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NOTES OF THE IM Drama and the Players at All Points of the Compass. Tr. Telloe .l?a? K??t and Tjrpl ??? *\e met with anything bul an enth'J atl re eptfon from London theatre ?-M?r?. The i rltirs WSTS murke-iV fav.r -ibl* to the form?! ptSy, I It, .?"?*.mlMi,, tO he latest kdvicsa from abroad. "Ty ?>hoon" tva? playing t.? half empty bo re? kl the Haymnrket. snd the m?nagera of the Duke o** York's Theatre were B? iirry? riK about to fin.i something to ink?-- the ?lace of Th? Teltow Jack? i i i' Baristlnsky, an authentic T. ? -ian princesa i? now n correspondence j a i ? h American producen ?rlth a view to OUrlng the l'nited States in th? near I future The "*ri*wces appeared nt tbel i.'oJtseum n i.on.?on a few weeki a^o lu j ? ; .- ? . ' .. ,ipta ii.n from the French. Prince?? Baris? , considerable attention in the English ' a.r,it;,i beet a of her np . . ? orrl? irnl niorl-ii.l Russian playa Her ap? n "Lolotte" wa? heralded by i great deal ol tusa snd festl era in Loa? ? i uical .-ir?-l. - s : Squire i:,--tif ..?t. who hsd pa-,.i g2,0M to Su ? la Ruinan? yeara hum .vm- sn sdaptatloa ol ? i.o!ott<\ ' had neglected to secure the] English rights and despite hia objecl on i-i the proiimti.o waa foi tsd io with? draw hia "la m snd alio? the prli appear a' ?ii*? Cous. Whie ?vu Wynne Mstthlson I? prs lentlng "Everymsn" si tu?? Fine Art? ?re in ? *hl? ago sh? - ?<? Indulging trip ? bill. The i>i Incipal pi i ? Terrible Meek.' tVllllam Rann Ken binent on i ea< ? ? In a < on ed "A? ihe Mitre." by Margara! Turnbull, Mis? Matthissai Oldfield In '??d. ros sting 'Vitan, Parquhai at in nrt. and Utereby finding ?? chanc? . stase career. Th? Becxind ?ranvHie ?Barker's "A MinacI? Ma- ir-rlmr-kisn of mood and beautifully wilttsn. In which Miss Mstthlson waa i'.'i? originally desi| Mrs. l'at-uk Campbell. This pieie Ii o ? ; .- meed of tody. Beginning ihis week lomprUB) ; ''ha'Us Kann Ken i "The Necessary Evil,' with tl the Mitre a curtain i Reinhardi tin asked by "tin to m;., resi ' Ims? IB ? "!iii iiiienr "if he lalll hi "Yea." wss th. ?su "Ha? \ ery" ' Di "Kxt eptloesll) ?? ? ?A ?? ?Then i .ion* ?rant him." replied Rein? ? .? ?ion ? hich Isfi no ?oom sding Then ?? It h no volume u? \ oie? ? . ne ? greste? ? \ ? *. ? u ch It dosa ?a- ? tt |, t _ ? ?. tf t ? i , , t - ? - t .n | ?es of the last s? ?a; -.n will CM tew guai . ?; ? ? m if posed of a ? ? t. - f l lie , . ? : ? -, ?"? -, : make 1 .,1 .' - - -, - I . . - . - - y - ' i I ? ? ' torici ?pee. i k closel) - >.f Mollen ? i - larg ?. ? ait h M In "I Jon? - !".-< - - ? ... ? n, ?? . and en i< tioi i bul ai ?"A- ddlng i ? kd? ?ra? th? ??? and nearly ? - the part) n ? t lu - mai..' ?. Miss < Ireen? li iint? ti. Bhe tella on? ? - a- th? ? ? ly an gst? wa - the imsll *ia ighi lo ?? bon - ? Hello, El Isa t* ave a new baby hro.het v Vea ponde I -th. ? ? % t.. -ta .- w| i? asked ? He'? ? i Trentinl ' sd .i?. Ided io . i to gi and opa - . blow ta the ll| !ap.. which Ii already larking m hn" niateiisl. in the ' o-, Mng eve and I am ihe star; it is n?.i lik" grand -,.-,. .... e : g Traatlnl, a? quoted In 'T*!** Boatoi poat i oust de ? ? ? v< ry eh every night And when i go l - i,'r< i want to she m\ audienoea my --. it i ? ' raysell ~" i turn my? .-?If loose. All ti" en. ?v I have - :? -i: in** 1 I *Sa) 1 give to them, and I do not want to lo??- mv \<>..-r- hk? i.'hcr prims donnas la <-omi' op-i,i ?no have BUBg it awa>. I don t .-aie what re ? ? -. ?mg in nand ?apeia. I made my d<r?;t In Amer les ??- I'm- : it., la ?''armer..' i have been ?ni.i thai I used to diown all the oil.?is out in the quintet in thai '.pera I am tiny in statin, and whiie I ferl tha> per? i asay ne\ * r he aide to -ihr a tug dm ?utir role like AMa, there is one dra? matic part that 1 know would -, .Madame Butterfly, i ?o?.k 'ike a Japan? ?reman and ?vhen I return to grand "P'ik that I? on?* of iii?- --.,.?? ? in cer? lam?) play. Son:?- day, if I Should evsi loss my \?.i?-e. i rahould ?k? t.. play in di in I thai I W?**UM I"? wry Rood m com? .(|\. When I ??as a little baby, i wa? reaity then a i-omedieruic. M) mother me that she used to btugt at i m while ?lu ?ratsbsd me ?but i never laughed; I made othet? laugh. Thai is why I feel that I would be a ?ucease a? ?medjenne in the drams SUMMER AMUSEMENTS. Ihe N?-** RrtRhtoi, Thcalie, ?,t gl t. n lirnrh. will ?ijien it? door? for th<* B?as..', lavmerrow sft**n>ooti, with an all Rrookl'-n week,' all the pi-toin-?. ii the hill hf'ln*' Broekl: aHsa TI i hsaaltlncn sn Bert French gad Alice f*4s, in th'ii pantonaimic dime. "Rouge et Hoir" Mauri? Lev?, ?rith in? latest ate,?ri**. Thai ... ??-.. . - -, gjsg ....??,. - the l'.r. Gerl le Barn? omedl? ? ?. chai l?es i nd I v ?i ? Prom Stage i arpenter to j A? ktei ' t Brl? n ija? el pany, ' talking ringing and dat ? Ing oklt Monday, and B< II an Brookl) i, la eho, kful of I L na Park it i "one) Isli it?? tenth got. ?. with a i Sword"; a panorama of ili<- Omaha and i >..? t??i! good dlsaate ? ?m,', .i,, ? ?,.,.' : ai,il man.? oth? r new to Hi- heal of the old onei Pi a? tically j the ? ? has b< en ? ? I ted Pa laad? ? Pai k will be open d to the public ??? \, Batuida: ev? nl?g. .1 the attractions ai tins pla? ?? ?? :: ? ;.lale with two dii Iglbles, ; ? ing th? Rapidf ' and h motordt There a I I also be \ audei lile, as h? fore. ' c.i || 1 on? \ Island opens : ?.? 1 to-do : PLAYS THAT DRAW. ? 'I 1 ? at th? K el .is. 1. with Julia Baiyierson in the title ,,, . jos? i'ii ? 'awthoi n as It? ? hief fun tuak? r, the ?lammi? ol Mi and Mr? ? tie and acores of prett) ? I "! '? - on .'- vi? 11 sta: ta "n in- lift) entn ? 1 ek of Its 1 un to-morrow tiighl at d the end la nowhere m sight. Laurett? Taj 01 Is ?till pla ng to ca ? - .t the 1 ", ? Th? atn 11 : .,niii. ron ..i .1. Itartle) Mann? ra'i Peg 0 M H? an Ev? n the hoi n ..,.-,, week. It If reported, ?liii not alfa t the att? ndan? ?? al ti,i* ho is? Jos? p ?I Pui ni? Road ? 01 si intl? In low Ing .,i ? h? LI I ? ft) 'I'll? a Beats are nos ? ng x' ? : . . .... ll Il promit ? - 1 he m asoti 1 ? - ty < ontinu, I till th? bous? al ever) pet toi man? ? ; th*? ? ?>ff T Ma M? Mil ' Hi) Edmund ?:..-, . .?;. . , - 1 - ry per? f . fht. Th? ag? ??ginning tl ? m ol "Thi na" al ; 1 he Empli ? Bat? ne "1 \; ii ? ? ? |y at 1 hit ? eks ? 1 ., ide al lions to a ' ? d of tins month. 80 g real hai ? ? ? 1 1 : ohma n ha s request? 11 do so teres! the Eltinge, continuel h.-. 1 not - . ?;t? si Indi, 1 ? !? t-?!..? n o? ? ? ? oui t i I J u I y 4 I ? enjo) ? ' I .au" will il,. Biting? earl th? tall Roberl still ? ? 1 ?.. ne I With rook" pla A SURPRISE. Orvlll? \\ rlghl is ev? ? nil-' . l.-v .? ' ? ? 11 ? ? ? ? . He the ail - M ?11101 ed to lie a 1 Into Bwedl ? - I PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINERS ESPERANZA GARRIGUE ??III ??I -IN?.IN?. ... ' I 111 gfll ?RMAN LULEK H \y *?^ HW-MW?? JOHNSTON RettMeoee, ik;i ?;n?i ?, Braekljra ! PHILIPS ? 1 luir FOSTER A DAVID, Managen 1: 300 I 11 III \\ l M 1 last PU A I lA D?..MATII Rosalie UnHLI-H wrt.Aj.0 I, ?.1 ,i?li... i:. I isl an Ii *?, ARTHUR D WOODRUFF 1 .1 \i?-.i 511 h HI. \?Mx *. <>r). Mon. 4 Rast Oral s?? \ I. JOHNSON _ till in:? 1, 11:1,1 01 \ itri 111 1 ? Uui foi ? iv? ?. "? SO> I "? J?- W 1 ?''?? S'. PI , ?'? I I l:\Mxl IN Pal K' 'T I. M \? K II I? HOPKINS : ?.' 1 :. : ?, I A DOP ?'? Mil I TII-. r ?|?r?.l ITI U na t x"'"'?""' ''"-"" waw w ?? w ? mental KiHertalner*. ? ?, .. p . . 1 ?? v. ? l-tla! -? 9i 1 ? ' Mgt ACCOMPANIST .ff-Sxg PAUL GUNDLACi: 't<t \*ii*?l inill, ??t r.-.t. I'lion.-. ixer>iil? 58.4, HULSMANN TRIO ?$S oral i lrr?l?'ri?- M,?l?iii inn. ??; \\ r.-j.i s Phone r?048 ? nlumbui SPECIAL PROGR?MS ? mml0 AT HOMES ?. ?. r :.?^,i Butniiua 4 I'.?ir. I W "4th (.It \t 1 ANIIKHHON. ACCOMPAlVriST 1.10 M \MI \. I *?**- ?M 'PI ' KW";' 11 ? iwWTi FORET; ?? ..ii?. ?... - osl im? . <.r? Hotel. minor C. Baldwin ;,;;;;,;:, i : . ?00 I 1411 KOTMh MflllllM? ??-eonripanlsl Pis 1 Br..llirri?,ii ?ILLinmO ..,,,, !??; Mr.l .'.'nd M. 'I'linnr < lirl?,-.i HO.-,:,. ?Clarence EDDY Sea... s- M., ? Li'..? ,|,,.| Bout? ' .1 .| ? : ?? ._??. REINALD WERRENRITH .,.?,. Mnan ' .' ?" ?>? '?-" ? i " ! ''' "J '?'? V. ??- ? - t*r/IIEBT7 Itoaood Ptayei Pisa? | ri paireo' :.?>? fsrnegle Hall t. -1 ? ? ^ Mr Mil I AM Opera ? '"*' h' 'IT?m-1 I l.irrn.p MvmlLLnilp.m? lns. ' :?. W . I ?111 h. j irPflMPANKT^'?"' Har?ll. 145 Hes. Mili *>?. ?iiOuiarA!.;.! rb0U( hu>Jw ?.?.,, , ANTOINE ON DRAMATISTS Director of the Odeon Scores French Playwrights. ' a . ol !'i< Ivre a hi? h M Antoine, dlrectoi ?>r i ' ? ? ? attarl of n???? ??t hand In th? col . 0f th? i was one \x.-u ? 'i' ? a ii??- - mputh> i??! th, added a p? rsonal ? And hi? n.i'ii? ? . rhlch are tl \\ m, the ' ? dramatic ? ng I Tin?-!'-, ?.t .. enti , . -ni greal to i emarki M Antoin? did .??? to tall on lh, ? '? ? theatr? his fav< i?t.. ?id fjubj? ?i .n Utei atui ?-. but slmplj to talk . 'tl ' ?elf M An,.. . ?..?.-.| th? "T |? Llbi ? ' ?n ordei to Ugh! the all-pos ? Influent ?? of Dumas, Sai dou and .\ ? a hos, playo filled the i? pei tot ol ? theatre, to the ? ? , men, who had no ? entiv? ,.? . ? i lin.i no pi 8it?c? hai tin ? i -? i I v I.i nu i?? hai ? . hang? it ittl? ilthough a ? declaring hims? fa ? and In li-t? ning to hir decl ?ive and ?? <!? live) trial Sant?s one ;?? tnd i ?? ?ghter thai he has never ? paae ? tQ '" And one Is ??? i tain i liai ho will coi it,.- contest?he does nol h elf d< II ? ? ?.? ii? hi won theii ? ih. j trav? i In short, a bal M Antoin? late? He did to M \'i 1 loine, Bi HUN Is i? llhoui Utei ? ? ? a no ther, ,,!,? pi .?.in. i. ??i i.? .-. thi .mai Is.' Th Into obll noai j ? ? ? tiflrial tnd di ; to ('a and morbid a pulnp ? ? public !..i i >mm< N ? ? I to the moral a? , pool j |.i ..?ii,? ??? who I i \n .,, k of arl Poi lo 11 el ? ? ! " I. ' A Tin ? ? ? ' P .-? B v i - the -bil? i""1 ? ? M. Anl Gull ? ? . ' ' ' ?' " M. Auto ? .. . .- dire, '.-i ? ;L',I< ,0 noiisid. ' ? on a? red of gsil .?_ AMUSEMENTS. I^TOIUY 2:20*8:20 "QUO VANS?" THE MOST WONDERFUL PHOTO-DRAMA THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. ?DC 50c GRAND ?i-:i: \ , ______ - :..'?; I $1 .? ? .1 .V -'.: r.iiiiiinr \\e,i Matinee 85 A ?">?" SlfSTIIIISTIELS ? ?-.-i. Ms- IStb, ? i h- l'i.i. u Palll." ? *) Hammersteins To-Day 25 50cTo Night 50c Tomorrow ? Mon. i Mat. 25 50 75c Hartin BROWN & Rose DOLLY JACK Sam & Kitty NORWORTH MORTON Lord Kennel h Douglas Maclaiite i MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. ? .?n m?.i< t...r \,|,.:. 1,1,1 .,.,, . ..,?. i.? ? .11 ? 1,1 ,.. atmg srlUllrall? HAGGERTY-SNELL T-ac,Br?2.cVoc" 211 w. ?ii7ih SI. i ?. , <. u ii, ERNESTO CONSOL? PIANIST Hull I HARSI II l I Breadaa) "? lui' St. V\ Il M:*? IHM Jean .1. Keatke ?ml Italia? "" I had? lauelil ?? t 'mil- i iki n ?ni? i..I< '?"? '?. mi i t.. u ; - i l. I II ?l l: ???n -III.II-.I U- ?I I - ? n i ...n Couder! ?/i.. m,! llalli. FREDERIC A. METS l'ItM-i w m II \ i II l i: Rafael Jaw ?S ? n irai? "MM i ...i f \i:m i.ii il \ i i 10TTA VAN BUREN ri \ mu m: i i \ Ml i m in;: ? ft Pi I III II ? Kill li n \ i i I: ??: ?i?i '.?in ?i Clementine I II C If* ??praxo l...,-.l?na LUOIt reseller ?I lb? leteaoux ?.???*--??% |( ,?,,,4! .A(JH 'i,-; JAMES BALSAM ?V. ?I wiii mi: i I i v- i i: i ? i m ?. a II A K MOM - I l In?' BIS \? . - l i . i n ? l PEAVEY Valent?a? I -niL I ,,?, ,,.,.,, i , \\ .. i n ? i \ ? MX I m IM *..?? Il.kl? ?? 'fin.n. .. I. I . N -. m-. Helene Kie.f-Pigr.ol ll tl III l; hi ?IM ?I I HIM II.? \\ I ? I '- Ill - I VIOLA PALMER i RANDALL HARGRE?VES :,.,,'..',:' I at? i, - i \. Ilepei i.-i?-- ? .in. rrl I? ?Inllinu I la .|il. in I II llr.i.l.lta Vork. Teleph. . ', i.i. . I. | DR. CARL E. DUFFT II V? It I l; Hl ?IM.IM. I I nia In? \\ I - I ?> I II ? I \ I W \ Milla II Kill ? i ? 11 i 11 ? i'i n in i. \ i *> i i Hi-i i i ? lai.i??ii. I :?-,.??? i <-ii ?? ?iiiiicu III rn liai ?lorllmei Kspnan I32B tim.?.!??.,., \?? . Vork. Ti l- nil.m.- . ', t.i.-. I. ? . . ' *a ?i ..I ln?l i < ?inn \- 'h in II..II I \\ I -I HI II,,iin. II' < l?i in,i!,I \i- II \ , rii.ui SK- O II ft 7 7 n '!" CUOZZO i 111 m \ I : '. I MAX BENDIX 11 un. \ i ! : , I \? I nil H ?I .. i n . .. - a \ nil in INSTHI ? l n?*? . ",,x KUBLER M.',,.,rM.,.:v g? ?ar ss ? Sa a a ,.,| n,,|m i, ,, i,, , ' ?in?. I..-I ?iMin.ii raaghl i'., i ** "' *?i ALEXANDER BERNE II Wl?l in i i i;i \? I . i: \i tl I lo-l l i \. \i ,: CTII1PT i Marj OIUrHi. I . a , VIRGIL PIANO CONSERVATORY HENRIETTA SPEKE-SEELEY i ? ?_* , I ; ? ? ? H ..i ?i \v DCpvpn i ' i? DCUntn ,i,i ? ? - ? ",V ARENDRUP i!^\r " TORPad?e v;;1 SSI-SMI I MINI 1,11 II \| I WILLIAM C. CARL 1,1 II M W I ?UK. IN ?< 11 (Mil.. Il W I'll, .??t. THEO VAN YORX TETiOal ? ,,. - i | i|i , mi 11 ? r Bfl B F ? T ' * " ' " "' -"-'":: Turifau i""1 i "?h.? leollaa Hall, v \ ? H?USER W. J. KITCHENER Ti-.ii-lier llmii? Mmiiliilin. ?.nil ir I.,. \\ si Ml. JPATCPU ** "?i....? 'h" -..???i?, i; -??.ni. . i . UUIowfl , 1004 Ma? i?i ?iiuci tun .,. , . n ..n p| .. j , ,,,,, {V:,1"" CONSERVATORY !.'." ,'.", ^Z:T iioiiMt. HOECH \",lr "'""" rruairn ri nkfi ?-?] i;j ? rtnrui. ? i M ; s w i".-1 " .? 11 r it *?lPin v ' l:" I?" ' ? "'' ?inriuM,, , p ... y .ir,. .nii.i i',,k \\i?i ?K...NK-WOELBEH "??*-?? JENSEN Ml? ut \? i ? l , : s ? ? l. RUSSELL METHODS SUMMER SCHOOLS. ? M: n I i II II ? I I HENRY HOLDEN KUSS I t \ nu ?, M? ?o ni. KM IT AI.? ??..1 ' ..m..- i.?? Prole?*.i Pupil*. -in.I.. >>? m .i M II,,11 N \ In, tl ?Mil NI I I | | | IHIIV I ?III |;iix| >> M ?Il I l-l i iusfy Hammond '?!!".'??? lACrlMUND i???m. ci ?-:?.! ?im 1111 M.rlAN STUDIOS ? ? lut; VOICI PhilliplittrviSri, \ loi r . " II? !.? -. ?' N I ...liili \? ?..;?. . ,1 It l?DtTClim pail KUno.blHhn I lllli|n.-. ... I ,. . ? I' . ...1.1 I ll,-i.r. ?till "? . MIM N II II f* A ?.', s . HUGO Ml l KOPOI t I VN ?ni l; \ nul ?I ill DO "FRANZ ?SlCT""S? i? i.1, un. |.||. i..,. him ? Il N . | |; , tTUKl III MI I ? l. ?I I.N l| \--ll \ | I I I / M '. I I 11 TOPPING l h ir,i I, esas ? (,,ll,rr|. i;. . 11,1. I'll |.i I. \..r|ilri' I M. I? -I H.1.1??' WAKS \N IUINI III MI >K \l IE i tOIM.N II l'.l II 111 I I I'M - I \(\ I !.- I I \ DI i.l.l I H lt\ I 111 GR \.\1) ' i un.? Ht i i'ii:\ o? mi *?n . n I Vi. k ?ih HI, Mi i i? \ i II' ..i i \ i i - i i M INI. ?-. 1j ?? ? ? -.,i?i;\nu m i innii Mi? n.corruccini.;v:.m. E. BURNS ROURElVivVWu" -i ?mi i: < <n KKI \,,?? i ? i i 11 i:i - ERNEST CLARKE i,,;,...;_v;,. TROMBONE BOLT WOOD ? -i ? ( i? -? ? ,.waiwvmgiii ;:::;:,;:,, ?in II in, I II *41 .1 : , ' HENRIETTA SPEKE-SEElEY '",. STINSON >'mn LEARNEDGff-SiJU ?wm.? BEASEY ' r.T> ?". - , n Util, n r-.\ and s.ii WINTERBOTTOM In., i n, mm iii. Karle." loa Waverlej Plars ?%M P I N N E Y ?T^?ber i?: i nu?! Parti \\ ?-i l'ii.ini- iii;i Rire? VOCAL DAY ' " II. W III Il,,. HT v\ ? ..i ?_??? *- II:; M 42.1 n \nk 11/ AD\L'D Plana t Hat.m. iu\\ M,ii w* ?ii?'^??i*.,i \\r,i ,:t\, -t MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. D. B. ROCKWELL, ?S" , i ,,. m i .. How Loc?iteil at 136 West 42,1 St., If. Y. Violin Making anrt Repair in?-. OH Vio? lins. CaseB. Bows. Tested S'rinfs nd oiitlil of ?II , Iml ? Mi Itrx I well ? kno? n im an exi-eii ..,.-1 aril Repairer of Bovvb, Violins anil Cellos. AMUSEMENTS ?^^^^j^T^i^?T??Nt^TH?ATRES AND SUCCESSES EMPIRE ". ' U.-ROHMAN ...Manaaer ? ..., , . m ?? *? " ,: BIKKE ? ,-HE \MA/"N Un il Sat., June 7 BV A 1.1. -**}**'?9 XNt> IKE Ml? BuRKE.H#r?W Mil ME BURKB 18 A i DAR! IX? IS TU. AMA ?/?OXf*.' M.\N DALE. . HAKLEfl rBOHM VN Pi BILLIE BURKE IN Till: VMX/I*?-?? THE AMAZONS 4% ... PIN-EB0*B COMEI IV LUE Bl'RK? ?VAS U. I . HER 'Il M1MI N'i " ?>\ ? ?, : 1.1 ? ? t '? ' i : *?> i : \ y. s i s ? ; 01 RI DKI IOHT ?;? ? ? THE EMPIRE." TELS RI tiki-: [g \ Bl W il'HIN.; p. ,\ -i \ \n l:i:? KNT REVIVAL OP \ P? iPl t. \ i: PL ?. Y ' ?f THK H > BEEN -' ? - ' I ? L 1.1 ? O? LIBERTY i . \rn> s si ?? u \it ?un?, . |>. ??: I MM IM I I THE PURPLE ROAD ?S!, Without D?ni!)l the Mont Charm ?? L1***M Mus cal Production 0. e ?ear." ? I ? ? i ? \ VI I I \ xl I 1 I INI | Ht M III I!. IKRIHO"! mm? kiiinix Mut farta, il I . re,,-,,, I ?U.ilr.l ?l.irlin.l, I .. Il.uri.'i Iturl Hol,.- xn. I Si mili. fur llr, ,,i.?,l..? Dur Mut hudson;; U St '"line U i. al a '-'" _\v I .?. -??? '-'-'" HENRI B HA BRIO E?1 Al B M ? ?-' ? The Season's (irca?est Success ?th MONTH I I LAST WEEK THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL & FULTON r,.n, ,. TOO Vt ' .... 0f uenri? B Hsrrls. M*'' B - "I i" Itati u'???: x IH '-' ?? ENGAGEMENT ENDS POxSITIVF.LY MAY 24th RICHARD BENNETT da Imaged GOODS If Bl GEXE BRIE1 X Ipplicationi for sll performaaess .?, Pulton Bos ? ?IB? ?-. HARMS THEATRE, POP. NAT. THl HS. /v" Master Mind ?DMI ! I? BREEZE Enlire Balcony. SI 00. S1...Q,, ?,,i,V,. LYCEUM . HI-! ITRE : I ! . I ni: ? it i. ?? it TO-MORROW NIGHT 8:30 EVERY NIGHT AT 8:30 & EVERY AFTERNOON 2:30 "NORTH OF 53" IM MOMOS PICURE MARVEL 01 I HL AGL ?\LASK?"ii? ARCTIC Willi ENTERTAINING lecture i-as t two). The I-ad;- z? the Slipper at the dob? closes Saturday night NEW AMSTERDAM gf?*?N MON., MAY 19 ?ai.? THE WHITNEY ?PER. CO. Presents !:3f:"J,lyLittleFriend" UL'Rir by ? ,s? ?.** t'omposer ??' Till: tlioioi \ t \ mm rill? Brilliant Cast. S>mphoni Orcjtaatr? of ??S Mm. Ma'? U..i | -,. CRITERION 6? MONTH tiVii'S _ ?, ? - \ft: itn.i.i ?,'?(? - . ?i; pR vy ?,, ,, ?. DETECTIVE 18 A Fi > I? ??.??> ??. IHIsni I l: .x ERLAN'OEH . ROBERT exj4 ?: le ? omw KNICKERBOCKER . i raba .in ix <? .? '?>t Bve ai a i ? R ? a - i ?? | ?Hh CAPACITY MONTH <x,rsi *lf*aP**a#AMwy ?J? ?y S SUNSHINE ?IxW; u.,.. JOSLPH CAW I HORN BC LfCITU'Q New York . Ti IVtlin O Theatres ?CONCI ITS MM)?.. IAS aaNi Mi M I I la III MINI II? Mil- I? \ 11 \ ".? UNIDN SQ M. WYCKOFF ADA VANITY till i i: g \ in is i i i\ . ?i \i: i i i i - II,,i, I *, < I1.-4I.11.I1 -i?i?i? Will RID SMITH-COOK CLARKI ?.CO. MARH BRANDON .in.." i?. 11? THREE LE?GHTONS \ Mn. N.i.1,1 ?i in,I In ? COLONIAL BtS.SIl CLAYTON ? lllil- HICK I I M KIN?. Ill? II \lill? a. ?.MNNI 111 II Kl - VII MM I PURPLE w am. I \l), " MI(i(jI\S \iniii,-? \iiiiiiiii. t??ni?ii r..i Vriller*. "The IMamoad D.nnrr SALLIE FISHER HARLEM.5S ?,??K,o\n "THE COUNTRY BOY" |>ail) Mala IS ?'."?? *a .in.lra ?II? H?t n \,t?. i he Uaaiei ?i ihr Ha-aa? 5 - ~m )juar m, m TM. 'AVE ff/wocrops '?.,x,;r,.,?';;:,r' ' i CIV / f-'f'S1 i ' (ji?'\( &?^nc\^AMWs% ?Ttassy ai?'Jr flpcniiij* ?if the Summer Campaign. ? ...,. ? ? . -. ? H. JOSEPH THOMPSON JEFFERSON R. I . (illlllBIKIi. . . TOM DAMES TWO, .' ; ??..?? CI ItT.'fJC Barn mi A It . out > uno, I.I.ITZII. ? JEANNETTE, V ;'.'?. " DB IM: & WILLIAMS I THEe SARDS ' ? 44,- A Ulli IralitK ?.ml ir i:. 4 ?n In all ?ort? >.r aa?i?lli.-r. *r?m ll.ruiiK? , ..Msliint la |iil< k Hu. |h? n ir,- i,, ih,. ?ralla! "I h?rr'? il It.'lixilt." fntit' - Aiini/i *' /*.'/ IfaiMy, .In? T? mari n ? ? i ? ? n, -n la 11 i-|i|tiiiiiil ? nnil'.iiii nnil ail I ii.i-.imiI l'rnilii? tlmi. Till. BON TON GIRLS . i IIKKI II Ma 1.11. tll i.i - ? ru. Knapp) Moalc ?n.t I ' . r i i v .i, |ou . . itrl?' l'MI'l I \l( MAI"?. DAILY. ?".* < i n s\r-.. i..-?*.-?-.-in.. l'.t ?, Bag SAT. ??*? i'**? ? ?'*"? lo ?i SMOK1N?. rK.ItMITIMI. ;,',? BRIGHTON l!i;r;,?,lnTO.h ?"., -i, ?m:,'v.' MV MAY 12 Ml Kl I 1(1 M II g AI I? I Kl ?IMItKI I 1 \ I a iill ln?i?ililr Hiinil. <;? in m] Rai n? ?rr>i . i il.' ?1 .t i . '?'?nv -r. i ? raalr?? ri? '.'i?' 'I a A l'.inna \ .-.n ? < ' I ' in? la, II- Il ?. - M?)?i iti. \i ni i i. i m. \ i im in \?iii;i?\ roHx '?Ol ? \i ? ? t\ ,;:s v i ,?,-,-? | | OLIVER MOHOS i , ? ? i >? CORT LAURETTE TAYLOR ans?:PEGO'MY HEART U i it ? i ?un i ? ? ? ? "Lauren? i .. > i.. r Hin? III Heart! la ?Pea ?.' M? Heart.' This is the Shopgirl ?all forlorn. Who seeks revenge When her heart is torn In the plav at the Eltinge Theatre. 9?H MONTH ?V:,;..?. WITHIN THE LAW i ? ? t?n An ,,?;.. ?.eat? i?, 1 N i M i v . I ? S IS lulx l. p?ifi. Fries Nat. Persia!I? in?. BELISCQ " lii-Hlre. ?A . ?t I ? ?li ? ??.?? 0:10 ?'i'? nv.t S.'ui i 11 'J-.15 6th MONTH OE THE SPRINGTIME COMEDY 164th to 171st PERFORMANCES I?.Ml) BEU8O0 YEAR. OF DISCRETION b?- i!'i:i.i:i:i,- i t \ ??? rn \- ?. EVE SI N r an \i i: i.tx KE n ? r "SUPERB CAST" \ \\ II \ BRI ' i: II BAE HiMiHEKT KE! ? El T. M HOt.I, IND, EFI IB SHANNON, ROBT U'WADE Jfl ,1)1 \ N r Ml ri'HEI.I . m ii'i-: it rs \m. m Bl NT? v. CONEY ISLANDS SPRING FLORAL CARNIVAL BEGINS THURSDAY! ^-**-*i- MOST TALKED OF ?ft? THEATRE IN THE WORLD , : v x g ?- I EVI M\(|N ZSc, M?. 7k. .I.M. $1 * MATINEE I) .m Zfc, ?il. Wc $' SUPREME VAUDEVILLE MME. SARAH ?TO-DAY SUNDAY MATINEE TO-NIGHT Bernhardt AND A BI6 SUNDAY CONCERT TOMORROW MONDAY) MATINEI :i> III?. ? I tr K MM! ?ARAM BERir .( III" I?. rOMPAM I R-? Hon. Mat I "d ???."??. Wed v. W .V)EL. n-.?kl Pal \| . ? ?;? ? ? II Sal Vil 1.4 ..." ? Id Set). in CONJUNCTION WIT? i;ld VAUDEVILLE SHOW O CI WHIN VMIITI' 4 (?FnKiihCtll! VERA M1CHELENA NAT M. WILLS MR 4 MRS. VOELKER VAN HOVEN M1LLERSHIP SISTERS THE STANIEYS EDISON TALKING PICTURES Mme. SARAH BERNHARDT'! Engagement Extend?.1 im m. I ? 1 KM RN I xi \ ? ...,?... V N X ? JI ' X ? ' I v v ?iTHEH v, ; BERN H ' r.l'? ?E?l ?? '"'N i ? \ | ??.??? u .... m . ft xt, ni: M i i ?! ?..*?'.?? \\ ?.I Ml' ,x Sight Ml ' ? \? ? | N .' Matli ? Hat. X IS ' N Nl*l ? l.r ?i: I prf \>K1. ? .' g MADISON SQ POPULAR . Zm SPRING DAVID WANN? I VI IIIMV CONCERT . JULIA CULP "****** i5c to$i i?.;?>: TH?lU'zii?0 6MHD ?PER? CO. ! ? To?la? Mai -' I ? I ears