Newspaper Page Text
SOCIETY. MUSIC, THEATRES, FASHIONS Mem-^??t?i jr?? i!* A 4. l Uribtme SOCIETY, MUSIC, THEATRES, FASHIONS PART IV. TWELVE PACES. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, MAY 11, L913. PART IV TWELVE PAGES. A HALF CENTURY OF MONTE CARLO UNDER THE BLANC DYNASTY Festivities in Gambler Ridden Monaco Celebrate Tiny Land s Shame. ? ? ? i. : ? ? ? -. I ' ' ? - ? . t.i ? ? ? ?I a in .1 ?: |h. . I on e ? I ' ... i ? - ? - - i 4.4 ., - - ' ALLIED TO ROYALTY. '?; - - ' t th< : ' ' - . to lb. | 1 . ? ? Rol .... I - Kins ''!h1 *-?" ' en or O ? - - ? - || Dqwbj .? if De i ? roud j ? ' ' ? n? il i . iJdlni of ti i ? ? , - Mo AN UNSAVORY NAME. ? i nrlghboi <M .\ . . i- in - ? -H" ? of ;;. Iginal i . ed to . hi ..i Bord? aux. i?ii on b> : th? ?:, .,,, ,,f i - brother, I " ' . ? ;,l ;?t ? T"IJ*>-. .,, ,,n , _ . ..???.n by in ibrrii the op. ' I res to trsnatnil - ? ? *'?*' -4 - - ?it" ' ? f"'* ? nc? to the other b ? of buse f ........ 'i ""?? ? ? i,.-., that I i ??hange? , ? ? ,,. . Mann ? I Boi - <l*aux were k-1 ? th the Bi of '*-: - abse.liier | aMana ,,' 1 ,;,. ?:"n couli of an err Th >?I"'',? ? ota and '?? i)., ringt? ,'"1 ? liebre, : which arc ?till on Ble. Th. . '? il of "" ' ? l of Riving th? artet r signa i, an i tl ? two B ?? roth- . ira ?a. Bllt 9% i apl *.i - '?'*'" ? ""?? "? to a term ol penal ?ervl? tine, in -**4t< "f ? - '?,l? ' n tO tii? ! of ihe da ? id '.. i? n- j ? ? ?! ti ? laai fort) or \ broth? i - ? rde. THE BLANCS IN HOMBURG. ) ' s*M.ol Bian * hen ti eco ? "?*?"*?** ?"i*1 found the atrnosph? ~Uv* '*nd ui betook himself I *'"' hi to Homburg ', '" ? lined from ' ' "'*?' ilng Le dgra ? | ? i n,. ? i..?. to j ???? a public gambling houa.. Th? n h? ! I , l ** It* tO I Calls? 'hat ' III? T.......I. -, .. i ?-??> n ? ...i i-t; m | ea li/.i i nat ; ?J """" '?? ? ? whoi., ami ! ?* "- ? is of ?J " -ii. n SS P and unit.m. *** ' ?! to tin- . .!"" ''f - m. nta ' po i isc? thai II,. i- aaliii 1, j ???i ?'? ?i ti,. populat -. titiment '.f .?nie?! i.i . - und mor? i?t.,t-i Kltidltts :n ??? M?j . . i ... ?i ,.r ms lient . p ? :, X . ? ? : '. .. . . . ? .. - . : ? ; ?x-.. ???1 ? ? | . .; g? Bul ....... , ? . ? ? ? - IC ? >f had i ' .? i ... - i n? . ? ? ordinal "TO 11 Ti??.; .. IM a -??III. ,. lug foi ? ? ,. his left and - 1 h ? - na oppon? ? ? ?i iii. Ir n d lu ? ,. I . . ? ? . ? i ? tnc. \ Ife | T ? . - ind Ui n ? t In t he n a . ; ??!"??? K r ?M HI H lili . ni. i ? ?i I i-. m? ni ? ?? ? . .n al ? I h.??. lor Aime. ? ? I fia ? ih< - ? ??? of I - 01 ... midnight ? hlllis? Il ?? ? " Hill, ... ii no . ?n ?i ? ? .;,..i ? ? ? ? -, ? ? ?? on? "i ? ' . ? .. ? , i)l f.. ir w? ? ' liarle B? ? ? H ' ?,'nt.i. ? ' .... H ? " l ? , ? . ! ! l I 77? ' . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? the Ora it ?r &:*s^tf&L.\X??)i ?-*- ?... . ??.? Provide for Summer Days At BloomingdaleS' The complete stocks, prompt service and 40 years' experience of Rloomingdales' is at the command of New York's busy housckerpeis in their preparations for summer Everything required for summer comfort, indoor and out,loor, in tent. cot, bungalow, country manse or city home, is here, priced with the modera? tion which is inseparable from the policy of the house. ? ?*<?'? i*, vi . ? - w , ? ? i ?*. yj% ^-??* ;.-? i . Summer Furniture: >?i u ill'iw , rrcl id Rockers The i - pleasing. In . ? plinl Cha'r oi prie? '., ...<?? Willow Rockers and Chairs. $3.75 to $15.00. Heed Rockers and Chair;. ? Si.85 to $14.75. Splint Porch Rockers and Chairs. 75c to $3.25. Refrigerators : Alaska, Sitka, Star and Froal King. I our makes thai are being nsed daily m thousands ol homes. A ? assortment of sizes, both in furniture l?nished hard ??? "'"1 .'?"'I handsome.] nickel mounted pure white Opalite glass, at prices , : $5.98- $115.00 For the Garden: 1.. ? '??'ti tools -.i nil descriplions liants, ?hrubs, trees and bed in*? plant**- m fact, <??. erj thing for the gard? n. "Lexington." "Pla/a" and "Bloom ingdale" Lawn Mowers, plain and ball bearing rapid, smooth, cas) running, noiseless, close ??utt<;-. thai we guarantee in every way; nil sizes up t?. 18 inch. At prices $1.98' $9.34 Oil and Gas Lamps : oil, ? i- am! Grass Rugs: Gras Ru? , Ru Rug . ., .ill'?. Cotton Rug , Chin.*i Matting i ml chandeliers, in arc only, a few of the floor covei I eludit rork lam;?. in-, h? re VV< will fu n an) ol ou ? lectt ieitj .,! .i Extra Quality American Prairie Grass Rues Plain and white Jg f ncil? d ?bord? i in? lud? n?-,\ ? -i i fi?-, ; -, fr< mi I > Z0 . t l'i a '/ 12. .it $8.50 Beginning To-morrow and continuing throughoul t], we ?rill hold oui Summer Sale of Toilet Goods ? rdicines, drug-. ?lyidric-. ? tc. !' rrything i- ? I . !?? 15 I" ,Kl pci . ? n ? I.? :,, ? reculai price ai ?$3.75, $4.50. 55.98. $7.98 and $9.98 China Dinner Sets : Imported Ciuna Dinner Sets up to $150 per set. nil 'me of ? n. China, Cm ? laii) ap countrj cotti ?fes, . English Porcelain, op? n, UXi : ?? Indian tree and ??'?I b decoration . , $25 Framed Pictures: i ? ? , ; i !. j, i r, ' ? ? i ! ' ' ? at? 111 ? ? uiiiiii? r ? ? Ice Cream Freezers: The "White Mountain" and the "Gem." Strong!) n ,. r ? i cam mal ei - thai pr? ?? ? i. -ni??"! Ii. deli cream or bit I Is of i hem quickl) and ai ., ? onsid? rabl? -. .moi ?Vric! *** \A- t\n Ao ? Hand-Painted PatteU, ramed in ranging from ???*" ?P?'.*to and (?old bur? nished .?weep frame* a varied col Our Trunk and Bag Department? lection of choi? ts to announce, then- readme?? to mcel , choose from. Regularly your even reqoiremcnl \ $3.25 pecial a1 ., , $2.25 Our Dry Cold Storage 1 ? ?? : ?, g i ii? n 11 .. : reel ", "? ... i i ,,, ? ? rhsrfl ai? X i I \ lo*. ANSFrR TO Lcxiniton to 3d Avenue*-*' 59thto60thSt. N.Y We Make Free Summer Deliveries !.. . , . . .x |.? ? ^? /?td <S?Ps>- ?' . ? ? ? : ?-. the l'a ti? J? Fou/ea/er* of ?tee yKu/ttty I - - ? . Mon* ? lilni t.. dlnnei ? - ? rate th? kl i? ??-?:,.. ni ?m ? ? ,.| tla. ? I |. M - -a Kdin<?n<l - ? ? ? ' ? . I .. ? 'mil ? ? ? ? ' How the Blancs, Noted and Notorious F ather and Son, Absorb? ed Millions. membei o adi found 10 upon fa*di .. ,i rea ted i - I ?? - * Fran? ? hostil? Ism ? ti.?t a parti? man tars? eommisa appointed to In? v nil ti.?- re?uli thai I hi ao??.. of Honl ?i tia thai - ighl ?bo ? - .-i ... maki >? -?? i ? i. i.. i\.??-n iIi>-iii ;.?? the nil. in-- i - ? ? and iii...H' mi en I i i.-.-? Henri R , ?ion - well kno* lull -.III. Ill? - 1 Bla ii ing . -...i,:.. ,| ., ;. ? , ii | .. ... , th? ? .'t^.iiii^t i im. , hai %et ? nil t, '. .I to - ? r.i 1 ,i i tempi - u in' I) i. ? public, i digna nt at i 11 \ ? . . ? GUILTY OF CORRUPTION. Il i- n--' niil\ ni i.?. ing ma! t?-- - '" lh# . .:.iiii?,tiii i.i i i Rome '?n ??? r ? -?t n.. i??-?. me n i i Basa, i '.?-??? ?. lion ,, ld?t?**J bj ? ????iiia1 I.- u - ? "i ..'i.n . . ? ' !.. l i-onn? tlo ? ? t dur? . . ?ere allow? il d ? ? ?? d Kin - n : ' - a- born Ii . . 4 , I - -.' i . ? ' ' . ? i'ot? ? left t-i In-' <i\\ i ? ( ? ? ? i-. Thomas thai i :'.i m- n. ? 111 : BROOKLYN ?DV F.RTISLMENT? [ BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENTS RROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENTS KROOKL. N. 17 Minutes Grand Central to A. & S. Subway Station, Hoyt St. Annual Sale of Fine Shoes For Men, Women and Children TINS ?S , SAI,F OF SITU SUNfMKR.SIIORS as onl\ a stock like ours can produce in sucH assortment, lei al??nc lite extraordin?r?, underpririii*r. Kach group is in itsell worth ?'i trip to th'? r These arc noi in an*? sense cheap Shoes, made t?? sell cheaply. The*, are the splendid, durable, wearable, stylish. madc-for-strenuotis wear Shoes thai ha 1 ade this Shoe ?li?.i> :h<* rentre i>l the business in Brooklyn Bui just ;it the opening; of the Siinitiier season each year tve ?jivi this op|K>rtunity lu you to stock up for ihe sojourn in the couiitn walking Shoes, di Shoes for women acation sli"< - for girls .in ? 1 stttrd*. Shoes formen : low prices, Be the big crowd arrives. Kxtra attendants will he provided. Women's $.150 In $5.0J Low Shoes, $1.98 Women's $0.0 J White Buck Colonials, $3.35 liundrrd p'tii i own ?tin*I in ? irions , (?enuin? white bucl olonial model, p? - and leather? Size? are broken, bul the aggi i loles and the ne? Spanish Louis be. Women's $d.OO and ?$7.00 Black Buck Ui N omen's $3.00 Oxfords, $1.98 ?*??? W -I v I? \\ M 11 -il. - ?. i ?glu tin n ?ni. -, < 'il?.ni heels Sil r rlths. forepart, light ' in:, k ?kin 'n pump, ' "'? -i. al and Children's $2.00 t? ?sLOO Low Shnes. UNc Women's $4.00 White Nl Buck Pumps. $2."S . : ':,";:T,?;?;l;l *?% Riblx.n h - .--"I .titeli i hro rn ircl clearance i ',64. i uban lied I'-? ??: v..!-!. - -n th? nai roa w ?dth*. Women's $-,.00 ;ind $5.11 Oxfords, $2.48 Girls' Hi) Ankle Strap Pumps, $1.08 i ii iii ? , i ? i ti i.i Russia and patent leather a til I. n lvu--i.i and h .ick -n.-. ? I.i!. lu r n , ,, , ... . , , , _ , ..,,.,, ' Itoil .it"l ?nun?-.! sok's, l-iu broad licels Size? and ?titched su l i . s Women's $4.0J and $5.00 Oxfords, $2.05 Men's $3.50 and ?4.00 Low Shoes, $1.98 ? | :. ,- - -. Muni! 4<m pair** from otir own ?lock in .n?I two ryelet with ?hori wing j leather.? i nge is somewhat broken - Ij irimmed welted *sol< . * uban hecb I rlj choosi B M-n'i 350 Women's Tailored Serge Suits at $15 Values From $22.50 to $32.50 ONI OF mE BESTOFFI RSOFTHr SI ?SON, cveii including our own wonderful ?alues thai h.i* lir,.de ilii- ilir centr? of the apparel business this Spring Ever) woman muti have ,t !r.i-i "tie ^??rcr Suit for miner and earl} Fall. Tney are moil serviceable. These >re made ol navj blue and I?1 .i?" i? serges, most popular ol all. There are .?1-.. black and white ihep? herd check.* verj atylish, and iweeds, Bedford cord? and poplin, in a number of tli>- most favored models of the season, including the new, clever, cutawa) ityl Vil -1 es from 32 to 44 busi measure. A Clearance Sale of Suits S32.5U i" s.;"7- dressj and tailored Suit** in oui regular stock reduced to $19.75. $24.75. $29.75 imJ $32.50. None C O 11 or on appro* al Great Assortment of Washable Separate Skirts at $1.10, $\.S(), 51.98 Up to $9.95