Newspaper Page Text
THE PROGRESS OF AMERICAN ART INDUSTRIES IN LATE YEARS It Could Be Greatly Facilitated by the Be? stowal Upon Native Talent of a Reasonable Portion of the Patronage Now Given Foreign Craftsmen. ThB. . '.. ni i ? ? h undergo! , rR ?roent. here, und? nit "'"' .h? i , n ??us'.? a,ul ,,? lonal ? offer?, Id? ent and en belliahmem . parti? ulai lj ih? ?v .,. alik? for Inlei i?, s and exi ,,. | ?-. I? ,i ?.? an ? ? K : ie 1 rial this ? i r . ? ? lly, to 1 at. . ..f i m h citizens, thioii .v,?.,. . : buttona m the w tings and "i1' ;, "lliT ; tit ? -: ? public l,;?s li ? . tlj to H.Meet n ?r. ???!,I'll, I ? , : y sea ? - .m.i ?t h f\ travel, ti tr?veme ' ?o hi g? my yes e been e ? ? - ? A I \\.- he? ? ? ? ???? \inerii e expended a bal ? ? mal ? \ . ha*. ?? paid ou! th< in this . Mint i ? ?.. hi, th? aol? claim u< g ? '??] " h< ? ?.I ,.. upbuild \in> ? in.i? i g dlsint? ? ? ? tills . ? The ? : ?i t'isiiiMi . . nnot I ? ? . ? ige I ? j ... . _ ? ell ? -. ? h t., i. ? ? ? ? ? :? owe the! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - Ton ? ? XX 111? ? i -, ind thai h? ? - ;ili illusll.? -i des ?.? ..i i.j . the -m .. - xx.. i k ? Wit,, t h? Immen ? luded an? an, who itandi I lj alon? ..tiojl .( ?" i in- article in n hi. h the Ani'-i I ? ? - ?. the foremost i.l? h i he . . ?s s ? ??: still ?? ? . u lu. i, theii ..... |-/,ed ?' '? :ll j.? rent . on? .?? 'i ... ? I e re st i m ? .. : ? Industrie* ^*****m. - , 1.1. STAINED GLASS. re that this wi and that - imt Greek? ami ' ' I it to tato | and pre -i ? ??. tal ha? ?? been tn Dis ear and 8t Chi i i to otalm d, ? "i ? the Aral the coloi ? ? ?piled with ? burnt in march westward bo-nlda. then to B lanthl im, to I eventui to Frai ? st oocui a! Bt OS, ? ? ".lohn i.i i ... ? ?< ng til?- ? olon i in i"t'? ?? b? torlatlng an?! flatten e still '.ft i o gol , ? : graduated obadeo . painting on tiir- giaaa . ,?? ? purity nu?! Militan '. or th? ? th. .?m. time ,,,.i aaeriiletng - it :.n?) ahad. h w ?n/. .-.i, ? gpt n thinks ??< i work bar? ihnn abroad "Ir ?>l tlx'ir st;?m i- l;?;<! OB b wliilr oui Rlas.s is stained iking, We can got," bo oaya, ? fif i x? mi ti,?- Btalm <i ":f without th?? aid of painting, "?i wo bav? mor? and mor? beautiful thai Mi Joaeph Joffaraon ?.ut.i a.-t botter -'? " ...ii Majne?? ? aaa oeiocl 1 ' ??'?.. . ? chang . ??. th? ? ?'?,l- cd i" ..ii.i? And ha a,?j'i?>: i l the i olor? In a plati are li regular. ? the aitir-' ...n ael<ed from the ato. k rack .rs, - in..i-1 and lint? of ??-? ei ? de* ? ? "While ..m glass la ? heaper and bsttei li an i', foreign, this is due, MM I.? ?ny gresl sdvantsg? In material, bul to the difference In manufacturing method? ? odi Into which lh? Imported crafts? i h efl> ? mplo; - -I here, ha\e ' STAINED '?I.ass MAKKRfl ; Some thirty-seven yt <? - ago l?o I? Tif* I fany financed the pioneei Btsiaed - ? 01 h ??! Allies lea m undertakii Loul? Heldt, .? French Alsatian Later, when Ait. Tlffan) aoughi to confine the output r?f the worka to his own establish? ment the connection ended. Then, through the winning ol t^\.> ?.Vi tnedsl' in competition ? Ith the ?..i Id'? i est, ;-i til-- Paris ?Sxposition ?1 -*?**!'. tu?- faro? of the woi Us ? ead abi oad Mr ll? Idt -???? ift? took in? s.-n John ??? partnership, und? the nsme snd 1 .\ ?Son Poui yean ? - ii,-nit died i he so [?i<? tni<?. John IB. H< Work*, until iii.? d< ? m i ?>??"-. .?in.c when li haa been admlnts : i v in> ? idos ' - ? 4- ulrli snd ".*? ?Chsrle? a Wem s? managet, a?- the , Kstat? "' lohi B II? Idl Mi - Heidi ? i ?on. . Louis, ilk?- hers? f her 1 ihsnd it h. . nakei 'I .- li- M! IS 1 !. Ml w.n/ w. lohn H H? r twelv. - . ? i. to hi? nufat'1 a ; the work? r< recognis? d tl ..*- th? ?1 i lln? Thai l? i. putation i q >! well ' ? evident.*? ? ? ? ? - - m ? ord? prod ? a? lapa i South i i Africa ?<mi outlyinj well a? fron itati ? ?? - .. tinent ? It : ? ? ., th.- n .i- ..i tt,---. m. ,, ? Al> - , KIbbin ?nd w h te atieeti B ? ?? . . . one o - ? -, ? ? ? ? ?wlft, concent ted m. m ?.ii the pai I ol defl ? i <? I tarnen Tu- itllj place . .. gold? begina t.. ?., . . ml. - ?.I her? ray? i n lu 'ni ;-' i.-.isi ?i??.*"?? worth b ? and ir? held to the light foi -? iiisp. ction "aunris. ? ' - iuro? i i,i ?. bt ?-ni-, ?.n ?m? V ? laloi . .n ol . oloi and .ill else thai i the 11.m.- Ih-i -? | ? ? ' ' ? ?*-?'.*?? of grass, . loud racka . nd mill m ,it. i ? end foaming, and tit. of 0 ? ' ? ? bound ' "-i- i It :? s;.iii. nearly. te. tall ti>?- ! oi 'am wlndowa "f opalea enl .I . ? . i. oducl The Woolwoi th \ ? -i a ,i ii much ol H ihapi of m 11 ? ? th? I? adlng ' "ii' erna I ?uch a?- Gotham ,, nd th? i ?? ori : stain?-i <;:. - i ompanj . . ? i- nee the flint ? hi opal roda i'hich, alt hough a< ? present the) -, ? ? m ?) mainl ro? tos el ! rod?, offei mora particular!) the "opal" Itiea In thi ?'?.it.I dwellings, In ?tore llxtura work, In yscht fumii | - ' land rail a foi un? Ik? ''? ? European, th?ae .ii mad? ol ?'int giaa.-? 'i with a laj.'i i bettei opal and at?- nun.- lubstan? ! ti.,' a? well ,i- prettier, than theli ro? etgn rival, whicli ?nah!? s them t<? be m>i?I ?..linn titlon with the latti i abroad?and In numeroua othei ?lir,-. - ! lion? wl* ?? i" i and utllttj loin hand . ?Space limitations iritl noi ???lmit of a] li ngth? ?i- -' i Iptlon oi sii w of tin i ? malning produ? I of th? work? The to I in all .-..idl?-. for the button maker, the nia-- Isbeli >.r the pret*?ssd gtsas tile,I which i issd '"? trsnsom 'ic- ts, snd In .i'-. ...iitiuii a? well, main)) In streel snd rsflwsy cars??they sre used by the trunk lui?.*-, 'nui bj th? '"i- strsel railroad companies. On? shewn the writer, mads for th. Panama Kxpooltion, Han l-"ran II?". an?! Oriental In Its elaborately fan? ?fill ?i? ?inn. i? a pleasing testtsseny t?. th? artisti ralue ol tiu pressed class til? THE CHIMNEYPIECE. \\'. m tin- young country, hav? long n?, ,i ? flrasidis ' .??? th. vivid expression at our id.a of the "home" it? emblem, ns an "altan l ..t or thi faith. Ws bava, Insenslbl) perhaps, recognised the Urs* '? plac? i- a culi " vantage from which! tu I i. -a !??? ... Imp? ? OUI ..lai'llai -I"-' 'I ! pon) I I ' ? i ol Hi.upanta of hall, I vi Irvuif room ami as the 'fatal J"'iii' ' "' '"? tamil) rather! until 1 itelj xxv have been strangel) IndlfT ? or Ignorant!) craai In oni attentic ? Ita framii | ?nd. I o? i r a llllng ; ma) ha) ? p rov? d ouraefveo to have ; " Bgh1 .m rtreald? - we j Studien their adoi ?men! but llttl?. ? iholi ti u? ?,? roratP e < aluc hardly ?at all ( A.? a < nu. has said, w? hare tht awaj tin simple <>i?? "wood mant ha? Installed "th? monatroat! es ol carpenter, tin varied aaaortmanu ol oeptacl? ? and i h< a p mirroi -? In tl ? '? mantel'; hi ? Indulged oui Bel aa In torn modo mariden," an?i then have "framing our hearths with grotesque hideous shapes product s ..r mind - in ..t ?i.-? u oi ds, ? ? ho re ua< d m.? mad? fo -a ? b manufa tnr.-i? all i ,ii.r?t \ ... hav? no Id? ? ol ai | tectural bes I to quot? .? i expei lei ? mast? ' crafti ?>..??? t luatai ? s Jacol a*ho Is ?i t, '.'.?? believer in ,ii. axiom . ? hal la -???". m mt i? old." Bui this ? ritlc do? s not la) al al Hi? door of th? in,,? ti sinning mi fac? - foi ..' ayo In ??? nain I lloni ?f th.liitry. . nil:, ? i, : ?cientl) ad i an? *d to have ta ak< ?: ? '?? ? ai tic and otlietl? valu th? ? himm pie? ? . the are still loo ? mer? lai ; still sticking t?. the nond? sc mod? i h forms, In 'is une, M ?STEM! OF RKPRODI l*TION Mi .\ro obson - one .?i an old i | ki os n tii in ol ornamental model!? i - .h.i ? ilptoi - nhl? i, som? I ? years aa.n< el? - ?i lb? kk i ? th? re ??.? ? ??? n ?? . ? aai bad, ", ? ? 'Ht. m gen? :??' m ii would he , excellent thing : i >: s ei e i.?i?i? tu ;.""i'.. ? all that's "??si i,, i hiinn? ' ?*.?? ?? ? ..? appealed ??iik.- to tl | pati lot ism ? i ?? ? -? ? .. ... it developing 11 with ? lut? lligence, skill and enei ?:: They have nox? ... perfected m ? : stone pro, ? so i bal it x? III def) lb? ? v erts to dete? * an; diffei ? between the real and th?? artiflclal, ; j the> have bull? up a at a log * m?: some six! lecea of an? lenl and m . ? ? 11 ? ;???..' .,:. s ex? by them t?? tain th? requisite liar? ? strength, and ? ? lention '?> the ? ?., del ill Th? ? ; ' oduc? i?. 11?-? ll the L, .m. <?: ?.i ? ? ?? t'iench ' 'aei shire, ,i- well, i loa ?i ? Archlte Is al ? ? ?.f th ,'Sm?. : ? ? .--.?? ?uragemeni and. ai I theli I.i ii'tion..-i Ion no! .i ? ? insi ill? .i m man ? ol th, ? ' - ..'t,- ? and . out the laud : Fren, h p? i ???, In tl inothei m m Ha it! at ? i tioi from Pia M ?? I ? , '. |? ?, , and .?<;???.. .. ? I ? ? ? ? and llsoi) H ? Th, ol only i ? n ? . ? ... the d? ? i? fti? t them i ?ut mod? ? - ... i :,, <t. -. !? sUI BS ??i Ihe I . ong ti..? splendid ? ? ..i,.. ? i.? .?. ? ? i i I Westminstei >, ?i i ? 11. from tl ? 'linix \1 ? ? i?,? v.. ? hin Mario .*t niou ? i ?t I ??:.; ? ? ?! m." ,'i , . , ? ? . , .,,, I.. | .?!,; , her? I ?? In th? ? Ubi.. i 'i cot, d ma i ? ? hlmn.-j i ? t: I ti?, ?. ma) >?? i | taken Ii ? ., .i abb? ? ? m? .i foi th I ? ? ARTIFICER IN BRASS. KI 1er, . ?? P? ; - ?,i ... i,-..i, .. skill? d chas? and l?i "? e? ?? bo am? hi . . , -, . sei ? ? ?i licapH Itati for worl : ? i..,ii ;.. th? ountt ol i lopl .. his n too. a force, to , k .?i ?? " ?i ??n .-,,i 11 molo; men) Mr. i: ? ? although ? lino fathei ?? to I? ?ml api II d? ?i d ;.??) con? ?,,,. i, ?-., . if ,.. the chi ?? ? lalt) bul ??,,. k< ?i In i-'.'i " '!- ??? quli d ?: ,,,.. .,? i branche ol the ? rafi wM ' ?turned th? i ol for? man a! th? ..,.- enteen .ftei ten ? th? last, In a i,i' h he ., h skilfu irtiaun and as ,n,. .i- manag? i to th? :. ?? i ,. ? * m which, i ? ''" latei ,'? ' am? it" Qulntanl fl ?-i k* and all? 11?. Rlvler? Bras* and Bronxe < lompany, ??i ? i. h i" Ii the pi Id? ni an,l the tr? ?? ?- 11 ? mai glue? ? ear con . .,i pora ted : '"? th? ? be!. i j>i?..i i?as boon Quadrupled, ??>", no. ? ?its , ?.min.??ii?.n- lofl 'i brough th? a the irritei baa re? i ntlj been sho? n bj the capable and i oui t? oui Pnul Junk? tho a t,,.,, to blo pie*dd? ni .< i?, father. it, | Bre made ? I? i trolloi d< ? oratlv? and practical of all klnda, dealt candleaticki and candelabro chandeliers and wall brack? la: In fad ever* d< acrip* lion of lighting Batur? - <<f the i . ?las-. And b? i ?? tOO? le H" s. ,ii ,.f a very largi t? pali ? uatom, th.npnnj being as famed for Ito execution .?i thli irraji'l) of work H I"1 the creative, 'i" t?-K 1?' .ii?' 'I ? mod '.ItfTl.illt <>i lpt11? cato for h Anothoi Importan! feature of the wort of thta artlatk concern la thr converting of vaans Into oil, .,is or ele? t, le lampa; that, perhapt la Ita )??n ? ., bu In? al pioaanl it t?a-- i. cent I* altei ed t?.i tho own t >.i aa almoal pi j? elona i oil* lion ??? do? n ai moro of treaaui aa moonting thorn In very ri? i, brnaa In apoclal dealgna; and it? ; Intagrit) and vnloo "t" the ploceo aero not impaired or loaaonad m an) waj . tin- mountlnga being romovabla w at, it" htator). its pi ? s? m eq , pmeni and us lin? otafl "f workers, recruited ,,,..? the i- il craftann n, email wonder tbat it,i,-- ,;" aoJnctlon of ,tv euatom frftra among li"' loadltag bouaeo ,ui?j poo? t pie ?' the country i i lould ? ?? ? 11 ??-! upon to do ?i the And ' _ doi es. th? rJupli? a t?td hei >? These ?pli r-li-i -i-. - I men? of H ? ' ?.i. i? ' tin ??< snd on? -hslf feel d met. ! the other two are i h Thej | ,-.i? ? . und theii iuppoi ?? .? b ? The vial toi to No 121 to 1 avenue ma \ tee a realtl of ??? autiful j things In i he wa te ai in-.i ' ? - ii.. ele? ?ho* n on thl? :?...;? th. . -?ful ir outline and i rue i.> natui ? In i". and eoloi plendld i- ? , ., -?olid cast? ing?ala? ai ? le? ti olli i .. magnifl? ? ni \ rosebush lelectroli? ; I ?n color, with th? .ml ng th. rh< snd 1 a - "i - -...,.. , ,,,,.. ? ? forty or fifi . ?,; kind? quaini ? old Ian terni of the Moy? tg< mg b loned for the handmade lead? d 1 coloi - and al ad? - ? high ? an- | a, li >lai e. with six I snd fl ited itandard, and ? to it" ?Doric ilmplli Itj and form than lo ornan ? tation; gi ? ?? will ?. r ' istei bos i - Busp. ? ? ? rith 1 oft light through them and ?? bewild? i .-.11 a\ ..i ..i n. i and equal ? - i .g n I li L a 11.1 ii SCULPTURE IN WOOD. IV H ."i ?!?? i h? uni ? modelling ? Ith "eai tl Mu ... II. "1 , lug ? parent ol ilpture li \ - cord .i til Ir-tur? ....I. ninoui ' ? un j ? ? ?? i ; ? nur owi the i ? .' ,. ? ? Kile, n ? ? ou Itah ii ? 1.4 the ? ? !'? r quoted j a ? d an overwheli j i-.iti .. from the d I i|i velop? , ? nf all I r-at. 4 a.i i ? ? ? i 1 j ? ? ? ? j . i? i "Th? ? i a ? ' lonal and I .;,.,-,? till .i! m ? ? . ? volume |l|0) len in iium-1 !,.!?? ? ? II. -.. ' I f I ".leal? ? I and freel allowed the required to do 1 I es, 1 nitntry. .. ork '?' ' quailing, H ? ? a i, 4 - i i RAFTSMAN ? i th? i ?? ?'?? - ..n room. ? would own iimong u . niMitei - rhel t/'o irre, u mil ro? i : I aftei ' .i n." Ulblxu a, and aim? t sol t.. ha? e Im i, century a and ,- ould ? ? " I " pi ole said. "Th? man befor? Qlbbon? s'ho gave m n.i i ??? ? loosi ind o Bos ? i - md chained toset hei th? Ion? I ol lb. - I. '.' nat? ,i -. pec lea." S? ? t'oi * ?? , . the tou. h 'ii,, go? ? and foliag? In i hla ,i,., ire ol '?? ? ) d? lit ate -.- m i. man? i ,' ,,' ih. Hi i flexible bul Iran lue? nt, while es ap? . n''i;?nt -.n it - own i'"' -t.n. and arat? d from lu f? ""? , and the I acanthus Issves i ? ;" Bosl free a? m nstur? In fsct, the *.*? hole work Il ,, marvel ?i '? n.'i ' M "' i l ? kl OS n ;,- **un lereutting and ? din - Space ??.alt not, unfoi tunat? i sdmil ol i inn . ? i. i,? i - ,i n. -? Iption "i '.thei man) snd vsried ? lamp)? a of his handi? craft thai appeal to the < ? of th? dls .. i nil oms, No ll-l | ! inventor) - . ...44,1 tn. eheli - -. i ' ? "?"', m a ., ji? .- pro .\ compel, m d. ???? l| tlon would i un the ! Ill- .I ?' .I? 'H'' ? ,.,.! sdrnirabi. fea of th? wood gi nij.t.ii 'a art light "' "? ?i-1.?-? t*.. i ' natural." 'i efined "? ho ?te." 1 ful, ' m ... i ? T r Tribun? ? ? > knoa something pe? >"i ;?i hiatoi of th.- c**r**ator ??! :ii t m easui - Mil tolla Muni? ? i? ? i. di man. as h?-, hlmm If. i i Al th? age ?? ? ?? . n . m i v: . tai L'i-uguay, aftei completing .? | montar) ? ?, u ? - ?- In architecture an? t: ,,..1 drawing, foi H il. The I being limited, ii?- ?oui?! n Tord th? great univeraitleo ,an?l s? private lesaoi from Profoaaor RI? ?Ht? ? ?? .-Il known .,-, tist of ti own "i 1-0 ' iv.i At'tet five .tit.?i.l> stud ??? i?ii> lirons leach freehand drawing, w.i son! and modelling ?> llcenee of which i i ?.i however, avail himaolf, hta pa - ??? ?.I to a? ?inir?' tli?> i ??. hnlqua 11 stead, he i ? >,,? to , hi - equipped with a thorough knowled and able to con t am to 'i,,,? ; ? ? ?? i? ??? ilgi laaat? al it)le ordanc? th Ihn ??.?n.'iis .?r tii oda K nowlng ?i the Bngllal language, and still I? th?s \ niii.-? of ti!1* servlceo, he accepte? plo) ment, al 11 it, al ? M i wag? But, to us? th? hard to k.-*>i? ? u.i man down," ai Mu?-, mont ? id given ' ad) and i e tel paid lob, and bad I business for himself?on tho magnll apltal of HO ., .,-? nstantl! | ? - m of ? genero is pal ronag? fron the old ? if \ J. i 'mu ford J ' '" ?? ? ??? lat? ? ?. m. da tornera Pro loi I ? o and ittl x? ? ? ? . plem .. mo nj ordei * ? :n \ i ?i soi k f,?.ni t\ic Ttffan) 11? had ' m i v< i Thai ? .led him to hold, even to gr? . -. his value ? l?entele i-? em , t.? the bt hero of hlo a ? appointed fq'iipi ?.f aa, i,in. i ? .. essoi lea an?! ?k ? i . ftsmei , and tensive ai ,a wn product Ion h ? ?: .. J ... ,.?... n it.. k to m ? .,? | ol . ? ? -'?'tu. Th? ?liti. - privat? ?? thla great ? H xx t?i. i, .,i. ? o,iv, ., example! o v,,.) i, . ... ..?.; insta .. i. both the ? . . ir; '??' i??, th? m GILDING AND POLYCHROM The gol geoi olored and HHk ti muse mon; -' iki to llu md i .... test Im? ' .n i they hs .e t ?!,.? adding ? ?? I) ha?, een said ? . the six statu? . . Hotel ?1?- Ville al It, tig, ?lonilnani In thi o? ben ? ? ? .?!..?.- Into ha? n Th il n I? ,,.?, thi ., . ,| ere ? bo appre ?? , ? ??? ? I.' ? . ? ? .?i expon ? ..lit! .nor? . . . ..i.; ..i., b i ie I ) ? .?. v??,k ?ii.i?? - thi '?? t workn he i>! ? ? .,,-?- Mr. I >un . ison XXI?. It ,t tl ? Of tl. ' ? ? i,, m i.,. .- i. i ;. m -- i ?. i. and ol he '..,! not? ' ?? .sidei .?I Ii hu? ? pi. nil .,? ih? mo ? .,11 i.i in? h? ? ??, hi? ? , .?i ? wl ? bei. ' ... . ? to :? i n i" i repai the va - ..... .i sixed gilding hen i working establlshm? ni ha* I irnish? ?! ? ? ?? \ MA8TKR OI1.?KR \l i? i ... . In fbpl ? prom i ne n | gildln pMtalilishin? m la', i with Mlard i no) .lavolii, ? a ? ?? hinisei I i0? He does gild ? . . ?tilding lti> work ha ll..Itl\ .? ?fill ssi ? ?id? nces ol Xe) l*o Boston :iini oiii'i leading centre* *'? 11 ? .'"I I-- ,, . it i? uni) ... oi.. tion Hi 111, he ma ? '?? said '., ha ? ? ? ??.. m..n ti oh manship In the gr?ai Ml?.." chandeliei ? ?i i:?i,i. alional Hall al Alban*. and th? roui lai ge ...i.i . n.leliet - ol th? aud ? tl. .,,. ... p, ?" ?i??? - not work faitl In Intei ,"i d< ?? ition Plaatei ".|, ? . men! "i the ni, tal tnaati <?i polychrom? troatm? ihowi in iw. beautiful and ip? elm? n? -ii ins studio one, Italian Renaissance, xMtt, the .ivld primar: ?: in- period, and the othei hi on ?, Idea .m apptl, atioi o wood <?i ti?? principle used in mod? ? - x?t>... the ? ??'?? - .?i ? faint I: - ggeate : \?. ,. ?Veed II i- add? >l i bal much repali ?voi k is inn usted to ins skill, when hi i l? . tlons .n ? s,. ,.n fe< : thai dam iged ;?.? ta are made to mat? m tho 11 il "t I h? wo h In i ?.,? t?? m <k. . doubt t ut. i then wen evei an] In tin- piece ' But, then ' >??? T.ughfare" Is ? i taphoi .. the sign thai here confronto I .? m It? \l> I >,ll:l?.|- - ItUdiO ' \'?> If. I ... 1 ? ?? ' ' Is ? a ..? h ihop, < ?,, .. "show? room And ii ?s :, shop t.. ?ai,,, i, the preel ?n i heli looms of ?? d famtlloo and ?n i work "f all kinds, 'from tho lead ug m i doalei i Bnd tboli way, and alas foi il"- writer's ambitions ?.\?-, .,;? ?-? th? seal of confidence And i groat, i>n.. In? ? ioiai.i. seal II la I., th? t ?? ?would ? gloa Ing dea 11ptlon here of th? - i lew? .1 b) ,!'?? aforeaald m rib? m thai oamc -iiop' THE INLAYERS ART. The pi "? ' oaii ? ? mploj moni of t hi? .m, i? m Arabic .?i i Ita anti?i?nt? ii ??? i i. n? ??i b) Assyrian and Bnypttan ex smpl? - m metal and Ivo ?> ebon), oi bath, '?' n .- past, s upon both ?.i ..,,.? Ivory, ?? tho Britlah Muaaum and th. Louvre, ?i?mus back t" tin- eighth ami Many Such Articles Are Made Here as Well as, or Better Than Abroad, and in . Many Instances at Much Reduced Expense. j t.?nth centui lea befoi ??? ? *? ?* : live schemes, In tins . ountn. retarded, In th? opinion of sn adniowl* , edged expert suthorl! G ? -? Il Jonen, i.? th? Intrusting of reell) meritoi decora) ? - ....... ... orkmen. In the "|.i?tni\ -u|s. " effort to reduce t*osts i" .? minimum. He asys, how? ? i 'iii.' promise li excellent for the reason [that i-ni-i- ara becoming educated to the ??sthetl? valu.- of marquetry, an.i to an t appr? ' lal.f th? >'>? Itween .:<>...i and cheap work With the | Increasing I of taste, snd the tu owing d? n ind i-n Eng - - in fin niture, In a hi? h II li most used, it la rapidly displacing the more bat iplendoi oi i hi goi |.n m? lalli? oras** mentsttoti Thai Hi' .!.atora til? ins' ? ? turning to marqueur) la one evklence "? their art* p - foi ? hat "ai t ? ratlv? la in to ellnea - a i"i i iliiiinttit i h? on?. .m ? Kample ol a elicited n? ? iloglum pronout ? ? -i b; jSabba . aatigll? pon the a'orka of Fra j Dai. laid, effect? d In n ood n the ?roat Appelle? did hla ?pencil. i sv? i think that the colon >n wood ere more vlviih brll lanl am ea I ? thsn those painter?, ao thai these mom ex? cellent work? ma) be ? erad s n<^ Btyle of painting wlthoul color? a thing tin . ii i., be W..I der? -i at. M lull-- thlnka our * orkmanah p greal thai don? ? ?. ii:.- other tide th? ar? to ext? at at ? Btandatill, ? hlli a*, ar. o? ing to thi ? ovi then repri ted by I he famll) so . || way, trong manufact? uring con? ? ? n- which ire ?? undantl) abli to emplo ? ?' snd .?? - - i, ni" to gel an) quantit] i'-.' which reason?, than th? I'll K Al.\i:> >' KTR I M \\ ? I man' I With tl aen lng a s. v. n ? - d? .. noted r ?.-.-.i ? ' ' ' [!..!?- ? tO ? ili'-li mbltlo i i olute. I ; ? lead? bip of I ?nd thai than a ? ? , i.? i? found In a rail tine .?.;!-? : <lt?n1 - ? . ... i ttmpl? ? - i the ?tal? ? Itron I ? ? >. u oul.l ? of th. the - I ' ' I..? '-.-..,. It I ? tn -II- ' - ... , ? .- Kai ? - . ? he pri ? ?' I - A- - - ? .1 ' ? I I. ? the Divine ? I'lni ,,.l--li.|,i.i. ini.l 3 >?l ml Whili ?!-??? ? i ...-., . ?Pi I 0iiimi.m^mmmtt?K?miamr^SS*\mi.i i ???)? v-'*>4V-^eV?*'*<*-S<*'-i>-???i???-.i ?r**4Jr ?****? SECTION OF CHIMNEYPIECE A reproduction.) nd ivr> equlpnn nl repi -?-? ng largest i '..< til .vl th. forty-two picked land n. (?quired to keep up ?elect i'.it'on? ? ? .?? to ill- li'l - ' !.. II,. 1,1. Ill" fact that of machlm i y In? ?tailed in III -? ?a orks h? him, i" ?.' -?"!" demand ol his ? ? in -r ibll venttveneas, Working In ?.i land using all the i ,i i -, . :. rtiother-ol ?pea i ' shell ,i n?i i., k o Id and 111 vei .. ? ? ? ! ?kill? .i eral i -i." : and the moai eft*. > "-? tool ? snd m i In? . .. large end compe? tent atafl of d?signera, comprising the ?.i., m..-1 in this . iinnti?-.. he Is eq I to '-? ? oi mosaic work?bul it mus? tine work, tor he will touch no ord<w foi an) other kind?to harmonise perl wit h any at) le >.i i"-i i"<l of de. i panel? n ? /? - wainscoting?, miiuld balusters and newel posta, furniture picture frames traj - ana the iik.- snwller ?i.-ti- ? With Mich .? n ..-i. to "urnlsl , motif, snd such an equip M Into being. ? h) tespe? lal ? Wn? - no? so man) cltisena of av?-,,nii sufl1cl??nt to "paj the piper" fot the adornment of ; their bom? il the i>-?l : ao s oi "tl ? "' '?? r -ni' i cannol ?* ? i ? - I th. : , I I, . t 44.1? ol The Tribune'? trav? ll-.l r< ' have doubtless viewed with dellghi m lal ? Ith t It.-ii ! inds? api i : flowei - and fruit I snd wood? and almost hi?' p everything, floor?, friezes, panel?, wit ?.?**- ? - ? end , .,. ? i... tin .1- ? i i '-. ' iit'-i - , prise ' ART OF SMITHING a broken i> ol -< working too found in mssonr) of the Ch**ops . 4>??> it, ? > P) ranilil. the ? ?. a v .?? nd Babylon and the fourth chapter ol C?ene? - - which tell? ..f T ibal * 'ala, an u. ! ?t i uctor ? irtiflcer in I are witi ? he antiqult) of i this SI i it- high the Got hi? d th. i ? version to t h i bout m i' ih?' Renalssan. e?11 led rat i -th. lit ttV . ? and roster? ? ? - ? iponenta i tsui * of i.tun -.-- and ??n' ? td man? i ship entltl? ' hem ; lii.n n - , thinka II is *'be< sus. er> maii\ oi 'i.thei a Is. - lass s ho .v not know it exist bet? Iron, and therefoi "the tii?! la l. ., i>n?i. A M ASI - A ITH V nal. i:> rlin, Mr. I Iron Works, S ? ? i in hla j ' i - wor ? ? ? - ? I Man ntt? rtanci I ,?i - lnt.-i t - are '-ni oil? i : ? .. : ? ? ? Th? mat - ? ? \ - and . h< h ,-? Ftoberi Mot k otii door .?i.I li oi i? of th-- : r< - i .il ? ' John - ' thedial ' ' ii'in ? ?. ? - -?I.s thai ..-? ? '?? ? I till' ; ? - (SO ? II ? ? ? rllfl ting - HOT SPRINGS Hoi ? . ..'. ? '? - ind ... . , ? . ? ? Rost on. With him a ? Mi - ' They *? e t.'hea Mr. t - ? 4... ... '1 ? time *?*? Mu? ted ? - >? : ? of i ?4 I ? . tie, i. William i'happ ? - | \ I \ ? -, , ? ? i.'.i .nul ?? ? ? . Mi.-. Reginald De from Vea , \|..- ted r ?--.iii ? snd iu> t - .uni in? ? l?.r Is 1 ?' ! I, . i . 8. .-..?'?? day. ANXIOUS TO BE FlRM. N . IVf " ? ' *l - -11 ' : *l , i - I ? 1 .1 *? tag ". . '? NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA And All Chrome Disorders Resulting in m a Deranged Digestion successtul'v treated by the cele? brated h'iii..|irin Restorative A\r?\ Stomaltx ^^^^^M It is a Marvelcufcly Effective 'Remedy for Impaired Digesti?n, Catarrh of the Intest,neb, 'Constifnt.on, Dysentery. Ulcerated Stomach and Gastric Pain. tttttaUy tirais Intantilr .S'otij, \ Trouble*, rega-dlrts ol thr age of tkt chilJ. 1OI.0 BY All. OB'lG'.ltTS, OB t.FOUOERA ?CO., Inc., ?Agents U.8.) SO gs?kmsf) It., N?w York It