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YALE ADDS ONE IRE GAI ?O LONG LIST Beats Pennsylvania After a Bitter Fourteen-lnning Battle on Diamond. IMLAY WEAKENS AT END Gile, Star Pitcher of Blue Nine, Badly Spiked?Reilly Robbed of Home Run by Rul? ing of the Umpire. Philadelphia May W - 'S University of Pennsylvania m '? on Franklin Field this afternoon hy a si-ore of 4 to 2 In :II - lour t.eii-iniiinj' eti T,;-- ..i from N? s Haven won u- thirteenth straight victory anil the ms in throe from tin ?. ? hn.iti- conditions favored football, and the spectators sat shivering In th? :.. and ?i half houra tap t.ii;, Harry Imiay ??! Hi? Red and Blue pitched a Koud game, bul<:.?i num ????or support. Yai? won the gama In the twelfth inn mi.', but the umpire ruled othf wig? . BlasBtBM d a vicious diI. to lield. Which got away from Mind . anil :'.inn?r raced around the circuit, only t.. he called out by the umpire. Harvey ? rosa, fe ng the home pl The victory may proxt coatly to Yale ?, : ? '? ? atar pitcher, waa badly spiked la the hand in th?- fourth Inning and may he out of the tame for two or three "Buetar" Broom t?"k his place In the \ olid pitchid a brilliant pam.-. B?V tlmes, with runnen on third hoto, h< i defeat, but never loot hi^ nerve, a;..i worked out of danger. Pennsylvania ? ond Inning. Toomey was hit b] s rlti h? ?l hall. Qlendenlng alngled an?! Gordon emashed a double over third, scoiing Toomey. Yah ti?'?.l the score in the alzth inn? ing. With one out, Bloaoom walked, and went to .second on Rlddell'g Blngle Reilly ? i cut Hi.'?d?.:i at mi-?,ml, Qlendenlng ... 'i ? ? ti.? latter threw late to .ist t-? complete the doubla olav. i ? it lirst, then luid the hall whlk :,,? ?<1 home. In the fourteenth inning Imiay, who ?ad bt?n pitching a clover Kim?, weak I and hit Kiddell and ?Reilly In I I? - km. Cornish forced Reilly at >? but lliddtll took third on the ?cored on Pumpi-lly s singlo. Cornish and I'umpelly were each advanced a bai i wild pitch by Imiay. B?rdet! then |gd to Minds, who let th.- hall go' through him, and two more Tale run : I ?er. Penns; Ivanla a?!ded her last run In her half of t ? OUI t- < mu <.:i Gordon's ? ?. an ??ut ami Coleman's double to fourth, fifth, sixth and i - . ? ?,?'d In getting a man on third base, but the - ry hits were not forthcoming. The -score follows: YAM" I IKNNSYT.V ANIA. abrh i?o ae ahrh po a <? M brook, cf r? 0 0 1 0 0 Martin, rf... 4 ? o 3 0" 100 0 00 f.,l.uian. If : D -1 I 1 9 ? Ol | -II. 31?.. 4 00 i. 1 ?? l S 1 1 4 51' ?! : 1 ?? : lili;? : o . . i"i i ii <, 2b t ?" i4 ?? I ? i. ??... M . - ? : :: I In ?. ? 4 ?? o n ;? ?i ?000 .?I. 100 0 00 ?Hartman. 10 0? k*a....48 4 8 43 34. Totala.<2 2 C 4: IS 4 ? ? Oil? in U ? Bi Ii taatag. 1 Hatted in,ilnc. Jliutix-J ? ?, latlay In Um i 8 " ?? " o : o g ,. n n o 0 i inla... 0 1 8 u 8 8 8 " <.0 I I sylvanla, 12 ?m y. imla '??.--. ?.-: ? . - I Hl!.- ?'(T ' oS la ?wn. 4 in t?-n i- i - In, Hroxxn. ?J. Paxved hall <;>?r ?1"?. Wild pl? Iinlay 1i . . by Brotara (Col? ::.a:.> Tu ? ARMY WINS BY A RUN Home Run by Lee Helps to Beat Catholic University. ( By Telegtai h I West ?Point. N. T., May 10.-\V.-st l'oint defeetted the '"athoiic University non to? day hy g gcOTS of D to 8. The cadet-". play?*d an up-hill gam", and until the Seventh Inning were alwaya behind. In that Inning, with tho score 8 to i In favor of the visitors, two men on bases and and one out, Lee slammed out a home run, making the Bcoie 8 t?? 7 Morrlllat then hit Bafely, stole second and came h'me with the tieing run when h'a throw to catch him at the mi.i \\av roll? d t" ci ntro. i- the dghtl* - made s tmuiy drive, sending Lyman home arlth the winning run. k The Army's captain had a big day m-t ting a double and three singles on four nips t?? the piate, souring throe runs an?l accepting ten chances In the fltld. The Boors follows: IT. I CATHOLIC t'MV. ahr h poai-l ahr b po a " I.yman. rf. :, i S ? 0 ? Zaeharv. '_??. < i "1 1 S r, :i? I 3 4 f, r. ?? lloran Ib., I I i 4 :< o Mitchell, if ? 1 : ?00 Donnelly.rf 4? ? | ?? i Vea, 3h. Ii 111?? MeDon' 4 : | ? : : 41 1 000 I.xikIi. If... 81 3 4 00 N? xlHiid. ]i 4 0 1 4011?0 lh.. : 0 0 * 0 0, Ryan. rf... T, 0 1 0 11 Mi noher.aa 80 ? Olli? ? ?? I i i ?ii. r'lO 1 800 4 0 ? 0 l 1 Total?....8.? MS r, ?i Totais....? Ill 24 H : i\.?- ' ? o ,, n 2 2 n i 1 Catholic Vota_ S ? 1 ? 1 0 S O 0-1 ?Belaa basas i.yman. Mltebell, MerrtlTat, M I ???? ' i ? I BI Ii T*o i as? hit? I.j ' h ''.'? \:-.m n,ree y*>.e bli Donnelly. Home run i,,- Doubl? ??r.-.,i.- to Smith. Btmcfc out-By Ney Land, '-,: by Ore? hails 'iff Neyland, 4, r,f Greene, 2. Hit t?x- ||, iwt <.?'. bai ?a inlxcmlty r ??ame U.OS I'niplrea - I.yii'h an-l Marahal!. LAFAYETTE WINS EASILY. !?ustori ?PgBUtu, May 10?I.afayett? ?;< faated Fordham thi? afternoon In ? ?ram? replete with glaring errors of a'l kin?ls Tiu battery work on both aides was poor. Kosten, of Fordham, was retirwi In tlie seventh Inning and Williams re Ueved him with? ut mud, success. The score by innings follows: R UK. .ftte ...? 1 o o 0 0 <? 4 x-11 X 7 POrdham ...I 1 I I M I 1 I ?. 4 6 Batterie? Holdes and Mauaci ; Keeien, Willlama and \ Irian WESLEYAN BEATS BROWN TEAM. Mlddletdwn, Conn., afay II W< took ?Ix Straight ?atCttOS at la'.vn tonttlg from BfOWg to-day on the local courts li.i.on. Rowell and Itlchards played for Weeleyan HOTFX NATTOVM?, Lucerne SWITZERLAND. Tk? Le??*!?! Hoi 8*0 el ???? I ?l?'? ? Cealett, *???*. '?'..- et i .?? 9 M?????,??. Results in College Baseball Mille . 4 P. melon. 7 Michigan 14 Brea n. :, Lafayrite. II .l?bn? lluiikl.i? . I rin.4 . ? "V..r.ii?h .... ?1 Tuft?. . ? '! rlnil? . Ill t'.'"4 "111 . 4 Dii kin-.lin . 0 ?*M. .lohn'?. 4 < -?agate . 11 ??< 'IIIMM Sluvt, ?-.till. A . 11 Bo MMge . 5 ? ?lamb?a 'i'? ". Adelphl. :i ?l inhattas Ke? in l'lti?biiiK. P! Hetehklaa . 15 ?I uiirteeii BBShSgS, Tea BBStagB. , Twehe inning;?. HA? LOSES A LOOSELY PLAYED GAI ! Success of H:iy Cross Nine Due to Felton's Wildness at Critical Period. Worcester, Mass., May 10. tlolj i t. -1 Harvard In a loos? ly played ball gams her.- to-day efore a rec? ord crowd wrapped In fura. The acor? was 7 tO ?"' Felton pitched rather Indifferent ball for the Crimson, striking oui iwe?ve oi ti en, bul i asalng ? Ht lost his own game In the seventh inning, when he passed two men, arith non?' out and Harvard leading i'> Iwo runs. Then O'Brien ?WUng ' a wild pit? ?i i", his third a I - two men ;,. \t two men were easj outs, and then Baundera in* on? to cenl ? and O'Brien tallied. Pelton passed the next man, ?md Bounders scored when ' Young allow?.i th? ball to g.-t bj him. Th. ' r i larn? tt. of Harvard, vas j tin- ;- fame H? rnade two \ doubles and ?<? single in foui trips to the I attlng foi ii.ii.- . -i lb. alxth, alngled, acorins Oarnett, and he then st-'ie second, whence he scored on ,.-l 1 > ? .iW 1- ;. al ', r laklli,; lil?il .-'i a Wild pitch. Th. a? "t.- folios - 1.' 'I.V I Rl If MM' al rh i-o a< ah : J.Uurray.rl a, rl . 4SI? r*?wley, Sb. 3 1 6 M.: I 014 0 " * lark, 2b. .. ? l 1 " i ! i? ..\ rei, Ib.... ill '.' oo na ? es O'l iwyer.Sb 411 0 I S| Harvey. I II 4.1 :i 40 Anl >p. If.... J 1 J 0 0 1 100 . IS R.Murray.p SOI o 31|Touna ? 41112 io M. Manua p BOB B BOIFel n. I . 11 ? 0 2 0 Total?... 21 TI fl h: Tel il I I mil 3 ? Holy CroM...." l I " I I 4 ?> x?T J Harvard . ?. B -''- " " 9 0 I ? ?"? ?,u ?baa? bii? ?'.aiiii-t; (S) ? hit? Win? Btoli lie? ? *. . Clark. ? (21, .1 Murray (2), '?' baie .a za. - ? ?'? Mu ia>, I; off McMai of/ Felton, ?. _*fl on base? ; !??",? .-:":?, !'. ; ? ich out B) Murray, :'? i>y Pelton, 12. I?... Cawley t<> Saun? .!?:?? to Ostrtgrvn. V e? Murray, , 2), Tin. l .-" ; - pire??8taf . Murphy. Al _ OOo. IAMHERST IN DEFEAT AGAIN Fights Hard, but Bows to Tufts in ii Nip-and-Tuck Game. [Ry T? legieph te The Tribun? Amberst, Mass.. May If?.?Amherst lost its third gam?* In BUCOCOSlOn, bowing t" Tufts by a score of 10 to 7 h> ra to-day. r.-id weather was the eausa of poor ileldlng. Tufts took the load In th<- hist Inning, scoring three runs on two bBBI I on balls, on? hit. a "uu*riftca and an <?! ror. Arab? rsi ? tosed u[> a BVe run gap In the .sixth Inning. When Adams went up In the air Tufts pulled away again by scoring in the -?eveath sad in the eighth frames. Bearle, Of Areherst, and Adams and Don? :. ' u . >.f T Its, each got three hita, and! carried oft the honora of the game, R?>b? ] who pitched the last Inning for I Amherst, Struck OUl the first two men on j s!\ pitched balls, and after getting two ; ?-trlkes on the next butt- i, n,.i<ie the ? I - ?t hlms- If ? ? ? Hi I linn ?MHKrt-4-r ah h : ab h pu a e Stafford, 2b. :- 2 2 1 0' Klmball, If... I | : 0 0 In. Ib.. 2 o i zi|Part'h' ?'. :: 1 ii| . !>><?, s . ,. : '? j 4 <> v ,'. tnaon, a? 4 I I II ; o : .-'???)??"??. ?cf.., I : o oi Bennett, lb. BIS 0 opi.^'lrMp?. ir. ? in oo ?;in, rf i, ?, ) ?u Waalihurn. 2b I 14 3 0 if.... 4 o : ii i-? viisiro, if. :: o r? oo Meaghe, c... 4 : : I it Sean?, <. 4 I 7 i o I Ada nu. p.... 5 3 0 ll|M<*Gay, p. .. 1 o o s: 1 Lin->ri. p. 1 1 0 21 | Roblnaon, p.. 0 0 0 i o I *M> Kcman .. 110 0 0 Total?..41 13 37 10 01 Total?.3'- 13 27 11 & ?Patted f"r LJndrn In ?Iglith Inning. Tufta .8 0 0 0 4 0 ? 1 0-10 ? Arnher.t .0 20005000?7 Two-base hit?AnK?ll Three-bas? bit??', in?; ; rida? Bai ? inri-iri. ?St.ii.-n t m ? M? .t.- K rII ' bsn .-ri ? -, 1 '.- h- lit?, Goodrl-g?, Stuf Qurvln (H, Bennett Nalll?, Mesaba I Struck out?Klmball, Williamson (2), Bwa?ey, ', Wasbburn, Baari?, 'lurvin. Lib, Andr?wi ? play?Staff on] t.. Bennett Passed hall? be*?Linden. A !.. ms. Hit by pitched hHll? Decaatro, I,er. rmplr-^? B and Flley Tim?? ;:io. _ FRESHMEN BEAT WESLEYAN ; Trinity First Year Pitcher Wins His Game with Ease. IPv Telegraph IS Th.- Tribune.] Hartford, Conn., May 10?Trinity de? feated Wesleymn esally by a seote of H to 2 thi? afteraooB, large?-* through the good fielding of Kern?, a freshman twlrler. The score follows: TP.INlTT I WSSJLCtAK. ab r h pos -? ab r b p?.? e Msrrey ?s & I 3 III Wright aa,... 41 i toi W'h'tOn.Cf ? 0 'i IB1 l'ei'iiii*-. If ... .112 200 ? "tei.ti-r. c I t S ??oo Martin, rf.... 401 i o ? L'HVs. 1b I l a !"j(< '* "ntut. in .. i no 7 01 .!-. ,3b 4 S 2 lio Beeman, Ib... 3 o 0 13 0 Brain'd rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 | Holden, rf.... 300 001 1%.^ rf . . 2 o I 0 0 0 |ii\i,|.-,n. 2b. 40 1 100 ly, rf.. S 0 1 3 1 0 l'.lltnan, .-_ 3 0 0 SIS r. if . 4 1 i 2 n" Stanley, p.... 4 0 0 I 3 i Swift, p.. ..oooooo p... 4 i o o : n Total*...."* 10 13 27 7 l| Total.? .32262475 Trtalty .o 1400311 ?.--in V . il? ..:; .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 ? ...-. 1 .-? Qiuooly, irea Btelsa auaea ? r. L.'H?ureui ?.1. Olllool), Two bas? 1 lu P. ?ont, Murrai Tenu basa , hl?? Murray, ?Vright, Olllooly Base? on bail? ! ?OS -wlf. 2; ?ft KetTl?. I; off Stanley. I -. out ii\ rerrti, 7. by Stanley, * Wild pitch?? BI?J ?-*.ble play- He timn und i.-.iiii-i? !.. ?t ..n ba???--Wctneyaa, II; Trinitj, ',. Time ?2:16 : mpli'e Woily, a COLGATE DEFEATS UNION NINE ! By I? !? graph to The Tribune | B. h???.??ctady. N V., May pi.-The Col gate he sane 11 team swamped Daloa in a 0ae?sMed gamn here this afternoon by a S' oie Of II to 2. The Colgate hatters hit ?he ball hard aid at timely BBTBHBIB. while their stoti" wall ?bi.-."<?,- kept Daloa at a safe dis? tan".? al ?ii times. The ['ilion asea batted hard, but hit in hard luck. Many a ball left the bat like B llfl- (-hot, only to K'o ii<K'lit lato B iielde*'.? mitt. It was a bad das for I ?if. ball. A hiKh wind nwept over the 11.Id, and many fly halls were blown over the heads Of tleldcra for extra basei. renii?v|iania .... '' 4 urn? II . I >>raeti?e . 1 1 ijiahstlss .. - ' In lllllllll .... S N..\? . 0 ? H?lll>?. lUl*. ... S Ml<idleb?rj ...... I Alliier?! . . . . 7 \ e?lr>i?n .... '-J "lain? . ?I Vlllaaoa ? H ?.ir.nsllel.l 1. *? I I BBSS ... i < \MI?. I.? \\ ill 4 I.ut- n I It.,4s- II , _ I Bnahwlek . 4 Maaaal ? ? Alumni . t Nuiiil R?? - ? I re?|i,irl . 9 St Paul-?. H PRINCETON PIS EEASY Slew Fielding and Weak Hitting in Pinches Contribute to the Ithacan's Djwnfall. COPELAND STEADY IN BOX Quells Incipient Rally in Second Frame, When the Visitors Score Their Only Run. [By Talagiairl to Ths Trg sa? | Princeton, x. j.. May 10.?Princeton do feated Cornell on the diamond here this rin.oii b] a score of T to i in spit? ??f several pooi playa rather than through any definite improvement In their BeMing, although Oopeland'a work on the "nound waa beyond unfavorable criticism. Bis cool bead was the only thing that pre? vented further scoring or tie part of ths Ithacana aeveral times during the ganse When <>roi* or hits had put ?'otnell men in dangeroua placee on the i?;is.? iti.-> only w.ak moment was in the i? ? - , nlng, when Captain ?'lute of Cor? nell met the first hall for a double be? tween centre and right field and Butler wenl one bettei bj pounding out a triple t?. the -aille apOt, Moling Cornell's Mil*. run. Copeland Immediately lightened up and held Butler on third base wh?c Hire men were retired. He gave only two safe hits ?n the rest "f the pan:?-, in Um fifth, after tv... .-trois bed lei two nun on base, ???ih only one out. Copeland held II. team together by bis cool work. 'ii.e playing of tii.- Ithaeana was loose and fa-t by turna They worke.l two m uble playa cutting short incipWm .,..;.- .?? ? by Clute, unassisted, when be gathered up Copoland's liner down the urst base line in the fourth, and again in the seventh, when O'Connor ?? i out's liner an,, '?? sed Ulk .?<i- out a i first. On ibs "ther hand, although ths* made fewer .rrcis than the Tigers, they wer.? si?.\x.r i:: their fielding, several tlm s falling to git foulfl and his throws to sec? ond. O'Connor snd Butler, who mads up the Ithacan batten*? were the most unreliable men ??n the team, the former throwtng wild nith men on bases, and the catch? failing '" g< i fouli and hla poor throw i ! . .-? mid Captain Wortblngton was honor man for Princeton, with ten chancea in the !.. 1?1 and not a Single BTTOT, and a smash? ing triplo to l? ft centre. Th. line-up follows: PRINCETON. ' ' ?RXELL ;,'?, i ; o a ? nbrhposa I.iirl. if. .'? ?? i I 18 Hal tad, rf.. I "'?? 11 ' A'ortl.'n -- I i i ? ? o, iM,.-r. rf..... 3BS 088 ? . ton.? r r. i i ? " ' till III He, i lb 181 : 1 I Kell? ? ?? i I 1 l . i ?? i mm?, n- .... 41 i n o i ,f.. :? 0 0 u " f? Huiler, ?? .481811 ? i i :. ? (' Tra?ner, If... 4 ?> I Wall, IS! 4 1 ?j A.lair. .'!. ... 4 u ? I 4 1 ?J ?? - ?? Knistit, m . "'1130 T?tate ...i? :?.... < Tatah .t.? i ? -i '? ^ Pria eton . i " I " I ?'? " " Cornell . o 1 . " " " " ' I ? r-? I;..-- bits **r?***thtagt(M I T-*o ? '.ut.-. R?crit* - ta is W ??? ? . ? ? .?.?- i ai, i ,.?? Wortblngi !??,. lien n, Rhoaini OUI. Kalghl Bu ici out bj Copeland, 4, bj O'Connor, 7 Baaea o? i. ..-: . ?.eland, 1. ??IT O'Connor, ? l<efl ????= Princeton, 7. Corn? I. T. His? l?ai .,:i err?,: )?? In, ? l< n, ..*?!? .\. :: i ? il ? play? <;iii lo Worthington. tycnnnar to.'in,.. i'lute,!?. Wild pHcbea O'OOB Fernet ball??Butter. I. Wall, l IIlaaed third ?tnk<- Hail' !. Ball ????:.? I Hit pitcher Bj ITCsnnoT, tataat inn?,,-. Bternberg ?nil Freeman. Time of gain' 8:10, a ?? ndanca 4.o<?'. WHITEWASH FOR PIRATES Fifth Straight Defeat?Phillies Use Rixey and Seaton. I'hlhvlelphla. May ln - l'lttsburgh ?-'i? talned Its fifth mraight defeal on it? Bastera trip when Philadelphia won to? da y'n gam?-, Which was played In rold. blustery weather, by a scon of 6 to 0. Rlxey nade his Beaaon'a bow, aiai s i hit for eight singles In th<> H'.xth. BOVOnth and i-ighth Innings, hut the visit?,in w,?r unable to score Beaton took Rtxey'a place, with ona oui la Uw slghth and ha BBS lliled The home team hit lletulrlx hard in th? Ural mu Innings, BOOfing three runs O'Toole t'Hik ll.ndrix's place In the ??ightii and gave two pauses. Ferry than went to th?> rubber, and two sacilfloes, a BSklS, Doolen'S dOOMs and a wihl pit? h tallied three inoro runner?. Tin erore, follows: i'HILADF.LPHIA. | I'll ******B**UBOM. al.rh po a? al?r h pu a? T'a?k?rt, rf 4 1 i i 88 Car v. if .. :. o 2 2 0 o Knabe, fix, 200 11 II Mofa, ef.rt m 1 .00 I.oheit, 3b. 2 2 1 1 0?ii>.rni>, 31? . ft 0 0 0 0 0 Mag.?, if.. 210 2 on Wagner? ??(I s 1 40 Cfavath, rf 8 0 1 0 0 0 Miller, 11?.. 6 0 1 ? 0 0 Lanterna, lusoi ? lafwilaon, rf. 30 1 u 00 1 ..'.1.1,1. h? 111 3 3 0, M., rf. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kiiiifer. 1 4 03 ? on Butler, lb.. 10 I : %: Rlsey, p...200 0 801 Kelly, 0 7 20 Haaloa, p.. loo 0 00, sinion. c... 00 ? 1 00 I Hen lrlx, ,..301030 '??To,.le. p. 0 0 0 u 0 0 1 ? n ?, p... 0 0 0 0 1 0 ?vtoi. 1 0 t 0 00 I HI .nit. 10 0 0 00 JH.J..I. 10 0 0 0 0 Toui?....2?es:;ii it Total?....??01224 111 ?Butted for Wilson In elahth Irinlnir. ?Bat t..1 f.?r K'-lly in ?-Iffhih InalOg. IH.i'.ted for Hi Minx In aighth liming. Philadelphie. I 1 M I I 8 A x?8 Pittsburgh. .... 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?u Tun 1,a*?- hita Carey t'?\. Doolan, Kllllfer, Hit? ?iff II? ndrix. 7 In 7 Inning?, off ,, 'Tool? aoae sad >??. >>,,. out in elghtb Innlag: off i?'" la 1 Inning: <,rr nix.-v. 11 In T1-8 Innitifra; off Se.?ton. 1 In 1 3-8 Innings. Ha' rtflce hit?- ?Hofmaa, Knabe. Cravata, Rlsay Bacrlflc? fly -i.u'i.-ru?. gtolaa he? i .?,? Lobert Tx.'ii ir. puya k.-::v to Wagoat la Kflly; IH-r.drlx ?<? Wa?Tii>r to Miller. Doolsn ,?. Kaaba t?. Ladera? Loft on has.-? -pittK l.urgli. 14; I'lula.lelphla, ?',. firat ha?.,, on baila -Ott Kendrts, ?; off 0*Toele. .; sR Perry, i; ?it Rlsay, I; off seat???,. ,. **lrsi basa on srrers Pittsburgh, i; Philadelphia, I. f-iriirk out -By Hendrtx, 8 i.v Perry, 1 by Klxey. 4: by ?satoa, .. \V,,.l pitch Perry. Tln?i?2:0S, Uanlrsa Braaasn sad Bason. ROCHESTER, 8; PROVIDENCE, 6. \t Rochaste* K n j; Rocheoter ....# o 6 e o o o 2 x???. i. -? l'rovldence ,..l 1 I 1 M I I H I I Batteries Hoff. Qntoa and Hlair; La Htto and Kosher. BUFFALO, 14; BALTIMORE,.. At r.ufr.iio? i. n j.; iluffalo .0 4 0 0 :t 0 7 0 x -11 17 I Baltimore .1 00000300?493 Batteries ? gnlonwoidsi' and Oa*****ls ?hawkey, DlUtiorth and Payne. TRI-8TATE LEAGUE RESULTS. Wilinlikgton. I; York, S. Alit-ntown. 7, Trenton, 2 Henteherg, 17, Atlantir ??ity. 2. ? m EASTERN ASSOCIATION RESULT8. Watirhury. 14. Hartford. 10 (12 Inntns?). PtttsOeM, l? Holyok?, 4 ?prtafdteM, l? New London, 0. lirl'laeporl. I. New Haven. 2. e STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. Wilke? Harre, .'., Ulnm.nrii,? ,ti, O. Seraaaw. 8; K'.mir?. 7. Troy va. g|IP??SS icolilt. Albany v?. ITtlra ?rold). ? ? m NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS. Linn. lo. ?fe* Bsdssrs, 3. \Vi>rce?ter, V2. I^awren<-e, I. l'ortlan.i. I] lAiwell, 2. ral! River. ?: Brockton, t YALE PITCHERS WHO CARRIED BLUE TO VICTORY OVER PENNSYLVANIA. Oils, .?n toi?, win? ?iras badlj s**4_ed In .ii?* fourth iBalBf.snd "HustT" ftt-<?wti, win. j. t. -lie?! ?.ill lln- fSBM In l.rilil.itit f.i?-!il?*n. Errors and Passes Aid Brown When Hits Fail Providence Team Cernes Here to Defeat Manhattan. HANLEY A TRIFLE WILD Local Southpaw Allows Only Five Hits, but Receives Poor Support. Th.- Brown University baseraII team defeated Manhattan Collegs at Leaos >'-sterd..y afternoon by a BCOfS of 6 to 2. The vir-ltoiH a - re OUtbotted l>v twelve hit" t.. fiv.-, but the Oreen end White played a BtJaerabla ?tame in tha l!? Id, toaalBS th" ball around Wtldl] fc 1 seven errors, and in? (dentally giving Brown ??bur ?.f itn Bva rano, it aras a raw- day for tho ?port, and a BtTOBS west wind stirred Op a 4 . rita Ile BBBd *-t>?rm throughout th" ?'.-un.-. Th- Oreen and White >-"t aten en the paths In almost ev.ry Inning, bul were unabl? to *?eeur< th?- b? cessai :? hit, I .Mm Marl.*., th? CTBCh Manhattan ' ' lettu trouthpaw, pitched ??'??!! sscept f?>r b mu- ?rlldneas h- sllowed only nv scattered hits, and sent fourt?aen of the Brown and White play? is to the tench on strike-outs. He gave five passe?, and three of these m the fifth InnitiK, BC4**0BB? perded by tares errors, gava Bream taro run? without the aid of S ?olltary hit Ar.otli? r pass In the second Iiain?; gat/I lirown another chance to s? or. l?nve Henry was substituted for Kayre?. ttie Brown star at the last montant, owin?t to the coi.i weather, sad was found f..r an even dozen hits hy the hard hlttim ttan nln? He waa '.a danger often but with sir-tight nei.iing snctteoded h etnsegtag from the holes without mucl trouble Henry fanned nine batters, six alsii |?efl t.-n of the opposing runneri . tr.<r11..i on the bases Henry struck oui the first two batters to ta?-?? him la tin fourth inning, but Loughran, Caffrey aa<! Barry all s:?;.-iei. Hanley ?\a^ una is ti furnish ths much peeded lilt, forcing oh! Barry at **eco*ad hojto, Manhattan ais. bad taro men on ths bases in ths alatli with two men out, but saother force-out ] play at second base killed any chance for a M ore. Crowther. the Broa n ftar foothall play? er uh?? covered abOrt Held for his tooas, and Sullivan, who played gSOOOd baae for the local collegians, carried off the honor* In the lleldlng Une. t'alTrey heade.l the hard hitting Manhattan nine, with Hire? gefotleg In as many times at bat. The lltic-up follows: lll'.i'UN I MANHATTAN ah r h po a e al> r h (?o a ? fro? ? t t..-r, >?!. :? tOlSuaret, Si?. 3 0 n 1 3 ? If.... r.o :? o on O'i . nnor, ? 11 l l 2 3 Bncll. c. f> o i ? 18 Draddy, n> to 118 ?, I Reilly, 3b., !38 i 11 Wagner, cf. 18 I o o o ?.mir? x- lb 11! Il 61 Bull?? ?n. !b 4 o ?> 1 ti ; Hu?.? ???-. :i? -.???) i ii Loughraa. c 41 i 14 01 UablnetoB.rfiaa 6 8 8 Gsffrey. rf.. II I .I Naati, , : .4818 88 Barry, If. 4 I I 0 0 1 M? ary, i III I 10 H uttey, p.. 4 ?> i o i i T. will.I. ft 100 1 4 o| IK.ulu.IiiUi.lf 10 0 0 00 T tal?.... 34 f> ? 37 1? 1 i Total?.SO 2 12 ?7 11 T Brown . ?? I i o ? S <> g o | Hswhsttaa .0 10 0 0 0 i o o 2 Lefi ?>i, baase Pie va, g? Manhattan, lo. Two-baa? hila N'aah, Andrswa Farrlflce hit ? ?'? '..iinur FtTSl tu,... ..n ?-rror. Hr??vx r,. ;?; Msnhattan, i Btolen ;m.?s K.-tiu, Aadrewe TewhUI, Draddy, Wagner 13), Hani?) Doubl? play Crowthei (unasaistedi Piral bees <?, irl- Off Haul.', ',. ?iff ll.-nrx, 1 Btruek out ie. Hanley, 14; b? Hi nry, 8 Hit bj pitchers ).v Henry (Buares, 3>? by Haatey (Reilly) Wild I'll? h-Henry. Time 2 lu. ITlUglM Tone. 'skeeters rally in vain ? Toronto Tallies Two Runs in the Eleventh Frame and Wins. I Hi Teles-aps te TI*eTrlbaa? I Toronto, <>nt. May 10.-Aft.-r Jersey ?.'ity had BBlBOd USB lead In the eleventh Inning M a -ingle, walk and Harry'H dou? ble, Tot.into ?ame from b.-bind an.l ?,-o'r. d tw i runs on l-'itzpati Ick 'S double, ullara'? doubb- and Hradl.-y'? '""'K bit, which whs good for a bom.? run Tin final s. ore wan 0 to ?. The ?con follows: TOWOHTO. I ?IB?SsTf iTi'V. ,br fa po a.-! Sbf 1. P"?** ! Kiui'i.. 2" I i 4 i Bl|Vaughn, a?. 4)1 i I ?? l!r??.:'lVy i',' S ? ? 0 ?l inS.** ??? ?? J ? ?? ..?>?.. n .2 M Seife if. .IS } I ?? N. r.beii.rf IS ? 1 10.M ''.i''* 'f -" ' ' umimiii. etS i IS on, ???"->- ? ?? ?} J - ? ' Shaw, "f IB 1 I 0 0 I'urt.ll 31.. 11 I II Troul .f - ?I 0 0 00, llnri. lb... I I 3 11 IS Ho?y M 4 1 0 1 ?I irlpp. c. . 40 1 Hrown n 3 <i O u i 0 I'<???-lier, |, 3 1 1 0 .. ?? 1 i ?[, D 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vi.,,.)"' i- Un o 0 00 ;,".,? p 10 0 0 0 0;T,i..nii?..n.p 0 0.I ?Mi! ,1,'. 11 10 0 0 OOt.-.l.lafl) -... ?O?^^'' Total?..?:?? 33 Mil Totals...? I 13 32 14 i ?Hit for l'rant In ninth Inning tHatted for viebaas m teats hadag Toronto .3 OOO 8 S S I ? ? S-J J.r.e> i-ltv. ? I 1*1 S ? ? I 6 IPune ran Jordan. Two !.???? hit? Yaiial-n. ri- i uriefc ?". Berry, ii' Bean an t-niii 1-Brown I Do--?cner, i. Oeulali, S BtrueB eut lu Brown, 4; tu ?-?asrher. 8: in limnt. 2 by ? 1. I'\ 'I bomp?en. 1 Si-.l?i. I ..-. Ir4.nic Jordan, O'Hara r??s?.i belt?Ora? ban) 'siiilflc? B) ?*il?l> Sacrltl-? Bit? iiu,-h?r "liara. Bradley. 1'ouMo play? Brown to Hoiiv ta Orshssa. aVafl ea i.a*ee? Teroilt?. 7; .ler-*e> City, 11? Umpire-Mullln. Time of Bam- la_ ! INDIANS LACK ONE RUN ? Montreal Checks Rally in the Eighth Frame and Wins. Montreal, May 10 Montreal <i?feate.i Newark her?, to-day hv a a??oro of C 1 to I. Boll, the Indians' pitcher, was hit freely before ho gavs way to a ptnch \ hitter In th.- eighth Inning. Smith hel?! ; Newark to a pair of MngleH for ?even innings, hut was hit for three singlen an.I a ilouhle In the eighth. MOMTBBAt I NSWABK. at, r I, po a ?? abr h pou?? <;iiii....i'-.. f :< ii 1 1 88 CoIIIm, rf... 411 0 SB Pemti,nt.if 48 I I 88 1.?>'.?*... 3 0 0 1 30 Hanford.n II I i ?I W glra'a, if. 4 oo i oo Orlggn, lb, 4 1 2 1.. 1? Swa? Ina. lb. 4 00 10 IS Y eager, 3b 4 1 1 8 18 Myers, c. 402 1 10 ?? n i am,lb 42 2 u g l| at ?tltn'n, 8b soo 3 88, as, I i | ! ji itegaiar, 2b, no o 2 2 0 Puma, c... no i i oo McCarty, c. til .. 30 S.illli, p ?? 3D 1 2 ?<? Hell, p. 1 i) II 1 2 0 ?.isktll.p. 000 0 00 . ,.?' :. ?s. 2 12 0 0 0 .Bargst_ ill o oo rl.e.-. 000 0 0 0 ?Sii.llh. 100 0 00 lEnsman_ o o o o 0 0 Total? ...Il f, |] H |8 || Total?.34 4 7 24 15 0 ?Batted for TeoUn la eighth laalag. IBat? ted f.,r Oagnler m ninth Inning. ,? Hatted for '?'?kill in ninth Inninc IK'in for In ninth lan?as. M ?nlreril .eOOtOSOS X?g Newark .g g ?> ? " " " ;? '- * Twe-baes bite PurtsM, ?sfgoa i.?ft o? baees Montreal :, Newark, 7- Double play - ? K. /.Immerinaii Oagater und Swu.ln?. ? Niolen has?? g Zimmerman. Colima Baa , ritten III,i, it,.u 1'ollln?. HI?. -Off Bell, 11 In 7 Irninga off ?la.kell. 1 In 1 Innlnir ! Haa.? on ball? off B? II. ?*>; ** ?s"',,h,?, ?'? Smirk out- B) smith. Ii hy Bell. 3 Urn pire?. Carpenter and O'Toole. Time?1:45. Pounds Out a Victory Over the Boys' High Team. STUYVESANT NINE WINS Bay Ridge High Springs a Sur? prise in Defeating Bushwick Nine. Frasmus Hall High School took B strong hold on the lead for the Brook? lyn championship by defeating th?? Boys' High School ?t Hawthorn?* Field by B score of 11 to 4. The champions got a total of nine hits. Bill Sykes, the old reliable Buff and Bim? tw.rler, had a stormy beginning, the Boast High batters .scoring four runs In first lnnlni* on BeVOral hits and two errors. He was a puzzle thereafter, al? lowing only Tour BBBtterad hits and fanning thirteen batsmen. Stewart, ?>f Il'iys' ?High, was hit hard by th.- Kras mufl sluggers. A strong westerly wind mad" it d'.III cult for the outlbddera to Judge fly balls and accounted for the loose Ibiding by the intifid ?'..-fence on both ski es Rosen? berg, for Boys' High, and Bushon;,', of ?Sraamus, eaoh mad?- thr.??- hita. The score by laBlngS follows: R.H.E. Eras Hall...4 1 0 4 0 .? 0 2 X?11 I Boys' High...I n (i i* | S 0 0 g?! 8 6 Batteries Erasmus Hall, Bykeaaod M< Cormlck; Boys' Hlgn, Btewaitand Butler. Btuyveeanl High ?School and l?- Witt ?Clinton met m their annual game* ..t, Maahattafl ?Tleid and the former won by a acore <.f ?'. to v Hdiiick stait-d :n the box for Stuy rssant, but an Injured linger made ins iontr. i poor, and he was succeeded by K'.ini<hf"M. The atter held Clinton well thereafter uatd tha sisth tranae, when a?rerai bunched hits f..r two mas put UlS Opponents in the lead. Kranii hf.l.l hid an even ?lozen >?trl k out.?, and essily outpttcbed Wright, of ' i nton. i .cmi- by Innings follow: R.H.E. Sttiyvesaiit. *> .: l 0 S S ? t X?% W 3 I?. i\ ?it > Un. I 0 ? 0 I -' I " " i !.! 4 batterie? Btuyv4*sant,?Bchuck, (Cirai leid . ral Hosan; ?n Witt Clinton, Wright .III?! \\ .' Il 1." I Bay Hi.lg.? ?High School fur?' -i,.-.| a sur? plis.- by defaatlag Bushaich ?High School in a well played gBBM at U allac- Field, Brooklyn, by a scoiy of .", to 1. It ?TBS a battle oi pit ?era between Alpert. of Bushalck, and lb-dell, of Hay tUdfe, ! with the latter allowing only two lilts.; Tn? lietors bunched hits in the nrst and fourth laalagS, and were also helped by twu errors. Alpert had a list of fourteen atrikeouts and Bocurod the only two hits off BedelL 'In.- .-.-.i-- by innings follows: K.H.F. Bay Bidue.... 20030 0 '.000 1 : Bushwtca. o o o l <> :? o o 0-4 ?_? .; Hat.? n? b - Ba) l-Udff**, Bedell rutd toben; Busbwick? Alpert and Nolan The .'.'lunibia ftreehBiea nine area ?'i wierd K?me from tin.* Manual Tra: High BCBOOl OB .Maniu.-tt" i-told, Brook- I lyn, by a Beere of 1 to 4. a BtroBS wind .icc.iunte.i largely for the thiru-vii errors, eight of whiih w?rc -*o******Jtted bj Btan ual. An StTOr and foul ?-IK ? ? s rtVS Sh | g.I for four mora runu in the eighth, ? gave Pol urn Ma the pame. 'j'h-- ser.- i y lanlngB foUowa: R.H.E. ?olumbia. 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 I -7 11 I Ml nual. u '.' *) .' 0 ! ?? ? '.'-4 | s Bat?.irtee?Columbia, Butler and Ftank Ita; Manual, LabatS and L'oie. Oroeo'srtch High Bcltool failed to ap? pear Bf*Bf**lff* lb? Adeipiil Academy nine and the latter went against an alumni <?< mblnatlon. The former students WOTS defeated by a teotn *f I to ?t, but no*, until alter thirteen Innlm,'* of [day. Singles by VftwS and Dliggl moored the winning tally. I?r. l'.ttlt and Mulray M...\>,.,1 their old time speed for the "grada." K. Alford was in line form. The score by Innings follows: urn: Adelphi ..?001010000001-3 7 3 Alumni .iaaiaasaae????i i Batterie? Adelphi, K. Alford and Driggs; Alumni, ?.'lark und ?Jr-en. The Manhattan College reserve team shut nut the naval reoervfl toan Of tho training Bblp QrBBitS Slat". OB I."!."? < ?\al, by B score of 10 to 0. F.iirell held the sailors to a simile hit had eight sfrlk.?-oiits and only twenty one Batters faced him In BOVea Innings. The aoore by tnnings folowa: R.II.R Manhattan .4 0 4 1 0 1 x-1010 2 Naval B?servas ..0000000-014 Batterien ? .Manhattan, Farrell and Dunn; Naval Kescrve, Maxwell ami Johnaton. mushing, after an uphill fight, defeated Freeport on the former ik-hl by a bcore of II to 9. The score by innings follow?-: uni: Flushing .3 0 1 0 I 1 2 1 2-12 11 2 l't-e.-port .I 4 I u 0 0 l? 0 0?912 I Batteries -Flushing. ?Trotbingham and .Simon; Freepoit, ?'. Murray and Jones. Motohktss School captured a hard hit? ting game from 8t. Baul'u School, it ?len City, on the former's tVld at I.ake vllle, .'onn., by a score of lj to 8. Spcnc.T, of tho I.onp Island nine was hit for eighteen saf.'tb-s. St. Baul's mad.? four lionu? runs, but they only Betted live runs. COLD HALTS BALL GAME Crescent Leads Berkeley Nine After Five Innings. It was so cold at Bay Bid?;.. >cst.rda> that only flV6 iBBlngS were played In the ha cl'a.11 game between the .'resent Ath lette Flub and Berkeley College. The score then was at 8 to 2 In favor of tho New Moon player?. The score follows: t'BESTS HT A ?'. | BERKKI.FV. r h p.,s?i r Ii pun ? Hard. B*. 2 1 11 BJ Clarke, If. 00 100 l-'bellriK. Cf.... -1 O?? Arthur, t-f. 10 |SB White. M. 10 100 Fern, 2b. 00 0 10 si-?.-?, 11. it '?? i o Beaton, e. oo 4M Mallory, if.. :i S S ? Tltntrtn, lb. o o 3 ?? i Ht-aveie. Kb.... 00 14 B| rurri.?li, ft. SI tit H?iifh. if. 00 000, Uenbert, 3b.... 00 10 0 S ml or aiKh.c 0 0 3 0 0 SPme. p. 10 0 0'I \\ .4.?|, p. 00 000, Duwlln?. rf.... 00 000 Ml Ka?. !?. 00 O00| - - T?tala. s 4 w . m Totaii. II1I4I ?reix-ent ... .I I It I .\ s Hetkelt-v r.>ll?Ke .1 11 1 ?I o | Sa.-rlrlre ll\ White. BSaBBB t-n?c? Chirk" (I), Bard (I), Bbailaf (I), Bid?? ?... Arthur, Mallory and wood Sasaa aa salla ?tai \\.i. ;i, ?iff ?stuti??. 4. Struck ?>ut -By Btoaa, 4; bj W.,,1. 4; b* M'-Kav. 1. nit by pitcher Bj .stone, i. Passes Bella Bcarbocowen. Umptr? Mr. WllH.n B MICHIGAN BEATS SYRACUSE. Ann Arbor, Mich., May 10.-Nine errors by Syracuse and Malar pitching the best part of the name for Michigan enabled the Wolvertr.cs to avenge their defeut ot yt-steiduy with a score of H to 1. Quaint? an.-.! relieved sisb-r whea the game *-*-as well In hand. The score by innings follows: n ? - R- H K. Svracuse... 00000010 0? 1 4 *.. Michigan . 3 112 0 4 0 3 x - 14 13 I Battera-Qualntance and Balre and Webber; Dcsllva and F?rber. Dartmouth Track Men Spring a Big Surprise. WIN BY TOPHEAVY SCORE Clean Sweep in Half lY.i'e and Shot Put Sounds Doom of Pennsylvanians. [By Telegraph re i>. Tri!,jne i Hanov.r, X. H., May ?''--Par,mouth de? feated ivntisylvai.ia ?n the aeal tuck meet this afternoon by a BOOTS of |au to I??,. TbO victory was, as much of a Mi!piist? to I'artm un gg -? \Vas lo Vvnt^ ?Mvani.i. it go? mod I ? ore the *asst be Han that Partrr.outh COUld give nothing bet a hard Bght Bgalaat the VAinaer? of last year's Inter? 1 Th- biggest surprise of ths afternoon was ths half-mile, la which th? Ureen runners captured all th three places. Bodley, who sraa counted to srln for PaBjt. finished litth. Oranger, with lota of ? ? ? in for a final apui ? pigg. followed elooely by Harmon, and not far behind hy the reliable Dolan, who wu aplked recently and had not ?rorg a track BhOS !"i' mor.- than a Tii.. quarter-mils ?.? - pretty contest i" tween Uppli oaaar, wh?, 1.! Sd Bids bl ?- ? ?.rnip;c star finally broke the tape rrtth : rui nei hi? aslng 01 I Whitney, Bmitb ,11 took ail tii?.- points in ' . t, ati'l Bngli .1 11, 1 aptured ?n thi h.-unin? r throw. In B| legs, ESnright tied with Uaaoi st J feet ?1 i,i? bl s tor ?:i Bt pi??? :\ jump. Captain Mi : cor .?? ? jump easily with s Jump Ol ; inches. Captain Wright ????1 1 -: si >t ?.imstir much in t.i?. pole vault, tie at 11 i- et <> inch ? betw? Bemmea. Th?- two-mile raes was ti ? , . tacular rae? oi the da;, B ?Dartmouth, set the pa? al Lps, but be Boon w? way t?, M 'urdj, 1 llowed ?ely by H fought ild n??t ??v. ? take him. I ?artriio'ith won lev? the Bel tainod x ?- asi . 1113. Tin m : I I0O-! ird ??- ? - ?20-3 ard daah? Olaei - tin- I avivant* 1. ? ? - Harmon, 1) Dart mo ?... n. 1 ? Two-n I 1 . ;.. ? Flraun. !'? r^'u-?..,! Peni - :.)-jh!,i lo? M ? FIEL! Phot set?Wan r?y -' tmooi . Dartmouth, -? mouth, third 1 ? ? ?r- , 41 . . .uh. Mur, I ttt feel In? h-1 tilth J?mi>?Tie bei ?1 ux.? n J ? I Broad Jntr.i I'.r.niyl ? Pi la ? ., ill ' ? ? an ||. KIRBY SEES YALE ROW Oxford Coach Arrives in Time for Annual S?rir? Races. ? Ti'lejrrnnh I ?e.1 X? w- Haven, ?Mai tha n?\?. English ? server, the < rewa bold their 1 l - "* on ths harbor late I I the alga wind leaaei 'to per mlt ths shells to renl th?? Tale Brat and ? in a mile -spin, and l I lre.shn.111 Bight d. ?? .. I and Bprtngfl? id High Rh -.? NEW YORK FIELD CLUB WINS. The N>w Torfe ; altJeh for . merly plg***od es the FhlCOB Athletll I Club, had an ea?y time in defeattas the 'south Orange Plold Club, the four-Utas Amateur H ball Ll 1M? J a loosely played game on the i;itt,*r * field ye.ster.1ay by B BCOTS of I to 8 The South Orange men srere botaatai hy the Strom.: wind, making sis ?osUr errors. Rachlin I ' ' ?,'ruclc out eiev.-ri battei -Ulowai , only 'He hits a.- Iln'g twelve. "he ocors hy Innings t": R H.E. \-,-'.v York r. c.ssssi*. Boutb Orange... - v I > ? ** ? * Bettertee?New Torh F C, Ryan ?"^ Aiil.s; South Orange, Ka? hi n i nd ras****. SPORTING GOWNS A ?-PEC1ALTY H. CURTICE Asks the honor of > ***} fr0? American butics when in I?????*** The Latost Models Loading French Heu??? arc always on vigw, as well as H- C? " tier's own designa covering -.H'1".'' L in Sport ins, and Travelling (j0V,n Prices irom |5d 15, Sackville Street, Piccadill/ LONDON