Newspaper Page Text
QUINLAN HW SPLIT; LOMO UP FOR NIGHT After Nine Hours Stands 11 to 1 for Conviction of I. W. W. Leader, Prosecutor Hears. DEFENDANT COMES HERE His Attorney Says Mill Owners Are Angry Because Strike Is So Peaceful, So Are Try ing to Imprison Him The Jurj in i'llUlH ir iul Worker .?!" I I agitator, - iiaru-'.l n itii In? King i lot, t-. ... hours' de? ration and aas lo? ked ? ->'<?- ..-:,t. in the custody ol the Shi-riff b) J clg. ?brani K - i : -i i ik? i - hung about . ?l;iy and until late m th<- ?.'V. nii.u waiting t-.t new? from .,; thai Ihe i ote st.-...i el? \ ?mi t"i ? i. ti.'ti and one for Attorn-- Ma mini ?p. I d the poll? ? ? testimony li H. a lit) ?,' ilnlan a*ai i d for tntjon, b u i. ? ; ? . ' ? ? e lim be said, The stiik? said ? in th, ' ,ry ..1 lh< ' mill owners were acting through I r?, hoping thus t.. . the sink- r?. Ma relll ojuot. a v. oi da us. .1 b iu? h aa "kill n ? "throw him ovei I apeel? ... ? i h. Prosecol Duni mal Work? rs ol ?ihe World and . ?es of Quinlan, ! 'i\ n Ti*esca with those <-f the McXamaras and ' ITU? McManigaL endant, r * i * 4, i g naturaliz? . of American citlxenship In his : . -,hm's motive i -? to Pater ? . ? Thi- jury e*enl i o'< lock, deputl? - ?_* o'clock. The Juror? regaled them I of fare ? - tnt, with t\. m. n, boat N ? 1 ork. ?I should won: ha bad? goo? live Shane. *. bail, .( After a * omfortable Miss Ell ' les Fly t. n an-i nt" courl front seal T t I ti led n? st ? , ting to riot " Artui ? ? Lawn nee. Mass., si - ' le Ti v. ' t back ? Will:. .\ S"iin, told :?li -- - be would i f it s - gel the ? fur Paters, n'? silk a*oi k< rs. : - - 4 thai l ? um? the, ? , : . ' ? ? - my and ? - MWD *> JURORS HEAR STILWELL Prompt Adjournment Starts Rumor He Won Them Over. stH- Benal -, * ? II. Kendall, preatdeni of t?.? \?\\ Vork f:ank Not? ., -, behalt La-fore ? lui y f.-r almost th ol time by Charle? C. N'-.u r.. t Ai ??. U h a ? I IT!. When tb?- Benatoi 4 - no vote s ? *.t waa -, ? <-*? 1 t._ t-- the promp I ? a? tt had .-'.'.. si of the i,.' 1 }nr> an- cOtUtOi '? 'I 1 ?nth Um stoi h , ? >'? -44? DIES DAY AFTER CURE Appendicitis Proves Fatal Fol? lowing Tuberculosis. thaca N v Bj i-. r Prank T Pen ? a Bl I'liia.* Hospital as ti,. ad to-d eft.T Por i! Pern w is se-. ,,<a Branch OfficeiS New-York Tribune rOR ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCR IPTION.S | 1 364 Broadway Bet 36th ?jiil 37th Strecti ,; HARLEM 263 West 125th Street Be?. 7th ?nd 6th Avenue? i? ? ??! WPS SEIZE PAPER Bf MEED'S ORDER West Virginia Governor Con? fiscates Socialist Organ and Puts Staff in Jail. HAD ATTACKED EXECUTIVE Mailing List. P'roof Sheets und Records of the Publication Taken and Type "Pied*' by the Soldiers. Hi niiiiRtoi n Va mi " \y 'I "The fi and Lahor Pi I ? . ' Rumble, a ? H m K. p i" m .-'i i ?m , mnected v. Ith i ? .. 1.1.>i i the in litui \. acting under or x'?i????:, en to to-day, In ?Major latvia <?ii.i i leutenanta Templeton, III p t?..-. of til" IV? Bl Y'n ?'Hila f?a .1 . luaril. An attach receutl; printed mi ?;??? error liatfleld ?"? latlng to ii:" strlk? I .. i ? ?ninl caused un'i : ? . ? \x.ii ran! autlioi Ising - ? i' ? men mi" ? ... ; ?? ? :? i ,u they be brought t.. bul ordei. ? I t th< i? > unfilled In ti <? . , g as i \ ... i i" ? men lei ? ? L'hai lesion ?? ?m' pi oteet an?! without n I i. . i loi ... \ IVh? a ti-.?. ? barliaton eld immediately i? I? .'-?"l Oi ai sti um, business manag? ol SI i um eras Informed thro I ruerai < L). Elliott thai ?t ..- sire t" pu! ..r bueinesa or preY'ent the op?ration If conducted pi op? Ij and . . ? Uta Sti un u ? ' it. .1 the ?nil ' 4 ? ma) op? tate the pap? i if h? -?> d< - ? . ailing Hat, proof vh? i u- and rm - ? ?i ds ??! t h? nap? r wer? ? i- . ||i ? ? i '. . Y.i .Mi :? ? ;..... ? liatfleld Intimated to-night thai fee an) ? us-?.- will '?? ti led I . the m ? '.lllllli.-Mnn ill ? Katie.'.? ill turn ovi itc the lav. In the military dlati as ass? la and an Ini ? .. ? mi ..: authoritii ? ? - ild 1 ? aiding and abetting .tort i.'-u.-i epei ei i uill hold under Chaptei 14 of ? ?rity. ? i propose to i. tain the militia ... the lira The ? ?mall, i. it i ?? ? VVh ? Id - aim ' end ? . la tiled ? . i i one m the Rlvei >i Held are une? i la ?? y tu-?-. . i.ii .... i . .- ?, ine Bureau y\ itahii gtoi Ma] I A th ? - ??f \y . at \ irgli la, e her? i . It ??.?> made b) Benatoi K. in hi support of his resolution direct i ? .-.nui.- Committee un Education .nul Laboi t?. m,ii? t nu.- the ' S< i,., l? harged that "Jdothei " i.. : rieoi ? .i ..ti- a di urn . trial b) .i militai y < mu? ii. i m..i he ii<Ji< ule i tin- ? ? . i i? : Hatneld tii .t the a ei In ? srltli .i privat? fami!) on ? ni the Kanawha Klvei In if bla ? iag< from ' "Mothei ' ; ?elf ilati i Ida ?. ??!? foi -v i ? i end sendiug him . chll rom .?i.i the military pi ?? . .i (?? paaa Hi? 1 ? ratone ol m) life ' K< at! llovernoi lit field He read Into t ?? i?.... .i .i publl ? h e e Ith lb? in which tint official wag quoted ei de? larlng th; t Mr, Kei . e lvln| I when I,? mad? certain published ?tut? , in-1 : ' 'iik.-. The t..i . ?. w. i ? ti led and i on? tirt? ' ..... ii und'-i a if th? Qovei nor by a i ? .tn ? .? '?'.. eis ,i . ! not H the ? ..... i i ;. ? . ,i led, of ti , '?oY-eiii"! "f a k?? ? ' atat? pro? lalm ,i i >.- > to pro . < .i In hla lawl? a? ? t all th? llmitatl powei provided b) tin- Cbnatitution" Senator Kern aleo charged that candi? the ; ? i wera ? ? run?, : i. ? Senat"! Oofl ? -enate I had ii?- evidence before it on which to Lus?' a reeolutl? ill y He n?iii..t :?.. t h .irti.ii 1.1? had i? < ti ieaoi ted but sril?! West Virginio was not the iii at >-t..t? t?? suffi i i .".i.. ? ?" ? make uee of martial : 11 - n,?t..f Chilton, although .. Democrat, . r ' ;..\ .iii..r liatfleld and t?..- at if" I that the i?t? aent bllcan authorities had Improved upon I the condltlona turned ovei n> then? ' <;..?,? ? ? went out ??f ?? ' Ha din aimed ? -?? to preven Bl ? Bald that he was will* in?' on* should be undertaken if <;,.xHii,. r Hel bed for It, but added t at th? Senate would eccompllab nothing more than would be dorn b) t >, ?- orderly course <?f ti.? ludti al procedure now tie in/,' conducted. \.? action waa taken en I on -. AGED LAWYER ILL ON SHIP; Wireless Calls Ambulance to Pier for Theodore F. Jackson. Th? odor? F lackson, ? ?a? y? r, i lgh|jr> served aa Controller Brooklyn la ti?? administration of Ma??.- llbertC ?'hapin. arrived here last .--iniUBly ill mi Ihe l'l.i'li liner ? fr'-in Havre Through ? reqneel - i?. t.. \. goal at eee an em- ? ? ? waa -it the ptei when the Pranoa docked asi night and Mr Jackeon waa taken from hi? room on ? siretca-er. i.f the la i sixteen years Mi Jackson I - ertfe have i>??-n apendlng thetr | winters In i'i.u" ?. Until his ral fr.?m practloe, twent) years a?". M1 Jackeon ??-h* In partnership wtth Juetioe ? i -. |.h u Burr, of th?. Appellate Dlvtotaa I In Urooklyn -, Wrestling and Boxing as Exercise Athletics Applied in the Police Department IS THE NEXT CHAPTER OF Theodore Roosevelt's OWN STORY OF HIS Eventful Life IN To=Morrow's Tribune ORDER EARLY AID ?AXI GRAFT HUNT _ New Witnesses Offer Help to District Attorney. i INVESTIGATION POSTPONED i i - Lawyer tor Big Company Ad? mits He Submitted Ordi nance to Aldermen. ...... I ?l.-tri. t Au,.i i . ? ? ":. ;?? -I ?tt? the 1 . tu ., new ? ? : jur?. M ? -1.14. how .\-r. ... for? iii.ii 4 ' . : ?u . r . . i.. i ' ed K i ? ? ? .-. ,ii \ ami 11 ?.. foi ser? ral Ati ey, and he 1 ? - rid? - tbat I ??' Kanliation ..i tali ' I ? ? ? ? . t wa ..-? ,.',..1atlv, -: ? ? m ?? airea? I : lb? I?' \ John i M. nii.-r. of llrookl .Mr. I ?u \ ?? '? i I' i with the .-t-ii imitlee, he said b? might bav. P Of I .lUle t., ? Ettori \ Whit. ,.f ,. ? Ta ?i. ir of the minor Ml thai under ?ubfnen i ?-'i th? . . I? t At toi i ??? and I ? ' ? :.,i ?, mmltte? ron siso un hand t" go * ? jurj Bdwln 1 liants a foi n ? a i?.. '??:,' 'i, ? .i- ab ' -?i.: ??? pectlve wll \,, ordlna tu H? ne ut' ? t1,.- t.i?.. pe ' Instrumental In bringing sboul lh< it.t i . ? that Bant? bad the - '"'u any s hi u it eras learned thai l>< ? ??? a, voting ? .,r hi? Urn? to the Int? rost? ? ?* rival com? panl? ? Th? dis? ha? g< i contraei -? m tote ettei threat lt?l th? ofo? ei s ?>f i - .... t.ii',1 him, the lawyei -.?.ni When no attention ?.-? i-..:-1. t-> th< a? lettei i the il lied < ploy? went to th? IMstrlcl ?ttorney'a ?.r t.,--- eitii - oraplsli ' e com mi Holdei Mr lioldsn sdmltted tb ?i be h ul .11.?*?*? r? i irdinai ? and i il milted a !?> man ? t He said he ?a m . oui -, i"i Ihe "i |*sn) ' i pi ? i ni n Iaide ol ti"- mattei In thst form, ss other? had done Including the officials "i the Licena? Burea 11. denied thai he i.uJ had say aecret meeting? wtth members of t be a Idei manic ? otnmltte. ' '? lar. ?' ti,,it t, ? had buttoi ; -..--i them and talked t., u? m at".m :' m a *?? h? ne?? : the oppon u II H< aal? li? s , !?? (lad II ?14. : m Oi Imm i ill man >-f . immlttee gestiona in the drafl Mi : lohten i :ii--ii no p."? Islon f< i the regulation n I ? ? I ?? ?I rted ? "ht' ."I??'?? lhat lb? i;...-1,i ol ?Idei men in?,l no aui i ? - NEW JOBS FOR EX-"C0PS" Private Detective Concern Of? fers Branch Managerships. Ir*a?captalni and es-Ueuten?nti of the poll - i " pai im.. ' will in future bars an oppoi tUI 11 ? te m .!?? I1' "lita!-.- IHN "' their axperl?nci In detective work, so* i ordlng lo J B?ttel ? i ? t i ? of a do teetlee sg< nc) Nassau atreel jilt | B?ttel said rssu rda thai arsi ih< Intention ..f i.i- Irm '?, open up branch ? roughout the i ounti ? sod the j world, at.,i that the snl? men abk I i hend?a ti.? mannei were >\-mt,- Bra ol lb? de|*artm. n< ' ti,.- t.?. enl invest?a itlotu bs ? d. rnoi - j ?Used th. i.u?-.- " h? -atid. it .. man a boneoi h< inger oi i,--uu bioki i- the 'Systewj,' end II be i> ?dtehoasstl -,' tx ilk i-iok.-ii by the I -nut Attorn-., Ill? .,nl> bop? B?emi i" i" to !? ni' th? n I: ? a m alii] i,a-.,. hi? ' ? ' aloi ind ? ill i? able lo take up some form ?if w?.rk Mora lieutenants isi ? retired in the last year than aver i befor. during a like i- i lod "We expect to :? i ti,.--.- roen ,|,, bu?--;. roi u? W? hall .livid,- ,,mms with them Wo ahall, >.f course, accept nu ?i u .Mili ?mlrched records?'' IMITCHEL BOOM OFF WAYS i Cleveland Democracy Wants Him On Mountaintop." i . ? ? ? definite aotion In favor ol I making John r.:rr<>\ Ifltchel, the new Collectoi ol the Port, the geg| Mayor o t.t' ? n at a meeting ind l '? m??' : " y ..iM Li. : luartei Bt No. 1888 Madison avenue, nil. ? were i ? I him f-.f fusion . andida te el t?.- i Yh Mltchel ? ? an.l ? - ? ?: In a hli h he tuatl the fi ... ... ? ' i.iii g, owevei refer? I 11 ilorsement of JH litchi Mayor, the n solution e M? I a stli i eopl? ira i .1 . ? of the it it-.I Bl '?? ?Il Bjtal ' t.. Invlslb ? ? . opl n en who reprei ? .' ? . . . ,..,, i,, i - . me? ting "f I il l ib. at No ? ' ? ton Road, t sent tel? ?ram ? i i. en ..i end re ?'? ittei d .i-., t.? ling COURT SITE 'COMES HIGH Land for New Building Will Cost City $0.138.653.45. ? e alte foi the ? ?? rdurthoua will City of Sot Fort | ry i? port a t encra tiled ? i.. ? ? ? i? i.. ?up almost ."t go and sixty-two parcel were g ... g about m ? ? tii > three iltv lota .M?.st of the land srae Impro i i and tome >.f it waa occupied by build Bit to t^.ix. atori? blgh Thi pro pert) owners were represented '?>"? ? ? ? a i ? ?? Bl ?"?? and Ii ?iix Idual roun ? i whll? ' bai lea D Olei 'Lu f. a islstani ? r ni ...n i...,, . , i ., mili ii ; be nego tha Th? ?".ni constata ??f i. "?7 typewi itei paget Tii-1??? ' mi? hundred .??.ir ? ? nna and the i ommlai loi ei i i twenty-flve days examining th? tu i? ir r. .ni ; ? ? teetlmon) and nl ? ? tudderlng th? Ir d? ?riions H >i v.. re submitted lo the commlaaloi ?.n behalt ..f the propert owners end i ??????.. gating on" hundred printed pea rftten pages The propert ownei ? arta ralued the propert) at about V I . >?.'?>?. end Ih? i Itjr'i repre entativea aubmitted an eetlmata ol ?-, ?.,..... ti,,. !:,.:ii figur?e announced ? ??? t. ..i ? Indicate I.ipromlee In the sett I? ment '?'ii. tii -1 Intel t apt Ion In the an ? st lUrthouee affaira o? irri Vernon Davis, of the Supreme Court, refined i?> n11<>w a l.iii turne II b Ihivid A iir. .n f.,r Inepect Ing and appraising the building which >>in ... i?!;...?..! t.. make loom im 'i"- court he? ? ii. caked :??! }';.'>?' HIS "IF" MEETS A "BUT" Negro Prisoners Poem Fails to Melt Judge Swann. a\ ;,,., ?tobet i i Luv?, ranee, j negro i.unk meeeungai InsTdeted f.?r the theH ?if li.i'?' from the Oeneral Chemical Com ?pun), of Ko Broad atreet, waa .?' 1 rah nod In Judge Bwann'a part <?f Qaneral I Seaalona yesterdaj by Edmund Leigh, one ' ,,f Dtatrt i attorne) Whitman' datai Judg? Berann read ? i.n ??f the priaoner'fl Tha ranas wars tartttea hi Lawrence ?lili?- ?.n t.??-? way ir.nn i?os Angele*-, i al., arhera l>-i?h r...>itn! gin* Hi- poetk appeal foUoara ii'. ItY ROBBR1 ? 1 * B RB "CK if . ?di ., reg mm and din, bloeri ? ,-*. ir m arlsti to be one ebon. ..Il mea despise if rou vise t?? be r??t..i and ?..?ry ana ...i m ,? ?.a?!, le t?. la the bad, ? ;?? ?* ?..i i if ,.,.i trieb lhai >.."r iif? j fallare ni?- h?. If \.,ii er Ith lo Le sennlleei ..i' ai the km??-. If ..n ?x n.:i to be nomeleee, broken, forlorn peli I? <t tha Bagei uf ii?. ?x i ir ...i w i?;. ?im' .??-"i '???.i ? -i.i.i n i.r ? i. ?? teeth. i.. ? nu? ti? therteaed ??> one half th-ir lent n. if ?mm m., tha gay muti? ?,r eurae or of i ...I if .n leag fer 'he ekeltet ?>f i>.?.?riiou?e ne lall. ?,,. | r?inc ir -..ur teetea dea'i ?mr.? with ibt ir? ... ? I...X. . ?r ,,,ii.i i.iiher iitxe life fun of brightness ;., . ir yam tara aal te tetare where r-iitcry '.?.tut ?. irs 'i ??? the getewei to hell ,? the n i.? .;.. it Bight ? H Ifl toe hnd." --aid .Indue Swarm. " yon BbOUM have thought of t'ms ?ailier." I.jiu.iu?' iijs i.-auuiucd until Monday., era mm halt m M REFORM ! Wilson's Supporters and Smith Nugent Men in All-Day Legislative Battle. I PRESIDENT IS ASSAILED "Violated Precedent and Con? stitution by Coming to State with Mandate," Declares Machine Assemblyman. i in r?l?grspb to Th? Tni"m? i j Trent..ti. N. .1 . Ma. 1- following -. I bitter --?, battis between the WlUton : and til.- ?Smlth?Nugeo< forces In the a sembly, th?- Soot Jersey I^egUilaturs a?i Ijourncd tonight without passing any? i thing that looked liK?- s Jon reform bill. I Th?- lawmakers will roeel again riesl I Week ami in.iki? aii'itli-r ait? nipt at , bringing about jury reform To-.iay', conteel in the House was b iar th.- bitterest that baa occurred be [ twssa th? i'i,-.-i.i?m m friend sad th? Badth-Nugent ma?cnine ataos th? lui foim light began. The lie waa pa?sad )??. [ tween Assemblymen McDermotl and laatthewo: the l'r. aident waa crltlsed foi I : allOgl 'I violation of pi-, .-.l.-rit a tin? ??institutt..n foi ' oenlng Into ! Jersey, ami Tom Martin th? Bmlth-Nu g? ? leader, In a i i>? ? h on the n->? >i >.i the House declared that he did not want his name ?ink-M "with Buch cattle" ..-? Mr. Matthewa who La a Wilson aup? i ? b al day long Martin and McDermotl kept up a filibuster t.? prevent a. ti<>n on any >>f th? bills, iMcaufM tl ?" kne** tliat they '"ul.I .? rotea enough to pas? none of it.-' rneasurea the machine red. Thi Wilson suppoi tei i bul not es bard a?? they might, be causa ?'-.? disert km ol Assemblyn in Ai: I new, "f Hudson, and the absent*? ol a aemblyinan Porter, of Cape May, left I thorn ?ith only fitJrl ? ? ?'? -. sin? I? m til?? n imber nee? - si - to pass Mr, i'.-it.r will i-- back'In bl? seel on Mot ?>? .i the I I'li:.m bill pr? dl< l -i- ps tliat tlm? Nugent Directs the Fiqlit. i hro n boul the .*- bob ro? Jim N ? ;.-? nt *?*? a? etthoi In his a m the i.,iridoi or standing ? ?*? ., -.?. m th. \- ? ? i Ivlng m.i-1 ... it, nan) - ? 'ind i --. hlm sell . .. ? 10 Im. up ..: tl II I lil< igh i '. m--- ral for the Mc n ,.it bill, Nugent ai>i ? . ? I foi aid to Italrd, the well known South ,i. t?-?--. Republl< an b *ss and I bad in? ueutonaata ai work with aoven Kei i mien, i ,.- ? i looked sa tho \?.i- ?? ln| to band over th? !;? \ . men t" Nugi nt. Bom? I and the Re| v . ... a de . ..;...i t.. ..!.; ,-? - th? M< i '? i motl i'lll 'l ?? , ,-if. ?.,??-? i*., . :.. id in thi of] ,,.,.. root K ' ' Btok? ? .-:?! I ?? i" i - litt a doubt ?i -.t - ?* was Ri |. iblli ..n Assembly ? cisi?n not 11.- aligo themselves wltb elthei faction of the l ? moer a Is, bul to atai I - olid ?"i ths Read '?ill Thi supporters of the i&an Mil, wl hi t. - admin I ,n atlon m< asure, rere ass rting ihla avenlng thai there wouM be --t leset four Republican ?-otr-, f,.r it In I ; ? ? ??-? a ben H ? omei up ??n L- -.n m ?ndaj Th- i-;?? n, i.i;i and th? .\i- D. wer? the ? ? .'"i m propoi...? t on? i-.-i.--i t--<i.4> in tiie iiou a i lot earn? I up >,ii aecotid reading, and after fi lit lew mpta to ami nd ? b? M? i - i mott iiiii A., laid ..:. th? table and a? lion oi th? Bgsn Mil ?? a- poatp? Matthew? ?reused McDermotl ?-. taking orders from Martin, and McDermott re? ? .; that II waa another "t ?tattl li?'.-? Matt! ew? de. arad be ??,.':'?'. it. Speaker Tayl t-ju.? u band in the squabble and told Mi tthtwa be -.????..1 tt ? to re. ?gntse him if i ? it. ?! larting a riol .ii itenn? ley a? ? us-M ti.. chair "i unfairness In ilngllng out one man. and sssetlod lhat the McDer? mott-Martin crowd, which has received m... h consideration from ih?j Sih i *. . more t.? Masna "Mandate, Not Advice." 9 ben quiet was i -? toi ed M. i h i launched mty an attack on u.-- frei d Ha said Mi VVllson had vkdated all pr? dent and also th? constitution bj U'-pait lag m.m th? ''federal orbit'' and said that be cam? t-; N.'H J?i~, .-t wltb wdvt?. bul ? ?Hi s mandat? .\ir. Bredsnbea i? obje? ted t" ? n-,ii of tin- President into the ItghL "Well, wa will leavi the .'resident *>f th" United States out of it, then." waa McDarmott's retort Mr Matthews) that tin- > nactlng ? lause oi th? .u mott Mil ij?' btii* kvu out Tins la eejul . i.-m in killing ii. a fui un Bcrlmonlous .?.''at, that was tilled with recrimination, in.- motten of Mi lagan, iu? ad minis) i lion leader, to La) "i. tin- table was ? . ri. ,1 t > a rote ..t :. t-> I . \, v.on Qovernor IT? l?l. i took Ma ? m the ?sonata when the Dsvla bill, which la ?tmllsr t,> th? Mgan Mil, cam? , i . Bon ?.i?.i Read tried t" gel bla I 111 sul -t.tut.--i. i,ut ?a? roted down. After .. lot .,f wrangung. sdjournmenl w.,* finally lak? until Tuesda) morning, wltb thi Davi? i ill .m third reading and Rnal passage, The House adjournttd un? Monda) ai le**noofl at : ?. i;, fore doina so, hoe - ? ??- ? i h [.leased th? Hennessey onstltu? t.". ai convention ?Mil, providing [or the ? ? lion m del? gates on i population baste "Jim" Nugent la booked to )<>r ISurop? t..-m.-i m?, but whether he will do s?> now remains t.. be -??- n FORDHAM .SCHOOL APPROVED Department of Pharmacy Exceeds Re? quirements o?' the State. Poltowtng an Inspection by Warren L Brandt -??creta) "f ths stat" ?3pard ol ' l'ti.m...?. \. ti,. I'lir.ihiiin Universtt) School of Pharmac) I .im in. m registered! ai.n fully approved by the stat.- Board of' ?Regenta The report sra? to the effect! that th.- Mbool motra than m.-r require- I raents." Oroduates from the Instituttoni will rtoa receive i?"rogntttoo from all atate ,,f pharmacy, aoeerdlng t,, ,( ??i*-* lui Interchang? agr?eraient Tin- I'or.lli.iiii B? h""1 "f l'haiin;i.'\ was "i" n?,i :.,?t Beptembei with aoventeen atudents it- -jurrlculuaa ptwrtttes r.,i foui , Birsss a two-yeai co u ae, git lng ti.?' degree ,,f graduate pl>arraacist; a ibi.v aai cosjrss for pharniaeeutlcal cliemlst; i four-yea) course for the ?!??- ' -41'' "f bachetor "f science ami gradual ate pharmariol an-1 ?? als ?year ?our?, fui ih?_- SHBjroS *->f ?iy-loi o? yiiariiiiuLa* : "THE REDMAN'' nu. \ YYtlKN 01 Kit OB I M?KK IHK VK-.T. EARL & WILSON -^RED-MAN I. ION?. POINT ( ; i ??it :j < rs. ?|.' ' CHINESE MOTHER GETS SON'S NAME CHANGED "Alexander Amador Kin" Better Suited to Far East, She Tells the Court. Juetlcs Page granted yeeterda) tin* pe? tition of Mra Yarii-i Kin. .? Chineas pnjr* ; ai Ian and ?urgeon, to have tl ? i m* of her eon, Alexand r Amedor Ben Da Bilva, changed to Alesandei Amador Kin. Urn. Kin eaplalned that ahe asp? ited har aon i?, g|d bar in the ad*ninee?nieiit <>f ths Chinese people when ha finished hi- sdu here, ami that n would be an mi vantag? In f.i wort for the boy i?. bear the Chinese nam' Aleo -h.-?lui um want linn t.. retain th- name "' in- father, a Portugu? te, ii"ii whom ihe was ? i i ?- " i ed in San Kranclaco in I Mis. Kin's petition --.iiii: "What ht I < learned about hi? father and hi- father"a relatives leads him to prefer atrongly not t ?. i. n h it ? m Kin has lived m the United Btatea for the greater part of forty ?eara and studied medicine In New \?>rk and Phila? delphie. Sh.- waa married to Hippolitus !..,.-,..i.i y. a Da silva n- a Brltlab citlsen, and had lived In Hong Kong. He became an American clthten in 1899 In taeo Thi on waa born i Honolulu and was -,\ naontha ??i?i when ha came t?? this country. n<- is non In a? !.i in St e Y'.irk. Situ?, sh- obtained her divorce sti Kin said, her former husband bad not given the aon any eld, and ahe was not sur.- h.' is still living i >r. Kli Is hi "i ' ( the Impei fang Woman's Medical School and Hos? pital, "f China. Bhe hai ?.n the Am? tarai with the ? ? ?rganlslng th?' h "f ' 'hlna "n her re? i ?i. Kin la a friend ?>t Mi Pi inklln Ma? Veagb, <>t ? 'I ? ago, arlfa of I r B? i ratai. ? f the Tr? si i ?r Kli alla ' bina tl ?? land of the hen pi ck< .i 8 iffrag at, i? it does not i?- let i in th? milita nt i I BUfl Bgl 11. . FIRE HEAD GOES PROBING - Johnson Begins to Investigate Mutual Association. lot lohnson ??? ? Pire i '? : ? ? .... nvesl ? ? Mutual H< '? t reeull ?if t ? ,if the two-platoon ll?- said h had placed all the Inform h- bad In tl of the Commissioners of Accounta with th?? request that the matter i ? gone into de? plj. T?i further the Inv? - ord? r directing all ruttimi ndei to fli eman n hether he b? long latlon and to for?ard ?? lista ? ' luarters. This i ?. ? ping ..ii;. Coi ? ? | the of! itlon a com ? la- ???? ' t Ho? filing, "f Hoee ? 'ompai In Jamaica before him i fen ro and nd< ?I the roster. Th? II? ut< he did not have tha lia 11 ?. t ? ? ??ti give t he namea o ? gates ??f the asao? latlon ?Y h< n the i o mission? t mm until h?> . Hoeffllng :? i|.? are.I i.? xt ?i.i , al Fin 11- B 111 ' ? ith it "Tht- t . ?? p .11....n mi slonei . ? -I- r.ia . . l- .-.. ? I ti...- [ cai talk about It In it ra have the api ta?.( ?? captain, Jantea i llfford, no? i ead ..f tn .. i the w hole organ laatlon of the Kir? Department .-i thi~ city PLANS BIGELOW MEMORIAL Union Alumni Committee Re? ceives $5,000 Subscription. Tha augiliai. coi iraltt? ? ol the t'nlon ? 'ollege alumni erection m. mortal to the late John Blgelow hel : a meeting ? eat? i da afternoon TI i aubacriptlon waa on? of 18,000, . icetved ii .?m Melville Hanne bnotl la Mi rk ii.u.i... The committee organised with Ih? f??! lowtng members; Dr Ueorge Alexander, !>t Prankiln h Qlddlnga, Dr Alexander Duane, Dr. Daniel Btlmeon, Dr ''s?.?r M !t"n? : -, Cond? Hamlin, Rdward Cary, l >r y? I ? Ra) m..: .1. Melt i ? .i . l?r. I,. ? iarke S< ? I] e TI ornea H. Peare). M Lansing Zabriekle, Lawrence Mead Frederick Towneend Martin, Govei lo - |.ii ' are) of Idaho, Kenneth Clara, \y iii.uin y. ton Prank Bailey, j Har?.i.i lllnman and th? u. ? W \\ Bel ling? i RIKER ESTATE $724.082 Wife Gets Bulk ol" Property?$10.000 to Bar Association. Samuel Hiker, a lawyer, ?? in? died on November IS. itll, left an estate valued i. the tranefei tax gppreleei at I7JI Hla i ? "..i i on the i state ?.ix filed m the Surrogates Court >?? iterda) .\ii Kiker'a wife receives t!"- residue ??f the te, which amounts to $.'.'?.'.?'.'.' Mrs lull i i: M Hai mon i d uglit? i. ; ec? Ivea Ii"-?.. and the Se? 1 ork Bai Associa? tion geta 119,008 ii.i hooka There Yx.r,. several mlnoi betiueala m i Hiker held i to? k amounting lo more than J"".8 In the l>u Pom I'm? der ? 'ompanj and had an Int? real if |..1.000 m the Hiker Homeateed Eg latee Ho held mortgages.?untlng ..> l.::s 129 and had 118,1)00 worth ol ato of ih- Ne? Fork Central llallroad AMUSEMENTS. TUAI IS H" -ii. W U-iwir) i.i ji,',.. i'1,,,,1.:.,. maus /\ m, ORAN? opium ro. To i Ii il ?i N 13 l.\ BOHKMK. Pop Prj m ??' ?-? CnU?N'? ' ? ?: ?' i'??'- -? i'"... MAY IRWIN !:,.'",.",? ;? ?rr"-'.. Y|r?. !'??< kli,on ? < arouse. AST0R 1 ; fi^AbiS?S I Sic QUO VADIS?? ?.Dl-Jfl ? " " u ?N i:i i IK?B n hhMU ,,?. , ?..??????.j \ti,|?? ? "?' ? ? ?lee i.? mi i il ... | r, I? BliLASCO ??.,,,.s' ??? ? YEARS OF DISCRETION ? This young man ?s old enough lo wear our cfotha yet too young to know win they're so hard to tear ? |)il'C(..S. But his mother taowi It's tin' littl? details that m watch so carefully. The stitching. S t r o ii g buttonhole! am, buttons thai staj on. Materials thai h*c *ri-**-j w itli the same care that's taha y\ith our men s cl ?thing. Russian and Sailor suits fa tliis voung man. Double breasted and Nor folk suits for his bigge brother. Then, boys long t ronsrei suits, youths' Miits. ynitn/i incus suits, in? n s suits on t( l)i<_?' mens suits ?is large as .">? chest. v -: I a o economy is su ?rut ft thai which buys Value foryoB You gt t your niooeV. worth here, to > mr satisiac tion, or ">''in' moue. Iitck. Straw hats. Ready now ! ROGEBS PEE. ( ??M?..NV. Three Broadway Stores at at it Warren St. 13th S* 34th k A M U S E M sr w .okk'S i i vis., nil ii |2 LIBERTY THE P?RPL? ROAD . BUM- BURKE TH! AMAZONS lxSii Kl Klin? l? ' ' ?anil IJHB * JULIA SANDERSON I HI M \?IU\ M.IKI. ( ?will?"*1 LYCEUM I \*l I Ml I?? Ml.Ml H. B. WARNiK ,V,1! Vm?< I Yl ? I M I III Y I Kl ""' ? ' nl MOMIA. / ^T EVE. H:iO/<North /of53\ CRITERION ROBERTHIUIARD HUDSON THE POOR LITTLE RICH OWt MJLT??. RICHARD l?l N\l I ? in;. O-Wt DAMAGIO GOODS iiYitiii- n ? SB ? JtcTfas/n/PiiHtC (?LOBE ? ,a ?' SB H aa aw ? i i.i. laaM ARE YOU A CROOK. I .ntiii? I li?i?.. ' ' *t f ' lagrllal Oattlnl Opers I ?' . p<,tp* CORT WlM ELTINGE SS WITHIN THE LAW af&S UST 2 PERFOSMANCET^ RU FFAlvO BILL'S?-.? PAWNED i.???A.n. 25c ft 50c Kl.-i i;\ Bl) BK \ I -- f8? *' *' '" _' DAI APE Thralr-?. II ?n> 47 Si ; :. ?. PALAbt :-, I,. ,, .?, ,,.?|x Nil.? ??..?. Bernhardt ~\m? \ ist?, i Mini: vi m .v. ***2?"j N.'? \roliin Hill. >., Yl?> IS, Bl* JOSb CHAQUE5MARI ?r?? ?-ii Lyric IHMKiOTKI?. '!?. V K. .".'? 7... il D'lj g Conrov ma *um% M.?'in.- ? 25 i :?"? , tMvtna M?xl*.*? l*