Australian Players
Sanguine of Success
Captain Doust Has Confid
in Team Now Here f
Davis Cup Matches.
Famous Visitor Thinks Ger
Experts May Prove Surpr
in Struggle for Lawn
Tennis Blue Ribbon.
a itetra
?aptaln h S ! ?oust who i
type of Brttei 'i"> ? l
rr,H-?t ai i
ih?' slip i tonet, v lo- i j the
I-. ,. - . : I :n,-, II
the team t> t:.- \! tipo !? is i,,?
Iy Bangs ',?? <?( ? n??? ea I the ma
ior the Dai bi it-?? rnatloi ? cup ?>n
?riHtc ttio tremendo
-Mauri'.. i: McLoughlln, nor th? cl
<>i' u. Morrta Williams, whoi
ceawMera th? leading nun In thla i
trx- at the pgeeent tima
"We know that We have .? apo
? banco agalnsl th? America) .
?apiain of th? team i Intend te tal
? ?. that may j? opardls?
rfully <
t mudo tiy Dou?t, a
? .-' ..l th? reepectira n
>.f the Bmsrlran and Australian pi?
it if? the opinion of th? wiry leader ??
* triti-ti colon! ill i i a h
i.?t glowing prospect of the famous
-. .... i/. . t!i- blue ribbon of
lawn tennis cotnt^ Hmiiii finding e
? oms oh he on th? ?i??? n un ?
i ? world.
' aptain Doust la not oi.iy a playe
i igh clasfl ai.ii ab I if as
leal of the a ? nee of th? g.
With tare and convincing >ki".
? ? tactical ?."int? and the el?
strategic moves, much Bl
? Blight ex.iH?. ;i HOT?! at
fence, an?l Indicatea t
it ?i th" ???union of ? 'aptaln '
\ i: ?i... i ; - a and H">a. a Rlc?
estimated. This is ?lue ?-?lieu.,- to
inet that the i
from t!,<- beaten track ol the s une ?
allow bat few to gathtr
It ability with the i.?
points ??ut that ail ?n?- men ??
. g perlen? s and aga pla
v?.f! . ?? ackm
i that i ? - at. B?i ?/? ?i, ?1 I
la ?tax ,...-.- sually i
be depended upon to carry off th?
. ing a striking rceei
?ether sporting chancea the optimism
raHaa captain I
an 'if." There is no disputing tlie f,
??I bis argument, however, that ?? elct
afc-aiiii-i the Americans wi:i carry
team a lone way toward the cup, As
? .. 8 Situation, the Australians -
then meet the winning nation of the
beta ,as and i t
faeora UM Germana, and sayn. In f;
that these in a general Impr??Ion ahr?
1 ?tto Kroltzheini and Rahe, Who
expected to lead ttie Qermaa U
aptars the cup. Been with the gi
Andre H. QotMII and tie brilliant yol
i a u i tail a on the French Fide be thii
that the wielders of the racquet from i
Fatherland arc ;?k<iy t" carry oft i
It would make little or no diff?rer
to the logical working out of bla art
meed a* to whether the Ok
French won. Th?- thing ha - ?
i" Is the fact that Anthony F. Wlldb
tlie greatest Australian who ex? r trod
tennis court, will take hi
,1.? team Immediately it crosses, th?? ;
?aun? Ocean for the matches that mi
li-U'l up to the challenging of t ? Brl1
lales holders.
Aa for the Belgians, Canadlaaa a
Africans, while they ar<
???- f they win r
much of a figure In the ultlmat?- wlnni
of the cup. C?ptala Itotul i. is i,.i*i ???.
Blderable ezpeiience against tin- men ??
will |***preeent South Africa, as le, led
Fnghsh team them :
last season. The team, he rj]
Is to be COfnposed of Gauntlctt. La Buei
Leach and, possibly, H. A. Kits?.n. T
latter Is playing In his top from at prt
ent. and recently won the I-'? ?
? hampionshlp In slngl?'?.
Under the International regulations go
ernlng the cup It would be prop, r f
Anthony B*. "U'lldlng to take his place <
the Australian forces. As the man wl
1? directing the de.tln'.es ..f the t?-am lad
cate?, the presence of Wilding, who wl!
Norman n. Brookes lifted the cup f<
Australia, would prove an Inspiration. ..?
\\listing lias rrtood Bupreua on Bnglh
COWtS for two MSaSOM and Is g ?'?
itch and tournament player, it b fair t
believe that he would be, capable of a,
xountlng for two of the Btnglea BW| I -
I'l.i.s?. arbo hea deretod himself chtefl
?o doubles, believes that with ? ither i
It. Jones a? a partner or with Wlldln*
the flou).les match, and with It th? ? .
?ar?' third point to win ? scries, would I,
-?ircessf'jiiy Boored Btly Wlldli
?nd I)oui?t won ti | . Oiirt Chan
pionat.ip of England. Ju-t boa itron
T)oust is in doubles irny be tea, a tros
the Bad that he has arranged with T. M
Mavrogordato to compete In the A
land championship at Wimbledon, ih
two have never been defeated on turf
Th!? is something of a record, con*dderln'
all of the formidable pans in the 1-uro
pean tournaments
i if eeenrsa Captada !??>u?.t iir..-? not k.'...\?
how he will i lay his men Bgalnal t i
gfSISflraaS Be is strongly la favor o? i
lot of easy, quiet practice. With thai ein
In view he has practl?-a!ly decided to ac?
cept the invitation from ?Philadelphie, t?a
team leaving fur that city Monday morn?
ing. He plana to remain at Phllad? I,ilia
until the weed hefora the ?up naatchoa.
which win begin on the West Hide Chit
?ourts on Frida?., Jun? C
I'robahly the Australian.? will make a
short trip to the I.ongwood Cricket Ciuh
courts at Hoston for a day or tw?>. All
other Invitations, he thinks, must he de?
clined, for he regard?! Davis (up matches
as serious boSfSMea and the sport!,,?.'
inance must net be thrown away for the
pleasures of junketing trips.
While on their way t?> tl.N city nft,r
arriving In San Francisco Jon.? and Hi??'
played in two or three exhibition matcbea
Beth proved remarkably bard hitters,
placing the ball well and with a knowl
?? Ige of tactics and effect'? that NdlOatad
?tr?iigth. Th? abilities of the team have
been epitomised aa follows by an English
? title:
"Jones 1b said to be a promising player
und one who ia Improving his game
yearly. In Australia he la ranked a
doubl??* player, outranked only by Brookes
and Dunlop. Jones halls from Bydney,
N. S. W, where he holds th.- ttOWJ Smith
! .\ alts singles, title. He is said to be a
Bas tu rt i. inn and stroke expert. Oaa Ol
hla i- r Beets, it i*- Bald Is hla serve, and
ha i aalt I to be exceptionally good 01
overhand shots.
'? hails. fr.?m Sydney, atid In t?H
; member "f Hi" Australian t?-.i"i
Which routed the Ain.rl.-an team that
yi. r. althoagh on the team be was i"'1
called iii-oii to [day. He ???lays a gam?
ntlall] opposite to thai of Jones. H<
is known ii? i, g?3o?d ? player, sad
to bettei advantage In s bard, fssl
Bndurance is one <>f bis best
In Hie Victorian championship
lai 1er i i* Nixon itSaglaad) ''"-;
t.. Rk*i. i.ut the latter fell i? : a ?rthur
.\i mi Ice M? Lioughlln has d< I
and Lowe in - ?
i ' ? .1-1 "i the t
s \ Doust. Tin?- playei is said t.. b. B
nl ol the uarn? . and at
tin,. ? hla :-?? me rise? lo ? onstd? rabie ;
n he ta bettei In doubles than
? -. i '..uMi played in tingland a
miner, sod his meat impoi I i
-vas in the i is I. Bdgbartor
which he *.*? ? ? i > three
. ... w laslaa In
? .. double? ai-'i
I ? - ... 44 rii "
has ool been de? hied ?rhl? 1> |
ut tli" I'liit. d St;il- -
. ??inclusion that !
.\i Lo'ighlln win be ?? ? ? : them, how- i
? v . . ,\ .i.,,1, ? I" - : :. and R X?
u nian - -.!?? " ha? ? been menUoned
\ problem is b) no in? ans an
?m- au of th-- American pla;
wit - .m- : .-?.i.- ?it.? ? l-.i ihe cui' team .
*..i t.. . niMg.' in a aerie? ? ?( trial i.. ? ..n the co rtJ ol the W * t ?SWe
. 'lui. liy i, 'morros mu? t.. < ob? i
t. ?? 11- oughoul the a ? ?
i: r. t i >. Wrenn, i i ...i msu .?: Ihe
n t-1 national ?committee, Issued the -all
l'.e t)., ? - in 1.1?! uek.
-. ut.-.- will be M- ?
hi. the Californlan, who bold? tin- na?
tlonal championship, Th? team must be
-. :.. i ?1 ;:. i.-l I..-M l-'li.i.i' Th? I
I ,i,,uii. - -? ? ' ? ins t" 1" dOUbtfUl, ;
and is a; BtWI - I Harold M HS I
. tt " o Raymond D, L-ittlc sad tii"
younger psh > mpoeed "i Guatav V, <
level! i'.'il
-Ml .'i th?- Americans, t maj b? --.-?', a?*? j
fast round lo 1 rm, and If the '
tralla ?rlctorloua fron* th? m
ti., contesta ?-v ?n be the greatest pvei d<
elded In Ihla aectlon ot the country
Victor in Interscholastic Lawn
Tennis Tourney at Columbia.
w if, Blair, of HOI School, won la the
atei laatle lawn tennis tour
?., ,i ;,t ? 'olumbla University
? ?day. Hi? -rlctory enUtlea him to
terscholsstlc tournament for
it.- cbamidonshlp .f t1--- United States at
Newport it. ?September. a ?B-jdRta, of
-- aat High School, was ruaner-up,
Hill .-'. hool c;.n!ed ?.rf the honor? ?>f the
d.v. f-.r Blair met hi? hard, -t oppoaenl
In Bulkeley, another Hill rnaa, whom he
heat . the a? n?-Snal round. ?Bulkel? -
started oft with a rush nul WOB lbs hrsi
,? ?? ii. bul ' * >?;>? r:.-ti'-ed
Behoolmate rallied aid beat him ;.i th.
next * ?- ,?-..". i
Blalr'fl match in the Baal rv.u'.d ne,- nei
Hod kin proved ridiculously ?a v. 'i ...
i ni?, s of tii.- ? .iri.ain.-nt called for a three
out of flve iiiinl match, and Blab* i-otap. i
away with thro?* nets quickly at S-S, ft-*.
S?L Us played a stronger ?.-.nie than
Hodkin. and was not ?o tired by th- hard
?lay's work in the preliminary rounds,
? .ice whs Btrong, BAd he won many
DOintfl by steady .Mirk at th.
Th?- Buausaarlea follow:
l*i.-llnilnary round A E. Conger,
*,?<!? Prep, defeated '.v. R. Brown, Bngle
l wood iilirh ?School, I 4. ''---?. ?? V roa
il ir. ith, ?nuahlng High B. h. del?.. ? ?
R I'addo 1.. ' ?? legiat. .- :hool, b) U?
fault: A. H I'lKiii, Stu. \?'-...".i High
ol. defeau-.i .1. H. Wainwrlaht, Cut?
ler 8ci ? ? : l: A. Ralfe, New
York Prep, defeated ?i N. Letry. High
of ' 'omn ? ?? ?
t round -W. M. Blair, inn s.h >ol,
defeated A, Vf. Shaw. Beyonne High
.. - 4 ?.. I, l. II ?iblOWll ?i. I'"
; witi Clinton Hieb ?'.i. "I. defeated I.
Woodward Loyo a Bvhoo '? . ?? t. H.
Huikelv. inn ?School, defeated A. n
Loyola B? hool, 10 1 4 ?;, ?'. l; O. i ron
Ina High s ?hool, d. feat?!
A i'. Conger, Rutgers Prep * *-. I ??, A.
Bodkin, stuv vsant Hi- I de
1 R A. Ralfe, New Y-.rl: IT?;-. 1 ?,
. M I.. Bowman, Mount vernon
! IlUh Bchool, defeated H I ?. Kei
I Loyola School, ft--::, e?lj H. H. Hewlt
? n, St Peter'? Prep, defeated VV. John
a R itgera Prep, I ??? ?'? -i; R. A. ...ok.
defeated n C. i r?
K Ii gi ? Bohool, by d? fault.
i round W, M. Blair, Hill s.hooi.
defeated H. Ablowlch, I?. wltl Clinton
Hlxli BchOOl, I ". ''..'; H. Huikelv. Hill
s hool, defeated Q. H. von Bernuth,
Pluahlng High School, ft-i, ft I; A. lt.,d
kin, Btuyvesant Higii Bchool, defeated
II I.. Bowman, Mount V?-rnon Hluti
School. >. .. >, ! . H. H Hevvltsi.n, Ht.
Peter"a Prep, defeated H a. Cooh Col
- ? .-.I. 10- X. 6-7. 7--."-.
round - w M Blair Hin
feated n. H i!k<;v. uni gchc-ol,
? ? ' * ' A Bodkin, Btuyv? . ?t
Hinh Bchool, defeated n. H Hewltson
Si i'.-t<-r's Prep, .; ?>, | i
Final round?w. m. Blatt, inn Behool,
defeated A. B? ?ikm, Btuyvesant High
Sel .ni. C-?, tV-1, tV-?.
To Begin Lawn Tennis Season
with Matches at Morristown.
Women lawn teaitis ?players ail] open
- the thirty-third annual season on th"
American courts In th?- open tournant? i -
at th- MorrlHtovari field Chlb, Mir
town. N. J., to-morrow afternoon.
The Hut of those who will compete in
the four contests, which include womeo'l
; siM.'b'-s and doubb-s and handl?eap jIiikK--*?
: and mixed doubles, t-omptlses Uta >*anking
I list Of this s,,i;,,n ,,f tii.? ?-..urtry. Miss
, Marie W**gaer, the national ttt?ootf ?liain
, ; ?ion: Mrs. Ifj rsi all btacLain, Mis? \. ,.
boVS ?' BBace, Miss Ciara Kuttroff, Mis.?
.;irtnd.? Ileiiu Tone, afra E*Tederloh
' Bchmlta and Misa Polly Sheldon are
| amont; the best known t*OmpeUtOf*S,
Followini* out the plan which waa so
| successful at the New Jersey State chutn
pfcaBShlp last autumn, a woman will a.?t
as referee of the tournament. This tlm?
Mrs. J. A. H. Hopkins will nlllciate. The
tournament eommlttee Iik-UkI'-h Illas Mar
, jorlo l'lerson, Mis?- I'.uth Dean an<l 11. S.
I Tenney, while Mrs. Ho?.kins Is chairman.
I The next tournament on the list will b.?
i the I'.rofix championship, which will be
1 gin next Saturday on the courts of the !
Bedford I'aik [Aira Tenu!? .'Itih. Cus-I
tave 1'. Tou, hard, who BgUfea amotig the I
vai.di'laUs for the International cup team, j
won the championship singles trophy out
? riniit last y?ar.
. of the ra.'eub.iuti ravelled in the
?Philadelphia Cottothlaa Taeht Club ar?
rtoasiag to New T?*e*h to take part la
the annual race week of the I^irehmont
*i ht Club. Th?- owner? have SShsd t'>
race -i* a r*laaa aad the Sound elub has
Lai trophy for th?- division
Ti..- ra'-eahout?? that now are BBtllBg ?
upon the Sound have been invited to eurii
t.ete for the trophv, and BS th?? owners
of the majority have BSpreOBSd I ?leMr?
to r;?<-?. tb?? ?vent will tuk? on the iin
poruuee o? an intercity contett.
MAURICE F. Ml.nn.Mi.'
Hold First Practice on Wcs
Side Tennis Club Courts.
Touchard and Pell Slump Badl;
in Match with Hall and
I ? i ng laam teni
mads Its Rf I .1 pearei a In practice n
the courts of the Weal Bids Tennis ?'lui
at tilth st;e?t an.) Broadway? ?resterdaj
T'iider tlie lead! rshln ??f Btanli y N I ??? ist
ttie captain of the team, the men fir?.
trie?! ?? ;t th<Mr strokes on ti,?' i ard aor
faced dirt court-. Then h lien they he?
a art,nil up and Into the awing <>? th
game they move.I ..vr on the turf ? her.
on they win clash a Ith the Ami i
the iir^t of the International ma
the i ?avi? , tap
The van?;.?aid of th? crowd that BSS4 ,
bled to wltaess one of the trial
? ? - f..r places on the American lean
'?..l'y enough to wltne ? the player
i th? antipodes In a? lion
DoubI paired In doubles with A. H Jon?
and the i? o fee ? d Hora? >? HI? ?? ai d E '??'?
hi kg, th" managst of the team I ?
f??ur worked like Tr? and if tL?? v ??r?
a Ml rusty on their atro it i eaeni ???
i'i.,,-1 Bays they n,i-, tt,i--y wilt certain:.!
give ti?, Amerli si * plenty to ...
they get t ined up for the cup contesta
While r," accurate acote of gen - - ? t
kept, Douet ar?i Jon? ired t" sasl :?
lead th? other pall Both Don I ???? ?i '??
were remarkablj fast ?>ff the? gr.,u,,,i and
their position playing v-a? admirable in
the wonderfully quick ?ortiea Dousl
worked his amaehee, sending t!ie< badl
kicking over th" l.'t and compelling tin?
othera to pi??y wide ??f the court In ordej
t?? maki- a poesfbla recoverj lonss die*
played a backhand i-t?oke that was at
once powerful, controlled the ball to a
dot and ??-nt it winging through tie op
poelts court for the pouts.
Ttio Australian- took turn about at
huidles pra'tice, hut whin the CTOWd DO*
gat, tO iirrlv,- th?.;. left it"- OOUrtB und did
n?.t play again during the afternoon, ?ap?
taln Douai asid that tbey pleuned t., g?.
down to 'luxe,i.? te-daj ai,.i on i" Phila?
delphia to>roorroa for a i?.-n^11?> stay,
probably until a few ?!.,> before the in?
ternational match?.?..
?iiv'i.i- i-'. Touchard and Theodore
Roosevelt Pell, the candidates i??i plattes
?.n the cup team of tills nation, experi?
enced a sad and dismal ?-lump it. forat
They went d'?wn to defeat m lour straight
aid one aided seta against Walter Merrill
ii.ii mu) Charlea i: Haggett, th.- Kngiist,
professional, t,? the acora <>f ( ';, o -i.
I?I, 6 I
The showing of the losing pair proved
most depressing to many "f their admir?
ers, who had confidently sxpected them
to duplicate their Upset of last week.
Haggett followed the hail in to the net
when Hall mads Ml long drives. At ?los?
tanne h?- popp?-.i the returns serosa court
at angles which made it Impoealble r??,
.-itiv-r Touchard or Pell to bring oir g?-Ls
with any certainty, Toward the close
l'eii apparently vut? overcome by the wav?
??ring foi in of i,is partner, so that he over?
topped the bOM )!ii?> on his drive? by
from one to tlir.-?- f? < t.
from the plan-, being tua,le at the pres?
ent tune i.y tti-- otflV i.iN in charge ..f lbs
Amtiiiari international team a number <>f
th" candidates will begin active practice
this week on the West Bide turf The
only absentees a*1U be Maurice B. Me*
Loughlln, who will not arrtvs from Call?
fort,?a until next Sunday, and it. Norria
Williams, r.f llarxard, who la 111 with
tonsilitis, mid V.I1! not be at.le to mt'-r
Into th?- preparatory work until next week.
wnilaaaetown, Mass., May m -Will?
iams tiad no ?liificuity in defeating th?
Mssasrhusstta "Aggtse" lawn tenu.?
team tins afternoon on the courts of the
Tacoerk '>"ir Club by th? dectetv? s?'or<*
of ? to o. Brown, a Williams freastanan,
played his first match on the 'varsity,
iafsattag Draper i?-, -?o, t?L
Speed Tells Tale in
Lawn Tennis at Tuxedo
Little and Hackett Smash Their
Way to Fine Victory.
Niles and Dabney Take Limit of
Five Sets to Defeat De
termined Rivals.
i; relegrai ? ??? h? Pi iae.]
Tuxede N T., Mai Id Rapidity ef ?*.*
ttdn i-I I .".l hlttlag with the racquet
can -l ?Raymond i> Uttle ami Harold
?' along to vl? toi ?? to day In the
. tlon <>f the i.>und roMn dotl BB
? - laws tennis courts "f the Tuxedo
i ? n i T. anta I Hub Nathaniel w
'- ? .: .1 A! ir. d S l?abn?y, the fair ..f
the Longs "..i Club, alee w??n Tin- t??>
? 'i - Btand undefeated In the s? ri. s.
which will serva as ?< part of Iba test
? r tb? aeleetioa ol the Ataerleaas
? v.!! r-i-r. ,-tit this nation In the
matchea for the Darla International chai?
? ?;
Uttle and Hackett proved romaraably
itrong ones the I their K?me, and
d? f< ated W Ullanri A lesrned und
Robert I?. Wreaa in straight Bets i?v a
??..i- of H ii. ft i. I 4. Hiles and Dab
Bey required th.? limit of live sets before
1 ? . (hier sad C
, Jr . at is?it 8??*. e -3
7 ? The last was a gru. Hing Con
; test, fc .ore 1 three hours
!..?.? a
M to I
\\''h five f-, car holders Of national
championship t:tt? .... th? courte, there
was an ah indance of apectaeular racquet
i work, i.ittie ?as again the ,tar on hli
? i-tiir?. Har.iv ta-- ?i?? performed ao brill?
lantly overhead, and smashing r?f
IWrenn's lohn*, in which be ti:..> I ti
atrokes perfectly, ?inive the ball sarlfUy
t':. ha.? Une. Rig back bandera In all
i ?iep.-irtm<?nts were ?is.? prettily played.
i Hi?ck?-tt waa his old reliable "?'if. but hs
?mis bothered by the high uiud, ant com?
: plained <>f it. Ther?? was a noticeable Ira?
, provement In Hilly Larn?4fa playing, a,;?!
I he afforded the rmllery
gUmpow of 'us oldtlme form on freejuent
OOCgSlOllg. The order of tin- 8011 c I S
Little, wrpim. Heekett and Imxrrto?.
The match in which Nlles and Dabnej
defeated Clothier and Watson was a con?
glomeratlon <?f driving and
rallie? (files mate many neta, bul i'.?
ney played trongly and sbij lupported
him. Clothier ais?? displayed a stronger
? ? ? ? rs tn
t!i.i.-- ?
The Australians are t?. play here t..
m..,row, following the de Iding matches
?<f ,?ie round robin tournam? :.i.
President of the Giants
Gives Stairway to the City
"Fans" No Longer Need Play
the Goat in Climbing Bluff
After Seeing a Game.
Harry N Hempr-tead. jr. ?Lient of tvie
?Mea | ri i liai ts, baa aWlded te build .?
permanent atalrway from the tap <>f the
bluff at U'.'-t 1 Mh street to Uta Si""-!
This BtaJrWB) Will not only make R - >>ti
veaieat ?o the Brush stadium for
the gaSSei Of both Hie National I....
and the American League, hut will give
ready ao.-.Hs to the Speedway ta ?
?xisons who hav. beea.apellad t>? walk
to IKth . Ireei and then r-trur.? the.r
'lb?? atalrway -??ii bagia on Bdgeeombe
aveaae aad ?111 descend gradaatty to th<?
wail, ?m ihe west aide of th?? drive. It
means 'hat pe**ae*aa reeldtag <->u Wash?
Ington Heights, rtorth of lITth stre.-t, will
bava bstter**?eoeaa to tin- Harlem valle)
in the future than they ever have had in
the ?!.
This ?talrwny had been under consKI
eratlon by lb? i',?rk Department foi i me
time, but owing (?> lbs luck of the
city could not build It Alderman Boscbon,
!?? v. ?ms., dletriet tt?.- sit.- of the new
stairway i.- i?>cat.'?i. rommonlcatsd irith
Preatdtnl Hempstead ?sailing tbs atten?
tion "f tt:- latter t?i the great convenience
which arould reeull t>, thousands of dtl?
Benfl Of N? w York by the ?rectlon of this
stairway. .Mr. Hemp '?.,?1 Imm?diate!)
showed Ma ; tereel in the aubject bj
making s pe? ?nal Investlgetlon, and has
?iii ?u...! ttaif ii would -??' m,.?-ii t?, the
comfort ?id general convenience of th??
cttlsens of Washington Heights that is
lias announced his dot? rmlnatlon to buli.l
it and present it to tic city.
Th?- builder -rill be James k<>si.t. who
Is throughout Hi.- United States
as t?o- lu?n xx 1,0 t,a?l cherge ?if the work
?n tin- Brush Btadlum. Th.- stairway will
i.f Bteel and concrete. Park Commie?
alonev Btover, ?ho !u?.s Jurisdiction ov?
Hlghbridge Park, has approved the plans
ami permission has been granted t?i begin
Cash Offered for Best Fox?
hounds and Beagles in Packs.
Two features of the eomlnf* show of the
radios' K.-nnel As??"?lation of Amerl.a >>n
Jut.,? | and 4. at Mine?la, which Involve
large stnasT ptfsm sia those having to
do with <?].'?-<? eta for f..xhoiirid pack? and
beagle packs.
The Ladles' Kennel As'ooiatlon offer? a
cup. value?! nt 9ttt\ or cash, for the bent
pack of foxhounds (five couples) lo be
shown by the master of foxhound? and
huntsman or master ?if and
whip. In huntlm? co?tumf. There must be,
acrortllnif to the c?>fidltlon? of this,
at leset two narks, the property of differ?
ent owii'TS. ?o compete. The entry f??e 'a
$10. A. Henry HiKfitisoti of South Lin?
coln. Mas.?., will JudKe th.- class
Th- oth<r feature Is for a nip of *1*0
or muh. also offered 1.*. the Ladles' Ken?
nel Asso.-I.itlen, for the best pack of
beanies (five ?roupies?. The BSStffsS mnit
be shown by the ma?ter and whip, In
hunting costume.
Records of Secretary of Class
of 1859 Put in Library.
Tlie Columbia University Library re?
Delved yesterday a OOlleCtlOn of tOJi
I'otumt'lana, mad?) UP for th?, must l
of records kept by Stephen R. Reynolds,
.secretary of the c?as? of th who lost
lila llfu at the battle of ?old on
June '?, ItA Th?' BlCt w.?s mail?? to tin
university library by Krank B. Sinldt, o?
ti." CUM ?.f iVJ.
Tin- i-oii.Ttion Includes a mo k pro*
gramme <?( Columbia'? commencement,
beaded "End of ?'lass of '?v.'"; a copy of
ti..- ruldreea ami p.?. m delivered befi re the
Columbia College Alumni Association at
Hop?- Chapel October IT, ISB, and a num?
bs.' ??i in.-i". ?is connected with the
Phllolexlen s??? t.-ty sad a rjottege cats
logos of IfM-lg
Spaldlng's iiftli'lal I.awn Tennla OuMs
for ir?n w.iH puMtshed yeststrtey, The
t'ook u niore complete than ever before.
The conti'ttts make the book ?-lose up t?>
three hund?..! ??SffT** ??"?I IhO illUatrattOtAI
ar.? tium,.ro,m and up I" dale. The BOOh
,"ii1aln?. as usual, tin- laws of lawn ten?
nis. Which will govern the game tor the
i.ointng year.
Atlantic Y. C. to Usher Season
in with Open Regatta.
Commodore Blackton and Peter
W. Rouss Will Augment
Popular Q Division.
Ya-ht racine: on (?raves?nd I?ay will
?tart thin summer on Memorial Day. The
Atlantic Ya.-ht <"lu!>, the principal mover
In nl! of the ya.-htlni* activities below
t!,?? N.irinw ?. will airain ma?ane the first
regatta of the aummer Hsretafare the
Sea Gate argardsatloo ha? given an open
n latta for a:i claaeas to -, iber la the sea?
son. This year, however, there are no
schoonrrs or lar?<e sloops raclni; on the
:-va..r bay. The ?lui, therefore ban de
? 1 tO start .t? regatta la the afternoon
an i to offer prisas orsly for the more ac?
tive r.e Ing ' lam ?
Ths year "ti Craveoend Bay proiniass
Bctlvs. A ? new
u ? i- lag built and * ? ae craft w;li
. help tu" sport. Th? majority of
ths m S - reatlons at?- enrolled In the Ai
? ' lib, and as almoi ? a I ?>'
them are now in the tratar lbs opening
regatta ?nil be watched with great la
tcrest by ail followers of the r*port
\ nj ? i- ?-.- ? '? - are lere ?v ?-raft.
tin most popular division on the toare*
be The v.i.its are owned ),;?
il'U-.v J Stuart BUudttOO and I'eter \Y.
Commodore Biachtoa also is ths
owner of ?Tie of the v.,-w Oraveeend Bay
Illrds. The ethers belong to l?r. ?'. L. At
hlnsoa and ?Seh Mayhew, Al: these boats
?rill sail their maiden ra-es on Mcrr,.?rial
I ?q
l'.ii-in;: j ma the Atlantic facht i
will live two open regattas, .?ne will be
saUed >'ii June 7 and ti,.? ? on June
tt. As many more racee ?rill t.e he'd In
July, the first on July S and the other on
.i .'?. 12. The snm .i race areeb of the
.?luh ?rill be i.?id In August. Th.? series
win start on Augusl II and win continue
over a iguet --. the last day of the week
being given Over t-> a race for the famous ;
1 ? c. rpet ai Challeaga Trophy. The J
. ala? i-ivs aa opea r*egatta on satur
da . tugual 15.
The annual regatta Will be r-ail??d on
Labor Uay, Mondas. Bepteinber i. The
organisation ?rill offer prises for ait
clsasea of schooners, si..up.? and yawla
The atari ?trtll be mad? at u ?.?lock in
tiie morning, and ths boat.? will be sent
over cour.??m, The fosa *>*?iu end
with a regelte on Saturday, September 10.
Several special eupa will be up for sota?
petition during' raes week, Tas meat im?
portant irophj win be the Thompson Cup
tor ctaaa y boats. The Crssceal Athletic
.'luh also will hold Its annual serien for
th>? Sir Thomas Lipton .'up ?luring the
raee Week of the Sea ?'.ate club, In add;
tlon, there will be the usual series tro
pbiea for all elaaaea,
S.-ii.-s iH.-ltiK will start on Tuesday,
August 19, and will Uat over Thursday,
August M. In BddltiOB to the series tro
phlea for all of the laaiogiilsatl liasses, the
club artli Kiv.? a pri?e ea.h day t.? the
winner of each division. The .'.ally prizes
ate aa Innovation and should do much
toward makliiK the w.-ek popular. Tin?
reKatl.i commute?? this year Is ?arlos ?le
Zafra, chalmiiin; Krank P, .'unter and
Rudolph H. Weher.
The full proKiaiiime for the ae.i-on Is as
May 30, open regatta, Class M and be?
low: ?June 7. open regatta, .'lass M and
hatea ; ?June S\ Opea regatta, ?.'lass M
und below; ?July 5, upen regatta, Class M
aad below; "July 12, open regatta, t'l.iss M
and b.l.iw; "August K>, open r.'Katta, CtSetS
If and below. August l'J. ra>-e w.-ek for all
Blasses; Sugust U\ hmbi week f?r ail
??asses. August 11, rare Va e, k for all
eiiiMH.i?. Auguet tS, raee for 1 alMs tro
pby? September 1. annual regatta for all
eiasssa; "s?-ptember 13, open regatta, for
< 'lass M and below.
?To count on the chatnploiishlp of arav.senj
Many Blue Ribbon Dogs on
Show at Bide-a-Wee Bene?
fit in Orange.
Nixola Greeley Smith Makes
Appearance as Exhibitor
and Her Entries Score
It was; a galg da\- yesterday f,,r .?
liuligrels Which were for'uiat.? BOOBgl to
be Jtiorn in the Oranges an.l lnei.i-nt.r'v
tO have b, en illseove) e,| |,v *,?,v li*.nja.
min MoOuekla, for Mr- McGuekla ?s t?
proeldanl of the ??rar.?.-.? BMe-a?*g
cfety. ruder the aur*plees of t:,:s a-ggaj.
ztlon a dog show benefit wa.s beM tn th?
Orange IU6*iag ?Academj ai i t.,.? pro.
cecds are going to buy Shelter and due
biscuits for many a sad little canin?
Every one russwerod the call tor support
and champions came fr?.?t.'i ur at?J ne?r to
BWOll the entry list.
Robert Lobbau t-a.i r-n-o-, * ?,,,, C(lt.,..
p???n Kngllsti bulldog,
iiut fortunately for the other cont?
ta- was eatered for ap?etela ealy, rw
cours.-, he w??n the Preetdenl s imp*? u,r
the best dog in the ? r/a
I'lesident's cup t ? ?,f iheoppo.
.site sex w.iit to John I BIOTM]
Mrs. Andrew TV. l'or?!? col?.s w-??t?
th?. sensation of the i at thi
close of the e\h > 0f ot,f
aqua Kennels ??.un?i herself rfgttt
as famous as Mrs. Kord as. sha is 4J
Nixola Oreeley Bmlth it was the initial' of Mrs Pofd ai.?l h? r pro?
le?:'"- in the show ring, aid they
everything befors ;;- ?
Sample started In by Winning the ciV;*
for puppy dogs, and he bad only to Loeo*
hla colors to lira *u L. Andrusa's cham
plon s.iuthport Btamp, which took th?
winners' trophy. Chappaqua 8pel| war.
the fortunate ??ne in the
alon, and she abdicated In fa ?f i..
kennel mat??. Bouthport Spell, el
the final competltnu
In the brace class M-s. Ford*S Spell
and Samp!" Iia'l tl.?- honor of '
champion Southport Hut;,;?, whl .
shown with A?lre;i .',
With Iie.od'ita M I Bl ll of the run?
ning. Mrs. .lohn Harsen Rhoades'a Waa
Nugget had everything way ?n
the bulldog division Ha def? tted Mr*
"William T. Drew*a Drewdtona rike for
first honors.
Alredals terriers be a flyer
in the baby class. H? by Mrs.
William A. Phillips, who calls him Hing
ley Hriar. Briar Is by ?nela ??am
Brosna, and he is a credit to his dis?
tinguished par.r,;^. Mr* John Loya
Htiyier had Prankla and Magnua Hex u
in thla class. l'Ut they COUI ;
l.lg. handsome Briar, which wenl
from puppies to winii't - In the inches
xlasses th?- Vlllaroaa ? ?
represent?'?!, and tl I? f WOO ? Igh blSS8
to satisfy Oeorga :%i ^*
Huyler*s kennel Manager.
Mrs. We A. I'oII s aptendid little. Krener.
'?.?ulldog, Lucia- follow?,i up ?B
which the achieved at <
stiow, winning everything In * ?tit and
defeating Mr?. una ,t. ?VUeoa'a i/.i.u.-x
for the winner's tiophy.
John ?J. itat's swept everything aeseia
him |g the IrlBh bull ten1,
his Hiarney repr?Heia.?.
Tiare were two ap? *<i f?r
members only. The?? \?> ? the Andrei.
< ..ll;- cup and a gold wal
by the All.mai UefUgl
x ip was t,.r tti? best ? either
wart won by Mr? Ford
Sample The fob was f"i the et ol Um
opposite hex. and went to . ?? ?
The summaries follow:
.-t. Ii.-rnard? ?.winners, isga l'i ?i. ?- ^ts
?on ' - Dak?
...-?..: Ueaea ?wlnnors. - *?*?>. '?**?
???-A? N.l?. r..-..-r-.e. .
vua I? r,. ? -.? .
Ituaalan v.?ifh"un'l? >?? I --"' *"? K< nr.-i Here ? '?
i iwin:i. tc
F. ?roa der Heid? a 1!
I il?.i?!
?Obi?, H ,,_
Irish setters (wlni ??'->? *n
?? '?* Huylei s
Cocker ?.[..?riiei? iwlnti *??. ?"?."
Pet? l??aanr j?,i!> v
than t., ? . '
in;?ter Hmwii. V, : ?:.-; . - - . ?
Georg? Baker*? Oms II- ,,_,
!<.a?le? ?wir.ii.'^ a'X-1 ?r-' '.;! h'?1-']1';
Otto R - res?nra ?l0
? t tit M m:
Dachshun !? ?wii ? - ' ,
First, ?Ferdinand Klnk'i l* ??.ley. lese***
I?r?r.k Koenla * ! _.
collies lpU| l ?'?lrr* .**.
fur. h ' ,? , -. .. ?*'*'!?*
Lewao?'? Katu indrae r?*0'
n?|g ?tarira? ?.riotyp?. ,. ..?._.
('is?? (dos?) Pirat. Ai ' h? ..'??;?-'?? ? ?"?*
?,!?.n (su'ithjort ?>,ui " ;'* ?
I.o-Mitaka Irlle. third. W. IV Mil ? ?"?'?'-;?
VViimi-r? (dorai I .:-? M'? U i> An???.
Champion Bouthi . ? ? - ? _.
Winner? i I ' ? .m--'?** \
h'v ! - I I/O.err.i*??
genneta* Lowerno. ^ . ?
Uenaan and lielglai -? ,l,"s .,
dosa si I bitches) Pli ?:
Itrovvn I1.' :?-? -r. J F. I r-? ->?'??*?
l'ora 1.. ? l?-' ,
Krci.r, poodlea; tug. ni?t, a?
Buatanoby'i *-*!d?l? n ..
wi!i,.. i jo: n ii h i nsra i*
Nui.. >? mark l'ap
Chow-chow? i winner?; do??)?First. *>r.. w
viiic A, i i-l .'ii- Toebow. , k
I'a'.niHtiHiis ?.win ? :i:?t. 8- **
c"1*' TUu- , i-???.
Hulldoc? ,,?: en " ?' ,
V llllmti I ? .- . ? M''-..r?
II? Hani i. ? Branfo '?'? Ken?u-i*
beyardo, Jr.
Winner?, dogs First M " ""v
? .'? V. .-.? N |J*< ? . : Wlillsa ?'
Drew's I ?re-A.toiif I'lk? w,ni??r?, b"1*"*
l-'i'?t. William I? w ? -1 ??'*?
Air. ?tile t.rrler.. Wlnn? - -? ?'?*??? 5
W. a. Phllllpa' - Uli si? ? '? ,*:,. 1,,'x^ iiu? to,- i? ?- . a , ?K
ture, bl? !.. Flr?t, Mi.? Ann? u" Ir"vv*
Nlwrl Glad i? ; ,. .",??'. Mr? ; n l*t? "">
:? r ? VlllftrOM II!? , t.. u, ,..,..
Hull terrier??\l .- A"gs i'.r't, t;'n',?,
V. M. t?uckin'a G? el ?. T. B. < r?*.
Ileak. u Urnen, l lr*1' *^
Beatrl? ? M Sot?! lo'? Mttls r,
French bulldoa? Wtnn.,? w Ftr-t.'g;
Joli? Parker1? IVUt. re?erv. - ? ,,or*",
''??le.. \Mnno,?. *n?JLmti
Doll's Lacla: sseoad. Mr?. Uls P wlMfl
''"'"''' meat C
Boston terrier? (winner?, ?w. f1,rr-rl.
i.n?'....tine'? Constantino ? ' nil Ar.leB.
o.-rxe. Bdwsrd Folkea's Ui le De? Jf'.,
n^r? (bltCh??)- -l-,r?l. M:n J. O. \<t?'*lm
V'oorhiM l???,,,y ,4j,B
Irl.h terrier? m-lnn.r? .1oit.i-r.rfi.Ji/
il. i;i?'.-H--i Champion Diamej h??'?**?*? J^*,.
nera (I I tehee) Flr?t. John ?'. ?:??-** [J:*
Mj Belinda; r??erxe. John H.'? " D'
luv ?,?.<
s,-,,t;ish torrl.-r. ?wlnn.-r?: <t"S"'. ,*^<??
Mr? John I. Huylor? ciimr.i',"" V * T-uia
Klddler; re.seixo, m ;. John lluylers ?"J
r..K,i S.-..t,!e \V;nr..-i? ibltrheai ,??
iiu\i?-r'H Champion t.I'? i ??" ' , ?i???#?i
Wel.h torn.-i? muni..,-, ?l'iif "? h *+
-First. Il,.lm*.->.| Kennels' Holm*??'?^LJ-al
kl.l; reserve, Holmwood Kennel?' H?IB'
Vivien. . . ,
Dandle Iltnmonf? ?winner?; ""*'..,*?,
bltehe?) -Klr.t Mr?. 1? K I 'KyuZextttl*
J..i?ni.. Cope, reserve, ?am? own.r? ram
PantaleoM y?
Pom?ra?lana iwlnn.r? ?ix-?? -rlr,..- ?-n
M Koerlln? We,. M??er H-y ????tt.
(lilteho?,--F1r?t ??oliolla Floro? placa "?
I-:,i?'l?l, toy apanlel? ? ? ??' ' ??:?. ,* '**.' mm?
nn.1 tan) t-l i -t. Mrs .1 H.i.lKo's ???'"'.'?', ??
'hlrf. Winner?; d?'g? ,'Blenn?lmr?TV**
Ollx-lo Cedar'? Ceda- Ret??, ?? bl'>******
Japoataae ?iji?1?-I.s .xxlnn r? dor? ?n<J
-Fln,t. Sarah M. Leonhard'l ,)",*r-.n,, ???
1'el.lPKoso ?[?.nlol? (?*,-. ? ? .moat
bltrhe?)?First, Ulaa Msrths ?"?"
Woo m , v*
Torbahlr? t.-rHer? fwlnner?; ?*,?,,??!
bltrhe? F>r?' Mr? William '/''"',,
Teddy; re?erve, John Dal.?'? Myrld ?*Zm0l
Maltes- terrier* ?wlnnet?; ?!or? ?"''?' r^ir***
fir.t, Mrs NI..UI ? B?hy Boy [?? r
Marian !!ren?an.>'8 Abraham l.ltf"1"- tM(?i^ '
lUk.-k an.l tan terrier? ???iin.T?. -^
Fir?t. Mme i{,,o.> Carrano's RIP >*n
Daley; reierxe, ?aine uxxuer'a Uerby.