i:-- I'lto ? ? 0f > i. M11 ? ? I M ? t - ,-. Fl ;? ? I II. BAXni - on In hankrui I i I llet In kMUlkl 81 I ? x' ; -.?i; $? I ? ' ? 1. -. . ... - . .? . ' - ? - ? ? *i im ? ? - ? ?*.-_? ? M ?' ?Alt!', r. ' : I' tint be -, II?''. nil 1910 .Yruirr |t| .?I ?? '?? ? it .. ' : 'i ?h.. .i ??!. Um rrmund <>f ueurx. Ellen |4,h00, :. . . ?'. Central ? ? r?-?litnrt are the .... ? - W YY. , rvdar fl"'?o m a wri and Bortenaje, . M il .ith.-r |mj?. . ?? .? ? ? '., H ill Xr?t-r?lax- I I ' ? i 1 fi ?' ? <l . . XX 1:1, (l Ml? t to own. M ? ? . . - il ZI' IiMNbKl 4 ? .... frarn? >. It ? r?, 1101 ; A. H Vila I JUDGMENTS. ? ? ? - ? i ? ? ? I I - M - - - ? I IT? M I.liiuor Co: . ?Ml ST. Jan - - B -N Hussfni I ? n, William?C B Llttfl - ' . i. w. 11.11 - ? ? n ? . i i r y land <'u> . |1 V. ? lue ?'? ? i liud ? ica n : ?0 - B121 : - Prank .1 : gharri & In , ?111 18. - il., 1130 82 I ? i Al?xarid?r?E. J MI.iu?'illn Co, 'i : ibber ar.d Tire I : Al-4-ard?Uiack. Starr 4 Tro*:. liai ' -? S. and Alfred Wllmarth?W M U'?utmar.. IL48T 63. M Weat Pubilahlng Co., 1MB <Od?ll. Henjiniln B . Jr. and Wm. K !>?:?:?. Ivir??T. I. Olli, IT.552 18. ? - ? ?-. of N?w York. I2?4 41 ruttennan. Ixiul?? M. Lob?nakv ?t ?1 . ? i.ty Cor? poration. i:jt b ??- 1/eaf Tor-aj-o C? . In ? . f-11 4.',. - ' - .?- - A - ? . I ? Liquor Co . - D- it! mal bir.k of ? - - 1181 '.'" ? 4. -|f \\ ' ? . Ir.-. ??'I:,.: -A 31 4 . | ' ? - -' ?. ? : . ? .' ? O Mi ? ? ? ? n so ?.. ^ -s art ? ?.- imltl Bti ?.*? Co: ? I . '.. lo SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. ' I I ? ? I ? ? - ? - : ;. - ' ? 4 I ? ?: ' ? - : * ' - .'t ton ... I ?HORT TERM NOTES. iMat 11.13 :; i 41 PlBi - ? - - - - ? M . ? 1*1*4 ... 1 . - . 4 ' .4 ? - ' ' 'It I . 1 ?? : .; i IB ' . '.-?? 4 Jul. IBlfi - ' ? ? . IS14J . 4 '- , ' ' t. s a at s 4 Mich Cent 4?a ? , h a ai i? t ?it Mo K ? ? N *. ? ' ' . ?i liai . ment 4Vi i *S n r, n n ,-. n .-, |. , a ? . *? ?- t-?*?. ' v u a p c, i - .i. ? ? 4 SB ??? ." 15 i Bo 4 I?. 4 ?ll 4 ".n PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. ? am I.- 4 I ' ' '. ? | . 1 tit.. ? ? ? ' ? i i - I I . ' ?-1 I? .. A. ? : ? '? N ? P - ? ' ? : ' 1" 13 11 ? v. *4* '' '< - '4 I ?I ?4 t. ', ' tl'i 13 NEW YORK CITY BONDS. ? ? .-. ?tr- ' ?. I March. IS Ml 'S". - ? 1er. 1S1T. .ion*? . ?t. i**?. -. . 4 ? .-. im?.. IS 1-55.. v. M..?. IBM. Il', I . S'a tnb t IM -1 4 ?i* 4 *J J.'ou ; I THE CROP MARKETS Wheat. C:rn and Oats Higher ?Coffee Gains. of a bullish boy. : crop re? ?% boylrag in . - to %t o?e. ?Short 1*1 mi ? ?1 a strutu deelre t.i corar N ? lah, with Liverpool <.uot"] ... rt!i? t in th" - ? i that the crop l?? ?? ? oi.u ti.'ti ??s a - " a* i ' figures wei ora remuli ? d him tlUOOghOOt th.- day. light receipts In* - it feature Trade was ?Jun to '?c ii?". !.: ? : . . thai Bowa mi sf -? t ? wcti'in si-'t. aaaall bsk ontlnned iti were Una and ths > taasasj i um ?? i,.ri.. x- offering! Habt After "ientina m Ognree ! -t.-a.'ily. the ? I B I at a i li s of (rasa I to u i ? tt for tw?, ? the Bl" ? ' TCTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. Ken Y Ifc, Y!.?v o. : . i- bush.U* ?? iln, I iii?. ... Is . i.utn. . ? ban ? i Fl.nit ** akt -? ? ' ? o. Iihdt.... , i, i.ka?.... t??ii^ H>i Butttr, rixir?. ? Is.. 3I1 I'hrrar., puK?. ?;?..-. pka?.. . < ? ? k-p Lies poultry, ctt ,.i ?bit . 1 Y- ; ??? bosaa. 2.7-' .?"all. t.lilt ' *?s. t>bls .. i. i I, bblt. :.. pka. .... IZt Df fruit, pkgs... I?-.r! t ?. Ml ?>r prunes. i?P<l. k?-Rri. MO I'al?tns. pkfB.... ? ? . ? . ? .Kit', bti I its. ?ackt ... . !?? EXPORTS. tab. ?.......! ; 1 - ? 1.7,1,1 "' . I ? ' . ?? CASH QUOTATIONS, t.fftl !, So I f. I "? ? ' ' : I Wf? GENERAL MARKET REPORT. ? . ? i.Ktlx - ? - ? ? ? ? RY1 Mali - ? ? ' NI \\ VOMI lin I I ? Y'.,l IM I.??Mil' i;i ? i WTO. ? -I YIKlUxli ? II \i: \\l I - ?. i i oi i; wi> Yii Yi ? ? ? . - I - . ? ? - -, I ? - cit? ? rn ? ??I III- . - to ka . ? . - - ? . ? ? : ? ? ?a. ' I M H i ? ? 11 h? 11 1?? Il !?? 11.1? . Il 12 ' 1! 'T 11 1- 11 H. it.2? 11.26 it.:? ii.: y ? 11 ?-?: u.?m h ? t : 1.4 11.311 Il H ::?. ? - ? ?i : - : I ? 114.1114.*. il ;: 11.4 - : 150 11.3? i'K?>\ i-niN II ail : ;. ... ...ut. - - U! >. I? ? ;. tt.. I.OV. 7 ? . . M t-n '? ' < m r?i\*.n u ?m . ?it, man.I ? *het\ . fina 1 1-jcal oonti, Y at? HlRh. l.,w Hoae ?la ?I BlfirT.QO Y . ?fill..?. . ? ? . - : " ? . 7 IM 7.?it ? ~ 7 i" . 7 "'. 7 . . 7 o: 7 u ? ? ? ? ?- ' :. < '.- > ? -i .-??, r?. ?'? 4?W*?S 4 ' ., 4 ? ? ? ??:? ... ?. :.. Mgg.?lMfg iM? Mitti> MarkM ,??i. ? I ..iiii.iii?-il ?m ?.l.t.'riuii page, iir.t ?otuma.