$tto_)<*rk ?Brtbunr.
-IM>?.. MAT 11. 1913.
Ov.il?-.! i,n-l paMtabsd daily by The Tribune. Association.
?ratio? <'?- ?'? M Satd Praafateati COaoa
llstnlln. secretary; lamia M ilurrett. Treasurer. Ad?SNSa
Tribune Building, No. K.4 Nassau street, New Yoik
i - )iir*T!??N llATTS? By Mail. Postas? raid, outside of
New Vork.
tad i'unday, 1 mo.| .T.". Dailv only, ?month? ,W.SO
Dally and Sand?*', 6 ?tios. ?i.23 t>al!y only. 1 -fAT. . ? "'
?m Bandar, i resi ISO Bunday only, S months.? 1.5S8
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roatsioM rtAi Canadian sates
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' tarad st the Postofflce at New York ss Second CiSM Mall
Don't Get Scared Until the Under
wood Inquisition Is Really Set Up.
The Hog Oscar \V. C*__<*TW*0Od seems ambitious
to classify blmaelf ?viih Our own Julius ai i
mighty wand ?raver In politics. New York's famous
High sin-rilT told -a?rerai hundred admirers the
'.Hi.*- evening thai by brandlablng his Btaitrvaltj
?rand h< bad helped lo make New york County
?i!i' i?"in-i' of tin- world in goodness, purity and
Mr, ! nderrto.'il aaoires to do similar wonders
?v.tb the little baton which he brought <mt ;uk1
flourished In the House of *.*?epra?>enU?ves Inst
? w ilsoii I r>dera-ood tariff bill was paaeed.
lie Bays ha la ?-."'.'.i-; to make arlcked Republican
manufacturers testif*, to Utt -??""y O? th.* Demo
? rate' downward revision, eves though like Ba'
laam, tl'ey speak reluctantly and against their
natural i onvictlons.
ih" Alabama state-man has warned produc?is
? may think that they are injuriously affects
i..\ bis rftjeinn t.mcenl their ?wounds and pul on
smiling rountenances H they show tbeir diaaatU
lion bj reduciug output, cutting wanes, closing
down tbeir fa^rtories or otherwise expressing doubt
..i the all raffl 'lent wisdom of the new law, he will
inxit.- them to face the ?;ut ir<>ns. rack*-? and thumb
Rcrews "t an li_)Ulaltlon into their lr*3_itonable
avjor conducted by black masked emi**sarl?n ol
the Department ..f iv.inmeri-e.
Producers wh.. stand to loae money by operating
at fud cHpaeity under th<- rclodil tariff rate- had
better pookei their taama* with a crin, inherwi-e
J will be pilloried a- unpatriotic and undesirable
ciri?. .
W " cannnt :"t a- excited over Mr, Cnderw.|'a
wand waring a- art? some -?f tim adroiniatratton'B
-strongest supporters beres<houts ai**rong them "The
\. n York Tin??-." <>nr former neighbor warm I]
p**?*d<6Sta that thos" v In? criliclse the tariff by either
word or deed sbould not la- roughly Bubje?cted to
tin water cue?- or Komething worse. We are not
terrified by Mr. Underw?r*od*s harsh w?**rds. By the
lime Sheriff Harhurg.r's big stick work make- New
*i <>rk "the .-entre of tin? world in goodno-?. purlt*
and ;rt';itn.'??.' Mr. I mlerwood's win bare per
SUaded men ?li' are losing money under hifl law to
thank him profusel*? for the opportunity of soin*: on
losing it.
Wand wavin-t is all well enough in its way. but
ii doesn't always produce re-nit--.
??| ran call spirit- from the vaatj deep." boasteu
?>\*. .-n ?;ien?lo\v?-*r. the Cnderwood-Harl'urger Of
hi- period in Welsh hIrrtoTy. "Rut will they come
when you do call for them?" rcrorto?! the -'er-tic;. I
Wo shah not believe that ad -editious critic- ? ii!
tremble in their shOM and fall to testifying loudl.t
lo the ini-rrancy nf the new tariff bill until wo pre
the dreadful Vnderwood Inquisition really In opera
No More Illicit Cocaine Selling.
Wiih the new law r.Mrtcting pos-ossion and salo'
..f cocaitH? which ?Governor tamer has just s^ned in :
? 'i.Bttoa th.? "dope fiend" of the Tenderloin and
the Bowery will bare hi? source of supply shut Oh,
Moreover, the illicit dealer In thi- ?lrug will find
blmaelf in danger of prison whenever he tri??s to
peddle It as ;,?? ?raa not in danger formerl\.
\s a result Impioper sac of tin- drug Is i?oun?i to
become IsfM, Certain'.*, it will be lniposslble for
??phool chllrlr?:. to purchase it from street i*r??llorM,
On the other hand, no proper medical u*?- of the
drug win be Intetrered ?rlth.
Ihe Tribun* Is proud of the foot that it wat in
fdramental in h*?ipinr- t.. brins about the enactment
of ?he new law. It feels that it has been an Bge*M**
f?.r tim protection of tin* community through the dis
rouragement nt i dJemorsllslng and soulless trafile.
City Helps to Perfect Babyhood.
Where a few days at*?, only one perfect baby hi"
-??nied perfect, that is. according to the cold scale
Of weights and measures established by the physi?
cians - now a whole crop has Sprung up. It is safe to
assume rhnt "'.?by contests" in other sections of the
city than the lower F'ast side would produce many
ofh.-r s|??'(-inieii? ?.f Infantil?? pt_**nxUfa_, since iis
?-,!redly the bab] born there has nrnre lo ?-mitciul
with in adcT-.? surroundings than the child of any
rather quarter, save perhaps Harlem's "Little Italy."
The baby contests are doing a great work for fut?
ure generation?,. Incidentally, they speak a good
word for New York ?"?ty, with Its milk stations. Us
medical clinics, it*? bureaus of advice and help for
mothers In the seatlons where they ?re needed most.
These contesta furnish practical proof that cliy baby?
hood, even that of the tenements, n?*ed be at no dis?
advantage as oompirod with country babyhood, even
though the city *_?k1 must envy the scenery and
play space which the country child enjoys
Able to Pay in Full.
We publish in another column a summary of the
reports ma<le ,,?, business conditions in the West and
??outh by correspondents Of the Tnited State? Mori
r_'nse and TtuM Company. These reports bear out.
m far as t lu* West and South are concerned. The
"1 n'eiitie s judu'inent that the country bas made up its
mind t.? th.* inevitableness of downward tariff re
vision and has iilscunted the injury likely to be
done by too faSSS} cuts In the existing duties.
Ids-satisfaction with the Wilson-I'nderwood bill is
reported from various points, but the concern ex?
pressed Is limited to local interests. Crop conditions
are reported, with only one exception-In San Dk***o,
< al. as average, ?*o<*d. enc.uiragliiR or excellent, and
got a Huido wnrnliu: is given of unsound financial
. .militions. I 'idoiil.tedly if the tariff barrier was to
he lowered no more favorable time for lowerinj* it
eouhi has?* bSSal selected, since liipiidatioii ha? been
("?Stall ?m for two or three years and indu-try ami
linariee have prudently shortened sail in anticipation
of tariff changes.
It is fortunate thsi the nation is far better pre
l'a red f?.r an experiflsenl with lower duties tlian it
srga m 1894, when tbe passage ?,f the Wilson-? ?or?
inan Ian depressed iti'lti-ti> ?in?) threw tens of thou
rrandg of workmen <?ut of employment Even if Um
W il-.'ii-l nderwoiiil bill paSBCS tho Senate uiiiiniei,?|i??l
the country will get along, it win know more, bol
happily it will i??- able to pay mi gtght for ?t- en
llgbtenlng experience.
The Schurz Memorial.
Tbe <"ari Schon monument, unveiled yesterday
in RJveralde Drive, la more than s monument
t?? Bcburs a- mi individual, it is ratber ?i memo?
rial to tin- spirit ;in?i Influences in American life
of which in? was an illustrious exemplar.
Scbun'g career ?uni services typlfled those ?.i tens
of thousands "i i,?-- German countrymen, nrbo
brought t?< tin? United states in the critical period
just before the Civil War their bigb enthusiaam for
freedom and prosjreeg, and "ii?>. witli their Inborn
hatred for slavery, helped materially t,? Btrengthen
?the North in its struggle against the slave system
i end Becesalon.
The German Immigration following the r?volu?
\ ii"ii ??! 1848 did much i" make Missouri. Wisconsin.
i lowg and Michigan free soil states. Reinforced by
' tin- larger Immigration since ti,?- arar, it bas brought
int?? American life genera 11 j the civilizing Ideas and
h.-.iijs of tin- German people their reaped for edu
cation ami labor, their abhorrent.f oppression,
their hno of music and the other an-, and their
marked laste fur social activities and BOCial pleas?
in w;ii. pol?tica and t* a leader <>f tboughl
Mr. Bcburz was perhaps the mus? distinguished "t
German Americans. Hut in honoring iiiin the coun?
try ?ils?, hoi???is ill.? ton- of thousands of hi- com?
patriots whose services were of the same character
aa his, an.i recognizes it? <l"iii t" nil th"*?' who
have helped to give potency here to the genial,
fruitful and elevating manifestation** of the Iradl
tional Germanic spirit.
( >thcr (.oast wise Trade at Panama.
["be latesl suggestion concerning coastwise trade
g| Panama may be quite new at a nielbod ol sel
tllng our controvcrsj n1th England, bul 11 la i*er
talnly ii"i new a- b general principle. A year ago
it v;?s repeated)* pointed "'it In tbea.lumns
that if our own coastwise trade was exempted from
tolls ..n the ground thai ?' was non-competitive
thcr?' would ho a logical demand for tin- granting
? >f like exemption t-> the other American states
??? hieb bad frontages on both oceans ami some ol
w ho??- domestic commerce might Ihn? :,'" through
the ?-anal. The .stat?- ti,u- situated an- Canada,
Mexico. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, I o m
Rica, Panama end ? 'olombla.
If Midi a ?rule were adopted it would 1"' noce*
sarj i?, define tbe ion1- explicit!*?, so bb to hare
a ?lear understanding ?-f the meaning of "domestic
commerce" and "coastwise trade." n those terms
were extend? 'I lo Include commerce lietwcen Sew
?\ ?irk an.i ii..- Philippines ti'ev i ? ? t -_r i < t also be re?
quired to cover thai Nrtween Halifax and Australia
or even '"'tween Greal Britain ami her Paclfl. o
nies. If the\ were restricted to American contl
oental ports the same restrictions could ??' course
be ;r11?,?.*?..i upon other nations.
Whether such an amendment t?. th?' existing law
would be accepted bj Greal Britain a- a satis
factor*, settlement ??i the controvcrsj la, of course.
open to question. There is. however a fair possl
billty of an affirmative answer, teeing thai this plan
WOnM inert the .lema ml- ..f ?amida, and that it If
rhlefl*? on Canada's account tint Great Britain has
protested against the proposed discrimination
The Passing of "Chuck" ('onnors.
"Chuck" ConnoreV death win leuve Chinatown
without its i.-t advertised attraction. He was able
i" make Chinatown plausible i" the "slumming!
party" which had come downtown expecting to see
thing*1 queer and mysterious and ?lark ami draper
ate. Moreover, In- liked if? ?h? it. contributing at once
to the entertainment ?.f th.- outer world, hi- own
ami < bina town's. His phllosopbj enabled him t?,
?_?. t a glimpse of himself and his surroundings a- the
visitor saw them, and at tie- same time to
the ?i-itors ;?- ihey doubtlesf. never -aw themselves.
in in- heyday '"Chuck" was known all over ihe
country, am] |>cople would flock t?. hi- saloon i" s?-?
bim ami hear soi.f : la marvellous Bowerj jargon
and his philosophizing?. Thai wai back in Ihe dayi
wh??n ihere x\a- -ti'l some glamour to the Bowery,
before even the sailor on shore lean- had deserted
i it for the White Waj and the Tenderloin dance
hall-. Then "Chink" bad prestige, |?"-iii"ii ami
, power.
I if late hi- SUS had been shadowed. Though hei
didn't i""k "id. i:e was old. Thing? weren't tbe
! same. Instead of fighting with ?-ts ?.r blackjacai
the ganga fought with "gats*" heavy i?i-t>"s which
killed more innocent bystanders than gang membera,
Curious sightseers "slummed" in uptown restaurante
watching the "turkey tnt" rather than In Chinatown
Bering fui?-' opium Joint- Even the warring longs
patched up p? ace pacts.
"Chuck" wai a trim -on <?f the old Bowery, from
his newsboy ?lays to tbe end. The "??i Bowery hav?
ing gone, it wai fitting thai "Chock*' should not long
survive ii
The Strange History of a 1'amous letter.
ll is a queer turn of fate that brihgs ' 1 ?>? Pro
fund?s.' Oscar Wilde'*, last prone work, written
I while in IJeadiiiL' jail, into debate ggain. A wider
public has read ami enjoyed this Strunk'?' confession
I than any other Wild?. w.>rk. Anil the whole, Strange
I truth about its COntentg will surprise many.
The origina] manuscript was written on blue
pris"ti paper ami banded by Wilde t" bis literary
executor in isi?~ at the time of his release, it
<ii?i ii??t appear in prim, however, until several yean
niter Wilde's death, which occurred iu 1900, Onlj
Selected parts of the MS. were then, in fact, put,
lish.'d. and it was not until the ?Ictinitive edition ?if
Utos that a prefatory m?te explained the real eir
cumatancea tbal tbe title "i1?- Profundls" was the
Invention of the literary executor, thai tbe original
was ?ast in the form of a letter to a friend, and
that large portions \v?-re withheld from ihe pul,lie
Probably only half a do/.cn persona had seen ioe
complete MS. when in 1010 it was carefully sealed
ami hied away i" the British Museum with the
proviso that it should not 1,?' opened for fifty years.
or until January. I960. There ihe matter seem,si t..
1,?' at rest for the present generation.
Hut a few wmeks ggo a .our! order broke the
seals and made the suppressed passages a matter
of record in a libel action, ill?? letter waa In fact.
written t?. Lord Alfred Donglaa son <>f ihe Mar-:
quis "f Queenaberry, win? instigated tbe fateful gull ?
against Wilde And it was at Ihe instan.f Lord
Alfred Dougiaa in a suit now brought Hgwlwrt
Arthur Kiin.soine. author of "Uscitr Wilde. A Criti?
cal Study," that the suppressed parts were read.
The revelations are interesting but not exactly
surprisiti-. The beauty of won', and the keenm-ss
of thought in the paMiabed work attracted many.
Hut probably the fact thai has struck every OBS
meal forcibly i- the utter kick Of anything approach
l?g ie-ret i.r hiiiuhleness In this eonfessi"ii of a
lUagraced and broken man. The phrases are as
glorious as anything this master of style ever
penned, The truth is th?*re for others to reail.
But m, rilgbtest realixatlon <>f its application t-, bhi
own h,| i- to !,?? descried.
So the new passages read in court in the Uoug
la-Kansoine libel suit, pettish and unpleasant as
they aie. rather complete an expe.'te?l picture than
! mar a work of art. The upshot of them is a mean
' spirited assault upon the man who had been a ?lose
; friend. I.ord Alfred DoUglaa The letter i- signet
? "your affectionate friend,*' bul the affection is
very poorly Indicated. Every suppressed pa gauge
speaks loudly of a colossal egoist, who cared only
for love or friendship as it fed his own arti-tic
Sensibilities. "Y"ii knew what my art was to me
j"?the real, great, primal note by which I reve:tl??<1.
1 "first to myaelf, and then my-elf to the world, the
! 'n-ai passion of my life. Dont yon understand now
"that yiir lach "f imagination was the one really
"fatal detect of your character'.'" Ami so on!
Fortunately, the English reading pubHc long ago
i-easod to try to comprehend the strange mingling
of beauty and ugHne-s that was ("?-car Wilde "I'e
Profnndls" will Stand as it ha- in the pa-t as a
moat Illuminating criticism of the Christian faith.
The Insincerity "f the "deeps" ?,i etnotlon from
which it sprang has only a passing, psychological
There gre now almost gj manv certified "perfect
babies" as according to Mayor Gs.ynor's count,
there gre Imperfeci policemen in St ??? York.
That ; an engaging proposal, to fill Central Park
.'itii reproduction! of th< Pyramida the Colosaui of
Rhodes, tin- Pharos of Alexandria the Coliseum and
Other famous structures, smm.lv constructed of ''""
crete, sheet Iron and papier mai-h?4. u ought to ap
[peal trongl? to some landi ape architect with ??
j "subordinate mind."
The "lawn mower squad" isn't likely to become a
popular one mi;'; members "f the four on .,r off
"ihr i land."
? children Btrike in Boston centre of all
<? du? . i ? i ?? t i "How sharper Man a serpenl looth!"
feanne d'Ai o( "Ji nie D .re," sa thi ,r
? fine, spunk* girt, and better than i
Bn the fathei of Holy < 'hnr. h have !?? ? t? promoting
lor. grade !? grade, till one more reremou!
? ? I ? r- ,i sain! r ??<- ||* nl ' < mlj, ?hj
.'? inn? taken this moment, of .? 11 others, te ?
? Mi rUnglingia Circus? Tactl?
very, si n ralla forth criticism
i ? ? ??.- understand thai her motlvi are
honorable, for the r-atnts have long desired to do
awnethlng for lb? cln When you were In R m<
did you noi observe th?? eircua ?'here evei and i at
bo mai is c??t their start.
Halt, unruly pen! Th?? public t ai '? ird ??
"Tin- Httli lion Isn't getting an) <'hn Han.' and re?
i n rs to ? land more.
? ? ?
K Mr Frederick W. Bchnls artll klndlj Bt<
Bide !'' paragraph <?'ir poet arlll again warble,
Thank you, Mr. nebula! Not? t?. proceed:
Stiort?-r -rill ?nil fvrr ?llphtrr,
hot one slashed nr?t slit
Who srould knoa tha thing that used ?o dangle ??? tha
.i , -
f "?ri? ? thtnl Bome rll sld * rtter
Might te a ?kit
of "Tha Passing ol the
? ? ?
Big . ? < ...... ithoul frii nda Juat i
seema dark? t, t" h?.!.! the t- :??-?? Billboard be?
rating the "half-baked i?rood of bustnesa*baltersH
and bellowing: "We arlll ??? t next t?> our ?' one
..f tii. -r ,?.i - ? We ?111 stop t?-- ding the gabby ginka
and geeseri ?ho r? doing weird thinking for us
and bc1 th? m to \x?>rk" Which la proctael) ?hat
L-.i Mr lames J. Hill arai saying tbe "th'' morn?
ing, though, being ??< plain man, i?.- tailed to phrase It
We ?.. r It all now The ii'w Tariff will redil ? thl
<??-, .,f commoditlei t?. ?holeaalera in?! r-t-iii-r ami
ruin th? Democratic part] which consista so es
' of neither. Prices to the consumer "Hi
k**ep on rising. Tin rich ?111 be richer, tbi
poorer, and th* American worklngman bj n.it,,.'
Pietro, Ole, Theralstocles, Ivan, Mike. Ali, Ling
i 'hi,it and Nagbeeb rill be forced t?. ? c?-i< emploj
? !. Terrible! Blognn for Chicago, IB16:
"?Onward, Christian soldiers! Wi want Taft!M
Dined wit!, Mr. Brnesl liar??'?! Baynea ami ..rile-, ?i
moeh turtle boup Never again! since tiir crusade
against ti;,tnrr fakers oui naturallata h:,\e become!
morbidly sensitive,
Am! having come thus near the turtle subject, are
may aa arell admit thai g sham tuberculosis cure
work; ?onder In caaes of .?mam tuberculosla
? ? ?
floinur abroad? Then beware of counterfeit mon?".v.
!t is everywhere, nut with ail ynur bewaring yon i
?HI rrrrp ?? more Counterfeit mon?" y Minn fOOT I
pockets .un hold. Question: Mow t.. unload Hap?
pit* the gnawer la not difficult In everj es I
will find ;, uniformed official who Bbowa you around,
?.?n ?.x itii dates, stuffs > <->u with legends, and.
eist before releasing jrou, fixes his eye intently and
disinterestedly on the remota past and holds oui his
hand Thai Is your man. i: L H,
? hundred j sera at peace betwe? i
<?i?i England's land ??n?i aura
n?itii ****e***tred monarcha sceptred quean
With their Imp? rial powers.
Have looked with inora sf grids than bats
Icroaa the deep Mua i?.i?,
And ?at? bed the ?muiii et ?ach fair state
, >n<-a her fair colonie?.
iwo peoples Bpsaklng the Bams tongue,
And hands la friendly clasp,
A mighty empire, nation young,
A world's- peace in their grasp
\n ampinkldngdom, greater f;<i
Than all the pa-t has shown :
a eonatry led by freedaaa'a alar
Qreateet Repobll? known.
Both leading in the ?rrnn?! advance
That marks this lirilli.int age.
Pi; n??-. I between ih?in ?word ami Inn??
as pcam fnir heritage
Columbia and Albton'a sborea
BSH cho ti.iniiony
That high o'er orean billows soats
And spans the Minllt *ea.
Combined, a mighty for?*? for good,
They hold a lofty place
!n foremost t.ink of biotherhood,
The anglo flavon race.
One hundred years unbroken bj
A clash of ai ma or ?a:?,
i >..?iiit. settled by dlplemacj.
With naught awed peace to mai
Auoutrruf tread?: bll.
I-'rom rtaa l'io\ldi*ncf? Journal.
"You cannot legislate for all the ills man is hen lo.""
declares an observer of current tendenctea. But shall wr
be denied the fun of trying to? I
UNDERWOOD (to protected ni.iiiiit'at'.iirer) You monkey with my bill and III
swal you with tins. _
An Open
Forum for
ArRiiment Is Joined with One of the
To the I-..lin.r Of Th. Till I -
Mli I Mea ?? rs i" s ? : aid re
coiiti** that when women wia lb. batlol
ih? j a 'ii ow? it largi I to th?
tbe ai "
-i rase la potnl Is Mi l J
? -.eiirp. .1 -ni i thai
In it".I" th" suffi..'," |
.\ f. \>. il? women "it of twen
t % Uioui and wore the exti
II." fa hlch trn ? u i
? . ? ti ' 'band? ?! loi
i?-1\ en Iheli ? u ? ? I t"--ir ar?
guments to win ?
Mllholland ?
t ,.,? ? ntt reg? i ' ? ?
? i.iker." lament? 'I ih <? pai
exritlng I ' ? henci
v. <? ma ? infer thai our Am? rlean
e ? srfll ii"\t Imitate th? Engll
i.,i.i Ti in- : . ? .? | tb< i Mi?
li ilnu iti.'ti. and th? antta a
IU u .
Rut et?n m?.?- i ??'!?. and In h?
: ? n, insinuate thai iftragista ..i??
i. ally nit!" i>- it. r then "-? arl? i s.n
su?tes thai men arc target) with?
out s.-!f-control. Now, |fl aha DOl S Ht?
tie Insulting to m- n?
!"1??. ti?'. Mr *;>lorgel Th?* men won't
iik.? \ .ci after this! Tha end l
BIS not Inn"- ? ii ??' With
than t? lakes the form of touchlna vw ?
n- >?.. ..f disparaging themaelve? snd u.r
mental powera of their ses Thej i"*..
t.? pose ?is th? cil ne, the moth
snd ih" si.u. the towlj ilave lo kim, up
r? eerently to hi r lord.
Held the Boston ituild? n In Llf? ' many,
in.it,?, \e.ir- aim to the Harvard gradu
??t-- --n elai ? ?i i ? 'ii mus? be nice to
know everything." And ol com s Lv
replied *, "It Is."
That I* Ihe ?oo.l ?ilrl attltn.lr At an
rate, they no longer ? -. ?. 11 us "frumpa,"
h'it they f. m "n the way to call ?a
Bomething woi ?
1'-I.iiKI-.N< i. CRAWFORD
Ma* ?, tsu.
Rai.sc Its Level Three Feet and Make
Ships 1,000 Tons Bigger.
To the ?Editor of The Tribune,
Sir. About the only Hrlnl ii-i4e?*taalng
m ..m- Canadian relations concerning the
international Sraterfl ati.i th. i? tt-rm.-nt
..f them which has not ret been scram?
pushed is the coirtiuction of regulation
srorka in Ihe i?r? ol s weir dam, al the
foot of Lake ?Brie, "r on the Niagara
River, for storms' tha watei - snd nu?
liiti the level of that lake three feel and
of the Detroit River and Lahea st. Clair
an'l Mtirnn ons tOOt, AS Bach foot ?.?.ill
malte a diff?reras? of over a I.SSS tona >a
paetty in the cla - of ?/esaels bow imm <i,
thS ltnriortan?-C Of the work is evident
This structure should have m u gats
BlUlceS by Which absolute control WOUld
i.- as.-ur-d. BO that m tun.- Of I' fl* water
the supply I? inw psighl be lr* reased from
tin- i- anonnous reservoirs, and then
would be BWttsr channels srouod Niagara
and In Lake ontari" and UtaS St Law? I
It would altso imuie UM oth. r publieI
Interest In the scenic fff???-t of the falls. |
with a ?iirTloiency of volume and h. yond j
that would allow without Injury in
' rerslon for power development
Buch works of su--h promise would ?
I., h tOOl by .?X'-avatlon
?? channels has cost $.">.">* 00
ih" problem 's ?Imple "Toa have a basin
of water wtth an Inflow and an .I'ltf...**
B In It rim You want It
deeper, and you e/anl mor.? wat- r from i'
loa i ? r -??!.- W ' nist plu-; the
- i ok. ai 'i hav. i s ater | ite therein.
\ memorial bridge acras to o I ***ort
Krie is ;-? i commemoration of
th.- ISO vais of : .4".- .um -?:' tie Treaty
-.r Qhent Would u 'i"t b. well to on
I'l.r a ? mblnatlop of the??? works and
win h would be to our
mutual be-i- ! r ? I M? ?\ JAI K.
.?mi . \ -i . M.y i. r.'i.i.
A ?Senior Frotcsts That They Have
Been Greatly Exaggerated.
To 'i " tor ol The Tribune.
larks In th? N?sw York
i -i-1 tlj aboul knlckerbo? ?ten at
1 iv? luaed a ? I ripple >.f intir
?-t | ol their sbsurdit) Ths
Balai Iv?s pi? tun 1 In >our
? 'it--, lal of May S bs no basta In fact
Morning chapel ?- sttended by the usual
nd of young Su. u m tb" usual attire,
and special sffort on my part during ths
last w.i'k his tailed to r. ve.il more than
fo r "i- UV. knickerbockers per ***o***?tng
among -i das? of approximately three
bun. ir. A. This occasional wearing ol
may be atti Ibut? .1 to golf
"knlck? r club.'' ?iich a- has
i- -a ted, does not ? slat bo fai a?
i "..n ascertain. Tla ?. harmless delusion,
huwev? r, .?:? ! u tii" t .n.. is util hav< s
"knlcker club" at l'aie why, let them
iiav? n ll ULUBRIDOK, Tale, 'II
No. .-.' VanderMli Hall, New Haven, Maj
Dr. FlcxMor's Statistics of Its Value
Arc Questioned.
To ti.- K.iir.u of The Tribune
In Th.- Tribut.f Ma*. : aiv?" .i.-l
.n, article entitled "Serum ? ur m Menlr*,?
-iii ." in Which it was said that, accord- I
Ing to I ?i ri-xncr. In -The Journal ,.f I
experimental Medicine" for May, ISU, the
enti-meningttls "-tram "has demonstratsd
n ..Min? t" isdaee ?iraatlj ti s death
?mm rerehro aplasl raenlngltla it
as also -ci thai "th. oplahm of Dr.
l-'i.-Mi. i i- based on t-si? msd? in i ??>
? i .lim-- the last -in -rears in Amor?
i,., Kui-i'i". tsta and tuatralla, the death]
rete of e hksh **? si 11 i , i cent
it was reported t.. naars be? n I ?r i i.-x
01.ii **n Ma,, n (S HI I. that the
.bath rata had failea la II per cent ?How?
,Mi. I>i l'bMi.t-4 <i|.|nion differs wi.bly
from governiaent ?tata and ofrty ?-teaVrisU
siaii-tic.'1 I'or Btsmpls, m fhlOSgO th*>re
wa- r. ported (????? l\ H. Weekly Public
Health l(e|."its from .lanuary .'t, 1913. to
and Includm? May .!>, from the week
ending lanuary i. i;?i:i. to the week ending
April IX H ' sai s -'mi 11 deaths, a eaaa
fstallty of *?"-"> per cent; st. Louis li
, .-, -. H .1. SUIS, . as.- fatality S'? p. r .eu! .
Boston ti" caeos, II dssUha, case totality
fg.1 POT cut; Philadelphia I casca, ?
deaths, cans fatality tgj >,..r ,.oni, in the
State of New- V.>rk. a.iordlng lo the
monthly bulletin of the New York Stnte
'?rpurtmctit of Health for January, ?SU,
there were In the state In lili 2 373 caaea
I and SM deaths, a case fatslll f over ?
I cent Thi re a 'tat? in
; January and Februar] ?'
IS3 deaths, cas?' fatality of '- par rast
>.-ee monthly bulletins B( I I - ..rfirr.'
I .?f Health f..r Februarj .?:?! March*, ggl
in Saw York ' " 11 v t?r February ?in*
March M cases and ?'. ?!? ath.-. h case fa
taiitx of >>: s per c.^r.t (?er mootkty BSV
: letin City department of Hi I lb fir Feb
1 ruary ?r ?i March".
Dr. Flexnei ige M ".'??-:rr.a! of
Experimental Mi I ne." May, Mg that
thoso por I n| srlthln twenty-fo'ir
hours nft. r the Inj? etl ??-. ? ? ' ??? ? ra
not Included" In hi- l'-t I - g P. '.ra?
mer. Burgeon to the Cincinnati Hospital.
?ii'-n describing la The louraal of th?
American Med? ?i a well. fee (shy
'. is. -. tbe deaths ? : (res "a fas
minutes after the ll ' ll Bf thS P?8B>
tier ??-rum, says: "in the United ItaSH
Pubii.? Health Reporta January -'*>. Btt
Dr. W. H Fro't ? ? ? d< ribed BBaasaf
dent!,- following thS ll ?' HOB of Ultl
menlngttta serum, tr 'The Journil' fer
March 1. Itll, It. \rth':r M. l'arme!??
! gj reported ten ??a.?.'- of r? m'latT*,' f?d'.
lire \ letter from Dr PerflBStBB ftati?
that reeplratory fall ire la si tkasa ???j*?
? ame ?.ri within fifteen minutes after th?
administr?t!? n of sei tun.
''Indeed, so common has this catastro?
phe he? ome tiiat in a drcular iBgsal hy
Hi? New York Departmeal of Health di?
rections sre given ss te ?ha? s^n'ifd h*
?Ion- wren br.'afhln?. Stops foUOWkaJ th?
I adinlnlstratlsa sf sss
? M PAJUtutssl
No n; Ksst ::?t Btrset M ?
T?? the Bdlter of The Trll
Sir People herded togel ;ik? f*1
ti? la t.-n? m. m i o ? ? ?? * tbe <*nis
inai. Break ? agi boob B? ? ??* ski
? \r\t* 1?
lit?- b] provi.lin?: good BOSBSB,' ?lean.
healthy, mora: sntrlroi
Mop making tas >..'in?f ? rta ??
Me 111! a?cansO. Tansatslya M ft? ?? 1,?*>
\ i, ttor fresa i stank ai ai eaa af ?M
large adursttflnsl Instltotlona hint* '?
trouble ?hui, may artaa ? -? of ?*??
atrtetlee rci.-i.iati?.n- In eoaiisctJsa mP
lbs rdoalag tsett-ltlei B'e '-"?r tb*j
dancing h baring the attentlea af tlV
autherltlea and ihat ail modem .'?'?tu"*"?
win be cut out The walla tare-sis -:
t!?- ..i.if.?sin..,id quadrille and tto* ol?J?*r
minuet win be the allowed aaacea, to th?
. a? lusion af any ten t ratnatel) r?:at?<i w
Turkey "
CrewforsV Are ibesi dottai aratfbti bw
good" .^?-ot
? 'rabshaw?They're all tight, w
Whan you're broke J -
Th? red ssaa Balls lbs K??!dcn m;-*
lad gets the paleface cash:
He lurks now la the .-oft sunshine
And "copper.-" like a da-h.
Well, once the paleface trinmicd hini ?el
S?, if* appropriate. .,
sjinoa "i, the Muff we're made him *??
He abnnld ieel**o*eaata J- u
??Ten bsHars la peace at any ess*
you. .Ilnip-oi."" asked Hink? ,h?r?*
"1 ?lo," said Jlinpson. "I n*"*."t*r?v kino
wrath. If I bave a hatchet of *"> ?j,
to bury I bury It. even though IB* ******
place I can find for It?' Interment "L^-,
Beck of mine adversary- -Han*?