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SULZER AIDS OPPOSE HIS PRIMARY MEASUI Many Committeemen Not Co suited Before Being Picked but Most Will Serve. D. R. JAMES. JR.. BAU Governor's Bill Embraces Fea ores That Have Failed in th< West. He Says?Cassidy Currying Favor." Man- ? of the committees I arnoi B lb? ? t.. aid hi direct primary \ ? nd - em ore 01 Darwin R Jam. the ng n " 11, ad ? . ?!mw : -? ; lovei nor Bu on thfl | I that It embi items thai h. tanate I thai slthoui ? ? ? -d upon ' I ? are likely i he klie ? H? understood mai ? their ai ect l their prot* statioi d Mr Shear ? ? "I 01 and do n? Know whethet I should favoi it or not, ?aid l. ' iriscorn. "II the use of my nam? it would only b ?rite tl ? 11'.vision that I mignt w that 1 did Needs Amending. Savs Jame? ? Mi . ? i amend? - . ?> complimented on th? stand : - ? providing for the committ? vv - : I think tl Ittee? ? th? us ol part: : -??.is a ? er i slgnaun .-..-? mid t* ? ? as i ow. i am ? - ? ? would be tratlon. **V - ion?. In ? lo.ik up S and If It 1 s. linn. th. put in not i g th? Ooven t i ? ? ? V4 ? - Prehld-aat Maurice E. soil) ? : " irphy ?raa .--a that .loneph m ne ? il?t' ? -J)| ;,S. ? M ?NE BUT THE UR W E DESERVE THE SU WE Then a glooi In the towi of Brooklyn,, streaked a lth care irth of gnashing of teetl Th- ? Poi ? ? hav.- vvIped th?'ir rasorfl A: .1 ?; .,1.1 . .! B B Striking tlltotil.-. Bo il ? ? ping, J list do v.nii own snipping, ? ?r let -, our brown locks ?grow I The b? ? niar.'h. ?l t.. ? ?otham A-einglns "TI ? '?' the ntps can't live < tips, And loud \\ ? .i.? foi ed t? th? And the horrlb terrible bow: of thi (.oiling towel Is still as the Bi ? - ? hin. I f vv ? ? ? ? ? : ti the < Of 1 , r. w ith the refer th? ..- ? . the barb? - ,. m rvou ? - ? ? ? L W H area going to '.:v,ir with noi Ex- Ai of lb? ? the Him ted aa 1 - a comm iur? and coul Nippon it. H was n favoi the b1 all M K< v?. Rj who wai airman o? I :tt?-.- on pul lenl - ?< ? .1. Ilampden I ?o igh? ? tj s.u.I h ? h.- froi . ?,,\... |t ?? not sure he ha - nesa to servi ? ampaign commlttei A ml tew McLea - noi be led and i ? et on tt.- . mm ttee \n.-tI e tint he could noi I .m A IV said he ? th? con I Illllle. , ' ... 1.1 pai ? l ? Nomli aid m th, . ? i ? . ? h. v... JOBBERS MUST BE HONEST Sulzer Signs Bill for Fidelity Bonds from Middlemen. - to-i.a> ----- ? . nts to ] in a is) -? ? Ml Th? ? 'on ' ture la ?u poa to re vol ? ' Ihe d? nitiop of . . k ' niiik I >>r in any envlronm? ni oi ditlona The \\ beeler I 111, farms und? f th? State Comr Ich th. ? . ? S! Tl.e I." ? . ? ? ' to conduct - ncludlng farm ? ? skim? - Tn- Heal? na that as fuir: - . ? . ey? for the pro grlcultun DELILAH'S DAUGHTERS ! SUPREME IN BROOKLYN Women Barbers Control Two of Three Shops Open Across Bridge?Manhattan Tonsonalists Stick. it..m of Bn ? ? to t? : and Ih? Those who ;.i> unal the use o ? - ? ? ? ? - ? . ? Y ' me they wer? ? trli ? Be' the si ' ?In In l ... shaved were d< ?? i ted Tl com? ? the "boos" 1 . ? the district visU v ? ;. ? . i ? tern? . thai .... . ? ? V..1 in energ? for th? - \ the unloi for ui -, 6 .. hair. ? . ? ? ? \ a ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? i .?tlyn I " ... ? . bat? >t. i: ? t'i.l'Ui B , - The parad?? ? B '?-?': and - I'nioi ting a v i i ? ? and ? ? ? took a V Brook I ! Manhatta ?ho i i? ? t? ' ' ? - . t.. ge| ti ? ? f . i ' ? w I on llth t' i ? m?-n ' th? _ _ GIRL i HAND CUT OFF. DIES . -, . ? ? ofl front ..... ? ? ? We|| CODIFICATION BILL SIGNED ? ? ? ? ? ' SAYS WOOD ASSUMED TOO MUCH AUTHORITY Army Board Reports General Staff and Chief Illegally Exercised Functions. SECRETARY ACTS AT ONCE Calls for a More Detailed Find? ing by Board and Permits Bureau Chiefs to Appeal from Decisions. VVashlni (oi mal t. ? i ? -.lit-, to' th? . ? ? itafl "f tie Bief of stafl ha? ; ? - O YY'ar. Th? report which in Important bet u is sign? ?l i?? fJeneral William n Hi?. ! I b) and ?;? neral ,\ i. Mill und I leneral K y; M eavei ?bases -t- prot? ?I on the ? "no ? ? ii.. ina creating th? gen? ii ?? which w? Root v\ i,..;, he i - tarj of \\ .1 r. con ? at? ?i llmitins the fund . the fp neral staff to 1 ? :-. advls ? . lei of stafl being I ) tn, mil ? f the Pre? denl and thi g< retar] oi Wai The assumption of ex? I ? by the g< el : staff ? ? Dei u ????? si one ttm? - - 1 u.? ti. th? effli lent ??' t. ? tnu tu VV'h? ti I ime ki oa.-. I to Beere) ? ..? -? ? ? appointed the ? ? report to him. na made t.. keep the I ' ? bul It is ' . ? the i of staff I ,...'.. aten! I usui ;. . . con* tem? ati the . ' ?? 1 ? . 1 ?r ? M- ' larris? n ?au chlel ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ?? tulrlna ei to the chief of ? ?.s g ? blef of stafl ? ? ? ? -..?? - ? lit their ? ? ? staff was ? ? dlrsc ? ? ? ? will n ? ? f. ?pari ? impll ealted wl th 1 ?,. riilii?; the ? neni the arn t extent I nlstral e Im? ? MARSHALL HITS AT HARVEY Denies Ever Advocating Cutting of Honest Wealth, u ? " lent .... ? ? ?- "preda ? "If . sting l apt I :. ? ' ? : Mr : ' ? ? II . ? t ? . I ; .ill.I " I MAYOR'S BIG MEN ARE WORRIED Question o? Walking or Riding in City Parade Caus? ing Wrinkles on Brows of Some Commissioners, to Whom Offer of Choice Doesn't Appeal. th. ' il ? pal alb1. which ;s t" be held on .xiav 17. Mayor ?* lal fsmllj beei thrown being B/alklBg fu . r . ..:?-,, mioni i i o sa ? s i.> h : : ai effei t i eh? ads of th? ?terdsy. Aa and v uiiam II, i. ommlssion? r of Street < - i Ih ? n? ??ral . i ? onei Eds irdi la very much or of walking and i thli k ? shah march, to II is to ' ? . 11 it? : .-ut com? et her 1 sent to rids or vv ;? II. Health I 'ommtaaloi ? i : ?ed. i.- on? of of th? Ma r*s obsV a i family, ,! sard a r? j?>rt thai a: n ada o? departm ata aould have to , a::'i|" OH fOOt. ? i ? ave to go u: training for i marathon," ne said. "Thai Ion?,? march ?lo? sut look i.">"i to me." One of ti" Health CeaaasagssTasrg is? ?... ai.-, u ? . department ask?*! him wr-v .?,i!k ??ow;, fresa Stamford e-r*-v lug between n. w ;.nd th? tim.? of *h parad- The Csassa***NsOtasr i -umnnr ? o.. ; 'hat coalisetlcui teens, "I have bssa thinking atxnu that, but ? ? .1 :--t ? " he added. And oa foe 1'ark ''onimission?>r glover ion couhln't t-et BBS BU a hors? tor at"' money." he conn i>mni1?si(iner Is one of the ?ho-t and heat sppointees of the Mayes "T < l-t tlOBfl I rod" a liorsr.' bfl ?a'd was When I WSM with ?'ol'itiel Roosevel' in th.- Fiad Lands That eras thtrtv ytsar? ago. I haven't been SO h horse ?Inre, an I ! don'I int'tid to break the rSSOTd SOW.' When a CarriagB was **4SBB**e*tOg, the Paik Commsessoner ?aid that suck i . lev arete for old men Hi tkei sreaM th Commissioner ley whether he would ?.t In the i-tatid --?? ??? parad.'. il was In B Missouri frame of BBISBB. a*"l ?rail until he learne?! srhOt the ? other commtsst? - - - - on i I do atiout it. BILL TO SELL A "PEANUT" Central's Purchase of Harlem Road Not the Object. [Hv .... in . M.i- ? Governor Sulser save \ d ..|?,ly inan M .? permit tl ? lilr.iad to moth? ? itrlghl it dei eloped t. Bt bill would ensble the See fork I en? trai i "peai ut" l ? r inning int., Buffs to th? i.- "ii,ii Vail? : v. bleb now leases It. It was al at It pur- '< I pose was t<> open the wsj for the New York Central to i.u-. the Harlem Rail? road, on ui.i... n noe s lease fur ira, sad protesta ware made ? t ?t i?v the mlnortt) stockholders g, the Central soil i Id tnat Un meestn-a to met all th?s | ? ? khotders, ' an.I Mil:-- . -,t of the i Continental Trust Company, owner of ti?.- ,..? ? ,,? f.... Harlem mlnortt) II : .? amend Baked f.-ir having been made it pro?! : if th? rpoa price' railroad - factory to t ? minority .:, go Into ! . ? '. sn aii- I . Th.- only o? : ? to th* bill B*aB ' the Cltlssna I'nion. H? ? ? ? it the limite?! ? of a ailroad vouid 1 be msde permanent - ment ? ? The advo that tl would in ? ?? : -.'..?. ...-.? sad ?? or? - ? Oovei - ;.. an?! he would not .-den the . : tba ?'ur-^i eslatenci railroad In aa ... r? TWO OFFICES FOR RIDDER New Prison Head May Legally Stay on Charities Board. y ? " ' .ttot-i ? ?. i len? ral thai ted Buperim State 1 on?, n.I not restart mber of the ? Board ??f ? he quall d of I m o| iki ' the Oov? the At) holds "there la illcy which would prevent the i person holding both offl ? - '-' not ?celv? a ?alar] aa ?? t lei iber of the St.?;. :?? .r'tles ,. ? ;..\. ?mor ?eld Mr. R ild be ? | ? Moi FIREMEN'S HEARING MAY 18, M ' 0 .lav next Thursday on f the stat? WOULD DISINFECT STREET: Lawyer Suggests Putting Ger micide in City Sprinklers. Mbaay, teai s\?The ?oeetructloa of du? g,?nns it- BtrsetS ari?l Kuttern by mean? ?' - :".k'.inn 'an was recommend ed to-.lav by Thomas II Uses, an attoi ? ? Mr Ham BUaVsStB far - ? ough ?n'ph.'it of ir..t> to make a I per i->?n: BOtUttOI ?i. iid kill the gern s BLAMES SULZER FOR BIG STATE BUDGE! Senator Frawley Declares In crease of $6,000.000 Is Due to Governor's 'Reforms." A.hat '? Ma] '? Ft- ? for at In. r.a?-. ,,: more than | ???? ?? n th.- a. r and ?upplv til'..? Of i the ligures suhmltt?-d for th.? ?apport ..I the sut.- t'ivi rnment tl-.l- year b) '??.-? . rnor s ilsei i i omnllti |Ulry l* placed "i. Qovernor Sui7.?-r i.v I 'i ? . halnoon of ? at. r*lnan**fl Committee, la ? statemer.i Ight ..r ths items of Inersoo? provide i for in th. appropriation and ? - th?- statement, lated by reform? srhleb ?invernor S'il?.-' ited. appro*,ed and prom . ?: ras em of ' :tvv ley submit1? ' i -? Ing mi. ? immlttec >?* inquiry's totals ?r*?r?i ?Bitted to IBMI the Leg re * ?? item In Oil pi-..p-lati.-n or the supply bills minutas, "w hi u ? i In th? light of < ?i "'int allowed In salarv Iiee to prceenl em lesa than I ? ? Leg ature woo quits Bare keep botl Mils '?own to the ] IBM BTOpet running of the state government. "The large item.? In the way of it - - are raus. , the ri tion of th? labor, health and ? **b i tkm of tiie dflpert? ?? Ofay, an?I th ? fell? olios luAcient monsya foi th? eharl? ratlvfl and e.p; ati.inai Institu? tions, sa well ?' othei <b pai tmeni - ? .e'.t "In i elation I mandatory by legwtatton pa??- : at I - ? i- next ft ar v. ill cost ?. .? ?tato over a half mllue TO UNVEIL SCHURZ STATUE. The Carl Bchurs monunumt, in Morning? Bid? il*>tii street, will be ? - ?? moon In I ; Mayor Qaynor and members of tue ese* 1 m..rial ??ommlttee, of which Joseph II chairman Severs ? ': I ?h? who : 8 *hurs w ii ? ? The monument Is I work of i..,.-??? It ?ra? bull! with funds raise. i - THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE ONE of the many attractive things about the SUNDAY TRIBUNE is the pleasing variety of its contents. It is always Bright, Cheerful, Accurate and Well Illustrated. To-morrow's issue will contain a number of interesting topics of great human interest, gathered from all quarters of the globe. Here are a few of the Good Things:? The Passing of the Astor House Another Expedition to the Top of the World It reads like an "old wives" tale?the history of this famous tavern, whose dissolution is scheduled for May 29. Donald B. MacMillan and his fellow explorers will journey to Arctic regions in search of Crocker Land, which theory and tradition place north of Alaska. Independence in the Philippines ?A Study of Conditions The writer of this article is convinced that the Filipinos are incapable of self-government. He believes that freedom would mean strife among themselves and inevitably their surrender to one of the Great Powers. Mr. Roosevelt Again Takes Up the Threads of His Life A Tale of Bagdad, Ancient City of Arabian Nights Glory Far from the haunts of ravaging tourists lies this unknown town, which at last feels the touch of Modernism. He writes interestingly of wrestling, boxing and long walks. And, incidentally, tells some good stories about his friends of the prize-fighting contingent?Bob Fitz simmons, "Battling" Nelson and others. Do You Suffer from Indigestion? Then read this story about Table Tid-bits. It will tell you all about certain tempting delicacies prepared amid filth. You will immediately lose all desire for said delicacies. You will also KNOW why you have indigestion. Result, complete and entire restoration to health (maybe >. Evolution of Sports for Women An Interview with Dr. Thomas Denison Wood, of Columbia University. A most fascinating article, with illustrations showing women engaged in various athletic sports at all periods from mediaeval to modern times. Women are shown riding, hawking, fencing, yachting, at archery, etc. (In the Woman's Pages.) Street Suits for Summer (illustrated) Most attractive models in ratine, linen and newer fabrics. (In the Woman's Pages.) Bungalow Closet (illustrated) JL"^??N~? Giving a visual hint for a combination of utility and "good looks." (In the Woman's Pages.) Instruct Your Newsdealer to Deliver THE TRIBUNE at Your Home To-morrow