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FM I ?HO 101 Seeing America from the Car Becoming Easier. VALUABLE WORK IN WE Colorarlo and Utah Are Hard Work in Effort to Attract Motorists. ? au?i rsllr? I for t ? taso? ? -, . - - ? ? lire fli to a ' ' that 1 portloi ' - ' ; ' ? auto? ? lazed the w. Bprini ? could i tra? el T ?/ | removed I th ? Colored ? of th? tie? ? ? i ? The tota: s,.ms no? gva.; o al?n? ei ? isionei M ? ...... ... - ? ; ll road building :.? now b? ... : Mi ?tretcl, - '.rand and counties hav* ? - ? state lin? taken cere of as of the id Couaty already I? i ; on its port taloners ? ? ? i ti 1 have pot ? app'oprlatlon?. ? Price and the - r --*? ??? ? ? ? ey ?rill ha-,? ? ? .ad In ?bar' ' I ' sretofor? ? si ake a flfty-Sv? mil. de I through 1 foe Howe* ei ? a ?rill be middle of ' AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES. NO'Rim-Cut Tires 10% Oversize Oversize Means This Ten per cent extra air capacity over hooked-base clincher tires. It means the same as extra width, which costs you extra money. It means, on the average, 25 per cent more mileage. No-Rim-Cut tires, with this 10 per cent oversize, cost no more than clinchers. More Than 10# * *>ver?i?.e rf No - Rim - Cot ? -?i ?? n-io-e thgg 10 per cen*. Actual comparison with s.x manes of clinchers shows the av? erage oversize 16 7 per cent. roeans that you get Rm-Cut tires about one ?? i more a;r capacitv than yon get in clnther?. And ai: is what carries - ?ad. get this extra without extra Por Kg Rim-L'ut tres BOSf at same as s'andard clincher ' M Then Add Thig lathis new tvpe stire that can't rim -eu t A clincher tiro can and does n No-Rim-Cut Tires With or Without Non-Skid Treads Statistic! show that 21 percent of ? tiras bt - - nm-cut. 80 art the re;,.-ons why - her titea must go. Men will not s'and this rim-cut run when :? ne*"-type fire prevent?- :'. Men at-e bocnd to demand an oversize tire wi.en tie? know wnat it adds t ? their 1 re mileage. No-Ria-Cnl tires now ? hers. Ths r sale* are doub? ling over an', over. When vo:: know these tiret, m will never boy o'hrrs. Come let n a show to jrou. Write for the Goodyear Tire Book 14th year edition. It tell? all known ways to econo? mize on tiret. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio Thla f otnpen. hiiiininnnwiii.n ?I1?" rubber lumiin tilil? h u?-? 'lie l.??J?l.' N?? Wrlx H-aoch. 1072 Broad??? Phone? Col. 7400-74*-1-74Q2-780.? 7t?4 7<9.v ??rooklvoK-aach, M7.Beliord Iva. l'hone? Bedford 7Sf)0 7..ol N?var. Braatfc. ?A H3lse> St. Phones Merkel 7.S0*. .1?7. ?no?' WHITE AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS HAULING SHEET METAL AND OTHEB SUPPLIES OVER SAND HILLS OF CALIFORNIA. NEW FIELD FOR USED CARS Foreign Countries Can Absorb Thousands Annually. State* ? ? i nun : le. Il Sam i ' in the Ind ? ? ? ? ? ?e?1 furnli ' ted , Hitch? RSCin? W|? . ? tical that in 1 ? . - ? rial ? roi rna With bran - the best <* rep.- prase of rlcai ofY.-rlnc s ?< guarantee to f?rela? ? ? I 'err-; ? ' i HOOSiER MOTORISTS BUS Pians Are Nearly Complete fo Long Journey to Coast. 10 USE FIRELESS COOKER: Each Tourist Must Wash Hi Own Dishes and Musi Take Turns at Guard Duty fe and efl itart? from lad arel I under a ? ' ? - ? ".-, ? I ravch pe ? ? ? - ...... . ( , , . . ? by l will be | ? c on n' brea id If on ? |t 'A ?he mi' ? ? ? auto tn ks ?si - - ? . ? |. kitchens and tl Ilk?- ?? teks an-1 tl leavt aai ?.. " ? the nil by the l: ? .-, '?hare-e ? ? ?amp ? ?' and ? ? - ? ? ? red i ' ? time th? ma I the procession eemes tourist ?rill <arry his o?r ttish? ??d wash them after mes I SB tl Bl tl leak will be divided into *MO pa ? it will ha?re one ? ttaraa a' euard duty, fo- ?rlth fori ? ore automobil".? and trucks th. ?? a pr??t amount of movable prof , . ..- ,-.... .,- . ?, . n ,,.;-, - ? -? , tent win be set ? ? i tard a :??: ad f Bleep thei til ? -urn. a ?rhe trtes ?o Bhirl thia pe ? 'i ' for if b - ?* ; overtlrA? aft? ? ; It is whispered 1 n-ther rat""?'*" will be ?tolen and pa the Hipper '.-:. W?'.Vh move? we? ???for?- dii^-i noch Any VVtll In rake his turn next time"* Ldltloa to the commissar S'iuad , -r IckS Will be etnplo " for th? .-.--. af eztra ga olei s ?water and oil for emergency u??r, en?* - i-? tenaporaii brfdgt the wireless tel? grapl r the tour ? be in constant Blectrl? with the reet of th? world, no "- ?w far it me; be frota ? ? ordin?r] telegraph ami telepbon? - *. ? ??n tie hacp.-ic? aleistoi ?rUI also b. hauled th? huge aeeridillghl a*d cen ?i atois arhieh trill light the camp a' t int.? Harlow Ilvd?-, of tha Kmp'.re AUt?*?**nOMlB Company, will be in charge of suppl!?? If Is planned to have on hand b?for? the ? vta?u minute Bl . ?? ? ? e-, prlcea, etc , f.,r ? oite ho tha' there will SlWa ' - O?.? ? ? ?i antltlea for ?rhol. eeraeaa at e-.arj tonn and I nltrli' ? or -r ! W McK *rVhite, if the Marlon Motor chairman of th? toan ! mlttee, and W ra, of tl a Hen ??i i- ompany, chal? man o* I the atonta committee, have tie?.n <n^, : fatlaabie in their work and pi H ' ? ?nove: rua, and their wide ?tourlag ki 1 edfre : a Sons nui' k 10 make this loagn ?of all toute an assured ??*?***esa ?h.? p o ;.i. i- Bollaborated ?? I these . ominltfee chairirien ate | ,? -., per. of the Ni.rdvke a Marmon ''ompany, s Natta of ,!ir t-tojraoB Antomonj.. , ' ompany, and JOBS Marks of the Servie Motor Trink ' ompan.". ail of the toar? ? ommittae it .- a.? d? from ? ? -. people --il fin ii.uci. w bo w ill t.. , art of ? toar, i net- I ? ? ?lise 'ak. ?o ? '?fTi.'ial a- ti.?n in .onnecti..' T(VJ It ha? b<? > piOPSaed that n ucks i* ;n tlm ,0,: ' ex-M *h ? i <-*o--*-*aaj of reswasrs ?s pssarassiS I TURN TO MOTOR DELIVERY Macy Parades Illustrate Grad nal Displacement of Horses. a gradual ? . ?ro-.- delivery i - ? r?<1e last Mor r-. || ' . ? ? sight were a_. , .. . ' ? . ? Sera ?????re ? ?,???!? ?ar has ',. ? . -i.r.rr of ?.:?* . '? Iclaa in ? rsrsde. I! ? ? ? COAST RACE FILLS WELL Greatest Interest in Los Angeles to San Francisco Contest. No r? -e a r'.i " | ( 'oast In* e-, . . ? tUSh Of entries h? the \jgg Atlgi i lei I rancleco r'iii raes ?l for July 4. ? ? a big prise i proving an Incentiva te tha racing on! an?! driven raea la naktng a ? private nv. tiers In ?11 . ., ? . ? A ? .... , ?.. -? ? tared are Barn? a M- r ? I ? Eea! i good r... vu ?re ho ? . th? "? J -:mplex. ipeed . ? Apper ? .. TWICE AROUND THE CLOCK. A twenl I . ? ? on of -, ?p. . ? ? I I Pioneer Concern Asks for First Registration Plates Haynes Company Thinks It Should Draw No. 1 License Under New Law. That ths pioneer automobil-* . on err :n th? l'nl'e.1 States is entitle* to rOOOgB tion in tiie state of Indinan, aaa*tt**alarlj ?s the head of It is a Hoeetar, born and bred, is the autaotanc? of sa appeal ad? dressed -o i. g t:iiiiighHm. ftoerotary of st?te, at *nfhanaaells. by the Ha>nes Automobile Conpaay. Of Kokomo. which desires licenss No 1 under the new In? diana BBOtar ".ehicle registration law, whl'-h ?7?->es Into effect on .Inly 1 "Hiunor has it." the appeal reads, "that license No 1 under the new law Is vet? keeni? | tei and Insacarseti as su. n appttcnttona artn B*?ouhUeas reeelsa eOSMMerntlon at the proper time we pie IB in this conne? - tlon al?" ?rhlcll ?e feel are auch ss will merit your r<" ?iRnttlon i "iyipi-au' Bgssddasj, tha Pay use car i? Ht It v?s? ths first gasolene car huit In the United ltatee(ef Amer plaeed upon ths mark?-! 'Che | Ktwood Heynes, is Uhewlaa a nativo of i a Bora In Portland, la- County, In the yea- :?'; taa has been actively on g?-- <t i:. ? :.?? mnnofaeture of ihe rar | ? in?, hi? nenia ateca buildtng ths Please* t 1 spr?. terenl u?,. and is at the pres? en' litre a residen! St Kokomo, and p ??lent of th?' !iu- !?air. . "Tiie p ?,, ? a ear thai ?mve i irt ? to the American tatosaohlls Industry, la non ,.!?.- of ti,e gmlthsoalea In Btltntion, Washington, where it i? dul exhibited as thS first Amerlcai ca? This ?ahlMi la very natui the i bject of much interested f-ori? inda of vta( am ? a -a , a the ?' ' "f*rv ;.?. : e. n-^ni ?????n ? ?? keen Instituts of Min? ? . ? a : | , ! r:.i technical an-i Iforaover th? om aenu "As w? . ? ? itter . .. ? pure!" i ? and In rie i . .i Bl " He: ea i a 1 t?s> ? e t hat || would t?e .-? ? t ea i th? r i.,, ,,, I mahl!? ' '..-i ?. ? ? pt of formel i w ? sve pleasure In ? : rteer, s bo i the ? .<? experte eni - M Heynes lo ? with a ''<? . .. ? ? 'Mr ? i - nd the eaj CHANGeTci^PA"?Y7S TITLE Motokart Not Allowed in Cor? porate Name of New Concern. The organlaers of I ho p'npr.sed Moto ? Company, ,-i BSt.08t concern v.cated ? the Unit - ? - Rubber F. ?-. 1 and orgai ze.i ( ? purpose of a tact ? ? application rejected by the Albaa? authorities a? a rosa I ' recent rigid interpretation of SB BasSOeS forgot!? porate titles m :: i Be abo | la the I liah 1st | ?' After further inve<- . the S izers ;.i?ro learned that abouM ti s m their reguoai I ? s ' 'H*-? t.. .i in N'en- \ ork State as a foreign 'or: lion ?sou i afta consi'ietr. < ed tai s the] Baa11) porated SS ' 8 'l'aTO '"*?' '? rompan*., rtrfsiidng * ? - Bate mercl.i ai a traue tame In disc the matter. V. I! QSIBSalty, 'he ;? dent af the . ... -en., said There : - | ;aw <?'?*? ? point for several fntttSk BUI ll*tt 1 e, recently it baa sosa b dead letter. P i do not 'aelieve N is ee haie no lisas to waste ipon a te?t ca?.-. and we have UBstefors ehanged b - name ? ?f course, the word motokatt 1? a coined word. i.??-d to Rive our car a definite identit\. and we sna i OBSdlaue t-. ?il? tue ward In a-Baartkag sea pre* - chatiRitiB only tiie company s t | GOOD DRIVER HELPS CAR Proper Handling Can Prolong Life of Machinery. "There i? a vail diffSIBBPS hetw??- | ? mere driving Of a car and ?n'e'llB-en operation.' ?a\? W.iilntn H Stewart, 1r of the Stewart Automobile .*- I M Simply to drive a car means little. A team of boeaea la the hands at a as? will cover the route, but their Ufe | ??fTb'ieii.?'. are shortened by IncOfl BtM drivers. So with the a toa ' S proper shlftir;-? of (?ear? and app ' a' OB of pciw-er ?| the proper time detti the efBdeacy and Ufa of tn. ?-ho? me anlsm. "What busiBOSS man havin-r a fact'* ' with a power plant wou'd ron?1der pil? ing In charge a man knowinjr o Btart and atop the machlnerv.' Ill Btewsii aska "Ot, kaoaiag thla ra himself, would attempt to op?rete It ?nd expect eontlaued sad -imient ssn I Would aay r iiiroad cotapaay place I charge rf i. omotlve a man of thtfl i type? In both *_bsb i .ave men*?one-i ?the machinery tepresenta in ineesti ?and the in-.e-,?or rightfully aspects ?a* ? hut Um oaraec <>f an automobile fa;;? to r?? ?/? this. He requires It to ,',, more work with le?? attention than any a '? ? tan. ? rara dsslgii the ? ma- nine?, anticipa; MKS I ? ? part of the op? itoi yet ? ? aa? a la B| ee 1 <\? man'i.-d of a ar and the vl ?ration s, due to er? ? lost unjust to the ear an maker to expect oar? s abuse " Pi? ne readera be'ieve m I he ?iib unr. 1?, anything more cssen tid! ?n the Used Car field.' Tribune Motor Wants are seca daily by an audience of great purchasing capacity. --...-. , , - - - '?? ?? - mrin'ii, owner U ? b I . . - rate? i -.'-? .?an \'i?w a i hu? < ? . - - ' I ?'--. I i ?as 1 ?-?-. i eitr for r? ? i d?ai?r?. A aven. L. ! ? """,""?"""' pssi leer?; ro ? - -? ?- . ant; at a lacrtnc? Bis " - . at. /_ mo si i' . ? ? 5 *?* i The Auto Department Store ? III Depart? Bool Autos, Bodies. Tires and Sundries ''Our Prices Scare Our Competitors' lag a? r?p--???rif?i1. Tr?. Bines'., '?????p.??. and Me?' ? p t? der.' Lata4,;!?hii..nt ut It. kia*. 'JANDORF AUTOMOBILE CO.. |g 7 3, 5.7, 9 W, 61st St. ?g** Pope Hartford 1909 Undaulet, 40 H. P. 1911 5-Pasaenger, 50 H. P. , 1911 Undaulet, 50 H. P. MAKB 01 ' SB Pope Motor Car Co. ?_lis* nitotnttw AN ELEGANT SIGHT SEEING CAR Out ?? - ' ' ?? .-? ' ?"?? T???'r?- H.p. will take 1 ??a- part pajraieal K? dra ??? . t:z t\ n;in f _ ~F?RE DOORS AND BODIES IOB?:iK???H*" \ -I'K.lltl i *, ?t-* BANS!!AW g IN rliement 244 Y\ ???? '40th at. AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT i 01 HII ca?a. 7 paaa?na?r prl ?? re?s n.r.? ' 7S4f.-ie.Iur.bu? 1 WU.I.IAV- lit *A * . C - S.\! i TOI'RS Aul Rent ?; ?ee. car?. be.t t?r\k? i;,l V M| -,. B-?.?n? *>\~.Z AUTO INSTRUCTION. PROFIT BY INVESTIGATING It ta ???? ta ni??'?r an ?atonal I ? reu are ra? - ?? hundredi ha^? b?--.?ni? ? I .-?'.??? t . . ? ? ? d.? ??'.) .venln? i-'.,??-. ? ? - ? STEWART AUTO ACADEMY ?.ttj \\??l M til ?I. "Pounded "n Henean ? ? ?? '?' ADVERTISEMENTS and SUBSCRIP? TIONS for THE TRIB? UNE will be received at the following Branch Offices at Main Office Rates: 1364 Broadway, 263 West 125th St., 104 East 14th St., 264 8th Ave. and 1035 3d Ave. AUTOMOBILEM. -T. AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. There is nothing in Goodrich Advertising that isn't in Goodrich Tires i?r Best in the long run? Goodrich Tires The tread o*<\ f?nodrich Tire, Instead i.f \?*.r,? a -e;,,,ratc piece or part, r. a? tuallv the outside of the tire. [I i? t' trie t;t*e ?not merely put tn i*. : ? OM reason ?hy the thi? ?v. tOUfil Irich tread docs not peel or strip. Unit molding is the {Treat principle of i?-tii'ii la (?oodrich Tires. It ?as the ?ay we made tiie first American dlncher tire, sixteen years afro. Wg have never changed the mrtliod, because it la ? principle proven wer ?nd over i,, i'iir forty-tares years of successful rubber mai, u fact Bring;, The ?hole Goodrich Tire?layers of rubiVr-i!iii.irr?rnr.trd fabric, strips of pure rubber, extra strips thickening and rein? forcing tiie sides and eliminating chaii'-es for run ipjury. beads and thick, tnugh treaH ?Is converted Into a single, atrong, ?,.c!y. integral structure?a uatt. So weak plaie.s?no dead spots because of o? er Tulcaniiing. The result Is long, satisfactory, uni? form service and ?tear. We'll send you free, our folders telling ?.ou hew to get tiie most service from your tires. Your tin dealer wi!| supply you wjl uhafever sly le of Goodrich Tire Is bes? g needs. Tliey ?re ?U the sSBBB*| Had ?nd quality. I he B. I;. (joodrich Co New VnrL Bran? l? Braadwei a ?>.th Mieet? Sao \ Fortoritt 11 ? - ? ? pel ? ri.? t'.ai-r- h m Wnle fot Ge-sdrich Route Book aawSTBBS tbe auto tout jeu 88 lect. These hook, s re aeot tree, on requeaL