OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 10, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-05-10/ed-1/seq-6/

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Editor of "Everybody's Mag?
azine" Has Photos of Finding
of Amundsen's Tent.
Contains Diary of Last Days of;
Explorer's Life?To Be Pub?
lished in London, Paris
and New York.
has produced
? ?nt here yesterda) from Havra
ou r. Trumbull
Whit? oditoi ??: Even bodj - Mega
, i tur? : Scott
S South Pol? and 0
Amu :elnf in I
??'iv of Amund
-, st was in a
? - ble ? death of
- the pi' ' lausual ill
.?i <e
??? ... taken
aft? the) lift j
their fin?' -
? ? ?.-? b
? in.- tiiiriv thousand j
lUlk of
? i w ei e brought
? .
' I vv . ? ? -.??--:
- .? t | -i| v." [
ring mad?
wiih - ?
and ? ..">
? ? ai ?1 lIllN'e.v ill
-?riids and
ia:..i word nur ra?
it Is
? . W l It- '
? ? _
11 c
roll "I :iluis
eft inem The
;?? '
s ould
- ? i the ?
'! ii
of Ports
? two foi - i
? - ? ? ?
- - -
\ ?? IV
? ? 4 from ?-1
I s ? i ;
eg su ' ? .-ding nuin- ,
Suffrage Leaders Oppose Bill to
Exempt It from Parades.
? B. Gl fTlii, leader of the
\\ ..: | . ?
ers. who
Mi- .lani'-s I. 1*1.1
-, in N-vv fork, pr.
i. ?-;. earing In
Hall agali
? -pt oftleifll an-1
V . || fro the peo
., . . ? and thai .is
?? . , ? m? fact-? that
????' ,'e,| f,,,- all
roi,* our ..a-tv ha? groa
, ' in all the boro .
r w parade >>n luat
w ? ? ? thai i".
npted f i "in parade?
Mn p the rema
I .
?Bent Of I snd
....-? f Best ft Co and
? met
..???. 01 ? '?. v
pas ? i.-K
: ng fot loot here' pens oi a
? :
j The sixth of a series of ?
j tight valuable and interest- ?
a inp, vocational articles for >
| women, written by experts. [
< will appear in the E
Winnifred Stuart Gibbs
of the New York Association ?
for Improving the Condition [
?if the Poor, has an interest- *
tti^ article on ?
" Trained Charity I
Workers Needed"
Mrs. Weiler Declares They Need Vigorous Outdoor
Games Quite as Much as Boys, and Dolls
Are Good for the Latter.
i: ? h moud Va , Ma* '* ?; ,
MlP i. ? ?. M- .. ? l:
Frederick W'elin. <?f Lawrence, I
Ellen Kai? Ball Besi
\- fl i?.i. ..f Xoroton Conn B< lat? K
.,!.! of Plttflburfti Mar? B. Btew
of Baltimore; i "atl erlne M ' '? m' b, ??'
Benntngton, vt. and Man K. McDowell.
..- ? "hit aso, were apeakere.
'I'd. feature ter to-day waa a i ?
aetlvitlei a
hundred! of Wndr-rfarten and
? ,..',; t..-.? -,
Thal i"" mu? h dial ?*a made
betwei -. ' .?? .1 and1 ill
work and I ?
the ? lau?! of Mra W all? i ? ? o
Mai ? ?? - ?? ;?'*???? ' ? ?'
train th? o awa? from I
,.<? , i,- t. tHkinK awa> hin doll U
thr? teach him that ?? ruin ho
baloni i-- Iba fjitt mid Binca iba
?-fork aucti a? eatttna ?'?'"I B?nd dra?a rt*
??at? ? no o? cei lu*'? ?? placa n th? ?
... p wltho i aanaa of
? ? votlon toward hla
own home when he haa on? ? ? on t'?*1 :
,? k hat iplii ? happloasa of many
tamllic?. _|
The cii !. ?.n th? othei hand
ttantl) repreflaeil, and i-??. ^.i?? hei I
?ut dram ? ? tii??*?-- of ha
broth? i lift elderi fall to realize thai i i<
- broad li ainlni !<> f.-.... oin Uu
tint rown? aa nuil t? ti.i t ? ? ' a
ave be? % the jeat of I
roui aporti ? -? i i games, .1 ? >?
r??iii??l i?? (ir\e!np just thOBB ?. ?mi actciln
- -. whi? ii women ai a lacking phi ?
? u. ng! ii . a? not of luettce,
ipirii ' . ?dorn from Ball?? roacto ia?
, ;i '..i oad demo? ratl< apli I 1 at
>:adltlon for th? naoal pai 1
n ?i. aporta, ao thai while the boya
pi:?> laaeball the :,: .
? 0 1 01 plaj eicklj aentimenta gamea
of theli own; ?f thej are nol at home
Ing home duttea or responsibilities
tint ..ft.-'i ai?- t"u heavy for them or
rail g Ml? ?? nd Impatient for ? ba .?
: ?. .n them
1.. t tro?..',s plgj haul aometimes and I
forge) thetnaelvea Quietei aport music
lure an liai?? Uten v.-i \ Importan! ?
, ? ???i the uni ?11 ., ?, ?? ? - much :?>? 1
? -. r"oi with Hilt? all?roi*nd trainln?*
?H..'. be gentle and <a? '?> maj ba !
atrong lYhen occaalon demanda It, ami to?
gethei they maj round out a fuller Baora :
? holeaome ni>- foi tha race "
Will Be Shown To-day in Health
Contest Finals.
l- [vt ,->- rfeei babl i ? 11 be exhlb i
at t -. i.r,i,.\ um Hou?<. So ltd Eait
:..] ly In the fins ' 11
ntest *
Sew York Milk
Mmoai Hve h und re. b ?
amlned by the nur*>?a In the preliminary i
. . ? ? .
ttlon, In a lllctal !
rating Twenty-two of th? infants oh
taine.i M pe? i ?'tit or m"i e of th? - lib fl
??. and ?v? ol them s ? ?? id ? ? .!?;??.i
To da ? twent wo be i recel.
igi f moi e ' hsi ' I together '
with > ? ? ??? ?- ho a ?? lo i" 'e*ex?
? -l will appear at th? i a ox Hill
House '-.- final examinai on ? ?
Ing of or Is?? Th. be b: ?ho - idged
heat ... |i .... i. el i !.. lift?
1 be Bwarded a bl t ribbon,
?ntitiinc It 1 ? its moth?
will rec. o.i nkbook ahoa Ing i bal *
i..is been dep< Bited to the I
The K honoi mi.s dl
i?et i i. d ibboi 'i ho ? v? ho m to v. n
. ? ?ci lice sis month*
B ie SWS
t.. the beb) wl hai id? ??- be?l pros
fectlon in
? ?... inn.ill-o? v. III be| ? ?" S
., ? ., . ,. . ? ? .?" i:
Only Woman Senator Tells How
Eager the Girls Arc to
Vote in Colorado
Her? li what
The eff?
? -? Infant mil d i
*ollo? ' ? sfai
i.. . ?
Man Is the persor
. but ?he ?prani forthei
Mrs llel? Ring F
v. oman Bei the rountrj told this I
- .. esterds er add r. si ? ? i i
added ths
thai airead; hei little .
Kill was planning on sei ?1st?
|t W, 1
T - v.omen of >'.ado
i Senator Rob ' ?Ol
the ?to us you read In the aomen's
?r ?. -A\?, I l|.e ?S
?'iffr ?.;?? m ' o 01 ? >.
an- Itei p?a and tanc? | t? ip l?i
el ??? from ? la
? \\ t do noi api nd oui m. drinfcl
-? iffins balloi . ox? i v\. i.,4
fa ? ?. k? vinegar luga and w? ... ??
1 our ..... . |. . _? ,,? .
? women.
M.i- .' ? are i id in.l pioud I
| it tek?! - . -1 ; e ? :
? - - Idrrj si in" :?? - to .1 icuii
iii.llini-i - " Hi Old fl lend? "
B. natoi RoMnson * ah? ..v..? -
?thought of he-- i Senate ae the
eaental ne? uaklng
Induati v i ? ??
live, the doctoii i all oad ?
bad aeversl whj ahouldn'i iim bom?
makei a !
'Virtual repreaentatioi - ?? ai iIh
? i ad.... sied, si s designated s
lorn in 11 oi.
Fort Wayne Women Plan to
Lessen Girls' Discontent.
Foi ! IVoj i..- Ma) '? ?" thai lbs chll
?li en ?"f th? i. ? ' ' ??' ' - ? : i noi fe? !
. h sha me?I of lh. i t- n ?be
clat-sr. ?? . ? * elsborstelj dressed ? bll*
<ii en of rl< i. psrei.ti, th? Mol ? -
and reachera Club i ? j? v - - ?-\ei\,A a is i ?
? .., .v * 111 -i iniioi i o ? ? - ?. ? ??
!.. a I glrlfl vv Im ;,!??
.\ I ? ...
? a : i v :n Block a uniform dren ..: .. prl e
wii o reoeb of ' il M? mi- ? of ? ?
.lotii?.- - . b i.- ?'.-.i. on? easoi ...i t ?
? o tent amoai | i of poor pai eni i
?It.? bitte- ?;?- v oi ,,
Jubilee Affair to Celebrate College
The ? ? , \-.^o. ia|.,,,, ,,? ,.,,. \
I York M. ??I a College sn I Uoapttal f.->
\\ oui?!. will bold ? |ubl ???? m , .
i sa v..v Hotel on May IX la t-elebtst? the
???allege and to i reete enthusiasm to raise
the 1500 006 ? ?. essai ? t" e?q Ip .. too I? . .
college i" train women doctor?
j The r..,??it college and hospitsl, .n So
1!? V
s ti slnlng -<i. ?
? WM? ?4?i?je?l ib--? l..'/?.-r Memorial Train?
Bohool Th<- graduating es eise? of
i-.? - loss ? -? Ml b- held si lh? W .;
dorf?Astoi la Hotel on Ma
ha? ken*??'k N 3 Ma] I MISS PH/?
, i el h Pries a tea? bei inn!".. ? - -
I ichool ?bowed her ?kill Bl . o
. '? n.i holding ti., i..' ?' basebell team
..f iio .i....i i., three : un
:,; m< Th? ??'hi tn made alx
Th? hat wry for the gtrll v?ns M -
. Mna Hertha Currey; for iim bo) i
?? AllOTd und Bveretl * admo?.
U. S. Orders Entire Voyage
M?de in 10-Foot Boat.
B ' : n - bun*
si. Ci-ii May !?. Quartermastei .n
Koehn, ??i ih<? L'nlted States .Vaw,
I * ' ?
;..... th? entire length ?>f th? ll
>ii?;?i Rlvn from l?ake lias, i to l ??
Gulf of Mexico, m :t ten-f??..; rowl .?
? on -i in? l i ' '-ni Pai h Ra.
M ti"
t Koehu'a l"iiR \..'h|;?^ has lif.-n
th? Yin i Department to
atimulate Interest In and draw re*
. ? ..?1? f..i- the i ? Ited States nat j
The quat'termaati | t,, be an
rxperl oarsman, ;? f?.t mei membi i of
aevi .?i ? hampion na*? team
pion aingla ?culler a nd a Innei
in i/? ?i in i ??? ng contesta He exi
t.. nf.!.?- th, tt i;, n 'm" '> daj - m h
? Pass Jett ?'it.
\>v Orlea
Aged Woman Defeats Young
Rival in 20-Mile Spin
i ? mom P? nn Max :? ?s re*
some ?- ? .i bant? it
apeed ?<f Hi? :
?i t.? i t h. ?i abilit ? aa driven ? a ol
t ?* ?nt milea - not n*
i UK ;" i a ??';i Mi a.
nlnet ? ? an old and Mt a lia r?
1.Ion, twenty-flv? ? ?
promln? ? iwn
Th? atakea t?? the a Inner were i
expense* ? ? ?? hoi ? i In I
; | Th? ? '.f' : ? oral
i?.a.i from thin ? Itj 10 iii*-n -
point, lh<
Th? Btai was ma - ? "
ant! m !? 2'.\ ??'? lo? ? Mra y\ a ? ? ??'?? '
her .. ? lo Or? Tn ?? mln
ia'."i Mi * Leordon Briived 11 iring
p Mrs, ?Val ace nevei
apeed and ? loi d n| 10
\\ '.. I : ?. WO Ol !. ' :
a? ng? i - - be ook th? i .?
in : j, on tht routt .. I I II ? I
Mrs. i.. ..i don ami Ingl ? ? ? ?<
f<?. yiia \\ h la?. - ahopping trip. '
Washington Board of Trade
Recommends Em.
\\ aah ngton Ms ? y
? n . ?
? I :??,.! .i ..' 'I .
?\ r?solution looking lo armd? ?
*< ih? luggaation.o
? d t? Dr. D. P.?
i phyatclafl rhci Bi
; bate, ti.*- ??:. ? ? i in. ,-,n i > .ni; b m? m
. ? ? w i... vvei ? I*xv . . . - rtiiil ' .
(ended thai .1 would .? II ? >ga '? to 1 ? m .. t
a pi vHi in n ?? eertlAcata The '??.a d
??quern onfled >x. 1 ?,, :, rorominen
< at ..ti thai ministen and ? ?? ra ??
1 v-.-.i t?. p. '"i " ma 1..?-. ? ? ? ; ? m?
reojueai a 1? tlflcata ft om ? boa? * h > .
? 111? tiuir '.1
y com? "? - f.m Uu Board 01
will u'.tk a mor? definite acbenaa and
r?. pet ' vrliiii .. ''???? -.-K- ' ..Miiiiii !??? - ;
th? board ? e been at work t
:>.. ? model hoaltii 1
Ik ad 1 i-a'niliix- ol
harina i*ongr?sf rat? 1 \ . <? rommle?
sion, Increas? th? powera and m,i,j 10 th?
(liMp?- A I ?!.-.., t , .?
Ileali 1 " rtstltut? a gen?
rad campaign of ?ducal on a
Carpathia Surgeon and Medical
Student in Auto Crash.
? ?any, May *? Di Vtttorlo i-isiraio. !
..f Albany, who waa aaslatant Burgeon of I
the reocua ship '?'putin?, wiit.-ii piek??d]
? up aurvlvors ol 1 ? 1 tank t?lsastei waal
Injured fatal!) to-nl| ? and To la Mar?.
:./.:'.??. >>i .Sew* York luffered .. fractured
whei mi a itot.Ile a hleh Rial' .t?>
i? a-- <ii i\ ine n.M. - .. . ? 1 ??,,. - ha Albany i
' '.,1,1111 \ Club 1 " Kim? at?, la not >-v
pected in .\r, but Marrasso "n-iii h???> ?
The n lured men ,t>c toward '
y . r, and Dr. M ,-?? - ned .? Id? to
pei mil .< largei ? a: ?.. ,??- ? Tht leei .:?>:
eel wa de b) the deep
aand an?i the machine overturned, mi?k
lag i' i: 1 ? ato "n the back.
i.. Risica to ? ' ? a ahlp - ? ? r s ? ? ? n
beci Bi ??' in.- Tltanii dtaaatei y ?-..i?i
medal ??? -iv presented t.. him fw bis bot- ,
.... .. ? . ? .. .,
Marraxao i?. ? medical aluden) In ! aw
? : .. > - at ??.. i .. Bast tilth at.
i. . . .--.? i? rtM Trtb . ?
Bi . ni?.ni < ""in'.. Maj I a long ii... tura
Igt the base of Ma nkoll, raeaivad whoa h.t
, ? . oblle of < 'lar?nc? J. WyckoflT,
a Whit? r 1. is lawyer, sent Corte Muaela,
seven lean old, of st?infn??i to ifae Bgaaa
r.,..; 1 lospttal - ? '?? the aurgeoi ? ?....1
. i,, would Mi yy ?
I \'.i? Y\ 11 in?in il. Uewi 11? 0, of Brook
and Mi 1 1: 1. Pert of ?ManorvUle,
i.?.ii? island, hi? h? d b* tin poUca,
That Is, There's Now a V. W.
Button on Bernhardt.
That Was All, Yet Serenaders
Have Visions of Divine Actress
on a Soap Box.
la d thai the divine barata i* for lh?
-uff: ag* "
But ? e ? '
Thai :- Is '.<: tiir suffragista were ion
?unie.I u Hb th" grind delight at the re?
s',It of thi-ii setenafie yesterday, it is
true that all the iC'Ognition they received
from the great Sarah wan a smile and the ;
ver? ..f pinning a Totea for \\'om
-.tr.iii on In i fur i look, b d what i?
I to ,.\|.e. ? ?
Th.- aerenaderi arrived at ige Palace I
Theatre ..t . :.io. k. and while Martha
Klatachkei addressed the crowds from the
'.ok aeel of a tezlceb, Misa Portia Willla
followed bj an enthusiastic group of auf
-f. charged mors or ?..s? mn.ii. up I
and dowi between the box ..flV-e and th.
^!.??;?, entronca 11 ? ; n g t.? fln.i a mol
mortal who had lbs nerve to presen)
theli card to madame, it was achieved
finally through ;? mild and blond young
man, who turned out to be "np of mod?
am? managers Then followed a period
' ? ige door Johnn: m| Bel no Johnny
|UI ped ??? tbOM glrti jumped when
to rel?ese s bsrml? sa
membei of the chorus Finally on.- siea'
Jump i ? ng of th'
oe ?aril] ?[..-al- t.. OU SS Bl gMI
? 1.1 mona!? ui of the ? How lo. ka ;
? the "aufls" mus? hsi i I et
tsgloui foi In " timi si sil i H
? :tii|ed bl Bfl I '?' 't ? 'I
i : ? r,i ? hi. h a i ose the
? ?' Ben herd) ! "Thsi'a
omli i Oe on ?
'* . mbl I? ed the oi i irlUI ' '
.. bout . ondil lot ? ..f
women France, wber? before r?>-ri
hardi * ?'a- the "hen .i*te not ring before
t he rock hul ? oe H la to la ugh !
Then ihi ?. opened ?mi a maid md I
. Th? 'i ahouta of "I. */?
it ? ' Madam.- atl Uggll '!
? . ? ? ? ' glimpses of b.
riiini? a'id rhlnchlll? rloek brim the
it i ? ? v '.?.-???' the i
4 . | ... . n ,
. ??? -?? ia ?of. i
r ? led \t ?? vv ....
lui - -
??M BB n ?
? ; ? . .. ??,, i
.... r . , .
i - i? ->? wsltini si
r enffrag?
I i all
I? ' ? f --, r.
... ? lh?. ??ip bo\ '
Hero Saved Several from Run
away Which Killed Him
\\bens. VI .... B
lain? ? la when be stopp?
i.. - i ? , ? ". . ?
prevent inein from running doors -
er?l rhildren resultsd in th" death >>f
John 'ir.'.ri .- . ? ?
?.? . ? .. S?i i? ? -
on bis i.?..-. H<
- on snd osvei n ?,?> ?-<. J oni ...?
Cowgirl Has 8.000 Guests at
Her Wild West Wedding.
ijrifflthi one of
th? cowgirl! who dail) .. :? ? nlghtlj ,
f,.i o- on bi. n? ..n ? . |hi
married Harrj Bmltl v ng? .
one ol ''? ? ? m Buffa ?
Wild v\ ? - - i wedding
? ? > - ? | performan?
u bll? ' ?? ? ? nd M ? ? ^.? ,i it i |? .?
\\ i en th? K?l Fb.i.ei I I: ,i
Brook n M onary - it? pp. -. .
in?- cent.I ', .
aod "U ?????? -.?'.?. Ha - ridet
tai i od? ' ' ? ?:? i>\ ?i i,
bafoi e bin II? no? ot > .?.,1 i i,u :
?and persona api iud?d
Ma B.ITei anolha ? . , J
?a bi Lie na Id, and Leu Ba '
of the oo at bey i wsi the beai asei The
little ?? .".i ?,,-?. i,. .p.
.-.- too igh i ? liked the a lad >.f It, an i -
Harrj appeared aa a r?galai bi degroom
Aftei lh? wedding Majoi Oordon '.\
Utile, Pas ne.- Bill r?tjd4 foi ?... i
prevented M snd Mra Bmlth ?itii a
Bold medal t..nm. irai? th. happ
.... a - ion noi ?? * . ? v., ? o To bi log t h?
?fidn t.. a bsppi con lualon, ;.?i th.- cos
i..i ?- and cowgirls rods sround lbs ar?
ibouting, i-i Ing theli i Bo ? and ibroa
mu rica ..rid obi shoea v?" one "h? burl
? ? ? e
Miss Goodnch Was Not Starving. Her
Mother Declares.
By ?'....
phil <??? i I MS '* M'S i . ,, ?;.,.?i- i
i I? h, Of "i" Bit* ? molli"- Hol. .-I '
..?.mini! e.i ?? ride at 1
i-'iamlnghem, Maai eaterda -es t..
... , povert) droi ? at da iglitei ?
,, . i, i i .. ,'. \ii Ooodrlel .i? ? ares I
? .. ... n. ? remittance!
rea'.tlarly and thai Ihi
tomed la earning I*- ? l"4 ? ?".??ek mis.?
i,. . ?..j. i,?-i hon e wit
, . rns a good ?ai?.v or a profeaakmal
bas? ball pi? ? i
In her ante-moi tern ?I? lenient M -?
i,,. ? :? ? '?.i.-.i thai shfl had sot e nun
f., ... v. ??-?'.- ggd had de. id?.I 'o "jive in'.
,? ,. m ugg ? ? rxlatence on |l a ...
. |] , re el? e.i In .? p.-p. r bos foe?
\\rm , ;,, ?i, ich r in ba\ e the bodi
ere fo burl il
Italian L??borers Demand Minimum
Wage of S1.7D a Day.
Two ibou-asnd Italiss lal.? - on ihi
i ? ,, d Be'.iroed * ystsin h., a au nek ?
f,,! a minimum a ?i-.* of * Il a d i] T ?a
Iti ^e loclodss all Ike dlvlslooa from tii?|
,,.v, i i.. Moataak Poloi
?lie read bad .i*;"*d io peo all th? la-j
, or?is In the < onsti u Uon .j. . si tmenl a
minimum daily ' ?*R'% *" W '-?- ? i a mn:;'
I'Uim vv.se ot 111* I' ""1 sl?*i promlred
to glv? Hi*- concret? workeii who had !
been receiving ?? '?'? betor? th? strike, s|
uniform wsg? "! '; ?* ""I the track and
?-lump men ?i '? ?- if lb? ) ? er? tomn? I ? ? I
Th? ...mi>H.iv provid-n thai tin tore*
men ?i.Id ba lh? hKlg u lh?
^ct, n. "i lh? ' sck snd >. imp ? ten
Tl...?.- in.; rjusllfied wer? -.. receive a
?nlrtmun of ti 18 T ?? i im h? . -
If t.,re Iimi l"*en |1 oil lo> a ? ?? II I ?}
?i??,,. ?..- un - n o> 1er? b? high
III ,lik oak'?? ' ?? -- ??' ?
i )il??h they rtenian-1 Th? olb .ala uf lite
lin? espeel the di*fe,"-n<-? to be lettled
?n a f.-A da* *
Give the Merry Ha-Ha to Chicago Professor's
Wise Little Plan for Reducing the
High Cost of Living.
Hoop-la! Viva l'Am?ricaine! Bh? wl
not i" i.ivor. ?i from Parto '??"Ii?o?1'
when hubby ha? the eaah to buy them
n??ifi)<?r ?aiii ?ha go Into a neat, cheap un
form, ?Von! Thai Chicago profagaa"" *Al1
suggests this an a remedy foe th? hu,
cost of living can with himself forth*
po. it la not because women buj Pari
clothea that th? i osl of Hi Ing H i* hlgl
I ? , the egg a too expeneive an
ih" meal It la too ?i? i
VO, Professor Y\aH? ? Sargent. <>f tit
i t?Ivarsit! of Chicago, w.ii hava lo loo
?I ??where foi aympatby in his cruaad
I the Yin? i lean woman'a ' mad pui
Bull for the varying fada of dress sen
.??it from European faahlon centr?e " n
::? ? li from Vea forh women, ?
'? at ?-'?i .?i ? .Id '"? found yest? rda?
to ?ay a le? kind wordi foi hla plan o
Importing tin Chines? custom of "on
?-iaiiiisii.il ityla of dresa fo women.'
.a foi the profcsBor's suggestion of ,;
? il committee of musts t.? deaigi
woman's ?ut?, they all gave It thi met -
? ha v i 'i thi i wei an I lightsome bul
-.. . ... . nil, r The 'I rlbun?
... re to ' oitMiit ape? loll)
women Mra Edward R Hewitt preal
if t be y\ oman'a al Leagu?
Mra Julian Hi ath. head of the Houa?
? ? ?.. .11... i '.- of..Ian.- Ba Ii
?if ih? ? ? | ? ? ,'?.?) ? loth I'
it Teat hi ra Colleg? M la '? ????? M ?lbb*
? ?? ih? '? . .t.-ni fui improvlng th?
?n or the f'ooi ? senda out lo tell
pi pple bo? i" ...... ? theii In? oroea n
and Mrs. I itanton Blat? ii
pr.?sld??nt of the W'omsn'i Political L'nton
It ??.<- hoped that Mra Blatcfa would
: old up Profeaao .^a - *? i I am
a and her fa
Ing lust ? the entis for the
, v i ' ?m. s . -, ... on I'tfti)
avenue Bat irday, at??i told i?? s da I i
- and put ?m moi ?? petti? oata
might ...i\?? been ? pected to i
.,-? ? .i mood, m II She
In't be Inten ? . ? ?
hastening to a wi
m it \ ??n a ew frock She oi dered t
... ? r am
.... ? ! Olli ol '
... i | ?
i?, i.?
Mri ? ? ?, - , 1er t?
i? .. .
. n
I f..i womet
;. ? at
that i an
.< r the uni
I ' I n ?
g . u Mr?. Hi ? r ? ..?! Th?
adal of our
nstl??na1 ?? ? .
? ?anse ua an
I . , ? - ? . s wife nor his
piano. I
f ni?-? In tito pail'.t wi.rii the IM -
cama in
'Yon run t g?n?ralisa a ?oui prest
conditions. n??r rnr?? them by puttl
wonaan In iialforma, or course, if ?
?il went Into Wanlketa clothea would
?l.eap sn.l IT f? all took 10 rating ri
tir pries of nient WOUM r.. d?)ivn. T
Japanese live ??n ri t. Hut are ws llk
t.. d.-? ii ""
Mrs. Heath, arto- eerefull? pet tsl
Prol?or Ifcrgont'a aaaajrUon t al "t
American woittan'a mad pursuit of <lr.
an?! h? i ac ? ptanoe of European ma
?ist??; or fa*ritf?ni were direct!* regponail
for the i Igh ? ust ..r living." aa d i
guessed she'd keep right on Bgbtl s
bring down the prices of eggs and mea
Bhe wanted cheap food ah? brasen
added, so wt louid gxt more pr?t
? \Y'.. women don't iia*.-' eaougk ptoti
thins-i to wear." she aaM< That Chlcai
professor'.torn Isn't sound. Woi
an'a drees doesn't add to the high en
of living. Th?* extravagance of a rerta
fea women ?n drgaa adds to the coat
high living.
"As to uniform dresa?nonsense! Amei
? ?' ?.tuiien ha\?' too ni":? ii Indlviduallt!
Tin j want t?> expresa themselves in tbc
.-. And think of all iba typos U
women and t?*a n vom mi and tall Bromt
and ?ii ??i i women- fancy them nil In on
uniform! Heavena! ai.u i, r ?i one. di
... what an? ,<i tiste di -i-1
No angel aleev s and Rapp] ihlnga fa
Somt romen an nicked about dreta
m - u ?.;?.! '.i spend IMS fot * pluma o
? ha? when other wiMisen haven't anoug
to ?at but ?t puts t hoir money In Ht
? ulatlon T ? - oughtn't to bgva -
men?} 1 a? ?oe? back to wrong aocia
Mlaa Olbbs aa*,fl the ean Bpeak ont** r?1
the tenement houac population, b
loti e? aren't rea fot boi
ertx there
'it- |i ade ? Incomes, and nothin*
she a of bu? mg tm
.. cloth?) the? don'l have enough
". - igh prettj things
Ifs tru? g Italian mea
il . ?-i xx m bloom oui
. . , ta -
. I Wif next meal l|
f- froi i,
i. the desire to look wi
n wo Id Im hoi ?-1? aa n.?,?-. d if
"Tomi ' .? - wa P
.-.? . ? ? -i i- ten ? the < lili av>
-..; ? .,:;. about - 'a -.?.??*. Thai
Am?i I? an ? ?< - . I wan
ear i ? ? ? An
; II? Would
... ? that a few wo
..-. ?i ? . i si
i tiia: Do
think od Ii ?? ?
?? oh
P?ison I ???!.? Prof?aao is
like t i. ides of ?? unifo m dress lui w.?ni
lt sou la ? e, and thi
to m?-. B it i doo't think that to
? ? .i make m r<>
n indu ?dual i
To Ciou Old Beautifully One Must Eat Well. Sleep
Well and Exercise Wisely Mind,
Body and Heart.
Many women -have < ? i i i lentimi
no ?' n vv : iiei tv ho v., .,|
? I ?iMi ...:?: ?.?a i : .
. ' i : a"ti\ ?? it ?
. mue
rgi |i not. : m t
d to tree? a ne : i - i ?
'. ,.,?>. f.,p.
? .
fn u from within.
The ? -
,, 4
bi .1 esen -? and tha mind
neeuB that sie i ess < xsctlng
Thai?? have ne n taai Mie.ii"?
?-?n - ? e prsi entlon of sld ^k**- msi
of i ire es eltenl and mosi of the
ii- .i -? ? .1 of tintb 'hat ? e iho ltd ??
an i- mi adopt but tin* mo?t praotlc
if u ?? ..f all ia th? formula given by
? ?..:,' 1 ? i ?aid
?t ? auceaai the I : Igldlt) of old B|
?i ks. p t ii.- i mi i Us mind and 11
bes 11 In peratli i \ Igoi To do
m"?t asen las, *i d snd Io
K ei v ? o.n.m should speti i i asal s
i..un? a da) la the op?
m f.n ' ? ?-? ? ho wish in prsesri
. . . lbs the el h?r hai .i. th
4.. ingei on* - ..i as ho are anxioui i
k on up gre?ceful an.i health) -houi
si? i,.i . ii moment thai i | ossl ils ot
of d.i iii. i.? Ii nothtni hk? fresh si
.!?- ..'I aid I.." '
Nui alona i* axerelsa sbso tel) necea
eaerve ) out h and good look
api to k?N i thfl .U BUpplfl and lithe, bll
ip.. i bole? oi ?sen t>- of great Im
;..,'., ... . .-?? Il el r.il in- ..f . \
. o- .'...-.. I n? ni ii '? - whll?
Bgals others stimul?t? lh? brain, qutckei
th.- eye, and 1.1 h ?.-?i ontro w alklni
o,.i- i., i ih..i sa .? ?- i>? of tbe Ural elaa?
and all games Into arb-lch ?kill and i iv alt v
eii.-i belong to the ?,.i ?if ail the In?
door forma >.f exert lae th.>e beal adapt
ed to xive gra? ?? te tk? bod) I? dsi eins
To lh? erio i aeeki i Bft? lha to inta .
>.f v out n th? ' "'i tint tieH'it v and
health are married lo each other for ?ii
tlms must be th? foundation upon which
i - n. i . ampsign The bi llllsnc) of
be? t] i- m. rely th? outward and risible
realisation ?>f perfet-l physical ?rell being
Bleep seven t?. elgbl houra t possible,
the more the setter, but sbov? all iia\.
the bedroom well rentllsled lia... \\ fur.
m?he?i with g-*artan ?Implldty, knick
kneeki and quantltlei of pi lurei and
brlc-a-bra are oui of place In a bedroom
frees the beaut) leekei i point of riew, ga
Ihej aie merely dust and germ trapo, The
posltkm of the bed should '.f greai Im
ponan e it ?diould never 'ne b* a direct
?irait, nor ought II '" be Plsged where
? ?i hreulota freel round It, sg foi
install?e. |g a ,-,?,,. : I'lom a hygienic
petal of vie? ?(ion., th.? v.iv peel place
for a bed |? dlrectlv ill IBS COntte of the
to- m. Of course this ? ? ?' I Impos?
?Vhen ib? human race ?sa ?ati?fle?i m
?pend during the da j onl) sa much ene
k> aa ... iid ha mod? up si nlghl during
?leep. IBmj |ai.f ,%8)| 4?goiOU? and iong
livTd.gllil .,-.? ?,fgnu ,il ?'? YOSTS in th-*--e
letra mua daya work ?n.' i ? hotli
under heav) pressure, and twice a.? nun h
Hows out i ?iiirlna lay aa
Bows Into to - ? - - -
i ?i. Kiaal im.it- r.ii def*
.... ileep exercise and ?
food i '"n l over?? ?? ah t he
h.i.i? . a happj medium Ii what
' the erf"'t i?r fie woman who i? studying
ti.e ?? ondet ful at ? .< ,,,....?. at .!.??
fj mg lima
M?issachii3etts Takes Steps to
Improve the Race.
Boston, May I Go? ? ?aa aigned a
4 ilativa ' ?sol rs to?ds i sut boi Istn
Itati '?? n?! ?. iienith and Insanity t<>|
?ntake a i??int Inveetlgattofi to determine
xx Ii.h fui th. i Impedim?nti to martial
any. should be reeognls?d by the ?-tat* ?
Yt present Insanit) Is the only legal ??at
i .
There has bean m i? h tfiseusaion st i .
State liou?e ..n ii?.- Bdvlsabtttty of n
Ing ?.? mat Imon*. to i..<s.? a ]
phj alcal examination I
The Woman
About Town
ix ci.,? M-YY- rORK Wg tratooht ?
comforubl) seated stop of th? i rt?
avenus ' as '.? hen It passed vVaahlngtaa
.Mewa. which la back of \\ a-ningtoa
Square North. Our awlft -.,,?.? ,,ijwi|
? alley took la a pat. h .,r V,V1(1 Rrffn
? '?" h ao aroused the i ? ... J?
?camp? -i dowa the eraursi
and hastened '" the Mewa All the au.
Mes looked dull and dingy, ?
I ?' ***? ? '????? '"? fr? ' ., "n.\
Iauch n ?maint appearance, with. j., g , _
? -"? Bn porch ami fsnea as I ? . ,
I that held blight gala . ,'
; ffljir1,-.i xve were In Mr,- ^j.
The doge ?as vid?- ,. , ,,i-f>[| ^'^
the room beyond showed ti
{ aoeaethlng doing " But what? t ...
stood .-. couple of pacas awe? i ? ,u t0
? a? re? up -enrage to lool h ., i.,,,
Ipeorcd In the rloorWO) ;,,,,! , ^
; Bald ''?.me tiRht in Th? i??.,ni ?.8?
d ?ith men, women and MaiUar).
i Edward Pleld Banfo I . talaataa
young Bculptor, had bul recently taken
, the id.,, e. renovated It an?i ?*-aa sTBaaas
?.isewarmiog. Aa bia mother akan-M
'ns even t.?".^ and corner and promiiy
tuiii us .,r bia wonderful .???;?.<?-.?? aha
learned with ??'. and then Inalated upon
our partaking ->r the aandwl^kjaa ?n?i
lemonade pun. h L?ate ai?-. en# rtl?
Bgainat unkiod Manhattanites, wkeg a
wear wayfarer is thus taken ?uhm th?
stranger's p.?'e and shown i ??h kuvi
hoepltall t] "
i.v tiii; PARK Par off front the neis?
of ti.e bustling cit) a*a were seat?.?! in
liii?- pergola amona the traetopa in Cea?
( trai Park, opposite >? ant avej
Koraging around out feet foi tidbits was
a gray-brown squirrel Several ?
boya were . limbing i e rugged r<
Aloft In th" i"?-?*..-, ovei the nt^ient.
blockhouse. Old Oloi ? dix- Mow.
ma ThS sunshine ?? . . ,n,
erlng les ? Ml le!
hi lo!" and the branch?e swayed la ?**
< .?m pa n i tu? m te the wl
A iat;iied. blulah cloud I ????nihl?
through 'he he ? .???'?? t**oa?***>
? took on i ii- foi m of i ? if traft*
tnp wistaria. Our Who!? r?g ???n.?-l
' th? put 11 ?? and grat I ira when
! a boyish t'li.T i'ioke Uie spell:
D'ye wantar m ?ike
! m the 'movies'? Tha boj aaa leani-i?
over the log ft s and - rS tha
pre. ipltoua path. It se? ? aerted,
! but H wasn't ' >n the Bl? ? BtSfM
j that were hewn from rock two of Bva'a
children were seat? They had ???
sweie?t the ? .t'l of ? early
i ai e.?n of the pi ass and th?
fi .?m tha lahes wi :
them, b-it tr.ex ??!.,?
piar? a- it have fall
the pfp. ratina i is eyea
?? - anly tura? ' ad u
pose Bill" !.n?l his friei
the tai % u ??'he * met
1 da\ nearer and ihe \Y ..;. ,
! ?ii?. reetl* melted
s YMT yi;y PKI \ - Two
! h.,\ ? wei s drinking a I ? I
I fain* in ? 'entrai Park T ?
wen I
| fl rot coi aooi
..i lora nor their ? ba
? i ? of them rubbed
.?I ? .... .
I the flrst boj s a ouldn'l alloi net
on ? ? i ? ?
lot -
the n m :'.??
' ' ' ' #
Da.lv Bill o? Fare.
BRE ?KF y si .- ? ? ?? *?-"v'
! ? ream, panned a
? ? ?
? ??,,-. ?
1 salad of ? ucumb? i - i
! CI ?-.. m ? ??IT...
? BCPPKR Cbeea? lei
? pin. ai pie, I?-*
hoke .
. lioKe .
leave? from (In? Krei
acid ilat? ?1 water until -
out lmm?d
cream sa e ? - '
n ..I .,'-1x If til" a: ticbok
old th? ?houl
, - ? ?
tuca M..st p.,.pi., co
t,,in m xxm\ i that are too i
d?li? loua
? ij. n hen a? fasnw
pint "f , ream, a pin!
? tt yolk? and .?ne and
fuis of m?lt?d map ?? -
com? t.. tha boiling polni ?a ip ,he ??*
m.ik- tho oughl) ?
I..-, iii.- . latai d th
ring h c??n*tantt* to
MIS Hi? s?.rup will H ai
slant!? from toe ?t?>\. Let th.
become ? ol?l and ??id ,"
as on? would an- r'r?i ? wi
one and a half
ha ?? cr?am thai - i
? ? ?
News of the Markets
The '.: - ?ate m? lona of the ?ei
mad? theli a pearance In IVsshlngion
viat k. 1 ? esierds) Th? from
I'lie d.i. a mi a '. ?f . ...n ie, .1 little ? v -
'. ? at 1 . -- ; Unfl Of >.'.?' 11 e-. e ??
Btra? ? 1 ? - ? 1 ? ?? - 1 more pi. nt .
? and, m fad, the fruti and eogetabl?
?tanda In the marks) a*ere nevet tno ?
attractive than now Rhubarb la plentiful
and . I ? a p,
i.. 11.1 baa . oree doe n 1 cen? a pound
dill illK t lit? 4V . . U
Sea Food.
I'., nul
? tit .r?i-'?
tvhol? ?-' """?' '"-"
l.,,!,?t.i. ja.iO: Uu?t?-n*?.i
, ,.., 10.- * Un?a Hut
gteak Jod '*?'?? I.nil? X?. 1? "til' "?
\, |OU I . !? It I*" S.ill.l.f I v 0
tvint. per. 1: . I* IL.r.M.el! 11
PI, kerel -l* 1 'liowdei ?I ill ?'? (
.1' 'i I ' :? -.? "H '??' '
Keli . .. '.mi "? . nu. k ?had:
11, .,111.1. 1- Whole
1 ,. o, riluil ?.ii 'J-. ? ui .
1 1 , ? ot Ml? ***l ft'?* ?had I
.Il ,,, ,,,* -A' l'reili iiii?kirc
?. . , ..-i, l'?lt
itr,,..' trout .'??-. *??!....1 io? >???
Kingi1r.li ''?? '
-t: if. I b**ll .?.-,i'i?-vfl?h W
,-,,i, roe?) iBclSoftsbatl .-.-?b? l: I
i-.i'iij. Pound.
1,,'g og.'i-- r:.nil..! iteak '
id n. 1 -.m. d ! . "' P.'.? '
Ka--ka '.g:'V -heiil. 1er of ? ??-. IS?
<,,.? Rreaai if ?e?:
Pork - I'.'i ? ''' '"?' *-"iie'?
i;r.?.?tir.<- t"1'? -'?*''' ??'?I ehopa ",t? y' ,
mask. so 1 ...n- of pur: ee
i'?t io??! ..'Oii -'.'?' Ba? on
prime rib roa?t .. *."..-! llnni
fop ilrlol? "fi ?
Poultry and Gam?.
pa n . 1 .. '
r..i?"lln? 1 In. ken? It lundi-i ?<tu?r-? S ,
I,,,, i.? -.1 !ipn? f It I
fowl? . l'O?fll
- . Be Plgaona , . 9 tSSjm :..
Plrlll ; VI ? ,-.? pt'.l'O*?
t:.-. . 10
' elen II ' I .?,?.
Aapar?! .- .- ; I * ,',';
I I'r-n.i '
' ?er .?O?r
:? '
Ifuahro ?ma
Fn.llve ....
-1 111? '
PvhlK - ? -
II. n?
I..1. ,4
>V <?.?!
Beei i
r ?
! ?
Dairy Products.
I '.. "1 B
:, Knall***
h . .
Ipptea ... CO?**? ' ? ?' e? .
Oran.?? MVO?
. . -?..,
rtananaa I
Tabla pearl II r.eil M Plnawherrlea
i-.ii-v ' '?r ?
Rhubarb . ?'>? H' "' '"" ?
QARPET flijAaSjjj
V\ . 44 *r'l I ? ?
?l?o .1? ?ihr .an? ?had
ni'irlerii ne ' I" I
i: .-r\ ni'Mlern in?'in<.i >?? ? ?" ^z?
Phone ri?'.*? ".-'J,
B'waj ?or. Hill. **l. N. ?
I rie ?or. .ill. *?1? . 1er?
**l?iTW|e W?reh"u?e ?nd
I il. Ph?M*** '*"'

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