Newspaper Page Text
OVER 1HE CHESS BOARD Local Masters'Tournament May Draw Foreign Players. CUBANS LIKELY TO COME Also Likely That Spielmann, the German Expert, Will Ac? cept Invitation. The Rlc' Chimt <'lul>. of this city, will nke UH sxpsrlinsnl of arrar.Kln?; a , n . ? etat, to be played Its hia.lmurters. N<>. ?a] Lenox a-'- ?? and it is intended to ,. \iu a-i ' H r,ll,yf*r"' of the ?netropoli? to take I art. Additional ' Brill bs created if hr,, experta Blanco, Corzo Bai ' the lnvlta e. While it is doubtful whether nil '?...per?...'- masters will participate, it ?g confi'.- ? t?d that Blanco will I Tills player bis elubmate, Ttuc AruSi ,.. ' the Havana <"hess Club, have promload to pay an early xlglt to th:^ city, and It may be taken for grar,"-u tliat in view of th.- coming ?untest th?;. s 111 be all 1 i i ? to get i- tropics an.l try I N>,V Y??!.x men- .?..,. The famous German master Kudoir fjpielmann n.ay also be a Be yesterday a mull an Invitation was forwarded tfl the winner of the recent Vienna tourney, and as prett] ? terms were Bife? 1 It i?* '?uite llkelv thai cabio acceptance. With ! mann ? the ring Marshall and t/anca may als ? .loin. In Which case the raent will become first class. Now that Professor Isaac L. Rice, vrt* Ident of the Rloa ChSOS Club, has a trophy, to le annually competed for between lepreeentatthres of Cuba and America ?th? first meeting of which 1? icheduled f'->r next winter at the ches-? at Havana, much lustre is being added M this contest. Dutl'.g th? week a rather intereetlng letter tame to hand from Magdeburg. It appear.? that th? United Btau Alfred W Donegan. Is an ard BB* t :rer of chet-B and a pretty strong player in tue bargain. Be'.t.g a member of ?? Magdeburg Chess Club, he played on the second losrd in a tiome-and-home match ajjalnst Chess 6oclety and won both ?s g<?, having a different adversary eg BBCt* fffrrasttril At Berlin he was auc Lt?st?. In an irregular opening against ScUa?t- after I wen ty-nlne moveB, while I he tua", the well knows master Urvgorj? in n Bid a:. I left Dca an? r ? ? ? WaeaarfU V?. Hh ani.?> / ttie consul, will be pobllshcd ; three addi- \ I ... . . RUI LOPEZ. \ K. WHITE. Bl. ' mena. U ? ? Imann. -. . i .113 I ti?K :?*> Kt i: . ib-Ki t; ti ? ti Kt a 1 ,.-.-.. . . Hi - .i ?: x 1; I .. B?Q I 11??j B?K I 3KI-.6 I'-KKt8if). l-BiixB Hi' i B MP-KKtl K-. . . .) ClF . B?<3 . ?. 1'?M Kt 4 !?-.? |2< iQxKt l-.h'?.?n ? xl? ?PSP K'. X P . H,e..g..S. ?-"TES. - fives write an equal : ittea de? tests Bl:;'? '-.ele.', ? to the gpealH same ? ?. get the better I ait 4 ici b x Is to be (ollow?*d by caatllrg waa l*M tant pi'-xt. Better would .*?-? been B x Kt at. 1 ?.' H 3 j. a piece. Hut even If be K '.. hi; gam* ?u nut much - i.? Ags:, M II ? WrPrg, to h. fuliov.-f I rv - and Kt ?B 4 or K White r.aa no iio tt?c? tali. . be ena'/.ed to play Q?B 4. followed la un.?? r to ' ? Ute part et PEKING. ILA? K. I WHITE n ' ..:.:.. ?> ,J-K 4 1?K 4 U li g 3 '. i. ?B-5J4 Kt-KBI 14 B Px B,<*,)B-Q1 ?;~- P-B ? -, Kt K 4 f) .iy K f, ? '? -U 4 a, ?7 ?? . ni ci? ?riy p ? a-- - 1: x It f-H I' x P >i H Kl Kt ?ch ^-KtJ Kt? H 8 20 ?' x Kt w x It rn Kt-Kbl B-K !'. Ich *f?-BI Kt x P Zt g?Kl .? ?;?-<.4 KixKtch ay-Kt i':a?r -ht:: K.-K NOTES. -,l? ,*?!>. If P i K P Black followa with ??MCI 6, ?to. ? more and mor? apparent that J ??K u 4 waa premature. v> hit?, who ?aiai a.K* r\, has now iirtlcuiu?"a In *-****? I ? ,..?. 14, I' x B. B-B 5; 15. H x B. ? ' w k t p.. g K 2 eh: 17. K -y . iy vx in I >? ion? of ma '???W. it Or J4 I' x K B. Q x i: d. ; ir. g x u .: - . ?? -, I; x P. winning ? T/?? ?j H 8 or R '?. t?K- ?, . ;d,, |.(tn d'.feated l?y ': the rlttlit mov? here. ? . ^ ,ura of ?.-?,] advantage with tC?i ' ? I Kl P, had Whit? "'ii--' w 10* I ' :-^i!y lntareatlng gan.e. VIENNA OPBNINO. . "HTTK n K WHITE. BLACK. V ! 7 : ' Kaufmann. iK?4,. '- " * ::*|: *? ?* y p Hi S*' ' --'J Bl Kt-K4 lUJn, '. " ' t-Btch K-Kt(f) K ? S It-g '?%} '? >'* Kt-Ktl . .:g-K: ''fin l^1 K' ''--'?' " : R 4 g- k & ?j ? t??k :ig) ?- B ej? l? I Kt-K'j ?Ki?Lk. ? ?Ql K-ii : Kl h?_l , ;.,,, -_ ,._K Kt?H'-'.l Q- )-BI K.-K-' "4 HxKtPch K s R :??,??. ,C*'~ ' h K~Kt 11 -;- ? ? ? . R r girdgasCO I UBI the Q P. White t-Kt .'-? -twees th? text move and 'x tteage tf ?jueetia hy | c K 5 oe Q R-K ".r. . een Q?Kt 6. K 4 *?tr7? , 4 - ' ?y Q tl <\. In ***?t^lS.y,r K H **Bi nl^0"1 I B*-t T*-,.,; ineen to the i ? *m? : -?. g Kt :, : **-?|,.> I Kt, eh, K x w 88, T, Betti. ' - Played > '?" ? ?5L ?U? making hi? . 1 ?Kilt and | ??*?*??*,'*. "* "''?"? 1! ;- "' IU ?,4o??. x.. Ulna had to ? ?.? k a ?i **? ' I Q M 4 w.iulJ ,..xt move would have BURNISHED ROOMS. ! :..r I? -h., , ? . r.?m 6th ''??x ii:.. Tribune Up Raithel Almost Certain to Get Swimming Record Fo-T Watches Were Snapped on His 100 Yards Effort in 54 3-5 Seconds. Paitlctllaia of the t-.-nsatlonal 100-yard I C I'alth.-l, of the 1111 . t" Chicago, on -May 1, when ? ?? . t?,-- distance In 5 4 3-5 seconds, leavaa I ?ubt that th<> performance will be S ill-- authorities as a - ladoOf recefd In the place of c. M. D-utlela'a mark of 54 4-". BeeonSa, ta tabllshed in the same pool Id 1910, The regulations of the Amateur Ath? letic I'nlon were compiled with in every '. four timekeepers hel i wat' he? on the young Westerner and aren hauwu ex i'. its were choaea as ofSclala la otvier that any vouchers to he suhmltted to the governing t.ody might he untjuestlonable. Itaithel va? in the pink of condition when he took the mark, and got off to a good Btart arith tii?* gun. striking th? f with a long-, eh.ill'.iw dive, he fell Immediately Into a clean, powerful, crawl -, featured by u rather plow, sveep? ine di'.ve of th.? nnr.s and by a bsmtosi and fast leg thraah. Bo smooth was his ? .-. that the apa rtatora hardly realitefl the wonderful speed at which be ara ? ling, and might have doubted it but j foi th? way he dr?-w away from his rival?. He held an even pace throiiRhout, with i Blight a****dent*Uon Of stroke "n the of the five lap rour.'e. Halth'-l ? i str.'i!*;. ellmbini out of the ptoi a bit distressed. The wat'his atood let ."4 ",-."-, ill ,"., SS and ,".4 1-5 ssceads, ? c an av?ra???- ?>f II I-1 SSCOIlda which aril] be cisiiaed. Kalthel Is Just eight??SB > - irs ..;.!. .iv?t i-'.?. feel m li-'irht, and ninny In I UlM i Ha if- litt' more than a novice, as ; experience in competition Is concern.d ' Sad is stl'd erratic In his work, but his I speed is astonishing. William fachra. h, who has besa '.i' him. [iredicts that M he galas mat Brit* and rai ing ?x;.?:i : aaea be ?rill develop Into the greeteet ali ' round ewlmmer the world has produced. The watermen of Columbia will have ?to ! look for another Instructor next season. Alex MtrfTert. who has had them In hand this year, Is to have charge of the net i ; torlum s??on to be opened in the new i Woo ?worth Betiding, a*id has resigned. His loss will be felt, for he has done pood a?.rk. The change from one lystem to unoth'T is usuai;> -i heavy handicap to a I college team. Chauncey Heath, of the Missouri Ath ' i'-tlc ("lut., of St. I?uls, has started train? ing for the outdoor championships, and Is : after the scalp of "Hud" (?oudwtn. of the New York Athlet:'- Club. Heath won the tea-mlla BflaaiBSllTl Marathon last sum ' mer, in Qoodsrin'fl absence, and he is anxious to prove his supiemacy In dl? , tance StritaaUag by meeting the to ... Star. If th.- latter does not enter the Western Marathons, Heath expect? to ! com,- Last t,, force the Issue. It will le a greal light when they come together, but the Mercury Footer's friends have no tear that he will go down to defeat. ?leorge Cargan, who is the founder of the modern school of Instructors the crawl strok?- for teaching beginnen, has challenged all Bdv?*****etes of the breast i Firnk-? to a practical t- st of BT-rdbods, Hi ?eats Bach SldS taking a certain num ber of abaolutelj Breen recruit? and aee inii which can first teach Its a Hot man t the riements of natation Several men <>f the rival faction have expressed wllling ness to accept II a challenge, and results .. ?-.??. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES._|_ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES._ Miss FitzGerald's Employment Bureau AND THi IIKKS* A?.KM Y FOR FIRST CLA5S HELP ONLY. 503 5TH AVF?, Cor. 42nd St.. Seymour Building. FNTKANCE i.N SXD ST. TTu TSM IIKVANT. A. Osterbergs Employment Bureau ?san i?i?ii ?ai.KNt ?? Tr' 716 LEXINGTON AVE ?B-iwsea lor,.-,?i*].,?? ? *? L-cyviiviajl v?ri*4 /WE.. 17th asd 1Mb ata STR1CTLT nii'T rLAB8 HELP TO PRIVATE PAM1I Uta ?EXtXt'SIVELT THB CHABACTEB AND ABIUTT <>F KVERY APPLICANT I- THOB0 UHL1 INVl.s.l GATI-'.D. AND NO ONE IS ACCBFTKTJ l*NLE?8 WELK BEtTOMalENDED MISS MARGARET SMITH'S EMPLOYMENT AGEN?Y FOB kki Ki'T HELP?All NstloaalltMa 25 West 42d St, Near 5th Av5. ' '???.TU.'l. BUtXaDINO), 2d Boor All R?ferenc?a Inv -tiKatrd. Tel ftnnt>?Brro Miss Aino Seuderling's *>w ?ili.'i-l Ar?-n< | , 1845 Madison Avenue lir-t ein-? In lp. Swedish and Finnish ? til, hlgheal refer?rn?rea I el Harlem M*t. SWEDISH-FINNISH >?.. M l . J . h N M | .x , i i.-. i. .x . ? Late rr,.inaK?r of Walfrtd Bloom. s?* 2107 l-lfiti AVfcM-C |,-? Alwaya on ht..?* nr.t < . ?? I laalsB ? , . ? . ? ; ? l"03 Harli m MISS ISABEL SHEA, Linplx>ymeiit Agency, ..o i. ,..,11, ?11?,. Mil). ??.. ??<)?> ?? .??I '? i ?? y. 1.1. il,,?n. r,:.i Mum? uni. ?X>ME81 IC EXCH ?.NOB i'oiumt'ua av.-.. ai irnlahea Brei class -'???;. B? t- ????ii ? ??> stlgat? IL ? . ? MISS MORROWS BMPLOTMENT AOEMCT, Lrxlng'.un a?, ?ioth ?i ? .uppUaa B H ciaas t.rly oi all nation? u:, 1 t?male ; Phone, Plass - ? ? latk av. Agency; furnlsl :. Investi? ?fer? i. ern._ NEP1 LOTMKM AGENCY, 81 Kaai I28th st., eot Madlsoa. Tel ? T ?> f ? ,n. Kirm claaa ?candlnavlaa nelp tor -. i EMPLOYM?N1 i.V..-. ??.'i.'.t.'i ?, ? . - 8028 Morningsid?? ? .,-;.,? Bit? ?i .AI.l.O-l'l IN \(.l.\( V. ? ? r?:i.d. 7S8 :.? tlngton ,.??-. si _Phone i..-. i".? LAN'! * BOBCHERER CO AOEN < 47 \t ?.-?t S2d ut Flrat '?.m aer.a-it? for i rl vate famille? Tel. ; BU- ray Hill. Rietst.? Feiert agency ?tiperlor male and f?male heir?. INDUSTRIAL ASSIS Employment Agency /- WES1 '." IT '.'-..- '?', ? ? ' I ? . national itl? i ?iii'-i.-. lavMilgat?d un i en m?. ? -,' in MRS. C. HREWMAK Employment Agency ?. ?? ? ,t. ....... ramilla ' *? C. B. SAMPSON Employment Agency ?12 I v?. | ,r | .-?. :?. ,..;;, ,;i Da - i..- privet, fa ? i viatlgite?? -i.-. . . UadUog 'liAI'.I.FM EX. HAN.ii: 'Air-. 2149 Fifth Av- ... .,. if l.-.l,. ' t-??t ??? !??? ?JOOMallC I ?:j, 'irtil?'?* rrnmntlT. Mala hi, i female a* referen ?> ???? ? ? .,. ? ? ? "III- ?MS? I! SERVANTS' .,,.-. ?,'.???? ?w??H Ar-tT-v BIS Slatd av? -? :?"1 F V OfiFI 1 Era v. ?IULLL | ? . . - K . ? . ? -4 1, ?? ?-.???. ?. . rsmalda .? . ?? ?? ?-A', I ??::-. Em,,; ion A'.' ? ?API ? : ;' - i ' ? ? ? ? I"* Bill ii? E?tat.!?!.ei 1??47 W? la-.? Seat ? , ? ,t ' ?? ? : ? BriK,t?,a. n,nrri?il. < ??-, ; >?? ; farm f-,r?- ?p tarin I.?nJ? All nation?, aril i ?_ i i: ' I. H' I ?? i ? r?f?rer.?*??; colon I ? - '. ' .er aw an ? v?., n"ir SSth lt.?T< i?ci kelp f all r ?. ? mall ai 1 f?mal?; r.-. r> - la || 4 ?-?titr?t??! 1 .*-. \N'.-- ?VIAN AOEN'l T fot Brat rlaa?, ?.-i?, i help foi famiii?? 1 - I '?.-?, BBth and tdth ?ta . ' ? _ Be ? t 1??!p i onl] i? w ?? ? ?? ? - . . ... e,?;i. INSTRUCTION. For Both ?soasa? City. The Berlitz School of Languages Mad1, n I ?? 123 s*r ?taray I Har!< 01 Bran b, 848 '? >s kr? nr u"th At. ; XII l.i'tnit?, tiinctit I.? nut... La? liera. I \'. ? ? . ? ,- - | >? M ? ? nil aun.mer. s? n?l (or ?Irrular. BUSINESS SCHOOL IfMBWISaal iua'ni'tl <n. In.? gat \?fi; ciasssa Mfltt Baaateaa aM ?' L?,:r?i, 6 to 8. Send f.>r fatal' ?ne. 154 KASSAD ST.. NKW 70RK. Ir.bJDe B11( . ar. B'kl-a Rrtni. P ACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Lexington Ave. and 35th St. s>nd for Catelegaa h. KONDOM AKTS ?.( IIOOL. I, ru?> In ic ? l'ii Inline?xulpture? \ nan? tin ? Lax & tiwi. . :<-."> K \>T HOIII -IT. For Roth Beaea?Cctintfy. SUMMER TuTO.???iT ; ; : VA^ " vyeatroiretet Aeadcsar, Wblt? Pial?, V v. i>Hncin'? ?School. ABOL?A!?] 11 ALL Ne? ?an e? tauirht **tlf at? ? o, lane?. ? '??* -tei?. A-..; aocial ?ccompliah-I meni amant; ?i lui ? areei ; arm de?.i ,.o ? private)] perfect??; ?war?? u . i-tai'?-, i tssaie, mod ?in, : ?. ?*Pt? sal? Greek, artist! ':?; .. pi .' 'i Hepburn Wllaon und lins? ?? Ces ml. lane, , ?? i r N irraal ce ?s .... theory, technl't ie, ,- ml.ili??., , litx-rat.'?- ABOUAM HALL. Il* Went 4^ 1 .1 Miscellaneous. LOOKING fut ? s? un,,!, ojt i-AMl' till (AN IIMi l'U SCHOOL WANTED writing Sebool Agency, T il ?'ark Be?. ??-!-=====? dCHOOL AGENCIES. Amerlren ?nil Forelen Trarbrr. Agener.? S- ?. i>r ; i**? l'iofeaa'?ra. T.arli.i. Tutor? O??? ?rr.r?."? etc to < o1I?-k?-?, Rvhoole and F?m III.? Applv to Mr?. U. J. YOUN?-KULTON. 23 l l1 ,n 6auata EAMP DWLEIDGE-HEAL FOR BOYS ? GIR LS CAMP CHAMPLAIN ' on i.AKi. ? ii win \iv I ? aleaee for Ha:.-, and comfort Water] - I aith ti....!? l .? ' t ?' rowboate, D*n<xM ?nd - 1..I trip? "i Adlronflai-k?. Qreei Mil i.r-1 Montreal Best <>f f--.. i !.. . . ..III!. _? -' - ti i. ?? 'phon. R? ireni ? ? re<|Ulr?rl. Hint? ate i t-ooki.t ut-on r? i?.?-?? .1. ?lark llrml. Dire, tor. Ilrrkrl?. School, Wrat Bird A? Til -t.. N T,_ kfYl F TAM J CATBSILL, IS? I L.C- ?Viasvai Catahlll Mountain? f? Y. ? A Model BJaagaleW I ?nip for B<'>?. Nu lent?. All iat.'l i.i ' ?? lt?T >> i > ? ? r t s . rlfl?,-.-. , handicraft; K?< i'-- ?tintlea un<1?r ? i" i i--.- eouraei la Baa II ??? I ?lr?d. Tutoring to make up eondltlun?. Nine ' ?reeka irj:. : in: PAI ; KTUS, K? !? In.tltut?, Flii?r.inir. K, T. Hoard?:.?/ School for flov a Hi 111 COUNTRY HOUSES TO LET. FUR !_NISHED. IN THE llhKKMIIIal. Mill?. fJOfX RFNT I'urr.i ?1 l,o'i?ei tn "?t. Har? rington, Bheflleld, Egremont, Dines and La? Price? frtaa HI p?i month; w?'.?i bath, ? ? IgrhU, iteam ?neat, $i<>". |l*tS, 1160, I3O0, $..?? ?,. r monta ? ? I rnlil ? I ai ,!???? 11 (*. W00D1N, BOB 14, Ot r.airlnat.,11, Maaa SUMMER COTTAGES TO RENT._ m:h york. MY HOME ON TH" FARM RUGGED MOUNTAINS aparkllaa ?. heart of i n room hnu?? completely furaiahed; all lm |irovt-m?nt??. rrtit |1?> month; air. bun, E2S moatfe. U s?Isa ?l ? w Ida i,y vint.-: .--,.-i??. WOOD, Boa SS, rt'--.i,i. -la, \ y U N FURNISHI ED_APARTM ENTS EAST ?'DE. APARTMENT. ? ro?.ni?, 2 1-ethroonii, north ? it ?p raer ?*' a?e. f.hth ?t. In-iulre on |.remi??a. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET EAST SIDE. APARTMENT. FIRNISHEI?. 6 room?, con aii'lnr wholi floor In MS I Esst rail ? light os f'iur ride?, a? there I? no a-ljulnlnc bull lr.?' connarted ?rltB tr.r Hotel Savoy. In OH ? (lOtel Sa....', offl?, ?''Wi SVa., corner Mil a ?i. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET mini; |g| AND ton AfRE Fntrr FAiiM-H'Kt ?a Laag Island: price and t?rfn? op |p? oth?r prop?rti?i. M. Ilenichet, North port. l.otif laland. m | fiss??) x ^Nfc--, (fe'00 ? V ' Hpy" ?"?_ TQJ-PttONL VOUS W/.NT?^/si-Tl.lDUNt JfasiBBWastLI2 ? -\'\ *f ??*' IsUafaSn_CALL DECKMAN 300Q_^BaaarT,!^! ^ HELP WANTED._]_HELP WANTED. Female. Female HELP WANTED FEMALE i ., ?asaba? cf pestta***? open f." DEMONSTRATORS AND SALESLADIES -.. -, V4 ? k ..II UM year round. SALARY $12.00 A WEEK Piaaaarai work ?aeres hour? a ?lay- Esperten?? sssaeirpan*. 9Tt laMraet you how .... ,:?V.rk Onlv Ht.idy vvork'- ; ply. No ?, ; irtty ST serf? Call 8-11 A. M. Week Days CIRCULATION OFFICE 1959 Madison Avenue 3 doon from i2Sta St I? I, . ' - 1 ' ??"? I work in coui : ? ? : unlly ; n>? tn? Ad '? ? ? '? ' ? i rlbuna ? ? ' it ? x i.,i? nee, fo? -? .???. ?riuna, i ?.? ' i roora si ? : N ?-** l,:t il?'i.i. N \_ I. ,n;. N?W YORK HCHOOL OK ? i: , it i: : a ft i i a A.oiiiin Ball, II * art ?W ?-' -**?ytarisl coure? ont) ? - .?????? -?n&i Lngiiar., h aintancy and t >. iai anenltlca v. u \\ HEAT, lUrector. Male. AOBNTS m?k. IS 1 ? I laity handllnr our ?-;? Writ- for i !' i 226, Aul'urn, N. Y. AOENT8- WANTED ? every town ?rldely d< lie ?rtlcl?; |5 i.V. ? x?.. k I"tie ? . "' ? ? ? ? ? Tj_. AOI lo 8? wtth moil ? x SB, ?.'.?> V_ M? IN?Y WKIT1N I -' ??? ?8 Bdred? of d l ? - ' ? - ?ani-i! v ? ' -**"J l?i.v "n.-half of pr !,!. If mi?....ful rk I ?Reel ronr-rn In tlie .... - l'ngd da ' ??. _ . l*t ? . , I it v _ ? : ?? u -, opi it Par ? _, ? ,i ?.? Prnd for free ? *. .\ddre?a ? atl. two In family. , , ? ? ? I ? i ??? n ?Want? I. fir? -*? n - ?*?1?-al j-,1 . . - rien . on ? - ? ? , -i, eerlng Depl ? Pitta. ? ' ara - . ? - ? ?t ??k foi ibllgatl Hope _ ; m?. . " ' .fan wl1 ' ? . , [ _J_ .. ?ni -required *'?.?.I In . |.. ? ...... . ? ? .?.. . ? ?,;,. ? , ,,- . | ? .... ? ?rentre for II ? ? of th? t?' Mir? ? ? ? ?. ?reap?? I? I. tn. ? ? la? ... ..,..,? ? ?? field. .????;?.. i nta.: retail trade Managers ,. ? pltal n< . -. Prof. Hin ? ?? . N V ? lty JO MAN I - -.rival? " ' ? ? !' ? .and mii.ntal ?tork In to | . .-, - N V _ WORK WANTED. <~Tf A t FPEUR ' ?'.- Id to' ? ? ..... j ? ? ?. i ? T |R H. Vn til ' ..t r. ?.-?-. ? ? ? ess 'Tutor,' U i I 1 '-t'li?!?.. RAINED Nl'Rsn. Il de , , betw?? ?... ??? in retui ran All capecltj ' -..?:? - ? a -.'~e \V ;. H ril.l', 'A.-t u?v, I.? - ?'! MAL SITUATIONS WANTEO lit ?OKKEEPER ? C .SHIER - lentx d young WOtn?B *.?ii!l!oi? .?f trust; - ? . share? x '? ?. It--,, Ratfl .???-?? !. x - i ? ? ? _ l...i.KI,? ? ' HIER Experl? ....... , , ? ? : ?? EXPERT ? ' MA! ?stem?tin , ant, ?secutive ?Will ; ? n wll 14 r.oii reference? I. ? B ? ?m.. S'?GR?PHER snd TYPEWRITER Klr?t . . ? hiebest reference?; ?'.t? w?skly.Steno, ist \x, -t i4:nh ?t DtDMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Ma lb I BOTLER ?Bssead or ?eafSIl neat, tall. ' dlnavian; ,u. I.u ?Ian is hi. ?ork thoroughly; I l'a,, teks ears of ? ? ? ?.? lefiences Ost?rl i ?. i ', n^ton ax? Tel in-.-? I'l .?j II T!.i:it. English; g<*J\ ?pp.arar.r..: ??Hing t? t.a n*a! ilj ??? allant noraoiu? , er? i ? m ' ?. suntrj. Indui -. 17 Weal 42d ,? in 11.Kit v \i.i-rr ? ? . ? ? ..r With pat loi : enees Mlaa M '-?? IS ' -, T?l ?YOB i il ? i.i:i: val?:-: I horoui hlj underatanda i i?, settee; excellent reference?; go ?hers Mi*. Marga?) r-mlin'i Aa n y, :.*! 13d ?t T? I .'.'><:? ? ? n.? Bt'TLER V \!.i: Eng Prot?t ? ,;? a ? ,i- v ,, . - ... mar? ; well i Mrs ,111? r ? I'.T -! ' i ?- - ?or Slat at, . i ? '. : . ? . 11 M ? . . . nett \ pp i ? i ?,,,,!(.. I .- T-,.1, ?? COA? HM?N .m I CH \iri-l-ri ten lest i is, i privst? fsmll] ? ? i ix . Ill] Ea?l ... i >?? ? ' ? ' ? -|I\i A ? Bnd 'i eful n..??. m ?? f,?r Kard? n, cow, chlckena, etr.; ex . ? i? n.. - h Mail BIS 4 ?|?i 878 Bryant ; i-, i \, ?nu ? \- M: . ,. Ii ? S b. ? t - : ?.,1 ? r romi ? ? as B. K.. Ti ?mna Uptown ? i n?< i '?? ' idv ?. ?-. > . . !??! ? ? ... n| ,. I etc ; tlioronahly r.ll?lle. . i ?i. .?'I?; m?n Out ?Id? ?n-k, I.. ? ?rlf? . ,..f?-r??n ? - M lhew?on l?r.n?y, -i- 8th a\.- 'I>l '.'.'?> Rrvanl .<.;?' i.uiifr. wife oo . ex ? r?f?rer >. neat, ro?as. -.???' - Carl, '?ff ?if MsttteWBoB Aif?n ? 818 Si I 1-1 , :::<? Bi u I_I Thnm CLr TT ... m?, i ? . . ..-,?,. ,,. poi ..i ?on? ? ??.' -a?..! I I IR Mil AND |25; good t?am?ter an! a far i ??ferenee? CArl, Man.?' a Igaa I Sil ?.ti, eve. Tel n:*. Bryan) K > ,'MM \ \i ' no German: ?t?--?! '??"'*': ?adanteada farm m?chla?ry, rettla refe,,... - .. Mathcarsoa Agen? y, bl8 ?th , a-?. Tn. 878 Ilryant. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST II aNM-IIOK?. BANKBOOK No. I I Um Union Dime : ? Ihr ?.,rn? I - 4 ? 1 ? .... - - DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Itale. l.v-'.MEK. GARDENER, I " 1- - I'.YMAN . (1 :?;, 1 ouple; one 8 years- ' leaser?*?, ? . \ ? ? ... w.-ii re? oui? '?r's ? gencjr, ltVS *5th ?' I , ? ! ; . 1 :>? position; . ? .. bile; gin. wages $Ji? a m-tun. _ ? i,.'1 j man; can k, BtricU] eoht-r, 1 v. -. -i Ear* i.-l at ? :\?:i. >, .. und greenl 1 ..i u II ' it la??; r- I rr, !.. - - ! ? SIB tttb a. ?? _ ? .;; -Inrle 1 - ?? ? ? ?ees In all branch?! of thi buiin???; .- from f.,riii.-i in , ? : - ?..-. .-. ? . 4 '-.'?, Moi ? a "??? D, N. J GRO ? .?.I. MAN English: ? ,r and a?ll . ? ? -. Ag? -:* - -. e. T?: 878 Bryant HOC8EMAN I 1 ?:.t young ?rltb a;- ? i :??-???? ? r-...-. o) llglng; 4-lty ? 1 Agen . - int. lanaur?. Kel ible Employment ii*m > tlHrmTtLQL S|g Slltb Vvi'.i.? - 1 3089 1 fat ; ' -...-. ' ? ? -. ?11 10 ? ?' ' . bring _ 1 -ii; . man; .-?-. ? ? : K-r.". ? ? ??on A gl . - '. a ' ?.th ave - iryant_ . I gsrdaMr, i ' ?rllk ? etc . ?x tltoat pan re of Mi'.hevadon - ' ?YAM 1 and bul ? ? Toi k . : *?*..?t bjj ? K? maie. ? raaa. in prlrat? ". ? 1. nrl .. usi _ ?rOOgS No fing, el 4- t ? $-?' ' glrli laie!) lu.'?* ~ne a? chambermaid anJ - - r '-..:? A... n 4 I ..lit ?t. il; ei M:>? Marg ?CH?Sd M AU A ? I $. : . - ave Te... 4474 jC??.VS.r ?- ? ?~i ? - a. | t>e?t reVr 211 7 7tn av.. _ CHAS I; good : ? i ' m at. ? _ ?? ? . Dl I ' ' ? ? I ? _ ? il Im ] 1 atd'1 ? ?? " ? ? ll.MAID It _? CHAMHE I ? - . ? . ? 1 ?'.. _ ! ? ?? M Klrl; I . ?"in .,. i'....'. 1 ....- ? ? '11 ?? ' ?. ? a M ' ' ' M. 1 . ?ni!.I? s ? Mim Roftnayer'a . ? . faoor T?:. ?611 , .iir-_ - - ;., i i '.?'-. ; -. 1 will do rt,- . I ? l?at r?t>r I2d _ C. ?OK V -, Irlib girl ?v all? ? ??. |30 B., Mil? Iloiniavrr'i AganCT, ; : 1 M ??."-. :i .- ; _p ? ? ? neat, . ? |30 '? D'p Ag? 77 Eaat II .ih f. Tal ?Soll Ii I COOK ochea n n. . - ? |30 ? "t**r ' ... t ;-;". Id .. . ? T?l MM - -n. _ v.!,. ten! Plnnl ? ' good ?x, 4. n y, Li . ? i"".'- Harlan .K N? lint clan all . - ? ni fen .^'.'7 7ll> lave. - .. COOK I'li-t rlBM, ?II Boups, m?at?, ?ntr? ? 1 \ eiisai ?? ? , ? ? 4- -. -? |W 1 ' m Etxthange, 24 -i? av... near Jftb It S DU] Bf ''1 ?' Two friand? .?*> Baal rpuna girl?; exce'.lrnt te>r-:.-n ?... i ...? ni ? ? arance; ' | i ? olumbua ave , n?ar 7f>th ?t 'Phon, eist DAU? DRI SS or II' ?U8EVVORKER I r : personal ruf wagM im? as - M I ??? ? A|'l IV i, rt. r? .'il. Prot?t tant ei n ??;> ? r..- it: 1 ?-.-' lag ici house. Mr? c'vUlnl ?. a.-7 ?U n-..-. .-. -. >K. ?*- c ii r. ?tant . or bouMWorker; imall family; aood bota? prefer? ? Mrr. ? ulller ? 4 ,"il?i -t _ clam ail bran t) ot eouia i ? .-.'7 ?.th ave.. fajta ?? .4.1 in fu m : MIm PltaO? ploy men) Bureau, >?3 BU) av,., entran ? _ -, , capable; ISA Ml.? ! I? f-rm- ' Bureau, m .".th av?., ?ntrance ..n a l'ii?. : L - ? tanda <o.,i;inir In all bra? ai s Agency, 21 WmI 4..1 ?: Phon? -i"-''.' i ?? [Ai r ?? - ? tatnttermald ?il ?ri ? ?? ? tether or ?aparately; |30 ?. Ii.'1'jfUlal Ak> : . >, 17 Wott 4? ?t ( ?( Il il- ' - ,, ?lassa! i? I ? ? ' as illeal msnager: t**" ? . ? . ., , . v ?rage? ?. M? 'n '"?trlnl Aiency, 17 West 4-d ?t l'hi-n? ttlA Hryant. COOK -?.-?ll?nt mannaer; ' |i" aitB four year? tn la?' I la? ? Ml Bhee'i -...-.. :t-t i>, -t a.',*, ?t , Boom Tul _ red kiTT tiT-r . ,..... ...| [.tarif"??, r.rnt, ?riving first r?a?? refr?en ??. Batel ?r country; tl? tv, om ?? Agency, lt> West l*a?th at. Phone ?J.?71 R|\er?ld?. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. TYmale. COOK ?Plr?t claa?. very , apabl?. good man? ager, beat of rafareacss Mr?. Co.Usra -, 4.'?. 4t.'i a.* . 81a* ?,. >,'-iik iwatOi ?er> fool o'Ok, mekaa ??up?. a?i kind? satroae, d,-.*?.rt?, ? alt?.a. etc., c?x..l?-nt , u.-rei.ces. I4?- OaXat - Agtn.x, fat Lexington ave. Tel. 1055? Plaza. _______ . LAUNDRESS WAITRESS-CHAM? BERMAID !\?o neat, ?aoelieai iwdlsfc glrla. one ver> go?..?! ?ook. Ott..-. ....relient xxai- ! trass and SOU?maid; excellent icit'ier.ce?. ; t?teibe??'? Ageaey, ?id Lexingion ave, Tal i ;.:. 'Flam_ _ _ COOK. Bwediab; neut, ?trong. economical reanagar; u imii) t,r?t ou*.* in all azc?lleni r?-:? an? aa. wat"? mudara!? Ost??*" beia ? Agency, 71o Lexington a?e. Tel. 105.%? I .a/a:_ ?x.?<J??rnian, tlrat claa?. good tak?-r. city or conn try; bast ref?reec?a; eagaa $io-$'io. I;i cu-lur ?o. Agency, 43 ?'. 47 \\ .-.-' 83d at._ COOK, CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS.?*lSro Plaelak girls; rary t?e?t rtfei.nce Ju??.ia i Agen, y. '.?U I^ n ave. Tel, 4451 Pi.iza ND8. -' ou.., $.1 ?. taundraaa, due? alnris ira. vill itaalat cook or chamtor work, $1?,; both competent maid?, go any Mifs Sbea's Ag?ncy, ;'<j Last 4-d ?t R?o,n 701_ GIRL, Finnish, young; lately landed, for ?mail family or apartment; 116. Mynttln eiVa Agency, 2107 :, I. ire. Tel l"0"? Harlem. . : B) renne?!, highly r.apect : ro?k and SBC8 or bachelor home; city or country, high ? iass, panons ,. ?? lencea: , v.,le. ?=. Mt-aal. 400 Lasttrn i'ark??ay, ? .vn.___ ? R -liy refined English per- | .??n. foi club, Institution, email hot. I <r ; privat?- family; thorough I) experienced; blithest per.orial ref.-ien?.. In,In?,rial ,17 wo?? 4)2d ?t.. '|it, f2i" Bryant ii"i -i.Kwi'i i;k. Por prTvate family or ?-l?t), experienced In mm.aging help, cater Ing, preparing nanu?, accoun:?, take full t ?reform* i,,ie?ent employer, i L. :: - lerald's UureuJ, 303 5th ave ? Entrance on 4i>t ?t._ | iRKER.? Young Engllah woman, I k. 829 ISO. II.. Ml?? Hofmayer'a | ?. 3J?i-3-- ?tii ave.. Oth floor. Te!. 4SS1 Mad Sii._ H< >' it?Bv.-.dl?b; rood plain cook. ?1 r? '?- ? ?. city or country; ? rllng'a Agtiiiy, ISP". Madlaon ave. 1474 in_ HOt'HKWuitK -Scandinavian girl; excellent eren ??. *:.'? Employment i ?" ... . ? l*ei. 1174 Plena. I, sti ? ?? rana Pia , ?girl; K*-n? ral house?* o-k.r. good plain ro.ik. ??-.-. Mynttlnen's Ag-my, 2li)7 ?th ..?-.? Te I OPS Harlem. _, linCSEWORKER rjood all around c^oU. general houaeworker; young, colored woman; excellent referen?-?-. $.'.">. Tuli'e 221*7 7l ?'?,'.'- M ?rnlngslde, ? v.-v i g] ab!t woman, Of cook, tnundrea?. ?SCMll?al leforencee; ?le?eri?d Hit CoLler'a Ag?BCy, 881 4tIi av?._ il? . ?<:. $'j:,; experienced, neat vo. ; reference? city or coun ewson'S Agency, SIS Hin axe. Tel. 878 Bryant_ NT'S NURSE. ? f.erman, competent nur??; taie? t.aby from birth, refer ;:??;. araga?, Sin-?-I", ?"all at Lane 4 Boerl.erer Co. Agency. 43-43-47 Weal ".:;! ??.._ ID -Neat, ?tronr ?ir!. $22: ran w 111 i n sr ; plain c?k kltchenmald : best references Oaterbera'? Ag?ncy, 71?) Lex isa i 068._ LADY'S MAID ' imp?" ? ?? OermtUI - lid, speaking French, ?rood hairdresser -ir.d packer '???t r.-ferenc^e: clty , ?.?ni?'?. $;!?,-$.'l" ?'all at Lar.?,- ,v ? 4 . ,-. i: wem ? si - F:r.r!?ii woman: very referano? c?n do shirts, ?-?niar. ?: i a.- i ?"?t refer t Agency, ?jio Lexington sv? T?l ?AH l'laza_ ? pi tent fl'rman girl; ?ood . .: references city or eeaa ? Lang a Boeebersr Ca Ageecy, IB 17 We?' ^:tl ?t_ LAl'NDHi goo?! waaher and lr,.:i?:r. strong. Willing; ?acalleBt refer 823-fSO Beuderllng*? Agency, 1813 [el 4474 llar>m _ ? -? --f.r-,v:?% Mynt ? ?-.,. 210. S'.li ave T?l. 1003 ,n _ ?S ? I?o.? ?hlrf?. collar? and eeffS: 4 ? ? i? i af?n nre?; wilt go any d:?tar.ce; - $1" a x?r> fine iaundr.-?? (young). ? it! Ex? h.T re, n'.'4 Coltunbna ave., near --? si ??? ?? - ayler. _ LAINDRESS?fl?*edl?h. Mrs? cla.a; ?hlrt?. ? .ii.'I ri;-T.. .x.-.;!imu ref.reiic??: city >':? CO J?er a A?yenxy. ?157 0th tSth ?t._ lne? fine family: raua | ? ? , - ? ; lid's Emo'oymint Rurfii'. ? Etitrani? on 42d at. ?? omen, excellent ref ??1res ? ?. ??? Itti city fai Ml?? Margar.'t I A| ? U Weal 42d St Phone BOSg _ .-' ??'r.r up w-int? place -?? mndress doe? ?h'.rtK ?ollar?. ktlss 8 ? Ivgei 80 Bast 83d. 7_1_ rtrl; ahtrta jff? Strong, tidy; rxr?.|>nt refx-r n"? I2B-I , 19 -..,.--1 River, Ig ja i'tr.?t claa?; thoroughly compe? ten: -?? breacnes I - sad ironing: I and ' ? Sl refereiii-o?. ?oilier'? \r>: * ? ^ LAI I : nl.h girl: ? x ?lait i tun '.:??? n??t ci.i?. la gran re i. ? - ? Irts ?..". anvih'.ng: exce i; 83! Oeterberg*s Agency, ? [?*?_] Plaga _ MAID and chsmhermsld, atteidant to invalid oi Muht hoiiHexx.?, k Protestant; three year?' refer.-n e M-? Collier's Aftency, 437 4th ?v?-, ne-ir ;:i?t ?t._ : from 8 month? old; ?ight ? ? ? exi-ellent r.f?-ence? from la?t em ployer. M . Ml?? Ptt?0?raiga lljreau, 803 - <. ? : Kt'RSE - Prefer? ^orntry place year round: can take Inf.nt fro?, l.lrth: understand? a".l f?< 81 l il nre. ex?-e"?ent r.'.'en?-.. V M . M'.-j Margaret Smith a Agency, 23 Wut 42?i ?? 'Pi.n* BOSS BryaaL NTTRgB POR TWO ?-HILDREN?W?n?ed .Line 1; excellent ref.ri'ti'-e?. $.1"?.|4ri Ml?? ? Ko [?!.????? i.-nt Bureau, 60S Bth ?? .? 4-d ?t MUSK.? -S.-.-t. i, x.-ry neat, "willing- will ?lo serving; children any aga; three years' nt reference?; city or country. in 17 Will 42.1 ?t. Ml: -ii trained, ten year?' ex? perience. ..lilt,Iren any age. three year?' enl personal referenc?-?. eity or coun Induetli?) Agency, 17 Wtat 42J a'.. 11210 Bryant._ ~i: ?North (iermnn e\;erlenred. n?at girl: to chll.l ?Ver tw? v?ar?. good ?ewer; cu- or countrx-; L.-st referanee?; wage?, $'_"? S'l'i i"?,!! nt i.-in^ Ar Hoecher. r ?o. Agen-y. I! 4-, 4- w n ;i ? | ?t. NURSERY '?? ?VERNEgfl ?North Utrrnin. t- f.r.'-.l fr ' x ?d ????r: l.e.f refer? ence??. ?!ty or C'Xitntrv; wage?. ?Si)-$,t? ?'all Bl ' h.rer Co. A?ticv, 43-4?-47 _^__ NUBBK.? IL fined yotirg woman; will rare two children; $10. ,?xe venr?' In laat place. Mia? hea'? ?--.?. 80 g??t 42d st.. Room TOI. TWO BISTERS -One. excellent rook, man H.e,. one chembcraMiid, ?aitre???, city or count,? botl ' iv? Bret in?? refereaoea M., I'ltziierald'a Pureau, fSx*3 6th ave., en ? -?J! it WAITRESS.?Klrit olu?<; underatsnda ?etv 1 ne; ?? ii. : timk?. i all fancy ?alad?, can lake butler's plac?; it.-,'.??-? go,?d appear sace; vage? $:'.,>. good rcf?rence?. Dome?. 'I '"oiiimtiu? ave., near 73th ?' Tj ' '?iri'i Bchuyler. WAITRESS. -Asslat " rhamtierniaid; for Sara tog?; i;:-.- ii family; HA, Mass Pitz g?ra d'a Employment Bureau, 603 av?.. ??n I2?l ?f. WAI1 Make? all ??tad?; nndarataaai ?i-rving xx in??: can carve, excellent ref Mlaa Margar?! s?iith'? Agcncv, M ?' Bryant ? rlsn Klrl;~i*r?t 'cla.TT ? - r business thnr.iuirlilv: four yean. fl n. hi^t |'U,e. war??. I'll ? .m rOmplovraenl Agency, ~'?~ Lex ave T?-1 ?1174 Plaza. WAITREFS rake* pines of batlar: ?a??l? ten' aalad maker, ncit; ohliglog th?r Dt*. S y-ara' un?tirpn??ed r?f? l ? ?>? ??- country. Industrial Agency. ___?? -, ? ? __ P ?rT?RM ?ID.?Competetu ???? Ml ref ?renca?; city or nmn trx; x? ige?, |30 Call ?1 lune m Boecher?r ? ,, igency n r. i7 .ni ?t tler-waltr???; fin. appear? ance, i:o snywhere; ftO; .x^etinnt ref.r ,n ,.. ??|., fnea's ?.gency. rto East 424 at.. Room TOI _ W'ITI?"S< PARLORMAID.?Neat tall.?reTt eins? BW?dl?h Blrl. excellent ?-nitre??: best reference! all . sni eveelteni tn.'i waitress Oalerb"-?-'? Agency. 71? l.txlnglon ave. Tel. in.Mi pi ?z.i. DRESSMAKERS?MILLINERS. M'Kl !? Flrai class dreesmakari good luttT. fitt.r, nnd ?!e?lgper. wlshi-a to go out by day. Ad.1res? L. M.. Trlhune liptown Office. rtr.4 n road way,_ DRESSM ' K I'll --?'ompetent: make? and re mo lei?; children'? a specialty. Juliet 128 East Utli ?L lil. 408 Stui ?eaant BUSINESS CARDS _ ANTIQUES. B?LL?CK ""TaTaSS8131 PM H f .% oe Ith Av?r.ue. Now located at Il Wat 28th Bt, bei :.tii Ave and B way. EBl.E'S ART GALLERT. KM Went *.'d ?t?? Antique?, curio?, ?.1.1 Ji-wrl?. ? rare fans, paln'lng-?. miniature! and weapona . ?Id gold bought. DI BALVO BP.OI ? vntlqu.? furnttur.. hrle-a brac. Sheffield ar-l ..?lid ml ver 'I*?*. 4tb ?v... ITth It Tel 224*;i.,n t?<iu.,r. _BOOKS._ ?ir-v-iK-a ANT' ?ET- ALSO ODD POS7AO?* a'amp? ?ant.-d r >r v^sh. WEBER 6*0 ?roadway. Pro kiyn __CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES. CAMERA BARGAINS.?Clo-dag out illihtiy ? hop worn an I otb? 4?r; -1 pi!'??, -all nnd be < Uioeckner tk Ne?t*J Co. 171 Ptoadvvaj CANINE SPECIALISTS. DR. BLACKBURNE, CANINE ?PECTAUBT. Panltarium for ladlea' |>et.?. 1*?74 Park av?. Telrph. n? .141!? Harlem Muht Mill ? _CAJIPET CLEANING. _ NATIONAL CA3P?T (U All 13 CO. ORIENTAL Rio EstaSliabad laSS c"Vnmno* 3,2 lu:: nasa. t a|.|||\IT? Ph m? ?'-?-?. '-.ramercy H %IO S. Badal?1 Ul, Mental rug r.palrlnr waih i?c. renovating, ilo-lm. ?rlilca nd ??chanaln?*, 13 Bas?) S"**> Te! 7144?Mail ?on Square ODD CARPETS tr.B*> new; runa. a!i!< portier?? woven from remnant.? W? a? the oldeat r'jr Hnd carpet ?aitory : tret delivery Send or 'phune | -**. urlen'.al Weaving Woiks, 31">S Webater ae _ NEW *, ?(. 4 RPET CLEANING WORK.--. ?iid??t, t.nrgrst Moat Modera. FINE RUGS WOVEN PROM old ''APPETS. Price? !:ei?opa!-!o S.-n.) for circular. Tel 4-'''.' taoii Bryant ?137 139 Weit ?.1th St ORIENTAL "?REPAIRING ?droning Co.. |gg MaitUon At. (-r S?d *?t. H?f- rencM furnished Phon? fton. Murray Ml!!. ODAJIA? BROS . Oriental Bag? an? ?'arpets; repairing, ulterinc. .leaning, washing, dve ln?. storing 308 Columhu? ave. Tel. 6028 ??o H ' ??? - : .'I ' IRPET CU A?INO 00.. Th'rd Avciiur and 138th Bt. Telephon? Mel - row MTB Oriental R'?*? waahlng. Carpiti * In all ?? hn i?-?a A'. a servie? _ CAR*-BFCL CARPET CLEA?INO CO.?ClaTSaS by compreieed air, it.-nr hind or on floor. I5M Broadway. 4.1 East 4Sth it COE * BRANDT Tel. IM-Ttfth_ C. MARASHLIAN A CO." apr raiser?. Native expert weaver?, repalrera and cliaanere of Oriental ruga. If E. Idth Tat HtllJTraiSSl IBM 11 '- '. DESKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE. IE SED FINN bi:os . 138 B oadway -SI Franklin St. nFSrC**. BUSINESS PCRN1 ot*rtosnm& {??-.?-/ ANn sr.t.iHi t.T l*l I_ DETECTIVES._ DETECTIVE Bureau: thoroughly -?quipped. quick, reliable, iflc-tei I ??rv!.-?- ?r ?dow Ing, investigation!, tracing. P. HUNEKEN, 111 *-.'a??ft'j at H I RR"t H. MORTON: no ?geney eeaaeraiM, hiiih??t red ? ne W? 9?th ?treat. Telephon? -?-_ DIAMOND SETTERS. DIAMONDS BET WHILE TOO WAIT ? Diamond? bi,,1 pre? oui it-mei ?.cught. GEOPi.E Wlji;;;-' Ji Maid-n Lan?. DOGS, CATS AND ANIMALC HA1 ANINE CEtMETERT. Olil'-e, 111 W?Mt Stb at. N Y <'lty. Inforn.nrI'.n on re'-..?;-: 'Piior,. Wit Mai Bq. _DYEING AND CLEANING. MY a A!.it - Esp?rt carine for women'! gar menri. dye,na- - ? hi.i.k a i- na garn.rii-?. 51 r < ? nonthlv, on? ?oat week Dg fr> ?. .il? W??t l'>.sd at. Riverai le- i*?".14. EXTERMINATORS. BOACH EXTEKMINATOR -B?n?flt i/'jaran mtn Eat. - 1 av?.. Brookb n i 28.?U : _ ?nnanintly e?*> t??i Eaal -r- loa ? Co., i.-i Celuml i? av? I'.'onr M?3> .-'.-huyi. r. FOR SALE. CHAIR*?. <vioa, [o.nriig, ail mipi?, S.?c each COLUMBUS Mi-'ij. ?v SUPPLY QtX, e-i ??th ?ve. _INVENTIONS DEVELOPED. v, ?; PERI . :. - - Fb ?peratl w i ? market your Inveatlon, Inter? national Corporation I Mod?*m Improvement*?, HO W e?! ?2d it I': I lOt JEWELRY REPAIRING. ul.r? JEW ELB i a Ilk? new. Rep? ng a ? '?v. iieckei, |??r?ler, Si Nassau ?t. LAWYERS. LAV. YEH, Art'.rrlcat: ' * ghMt atandlng; comuit.itlon fioe .-u le '.?.-? M?? 71 Wi-?t L' !'t st . uii-ine 41 , . . i. Bun day?; ?venina? until ? MACHINERY, DIES AND MODELS. PNEUMATIC TANK W ?TEB 81 PPL1 ITS? tenir, h.ii-.-l. llietrl i na ,-utnpi; ? gi?oie:ie engine?; ?IIm, er,?.i?rfe rai chinerj'- Lur.t Mo?s Co., ;.7 Warren ?t.. Near York._ MIETZ A WEIS?? Oll Engin?? operate on ?ene. fit?: an 1 ten 1? - - IH Mot: ?t , N. y. OLD GOLD AND SILVER. WORN'ol'T go!1 and ?i.ver l?3ujj-'t by B Lriiamac'i ?rom, goid taA illvcr refluera I Jonn ?u_^^^ ! FOR OLD ARTIFICIAL TEETH, o'.d" Jewelry ?very description W. iM.HERO. Vlil Ain?t.r<i?m ave. I'notie ITH1 Klv?r. OLD 4,?II.II, ell.\ Eh and platinum bought t?r mah. Ill irai Balowan ?> for aliverwar* In grx'd contiitloa HOWARD A CO, H John at. _ OLD GOLD AND i-Tt-Vr;?, HDATlNliL diamond?, pracloui ?tr.-i?-?. bought. eaTianaad and remode'led M r>\rt?.v. 4.', ;.? HIGHEST PKICEB pall for ell a 1. tl\\~ir. platinum, artttlclal teilh, pawn ticket? iMuO. 14.1 wast 23a ?t._ RIOHBBT PRI<5?S paid for pHvvrul.-keti, old goie!, a'!*'-r platinum ire bargnln? in cu rlM K -'? rtriri. j','. ?th ave . m ?r L'ild it. PAINTINGS RESTORED. uLD pait.-.iiiiii? mad? Mlabla; rMtored, r.lin.d. bought. ? :. ? ? nged. CLI? VE I'TE. artlet 14" Ami 126th it. PATENTS. TRADE MARK9. ETC. JAMEB E. DCH i lUUI Ait.rney. Trane mark? and copyrtghta 13** Naaaau ?t Telrphone. H,-, Kn?nr, ? 4o41 PIANOS AND ORGANS. AT THE" PlAN'n SHOP, 4-5 WEf?T ?4TH ST.? They will turn your piano Into a i ?yer rtano at modarate coat, it ? a grv-at lucceM nv? attgare _ STORAGE AND MOVING. NATIONAL \v ?REH? - :.;- 141 f .'Trli st.. storage, m | ^hl* plag; eS*# m tr\ moderate ratea '.'?: S'.?."?.. V a D-vl BH I I' IK ?UK WAREH? I ? ?Storsga itarlog, paekiag, ihipalas; ?a''? ?r-' ni?,to? movrd Tel 1-4- Orchard "ii !4i.\;.E' Mon '.CE >'" -::?: I'*'! ll?th.? Vat.? for BlOVlng, packlni. mini erate charge? Tri ISI4?ff?' MS TYPEWRITlNo ANT TYPE* RITER3 VICT?)R VIKIBLK. ?"?' Naaaao ?? Cauio?ra< frea-. nil make? taken ? t payment; Par ??.".? in Ui d.rwood? K?mlnrt4.-n?. Oliv.ra Smitna _VACUUM CLEANERS._ VACUUM Cf.BANINO '"'? room, anvwh-r?. Richmond Co . 141 SfSBl tSXS T?l '-r?.,?r 4C? BUSINESS CHANCES GO'NO WEST Tlirouirh Hou?, ho' | I Keduce.t Rat nFKINX HOrSEHOLO BRIPPINO CO.. en? Hr.;..lwia. N. V. 'Pfc??? U"<h ll.'-O WANTED.-^*indy. clear, ?titionery ?tore. New Y-.-k BUt? Full rerticL.ii-* Adij?? K. W.. Trltiune Harlem (tltlce, 2Ci ? tat ?t. ._ \\ ANTED Printing n am on time; aom. trade. ?V V . Boa 17. Tribune Offic?_ Advertisements ani? sihs.'RIPTIONB ?or The Tribune received at their Cpto-s omc? No 13?4 BrMdway. between S? t and 87th ?ti unill B o'clock t> m Adve?-?l-?a. nenu rec.lved at th. following hnnrh o.flcM ?T""sular ?... until ? ****** ,1? ^ ?M 204 8th a??-, a a c-or. 23d it ; IM ?th av?.