Newspaper Page Text
Waving Days o? Se ThQafricaJJoason BERNHARDT AND "IOLANTHE" nch Actress \pp ira in Selections from Her Old Suc sses Cl Gilben and Sullivan Revival oi the Season. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK -r?*xY AFTERNOON: A', the Pala:c T *? E ? in Repctory. DAY EVENING; - C-ibi,"- ? ?' Gilbert ! /an'a "lolantho." At tl.?; Lyceti.Tt. "North of Fifty t!"r.?e." "?ovinc? pieturtfl of Alaska. /. I . anH twee da ftor. I .. I i >i - B 1 . mo "La Tos a<ts : ? un ? ' ?? .? ? ;,t ti.?- ' "?? .i M . api.. . be ? ? .SOU vx nil tl. ? f Gilbert wh! not.. I ? .,-1 Will I" Th? Lord "? VN olf Hoppei - M \ Kai ? - ? 'I ., V mi - id hall . th? Lord 8 Karl ..i ? ?. .? ? ? ivat? ? ? - .. ? Bin ? nun .-? ? m all. Hen? .ini miaui 'Cu? ? mui ? .i! lOlfl -, oond the palace ? ,i,.; \.', i ?ondon Tho pi ?"lu? - : ?,,, has been itug ? i .1 Wilso ... Heh ill? ECU i ?i?: *** . ? ' t the ?A eal j I.i ?', thi.- ? 'ils ol;? , it Will !>' ! I ?an:: uuicie'l hat a long t n -?! toe J.' ? itn I - ? - - ? r air?is ? THE CONTINUING PLAYS. ? ..,, . t the Fo - ... -I. ? ':?-.. ? ??.!?, . I, r*i??ilerick liaiton und Kann) lern ke li?t* i inn .. i ih< Re?ase? i rayloi ' . .. .?i 11.-. ,. | i li the Law, it the 1 ? '? ? . ?The Pool LRU. RI? h Girl 1 fa"i anil fan? i-, I . ? Tl . i . ': ?--! ?. m : i - Tl ..i|- . - Swlt h "Fear, i \ ? . ? Whip. ' I'l ii I ? ? at th. . Opera i1" Romance," a drama Ud* ?> d Sbei ?,' i..- Ma i iln tl the 1' i ? with Klsl? Ignis ami Monigomer) an" i. I .11 - Sunshine Qlrl, ' ai the ? e Purple Road ... - mu n ?, ? .. . ! t "The I i>". I :? ?? ? *, ? IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES. '.. I'adl?? In motion pictures st th? The Hlppodronif ? ? i I !.- I . || ! ?if KlljV . ! - a in I '. The ai. Panama Cang rtursi "i i'!?? B ,ii,'ii ?? In kin? - -.i. ni i he ? 'am. gle I -? Plcl in masque u. "His atha," ? i-;-ik-;. . Theatre DICKENS FOR CHARITY. ? I > --inn.. vaHli I'l.. k< i-- I ' need .mi Lghl -.i tb? Ham- Theatre ?.< ill be 11 ?- v ?it? .i to the m liment of "Lrttla Nell" hospital ..?',- Il .... ? ira?'! , . ,\ i ? . i Two . m. - . N*. Va Un? ?A II, ?..?.!.,, md tin 11 ... ?... ,. ,. i,. ? ? .. n.. ,i,- ' i ??i? ? i. ., ... i-,ii.i,..,i i i ici i/ . in. ? rab?) 1 i? I .,: y I i I .? H. . I ? ??? ? --... n \\ I in?. 11. I "NORTH OF FIFTY-THREE" Ahi.ska in Moving Picture! A Land of Wonders. Um .i,. ... i iig Jos? |.ii P n ? ion. ?i , ?? n?. -.. n. .i : he Paul .1 I... ? n html i?.- I ? i.i .?, Hi? t.., .?un Tl ? ? t m. entitle?! Kortl .i i . ? i i :. < ?. wh Ii dea If ?\ ) i i in- lift uaton ? ? i.. i .. i .i n ? ut h of I hi 1 ?.????. 'i i .,.,. . ,. ? ?".m s..?m. i?. \i.i-i.i showing th.' man) ti i. ,.? ? h? lat ?i ol - ? . -nu?,?, \ ? ? i ing ' hei ? ...ii,., ? . v. hit? P si 1 km H ... id . . i. ..ii ii.ii.-l. ? .m the ii ? : tlaaka, ilone containing moi ? ,? ? ? than un ? ? mita long and nfu miles ? d? ?Mff.-i ? ?it ti ,.? * of Indian? Inh?bil t Sam'? ; ' '? -i noil ? lioni Iheli mode* ??' II Ing i?? Ing full) lllusti .?i? ?i i the travel II n?n Ira ?un tmong oth, i In lerestina ? : ? ei .-tii mettl? ed In the Klon herd ??! ' ? i. head, th? birth of .m Island in th? RshiIng ? -? ?? ..:n th d< ptha of i hi \> .it. i to the ,i? ? ompsinn,.m "f a i";i' of ea aping M? mi ?tul t h? hlsi ??i o?.' in. .i . the famous \:.. ? i?.i Sweepstakes, a .ion rait wl,?, h ... . for fl< """ thi th? i ?.i?.m? t.- hovering around 60 dei i balow a ro, KaJlaa ro* n tx are. th? : ils m ti.? w, rl wild animal known In the Circle an ?? theae moving plct i b? homo lit'? ol Ih? Raqulmau i t rea ted fiorr n sociological polnl "f Taken .'?i I? all. Incoe plcturea ropreaonl the greatest colloctlon ol Inlereotlag dato Il? 4" I .... i. I -. BELASCO PLAY IN MOVIES A Good Little Devil" in I jviotion Pictures. ? ||| II,,! ... | \ ?;.i Utile b? .. HI be i Rust? ? ? ? * Rail m "i ? . i - ? o? i ? i In rat res of .1 .?i I A :..l|.li ! ? Kttckei, pi lent ul i i Player? I I'illll- I i.ll>! iliy. In ? ? - Tin - i . . tin Mur) ,. .i . i ,, . ? . i - it,-: i he "? .y da i Ho of I 111 ? ? 1,1 ?. -...,. .1.,i f.Il M lu-, es Of a a i '.???'?? I ?? II i- ??? -I- ii I* ii lapteil m i. lion : n< -i ?alii I inn i mil ? ? an counlr) '.a ill .., i-:.i While II tual playei iiiuiii.- ? ,. ? . m the ? Is ? ? - h mol. i -.. ?II In? delight ' ?. ? . 11. 11 - In.Ill lin- in ...I .- tain MRS. CARTER IN THE BRONX. \i i - i .? mi. t'artei n to? mot i ...a ;, limited engagement ..' i ? P tap. | i ,i- Bronx, with hei a 2azii " During th? sec.i g sel ol i,?-, engagem? ni Ah? ? 'ai let i? III b? in pinero s 'i he Be. ond Mi Tgnquei sy," in aiii.-ii ?ii. appeared Is -i 9\ brnai*- In this city i"! the hi -i tiii.?- m bei - gi ? .-i II be git .h ..n tVednesds ? - an?) S.i- i.l.l i EDUCATIONAL PLAYERS. ?| b? Ed i . .iii"; si P - uii.l.'i Hi" ili ... i --H ol Emma Bhei Idan i-'r*. a? -n pi, ant a pi"-i ?.mm? .-i thiee on? ?acl at th. tdoiph Leeisiihn auditorium I ? Hebrew T? chnl? si fa hool for Ol? is?, at I p. .und gvenue and n\th ttrset, on Thura ' . i. ..I ? I ? ? ?. ? i ?ak In a ri ? i ? r.'tatv, N . ROWLAND BUCKSTONE Benefit Performance for Pop ular Co nu-t? an. A ? ma I'? Blinke? ? ? tfl.-iiltle? , ? at the ? Ino <?i afternoon i May 10. An who ?x?ll .i|.|--.u .?,. Kl ., mi n, i . ? >?, ? i... i.. ?. i, ? i II? ? ? i . ' i, .? 11,, . Harry I '??\. II ... , . | I. n .i lid Ni. .-. Ii. ' ? I ?? ? ? .i ? ?! ' l.lxoi .'., i I ?a Rus, I KrlcB Molli? ix :i ? I III , \h.m,.,i- i ? ...v. I : .-'m,u. Kilo hl. ?I.1 rks, \ i: An-??i. i; vi Holland, ! \\ llliam ' l tori ix. an? B>a ? rtpla ? tilting, and tid* In ? timi'i ' i ? - . .i. i 11 . I ... ? m< ? to i i '" ? i? i".? \?. ? ' >a .. ti ? ? ; . .. i mu i . i,.....-. , v. ill i... . ? ? t hai b?. h . i ,,i,.i.i i ?.. ihre? tion ..? \. .1 u ? ! i. Ron land Bin kstons i?, aran? ? In i?. ?, pla i-Iiik * ? ; John Bald? In Bu? kstoi i auch I I m tiati .i- ' n.ii lea Math, ? la! W I I H ? 'hlp|H i ?! !? Mrs pei iiard I ? i Mar) And? > son, ? 'lara Mu? i, . t i ?.?,. npoi i l.. :i Bat? man, Ki ed i * y. rbo m trae i ') til Maud?. i 'hai les ? ? lopeland, Sell I '??? ? ? Hiss gi John, I ini.i . 'onno - Lion? l?ester| w alls, i -. K), ??. ? 'hai lea llawtrey, I and I* h Both? , n and Julia Mai low? As ?i ? ml.i Mi Bu i. ion? ??? ?? a favor? >? ?? .i English '? cal ' lo ...uni? i and o! C ai loi I ??? ki n* ! \\ hen Hire? ? trod.i b) his father to tin- late King Howard [ Hien Pi In? ?? ?> Wale? In aftei yean th? lot? King took .. i ? eel m hlo , p?a Ing ??i Bail <ii"i glone In "The ? 'olo ; nel," an adaptation from I?e Mai ? i n ? ? "ami i ? a hlch he pla] ? .i foi throe ? .secutlve ?. ,i> THE ACTORS' FUND. The annual m ?etlng oi the Actoi o' Fund ?.i America, for the election "'.' ..i??.-is for the coming yoai and foi ti" if th? spoi lo ??i the otBcers and I commltts??, will bo ii.'i?4.?? Tuesday, Mai I i :. ai : o'< lock, al tho Hudnon TI entn I -. PARK THEATRE SUM..1ER SEASON., The Park Theatre ?will ht oponed Ma) Il i.? th? ? 'or* f..? ? i ,ii tock compon). un? der the maaagoment of Carl W, Hunt, foi ;i oummoi soaaon of otock ?? Buttartli I ??ii the >? h-? i win !?? tho Ural gttmctlon. BRIEF TALKS OFF STAGE ?Laura I lope Cfews on the " Aura ' of First Night Audiences?EfBe Shannons Wise Discourse on Artificial and Prolonged Youth. . ? lau ? .-I in the - . ? ?. th? ? . ' I . .1! ? it-, the ?tage ?i. man and .s,-,- wl -Mil.... go i mor, l'on will rted swiftl .14 .,1.1, . . into the ? us) ? lim? io? m. ? her? Mrs Ethel \\ her elf ? it? Vou'll hav? to lun fo Mrs ? thel u ill mu? i- anxloua lasura I i"i" . i ? ?a ? ugain , ? ..i-,, in ? i., i-.-. the metamorp It) tu view thai Btunnlng ?*? ? area i ? In the las) let of ii. i Kit - ; i ? i .- i omed) 1*1 ? ill i s worth hurry* "I'll ta t an) thing - \- .-pi dl i - -. -i Ml - i*i es - .. ighingl). a hen iii" hopeful client presented hi? ? ase to it night. "Reell; . knos. I g? it quit. . i ol ?? talk "!: the at "I Io v i i very faithful pi? tu ri mi smi i oi women Him. being ?.? ?vith th" usual round ol aoclety lip Into ; life Ii .' dil? u,nit -? the) think thai h will be mon iitei Hing u.t el than pink i..-- and all that ?o? i ol thl ? m tu realise that. - not int. '"i. 'i aa i a arnii i to those who contemplate iheddlng 111 ? -. ?* husband? for the 'tree iif?? Wh) -bars Mlai Crawa paused for a moment t" .mage In hei dressing tsble draa'er?"look ..! 11. The li.MiMt looked, .mu sau tbal ? ibis" waa a letter from -. rabid sntl? - wh.mpllniented Misa i'rew? on her a ..i ii a ml hoped thai "ei ei ^mi ?. ?ou Id . the nu ''Don't let'a talk o pleaded the risltoi "Tell me however In th.. world you manage to k<> through the whole not.i act In thai beautiful pink morning gown when 11 - s?> dreadfully long 0 -ini.-ii Ai:.-? t'rews, taUag ti??* gown down from the rack snd ipree . - M .. n for the trtsitor'i admit lug "thai Is ? omparatlv? I so i'*-?? Ih-.-om used t.? It, but -.1 hi-I I lut.l .. perfeotl) n.-miisii time keeping m) tost w hen i ran shout, snd i re? enting thai troublesome, \\iiitt-. fluff*, stuff on I ? ? i - \. 11 uni g?Hting Into the coffee ?--up. The worst of ". though la running g ou? i j to iiu- door and window. I'm nevar gui j ici lain tllSl I ??.n't hav? a \ i: ihl" ' 'ein \i-ii-.i *.*,anted i" knoe If Mil - Crews .lulu t utl s Mi "lu-.-.-r pn bei ?ii m apt .-in ;? ii'-- a?^ ? "atar." "Na," sil" .said l'"ll.'. tlV. I> . I .Ii".'. mind ii at .ill. Th.- ;r..ii. i?, i had that 'friendly feel If jrou know -.?.hat i nossvs. I 11,1 yoil ?-??:" ful1 0f :,..,.,.], .OBSlfl ? -| 0' which lb ' U. andl ?n Id ? ' r - ? - ?.x?ii Id thei tbli ?.??* .1 ,. . tthai women M general, and \- * ? ??' k noroen I P#J well i" th' i - ., . xvlit. h i playin ai the Beine ig g> ilr? en seen the otl ? !.. I m? theatre, "bul when ?' "? lute depend? ?,, ithful appoarnni c thai - P* ?<,-?i For l ?omet? . that kin i of ?' ,;p ,? notaro It ? . h ,i| ,r t ? "? aboul ui B ? "u" !l0W ;" Co ??i fei tur?is, it Ii reo ''?'' to look well with tl ? '*' . ma) h vUl"! yea ''*' face.ij of a hid ' ?I" row hundred mto* ,.:' I,,.I, BUt Wll m ?i : i taki ./iinta* ... ..?.?> natui It h ? "'v>i\' . - p neu ? ???? ' " ? 1: "' ,,:.-, ri v : '?'? l99t*r*Tl woman i o I ngrer i matter of? HD and ' ' " ?" ,.. ,. m ,., . :. who ' goto no* .-.,:-.ii rttaaw xv... m i thouaana* those tight, ro i ?-?'lk' ,:',n,,,< , :,. t.ugh hours of torture and e^u?? ,:,,-: ..,ii... ' ' d*-*?W themaelvea thai they aro fbollng the? rriendo Hardly an) one Ii d.tvM *> ,i?.m, though: their d1a?cont*"o*i ? ,0? c,t* rloua . ? "Why don't you ft?-?!? me ohon ? * ,?i itke ii?at " ?hod Ifa?? Bhahnon ?if denly, looking up abruptly ?,' aor ?l*f?w ??Are ><>:? real!) Inter? ot? t". The rlsltor clamoreil f.?r moro <i'??l1' irea aboul tii<' evllo of artW< I?11?' prolonged youth. ?\,,. ? ?ho laughed. Hi l* ?M 'n ?J play, and i :>m not eins to **l ?' <? th? ?tag* But, really. I ??o"1,1 !lk'% *? bav? one ?,f ii?.?.<r paiodo yonthful ladia? o?t ?it in? Long lfcli?'1?! garden."