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WOMAN CfPQOCMSS - CIVIC ?y DOMESTIC EVOLUTION OF WOMEN'S SPORTS I rom the Davs of Diana Women Have Favored Sports?io-day Outdoor and Indoor Sports Are an Integral Part of the Healthy Woman's Life, and .She Tak??. a Prominent Part in All Except Football and Baseball. '.r Stuart i ? in the t ? ?? , . ? ? rn ?v..mai i '?;. i g : yj? ' ? .ni La -. L gill I y, but too, t : when Molly rolls up i ,.r wh? n .1*4 limits li ; - ? ? ..n.l tli" p< I V*l.e ng ?an:; lb? won? ? ? ? ? burning Iged m :t.? ? ? i ai -I . a omen WOMIN CHAMPIONS. teni ? ? * -? imed t<. ?rom? 'i ? nix spo ? When women'? collegi ? ? ? iptoi ti ? ? a laboratoi Minn. The Kirl who Virliit? her collet?, not willing to st"n bar sxci - rift? th ? I nail social worl grandmol ? ? Joys o .' Immers, moun tain ' . tennis pla* ? N, rl ali lb? royal ; ii ?port. FROM DIANA'S DAY. ? . - still furtl ? ? -toi.?- of - 1 'nui.i t ',.i!u-i .. -i . v. i ? town hin iii.Hiuni, wbar? youths and maid oi thai physl? ni ? -\hich ?ras as iatsgral s part ??' thi ? i-m.? ?.* 111*? as mental ami ar v. ? . tbs growth erf Chris? ?-?ritual i.l? ?ii "I lift* was i t he ?sniM. The Pli>> ? 'I't-'ii. T'.e in ? f \..;<th r? ntri-ii In chapel, II and the body ?va?? g t fot the love of it. ? -i a. languii UiJi??.? of chivalry spsnt their time : i? from csasmsnt wlntioors, and rrrsn ;?. rods tint for :..??? "" !'. rldiat ?raa the only ?'m Iady*a ??in.low. Mo.i'rti civilization, hnwcvci, with Its emphaala on th.- j.hysit al worM. m aus nid,- of i if?-. ? ?i rano? of bodily wei .ni.n ,.- . ??? ' ' ind ' "ii.??*. ? la responsible for the ?lit:...In? !|.,i, of ?-> minimum?-, a a TOMBS " On?\ wiitf-i ?ays that rowing a.; a SSJ \t bad Its I,nth in the hero Una ??Ortxe Datliug. He ttiat &n It may,1 ?if t!tf> neat popular ?if f. ml nil ? outdooi aporta W ? ? i< of Ha Ufa a?<i Iba ?r?.i?t foi M Bf Hl!il"t?r.- Tip I at ' ?xfnr?! gad ?sni bridge excel In puntlm and ? tiling ? .m t<rr?.t of ihr? Adirondack ?-.,? ihg eofrtattaa o! women n?ant ??f t tent of th? ? : i ' on? ?li'i iit't already know ' ?lin*? non ? lool ... m i!?" neaaii .'??.? r. innr?. ., I more women'a r,?.ji atorlea ar?? toM tkaaj ? ? ??: I ?i IMirv van DjrkO'a I r alunit t!i<- lady a h g pgM**4on foi tbe apoi t tbi she <i i ?, tr,-? <J a proteatlng huaband f i ? ?i lake t., ,ak?-. ami sir?"-am to gtream, till h? poor thing, m iltel gol I h.- hated tha apon h? on ? MOUNTAINEERING POPULAR. Mountain* erlng I fai leldlng to ih n v\ itii Ml ? troue P ? planting a frag ? Hag on g Boul an i eight when i ? man ever at !. ?,, ?ni, ata?en achieving every dlflteul peak ot the Upa, thai? la little glor) lei ? i,.,.? He may only own f.i.t riimaelf with tha knowledge mo.. v.?.linn cllmbera still endura hla prcociw ??- pathfinder at<>? pink oarrler. Wotaatt ..?, i .i i- um. i- ii '?m ?t.iiK continua i. men do I ht ah? , I. qui? i? dlfflculi cllmh being mora in theti style < ;,. m atrength ??; arm in nol ,.. ni un- ,. mu? i, a.s agility and nica I balance, In ahkh aromen uauaH1 m H,. .1 mala com] ani?n? .1 . \.. ., : 11 ? I ? i Ivals f?.r iin- honor of i : >? f, ? fa rldgi between i">. famoiu t Alpin? i? ai.-- Bach Mt,i,M'.,i out, Intend ?teal n mardi on the other, and thai ttiot midway of tin* top The BngHal ?.?man stepped gravely doom i" on? sldi ?>f the path. Her Continental rivai ??trod* by ?m, acathing dignity. They did nol S?.? ill. Moa! guMag compel e-en thcit amataurtah chargea to ?Afin knick erbockera An American tolls of her In? effectual prot,s'~ agalnat'thta rattni ? ?? i.u'i in compromlaa on 'in- knlckara ,md"r n skirt, tlMngh, bafora th?- ojidnrat?; guide would start. Half way tip tha "ens:," slope gfeg vmz ??la?! to g1?e thai man hor ??kin to eatry! "Skating." OQCa said the Countess of i Mint?', li?t golf an artist on the Ire. "Is I tt ?? only pauatlme in ?arhkn ladies have an nixir-niaiile advantage nv?r (ht Bterner ? i men canaol via arlth the .;.m.n? ?? Mitcb an ? the akin which adds ao much to tha effect ?f the log Hi? gi a? ?-Lii ? tirveg is It aa-ings v. it h trata movement of tlM bodi " Archery, tde oldest of feminine sports, is out of fashion at the present moment .r ? ? ' . .- ? 1 .- ? H ? -.?.-. t, 11 r. 11 -. r s . i-..!',. to ha? ?? ?i'TI.-ial staui? a? a f.-.?- that ??ven In Ifl I ? ? ? : tirst n-litii"' Is un l?o ! ?ras t bilgati -, ? ? ? green sasb ir ? hampion, .-n?- Mlaa i. t??-o men ahooting at a bundled yarda Al the present i llsh women are Still d4***Ot**d ' in which they acbi. Th- moihin in.if.iiin Ig a I - ? [ skirt an* white Mouse, and g ahsd? rafal Ilooped up .-n th?- sloe with ?. Robin Hood I feather Just ?*. by II la Ibal a dm i - an Maul Marl.iii- have deserted the green? ? ?a on I no MM BMCBS I" kirn.? Stl. i annoi .'?. > -,, i \ thing golf, i? i mini., flying ami i.-.irig?- keep most girls prett] ???-ii em used Cynical man Im Im to t.- off .?i II" i?i.-?a thai women can Influen?a th? derel opment of his pa ?times, bot there la no dotiht. a. ? or<l:r.?' to an EngllSTI wnt.-r. that the popularity or lawn tennis is du? ! I-i It lity to miX'ii .loubiea Th. I gam? took root In tin- early ssTentles I when worn? n. tir??.i ?,f eroqoet, deatanded , a - . I ?>' ni- ? i.i. i. ?- . -, id i ? i iivi-i. both excreta i ? -i an i ? ?? 1 ; , -i? ni hot 'i .-? gas n-' ?! "n terra ?iluti < 'jii.iin?. luit an) ?n -i woman player, say? th? expert, could <i< - feat SB) BS "ii'i ClSSS man. It Is in BBjXSd douhles that l.-i??n tennis |g most pspnigl No other game rfTer.\wom? n SO *.'.....I an opportunity to aupp.cmeut n??n'a pl.>?i- ' cal rrtreagth Wltfe her skill end agility. Women ?r? a rule ? ,.?.?,! g WO**d ?>f warning ? i . nlng their racheta, There should * m h thing na a favorita racket, a h. u racket mean? a i )k1>t rachat, and ?ai ? i, tha :i nglni i Ig (ht gllghteal de* gree leona ti,?- apead of the ball la ?f 1.11..1. bo the ?>!?! rachat muni ha Bead bowei a leai Itg aaeodatlons IVhfta skirts and plain waists, nnd light weight, thin aotad shoes are the only ?or tt t ? ?i.stnnii- for tennis. There is said to he im much danger of the golf widower, as of the golf widow. Ih M 'lays, t'iough, of course, one never *peara ao much nhool woman's woahaean? sa ??.?if i? prohahly ti??' moat popular of n'i ><i>?rt?i it, which women rrtgagt. due to Its moderate strain up,,, tha Strength , ?i tha pietureaqueneea of the aurround? m v hlch it i- plajad P ? !.??;??gists ..?tr.-e thai woniat, i.;i5 g larger ahare, too?, of iinraaeUnod opttmtam than men, and] ? ~s at. h.'iliik: ?l-pends ?pilt'i as much I on temperament pi on anything- fjgsj, | JJer disadvantage la her \ocabularjt. NEWS AND NOTES OF WOMEN'S CLUBS Although lhe Summer Season Is Rapidly Approaching, the Women's Clubs Are Still Wry Active, Winding Up the Winter Sessions and Leaving Every? thing Ship-shape for Next Year's Activities. *? of the Mo ? Ho lion of Keu fork ,? .,? the ? : Alpin un 9 '? ? ?i? ;? ?? ? .... i? ,,.| shoe ?! .i lat ge Inci ? ? nterea! of woi k. Th ?. ? the ? '.S'.iltei 1! for N? ' l M H bbell. of Moni s v? Rowena Keyea, ?coniing secretary; Mr* Bdwln ^^nlrley, ********?ifng ssrutsrr: mi?s s. Emma Dsssa* roiit, ireasuir>-r. ami Mrs. \V. A. Stewart, Miss Annie IVim-roy and Mr?. Snevliy. .l:i.'i"ri of the Intercollegiate bureau Of oecttpatlona .\ rocoptton was h.i?i from U to I. Introducing the BOW OaaVSOtS ami to m??'t Mi.-??? Katherine Hemetit Davis. I'll. 1). I.I. I? the guest of the day. The New Vork Hrownlng Society will bold it? annual meeting neat Wednesday May 14, at the Waldorf-Astoria. There ?III bg a morning session, beginning at li o'clock, when the annual reports of ottl cers and chairmen will he heard, followed by the biennial el??ctlon of offlcera. A buff- t hinchcon will he Ferve.l at 1 p. rn . and at -J..1t) the ?tmly programme will he In order, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Edward Russell Perr) The po<?:n for HH.-.l' \\..i he ?-.?'inne at il;?- Fair" The gpOSksri ? -:' ' !..- -i.i '.'.,.. - n,, K i .o?,..- ?araran n>,.4. Mi? K.ii?' 1'iison ?'lark. Mn. Ed? ?\ln Maikliam. Miss Kmraa llsnks. Mr?. John A. I.i'fferts and Mra. Arthur Mosher Th.-ie will he a social hour at 4;*). with; Mra. Luvs-u J .Mc.0. Ulgge. Mrs. ,?J-a.nliAj?J i the acting heapitallty eommlttee. A Wee?! gad Mrg Douglaa Fenwlch ns - a resolution iipreaalng ??nu.1 | proxal of the an tien of Governor Johnson ?i,.! the l-eglalature in the quaatlen of holding land ?i i allfornta was passed ; unanlmousl?, at t??e bualneea ii??-?'t,i?i? el The < nlana In Sew v?n k ? Mra i *a* ? \ :?l Mason p ? I eld o i M the h ?ato .\i,s Adeline - ?. ...i ;? paper o? - I Mm? i larence de Va ? ??siden, I ?. ? ,.?.,, ?? rend ? fen of I ? i i and Miss Alherta H |n Bhorl talk o.i thr work of the f aagu? I'm political Education An ?Tuning ao* ?. r,i m? ? t the boma of one of the sJ? fteT Lady Cha.n*?pio*?/ - l'Din The Field. memhora will along the clubs activity for this Ben?...ii. The Alumne Aanoototlon of the Sen Y.?:k Medical ?'?.?lege an?! H.i-pital for Watat I Will I."Id a I'lhll.-e dinner at tha Hotel dnvoy The objjeet ?>f tha ?linn r la t?i create aatbualaam In order to ral?e j..?,,.??, ,.. , d '??? women In a thoroughly modern and ?roll equipped college build? ing At preeeni the inetltutlon is located 'at Ko. U West I?M street and tha build? ing t. not adequate for the neoda of the growing college. Tha graduating ?ni i ? ctaea ol the ttaaa?t UU ?rill ba held ai the Hotel Wal?l..ii' May t% at 8 Sy l?. ni. The Ralni Da? dub, M,> v. at. Palmer, president, held a meeting at tiie Hotel ?hatOt March 7. An Hit?, isting inn alcnl programma was renderad. The fol? lowing are tha names of committees and Chairmen Mm M. !.. Tirrlll. chairman of hygiene; Mme. Katherine Noack-FIqu?, Chairman Of music: Mrs. H. ?I. Schwartz, chairman of child labor? O. A Kdwards, Jr.. chairman of art. Mi.s Charles K. Mills, i-liiilrman of reception: Mrs. Fred? erick Niching, Chairman of guests: Mrs. Brerltl Itono, chairman of introduction; Mis.? I, I'Jstethrook. chalnnan of literat? ure. -Mrs K. ('. Purges?, chairman of re? freshments. Mrs Horace ??teeley Hait, chairman of programme. Mi-- Everett M Rgyeaa, regent of the Now Votk State D. A. It . will hold a leg,,lar meeting of the executive hoard Of tlie New York Chapter of the D. A. K. at the Hotel Helmont on May If, at 1 p. m. The last Informal for the season of the Women's Philharmonic Hoclety, Miss Amy Kay. preildent, will take place at Studio 839. Carnegie Hall, on Saturday. May IT. at 4 p. m The Aaaootnte Alumnat of tha Normal ?'' will have its annual spring ie unlon In the college handing, Park ave? nu,- and ?iSth street, ou Sat unlay after? noon. May 17, at 2:30 tajtoth. Thotuaa W, ?iVirchill, president of the Board of Education, and Mrs. Thomas W. Churchill [will he honor?.1 guests, anl an ?nus?sl BtteadfaBCa la especie* The |g tes of ths s?--a-??iT,. to ?ahii h \"' Hi ICollege AlunMMB invite all ?vho ai?? Bstt OOt?Bd ?ai'.l be hold "ii tbe afternoon , Frl.lav. May l?, at I^'iiox HUI lettleme Hrnisa Mo ii*i i:s?t T.M street Di P -? presldeni of Uto sdttlensat, ?rill a.iii?* Hing on "??!. ? ??! ?? t TsllUJ ..-tier on Thui-gd ? ? The executive board an.l rnemt.ers ? the Womar.'s I'uruni will give the luncl <*nn m honor ol thS pr??j';dent Of tl Forum, Miss Helen Vari- k ?BoSWoQ, ; i'lsremont. on Mo**day, May 2" :?t 12: '"'clock. It ??111 be in the nature of rare?\ell to Miss ?SiMWOli, who "alls fr a tour of ?England and i'iv. e on Jrtf : The i ommittee In ? barg? of the luars . on la '-"lui os. d of Mi Hirst N" N 9 ? - '. .i ? lira ii-.. i. Had ' : i. ' * ? ling "r th" ex? Kni- kerbo kei Chaptei Da - I the An is held at tin home of the regent, tire nil.i Raruch No, ;.t *?Ves1 Nth gtreet, evening fb stratagem? la I eption ??i ? : t? t? give m honor of Mrs William Cummlng Si"! ? . thi eral of the National 8 of tii?- Amo . . I ut tas " \ ti ir i -i,'. , ?.-.? ' i of in? tVomea'a Heult!-, i Ol NO? t rk ?ms !.. , i M,\ ? Ien. gave i Ed - - ; .? r-ptlon held .???ill?-. M . . i ?." cera of the mus?, a?.,. .. alles Pattet * Henri M 9 i. ?'! Uu'luii-lt-un and Mr-. J H? i UcKlnle) Bup ?> waa aerv-al at mi,.,. ? lile? I ?: May 1J ti i- - ? '. - if ?'?..... ,i Plain, ?ill , n lbs i'" - 10 at h.t home, Nu B> Edg? I MUM, 'ii..- annual masting and celebratlea oi tiu- Nutlonal Federation of Theatre. Clubs will tak" plaSO on M-i> 19, at 7 45 p. Ill, at the Hotel Marseille. Broadway an-i aggrl street. There wlil be gfl tntertain m? nt at M.'. o'clock. At '.? o clock th* election of ne?v dlrc-tors ??,11 a? h? l?l. and .?i |. ' there ??in ts i Ian? ? tot nasras-arg ami their Kuests. afra William r.. Campaeli gave a r? eeptlon and tea at h.r boms i?> the ?t .iiil ini'iulnrn of tl,.- < ;..v<-i umei'i Club ?m Momia?,. 1 ,">.-" ?? .--...-teil i., recel?rln*j wsrs Mr? ? Hi vera. i i?--; i.-nt. Mrs. Harr?- Hastings and MIm Janet Torgas Bgird Mi? Cl?afisg k. on ami Mii-s Maul Van ' talen Elliot poured tea. on Monday next tin? uovernmeni. (lull will give a hiitlgf. euchre atul tea at the Motel (in-Korla?. Next year "Mu? ni ;pal < fovernment" wll, be the topic. Mrs. iicrard Marker has been elected t? in: as raayOT gad Mrs. Thomas W V. . i Ilen.l? 1 ?h |,resident of the hoard of gl? il? rmen The meetings will take placg on the iecon.1 Monday of each month. ? ????? [ The Ufe as a Fina Art Ctub, Mildred Manly Eastern, j,resident, will hold Us annual meeting on Wednesday afternoon at tli Hotel Astor. Th.t.' ??ill b?* a re? ception and president's tea. Thia will lie f?allowed by a symposium on the subject "Msklng tas isatsl H?*ai." The gpsnais* - ' aiuiounce.1 are John Purroy M-ici.. I. E>1 wln Markham. Dr Frank Oliver Hall and Edwin I/t-ibfreed. Fh. I? Many club p:-. .-. 1- rits have accepted the Invitation to be present at this meeting. Tl..- chairman of the day Is Mrs. E. A MacDougall; chairman reception, Mra. Herman Schultz, chairman hospitality, Mrs. Hom?r Aiiam? Dunn; ser?eant-at-arm.?, Mrs. Thurstoti Sett W?;ton. At the election la-l.l by ('hatter .'h.ip im. PaugllfattS Of the I'nion. la-t week at the tVatdorl I t? la, the following oiii cers were alerted: Regent Mrs IVUIIam I: S'.-v.;, ? Ili4t vi,-.--i?r^.-nt. Mrs Henry i.\lla?vay. SSgOad slce-rcgent. Mr?. A. Sutnner Hose; ihli.l vl-e-rei*.-i,t. Mis I. J. Fields; recording secretary. Mrs Clorai I Bancker; corresponding ?ecrctaty, Alte. Thomaa J. Vivian; treasurer,