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I BY Discoverer of Turtle Germ Smiles Benignly When He Reads Report on Cure by U. S. Sur?jeons. MORITZ EISNER EXPLAINS Purchaser of Rights to Sell Treatment Says the Berlin Doctor Will Issue a Signed Statement To-day TrIEDMAIMN REJECTED IN TUBERCULOSIS MEETING. tvlni ? was on ven ngtoi ' ? ? Stud) and Wrife*a Widespread publieit) his bee" q ven to the claima of an all?g?e care for tuberculosis. Resolved That there is no infor? mation before the National Associa? tion for thfl Study and Prevention of Tubercjios 5 to justify the bel ef that any specific cure for tubercu? losis Has Dien discovered v\hich de ?e'ves the confidence of the medica' profession or the people, and Retoiver- That it is the duty of thi pjfci c to continue unabated all the presen*, ??veil tried agences for the treatment and prevention of tu? b??eu - ? s l" edri h FYam F-a-ilmanr wa? dieturbed yesterday when he heard of the report mad? his "cure" by l"i ted states Burgeons And. - inri StimSOn to the Nation. Asso tion for thf Btudy and ? Taber ?nden and Dr. son havo ring in? .mt^nt tests "f th< _-erm lemedy In the hoi thli thi othei Elsne \ aWft^LW ? W%?oW> See America's ONLY Geyserland YELLOWSTONE PARK and PACIFIC COAST TRIPS Northern Pacific Ry $Q7 From Chicago < .-orrespor T 84 nglv low far? from New Yort 1 Pr-MB St P-ajl ?nd 2 Minneapolis T" Yellowstone r?rk bbmI return, vlfl G?nimet. Mont . vvith mmpl... tripof 6 davs in Ihr Purk, inrhiding ?taga t'P-4?|v>r. tion, 1" meal? and S night? 1'igng a* Yellowstone P?rk Hotels. %\ f\A 75 9r"tr\ Chicago (?BOT IV X re.pondinglv 1 ?w S) farr? from N??w Y'?rk - $Q*T.65 Fron- St Paul ?nrl ?Z7 / M-Tineapoll? ? To Yallowaione P?rki via G?rdin-r. Mor.'ana. returning via Yellowstone. Mor.ranr, *e?.tern gatewa- through Colorad' . with trip of lour d?y? ?n the Park. ir,:!uding ?tage traniportation. 10 meal? ?nd I night? lodging at Yel low?tmie Park Hotel?. Other trip? ?t aur.ilarly low rates. $65 Prom Chicago (correapon.! mg!y low farea from New York SB"** From St Pau and iJij Minneapolia? To North Pacific Coaal ?nd return on certain dates in June and July. NORTHERN PACIFIC is only line to Gardiner Qarte? Bray, rriginal and northern en* ?trat - to Yellowstone Park. FSrSBISlh ronductrd excursions tn and 9roat>i the I'ark from Chicago, St faul ltd M anaapottl ?-aci week. Throuth sleep tut tOTt, Make rttrrvatirmr tarty. Bookl-t? fr?re. Let me help you plan jroui trip? Hr.H'n* ftt, L?; BB --. Sir *-??-? hew tons Gas and Coal Combination Beebe Ranges Janes & Kirtland BaTII \ni.Kis4. 133-135 West ?44th Street PARKER'S ?, HAIR BALSAW f 1.? ? ttA beaotifie? Hi? baa. 1 1, ? '.I .- ?: I I' ??? **e??r Fail? to Restore Ofay H?ir to It? y on thf ul Colot. l'r*.???nt? hair f&llli ry- ?n<l ?I or. ?r lTji?rj FORMER INSPECTORS ON W \Y TO PRISON. \n 1. Sweetie) . No J. Mutt ha; So 3. Thompson; N?> 4. Husse; a ?. i... ni iv t. doctor a cl I !J.".,?hsi t,,i hia -? ? wa? il- mad? exiui . ?x ?. ; hing but n th? government do? Fnedmann It All Smiles When seen hu | at thi Ma 1 tic the turtle K- n wai smiles To thai pari .?f I >r. An? sor. s- address t w hich he said i 'acts thus lai obsei -'?I do )U8tif] th. e rem >? hich ha> been inspir? u . - t th? . rill? i- ni in? am n. ? the ? . bel Friedmann said h? i ad o? : ? Moi reai .... ? ? a e Dr. Fri? dm Im And : m therm ?-mm- iftei nlj th? h? ndlln? ? thai ai ? ? ??!' Ilif-ll I i on the sntsgonism si m< dl ... . Bk< yr. . doi '?? metnb? i i n that ?i ; ? ? ? rst ?" Admits It Is No Specific I u ? ? i. ? i msde ? laim that the turtle b ? and added that the plan atribu? a ? otntnei YY', are goini ? .... ? ? ? ? e wl ' ?? ?i il w e i waa Mi. nei ? ; ?. ? ? from Canada < mornii In i ommunict ?.??i first with List ben v. n mson. r.isn-1 ? -?al th'- ? ? the eil ng nt "1 will not let luin talk." a lo-moi tatemen! ? o'clock yeatei ften non M ? had not arrived In Ne? York. Ta '?. anei a aa found *t th Man stn waiting ior l" Frledraann I - ton M"-iuta when goi Lernoon. M ? , : t.. B?\ III ism the fa? t the I ? ? O u;- ? Ing oui ii??xi t?> i ?i Friedm his new post not Pot h 1er's friend, Captain Aria.:? of thi ? oai I artlllcr; Rhod? lalari Nations Guard. Mr. Arnold said i y? ould sink at ound foi a f? a* da iak? the do? toi l a? k t" l*r?? id? t " vYith him, bt ? ".?? ? mu h Inti rest? d In he g i F. F. I m.- Lltut? establishi d in hi ? Donald Dal a ited li Ml mil?i Hospital on March 1 for bone tubei Is ?>> i -r. i ri? d waa removed from the bospitu :esterday. Thi lift:, boj i n ?? s as 1 " ?n the fact ths th? > were not aatisfled with the prog if-sfc "i th? boj Donald ws gov? niii.? nt su] Never Mot Piorko-vaUy. i >r Friedm mi denied ??? hai i \ ? ????i aasoclated with Di Plork ? who, acc?o**d1ng t" foreign dlspatchei claims that Dr. Prtedmann w?orked li hi? labora">r> In Berlin som? ?,K. i ?r ***iiedmann said ho ?? ., ,,rr?, reporta thai th?* Plor koa ? k* germa wei ** rival h er, ? ommsntlng on Plorkowskj ?nid that imitators would V-BIT natui ally b?'f?in now to oome to the front He ma?!?- n?. r?f?ren?a, however, to ih. suits Instituted som?? years atr.. against in - oosnpeny, in whl? i. he wot by a lud???- of the United St.". i Di? trtr-t Court for putting up Hunjradl MatySB In b'-ttlr*? bo similar to Hun -,, ,,. . ?? ?? th? casual pin ? hs ? i "The Medical Record*' In an editorial in to-day's Issus 'alls sttention '?> the (liai then no f? deral law thai can reach tho sstabliahment of Ftk d mann institutes In the thin .-1 .t? s which an Bald to bt coi i n ?i bj ths Frledmann Blamn contract i< rails on the Individuel Btatea to iak. action REPORT ADVERSE TO FRIEDMANiYS "CURE" Federal Physicians Conducting Official Tests Find No Reason for Confidence in Serum. ! I'roni TBS Trihur. Mur?-?u I Washington, Ifaj B Dr. P*rledrlch| f'raii/ Frledmann and in1- refiuted , "eure" for tuberculoeii wen crltlclaed, if not ? ondf-niiHii. in a report by i'r .John I. Aii'Its , ,,f ,|?. initf-d Btatea Public H?satth .Service, mad?- to-ds is the convention of thr National Asso? on i Tub? r. i i.'- la, "We ,-i-e in a position to state I the effects thus far obaerved do justifv the confdence m the rem which has been .nspired bv wideipr publicity." I of the Publ i i ng loan i-hv bI i ? ' h I ?? \e i I a it l- with th< - rn full n|i| . ? Bate er Th? u - ; ? Hull 1 . .Ills"I. V the Secreta i e Tr? asur) ? S the m ? l| full hist m of Imann ? m , the '< State?. Ii I s - Confidence Not Warranted - much - t*? plague" i ? ; ? ? ?? prepai lion, and, on th? ? -- ' ' : ' It. our op r I as It I sons In ? ? ? .?nd we ^rt constrained to a viae agamit any leisenmq of thoie * ??now- measures avhieh have not on effected euros but which have reduc the incidence of the du,eaae " i ? ? to keep his : '? It beim ? i: H.? d lacas? of con1 . . th? Depertm. ne to Am. ? i 'lit I'ri. epai | tion an.] adminl ami n - effects on patl< ??? ntatlvea of I ? P Health Sei ? ? . ' ,. . ' ?* illingnee? to pla< ? .,' tl : such .r th? fac? ind ami aft ... ? Kept Bad? A ? ho \va not v?. tiling i" re? i al th?. di I . ..mrai lalned In ins pr? ? nden. e "In oui ? ? ? mann bas of the iiitrani ia lai m? thod ?? Ion? u pulmonar; ? : able proportion of thei nitrate .?t ol oi hav? Buffered from '?> scess forma tions. Ii Is ??'. ident, then f"i i thai onslderable portion of I o.a expect t. ? tmenl the hands of I ?r. Kri. dmann tc ? ? ? .. ong period. B th? Tlllt te ... ? ntfl i*- undei era; Th< ? :.,, .. n found i" be an s ganlsm hat n| proi erti? ? q lit? differ <nt from those of any tubercul? bacil lui a Ith hi. h w. .?i ?? ,?i lualnted. u appears i" be Identical with an ..r^.n Tivat..?1 from S l"W lOOpful? ..I th?- mstei ? sed tot In }eci l< : i ,. dmonn permitted us to place ?m culture medk In his presa i ? \v. req ?> Bted Dr, Frlexlmann to f i: iush us with a large amounl ??f this h, ... i lal fee examination bul this he I, , ,i,-i lined i" do. VT? ca? howeier, that iiv ,iik; acid fas are being "? i'" ;*''1 bj ?h? Intrem lai .nui Intravenous method, alth? vv. are leT" ? -r.? n I of what ni.'ilnitn thO) are suspei i bai sddli Bubatan? - o? substan ? i bm an tain??i in th? final mlxtur? The board found ?ha> "*"'? . ondlllona Imponed |! would ha ? ?.,? portunll on ;,, it id ?? ? ull in of the bacteria -a d to bi used In ?om? n i. b) Dr. Prledmann |" the on paratton of hi*- treatment, W tatst Its path?*- I ??enicttj on the i"*-*' i animals i,( ah Berve th?- effect of treatmi ni b? him \ at tuberculosis patients with his On? ' .-I'd remedy. These limitations the Investigators found nsatisfi tor) from I in? m i? null. Maii'li"1' ' Investigation to Continue. The boya raaaani m-. e?i it--.u. . ? ,,.,.. finished, as th?' tssts being conducted m th.- hygt?nl. laliswtorj her? ?n.j the e persoi win i.ntinui 'I'li? li? arlng the r.rt h i " adopt? d r? ? la t Ion i,. - ? rmai Ion l< th? . ? ? ? ill? The a ?so? latioi re? 01 tha? Ihe ? - ? m- ? ? ? ? ' ? l'tiarl? \. *a s e rmai i rge H : : " ? ? : i I '? i ? ? ' honor .u > mem f Dr. 1 ? ? CITY WILL ENTER QUEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS CUR Laboratory in OtUville To I Devoted to Work of E\ perimental Research ? ? ? i ? ? . i : ? .,, tliosi ?? VVhll? erring lined i r ? ?? nd '' ? ? herculo his I ? ? ? Ihg st tins ' tu-, wh< ? i ?.??. so m u . The Comm oi sr .. First lln? patholn il to lh< ' ? ? ? on lioiiHr- six h ?i -s wi1 r un ??f . V ? ? ? '? ,i ' r d tr?-,i rnonai ? osla i....?: . . il bas? terlologlcal worl oi ? ? Ith th? t \ ' o ? ? i. ? ? '??? uni d rt? V|. oh i w ni, i .,,;,i ? ..-.?i utllla ' ? . ..tit I . ' ? onatdsrsi o ar Di n- > II. B1g| ? ? "'h'-? r ? ?. ? lion wnil pu vx aa sao worl than ahouM act? ntit.- .... u..- . ' i.v.1.1 sd thai am ? ?' ' '?''i'1 ?" . a valu? Y\ hen asked i, - ?..? | !.. -SlOli - ? I I. S.l'.l ?i thfa ? la one ? th? portant f ?i?-,,:? tro) and pn r? ntloB of ti.i?. t? uloaia . ? labt .' fog ? ?*??" \ eeostst of as aaslst?nl rl ? -. - a b*"i : and ba - t ' n baa i? rioioBist ??' j ratoi saststaal I \mmm NOW IN STRIPE < salkNMd If? in H r?.? oatr lohn B. Stanch rmai m foi u?-vv? trial., and ? of y?, h? ? ? ..un ir i iximun .mi. i t mlsdi m. anoi Indi? tm? nl ?.f a hi? h th ? ? - In ti ? i N'oi. f ? m? i i u ? ? li was : ? ... tl) s bat tin of a ?? rali t room a :?? th? u t n. to th? lalan kl m ih.? obtained p? mission h ? ? iia ? ounsel, to vli . k children si hla ? i mei appll atISn f< .... of i acnnble doufa i la I. Wellman foi nils'-' -.1 thai " . ? .n peal would be I ik< ? ide punlshmei m? The Iswyei sddi ? ? th? onvii'i "ti of hi- ? le ? of Se w ?in a prejudl? agi insi t hi s hole p.. foi ce al prei ? i ? Home Visit Depresses Murths. Tu. fusil of Murtha to his famll ? rsing eft? i i him attempts i ora and poll? emen ?tatloned < neai h a home, In Bast 32d Btrec ? t ten him. Hla two oungi t? and ' >? II .ir-- still i of the measles, an Is wen tiled op to tl ? ?.- s, when they .? red a bra*. the >>ig it ? Imself to loo ft th? tee. with three depi named William Whitma led mi ... k The War ? painted ked nu?, tii. Tonal ? ? ??.- i v. hit h i - - ? :. did I ???' -? ? U n tei ng Itl thi Bheiill dul) upho iutomal of Yvhi? ihota m pirI moui the I ios and ! berlfT William Whitma ? ? . i n? pi Ison s an wei ? ? . mu ?? tl ? nee to Poll? . : 'I ? ? . . ? ' ti -: ? : ' tnd then 11 III ? otbs i i- adquai lera building Be? ..i tin men, ex? ? pi Hua ? from th< ? mad m I. ? 'th? gam< st ? rowd with -n. k? ? ai uptilts l p si i ? .. nannei eg? Mai and n, ? (Using thi : i ? e turo Ing \y ? : d .. now? lemcnt i is s -.. . . t il ? ! I snd photograi a wer . tweni i Mu. th. original crowd wai i ? : hapa two hundr? d per? When Mi?- entered th.- prlsoi dlsreputsbla lookinj ? d ??? er i?? the Boa ? r. and t!.. ? ? -St M.irk'e Place to Bat ? ?.n?) avenue The cro* d m? It? d sa ? until thej srrived at Department ? e? non. th? on ? i- '? ?? Insj i ? ? ?i nothing more than an occa? sional shout of Then the; P"' from ? Detective Gives Them Cigars. o igh n ?as not!? sable that "?!? waa n?? uniformed policeman in arhll? the crowd waited around Police Headquarters, Just after the van turned toward tin? Bowery, a d?? tective Jumped on th?? tailboard step, ? ?mi. reaching down Into his pocket, OUt a handful of iliars Yvhi? h tii nti\ srriggled throug? the iuitt. rs of the Bis? .. , Maria. Boms one on th'- Inaidi took it,.m and that ti,f" wen appreciated v. m . . id? ni from the i louds of toba.-..-? ,-uiok. ' al soon drifted out between the ahuttet-a A' u? duck m 53d atreel then wsa i half hour wait, wiurh the ItlSPC tOTB ? iiiiui? ?i ,n the pi isoi ;?? n waiting room, wiij? im sii.-nfi discovered that neithei ol tin- iw,, boats ol the regu? lar fl? ? ; S as a v .UlaliP Then the Lowell of tho Department of Charities was borrowed from the 7<?ih tree! dock, oppostti ths Metro i politan Hospital, and th?- former In -: ' ? toi - were placed aboard thai boal ? wen u?? other prisoners to ba ' Ol SI "ii that trip. Within half an houi Bheiill Ha**bu**gor had kli 1. > lpt1 foi ins ? bargas snd th?-? had .' paii ?u the ariaoa routine a slry, cuhTUnka and acarfpins wen taken from them ?? n?i deposited In th? penitentiary safa after erhlch their i.greea srers taken, sun in the Bam? order In which their namea sppeared ??n the Indictment Bweenej Worths, Thompson and Hueaey. Thi next Step t.. ths harlier shoi?? brOUghl them to fa, e with the proposition of cloaa??****ap***ad hair and . I?.. i, ahkven Cacea The latter rer-iiir?.' tii.tit meant the loss of a mustache to ? ?" h man but Thompson was prartl ..ill\ Immune on the hair rutting part of ths ordeal, bacanas he has aHrai i worn ins h.iir- ? loos-cropped. Striped -nit.- mil taps for ea? h man produced nrx?. and. stranse|\ enoUBjh this tinal atCf) la the lfvel of an ordlnarj penitential**- psfaasasr seemed t.. rh?er BWSSnsy up rather than depress him Dp to that time the I "muet Indicted polie? manejctar of N?-?v York' bad been asori sari) than an) ??? his . "mpani"tis ? ? ? far the .?atlirixim i" dlBcard hi.? civilian clothes and <i"*. the pris,.,, anlforai be tm in ?i to th?- ne 11 spot -H? " itn ?? laugh and uyell goodfa .tlK-. il" klCS St fl ' BBS ?? ? ? spend th?* nlghi - Thompson and Ifurtha who had been I ev? | t.. thai ? .m? i pi ?..: -.i i?, i - more hurl ti ilghl "f the plia ? of th? li unueuai expert? ma the on HII-.S, -. look ? ? ' ' : s Included, ?nh th" utmoet nonchalenci TAX INCOMES OF $1.000. SAYS EX-PRESIDENT TAFT Then, He Explains. Every One Would Go to Nosing Around.' i New Uav. i. via-- I Prof. --??? W Howard i afi I0*da) lb? itlv? B4.1 the i eferend in i? and urn-.i the Imposition "f .. I .? | J ??? ? V. . . ? (ueei i am In fa i ei >>f sn in? ema is prs? tl< a il? ne t., \ eut ? ? Ml bOUld ?thing t. It is imports man) s? n. ?.-' of lb? l When a man pa> - J aettve in noelnB around ?o ??.e what ? ? done with the mon?" The lower the Im- ' I munit) ft"m -he tax ? . poli, y \v ? sf Um as I peat. ti th?- gov?Tntlient ">it thsre an si sai < i Us t-> a? p" i I against .md ? thins that ? svisb In? ddllne to sai ? ? ?? ? . i trull ? ?The initial e tilt:..: . ?? Th? * niei icai i ? ? ,?t ganer i electioi t?tig t. tired ev? I ?hnil be ?urpi.-? much muet ... i ? ? ? system 1 - ? ...... \\. :? there BOttlf ? '??in Iii?m c. <S I ? popula SIX Dit ??N STEAMER FlRE Val 'i I lloinmH : ' ' ' - o.iiiv ,-i aal ' t|e.| up ii. ar ?r. In the 1 that deatroj ed th? . . , ? . . . , ... ? -i? S. Al?matt & (Cu will place on Special Sale this day (Saturday) Several Thousand Yards of Desirable Dress Silks including: the following, at unusual concessions from regular prices. Imported Dress Silks, 32 to 42 inches wice regular prices $3.53 to 4.53 per yard .at $1.75 Imported Crepes in evensng shades, 36 inches wide, regular price S3.03 per yard. at $|t25 Checked Dress Taffetas, 36 inches wide, reg'jlar price $2.25 per yard at ?(Jc. White Washable Habutai, 27 inches wide, regular price S?.30 per yard at 60c. Imported Fancy Taffetas, 19 inches wide? regular prices 75c. to $1.25 yd., at 48c. Sold in Dress Lengths Qn!y. Other Special Sales for this day (Saturday) will consist of Misses' and Small Women's Tailor-made Suits, Boys' Washable Norfolk Suits, Youths' Outing Trousers, Stationery and American Wilton Rugs. (8. Alttttatt $C (?0. have ready for the outing season a new stock of Cameras and Photographic Supp.ies, at attractive prices. ? X Motoring Garments in the new assortments for Summer are now ready for inspection; also Fitted Hampers, Suit Cases and a large selection of Leather Goods for the Motorist's use. Motor Robes, Rugs, Pillows, etc. The Shoe Department is showing a new assortment of White Buckskin Shoes and Ankle Ties cor Misses and Children; also low-heeled Shoes and Pumps for Misses. All shoes for the younger set are made on lasts constructed especially to meet juvenile requirements and are fitted by thoroughly qualified salespeople. Furs, Rugs, Draperies and Lace Curtains received for Storage. M* Xwtat, 341h ?ttfe 35$ ftmt*. y m Sor*.