First Attack by Republicans on
Tariff Bill Develops Weak?
ness of Majority.
Situation So Critical Leaders
Dare Not Permit Vote on
Motion to Give Hearings
on the Measure.
Washington. Maj ? ! -*-'**
tariff bill, after sellinfl u smooth
l t.-,roui:ii the H< iti ?k B
It eis of
1.. n b: i ihn --V the ma?
? a it
it? to-dsy
? ?- | i ire'.y
. d th<?
re th.
? oaatnHtee, m ? nator Simmons,
block<*d, at least 1
at - Pet rose mcvni I n'r ? nd ihs
motion by directing thfl Pi?enes Com?
mittee to hold hearings on the measure.
this Question t ? lunged at
once Into a vitriolic tariff debate, led by
stor Bmlth, of Michigan, ar. :
rnoerata with their narrow majority,
were f*o uncertain of their ground snd
a? ?louhtf'.i! Of t!ie fealtv of the men hi
their own ranks that they made no ef
htaln a vote.
Five Dem?crata?Senators Ransdell,
Thornton, Martine, I^wls and S: I ; Old -
?were reported ready to - .de?
mand of th<- RepnaUcenfl for hearloga
.-ind In the fa it the
Pemo'-rati^ leaders, who long aao de
halt? ? ? i the bill ai
' 'irnlni? ?ver until next T lead iy
tallied tlms -ri whl ?; i Up their
weokenli i -:d bring I
dtrants Into line. Thar? i? aom? ques
tlon whether they will aucceed in doing
thla alt'.' -
?eported to-night to he wavering
if ? * win thl?
over the measure the final eotfl
Mean? Long. Stormy Debate.
?? <?f ? t on th? Demo
th? weakness *>f Tvh'.h
was <li- " ?nary
4 long
Btorm: Mil is finally
:' ::? ?? Under
at manufactur
tariff reduc?
Ion iti
BSld Ml
? .;v U>
Mr Senator?
' Thomas Start? the Storm.
ara." for tl
? ? Ml.Hi
t.> a
IM ws;>a ?r from ?n all?
the fl ?.at.v.
r-.ptH had
to cocrc? ?-mploye? t?> sinn p
to the |:
rinding the Mayor of Troy, and advo
? d thai th? an.
i employee wei I to protest
HKainst the bill should be placed on the
free nal
immediately afterward the clerk ?A ?
T?o.- ? ?\,'.ii the bill, and with
Senator B th? storm
c i.. w : ? r OUI ? : -
i . - nator Smith declared, shaking
i rltj. that th.- : ?
? knock a man down
j ? to prevent nim fiom get
i up.
"it is sry." he i
'?' ' ?" ' ??? to forge
Oegers have ?,een mil down almost
golf ? y th? true;,! of th? : t1,?B
? ? rural
I 'If you think I
? ?
ator Smith charged thai th? D? ?. n
? an aillan.-e with
1 ?
J ?
1 ? Mr. Spri
! half, ' he said,
Ihal sugar he n
ning Com
1 an.i t , . );. -initig
1 alli
! Man who I . * |n
Ittlng ertn tiie rolume
B) w.u) arc now r. -
? ling to the will of the l.ivv, make
s paity."
4*>tir Up Another Rumpus.
rm was ?farted by Mr.
iared Hie laborer? tn
i ? ? ' . only
t . eat? a day.
< Senator Works later?
A Non
yQ Fluctuating
? Not affected by "money
market" manipulations; be?
cause behind them is the
most stable security in the
world?select, improved, in?
come-producing New York
City real estate.
? Call, telephone or write for
new illustrated Booklet 5.
.????eta oirr $17.000,?too
Lieutenant Joseph D. Park's Death Is Ninth in
Military Aero Service?Machine
Somersaults in Starting.
Loa Angeles, Ma*, i A big military bl?
plans plunged its nose to-day into a gal?
ley rimming the base of a hill si Olive
thlrty-alns mllea southeast of here, and
turned a somersaull aaalnsl a ire? lu
radi?t..-, wrecked from the slings ai>"\>'
rushed out the life of Its
pilot, Lieut? nanl Jo eph I ' Park,
U s a.
i? Idenl ?? curred at 7:41 a, m . at -
cording to the ti atlmony of a III: -
w in i? a as stopped by the
ahock, ? thei indamaged Thi?
whs two hours and forty-one minutes
aftrr the army officer had start?-?! from
the svlatlon ramp on North Island si
San Diego, "u a Ill-mils Right to Los
Ann? ?
? ?! n/ Pa rk v. ho ha?l i>. ? ? de?
from the 14tlt ?'a-.aliv t"
iiii- army aviation corpa, was trylns sn
experimental iunc distance aerial si-out.
iiiK trip, au?i had travelled approximate?
iy m miles.
Hla machine, brought to earth beca iae
ha Pa?) ios*, hla wsy In the morning
mists, merely msda a s?ii?-s of short
leaps down the clodded slope of the hill
? . tari again, and In the
that swiftly followed the heavj
i i-i usb? ?I hla
Little glrla on their waj to a ol aere
among ti.?' horrlfled apectatora ??f the
i>. The lieutenant, onlj ?< m?.
nitiit before, had warned them ss'aj
from the machine si : sd laughingly
"You might do something to it that
won d s to be kll
AmntiK them wai Hasel Or?enles f,
ncd thirteen, t., whom rark bad ;
a half dollar, with Instructions t" tel?
? ra .'. i ?
a had lost his aa
Inatead of I ? m? asga the ?
phoned t?> i oronei WlnMgler al B
Ana thst l'.'tk bsd lost his life.
The death of Lieutenant Pai
2Mth In the history of aviation an.i ihe
forty-eighth since January 1. |
Aviation in the United statr? Arm:
axa? ted a i"ii ??r i |i ?? ilvei eountlng ?>-.
' uni Para, Tha other eigh
a ? : ?
?Lieutenant Chandler, killed at soi
? ' '?''. . April v. last.
i I? itenanf g C Rex ka ? I, killed whei
? i - <? refused to work al Coll?ge I'm k
Md., September 9, 111.
Corporal Prank S. Bcott, killed Is fSl
with l.l?m? t .n t p.,.. kwell
LI? itenant Leighton W Haselburai
?i to death when the wtng of a mi
rumpled at College Park, June i
.\ T. YY'? I h, professional Instructor
kill? ?I In fall \:t). i . : ? t Hsselkursl
?' ant G m K< I gi ound to deatti
beneath his aeroplan? when he atruck
??round too hard on landing at Baa An?
ion ". T< \ Mnv ;?.. lip.
Lleutenanl Thomas B s I fridge ?!;?sh'?l
tu iii-iith at i-'ort M-.t Virginia, Septew
ber I, 1908, whii.- Hying with OrvBle
"A'rlg i w bo had hla leg brok? n In the
Pa P< ck, professional Instructor,
ago. a pt. mber II, Iflt
Lieutenant Park waa born In Rhode
Island, April t, IN! He waa graduated
from th.- Militan a? .oh ni- In i>J. snd i ?.ii.tii.s loned a recond lieutenant
In the nil. Infantry In June of that yeai
il?- w a? transferred to in?' cavalrj si a
??? mid w sa made ;? fh al lient? nai t
In in.- ?itli i-avalr\ m July, Uli.
Lleutenanl lark wen! to Ban iheRo on
Januar) i? from ih? aviation school it
Hsmraondaport, N. \ . a-ben ba had
iak? n i ? ? ilm ucll ii. II. quail
fled for i ?- lato - ? i ?. P? bruary
i ? ? mad? some t mai kabli
(lights ? one time r*?n lining in in?- air
; h? ur- and "' mlnuti ii.- ,ii-?. attatn?*d
h?- :r m i altitude record i ? ? entlj
I. ?-it. nant i'ark bad ?? notable ??
for aei \ i.. ?n tl a Philippin? p ? ?
peratlom agal ai l a Moro. Ils
im a well kn ?wn military fam i
i ??? ? ?? t m< ??! f??i Hfl? ni o? - ..' ' "? i'
whirh guai d the ? to Mai i Ba
je.ted. They do not pay such imic
in Colorado it ought to ?? exed lo
. 'ubs "
"I beg of >u:. sold Senator Smith, in ;
a final plea, "to allow- people to Be B4
Then, if tl -
, you vv iil K- ive tl I
lion - ' :
? i this crime In ?latk
wi.- ? irnlng buslnssa '
\ a-Pr? sld? Dt .Marshall I
prompt!) .d?bats by ran
..f tin ergj b leas aide,
and laid before 1
a uac the unfinished business,
and * ? : i.- a.... rats br?.-.??i?--'i a
Next Move Will Be
Against Reading Road.
tVoi hlngt< Ma I The next more i.y
Attorn? -? Gen? ral M iRej nolds sgalnsl th?
"hard cool trust' v\;ii be against th?
| Railway and it- alli.-d coal '
It will be B civil suit under both
.ii sntl-tl ISl law t! 1 ti .
of the li
? wever, win i>.
taken until sfter th? entry of the d? ??
? ring the mandat? o? ti?*- su? :
T? " pl? ir" ' ? That
pr?s? nted t?. the United
I Stat? - Distrl? ? C iurl In Ph ladelpl la tii<- i
l The partlrmlsr point of aft?, k ir
?rai .ir-'iii-.n in
i!?"i by the Reading Company, ownint
Phllad? ; I i-.- .i . r Rail ?? i and a
? ompany I mllai name, ol
Railroad of New Jersey, with Its
??..ii companies Other suits BgsJnsI di
and Ii dlri ct alliance? ..f coal ca?
InK r. BOd eual tnitilfiK BOBBPSI SB
Wilson Will Sign Sundry Civil
Bill Under Protest.
. ? .i May '? PI esl Isnt Wllsoi
told some <>f hb callers n.-dav thai h>
would slgi ti- v,,,,iiv civil bill as It
-.i the Flous? and Senate, bul strong
ptessui ?? la belni I lo bes i to
him 1 chai g? ?os mind Mr. gril
? Is a ml ad* is. r? a i >? <!i\ lib 'I Oil
Some have told him tuey aide
? t vetoed the Bsme
?. auac he regarded as i lasa I? k
on the pro*i Islon ? x? mptlng laboi
I unions and farmers' orgai from
? on with funds Bel aside foi th?
I enforcement of the Sherman antl-tru?1
Th? Impression soma of me President's
fall. ? - vv as that, while he
.??? the inn. it would bs srith a
prot? tlinini bit i?- lions sgalnsl
th? attach leglelettos to
supply billa The President l.? reported
! t.. ii.ive ? position thai ?v th?
i has pass? '< ju?* i>iii tin?.- ttmea
Mi Taft'fl v. to, .h i t?o- Senate
it twice, i,.- ibould
yield to the apparent determination ?>f
< 'oui;: BSS 1 ICt i hfl bill.
it also -.v is stat. d bj I hose s bo have
the subject with the President
?' ? DA ?loi"! not feel ;i|iv pllticlple of stib
tlve law is Involved by th.- exemption
. which ?s effeetlvfl ..niv for th.
rt period ..f the appropriation, and that
if labor union? "i fanners* orgoalsatloni
violate th, anti-trust law they might b?
1 litad by the us?- of other fnadfl
Worcester and Somerworth,
N H., Woollen Plants Affected.
Ma-. | TheSfl leeeiVI 1? foi tie
y Mills were appointed hv
j iudgfl Morton, of thfl United state? [Na
tract Court to-day: Kran.-iH h. Datfey,
I preeldeal of th? Mechanics' National
I Hank, of ?For? ester : tames P <*<>lt. vie
preetdenl ol th? United Btetes Worsted
Compoay, and Satauel .-. Murfltt. a BBS
ton WOOl m< reliant.
The reeelvers srs ordered to conduct
the ;, ,,,,,,? bond Of 11.'..'*".
pending th? appotntnrienl "f a trustee in
I bankrupt.' The ?oinpanv manufactures
mol?an s . rid wott-teds. niul has plants at
Woreeet? i end Bom? rse orth, N n
. ? .
Washlnsrton. Ma) I Prssldsnl Wilson
oltted to the Bonats to-day s treaty
of sxtrsditlon betsreea the United] State?
anS Paraguay, framed on the ordinary
lin. s.
National Society Started to
Study and Prevent It.
vY'.i ... | ).?Plana for Ih? for
M.-ition "f ? ? ' ? the stud)
prevention of .-.ii ?< r a. need by
Frederick L Hoffman a directo, of ths
National Association f"t ths Stud) snd
Prei > of T els which ?
? -
of the efl ' ? '? icatlonal ]
M ? ' loffn in :-1 ? ? ? ? ' here '
aettttg In New Tori
week of a committee to formu la ?:?
?? let). in addition to htui
the ? ommlttee in id? i Di ? ??
Bpsyei. V*. Ei ei Itl Mi )
rae 8 ' ...i ?x, ??- of N?
ealthy worn?
? '??i nellui Vandi rbllt, Mrs Ruso?
Hn |am< gpeyei ? ? offer?
Snanctal aid. Mr Holfmss said to atari
the mo*.,.n.,
Mr Hoffman said that tl - - b the
United Btatea ;..??? ->ersona -??..i diej
from canees?, sad In the civilised world
! 'i he death rata from the
nt a
Stati.-*i .s i"i tes r that th?
gtat? lai i eighth among the
nations In cancer deeth rate, Bwltaei
ag with -? deethi ? .<?., the
i 'nlti 'i States bai mg "-?
Mr iioffmaii aaid iiia; s hile mu? b -
still t?. \if learned eon ernlag the die?
In kti'ivx n f.i? i- road? the >?r
prevention t., soma estenl possible. He
. i that corset? worn by ?omen,
on the lips filan the Btew of a ? Isj pipe,
M,,.. ? tar on those In the
Indurti \. the eating of too hoi food
and of brook tn it Bra amoni known und
probable cause? of anew
Police Inquire Into Murder
. Story, but Make No Arrests.
Uvet*pool, Maj I Detectives ?eat sn
board th? steamei Merlon an bei arrival
here from Philadelphia snd tjueenstown
to da) and made pi olong? d nquli lea Into
n - ? nee? of the death of Llndsa].
the third enartneer, erbose bod) was found
?in tn?- Delaware River sftei the
Bsllsd ftcm .marica sn April IT, So sr?
i. sts. however, were n ????
n had been stated thai two of the
hhiuIk i s ?.i ii.? crea were und?
of having committed murder und throe
h g ii,.. bod ol th? ' rlcl m "-. ei boa rd.
Brother of Count A. Cassini, the
Russian Diplomat.
! g| Peteraburg, Ma) 9 Ceunl Ml? bai i
Inl, a brother ??f Count ?rthui
' Pavlorieh Cassini, who was Russian Yin
Ibssssdor to th? United Btstea from IM
j to ItW, Mod In st Pet rsburg on April ?
The death "f Count Michael K.ive rise t"
j Illinois COttnl Arthur CSSSlol had
died, bul the formel smbassadav is son
| living In Prance and haa not rislled R
*-ia foi several yesra
The Denis, New York for Para,
London Mr. I.?The Rrltl-di steamer
Denla, freai Mew fork April || and
?Norfolk April If, for I'ara snd Manao?.
| is BgrOUnd 111 miles from I'nra. Th"
I British steamer .Yiilati is assisting the
straiiih-ii vessel m i.i, effort in haul
her off
Gibraltar. Mh\ I The British steam?
Indraghlrl, Nee fort April II, for Bong
Kong ainl Shanghai, Which arrived here
April ; with loss ?,r propeller Made baa
been docked for repairs
Waahtastan, Maj I -Psaaji postal card?
wii, he grssa hereafter, a? is the prae
tit-.?- m many foreign ountiiea Postmas
tei General Burlesoo itgned sn ordei foi
inga io-ii.?\
Kerlin, Ma". 9 -lunperoi William p.-,lav
lasoad a de? res for the organisation June
1 of a manne airship dlvtstoo, Wltk pro?
visional headquarters at Johaimesthal,
and also a marine aviation division, with I
headquarter? at Putng. I
Conflict in Air Because ol
ecutive "Interference.
President Has Organizatic
the Campaign Committc
[Wttm The 'Iril. .t.e 1
U' May 9. I'l.-sldent W
firm hand prevente?! th.- orpanizat
the n?'W Democratic ?'.tigres? ran
committee to-night, and the ?irst in
row in thfl n> vv adniinlstiation Is
lag. Tas members duly sleeted b
various stat? delegations to reg
iti? m on ths ?'ongress eommlttee n
confer, n ??-. were informed that the
dent wanted delay, and after h?
protesta from 3eaator Btons and i
aentativea Floyd, Taggsrt, Prank
ntid others, decid? d to pOStpoTOfl tl:
Ksnisstlon of i he ? ommittee.
The conference wss called wltl
cards apparentl) stocked In favor <
opposition to the President, v. in. bs
own Ideas concern?ng the conduct o
-.?i campaign The schedule was t.>
Representative Ben loi isjsess, of
lucky, chairman of the committee
the two hours' d< hat- was bo lllumln
thai Mr- John mui himself ssked :
mous consenf to postpone the orgs
ti..n of the committee, thus yleldii
w i ne House Influence. The meet
the new committee bed been csll?
Mr Johnson's friends, w?. :. ?
aiiv the friends of Speaker champ C
a mi this faction fi ? > b pi ? dieted ti
Mi Johnson souM l s nam. d
ma*, to-night
"Thfl Intel fen ?;. . " of a .
branch >>:' the government with a i
palgn heretofore handled solelj hj t\
hers of the lions?? wss discreetly i
ed st th? ??night it'
sentattv? Frank Ctarh >.f n?
Re? itoi Btone, ol Ml isoui t
iet.-4ii.ii4? n advocatea ol l;
ition ol ? ampslgn i
?. the .oh Ice of the F 11? 1.1 i
?tv Ithstandlng,
Clark Man Opposed.
s. Bton? a he wes the i
Clark campaign managei last year, Ii
: 10 :..'V. Bool
that th? i misai
w itli t ?? r- ? dent'i poll? :? >.f d?
led oi all
niel- member? from
Pr?sidant desir? ' th?
Nat..-- .ii ? 'ommltu ?
tak? ..n a. tlva pari In lb?
Repr? ' ? ' i
| Ill
f'T- n? e that Mr Wllsofl WOBI d S S
? .
w nu i - ? ? ?
' .1- ? t:
law Tbe- ? an ' :.
' ' ? ? | ?
i.!..- d
Inforn rd 1 ?' W -?? de red a i"
ponen en1
I ,\. . ' ! o||OI "mitv '
w ?Hi in. ml.? i h o . DB
Th? PresMenl Ils ihn
\i ? . to pi ..m.-t..
fi-el? sure that a
! <jf 11:? .-..-?: Of !
? ..n.. i irtlsoi s In respect to th?
?>f the - ommll tee for t h?
an on? man is iikewis-- ?rith. I l
n- la m.xi .i- thai '
i on
B make It i and
\ plan
won i
Mr. ' .I? .- d ii ?'? ' II ?
B \ old f 11? Hon. i- i
and "pu: su. t....... will t.
to unify and build up thfl party." ' wi?,
... i I- dime to night " he added, "i i
do it In ?tie Inter, si of t
and the eooi try."
Hah-' , Ol ' ..
:.-? th? organisai on. s
? buk n.ov- d to organ
the Preetdent's odvl? e Mi i;
? . and at this point R? ?
t!v.? Johnson, of Keni
the ? : l| and s -?tan. h C?a
nt, ended the -
ent chairman a
? ..m i, ic in ofli? s for ihe lin
and be .. it hoi Ised m? ana
.in? Mi Wl
son's scheme of organisation of National Gravity.
? toi ?? ol i atlonal polltl? s
th? Incipient row In ih? i ?en o : ..r
std? fe. Is thai hi? a.
.ition S .1: bS ..n H ial at II,. pOl
| next v ear, and ' -
..f leaving Ihs i amp
hands ol I b? so called i lou ?? n... h
or th? ? 'loi i? and Und? i wood factloi
Two o.i roben of th? ? .?.bin. t bs - i
v used sgalasi ths ? ;? i lion of M i lohi
? hah man of t be m vv . smmltte?
The virtual demand of lae Preetdei
that the Boasts be glvsn more reprceei
latloti "n the commute?! and bla polii
?,f delay until as has consulted wil
member? of the national commute.
w hi. ii i as hei etofora ?? ? n Ina? llv? In o'
? i -m csmpeians, iv fraught witb pos
Bibilltles if conflict within the part
President beretofors has taken ths whl
hand m a Congressional campaign.
in .? ?? s iti? ti.e mUob to nlghi
Mr l.loyil will .utitliiut- BS ??an man 0
..n uaorgsadsed i snualttee, being s bold
over from the old committee. An elf?.i
win be mad?- t" k?-i togsthof with Psnsli
leader? and members ol lbs national oom
iniiiee. and ih? ambitions <>f Mr. Johnsoi
t.? iHn.i the chairmanship or? temporarily
effaced through ib.- oscendsnc) of th?
U'llsfin InflueacaB .
A sub-, iimmitt.-e of' thfl Democratl?
National * ommittee, II was announced
would meet in I his .iiv on Mav |.,
j Clergy and Socialists Engage in
Same Task in Germany.
Merlin Mav *.? - A fl BgpSal to pira, h
and leech ths mtrodui-tion (,r interna?
tlonal arbitration was sern to-i|Hv e. ail
the pastor? Of ??-rmaiiv tv u tody of ||fl
?lermati rioti-stant *d****g**a*t?SB in connec?
tion With the bills re.ently (,,(, ,?? ,?.,.,|
into the imperial parliament ,"or the In
. i ?.as.? of the ' ha bi in bi bb] .
in th.- qppaal it i? stated thai ths in
ereasang barden of snaamenta la driving
the nations t?.wanl war. and the Signa?
lories sxprees lbs regrei thai only an
InslgnlAcant proportion of ths Proteetanl
clergy pobllclj advoeattM Internationa!
peace, although they declsr? thai this
? would h?- In a-i-ordame witb Christianity.
The <-lcr*;y, a? a rule, they nay. Iflavfl this
task to the Irreligious adherent.*) of so.-lal
Chamber of Deputies to Consider Bill Revoking Licenses
and Which Would Close Many Clubs and
Summer Resort Casinos.
Pans, May I -Aft-r SB animated de- i
hate the Chamber of r>sputlsB to-msiit. i
by a voto ??f IT:, to Ml gassed a r?solu
ti-n In favor Of further consideration
being gives to an smendment of Deputy
Jacguss Pious to the gambling bUl.
The ameadmenl seeks ko revoke all
gambttag Bee-asga granted under the law
of i?:, it- socwptsnce would involve
tl.- cloetag of many clUbfl and summer
:? orl casinos.
The ?-land.stine gambling *?W t0 bo
rife in Pari- Bad the manner in Which
wealthy visitors la the Prsneh capital
:,,.. I!,,.red b] I'"' BSSlOOS 1 patill-lers
u.?rkit.c under ths .?oak of charitable In
tentlona wore Intereetlngl*/ deacrlbed to?
day in the Chamber of Deputise by the
VIcomtB Oustavs rves de Kergussse,
depot] from the '.'otcs-?iu-N"rd. Bs ass
apeaklng during the debate on b bill
for the regulation of the Prench govern
ment'a ?percentage? for the benefit of
eharltlea takes from the recelpta ol
, , . ?fourssB sad from the recognised
?octal duba where betting snd gambling
are DSI nu' '? i
The Vicomte said that one active In?
stltuttoa of thta character s.-nt carda to
,.,.?.-.. arriving si the Psris hotels, In?
viting them to sttend svening parties In
the Interest of the Buppresslon of luber
euloBia und.-:- the pretended patronage
I of Mme Arman?! Falliere?. Mm?- Batfl
Louhet and Mme. Felix Faiire, the w P. c
I of three former presidents ?if the Fi- B<
I republic, and also the Kinns and fJfBOQB
| of Italy. Spain and HulKana. Those wh
accepted the Invitations, he sal.i, fOUS
hrllllant salons tn which WOTS gathers
ri'iin-rous persons, f>e?-mlna?y ladles an?
I gentlemen, and gulsi oa**d**ooBts, whsa
professional Kameatcrs of both b?jx?
fleeced the visitors.
The Vicomte de Korguesse deplored ih?
Prench government's partnership in gam
Ming and Its : liar?? in the responslblllt)
for the ruin every year of hundreds 01
familias, and for many -nlcides, OWlni
to Its licensing of gambling casinos. Th
deputy declared that ho knew one tlnan
cler " ho had mads! |a.toS,QN ??-it
authorized pleasure resorta another
one of hl? saquslatance had mad.- a
pi-??.it of 1L',?.Vi,..?i,
The Flench governmeni it? IMS profited
to the extent of M,7M,?O0 in (percentages?,
said the Vicomte, hut at what S moral
????-t! Th?- profit accruing to tin- cm
tractors for the casino? and other resorts
waa bo enormous, the speaker aald, that
the croupiers' Incomea often exceeded
ti..-.- <?r Cabinet minister! He himself
knew of one who ama receiving fM.001
yearly while soother bad a aalary of
King George Sees Fine Ex
tion Riding?Monoplani
Emerge from Cloud.
n .
London, Ma) 10 A fins ? chl
?>f jumping area ki\?-h b) the met
of the 5th Dragoon Quart
?;..:.? I ii"
..-?ii, N?.i onlj a <-re rein;
irded 1 th? ordin?r
era but the buglera sounded ?ills
l difl obstacles, and
ma? bins gun se? I kai perfoi mod
y dlsplaj bj t: ?? Roj ?i Fl;. u.i; 1
In tii" day, ths i
table for the facl
..n si m' monoplai i art ii
thlfl being the first
of this type of
thi pia. ? ?1 ? n it i." ? ?
s exe lient -
w as dont . n sinnen beln
the ? time, Yvhile the i
Birshipa Beta ami Oamma ?hi
omb dr? ppin?:.
Three Apparently Insolv
Mysteries of Lost Persons
Loi l" it?! gn I
. i ? gated in
. .?linn presei I ?ui". two
and th. other i.y l
yen All ? ned with pen
v. ho dl appeal ed t?.-- aa? a are:
11. The g Oi n
....n The
?u.iits In London of a man
g* . i Irj nil u tii" shad.
: him by another ? lerman and
rjuli iea m ide for him by a won
link- this m atei j ..ti" of ui.
tel. -t
rji ? ei of \n. i- Bi Igg
. -i i of the Middle Temple ;
of Sn Fonesl Pulton, l
, ord? r Of l Of London. P.r
sen a? en inca April '_".?
The m ati i of W K. I.i'id
bank manag? r at tlmlnal
Bom? re? '. ?*> ho disappear? d in 1**
? m \y ? dm u '!i" ceas ' ?'
before the Probate Court, Justice Bi
Dean de? Id? ?l that further I
,,1.11 lea ?' ? i '? i '?- ? ?? ?- ' ? x i?? f?ii ?- Lldd?
dales death be presumed, b
iho lawyers In the casi .ne aearchi
widely for Information aboul a mj
Miss Vinlng, for an equal
mysterlouB yacht, the Porreatghl a
f,,i- \ ? - mentioned In i
?? a
King Nicholas Promises Com
plete Evacuation of the
Fortress by Sunday.
n ?. May I Fire broke out la tl
basaar of th.- fortrei ?if Scutari th
morning and, fanned by a high win,
rapidly assumed hugs proportions it I
i hi ra that the Monten? grina atari
. ?i ths blase s ben I? bi Ing the
. ..m". |h d to eva? uata i
It waa .m?"-m ?h..i only aftei sn ea
tended area, .lalnlna manj ahops, he
been burned The losses are rsry heav)
! i onsid.i -able quantities of Jewelry, rid
I carpet? sad allka having bees destroyed
Cetl 1.1?, Ha) I \ i ' ? Montenegiii
t ' t m d? i th? i'.< ml? rshl| of Get
eiai Vukotlch, area f?.it?:..i to-day to taki
th? 11 ? ..f the :;"v. rnmi it s hick rt
?? tied wh< i- ng N'i'-h'.ias derided t?
evacuate gcutart al the behest of th?
i lu? ??i ?an i ?iwei s.
The Pon in <?ttio> lmm<*?d!ateiy after.
uai.i opened nsgottatlons with tin.m
mandlng effleera of the International Beet
which haa been engaged Is blockading
| ti" coasta "f Montenegro, and srrsnge*
I menta were mads for Ike evacuation or
? Scutari, t?. ;.mipteted i.v lunday, when
the la t of the Montenegrin soldten will
j march out of the i I
I'he foreign adm?rala win then land Ss
tachmenta from the Beet sad the formai
"mi. n.i.-i- ,,f ti,,- p.. tress ?in i,e nada te
the combined Intel national force.
King Nicholas to-day, in a spoern to
the members of the Mont?n?grin Par?
liament, declared that, in the int. rest of
general pene- nn.l In order to saw?.
Monti neu,-!,) and the intlre Serb nation,
he had li., n forced to glVS la to the Ku
ropeaa powers Russia, Servia aiia
Greece, ha declared, bad rjoonssllsd aab?
lon on th.- pai t of Montenegro. Roa.
Isla, however, bad undsrtaken t?. ?con?
j tlnue t.. protect th?- Ihtls ItiogaVtan.
Tha portfcdloa ??f Iks new latatetr) are
distributed as foUowa
i;,,ni"r QKNBB \!. y i'K"Ti.'H
f',r'l5't MTair? I B I'l.YMKNAT-*..
??-??jo? i- UOINICH
Bdneatlon Lazar MIYUSKOVXCK,
Juatle? -Lit BE BAKK'H.
rtSBSBB ItlgTl l'lU'pVlCH. I
King of Spain Sees Work
Aviators on Last Day.
* .__
Close Understanding Betwet
the Governments Reached?
Alliance Talk Follows.
Mav |, Ring Alfonso Of Spfl
ended hla vlali t<? France to-nlghl si
*. '? for Msdrtd ii;? I? se? taking
without 111. blent
The Bpantsb monarch visited the a?r
bi . and w as i
r daring fi
rs In ninety-all seroplai
two dtrigibl? bailooi ? Several th
Kinn expressed .iat-m for ?
?iarroi and Chsvlllard us they
aeemlna | dang? is feata In the air. 1
ail. however, Kli g AH bo) i
"I will sdvls? '
ami le by what I have seen." he said
The ? eSUltS Of thfl v Ifllt tO P 11
Of Nil . AH . ? i- ? not been ?lis.'lose.
bul thfl ?.,'inioti ti general in well II
rmed -lu.irt- rs 1
the French and Bpai
with th? the Socialist i
an slllan? e. which, it - I? lared, woul
add 100 ? ere !
th.- .1. f. r. .- of I'imii ?? and wnuld mak
Spain a -- r -?:?! f..t th? In.
of French cspital, and thua develop tl
immense latent resources of the country
Spain wo iM also by BUCh an alllan'-e. i
It, b? Kid 10 an importan
? m the diploma.v of Euro* i
? 'ounl ?lvaro Romii
? sklng to i
tlve of "Libert? ' to?day, bs Id
T la v Spain sn? i Tones hav? i
s friendly agreement To-morrow Ih?
two otinttle? may ink?? a I ;rther Hep
The understand!:.* W? hav.- at
? roll ' ( mutual i ffort."
Madrid. M Qui Victoria to '
her children to-day to a einem -
exhibition of pictures tsken durii
? ? i"i vNit t.. Paris The younf
princefl and pi in--. ? cognls? .1
their father in the pictures snd B|
I la ah?.I him 1 .'idly. This manifestation
delighted the audience, which
. heered th? 1 irt;
Frenchman Surrenders After
Fifteen Years.
Careoasonne, France May 9 t raient
..1 by remorse, Mlquel Vallespl gavs
himself up to the poli, e here to day, de
laring thai h? wished to go to the gall?
lottos and expjat.. his crime of mi ? I
Ing s vv i.|.\v nam. d Bouroq
The -1 .m" aused a gres itlon In
Pram ?? al the time, and Vallespl, then ,t
man thirty years old, who was suspected
of killing the woman for her money, dis?
appeared from ths vicinity, and w.m not
recognised until ha surrendered
himself. Ti.?- trial was held In hi? ab?
and hs was Judged guilty and ?*on
demned to be guillotined
An Inveetlgatlon b) the poiic? 1? in I
progn I
First Contempt Action of Ki
in Half Century Is Dra?
matic Scene.
Punishment Decreed After Loi
Debate?Sought Pretext
to Kill Sims, Says
[Prom The Trlhiin- fl . <
Washington, Maj k?Charlee C CBsej
ii.-iir? hunk? i of fVashtngtes, ?<
arrested to-day, brought before th?? h?
of the Houae and publicly impriman?!?.
by the Speaker, following t e udoption .
a reeol?tion IseJaiing Mr <>: -rincoi
tempt of thai bod) bsrsnsa of ?da pbys
Cal attaek upon I'epresentatl?,,? Thef
W. Sim? thi--'- v
Tii.- analgnment and reprimand of tl
i ? dent "f the Rtgga National Hank. 01
of the financial Institutloaa in n
national capital, was a dramatic <?\??i
There has been no ? ano ?ke ?t with
ths present generation, ai i no rr.-mh
of the prenant lower ?.hamber has p?
Bonal recollection of almilar prooeedaej
for it ha? h?en ali," r ?> half -?ntu
ilnee the House I lal c-.f.nizivT*?
this nay of an attach upon on?*, if I
j membera f><r words spoken in d-ha-??,
\ After ?' d' bate of Bve hon?, , s-mj
which IP-pi'" eotatlT? Moon of Taaaa
' Mr. Qlover fir h
con im t snd charged tl it -? ppfa
BlmB'a fsce Indicated that ho "h??i mu
der hi his heart." the rlouss ?y s retal
i -opted the recom neu - -
?' in\e<-tl?Tfttlon ? - aBtttsa I
i ?It?, Mr. Qlover f?>r '?otite- ? a-l hrtr
. him before the
fSxped i r??ot
, lion, i 'mouah
t .? i. inker came t.. th?
j the aft? ? I ? .?-xi.-s \
" arrant A ' th M sw
the Hooss end gsDerlsB as Mr fjlssa
'-h?..| l... kir- and tno
tha-i ra "f Hge -.x.? r?r^uah
? 'he middle slsla ? ? s'eant-ai
; a 1111.1.
lance witl th? i a tk
? ? the chargea that Mr, oiov??
t In striking
mi mber for won ?? on th
floor ...
. or ba rssn
. el.
In an almost Inaudible tons, Mr fjiov*
"' ?'lit upo:
Mr. BlmSi that h? I to ih
\ snd thai
-, ... ' ?
Itutlonal rights of m
munit' i
? 0 demand lor forma
he mi?ht enter a moi
. Repri aentatlva
memher of the
then presented
that Mr Ol i
. ? H
? prod
ably had aoftei "f th?
if ?i f?.r, ?tall? d - It ?
his punishment more drastic
I r -.vas dir? <--te?l to Bt Bd tu
ahile the reprimand was dellv?
The freed m of speech an?l
. In thi
the House," aald gpssksi
root of o
?r of ttt
Word? spoken in ?lehnte mil I
-food I i.m. who does not went to kill
sn**body, to perform ;
Repreeentatlvs Mood made ? vltrfok.
Defending III mrae in
? ? ? -.? - ? i
I ? ? i rasas
1 vU'lent resistance, as that fH rer mifht
find a pretext for killing -
Last Seen in Storm Not Far
from Seacoast.
K?nig? I.?A fjss"*
man mllltarj apkerlcal belli n tl * Cks*
which ascended fr m this city
I on Yv...?n?s.lag is aatastas with us pas
!? xv.?? i?r ?- - <h
borhood of Pilla : "
from i ? ? ?? trai ?i ah i MS
Bhrung peninsula in a st<
It under the C nun II ' ' '"aptaln
ron tVsbsssTi of the - I .?ttalioa
?. .1 here,
y ..-is. May k -The am- red ?arafasf
Tennessee arrived here yeete-day eY'en
m?; Bhs "as sns of ths Amerl? is w?r
- Bent to Turkish water? tot th?
protection of Vmertcan intereat? darsal
ilkan war,
? - -
Roma May I.?The ***a*/sran*eat to-dar
Introduced a bill bi Parliament providlni
lor gOVOrnmsnt supervision of movini
picture BfSOWS and a t.i\ on foretgS and
domestic Ui
J Arrange to Have
Before f r-? m ?i
uavin?w* Th? inbune
t/ite LuVi
_) Mailed You Regularly
noincatlc-flm-i Foreign Ratei. I'lr.mli"" BSBSS
Sunday. Dmlv n SB Run<Wy. D*1ly. D. * P f>'inrl?v DattS n *',
1 month I -.??". .mi 7.*. no ? | o:t 1 55 .:?'*? '
3 - ... ?I 1 .,.( J 13 1 ?,| 807 4 ?V" ' t 15 LB*
? " ... LSI gSS Ifg so; ?in u 20 BJB
12 " ... 2 5l> ?oil 8 50, ?11 llfg 18 40: 4 58 ?? W ?ifl
154 Nassau St., New York.
Mail The Tribune SsSsay, for ..month to the
following address. Enclosed find $.