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REPUBLICANS M?T TO ?CAUCUS ON CONVENTION Party Reorganization Is the Avovvpd Purpose of Chi? cago Gathering. FORMAL SESSION MONDAY "Like Lord's Supper; All Who Believe May Partake," Says Cummins, of Progressives. . in- ?til. May 10. - RopUbll? an United States 8enal paru of H-?' country besan to sni*/? here to day a ta Um ai ? ?? ?t i,r0" motlng i' movemeni for a Republl?caii ? Dtlon Uii*? >? st "to rtj upon i'' ? linea ' 'i'i,. net e et irentsra as de seni'.'O by Senator Albert B. Cummins, of i,.44.,, aro ild i?' t" ? ''iiditions in tee part] so a to preeent ? lecurreooa of . ;it the last Rep?blica?* N"-i ? Oth? ? bscIm d hats ?io-day were tors ?'. I CrawfO?4, Of South I>a B, Kenyon. of Iowa, sad !.. Y. Sherman, of Illinois. Senators Will lain K. Borab, of Idaho; Asie J? t' of North Dakota, mi I John P. Works, of California, Senator Cummins said, were ?4 ? rrow, i".'Un r with former < lovernor iiadu y of Mm i "There win be reprsssotatlvo? from Massachusetts^ New Jerae>. Jlchlaan, Wisconsin si*d most of the Tdlddla West states," i d s, nator Cum "Our purpose is to talk over the ? molly and tbea have u Dg on Monday We are simply Re* i ' i I to .it the paity back .ve Ua? a Already Well Defined. "The movement for a Republican na? il cinvention this year has a., i. on ? pretty well d.fine?! it will be so ? \tta"i-i;: . but the I ?SUll of the last ? -'ne unusual ac? tion. The Republican ? ommit !'? will meet In Washington on May M We bop? before that tlms to discuss thor ; t to tb? com? mute? the for a national coa i "Dtion. "A national convention this year, of uld not hi nate say? i ody sad it would not be dominated by th? ambitlons of any one. It pimply Mould S? t together In a spirit of harmony and ? r the best interests of the party. Among th? thlnga It ,s proposed i" accomplish are. To change the hasis of representation ording to Rcpui.ii. an strength, end no1 ordlng to the accident of the repre s> ntations of states in Con| "To take OUI B li'eh Ignore? or primaries "To modify any other custom of the whi.h might interfer?' with the spirit in the Repub Benator Cummlna was aikeri if ai .,.? at tl ' ? on ?ntlon la ?? ? alg ?? - te tha Republii an and th? ? ties So auch attempt ?sill L?- mad.?." an? ? , i, .i tl it It a III i..* like all who bellev? may Of Republicans Only. i. ?-r-'s. Dtativ. of soy ". will pertlcipatc In our con ? hers Tills win be a conforeaea .1 Republicana only. Senator L?a Polletta Ith us. but I think he is in a say with our moven ? "i>'t m? say, too. that wa will tiava do about it. After o ir conferenca ??n Monday we will ? all the de ? As to how delegates might be ? i] to the cpaventlOl if *, ?specially in BtStSS Whl for pr'mari elections, Senntor Cummin? said t ,t ?ras i problem that would have to be solved later, Nelth? r had it be - aid, ?>'? ' ? r ?? nd s ?.. n th? tion might i.e | "Personall}," 1 I like Chi. but i don't csrt where It is held ao I'.iik hs it is w.thin tbe 11? lent i wise named'as receiver Will Carry On Government Con? tracts Held by A. B. Stannard. Henry A. Wl??-. ex-I'nlted States Dis? trict Attorney, has been appointed by Vnited States J?dee Mayer as receiver ' Uni ? :' Htannar.l. a government contractor. Mr. Wloa*s bond is placed at }:?'?" Ifr Btannard'a building and mn tra.-tlng offle?- is at No. ITM i:r..,'nl\s a?,. Mr Stannard who holds contracts with go**i rnmeni for Bovordl poetoAces and other ? i IMlfagS, filed B 1" tl tlon || *?*** ? ? da v, e Ith poi of $.?i:.4?',2 and prohahle assets of ?!?'.,..?<?.. juda? Mayer Invested Mr. Wise with authority to continue wrk ?,ti the postofflee ouil.llng? In pro,'? ss of . oastructloa at Oettysburgi Pean.; Ban see*, Mi ; Cordel? and Waycross. Qe . end oa th?? power ]>i<a>nt at tha Wetertown t Mas ? arsenal. Th? government's elalSBS OH unrom contracta aggregated ?i?ifH"?\ ?e ? ired by surety llanda Mr. Btaanard nN,, 1 SB government ?JOri tract.? for the erection of postofScee et Aihea, s ?-.. Mai,me, N. T.? ?'hanil.ersmirg, l'enn . and llaaWlsr \*. c . o federal bulldlas al Ba? in?-iito. <'al . and a custom boos? ta San lianelSCO. Itera vit?os tatei*eeta ore Involved In th? contracts nxe scattered all over the ? v Among tin m a>e slsht surety companies, Lane Bryant 25 West 38th St. Largest Manufacturing Retailer of Dresses, Suits, Coats, Waists FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Extensive showing this week ATTRACTIVE 5UHHER STYLES at very moderate prices Our models have a distinction <>i style entirely unlike ordi? nary ready-to-wear garments, and this superior advantage;? Every Carmen! Made t<? Measure, With Fittings, or Altered \\ ?thou, the Least Addition to Given Prices A LAROE ASSORTMENT OF MODELS IN LAR?E SIZES. Maternity Attire for all occasions AT SPECIAL PRICES, SO.ME (EX-) POLICEMEN'S LOT IS NOT A HAPPY ONE. Y'ou are YYeicmne tc the workus," said the warden, "one and all. 'T?a s pleasure, ea-lnspectors, this an tlclpated call Vi.ii will '?ml us stained Yvith so.l ?;f obligatory toil. S'i> 1 hope yett'll hang your dress suits ? n ths wall. "Friend Bweene?. la there anything you think that you can make Aalde from affidavits. Do you think ? that you fonid boko? You have iiiifidied lot.? nf dough; here's a chafa portfolio; J aasurs you thai my mouth Is Mxed for cake "And. Mtirtlia, \ou h.ue aided in tin? s', hames to ruis?? the dust; Jual try your hand at "?afdngbrooms <>r dragnets?, ?f yon must. i?r pnu lias digging holes for fixed posts and poles, or stairs f<r reaching 'higher up' or bUSt ? The lovely trade of cobbler ye' la clean and dipnlfle?!. Til never quite toe late t-> m?n?i La soldom non denied. You'll get no gn-nt attention Captain Thompson, or a pension, But you'll was In health an?t mount tii" i ? mil beside. "We need s nice? nent person f(,r n prison Bjhambennnld? A (nod mattress maaaeur, i think, and ? Ming, though unpnld. Fou could fus'? about and dual ?n.i absolve th< chains f r? ?tu rust? This, H u r temporary trade ' !.. \V. II. WANTS ZIEGLER MILLIONS Sister of Baking Powder Man's Heir Brings Action. ASKS HALF OF ESTATE Her Renunciation of Adoption Illegal, as She Was a Minor, Miss Brandt Asserts, Id isa Florence T. Brandt, a k:ii?i?r f4.trt.-n teachei of Davenport, Iowa, ii?ed B suit In the Supreme CoUtl 1*00? te**da* f"r ?? share of the estate of Will? iam Ziegler, baking powder manufact? urer.'who l? ft the bulk of hi? $14,000,* i*??) ?state to his adopted son, William Ziegler, who is a brother of the plain? | tiff. Miss Brandt's father waa Qeorge W. I Brandt, who was divorced from Ida I wife In Chicago Bhe Is twenty-eight i years old. The father was a mon of I very moderate clrcumatances when Mi [Ziegler, his wealthy half-btrother who had no children of his own, offered to adopt Miss Brandt and her brother, William, now William Ziegler. They were adopted In 1886. The two Brandi ?children lived In the home of the baking ; powder raanufai turer, bul subsequently ?Misa Brandi was persuaded by her I footer parants lo leave ths Ziegler hum?' and in 1802, with her signed ? t?t, tii?- adoption woa i acated? Hi r brother continued to ii?.e with -Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler. In tha proceeding which Miss Brandt has brought she alleges thai hei being for? ed out of the Ziegler i.mue was dus to th- hatred n-hlch Mrs. Ziegler bore hoi Miss Brandt makes the i<oint that was under age when shs Signed the papers annulling the adoption, and ? her mother, who Is nn.v Mrs. Hau?;, was not muds a party to ths ?jroreedliig. Miss Brandt f-ai'i thai ?n ii*?m? ur, lier made gifts to lus nieces and i,? ph. v.s. ,i!ki that securities valued at $28,000, wan placed in trust for hei, from whteh she was te receive the In? come. After the death of Mr. Ziegler ths so? Icurltlee were deposited la a hank in Davenport, and she was told she could I hgvs them II shs signed s release of all claims un the est?t? of Mr. ?Elogiar, i which her lawyer advised hei not to do. she aubeecjiiently obtained the soeur!? ties YY'lthout giving the release. She Bald Bhe delayed bringing the ac? tion to PQlSB|t her brother to reach his majority, when he would be ooanpeteol t> conalder the olalm against ths ? t?te She asks for her share of the f?ltate. Which BbS says is one-half of the residue and one-half of tin- incoSM that accumulated since the death "f Mr. ZI? gier. This income now amounts to $4,000,000. TALENT FOR CONCERTS. Are you entertaining? A list of high class singers, pianists, trios and quar tata will be found on the musical part, Part IV, Page 8, cf to-day's issue. EX-INSPECTORS DOFF ! BLUE: ION STRIPES I .ml in i.'il from flrol pm?. would reoull In theli reinstatement on the police force, with back pas snd penal? n pi h i', gas add? ?! The decision t.. i., gin immedl it? "ti their s? t;t? p. ? - v.i made \\ Ithout ?ny sori ? ?f promlos ?pressed or Im? plied from District Attorney Whitman.! i.nt it is und. rstood that th?- '.i. the four ' oni !? ''?I Insp? i load Mi' m thni aus atti mpl < nt?- ii;. in ut? the graft n?.- i ? m w inch atiii atand against ?- ; ? ? h ol I while Hi? v are actually in iinnon on ih?- cons] i? ? ? ? x lu tel y unprecedented While Mi' Whitman i at an? nounced ?in? d 'finite decii??m on I ? question ni further it- ? - .? ;?.ti ..? the Inspectors, It is i- ?i lack of ??. n* a ill not ?i? ?? i him ft?.m ? ?iii llng Sweeney to account on "i"- graft i Indictment. a ?CHINA APPRAISAL CHANGED iMcAdoo Meets Objections of Ambassador Jusserand. Waal || (ton m.' Il Te n-. i ? ? Jeetloni of Julea Juaserand ,the French a n i..... tad? ? ?w ?i- y i???? to-day tin.ijln.ii the Amerieaa plan >?; appsalslns . from Mmogi i i . am ? to pro*? Ido a sli?lit " '? ile of '.?'??- foi '?? ' . ' | " 1er si deeoratie The r.< vx plan haa Hie approval of the j Chins imp'.it-1 - ' Hon ol v. n I York, and toi to the Limogea Chamhei af Commerce ?n I th- French expm 1.?p LEGAL AID WON STEIN CASE. William ?tell* the boy wboea i i,y Cratn In Qeneral Beeeiona upon ? indltlon thsl he mska restitution at <)??? raie ?.f ti weekly, was a client "f tti?. I., gal ?.'?! B? ? i ThS loOgSl Y i >?? clety p'.tnth i.m ihm II tunk up itein' case a It hout pa) BEI FOR QUI?I AN ; JURY COULDN'T AGI Prosecutor Bent on Finding V Passaic County Men Who Will "Vote to Upheld Law." Pat. r ion, N. i , Ma P i ? teed with the i? trial of Pstrl? '?? ? . I '.????-? Bi ! v>a ?tiaii ase If we ;n Passa ? - said Pi the i ir ? ? ? th? .... ' l? The ???It pt) in I ? ? Ibe uaeles? te i ?? res If 1 out uni ? next Fe : I ? s hours ot II '? *."' ?n I'. f, t llundreda of al , ... , , " I . v ? ?. ; icqulti r . i , . ? but I'i 11 ?- f..m,. ? ,.f .1 , v.- Klensi ? Ion. "It's 1 11 i - i,., i i ? . submit.? -, ? ? ?..-,- far 1 be ?? ? tie-- v . n ? ? i ? I. W. W. or? ganizer, who I- under Indi 'inei t for "in. ? ? lit, berated the at Helvetia Hall ii.i? moi not volunt? aits --s ? ? i - ? ? i of I ? i i i ' Haywood ti ? the n i that Phi id? ; i ithls? '?'?'?? sanli to la? the ?< s of Ma or McBrlde'a In? 4. ii ? ttee. It waa ?!?? Id? ? .1 t,. pa v n? attention to ?1 tend? Il ? i ? . ?. ittoarl ,,f St t.I Sup. i Int. ?? Wiles The i W w. i tha Invitai ? m, k" In rumored ,..,. , ties "t i W H r-i" nti s ho , m th. ir child*, n to N? ?*? \ ork /\itKe?,SoM?Co FIFTH AVENUE, corner 39th Street (Fourth I-loor) FRENCH LINGERIE On Monday and Tuesday. May 12th and 13th Fine Hand-made I ndcrwear may be purchased considerably below the prices at which such goods are usually sold. White Skirts With or without ruffles .From 4.?SO Night (?owns With fin?; hand embroidery Drawers Princess Slips Fine hand embroidery. Corset Covers Chemises 4.-50 4.50 9.50 2.75 1.00 Attention is directed to the new "Aitken Corset" which comfortably conforms the figure to meet the requirements of the present fashion. Infants' Long and Short Dresses and Skirts Hand-made and trimmed with real lace .4.50? 5,/5 Children's Linen and Gingham Dresses 4 to 12 years.From 7.50 Misses' Summer Dresses, Evening Gowns, Coats and Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices. i ROCKLAND JOLK[IN UNE ! Natives of upstate County Give First Dinner at the Astor. Rorkland County folk have fallen into j line with elty dwellers from other coun? ties and last night they gave their first dinner at the Hot?! Astor. Hereafter the ; Roekhind County Society dinner will be i an annual affair About a hundred men i and women from the uprlver county con tributed to make the Initial effort a suc ? M !?'. R. Wood, president of the new 80 '"I ty, was toaHtiiiHfter, and Introduced the following apeakera; Justice To-n-,??, John C. Heyn, David M. Neuberrtr Oiu H. Cutler and John H Boll, former'^ of the Fnlted States Secret Service ru trict of New York Among those present were M'.m ii Whltford, Mi?? C. Whttford, TV HOUOS, Ha? i y K. Grant, C. s m. Hi*. Krank Fowler. J. Y\'. Dolson. H. l Con rad, H. A. Dixon. II, M. Purdy, j ? Fowler. G. B. Buchanan, Robert Blair Martin K. Drlscoll. Beg?!? Hayrifs Charles Campbell, George M. rlgyaaa. Beulah Campbell, a. ,i. ?'onkiin, wMfaa H ?arpenter, Balph Nellson, B. T. All! son, IV N. Wood, Walter I!. Richter, Wj C. Hamilton, D. F. I'eBaun and D ** Lake. ?HICKSON? To-Morrow and Following Dtyi Semi-?nnual Sale Model GOWNS TAILORED FROCKS HATS At Greatly Reduced Prices Fifth Avenue at 52d Street i = "Everybody's Going to THE BIG STORE"^ Our 10th tij*tf Green Trading Stamp Anniversary Begins Its Second Successful Week Tomorrow?Exceptional Bar? gains Throughout Our Two Immense Buildings. MAIN BUILDING Our Cut Flower Special 25c Bunches of <???vn/-.*-\*-?v*\ ?/-V-V-? SWEET PEAS Freshly picked! pink, white and lav? ender; large double bunches tomorrow, 9c ?Main V nor, M \!\ Building ?GREENHUT BUILDING Refrigerators Under Price Lift-Cover, Apartment-House and Side-Icer Styles. Absolutely The Newest Designs At Prices You Cannot Match Anywhere Else. Furthermore, when you buy a refrigerator .it The Big Store, yon arc Mf?cgusrd?td, foe israntee accomplies every purchase, and it matter*? not how little you spend ! he detail of ;i few of tomorrow's specials is printed here: Apartment- - House Refrigerators ? 50 lined provision ? hamber; at.... % Hi Lift - Cover Refrigerators 19 9 inchea high; ice capacity ***? about 40 lb? : whit?* enamel $6.50 ?Lift - Cover Refrigerators - 4.< inchea high : ice capacity about M lbs ; JQ C/\ Apartment - House Refrigera? tors with ice chamber <i"..r m front; 50 inchea high; capacity about $1?A V '? lbs ; l4t Apartment - House Refrigera? tors 50 inches high; whit. aniel lined pi oi ??ion chamber; ice t ''i Iba it . ?11 ? high- ice capacity about 70 lbs.; $1A CA Apartment-House Refrigerators?5J inches liigh: ice capacity about 95 lbs.; white enamel lineil provision chamber; at Side - leer Refrigerators ? 42 inches high; white en? amel lined provision chamber; large bottom d? "i. ice i ap icity SIC about 70 lbs.; st lo Side - leer Refrigerators - 44 inches high; white enamel - lined pru*. isi m ?.hamber; ice capacjty II 85 lbs.; at... ?17.50 IHKKMII T )l i:: !li e Main Klnor ***" ?GREENHUT BUILDING At Sacrifice Oil Paintings Al^ Sizeol Can 9x12 in? 16x20 in, 12x2*1 im 12x18 im 12x24 im 16x24 ine 20x30 in. The I2a24 choii ?? c< \.i-? -. va \ an hr? he - he - he lies, hea he? $1.95 5.95 5.95 10.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 'he 9x12 inch paintings ai e n deep ?ut and gold-burnished frames, handsomely orna? mented; value $4 at . ?1.95 inch paintings of can "30: -.i ***? he 16x20 and the 12x24 inch paintings are framed in extra h a n ?1 - " m <* f*"l<l - burnished are s frames, with dear-nil orna a\\*% ment?; fulli bur- ?r Q? *i? nished; value$12; al D. JZ) _______ r)B?BNHl*T Buliaiofl i Ira I _ -GREENHUT BUILDING The l2xlS-inch ? ? artistic frame?. | ?? .in.) shadow ?box; every painting imported; ->i The I6x24-inch paintings s very choice; vahte f?4; at .'. The 20x30 inch painting \er\ handsome; value only l". to - morrow, . . ______--_^^^^^H are in *10 : ? ilaa ? irs 135? -?20 Summer Furniture r"JStf?s!r In addition t?> the special offerings itemiied below, we ask you to bear ?n mind thai? Nowhere Else in New York, Price for Price, Can You Do Better Than in Our Greenhut Building when it comes to buying PORCH AND LIVING-ROOIM FURNITURE in all the latest finishes and designs; REED St ?TES in natural, baronial brown, "hi ivory. white enamel, Pullman pjreen, French gray and variegated green; CREX PURNITUR?i RUSTIC and OLD HICKORY FURNITURE, red. green and natural finishes; PORCH CHAIRS, SETTEES and ROCKERS, SWINGS, TABLES, etc. A Few of the Many Specials for Tomorrow: ai Serviceable. Substantial Porch Rocker? as illu lrated; made in the natural finish, with double woven eane seata; no mail or C. O. D. /IC^ orders filled; to-morrow, al. ODC $1 Brace-Arm Cane-Seat Chairs?suitable ?Di^ t'eir ?bim-.? io.itns nr bedrooms; at. Ov/C? $4 Golden Oak Washstands -with one drawer and i ase; Special splasher back; ?J'") ^?T $7.50 Fumed Oak Rockers ? Spring seat ev? en-.I in Spanish $C LZ(\ leatherette; at... O.DU $4 Large Roll Edge Reed Rockers very comfortable; finished in natural J'*") "7C ? dur; at. ?? e Z) $7 White Enamel Bedstead and OsjlBt 'Consisting of white enamel bedstead In s?iikI?' ?i/e, with WOVen une -teel frame spring and Rood SOfl - top $C OC mattress; complete 0.??-?3 .??..?.?vin- i? BulMlnir. S $7.50 Golden Oak Fin? ished Extension Ta? bles - - 40 x 28-inch tups when closed; 5-tt. extension; suit? able for cottages; $ at 4.95 i $8.75 Golden Oak Dressers top 20x36 inches: three draw? ers ; <i o o d sired PrenCn plate mir? ror; neat design; well made atu1 ,m- $^7-> fc' ' idled: at. ?U.f *J i N u $6 Golden Oak Chif? foniers- -with neatly carved gal? lery o n $_f CA top; at... Bee-rV ?ond anil Third Fl.mra _? >J Please see our large advertisements In today's WORLD, today's A.^RRICAN and todays HERALD for details of many other important sales for tomorrow. The Big ?Store GffiENfflJT-S A City in Itself ELC00PERG. Sixth Avsjivu? d. B.GREENHUT, Prassk. IflEtO If 3tr?U J Doubts s%&C Gr9tn Tradim* Slan\ps Before 12 ?'Clock-Singlo Stamps Thereafter