Newspaper Page Text
Batting and Fielding Averages in the National and American Leagues Giants Have Three Men Among the .300 Per Cent Hitters, but Far from Top. !'i.-,i ||< rhle, Larry Doyls and Pic Cbiel Mi >? rs are the only JN hlttera aril ? ? Olnnts so ';?; this year, bul aooe ??? i,., ,,i are tl rentenlng at tins time t?> tak. the teed In th? National Ueagw batting II) i,,,, ,,i?i. i.f Cincinnati, ahoora th? ,,f Pittsburgh, who wai ring shortstop for th? Pirat.-s until Wagner returned t.. his rei plac? ,i ?- v. . . . . the res leader, ..... ? Reen hits and thirty-eight times ..t bat XX . I ,t,.- Qlanu i-nittti on th,- list Strange as .t may appeal, the ? Inclnnatl Reds lead In >? am Holding, although th? " -"! ,n.i with litt;.- ; m-, ,,r, -. tting <?ut. it is cause for comment that t a Olanta nong th? ten leading llii;,. Hums. Merhle, M .uni Heraog . following Nat'.??mil League batting ?venges wer? compiled t?"t?? oitlclel - published m th?- different cities .,,- ,, ... !.. l?oreland, and m iu?i- i ?1 Thurodaj ate) ? O. AB R. H AVS Cincinnati \" J ? '?-, ' hlc??o |J -! ': .,. : ,,, ' ' .',' ?? ." ' ' Horton .... i" ??- ,s : Ha,- - . *i "" ?., -'; '.'-.'., - Mart -1 s ?' -' Mm?? - ?f ;: ;'. ?-! S :: - i?, m.-. Sew York - }T ? ? -'.' ?J.? 1 S T, - ' i ? !?.. prooklyn , '-" ?1 '? ? ..' 1? ???in. Philadelphia. 12 SB 1 ? ii 5s *i :',' '.:".' .4?. ? I ' ? atl . . - IB 80 i? -1 ->'?4 Hxi.. gh ....... S3 Bu 1" -s o? il blitzeil, ein? innatl -1 '??" W -, rooklyn .20 77 11 2 - ? u.ui?. i*? sa "' is -"?'? , . ? IS 71 S 21 -"?"'? . is si B aw n. Pitt.i.urgh . - '? 87 1" 23 --? Wh-., 88 78 ?? -- '-*? ... 71 11 ." '-'s. .nnatt . -i BS 1" 23 2*1 ... 13 ?38 ?? i" 278 ?.Vir?-". Bi Leal?, ... 17 47 :t 13 277 . is 7?; is si -???? Devl n, Boaton . - M H ?*? l* Iphta .... 11 SB 2 7 -?'.'.' Saler. Ctllcego . '''' Ft IS 13 -'.'?!? Karl ?..- .....13 27 -_. ' 238 p| l.i is 38 1 16 Breonahan. i hl ssc '" -" '-' " M\?- . 17 88 '? 17 Maranvlll?, Hosten . 18 83 ' - ? J. Mlllei Pittsburgh . 23 '.?? 1.1 S i:d st. Louis. IB 43 7ii ...... Pitta 22 87 17 22 ??'.?; na Ne? VorB .. .'.v,. ? -i, -.?,-?. i McLean. Cincinnati 10 32 i s .?>? T, Clark? Il net! , 23 yl '?' - ' 217 _21 77 :? 18 247 .17:: 7 is -4. 24 88 80 23 .240 . IB 71 4 17 -. hj. 81 L?ala 23 84 10 80 .238 3? OB 12 1? II. .'ii, an lit-.- irg . IB '" I 14 - - I'.?Ian. Philadelphia IS 88 1 8 281 28 88 S 80 227 Hum ??? 71 4P. .226 14 40 4 l:? - n ?tl 21 77 13 17 .^.'-1 11 :?,? i 7 218 i , ri IS ?'?.. .'? 12 21? H. Mage?, Philadelphia .. 18 SI 7 ! - ?i D. Mill? s ;,_? i ii 212 . 17 :?7 8 13 -11 O'Leai 23 SI 8 IS .1BH I Brldwell, 24 81 *? 12 .187, 13 31 :? 8 1041 tia??. N>w y..rk . 21 88 14 IS 189 ? v. .,.-.. \. xv V(?k 13 81 I ? p., ] ;:. 88 3 7 Is, i? ?_?" -.; 1.? IS . 174 . 17 8B ?s l- 174 . 88 BS 8 11 .102 ; elphla .. is 88 8 H .MS ... 12 20 ?, ;t 180 . 10 27 4 S .111 Philadelphia . is SB 4 7 i??.i ' ?i. is 10 8 l li*> i ? 1.1 i: BATTINQ RE? ?RDI Tim.-. t?at 1! R II.S 11 P H Axe. ! \ Si Lenta j g yjt ? I labursh . a 7x?i N I'1?'? 18 18 .284 f ' ? ? i . 3 ' ? ' Sett York. 21 714 M 178 4-. il nueaeo .24 TM la na n?; .? Hr.?Ali?yn . 20 ? ? ? M 13 ..'_' ? ?"?"?en. 1? 8M 5'. 14'? 20 21 .?;i0 Philadelphia - 1? ??Tr? 4 : IMG BLUCKIEKS, _ 3-1? Horn? ' riayer? Club?, hits. hit?,, run? t mm - St.nsel .Brooklyn 2 | | (| ?'?ate* .Cincinnati 1 Tinker . Cincinnati. >-. 1 i? ? Do] le . N.-.v v?,!k. ?. ?? 1 ?. Zimmerman ..Chicago ? t | lj ? Merkte ....... \. v. \,.- \ j -.jj | J Miller . I'lttuhursli 4 K 0 16 ^'al.r . Chicago.... i .1 i IB I t.. SI???.St. I?jIb.. ! 1 | 10 Konet'hv ,...g| I^>i1a... 4 I ij lc CLUB IRUHNO RBOOHl ?'luh-i <; P. ". v- g Cha ax. ? in Innatl . . 23 son ':',:, rs ?? : .'.74 ,?rr>oklxn ...... 88 ? ?.? I'hlla'lelphla .1* . < ;:... St I-Dula. zi *i\ BM M "? M ? hlcairo . 24 (?l 34.' i N'ew Tort M t'Ittabiirfh ... tt Hoston . 19 MS Ml 3'? tr, I-EADI.VO HASK BTCALSItS T-layeri. ? ibs f?ame.... B il. A??v cl>-mer .Chicago. 19 8 .42 ft Myers .BoHton. ?: ?1 Burna .New York. 20 f .41 M.rkle .H?W York. 21 ' ? * ' ?r . Cincinnati_ 21 l'aul-.rt .Brookixri . 20 6 30 stiivigrasa .New Y?<rk .... 21 :"? Herzog .N'ew York _ 21 ? 1 ''arey .T'l"?hurgh ...33 ?? 7 Jehuite .Chleago... . -4 6 :5 L^ADINO RUM GETTERS t'.ax.r? Club? '.a-- M H. A MugRln? . S? l?-,ula.if* 20 1.8. ?alw .Chleag?.ir? 11 1.4 schult?. ...Chicago t > T .Chicago. 19 M carey .Plttaburgh_22 17 .77 Merkle .N?--v York. 21 .. .71 Konetrhy .St. Lo'ilK. 22 II M sni.'.k-iis. . SOW York. 21 14 ?7 I. Ma??-e .S' Ixiils. 22 14 ?7 Bescher .Cincinnati_ 21 13 %i OXFORD COACH FOR YALE Kirby Arrives Here to Teach English Stroke to Crew. \moriK the pa.sergi-rs who arrived >?* tcrday from Liverpool on th? White Star liner Baltic was A. G. Ktrl.y, captain of the Oxford Daleerelty crew frroaa itH t?. 190!>. an I sine?. th?n coa? h for th? crew ?f that university if?- was eael at the i-i.-r- b) Averili Bairtonaa, u son of the late Bdwari 11. Ilarriman and himself Um falo eeach. Th? Knglish oarsman, n inaRnifl'?'lit -?.?cirnen of athlete, came <.v?-r at the ro .),i?-*<t of Mr. Harrlmaa and the Tala Ath? letic Association, arid will assume th<- Oh? of adetoory eoech for the fais ? 1. xx Mr Ilarriman saht that Yal. xx is vitally Interested la th?- KnKiish strok? ..?i?u-?l ttint the) would Ufas to have th- titiivitt of u man who was familiar with all the variations "f that .strok.- and tlie manner of rowii.?? that has brought such Boccess to his univer?,ity. Ths two w?nt at once to \?-w Haven N. Y. U. IN LAWN TENNIS TIE. l-awn tennis players of New Y?nk fni verslty and Stevens Institute tied in a dual ?-onip'tition \.stet?la> or, tin courts ?.f the forin-r at University Heights. The heft match In the single? the! m which Wiley, of gtevena, defeeted Pike, of New York University, at i ?, ? 6?3. 7-?. Tlie ?corea follow: I KlnKl?'?? Williamson, Stevens, defeated j Peardon, N?-w York I'niv.rslty. (, -l, ?j 4, | MarDonald, New- Y'??rk University, d< j |ent.?l Appert, Stcv? -,--, | I. U ?i. ?> |j Fixman, Now York Univervlty, ?letVate.i j Wolf, Btevona, 1-4. t>?2: Wiley. Btevena, ?iHf?-?it?-ii Plhe, New York University, v ... Doubl?e Wilev and Wo If, ?tevena da? feeted ?aman and i'ike, n.-w vmii t'nlverslty. I I, ?'. 1 l'<?rilon an?l Mac Iionald. Sew York University. Astiley ?nd I>ee, Stevens, 1?7, '-J, ?>?3. /f. :1*. ? EDDIE COLLINS. LeB ill L' hitter of ?both tnaj-ir lea*; \ National League Pitchin g Records ni, G. W. L. Beaton, Im i . i M l? ? liai < ? r. Pli lia ... S -' S i 'i ? .--.. i. Brooklyi < ?... i l^.nt? 1 1 -'?'.. ' i 1 I 1 0 ? ? ; HK-. 1 II lirooklyn. .. J 1 ?i Mayer, Phil? ..S i ?> - A Y 4.! S 1 1 S I. aao. . i. >? I Raaoi Brooklyn I i Mathewaon. S. \ '? 4 \ PUU I I ? - : Loula bural I trae?, ?? IS 9 ?'. Smi" 6 2 1 S 1! Jol naon, ( *ln< Inatl ? I 0 3 .. Perrltl '? S 11 llarquard n ? 111 ... 1 ! Humpl - i h t 0 ??.. Bostoi ? " . t ll?-n<lrlx. l'Ittsbur-fil 7 I B 24 ? i I 1 2 S i -,i ., ? ? . I 1 S B 12 . 'amnitz, pittaburak ?? a l I S il l i B 11 ' -n ... 1 4 0 : ?> American League Pitching Records \\'H!-. I r. w. i ? ? i ' hl iiiri- . Plank, Athlet ?? Bens, ' ? . a? M Hall, Deti ? \" lat?. ? It. 1 il Wellman, Bt Laoala. i letroil - ? r ib Huai ? - .- N. V ? ? n . W. Mil ? St. L. ? | ? ., | Klawltter. Del ' *hl? a ko. ' ?' | ? . ? ? ' - ? . Cleveland. ... i II Mit. r.?ll, SI i. ' O'Brien Boote?. M'illtii. Ijetr...- . G W : .. -. n I L. Ti? o H 11 ' " I BIG PRIZE FOR CYCLISTS Kramer and Clark in Feature Race at Newark To-day. A hlch clSSS Card of cycle racing haw been arranged for the Newark Velodi In Newark, this afternoon. Eight * win be run?five for professional? and three f<?i amateurs. The feature of the c;,rl |fl Called th? Newark Thousand,'1 bec_use it carri?-? a purs,- ..f 11,000, while a IWe-mlla open, s two-mil? Invitation arid a one-mil? ha? d cap promise ?roll. The "Newark Thouaand" is ..tie <.f the annual Ratures, snd last \.ar th?. irinner tirr .-.1 ii[. In frank Kramer, the p:. American and world ? rhamplon. i<:.. ? ? ?rill he amona the starters tiii?. afternoon Opposed to Kramer will be Jackie Clark, his great rival; Alfred Ooullet and Alfred Orenda, the two Australians; Padd) Hehlr, als.? from the land <>f the ksnga roo; .i<". Fogler, Eddie Root and others, CHESS NEWS AND NOTES. Plsying agatnsi a te,.m ol aeventeen opponents at the room? <>f th. Bchenec? lady Chess Club, at s henectsdy, N v. week, ?Trank J. .Marshall, the United BtatOS ChOBa ?'lampion, made a BOOT? Of it v:<*t..ri. s and I losaos At s meetlni of charter member? of th. neu National ?Chesi Club yesterday nomi? nations for offlcers to be voted for at the meeting nesl Thursday were made sa fol? lows i*??~id.i,t Harold kf. ?Phillips, Julius Finn snd Dsvtd Roeenbaum; vice? pr?aident, s. 3. RochweU, Mas Bplnrad, ?Daniel H. Oreenberg, ,i Ifeakes and Philip Rosensweig; a retar . Deniel H Oreeaben and William PYledmann; Qnan? del secretary snd treeourer, M Bala? I? reer. On ?Vednesdsy evenlna the Itaten lal? and Cha v- Club ? in ii-.i'i it?- t*A. ntj -third annual dinner at Btapleton, to kx fol? lowed t'.v a performance by Albert B. Hodgea, arstwhlle United81 champion FOGEL TO SEE CONGRESS. Philadelphia. May IS - II..ra..- S Pago!, foi mer presMoal <?' the Philadel* phl.t .'ni. ?if tin- Nati-mal League Will i<n to Washington next Tuesdaj to ap? pear before a eonradttoe of Congress in an endeavor t" submit su? h testimonj ??* will hiiiiK a bou I the dissolution of the baseball trust, which is alleged t-. he in existence In violation of the Sherman anti-trust act Eddie Collii lie lollins Shows Way in Junior League, with Speaker and Jack? son Well Up. Eddie Colline, Un ?dashing -? * ond bas. man of iba Philad. Iphia Athl. Il? i, ?*? sd lb? American Leag-? b tarnen bj .. a d< margin, with a remarkable averag? ?I. has ma le t hli t \' hit? In B?tl ? ?even timea al bat, and la on Ihe high road to Bupplant au? h gr?ai blttera sa ; Ty Cobb, Joe Jackson, Tria Speaker and, Larry l.ajoie. .ike.. i, Ha- way, la living up t" - putatlon, as lie h is made twenty .-..-%?? n hm n. l?vent) timea al bal toi a percentage of -?-*. Jackson, however, has i 4 better percentag? ?I h< ' i.v.-iai.ii Nap? I? ad In learn bat t ng, With tu- Yankee? bringing up tne rear, while th. Athletic? lead In lean? . with the Yankee? again in last The following Aroerlcsn Laeague batting average? were compiled from oil.? la i? or? - as published in the difl? rent eitle-* In th.- league by George f Moreland, ana include gam. s ,.f Thursday, Mai I i ,., .1 ..nd rlub "O. A.B 1? ... Henrik?, n, Boet? n ' ' i* ' I? ? .-.r.21 18 I ...!-.Ii ., . '-'? W .'-' .n.. . |u as 1 ?- ? oil . ? ' -' i*. trolt. 18 M age . 12 ?? H ?n. ia ee .. ? 17 i< stintl. 11. M Lo II- -1 ' ? . I, , I, '" j foll?n -i..- -? '?''-' \. -. ?, ,.rk . . . . 18 ?;'' Uandtl, Waahtngton 16 ?''?' 11. \ ig. Ib.1 .11-*. 4.1O 4 11 IB II IT Tl i? ;:. ?ji 12 .4 IOU I?ul?. m an, *?*> i?l ,114,-t.jn Oldrina, i ? Lord, ' ? .? .?s ? Kirn Ini ? I md -l tl p. 7 i,. ?'!e4eland ? ? Il M I Morgan, \\ ? - 17 '" . L'4 7*? l.-.?ii.ii 90 7*? . liington 17 ??4 i ?; \*. , Ian a, HI Loula i .1 Johmton, Bl I? ! High. Detroit ." ?'-'? rh in ?i?i ' M< ii.i.- Athl? tl - - ' . . i; iol I -? ?? .? -. SI . Iloeton . SO 7. P? .1 ? , 14.-.. .? I - -! La . .'1 ','? tthli IS M lo? .. 1" Jl .22 M \ i" Detroit .. IT 88 17 >.J I? 7i free. New York I I ? 18 4J IS :i? I. ?Ian ? ? . ? i? lu ? . ?lion, - "?? \ eland 21 7? L -?*'?' ;Ci2 :;ii .i .:C*1 am ilM ill:; :l .-.'?; M.r. Detroit See - ? '. ? ? ion . . i B Boil ? i.. troll ii? ?? U arm ??.-? ?. i>, '-.:..-.-. ,\'? m Bath, i"!.; ago ... ja ? ~ ? i 2 i ?n ? -? ?? . . Del M Km lit, . . N. -, \ ... .. .'.?' .'-? .jo.l .'??4 J7 ' - 280 - ' - ? . s - . - - IM Ka.' ? 171 i i-i.i : i vi: ..n i.: ITS 173 : )4 gl . a . .-' I>, 1 4 1 N. ? i -?! h LEADING til.? E. folllni athlel ? 01 I. ? . . - . ., <; B'llltai ? ? Li Lord... ? ? . ? loi Detroit mi RH sil A' 'i . i.i i: in:;.' ' . . S: Louii '?' i ? .. .. Is .. .4 T N ? - ? - I 71? > .1! : ; ? 11: tU .. ? . : N. or Tort LCADINa ; ? piaron ' 'i ibi ?Vaohlngl ? lahtngton.. I" 1 , 4- . - )S ; ???- ill rvelai i . i.*> 4-' . ? Maker... - ton ? i- ? ii , Boot? " u;\]>in<; Bl N I . r? 1 | . ?... , ? 4 Mhletlra '4 ? . n. ?ton ... .<> ' i Murphy. ,\- --. - .. I? . '' : B|0 bical i - ?,7 ? THE WEATHER REPORT. OOSrtal K?< ?ril nuil l?reiH?t. Mark. . I i H-K-I..I1 and t> ? . ? i.'i.i tha ? ? ? thai low t? "?; on .,4?T ti.?- middle oi ? i Bo i Mounta I | ? ., | r ., ? .- :. - - ? ? ? ? |W< li i- onsld. rablj 44 ?: m? ? In ? Moiin ?,,,n 1 > k'l.m the eatn . , - m n,.- Soul . i- m| ? ? mm i"*1 -? 1 en ? morning Ir.iin tli> -ill" 1 Mi ,- ? i-, pi Vail? < ? into N? 1 net ? wore 1 lo, al ibo?? ' ??? 1", Atlantl irl Val 1 igten frei !ii Ini ? ? ? <? ? ?? .1 and the 1 ih Pi tat. < .\4 in? n. '... ;.i-..- pr? ire In ? ,-: alii continu? neettled 01 ? ? ? ? i, 'lu Un, I) Mount,? in? ond 11.-- Mi -1 - 1 tie 44 ? *. -i"- N--? i nglai d ond mid \ ? lantl.??t will r ?? m.rthei 1 and dl mil 1-1 n ? north ond nurtheait; ??..?? Hghi .,, ind iii.isily ' ? ? ? ? ? .. ..? ?rota ? ? iol 11 m ? . 1.. 4, ? ink.-.. taotSerat? noi Ih lo nil uppei iki mod? m'? 4111 lobl? ' >?? omli .? eon t.. ? I i.rt-i i,?l fi.r ?|i?i it. I I... ulil ic?.? lor gaol era N??a garb. Sott .i.-r^,-, s.-,, Kagland ami li.-l.M4 m.-, fair, ? .nHlniii il i-i(i,| t? ?In, : M..iiiIh?. fuir, ttnriiirr. <liiiiiiii?|iinK north ?nil in.I I lie. ?- I t. ?Mils 1 "? ?V? ill m \- ? Vorlt r?.Un 11 a .; Men -I-?- In 1 1 Ina ? loudln? on : warmei ; m.?rai? both Si.ljll,. I !?'? 1 'I ? Dlotrlet '.|| Ki lern l'ennoj rani.1 Virginia fair ? "'? ool i" ?!;.? ; M , I warm. 1 . mod ,-rai?' north and n .. ?-. S H ?"I Hui,iiilll, 1 r an S3 S p :. m of 1 ml -i Platea we it her bureau!, 'um n at B p ?'it? rempereture W ? A i m- M - . . Allialille CltJ . 4>. Boarton . 4.. .!.-.,, Buffolo ?B mi? iso . Il - lea \. 4? Drleaai . T?; Bl laOUll . ."-.. -?i -n .-.n . ;, ,11 Laral ??ni? ml lte??ird. il.? following ofil 1 ;.ii record fTooi tli? Weathei Bure?? ahowa ?h? ehanse? In t?.-- temperotur? foi tii? in?t i>A-nt\ finir houra In ? ..mi .111-..11 with m,, cor. responding .i?*?' ?.f Isa? raai mi ?ti?. mi mi M I p. ni ..... Tu t?? 3 a. m. ?'. it in ;. a ni 1 ' Ml 4 p in ?1 Sp 47 11 p I?- 13 p. a-, teni| - -..' ,1. Ii ?n 1. wwiei, ?". average, IS; av?ras? ... si; avoraa reopoitdtng .u;.- ih-i ti.nt.-tin-- ? ai '.7 i?-..ii 1 -r?, a?t PSIr and continued -!h\ 1?. iii-iiinu fur an-l wanner; illiiiiiil.hlnx north mid aorttieast ?In-i?. ALLEY STARS ARE BUSY Next Ten Days Will Evolve Bowling Leaders of City. rOR.iMTHIANS NOW IN LEAD I Coming Week Will Bring Into ! Competition Many Teams of Strong Calibre. Ten days mor? will be necesuarj be? fore Hi" metropolitan bowling champion? ship tournament, now in progi Thum'a White Blepbanl alley?, Teaches a conclusion, and in thai time almoet anything la likely t" happen. Sew lead? era were bi? ughl i"'word In the last w..i<. and many of the atara were In action \ fegture of 11.?? week's performance? ?a? thai "i t ? ' '??i tnthian?, .ii-?i lalln, d , : becauso ol th? loaded ball, and therebj prevented from einnlng I ??i.ii leg ??o tti<- championship cup Roll? ing f.788, the famous old club came t>, the for? with twentj pins t?. spare, another m. ni. ht ?M, the fed thai Billy i 1. ins. iti? . aus? ??i all the ti ouble las! j i sr, is n?.i a hi. n ,.i be kepi down a hen 11 comes to bowling, and he went sailing to the top "i the list with a fine Sei His effort topp? ?i "i i !hai I? - L-uhra of the Part Roa Uve, ?:? twenty-elghl pina. it? ms baa never won b championship sa yet, although ranked among th? best dozen boa lei n In the countr) - ?fin weel h? ?lui? . alla for the .'?i1 pearanc? ol -? eral sol? ? omblnationa Por Instance, to-morrow ntghl the PI* d< i:.i , :..i m. r natioi ,t i hamplone, will all? There will \?- na ., w? n Known bowlei ?? Petei Bcliults, Billy .\m,,mi and Blllj freund In th? line up 'i'h. n the M- Iroee ? lub ol Tha Bronx, known aa the "?i." tors' ; ?'?? " and t!"' ?..??i ni Pala '? quintet, of Brooklyn, both atrong once, will appeei the ?eme log. two tea ? ? Roeei ill? tthlel \ 1.1,hm. "f Newark, former .-:-'? i.- ?g i? ?xhi, ' the era? k Imp? rials, of Elisa eth, and . !,/.,'.? th : .I, with : ill ?.i the aturdy timber t.ikin?; the al i. ? ? ? da j in i hi and lea. \'? ? ?i m Ove ti ? Club and threi I . Ilobok? n, a ?ii attempt I the Corinthians, whll? th? It-t "f indlvldui Iran! ? ontalna ? ,i?. i of m? n w in. might "shoot' ??.;-. , . i titles dell - M? t ii'l ''??? rom N'w ,.. N i ar? n i? ?l foi Pride), whll : ? ? lul>, W .11 ap > .H 'I ? I tie two-man i ?hip two ye? ..ij 'm ...... ? Bret i Mon, foi MARINE INTELLIGENCE ? ?.? ? \ i ? ii phi ?.- ? ii. u?ia 4M IM II ?? 11 .-?1 n.-. il :..' I 19 WIRELESS REPORTS. ? ? i .? i i ?incoming steamers t'A Y ? ? . '. II I' U I ?A ? II \- . I I ? ? if Monigom. i MONDA T M v '. 11 i ?, i Han ? ' t II 4 '.' ranea lavan?, M ton.Bremen. 1 S ?I II? .1 llalla i ? ' .. i Pac 1 i May S I L'KSD v V \i w i */, elai I \i i-.- ?"i May 3 p. ? ? K W ?1er ?1 llava May S ? * lore. I:... a? A, I I...., I Mat I I. . . ? ? Kan ?Borgia v , i p ... ? i:? ?.. ? met OUTGOING STEAMERS MONDA) MAI IS M -I - : ... , >, n'KBDAI MAI |8 remen, N O I, II ,.,,i, ? - M . ... II,. . i ? ?. .. , ... p. n ?.'..,,|? ' ..' \P . i m Moll ?" Ab? I a, Tartaaamia. Clyde i-00 f Vs'KI'NtJsT'AV. MAY' M ?' 1,11 peat?, i.ivfri?," i. Cna. ,1 "*? B-,rmU : , : ,. ... i- s no .1 m 1":'?' ?? , . , .? n i,. 8:30 a m l'-'.o? ? - Mart? Colon. I* P Co 8 ?a m 12 00 n i*| Prince, Brasil. Prince..U*:00 m :t.??' p Ksr Pram .1 I Trieate, .\,i? ?'? "" P p..Ti. iH Hamburg, H-A... ' "" P \, , 11. lean* B P ' ?" ipl " B Mai ? - iti M 1:00 p incbe, .1.? k'ville, Clyde 1:0?) p ?Mull. f?r <arr,pa,ila cl"ie S.30 p m Tu? ?!a>. _ TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. ?'lo-p N Destination and steamer. S*SBP.1 limxal:, ,la[.!,n. ? v>r< a ChlnS, t'liillp I'lne? (via Ban Francisco) T?-n>o Mara .?*-4 Hawaii (via Ban Prsaclaeo) Sierre....May Japan, Corea, China ivla Seattle) Maru. ...May Hawaii, Japan, Coree, 1 hin? Phlllg pin? - ivla san, 1?... Penis ?lay ? '? rea, 1 hin?, Philippin?? (vis . Mart? ? *?'?' ? Hawaii ivla sun Pranciacoj LurIln?.Ma> rahitl, Maurqucaaa, Cook Islande, N?w /??iiiiu .1. luatraiia (via ban i-'r.,? ? 1*. 01 rah 1 1 .May Hawaii, Bemoan lalanda, Ne? EaaMad, A ??traita (via Ban Prancls 01 Se? nses? . May Janen, c?r?e, Chine, Ptilllpplnes nia ..?.,,!?....,! ,., m May Guam Philippines (via Baa ITanelsce) 1 B Transport .M?y Hawaii, tin Island?, Haw S"**al*nd, Australia (via Van ou ver) Niagara Juni SHIPPING NEWS Port of New York. Saturday, May 1 1913. ARRIVED I? 1 Bx< lei CU) ? Br), Brlsl : . to J?m?s Ii. with in??.-,.. \ i : ix. ? ? i ai lbs Bar al :; p in. Htcarnei tmerli in (Dutch), Antwerp Ipi 27, to David T Warden, In ballaat. Arrlv? ? ? Bar ?1 : -?> p m. st. .mi 1 Vest?, Baton Rouge, to 1 srd Oil Co, with mda< Passed m ??uara 10:33 .i m, ampaala < Hr ?. LI*. ? rpool Mej 1. to the Canard Ba C Ltd. '.xuh si Brat, 377 and 1 ?bin ??, ?mu?s uml nul? 1 sl the H ir si 1.;:. p in. m? r Kalaer Prai ? Josef t ? leal ? ?? ?p,,; 26 Palm 87, P ? ? rm ? 28 si ?-?-?! I. to Ph? ii 1 Broa S Co, wll .., m, erai ,??,.-< .... I m ?? I ttiu U a) ' 08 Rteamer Antarea (Nor), Laguna April 2 I Ma* 1. ??? it , er, 1 ? .? .1 a ''"? v?'1 I : ." i, m rite 1 m? r Baron ?edbui|h ,Br) Barn spi 20 i., .1 h u ,-. . ... in balli t th? Bai it Si m. .-? .l.iiiei. apni 1 ; ? :. ...... no, ? Ith p-?? ? . ;.. I ? ? 'i: !. 3 1 :. p , ? iin May ? i?. ,he Trini g and 1 ra.lim/ C? ?1 Band 1 ! t0 20 o m. ?? April 14, ?l ' ?? .. ,. ? ? 10 r), Hambui . ... d al ti. i ? ... ' I folk an<l New 1 ? I < 'I, ?A l| ... Su p m .?.?,?I Charlea . Pesai 1 11 m I ? . -..:'.' 0. n I 24. for ? II - S A II ; ? U?mI .,, Juan ? ? ? . ?? 1 ? < , : t ? M ri -? ' ?'l'.x of Atlanta. I - Turk? i- ... , . ? ilrlarh t iB B 1 . ? Bremen: ? ; ti. ? ? ? 1 ?al?. e< 1 (Br). Yoko . ? . .1 . ? ? 1 . ? ? STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ? I ; N'tf Tort ? ? ?-?? v '1 ..? k ., ? Pli 1.. , Ma .s , ??-,. s, w l" In ? le illr), \ ; II?,!, iBr), Ne? I 10? O1I1 , . Bah?a ? 1 . xi ,. 10 nun. ? 1 iin- (Kr), Nem May 10, 1 Sew 1 ' . Mi la (Br), N? ? 1 m 1 i" Kaxonl 1 ? Br), Ne? . ? ? BAILEI) M ?v P? i" 30 p m Ne? V- ri?, urg Ma) 1". 11 .? m Bermudian ? n.?, ,? \'.i i" I r> IH-U Pi ? ? ? ?. i|. M?) 10, 1 ',.. p m- 1 \ ??, i? . . > Mi * ? from .'?? ?? ? ... ! ,, 1 ail ..Max? . ? . , 1 ? , ? i,.,i,i.,x-- . \i , 10 j p m i", ? ?? ? 1 , .. :, n ? ' M) Columbia illr) ifrom ? ? ? ?? . ?.. - ? ? M ??? Mau ? ? ... 1B1 ?. N? ?? * ? ??? ? PABBKD M |] m M -x. s v. Mali .. M?! 1" Rhelnfi -,i m 1 an l 1 ?,, ,,1 ? 11 ? K wuitl ? Mr I ?. ? ?foi ? I 1 ' 1, - ? 1 TIME TABLES. TIME TABLES. _r*l_l a______rV ^"''?'Wr'------.^-' ?. - ? L jliy ' L _ V '*? ?a !t?**'tf **??i -T'r^Ss-IrT'*!?1. ____ NEXT SAILING TO LONDON PARIS-HAMBURG S.S.AMERIKA MAY 22, 10 A.M. TO THE MEDITERRANEAN S.S.HAMBURG MAY20, 9 A.M. HAMBURO-AMERICAN UNE, 41-41 ?roadway. Y V. ?ii asssiii.sun ii??B___nsT?JB-nnJiiMiB _wi aus^ I fiSiHh MM. r.'.<?<?o leu?, Sana iinii-iing lulti:? "1 TO r. F. Tletgrn May II NORWAY , Mi,r(, ?,J|PS. m?, -,... S W t. I? r. N HHiig o?a?, June .-, DENMARK ?>..,.? II; Jnaao is rirsi 11,,?? st; ...i t p. ??.-??uni ? i?.?? ??? ?.I JOM*4M)*4 I -0 . gta. I Bonl.i?. ?.T I I l*ni)>;_,0 1o"r?*. ttoi la August IA MM I. Bend for I.klel Ha? mon?) * Uli.t.-....Ii (O., 2::, fifth Ai . N. v OLDDOMINION LINE DAMA BSggVltil for ei!,| Point Comfort Norfolk, Portsmouth. I'liinrrn Pelai sad Newport News, Va.. <-on Mcting f.i. Petersburg, It- hraoad, Wanningtcn. I' '', a,..| tu, .-ii v i ? ?- BOUth ami West. Freight rutd Paanngsr Bteessera sail from r.?r :?.?,. n p . f,?,| m North Mu??rs Ht., every aetk itiv at 3 P M W L WiiiiHIIOiV TrstTI- Msnsg.r Great Western Railway of England / h, II..,, i.,,,,.-- through lha BBMTOr ' IUI.ANU ri.Mii LI?, n.I. PU mouth, i laheuard ..,- Bristol ?lall Historic Devon . .,.,, v.,u ,,, \\ ?|. - Hhapi -I" are-* eouatrv, .,? , .m x??ui ????? to Leede* Illustr?t? ?i '< ta ?f i?ora and 1 ii-'ftil Hag ?f lireat llrlluln IP.Iir T getolej de? Agi , :."i ?'h Avi . N?e York. TIME TABLES. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S ii New OLYMPIC Fitted With DOUBLE SIDES and Additio al WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS Ex ending from the BOTTOM to Hie TOP of the Ve ael Will Sail from New York May 24 ? June 14 and Regularly Thereafter riAMMOTH STEAMER ADRIATIC MAY221.u"^?,"n A Pier 62, menean n.r. N. \ . - l"l> in?ml h ? ? lierlx.iirg??mil In?m|.lon ,\. ?? ? -i I* ? Mi. .." 10 am; e 21 I ATLANTIC TRANSPORT Ni? "i.irU -I i.iidou Hire. t. |'r. M, N. I{. Mar 17. a i 14 ? ' i ? MlnneiAooka.Ma) II ? i Rfcl) SI AR iorijo a. m. N.\.? I .union? Parlo ah? I?..?er?\i,t \a .-r?, Mi 1 : ' ? it ' - - .-, I . '-'. K lile ? AU?. IB WHITE STAR P?en 59 ?St 60, N. R. V\. - s "I ? m.mili?4 herhears?Koothamptoa ? ? ? , May IT. i May .'4. 10 lune 14 - - ,\?,i * orfc ?Qaeeaolews?Liverpool, i June 12. July 1 i : ? . ? v. ? . ? .? -i ' t mi??-??11>>?ton?Mediterr?nea??Mal.? I r.-ln M ii 17.?- ?in : - ra*?rne< r llepl ? B Broad-??) \. V NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Kroniiriii/. ?.. ?in ? ahlnat? Ilia Naj Mil? ?e.Maj Kaiser *,*. llhelM .1.?? I i?t Nail ?..??in'.'? ?.r-.--.-r Kurfuersl \| |] *S I ri.-ilri. h iler l?roaoc .linn- I Barlt-aron? ?trot i : LONDON PARIS BREMEN Salllarra ?n ? \ 11 i: ?> \ % f..r THE MEDITERRANEAN I'rin/i ?. Irene . M?) I Keeala tlbetl lune 7 norm w -roi \|. in ,,iii\? ?In...- IS, .lula :.. iroin Bremen In 1913 the North Grrn?n M..?-?! carried more pn? aengrra la all < l?????,, Ursl. Serotad and ?Jlcrranr ???li>.>un?l and weal baiDd North Atlantic ?. n i?-r.than any other Hoe I a .- r>tt*4B i ai. ?.iCHTa t M-,,4 ,.., g. , CUNARD MOBT i \ri ni i ?o? ? i : ? ? i 11: UIKr* i \ I \ I I-H..I \i:ii LONDON PARIS BERLIN VIENNA I lie li-t.-l -l.nn.-rs in Ihr worl.l MAURETANIA LUSITAKIA I auipiaiiiii. M . 'Mauretania. ( a. mi.hihi. M . . ? ra?alo, i ii Mauretania in. I l?liS,?Id, I la.-rniinl. ' i ? ?aipaala, 9ns SI | ;,run,.ii.i. ' ?... mi it,HI irae II ? \. M. . Mauretania \u[\[: 11.:, III l. .1 >? I ? 'I. t.llll -m,,, .lui, m. learn MEDITERRANEAN ADRIATIC SERVICE , . , Napta i IVKHNIA May 24 I'ANNDNtA i ?NIA i . ? 12 < Mil- \ I'M I \ ,,.| , | \\ .,, 4 1. .?.i. i?,.i .. ' in? ' ii i", m Vi ., .ir i Kouth n i a,, ri ? i Indep.ndeni tour. In i rt ?end :--r I.... !? i . i- i ?agent? tot i ? ? Ina I r?i ;? ntal B. H, ? 'o i ?iiniiner < rulsi's. \?rx\t?a. rt?-.. IBIS, .liim IB, -lula I. lula IX. ?ug *. *?r|.l Y Ploro, f. "i tVeei isiti - aa 24 Stale 5?l r.-. i \ v Betten gUROPE ]i:or'erl Toura, All Expenaea Included \ I V Ml HI II lilt \* I \N lt?*l II. ? i ? N. ? V-.i I? M..- 17. 24 I in. I 12. 24 \ I \ VOKI II \l I Will IIM? lui il North ?'api i . ? I . N II i?f ? lu:. ; i: :? i . , ni . ? ted M ihl| lllii.-rurle. |i -. , . 4 IN? M *?l\ g IM'II'IMH NI I ?M gl I '?? - - ' i. ni?. >l. unisliin li-Uels h, \|| |;,,,,(.-? ROUND Till: WOKI.I) TOI KS u , ?tbound Kept II ? i, ? i r''"I ? "' I? Nn? s ? , Hou M i -I . ' I 'js THOS. CO0K& SON ?ji.i H.Iwa HU I Il v., nue . . ' ? ?' '-?""i Bru .-.?v.,.. \. u r0r|( ?jok'l I ta\r|et?' ( liniue^ ('??, ; I ,w-tv va l?ete ANCHOR LINE GLASGOW rta Mii.lii LONDONDERRY . ?.,!...!.-M.? M?) IT.3 pu ?Tan ,-ronla Ma) H I ? in.. I Maj 24.11 ?m . ,,, r...??, , ,.. ,'t! t I lliST t AIIIN, ji.u an.l |,.y SRt'ONO 4 AIIIN, |M UIUi upward. TIIIHI? 4 LAB-,. tn.Mi for It-.-.k Of Tour? ,.t,- , Np,,|v BENDOBBON BBOTHKBB, it lit Broadw-a*. .M,\ I.I' I l.-IMKMS \M, sriiS'Illl'TK.V.? for II'- 'l'nl'iiii?- received ,,, ,(l,. | Btown . .ill.-,-. N". I"MM Hr--.. Iwo i , -44. , n ,n | ITth ?**. ""''I I " ' lo. k ,, ,? advert?a? menta r???*elve?l il the 'ollowlna braaoh ,???..?> i r. K"i-n rat. i uni II ? .,, :.,, |< ,, ,, y-? . -?* t *?' ..-..--..... tu -i ? lEi ?lui ?v? .-l l'Jtli si . 104 liii.-l II?!, ., ?-;,; 4,4, .... 45,1 . lolva-.-n 7th hii.i s,i, ., , .. ??g IVeot Ifltk ?t.; Un M av? . I7i.s | , .,4?, ??r TIME TABLES HAMBURG?, Largest SS Co in die WORLD AMERICAN P^cr4O0Ship. 1..06.?19 TONS "IMPERATOR" ?rortd'l 'arc? Kt ship, will rr.ak. hi r tirst trip from H 1MB i rj y...\ 84, arriving at .\?w Vortt Ma] It. SAILING FROM NEW YORK Sa.urday, June 7, 11 A.M. Saturday, June 28, 1 P.M. Saturday July 19, 10 A. M. and Kam/ Three Week? Thereafter Enabling i ? irrlv? hi London and PA RIB on ilsthsnd in HAMBURG i - ? Sag. linokH ,.? ? LONDON. PARIS, HAMBLRQ ?.Patr?ete M .y il. 1 I'M Ainrrika . Ma; 18, 10 \ M ? IPreUrl? .M -'*. i P.M Ka,-ii ?ne. Vie. M 88, i I'M Pre.??lent ?,rant. . Jun? 8, 8 A.M * Imperator .tune 7.11 A. M. * l'irtoria l.ul?e .1 n ?? Kl. 10 A. M, Pre?, M,,??.In . . .. ., ?n. ? IPeaaajrlvaals J ? '?. 8 A. M |2d eabln salir, *'?' al Rou ' ?? ???. ,,.|y ? .?il fr. n?-?x pier, font of ??? sin-el. ?.??util HrooUlxn. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar, Naples aid Genoa All tteamert of tht? ?en,ce leave from NE ?v PIER , 33d St., South Brooklyn. Take 39th Street ferry s. ?. Ilaiiihuric M It.S -. M ? I Mette? (12,500 ?? s s Raratiraig ...July 1 s. s. ?.|?,itue Inly 18. From BOSTON to I ON DON?T AMI ? Il A M m go < no um ii i . -lune < |e\ eland .??',,,. M ? InrliuMtl Smtt I t li'xelmil I'll? a r ' The'c steamers efier t\<.eptional\ ?J?. o/n m id.-it it ti" a both l.rst and] set o?d mhln. VACATION CRUISES Igirlal -iiinmer Knie? ti. ?,?, 1st Cuba, Jamaica PANAMA CANAL Havti,Colombia.CostaRics. Nixira?ua W II.kl \ ? \H INCH ? . . |1 in |M ll:?T? **~5 88 I? ?? I rui?e? $115 PANAMA 1 CI in [t \N\I , ?? lO Hamburg-American Line 41-45 Broadway Nee/ York Grand Swiss Tour France, tl c Black F ?ores- - - N?t**rtintains. Lakes aiul Passes ? Switzerland, the Tyrol, tl Dolomites, he Khine i Netherlands. Sa \! ? other ;. rj Am? 11? an T e gtmd on Mm Raymond & Wtii'.comb Co. ?ta ; ?nii \x.-.. \.?? \? t% Go To I ??*>. K. Bl KMI l?l -N.M - I'D ?ill.'ill ,\ il. ' re. nrd IS li..i,r?. lour- un H?tela, "?hurt i x- iindoaa, lour.i Rate?. ?- . ? \ I ?il ItR Kl;ll,?.l A ? .. . \i?, ni? ?'ii.Ih. ?????,. ltd.. "i Mu .'?ft-,- Illd? < mil. g, ???N 848 mu? .'???I II,...,.I?? ??. ?I n ?I M 8th \xe.. V |? iiriin, n. u? i Igen!. '. Holl?\i\d trierltf Jl :i .- . \ \ I' x Ills LONIHJ ...Max U KED"D"UME ! .' ? i i ;?.. ,. i -a. <? \?: x. ? \ ? i MARACA1BO..M?) H a . ?? Bid - ' I? ? General Ma ? ? vj " - "' BERMUDA & WEST INDIES nil KOVAI ?i.%11 ?ii wi px' m r m. ?.iiiil?-r??>ii A ?..p. <>r \?? Kteamslii? I ? ?.t lent. Fall River Line ToB05T?Ni?4_5 l... I'ur II. S. I. . f, I ?I >f? \ ?.rk. ?luit? a, '. I Btra PROVIDRNi'K ?>r. h . MU lOMHIN i\or?xi.l|. MM ???** i...,i?, i tea ??...?. . , ,i . - ? i: i: i ?2d St., S ' , i x op i.? 'U y >v " I ! ? I . NKW H..YKN I.INK. ?. 1 " ft ? ithartne s, . . ?I? I' M. ? ,' ?,nr> Tl? k? t .- i: ? Bi idwav Tr Tour**** ??" TI.e *?.??? I ni?lu, ? ?team?hln < irtlftr Pru\i?Jeute Direct ll.fl | Worccsle. lias Out?i.l.- ?,? .I.,???. ftr.-l Bl -? l??BB*a Dell.'., m. h?lim. Miiulav. 8:SS I'- ** Frjiu pier 18 E it Ph ???l"'J Cits Ticket Offlca 88. I id ? I -v J i i.i.ixxii Tick?! Oflta* u ??.?? ano 8S8 at EXCURSIONS DECORATION DAY T ?ps I ?i. lud nj? Tickcls and Motels da??. *i ?;.?<? IP ..... i?;;.?iP i "'? 11? M ii.Ii?iii?Ioii M.litara I all? ; ,|.,< III min til? , .1 ?. . Ol.I Petal ? .union I .lav?. I" -'?> ? ?' \?l?,ir? l'art. .1.,?? .ii" I" ? ilsUill? I'.'.'? I" K..IOII I ?la??. ffSJSW Olli Point iiidI Ua?liiiii?ioii I ?la?-. 8I.1B.M Trav? i Tichela oolj t.. Hol! THOS. COOK & SON ?t , Broad? ?. '.'?4 Fifth A -.-. ; 1'ifHi .vi ?.?.??I Broa ? i N'ew T?B*S SUNDAYS To Fishkill or Newburgh and tow* Stmr. HOMER RAMSDtlJ I HO M PRANK IIN vr., ?.?HI *?? ?*? ? l.sT ItSTB ST?, Ml A- -I