OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 11, 1913, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-05-11/ed-1/seq-13/

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M:\V-V0KK. SUNDAY. MAY 11. 1913.
Peppery Second Baseman
Makes First Local Appear?
ance as Manager and
Leads Cubs to Victory.
McGr?w Shifts Team in Effort
to Bolster Up Batting, but
Without Result ? Al
Dcmaree Allows Only
Three Hits.
? ? H-I'l ..?? .1'.?'
_? .is I ,.e -,
liorns th.?
- ? :? alii al?
- - - and the
at tlie ?PolO
. t he re-i.!t
? day. when
the invaders, j
It ?rai * ?
Rut Al should un?
en t ? ? L' ,
? - 44 ?
? \ Th? i " - Ch
nly -u' h bush league ?
? ? . - -. ? < h' r i
ft cut of the g?
? ? ? '?' s eham]
. ..
'. B 1"W ter:
It ? ' ad to I
Troy, Johnny's home
I"?? ? -? ? ? Iti mUSIC and I
enliven any dull momei I
v. ? Brings 1
and M - -in ? all th? i
? - .n evidenc?. J
i belled
'To Joi ; . many a patlcat wife I
rrs yesterday i aually ;
1 BOTtfl Of ?
? not of the oi
illarlty of al
? nd barman
all the . reel somehow or
Bfaei ? ?-fills his OttOTS wher.
? rms the
? requires It
W'h?-? r i rp piece
. save s gan a
? erfa k With ti,?*
_ orir.p? v.- ?
was th?-"-?* to pre
vkle the trl? ? if the thn
whir?* i-- -.v?-d P*. ??r? rr.ai? two
scoring tv.? flr?t run hiniMlf and sending
It ths ' ?::*? game with a
piping do'.'?.:- r the ?-??rhth.
?tatSCipattna a str*. ggla of great lm*jort.
both rr.p.- ? e?r bnttlnisr or.i. r
?nd made numerous chang?e, plunncl to
br-rr tr- -r, th? htrh*-?t point
of if - bavins ?iv-n up
all i - an m Solder out of
*>haf?r. a?-r ? ? -?'c <'*,-illf"rnl;in to
centre ? r; n*?t-?her nt short
Rums a_s I ? agi * up to the leed or
Posit!?.?? end rietgher ten? pl?eed third
But no eel ??ment was no?'
ehen.y, ??ho -a aolnsj the moit effectlvo
"*ork It the I ? for the ?Cubs this er*.
??on, held the champions to six hita ?nd
rav? or y one pel II took three safeties
?n th? i? .-?th to score the only run mad?
b* the rev t? in six of the nine inning*?
it waa i ? '? -:? three.
?i Ihr?? ?aas? hit by Burns to start tfte
farm roaait? i ]n nothing, as Oeorir?? waa
?-?Ugh?. -, ,.? t?e ?int?, trying to
ifer*? fly. In the next four
inning? ? .f.arri KOt only three
?*??n to ?erst, and only one of these ad
r?ncel i . narsog walking In
jN thM s i BteeJIng ?erond But the
?nighty * leyera fa?ar* in thl?
Wach, i- ,,,K took third on
?Jernar?? | ftod to Miller.
red earn- ?
??> ?*'< t? her botiaesd a hh
I.oyie fll gl?
* putting Arthur on
thirrj On an al
Waa caugbl flat tooted off third
"?" Arc .v t.iik second. Mir
raT died ? a then Met
? ait i elan rho loaasd to Brars
? oS s. ?'-.nil, but
?Johnty after tatKing the
t'"in?-r Hei*aog*i tlmel ? through
1 r.en Meyer.
BBS] t -
i Soi ?? by the Cuba w?p
rrs, six of whi?-!i ?
New York Infleld.
9esty or? o: the *ftra**t*-t made at leael
?? nn)sph%f, a - contributed
J*****-thes? after a COUple of weeks OB
ent for former
?ni?*?.*'.?. In tl th Et? is geratchafl a
atltehen, <>n s
'k-arid.run r4ajri rappt?! th?? sphsra al
Jj** ? ?- for h
r'* "'?' I ? turnt.l-d the ball
*-*l but!, i 111 ?.:'.<?.
? ?acrllK-e tly 1,\ I : . .?? .-,.', v an. ? l tic
Hice flv
,0 Bhaf'.r ?tonight Bvers bota? ?rtth the
i l !"J' to Shaf.-r. In the
<?hth a wild throa by Hsf-aogoa lstller*s
put the runnel* on ht-.-ond. aa thai
n* could count on 1.--.T?.?, doubl? do?rn
"??third ha?, hi... tt?. Brat <?!< an hit that
Ule Ctabs i..ni- .,*! Ttauisiaa Mitchell
?y*.fl'??d ami I't, elan hit to I'?-maree.
*r" tr"led to Bcoie while Al was III?lag
*""' Pl.eian, but ??^ ()Ut ,tt th?- plate.
????e to lieysra
T?'?? shift la n,,. jap up of the filants
lo he for ib? t.? -t even tt****agti
-t?tday w.-ie not encour
*?*?? s_ater in hopeless aa a akertetop,
?* Mds fair to I.?- a SOttaatton BS B <-?-ntr?
*'"?''? ?hut- klg npaed can be Uh.-d to
*'*'?'?, tag*. ne gave ull inkitiij; of future
lng o?. thron- frona Merkla lo Ms; ?
Ki?;? tbs third. when em?-'
? ? ' ? ? ; liad Mied
the basas, artth two out
a hay*
"? Sold, ' ran
back and made a wondei : i
the inn
ai l'.riiUx? ' t ? former ahoi I
-. K"t u Una roc? i ??
peamd at lit ?<?r th? ?? t
? - i ? eanahan, tha catel > r, who s aa
t the 1 ?? , ;? tunda, ??.,,
duly notlcod. An,??,,!; othora r? --?? nt to
t ?.?? prop?
Tommy Leach, who starred ' r Pitts*
i uiKh f"i s?. many > ?
CHI' I KKV} V'ltK.
If.,.. 481 !
11 : i 41 i ?
-i 6 3
? ?? ! . IterkW
? M 4 ?0 0 1 0| Hi . i .
tr, c. Ill I
? .
? v 0'?
,,'. ... O 0 0 S ? 1 O 1 S?31
?.-??.? - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0?1 !
. ? ?.
.,-? I ? I:
Phelan : ?
? ? -,
V nrk, 4 .. ?
playo?Arhulta ?
, ? . ? ? i
S , v , -
r . tl ? - : i~. ...... .?n 1
Jackson and Lajoie Defeat Red
Sox in .One-Sided Battle.
Cleveland, lia ;
? !:.?m I:?.' '
? - land cap* ? ? rr..ii,
tl,' v. ?-r..! ?
a.mosl ?it-n until tha alxth i? i
four hits. In, ! :? an i
an error ?ta- ??'.-..?
ti ?? acore
aAvntbaXD i
ah rli p" ?? . t-oa?
Johnatnn.l?. ..!'?'?? < " 1 2 1 ?>
?'haptnan.B? 4 : :. 8 '. u Terke? !88 2 11
? ??-.rv.n. Bb_ 4 1 8 1 Z01 n'A 0 00
Jh'h?'-r,. rf. ? : ' : 81 i*-?Aih f * I I i o o
I.i'ot.. 2b. . 80S 2 4 0 ?.; : ? 4 11111
?m t 40? .? >- '? ???--? lb 1 8 ?0
<;n?r.?-v. If 811 I '? " \"? Hic.'n-r. ??.
110 8 11,, ? !?., e...... 80 4 3a
? ? ?j? ,.IH ? ll Ha - :? son o 41
I ? ? ? -??,..:. . r? 2 0 ,i
. | i? a o"
I ?Henrltuen.. 10 1 0 o ?,
I o on
Tota.? ....388 8 31 10 T-?tal?.. ..81 8881 111
?patted f.?- (Tad; Inning ht
for K'.nt?-r in nlntl Innlna
?lex.?an "> 1 " 8 I . I
; i . I.a
T? ?.??.- .
???..??? Home n , . .
la? ,.? m, ?.-. n? ale 1
?it Hall, ;, Ii
ta?? on bal s I rtf -'- ? 1 of) .. I
? ? . ill?H]
t.--- u' r':-?t >..-- ? ? ;- -?
T, -.- 2:01 ?f?'1
Walter Johnson Adds Nine
More Scoreless Innings
Shuts Out White Sox, Allowing
Only Two Lone Hits.
Error by Schaller Opens Way
for Defeat of the Chi?
cago Team.
.'tin.ii'o. Ma] HI.? .v..it.?r lohnsofs, th?*
wofarSorfol :??t,-i,??r of the Washington
IsaMliana addsd nine more lnninK? to Sla
moni In holding hi? ><\?peSMOM **??l88B?
1 v HliuttlriK out the Whit?- lOS bSS*S *"
day hy a. 103*8 Of 1 to ft, Thl* BjlTSS hlrn
a total of tatet BBfalngS l>it?h.?<l I" which
his opp??nentii hav?> hot 8 BBaUS tO BOOB'S.
The IBHJ88*?. for ronlSSS innings Is ?ai?1 t?>
he held by "I'oc" Whit?, l'lUh-r for tne
<?hir.ii:?' team. WI..I. pltcbod f?fl> -**!**
Innings without allowing a score Bins
rasura a??? ioons atatlstt?rtana k^* Jo*?
? bomba crt-lll tot the man..
Th?- tieidiiiK behind Johnson, uopacislly
that of Mi?-iiar and Bhanha In ths alghtti
mi.:ii|{, when Chicago got a man to third
bam with only One OUt, saved the Sen- '
atorB, Johns ..i b? id the White Boa lo
two hits.
Tha M.-.II".-*? IBBdS their on.? run In th"
fifth toning, when Bcbaefer ?ralked, Milan
?ll glad ai .I B-nailer dropped Laiurte'?*
:!-., allowing B hmstot to SeOTO,
?The da] aras tic r*-?Meet af ike saataott,
bUl B hUSS crowd turned ?alt to nee the
?truggle. Boas ?pitched for ths White
[SOX. and I'if i."l w.u. but Schall-r.? error "
proved fatal aad prsveoted the ?.imi' go i
log int.- . Btra Innlnga
?i be a "!?? i" "w?:
WAB-rlalNOTON '"''
Hill- I. . ?<
.. ' 1er. If 100 101
"?; ?I no ; :
. , ,t ?Ol 2 < " .?Mill
Moraar ? ?OS I
i,,-,,,,.! - 100 4 0? V'"' '
11,1. it
\ _-._ . ' ... ?. r." ? ??
.. j?- O'J? 0 ? 0 !
I taU *****.5??ST??
?l!Hit?d f.-r BBNU I" ,1"' *tS9th l"nln?.
sassrr. s:; :';; : ;: ;; ;: ;; :':
Hit?. <"T Ben* I M ** i*.*.!'.k?. ' ?"???? aon? ?
Ir, 1 T.be?
..' , , ",' ; . Bal "? balls ? -
V ? . i
V;.;.'!:,.:,. ;? t - ' ?" ' - - - Braael
a- . xi. le? ...::
Ths ? cd his team 1 nts in first ! of tlir
Yankees Seem to Have
Shaken Hoodoo at Last
Tenth-Inning Rally Gives Vic?
tory Over Hapless Tigers.
But Crees Poor Throw in Ninth
Lets Vitt Score Tic in?? Run
on Tys Short Flv
? . . ? .
It three oui
'? took them
, all of
tl - trick,
[ thanks to H ' . ' ? "n
I nell, who laborad valiantly la tha box,
while ?? ?
: port i nal l an tin-in 1. .. ? ?
errora failed to aooai the New 1 -k
im, and they Dm i\ nosed out wit*
B of If i
; Th? mil bob showed a r??m
apllit, for the Tlgern
? ? at then hammer and tongs la ths
and took on i Bui
? trdtOfS a trill?'.
Befoi f over th?? ran?
! a battins rallj in ' ith, a hi? h p l
them foui Poor 1 aiding,
however, enabled the Ttgen t" overtake
th? Invaders, Hal Chase being guilty of
Boms weird Beldlni and throwing n
ninth, wlii? h resulted in s I ?
When i : ? a to creei ^ m,
the Yank.- I ? ' - ? Ittlng
?m th.- bench In civilian's cloth?*s ?printed
t?, t: ? ? ? ?? form,
ret ?r nil time to bal for
? Louden
im?- ? beei ' thertng hli ao mu i, latol]
? .??
?enter, \' ?tt
? ' ? r ,n ?il.?
? ..s un?
it, hut
... ? ? re?, who
' ?? BOOS an.l
. , . |, . .
? i th*
,.??? ?I., a
teei ? ? i ?
; ? ' the thr.-f
Detroit ? Klaaitti
? ?
two twl ? ? ? ,tn tn
t wo ii
g hitter of tb
four Umea ;?: bel >'?
1 ha?., Derrick and Flehet gol in aotna
Oorri t. Bmaahed the ' all to
. :i. Id for a home rr.n In the sixth
?- ' nfoti matoly thera wan no .on?
bob at the all -? ? tii??
?r?il thr?-e mor? runa In thai
.the exatT.v'.r, ?-> t by
1 her mai led to k??-p ?even hits w?u
aver el?cht innings, ?t"i *>"*
-u, who succeeds ; bina, earn??
t .r?.-?i; . unscathed In the leal f ft *
,1 teacher ?aus pretty irihJ at
tasse*. , but win
good support he would have v..;.t the
scoring down to ifis than half what it
\ a- The Detroit pitchers handed out
. | t passes 1 ' ? ' ill of which were of
the greatest ?.am? in the carnage of hit?
made by the
KTBW V"i:k
Sb r : ; I ? ?blI
? -? 1.114?
.1 f. ft 1
?I ? ? II.**?, . h 3 i H 1 ?>,.- fur.l, lt> 4 I 2 1
? . ? I B 1 S 0 II v.,.'.. If.... 818 t 18
I !M ii ?>
. ' ?' ? ? 0 0?i
klff.lb 4 111 . ? 4 SO
-..?? :. 1 v ? ??' - . t I I ?
t> i ; l 21 i ? s 4 o
M I '?ill i . ? uo Hau?? ; (SB ft ' 8
K ii.wl't.T. ; IBI.
; ...... 0 10
?Mulita . .. 11? ?i o oft
1 ?. o (, ft?!
' .. ft ft ft 0
il? r? M II ita '? '? : M :?? t
?Hatted fot Danas la alai Inalna IBatted
foi Klawltter In .1/htb ..- (Bal ad for
h in'ilng.
* . ? \ ? ? 'j g S 4 1 o o i |g
Detroit, . I M I I I i i I I B
?;.?... i..!?.?- Mi-, i ondea. Chase, FMmi
i i-, u oil? ? Hob ? roa i>? i
i "IT Uni-.x. I, la ?J In,.In??, off
Klawhtar, 2 In 3 Inning?; "ff Han, '.' in -
Inning? ? I iv I ?i I In s |j ,? .,.-? ,,<? M
Ii 1 im ingi
Woltei Hai ?? B, ? Alea i ?????. ? 'rea
???- BllSh, ? r.i'.xf,,.?! l.?.,|.|. i,. Mori"
artjr (3) Wolter, ? ? ? ? Dei : eh Doubla
and Crawford Bart
I ? t . v r.?r 1 I . "
..?, i ? ? '. -it ??. |i. troll ,'. Fir il
!...?. ?'? I- HM 8 '?ff Kliliiir? f
?t* H? ofl ri?!i-r, n .?rr McConnell, i
sirurk out i I' ? ?. 8; l.v Klawltter, 3
."., ,.-? Id ? 'onnel 2 p ,-,?.. i\ ball
Rond? . ". ' ; ti h il .' ? Ina? J 38
Cmpln D Hart
Ask Ban Johnson to Reinstate the
Manager of the Browns.
st. Louis, Kay if? Petition requosting
r,?-I't'iit Johnson, of the Aaaerioaa
- ? to reinstala Qeorga BtovaH ni
manager and (ir??t baasaaaa of the kl
Loula team are being circulated here to?
da gaverai thousand person? already
have aigned it. Th.- petition ?t?te?:
"II ?in. m?- puniahroeut should be fla?
tted ? ,, Btovall f??, an Impulsive act,
which be himself alncerelj deplores, th<
team thai lie haa built up w, uld be left
e/lthout .i leader aiid the favorable aen
tlment ?real?.I hy bla effOltS WOUld >-'"
i?.i naught. HI? suspension alone haa
bean ?< heavy punishment both to him
toii'j t?, the ge Loui? team."
mm sum ii
101 fab ne
Celebrate Ebbets Day by
Rousing Victory Over Joe
Tinker's Reds.
Brooklyn Players. Flushed wit
Success. Bat and Field in
a Way to Stamp
Them Sterling.
It 'A.,v |
.-nd i ,- .an. i '?.
lyn Superbe tieth a
.?.i*.. m int.. prol.
..- ! .. I..W 'Ah-. I.
: ? ? ., ? .^.- wei
' . loll.? .?
M..I IC.
time ?
*? .
as a weddln ? ll as
? .? i'
:.-.-? i ti,. ?' .
'. ? .i.i ;. ?? ' . -?? . ? ? ??.,-. i -i- -i
- ?? s thro
ii, ..ui.'i tn.it there mij
? i
i- .. -.'" th? 1.11 asa i
ail a .'1 iroup? .-.i them . > .. - ?? ? "i
lo .',. A'. 1 !.. | , 0| " .114?. Ill
game wa.- of th? v.l.d and wooll) orOei
Th? Bupci ..., ?tmi fire a ith th
haul-- lust ,ii,d ? del ? ..-"., -?: .--?
I ? ? : .1.. I., -
..-ot II?-: .s "I 11 ?? lud. ?> . i . .. ma..!
fourteen hits "f! Packard
ruun.d, and ardmen
. .. ihn
? , ? ,.::.-. Ill SU<*
atluis, " : .4 ? ? ? Allow I .? hits to ?
... ? ..
- ' ?
: ...
.rtlng with lust division teami
... . .
? , .. mly or,
led '-:??? raen a th a bran
? -i .del ? ?<- '?'? - - aettbef be broke
?*- tied.
favored, it must b
Btai ttie eh
fa ?al?-. an
t ?.?,.,
r,, rii;* lly Judge I "-.'re hi
?t toast foui
?... would have result??
m ..-u -.,-? . lor the out
, ? a .-uteri w he
tha i il "' rso *h oa th
a borne run in the fourth lnnln
??n ! Miller's d?. . * min? fram
t.-re. windfall?, for on a calm day the
Would crrtsi:!?- ! I ? ? t" ? ? cRught. Mil
| 1er ra do'ihie. In?"*?'. ?.<- :.;?? greatea
! fluke of tl.- ? ll| ; ? . ad one 1
,??. which Clarke chase.
Sil the WHv to tl ? ?'?.* Of the baa
aben the ? - ?? ? Miner
? ? ti it out. n. sBslljr.
Beflfl ? ?? ?:
the*/ sia
Bttle. He held the RhhM
...?????r l it no'
r a throai lions
. ?:-.. Miller, who lOSSed -i S
? . . th nun ?-"oni.i
?. .i, Btana* ? ' ,!"- ?a? ' SP?* IBTOMBl
*? sei
The team Itagon sonsa
Btyie and mai-- tt.r.toubia playi
' m the eouras of the aai
- :: . ? ? -:, d 1*0*0, whl!?
i... :.. r -i tl ?? other
was esi'.-cluiU active, making ter
- ai n .'i;t la t:.?- ? o'.iit?.- of ? ? aft ?
.-- aa ? ? ited all out "'
I seven ? tan | ?
j Aftt-r < oii.-e,iing tl.e P?'i? their natural
haadtOBB, the SuparbaS wert rlKht after
j the game. Packard, the young somhpaw,
wiiH the first to fa"?* th? in. lie IS t.ie BOlt
who bold ths (Hants to one hit in sevaai
Innings, and Joe Tinker believed that he
was tie man to OUI SB end to the wln
n.ng streak "f ITahlan*? peta
The colt received a d**eSOBBf| down t?'-iit
he will not ?"on forget He faced only
four m?-ii In the tlrst Inning?Stengel.
Cutsbasr, KuuuboI and Wheat. This is
wiiut happened: Stengel ?:-.,... i to ooav?
1rs un-i aoored on Catshaar*? doubla to
lieft. Hua m. si tripled te left ?Sold, soar?
ing Cutsbaw, aad counted himself when
WhOtU Mpled tu tho sain?- spot. That
ended ?Packard, und he left In favr of
i Suggs. The iatt'ir found Wheat SB third
and Datl ?t-it at th. bat il" got liau'i-rt
'all riKiit. but Smith drova a iiy to Batsa
and Wheat BOOT* d SSMBllj
? was pounded soma more in the
fourth, th? Bupei scoring three mon
runs. Bmlth'a lly waa blown away from
? s and r"ll?-.i to ths fOUOa for .4
home run. iinht-r was retired, but Mil?
ler got his fluke double, only to be run
Ottt wh.ii P.aKon iut to the i?ox. Stenn-I
walked, and i.otii he a;id rtagon counted
on Cutshaw's doubla t" left Meld.
I SugK'.s was knocked out of me bos i"
the sixth Inalng when ths ?Superiias
aotared their unai two runs, Miller tripled
to osatrs and Beorod on s balk by Sugga
?'ih-ti Kagon .?truck out, but Stengel ?
bled i-* ."nu?'. m,,?.. third, aad scotoi
when Johnny KIIhk threw tin- ..all Into
left field. AitOt ?utslaw was retlre.l
Hummel sln?cl?*<i and t.,..h third on Wheat,
craablag double, which hit ths bull, but
Hartar, a/ho then rr-itarad the \?>\. mad?
? lake 1 ?am? rt imp out
Tha BOOBS follows:
iiU'JuKi.vN ri.v.i.WA n
paae sbrhseaa
Stengel, cf ?3 2 i? o o tiste?, rr . ., , . , ,
.. .4 .', i I 1 ? II..; ,.r. [f... ? 0 |
il,m.nal if 11 : ii SB Tinker, m ,. aoo I ?
Wheat. If- ?1 ? 1 0 0 Almeida,?? loo 0 uo
l>aub?rtlb IS SU SB Hoblitaall, is it.
, Sb.. .1 I u 1 0 M.ir.iniM, i-f. ?do | o,)
riaher, ?. IS i ? ? ? B'hammer,2b ill 0 i o
Mlll.-t. C... 413 7 1' ? iriint, ;!i,_ 301 i to
ii*., n. p.. II " t llir irk?, ... mo i to
e-.li-?-. !. . IBB 1 Bl
I I'a.-katd. p.. 0 0u li o -J
iHngga p ... tgi i ||
l Harter, p.... 100 0 10
"fatals ?aim Mil T?.tai?.??a 7 24 u 1
l-"-.kl>n. lOOJOtOOx?
' 'i'" ii.nati. -.oooooiuoa
Ijttt '.u I-??.-* i'iri.-innati. .'!. llnx.klyti. ?;.
Tw? ' ?-? I Ita Berrrhammer, Stengel ?\it
?Baw J-, Wheel '-?'. Miller. Thr.o-ba?o
hn? Hummel, \Vh?nt. Miller. limn.- run -
Maetiflc. Mil- sniiti' Bacrlflee fly?
Smith l-'i?at 1.an- ?a, error Cincinnati, t.
1 ?? ? ? nblltMll S??ngel, Putahaw.
Doubl? playa ('utahaw, riaher and Uaut-en .
1 ? ?- and Hauben ftaher, Cutsha?
I'.'i?--" i!,i?-? .., baila og ,*?'ii???. i* off
Ragon 1. stnuk eut?By ?-uhk?. 4 1
RagM, 7 Balk??Bugga mi???f'fT Pachard, ?.
?????? "-' In Am, ...f Sugg?. 1? in ?:j Inn
Ina?; off Harter. I In ?1-I Innln,,'? tin
4.11c?,?MSglaa ?nd Uyion. Tlniu?l.to.
Baseball Race
in Big Leagues
Ni. - im ??. .. h.-il.i!. .1.
Kl>l its or aASncS ykstkkihy.
Chlrsge Ii \.u fork I.
Ili,i?kl\n. 8| ( ur m- h ? 8,
ri.i'.ii- ii.iiiii 8: PHtahsegh, n
Ito.inii. I: *>i. | ,,in?, | i?nl|r?li.
NATHKWAg i.k\(.i i: srAMi***'?.
iv. i., i? < w. i f r.
i".ii? is ?? .<;?; N.? y*k i?i ii Alt
Bt*>H?kl>n.ll ? .- ..?. i',?t?ir?li m II .!?;
Ciiir.? II !?l .?;?i?, I'.??? .,. ? I! .KMI
ni, i?.i,i. is in ...H.-. < ii. o,M.ii a il mi
y>ew ?. ..ri. .it rtevetaad.
l'I.illl.l.-"' Il U Kl ? l>?<!?r<>.
u?,?i??n Ht Pet rata.
?Tasking! ?a m M, i???r,?.
Il s| | T? Ol ?? \M1 s | ?f IKI1AY
Vni lark. Ill; |,r,r?.ll. 0.
? l.-x. ' ,,..1 ., tient .?u. 3.
U i.-i.?,iKt. ,i I ? ? l-.li-a.-?, ?.
? *I. ? :.?..f.-1 -. In.? Bi St. I ",,'*? A
Uli HI? t\ It: \??t t ??"I \N|i|N(..
TaT. !.. FA \\.\. VX.
Ptaila o? i ?no ?t. lo???, m i? ASS
f le.ela'd.lS ; .OBS l;.??ii,n ? ' .:??>*
\l ?.li ..?? 1.1 .i l'MI lletmil ; l~< SU
Chiras*? ??"? " ??'''?' haw >?rk r, ir, ..mm
IM 1 l(N M 'ON \f | BAtil I
?. ?.?.I? TO-DAY.
?.????t ?u MeaataaL
Kl ?! l.Ts ?It 4.\>;i*i VI>TII{I>\\.
>|..ii,r??|. :, ; Newark 4.
I I, mit.,. ?, ; .1,1.1-, ? it?. .*..
Huffiili,. 11: llnlliiii'T?'. 4.
i;..< h.-.i. i H; Pro?, liien? e. B.
??riNiiiN?, ?u mtAagg,
tr. I. FA ? W. U P.C
itiir.il?> i ; ; .??t Reeb'ter 10 m ...??o
Hall m'e ir i? ?.1 Maatreal o IS ?TI
l'euvlde'e IB H ..:?. r..r?.nt.> ? i : AOt
Newark U i" Mttar'j <li? ? 13 .-'?ki
Cold Calls Halt to Battle of
Braves and Cardinals.
Bo ton, May 10 Boston and St U
played ?? twelve-Inning i t" l tie here thl?
afternoon, the ont? I being called on
. weather.
it a-as a pitchers' battle lietween Tyler
and Perrlt! ??Then the lattei was taken
??? b pi? b
hlttei - ~ ? ? finished the Kaire
. Btru k "\y four of the ??; posing bata*
men In three Innings, three of them in
thg tenth.
The Braves' ran ?-..i? ?1??- to errors.
,n grounded to Konetchy. Whallns;
and Tyler walked, Mai i hit t?>
Whitti?! ami Huggtl ? the throw
t?, get Tj i* r ;,t s- ? tmd Th< latter
?in t?> third. Whaling being thrown o:r
.it the plate bj Huggtna Then Myers
hit to Whitted, an.i was aafe on his poor
.Sweeney fouled to
? hy.
1 irdinalfl tie.) tie ?core in the
-i\Ta it.:.!"..? Melgan H?::Ple?l. an?l wis
[forced .?t second t?y !'?rr!tt Tyler's ha:k
, advan ?ad the ?arter, and ha went to
thlnl when .VhalliiK threw ?alkl to ?
hitn **a**tptog, i'erritt snored on 'ha
Huggtna '"intlng towar !
first btagee u-a? gafe on Tyler'? wiu
throw and Whiffed went ??-it at first.
The ?.???,re folios ?
L sr. :.
ubrhpoa? abrhr0*?
M?- ' llle.?a toi? i ? -
i Mag, t. Il 188 3 81
KirK' lb -1" 0 U i ?
? - :t. . 183
, ?
?J 4 . M i^an. c... I ? -
(landen, c. 1 00 Perritt, p :? i ? i 3"
2 I 0 1 * 1, ?all??
? -,ai?.. 101 0 00 'Mowrey. 0U0 0 00
Total. ? r ?tala BI 181
? :!??* for Whaling IB ninth Innlrx ?Re".?.
ining. (Batted f - Pea
ritt In ?
g .. ?i o i o i, o o o n 0?1
.? o ?, i ?i ?, 8 " 0 0?1
- . . Hit? If Perritt 1
i- i? li ? Ins? " nnlngi
- Huggtl
I i?- M..
i, 8 Ftiet
? Ptrritt, 4
Pin ? ?>? errors i : BI Louie |.
-?? .. ? ? .""?? u by P?***.tt ^
,, 4 wild pit h Tyler i'.?? .'? ?ii
: i?, I'm? lew i*Dej sa i Bn ? -
Browns Press Close in Ninth.
but Lose in Tenth.
Ft Louis, May Ml- Philadelphia def.nt
e,i st. Itoott to-day by a acore of I to ?
Plaafe wai" htt hard by the Itrowna, ami
his wlldneaa in the ninth Inning almost
CBUS4 ?I his ?lownfall.
Philadelphia won out In the tenth. ?x^?r
Ing tvsi. ruris. Lover tins, who r.-;
Stone, walked Collins and was relieved by
, Hamilton, Baker and alclnnla stngled
; mai Collins scored. Baker scored on no
, Infield out
st. Louis Hod the score In the ninth.
when Plank hit Austin and Agnew and
walked ftf? Alllster, a ho batted for I >.
I Walsh. Austin scored on an out ami
I Wallace, batting for st.?ii?-. stngled, boot?.
i Ii?k tWO iu"i?' i una.
Ans?.b area put out of the game In the
tenth for disputing a called strike
? Umpire < I'Lougblln.
The m ors foll?n s:
pe ? ? ?b i ' p ?? ?
i: Mur;.:.v.,:.. 12 2 0 0 Shott? u. Cf. .'? 1 1 10 0
Oldrlng, if I 0 i tOO Johnaton, If 88 8 3
ri. If 11 0
(taker, u : I I I I ? W llliam rf 41 I I 10
m Innlalb I 1 - 1.? >' 0 Pratl ... 88 1131
J Walati rf 18 1 i 18 Br.? : I 13 1 >
Barry, fa. il I t 11 Au? .1 i i :i 4 ?
Lapp. c... 4 1 o ; 10 i? Walah, m 1 8 8 1 il
Plank, p.. 40 o o to w ,ii.? .. , i o i o oo
Igni ? 1111
otoae, p.... 18 1 l 18
i. ran?, ;? 88 t o o o
?i nono '?
10 0 0 o ?>
. 10 0 0 00
Hamilton. l> 0 fl " 0 j 0
***ta!a 3-H h 1? 80 16 4! Total?.. ?81118141
?Batted f<?r Wal.h in iiintii tonina Miat
.-,i for mon? In ninth laain?. IBatted for
1 Analta In t. nth inning
Philadelphia... I ?? o ? a i o i i .?s
?-? LOUIS.. '.'no 1 o . :: i? n
, ?Tare-beei hlta?wir.uma. Otdrlag, Three
baae I Co ?a Hit??Og stone. 10 in I
Ilium?.. ?>n l.-x.-rent. mine In n.. Innlnat . 1 an
.?'? Il.ni.llti'U. "J In 1 InnliiK. Sar
i..u? atea, J Walati m ?> i ?
.si-i.t'.-n, \\ tiiiuma. Pratt -luaun. Doable
Johnatoa and Brief: Pratt, aki..-"
un.I llrle; Left on ?au.-? 'Philadelphia. H.
BL I..?u.s. I Klrst I.ase on halla ? ?ft Stone,
4. ??ft Plank. 2; off I.everenx. 1. H ? ?, ?
pitcher?Br Plaak, '.' lAmtin ?n?i agnew).
Btruch out ?Hy h?ou?. :, in plaak, 7 hv
Hamilton I, wii.i pltett?Plaak Tim?
j ;,.'.. Umpires 0*Lougklln ?nil KarKuaoii.
St. Paul, ?i; Milwaukee, 4 ,11 Irnln??,.
K.inni?s City, -. Minees pella t (to lnn
i ?olumboa, n . Toted?, I.
In?1lanai???lih. '-?; I.iul.svllle. 1.
Are you entertaining? A li?t of high
class amgera, pianists, trioa and quar
teta will be found on the muaical part.
Part IV, Pag? 8, of to-day'? laaue.
McGraw's Men Must Acquire
Punch to Hold Their Own
This Week.
Chicago "Fans" Will Welcome
Frank Chance on Thursday,
When His Team Meets
White Sox.
If tie GHaatS do not wake up and ac?
quire that pun h whl-li marked their
?day -? year ago tkey ar?? facing a hard.
Vt'hill ficht. The Cuba and Tir?tes will
be nt the Role <?rounds this week for
three games **ach* ?nd w-Mie neither
team*looks so fornildahle as when they
? lin't a fear days ago, *h?r?? is n"
n ,-..ii to anticipate anvthing- but th??
hardest kind of going f?* M ??raw ano
his men.
Th.- fact that the Superbaa won three
out of four game? from the Cube last
week and tha lowly Prav??s a.ctua'1'
humbled the proud Pirates In capturing
four srralcht In Posten would have tn
dlcatsd sasj BSillSaS f"r ?he r.lants a
year a?.-... but raeens ttls or not hint?
this year, judging by ihe way the KOST
York team Iihs beOB playing. The Cube
Over have been a thorn In the aide of
* .- QlaBta, whll?- the Pirate? are quite
likely to rouse themselves and play u
to their true form when they strike the
P.- '? ??rounds. In consequence, ?.onr
great battle? .ire promised under the iSS
of Coogan's Fluff this week.
The Yankee? did ?luite well at P'
troit. ail thing's consider???!. hut ?rill find
their path far rougher in completlm;
i their first trip thronf*-;? the West. Th ?
will open In ?'leveland to-day for a serte?
"f four srames, ard will move on to CM?
entro .?n Thuraday. The Nan? have beea
making thetr praaence f.it this year
holding a prominent place in IBS BTSt
vif-ion. but the worm will turn, n"
la J;ist posslb'e that the Yat.kee?, gufl
with a coup'?? of victories, will pro?..?
more formidable than result? ?o fa
would Indicate.
Thursday will be Prank Chan*? Pay 1
?Chicago when friend? of the fen
r of th? < Ht-s will tail ' ' ttaOU
sand? to rre^t him in the uniform of
Y"-k. N'o doubt, the "funs" t?ll
applaud r'nn-'" aad then root for the
White Box - U II * ?rhtopersd that f:h
Keating aill be ssved f"r that auspicious
QfCOSlon. in Whh !. ? ase tho Yankees are
?ure to put their best foot forward
Ir would not be surprising If the >
pert-as did raore climbing at th? ejcper?e
of the Reda ? ils I
? Indent! will h?* at rb'-eti f
Thursday, when St I.o*:1s wi!I ?'onie ?
j f-om BeetOfl to do battle ?irfi the dark
; horse of the National I>eagu? rn^e
The rhl-arn Cabs lead in heme - I ?
1 th'.s BBMOI S ? ?'cht to their credit
h:t the l'n??es folrOSf CJOOBly, With
?even, whll? th? Bu IS '-oust Of
?!.x, three) of whli'h were t'iade by
? arle*. BteogeL
- T'? cube PhOlleo aad !>.;?. had ?
I made (?Ighteea double plays up t?.
??lay, while the Giant? are Huit ->n ?
bee's, with sixteen. The P1rat-?s me cr?d
Ite.l wit the only triple -
After the Senator? heat ?he Wtklta I *
In their final clash last Wednesday. Jit-.i
my Callaban, -f ths Ch -
r* quoted sa as
"?irif has a great team, htfad
a*-- not admlttlag f?.:- a aataute thai a?
haven't Kot a ,-lrince for that "Id flag.
but Judging by all the leama I have a*
I think th? t?am that beats out Wash
lngrton Is mighty likely to have | |
raising da) asi ? . "ar."
Then ?'aliaban sent Ma me:: o..* t->
treat the Bsnatora a? tru? White Bos
should, and won the next two gam? ?.
According to Tom Klrby. m "T'.e.
IWashlagton PosV < lark OrifBth la i
In f-vmp.ithy With Pan Johnson's ruling
rjeorga Btovall and quote.? him a?
"I don't think .1 BBaOfl has j ? i - -. : t ? n 11 ? ?
to run Btovall out of tiie leagTM A'
t.nking an umplr?- Is a i r it. ?.-rlous
aiatter, and **be**ld be dealt with sea ?
i ly, but when it comes to taking the
manager's job awav u Is a dif'?*
"StOVall should he ?tispeii. .? i fo***s*rtj
to pay .. stirr tin.?, be pabli
? -I and gi i ? to understand t.
i. petition of the ol
non" for t.I.
??Purth-rtiiot,?. it ih aid he stipulate.,
', that Btovall i" i and
; aot i..?.ve the check mot bj tottto other
v ? . at s- ... 44 ' .,.. tn#
matter, i think, hut if ?xana ?>ne oth.-r
! than Stovall pays th? n ratS? it t-. $1" -
H i- ? ? - ? ? it "Prick Oa
umpire discharged by ti.?* Nati, aal
u-a?.-u.> a fe? days asa, win >...,, with
the Ann-r .< tsaoctariosL Owsao um?
pired in thai icici?- before he Joined
Tom Lynch'S staff, and he is p." .,
around tha **t**COtt.
Harry Hooper, right fielder of the Ho*
ton It? .1 BOS, M a "l'ifr" reader, and Itr
order b keep hta batttag eye.? in condt
I tioti Is acting ?in th" aUvi.?f hi? Bfcysi
: clan and wearing speOtBfllSS off th.
His taammatSS now refer to linn as
I ' .'Id Man" ll"..|.er.
? lasest? third baaemaa of the Cleveland
Club, and Niiriainaker. cat, her of the
Huston Red S-.\. wil I?- suspended Unless
'they file by M n.lav with President John
s..ti of the American league a full re
port of the p??neral fight among the
players which P ok place after the game
In Cleveland on We?ln?-.-da>. This ?a.?
announced at Pan Johnson s office In
I'lilcuKo yesterday, after notice had been
sent to Olson and Nunamaker, demand
j iiiK their st?irles.
When the Misfon Hri.Ves defeat.??! th??
! Pittsburgh Pirat.*, lor the fourth straight
tua- ..ii K,i.la> it was the fli-t time li
thirteen yean that Host.m has won a
f-iii series trom Pittsburgh, la Has ?*ar'..
' ,,iU-t of the sea?oti Bf IS??? the Pirat
?tatted Boston for a s.-rie? of five gam?*?:
a,.a wer? bcai?.:. .i.t ?i a tow.

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