Newspaper Page Text
U. ESSUIE lk jj m -* from tlxteenth paga. N? ?', at Cergenfield, 11. t e of ! Hall. ? , 1 Last . estate. Val 4> I . N J . ? :, Strong Hi \ I ' -- I ? tntg $1 ! a nr, Y'an ? 11 ft 8 of Klni?* ? ? - Mi?'. ? UIH - ?". ai i *?V M I ?on ? ' i '? - t 171tt ararsler : 11 . , ? ? ? ' ' - ' RECORDED MORTGAGES. - MAT 8. Manhattan. ? 2 yra; May J. - - ? . ?.' iu- -; ? ? I I . lor mtg f ? | . - r\ y -4 ' . - - - tiatjna' - '. ' . . I I Prank attor - ? t:. : ? . ?e an ! ?* aeeh lBa?7; i ?'? M*.- ? | attor ' Hold '". 341-1 -, ?. 160 : ravej - - ickard ; ??strlal Hr.nt? ' May 9; 1 McO :i.-e. 51 I ? ; ? -..,?. i no-. ngai u ... ? . r"i ! I ?'on & i ? ' ? ?X? V.T.l'""' -.; .. H K?hr I ? ? r.uatantee I 1 - Hrna?1w?v. BO 8 ' Anril 7; 3 ? I ? The Bronx. *...? ; r?. **?< ***** Mi ?H ???field; ? ? ? ? ' ? ngs S ... ?**-?^*Hir ?ESKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE. "?DESKS ?Vag Furnitur? "?real earl, t-, , 0 *J?yle and prix v H-. ^25 L? ',! ??6.SELLEW " ?fBLTON ST. ?"**H *i ork. PROPOSALS. ? ?. ? ' ' l.lirat?-. ' ? '? ?? ? lie d< ?a. ili?' (-eW ? . b;ear-1, rt, tummcr, lit-il' i r?. .*4Bta ?' ? evet, ?iiif t*? n^* ' hortehldt. ? '?..,..' ', "v,.f r* Vi -, l.uun.OuO pri ? . ... lUoo M. ?il'.AV - ???. A KM Y *tr : ," S'ew 1 ? ? ity. *f| si ,' ' -alt, In tilpllcate. 10 1 ?ck. A M-. I?? ?_"' pply ??f at* ..'. mutton ??*W??tt:o: ZALINSK1 ' . .iriP'rurMn?! lao L** . a, win ,\: May 80 *"?kt(? .., Infoi mttlon f ,t - '" " i qutittrniitttr. . due Mav 1, ISfrS, ? p?r rent; A buttlier. I78tb it, in -- - ' Plain? rood ?J. ? ii ? ? a., , ?.?r,,-, | May ( * V ; ? S v. ; raap v m :.?.i w 15 ,i.-- ? -,, at ? at , .-?'"''? AX -" " ' t?lSt ,! '-"??-tl .? .1 S- lu\ r . ? \ ? -. .1 ? SATISFIED MORTGAGES. and n-lilr- - ? .f:r'i at? I \Y !?. Manhattan. BROA DWA V ? - 70.8x101 8x : is a 87, n s. 18 7. l'"07. Itabbl J M 1*1 mo, trui; 82?.OOO; at . - - ? 7*4.0? a i y 1. Watannan to 14 LU it. LEJ -, s !,..;, ft n ?' -. . ? 4 . . Ll'l 150 ft s of Ornad at, lian und Bett. . ?,. Battler, l.r.NIV,. ' .. ?. f|? ft ? ? ? r.- . -. 'lu - ' 1.4 t.jn a ? 1" ft n of 8'-.t it. runs i??,- I8S8; Louia Alexander to ' 4 V J . 1 I irneya ?t ? . ? . i : -. ' rust ''" | ? -14 \\ ..1. ?I I218T ST. f i, 158 ft y n ?; av?. Il: J ? r $;??..?HI . Am? nd. 118 The Bronx. I R? IB AV? II . Oct 1 IBM W? ? Charle? f, St. ? A ?'???!'..I : ' 10 JaCH'4' ? I., '? ff. !?r,n ?ve. ? ? to L N ' . . . - -. est?t?. - eld; May 28 MB? ? te? CO - 211 -' ? ?rnl I?. ' ? ? ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. " * 1 Man 81 - I ? jrers Title 1 n t?. K J J: '? ? ' *' ? ' Co; | ? : *1 I "??? ?1 - MECHANICS' LIENS. ! 8 t-n, i, ?.,-. II P V. rtirt.t S ' | '' ?1 ' ? ' ?4 ' ? Romer IS ? ... r - ' in II mtra 84" ton ??-,. and Hathi-ate avo 800x100; Carl I. R? Se* ?t al araar; John H H'- ,. -.,? .?V. 41 ? ... tbrataaa (totea*** ut ..... . I B'J IB v.-,??. I A- F rorbln. of Nerr ? i John l? i. ' 0? ner; Joe Il AU-, ,.; i ,-? ,. < ' '.??TH ST. . ; ; ? * of Fulton a?. -, Lrmte C 1 D r and cm. || Mil., ???'TH ST, ?20 '?'. ??' UT.liarn l.?v|n? ?ut Mai ,,-???? i . . 4 ? ? n); $8 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. MAY " M iRK'l I'l 81 tttmh F??lla ar* ' - <t al Mar, h 28, IKl?-. |7" BOTH BT, a ?. 128 '?' ? ' ?I?? n, April 20, 1913 . - - ? Ml PROPE I A Co ; 1913 (by bot I ? ? 24. IB > :- 1". ' AVE, n ? ...... ptaiBb. | ... Exl W'ASHIXGT. ?N etcher at; ? true* 1750 ?ritan Wall I ? ait Peb 11, IB ? i ME PI ?t ni i ? - - - ,?? :,.. ? ? . NEW BUILDING PLANS . Manhattan. - 44 <?-.f fifth H: for i II ? ? ,-..'. \v w Aato ?<n St Brmw.. 3-. ave, . - ? i .,. ? The Bronx. H WITT M.- ' ft ? al lia j ? '? ' i ? ? 87,000. 170TH ST. ? w riT of (Thai ?tt? ?-. I it? hrk ?tor?? and Bmu?emeni hui. 101 7x08 .?. . . ? ? ? i Co. IB ird, m :i. lecti | . iT, n ? l? ft - of N?pler a?a 2 1-rU ???un.--- ? > - ? Ed ?rartl J Byi Co, Ed? nr.l J pr? su!?nt. oiv:i?r and , 4. . M ft ? Of '.Tilth st ii'. Her'.st Realt* Cfl ?r ii Herbat. BS3 Baal 17Bth it, prest-< dent, owner; Tremout Architect Co, 41*1 ,: it? ? mi tt; o m D1 : AVE1 -i: IVE, I ?. 101 .''. ft ? of '1??'.K. 2'x .',7 ; s| ll.'.tb ?t 1 M er Del I ". Tr-mont ?v. arch I ten cost I'- ""?? P? ?I'THERN B ? ? ISA 41 fi ... ) 1 *o SSO Weiteheeter -? . .i''l 1.- i at, 12. uno ALTERATIONS. y : V I Manhattan. *??"' ' Y - ?? ? ' TSth at lo an B ? V, V. ? - 1 . ,, . ?,,??>_ ? - ? 4 ,,,,,, B st?; ta a I Minsk? .?*?>-. ;r --?! rt 1 ? - 1. A Stainart, 104 no. architect: I BOTH ST 24 I to 2 7 ?tr apt ? 1 J LIS PENDENS. M X V I? - ? ? - s :..> ?? |0 ' ? ? HON AVE. i Savin im of .4 1ST ST, 1 < ?nl|i, - - '- : ant t Ift.ft ft a of tS4th at. ? r. 1 * * ..n* 1.1.;.!' ??? - M i:-.?n?r I Max M .. ? ? . ? ? , . BUILDING LOAN CONTRACT. ' FREIGHT INCREASES DISCUSSED. ? - "f tli? I" ??? lions, ?if ??? - tees, of ?'- ' ? chalrmaa, ? - ti ? tat!? ? ? ? ?ten of th? - ? regard t, a it. fiela' ' ? ?? - Tu?? re ? ' of the Basten men lal Oraanli la the traf? fie bureaus .,' I lions of Nea fork, tU? hiiKin.i, liain: Pblla ? ? : Idffoport, v. rceot? r, -: ton aim -.tin * trsffii COMPANY NAME CONFUSING Appellate Division Decides Against New Telephone Concern 'I bs Appellate Division reverse?! yer-ter ! lay the decision of Justice Gro-nhaum In refnaang an lnj'inctlon to tlie Metropolitan T. l?-|ihfine and Telegraph ?'ompany, Whoso Bvataaaa waa tak.-n r.v-r oy the Kew York Telephone Company, to re? st lain another company using the same name as that of the petitioner from using ti..- preetJga an<i avatVl of the Metr?poli? tan. 1 'r?e of the men active in the n?w com par. y in I! I,? Sellers, who al?o was ln l< ' estad In the Talapoat concern. Tho x< tr.ipoittan Teiephr ne and Te*?egT*aph Company and Its co-plalntllTs complain??| Has laBsrs r*****ii*iiry was laming 1 Is for the defendant company of the j Same name and that this tended to con- ? f . .. || -.. _.,,.,. Tlri.- plaintiff cm;?any et I 1 ; ha.- outstanding n any Utotioanda ,.f dol- | Inrs' uorth of bonds. Appellate Dhrlsaaa decidid yaaiar j company has a right to nie until the business and Um | ' ms outstanding are se't!e?l The court ; In | art "The motion papers do not dlsclo'-e and WS ate una! le t'j conceive of any IS sxeept a fraudulent and roprabanaibla ons ? f'.r the adoption by the d?-f? ru.a'it oi th* name under which they have s.-v.-rally la ti.rporat? d Any other name would have Berved any tiotiest purpose equally WSiL The m??', therefore, presents Htrmg rear sons for the Interposition of equity not only t?, ri'dn'ss the among BOOS to the j ? tiffs, or -nine of t.'i? rn. but 10 P- ? '?' Dt n col tlauatlop of a palpable fraud upon . lie" ? ; INEBRIETY ALARMS FOSS He Recommends N. Y. Board System for Massachusetts. BoatOO, May 9- BaUeVtng that the pres? ent m??th"d<? of punishing iaobttatBB ar< .futile in that the peaalty fails leas heno? liy upon the pdfender th..n apea th?ise de? pendant upon Governor Fosa In a meaags to tha Legislatura t*3-day r.-com n ? '. ? appointment of a commission to in-.. ? . ??.- th? rrobjoct "f drunkei and repoit meann of centro,ling the evil. The Governor requests (?unHM.-rutiun of Y'irk ntv'i fun of having a board of inebriety, with dioerstlenary powet t-. I ir tie the drunkard or commit him to a tana aotony, so that his family may bene? fit from iiii? earnings. "1 am persuaded.' he adds, "that we are et prenant making no progress what ?v.-r toe ard the control of drunkenn?'*s ?i bfaa i'h lautta The nimber of ar-? ?? and cnnvi''tl.>ns 1? on ?M lucr? 80-CENT GAS TOO CHEAP Court Decides Kings County Company May Charge More. ; Tha ? ' ? tl i - ? ' . de* I thS iate of BJ ,. -,tn a thou ':, tl.? Ml i.arged by . . ' ' k I: , :.'-' f.-r ? ??nj'ist to the .... ? rata a 'nmmlsslon ? . : . . fair return Tn? ? that | ? on il Service ??? oil ? i Well ! ,, | | ' NO INSURANCE COMPROMISE Attorney Denies Advising Companies to Resume in Missouri. ? - ? n In . ' ? I he I? ? ' ? ? ffered, arrrv - ?.an .1. Y\' F .Ik. 1.1 ittorn? re il he ? . it -a WILL ADD ZEST TO NAME. lion! lair, ?v J.. May : - Oeerge W \\'< ?rtL. ? mplo) ?i tan I In t'..' ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ... ,., r,. ? I a letter to-dej eequ ntlna m ef tl .,t he bad fallen ?as r to a fort? of t-','1 '??? I? >'.irl?: ? ? to nie f.iture plane, he "I'm going to atlck to mi ' ?' IVlMiiax?nl ?W?OtTtr ifg&AOOO il/ lil**Ti'JL TELiWaiEYOUl? WAST?-?/aeTHIDUN*: t&?&Z&l \^^\ ** .y gjpfyaaa? _call pr.E;*tmN^ooo_: ? m?lWW ^_ BOARDERS WANTED. i 1 \-| ?-I Ii I.? It^lo.v With Strert. rgt frui.t '?.r mu |ant lentes; home; ?r i ,i?Si ?HOC _ '_HELP WANTED. i'.alc. ".'TH??Ii? a II I. gOOda that ?"11 ; i wue tha ., , I: ? L) a> lia i ?. ? nr?J_ 13 a dav, work all ?urnmer fur ? ratini for fret I ISrot., , _ I .'? ?First ? tingle. | YY' i I'ur'hd.e, j __ I k t.:.? ef tltioat m C. S. ear ' Btnl K* B? ... it tali foi ? ?biieatioi?. Berl il ? n f._ I MADE "M50.0O0 m five years with ? imtli mail or*?r liiitlnett; hetan with l*>; Bead lleacovk. ..'.'?-? . I ? - 1 ? :. 1' ' N V Female p.-Tur; WKW yona BCBOOL OF IICRI1Al Aeolian Hall, tl ???at 4?! rt -Serr??ar'.al , f.niv ateaegi ? u ,; hnniitr. , tf-ountanry and acslal amaaltlaa V U ! W'Hi 'T nirertot _WORK WANTED._ Maie '?ii v ' toai manhanlrtae" rea reara' ? tl er!? a ? ?. at lia fflO: ri", t Industrial Asen? y. 17 Wast 4?"d tt. i ?t._ ma? Metal ; mnk? re- I palie, plp.'fl'.tlnif nridi-retandt loromnilxi. | mtl..-. refrir? ratine city ?>r eoUB? ' trv. W'olt.rt. ...: ?'. MAN 'Vu of teeahleal ??lueition and ex parfone? ; hini.ix w\\M teola aed f?x..<1 ?1? tlgner ?nul inv.-nror factor?- u- v ?.rktl.op. J ?' Bt? Il ?x SB, Trll.un?- UiT.ce li-lilal?'. ;.. TRAINED Nl'I'.Sll ai ?le- ! ? of ?alunir foi Bnaland kxttween May l'I ilii-l ?a. ml I ' -, pix,, aef ?ta in retarn f??i Bhe 1 "i Bll eaparitj '?r rhi'ptron rompenlon or j , nurtt ??. Invalid <>r to a ? mid Kirxilv .?inwrr U? aira VY'. !.. Btraight, WaaU-ury, long Itland. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. I ? ?- I llWHIIIKIiv.?-. LOST OR 8TOL? . ? H mk, .n *' ?- ' it>- (,r Ne?. lark, eernei in, ave. sad uth at., i??,u?d A i | ? itlni th? ?uiiie. If n, ? da uf J un? , 111 be Lai u . New - ? ?th r.4-. and liih ?t.. Issued lu Al , ? :-v>n?d nia.: at I If not ret I Muy. Usa a ta V4I11 be li u : Ubi ?t f r 8a\? -?- 4tr, av? . N- -a Ynrk la ?i?vZ Im?. ?mi ai. are., New Ters Penraaot _?., - turnj ????'.. :k_ COMMERCIAL SITUATIONS wanted EXP? II ' ' ?- M l N - ? rnatlser, a<- ouni ? L. < lt . I. a h. .'-nt-uri. _ DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Malb BUTLER and IT8EPCL MAW.? Calata?] t.n year' ?' ??? ? ? 'r- B - - :'y or r---in on hotel or hoard'-iir; , ? ? I! ? ? tLET r??r i nsllata ?11- ni i; 1 - imliiMirUl A| ?_1_- M ?_ - ,1 | A ?-,.,iK. . *.,?? ! - it., rar? ?if Ml ? ?.-? RlfAN, u??fiil. Boot eh; laani. drive?. ? ? ?? - fi.iin Ian 1 la.-e t?arp?nler* '. 1 Ift4 Hth ave. . ???: ta; thot . iiv itaeeratai di I - all aorta wiest? pi?**: ??sai $*> to 888, H.ui-i>, 'in.-une Li-town ?.fin?-. 1. .... Broadway.____________ QARDEXER ?tuertean* Bt-tctis aoi-?r. *bm , Bmwer *' I ?nd p"n, r?i work, eaivllent rite ? ?"SBBBFa Ag.-n .. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Mble. HT 91 l.'-.VAR'.i- l--.?l*l'.n aa cook and liutltr, < I . ' ? ? *i ? ,? ref?rerirr?. l.overtnK, 317 \v??t KM ! lt., car. Jack ?on. Female. ? ? ' 1? -. M ! ? ! ' 1 : M \ ! I > V.- A 1TK1 *aa ? Neat yousn N or 11 - X.2U Indijati ' -mi.; .. '? ? n| Uei man; ?a ?liant pi norial referen?; ?:i?. ?-,.*, P.; M:?? Uof ma\?r? Ag ncy, 820 322 8U1 ave . ninth Boar. . 1 e._ 1 ? i? lient m*n ipartnenta, ?Mower*? (amiI) ?.mon I? ihre? paare ?x.---i -. intry. induit rui Wen I2d _ lioVKl '- - - for 1 ? ',- in i.- ? ? ?? > 1 . ite ehlldnaa; chrta 1 .4 . - ;.;... ;.i.. Para _ 1,11' in govei nea i two, or 1 1 j lueekeepar; would ?? 1. ity or I try Industrial Aaaoclatloe, 17 Went Sm ?? Phon, .'-ii" ' ryant H<>:'-HhK'.rrJK. |. reflned, btsbly r??pe--t ?bl? : |M a and hak r honi? or co intry; bl| 1 . .V4a>, _ I!, ?' l.i l.l.iTK I.' r, "r,.,i I :, || ?? I f-'i 1 lob institution, ?mull I- ,?e| ,,r ' 1111 ? Un.r--.nrl l> expert? 1 , .'. ?oral ? ? ?? 17 \\.-,i i;,i ?t . 'phono rsi.? liryant. ii , ; '.'. itRKER ?lo red 1 eta and Ifliisdiass n?-?'. ??????n->:?,,-... ?x,?i Iri.t ??-.'? r- 1.. . -. ,t4 or , n,tr> Old i'.ellaiile . 1*1 \\??t Willi al l'liene Riverside il"i -i'.K>:i:ri:ii -For private family or I club; experienced In managing h?l|>, rater a fill ? ?Kir;-- ?' referen-e present eni|ilO>? r 1. ' - !, fj.l! St.i a??. Entran ?? on irj.i ?t._ Ni HSU fur rhlld from A month? oM; eltht .?..i-.-.'. !.1?t em rdoyar, M. M1?i Fitz.ierall? Hur?uu. ;.<>3 - C! ?I _ TU., ??relient .'ook. man . ar; oat hamb? maid. ?aitr?-,?. rtt> -.r country, i?,th hav? nr?.t , las? referen? t-? M. BUM 1 lUd-raM ? llureau, ??U3 ?lb u.a. SBO? | Iranr? I1U1 ?t _ UA1THK-- m CHAMBERMAID foun-? Irtato \4?;i i,-, .unir., i?i, i .; Mir? Hofmi - . Ml *?>' . ninth BS-M tel 4'21 ? 1 B mar. _ ! DRESSMAKERS?MILLINERS. r?r!F:fiSM.\K ER --''?imp.t?nt. make? and r. modela; children's a ?p.elalty JulUL, 121. Eaat l.'ih ?t T? I 40? t-''u? ??aanL _RESORTS. _ MW y max AniH"M'A''KS. The Scmrni?r Home of Ite".ri?,i P?or.|.?, SARANAC INN (*OTTAOES AM' CAMPS TO RBNT il'i'.i - ?:. INAC LAKE, N' 'YV OPfSN?. nd Ml Adln ? '. ? .ti HARRINGTON MILLS, Mcr I'ntll June 1st, The ?lutfton. Wath'a, Q ?,'. NEW JEKSCT. ATIXNTIC flTT CALE?~ HALL Hi ?TEL AND BAM YTORIVTM ATLANTIC < ITV. M Y\ jiimt An i?i?.,? place lee s ions ar ?hort ?tt?. llena brleB ami ?i?"i building itooma ?a tult? ?Hi hot nid told ?? a ? tier in private bath? 'i'in'c ted I um'''-. li.-'r.s and Treat? ment? v. ith tr.vni-d att??n<lant? F I.. V? ii'.Vi <;?n I Muntger HOTE DENNIS .?. ?ri'.okin? the foeteea ? I xx!'h prl i in?? hut ? I running y\ y i i i it .1, lit ZBT HOTEL MORTON Y IK?,IMA \\K., KBAg HK.ACH. ATI. IN II? CITY. K. J. Oyes BU tl ' ??'!" Tin? ru! 1?. Bui tea wl'h rrlxar^ Mth Hn?i?iomi. v I :rn'?h?d. 'Perfect ?ani'ary nrranr.err:' nte Elevator ro all floor? Sp.-1'lal rat?t fot Winter 'npn'l'? 2.-.0 Mr? N R RAINEE. Oweef and f'r..nrt*tor Hotel New England Fo rar,.:tnt BVa and H?-a-n Private bettMJ ninnlnt ?m-?- In room? Blevatef to ?tr?et level Ban Perlet I ?i tettj US. ?p??-iai Bprtag rat?? Booklet BRTAN A WILLIAMS. flPar^orou?b - I?lenbetm ATI.? MTI? CITT, N. J. JOFI.YH WHITE a " MPANT. i. iKinnuu. LAKEW?~?D, N. J. I The 1<l?al Bprlag retreet Binon* the plnee? ?.,- .?;, Bf . ft i? n' Itt beet -T-nnit. I Motorln?. I'oatlng. Tr?|> OOLF svei superb ?tnl.a at the ?.akewooi* try ? nl lift M the hot?l?. amn??ment centrist ?it,? d< llghtful at all tin.-*.. LAURFL IN THT PINES rBAN? I". -4HITF.. Yiar LAUREi H3U-J A. J MI'ltl'lll. Yltr. Reached front K ' H. at N. J. KI'KIM, I.AKK HIM 11. N. I THE BREAKERS LAKE BEACH, M J ...??? 1. Not ?pel for Inspection ???'KIM. LAKE ?I ?I II SPRINT! LAKE BEACH,MEWJBRSElf Daattrablt foralahed eotteaea fet isat ? . ti n _HOR A TIO (LA VTOV Ateat._ Iggfl l!Y I'Mtlx A ?tu KV rtKK ,TN J Llteratni.? Pend T'iard raei r.?m? l.ouk. ro?d _ .,_ M y?-y( in ?.in? The Maplewood Y aie . TO OPE ? M Y 29th ? fot B biet and Auto H-?ad Map. ?nTH r a ?". ?.tu _ THE NANEPASHEMET xi \i:i:i I III YD M I K. Yl \?x<x. SB N'Tfh ? ? roorn b ?? cean ' Brown Mgr. < iiYMi mil. EDGEYV?OD INN ?? ?ort. red a M - rgNNsn y YM \ MT. PLEASANT H USE ?S?? S ?T\ 1 ? YV 'A H M _ ? \m?ii i -i YiYM p BteaoBTd Detetrat* Dap, Meant I'.n?. ??troiid? bntg, ? r??? ... I'?.? un., siiiniiiii ll.-lavxitrr \?l lr?. Ki ? fork N' T EXCURSIONS DECORATION DAY T ips Includ n? Tickets and M?tela Niagara Faifa B days. tlfLtS In Yn.iiiii, ? n. da]>. in..m i i> tla?liliiul??n I ?l.i? ?. It.BS I [> ?ll.l l' I nml.irt I ?lux?, l'y, 1 p \ r?rlt. ?I .?.. Ii ?Ml I |. ? m-i ii? . '. days, ii.'.o t n ll.?.l..n .4 du??, ?S.00 I p ?il.l I',, m and \\ .?-im ?t, .n.4 I ?x . 81.7A In Trd'?? Ttoketa anly to Holiday it??ort? THOS. COOK <5c SON '.?4' Bra ide I ? fth Aveame ft*?* Fit h ' ?? . -"?l Broadway, N-w Y'.rw UP THE HUDSON SUNDAY STMR.HOMER RAMSDELL H1 ? i H LA N D I ' . ? III, y : m I - LE ? V !> FT. I'll YNKI IN -'t '? x M '.'. !~T !"!'TH BJ '.? 10 \ M ??^-^??^?^? ??? ???????? _ CARPET CLEANING. NATIONAL CARPET CLEANING CO. OKII v I vi 1,1 !, lieg 1,1 T VIKIM. k ... . . t u \\.|\?, "l- all I. -Jnd St. A SPEI IYI I Y PI MM .1?."..". '?.ramercy ?New roRK carpet cleamso workb ? -? M? ?' Modern. FINK RL'OB WOVEN PROg OLD C?RPETE, I :i.! I, i I ircular. Tel 4SB. MDS B sal 4SI ISB West 4Sth fN ORIENTAL "" REPAIRING A t laaaang t ?... Ifl Madleeai At . t ar, BSd ?*t. Kef, rei ? - ? ? ?? v.??'. M n ray Hill. CARBSTL ''M PET CUEANINO ?'<)? ?"leant by c?mprete. . uir. ?team, hand or on rtovr l Iwey. 4.1 llaat 4,Mh it. COE & 1 ' I ?_I .' ,T-t'i i INSTRUCTION P'or Botk fetxea?city. TIIK nrill 117 st ||?)t?L OP lAMirAOES. Madlaon Bauart 11133 Hrondwuv) Harlem Bran h 848 Lenoi Ave., near IffTtfa St. Uruuklxr ItrMnrt: JI? ?.".?n UrlBgStea BU _rVhr,..i? i.;...n til th? year. For Both Bexea?Country. summer T?ToS???:-^;;:\"-^:n. \\?-?l?'li..lrr Aiailrniy, Ytliit? I'laln?, >. V. SCHOOL AGENCIE3. Amrrlran and Foreleo Trarlirra' Aeeary? 6i.|.?iliet rr?>fH??r,rt. T?arti?ra. Tutor?, ?lot ?rn???-a. ric . to ? oll^fra. School? and Fam? ille? Apply "' Mri. M. J YoL'Nli-FI I.TON. J3 t'r.l'in Kuuara f"AM PC ?knowledge- h ealtTTI W?*sw POR aaaal BOYS ? G I R L.S CAMP CHAMPLAIN f?;v'Lx,?e*.otrhan^, ON I.AKI ( II \YI|'|.\1N. Kvrn- ronv?nttnce f..r aatat] and ? omfert. YVutcrproof tent? * it h ti??.,?? gleet .?r '-?.wLiihi?, can..?? end nintor h'.at? .ill . utduor. Iittid and water ?l?orla. >i>?.? ? trip.-, t?. A.liroiidacltt, '?i.-.ri M I Montr? ai Beat ??f feed. Leed? ra '? ??i rieneed col leg* men. Tutortnr. ramp l Rlatance 'phoea Recereacea r*?iuii?-f! nieatreted beeataS tifin re?iuett. .1. (lark "Sagas, lllr.itnr. nT?afBSBBf hrhool, YY??t Lud Axe. and 72d St., N. T. TIME TABLES. Jh?T WhiteStar Lines ^/?ew Fitted With DOUBLE SIDES and Additional WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS Extending from the BOTTOM to the TOP of the Vessel Will Sail from New York May 21 A June 14 and Regularly Thereafter Mammoth Steamer 'Adriatic' sajngSSSr American """? Plvmonth?< be i?niric?*?oiithamptnn rom Ha- la is am -Tun.- to, .*? w St Paul May M. 1?J AM. J in? 27. J?- 23 Pdelpbla.Je 18 10AM Jul*- il, Aug H St. Lout? July 4, 10 AM.Aug. 1. Aug 29 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT New lork?l.ondon Direct. IT. 51?. N.R. M i neai - III Maj 17.-AM. .lur.e 14. Jul>12 Mlnaehaha Maytt lO-SOAM-Ja 21. Jv 18 Mir-aamaaka-May 81.SAM; J? 28; juivj?; Mlnn?:t'ii.K?4 leo? 1,10'JaAJl; J>5; Auk -J Red Star P!?^ l?>n,loi.?l'an? .la Dover?Antwerp. Rroonlaad ....M?) i" J*in? 1 July r> . May 17 June 14 Ju'y 12 \ sderlaad.July in Finland .Mav 24 June 21 Aug. 2 Iap'.ar.d.Mar 81 June 2? Julv 2B Piers 5? & W N. R White Star PIviTKintb?Cherbourg??Winthampton Ma ?'" May In. noon May :il June21 OcreanlcMay 17. noea Jaai 7 J?ine 2*4 Olvmpt, Mav ?.10AM June 14 July i New York?Oueenatown?Liverpool. ; May l.V noon 'MM 11 July 10 Adrlatl-r.M ? '-. I --- J i' 18 July 17 Caita . htiy ?."'. ssos Jas*?*s1 laiyf*) {p.lrlc . .June 8, noon. July ?, July 31 Ro?tun?Mediterranean?Italy. (reti,-.Mm 17.S \.M u ' :;?!2 1PM I'aasrnxer I?cp|.. 9 Ilroadway. N. Y. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Kronpr1n?e?i?ln f>ellle . May IS I.e..?g? l\ M?h >'?T 1* Kaiser Wilhelm der Oro?ae.M?iy 20 I -i-i Mall "nillng-? rrlnr FHedrl.-h Wllliei n Ma? 0 ?,ro?-er Knrfuer.t.M?i 2!? 1 rteilrb'h ?Jer QmSBB , ?I'm? .', LONDON-PARIS-BREMEN ??uilinga on strilllHI for THE MEDITERRANEAN H.-rliii . May tO trio/,?-. Irene May ?4 KOBtWar? rnr M* Kii.iii'v .lune 1?. .lui, B, from Bremen la IBIS .0? *4?r4? (rrra.a U >ye esarrie-O pa? aaaian la all rl???ra. Piral, Second ??? 9???raj? - ?av?tOoiaaJ ail w??i Oanad Marte Atlaalle service,than any other 11 ne ol r.;. j. a 0Q ,m. 4. ?...aari I ?r?4?wml S. T. CUNARD ?MI 1 KPEDITIOC8 HOLTE DIRECT VI* FlHHiifARD LONDON PARIS BI Hl.IN .VIENNA The fa?tr?< ?tramera In the world MAUR?TAN!A LUSITANIA (iueen?to?n. I lah?rnnr.l. Liverpool. r.ron... i irt*m*Mauretania ft! CaaasaaaSi juniviam. ? anipiinla. " ? 4 lam. ?Mauritania. ^W ?E?Ai|?r5?W tannunlu. My ">1.Muir. M3Ur6I3*ll3 , \ \?. 4 uri.nlii, .Inn? 7. ISas 4 anipiinla. Juh I, lam. *: ..?? n t call at Qiieenatowr. [S?lbUUa4 MEDITERRANEAN ADRIATIC SERVICE Caillas ?t Madeira. (?ihrait^rv .;?noa, Nap I? a. Mite. Plum? Sailings noon, ties ltli.eiary. CA?i'ATHIA..Mdy 1" mAXUNU.J?*M 13 NIA ... May 24 PANN'ONIA ..June 24 !;e,und tr.e World tripe. I4?b. Bpeclal thrvugh rat?? to Egypt. India. China, Japan. Manila, Australia. New /.?aland Soutn Afrl a and South America Independent tours In Uuroii?, ?tc , lend for t-ooKh't ?.'unard lour?. Agen'? fur PeaUwuIar 4 Oriental S. N. Co. In I nlted Htate? and Canada. hummer Cruises. Norwar, etr.. 101"?. June 19. July I. July IB. An tt. Sept. ,*>. 1'tera Welt 14th flfreot. N R , Offlcea 24 fita?. Street. N Y . oppo.l*. Battery. lil,Vn?l^:IH?!l LONDON ? PARIS-HAMBURG itrAimiriA .May m, ?Mi-uiKt . May 88.10 A. tat '? PKETORIA .M.,4 -.?a. i p. m KAIH-N llo, VIC...ataytS, 1 P. M. rHhv (?RANT. Jam 8, 8 l M 12nd oabln oaly. |Wltl cu'.i at Boulogne. ?Sail from n?-u pier, foot of 83d .St.. Mouth Brooklyn. FROM BOSTON Cincinnati . . Ture 7 Cincinnati.July 13 develan.1.Juna 24 Cleveland.. . July 29 X I'me ??fiifH/r? t?er tiitutional accent. moili'd.u in both If rtt Bad MeetM ca'>\n. Gibraltar, Naples, Genoa I r \l| ?.leiimer? of thi? ?ervlie leive fr.-m MH i'ii;n. ;i:id hi.. Metk niaseJjs. Take ?"?th ft, IVrrv. ?S a II inihurg ' 11 oixi Ton?' Mny M. 0 A. M., - 12 ' Tonal. June S, s M a M. ?i I-<-i'i for Trip? Everywhere. HAMISI l?i-AMr.RI( AN LINE. 43 liait. B] ' *>. a HKH.MLDL.N." the ?hip that1 nrought President Wilanu BOm? in r?s? ord time of 4(i hou.i. Tour, include Hotel?. Hhure ; J ? ?.-?inn? Lo?<f?at Rate?, Tn-keia interchaneeable with u M. | v '~o. ' Por full Information ipplj to A. K. OITBR ItKlln.l A ? u . I?, ill? Quebec ?i. M. t ,?.. ltd.. i'.i liru.i.lin.i . Ne? \ork; THOS. iiniK 4 BON, 848 anil .011 Broadway. .'?14 and SS3 ,*>tb Ave.. N. Y.. or am Tleliet .?sent. ANCHOR LINE GLASGOW MovllJ. LONDONDERRY California. May 10.10 ?m I Columbia. May 24. Ham Caledoai?? .??. ? l.??t pii*jcan??rooia.aaay m, s nm niter IIBIN. ?70 and 873. UK? ?.M* ? ?BIN. 83.) and upwartL Tilii.i? (l?jale, ?i.*.so. For Book of Toura Rate?, etc . apply IIKMHUH.'N HROTHER8. 17-1B Broadway. OLD DOMINION LINE l?AiL\ O10KV1CX for Old Point Comfort. .Norfolk. Portimouth, li i. n? i ? Point and Newport N.wi Va. con? necting for I'ct.-ranurg Richm.ind, U'a?n,ngion, U. ?..' and th. entire *>,a*.i. and *A.?t. Freight and Passenger rlteamera ?all from Pl?r 28. N. K . foot ol North Moor. Ht,, every ?i?k day st 8 P. M *jt> u W?OOI>ROW. Traffl? Manser. . l ??1RS 70 TOCr.8 TO EC HOPE. All Ripens?*? Inrtnded. Booklet?. THOR rO??K O KON, ^4*. ?Jroadway. 2?4 and O.'.J Fifth Av.. 2081 Broadway. N. T. TIME TABLES. All Day Sunday on the Hudson River Steameri TROJAN and RENSStLAIR luinrx an.I lie, realtor? Amid I'lraveunt Surroundina? To Foiifrhk?. pel* ai.d r> turn ?| (\f\ ?am? ?lay. l.\JVJ Ti? Albar.x hr day. and r< turn o er, t.y n.itr I I ?.r I ice ver?a? Omhm? m iiLin i.i le-ev? (It?a.1 down. Arrive (ke?d u| 1 8 4.". A. M New J.Ta . ?. W P. M. (F'.?t of ('tu.a 1? 15 A. M VV |3tMI St Ptot "? 40 P i4 1" n?> Y M I ?.er? ....'??? I ? 1 :to p M . . I'..UKhk?ep?le ISO P. M..Kittestoa luir.t i es i v, ft,in P At. Albany .. ..S ?'> a M 7.S0 P M. . Tri.y . h SS k M l'iuing Pgraata a ta ciarte. MIHIC. lIlliHOM NAtK.tTlON (O Her M. N. B. Ilion? hprlnj 1100 Fall River Line toBOSTDN?4? L*. Pier 14. V K.. ft Ftslt?e *?t.. Ntw V??rk, dally at *>::??. Ftra PROVIDENCE A il YMOVTH. Orch??'.ra on Fach. NFW LONIION iNorwirhi LINK r?a tew I/indon L? Ptar 4" N R ft Houaton Ht., week dtv? only S ?h. V> M . plot ?O ER ft F 2-M 8t. ? .1" P M B'.r?. r?TY OF LOWELL mu CHEtTEB YV cm ? PIN. NFW HATTER UVF. Vt Ver 2S F R ft Catharine St., w?ek day?. 2 i.*? P M ft F.?: 'JM St.. 3 P M Str RICHARD PFi-K Tlciftt. etc . tt 171 B-o?*w??- TrBBOtfOI Tov-i?* Ofhees or* ?t Plora The Yfw Fnirlim ?" e .... ? i ' n iiut-i'i.- Statt.m? ? Steel Bieaniat.ip? Qoorelo an.l Te"in>???. Daily, In.ludiu* -?uuday. "> 18 I'. ? Fr ..? ' e 18 City Tli'"?t ' - le ?. 1 Lpiown Ticket ? B MoII? rie W1 ?Vial ?l .-, btatt St.. ? *! PARI Twin ' 10 > Yl ?Noor?1em.Max- m ..\!?r T. an M.. yn?,_ RED"D"LINE T;\'A????".; F? r Porto Rico. Curacao an?i Vont CAB ' A- .1 il.A J ,n 4 . MARA^AlRi Mav II ;'' :.!.?. ,...May M t-u.erlor a? ? i.n modatl??..? for pat??r,fera. BUSS DALUtTl A General Manacera. _ _ SJ VYn;, .Street BERMUDA & WEST INDIES For ?at ln,ca and rates etc TIIE BOVAL MAIL ?*?TI.\Y| PICKET CO. Sandereon & "??.n. . , ^tate'St. N V or \ny -?t.-.un-liit? Tlrk? .tent. Great Western Railway of i n.inn.i 1 he "Holiday Une." !' at I ???? If . and uaefu, .Hup of Great Britain?Fi. 1. Kateley. <;?n Apt . 5<r. 8tb A. TO. New Yo-<. STORAGE NOTICES. Julius Kindermann & Sons Storage Warehouses. IMS 1811 ?HOOK AVF... Nt\K lTOTH BT.. and SHi-as; \\ Yl.r*> IVE.. ? on l.Yniil ST. .StfU-lHS. WKB-IHI t VENTE New York, May 3rd, 1B1J. To Mra T D Math?? Mr? M K Hran, Mr. 8. T. Burkhard?, Mr? E Ko b. iUataU at Mrt MKee Rankta, Itdaei Drew, Mr F. J. Frloke. f-.tutti-M?yer. Mr ,T Met?oaO?ag*l Mrt. J H?tteng11i Mr A Ml?3iitlt?achtr, Mrt ?" I'unteaU., Henr-> B Py. -. ?- M B?hm, "'.er A Q'llttman. Mr nnetlj Mr MeNelty, Mr. .5 K::- Mr H>. l'ollman. Mr Joe?i ?t y\ M ?<? Intna ??nt'T?; Mr?. Margaret N'eubana, Mrs EX Wetaa Mr? i? k tfnfr**ie. >'-r v. ! faj -near. Lud*Is Bauinann & ? o : Toa Bad ruco of xou ar? hertbt aottSod ? I - the payment uf our Hen ui n te ? r pertr here'.:.. after .In? t. .v ?: t'li-i?..' 1 ? I I ? ? we will rnure ?urh property, t. n't I Ml '. floods, Personal Effecta an: Mareta STORED IN Till ,11 in- MMM v ?i \\v a SONS sTOItlOF. U'lRFHOt SEM. ?, r IS4S-1S&I HIIHiiK AVKNI P., un.I \T IM?. I SSI WEBSTER AVENTE. NEW YORK OTV. l.v ?-..?; if In ? .xnr nxm? loi xou max have an Intere*??, to be BoM at pt-'? lle anetlon, acceedlag te the autu*? in - raae n N'.-.. IJSO-lSea YY?t,?ter Avenue aear I ttreet N?* Y.?rk rj HD t?'l". Bl !" a n; . ?and If th? aal? t'? I? not be rontirme.i *t tbt . N I - ? lay ? ? iinnlnn; .it 10 a rr, , ai I continuing until a ? ?r* ?. i : JULICS RIN?E1 Yi ? ? ? A'lF I.IIlFRTT STORAGE y\ ? . . M PANT 49 - It Kelly, 8 Manciir.-t Or?enles! ' ?- **> |; ..?> y <: liri.r.ner. Ml.? Pii'h lake a Company, Ke'Sta of ?Tu Dorothy sn ith, i ?:. ? M I Huntington. Mrt II Haber, i ! M Yl-> 1. \ !'.? ??-.? n, Mr? Qt - w i?? Vea '>Y 1 Las Mutual Furniture ?'.ni ?if Misa O W Ar.' '.m ut! Ml I and earh of you are herein ttnie for rhe peymeal of our llei pi.'ieny tta?rtlnaftoi ?- I - after due not!. ? thereof lia I we will ca' se ? hold go* i? and i In xnur nani? In the wa to be a.iid ?t p?nblte aurtion. accordlna ?t ?i itt m i li .? ?m tlon room? of YY m Plattet! .x - ??art corner 11th atreet an.I 1 nl' Ve^x Y'..-'k City, eomn ? I 20th. IBIS, ar in.."..? am. t ,n ?very Tuesday anl w> th.- teaaa pia?-? and i.i.ur umn all ;he paodja have been ?ol 1 LliiFifi'V >roitAr;B and WAREHOl'SB COUPANT, 48, 4.-., 47 YV?" i JTYPEVVRITIN? ANT TYPE1. RITERS VICTDR VKIBLX. fi Naaaau M '< it. i,..?* free, ?II make? taken ' "t payment ; bar a' ? I? tli'darwood? Reininet-in?. Olivera Kmllha. _OLD GOLD AND SILVER._ HIOHBST PRICES i ..t?, old ?told, ?ill er iiii.iiriurti. ,<\g harfrnln* In au r|o? KlelTiman. '-">" Sth nif B'-ai 1 ADVERTISKMKNTS AN1> BCBSCRIFTIONfl for The Tribune recolred at the ?'ptotrn "me. No. MfM iiroadwa>, between "kith aad 37th itt.. until ? o'clock p. m.