Newspaper Page Text
T?| CO. BER DUNNED POLICE FOR MONEY OWED Charge Accounts Permitted Un? limited Use of Yellow Cars bv Holders. TRAFFIC LAWS SHATTERED Chauffeurs of Concerns Less Liberal with Patronage Ar? rested. When Favored Ones Went Free. ? pany and ? . .. Da Vlvlei .ttorney, tend to el In tr-p1 the iptali to I ' ' IUI* n,,-- lii'h payment urns t the of chauffeurs arrested for ti ?S in the ? ? '?ore the p . ? loyed - vor.* ' ' ... rranl sending It to H upon ' ? ? ? . I ? . . ? r l.r from I * The i ; the arr>? I Hot coi I the Indepei % in the <! ? ? Txhi?->. the figures refei tr. thr number of "combli ation" chauf h;ij= not r? ??nt ? ? ter 1 ;?? ! Jury to-i "i report . ? tip??n by th?? miro-ity members of I mlttee In i tin :i'?n at n i ? rt \\ ill n ling for th? la ;in?l th? ? I fm??r ? ' ! ' retei il of ry. It will provld? ?Hi' and 40 renl - I i ? ? down by th? M . -? -. . .. . ? ?> thtn rtreet. .... . , ? ? ? . Mr. i n R Bwaii mpanj . has person all] ? toqui r***mn ght <"??' h in- has lato their con? Bfderatto. ? ? under could ? ' when th? ffleei the company i . Rlre?] t?. conduct the presen! tion they notlfl? theli couna? i I they TX'oUlil b? an**? .orn? '?all. The ti rer nnd darki I the eomr requ' ? this tlmi ng to ed that a I aaaploy? been to the Dla*r ' and the Dis? to furnish hin n lafonnatlon and facta rathei than su h ?tat. ? ? by a dis? ? MOVED TO GROUND FLOOR. ? ? ? om Bi of No uc Broads - ham 1 floor to 1 Boo* , of :?- ... ' new Bfnees ar? amoi Beeui ? ,1, in the downtown apltal and ?urpl i of the ' ? The eami ? Mai tagua str? ? S ? '.? Y .. k MORE ROBBERIES in nig pan *??-. \k THAN EVER BEFORE What are you going to do with your house this summer? lake chances, as you have done for years past, or have your house wired by the Holme* System o? Electric lYoticiion ? mu. i i xrr, srhaas ??? .???|i|iulie Bssh t>'Mtfl,i,..r p., r*u(.r*act, ?So naektaaa ?treat, .. g.m ASTOR HOST OF SENATORS Takes Committee on Yacht to West Point for Inspection Visit. .-..-,-.....-?. - ? Af ? - . Military J I West I making the trip ui> ? -, ? , olonel Townley and hi ? \'i?i and conducted ? r. - ? n of the M plai ? he riiiiiit..-t ? . ? . - etchei l ? - : . . and ded, Hi Astoi. Mr? Joseph i' Jo ? el and Mrs. B If. Hou i Mi. si West the Ast? nu- morning. ? ? n to VVesi Poll to-morrow, ? ? ;,,-. t- N '.\ '?? . ? BIRD WILL HELP SULZER Progressive Chairman Indorses Direct Primary Bill. .' i ? rl? : ' i. II. jr.. n asnized Pro) . Ihi p,*. Bird, chain * i thai ... i ? ? lutton - rould, and te of tin Mr 1 l th? ? Il nt ? ? ; in ely ? . ::i Bu? l, Una ?I ould For to ? ni would t ? ? ; ... FINERY SEIZED AT PIER : Customs Officials Hold Gowns and Gems of 'Frisco Woman. t tO l ' ?"!'! : . . - ... v. ho v . ? ? - er'B 8ti ? - . ? : Mr? Tit)rosan v. i., a theli . Th? 44-,-,.. n i art ? ? ? ' ? id be? I 'lltlK* ? - ? ?lut;. . ' ' ' the inl ? ? hi ? ras then ? the quest ? ? -:,.-r,l d. t-, ; LIGHTS GO OUT IN SUBWAY ?Traffic Tied Up 12 Minutes? Women Rescued with Ladders. 'i'i . ? - ., ? - aterl ? ich plsnt ? ortly lied up traffl In ? i;. ? ? .-.',, '?? the Harlem River. Liai . ? ... i?. . eral,!?- ai.un, Ai thS BrOSdWaj aod lion two pai -? fer elees the Btation and Btre? r?nt off. In ?'?t ;i liuiiilr.-ij mes . ? ? in tht-ir an ? ? mer fi ir ' I ra II til? e|.\ | ? ' flns.Il front the of the ' thi? mean? the *???"" ? i -.r") * : ? ched ass h? m up '? . ! minul -? HEARING FOR MORALS POLICE Mayor Will Listen to Argument Tues? day on Other Bills Also. eh? ?i 'inblir hear Itlll m Ml tie \.i . bills- p issed i" ' ? -? :aturr with tha ? <? pollc? sdi nun . ? ? . ; lern I Um -? Mi-, or of polie? uork ? ipectoi ? M . i i arln**a on ot*i-?r on ruesday, inciudim,' tha ***nes-*l8d ;; Mil ? *. . iayof tar control over public dsness tbrougti . ? ? ? MARTIN PARTNER SUSPENDED - I Cotton Finn Failed After Disappear? ance of President. Memphis. Ms) i" Tin board of direc? tors of the Memphis Cotton B?chants ordered th? auspenslea to-da* >,f \\ ill Phillips, Junior member of tha Marthv PhliUps cotton inn. wh.-ii failed after : - u !?? .ir .im ? Ol ll- prcui dent, Joseph W Ifsrtin, In Loadon .i a. Ely, Junior member of tii?- Leaser? , otton firm, a from the tana? '?* " ' ?"*?? * ' the nun a p .. . ,i TALENT FOR CONCERTS Ar? you entertaining? A lut of higb , dan singan, pianists, trios and quar i lets ?aiII be found on the musical part, Part IV, Page 8, of to-day's issu?. WINNERS DECLARED IN BABY CONTEST FINALS Two Boys and a Girl Carry Off Highest Honors in "Per? fection" Class. SEVEN IN CLOSE FINISH Committee s Medical Director Calls James Freeley. Leader in Two-Year-Old Division, Finest Infant in Show. It: awarding ?IS prizes t?> thrrr pet'o't D afternoon at the Le?os ? | ? ::??: >ve'-y i >? Oodn ? ? i: Plsek, medical dir. ;??? o' -i,. n. ? v..rK Milk Committee, who the I ? '- ? -'xx.,? ? -liai ii had i" tu Ilka a i .1 horse he d? clai ? eat tl t the ? ' of the ' ? fea days In the New York , Milk ' 'on teat ths! I ??? ;?? :"? . ? ? ,? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 'r. th? I s cmonl to ? I Ighl ? nld"' . ?? W ont ? : ? ? ! Dr. PI i ' ' ' ? :???' ; a a milk a! . ? ? ? ? ? i.;,\? re? e Bell hackei ?a ? . Id is. Arl r?r, said h? r ? ? ? , . . ? . ? ? ?. | ? amoked ; ? ? only ? f? w pointa. I ? ? ? l'i.-t ? The I n ? ? ?I . ? . - - . ? ?? ?x inn? r he W8 grunts. every son A? ? ?. warm? ??? r? ... .... ? ... ? ? ? * -i la fh and mterstste eei I? ??? n"ri fall t'nlvervli Bettl? nl eeterday were I Ifotl ' .. . old -? WANTS ONE LAW FOR ALL John Kirby Urges Veto of Bill Favoring Labor and Farmers. : Ident of the Nati ? ' : ' ?. bill prevent? fund lo pros? man act ? ? i . ? Mr K!'k dec Is n than hundred rommerclal nn?i h Isatloi ? ? ? ? .? ; Iple Of A 0*1 Trim? tit. law und ? fore." h< ' ' ? exe.-utlx.- ? I'.trtrr ? ? t I B with ..f Indivlduali who It. ' amend tha laa m sa t., . \. rapt labor .?' agiii i ? ,,...?. stkma from Ita ??r?.\ la m ? ??? t" modlf) it m a'- t- d? - ties thereui "ii ts w.???? then that. It da ?-.<'? ? . t the law, unmodified, ahail not b< ? ; and that whlli ? ? person w ho ? ? ?? ?'??.?' i Btraln trada ik ? i rlmlnsl, th? De? purin:? nl of Justli ? - f these erlmj il r..?t ill ' J. B. DUKE IN NEW FIELD Gets Interest in Liggett DrugCo. i ?May Start Tobacco War. Aanounc*ment waa made yeaterdaj ihn*, j Jamea B Duke preeldent of the ft? ? Amei lean Toba? oo l tompanj -it I I leal of tii?- ?Vmeiican Toba co Com* i, id iMughl ;i la rgi Int? n l In the j Liggett I ?rii? Company, which la do silled with th?- United Drug Company. In i onnectlon with tbta pui chsai u-.ii circulated that Mr. Duke will dm th?' Liggett eoncerr* ru aa opening wedge for competition with ths American I Toba? " ' ' ??' ; snj and ethei tohnei o ? ponies of this i ountry. A large part of th.- Btoeh of tbc !'r, ted Drug Company la th.- propert) of .?-ome -'..'*? n n t tii ? > -1 k i,., 11 r Um i i nltsd star? i Tin- f." t h.i.^ | - .?i tr,.- baa ' i. i ft otti that -Mr. Duke - |0 --?' the Ltggi tt coi , ,m. .-.-., . iv .- i of ulttmst? I ?. -t Ming Ih?- output Of the Hrltlsh-Arn, ,,,,,,, i',.!.;.i '. mpai t h- i ratall i amps ?n. SUNSHINE SOCIETY TO MEET.' Th?- i nlveraal ganahlns lactsty, Clarenea Burns, president will hold it? annual msetingand mncheoa at th? Hotel Manhattan, Madhma ?? ? and i.?J ? o? W sdnssds: Thi ... -- be? U bsgla Jt H a '" I the .. i,,. ,v ,,: > arkms bcanchss ..f wort dons Yit' i lut? ii. on tb-tr? ?aiii i?. .i muelcal programine, in watch Miks ? Bsshs I letorlne Hay? and Percy WatttflS wig '?'???' i",rt ?PpUca* f,,r ; nehsoa tickets aaaj be sont t.> lensrel sscrsWT' Hi? Jane Pleres. ,.??.? ],:,:, Tilb?* iMiidmg ??Vi*:; ;?? - ! This is the opportunity for which so many wait? the opportunity to buy at Aeolian Hall one of the high-grade, little-used pianos which have been ex? changed, by wealthy customers of the Aeolian Company for the PI AS OLA Piano. Great Spring Sale of Used Pianos at Aeolian Hall Beginning Monday Morning, May 12th Sales of Used Pianos at Aeolian Hall are different?radically different from second-hand piano Sides held elsewhere. Each year these events attract an unusual class of purchasers?music teachers, musicians and discriminating people who appreciate a saving in price, but would never consider a piano in which musical quality was sacrificed for mere cheapness. Many stylos of the PIANOLA Piano, such as the Steinway. Webet or .Steck Grand PIANOLA Piano*?, are magnificent an?! costly instrument**. The lu?mes to which they ?tro are homes of wealth and refinement, and the piano*? which they displace are splendid, high-grade makes in keeping with their surroundings. These are the pianos offered in thia Sale To call them ''used" pianos ?j actually misleading, as the majority of them are here h.-cause their owners could not use them and wanted in their place the PIANOLA Piano, the piano which everyone can play. We invito you to look n' the specimen values shown hero. Whatever may he your piano ueed, whether you desire a famous gran?! f??r your drawing-room, an upright for your children's nursery or a piano for your summer homo, you will find an instrument eminently suited for your purpose- an instrument with a name thai stands for quality and integrity?an instrument in beautiful condition which you may purchase at bul a part of its usual price. Specimen Piano Values GROUP 1 $30 to $175 Wissner Weser Bent Lauter Chase Milton Webster Jacob Burdettc Lohman ?\ to other reliable nos in cxccllen! con GROUP 2 $180 to $275 Krakauer Whcelock Gabler Stuyvesant Haines Mehlin Pease Hallet & Davis Sterling Estey and .r?7 other splondi?! instruments of standard makes. GROUP 3 $280 and Up Steinway Weber Steck Chickering Sohmer Knabe H. F. Miller Decker Hazelton Hardman and 62 other wonderful bargains in the world's best-known pianos. A Limited Number of Used Pianola Player-pianos at Great Reductions In addition to the pianos in this Sale, we have a number of genuine Pianolr* Player-pianoa which have boon exchanged for higher priced instruments and which we w ill s?'ll al pri?es far ?below their actual value. The introduction of the Grand PIANOLA Piano has brought to us a large number of PIANOLA Pianos in the upright model which have been exchanged for i lu-?.?- rosi lier instruments. \\ ?? quote herewith a few specimen values to be obtained in these famous Player-pianos. Every instrument which we offer is ?guaranteed. Every one is hi excellent condition and we advise all who are contemplating the immediate or futur.' purchase of a Player-piano to inspect these genuine PIANOLA Player pianos, ?recognized throughout the world as the standard instruments of their type. Manx- Player-pianos of other makes are also offered, together with ft number ..f exchanged PIANOLAS the most highly perfected, detachable piano-player. Specimen values indicate the exceptionally low prices. 25 Genuine Pianola Player-pianos. Used, from $310 Original Prices up to SI 150 19 Player-pianos of Other Makes, Original Pricet up to $750 from $270 w 27 Pianolas (the standard detachable piano player) from $125 Original Prices up to $450. Payments as low 01 $1.25 per week on pianos, or $2.00 per week on pla. rr pianos -smaller* probably, than most wjuld care to pay. They simply show that practically an;/ termi which suit your convenience may be arranged. If for any reason you <7 > not wish to harr the instrument you purchase delivered now, ur will hold it for later delivery. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY 77te Largest Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in the World 29-31-33 West 42nd St., Between 5th and 6th Aves. THE SURPRISER SURPRISED Man Who Took Family to See New Home Finds it Burned. Arlington N i Ma?, M Qsorge Plank ., Sam \ "? ?-. I? tied to faint e of ins ?"??? I, ! ?..? ? ?I ?111 till. j.Mv. htm -i ' ?"' th? pragnuium Mi ? Plank who Lti ? Htahemna avenu? told Mi adfi and his two r!ill?ir?'ii that if the. srouM ?:'? f'?r a ride in his aiit.itm.l'il. h> WOUM glVB thSSB a ?tirprlB?' lie h.i?! I n!t s BOW nouae In Kortll Arlinirtnii. f..r whi.-h It-- had paid ' 00 and h? lia.l kept the new home h Hi? Mir?- ami i-hildr??!! ?>esi;p?l him te tell II,? in what lie had in ?lure, hut ; Plank .>ni<. united in ease si ta th? si round? d a ew set si hTssi sj end Buns? be ssU .1 so? ? ? *-? 1 - ?rltk ilia ..',,1 f?m muta "< Frpen 1 oui m.ititii mil abut '...i 1 ru gres Bomsthina to maka you arise." Th?? ? eraplk d, inn ne ???itipi ??i.i 1'i.ttiK look -it th?- Bf*Ot where th?? luiuse had Bt.I than ho tno. opened his nii.tith and -.hut hi? eyes. Th?? home wiu? only a maaa Of ? ?harr?-?! enilieia. It h<id burned to the ?ground during the night DROWNSJN HELL GATE Sailor Falls from Yacht Viking, Belonging to G. F. Baker, Jr. Brainard Bray? s deckhand so the ynehl Vtkhag, batbngtns ??> ??"?>r?,i k Baker, Ji . vloe?presldenl of th*- Kirst n.i tlonal Bank and v|ce-commodot*e of the N.xx York Y a'ht Club, fell o\'erl.?.Hr?l aa ti,. veaael sras ??.???Mint; through HeU f*aaM yantsrdaj afternoon and was drowned. Boats were lower? d and for over two hours a ?learch for the body was made, but It was not recovered. I When aearoh was ahgndoned the yacht? \va? run bai Ix t., Urs ? landing Hti?i the a cident reported to tlu police Of th? bissl j.'?i street atstloi FREE EXHIBITION OF FLOWERS. \ froa exhibition of bowses and plants, under the auspices of ths Horticultural Beclati "i Mea rock, at tha Man fork Botanical Hardens wa Blrrdai aflernoon. Mon persans rlsited ths sa? Mbit, artatch ?mu i-.- opee le?daj fanas H a. m. until.? p m Aaaong th. ptrln *?>in ners arc T. A H.?v?.,n.>cr of Long Isl? and, and .?Ira S A. Consta'?!?*, of Ma maroneck. N. V. I?ouis C. Tiffany la one of the exhibitora