r Sir Arthur 1. la le] 1 't Ar-.,
Minister from Ecuador: ?' de Bruyne,
i'.?l. :i<?. Alfiyiso i'./..-i, Minister fr ?m
William ai?), n Smith, of ?
Mich'. p :i?. 11. < ?Ht? tt'lHliv'' . ? loV
irtior Otto Eberhardl "f M ? .|r
1 \Y';ir?*, JiliiK'f B. H?
La oi ;'" "f the United Btal Diati t
Albert Gk aves, U B. N.;
? \ -.i idg< Alton B. Parker, A ?
1 ? Kl- . Ri ; - ? ?
?i \Y'il!iarn 1.?(?)?. jr.
'?n the ;
Arthui ?'if<h
llaxw? !!. !
fr?.m Bolivia; Senator Raoul Dandurand,
;? ?odore E. Bui ton, of < >hlo;
.-,i ;;?,!? und w .,Ik-1. ? ries B
Miller, -?i Arthur !.. B? :
l?T4 nu. ' <?f Ait., ri.? .
Alim t r J. nks of
y . ::.itr lu Ixlon, s- rond l " ;
m.m ; Court ??? Walter r-> nnett, i ?
.i"im a. st. wart, ? halrmsn >?' I
? utlve ? ommltt? ? ..t the Am? rlcan r
Commltt?.-. Jam i y. I*r<
Maj ? BalUmor? . ?\ ait? r li I -
? ? .'..int
"i* Bl .' ; >i. Nicholas Mur raj )'? I
? ? '"1111111.1? i
I Whltt. ? i ??!"! :?? Prai
i '. -? i. Von Me: er, ? i
of thi N '
Lord y\ ?
e and I end
M ? whose elevation t"
? ~i.it.
h? cordially congratulated him up? , ex
him on behalf "f tl i B
? .
? aurai | sympathetic prono
? to which they had all listen? d
min i; in:. -. -t
?Other apeak? -
Walker, Sir ?. ...I .,i?; :
Mr Choat? ?read a lettei
from Cardinal Gibbons m which th?- Car?
i" a;'?- 'in.-r. Lut emphasis? ;
pathy with th? object ti.? din? t
in mind, advocating ? ? ti . ei ma?
nant m bltratlo i : i. ..i B
the Ui Ited B1
Warning by Munsterberg.
,Y|. ?
:-, met at th?- lin. ii
?n ti.- heard a word 01 ts
warning ft..m Professoi Mtlnsterb? |
Harvard. He <i? An? .1 f-?i them in
:-.-i thai th.- non-Englisti
somethlns Internationally ? s - ? ? th.
??.?n ?if i
? . ? ;??? ?. English speakli .
Lord Weardal? -.lish
I .ti.?--. ha 1 sought t.. allay an)
t- -xi xv I leh might lurk h rta "f
non-Ei . i?." and
la.?-' sa rrived, when he Uli
that his visit had 1
? ; t'.'ili
>.t' ti ? pea in which
: should i.. ??? ??
.irk'.nK thi : t of .-i, Ideal
. herisbed by ?\ery n I
"I hav?
? terberg, "which may b? .
? ? t In thi?- "*l'.r
1.??is movement we should endeavor t"
nvi.i.i ;i- ?? ...
f Hi
"Th?-r>- m- ;i numbei of foreign newa
certain dlstruat ami a cert
that if It
mint v\ ill hiiiiiT ai?int plipht friction in
the direction ?.f th? ? I of
? ?
? ?
of tl this 1
? -.? s to 1 ? frl? ndly
relations among th.- English speakli 1 ?
? ? ?il?!.
I f..0 sa?- 11.. t that ?
f ?i fron vi.:.r \ a wa, and frets a
personal conversation with Ml
I know that
v\ hat is hhikI I . bettei
ling- and 1 1 the
world. Mut th.- crowd ml?
? <? moro mti
la f- .-iiii?-'- . a de
-? ?? iants of this rountrj ,it,?i England,
. ..w hn?-- - ? 1 be non-Ei -
there air many who think th;.*
-iiposp ??f thus Yxhiil?1 m?.y ma-nt is t'i
.??in?* Arni-ii.-a to the sei of England
n . nier to ficht Oeri
"That is certainly s most absurd mis
.aid? and yet It would hi
rtunats if each a t es gained more
? ?
rentury of i? ? with England, uul th?
? e with 0 rmany waa never broken."
I - - w !.?? ??i. sided, aa
reply to tii. prof? 1 ntng :
"T'. ? point we are so Inn
of th<? chsrge tint a ? ?nnnot Imagine that
v itan? '-. that
??,0 have . pocketbooh in our pocket whl 1
ifees not ? . ? Tl Y" ? ? ni haa
y\y hapi
Qermana rapidly
arqulra that hai.it. T notice. 1 si igest
that ih>- ? >nts, which ara
to romm?****Mrata th.- MO ye.ir?? . ? ease ol
the past should also say this: -With aWd
faith In ui Ith all ia?
!?? has laid the
whek world under his debl again and
int, and 1 Otata that bad
hardly th? ahadow of a ausi 1? Ion hehin.i
them But neverth? ahadow of
of war, aa we
know Doea it not l? ? our minds
Mtant a rvlce that I body
1 ,-,n do YYith refi
?liiiK Ike i ? ? ? ' ' * ' winee
ton with this lirnlenurrert whhh .1 ff-w
people are now trying to Spread abroad
. ountry
;?n?l Japan "
Th?- funeral ? ' nini;. who
fur twtnty-liv? I waa . -? '"r th?
Hotel M-i?'s Ass-jciatlon in this dty, waa
held >*st.rday morning from th. Ckurch
,.1 the Hi- Tke Rf Rev
I'piniis J. Douakerty, Bishop ??f Jaso.
philippin?? Islands; the Rt Rev. M, M
Hasset! rictu ?-? n? rai >.f Harrtsburg, and
i?ih?rs ?>f the clergy ?rere pressnt
TfBS nonorary BsJlbsarstS vxt r>- Chatl
man Bdwari E M?'''ail ?>f tbs Public
.?i Rlddsr,
? .>??? John W ? Morgan
j O'Brien, Jamea Butler, .lohn Burke,
. ii.i- tie). I'r.ii.rii- .\ 1
C, Boldl, Metthe* Rath Sin.??ui
Ford, .1. 1 [?annin, Leopold Barsagnl,
Daniel Dal) an?) Patrick Kiernan
Special Meeting cf Cabinet E
pected to Consider Her Ob'
jcctions to Legislation.
Conferences Suspended Wh
the Secretary Goes to Ne\
York, but Will Be Resumed
This Morning.
? n PI ? Ti II un? i
Washington. Slav !? Racretar? i;
an s engagement to speaa il? ?sea Y.
to-night made it n? cesaary thai
negotlatlona between Viscount Chin
the Japanese Ambassador, and fhc 1
partmenl ?.f Btate regarding ths <
Japan to the antl-al
land bill pas-. <l bj the California i.<
II ; ? nded "t" il t.i-mnrr?
. formal protesl had b?
ted to-day
? '..i.-. - a .ii Li held by Been
tary Bryan arid Ambaasador ?'him
at?] ii is believed there will be a spec
meeting ?>f th?- Cabinet t" consider t
Japan? at ntatlona ami recelvi
d< tailed repon regardlhg >
Bryan'a mission t?? Sacramento, J'.
bef< f- leaving for New York B< eta
Bryan made an appointment with t
ambassador .? r '??.".?> o'clock to-morri
- snd hinted thai, following
meeting of the Cabinet, there would
another conference with tin- amba
it is th.- desire ..f the adminlstr
n. n to Impress on the ambassador, ai
h him on his government, t
fact that, despite th.- |ia:-s.?j>;.- of t
';.ii ?ami art. the situation is st
purely tentative Secretary Bryan w
l?..ini ..ut t.. Ambassador Chinda th
California's step cannot be regarded
fail ac-compll so long as there rema
tu?, material possibilities by which tl
itive act may be sel asido, (?i
rep? a! b a result of the r- f.-rei
iijin. am) th.- other is th?- possible nu
:. of th.- statute by Judicial *1 ?
it s th? earnest desire of the admit
Istratlon lo .'..it an appeal by Japa
for arbitration by Th.- Hsgue or ai
other tribunal. Thai step must sera
the t- rmlnatlon o( th? t. ntal v.- chai
furnia statute, hut
would be one Y\hich th'- adminlstratJc
api r? ciati s would be sttended with di
Acuity, not to Bay embarrassment, I
? the somewhat narrow limit*
? ommon tu all the k> m ral treatl
of arbitration which the United Btat?
1 v i'!i foreign powers.
Aa the treaty yy'I?i japan present? ?
many different phases, when studied l
the Hpht of th?- anti-alien land hill.
will !>?? some time before *h<- Depart
ment of st.it?- can express any d?finit
opinion on th<- question of whether th
actually in violation of the cos
vent ion. .lohn Bassett Moore, roun
sellor for th?- department, is makin??
careful study <?f the low nnd Its rela
ti?.n t.. the treaty, snd is not yet pre
pared t" say whether or not a viola
tii.n .?f th?- tr? ?aty obligationa is threat
The na tur? ?.f the Japanese objection
present? d to-day ran be only s -
..i- by mutual agreement th?- iatti?-s t
the conferen refrained from discuss
in?; it. That it is based "ii th?- g> nera
ch-irK? that the California act WOnk
discriminate sgalnat Japanes?
is believed i rtaln. it is not knowi
whether a rl latlon <?f the treaty is .1
?eged or a broad i barge made th.ii th
principles e>f International law hav?
?.????n disregarded. The entire <..rr
spondenoe so far had <?n this subjec
soon will i"- given to tin. public in th?
United States hs well In .Japan
1 Only 25 Out of 800 Favor Anti
Japanese Legislation.
Two hundred and asvsn n< wapapan h
all pans ?>f th.- country condemn m thai
?editorial columns tie attitude taken b;
California regarding tie anti-Japan? ?
tion, . - ?rdlng t ? ?> atat? menl
riven ?"u yesterday by Ike Japan Boeiety,
fur f??ur daya Btudled tin- ?ditoil
ala in eight hundred nswspapsra Om
tho aand three hundred editorials wen
v.i'h tue i. Ilowlng result :
in four hundred papera tba sbjeel waa
auagssted and nol commented upon. In
:i' .1 t \x ??lit; p.ii ? t s tin- ait'
waa diacuBsed seriously, tut ?-o
Judiciously that m? classification could !'
in two hundred and seven papera
-v.!it..r..i.s# condemning California,
commending the course taken by Pr<-si
fl, lit YY'il-on. e.:i?l ?I? ?lai in? tliat the
|TJnlted - i "t allow ,liv ritninatlm
the Japanese; In twenty-flvs pa?
pe? appeared editorials aupportlns Call?
Have 2,000 Russian War Cuns,
Says Captain Mann.
- tile, Ma) I ' a; tain i; O T. Mann,
..f th.- Philippine ?-??ristaUilary. who ar
rlved iron Manila to-day, aatd Ike lloros
in their recent outbreak us?d Ku?;siaii
Japaaeea waf rtflea aupplled bj a Osrman
fiim. '1'h. ?ni: t tu SiiiKaj'-'i.'
Captain Mann aaid sad the aforos i n
in m JOlO h ml obtained a supply
'ii:- captain asM two Uiouaand <?f thesi
rtflea wen Is tin banda "f tin Moroa
When they ri volte?! several BBOOthS ano.
mJpA '? ?* f***OVlng difficult t.l JSUtiltT
tiain In. _
Bell and Wing
The Spirit and genius of poesy.?Crydon Chronicle, England.
Great originality and depth of feeling.?Boston Times.
A subtle thinker, and one who is also the master of the language
of imaginative expression.?I'ublishers' Circular, England.
Virile and militant.?Brooklyn 'limes.
lierce vigor of expression.?The light, England.
An informing soul winch vitalizes.?Rochester Post.
fl. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, Publishers, N. Y. Price $2.30
V 11 II ??11 SI-1-T-fBBBII I -W.
Japanese Ambassador, who presented his government's protesl
against the California alien laud bill.
Statistical Measure Introduc
in California Senate.
Sacrum? tito. May I ?ne?
'? a census of Ih? Japan? ?-? p ;
i -in of i'sllfornls and fot lh. gather
of Information and atatls
the class and screes* i
th. m, was if trodue? .1 in ; ? Senate
day by Senator <*.?..>.
slon of ti.<- r l -
Th? Investisatl n la t.. 1 ? lade by 1
Btat? Laboi
the ).?ll, which ? ? ,, d< :i
.4 etisefl
Gratified We Took Lead in Re
ognizing New Republic.
? ' ? .1
w a*-' lagt. ?;. Mi Botl I
ths N
pus-. '
lion of ihe a. Uon ol t ? I'nlt?
In r.gnlsini th? republl?
olutlona V4iii i?- communicated to tt
government through ttie ci n????? M :
?rmstion I.? contained in .1
lived by the 1
late 1 ? Edwin
? d'Affair? 11 1 ?
a p? pular, unofl
? -ignition "i the 1.pui!
, i y ih?- United Btat? a In 1
1.. ? utationa of ron
othei orga ? satic h\,a pupl
teachers of th? Ipal
with American and Uhln?
paroders wenl -
queat? -i 1 he 1 h u -'?'? d affali ? ? to convi
g?.v.-r 1,111. nt and I"
ti... iT.'t. : State Ih? gratifie
tion for its friendl] a. Uon
First Payment on Account Wi
Be Made To-day.
Retains Mej I The banfcen :
! mie the t;.v?- p.i.V. ?
Prance, >'?? 1 man) ? i?''s": 1 snd Japai
connection with the loan of 112
?rere notified W da) bj the Mlnii
1er ol Finance "f ' 1 Ina't nnul a ?
?.f the loan
The tirs-l advance will be- mari, to-tiioi
Street Criers Summon Me
Aboard Submarines.
Nee poi t, it. 1, May ?. > irder t.. r.
turn to t h? ir posts Immediately wer
lssu?ed to-night to sil the enlisted me
of th.- firsl and second Bubmarin
flotillas, which are gathered In .Narra
gansetl Bay, s ith nine battleahips, Ii
connection with mimic war man?uvrei
Officers of the submaiinefl also wer
ordered t.. their vessels by midnight
Noti? *? i" the enlist? .1 men ashore cann
in summonses from th< atr.
: h> ?ii?is ?.n the streets. The ordei
v. ?t b entirely uni sp. ct< d and
much sp?culation.
it was learned thai the first group r?i
?*ub*narlnes, consisting 01 the <"-'. th?
<?.'!, the ''i and the .'??, with the tendeo
Contins and Bevem, will Ball betweei
s and ti o'clock to-morrow momini
uniiT "sealed orders." The secood
?group is under orders t" be ready,
i'p to ;i hit-- hour u could noi b?
learii'-.i whither the battleships, which
? un- under ?*oramand of Bear Admiral
?Charles J Badger, ore to figure in the
i Marylander Tells Him to Let
Senatorial Fight Alone.
I Bj t? !????-.-i. 1, to it,-. TrltMia? I
Baltimore, m.?> I lasa. U ?
ss-Attorae) General of Maryland, wants
to go t.. tin- United States Senat?. H?
ha? read repeated atatementa in Mary*
land iMwepopera thai Pr?sld?ai Wilson
has piCked out William I.. .Marlairv. of
Baltimore, im ths nexi Mais.ai,,! aenatoi
and int.mis to de ;iii be can to hat ?
candidats eli cted
Mr. Btraus rsqsnts tins, and In s long
lett- r to the PTOSldent, made pubttc to?
day, hfl tells Mi. Wllion to kOOg out of
th?' Senatorial Bght> Tin BS Attorn? y
Ceii. ral ?"??> into a detailed hi'tork'al
and ?.institutional argument to prove that
int<-rfer?'tie.. i,y th.- President In b B? i?
otarial ?leetlou would be deatriKUs? of
the i.eino? cat!.' principlfl of -gate's rkht?
und wo ?id i-oiiip ?T.iv . brfhgB th? chai
a. t.-r of the Ani'TKati ***overnmant, mak?
lag it "a ecntralissd and Imperial sya?
leui." with the PrSBJdSnl Bt Its Head. '
< <>iit i m ii. I fr.nii fir?! |?ngr.
in \xitr with
any nail? : Itain
had at Hi. time a .-?? neral tr<
i ? rould i
? lloved from an
to the m? ? lance of Japan, sn
at least Implli ho n
1 malnder of the con. ? ntlon and a
many able Eni
w tiellev?
??n ti i :h i'nlted
. i in
Initiative from Jana'-'.
it |a sorted by ... ?? In lg< - "i I
? hp mu, ? m that however mu? n <;t? it
.n and tl States may
? .-ii tb< m-. Ivea th- in? i ?
. ?n. ii
the lii.'. ?1 Bl '
to a greal
mal ... led to iho
? ?f Japan to n indica.? d,
i hi r in ..:>? ?a Ith Great 1 ha
i ? r been ? ? for the fol i
:. in?..le.i .,1 ?on lid
? ??in. from Jai sn. i< aas, hon?
? ag? t.-. accepted b| On al Ui Italn an i
the modifl? .?M";. , Ished.
Undsi th? cii
tlon YYIthout i< tu wal of the general ?i ?
i itiaiioii tu aty between ths Unit? i
States and Or pari liai
.it a time *\ben Pa? Coast I
to 11 ? Japan? kng Its? If fell m
a mannt r moal em h rraa ilni t?. ths id?
ministration, - ould nol bul be rej
., iniiii. r "i . m.a mom? nt, ai I
? ? ?i by thi adminis?
Bo much bo thai Presiden! tVI ?n
! has already Indlcat? d to in- ? rei
i of siat?- the desirability "f taking
? ateps aa ma) be necessarj t.? Insure
. Bui h renewal, and Bet retary Bryan has
i ?admitted I?n purpose to devote hlresell
Ito ths rrabjecl nt ii soon aa bs and
the new British Ambassador, Blr Cecil
Bpring-Rlce, return from New "fork,
where both want to participate In Iho
[conference of those who ere making
plans for the snnlversarj of the sign?
ing of ihe treaty of < (tient.
Apart from the lm? rest whi-h at?
taches t" "te new suggestion regarding
a possible settlement of the Psnami
?"?mai controversy, und Irrespect I ve o?
in?- motives which may have prompted?
On t Britain In its change of attittnl?
toward renewing the general arbltr
tion treaty with the Unit? ?i Btatee, It
may be said that ti"- utmost gratifica
1 11?m Is felt by the administration ovar
the preened thai that convention la to
be rent wed.
Police of Rome, N. Y., Believe'
They Have Murderer.
i By ? ? I? -"??( ? la 'i'.?? Tul.-?. ?
Rome, N. v . Maj I The Roma pollea
'luii.v, the) have In custod) Oresto Bchll
J in.ail. wanted In Hew Torh for the mur?
der ?>f Jena Hl/./?? snd Policemen Heanej
and Tears The prtsonei Baya ba is Ben
I ui, i..-. in.. twenty-one yeara old, "f Neu
y m h Ha waa si r. -t- d with t? a o
men taken from fast trains sn theli araj
Y\'.-st a detective looking over the train
rklen wat struck bj Un 11 aemblaaee
.?f Levin? with printed dsscrtpttona of
Behlllltonl, sad be wa a nl to Jail for
-?x daya on the eharga of vagrancy,
The Non ^otk police were notified an*
will n n?i a dot? ? tlv? t.. s.-, if i,,. , ,,?
Identify ti . prisoner Levtne ? lalma he
had nothing to do with th?? BtMotlng and
did not eves knew about It Hs sn\* he
la a Jew, although resembling sn Italian
in-- height snd othei mossursmeats,
clothlns iiti.l thumbprinta, appear i.r
reepoiM ymiii the description >.f the star?
i.. fort] Bsventh snnual dinner of
"Th?' llaiwi.'d Adv?cala*' w:ll !.? li^'d p,
Mew v? iK t..-muht at the Harvard Club,
No :." Wott Mth street William U Pech
ham, founder and tir.-t Rresldent ?.r "Tin
Advocate,' aill be toaatmaater Among
the apeakeiB e*lll be i. s Martin, editor
<.f "i.if.-": John L'orbln, Witter Hynner
and Profsssni ?\ A. NeUsoi*. ??f Hgr******1
Mansion in Lancashire Burm
Down by Suffragettes?Pre
mier Guarded in London.
In Serious Condition, Due I
Hunger Strike, Her Physiciar
Advises Her to Undergo
[i:.. rattle ;.?? Tbs Tri'
London, May II - Militant suffr.
t:. tl. s ?. vt. rdOJ sel fit?- t.. ami total
? d ? large imtenanted mansl?
mar i:.iri'"v.-iii-l-Tirnes.s, Lancashll
? : ature found scatter?
? .n the lawns surrounding the hotu
i.it no doubl as t" th.- authorship i
the o trage
Preml? r Aaqulth, a ith Winst?
' hi', lull, i-'irsi i...r.i of the Admlrall
lefi Waterloo station yeeterday i
pro ? ed '" the coast In order to j"i
the admiralty yacht Enchantress, o
which both ministers with their wlv?
will make an extended cruise In th
.'-!? dit? 11.m. an. '
a large number "f naval aidea?d<
camp, government departmental se?5n
ta les and rai'...'i4 officials Burrounde
th.- departing party and those wh
had come to bid them tar.w.u. Beyon
there vvas an outer circle <>f <le
? es 'o piotecl the ministers fron
any undue attention on th" part <?
nt suffragettes <>r their male sup
?portera s., great was the i-i? ,t?*? tin.
???'. ? in the railway station that an:
?ion by tn.? suffragette
MOUld Lav B 1" "ii ImpOBI Ible,
Mrs. Drummond'i Condition.
? tai Mrs. pion i Tummond
h. militant suffrag? tt.- |ead?**r who col
lapsed tw a b m Bow Btreet polic?
....tt during Thursdays roiuptrac)
proceed inga against the principal offl
.i of the Women's Social and Po?
litical Union, v. i i rted y? sterds j
to h.- eery ill troni th.- effect of hei
"hunger strike" while under remand.
Hei l'u v s., ?a n (?as .up.,.?. ,| her to nr
d? rgo ??n ..p. ration
'Ih.' Dal?* Mail'" m an ?- ? ii I ? ? r ?! to?
day suggest that th" suffragettes
they have Ml ii.-?it i..
? .'.oman's parllam? nt <.r
?? d ..n rir recentalive lines
i ? the '-? omen of the whol.untry.
Buch a body, ihe editor!
. lacklni m executive authority,
. ou Id .ii ??:' n.. sures, .-?ml. if it acted
with sal ' ..-tin-iii. vv..
? ' o Immi nee that its
' ? :..tis . ..ni.I not lightly be
? lisr. cat ded '"? ? ! i? i le se "f Com?
Th- Duke "f Marlbnrough I
Blenheim Palace t.. th- public follow?
ing the n t of an sn? n moi s i- tt.-r
? ". ?? ./ a Buffragett?
A National Pilrjrimaqe.
. Union of Women's Buf?
ia organising an ka?
mt tiw i i suiiraip- pllgrimag ?
<T th" set. ni.' n federations of
inion will arrange for i.
? r??in ail parts of the smgdom t.. Lon
?i igette propaganda will
be carried oui bj th.? pilgrims "n their'
way to tlir capital and ilio desswmsl ra?
tion will culmin?t? in a groat meting in
Hyde Park on July -.'?'> and a service in
St. Paul's Cathedral the follow ?in,* ?lay.
Mrs. .Millie, in Fawe.-U, pr. sid? nt of
the National 1'nion ?>f Women'? B?f
trai?e Bocietiea >" a manlftssto says of
i be pllgrtmag? :
Th.- keynote of th.? pUgrimog? ?rill be
the jovfulness ?.f s.-if-dedication to
great caune Every pilgrim will have In
her hearl a d. p m a ??? of r< v? r. nl hap
pll ? M that it has fallen to her lot to hav?
a i i.a n?-- of dedicating herself t?. one of
the greatest movements in the history of
the s-orld.
The Mayor of Windsor ha? recalved
.-?n off!? iai letter expn sstng the K
sincere regret for the cau ? s/hlch ha?
made neceasary the cI?m?|| of th? I I
apartments si Windsor Castle t.. vis?
it?n, The Mayor Iits been Informod
that the apartmi nts a ill be reoi em d
to the public wii.ti the militant octlel
tles of ihe suffi
Th. late, t form of th" Buffrai
outrai,-! s in London is tin? mutilating
of i be in'* riori "i taxk aba,
The Manch? st? r poll? ?? : sah rdaj
?j .Mr. \\ ; ? ratary of tho
tirm a h., h i rinti -i ti.-- last
"The Suffragette "
Voy?ige of Three Lads Up East
River Halted to Save An?
other from Drowning.
Willie Erllch, tweive years o
two other hard) spli it.-1 i ourn
to the i "ii.ni) a - "Pete" and "1
head,; v.T sail on a rafl yestei
tern....n s little sbove the E M R
Park, si 89th street, and began poling
their way northward. The) had pro?
? d aboul m i ? : trds upi
another youngster, who had been play?
ing OH the --'..IT" iv runway .
lint.-, r lil.s iv Ing si.a i. a short
tance ahead, l"*'. hi-i looting
pit? ind into the water.
Willie and bis cr? m began i
their craft toward the spot, bul i
denly strut k a ro? k and si
Young Brllch is a tbs i
BtruggUng to the aurface. He leaped
ovrho'i'l with h'S pole and I
wading aw.;, from the rait. Alth? ?
could mu swim, he kept pn wading
until, |usl i the water . ame up about
his ..u-?. ins pol.- reached the drowning
child, vi ho grasp? d th? ? end was
drae a In
I Willie, ' I'. t? and "Bonehead"
.ii!.L-(c--.i the unconscious youngster to
.. do? k ami tried t" reviv? him by
t aid" t.o tl? s while ?le y were
bus) at this s patrolman happened
a Ions and telephon? d to I
Ital for an ambulant i, The child
taken to the hospital arid revived.!
When Willie arrived al ?.?s home, No
H"'. K?s* 88th itreet, a Ith water drip?
ping from his cloth? . Mr- Brl h i ???
: t?. adralnlel r the tin*
treatment for such cosee. si.. V4as
about to <i" i. r duty a h? n .-? r< porter !
.n rived si the house and told the i1
?.r the res? ue. The trunk : trap wa -
? d t.. the cloeet and Wl
a hero.
Usad? ' i of the Btl \ . blj I
v. . I i ? .
bl) hail ..f the I'niv.
it N... :-i Eldrl
row evi to
Governor Butser in his rieht t
?srm ' i ?..- larfes l
Solomon Bufrin artll . trw
m<. ting. j
American Ambassador Told He
Has No Standing.
Mexico City, Mai k?Heorj Lana ?Tu?
s?n, United St.it i Ami sssador i > m?a,. .,
has t... oflli lal Btandlag m tl
ministration. Tala is tun ,i
? i, but waa
-t ,i-.i to-day by Presid? at H .?.
As i personal friend i am ala
to treat with Mi. Wi.-un, but d
i.. ass no Btan?
Tli. following la the o?!
.. i. .1 at in- I
Mr. >\ llson snd n leri ?
"Pl.? ;..u 1 I ?
fully Btab ?i t'j Ann i
diplomat having refei red to
tn.ii in.- government
.. ?poei i p. .o, ange the
bet? ??? n u ai. .
i nil ft s
.. : I!,. I.in- ,
th.- guv :
I. . -
simp sana
i of ti ir m,
in add
?All? '
and till? >
be i mi"! Bi
??r (?uro ? bai
pi. .h ad 1
. thou
'i i
.?I til?- I
ahould ?/lew th?
i \i .- ?
Ambassadoi Wl
n Meat? ..
Th.- .pi. >;.??.. ?? uui
ol tl,.- :?
rights, ?aa well
nui.isti ..t, ??
? -? ?I
Foreign Minis!
lion of r?esld? u; m
of diploma
! .? ? ? v
drew a I -, tloi
- ? .
full :
? ' ?:'.??
In t ? .
? n had beei
by tl
-. to the loa
i-'or h? olsm in I
? ? ral si ?n. i YY sido ?
patrolnifi' at Poll
?.?f tl J
was given I
? the Far B
? ?? latlon, ? \ A.
. . . ? prrstdent
? a i
Is a necessary?a vital quality.
Some have read the announcements
of the New Jersey Central's Fast
Hourly Service to Philadelphia?yet
have not decided to try it.
Others have decided to ? Result:
They always use it. That's the
reason behind the steadily increasing
travel on these trains.
Decde to try it and remember "Your
Watch is Your Time Table!"
Trains from Liberty Street every hour
on the hour from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M.,
and at midnight; 10 minutes of the
hour from W. 23rd Street.